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Nia Washington's Visual Cover Letter

Date post: 01-Aug-2016
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Nia Washington's Story Here is a story of why you should hire me. Instead of creating a generic cover letter, I decided to explore a more creative route. Graduation is one of the biggest transitional periods in a person's life. For me, I plan to move to New York City and follow my dream of working in fashion, lifestyle, entertainment and beauty PR. But in order for you to understand where I am going, it is important for you to get a glimpse of where I'm coming from. The woman in the picture is me, Nia Washington, and this picture was taken in my favorite city...NYC. This is my story.
Page 1: Nia Washington's Visual Cover Letter

N i a   W a s h i n g t o n ' s

S t o r y  Here is a story of why you should hire me.

Instead of creating a generic cover letter, I

decided to explore a more creative route.

G r a d u a t i o n i s o n e o f t h e b i g g e s tt r a n s i t i o n a l p e r i o d s i n a p e r s o n ' s l i f e .

F o r m e , I p l a n t o m o v e t o N e w Y o r k C i t ya n d f o l l o w m y d r e a m o f w o r k i n g i n

f a s h i o n , l i f e s t y l e , e n t e r t a i n m e n t a n db e a u t y P R . B u t i n o r d e r f o r y o u t ou n d e r s t a n d w h e r e I a m g o i n g , i t i s

i m p o r t a n t f o r y o u t o g e t a g l i m p s e o fw h e r e I ' m c o m i n g f r o m . T h e w o m a n i n

t h e p i c t u r e i s m e , N i a W a s h i n g t o n , a n dt h i s p i c t u r e w a s t a k e n i n m y f a v o r i t e

c i t y . . . N Y C . T h i s i s m y s t o r y .

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Georgia has been my home for thepast 20 years. Although I was born in

Washington D.C., I was raised in asuburban town with a southern bell

attitude. Although I do appreciate thecharm of the south, I've always known

that I was a city girl at heart.

Four years ago, I was lucky enough toget accepted to the University of

Georgia. I am eternally grateful for allof the amazing experiences and

opportunities that were available tome at this institution. These

opportunities have shaped me intothe passionate person I am today. By

studying public relations, fashionmerchandising, new media and legalstudies at UGA, I'v come to discover

the exact field I want to pursue acareer in.

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When I was a freshman in college,I joined Delta Gamma. Being a

member of this sorority hashelped me grow into a stronger

person, and it has given me manyopportunities to explore fashionPR and find mentors in my field.

This sorority would be the reasonwhy I would go on to have two

amazing fashion and eventplanning opportunities that

caused me to have a unique andfulfilling college experience.

As mentioned in the previous section,Delta Gamma exposed me to the

opportunity to be a UGA ASOS campusmanager and representative. This was

such an enriching experience. I workedwith three other UGA students under a

company called Youth MarketingConnections. To the left is a picture of a

fashion show I co-hosted with thecampus's Fashion Designer’s StudentAssociation (I was also on the public

relations and decor committee for thisclub and helped produce the show).


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Traveling and experiencingnew cultures is one of myfavorite hobbies. I had thepleasure to participate in

UGA's study abroad programat Oxford University the

summer after my sophomoreyear. I learned so much aboutinternational communicationsand about myself during this

summer abroad.

I also had the opportunity totravel around Europe every

weekend. One of my favoritetrips was to Paris. This city

intoxicated me. Paris’s uniquesense of fashion and lifestyle

put me in a trance, and I knewthat I had to work for a

company that associateditself with this magical city

and would allow me topotentially travel the world

for work.

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When I returned to UGA, I devoted myself tomy schoolwork and campus clubs. FDSA andthe Student Merchandising Association weretwo of my top priorities. Through these clubs,I was able to have a huge role in UGA FashionWeek. I served as a board member and helped

produce two fashion shows.

During my junior year, I was also acampus representative for a jewelry

company called SoulPepperDesigns. I loved working with the

owner of this startup company andreally loved hosting trunk shows,pop-up shops and getting piecesfrom the lines placed in fashion


On top of being a campus rep, Iwas also interning for a luxury

lifestyle and fashion show eventthat benefited charity. This was ahuge learning experience because

I got to see behind-the-scenesaction and experience how much

hard (but fun) work goes intoproducing a large-scale event.

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The summer after junior year, I wasdetermined to land an internship in NYC

at a top fashion, beauty and lifestylepublic relations agency in the city.

I moved to the city to intern for PRConsulting and fell in love. During my

internship, I worked on the Loewe,J.W.Anderson, Pringle of Scotland and

Sophie Theallet accounts. Although everyday was hectic, I saw energy and

creativity all around me. I had a feelingthat this would be my home one day.

After the summer, Ireturned to UGA to startmy last year of college.This year, I am the PR

Director of UGA's PRSSAChapter. This club hasstretched me to be the

best professional versionof myself, and I honestlybelieve it has preparedme for the real world

more than any class could.*This is a picture from the

first PRSSA ExecBoard retreat

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The first semester of senior year was insane. I became a Jessica SimpsonCampus representative and was given the amazing chance to fly to NYC,meet Jessica Simpson and tour her showrooms. This was an experience

I will never forget.

As a representative, I hosted different fashion events including campusscavenger hunts, denim bars, trunk shows and fashions shows. Above

are two pictures from a fashion show than my partner and I planned andhosted at a restaurant and bar in Athens, Georgia. Not only did we havea great turnout for the show, but we also provided our guests with food,

goody bags and raffle items duringthe show.

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After I met Jessica Simpson andher team, I stayed in NYC to work

Fashion Week. Through PRConsulting I worked the Edun

and Sophie Theallet shows. It wassuch a chaotic time, but I loved

every second of it.

During my last semester at UGA, I was the PR intern for a luxeaccessories company namedBené Scarves. I loved working

with the company because part ofthe proceeds of each sale go

towards educating young womenin Ghana. Interning for themallowed me to take two of my

passions, fashion andempowering women, and infuse

the two.

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Now that I have graduated, I have a huge decision to make. Thereis going to be a lot of change in my life in a short amount of time,

and I choose to embrace the change and fear that comes fromchasing my dreams. Breaking into this industry is tough and scary,

but the idea of not trying is even scarier.

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I hope to be considered for joining this company because I wouldbe a great employee. The list above consists of five reasons why you

would benefit from my employment.

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Thank you for your time , and I hope to hear fromyou soon.
