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Ninth EditionHandbookErrata

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  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata



    If you, as a user of theIESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition, believe you have located an error not covered by

    the following revisions, you should e-mail your information to Pat McGillicuddy at: [email protected] orsend a letter to: Pat McGillicuddy, Manager of Technology, IES, 120 Wall Street 17th Floor, New York, NY

    10005. Additions will be posted to this list as they become available. This errata list was last updated on August 4,

    2006. Color headings indicate the latest postings.

    Please confine your comments to specific typographical errors or misstatements of fact in the Handbook text

    and/or graphics. Do not attempt to revise or update theHandbookitself.

    Chapter 1, page 1-7

    Immediately underneath Figure 1-7, find Equation 1-5. The summation limits for this equation are incorrectand should be revised as shown below:

    F= 683 780


    PV (1-5)

    This change will put Equation 1-5 in agreement with the wavelength limits for visible light as they are present-

    ed in Figure 1-1 on page 1-2.

    Chapter 1, page 1-8

    In the right-hand column, under the subhed Fabricated Sources, the last sentence in the first paragraph should

    be modified (in the interests of clarity and correctness) to read:

    Incandescent rare-earth elements can emit discrete spectra, whereas some high-pressure discharges can pro-

    duce a continuous spectrum.

    Chapter 1, page 1-18The caption for Figure 1-29 contains an incorrect symbol for the critical angle. The second sentence in this

    caption should read:

    The critical angle ic varies with the medium.

    Chapter 1, page 1-21The figure reference (to 1-33c) given in the sentence concluding on the top line of the left-hand column is


    This sentence (which begins on page 1-20) should read:

    In a method developed by Fresnel, as shown in Figure 1-32c, the curved face of the stepped lens becomes

    curved rings and the back is flat.


  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 2, page 2-15Figure 2-11a for a Type A goniometer is incorrect. The correct figure is shown below:




    o oce





    X = -90

    X = 90

    X = 0



    (0,0)e erencerec on



    Curved arrows (around luminaire axes)

    show luminaire rotat on

    Curved arrows (on sphere sur ace

    indicate photometric angles

    Y- X+


  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 2, page 2-16Figure 2-11b for a Type B goniometer is incorrect. The correct figure is shown below:






    ( )

    V = 90

    V = 0



    = -90(c)



    V- otoce



    Curved arrows (around lumina re axes

    show luminaire rotation

    Curved arrows (on sphere sur ace

    indicate photometric angles

    e erencerect on


  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 2, page 2-16Figure 2-11c for a Type C goniometer is incorrect. The correct figure is shown below:










    Y = 90

    Y = 0

    X = 0


    urve + arrow s ows

    ro a on o p o oce

    urve + arrow s ows

    ro a on o um na re

    Curved arrows (on sphere surface)

    indicate photometr c ang es


  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 2, page 2-25In the right-hand column, six lines up from the bottom, the reference to Figure 2-18 is incorrect. The reference

    should be to Figure 2-19.

    Chapter 2, page 2-31In the section titled Floodlight-Type Luminaire that begins toward the bottom of the left-hand column, the

    words beam spread(s) should be replaced with field angle(s) in seven different places:

    First Paragraph - in the second line and in the seventh line. Second Paragraph - in the fifth/sixth line, the seventh line, the eighth line, and the ninth line. Last Paragraph - in the fourth line.

    Chapter 2, page 2-36At the bottom of the page, section (c) of the caption for Figure 2-24 should be modified (in the interests of clari-

    ty and correctness) to read:

    (c) regular area with single row of individual luminaries;

    (Note: the word individual replaces the word continuous)

    Chapter 3, page 3-31Equation 3-13 at the top of the right-hand column should be changed to read:

    UGR + 8 log 10 n



    Also, two of the defined terms immediately following equation 3-13 should be revised:

    The definition for Eb should be removed and replaced with:

    Lb = luminance of the field of view, in cd/m2, not including luminaire luminance. This givesagreement with the notation used in Equation 3-13.

    The last definition should be modified. Here, lower-case pishould replaced with upper-casePi for agreement with the notation used in Equation 3-13.

    Immediately below the list of defined terms, where the main text resumes, the first sentence should be

    replaced with the following:

    This formula generally results in UGR values ranging from 10 to 30 where a high value indicates signifi-

    cant discomfort glare and a low value indicates little discomfort glare. Electric lighting systems produc-ing UGR values of less than 10 are assumed to produce no discomfort.

    These changes will allow consistent presentation for the Unified Glare Rating (UGR) equation, which appears

    again on page 9-28.

    Chapter 4, page 4-5In Figure 4-3 under Standard Illuminant, read down the column marked (nm) until you get to 740. Then read

    across the row to column C where the number given is 91.50. This number is incorrect and should be 61.50.






  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 6, page 6-29Figure 6-35 is incomplete because it does not include all the relevant labeling for its vertical axis and its hori-

    zontal axis. A revised Figure 6-35 is shown below:

    Chapter 6, page 6-55At the top of the page, Figure 6-69 is in error, specifically the curves that are presented in parts (b) and (c) and

    the second sentence of the caption, which should be deleted. The entire figure and its caption should be

    replaced with the revised Figure 6-69 shown below:

    Chapter 7, page 7-8In the middle of the left-hand column, four cutoff classifications are defined. A slight rewording of the first three

    definitions is required to correct them and put them in agreement with the cutoff classification definitions pre-sented in RP-8-00. Here are the corrected definitions with the major change in each one shown in bold italics:

    Name Description of intensity distribution

    Full cutoff A luminaire light distribution where zero candela intensity occursat or above an angle of 90 above

    nadir. Additionally, the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 100 (10%) at or

    above a vertical angle of 80 above nadir. This applies to all lateral angles around the luminaire.





    Bulb diameter in 1/8 inches





    Figure 6-69. Lumen output vs. power input for high-intensity discharge lamps: (a) mercury vapor,(b) quartz metal halide, and (c) high-pressure sodium.

  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Cutoff A luminaire light distribution where the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically

    exceed 25 (2.5%)at or above an angle of 90 above nadir, and 100 (10%)at or above a vertical

    angle of 80 above nadir. This applies to all lateral angles around the luminaire.

    Semicutoff A luminaire light distribution where the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically

    exceed 50 (5%)at or above an angle of 90 above nadir, and 200 (20%)at or above a vertical

    angle of 80 above nadir. This applies to all lateral angles around the luminaire.

    Chapter 8, page 8-3Equation 8-1 in the left-hand column is incorrect an should be replaced by:

    ET= 0.1644sin 0.1273sin (8-1) Chapter 8, page 8-3At the bottom of the left-hand column (immediately following Equation 8-1 and its defined terms), the first

    full sentence is incorrect. It should read:

    This equation is suitable for most terrestrial daylighting applications.

    Chapter 8, page 8-5Equation 8-10 (top of the left-hand column) should be slightly revised so that the upper limit on the visible

    spectrum is 780 nm (not 770 nm). The corrected equation is:

    ESC= Km 780


    GV d (8-10)

    This change should also be reflected in the list of terms defined immediately underneath Equation 8-10.Therefore, the definition of becomes:

    = wavelength in nm (for photopic vision at 380 to 780 nm).

    Chapter 8, page 8-5The definitions of two solar parameters given one-third of the way down in the left-hand column should be

    slightly revised to read as follows:

    Solar illumination constant: 127.5 klx (11,850 fc) Solar irradiation constant: 1353 W/m2 (125.7 W/ft.2)

    Chapter 8, page 8-6Look in the middle of the right-hand column. In the fourth line of text following Equation (8-18), the word

    clearsky appears. Replace this with the hyphenated clear-sky for better readability.

    2(J 2.5)


    4(J 81.6)



  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 8, page 8-14The last sentence in the first paragraph of the left-hand column is missing the word not and should read:

    The lumen method does not account for direct sunlight entering into the room cavity.

    Chapter 8, page 8-25The caption for Figure 8-29 at the top of the right-hand column incorrectly contains the word for. This cap-

    tion should read:

    Figure 8-29. Transmittances of Glass and Plastic Materials

    Chapter 9, page 9-5There are several errors in one section of Figure 9-2 (evaluation of numerous configuration factors), which

    starts on page 9-4 and concludes on page 9-6. The problems are in the second configuration factor on page 9-

    5. Here, in the equation for C, the denominator in the second arctan function should be: Y(H + 1) rather

    than Y(H 1). Also, above this equation, there are formulas for L, X, and Y. The formulas for X and

    Y are in error. The correct formulas are:

    X = (1 + H)2 + L2

    Y = (1 H)2 + L2

    Chapter 9, page 9-8 and page 9-9

    Equation 9-16 (bottom, right-hand column of page 9-8) and Equation 9-17 (bottom, left-hand column of page 9-

    9) should include the term as follows:

    E2= I(,




    cos dA1, dA2 (9-16)

    E2= I(ij, ij ) cos ij (9-17)

    Chapter 9, page 9-11At the top of the page in Figure 9-6, the first equation in the section for Parallel rectangles A1 and A2 contains an

    error. The beginning of this equation should be written as :

    F1 2 =

    . . . .

    (Note: the term A1 should not be squared)



    a1i a2j












  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 9, page 9-15In the middle of the right-hand column, Equation 9-24 is wrong because a subscript error. The equation should read:

    Mc = M0c + c(Mwfcw + Mffcw) (9-24)

    (Note: the corrected term c stands for ceiling reflectance. It also appears immediately below Equations 9-24,

    9-25, and 9-26 where it is typeset properly)

    Chapter 9, page 9-27Equation 9-41 in the left-hand column is incomplete. All the terms on the right-hand side of the equation

    should appear over a denominator, which is simply the number 5 (see corrected equation below):

    Fv = (9-41)

    Chapter 9, page 9-28Near the top of the left-hand column, the equation shown for Unified Glare Rating (UGR) should be slightly

    revised to read:

    UGR = 8 log10 n


    Also, three of the defined terms immediately following this equation should be revised to include subscripts:

    L becomes Li

    becomes i

    P becomes Pi

    Immediately below the list of defined terms, where the main text resumes, the second sentence should bereplaced with the following:

    Values of UGR generally range from 10 to 30 where a high value indicates significant discomfort glare

    and a low value indicates little discomfort glare. Electric lighting systems producing UGR values of less

    than 10 are assumed to produce no discomfort

    These changes will allow for a consistent presentation of the UGR equation, which also appears in the

    Handbookon page 3-31.

    Chapter 9, page 9-31In the middle of the left-hand column, Equation 9-55b is incorrect. The numerator in the right-hand term should

    be changed so the equation reads as follows:

    y = (9-55b)

    (Note: the word width should be used in the numerator instead of the word length)





    Lww +Lff+Lcc + Lss



    cavity width

    cavity depth

  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 9, page 9-34In the left-hand column under Instructions and Notes: Tables of Coefficients of Utilization (Figure 9-28)

    there are several numbered paragraphs. The last sentence in paragraph 2 should be deleted. (Due to a deci-

    sion byHandbookeditors, the list of average intensity values referred to in this sentence was notpublished.)

    Chapter 9, page 9-35 through page 9-44In Figure 9-28, for each of 47 consecutive Typical Luminaire entries, there is a notation about Spacing

    Criterion (SC) above each individual CU table (on the right-hand side). In most cases, this notation reads:SC (along, across, 45) = X, Y, Z (with three small decimal numbers appearing after the equal sign in

    place ofX, Y, Z ). This part of Figure 9-28 is incorrect. In all cases the SC notation should read: SC = X

    (with a single decimal number appearing after the equal sign in place ofX). If Spacing Factor is not applicable

    to a particular luminaire type, the letters N/A should appear after the equal sign in place ofX.

    The following corrections for the Spacing Criterion (SC) notation should be made throughout Figure 9-28:

    I For Typical Luminaire 1, 19, 20, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, and 47

    The SC notation should read: SC = N/A

    I For Typical Luminaire 3, 4, and 5The SC notation should read: SC = 0.6

    I For Typical Luminaire 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, and 15

    The SC notation should read: SC = 1.1

    I For Typical Luminaire 16, 27, 34, 35, and 45

    The SC notation should read: SC = 1.2

    I For Typical Luminaire 2, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31,

    32, 33, 36, 37, and 38

    The SC notation should read: SC = 1.3

    I For Typical Luminaire 13

    The SC notation should read: SC = 1.4

    I For Typical Luminaire 8

    The SC notation should read: SC = 1.5

    I For Typical Luminaire 14 and 18

    The SC notation should read: SC = 1.7

    I For Typical Luminaire 17

    The SC notation should read: SC = 1.8

    Chapter 9, page 9-35In Figure 9-28, for Typical Luminaire 2, the typical intensity distribution curve (shown on a semicircular grid) is in

    error. Also, for this luminaire, the tabular data for EFF, %DN, %UP, and SC are wrong. The correct graphic and

    data for Typical Luminaire 2 (including the original CU table, which is unchanged) are as follows:


  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 9, page 9-35In Figure 9-28, for Typical Luminaire 3, the line drawing to the left of the CU table is incorrect. This sketch

    (done in cross section) should not show the option of an A lamp. The CU table is clearly for a PAR flood

    lamp. Furthermore, this sketch should show the flood lamp near the bottom of the luminaire. (See Figure 6-4 on

    page 6-6 for an illustration of typical bulb shapes with their ANSI designations.)

    Chapter 9, page 9-35In Figure 9-28, for Typical Luminaire 4, the percentage value given for EFF (above the CU table) is in error.

    This data should read: EFF = 92.1%

    Chapter 9, page 9-35In Figure 9-28, there is an error in the tabulated data for Typical Luminaire 4. In the row where RCR is 2 (for this

    luminaire only), read across two columns to the right. The entry listed here, 0.08, is incorrect. It should be 0.98.

    Chapter 9, page 9-36In Figure 9-28, for Typical Luminaire 6, the percentage value given for EFF (above the CU table) is in error.

    This data should read: EFF = 69.2%

    Chapter 9, page 9-36In Figure 9-28, for Typical Luminaire 10, the percentage values given for downlight and for uplight (above the

    CU table) are in error.

    This data should read: %DN = 100 %UP = 0

    Chapter 9, page 9-40In Figure 9-28, for Typical Luminaire 27, the suggested lamp type (given above the CU table) is in error.

    This data should read: Lamp = (2) F32T8/U/6. Also, the CU table for Typical Luminaire 27 contains many

    small errors and should be replaced by the following:

    amp 1

    . = 1.

    . . . . 7 . 7 . 7 . . . . . . . . . .

    0.91 0.87 0.84 0.89 0.85 .82 .82 0.79 .77 0.79 0.76 .74 0.76 0.74 .72 0.71

    . .7 . .7 . .7 . 7 . . . . . . . .

    .7 . . .7 . . . . 7 . . . . . . . .

    . . . . 7 . 7 . . . . . . . . . 7 . .

    . . . . . . . . . 7 . . 7 . . . 7 .

    . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . 7 . . . 7 . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Typical Luminaire

    yp ca ntens ty

    str ut on

    o en a e

    standard dome with inc. lamp


  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 9, page 9-41In Figure 9-28, for Typical Luminaire 31, the suggested lamp type (given above the CU table) is in error.

    This data should read: Lamp = (3) FT40W

    Chapter 9, page 9-41In Figure 9-28, for Typical Luminaire 35, the suggested lamp type (given above the CU table) is in error.

    This data should read: Lamp = (2) F32T8/U/6

    Chapter 9, page 9-43In Figure 9-28, for Typical Luminaire 43, there are three incorrect numerical entries in the CU table. Make the

    following changes:

    I Go to the first row entry in the leftmost column (where RCR is 0). Immediately to the right,

    the number 3.87 should be replaced with 0.87

    I Go to the second row entry in the leftmost column (where RCR is 1). Immediately to the right,

    the number 3.80 should be replaced with 0.80

    I Go to the fifth row entry in the leftmost column (where RCR is 4) and read across to the right

    eight columns. Here the number 3.35 should be replaced with 0.35

    Chapter 9, page 9-43At the very bottom of the right-hand column, Equation 9-59 is incorrect. The numerator in the fractional righ

    hand term should be changed as follows:

    average initial wall exitance

    = total bare-lamp lumens

    x (9-59)

    (Note: the word wall should be used in the numerator instead of the word ceiling)

    wall exitance coefficient

    floor area


    . 1 = 1.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    1 . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .

    . . . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . .

    . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . .

    . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . 1

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Typical Luminaire

    p ca ntens ty

    str ut on

    , - amp ro

    . l uver, 16 cells


  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 9, page 9-44In Figure 9-28, for Typical Luminaire 46, the percentage value given for downlight (above the CU table) is in


    This data should read: %DN = 0

    Chapter 9, page 9-44In Figure 9-28, for Typical Luminaire 47, the CU table is totally in error and should be replaced by the following:

    Chapter 9, page 9-44The Notes that appear immediately below the last section of Figure 9-28 should be keyed to the relevant lumi-

    naires in this figure. Several parenthetical text additions (shown below in bold type) are needed to accomplish

    this. Revise the concluding Notes for Figure 9-28 as follows:

    Notes: EFF = efficiency; SC = Spacing Criteria.

    For 6reflector with PAR-38, multiply by 0.98.

    (applies to Typical Luminaire 4)

    For A12 lens, 2 4's ratio of F40 to T8, 0.96, 0.94, and 0.89 for 2-, 3-, and 4-lamp versions.(applies to Typical Luminaires 32, 34, 35)

    For A12 lens, 2 4's ratio of 2- to 3-lamp effic. = 1.05; ratio of 4- to 3-lamp effic. = 0.98.(applies to Typical Luminaires 32, 34, 35)

    For parabolics, 2 lamp versions have 12 cells, 4 lamp versions have 32 cells.(applies to Typical Luminaires 24, 25)

    For 3parabolic 2 4's ratio of 2- to 3-lamp effic. = 1.06; ratio of 4- to 3-lamp effic. = 0.96.

    (applies to Typical Luminaire 24)

    For 4parabolic 2 4's ratio of 2- to 3-lamp effic. = 0.98; ratio of 4- to 3-lamp effic. = 0.90.

    (applies to Typical Luminaire 25)

    CUs do not consider shadowing of the lighting fixture or cove.(applies to pendant and cove luminaries only)

    * Different lamp types have been considered in determining the listed photometric report.

    amp 1

    1. . . =

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . .

    . . . . . 1 . . . .1 .1 .1 . . .

    . 1 . .

    . . . . . . . . 1 .1 .1 .1 .11 . . . .

    . . . . . . . 1 .1 .1 .1 .11 . . . . .

    . . . .

    . . . 1 . . .1 .1 .1 .1 . . . . .. . .1

    . 1 . .1 . . .1 .1 .11 . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    yp ca um na re

    yp ca ntens ty

    str ut on

    uorescen w specu ar



  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 9, page 9-46At the bottom of the left-hand column, Figure 9-30 has an error in the top line, which comes immediately under

    the title. The top line should read:

    Floor Cavity Reflectance (fc = 20%)

    (Note: the term cc as originally published in the top line is incorrect)

    Chapter 9, page 9-48In the right-hand column at the top of the page, Equation 9-74 for CU is broken into three sections. The thirdsection should have a plus sign (+) in front of it as shown below:

    + 1 (9-74)

    Chapter 9, page 9-61Figure 9-44 contains a typographical error. In the column labeled 15E read up four numbers from the bottom.

    The entry here should be the number 50 (not S0)

    Chapter 9, page 9-64In the middle of the left-hand column, under 6. Solve the Equations the expression given for cos is

    incomplete. This equation should read:

    cosi =

    (Note: the subscript i is missing from the left-hand cos term as originally published. This equation is part

    of Example 3, which begins on page 9-62)



    DRCR downFC C3 (C1 + C2)

    (1 - FC)C0


    1 - FC

  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 9, page 9-66In the middle of the left-hand column, under 6. Solve the Equations there is an inconsistency in the second

    paragraph. In order to have agreement with the distances presented in Figure 9-50 on page 9-65, the second sen-

    tence of this paragraph should begin by saying:

    The distances involved arex1 = 5.5 ft,x2 = 9.5 ft,. (not 5 ft)

    (Note: this is a portion of Example 4, which begins on page 9-64)

    Chapter 9, page 9-67In the middle of the left-hand column, there is a subscript error in the expression for E.

    This equation should read:

    E = Mccc p + Mwcw p

    (Note: an incorrect term cpw appears to the right of Mw in this expression as originally published. This

    equation is part of Example 5, which begins on page 9-66)

    Two additional and identical subscript errors appear further down the left-hand column on page 9-67. The first

    occurs five lines below the expression for E where the configuration factors are defined. Here the text should read:

    cw p = configuration from the walls to the point.

    The second appears 13 lines below the expression for E where the equation given should read:

    cw p = 1.0 cc p

    Chapter 10, page 10-14 (Note: all pages in this chapter are especially marked with blue edge) In the left-hand column at the top of the page in Figure 10-10 (following the phrase CONTRASTHow to calculate:),

    the formulas presented are not consistent with Formula 3-6 for luminance contrast given in Chapter 3,

    page 3-16. The formulas in Figure 10-10 should be changed to read as follows:

    |LtLb|/Lb or |t b|/b


  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 10, IESNA Lighting Design Guide (Note: all pages in this chapter are specially marked with a blue edge)

    In Section 1. INTERIOR, page Interior-2: Under Casino and Gaming, there are numerous errors in the let-

    ter assisgnments given for Illuminance (Horizontal) and Illuminance (Vertical) in the two columns labeled

    Category or Value (lux). Corrected letter assignments for the Casino and Gaming section are shown below:

    Chapter 10, IESNA Lighting Design Guide (Note: all pages in this chapter are specially marked with a blue edge)

    In Section I. INTERIOR, page Interior-4: Under Educational Facilities, the row labeled Shops (see Section

    II, Industrial) should be BLANK all the way across the page. There should be no solid blue rectangle at the

    intersection of this row and the column titled Notes on Illuminance see end of section.

    Chapter 10, IESNALighting Design Guide (Note: all pages in this chapter are specially marked with a blue edge)In Section I. INTERIOR, on page Interior-14: Under Reading, the row labeled White boards contains the let-

    ter B (indicating recommended illuminance category B) in the column Illuminance (vertical) Category

    or Value (lux). However, the correct recommendation at this point in the Lighting Design Guide should be

    category D as category B is too dim for the associated task/location.


  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 17, page 17-26At the bottom of the right-hand column, in Figure 17-35, six Range of Sign Illuminance categories are pre-

    sented, each with a numerical range in candelas/m2 and candelas/ft2 plus a brief description citing Potential

    Areas of Application. The first three of these descriptions should be revised. A portion of Figure 17-35 is

    shown below with the needed text changes in boldface:

    Candelas/ Candelas/ square meter square foot Potential Areas of Application

    70 to 350 7 to 35 Low brightness areas where signs arerelatively isolated or have dark surrounds

    250 to 500 25 to 50 Lighted facades and fascia signs

    450 to 700 45 to 70 Bright fascia signs as in shopping centers

    Chapter 20, page 20-4In Figure 20-2 the Class of Play column for Curling is incorrect. Here, the final class listing should read III

    & IV (not II & IV).

    Chapter 20, page 20-5In Figure 20-2 some of the information given for Swimming (Water Sports) does not agree with a tabulation of

    the same data given in Table 5 of RP-6-01, Recommended Practice for Sports and Recreational Area

    Lighting. Therefore, Figure 20-2 should be revised so that the four values identified in the Lighted Area col-

    umn as Luminances of the Pool Surface (Candelas per Square Meter) are as follows:

    Class of Play

    I 376

    II 269

    III 161

    IV 161

    Note: you must refer to Table 5 as it is presented in the hard copy Errata insert for RP-6-01. Do not use the

    original Table 5 bound into RP-6-01 because it is incorrect.

    Also in Figure 20-2, page 20-5, in the Lighted Area column (just below the statement Luminances of the Pool

    Surface (Candelas per Square Meter), the phrase Illuminances on Pool Deck is incorrect. It should say:

    Illuminances on Pool

    Chapter 20, page 20-7At the top of the page, in that portion of Figure 20-2 pertaining to Motor Racing, there is an error in the hori-

    zontal lux and footcandle levels given for Track (these levels appear in the Lighted Area column).

    In Class of Play III for Track, Figure 20-2 gives Horizontal Lux and Footcandle values of800 and 80


    However, the Horizontal Lux and Footcandle values for Class of Play III for Track should be 200 and 20

    respectively. (This change will put the Handbook into agreement with Table 7 in RP-6-01.)


  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 20, page 20-7In Figure 20-2 under Soccer the illuminance values for Class of Play II, III, and IV should be the same as

    those given under Football for Class of Play II, III, and IV (see page 20-6 for Football). The corrected

    Soccer Illuminance values that replace those given in Figure 20-2 for Soccer are listed below:

    Class of Horizontal

    Play Lx Fc_____________________________

    II 500 50III 300 30

    IV 200 20

    Chapter 20, page 20-14On the top half of the page, Figure 20-10 includes a small table with three columns. The center column has the

    heading Beam spread degree range. This heading should be changed to read Field angle degree range for

    agreement with the figures caption.

    Chapter 22, page 22-27Figure 22-26 is incorrect because it shows test points (observer points - black dots) as beginning ON the refer-

    ence line. The correct presentation, with the test points beginning OFF the reference line, is given below:


  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Chapter 25, page 25-4In Equation 25-8c, at the very bottom of the right-hand column, the term (1 - r) in the denominator should

    be replaced by (i r). The correct equation is given below:

    P =A (25-8c)

    Chapter 25, page 25-3The entire right-hand column on this page, with some text continuing over onto the left-hand column of page25-4, contains discussions of four equations (25-4, 25-5, 25-7, and 25-7). These equations are correct, however

    the discussion/definitions that accompany each equation are somewhat inconsistent and/or incomplete.

    Therefore, replace this section with the following text:

    The first step in the LCCBA process is to complete the worksheet in Figure 25-2 for each system under con-

    sideration. The notes give estimates and default values to be used only as a last resort for values that are not

    available by any other means. Since initial costs and annual power and maintenance costs occur at different

    times, they cannot be directly compared. The second step, then, is to put all terms into their equivalent present

    worth or annual cost values to allow comparison. The following equations are used to take into consideration

    the time value of money.

    The single present worth of some single future monetary amount is calculated from:

    P = F (25-4)


    P = present worth, or the equivalent value at present (dollars)

    F= future worth, or the amount in the future (dollars)

    y = number of years

    i = opportunity or interest rate as a decimal fraction (5% equals 0.05)

    1 / (1 + i)y is called the single present worth factor

    This equation finds a value today, P, which is equivalent to a value in the future, F. In other words, one is

    equally willing to pay P dollars today or pay Fdollars at a timey years in the future.

    The present worth of a series of future annual payments is determined by the following equation:

    P =A (25-5)


    P = present worth of all annual payments (dollars)

    A = amount of each annual payment (dollars)

    y = number of years

    i = opportunity or interest rate as a decimal fraction

    [(1 + i)y 1] / [i(1 + i)y] is called the uniform present worth factor

    (1 + i)y 1

    i(1 + i)y


    ( 1+ i)y

    (1 + r) [(1 + i)y (1 + r)y]

    (i r) (1 + i)y


  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    This equation converts a stream of equal annual amounts into a single present value. There is no cost differ-

    ence between making annual payments ofA dollars for the nexty years and paying P dollars today.

    In many cases it is helpful to extend present worth values over the life of a system. If present worth ( P) is

    known, then the equivalent annual payment amount (A) can be found from:

    A = P (25-6)


    A = amount of each annual payment (dollars)

    P = present worth, or amount at present (dollars)

    y = number of years

    i = opportunity or interest rate as a decimal fraction

    [i(1 + i)y] / [(1 + i)y 1] is called the uniform capital recovery factor

    Note that reciprocal of the uniform present worth factor is the uniform capital recovery factor.

    A stream of equal annual payment amounts (A) equivalent to one specified amount paid at a specific time in

    the future (F) can be found from:

    A = F (25-7)


    F= future worth, or amount in the future (dollars)

    A = amount of each annual payment (dollars)

    y = number of years

    i = opportunity or interest rate as a decimal fraction

    i/ [(1 + i)y 1] is called the uniform sinking fund factor

    There is no cost difference between the offer ofFdollarsy years from now and the offer ofA dollars each

    year fory years.

    Chapter 25, page 25-4Section C at the bottom of Figure 25-2 should be revised to more accurately track the development of the

    first four LCCBA equations in the Chapter 25 text. Also, the footnote underneath Figure 25-2 should be delet-

    ed. The revised section C is as follows:

    C. Comparisons

    1. Present worth: A10 + Pf(A13) + Pa(B12 + B13)

    2. Annual cost:Ai(A10) +Af(A13) + B12 + B13


    (1 + i)y 1

    i(1 + i)y

    (1 + i)y 1


  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata



    Pf = 1 / (1 + i)y (single present worth factor)

    Pa = [(1 + i)y 1] / [i(1 + i)y] (uniform present worth factor)

    Ai = [i(1 + i)y] / [(1 + i)y1] (uniform capital recovery factor)

    Af = i/ [(1 + i)y 1] (uniform sinking fund factor)

    i= interest rate in decimal formy= system lifetime in years

    Chapter 25, page 25-4In Equation 25-8c, at the very bottom of the right-hand column, the term (1 r) in the denominator should

    be replaced by (i r). The correct equation is given below:

    P =A (25-8c)

    Chapter 26, page 26-8Figure 26-11 at the top of the page is incorrect because several less than or equal to signs and a greater

    than sign are missing from numerical entries in the Nominal Lamp Wattage column. A revised Figure 26-11

    is shown below:

    (1 + r) [(1 + i)y (1 + r)y ]

    (i r)(1 + i)y


  • 7/30/2019 Ninth EditionHandbookErrata


    Glossary of Lighting Terminology, page G-18 (immediately following Chapter 29)The definition for Kelvin is incorrect. The last part of the second sentence should say but the Kelvin scale

    has its zero at 273C. Note that the minus sign is missing in this part of the definition as originally printed.

    Glossary of Lighting Terminology, page G-32 (immediately following Chapter 29)In the left-hand column, the definition for spectral reflectance of a surface or medium contains the equation

    ()= r/i, which is incorrect. This equation should be revised so the beginning of the definition reads as follows:

    spectral reflectance of a surface or medium, ()= r/i . . . .
