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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, MEERUT SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT I ASSIGNMENTS CLASS X . ENGLISH COMMUNICATIVE CLASS 10 SYLLABUS Exam Specifications Summative Assessment I & II Section Topic Marks A Reading Skills 20 B Writing Skills with Grammar 25 C Literature Textbook and Long Reading Text 25 D Assessment of Speaking & Listening (ASL) 20 Total 90 There will be one written paper of English at the end of each term carrying 70 marks. The time limit will be three hours. SECTION A: READING Qs 1-2. This section will have two unseen passages of a total length of 700-750 words. The arrangement within the reading section is as follows: Q.1: A Factual passage 300-350 words with eight very short answer type questions. [8 marks] Q.2: A Discursive passage of 350-400 words with four short answer type questions to test inference, evaluation and analysis and four MCQs to test vocabulary. [12 marks] SECTION B: WRITING & GRAMMAR Q.3: Letter to the Editor / Article in about 100-120 words based on any visual / verbal stimulus. [5 marks]
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Exam SpecificationsSummative Assessment I & IISection Topic MarksA Reading Skills 20B Writing Skills with Grammar 25C Literature Textbook and Long Reading Text 25D Assessment of Speaking & Listening (ASL) 20

Total 90

There will be one written paper of English at the end of each term carrying 70 marks. The time limit will be three hours.


Qs 1-2. This section will have two unseen passages of a total length of 700-750 words. The arrangement within the reading section is as follows:

Q.1: A Factual passage 300-350 words with eight very short answer type questions. [8 marks]

Q.2: A Discursive passage of 350-400 words with four short answer type questions to test inference, evaluation and analysis and four MCQs to test vocabulary. [12 marks]


Q.3: Letter to the Editor / Article in about 100-120 words based on any visual / verbal stimulus. [5 marks]

Q.4: Writing a short story based on a given outline or cue/s in about 150-200 words. [10 marks]


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1. Tenses 2. Modals (have to/had to, must, should, need, ought to and their negative forms) 3. Use of passive voice 4. Subject – verb concord 5. Reporting (i) Commands and requests (ii) Statements (iii) Questions 6. Clauses: (i) Noun clauses (ii) Adverb clauses of condition and time (iii) Relative clauses 7. Determiners, and 8. Prepositions

The above items may be tested through test types as given below:

Q.5: Gap filling with one or two words to test Prepositions, Articles, Conjunctions and Tenses. [3 marks]

Q.6: Editing or Omission [4 marks]

Q.7: Sentences reordering or Sentence Transformation in context. [3 marks]


Q.8. One out of two extracts from prose / poetry / play for reference to context. Three very short answer questions. [3 marks]

One mark in each extract will be for vocabulary. One question will be used for testing local and global comprehension and one question will be on interpretation.

Q.9. Four short answer type questions from the Literature Reader to test local and global comprehension of theme and ideas (30-40 words each) [2x4 = 8 marks]

Q.10. One out of two long answer type questions to assess how the values inherent in the text have been brought out.

Creativity, imagination and extrapolation beyond the text and across the texts will be assessed. (80-100 words). [4 marks]

Q.11. One out of two Very Long Answer Question on theme or plot involving interpretation, inference and character in about 150-200 words based on prescribed novel. [10 marks]

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Prescribed Books


Main Course Book (Revised Edition) Workbook (Revised Edition) Literature Reader (Revised Edition)

NOVEL The Story of My Life – 1903 By Helen Keller(unabridged edition)

_______________________________________________________________________________ SA-1 CHAPTERS (LITERATURE READER)PROSE:Chapter 1- Two Gentlemen of VeronaChapter 2- Mrs Packletide's TigerChapter 3- The Letter

POETRY: Chapter 7- The Frog and the NightingaleChapter 8- MirrorChapter 9- Not Marble nor the Gilded Monuments (Sonnet 55)

DRAMA:The Dear Departed____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. UNSEEN PASSAGE (8 MARKS)Q1. Read the following passage carefully: (8 marks)Trees are of importance not only to man but also to birds and animals. The branches of trees give shelter to millions of birds and forests give shelter to wild animals. We value trees not only for their usefulness but also for their beauty. They have a way to refreshing the eye and also refreshing the mind. That is why the rishis of olden days made forests their homes. In modern times when Rabindranath Tagore started a school, he too chose a place full of trees and called it Shanti Niketan or the home of peace. Once upon a time large areas of India were covered with forests. As the population grew trees to began to be cut down for man’s use. Now we are trying to replace this loss and our government wants tree to be planted all over the country. A new festival called “Van Mahotsava” has been started for this purpose. On the basis of reading the passage answer the following questions:1.How are trees important for birds and animals?2.Why did the rishies in olden days make forests their homes?3.Mention the reason that became the cause for the destruction of the forests.4.How can we replace the loss of forests?

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5.What is meant by Shanti Niketan? Who started it?6. Find a synonym for each of the following in the passage:1.exchange2. Aim3.protection.

Q.2. Read the following passage carefully: (8)The most important thing is that we should have freedom of thought. It is not as easy as it sounds. For everyone likes to have this freedom for himself. But is not ready to give it to others. This particular case when the differences of opinion arise on such important matters as religion or politics. If everyone went on thinking the same things as his ancestors thought progress would come to an end. So if we think exactly what our forefathers thought, we shall remain in the condition in which they were. Our thoughts depend a good deal upon what we read and what we talk about. Therefore if we want to think new thoughts we must try to study all sides of the topic that comes before us and not be content only with what we read in newspapers or what others say. Complete the following sentences suitably:1.We don’t get easily ready to give freedom to those people who……………………………2.If all of us start thinking in the way our ancestors thought, our progress…………………………….3. Our thoughts are influenced by……………………………….4.We should make a thorough study of the topic that we come across with before………………………5.Our thoughts should not be based upon mere………………………….6. Find an antonym for each of the following in the passage:1. similarities2. Successor 3. Regress

Q.3. Read the following extract carefully: (8)Once Akbar decided to hold a grand feast. He invited his courtiers and many others. All kinds of dishes were served. All the courtiers vied with one another to catch the emperor’s eye. As usual Akbar’s eye was on his favourite Birbal. After the meal Akbar and Birbal sat conversing together over a bowl of dates. While talking the kept throwing the date seeds under their chairs. Noticing the pile of dates under Birbal’s chair Akbar thought of having fun at Birbal’s expense. He slowly pushed his heap of seeds into that of Birbal’s with his foot. Suddenly pretending to be surprised Akbar spoke loudly, “Birbal, I did not know you were so greedy. Is it wise to eat so many dates?” When he saw heap of dates he understood Akbar’s prank. Akbar was waiting to see as to how Birbal would tackle the embarrassing situation.Answer the following questions by choosing the correct options given below:Akbar invited many people to attend

(a) His son’s wedding ceremony (b) the concert organized

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(c) a grand feast organized by him (d) his birthday party 2. The courtiers’only desire was to (a) catch the emperor’s eye (b) talk with the emperor (c) sit next to the emperor (d) taste all the dishes 3. Akbar saw under Birbal’s chair (a) a white cat (b) a pile of dates (c) a pile of date seeds (d) a pile of different fruites 4. What was Akbar’s prank? (a) He put his heap of date seeds into Birbal’s plate. (b) He took away all date seeds from Birbal. (c) He put a few date seeds into Birbal’s pocket (d) He pushed his heap of date seeds under Birbal’s chair. 5. The word embarrass means (a) felt proud (b) felt ashamed (c) make fun of (d) insultQ2. Find opposite meaning words of the following in the passage:1. Unpopular2. Convincing3. Ignoring

Q.4. Read the following passage carefully: (8)One of the inhabitants of Adilpur was a prosperous merchant who had his business spread all over the world. Our country famous for its fine fabrics, have its merchandise through this clever merchant in exchange for wares produced beyond the seas. In his stable there was a Arab steed, white as snow. He called the horse Speedy. When Speedy ran lightning alone could pretend to follow him at a safe distance. One day the merchant was hoping to receive a load of goods from abroad, but no sign of cartloads could be seen. “This delay is inexplicable”, thought the merchant. What could have happened on the way?Answer the following questions by choosing the correct options given below:In exchange for goods from abroad the merchants supplied Green tea (b) wheat

(c)fine fabrics (d) pearls2. The colour of the Arab steed was (a) white (b) brown(c) light yellow (d) grey3. The merchant loved Speedy because(a) he brought good luck to him (b) he ran very fast(c) he was very strong (d) he never disobeyed him4. The merchants went on a ride to see (a) the forest (b) the cartloads(c) the mysterious town (d) the magic man5. ‘Inexplicable’ means

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(a) suspicious (b) that can’t be imagined(c) that can’t be explained

(d) very difficult

Q2. Find similar meaning words of the following in the passage:1.well off2. Incomprehensible3. Hinder

Q5. Read the passage carefully: (8 marks)

The world’s smallest dog, the Chihuahua or the Pocket Dog is barely 1 kgto 2 kg as an adult! The Chihuahua is named after a Mexican State, but its roots can be traced back to China. Today this breed is popular choice among the dog lovers world over and their popularity seems to be ever increasing.2) The main advantage of this breed is thatthey need no particular exercise. They are quite satisfied with their walks within their house. Being small, however, does not mean that they are dull, on the contrary they are sharp, alert animals, very strong incharacter. They are good guard dogs due to their strong cords. They have an inherent curiosity that makes them want toknow what goes on within the house.3) For show purposes the maximum permissible weight is 0.9kg to 1.8 kg. Chihuahuas are of two types, the long coated and the smooth coated. The longcoated ones have flat or slightly wavy coats. The smooth coated ones are soft textured and glossy in appearance.4) They can be of any colour. Their heads are apple dome-shaped and in some animals, the frontal areas of the skull do not fuse! The nose is short and the ears are at an angle of 45 degrees to the head. The dogs are slightly longer than the tail and the tail is carried like a sickle that just touches the back. The body on the whole is compact and has a graceful appearance. Occasionally a tail-less dog isborn but tail cropping is not an accepted practice.5) Compared to other pups, they require little care, and only the long-haired variety needs grooming. They tend to exercise themselves within the confines of the house. This makes them prone to have overgrown nails that need regular clipping.As far as their diet is concerned, they could be fussy and choosy eaters, but then almost all toy breeds are so! They are intelligent and learn easily.6) They are very active within the house and literally are burglar alarms. They are good with children and are loyal and devoted to the family. On the whole, the Chihuahua is quite a pet! At just six inches,it is bundle of energy. Most people are surprised seeing these animals and the general awareness of this breed is still low. However, just one hurdle remains. Because this is a pocket dog, it may pinch a few pockets.

A. Read the following summary of the information given in the passage and fill ineach of the spaces with one word only. (1X6=6 marks)

The most popular variety of (a) ——– dogs today is Chihuahua. The (b) ——- size is its greatest attraction as an adult weighs just between 1 kg and 2 kg. A walk within the house gives them (c)

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———– .Besides strength of character, they possess (d) ——— and alertness. They are always (e) ——— to know what is happening inside the house. Their strong vocal cord makes them (f) ———— as burglar alarms.

B.Find words/phrases from the passage (para indicated) which mean the same as the following. (2marks)(a) intrinsic (para 2)(b) small and strong (para 4)

Q6. Read the following poem carefully: ( 8 marks)

Four seasons fill the measure of the year;There are four seasons in the mind of man:He has his lusty Spring when fancy clearTakes in all beauty with an easy span;He has his Summer, when luxuriously Spring’s honey cud of youthful thought he lovesTo ruminate, and by such dreaming highIs nearest unto heaven: quite coves His soul has in its Autumn, when his wingsHe furleth close; contended so to lookOn mist in idleness- to let fair thingsPass by unheeded as a threshold brook.He has his winter too of pale misfeature,Or else he would forgo his mortal nature.-John Keats Choose the right option:1) In this poem man’s mind is compared to:(a) seasons (b) nature (c) spring (d) winter

2) How many seasons are there in the mind of man?(a) four (b) three (c) five (d) two

3) ‘ruminate’ means:(a) to think seriously

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(b) to chew slowly as cow do(c) to depend on (d) to be melancholy

4) Winter, in this poem symbolizes:(a) misfortune (b) weakness/debility (c) death (d) darkness

5) Line three in the poem describes:(a) lust (b) youthfulness/zest/energy(c) spring of one’s life (d) flowering

6. Find similar words of the following in the passage:-1.beginning2.neglected3. Struggle



1.Read the article below and answer the questions that follow: (12 marks)Theory of Multiple IntelligencesHoward Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences. According to him, intelligence is not a single entity; rather distinct types of intelligences exist. Each of these intelligences are independent of each other. This means that, if a person exhibits one type of intelligence, it does not necessarily indicate being high or low on other types of intelligences. Gardner also put forth that different types of intelligences interact and work together to find a solution to a problem. Gardner studied extremely talented persons, who had shown exceptional abilities in their respective areas, and described eight types of intelligence.Linguistic (skills involved in the production and use of language) : It is the capacity to use language fluently and flexibly to express one’s thinking and understand others. Persons high on this intelligence are ‘word-smart’, i.e. they are sensitive to different shades of word meanings, are articulate, and can create linguistic images in their mind. Poets and writers are very strong in this component of intelligence.Logical-Mathematical (skills in scientific thinking and problem solving) : Persons high on this type of intelligence can think logically and critically. They engage in abstract reasoning, and can manipulate symbols to solve mathematical problems. Scientists and Nobel Prize winners are likely

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to be strong in this component.Spatial (skills in forming visual images and patterns) : It refers to the abilities involved in forming, using, and transforming mental images. The person high on this intelligence can easily represent the spatial world in the mind. Pilots, sailors, sculptors, painters, architects, interior decorators, and surgeons are likely to have highly developed spatial intelligence.Musical (sensitivity to musical rhythms and patterns) : It is the capacity to produce, create and manipulate musical patterns. Persons high on this intelligence are very sensitive to sounds and vibrations, and in creating new patterns of sounds.Bodily-Kinaesthetic (using whole or portions of the body flexibly and creatively) : This consists of the use of the whole body or portions of it for display or construction of products and problem solving. Athletes, dancers, actors, sportspersons, gymnasts, and surgeons are likely to have such kind of intelligence.Interpersonal (sensitivity to subtle aspects of others’ behaviours) : This is the skill of understanding the motives, feelings and behaviours of other people so as to bond into a comfortable relationship with others. Psychologists, counsellors, politicians, social workers, and religious leaders are likely to possess high interpersonal intelligence.Intrapersonal (awareness of one’s own feelings, motives, and desires): This refers to the knowledge of one’s internal strengths and limitations and using that knowledge to effectively relate to others. Persons high on this ability have finer sensibilities regarding their identity, human existence, and meaning of life. Philosophers and spiritual leaders present examples of this type of intelligence.Naturalistic (sensitivity to the features of the natural world) : This involves complete awareness of our relationship with the natural world. It is useful in recognising the beauty of different speciesof flora and fauna, and making subtle discriminations in the natural world. Hunters, farmers, tourists, botanists, zoologists, and bird watchers possess more of naturalistic intelligence.Q1. Answer the following in about 30-40 words each : (2x4=8)1. How is interpersonal intelligence different from intrapersonal intelintelligence? 2.What is bodily kinaesthetic intelligence? Who make the best use of kinaesthetic intelligence? 3.What is the name of such intelligence that involves forming, using, and transforming mental images? Who exhibit this kind of intelligence? 4.Who are ‘word-smart?’Q2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words : (1x4=4)a) Intelligence is not a single entity but ________________b)____________________ senstivity involves complete awareness of our relationship .c) Philosophers and spiritual leaders present examples of ________________________type of intelligence.d) _________________is the skill of understanding the motives, feelings and behaviours of other people.

Q2. Read the article below and answer the questions that follow: (12 marks)Whenever I ask students to change their handwriting, they wield their dagger at their pens. If not the pen, there comes a swarm of other excuses such as a sore finger, a poorly lit room or the limited time. I have a score time told each of my students to amend his handwriting but to no

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immediate effect. This is what happens when your handwriting is illegible – the teacher fails to read your hard-worked answers and forms a negative impression. You write your f as t, s as r, b as an instrument to clean the ear, c as e and e as i! What more! I have seen the tail of g and y and sometimes j growing like Hanuman’s tail, the dot above the i in the neighbor’s yard, k as clearly as R. After all, English has as less as 26 letters and our children find it so hard to change! Psychologically speaking, it is an attitude crisis. In order to change one’s handwriting, one should first change the corresponding attitude. If A feels that his handwriting is the best or better than many, there is no question of change but when A feels that B’s handwriting is really good, A will start copying B’s handwriting. Remember, maybe we will have our exams typed on a tablet after a few years but that is all about the future. To pass your exams, you have to write as legible as possible. Don ’t test your teacher’s patience. The teacher who sits to check/value your paper is an ordinary human being with more frustrations than those you have. Please the teacher by eliminating as many corrections, over-writing, blotting, and above all, by not infuriating her with your letters.

Q1. Answer the following in about 30-40 words each : (2x4=8)1.Why do students find it hard to improve their handwriting?2.What is the negative impact of bad handwriting on teachers?3.What are the kinds of excuses that students raise to support their poor handwriting?4.There is a sarcastic remark on the style of writing adopted by students. How does the author do that? 5. Find words from the passage with the following meaning:(1x4=4) a) Readable or clearly written. b) Removing or obliterating. c) impossible or hard to read. d) make a big sweeping gesture or movement

Q3. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow: (12 marks)It was during one of the most dreadful smallpox epidemic~ in England that Edward Jenner, a country doctor, made a: Discovery which was to alter the course of history. Jenner noticed that the disease seldom struck those who lived in rural areas and worked around cattle. Most farmers and dairy workers had contracted cowpox and had recovered with nothing more serious than a pustule which left a scar. This observation led Dr: Jenner to think: Why not vaccinate people with cowpox to protect them from smallpox? On May 14, 1876, Dr. Jenner took a healthy boy, James Phillips, to a dairy maid, Sarah Nelmes, who had a cowpox pustule on her hand resulting from ‘an infection from her master's cow. Dr. Jenner made two shallow cuts on James Phillips’ arm and inoculated them with matter taken from the cowpox sore. A pustule developed on the boy's arm formed a scab and healed. In July of the same year. Dr. Jenner inoculated James with matter from a smallpox pustule. During the next two weeks, the doctor watched for signs of smallpox. They did not develop.The vaccination was successful. Dr. Jenner wrote a paper explaining hi~ method of vaccination. At first the doctors were hostile and would not listen to a. Ridiculous procedure. Many towns people organized anti vaccination campaigns. Gradually, however, the doctors and their patients

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accepted vaccination.Q1. Answer the following in about 30-40 words each : (2x4=8)a) What was the most dreadful epidemic in England?b) Who was Edwerd Jenner and what did he notice?c) Which was the discovery that altered the course of history?d) How was the other doctor's reactions at Jenner's discovery?Q2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words : (1x4=4)a) Jenner noticed that the disease seldom struck those who _______________b) Jenner took a healthy boy, James Phillips, to a dairy maid, Sarah Nelmes, who had a cowpox____________________.c) After being inoculated by Dr.Jenner, James was watched for the signs of _________________.d) Dr Jenner wrote a paper explaining________________.

Q4. Read the passage carefully: (12 marks)1. Ever since I can remember, I always felt I was stupid, really stupid. I lost my father when I was three. Since I was a sick child, a polio victim, I lived with my grandmother in Mumbai so I could avail of the metro’s advanced medical facilities. I remember being on the streets all day, playing or lazing around.2. When I turned ten, my mother and my sister came to live in Mumbai too. My sister was a bright student, always securing high grades. She and my mother encouraged me to study, but I just could not bring myself to concentrate on any subject. I would get bored and feel sleepy when forced to open my books. After innumerable lectures on the importance of studying had failed, mother tried threats as well, but nothing worked, I truly believed I was stupid; no matter how much I worked, it wouldn’t help.3. One afternoon, as always, I was sitting under a tree in the school premises eating potato wafers when I saw a former classmate approaching me. Aditi and I had been in the same class the year before. I had failed sixth grade and had to repeat the year; Aditi had topped the class and was the brightest student of the seventh grade too. I flinched a little Aditi as I saw her walk towards me. ‘Hi,’ she said. ‘Hi,’ I replied, but not with much enthusiasm; I wanted her to leave. I continued to eat my chips. Ignoring my coldness, she sat down next to me. For five minutes neither of us spoke and then she asked, ‘Is Devika your real sister?’ ‘Yes, she is, ‘I answered.4. ‘So how come she doesn’t teach you so that you too can do well? she asked. I peered at her, wondering if she was making fun of me, but all I could see on her face was earnestness. No, she is not trying to tease me, I decided. This time I answered a little more warmly, ‘She tries to, but I don’t like studying.’ ‘Why not? I’m sure you can get good grades too,’ she said emphatically. ‘No, I can’t. I have no brains. God forgot to give me brains, health or beauty. He gave me nothing.’5. “That’s not true. And anyway, health and beauty can’t be helped, but God has given brains to everyone, we only have to learn to use it.’ I shook my head, ‘No, I have difficulty in concentrating, and books bore me; there is no hope for me. Please leave me alone. I am stupid, and always will be.’ With the gentlest tone that she could muster she said, ‘I can prove it to you that you are not stupid. Give me one chance, I will teach you to study.’6. Though I was softening from inside, I still held on to my low self-esteem. ‘You’ll be wasting your time.I cannot study, I am not as bright as you are nor lucky as my sister, ’ I said ‘Let me try

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and help you, please. I will show you the right way to study. You just have to cooperate with me. Will you try?’ Her belief in me proved more powerful than my doubts about myself. She won and I relented.A4.1 Give reasons for the following- 4 marksa) The writer believed that she was stupid.b) The writer flinched as she saw her friend walking towards her.c) The writer lacked interest in her studies.d) The writer was not a very confident or assertive girl.4.2 Complete the following 4 marksa) When she had to study she felt ——- and ———–.b) The writer said that God had forgotten to give her brains ———– and ——c) Her mother tried to convince her to study by ________ and —————-.d) ——– was the writer’s sister and ——— was a classmate in the previous year.4.3 From the passage find one word which means the same as – 4 marksa) Make a sudden movement as a result of pain, fear , surprise etc. (para 3)b) Find as much support, courage etc as you can (para5)c) Finally agree to something after refusing (para 6)d) To look carefully at something, to see it clearly (para 4)Q5. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow: (12 marks)1. Our house is filled with photos. They cover the walls of my kitchen, dining room and den. I see our family’s entire history, starting with my wedding, continuing through the births of both sons, buying a home, family gatherings and vacations. When my sons were little, they loved to pose. They waved, danced, climbed trees, batted balls, hung upside down from the jungle gym and did anything for a picture. But when they reached adolescence, picture-taking changed into something they barely tolerated. Their bodies were growing at haphazard speeds. Reluctantly they stood with us or with their grandparents at birthday celebrations and smiled weakly at the camera for as short a time as possible.2. I am the chronicler of our photographs. I select those to be framed and arrange the others in albums. The process is addictive, and as the shelves that hold our albums become fuller and fuller, I wonder what will become of them. Will anyone look at these photographs in future years? If my sons look at them, what will they think of us and of themselves? One bright afternoon, I took some photographs of my father with my husband as they fished in a lake near our vacation house. As my sons and I sat on the shore and watched them row away, I picked the camera up and photographed the beautiful lake surrounded by green trees. The two men I loved gradually grew smaller until all I could see were my father’s red shirt, and the tan and blue caps on their heads.3. My father died a week later, and suddenly those photos became priceless to me. I wept when I pasted them in our album. I wept again afterwards when I saw my younger son looking at them. It was a few days before he went away to college. He had taken all our albums down from the bookshelves in the den and spread them out on the carpet. It had been a very long time since I had seen him doing this. Once he stopped posing for pictures, he seemed to lose interest in looking at them. But now he was on the verge of leaving home. This was his special time to look ahead and look back. I stood for a moment in the hall by the den, and then tiptoed away. I didn ’t take a photo of my son that afternoon, but I will remember how he looked for as long as I live. Some pictures, I learned, don’t have to be taken with a camera.

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1. Fill in the summary using one word only. (1×4= 4 marks)The author was (a) _____________________________ about taking photographs andframing them. But she always (b) _____________________________ whether her sons would ever look at them. She was full of (c) _____________________________ when she pasted the pictures of her father’s last days in the album. She learnt that some pictures always (d) _____________________________ in one’s mind without a camera.2. Two examples that show that the author’s sons were averse to taking photographs are: (2x2=4 marks)(a) _______________________(b) _______________________3. Give words that mean the same as (1×4= 4 marks)1. not organized or planned (para 1)2. one who records events in order (para 2)3. very valuable (para 3)4. continued engagement with an activity (para 2)

Q6. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (12 marks)

Mars is a fascinating planet, the most like Earth of all the planets in the solar system, and

may help us to understand much about the origins of life on Earth. Undoubtedly, it's a

wonderful place to explore, especially with augmented reality vision. But though it was

quite Earth-like in its first few hundred million years, it is not at all Earth like now. Earth

remains by far the most habitable place in our solar system. The most inhospitable places

on Earth, such as Antarctica, even in the depths of winter, and at the centre of the

continent, are far more habitable than anywhere else in our solar system. Space colonies

and the poles of the Moon, are both more easily habitable than Mars, and easier to make

self sufficient. Why is that? Read on to find out more. You see so many news stories about

the possibility of humans colonizing Mars, and many readers may get really excited by the

idea. But few of these stories mention the many drawbacks and downsides of human

colonization. I thought it might help redress the balance to talk about this.

You would agree that the center of Antarctica in winter is cold, not the best of places to set

up home? Well Mars is far colder. At the Curiosity site, which is close to the equator,

typical night time temperatures are -70 °C. Occasionally it drops to below -100 °C. It is

often cold enough for the CO2 in the atmosphere to freeze out as dry ice. A human

couldn't survive those temperatures without technology. Every Martian summer, roughly

every two Earth years, you get a higher chance of global dust storms. These can last for

weeks, and the light from the sun drops by over 99%.During the dust storms, then artificial

light is needed in middle of the day to grow crops, and you won't be able to see anything.

Solar power won't work. As a minor point, the dust itself may be hazardous to humans.

Some studies showed that moon dust may be somewhat hazardous - not as much so as

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asbestos, but enough to be of concern. Mars dust may be similar (we don't know its

constitution well yet. This last issue may be addressable however. The surface of Mars is

covered in dust. However, the suit port should help prevent explorers from bringing it into

the habitat. Not much you can do about the dust storms though except artificial lighting

and just sit them out. It is almost inevitable that a colony on Mars will eventually

contaminate the planet with Earth micro-organisms. At current levels of technology, I don't

see how that can be avoided. A human is host to about 100 trillion micro-organisms in

10,000 different species. A habitat would have many other micro-organisms too, in the

food, in the soil, other supplies, and floating in the air.

Answer the following on the basis of your reading of the passage:- (2x4=8)

1. Describe planet Mars.

2. Mention any two conditions due to which human cannot survive on mars?

3.Why is Antartica called the most inhospitable place on the earth?

4. When can the solar power not work on Mars?

Give one word for the following groups of words, the word should be there in the passage above: (1x4=4)

a)To make impure by touching or mixing________

b) Something sure to happen________

c) Adding to or making greater in amount__________

d) To rectify



IntroductionAn article is the basic block of extended works such as articles, essays & speeches. A typical article is made up of:A title in noun form rather than question form.The main content that includes:What you want to write about.Facts regarding the topicCauses and Consequences

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Solutions/suggestionsWord limit - 100-120 words.

Example:How can I, as a student, make my city safer?My city is my big family. Though I live in a small house which I call mine, yet, I belong to the bigger home, my city and it is therefore my responsibility to keep it safer. There are a number of areas of a city that fall prone to insecurity problems and unsafe activities. As a student, what I feel most important is that I should keep my eyes open and should be alert. When I see an accident and the victim not noticed by anybody, it is my duty to call the patrolling police or the hospital. When I see that there is a lot of traffic jam because one of the signal light has started malfunctioning, I should call the traffic police. At night, if I see that the security guard is absent or sleeping, I should wake him up and, if necessary, give him a cup of hot coffee and revive him. These suggestions may look odd, yet these are what one can do in a country like India.

Q1. You feel that meaning and warmth of relationship, friendship, love, belongingness have altogether changed in our age of technology. People boast of their Facebook friend list and ‘likes’ yet they remain lonely in real life. Social media have left us in a vicious circle of virtual world where relations are unreal but people feel that they are greatly social. Write an article on the given issue in 100-120 words and use the following hints:Hints : Facts – Write all that you know about social media like Facebook, whatsapp, twitter, BBM, etc. Never give the impression that you don’t know things.Hints : Causes – Cheap internet and phone availability, parents being liberal, absence of love in family level, etc.

Q2. Write an article on the politics of superstitions which is manipulated by politicians to win votes and then to remain unaffected by people’s movements against their corrupt policies. Words: 100 –120. Take help from the hints given below.Election propagation with colors, emblems, tunes, etc. of religions/gods/saintsFake demand for reservation for minorities/groupsBlaming other parties for their alleged roles in communal riots that were artificially created by the accusers.Spreading violence among unlettered masses by relating religious matters.Huge cutouts of politicians on religious celebrations such as Diwali and Holi.

Q3. You were in Mumbai on a visit to your friend ok connection with a project work when the recent blasts shook the city. Though you could not eye witness the tragedy, you saw the terror following a bomb blast, panic, running for life and rescue operations. Write an article with ‘what is it meant by terror’ as its title. 100-120 words with least use of I, we, and you.

Q4. We live in a protein conscious world and today we spend enormously on rich food but fail to make sure we eat healthy food. New eat-outs are mushrooming in every corner of the city attracting every bystander and passerby. Write an article on the need of being hygiene conscious.

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Q5. Today man cannot think of passing a day without a cell phone in hand. On the way to office, at the office, in the Market, in the church and everywhere he needs his phone that it seems that this small device just the biggest cell of the human body. Why is cell phone so important? Why can’t we live without it even though it is widely accepted that cell phones cause various diseases including cancers of many kinds? Write an article in 100 - 120 words using the hints given below:*youngsters and small children carry cell phones *Apart from getting prone to cancers, cell phones cause a dozen other problems.*people become addicted to the use of cell phones*consciously monitor the use of phones.*grown ups can place the ban on themselves.

ORIntroductionFormal letters communicate some message, complaint, advice of very serious nature. Usually such letters are letter to the editor of a daily, letter to your Principal, letter to the Director of an organization, letter to an MLA or MP or a minister, etc.Format – SampleWrite a letter to the City Traffic Police Commissioner about the erratic traffic signals on your city’s roads which creates traffic chaos, jams, delay and accidents.B2/58, Derawal Nagar – Sender’s addressDelhi – 110087 – Sender’s city, state, country and PIN Code30 August 2012 – DateThe Commissioner – Designation of the receiverCity Traffic Police Headquarters – Receiver’s addressDelhi – 110022 – Receiver’s state, country, PIN CodeSubject – Erratic Traffic System – Noun ClauseSir – SalutationI would like to bring to your immediate notice the sad picture of traffic signal lights on Delhi roads during peak hours of the day and during rains.I am sorry to tell the truth that this disorder is to blamed on the traffic signal lights at intersections and the traffic police personnel posted at these places to monitor traffic in case of signal-light failure. It is common in this city that…It will be a great help to millions of people of the city if you personally looked into this disaster and brought the system back to functioning. It is your responsibility as well as commitment to the nation that moves on roads rather than in the air.Yours faithfully – Complimentary CloseTanishq Gupta – Sender’s nameSampleIndia Heritage, Kasauli,Himachal Pradesh – 670951June 10 2012The Director

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Department of TourismSydney, AustraliaSubject – Tourism Spot DiscoveredDear Sir/MadamI am extremely excited about a discovery I have made recently during a voyage to India. It is about a very tiny island of fifty kilometer in diameter with a small stream that falls into the sea. What makes it most amazing is that there are remnants of a brief settlement here a hundred years ago and you will be amused to know that this settlement was done by the Robinsons family whose story was written by pastor Johaan David Wyss years ago.The most remarkable aspect is that there a tree house and a library on it. In the library I found a few handwritten books with details of a number of plants and animals that the world has never heard. Above the tree house, on twenty four of its branches are curious mechanical contraptions probably made by the Robinsons. These huge contraptions are tied to the tree with a sort of coir made of coconut fibers.The island need to be brought to the notice of people worldwide. I strongly believe that there are many more hidden places to be discovered and identified. There is a deep well in the middle of the island from which I heard a strange kind of sound. If people are encouraged to visit this remote island, it will be an asset to world tourism.Yours faithfullyDevansh Bansal

QuestionsQ1. Write a letter to the editor of the New Times, Delhi, presenting the sad picture of the alarming population rise in the recent years that visibly curbs the nation’s development. You are Renjit/Renjini, Pitampura, Delhi.

Q2.Recently you happened to attend a seminar on the catastrophic environment degradation due to the so called misconception, ‘Development.’ You believe that tall buildings and superhighways do not mean development as long as they do not leave room f or more green spaces and fresh air for the generations to come. Write a letter to the editor of the Environment Daily, Florida. You are Smith/Smitha, South Quarters, Florida.

Q3. Write a letter to the editor of the Times of India enumerating the endless agony slum people suffer in Delhi amid plush lives and luxury in the city. You are Midhun/Mythily, Model Town, Delhi.

InFormal letterFormatSender’s addressDateDear or HiParagraph one

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Paragraph twoParagraph threeYours lovingly, trulyName of the writer

Q1. Write a letter to your friend Kamala (AH 123, Punjabibagh West, Delhi 110055) expressing your deep felt sadness on the sudden death of her pet cat Nancy in an accident. You are Sushmita, 12/B, Karol Bagh, Delhi, 110066.

Q2. Write a letter to your cousin Elsa about a new tutor who has just started teaching you Guitar in a way that is amazingly easy and quick. You are thrilled at having found such a teacher. Write all about the new teacher and how you feel. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Q4. Story writing (150-200 words) (10 marks)

Structure of the StorySetting: It is a description of where and when the story takes place. What role does setting play in this story?Theme – is the main message.Style: The writer’s style is seen in language, vocabulary and tone. The style conveys the writer’s attitude towards the theme.Styling – Simple StoryWe need a character. An animal, a man, a woman, a boy, a girl, etc.Samba was walking down the road. (Introducing the main character. Remember, the reader has no idea who Samba is!)Describe the lead character.He wore an expression of extreme disappointment. (Describing the character) He was sad and his pace was slow. He looked back after every step and in his eyes rippled mortal fear.ClashSamba was about to sit and rest when he saw his enemy Moonga flooding towards him. (Flooding indicates that Moonga was something very huge)EndingFinally Samba felt safe at home. He didn’t tell his father anything about what had happened with him.FormatTitle of the StoryWrite in NOUN forms. “The Unposted Letter, Two gentlemen of Verona, The Otherwise Men, My Ghost Friend.”Content of the StorySimple beginning. Over description kills the flow.Do not RUN, but WALK with the reader. No need to hurry.

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Turning PointA turning point is welcome. It is in the middle of the story.Climax/AnticlimaxClimax – An expected ending.Anticlimax – Unexpected ending.Q1. Complete the following story by filling in the blanks with words, phrases or clauses:The day was bright yet clouds …. …. ….. Samba walked steadily to the hilltop with his … … … . His legs ached and back broke with the weight of … … … . Samba remembered his mother’s words – Samba, we will not live another day without …. …. ….. . Samba knew how important it was to meet the wizard and get the magic spells.

Q2. Convert the following dialogues into paragraphical form to make a story:Such a wonderful day it was. Khushi was walking back home from her dentist, enjoying the beauty of the weather, breathing its cool and scents, when suddenly Smith arrived there on his cycle. “Bad news, Khishi,” Smith said. “Your brother fell from the mulberry tree and broke his leg. He is in the hospital.”The hospital was three miles from there. Smith rode his old cycle as hard as he could. “Were you with him when he fell.”

Q3. Weave a story using the following words:Pointed – Having a pointed tip.Carcass – Dead bodyLanyard – A small chord to suspend something, such as an ID Card.Flourish – To be successfulInvisible – Something that cannot be seenDraw – Draw a picture; bring something closer to oneself.The man wore a pointed hat and carried the carcass of a deer on his back, suspended from a black lanyard. People who saw him cringed back in awe and whispered something to each other. The man was new in the village and his eyes were severe. Suddenly they saw that the deer that he carried had gone invisible, only the lanyard now visible. What was that!

Q4. Write a story using a horror theme. The first two lines have been provided for you.That was such a night, eerie and uncanny. It appeared like all the devils have got out of hell for a vacation in the countryside. >>>

Q5. Write a story with the following characters:A lame dog, An orphan girl, A kidnapped boy, Three kidnappers..........

Q6. Write a story with the following characters:Mr. Frank was the best Spanish tutor in the town. He was very proud of that as well as those who had studied from him. His way of explaining grammar rules, narrating Spanish stories and his checking the grasping power of his pupils were all amazing. Everything was going well with him until a stranger met him and offered a million Euro to help him rob Charan Devdas’ villa.

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____________________________________________________________________________________ Q5. GAP FILLING

.TYPE : 1

Test type will include gap filling to test the knowledge in the following areas:i) Nonfinitesii) determinersiii) connectorsiv) modalsv) prepositionsvi) subjectverbconcord


In the following passages, choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below to complete the passage. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Do not copy the whole passage.1. Gravitation is the force (a) ______ holds us all down (b) ____________ the surface of the earth. Anything (c) ________ upwards falls back to the also everything else in the universe. Everything in this universe attracts (e) _______ other body to (f) ____________

a. i) Whom ii) tha iii) whose iii) whob. i) into ii) on iii) to iv) inc. i) thrown ii) throwing iii) to throw iv) threwd. i) because ii) andiii) so iv) but

e. i) each ii) every

iii) either iv) neither

f) i) themselves ii) herself

iii)itself iv) himself

2. Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (a) _______ was one of (b) ______________ greatest fiction writers of America. He grew up in a small town (c) ___________ the bank of the Mississippi River. (d) ___________ a small boy he moved to Hannibal on the banks of the river (e) ___________ he experienced (f) ___________ excitement

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of river travel.

a. i) Which ii) who

iii) that iv) he

b. i) an ii) a

iii) the iv) his

c. i) on ii) in

iii) at iv) upon

d. i) since ii) from

e. i) when ii) where

iii) whenever iv) whence

f. i) a ii) his

iii) an iv) the

3. Lecture as a method of teaching is as old as civiliasation. It is (a) ________ commonly practised and very widely used. In (b) ____________ countries,

(c) _________ traditional and almost the only technique (d) __________ was the formal lecture. The effective use of lecture requires skilful preparation (e) __________ is incomplete (f) __________ followed by questions and answers.

a. i) more ii) much

iii) most iv) many

b. i) a ii) the

iii) an iv) many

c. i) the ii) a

iii) every iv) an

d. i) employ ii) employs

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iii) employed iv) employing

e. i) who ii) which

iii) it iv) whom

f. i) unless ii) if

iii) fill iv) since

4. The human body is like a machine containing (a) ____________ systems (b) ______ out the processes (c)____________ life. Each system is (d) ___________ up of organs (e) ___________ consist of _______ cells and tissues.

a. i) little ii) several

iii) much iv) more

b. i) to carry ii) carry

iii) carries iv) carried

c. i) for ii) in

iii) of iv) with

d. i) makes ii) making

iii) make iv) made

e. i) that ii) who

iii) whose iv) those

f) i) specialise ii) specialised

iii) specialising iv) specialises______________________________________________________________


Example: India is very fortunate that it have many a) _________

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rivers. Their famous rivers are Sutlej, b) _________Ganga, Yamuna and Narmada. Some ofthe river like Ganga, which c) _________originated from the Himalayas, flow d) _________throughout the year. They provide waterfor both drinking and irrigational purpose. e) _________Some river in India are considered very f) _________sacred and are worshipped.

Suggested answer:

India is very fortunate that it have many a) hasrivers. Their famous rivers are Sutlej, b) TheGanga, Yamuna and Narmada. Some ofthe river like Ganga, which c) riversoriginated from the Himalayas, flow d) originatethroughout the year. They provide waterfor both drinking and irrigational purpose. e) purposesSome river in India are considered very f) riverssacred and are worshipped.

Q1.The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which there is a blank. Underline each error and write your correction in the space provided.My day begins on five O'clock in the morning a) _____It has been so since the last forty years b) ______except for the two years of which I was c) _______very ill. I wake up at the sound of an d) ______alarm clock bought at 1952. e) _______From then until today, it has never f) _______let me down. My routine, however turns topsy-turvyin holidays when I cannot sleep for ten O'clock. I have g) ______ maintained a fairly regular routine over my working years. h) _______When I retire on two years' time, I hope I will be i) _______able to continue this practice.

Q2.Mark the places where a word has been omitted with a '/' and indicate the omitted word in the space provided:After the holy man had spoken Rama, __________he told Rama's mother that should __________be sent to pray the Kali Temple at the __________village. He promised good lady that if __________this was done, Kali, the goddess appear, __________take pity on him and bless. Then, all her __________

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worries would over. __________

Q3. Underline each error and write the correction in the space provided.Couples who marries to settle a) __________down is likely to be headed b) __________for difficulties, said Dr. Paul,Director of the Institute of Family relations,Los AngelesMost marriage difficulty are caused c) __________by improper balance in normal human needs. d) __________These are the needs of social acceptance, e) __________a full emotion life, and f) __________some outlet of individual g) __________creative impulse. h) __________

Q4. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which there is a blank. Underline each error and write your correction in the space provided.I entered the manager's office and sat down.I have just lost five hundred rupees and I felt very upset. a) ______"I leave the money in my desk," I said, b) ______"and it is not there now". The manager was very sympatheticbut he can do nothing. "Everyone loses money these days", c) ______he said, He start to complain about this wicked world, d) ______but is interrupted by a knock at the door. e) ______A girl came in and puts an envelope on his desk. f) ______It contains five hundred rupees. "I found this g) ______outside this gentleman's room," she said."Well! I say to the manager, "there is still some h) ______honesty in this world !"

Q5. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which there is a blank. Underline each error and write your correction in the space provided.Srinagar abounds natural beauty ___________It is often termed a paradise on earth ___________Tourists from all world come to ___________see its ever lasting beauty scattered over ___________its outskirts. It is a small place, intensely ___________fascinating.

Q6.Rearrange the following jumbled up sentences into meaningful ones.(taken from exam papers)1. so / to / itchy / is / that / I / wait / My / off. / uniform / can’t / take / it2. Is / good / both / for / and / early / rising/ old / adults3. the / weekend / I / can / love / down. / be / I / myself / because / and / dress

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4. Finish / work / early / one / can / go / and / a / for walk / one’s.5. place / our lives / music / important / has / in / an.6. its / urbanisation / in India / everywhere / has / tentacles / spread7. light up / in every home / good / the lamp / books / magazines / and / of / knowledge8. ‘The year of Books” / are / we / this / celebrating / year.9. I’d / thought / nervous! / the / get / interview; / I / I / through / was / never / so10. Reshma / year. / to / to / the / come / back / hopes / Disneyworld / for / next / a / holiday11. want / Do / me / see / you / you / at / to / the / airport? / off12. you/ betray / once / it's / his / fault / someone / fault / betrays / it's / he if / twice if / your / you13. baby / gave / apple / her / the / mother / a / red14. that / lived in / hills / I dreamt / I / Mallabar15. Mohit / and / skating / Saturday / went / on / Preeti16. way / good / eating / cream / ice / to / off / is / a / cool17. spoil / broth / the / too / many / cooks18. money / me? / How / give / can / much/ you19. the / was / that / authority / curbed / King / annoyed / his / was20. strike / opportunity / the / wait / I/ to / right / for / will21. are harmless/to people/ most bats.22. unique and diverse/bats, one of/misunderstood creatures/the worls’s most/are wonderful.23. Every country/they are found /except Antarctica/every continent/in virtually/andinhabit.24. a) from God / a precious / life / is / to / gift / usb) thankful / should / be / we / God / to/ it / forc) God / some / remember / only / people / distress / ind) some / believe / in / do not / unfortunately / God___________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION-C (LITERATURE) CHAPTER-1

TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA is a touching story of Jacopo and Nicola, two brothers aged 12 and 13, who do odd jobs and live a hard life themselves to sustain and treat their elder sister Lucia, who is suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. A J Cronin uses the title of William Shakespeare’s famous play, The Two Gentlemen of Verona in an ironic manner. Cronin’s portrayal of these modern “gentlemen” of Verona re-defines the concept of what it means to be a gentleman, Cronin shows us that one may polish boots or sell newspapers, but it is the magnanimity of heart and the nobleness of purpose that actually determines whether one is a true “gentleman”. The story recounts the hard life chosen by the two young boys so that they could pay for the treatment of their sister afflicted with tuberculosis. The boys exhibit sincerity and devotion to the cause and the maturity they display in their actions gives a new hope for humanity. The writer and his friend are stopped at the outskirts of Verona by two small boys when they drive through lower hills of the Alps. The boys are brothers Nicola, the elder and Jacopo, the younger one. They were selling wild strawberries. Next time when they meet the boys, they are polishing shoes in the public square. Interacting with them, the writer comes to know that they do various tasks. One mid night, they see the boys resting on the stone of a footpath. Nicola sat tired

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with a bundle of unsold newspapers. His brother was sleeping by putting his head on Nicola’s shoulder. The narrator asks the boys if they save the money for emigration to America, they deny and say that they have other plans. The writer offers them help for which Jacopo asks him to drop them at Poleta by their car. The writer accepts their request. The next afternoon, they reach the village located on a hill. The two boys are dropped from the car. After sometime, the writer follows them and finds from the nurse about the two boys and their sister. She tells him that their father, a famous singer died in the war. A bomb had destroyed their home. They had a cultured life, but due to the war, they were left alone on road. Lucia was a good singer, but now she is suffering from tuberculosis and the boys are working hard day and night for the treatment of their sister. Their selfless action, nobility and devotion touch the writer’s heart and show a greater hope for mankind.

B) Answer the following in 30-40 words each: (2 marks questions)1 Why did the driver not approve of their buying fruit from the boys?2 When did the author’s companion find out that the boys were brothers ?3. What were the jobs the boys did to earn money?.4. What attracted the visitors towards the boys ?5 Where did the author meet the two boys for the first time? What were they doing?6. Why was the author surprised to see Nicola and Jacopo working as shoe shines?7. How were the boys useful to the author?8. Why did the author say that what struck one most was their willingness to work?9. Why were the boys out in the deserted square at night?10. Were the boys quite happy to work? Which sentence tells you this?11.What made the author think that they were earning much?12.Why did Nicola say “just plans” when the author asked them what their plans were?13.Who asked the author to drive them to Poleta? Did the other brother approve of the request? Why?14 Did the boys try to prevent the author from finding out the real purpose of their visit to Poleta? Did they succeed?15. How did the war affect the boys’ family?16. How did the boys take care of their sister?17. Do you think the two boys enjoyed what they were doing? Why do you think so?18. How does the story of the Two Gentlemen of Verona give promise of greater hope for human society?19. How can you say that the boys worked quite hard?20. What did the narrator tell the narrator?21. How was the life of the boys comfortable and cultured?22. How did the boys react to the Lucia’s suffering from the tuberculosis of the spine?23. What happened when the boys rejoined the narrator?

C) Long answer type questions: (100-120 words) (4 marks questions)

1. Write a paragraph on the early life of the two boys.

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Hints:Fathera widower …. well-known singer ….killed in war … bomb blast destroyed house…boys and sister left to the streets … suffered …horribly … starvation

2. Write a note on the character of Nicola and Jacopo.The following hints will help you:motherless …. loss of father …. sufferings …..loss of their house …made their own shelter willing to do any job … their devotion to …their sister …. dedication …. patriotic … proud…did not want sympathy …

2. Narrate the story of Two Gentlemen of Verona beginning with their experience during the war in about 200 words. You may use the following hints for your essay.

Nicola and Jacopo … sons of a well-known singer and widower … only sister Lucia …father killed … house destroyed … children left to the streets …. starved horribly …. a shelter….built by themselves … boys did different jobs. The visitors make friends …. their willingness to work …. one midnight …. deserted square wanted to sell newspapers …. earning money ….request author to take them to the country …Drive to the country … the boys leave the author waiting … he follows … discovers the secret.

3. A J Cronin came to know the story of the two boys from the nurse in the story ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’. Imagine that the boys themselves narrated the story to A.J Cronin.Write the story in the words of the boys. You may begin like this.

We were living happily in our…………………………….

5.Yet in both these boyish faces there was a seriousness which was far beyond theiryears. Does this sentence signal anything to you?Now use the following hints:

Boys simple … aged 13 and 12 … sense of responsibility though too young …..doing anything .____________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER-2 MRS. PACKELTIDE'S TIGER

Mrs Packletide’s TigersThis is Interesting story by the Writer Saki. In this story Mrs Packletide is a person from British. Her wish was to shoot a tiger , her paid companion was Mrs mebbin. she was more concerned about money. Loona Bimberton was a woman who killed the tigers and got name among people. Packletide dislike Loona Bimberton. She is doing this for making Loona Bimberton feel jealous. Packletide had a plan that after shooting she will conduct party and invite Loona Bimberton. Packletide also gave money to villagers for helping her in shooting tiger. She wanted to shoot an old tiger so that there will be, not much risk and over excertion. They tied a goat to attract the tiger

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and when it will come near to the goat, she can shoot him. At last when they were playing cards sitting on the roof made on tree by villagers and suddenly when tiger comes, Mrs Mebbin shout and says, ”Shoot the tiger, Shoot the tiger ” then Mrs Packletide shoot and the tiger died but there were no bullet marks on tiger. The bullet mark was on goat. She incorrectly shoots and goat dies. Tiger died because of the sound of riffle as the tiger has heart attack, though she shot a goat, villagers appreciated her by beating the drums because of money given to them. She conducts party and invited Loona Bimberton but she didn’t attend the party because she was jealous of Mrs Packletide as she got so much fame and appreciation.

A. Read the following extracts and answer the questions.

1. “................for her sudden deviation towards the footsteps of Nimrod was the fact that loona Bimberton had recently been carried eleven miles in an aeroplane by an Algerian aviator........” (3)

a) Who is Nimrod?b) What do you understand by ‘aviator’?c) Write down the full name of the author.

2. “The one great anxiety was lest he should die of old age before the date appointed for the memsahib’s shoot”. (3)

a) Who is Memsahib?b) What reward did the memsahib announce ?c) Which food did villagers provide to the tiger?

3. “I believe it’s ill” (3)

a) Who is the speaker?b) To whom the sentence is spoken?c) Why did the speaker say so? (In short)

4. “Mrs. Packletide was pardonably annoyed at the discovery” (3)

a) What was the discovery?b) Who discovered the fact?c) Why should Mrs. Packletide be pardoned? (In short)

5. Her energetic intervention had saved many a rouble from dissipating itself in tips in some Moscow hotel, and Francs and Centimes clung to her instinctively under circumstances which would have driven them headlong from less sympathetic hands.”

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1. What had Louisa Mebbin’s interventions saved? How? 2.Who are referred to as ‘more sympathetic hands?’ 3. Which character trait of Miss Mebbin does this statement reveal?

“No one would believe it,” said Mrs. Packletide, her face changing colour as rapidly as though it were going through a book of patterns before post-time. “Loona Bimberton would,” said Miss Mebbin. Mrs. Packletide’s face settled on an unbecoming shade of greenish white.”

1. What wouldn’t anyone believe in Mrs. Packletide’s opinion? 2.Why did her face change its color? 3.Why is the rapidity of Mrs. Packletide’s changing color compared to that of going through a book of patterns before post time? 4.What hidden threat lay in Miss Mebbin’s mentioning Loona Bimberton’s name?

B. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words: (2 marks questions)

(a) Why did Mrs. Packletide wish to kill a tiger? (b) What made her decide to give a party in Loona Bimberton's honour? What did she intend to give Loona on her birthday? (c) How was the tiger shooting arranged? What kind of a tiger was chosen for the purpose? (d) In what way did the villagers help Mrs. Packletide shoot the tiger? (e) Who was Miss Mebbin? Was she really devoted to Mrs. Packletide? How did she behave during the tiger shooting? (f) Mrs. Packletide was a good shot. Discuss.(g) What comment did Miss Mebbin make after Mrs Packletide had fired the shot? Why did Miss Mebbin make this comment? How did Mrs Packletide react to this comment? (h) How did the villagers react to the tiger's death? (i) Do you think Mrs. Packletide was able to achieve her heart's desire? Give reasons for your answer.(j) How did Miss Mebbin manage to get her week-end cottage? Why did she plant so many tiger lilies in her garden? (k) "The incidental expenses are so heavy," she confides to inquiring friends. Who is the speaker? What is she referring to here?

C. Long answers (100-120 words) (4 marks questions)

1. Why did Miss Louisa Mebbin say that everyone would be amused if they knew the tiger had not really been shot dead?2. Was Miss Mebbin trying to give Mrs. Packletide away? How?3. Why did Mrs. Packletide face the media cameras with a light heart?4.What did the villagers do for Mrs. Packletide for an amount of one thousand rupees? Do you think they did their best? Explain.

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5. Why did Miss Louisa Mebbin loudly comment in the local language that the tiger hadn’t been hit by the bullet from Mrs. Packletide’s gun?6.Do you think Miss Louisa Mebbin had been well prepared for blackmailing Packletide since the beginning? Give two reasons.



The Letter Summary"The Letter" is a touching story of an old man who is all alone and waits for his only daughter's letter for five long years. He receives that letter only at his grave but for that he pays a price. While living a lonely, morbid life, he undergoes some strange experiences of life in his interaction with unsympathetic, callous and inhuman human species. The old man's controlled demeanour and silent sufferings are a bitter commentary on human existence. Coachman Ali used to go every single day to the post-office, early morning, even in the bitter cold, plodding on, pulling his tattered clothes tighter to shield his body from the cold. The rest of the world would be fast asleep except the twittering of birds or barking of dogs, there would be a cold silence all along the way to the post-office. Ali would sit on the wooden bench in the verandah of the post-office, his usual place, watching the post office officials and clerks going about their normal work. While sorting out letters a voice would suddenly call out his name "Coachman Ali", but it was only in jest, since they all knew that he was waiting for the past five years for one single letter from his only daughter Miriam. His only child Miriam had married and left him with her soldier husband to his regiment in the Punjab. Since she left five years ago, there was no news from or of her. He lived a lonely cheerless existence.Ali now understood the true meaning of love and separation. In his youth, Ali had been a clever Shikari. He loved hunting and was a very skilful one. He could catch the earth-brown partridge from the bushes, which even the dogs failed to see. His sharp eyes could see the hare crouching. He was also an adept fisherman. But now as he was growing in age and also loneliness was eating into him, he could no longer enjoy the earlier pleasures and he understood the pain of the animals and birds he hunted as they were separated from their parents or loved ones. He gave up his old ways and instead made daily trips to the post-office, waiting eagerly for a letter from Miriam. He would be lost in the admiration of the green fields and would reflect deeply about life. He then came to the conclusion that the whole universe is built up through love and that grief and separation are inescapable. Thinking thus about life, he would weep bitterly, missing his daughter deeply. The post office therefore became a place of pilgrimage for Ali. He would come promptly at 5 am every moving. While Ali waited, he would overhear the conversation and scandals. He would also see the wooden face of the postmaster who had no "glimmer of animation in his features".

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One day after the peons had all gone away with their mail, Ali also rose to go, saluting the post-office as though it held some previous relic in it. Seeing him, the postmaster asked the clerk if he was a madman. They all sat around and ridiculed Ali, saying that he had probably committed many sins and was paying for them by coming over there everyday. They all sat and related incidents of other mad men who had stranger habits and laughed at their own experiences with mad men. For several days after that, Ali did not go to the post-office. No one had sympathy or understanding to guess what the reason could be, but they were all curious to know what could have stopped him from coming.At last, one day he came again and he had to struggle to breathe, and it was clear that his end was fast approaching. He was also rather impatient and begged the post master if a letter had been received from his daughter Miriam. The postmaster was in a hurry and losing his temper at Ali, remarked that Ali was a pest and asked him to go away; saying that no one was going to eat his letter if it did come, and walked away in a huff.At that, Ali came away slowly and helplessly with tears in his eyes; for his patience was now exhausted, even though he still had faith and knew that Miriam would one day write to him.Ali went to a clerk and offered him five gold guineas for doing him a favour. In Allah's name, he told him to deliver Miriam's letter when and if he received it. When the clerk asked him where he had to deliver it, Ali told him that it should be delivered to his grave. So saying, he told the clerk tearfully that it was his last day and was sad not to have heard from Miriam. Ali was never seen again and no one troubled to inquire after him. One day, the post-master had a problem. His own daughter lay ill in another town and he was anxiously awaiting news of her. Seeing an envelope of the shape and colour, he was expecting, the postmaster snatched it; but dropped it as though it had given him an electric shock because it was addressed to Ali. The haughty temper of the postmaster had left him in his sorrow and anxiety and had laid bare his human heart. He asked Lakshmi Das the clerk to give the letter to Ali.The Postmaster did not receive his own letter all day. He worried all night and getting up at 3 am went to the post office in anxiety. Now the Postmaster was brimming with sympathy for the old man who had spent nights in the same suspense for the last five years. At the stroke of five in the morning, he heard a soft knock on the door and saw Ali, leaning on a stick, the tears wet on his face. He had an unearthly look in his eyes and the postmaster shrank back in fear and astonishment. Lakshmi Das, on hearing the Post master's voice/words came towards his office, enquiring whom he was talking to. The postmaster was still staring at the doorway through which Ali had come in and disappeared. When he finally admitted to Lakshmi Das that he had been speaking to Ali, Lakshmi Das informed him that old Ali had died three months ago. The postmaster was perplexed and wondered if he had really seen Ali or if his imagination had deceived him. That evening he and Lakshmi Das went to Ali's grave and laid the letter on it. The postmaster was still in a state of daze and confusion. He had, however, undergone a change of heart. The newly awakened father in him was reproaching him for not understanding Ali's anxiety. He sat down, introspecting, in the glow of the charcoal sigri, tortured by both doubt and remorse.

Q1.Multiple choice questions:

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The postmaster did not receive his own letter all that day. He was worried all night and gettingup at three, went to sit in the office.

(a) the postmaster was expecting a letter from____,(b) The postmaster was worried because_______(c) What did one night spent in anxiety teach the postmaster ?

Tortured by doubt and remorse, he sat down inthe glow of the charcoal sigri to wait.

(a) Who is tortured by doubt and remorse ?(b) He is tortured by doubt and remorse because_________(c) He is waiting for_________

Then please note it down, brother. It will be useful if a letter should come when I am not here.For how should the villager who had spent three quarters of his life hunting know that Miriam's name was not worth a pice to anyone but her father ?

(a) Who is Ali calling brother here ?(b) He is asking brother to note down_______(c) What is the reaction of hen Ali says the above said words ?

"Here, look at this !" and Ali produced an old tin box and emptied five golden guineas into thesurprised clerk's hands. "Do not look so startled." He continued. "They will be useful to you, and they can never be to me. But will you do one thing ?

(a) From where had Ali got the five golden guineas ?(b) Ali said they will be useful to you, and they can never be to me because he______(c) Ali requested the clerk to_______

But he is a bit touched, sir. In the old days, he committed many sins, and may be he shed someblood within sacred precincts and is paying for it now," the postman added in support of his statement.

(a) The statement made by the postman was that________(b) Why does the postman say But he is a bit touched, sir ?(c) How is 'Ali' paying for it now ?

For several days Ali had not come to the post office. There was no one with enough sympathyor understanding to guess the reason, but all wet had stopped the old man. At last he came again, but it was a struggle for him to breathe and on his face were clear signs of approaching end. That

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day he could not contain his impatience.

(a) Ali had not come to the post office for many days because he________(b) Ali couldn't contain his impatience because_______(c) The people at the post office were_______

"It's a mad man, sir, who worries us by calling everyday for letters that never come," said theclerk to the postmaster.

(a) Ali was called a mad man by the clerk because Ali(b) Ali had been waiting for?(c) How did the people at the post office behave with him ?

In the grey sky of early dawn, stars still glowed, as happy memories light up a life that is nearing its close. An old man was walking through the town, now and again drawing his tattered clothes tighter to shield his body from the cold and biting wind.

(a) The figure of speech used in these lines is(b) Whose life was nearing its close ?(c) Where was the old ma going so early in the morning ?

Q2. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each: (2 marks questions)

1. Highlight Ali’s character traits as a Shikari.2. What was the reason behind Ali’s transformation?3. Why was Ali considered to be a madman by the post office officials?4. What was the attitude of the postmaster towards Ali?5. Ali had ‘exhausted his patience but not his faith’. Explain.6. What do we understand about Ali’s character from his regular visits to the post office in spite of all the humiliation that he faced?7. How Ali’s faith is finally vindicated?8. ‘The haughty temper of the official had quite left him’. What change came about in the official and how?9. ‘He dropped it as though it had given him an electric shock’. What is being referred to? Why was it such a shock?10. What promise did Ali extract from the clerk and how did he ensure that the promise is fulfilled?11. What significant lesson did the postmaster’s experience teach him?12. How did doubt and remorse trouble the otherwise cold and merciless postmaster?13. The officials at the post office had much fun at the expense of Ali. Cite two examples to prove this.14. What was the postmaster’s state of mind after he had given Ali’s letter to Lakshmi Das for delivering it to him

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Q3. LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS: (4 marks questions)

1.Elucidate on the happiness Ali would’ve felt had the letter come before his death2.Comment on the vivid phases of Ali’s transition3.Do you think Miriam had deliberately left her father? Why? Why not?4.Do you think Ali had a peaceful death? Why? Why not?5.Make a character analysis of the Post Master.6.Ali is a true representative of modern parents who are abandoned by their children. Explain.7. ‘The newly awakened father’s heart in him was reproaching him for having failedto understand Ali’s anxiety’. As the postmaster write a diary entry outlining your feelings about your former behaviour with Ali.8. Imagine you are Ali .You are completely exhausted by your futile visits to the Post Office. Write a letter to your friend Ashraf telling him about the disappointment and humiliation that you undergo every day at the Post Office and your decision to not go there anymore.9. Justify the title- The Letter10. Imagine that Ali writes a letter to his daughter Miriam after he hands over the five guineas to the clerk at the post office. Write his letter.11. Imagine you are Laksmi Das. You have finally fulfilled the promise that you made to Ali. Write a letter to your friend expressing how satisfied and relieved you are12. Imagine Ali writes his diary daily. He feels disgusted with life in going to the post office and waiting daily for Miriam’s letter which never comes. This feeling of utter despair has been triggered by the Postmaster’s insult. Ali writes his diary page that evening. Write that page.13. After 5 years, Miriam writes a letter to her father, expressing her personal problems for which she could not write. Write the letter on behalf of Miriam.14. Lakshmi Das writes a letter to Miriam, mentioning the sudden death of her father Ali. Write the letter, giving details of Ali’s sufferings and hardships.____________________________________________________________________________________ POEM -1 THE FROG AND THE NIGHTINGALE

SummaryOnce upon a time a frog croaked in Bingle Bog all the night beginning from dusk to dawn. All the creatures hated his loud and unpleasant voice but still they did not have any other option. The voice came out from the sumac tree where every night the frog sang till morning. He was so determined and also shameless that neither stones, prayers or sticks nor the insults or complaints could divert him from singing. One night, a nightingale started casting her melody in the moonlight to which both the frog and the other creatures were left dumbstruck. The whole bog remained, rapt and admired her voice and applauded her when she ended. The frog was obviously jealous of his rival and had finally decided to eliminate her. So, the next night when the nightingale was again preparing to sing, the frog's croak disturbed her. On being asked about himself by the nightingale he answered that he owned the sumac tree and he had been known for his splendid voice. Also he said that he had

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written a number of songs for the Bog Trumpet. The nightingale asked him whether he liked her song or not. The frog said that the song wasn't bad but too long and it lacked some force. The nightingale was greatly impressed that such a critic had discussed her song. She said that she was happy that the song was her own creation. To this the frog said that she needed a proper training to obtain a strong voice otherwise she would remain a beginner only. He also said that he would train her but would charge some fee. Now, the nightingale was flushed with confidence and was a huge sensation, attracting animals from miles away and the frog with a great accuracy charged all of them admission fee. The frog began her vocal training despite of the bad and rainy weather where even the nightingale had first refused to sing. But the frog forced her to sing for six hours continuously till she was shivering and her voice had become rough and unclear. But, somehow her neck got clear the next day and she was able to sing again collecting a breathless crowd including rich ladies kings queens etc. To all this, the frog had both sweet and bitter feelings. Sweet because he was earning lots of money and bitter because of jealously as his rival was earning name and fame. Everyday, the frog scolded her to practice even longer finding out her little mistakes like nervousness not laying more trills and frills etc. He reminded her that she still owed him sixty shillings and that s why the crowd should increase.But the condition of nightingale was getting worsened. Her tired and uninspired song could no longer attract the crowd. She could not resist this as she had become used to applause and thus had become miserable too. The heartless frog scolded her even then calling her a brainless bird. She trembled, puffed up, burst a vein and died. The frog said that he had tried to teach her but she was foolish, nervous and tensed and moreover much prone to influence. Then, once again the frog's fog horn started blearing unrivalled in the bog.

The moral of the poem is that being inspired and influenced by someone much unknown and strange is indeed a foolish work. The nightingale could have very well judged that how could the frog with such a harsh voice be music maestro and she had to suffer for her misjudgment.Many people in the human society also try to take advantage of the innocence or ignorance of the people.

1.Based on your understanding of the poem, choose the correct options for the following:

1. So the Nightingale once more,Quite unused to such applause,Sang till dawn without a pause.

a) The nightingale was not used to so much appreciation because__________b) The creatures of the Bingle Bog requested her for another song because______c) The nightingale’s song made the frog think about_________________

2. That a critic of such noteHad discussed her art and throat“I don’t think the song is divine,But- oh, well at least it’s mine”

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a) The ‘critic’s claim for his reputation was that he_________b) The nightingale is apologetic about her song as______________c) Her claim that ‘at least it’s mine” implies that________________

3. “But I can’t sing in this weather”“Come my dear-we’ll sing together.—-So the frog and nightingaleJourneyed up and down the scale

a) The nightingale resists the frog’s suggestion as_____________b) The way frog brushes away her excuses reflects his____________c) Journeyed up and down the scale’ means___________

4. Day by day the nightingaleGrew more sorrowful and paleNight on Night her tired song—-Till the birds and the beasts grew tired

a) The nightingale was growing sad and pale as__________b) The birds and the beasts grew tired of__________c) The effect of nightingale’s substandard performance was________

5. Dumbstruck sat the gaping frog,And the admiring bogStared towards the sumac, rapt,And when she had ended, clapped

(a)She in the above lines refers to the __________.(b)The frog was dumb struck because__________.(c) The whole bog clapped because_________

6. In spite of the frog’s crass cacophony how could he emerge as the winner?7. What chance incident brought some respite to the creatures of Bingle Bog?8. How did the frog encash on the nightingale’s popularity?9. What characteristics helped the frog to overpower the Nightingale?10. What piece of advice did the frog give to the nightingale to improvise her singing?11. Why do you think the nightingale lost her appeal for the masses?12. How did the celebrity status affect the nightingale?13. What do you think the nightingale was afraid of?14. In what sense was the nightingale a stupid creature?15. How did the frog become the unrivalled king of the Bog?

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16. “Every day the frog who’d sold her Songs for silver, tried to scold her.”

a) What actually made the frog scold herb) What does ‘silver’ stand for.?c) Contrast the nature of the frog and the nightingale in the light of the above lines.

17. And a solitary loonWept beneath the summer moonToads and teals and tiddlers capturedBy her voice, cheered on, enrapturedBravo! Too Divine! Encore

a) Who are the two characters in this story in verse?b) What is such a poem called?c) What two tall claims did the frog make?d) Which tree did the frog own and what did he do there?

18. This is a fairy tale,And you’re Mozart in disguiseCome to earth before my eyes.

a) Who is the speaker of the above lines?b) Who is Mozart in disguise?c) What comparison does the speaker wish to draw here?

19. Did you— did you like my song?

Not too bad– but far too long.The technique was fine, of course,But it lacked a certain force.

(a) What flaw did the frog find in the nightingale’s song?(b) What impression do you form about the frog?(c) What is your opinion about the nightingale?

III Long answer questions in about 100-120 words: (4 marks questions)

1. Do you think nightingale was responsible for her own death? Substantiate youranswer with examples from the poem2. Taking the nightingale as a protégée was a ploy employed by the frog to save his position. Comment3. The poem is an example of how professional rivalry can play with the lives of people. Elaborate.4. Bring out the symbolism as used by the poet in the poem “The frog and the Nightingale”5.Write the theme of the poem in 100 words. Use the given hints:

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Simple poem– great moral—- theme – talented but meek and servile– easily influenced—talent and person—soon destroyed. Nightingale symbol of meekness – has talent—frog—- selfish- haughty– arrogant. Nightingale– no confidence– comes under frogs influence

6. How did the arrival of the nightingale affect the frog?7. How did the frog kill the nightingale without any blame on him?8. The frog was boastful and insensitive. Give reasons for your answer..

_________________________________________________________________________ POEM-2 THE MIRROR


SummaryIn this poem, a mirror describes its existence and its owner, who grows older as the mirror watches.The mirror first describes itself as “silver and exact.” It forms no judgments, instead merely swallowing what it sees and reflecting that image back without any alteration. The mirror is not cruel, “only truthful.” It considers itself a four-cornered eye of a god, which sees everything for what it is. Most of the time, the mirror looks across the empty room and meditates on the pink speckled wall across from it. It has looked at that wall for so long that it describes the wall as “part of my heart.” The image of the wall is interrupted only by people who enter to look at themselves and the darkness that comes with night. The mirror imagines itself as a lake. A woman looks into it, trying to discern who she really is by gazing at her reflection. Sometimes, the woman prefers to look at herself in candlelight or moonlight, but these are “liars” because they mask her true appearance. Only the mirror (existing here as lake) gives her a faithful representation of herself. Because of this honesty, the woman cries and wrings her hands. Nevertheless, she cannot refrain from visiting the mirror over and over again, every morning. Over the years, the woman has “drowned a young girl” in the mirror, and now sees in her reflection an old woman growing older by the day. This old woman rises toward her out of the mirror like “a terrible fish.”Multiple choice questionA. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow bychoosing the most appropriate option from those given below. (3 Marks)But it flickers. Faces and darkness separate us over and over.Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me, Searching my reaches for what she really is.Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.(a) Us in the second line refers to the mirror and_________(b) Which poetic device is used in line 3 ?

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(c) In the depths of the pool the woman is searching for___________I am important to her. She comes and goes. Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.In me she has drowned a young girl, and in mean old woman. Rises toward her day after day like a terrible fish.(a) I and her refer to______________(b) The poetic device used in the last line is a_____________(c) The poet has compared the girl to a terrible fish because___________

. I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions. Whatever I see I swallow immediately Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike. I am not cruel, only truthful -(a) Who is T in the above lines ?(b) The mirror reflects___________(c) The mirror is called cruel because_______

The eye of a little god, four-cornered. Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall.It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long I think it is a part of my heart.(a) The poetic device used in the above lines is a_____________(b) The mirror has been called the eye of a little god because____________(c) I think it is a part of my heart. The part of poet's heart in the line is_______________

Searching my reaches for what she really is, than she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon. I see her back, and reflect it faithfully.

(a) The lady is reaching for ___(b) What she really is _(c) The speaker is different from those liars because_____

I have looked at it so long I think it is a part of my heart but it flickers faces and darkness separate as over and over.

(i) ‘I’ and ‘it’ ‘in the above extract are___(ii) The expression: ‘a part of my heart’ means________(iii) The expression: ‘But it flickers’ faces means _______

II) Short Answer Questions in about 30-40 Words (2 marks each)Based on your reading of the poem, answer the following questions briefly. Each question carries 2 marks.(a) What is the significance of the expression ‘unmisted’ in the first stage of the poem?(b) How does the ‘mirror’ swallow? What is the poetic device used here?(c) The expression – ‘I have no pre-concepts’ has a deeper meaning in context to human beings. Explain.(d) What is the other name the mirror calls itself by? Why do you’ think this comparison has been made?(e) What are the different qualities of mirror highlighted by the poet?

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(f) How is the mirror typically different from most of the human beings?(g) Explain- The mirror like a four cornered god and a lake.(h) Why do you think the poet refers to the fish in the last line?(i) It is not the mirror but the woman herself who is responsible for the pain that she experiences, comment.(j) What is personification? Quote some examples of personification from the poem – ‘Mirror’.k) What two distinctive features of mirror are pointed out by Sylvia Plath in the poem Mirror?l) Give two examples of personification used in the poemm) “In me she has drowned a young girl.” Explain.n) Why has the mirror been described as ‘unmisted’? What is the image it is trying to convey about the nature of the mirror?o) How does the mirror perform its functions dispassionately?p) What is the woman searching for in the depth of the lake?III) Long Answer Question in about 100-120 words:(4marks questions)Q1. Give the characteristics of the mirror as conceived by Slyvia Plath in her poem “Mirror”.Q2. Why does the poetess refer to the woman as a “terrible fish” in the poem ‘Mirror’?Q3. What kind of relationship does the woman share with the mirror?Q4. The woman in the poem searches for something in the depth of the mirror. What is it?Q5. Why has been the mirror called ‘a four-cornered God’ – What are its qualities?_________________________________________________________________________ POEM-3 NOT MARBLE NOR THE GUILDED MONUMENTS

SUMMARYIn this sonnet , the speaker of the poem claims that his powerful rhyme will outlast marble and gilded monuments, keeping the youth’s memory alive until the Judgement Day. As in many of Shakespeare’s sonnets, the passage of time is a major theme. Here Time is portrayed predominantly as a negative force connected with death and decay. Line 3, for example, personifies time as a sluttish character, who besmears human attempts to achieve immortality by building stone monuments. The poem reflects a common view during the Elizabethan age that the entire world was in a process of gradual decay and decline as humanity moved through time toward the Last Judgement, the Judeo-Christian idea of apocalypse and an end of time.

This poem is predominantly concerned with the human desire to be remembered and immortalized in an attempt to overcome death. The poem suggests a strong awareness of the inevitability of death; images of the aging effects of time and the destructive results of wasteful war are emphasized. Worse than death, the sonnet suggests, is the force that conspire to ensure that an individual is forgotten, such as war’s quick fire and the all oblivious enmity of other people. The anxiety running throughout the poem is not merely due to a fear of death, but the idea that all traces of the self might be completely erased from the earth. The poem rejects traditional human attempts at preserving the memory of an individual through the building of monuments, statues, or buildings as doomed to either decay through the effects of time or to ruin through the violence of

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war. The sonnet itself (this powerful rhyme), however, is upheld as a vehicle of immortality that will not be destroyed. You live in this, declares the poet in the last line of the sonnet, suggesting that the youth to which the poem is addressed can somehow be preserved through the poem, which is immune to physical destruction. The last line of the poem also connects love with eternity and immortality by asserting that despite death, the youth will always dwell in lover’s eyes. This phrase suggests that while the body and self are lost and forgotten, love is eternal; the youth will somehow live in the eyes of all lovers who might read the poem throughout time. While this sonnettakes a defiant stand against oblivion, the speaker’s attitude towards death can be seen as ultimately ambiguous. L. C. Knights in his 1934 essay on Shakespeare’s Sonnets commented: In all the sonnets [which promise some form of immortality], it is the contemplation of change, not the boasting and defiance, that produces the finest poetry; they draw their value entirely from the evocation of that which is said to be defied or triumphed over.

What is a SONNET?The sonnet is a lyric poem of fourteen lines.The term “sonnet” derives its meaning from the word sonet and the Italian word sonetto, both meaning “little song” and “little sound”.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Not marble, nor the gilded monumentsOf princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme;But you shall shine more bright in these contentsThan upswept stone, besmeared with sluttish time.

1.The rich and powerful got ornate monuments made in order to _______2.The poet addresses his sonnet to_________3.The rhyme scheme of this stanza is ________A. Read the following extracts and answer the following questions [3]

1) “But you shall shine more bright in these contentsThan unswept stone besmeared with sluttish time.”

a) Who is ‘you` here?b) What do you understand by ‘unswept stone’?c) State a poetic device used in the poem.

“Nor mars his sword nor war’s quick fire shall burnThe living record of your memory.” [3]

a) “Who is ‘Mars`?b) What is the living record’ here?c) Name the poet of the lines.

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“Gainst death and all oblivious enmityShall you pace forth; your praise shall still find room even in the eyes of all posterity.”

a) Explain the meaning of the lines in brief.b) What do you understand by ‘posterity`?c) Find a poetic device used in second line of the extract.

“So till the judgement that yourself arise you live in this, and dwell in lovers’ eyes”. [3]

a) What is ‘judgement`?b) What is ‘this` here?c) What is ‘yourself arise`?

II Answer the following in 30-40 words each:(2marks uestions)

1. What is the central idea of the poem?2. How does the poet glorify the work of art such as poetry?3. What are the things that last for centuries?4. What does the poet think of time?5. What efforts have been made to thwart the ravages of time and what has been the result?6. Why do you think the rich and powerful people get monuments and statue erected in their memory?7. Describe how the monuments and statues brave the ravages of time. Why does the poet refer to Time as being sluttish?8. The poet says that neither forces of nature nor wars can destroy his poetry.In fact, even godly powers of Mars will not have a devastating effect on his rhyme. What quality of the poet is revealed through these lines?9. What comparison does Shakespeare draw between poetry and monuments?10) How have the effects of war been described in this sonnet?11) How does Shakespeare hope his dear friend to enjoy immortality?12) What according to Shakespeare is more enduring- his poetry or the ornate gilded monuments? How?13. How according to Shakespeare, can poetry withstand the devastating effect of hostile forces of nature or deadly engines of war?

III) Long Answer Questions:(4 marks questions)

1.What is the theme of the poem?2.Which of two is more powerful-poetry or wars? Why?3.Explain briefly the reference of time in the poem ‘Not Marble, Nor the Gilded monuments’?4.How does the poet call his beloved, in the second quatrain?5.Briefly comment on the poetic devices used in the poem, Not marble, nor the gilded monuments’, by William Shakespeare.

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SummaryIn this ironical play, the author satirizes the degradation of moral values in the British middle class. It throws light on the increasing trend in the society of leaving elderly generation abandoned and neglected. The story also supports the idea that the elderly generation has the right to live merrily according to their own decisions. In this play, the daughters Mrs. Amelia Slater and Mrs. Elizabeth Jordan want to get rid of their father, Mr. Abbel Merryweather, but both wish to get their father’s belongings. When their father comes to know the fact, he reveals his new will and master plan. According to new will, all of his belongings will be given to the daughter with whom he would be residing at the time of his death. Now both the daughters wish that he should live with them. Father realises that both of them want his belongings and not him. Thus, he decides to marry Mrs. John Shorrocks who loves and cares for him. So, the dear are united instead of departing.Points to remember:1. Mrs. Slater discovers that grandfather is dead.2. Mrs. Slaters instructs Victoria to put her white frock with a black sash on. Henry wears the new slippers of grandfather’s3. The Slaters fetch the bureau and the clock from upstairs.4. The Jordans arrive and learn the details of grandfather’s demise from the Slaters.5. The family sits down to have tea.6. They discuss the obituary announcement in the papers and the insurance premium payment.7. Victoria is asked to fetch the bunch of keys to bureau to look for the insurance receipt.8. Grandfather comes down and is surprised to find the Jordans.9. Grandfather comes to know how his daughters were in a hurry to divide his things between them.10. Grandfather announces his intention to change his will and to marry Mrs. John Shorrocks.

II. Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow:

"Now, Amelia, you mustn't give way. We've all got to die some time or other. It might have been worse."a) Who is the speaker of these lines?b) What prompts the speaker to say these words?c) What does he mean when he says 'It might have been worse'?d) What does it reveal about the speaker's character?

"I don't call that delicate, stepping into a dead man's shoes in such haste."a) Who makes this comment?

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b) What prompts the speaker to say this?c) Bring out the significance of this statement.

‘’What are they coming for? They have not been here for ages” a) Who is the speaker?b) Who are ‘they’ here?c) Why are they coming?

‘It might have been one of us.” a) Who is the speaker?b) Explain the line.c)What kind of character does the person bear? ‘’On Monday next I am going to do three things”

a)Tell us about the three things in separate points.

.’To that ‘ring-o’-Bells’ I shall be bound”. a)Who is the speaker?b) What is ‘Ring-o’-Bells’?c)Who was the owner of ‘Ring-o’-Bells.?d)What is the context of the line?

‘’ Did we knock much plaster off the wall?’’ a) Who are ‘we’ here?b) How did they knock much plaster?c) What is the context of the above quoted line?

‘’Suppose they come when we are doing it”

a) Who is the speaker?b) What will they do?c) What solution is given by the listener to assuage this concern?

III Short answer type questions:

1.How does Mrs. Slater plan to outshine the Jordans? What does it reveal about her character?2.Why does Mrs. Slater decide to shift the bureau from grandfather’s room before the arrival of the Jordans? How does Henry react to the suggestion?3)Ben appreciates grandfather saying ‘it’s a good thing he did.’ Later he calls him a ‘drunken old beggar’. Why does he change his opinion about grandfather?4) What change does grandfather make in his new will? What effect does it haveon his daughters?5) What are the three things that grandfather plans to do on the next Monday?6) What does the grandfather thank Mrs. Slater for? Why?7) What according to Mrs. Jordan is ‘a fatal mistake’? What argument does sheoffer to support her

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view? How do others react to it?8) Why does Mrs. Slater rebuke her daughter, Victoria?9) Which qualities of her sister Elizabeth Jordan are hinted at by Mrs. Slater? Are these unique to her?10) How does the bureau episode add to the merits of the play as a comedy?11) Why do the Slaters&Jordans fail to agree on the form and exact words of the Obituary Notice for the newspapers?12) What does the shifting of the bureau downstairs reveal about the difference between the attitude of the elders and that of Vicky?13) What, do you think, is the initial error committed by the Slaters? How does itrecoil on them?14) How do the Slaters and Jordans react to the grandfather’s decision to get married? What trait of their character is revealed?15) How does Mrs. Slater ready herself and Victoria for the arrival of her sister, Elizabeth and Ben, her husband?16) What does Mrs. Slater ‘steal’ of her father’s things before Mrs. and Mr. Jordanarrive? How does Henry react to it?17) What do the Slaters and Jordans discuss immediately after arrival for themourning at the Slaters? What does it show of their character?18) What of their father do Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan talk about after takingtea?19) How do all react when they see father alive and not dead as they had thought?What does father say about himself?20) How do both the sisters quarrel after father asks Mrs. Slater why had his bureau been shifted?21) What does father promise to do after Mrs. Slater asks him not to be hard on her?22) How do Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan behave about keeping father with them?23) How does Abel frustrate the designs of both of the sisters?24) What according to Mrs. Jordan is a fatal mistake? What argument does she offer to support her view? How do others react to it?25) How does the bureau episode add to the merits of the play as a comedy?26) How do the Slaters and Jordans react to the grandfather’s decision to get married? What trait of their character is revealed?

IV) Long Answer type questions:

a) Write the character sketch of Mrs. Slater highlighting the following points: Her greed, her overpowering nature, straight talk, her impoliteness and lack of the sense of feelings.b) In the play the two daughters do not seem to be concerned at their father’s death.Do you think it is proper? Why?c) How are the two sisters exposed in the play, The Dear Departed?d) Justify the title of the play, The Dear Departed.e) Discuss the comic elements in the play.f) What are ironical elements that make the play a comedy?g) Compare and contrast Henry’s character with that of this wife. Support your answerwith evidence form the play.h) What is your impression about Abel as portrayed in the play?

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i)How is the play a kind of bitter commentary on the hollowness of familial love andrelations?j) Compare and contrast the character of Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan.k) How does the spat between his daughters lead to grandfather discovering the truth?l)“Grandfather is not entirely right in moving away from his daughters.” Discuss. Givereason in support of your answer.

