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Nightly Business Report - Tuesday June 4 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 Nightly Business Report - Tuesday June 4 2013


    ANNOUNCER: This is NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, with Tyler Mathisen and

    Susie Gharib, brought to you by --



    Dow`s record Tuesday run is over. And volatility is back. But this Friday

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    could be the day to watch.


    What`s at stake for Bank of America (NYSE:BAC) shareholders as the firm

    heads to court and tries to chip away at past mistakes.

    GHARIB: And reverse mortgages. Why these loans are hurting some

    American seniors, the very group they were designed to help.

    We have all that and more tonight on NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT for

    Tuesday, June 4th.

    MATHISEN: Good evening, everyone.

    Tuesdays may never be the same on Wall Street after a record 20

    Tuesdays in a row of gains for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, those blue

    chip stocks fell today as concern grows about the Federal Reserve`s plans

    to trim the size of its asset-buying stimulus program.

    The markets moved up and down and up again. But not enough to keep

    that streak alive. There were losses across the board. And here they are:

    the Dow down 76 points, the NASDAQ lower by 20, and the S&P 500 was off by


    Bob Pisani tracked all the action today from the New York Stock

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    Another day, another 204 point swing in the Dow. Stocks were flat through

    the morning but weakened midday, with the Dow down 154 points before

    regaining half of its losses in the last hour.

    Though the Dow was down fractionally, they were larger losses

    elsewhere, with former market leaders like home builders, biotech, and

    emerging markets down again. Interest rate sensitive sectors like real

    estate investment trusts or REITs also had no bounce.

    In the middle of the day, the head of the Kansas City Fed, Esther

    George, was the latest to weigh in on whether the Fed should continue to

    buy bonds. She said that the U.S. economy has continued to heal and that

    she supported slowing the pace of asset purchases as an appropriate next

    step for monetary policy.

    (on camera): It has been two weeks since the Federal Reserve minutes

    came out, revealing a lively debate on when to taper its purchases of

    bonds. Since then, stocks and bonds have been much more volatile. The S&P

    hit a historic high that morning that was May 22nd and since then, it`s off

    about 3 percent.

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    Now, it`s too early to say if this is a long-term inflection point in

    the market, or just some kind of blip, but short-term, it has certainly

    accomplished the Fed`s goal of getting everyone used to the idea that the

    end is indeed somewhere down the road on bond purchases.

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, I`m Bob Pisani at the New York Stock



    GHARIB: Our market guest tonight says the stock market is, quote,

    "vulnerable" and he expects it to reset as much as 10 percent. He`s Sam

    Stovall, chief equity strategist at S&P Capital IQ.

    Sam, let me ask you this. First of all, what happened today and do

    you notice some kind of change in investor sentiment?


    are doing is really going through a digestion phase. The S&P is moving

    back down to about the 1,595 to 1,600 level, because let`s face it, we just

    entered into a new all-time high period. And so, I think what investors

    are doing are just taking some short-term profits.

    MATHISEN: So, what should they do with their money if they haven`t

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    made a move? Is it best to just hang in there? Or is it best to trim some

    areas where you have made some profits?

    STOVALL: I think it s best to just hang in there, mainly because who

    knows how deeply we`re going to decline, with so many investors claiming

    that they wise they had more of their portfolio exposed to equities, maybe

    we end up having an even shallower decline that I expect. Plus, even if we

    have a decline of 5 percent to 10 percent, it usually takes about two

    months on average to get back to break even. So, you`ll probably miss it.

    GHARIB: What`s going to happen on Friday? We have that important

    jobs report coming out. If it`s a robust number showing that American

    business has hired a lot of people, could all of these worries about the

    stock market go away? Or if it s a weak number, what is going to be the

    market reaction? What is your prediction, Sam?

    STOVALL: Very interesting dilemma that we have to face on Friday.

    Right now, Wall Street is looking for 165,000 new jobs. Our estimate is in

    that area as well, I think that if we end up with slightly less than that,

    then Wall Street may breathe a sigh of relief that we will not have an

    acceleration of the tapering of the Fed`s bond-buying program, therefore

    the cause for this most recent decline could end up being pushed out a

    little bit further.

    If we end up with a substantial stronger employment number than again,

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    we might have a bit of a concern, because then it increases the likelihood

    that the Fed will take their foot off the gas.

    MATHISEN: Sam, let me turn your attention to the 20 Tuesday win

    streak that was snapped today and get you to talk about market anomalies.

    We tend to make a lot of patterns, like 20 straight Tuesday with gains in

    the S&P 500, but that may be terribly naive, and maybe sort of journalist

    looking for something to talk about. But when do those patterns make sense

    and when are they just random noise?

    I mean, we hear about "sell in May and go away", for example.

    STOVALL: Well, that`s a good question. When I think about the -- the

    number of Tuesdays in which the market has advanced, I sort of equate them

    to interesting cloud patterns that might hang around for a little while but

    then end up dissipating over time, I would tend to say however that old

    adages like "sell in May and go away" are seasonal in nature, they do have

    some reason behind them.

    And if you look over the longer term, they do have repeat abilities.

    Sell in May and go away. The market is up an average of 7 percent from

    November through April, but only 1.2 percent from May through October.

    GHARIB: So, Sam, is there a way that investors should use this

    information? Can you use it to your advantage if you study all of these

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    Wall Street sayings?

    STOVALL: There are two ways that I think you could benefit from this.

    First off, if history says that volatility is approaching, then pretend you

    are listening to a pilot who says, fasten your safety belt. They`re not

    saying don your parachute and assemble by the door -- so just -- so you

    don`t become your portfolio`s worst enemy.

    However, with "sell in May and go where?" -- I recommend that

    investors gravitate toward the more defensive areas of health care and

    consumer staples since 1990 by embracing the semiannual approach. They

    would have added close up to 400 basis points, or 4 percent points per year

    to your portfolio`s return while reducing volatility.

    GHARIB: Sam, this is why we love you, you have all this trivial

    information that pays off for you big time, perhaps.

    Thank you so much, Sam. Sam Stovall, chief equity strategist at S&P

    Capital IQ.

    MATHISEN: Well, five years after the financial crisis that led to the

    market bottom, battles continue over what went wrong and which banks are to

    blame for selling risky securities that went bad. Bank of America

    (NYSE:BAC) is one of the banks. And even though it settled claims with

    burned investors back in 2011, it is now back in court.

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    Kayla Tausche looks at what this means for B of A and its




    Bank of America (NYSE:BAC) is the latest in a line of fire. This week,

    investors led by Bank of New York Mellon (NYSE:BK) will try to convince a

    judge that a 2011 settlement totaling $8.5 billion to cover lawsuits from

    bad mortgage-backed securities is fair, and should be binding for all


    The problem: after the deal was inked two years ago, some 65 investors

    have come out of the woodwork to challenge it, claiming it`s far from

    enough. One of the challengers, AIG, has said it alone deserves an

    additional $10.5 billion for losses it sustained.

    In New York state Supreme Court Tuesday, lawyers argued over how to

    calculate the settlement and whether BNY did it fairly.

    Such issues are hardly new for the Charlotte-based bank. For CEO

    Brian Moynihan, cleaning up these fast mistakes has been top of mine for

    years. Here`s Moynihan in early 2012.

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    BRIAN MOYNIHAN, BANK OF AMERICA CEO: There`s no way that if you know

    what we knew now, that you would have taken that much housing risks when it

    was taken. The question is, what did people know? We spent $2 billion a

    quarter just to operationally work on these loans. And so, that`s upside

    from here.

    TAUSCHE: In all, Bank of America (NYSE:BAC) has paid out nearly $50

    billion in settlements, while the payouts mean the bank`s bottom line could

    suffer in the near term, a clean slate is worth real money, paying $1.6 is

    billion to resolve a thorny lawsuit with bond insurer MBIA (NYSE:MBI) at a

    nearly $7 billion in market cap for Bank of America (NYSE:BAC) in one day.

    Cleaning up this current lawsuit seen as the last big one on the horizon

    could do the same.


    Looking past

    the legacy issues of Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), the earning power of this

    company should be in the $1.50 range, and, of course, if the macro

    environment, whether it`s interest rates, loan growth, or capital markets,

    if those accelerate up, there could be up side to the $1.50.

    TAUSCHE: For shareholders and Dow component Bank of America

    (NYSE:BAC), relief won`t come overnight. This hearing will take two weeks

    at least, a ruling several months.

    Kayla Tausche, NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, New York.

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    GHARIB: Another bank in trouble, HSBC. New York`s attorney general

    is suing the giant British bank, saying it ignored a state law designed to

    keep struggling homeowners from falling into foreclosure without allowing

    them a chance to renegotiate their mortgage. No comment from HSBC.

    MATHISEN: Meantime, there was good news about home prices in April.

    More of it. Core Logic reports that prices of homes sold that month rose

    more than 12 percent from the same month in 2012. The largest one month

    increase in prices since the go-go real estate days of 2006.

    GHARIB: Now, many American seniors have relied on their homes and

    reverse mortgages to finance their retirement, but now, those loans are

    under criticism. Despite a steady stream of TV commercials making the

    pitch for them. Regulators are looking into the new rules to protect


    Diana Olick has details.



    used to be that a home was like a savings account, gaining value as you

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    slowly paid down the mortgage. You could sell it to fund your retirement

    or take out a reverse mortgage, which the pitch men make sound so easy.

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have the money to pay some bills or simply enjoy

    your retirement more.

    OLICK: The product was introduced about 25 years ago for those at

    least 62 years old.


    mortgage provides patient money. It`s money that waited to get paid back

    until you permanently leave the home.

    OLICK: There are no monthly payments other than taxes and insurance.

    Interest and fees are piled into the mortgage itself. Upon the homeowner`s

    death, the home is sold with the proceeds going to the lender.


    could live here without -- would have to make anymore mortgage payments.

    OLICK: Robert Bennett and his wife Ophelia took out a reverse

    mortgage at the end of 2008, to pay off their current mortgage and relieve

    them of monthly payments. Ophelia, who was 10 years older than Robert,

    died shortly thereafter. Hers was the only name on the mortgage.

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    BELL: In the case of some couples, they make a decision up front to

    remove one member of the couple from the title in order to get more money

    or in order to qualify for the mortgage.

    OLICK: Bennett says the lender told him he could be added to the

    mortgage after his wife`s death, but that was not the case. In order to

    stay, he would have to pay $300,000 to the lender, but the home is now

    worth half that.

    BENNETT: They put it foreclosure.

    OLICK: But experts say retirees like the Bennetts never should have

    been in reverse mortgage in the first place.


    contemplated as something that you can draw money over a long period of

    time, as a way of supplementing your income or providing income t where you

    had no other. Now, I think people are looking to reverse mortgage as a

    quick fix.

    OLICK (on camera): The trouble today is more seniors are entering

    retirement with less savings, less home equity and more debt, exactly the

    wrong combination for a reserve mortgage.

    CERTNER: If the reverse mortgage is a quick fix, it may not be the

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    thing you are looking for.

    OLICK (voice-over): Bennett is fighting the foreclosure but knows he

    could lose his home.

    BENNETT: It`s like a foundation for the family.

    OLICK: The reverse of what he was trying to do when he agreed to the


    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, I`m Diana Olick in Annapolis, Maryland.


    MATHISEN: Still ahead, do you like ordering room service at your

    hotel? One big New York City hotel is dropping it. Will others follow


    First, though, let`s take a look at how the international markets

    fared today.


    GHARIB: We begin our "Market Focus" tonight with Monster beverage.

    It led the S&P 500 gainers tonight.

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    The energy drink company said that sales jumped 8 percent in April and

    May. (INAUDIBLE) analyst called that encouraging in light of recent

    negative publicity on energy drinks. Shares gained more than 10 percent to

    $59.60 and trading was three times normal volume.

    Shares up salesforce.com tumbled almost 8 percent after announcing it

    will buy Exact Target (NYSE:TGT), a Cloud marketing firm. Salesforce says

    the combined firm will create a platform across email, social, mobile and

    the Web, but investors sold the stock on concerns that how the deal would

    impact profits.

    But Exact Target (NYSE:TGT), look at this, zoomed up 52 percent to $33

    and change, on almost 100 times normal volume.

    MATHISEN: Dollar General (NYSE:DG) reported profits in line with

    investor expectations and revenues as well, but it trimmed its full year

    guidance, the discount retailer said that the payroll tax is still weighing

    on its customers. Investors sold off on that revised forecast, and sales

    dropped more than 9 percent to finish at $48.64.

    And JCPenney gained on a JPMorgan (NYSE:JPM) analyst note saying July

    sales may compare favorably with last year`s turnover. He is expecting

    single digit in the mid-single digit range of sales growth for the third

    quarter overall and JCPenney gained more than a percent to close at $17.96.

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    GHARIB: What your children are watching in your living room has

    become the latest battle in the streaming TV service wars. And Amazon

    (NASDAQ:AMZN).com`s deal with one of the nation`s biggest content provider

    may be a game changer, for locking in those young viewers.

    Julia Boorstin explains.



    For parents looking to entertain their kids, Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) Prime

    just became a lot more appealing. Getting a new advantage over Netflix

    (NASDAQ:NFLX) has kids programming becoming the new battleground for the

    future of television.

    Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) and Viacom (NYSE:VIA) announced a multi-year

    video licensing agreement, giving subscriber`s to Amazon`s $80 a year prime

    plan unlimited streaming access to Nickelodeon kids shows, and exclusive

    access to many hits like "Dora the Explorer". Though Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN)

    has out-bid Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) for the likes of "Downton Abbey" and CBS

    (NYSE:CBS) TV shows, this is its highest profile deal yet, as it spends big

    to take on Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) and drive viewers.

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    similar to Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT). It really is a volume game. And so, the

    more volume Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) can pass through its system, the more

    profitability Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) should enjoy longer term.

    BOORSTIN (on camera): This comes just a few weeks after Netflix`s

    contract with Viacom (NYSE:VIA) expired. Instead of renewing, Netflix

    (NASDAQ:NFLX) added for more Disney (NYSE:DIS) shows.

    Last week, I asked Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) CEO Reed Hastings if failing

    to secure Viacom`s kids show would pose a problem.

    REED HASTINGS, NETFLIX CEO: You know, we have shows that come in on

    the network, and come out on Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX). And if you`re a parent

    and your child is looking for "Blue`s Clues", you know, that is definitely

    a problem. But there are so many, we`ve got a ton of great shows from

    Disney (NYSE:DIS).

    BOORSTIN (voice-over): As Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) focuses on trading to

    differentiate its context from Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN), we`ll see if either of

    the companies invest to create original kids` shows.

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, I`m Julia Boorstin in Los Angeles.


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    MATHISEN: From one game changer to another possible game changer.

    Starting in August, the New York Hilton, one of New York City`s biggest

    hotels will no longer offer room service. In its place will be a new self

    service eatery in the lobby with grab and go snacks.

    So, will other hotels start to do the same?

    Joining us now to ponder that is Mark Orwoll. He is the international

    editor at "Travel and Leisure" magazine.

    Mark, nice to see you again.


    be here.

    MATHISEN: Don`t they run a risk here in the Hilton of New York City

    of really antagonizing travelers who come in, arrive late, and want a

    hamburger and a beer before they go to bed?

    ORWOLL: Or the people who have to get up at 4:30, 5:00 in the morning

    to catch an early flight and the restaurant is not open yet. You know, I

    got to tell you, the grab and go concept, little shop down in the lobby

    sounds about as appealing to a business traveler as a 7-Eleven starting to

    have hotel rooms. This is not a good idea for business travelers.

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    But the point is, as the CEO of Hilton just said, they are not making

    money on it, and the majority of their guests don`t use the room service.

    GHARIB: Mark, do you think that other hotels will starts to do the

    same, even though the points that you make are well-taken, that this is

    just going to become a trend in travel?

    ORWOLL: Well, I hope that`s not the case, but we have been seeing

    that -- I`m noticing there`s a greater divergence between those hotels that

    offer fewer services and then the luxury hotels. My fear is that we`re

    going to see fewer of the middle ground hotels. Hotels like the Hilton

    Midtown which have, you know, pretty decent good rates for a big city like

    New York and offer all the services that a traveler and a business traveler

    in particular could need.

    MATHISEN: So, I was very curious, Mark, it stuns me to learn that

    they can`t make money on a $20 hamburger, or a $25 omelet or whatever it


    ORWOLL: How can -- yes, how can that be?

    MATHISEN: Why does it so -- I mean, I get that there are a lot of

    people, it has to be cooked, it has to be delivered. It may be around the

    clock room service. But, gosh --

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    ORWOLL: It`s a personnel intensive service that they offer. And

    after breakfast, where the big rush is in room service, there are fewer and

    fewer calls for room service, but you still have to be staffed as if you

    are going to be getting a lot of calls.

    So -- but I think you are right, there`s ways around this. For

    example, having limited hours, or maybe just from, you know, 8:00 until

    midnight instead of 24 hours, that sort of thing.

    I hope that they won`t, anybody will see this as a trend.

    GHARIB: You know, traveling is not fun anymore.

    ORWOLL: I know.

    GHARIB: You know, we used to say the same thing about the airlines,

    we were all so shocked when they were going to charge for your luggage, and

    now everybody does it and the airlines are making money on it. But,

    meanwhile, do you think that a hotel like the New York Hilton will lose

    business because of this ending the room service?

    ORWOLL: Well, there have been people interviewed, guests of the hotel

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    who have said, that they wouldn`t consider staying at a hotel that didn`t

    have room service. And I would say that, generally speaking, most of the

    people who care about room service the most would be the business travelers

    and they are the ones who have the money to spend. Why antagonize a group

    of high paying clients that need that service. I -- I`m at a loss to

    explain it.

    MATHISEN: Very quickly, do they or others who may follow suit, risk

    losing the three or four-star or five-star ratings that they get?

    ORWOLL: Yes, the ratings groups out there look at all the amenities

    that hotels offer, and if they feel that the lack of room service detracts

    from the overall quality, they could knock that down from a four or five-

    star hotel, to a three-star hotel. And that means even more potential for

    losing money by that hotel.

    MATHISEN: All right. Mark, thank you very much. Great to see you.

    Mark is international editor for "Travel and Leisure".

    GHARIB: And coming up in the program, the rivalry between Coke and

    Pepsi is expanding to a new battleground, in a market not often talked


    First, let`s take a look at how commodities, treasuries and currencies

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    fared today.


    MATHISEN: U.S. investors will be keeping a close eye on Japan

    tomorrow, that`s when Prime Minister Shinzo Abe plans to unveil a new round

    of reforms aimed at reviving Japan`s economy. Among the expected moves are

    an increase in targeted stock purchases by its national pension plan, the

    easing of rules governing Internet businesses, and the creation of special

    economic growth zones throughout the country.

    GHARIB: You may not have heard much lately about the cola wars here

    in the U.S. But they are revving up in emerging markets. There was a new

    evidence of that today when Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO) opened a plant in the

    country of Myanmar.

    Michelle Caruso-Cabrera has more.




    over): Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO) CEO Muhtar Kent was on hand for the grand

    opening of the new bottling plant in Myanmar. The beverage giant plans to

    invest $200 million in the Southeast Asian country over the next five


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    MUHTAR KENT, COCA-COLA CEO: Producing locally, selling locally,

    distributing locally.

    CARUSO-CABRERA: Although Myanmar`s population is poor and the

    infrastructure lacking, Coke and other consumer companies want to be there

    early, knowing there soon will be another 60 million consumers as the

    economy grows.

    KENT: It`s a wonderful opportunity for my company, our brands, and

    it`s a wonderful opportunity I think for the people of Myanmar who are

    going to join the world community and it will be -- Myanmar will also

    contribute to the creation of the middle class for the next decade.

    CARUSO-CABRERA: The U.S. began easing sanctions on Myanmar in 2011,

    as the country moved from a military dictatorship to a civilian-led

    government. Automaker Ford, credit card company Visa (NYSE:V) and Coke are

    three companies attempting to get in on the ground early.

    And Myanmar`s neighbor China is even more active, helping to construct

    in oil and gas pipeline nearly 500 miles long, which reached full

    production just last week.

    But the road to democracy can be bumpy, highlighted by recent riots

    between Buddhists and Muslims, long simmering tensions kept at bay under

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    military rule. But while there are still maybe risks, companies like Coke

    think the rewards will be high.

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera.


    GHARIB: With the opening of this plant in Myanmar, there are only two

    countries in the world where Coke is not sold: North Korea, and Cuba, which

    is pretty amazing in itself, and only two countries.

    You know, Tyler we always talk about consumer spending, helping the

    economy grow and here you`ve got hundreds of thousands of consumers in

    these emerging markets happy to buy these American products.

    MATHISEN: And these are affordable luxuries. I have a feeling you

    can get a rum and Coke somewhere in Cuba if I had to guess.

    GHARIB: I think you`re right about that.

    That`s NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT for tonight, thanks so much for

    watching. And remember, this is the time of year your public television

    station asks for your support.

    MATHISEN: And on behalf of your public television station, thank you

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    very much for giving that support.

    Good night, everybody. We hope to see you back here tomorrow evening.


    Nightly Business Report transcripts and video are available on-line post

    broadcast at http://nbr.com. The program is transcribed by CQRC

    Transcriptions, LLC. Updates may be posted at a later date. The views of

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