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NiK( - Dhaka Bank Limited | Excellence in...

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ffi.tffi\rfrs qITT{E RTK TAWFEER MUDARABA SAVINGS BOND ACCOUNT Application Form lslamic Banking Division LIMITED EXCELLENCE IN BANKING Nnnm sfuqq<sfuF *l[K6t =ic\NiK(
Page 1: NiK( - Dhaka Bank Limited | Excellence in Bankingdhakabankltd.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Tawfeer-Mudaraba... · =ic\NiK(erfrts Face Value of the ... nomlnee. ln case of Minor

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Application Form


Nnnm sfuqq<sfuF

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Face Value of the Bond (please tick)


Application Form


The ManagerDhaka Bank Limited

Branch TMSB Account Number


Dear sir,

Assalamu Alaikum Wa- Rahmatullah,

l/We request you to open a Tawfeer Mudaraba Savings Bond Account (TMSBA) in your Bank in mylour name. I/We agree that our contractual reiationship shall be

governed by the terms and conditions appearing on the last page of this Form and government Law as may be modified from time to time.


Mother's Name


Tk.5,000 , rk. to,ooo lTk. zs,ooo1.


Tk. so,oo0

[ +y"ars

!ru r,oo,ooo

| 5 years3. Maturity Period :

4. Date of lssue :

5. Date of Maturity :

6. Operating lnstru€tion

7. Type of the A(count :

8. Name of the Applicant(s)

Rate ofProfit, i (Provisional) ]

!t year ) 2years

Singly !tointlyBenefi ciary (Applicant)

lndividual -r.toint

! proprietorship I Limited Company

-r: y"ars

I Oth"rr (specify)

] ctrU I Soctety - Co-operatives llothe,,Father's/Spouse's Name









9. Contact Derails

Present Address (with postal code):

Permanent Address (with postal code)


Residence Mobile

1'1. Date of Birth :

12. Nationality :

1 3. Occupation

National iD No.

14. TIN (if available)

15. Residency Status: Resident trPassport Number:

Date of Visa ( if available) :

lssuing Authority of Visa :

Work Permit lssuing Authority:

Non-Resident f-lDate of Issue

Date of Expiry:

Occupation (abroad) :

DateofExpiry: _Foreign Address (Residential) :

Page I of

Date of Expiry :

[I{AI(A={q\il ,'/

Applicant's Photograph

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4.r,. ::::'..'it: ir1' i:.:rraiil::!. i"/li::.ji l

l/We, as the legal Guardian of the under

given below. The Account will be operat


'mentioned Account Holdel hereby declare that the Account Holder is a Minor. Necessary information about him/her is

ted in my signature until the A/C Holder becomes an adult or my further notice.

a) Name of the A/C Holder (Minor) :

b) Name of the Guardian : Relation with the Minor :


:,;l.i::iiii:eer:;:lncaseofmy/ourdeath, l/Wenominatethefollowingperson(s) toreceivethebalanceoftheaccount. l/Wecanchangeorcancel my/our

: i;. i,-',:]:j: .:i:-.t,--,::\,.: ! CaSh Cheque

On debiting Account No. I for Tk.

:)1r;aa*,:.ri ::,r,:- :



nomination anytime.

Name & Address Date of Birth Relation Share o/o Signature orThumb lmpression


)-i.). L;iir,r +t A-t

l/We hereby

' ::: . , -: '.:

authorizethefollowingtoreceiveproceedsfi'ommy,,ourBondAccountas!r,'e operatetheAccountasandwhendeemednecessary.

i) Name

ii) Father's / Spouse's Name :

iii) Mother's Name:

iv) Nationality:

v) Date of Birth:

vi) Occupation (with designation) :

vii) National ID No.

viii) Passport No./Driving Licence No. (if available) :

ix)TlN (if available) :

x) Present Address (with postal code) :

xi) Contact Details:Telephone No.: Res.:

Specimen Signature of Operating Person

Bond Holders A/C No.

lt Signature of Applicants :

a) Signature



b) Signature



c) Signature


Branch Manager's Signature

Manager's Remarks:

Signature of Dealing Officer

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Siqnature verified by Bond Holder(s)

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22. Annexure D: Knolv Ybur Customer iKV, C) profi!e Form

(For Savings, ir,ir;'ent & STD eccount)

(To b* csmpleted by the Account Oper.:ing Officer/Relationship tu4anager)

1. Customer/Account Name:

Type of Account:

Account or Reference Number:

. Name of A/C Opening Officer/Relationship Manager:

. Describe how the source of funds have been verified and confirmation of whether or not the levels, type or amounts of transactions are commensurate withature of the business described when the relationship was established:

7. Information regarding Beneficial Owner of the account (in case of company, information regarding controlling shareholder(s) and the shareholde(s) holding 200lo

or more shares.)



8. Passport No.

9. Voter lD No.

10, National lD No.


12. VAT Reg. f,Jo.

13. Drivlng Licence No.

14. For Non-Resident & Foreigners ensure the reason for opening the Account in Bangladesh.

ls photocopy obtained (where applicable)? yes/No

_ ls photocopy obtained (where applicable)? Yes/No

ls photocopy obrained (where applicable)? yes/No

ls photocopy obtained (where applicable)? yes/No

is photocopy obtained (where applicable)? yes/No

ls photocopy obtained (where applicable)? yes/No

Type ofVisa Resident, Non-Resident

3 of 6

ffiL€&O I"r(

Source of Fund:

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erf;lEDocument Checklist for Tawfeer Mudaraba Savings Bond Account (TMSBA)


a) lndividual :

tr Two copies ofpassport size photograph

tr Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate/Passport/Voter lD card/National lD Card/Driving License

tr Photograph of nomlnee. ln case of Minor Nominee, copy of the Birth Certifrcate and photograph required

tr Personal lnformation Form

tr KYC Form

tr National lD of Nominee

E Copy of passport/Visa/work permit for NRB

b) Sole Proprietorship Concern :

n Copy of valid Trade Licence

tr Recent passport size photograph(s) of Signatory attested by the lntroducern Photocopy ofCitjzenship Certificate/Passport/y'oter 1D Card/National lD Card/Driving Licence

tr SoleProprietorslripDeclarationn Official Seal

tr Tax Certificate

tr Personal lnformation Form


c) Partnership Concern :

tr Copy of Partnership Deed of the Firm (registered/notarized)

tr Firm Registrat;on Certificate (if registered)

tr List of Partners with their addresses

tr Copy ofvalid Trade Licence

tr Recent passport size photograph(s) of SignatoryrSignatories attested by the lntroducern Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate,/Passport/Voter lD Cardi National ID Card/Driving Licence

n Resolution of the Partners of the Firrn for opening the Account and authorization for its ooeration dui-v certified by Managing Partner of the Firm with Official

5ea I

d) Private Limited Company:tr Certifred true copy of Certificate of lncorporationn Certified true copy of the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company

tr Certified true copy of Certificate of Commencementn Certified true copy of Form Xll of the Company

tr Extractof theResolutionof theBoardMeetingof theCompanyforopeningtheAccountandauthcnzationof itsoperationdulycertifiedbytlreChairman/Managing Director of the Company

tr Recent passport size photograph(s) of Signatory/Signatories attested by the lntroducertr Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate/Passport/^/oter lD Card/National lD Card/Driving Licence

tr List of Directors with addresses

tr Copy ofvalid Trade Licence

tr Official Seal with designationtr Tax Certificate

n Personal lnformation [ormn KYC Form

e) Trusts/Clubs/Associations/Societies/Co-operatives/NGO/No n-tradi ng Con cerns:

tr Ce rtified true copy of the Co nstitution/By-Laws/Tru st Deed/Memora ndu m a n d Articles of Association

tr Certificate of Registration ofthe Association/Club/Charity/Trust/Society/Co-operativei NGO/Non-trading Concern for inspection and return(along with a duly certified photocopy for Bank's record)

fl List of I\4embers of the Governing Body/Executive Committee of the Association/Club/Charity/Trust/Society/Co-operative/NGO/Non-tradingconcern with their addresses;

tr Extract of Resolr:tion ofthe Association/Club/Charity/Trust/Society/Co-operative/NGO/Non-trading Concern for opening the Account and authorizationof its operation duly certified by the Chairman/Secretary of the Association/Club/Charity/Trust/ Society/Co-operative/NGO/Non-trading Concern etc.

tr Recent passport size photograph(s) of Signatory/Signatories attested by the lntroducertr Photocopy of Citizenship Certificate/Passport/Voter lD Card/National lD Card/Driving Licence

tr Official Seal mentioning designationtr Personal lnformation Form

tr KYC Form

f) Any other documents deemed necessary for opening Account


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l*rms ;*nc f*rci:il::: *irer"rrfse r i',.4udai'ai:* S:r,rinss **r:ci Air**r:t {TfuisBAl

f i Tawfeer Mudaraba Savings Bond Account (TMSBA) is a contract between the depositor client and the Bank based on Mudaraba pr)nciple of lslami shari,ah.ii. Here depositor client is'sahib al-mol'(owner of fund) while the Bankis'mudorib' (business manager).iii. Here the Bank receives the deposit and invests the same sirictly conforming to Shari'ah principies.

2. Anymentallysoundindividual/NRBadultcanopenthisAccountsinglyorjointlyfulfllingrequirementofdocumentsinpage4of6.

3 Anyinstitution,clubornon-profitorganizationhavinglegal entityalsocanopenthisAccountsubjecttofull complianceofdocumentchecklistmentionedinpage4of6.4' The Laws, Rules and Regulations with regard to investment in Bangladesh as specified by Bangladesh Bank shall apply to and govern the conduct of Accounts opened by

the Account Holders.

5. AnynumberofAccountsforanydenominationofBondcanbeopeneclprovidedproperKnowYourCustomer(KyC)andTransactionprofile(Tp)aredulvmaintained.

6. Onesetof photocopiesof thepagesnumberl toTof thepassportalongr,vith Visapage(forNRB) isrequired.

8 EachAccountwill begivenoneAccountNumber.ThisNumberistobeproperlyquotedonall lettersanddocumentsaddressedtotheBankandonalldepositslips.TheBankwill not be responsible for any loss/damage occurring as a resuit of wrong quotation of Account Number.

9. Fees/Commissions/Charges as determined by the Bank wili be paid by TMSBA Holder from time to tiine as per Bangladesh Bank Requlations.'l0 BondHoidersaretopreservetheinstrumentwithduecare. IncasetheBond(s) is/arelost,stolen,burned,destroyedoralteredintodifferentform,theBondHolderwill

notify such incident to Ban k on u rgent basis in writing u,.hereu pon the Ba n k will issue Duplicate Bo nC after observing necessa ry forma Iities. The Ba n k will assu me noresponsibilities in case the Bond is encashed by unauthorized scurce or person pariicularly due to Bond Hclder,s negligence.

1',I .










)1 .

The balance in the Account(s) islare payabie to rojely at Dhaka Bank ilrr teci ancl shall be governed by anci subjeci to the Negoriable lnstrLlmenrs Act and Laws in pla.e in

The Bank reserves the right to amend the present Rules at any time in any manner with or without serving prior notice to the AccoLrnt Holder is) separately or to the public.Foreign Exchange Guidelines of Bangladesh Bank is applicable to NRB customer/Depositor.ln case of encashment of the Bond, Eond Holder or his/her Nominee or authorized person sh,:li sLtbirit ihe original Bond to the issuing Bnanch of Dhaka Bank L!mited.'Ihe Bond wiil be acceptable as security for any investment,/financing up to 90qo of deposit amount.Thisisanon-renewableBondtotheeffectthatiftheBondholderdoesnotencashtheBondafternraturity, noprofitwrll begivenfortheadditional period.ln compliance r,vith Banglaciesh Bank's Regulation and for convenience of iransactlon, Local/NRB clients may mainiain Savings/Mudaraba Savings Account with any cfDhaka Bank Branches so as to put their proceeds (on maturity or premature encashment) on such Accounts and to safely manaqe such proceeds clients areto be instructed to open such Account preferably within a period no later than 3 (three) weeks after the issuan.e of Bonds. NRE clients can ajso make suchtransactions through Mudai.aba Foreign Remittance Account if there is any.

Encashment on or before rnaturity can be executed only thr.ough issuing Branch.

Proceeds against encashnlent of Bonds will he transferred to any parallel Account (Savings/lludaraba Savings Account) iraintalnecj J/iih any DBL Britnches.Bond Holder r,vill have to notify immediately any changes in his/her address to the Bank.

He /She may also change the Nominee any time if necessary.

- li'r" e

i ': -::; ,ll11q with the appiication . (However, ii is not necessary orr Nominees part to submit 5uccession cettifi.a'!e in ihe ctocess):ll::- i-:.I,.i.aleoltheTiV5BAActountHoiderdulyaitrstedbyErrbassylHighConimrssicn.r,-onsulatesof Banqiacjesnab,roaa.- : '- i - - :: :-ii :! L'.1: ine s. the . ia;ma nt y.jill !rovide s Llccess ion cert jficate i!.om Couit.

: :-:': - ::: ..:--_."lia j:haev_^iltcf preinatiJreEr.:ashment:

,, -' ' a -a, rl proitli' -'i-'. - 1:: -;::"'lu j ,er''sr 'xat,Jrit)/ vaiue - prcfit on deposits {principal+prof t) at pr-evaiiing Mudaraba lavincs picFi ral-"

Signature of App!icant{s} :


Authcrized Officer

(Seai. Signature & Date)


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i_: :;= il: ! ;,: i: i ;. i r..: ::

l/We, the undersigned have reacl and understood the above terms and conclitions. l/We hereby declare that l/we have siated true information in the Applicatlon

Form including that of KyC profile. As a Tawfeer Mudaraba Savings Bond Holder l/we will abide by the terms and conditions set by Dhaka Bank Limited. l/We, further

state that Dhaka Bank Limited will have the discreation to change the terms and conditions of mylour Bond Account as deemed necessary from time to time.

Signature of Applicants :

a) Signature c) Signature

Name Name

sectorcode tl I

Customer lC

(Under SBS 2 of Bangladesh Bank)



Account No. : 5 jgnature & Date :




Employee lD:

Signature & Date:

i'''ra naEer,'Authorized Offi cer :

Name l

Employee lD:

Signature & Date :ture & Date :

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