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Jl.ND~ SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION nI;~~ IIDU@I;~1r (~, A brief summary of financial proposals filed with and actions by the S.E.C. Cb~ Washington, D.C. 20549 ( In ord.ring full text of R.I." ••• fr"", SEC Publ,cat,on. UnIt cIte number) (I.... Ro. FOR _ ... ........ ...... _ 69-140) RELEASE bJ.,...lil2:r.4 96,...9'-- ....... JLllu 1 GBOIGlA POWER SIlKS OIDia. The SIC h •• i••ved .n order under the Inve.t..nt Ca.p.ny Act (ReI•••• 35- 16433) livial latere.ted per.on. until Augu.t 15 to r.qu••t h••rinl upon .n .pplic.tion of Georai. Power Ca.pany, Atl.ata .ub.idi.ry of The Southern Co.p.ny, for ex..,tion fr~ cert.in provi.ion. of the Act .0 th.t the .-.at of .hort-t.na not•• it ..y i..... will be incr•••• d froa 5'1 to lal of the priacip.l 80UIIt .nd v.lue of other .ecur1t1e. of Georlia Pow.r .t the tt.. outat.ndiDg to .pproxiJlately lal ther.of. In thi. connection, GeHile propoa.a to i..... and lell up to $100,000,000 of .hort-tena not •• to b.nk •• 1ICI c~rci.l p.per to Gold .. n, Sach. & Co., iacludins currently out.t.ndina b.nk lo.n •• nd c~rci.l paper ...r.g.tina $74.344.000 whicb were i••yed pur.vant to prior .uthorisation of the Ca.ai •• ion (Rel••• e 35- 16362). Th. co.pany will vae the proc••d. of it. fin.ncinl to ret.bur.e it. tre•• ury for p.rt of the .x- penditur •• in conaaction witb it. coaatruction progr ... to fin.nce in p.rt it. future conatruction proar .. , to pay .t .. turity out.t.ndina not ••• nd ca..erci.l p.per .nd for other corpor.te purpo.... Con.truction .xpenditur ••• re •• tiJlat.d .t $180.200,000 for 1969 .nd $210,793,000 for 1970. PorCllMC IDlSOR SBnS OKDD. Th. SiC h•• i..... d .n order uader the Holding Company Act (Relea.e 35- 16434) .ivins inter •• ted per.on. until Auavat 15 to reque.t he.ring upon .n application of The Potaaac Bdi.on CoIIpany. Hapratown, Md •• lubaidi.ry .. Allepny Power Sy.te., Inc •• for exa.ption froa c.rt.in proviaion. of tbe Act •• 0 th.t the ..aunt of ahort-t.na not•• it ..y i••ue .. y be incr.a.ed to $20,940.000. the .axt.um a.ount .llow.ble under Potaaac'. ch.rter witbout preferred .barehold.r con••nt. In thl. con"c- tion Potaaac propo ••• to i...... nd ••11 .nd to r.new or .xt.nd ita .hort-tena not•• to b.nke and to d••l.r. in c~rcial p.per up to the .ext.. .-aunt of $20.940.000. Th. ca.p.ny will un the proc.ed. of itl fin.ncin. to ret.bur.e it. tr•••ury for p•• t expenditure .ade in connection with it. con.truction proar" .nd th.t of it•• ub.idlerie., to pay in p.rt the co.t of .uch future con.truction .nd for other corpor.te purpo.... eon.truction expenditure. of Potaaac .nd it•• vb.idi.rie •• r. e.tiJlat.d .t $143,000,000 for 1969-1971. ACTIVE USOURCIS SIBS ORDIa. Th. SiC h.. ta.ued .n order under the Iav•• t.nt Ca.p.ny Act (a. 1 .... IC-5748) Aivina int.r •• t.d per.on. until Aulvat 15 toreque.t he.rinl upon an .pplic.tion of Active h.oure •• Corpor.tion .." York clo ••d-end ncm-diver.1fied lnve.t_nt ca.p.ny. for an order d.clarina th.t it u. ce ••ed to be AD illY •• t.at ca.p.ny .. defined in the Act. All of the outltandina ••curit1e. (oth.r tha•• bort-ten ,.par) of the cOlipany .re beuef1c1.Uy owaed by 21 peraon.. The ca.p.ny doe. not pr... lltly propos. to .. Ita public offarilll. STATE STUET IlWlSTMDT SIRS O&DD. State Str.et Inve.c.ent Corporation, ~ _tu.l fund. h•• •pplied to the SEC for axe.ption fro. certain provi.ion. of the Act with re.pect to it. propo ..d acqui.iticm of .ub.t.ntially all tb ..... t. of iozier. Inc.; .nd the Ca.ai •• ion h •• i•• ved .n order (Rei•••• IC-5749) givlll1 int.re.t.d per.01lI until AUSU.t 12 to reque.t h•• rinl ther.OD. St.t. Street propoa •• to i••ue it• •h.r ••• t net •••• t v.l ... for iozier' ••••• t•• which were v.lued .t $1,623.000 on April 30. Bad the tran.- .ction be.n cona.-tad on th.t d.t., R.ozi.r would bave received 29.708 .h.r•• of St.te Str••t .tock. The State Str•• t .h.re •• re to be di.tributed to Rozi.r .h.rehold.r. on it. liquid.tion. BAILBY SlLB1JI.RPILlS PO& OFnllIMG JJU) SICOJI)AJlY. ..U.y Se Iburn OU & G.. Ltd.. 320 9th Av... S. w •• C.lg.ry. Alt •• £!!!!!. fil.d re.i.tr.tion .t.t •• nt (ril. 2-33991) with the SEC on July 17 ••• kin, regietr.tion of 2,600.000 .hare. of ea..on .tock, of wbicb 2,300,000 ar. to be offered for public •• le by the co.p.ny prturily ill th. United St.t •• and 300,000 (bainl out.t.ndiDI .har •• ) by P.eific P.trol.u.a Ltd. (the pr.'.llt bold.r thereof) priJlarUy in C.nad.. Tb. off.rinl i. to be Md. throuah underwriters h.ad.d by &utllell Dilloll, UniOll Securitie •• 570 Iroad St ........ rk. R. J. 07102. and R.1cb.rd.on Securitie. of Can ... , 173 Port... ....... ".t. Wilmipel 2. Manitob.; tb. off.riD, price ($16 per .bare .axta.*) .nd underwritina t.na are to be .uppUed by _~nt. The COllpaay (98.1l owaad by P.cific P.troleu.a) i•• a .... d in explor.tion for, and dev.l~nt. produc- tion and ..rltatill,of, oU .nd natural ... in Call.... Part of the net proc•• d. of itl ••le of ..ditional .tock w111 be .ppU.d to r.p&y8lnt of .~ $7.393.334 of ••cur.d b.llk loan. and $14.318.700 of adv.ne .. froa Pacific P.trol .... (.uch indebted ..... illcurr.d to finance the cOllp.ny'. l.nd acqui.ition •• xploration .nd deYel~nt .ctivitie.); the b.l.llc. will be .pplied to the continuance of .uch .ctivit1e •• nd for g.ner.l corpor.te purpo.... In "dition to indebt.d1ll!". the cOIIp.ny h •• outlt.ndilll 2.995 .372 c~ .h.r ••• of whicb Pacific Patrola ... own. 98.7'1. Pbillip. Petrol.ua eo.pany own. 44.61 of th. out.t.ndina .h.r •• of Pacific P.trol..... Kelly Hurd Gib.on i. pr•• 1dent. TIADIMG BAR COMTIKUED. Th. SIC h•• ord.r.d th•• u.pen.ion of ov.r-the-counter tradilll in the aecuriti •• of United Auatr.li.n Oil. Inc •• for the further ten-d.y period July 25 to Auaaat 3. 1969, inclu.ive.

    nI;~~ IIDU@I;~1r (~,

    A brief summary of financial proposals filed with and actions by the S.E.C. Cb~

    Washington, D.C. 20549 ( In ord.ring full text of R.I." ••• fr"", SEC Publ,cat,on. UnIt cIte number)

    (I.... Ro. FOR _ ... .............. _69-140) RELEASE bJ.,...lil2:r.4 96,...9'--.......JLllu 1

    GBOIGlA POWER SIlKS OIDia. The SIC h •• i••ved .n order under the Inve.t .. nt Ca.p.ny Act (ReI•••• 35-

    16433) livial latere.ted per.on. until Augu.t 15 to r.qu •• t • h•• rinl upon .n .pplic.tion of Georai. Power Ca.pany, Atl.ata .ub.idi.ry of The Southern Co.p.ny, for ex..,tion fr~ cert.in provi.ion. of the Act .0 th.t the .-.at of .hort-t.na not •• it ..y i..... will be incr•••• d froa 5'1 to lal of the priacip.l 80UIIt .nd v.lue of other .ecur1t1e. of Georlia Pow.r .t the tt.. outat.ndiDg to .pproxiJlately lal ther.of. In thi. connection, GeHile propoa.a to i..... and lell up to $100,000,000 of .hort-tena not •• to b.nk •• 1ICI c~rci.l p.per to Gold .. n, Sach. & Co., iacludins currently out.t.ndina b.nk lo.n •• nd c~rci.l paper... r.g.tina $74.344.000 whicb were i••yed pur.vant to prior .uthorisation of the Ca.ai •• ion (Rel••• e 35-16362). Th. co.pany will vae the proc ••d. of it. fin.ncinl to ret.bur.e it. tre ••ury for p.rt of the .x-penditur •• in conaaction witb it. coaatruction progr ... to fin.nce in p.rt it. future conatruction proar .. , to pay .t .. turity out.t.ndina not ••• nd ca..erci.l p.per .nd for other corpor.te purpo.... Con.truction .xpenditur ••• re •• tiJlat.d .t $180.200,000 for 1969 .nd $210,793,000 for 1970.

    PorCllMC IDlSOR SBnS OKDD. Th. SiC h•• i.....d .n order uader the Holding Company Act (Relea.e 35-16434) .ivins inter •• ted per.on. until Auavat 15 to reque.t • he.ring upon .n application of The Potaaac Bdi.on CoIIpany. Hapratown, Md •• lubaidi.ry .. Allepny Power Sy.te., Inc •• for exa.ption froa c.rt.in proviaion. of tbe Act •• 0 th.t the ..aunt of ahort-t.na not •• it ..y i••ue .. y be incr.a.ed to $20,940.000.the .axt.um a.ount .llow.ble under Potaaac'. ch.rter witbout preferred .barehold.r con ••nt. In thl. con"c-tion Potaaac propo ••• to i...... nd •• 11 .nd to r.new or .xt.nd ita .hort-tena not •• to b.nke and to d•• l.r. in c~rcial p.per up to the .ext.. .-aunt of $20.940.000. Th. ca.p.ny will un the proc.ed. of itl fin.ncin. to ret.bur.e it. tr••• ury for p•• t expenditure • .ade in connection with it. con.truction proar".nd th.t of it•• ub.idlerie., to pay in p.rt the co.t of .uch future con.truction .nd for other corpor.tepurpo.... eon.truction expenditure. of Potaaac .nd it•• vb.idi.rie •• r. e.tiJlat.d .t $143,000,000 for 1969-1971.

    ACTIVE USOURCIS SIBS ORDIa. Th. SiC h.. ta.ued .n order under the Iav•• t.nt Ca.p.ny Act (a.1.... IC-5748) Aivina int.r •• t.d per.on. until Aulvat 15 toreque.t • he.rinl upon an .pplic.tion of Active h.oure •• Corpor.tion • .." York clo ••d-end ncm-diver.1fied lnve.t_nt ca.p.ny. for an order d.clarina th.t it u. ce ••ed to be AD illY•• t.at ca.p.ny .. defined in the Act. All of the outltandina ••curit1e. (oth.rtha•• bort-ten ,.par) of the cOlipany .re beuef1c1.Uy owaed by 21 peraon.. The ca.p.ny doe. not pr... lltly propos. to .. Ita • public offarilll.

    STATE STUET IlWlSTMDT SIRS O&DD. State Str.et Inve.c.ent Corporation, ~ _tu.l fund. h•• •pplied to the SEC for axe.ption fro. certain provi.ion. of the Act with re.pect to it. propo ..d acqui.iticmof .ub.t.ntially all tb..... t. of iozier. Inc.; .nd the Ca.ai •• ion h •• i•• ved .n order (Rei•••• IC-5749)givlll1 int.re.t.d per.01lI until AUSU.t 12 to reque.t • h•• rinl ther.OD. St.t. Street propoa •• to i••ue it• •h.r ••• t net •••• t v.l ... for iozier' ••••• t•• which were v.lued .t $1,623.000 on April 30. Bad the tran.-.ction be.n cona.-tad on th.t d.t., R.ozi.r would bave received 29.708 .h.r •• of St.te Str•• t .tock. The State Str•• t .h.re •• re to be di.tributed to Rozi.r .h.rehold.r. on it. liquid.tion.

    BAILBY SlLB1JI.RPILlS PO& OFnllIMG JJU) SICOJI)AJlY. ..U.y Se Iburn OU & G.. Ltd.. 320 9th Av... S. w •• C.lg.ry. Alt •• £!!!!!. fil.d • re.i.tr.tion .t.t •• nt (ril. 2-33991) with the SEC on July 17 ••• kin, regietr.tion of 2,600.000 .hare. of ea..on .tock, of wbicb 2,300,000 ar. to be offered for public •• le by the co.p.ny prturily ill th. United St.t •• and 300,000 (bainl out.t.ndiDI .har •• ) by P.eific P.trol.u.a Ltd. (the pr.'.llt bold.r thereof) priJlarUy in C.nad.. Tb. off.rinl i. to be Md. throuah underwriters h.ad.d by &utllell Dilloll, UniOll Securitie •• 570 Iroad St ........rk. R. J. 07102. and R.1cb.rd.on Securitie. of Can ... , 173 Port... ....... ".t. Wilmipel 2. Manitob.; tb. off.riD, price ($16 per .bare .axta.*) .nd underwritina t.na are to be .uppUed by _~nt.

    The COllpaay (98.1l owaad by P.cific P.troleu.a) i•• a.... d in explor.tion for, and dev.l~nt. produc-tion and .. rltatill,of, oU .nd natural ... in Call.... Part of the net proc •• d. of itl •• le of ..ditional .tock w111 be .ppU.d to r.p&y8lnt of .~ $7.393.334 of ••cur.d b.llk loan. and $14.318.700 of adv.ne .. froa Pacific P.trol .... (.uch indebted ..... illcurr.d to finance the cOllp.ny'. l.nd acqui.ition •• xploration .nd deYel~nt .ctivitie.); the b.l.llc. will be .pplied to the continuance of .uch .ctivit1e •• nd for g.ner.lcorpor.te purpo.... In "dition to indebt.d1ll!". the cOIIp.ny h •• outlt.ndilll 2.995 .372 c~ .h.r ••• of whicb Pacific Patrola ... own. 98.7'1. Pbillip. Petrol.ua eo.pany own. 44.61 of th. out.t.ndina .h.r •• of Pacific P.trol..... Kelly Hurd Gib.on i. pr•• 1dent.

    TIADIMG BAR COMTIKUED. Th. SIC h•• ord.r.d th•• u.pen.ion of ov.r-the-counter tradilll in the aecuriti •• of United Auatr.li.n Oil. Inc •• for the further ten-d.y period July 25 to Auaaat 3. 1969, inclu.ive.


  • SEC NEWS DIGEST, JULy 24, 1969 Page 2 LASER ENERGY FILES FOR OFFERING AND SECONDARY. La.er Energy Inc., 535 Powers Building. Rochester, N. Y.

    14614, filed a regi.tration .tatement (File 2-33993) with the SEC on July 17 .eeking registration of 200,000.hare. of common stock, to be offered for public .ale at $3 per share. The offering is to be .ade throughExecutive Securities Corp., 1175 Northeast 125th Street, N. Miami, Florida, which will receive a 30¢ per share commission plus $20,000 for expen.... Also included in this statement are 250,000 outstanding shares of common stock, which .. y be offered for sale from ttae to time by the present holders thereof at prices current at the time of sale.

    The company wa. organized in January for the purpose of engaging in the design, development, manufacture and marketing of la.er., associated devices and optical thin film coatings. Of the net proceeds of its sale of additional stock, $200,000 will be used for the purchase of equipment and $175,000 for research and develop-ment; the balance will be applied to the company's working capital and used for general corporate purposes.The company has out.tanding 950,000 common shares (with a 26¢ per share book value), of which Yu H. Hahn,board chairman and preSident, and Stanley J. Refermat, vice president, own 21.11 each and management officials as a group 57.91. Purchaser. of the share. being registered will acquire a 171 stock interest in the companyfor their investment of $600,000; the company founders will then own 611, for which they paid $7,000, or l¢ per share; the .elling stockholders will own 221, for which they paid $250,000 or $1 per share. CorporateEnterprises and William D. Rhodes propose to sell 50,000 shares each, Maynard Hellman 45,000 and seven others the remaining .hare. being registered.

    BERGEN BRUNSWIG TO SELL STOCK. Bergen Brunswig Corporation, 138 Johnson Ave., Hackensack, N. J. 07601,

    filed a registration statement (File 2-33992) with the SEC on July 17 seeking registration of 500,000 shares

    of Class A common .tock, to be offered for public sale through underwriters headed by Smith, Barney & Co.

    Incorporated, 20 Broad St., and F. Eber.tadt & Co., 65 Broadway, both of New York, N. Y. The offering price

    ($35 per share maximum*) and underwriting terms are to be supplied by amendment.

    Th. company is primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of drug products. It also sells computerservices and supplies to retail pharmacies, directly and through franchisees, distributes medical and scientifk supplies, and manufactures drugs, surgical instrument. and disposable plastic medical and scientific products.Of the net proceeds of its stock sale, $10,000,000 will be u.ed to discharge notes payable to banks (including$9,000,000 representing indebtedness of the former Brunswig Drug Company (acquired in 1969) assumed in connection with the acquisition of the net assets and business of that company; the balance will be added to the company's general fund. and will be available for general corporate purposes, including possible acquisi-tion. of other bu.ine..... In addition to ind.btedn ••s and preferred stock, the company has outstanding1,442,275 Class A and 265,123 Class B common shares. Emil P. Martini, Jr., preSident, owns 44.71 of the B shares and management officials as a group 99.21; management officials as a group own l8.2~ of the A share •• Elmer V. Staude is board chairman.

    SIM-KAR LIGHTING FILES FOR OFFERIt«; AND SECONDARY. Sim-Kar Lighting Fixture Co., Inc., "D" and Tioga Sts.,Philadelphia, Pa. 19134, filed a regi.tration statement (File 2-33994) with the SEC on July 17 seeking regis-tration of 200,000 shares of common stock, of which 100,000 are to be offered for public sale by the companyand 100,000 (being out.tanding .hares) by the present holder. thereof. The offering is to be made throughunderwriter. headed by Suplee, Mosley, Close & Kerner Incorporated, 1500 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19102;the offering price ($11 per share maximum*) and underwriting terms are to be supplied by amendment. The company has agreed to pay the underwriters $15,000 for expenses.

    Organized in February 1964, the company deSigns, produces and sells fluorescent lighting fixtures for

    factorie., office., .tores, institutions and homes. Of the net proceeds of its sale of additional stock,

    $200,000 will be used for de.ign, promotion and production of new products, $100,000 to place additional

    finished goods inventory in warehouses in a number of cities and $200,000 for additional or new plant and

    office facilitie.; the balance will be added to the company's general funds and may be used for acquisitions

    of others bu.ines.e., general working capital and other corporate purposes. In addition to indebtedness, the

    company has outstanding 504,000 common shares (with a $1.33 per shsre book value), of which Barney Bernstein,

    pre.ident, and Charle. Trowbridge, board chairman, own 43.31 each. Bernstein and Trowbridge propose to sell

    41,240 shares each and five others the remaining .hares being registered.

    NYTRONICS TO SELL DEBENTURES. Nytronics, Inc., Third Ave., Alpha, N. J. 08866, filed a registrationstatement (File 2-33995) with the SEC on July 17 .eeking registration of $25,000,000 of 71 convertible sub-ordinated debentures, due 1984, to be offered for public .ale at 1001 of principal amount. The offering is to be made through underwriter. headed by Sterling, Grace Securiti.s Corporation, 39 Broadway, New York, N. Y.,the underwriting terms are to be supplied by amendment. The company has agreed to i.sue the Sterling firm five-year stock purcha.e warrants to purchase capital .hares, the number of which is to be supplied by amendme~

    The company i. engaged in the development, design, production and sale of electronic components for use in communications equipment, missile control systems, computers, servos, commercial radio and television, dats handling,navigational and industrial control equipment. Of the net proceeds of its debenture sale, $5,000,000 will be spplied to repayment of 71 convertible notes, proceeds of which were used in part in connection with the company's acquisition of 20.71 of the outstanding common stock of Gulton Industries, Inc., $10,000,000 as an investment in or a loan to Omnitec Corporation, a subsidiary, and part will be applied to redeem outstanding61 convertible subordinated debentures due 1981 and 1982; the balance will be added to the company's general funds. In addition to indebtedness, the company has outstanding 3,075,590 common shares. Bernard M. Goldsmith

    - is board chairman and Martin E. Zernick president.


  • SIC awl DmISl'. JULy24. 1t69 Pq. 3 IItDD " IYP fI9IO!II (lf1&l1G. IeWell " 11ab ... Callpuy LfJlited P.rt_rebip 110.34, 702 T.. e.r ....

    St ••• at. CtltDe OIl" 44702, fU..- a l'elutraUoa at.ce.at erUe 2-33997) wlth the SIC OftJllly 17 ... UIlI rel1etr.tiOft of 100 .. ita of participation ln the P.rt .. rablP. to be off.red for public •• 1e 1. $2.950 .ait. ($295,000). '!'be Part_ralaip w.. f~cl to .cquire 011 aM '" well loc.tiona tOiethar wlth tbe .upport1n. 1...... ad to .1'111 011 aDd a" .,.lb. Jienry S. leWeD III aDd Glenn I.e n.ke .re .... ral p.rt_r ••

    WOODPAUAUOCW1' "'" Pl.OPOSlS orFal!? WoodparkA•• ociat •• Puad, 100 P.rk A.,•.•• w Tork. ft. Ie, filed. reatan.tioa .tata.llt (Flle 2-33998) with the SIC OftJuly 18 ... Uns r.,l.tration of 100,000 .har •• of C-.nl .tack, to " affereel for p.11c •• le .t Mt •••• t ".lue wlth ItO •• 1•• char .. ($100 par .hare ... S-*), wlth •• iDS- inltial purcb.. e of $25,000. The JI'uad'. 1ftve.e-ftt obj.ctiv. i. capital apprecia-t1Oft; aDd lt MY •• 11 .. c.altie •• hort, borrCIIW for lever., •• nd tr..s. in put .ad call optl to_nay aeM...,. thla loa1. IKUa1MI ........ nt Corpor.t1Oft, • wholly-owned .... idl.ry of lunth_ .ad C .." will .ern .a l ... at.llt ...,ia.r. Micb.. l I. Ge1l.rt i. board chalr.an of the Puad, pr•• lde.t of the l t •• t ."iaer aDd • "_1'&1 part_r of Junth_ .ad Co., aM layMad J. ArMtrOllI 1. pr.... a.llt of the had.

    TOWII. PIClDUCTS FILlS POI. OP'P'DIIGAID SICOlID.UT. 'tCllW&r IDe•• 1150 S. WilU. Ave., WhaeUy. Product.,!!!. 60090, fl1ed • rea1atr.tlon .t.t .. nt (111. 2-33999) wlth the SIC OftJuly 18 ••• kinS r.,l.tr.tlon of 173,000 .bar •• of C...oD .tock, of which 105,000 .har •• ar. to be off.red for public .ala by the cClllp•.., .ad 68,000 (heiq oatatandiq .b.re.) by tb. pr•• ent holder. ther.of. The offarlna 1a to throuah Ilunt l11i. " S~ ... , 111 W•• t Hoaroe se ,; ChicalO, Ill. 60603; tha off.riDI pric. (ft ,.1' .hara ) and uad.rvr1tilll t.r. ara to be .applied by _nd_IIt.

    The ca.p..., d•• 1&II&, .... f.ct.r •• aad •• 11•• ,.cialty pl .. tic pacltqiDI productl, .... prfJlarlly fro. cust~ bl.nd.d poly.thy1.D& aDd otbar •• lected tbe~la.tlc 1'•• 1118. Of the net proc•• d. of it •• al. of .dditiona1 .tack, $175,000 will De ... d to purcha.. a 13-acre plaDt .It. in Mundelai., Il1100i.; tb. babltc. ,,111 be app1ie4 to the con.tructiOll of the .. " plant aDd for I.nard corporate purpo.... The cO&lp"" ba. outatandi .. 484,800 e_ .har ••• of whicb Da.ial I. Ha",ora, pr•• id.nt, and Willi. R. 1.oh4 ••• 1c. pr•• id•• t, GIIt'Il 2ft eacb. lach propo••• to •• 11 16,000 abu .. and 13 "tb.r. tM r__ inl ... haraa Mlnl r·ai.t.r.d.

    153 W. 36th St. CIA1ft'FILM TO SILL srg. CiaDt ru. Corporation./ !!!..York, i. !., f110d a r.li.l:raUcm .ut•• nt

    (FU. 2-339'6) witb the SIC 011 July 17 ... ltiq r.a1.traU_ of 220,000 .har •• of c_ stock. t ... off.r.d for public .al. at $5 par ab.re. 'tb. off.ri~ ia to be .... on • be.t .fforte, a11-or-DOD&ba.i. tbrouab Ch.rt.r P1... 1D, CorporaUoa. 15 WU1t. St •• lew Tot'k. which w111 He.lve a 50c par .hare •• lliDI c_udOll p1u. $25,000 for .Xpell.... The c.,a1lY h••• ,re.cl eo •• U the u.ervrit.r. for $220•• is-ya.r warra.t. to purcha•• 22.000 .bar •• , exerci.abl. att.r ODe y.ar at $5.50 __r .h.re.

    0r,aalaa4 i • ..., 1969. tha CClllpaayacq.ired ail the evt.t •• lq capital atock of IIercbaat hppU.rs P.par Co•• lac .• ad Cap-It Papal' Corp. tn acba .... for 270,000 c_ .h.r... It is prilldpaUy a di.tributor .nd conwrtor of papal' aad papal' products. it _nufacture. -.chlury a1llll.41ui"lIt d•• ta.. d to -- .... duplicate -.rkeu atiU .. d 18 the .... U. tr..... Of tbe _t proc.ed. of it •• tock .al., $450,000 w111 " us.d to purcba•• 8aC~iaer, .... 41u1,..IIt, '75.000 f.r .... rti.i~1 .~ pr... t~ ... $100,300 to apa" ... furtber ..... lap ita .41u~at lead .. proar_; tb. balaac. wU1 '"' ... ad to tlla c..,..,,'. vorU .. capital aad us.d for le_ral corpor.t. purp..... TIla cOIIPa." ba. outatandina 270,000 e-.a .bar •• (with a 43e p.r .b.r. book .,.1.). aU of vhich i ....... by In1nl J.cklin, board chair.aa .nd pre.li.nt. hrcbaaare of tM .hara. balal reli.tared will &C4Iuir•• 451 .tock int.r.,t 1~ tb& e..,.ay for their i.... t .. Dt of '1,100.000 (th.y will .ustain &II ~1.t. dU.tiOft of $2.96 bI par .hare book val. fr_ the efferlna pric.); the pr•••• t .harehold.r. vil1 then OWD 551. for which they will have inv•• t.' aad coatrlbated $116.612.

    O/C R.lGISI'IATIOILSUPCa'l'1D. The foll_lnl 1a.uera of •• curitie. trad.d over-the-counter h•.,. fil.d r•• 1atr.tlOft .tat ... ta witb the c-l •• iOft punuant to requlre_nU of lect10ft l2(I) of the Securitie. Ixehallp Act (cOIIpaIIu. which currently fU ...... 1 IIIiII other periodlc reports 'Vitti the SIC .re 1d•• t1f1a4 by "-"): -

    File No. 0_Reg1strants Location

    3716 Bankers United ~lllnagementCorpOak BrOOK,1:1.

    3594 Brandon Applied Syst.ms Inc**NY. NY 3773 Capital Funding Corp** San Fr~~_ 0,

    California 3710 Dynamic Security Corp Columcus. OhlO 3712 Financial Security Corp of Kansas

    Wiehlta, Kans,s 3714 Hemingway'lransport Inc New Bedford. ~laSb. 3667 Life of Florica Corp ~!iami. Fl£:.. 3713 Na t f ona I '::omput(r sys tems Inc"'~' Minneapolis, ~inn. 3715 horth 'mcrican Corp Colurnt.us.chic 3711 iacific I~erican Inuu3trics Inc

    Lo s J.n ft.-leSt (:l'll.l.

    :;650 PeoplES ~rotect;vE ~Jrp JocKs.n, ~unn. 3647 J.'roviC:crsLene fLt Co uPP"!" Lar-by, t'a. 3642 Rocky, (.uutain t incnc:al .:>c'rviccs, Inc.

    ruc l Ic , (;0]0. 37( 5 Spcctrc-~tr~p Corp Gcraen Grove, ~ali£.3643 t r m' or d L;- ncor r-cr : t i~n trio ~lto> Cali:. 36':;4 ..c.slli:-~~t0n ('l:ln:'co, inc Tacoma . 'r s h ,


  • SEC )lI!:WS 1969DIGEST, .JULy 24, ' ... 4

    IKClRf PORM8-( PILINGS. Th. ca.paai.. li.cad below have flied Por. 8-l report. for the .aath ladlcated and r •• poadial, to the it•• of the rena .pec1fUd la p•• Photocopie. th.reof tilly be purch ... d h_atha.... the C-l .. 1oa • Publf.c leterence Sec:tioa (pl .... abe __ a Pl ... t "la•• Wo. II ill ord.r1ra&). IlWow vill be included vith the r.qua.ted _tarl.1 whaD .. lled. AD ladax of the captiOM of the .. veral it ... of the tOI1l v•• included ia the July 17 ..... Dt.p.t.

    8K aeporta for April 1969

    Roto American Corp (2.13) 1-5215;'2B.F. Saul Real E.tate Inve.t..nt

    Trust (2.7.12) 0-3356-2 Savannah Sugar Refining Corp (11) 0-922-2 Standard Security L1fe Ins. Co

    of NY Hay 1969 (11,13) 2-14735-2 Super Va1u Stores, Inc. (12,13) 1-5418-2 Teledyne Inc. (7) 1-5212-2 Welded Tube Co of America

    0,7,9,12,13) 1-5461-2 Amtel, Inc. Mar. 1969 (2,13) 1-5826-2 Beaver Creek Industries, Inc.

    (1.2,4,7,8,9,11,13) 0-2375-2 Central Maine Power Co

    May 1969 (11) 1-5139-2 Chubb Corp (11) 0-3089-2 Consolidated Leasin~ Corp of

    America (7,8) 1-5201-2 Crown Industries, Inc.

    Mar 1969 (2.7,13) 1-6029-2 Doric Corp (4,11,13) 1-5681-2 Friendly Frost Inc. Hay 1969 (11) 1-4381-2 General Reinsurance Corp (11) 2-8097-2

    U.S. Gypaua Co (3) 1-5247-2 U.S. Industries, Inc. (7,11,12) 1-3772-2Sam ~. Wallace Co Tne. (~

    (7,9,12.13) We8tern Air Lines Inc.

  • SIC aws DIGESt. .JULy 24. 1969 8K Reports for April

    Pep.i-Cola General Bottler.,

    Inc. (U,13) 1-5986-2

    Tenney Engineering, Inc.

    May 1969 (11) 1-4142-2

    Waltham Indu.trie. Corp

    (2,7,13) 1-5870-2

    Whale, Inc. (9,12,13) 1-4517-2

    Winss & Wheels Expre.s Inc.

    Jan 1969 (11,12,13) 0-348-2 Aeronca Inc. May 1969 (11) 1-4005-2

    Allied Equitie. Corp (2.7.13) 0-2121-2

    American lnatitutional Developer.

    Inc. (7.11,13) 0-3033-2

    Bermec Corp (7.12.13) 1-4739-2

    Seth1eh .. Corp May 1969 (2.7,13) 1-4676-2

    Setz Laboratorie., Inc.

    Feb. 1969 (2,7.13) 0-2085-2 H.C. Boback Inc. (6,8) 1-5304-2

    Delta Air Line •• Inc. (4,7,13) 1-.5424-2

    E1 Pa.o Electric Co

    May 1969 (11) 0-296-2

    Frank'. Nur.ery Sale., Inc.

    (11.13) 1-5364-2

    General Deve10paent Corp (3,7) 1-4080-2

    Graphic Science., Inc. (12,13) 0-3281-2

    Hudon'. Bay Oil & ea. Co Ltd.

    0.11) 2-13574-2

    Lea.eway Tran.portation Corp (11) 1-5234-2

    Midwe.tern Financial Corp of Ohio

    ( 11) 2-28594-2

    North Central Co (2) 0-533-2

    Sharon St•• l Corp (1,11,13) 1-569-2

    Southdown. Inc. (9,13) 0-1297-2

    Standard Contain.r Co (11) 1-5858-2

    Ward Food •• Inc. (7,11,12,13) 1-1042-2

    BarrinRer R.... rch Inc. May 1969 (11) 0-3207-2

    Detroit Steel Corp (11,13) 1-2665-2

    Electric Ho.e & Rubber Co (8) 1-5113-2

    Fall River Ga. Co

    March 1969 (11) 0-449-2

    c..ble Skos-o, Inc. (7,12,13) 1-3478-2

    Hanover Shoe, Inc. (3) 0-897-2

    Iowa National lnve.t ..nt Co

    Jun. 1968 (12,13) 0-2165-2

    Kalvex Inc. (7,8,13) 1-3947-2

    Kentucky Utiliti •• Co

    May 1969 (11) 1-3464-2

    Nalco Ch.. ical Co (11,12,13) 1-4957-2

    Norton Si.on, Inc. (8) 1-5687-2

    Palabora Mining Co Ltd.

    6K for May 1969 2-22241-2

    Southwe.tern Electric Power Co

    (11) 1-3146-2

    Sterling Oil of Oklahaaa. Inc.

    (12,13) 0-1497-2

    T.chnical Operation., Inc. (2,13) 1-4403-2

    Topa. Ca.puter Corp (2,7,13) 2-28605-2

    Tran.-World Financial Co (11) 1-4629-2

    Anaconda Co (7,13) 1-2280-2

    Berg.tra. Paper Co (11.13) 0-377-2

    Canal Randolph Corp (2,7.13) 1-3945-2

    Chicago Milwauke. St. Paul &

    Pac. RR Co May 1969 (11) 1-3288-2

    Pap 5 1969 Cont'd

    Del Laboratories. Inc. May 1969 (11.13) 1-5439-2

    General DeVices, Inc. (11,13) 0-3125-2

    General Houseware. Corp (7.8,13) 2-31005-2

    General Telephone Co of Kentucky

    May 1969 (11) 2-4052-2

    Gruen Industries, Inc. (7,8) 1-5818-2

    Rico Corp of Aaerica (12) 1-5449-2

    Kane Miller Corp (2,13) 1-5014-2

    McGraw-Hill, Inc. (4,11,13) 1-1023-2

    Merck & Co Inc. (4.11.13) 1-3305-2

    In.piration Con.o1idated Copper

    Co (l0.I1,13) 1-1050-2

    Shell Tran.port & Trading Co Ltd.

    6K for May 1969 1-4039-2

    Special Studiea. Inc. (3) 2-27243-2

    Tracor Inc. (2,7,8,11,13) 0-528-2

    Union Oil Co of Calif. (3) 1-5.54-2

    Bunker-Ramo Corp (11.13) 1-4158-2

    Cannon Mill. Co (3.11) 0-158-2

    Dravo Corp (11,13) 1-5642-2

    General Alloys Co (11.12.13) 1-1870-2

    Cyber-Tronic., Inc. (2.13) 0-2807-2

    Kenton Corp ( 1-5909-2

    Komatsu Manufacturing Co Ltd.

    6( for Hay 1969 2-27593-2

    International Suaine •• Machine.

    Corp (3,11.12.13) 1-2360-2

    International Scanatron Sy.t...

    Corp (9,11.13) 2-28324-2

    Arthur G. McKee & Co (11) 1-146-2

    National Gyp.a. Co

    May 1969 (13) 1-2489-2

    PennsylVania Life Co (11) 0-3553-2

    Penob.cot Shoe Co (11,13) 1-5.548-2

    Peoria & Ea.tern Ry Co (3,11) 1-1610-2

    Philip. Indu.trie ••Phi1ip. N.V.

    & U.S. Philip. Tru.t

    6K for May 1969 2-20193-2

    Schlumberger N.V.

    6( for May 1969 1-4601-2

    Spe~ry & Hutchin.on Co (ll.l3) 1-5235-2

    Top.y'. International Inc. (12) 0-3324-2

    Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Ltd.

    ( 2-12927-2

    Tran.ducer Sy.tem •• Inc.

    May 1969 (7.8) 2-29639-2

    Twentieth Century Engineering

    Corp (12) 1-2535-2 Tyco Laboratories. Inc. '12.13) 1-.5482-2 Vitraaon. Inc. (11) 0-415-2 Williaahou •• -Regency Inc. (7) 1-4559-2 American Finance System Inc.

    Ul,l) 1-5625-2 A••ociated Truck Line •• Inc.

    Ul.13) 0-901-2 General Computer Service., Inc.

    (11) 0-3563-2 Gibraltar Financial Corp of Calif (4.11.13) 1-4575-2 Golden Flake Inc. (11) 2-28556-2 Gou Id Enterprises Inc

    March 1969 (8) 0-249-2 Gregory Indu.trie. Inc.

    Jan. 1969 (1.2.4,11.13) 0-1661-2 Jev@lC~8ni.8. Jnc. (7.13) 1-385-2 Life A••urance Co of Penna

    (11.12.13) 2-17345-2 ova • l


  • SEC BWS DICBST, JULY 24, 1969 p... 6

    SICReports for April 1969 Coat'd

    Ling-Teneo Vought, Inc. (3,11,13)

    Magnetica, Inc. Feb.1969(12,l) National Car Rental Syatem Inc.

    (3,12)Niagara Frontier Tranait Syatem

    Inc. May 1969 (11)Santa Fe International Corp

    (12.13)Sybron Corp (7,12,1)Tamar Electronics Induatries,

    Inc. (11) Transweatern Pipe Line Co

    (12,13)208 South LaSalle St. Corp (11)

    1-4368-2 1-5778-2


    0-835-2 1-4827.-2 1-5178-2


    1-4443-2 1-2726-2

    Belmont Savin~a & Loan Aaaociation

    Allen Electric & Equipment Co (4,7,8,11,13)

    Ca.puter Consoles, Inc. (11,13)Crouse Hinds Co (11,13)GAC Corp (9,11,13)G. Heileman Brewing Co Inc. (4)

    Hess's Inc. (12)

    Houghton Mifflin Co May 1969 (3)

    Philip A Hunt Chemical Corp (7)

    Park Chemical Co May 1969 (11)

    Peckham Industries Inc (9,12,13)

    Robo-Wash Inc. (2,11,13)

    Sandgate Corp (11,13)

    Standard Presaed Steel Co

    (11,12,13)Swift Industries, Inc. (3,11)Tally Corp May 1969 (11)

    8K .,ports for 5-69

    El Paso Natural Gas Co

    1-6016-2 0-)738-21-5238-2 1-3453-2 1-4738-2 2-30205-2 1-5406-2 1-4960-2 1-3175-2 2-20178-2 0-3457-2 2-27938-2

    1-4416-2 2-1890)-20-1104-2

    Hay 1969 (7)Cenco Instru.ents Corp

    March 1969 (4,13)Firat Bane Group of Ohio, Inc.

    (12)Fiaher Governor Co

    May 1969 02,13}General Cigar Co Inc. (2.13)Grain Belt Breweriea Inc.(II}Huaky Oil Co of Delaware

    May 1969 (ll,13)Lawyers Financial Corp (11) Meiater Brau. Inc. (11,13)Mides-International Corp (II) Phila, Suburban Water Co

    (1,4,7,8,10.13)Safran Printing Co (2,7,13)




    1-5368-2 1-1210-2 1-2078-2

    0-664-2 0-2736-2 0-2086-2 0-1041-2 0-952-2 0-1436-2

    (7,11.13) 1-2700-2 Lafavette Funds Inc. .

    (7.11) 2-28620-2 Wood County Telephone COIBpany

    5-69 (7) 0-2962-2 A1geme Kunstzijde Unie NV

    6K 1-3774-2 Duval Corp (12) 1-5394-2 Kingsport Press. Inc

    (13) 0-789-2 Kenrich Corporation

    (7,13) 0-1588-2

    A.te1. Inc (11.13) 1-5826-3 John Wiley & Sons Inc

    (11,13) 0-2538-2 Mitsui Busson Kabushike

    Kaisha 6K 3-31-69 2-21087-2 Zi...r Homes Corp (11.

    Saunders Leaaing Syatems Inc. (11) 0-3106-2 Turf Paradise, Inc. (11) 0-1923-2 Western Nuclear, Inc. (4,7,13) 1-4360-2 Wolverine Rockford. Inc. (11,12,13)

    American District Telegraph Co (3)

    American Seating Co Jan 1969 (7)April 1969 (11,12)

    Boston & Maine Corp (11,12) Central Louiaiana Electric Co Inc. (7,11,12,13)

    Central Steel & Wire Co (11.1)General Public Utilitiea Corp

    (7,11,1)Great Lakes Chemical Corp (11) Grinnell Corp (8) Honda Motor Co., Ltd

    6K for Mar & Apr 69 Industrial Bancorp, Inc. (11,1)International Funeral Services

    Inc. April 1969 (2,7,13)

    Nov. 1968 (2,13)

    Dec. 1968 (2,7,13)

    K-T Oil Corp (11)

    Old National Ins. Co (1)

    Oxford Electric Corp

    Oct. 1968 (2,7,13)Philadelphia Pharmaceuticals &

    Cosmetica, Inc. (11,13)Phillips Petroleum Co Thrift

    Plan (7)Sheller-Globe Corp (11,13) Staco, Inc. (11)


    0-771-2 1-5266-2 1-5266-2 1-5940-2


    0-2536-2 1-3292-2 1-2630-2 0-780-2

    2-20888-2 1-5773-2

    0-3198-2 0-2144-2 2-12395-2 1-5518-2


    2-10326-2 1-4172-2 0-1900-2

    12.13) Tran& World Airlines

    Inc (7.11.13)Warnaco. Inc 5-69

    (4,7,13) Economv Finance Corp

    (7) SOCiete Du Pipe-Line

    European 6K 5-69 Brown Co. (2.13)Us1ife Holding Corp

    (2.7.13) U.S.Playing Cards Co





    0-2352-2 Sud-1-4627-2




  • SIC lIIWS DIGISf. JULY 24. 1969 p... 7

    • "!!tt. for 5-69 Cont " Bi, Horn Powder liver Corp Sprint' MUla. Inc 4-69

    4-69 (2,7.9.13) 0-2337-2 (13) 1-5315-2 Scen-D.t. Corpoaltion 4- Uniroy.l, Inc 4-69 (11.

    fR (11.13) 0-3077-2 13) 1-62-2 Stu.rt H.11 Co •• Inc 4-69 .itH Air Linel bc 4-69

    (4,7.13) 0-237-2 (4.7,11) 1-2637-2 Riep1 P.per Corpor.tion "itH Intern.tion.1Corpor.tion

    (11,12,13)4-69 1-3959-2 4-69 (11,12.13) 0-)687-2 A1uainua Co of Canada Ltd Plorid. Pala-Aire Corp 4-69

    4-69 (II) 1-3677-2 (2.7.13) 0-1850-2 Chaapion PUti lebuilders Inc 2-68 (7.13) 0-1850-2

    (12,13) May 1969 0-227-2 LtAi,lon Apparel Inc (2,7.Hardee's Food Syst..s Inc 13) 1-3947-2

    7-68 (7-13) Feb 69 (7) 0-2.399-2 LeYin-Town••nd Co.put.r CorpMichisan Gas Utilities Co 4-69 (12,13) 1-5242-2

    (11) 1-49.9-2 Levita Purnttare Corpor.ttonOani Industries Corp (11. (7.13) 1-5787-2

    13) 2-30366-2 The Sta...,. Co (11.12.13) 1-4436-2 Riker-Maxlon Corp 4-69 T.x... Pacific letlw.y eo.pan,

    (2,3,4,12) 1-5922-2 4-69 (7.13) 1-1615-2 Sherwood Leasina Corpor.tion The we.ther"'''Co.pany

    4-69 (7.11) 2-27944-2 4-69 (U.13) 1-5831-2 Unileyer Ltd. 6K 1-4546-2 Whittaker Corp 4-69 (7) 1-5407-2 Unilever M.V. ~ 1-4547-2 Uniservices. Inc 4-69 (6) 0-77-2 Glon Industries Inc (13) U.S. Pipe&: Poundry Co.

    4-69 (3) 1-121-2 The Lei.ure Group, Incweyerhaeu••r Co (4,11.12 (2.7,13) 0-3447-2

    13) Apr 69 1-4825-2 The Morta... In"st.nt Group4-69 (7) 2-31781-2 Fr••port Su1phar Co 4-69 Princeton Che.tcal .....rch Inc

    (4.11.13) 1-605-2 4-69 (7) 0-3127-2 General Crude Oil ~y lapid "'rican Corp

    4-69 (7,11) 0-472-2 4-69 (8) 1-750-2 Lion.l Corp 4-69 (9,11) 1-3197-2 Skelly Oil Coapany 4-69 1-2380-2 T.xas ...ric.. Ot1 Corp 4-69 _ Vulcan Corp 4-69 (7) 1-5463-2

    (2.13) 0-1951-2 Walth_ Watch Co 4-69 (12. UMC Indu.tti••• Inc 4-69 1.3) 0-1447-2

    (1.11,12) 1-4202-2 Wh.l•• Inc 3-69 (7.13) 1-4517-2 Wr.ther Corpor.tion 4-69 Whit. Shi.ld Corporation(7,13) 0-3080-2(4,7,11,13) 0-988-3 Alan Wood St•• 1 Co.pany1.• .1. ",.,old. Tobacco Co 4-69 (11,13) 1-3999-2

    4-69 (13) 1-980-2 Schick ElectriC Inc 4-69 API instru.entsCoapan,

    (7,13) 1-3594-2 4-69 (11.13) 1-5052-2 Brunlwick Corp 4-69 (11,13) 1-1043-2Superior eoaeh Corp 4-69 Del I Webb Corp 4-69

    (11) 1-5470-2 (11,13) 1-47'5-2 United Telephone Co of ..... Ivanl Products Co 4-69 (7.

    11-68 (7) 1-3631-2 12.13) 1-542-2 U.S. latura1 ".a.ree •• lac _ational Tale,rapb AI.ociat••

    (1.13) 1-1537-2 Inc•.4-69 (4.13) 0-57-2 Vacco IlHIu.tri.. 4-69 0-2236-2 St. Louh SO\Itb_st.rnRailwayYork Water Co (11) 0-690-2 Co. 4-69 (11) 1-680-2

    Weil-McLain Ca.pany. IncDart Indultrie•• lac: 4-69 4-69 (11) 1-5484-2

    (11) 1-3894-2 Work Wear Corp 4-69 (11.Eta-Rokin Corp 4-69 (1.9. 13) 1-4784·2

    13) 1-4792-2 Ft... etal Corporation of Arisona Georlia-PacificCorp 4-69

    4-69 (2.13) 0-882-2 ( 1-3506-2 Laf.yette 11.ctronicl Corp Gulf Oil Corp. 4-69 (13) 1-3190-2 4-69 (l1.U) 1-4325-2 Hellton Corporation (2,7.

    The Mop1 c.r. 4-69 (2.13) 0-3450-2 13) 0-3398-2 Polyehraae Corporatlan 4-69 Monaouth Park .lock.,Club

    (11.13) 1-4736-2 (11) 0-295-2 ...."., Indu.trie•• 1... Ryd.r Syst.. Inc 4-69 (7 •

    4-69 (11) 1-4184-2 11) 1-4364-2 ova

  • SICRVSD_sr. J1II.'l 24. 196' p.... • "'1" f.t 5-., Cant" $edco. Inc 12-68 (4.7.11.

    13) 0-1119-2 c..,.ter latarprises Inc

    1-69 (7.13) 0-1119-2 4-69 (3.12)

    Soutblend &acini Corporation'(11.12) 0-64-2 -.rtlina of '-arica. Inc4-69 (2.13) 2-28109-2

    Union rin...cial Coqa. 4-69 Lee Motor Products Inc.

    (11,13) 1-~735-2 4-69 (1.12) 1-4441-2

    Xtra. Inc 4-69 (2.12.13) 1-4940-2 L1Rcoln Liberty Life Insurene.

    Co 4-69 (11.12) 2-18894-2

    GSCIatar1ll'1ses. Inc 4-69 (2. ""tte-raber~. Inc 4-697) 1-5847-2 (11.13) 1-4342-2

    Novo Coqa 4-69 ( 1-976-2 li.iana rood•• Inc 4-69

    Oasis Or,.-i.ation Inc 4;69 (2.7.13) 1-4823-2

    (2) 2-30509-2 ~ Industri.s. Inc

    a..t1Irant Msocoatas Industries. 4-69 (11,12.13) 1-5426-2

    Inc 4-69 (7.8) 1-5722-2 Whitehall Electronics Corporetion

    loyal Duech 'etrol .. c:o.p., 4-69 (11) 1-5483-2

    6K for 5-69 1-3788-2

    Tipperary Wild Corp 4-~ ; Execatiye Data 5yst •••• Inc

    (ll.13) 0-2960-2 : H.y 6. Jun. 68 (l2) 0-3204-2

    Travers. Inc 4-69 2-11993-2 The Soundscriber Corporation

    United Virlinia Bankahar.s. 4-69 (11) 0-2286-2

    Inc (4.11) Apr 69 0-1145-2 Warn.I' Co.t»-y 4-69 (2.4,7.W.. hinlOtn "ational lnsur.-ce 13) 1-4170-2

    CotIpany 4-69 (11) 2-21404-2 i Zions Utah lancorporation l'-erican Electronics, In••

    4-69 (11) 0-2610-2 I 4-69 (7.8) 1-39~-2 International runeral Service., Inc

    '-eric_ Pyr_ld Coapnel.s. Inc 2-69 (2.7.13) 0-3198-2 4-69 (2.12.13) 0-2372-2 3-69 (2.7.13) 0-3198-2

    Col.. bi. Broadc.. tin. Syat_ L.trobe St .. l Co 4-69 Inc. 4-69 1-2931-2 I (11.13) 1-5l44-2

    Coaaon... lth lndustri.s. Inc I Wallace-Murra, Corporation4-69 (11.12) 1-5741-2 \ 4-&1 ('.7.121 1-H195-2 Qa.U ty eo..l't. (12) Apr 69 0- 2322-2

    ban Sel.cn_ Trust Ltd. 61 for 5-69 .nd 4-69 1-3873-2

    bbUn Inchastrl... Inc : Granit. Equi,..nt Le.. in,4-69 (,15)1-5213-2 Corp 4-69 (7.13) 1-5421-2

    Southam hbUc Servic. Co Int.rplastic Corporation3-69 (12.13) 1-4351-2 4-69 (7,9,13) 0-2799-2

    T.rain.l Hudson El.ctronic. Inc A.h. lobins Ca.pany, Inc 4-69 (11.13) 1-4394-2 4-69 (11.13) 1-5047-2

    Unareo Indus tri •• t Inc 4-69 (4.7.11,12) 1-3296-2

    U.S. Financial 4-69 (11. Provid.nc •• Worc.star lailroad 13) 0-3503-2 Co.

    Wast Jars., • Se.. hon 11 Co "-It I, to 8X for April 1969

    4-69 (11) 1-1668-2 (3.13) 0-2555-2

    SIC1JI.lTIESACTUCISftATIOWS. Effectift J,ly 22: ChrCIIUlloy.... rlc.1l Corp•• 2-33lt40; rotoaat Corp., 2-33lt45. Iff.ctive J,ly 23: Arb .... l.e!ulaa Gat! Co., 2-33614; Ia1lff 011 Ltd •• 2-33430 (40 day.); The .. 11 T.lepb ... Co. of Pa., 2-336'5; .... fici.l riaaace Co•• 2-33754 (40 d.,.); c..at Petrota .. Corp•• 2-32512 (90 day.>; CoIIpttar rrodw:u. lac •• 2-32286 (to 4ay.); Couol1dat.fI "e1lt.1 .rvic •• Co., 2-33666 (to day.); GalMlral latter, ... Cer_t.c: Corp •• 2-32169; I.tar .. ta •• Ltd., 2-31612 (to day.); Lb1.aa.ten 011 Co., 2-30923 (40 day.); llatnpol1tu "u_ Ce., 2-33403 (40 day.); .. klp.l I .... at•• t That ..... laru. P, 2-33899; P.tro1 .... lac., 2-33718 (40 ..,..); hlt1t.c: Sar.1ca Co. of .. rth Carol1_. lac •• 2-33579 (40 day.); The l.a1pb M. P.r.01I8 Co•• 2-33600 (Oct 22); .......... n. A•• ocl.t ••• I.c •• 2-33251 (Oct 21).

    lIOrETODIALlaS. The period of tia "a tar. are n4fulr.d to .... the prospect .. 1a tradiq tr ... actioa. i. .hCN'ftabcwe ill par.llthe... .ft.r the __ of the i ••• r.

    *,.. estiaated for parpose. of COllPutl... the r.,utr.tioa ••. ---oooOooe---

