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Nexus 0224 - new times magazine

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  1. 1. LmERS TO THE EDITOR 4 GLOBAL NEWS 6 A round-up of the news you may have missed. PHAETON'S LEGACY 11 By}. B. Delair & D. S. Allan. Geological evidence proves Earth has experienced sudden cataclysms through its history. 11,000 years ago, it was almost annihilated by an errant supernova fragment. THE ASSAULT ON YOUR HEALTH FREEDOM...........17 From Townsend Letter for Doctors. Surprise armed raids by FDA and TGA enforcers on natural health care providers are illegal. These terror tactics put our freedom ofchoice in health under seige. CANCER CURES: A HISTORY OF SUPPRESSION......23 From the Committee for Freedom of Choice in Medicine. This extract, from a 1984 report to the UN, highlights twelve promising cancer treatments that have been suppressed or bypassed this century. VACCINES: ADVERSE REACTIONS COVERUP.........27 By National Vaccine Information Center. Adverse reactions to vaccines are common, yet medical officials dismiss them as due to other causes. Now, activists are compiling some alarming statistics. DOPE, INCORPORATED .31 By the Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. Drawn from the book, Dope, Inc., this introduction gives startling insights into the behind-the-scenes intrigues of the international drug trade. PROPHECY COUNTDOWN 2000 37 From the Hopi Elders, Mother Shipton, and Dannion Brinkley's Light Beings. A selection of prophetic visions that have already come to pass, and could well come true in the next five years. DI ELECTRICS & EARLY DISEASE DETECTION 47 By Mark Balfour. Based on research that living cells are controlled by information-carrying EM fields, Dr Sergei Barsamian's device detects cellular disturbances before any physical signs appear. FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995 NEW SCIENCE NEWS ;53 A selection of inter~sting news and titbits from the underground science network. In this issue, we feature the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier; capable ofproducing over-unity DC power. AMOST CREDIBLE UFO ABDUCTION CASE.. 59 By Kelly Cahill. This abductee's extraordinary UFO experience, with four other witnesses present; is the most credible Australian case we've found. Here, an extract from her gripping story. THE TWILIGHT IONE 65 A collection of strange, bizarre stories from around (and off) the world. This issue looks at secret Inca tunnels and Cuzco's sacred geometry. REViEWS-Products 71 UFO Detector from Star-Tech Systems REViEWS-Books 71 "World War III According To Nostradamus" by jack Manuelian "Ultimate journey" by Robert A. Monroe "Mysterious Fires And Lights" by Vincent Gaddis "Saved By The Light" by Dannion Brinkley with Paul Perry "Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla" by john j. O'Neill ''lesus Lived In India" by Holger Kersten "Turin Shroud: In Whose Image?" by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince "The Millennium Book of Prophecy" by john Hogue "The Ionic Body" by Douglas jesse, DC, DHom. "The Drugs Myth: Why The Drug Wars Must Stop" by Dr Vernon Coleman "The AIDS Miragel ' by Hiram c?ctton "Secret Cipher of The UFOnauts" by Allen H. Greenfield "The Free-Energy Device Handbook" compiled by David H. Childress "How To Become Dentally Self-Sufficient" by Robert 0. Nara, DDS ''lesus Caesar: The Father ofjesus Christ Revealed" by Petra Cadman REVIEWS-Videos 77 "Lucky Be Damned" with john Cumming "Sacred Geometry: The Unified Field" with Dan Winter REVIEWS-Audio 78 "Inner Tides" by Ian Cameron Smith "Mothers of the World" by jennifer Mason "Fish. Night.Moon " by Tim Wheater "Australia: Twilight of the Dreamtime" by Terry Oldfield "Pipes of the Minority Peoples" by Liu Hongjun "Zakir Hussain and the Rhythm Experience" by Zakir Hussain SUBSCRIPTIONS & BACK ISSUES 88 NEXUS 1
  2. 2. EDITORIAL Welcome to yet another info-packed issue of NEXUS. I have several Ifavourites l in this edition, but the first article I want to draw your attention to is the series of'mini-articles on prophecies and predictions. Sifting through the available mass of predictions for the future was a big task. Books on the subject are appearing everywhere. One prediction I will make is that there will be lots of profits in prophets as we near the end of this millen- nium! Readers interested in rewriting popular history will appreciate the article titled, "Phaeton IS Legacy: When The Earth Nearly Died". It strongly challenges the conventional theory that the sur- face features of the Earth are largely the result of slow, g(adual change. Instead, it draws on evidence which would suggest that our major landforms are the result 'of sudden, catastrophic change brought on by an externaI force. Another article I would like to draw your attention to is "Australia's Most Credible UFO Abduction". This is the most extensively documented and believable case we have ever encountered. I would love to hear any theories to explain this one away! The NEXUS Conference is attracting a great deal of attention, with people booking in from all over Australia and New Zealand. The only new thing to announce regarding the Conference is that I will be the IIspeaker to be confirmedI' mentioned in the advertise- ment last issue. The theme of my presentation is "The Big Picture?". Although I have some pretty hot (read 'un-publishable') things to share, the talk will be relaxed and informal, mostly struc- tured around questions from the audience. I hope to see you there. In the last issue of NEXUS, there appeared an advertisement for a new book titled, "How To Avoid The Coming Crash", by Laurence- Hoins. The advert prompted many readers to phone and ask us more about the book. I promised every caller that I would review Laurence's book in this issue, but now I sit here, only hours away from the printing, and realise that I have not reviewed it. This is an apology to e~rybody, Laurence Hoins included. The review will appear in our April-May '95 edition. (Hopefully, there will not be an economic crash in the meantime.) As usual, just when I get to the end of this piece I remember all the other things I wanted to say. Oh well, they will have to wait for the next exciting issue. 'Til then-happy reading! Duncan WARRANTY AND INDEMNITY Advertisers upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for publication or authorising or approving of the publication of any material INDEMNIFY the Publisher and its servants ana agents against all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from the publication and without limiting the generality of the foregoing to indemnify each of tnem in relation to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publica- tion titles, unfair competition or trade practices, royalties or violation of rights or privacy AND WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant laws and regulations and that its publication will not give rise to any rights against or liabilities in the Publisher, its servants or agents and in particular that nothing therein is capable of being misleading or deceptive or otherwise in breach of the Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974. All expressions of opin- ion are published on the basis that they are not to be regarded as expressing the opinion of the Publisher or its servants or agents. Editorial advice is not specific and readers are advised to seek professional help for individual problems. NEXUS New Times, 1995 2 NEXUS FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995
  3. 3. Re: Control of Australia Dear Editor: As an Australian all too familiar with long periods of unemployment, 1must comment on Australia's great human tragedy. The culture of long-term lunemploy- ment-bonh rural and urban-is alienat,ing and destructive. For many, the culture shock is followed by mental depression and suicide. Our jobless are real people with real lives. They're sick of being twisted and sanitised into cold. life- less statistics. From 'their fine offices, economists andl politicians manip'ulate, and divert aHention from, Australia's lost generations. It's a tragedy. The shameful ,realHy is that Australians have lost control of their own country. The Great Souto Land is now in northern hemisphere bands. Our destinies are directed from the boardrooms and specula- tive markets of New York, Chicago, Tokyo and London. In such ethics-less environments, the Australian people are merely anoth- er set of commodities to be bought and sold. Thus, before we can hope to tack- le the human misery of mass unem- ployment and alienatio'n, we all need to put Australia first! Our purchasing and bankipg dedsions are a great place to start! Aussie- owned companies desperately need your support. We need leaders in society who refuse to abandon our Lives and futures to the international markets. Will you help Austrafia? Paul F. 'fobias, Convenor, New Australia Movement, 107 Edgevale Road, Kew, Vic. 31O~, AustraLia. Re: lost Inventor Dear Editor: Can any NEXUS reader provide me with information about, or recommended articles or a biography concerning Abner Doble (and, I think, his brother), great American steam-power engineer and inventor of the '20s, '30s, '40s and perhaps beyond? 1 believe Abner Doble's work if not actually suppressed was certain- ly thwarted by vested interests, namely the major international oil companies and cartels and giant car companies manufacturing internal combustion-powered vehicles. Doble worked in his native America and a'lso in New Zealand, Great Britain and Germany. Any information would be grate- fullyacknowled'ged. Bruce Turner, PO Box 1080, Windsor, Vic. 3181, Australia. 4 NEXUS Re: Waking Up Dearest Duncan: A~ter just buy- ing the latest issue of NEXUS and reading the letter whereby the ques- tion was raised, "Why isn't NEXUS prohibited by those whose conspir- acies are being aired?", I realised the answer< is simple. NEXUS has such a following, so many people are waldng up, that a ban on NEXUS would bring big protests-judging by the passion of the readers. Does the government or those in the NWO want publicity for NEXUS? No. Hardly anybody, the majority, knows it exists. These guys have Itheir hands tied! I wou1d like to say I love your magazine, have beeR reading it for 18 months, and I am very optimistic about the future. Although this is the dark bcfore the dawn, momen- tum of pubLic opiniQn is gathering, and many people who would have been closed to the idea of conspira- cies are beginning to get fed up and learn what others are capable of. 'li'lhings will snowball, and life will be much different in the future. Thanks for the magazine, and God bless! Lovingly, Linda A., Chelsea, Victoria, Australia. Re: Musical Chermstry Dear Editor: I am in research on thc effects of musicall notes on the chemical elements, in relation to how certain sounds of the musjcal scalc could influencc chemicals. Example: what note or not,;s on the musical scale could change or alter the molecular structure of IIhe ele- ment potassium? If you have any theories ,on this or have experimented on this thesis, please respond to: Don Dreis, 405 E. 7th Street, #4, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA. 'Re: Yet More Dirty Tricks Dear Duncan: I read with interest the letter on weather control in the last issue, and "More Dirty Tricks" in the Global News section (2#23). Wilhelm Reicb desc,ribes his 'cloud-busting' machine in his book, An Introduction 10 Orgonomy. There was a state versus state COllrt case in America some years ago, where rain that was caused to fall on one state was sU'ed for by anoth er, since it may have fallen there naturally under normal circum- stances. Thc threat of c1assaction suing can thankfully slow down many 'dirty tricks' campaigns like this weather one. As for Chilean grapes and more dirty tricks by the US 'FDA, it couldn,'t happen here, could it? Wrong again. Watch what's hap- pened with the Therapeutic Goods Act from Canberra, livestock exports and supposed pesticide con- tamination, and goe.d old Edgell AustraLia-or was th-an Petersville, Vic? So how come all EdgelVBirdseye cheques are signed General Foods (US)? Keep up the good work. S.R., Derby, Tasmania, Australia. Re: Free Energy Hope/Hype? Dear Duncan: firstly, congratula- tions on all excellent magazine. Your unbiased!, non-political treat- ment of broad-spectrum issues to do with human rights, the environ- ment an.d higher consciousness thinking are to be highly praised. A publication long awaited by thou- sands if not millions of people hun- gry for something more than that put forward by the p_owers that be and those with strong interests vest- ed in keeping things the way they are. Unfortunately, however, it looks as if you as weH as many of your readers (including myself) have been hoodwinked!-yes, hood- winked by a number of uns.crupu- lous individuals who wallt us to send money for books and plans on hypothetical free-cnergy dcvices. Shame on these people who prey on the minds of innocent people who only want to see a better world. It has now been over two years since we were first promised some- thing, and nothing has emerged. If these people really have something, then either we would have seen something by now or these people are so greedy that they want to keep all proceeds for Ithemselves (vested interests again), thereby playihl right into the hands of the people who want to keep things as they are. Yours sincerely, David D., Buderim, Queensland, Australia. Re: lending Library Dear Duneao: Thank you for a superb publication with many great articles which tie together this incredible social jigsaw that we'ore living througlj today! The many books and videos that you oreview would make exciting readillg, I'm sure; however, being a pensioner. it's impossible to fiod the hundreds of necessary dollars to satisfy the mental appetite. NB: Please keep letters to approx. 100-200 words iJ1l~ngth. -Ed. Do you have o.r do you !mow of anyone/anywhere who has a 'leQ.d ing library' facility? Pub.lic libraries are just not up to date. If not, maybe it is an idea that you could consider, for fm sure there are many of us wh-o would like to be better informed but cannot affordW Keep up the good work. M.C., Tamborine Mountain, Queensland, Australia. (Dear M.e.: Many readers~have successfully requested their local libraries to obtain our books and videos. Also, several video stores have purchased videos for hire at the request ofreaders. Ed.) Re: lucky NEXUS Readers Dear Editor: Firstly" I'd like to say what an amazing magazine NEXUS is. My husband arnd I have become avid readers. I fed every time I read it that a curtain has been Iifte'd from in front of my eyes and I see more clearly. But!! i-yes, there is a but. Even though this happens, I still feel lu.cky to live in the democracy we have. It's not pcrfect and! probably never will be with all its deceptions, intrigue. co.rruption and straight-out lies. I can't help but think I could have been iborn and dicd in the Killing Fields, or seen my family slaughtered by Idi Amin, or te.rr,i- fied by a fanatica] religious oppres- sion. So when your readers read NEXUS, just remember: you can... Looldng forward to future issues, Dorothy A., Edge Hill, Qld, Australia. Re: Cancer Success Dear Duncan: Congratulations on Yol!lr publishing of the article, "A Cause For All Cancer?" (vol.2 #22). I am already the longest sur- vivor of seeondary bone cancer: ten years on Max Gerson therapy and both Regeneresen and mistletoe from Germany, until I read that arti- de, ami now I am free from C'lncer with Hulda Regchr Olark herbs. It may be of interest to cancer patients that once the cancer is killed! they need to rebuild their bodies, and the mistletoe from Gemany will repair the damage real quick. In a fcw days I will forward on to you somo artwork about my book for you Ito advertise. I have bought so many of your Oct-Nov '94 NEXUS and given them to people in hair salons, beau- ty salons, etc., and they have eon- FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995
  4. 4. tacted the companies to remove tthe propyl solvents. It already is caus- ing a huge concern here; also in Gemany. I faxed all the informa- tion on to everyone I know to bUy your magazine. Have a very happy Christmas and keep up the fabulous work. Kind regards, Prue Hickey-Kelly, Doubleview, Western Australia. (Dear Prue: You are not alolle. Quite a few readers have already phoned us to say that they were wit- ness /0 some amazing recoveries after using the three parasite- cleansing herbs mentioned in the article. We will be publishing their leiters as they come in. Ed.) Re: Defenceless Australia Dear Duncan: The following events when viewed individually usually cause little or no concerti 'to the average Austratian citizen. However, when viewed commu- nally or as a whole, they may cause concern in some quarters. On 14 December, an article appeared by The Australian news- p'aper's defence writer, Cameron Stewart, titled "Military to Mdt Down Surplus Weapons" (worth more than $100 million). It stated that the Federal Government had ordered tile Defence Department to arrange for BHP to destroy and melt down all surplus 7.62 SLR andl 5.56 MI6 military rifles, of more than 100,000 in total. None was to be sold to Australian citizens, given the pusll for stricter gun laws. Only a feeble protest from Senator Bob Woods of the Federal Opposit,ion protested! this order. it is supported by most unions, the media, most religions and Muslim leaders. In 1991 the Federal Government sold overseas 100,000 .303 rifles, 8,300 Bren guns and 3,000 Vickers machine guns. What could not be sold was destroyed. T!lere are now ITO reserve supplies. The Defence Department has ordered the manufacture of 67,000 Australian-designed F88 Steyer 5.56-calibre assault rifles at a man- ufactured cost of $2,100 each. So far, only about 30,000 have Deen made. However, due to the design which incorporates plastic compo- nents in major parts, an order no. 7196-94 has been issued to all Army and Air Force units not to FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995 fire more than 90 munds or nine seconds of automatic fire, otherwise these and other plastic components will melt down. The Federal Labor Government paid $2 million of taxpayers' money to buyout and shut down ~e only prIvate Australian manufacturer of a mi~itary rifle, the SAR 5.56 in Tasmanja, about three ycars ago and forbids iBHP to manufacture a military rifle of Austra1ian design. All military rifles are now pro- hibited items in all states except Tasmania and Queensland. The Government has signedl a UN Treaty Section 91984, which commits all of Australia to com- plete and general disarmament. These are acts of treason and sabo- tage, and, do, in fact, contravene Sections 24A and B of the Crimes Act. However, our nearest neighbour 'Indonesia, with a population of between 180 and 200 million and the largest Muslim community in the world, is not loound by any such treaties. They are presently expanding all their military forces at an excep- tionaIlly high rate. A $10 billion expansion of their aircraft Industry is now welID established. The air- craft and navaJ vessels are all main- ly amilitary design. While in Australia last year, 14 per cent of our Naval forces, 13 per cent of our Army and 7.5 per cent of our Air Force personnel resigned. From a total force of 63,200, most are now on~ beiAg trained in urban warfare or citizen- type control operations. According to an article by Brian Toohey in The Sun-Herald on 20 November, it is revealed the Indonesian Army units are being trained in three Australian training establishments aAd that information on all Australian dissident groups and inclividuals is being made avail- able to the Indonesian Kopassus special force units. These are the ones who control Timor and other protestors by shooting them. Our Federal Government maintains that these special arrangements and the vast sums of money which we con- tribute for training and e;panding the Indonesian military are essential to the aim of building closer ties with them andl Asia. However, in The Australiall on 16 December, General Benny Murdani, the Indonesian strongman in the 'group that controls Indonesia, i'nsisted that Australia was not seen as a member of the South-East Asian community and Australia would not become one of ASEAN's most inner circle. What else could be ,the possible reason ,for virtually all our politi- cians and organisations agreeing to allowing us to become almost total- ly defenceless? Nothing ever hap- pens by accident ifill politics; there is always arfeas~on... Sincerely, Bob Doring, ARBA, PO Box 6012, Mooloolah Valley, Qld 4553, Australia. Re: Harping on the Weather Dear 'Duncan andl NEXUS: Re Letters to the Editor (voI.2#23, "HAARP Patent" and "Weather Control"), while the patents only cover weather and death-ray capa bilities, it ,is much more capable than the patent says. The true capa- bilities of the HAARP (harp) are less than music to your ears-for example, El Nino and HAARiP, IBermuda Triangle and the HAARP principle or sonic applications (see NEXUS voI.2#18,19). Also, this Alas'kan project could change the electromagnetic field setting of the north/south poles, thereby placing Earth right in the path of a comet, be ,It Hallcy's or not. And Exxon Valdez: accident or fuel transport for HAARP? Using a Jacaranda Atlas I noticed that ,the north pole (magnetic) sits around about 55 degrees east of Alaska, and if HAARP was placed in Alaska closest to the north po'le, then it has the ability to mimic (fie magnetic north pole and cause com- passes to read 50 to 60 degrees out. If this is true, then' was BCFmuda Triangle using si,milar compasslradio knockout abilities? As I use CBs (27 MHz AM band)7 I am very aware of the need for decent atmospheric conditions. During the day, picking up the USA is hard; however, at night, this all changes. Has anyone picked up more than the local radio stations, like Brisbane picking up 3AW in Melbourne, or Gladstone, Qld pick- ing up a Sydney statioA from a car cassette/radio? Russell M., 6 HaAsen Crescent, Gladstone, Qld 4680, Australia. Re: Cosmic Conspitacy Dear Sir: Your Dec-Jan issue was especially interesting. Mark Harp will sell his hollow earth jive only to the hoJlow-headed, but Stan Deyo's cosmic conspiracy is more reasoned. It brings to mind the late James Forrestal who, as US SecretarYQf Defense in 19419, suicided after going bananas right il!1 the Pentagon. He babbled about the "space people" who were about to attack us, and that we were defenceless. . OfficiaFdom explained that his breakdown was due to the "pres- sures of the Cold War" and maybe so, but his paranoia was. c~Qtred upon not the Soviets but said space people. Frie~nds reported that he'd told them that the weirdos could appear as normal humans and had already infiltrated the most scnsi- tive parts of the goveFnment; that they'd even tapped his phones and mail. Sundry UFO researchers ended up paranoic too, but what inducedl it? As Ito the Piri Reis atlas of pre history, it shows mountain ranges in Canada and Alaska that were unknown. to even the US Army Map Service until it commenced aerial surveys. Greenland and Antarctica are depicted in an unglaciated state, correctly expos- ing each of them as being com- Iprised of three islands (which we lfiave mever seen). Who were these cartographers who charted our globe even before the last glacial 'cpoch? Yours truly, George fL., Redfern, NSW, Australia. Re: bposing Truths Dear Duncan: In the Dec-Jan issue an anonymous reader wrote regarding why NEXUS does not get closed down for exposing supposed truths. Well, one answer to this is that NEXU'S is too big a voice to be easily silenced. If someone d,id try ltO silence NEXUS magazine or close it down altogether, everyone would realise that the magazine has treaded on someone's toes and told the truth about something or some- one. This is ju st like the UFO researcher who has a background and is well known for his place in the sciel1tlfic community. He is too wel~ known, too big a voice to si,lence without attracting attention to themselves. But the little man, uAknown to all but his friends, could easvly be silenced. I hope I have made my point cJear. The more you say and do, the harder you are to be silenced. Mags, QueenSland, Australia. NEXUS 5
  5. 5. A DISASTER BEGINS Scientists around the world have reacted with fury and aston- ishment at Russian environmental recklessness which, they fear, will haunt the planet for cen- turies. Revealing one of the best-kept secrets of the Cold War, Moscow has confirmed that it spent 30 years disposing of atomic waste by pumping directly into the Earth. Worse still, the pumping is still going on! Already it is suspected to have leaked into rivers leading into the Caspian Sea and the Arctic Ocean, and has been blamed for the rise in cancer deaths in sever- al locations where the waste has started returning to the surface. The dumped atomic material is reported to measure up to 3 billion curies of radiation. This compares to about 50 million curies released in the Chernobyl accident, and 50 curies released at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania. Even a small amount of this waste could totally sterilise vast areas of the northern oceans, destroying and contaminating the food chain for the entire northern hemi- sphere, and rendering vast areas uninhabit- able for centuries. Could this be the beginning of the fulfil- ment of the prophecy mentioned on page 42 in this issue? (Source: The Weekly Telegraph [UK], 30 November-6 December 1994) ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE TRIGGERING EARTHQUAKES? Changes in atmospheric pressure may be enough to trigger major earthquakes off Japan's Pacific coast, a Japanese seismolo- gist has warned. Masakazu Outake points out that all 13 major earthquakes chronicled between the years 684 to 1946 occurred during the autumn and winter when atmospheric pres- sure is high. His study of meteorological data going back to 1961 found that average monthly pressure in the region around Japan's south- west coast where the Philippine Sea crustal plate is mov~ng under the Japanese main- land, is around 1,000 pascals (to millibars) higher between August and February than during the rest of the year. The extra force on the Japanese plate is equivalent to placing 100-kilogram weights on each square metre. This pushes down the Eurasian plate, but the extra air pressure has no effect on the Philippine Sea plate which lies underwater. The stress differential could be enough to trigger a quake. (Source: New Scientist,' 26 November ]994) WATER FOUND ON THE MOON? There is a strong possibility that water has been found on the Moon, in the form of ice. "If this is confirmed, it will greatly enhance the prospects for human colonisation," said Dr Stewart Nozette, of Allied Signal at Alexandria, Virginia, USA, announcing the results of a recent lunar probe. The findings of Clementine-a civilian- military spacecraft that orbited the Moon for 71 days between February and May 1994, taking more than two million colour pictures-are described for the first time in a recent issue of Science. "There are many craters in the Moon's south polar region that are in permanent darkness because of surrounding moun- tains," Dr Nozette said. "When Clementine passed over these, its radar detected what appears to be the char- acteristic signal of water." (Source: The Weeklv Telegraph [UK], Issue No. ]80, 1994) MYSTERY TUNNEL IN SPHINX Workers repairing the ailing Sphinx have discovered an ancient passage leading deep into the body of the mysterious monument. The Giza antiquities chief, Mr Zahi Hawass, said there was no dispute that the tunnel was very old. However, what is puzzling is who built the passage? Why? And where does it lead? Mr Hawass said he had no plans to remove the stones blocking its entrance until at least February 1995. The secret tunnel burrows into the north- ern side of the Sphinx, about halfway between the Sphinx's outstretched front paws and its curved tail. (Source: The Svdney Morning Herald ]] October]994) 6. NEXUS FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995
  6. 6. GL$BAL NEWS X-RAYS, OIL PAINTS, SOLVENTS LINKED TO MISCARRIAGES Researchers at the University of Adelaide and Queen Elizabeth Hospital Genetics Department, led by Dr Judy Ford, studied the exposure to environmental and chemical factors of 585 couples from pre- conception to live birth, miscarriage or nine months' infertility between 1987 and 199~. The researchers identified a range of risk factors which had a significant effect on infertility and miscarriage, isolating a num- ber of risk factors. Men who, in the previous five years, had an unprotected X-ray of the lower back (no lead apron) with genitals exposed, were 428 per cem more at risk of bcing associat- ed with miscarriage than those in a control group. (Tlhe normal miscarriage rate is 15 per oent of all pregnancies.) The study found also that men and women exposed to chemical solvents such as household cleaning agents, oven clean- ers, carpet cleaners, oil paints, glues, and other chemicals in the workplace, were far more at risk of infertility, miscarriage or birth deformity. (Source: The Australian. 4January 1994) A HI-TECH FRAME UP? The new book by renegade ex-Mossad (Israeli intelligence) agent Victor Ostrovsky, titled The Other Side of Deception, is starting to make waves. As in his first book, By Way of Deception, Ostrovsky reveals some damn- ing details of Israeli, American and British complicity in several major international events, such as the Gulf War. One item in particular caught our eye. In it Ostrovsky dcscribes a tremendously important Mossad operation involving a communications device that was planted deep inside enemy territories. The device acted as a relay station for misleading transmissions made by the Mossad, transmissions intended to be received by American and British listening stations. The digital transmissions originated from an Israeli ship at sea and were picked up only by this communications device, known as the "Trojan". The device would thcn rebroadcast the transmissions on another frequency--one used for outgoing official messages from the enemy country being targeted. The Trojan was planted in Libya on the night of 17-18 February 1987 by the Mossad, operating from Israeli boats in the Mediterranean. The goal was to plant the FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995 device in an apartment building in Tripoli, Libya, as close as possible to the Qadhafi command headquarters. The Mossad arrived at the apartment building (which had been pre-rented for six months) and took the cylinder to the top floor apartment of the five-storey building. In the apart- ment, the top of the cylinder was opened and a small dish-like antenna was unfolded and placed in front of the window facing north. The unit was activated and the Trojan was in piace. If someone decided to enter the apart- ment prematurcly, the Trojan would self- destruct, Laking with it most of the upper parL of the building. The thrce men used for the operation returned to the beachfront and swam out to the waiting boats. By the end of March 11987, the Americans were already intercepting mcs- sages broadcast by the Trojan. By using Lhe Trojan, the Mossad tried to make it appear that a long series of terrorist orders were being transmitted to various Libyan embassies around the world (or as they are called by the !Libyans, Peoplc's Burcaus). Just as tile Israelis hoped, the transmis- sions were deciphered by the Americans and used a proof that the Libyans were aCLive sponsors of terrorism. Interestingly, the French and Spanish intelligence agencies were not b.uying into these new sources of information. To them it seemed suspicious that suddenly, out of the blue, the Libyans, who had always been careful in the past, would start advertising their future actions. They also found it sus- picious that, in several instances, Mossad reports wer~ worded similarly to coded Libyan communications. According to Ostrovsky, Operation Trojan was one of Israeli intelligence's greatest successes. It resulted iJ;J Libya being falsely blamed for virtually every t~r rorist attack for nearly a decade, including the La Belle discotheque bombing in West Berlin on 5 April 1987. Ostrovsky's book has certainly upset the Israelis, with public calls for his assassina~ tion being made by several prominent offi- cials, including Josef Lapid, the director- general of Israel's government-owned national broadcasting system. _ Lapid, a frequent spokesperson for the Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, made his unprecedented call fOF the assas- sination of Ostrovsky on Israeli TV, and'in the pages of Ma'ariv, Israel's largest daily newspaper, and repeated his official invita- tion to murder Ostrovsky on Canadian national television in October 1994. Lapid describes Ostrovsky as "the most treacherous Jew in modem history". (Source: The Other Side of Deception, The Spotlight, 28 November 1994) SUPER HI-TECH SPYING Michael Frost, a former specialist with Canada's government spy agency, the Communications Security Establishment (CSE), has disclosed that the US National Security Agency (NSA) implanted tinzy microphoncs in the chests of pigeons that roostcd on the window-ledges of the Soviet Embassy in Wasmington, and successfully monitored the conversations of the officials inside. (Source: The Spotlight. 19 December 1994) NEXUS 7 c
  7. 7. GL-$BAL NEWS THE NEW ELECTRONIC ROADBLOCK Sleepy Hollow, Illinois - A barrier of police cars, dozens of officers with guns trained on an onrushing car-that's the tra- ditional way of bringing a high-speed auto chase to a halt, but those are about to go. The new improved, less brutal version is a 42-inch plastic 'pancake' riddled with electrodes. Called the Anti-Vehicle Electronic Countermeasure, or AVECM, the discs are deployed on the road surface before the suspect arrives. As the car passes over an AVECM, electric discharges scramble the vehicle's engine controls and associated cir- cuitry. The car stops and cannot be restart- ed for some time. (Source: Popular Mechanics, February 1995) PRESS MUZZLED IN FRANCE Alain Marsaud, a member of the French Parliament, has introduced a measure that would mandate that "any information relat- ing to a person who is the subject of an official inquiry, or under judicial investiga- tion, can't be published, except with that person's specific permission". In other words, the media can't report that politicians and others suspected of cor- ruption are under investigation. There are a lot of people in France today who might support this measure-particu- larly a bevy of politicians who are under investigation at this time, and others who are about to fall under public scrutiny for possible misdeeds. (Source: The Spotlight. 3January 1995) THE NEW ENEMY IN AUSTRALIA Counter-terrorist exercises have taken a sinister new turn in Australia. Instead of the imaginary enemies being foreign, Hollywood-style terrorists, the new "bad- dies" are Australian citizens who start agi- tating on the subject of "foreign owner- ship". Exercise Tropic Punch is described as a "protracted national counter terrorist exer- cise". It was held between 14 September and 20 October 1994, and was centred pri- marily in Queensland, specifically in Cairns and south-east Queensland. According to a leaked document about the exercise, "an imaginary extremist group incensed at increasing foreign ownership of Australian business and resources ... embarks, in the initial phase, on a terror campaign to force State and Commonwealth Governments to take remedial action. When this fails to achieve the desired result, the group turns to other options in politically motivated violence. This signals the activation of the National Anti-Terrorist Plan, with the Queensland Police Service, State Government and Commonwealth Government responding to the incident and seeking to negotiate the safe release of the hostages." For those interested, the level of foreign ownership of Australian resources and business is well over 90 per cent! But don't go talking about it, will you. (Source: Extracted from release, dated 13 September 1994, leaked from the Queensland Police Service, Media and Public Relations Branch, Police Headquarters, Roma Street, Brisbane, QtJ. Australia) I) 8 NEXUS EXPLODING STAR MAY HAVE KILLED THEDINOSAURS By now NEXUS readers must have quite a pile of theories on what killed of the dinosaurs-meteorites, oxygen shortage, ice ages, viruses, cave-dwellers, or worse. According to Dr David Schramm, an astrophysicist at the University of Chicago, an exploding star could have killed 95 per cent of the Earth's species 225 million years ago by destroying the ozone layer and bathing the planet in radiation. All it would take is a supernova explo- sion in the vicinity of 30 light years- to wipe out virtually all life on Earth, he said. 'Dr Schramm used mathematical models to develop his theory of massive extinction caused by a supernova blast and now seeks evidence to support it in the chemical sig- nature of fossils from the period. (Source: The Australian, 4 January 1995) PLO BOOK SPARKS ISRAELI SCANDAL A political scandal has erupted in Israel after allegations that the Labour Party con- spired with the then-outlawed PLO to defeat the right-wing Likud and win the 1992 general elections. The crisis was triggered by the publica- tion of memoirs by a senior PLO negotia- tor, Mahmoud Abbas, in which he alleges that the present Health Minister, Ephraim Sneh, held a series of pre-election meetings with a leading member of the PLO at which the Labour Party urged the PLO to block progress at peace talks in Washington, and thus deny Likud any cam- paign advantage. Labour won the 1992 election, and in September 1993 signed a peace accord with the PLO. The memoirs also claim that Yitzhak Rabin was an attendee at one of the meetings. (Source: The European, 13-19 January 1995) DEATH BY POLITENESS This item should probably have gone in the Twilight Zone section of NEXUS, but we ran out of room and put it here instead. Polite Japanese risk death by bowing. At least 24 Tokyo residents have died in the last five years while bowing to each other. Five fell under trains after head butts (presumably concussed), seven died in kerbside and escalator collisions, and many more have been injured in revolving doors. As a result, the city has had to introduce safe "Greetings Zones". (Source: D. Record, 25 June 1994) FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995
  8. 8. ... GL-$-BAL NEWS ... AMERICAN EXPRESS BANK INTERNATIONAL FOUND GUILTY OF LAUNDERING DRUG MONEY During the early part of 1980, Dr John Coleman published a monograph entitled, "Dope International Limited". On page 17 of that work, he wrote as follows: "One of the largest money-laundering companies in the world is American Express, a household name in the travel business. Edmond Safra (see also "Dope, Incorporated" article this issue) who sup- plied tons of gold to finance the China opium sales through Hong Kong via his Geneva-based Trade Development Bank, recently sold his bank to American Express so that he could get on its board. American Express was briefly investigated by the US Attorney General Edwin Meese, but given the immense power of the company, don't expect any indictments to be handed down... "In 1990, when I was ready to publish my book, The Committee of 300, I was advised to omit references to American Express being involved in money launder- ing up to their necks. I was told that I would never be able to prove it. I elected to go ahead anyway and I accused American Express of drug money launder- ing on a vast scale..." Now, 14 years later, an American Express subsidiary, the American Express Bank InlCrnaLional, has been fined a record US$50 million by a Houston, Texas, court after pleading guilty to laundering drug money for a Colombian drug ring that ran hundreds of tons of cocaine into the United States. Funny thing though, the prosecutor in the case, US Attorney Gayneville Griffin Jones, said the government would not seek to press criminal charges against American Express executives. (Source: Dr John Coleman's World In Review, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 1994) 1995 - YEAR OF THE QUAKE? There is increasing speculation amongst seismologists that the 'big one' is not far off. Many suspect that both California and Japan are already 'overdue' for such a quake. Already this year there has been, on average, one earthquake of greater than size 6.0 on the Richter seale every two and a half days, and all of these on the Pacific Rim. Japan, which normally has 30-40 quakes felt by humans per year, has already experienced 10 such quakes in as many days. (Source: AP, Tokyo, II January 1995) FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995 NEXUS 9
  9. 9. --- FEBRUARY - MARCH 1995 CHALLENGING THE ICE AGE THEORY W hen asked what they understand' by the term "ice age", most people seem- . ingly believe that ~~ was an era wilen continuous ice-sheets blanketed Arctic regions well into what now are temperate climes-as far south as approxi- mately 500 N in Europe and 36N in North America. The resultant bleak landscape is often imagined (especially by artists) as having been inhabited by such ani- mals as the hairy mammoth, woolly rhinoceros and musk-ox, hunted by our fur-clad ancestors. The migin of such 'beliefs lics in the placement by geologists of such an ice age in the Pleistocene epoch, which abundant evidcrrce indicates came to an end about 11,000 years ago when oUr own era, the Holocene, began. The Ice Age itself is said to have persisted for about a million years, during which ice-sheets repeatedly waxed! and waned. Coincidentally, ice-sheets similar to those smothering Arctic latitudes also allegedly cov- ercd the south polar regions. Directly associated with the notion of an ice age, and indeed largely responsible for its inception, were a number of singular geological phenomena which, because they some- times occurre-d together, apparently shared a common genesis. Includcd were striated rock surfaccs, erratic boulders and immense accumuJations of frequently intractable 'drift' deposits. The geographical settings and locations of these features were also peculiar. The striations, which often occurred in groups, neady always shared a single oJ'icntatJon which commonly ignored obviously pre-existing topography~and the erratic boulders, which in some localities are very nume-rous, lie at all kinds of altitudes despite their often stupendous size and tonnage. Examples are known almost a quarter of a mile (400 m) long! All ~ccur at great distances from the nearcst natural outcrops of the particular strata composing them. The 'drift' deposits snmetimes occur on northern hill-slopes only, or on mountain peaks but not in adjacent vallcys, and, frequently, mantle chronically pulverised underlying bedrock. Generally unstratified and often contorted, the 'drift' deposits in many places also contain abundant remains of !huge trees, plants and leaves often foreign to the latitudes in which these are discovered, and countless teeth and bones of the mam- moth and its contemporaries. Wood-splinterings and bone fractures are often sharp and fresh-looking. They clcarly happened geologically very recently_ This impression generally afforded by all this evidence is one of overwhelming force operating indiscriminately, suddenly, viQlently and on a colossal scale. Conventional ice age concepts-first mooted about 150 years ago-ascribe all such phenomena to remorseless, slow-acting, glacial agencies active for hundreds of thousands oJ years, but which, as shown by much recent research, ended with surprising abruptness at the end of Pleistoc_ene times. Yet, while the end of such conditions is now clearly trace- able, the origin of the Ice Age, despite numerous diverse theories devised to account for it, remains obscure. It has, furthermore, been established that many northern areas formerly believed to have been overridden by these Pleistocenc ice-sheets, Ithemselves conceived of as thousands of ,feet thick, were never glaciated at all. Such detaills, allied to the discoveries of frozen remains of upright dead trees in Arctic latitudes presently incapable dimatical1y of sup- porting such trees (which could never have survived the deep refrigeration of such mas- sive glaciation there) and of the occurrence of striated rock surfaces and erratic bourdcrs as far south as equatorial latitudes (regarded as always having been ice-free by even the most ardent gilacialists), cast serious doubt on the reality olf an ice age like that pnstu'lated by orthodoxy. NEXUS 11
  10. 10. The results of special studies of current ice actions and charac- ing images on, on the one Ihand, a stow-acting theoretica] agency- teristics also support such doubts, and generally indicate that vari- ice-operating primarily in polar and sub-polar latitudes, with, on ous theoretical actions long attributed to Pleistocene ice-sheets the other hand, highly disruptive sudde.o activities exhibiting well- either never occurred OF were at best exceedvngly limited. documented global ramifications. In unmistakably reflecting cata- Certainly, ice did not operate on the hemispheric scale implied by strophic conditions, the scale and extent of the latter demand iden- the known geological phenomena. tificatiol1 of a suitable underlying cause which initiated all such Irrespective of those phenomena's significance, however, sci- effccts. ence has shown that it developed dur- It is noteworthy that an unexpected- ing a time of other tremendous Earth ly large pumber of Earth scientists disturbances. These included mas- have repeatedly concluded that, as sive crustal fissuring, both above and Earth is apparently incapable of pro- below sea-level; the uplift (often vio- ducing such fundamental distur- lent) of many of the Earth's greatest bances of its own volition, those of mountain ranges to their present ele- late Pleistocene times must, a p.riori, vations; widespread seismic and vol- have been occasioned by a powerful canic eruptions causing acute atmos- force acting upon the globe external- pheric pollution; extensive crustal ly. An independent cosmic agency is subsidence elsewhere; and the emp- require-d. tying and displacement of seas and Others have explored this idea lakes and the destruction of older before, but never completely success- drainage systems. fully. Errant comets, asteroids and Worldwide evidence of bone- ,giant meteors have been amongst the packed caves and rock-fissures, fre- candidates proposed. Recent NASA quently containing contcmporary but faunistically and climatically space explorations and other astronomical discoveries reveal that incompatible creatures, not only emphasises the catastrophic none of these bodies possesses sufficient power to engender such nature of these events, but also strongly indicates an alteration widespread terrestrial disruption. This is a fact ably dcmon'strated then to the tilt of the Earth's axis. in. our book, When the Earth Nearly Died, wherein the culprit is Curiously, although reliab'ly dated as general/ly of very late identified as having almost certainly been a dangerous, highly- Pleistoccne age, these dramatic changes are seldom linked in the charged fragment of an astronomically close supernova exp'losion popular view with the ice age concept, for to do so unites conflict- around 117,000 years ago. Evidence exists for just such an explo- " ~F~:...l}==- _ _ 'i::-=o____ Fig. 1b " Fig. 1c . '.1 4' Mars ~ ---::.::. ," ~ ---1. P""0 .------- ,".::. . . 1---- :.: 1-' K : p~jfI____:: ,yl{_'-- _J' pl ....~'l*_.._... '", ':. M _--- . "'f~. '- 1.,' " . "-"/"r - .. ........ "M".....' " 't'" ., , t~_ (~:__~~ ~_~ f E ". ~ ---~-.-~ -~---L0~---~-.-- ' - ~'LRZ I Eo ~ 'I.; I Eo . U :. :' I Eo '.... .li.... ,,'" . , ", ... " ," M , 'w ... "pom - - - - - ;........... "..~....u .... ~.... , / / ' .~ ............. ..... ~..... n _ ...... .. .... ..... pom ~~------_. -------- E ~ EanN ~ I K =Kingu Eo = Eanh's orbit around Sun M = Mo"on (Luna,) 110m = pre-catastrophic orbit of Moon P =Phaeton IMa,dtll
