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БЮЛЕТИН СЕПТЕМВРИ 2010 МАГИСТРАТУРИ, СТИПЕНДИИ, СТАЖОВЕ MA in European History and Civilisation Applications are now being accepted for the Europaeum's 2011- 2012 MA programme in European History and Civilisation with terms spent at Leiden, Paris and Oxford. This programme offers graduate students a special opportunity to deepen their knowledge of European history and institutions, their philosophical and historical backgrounds and underpinnings, and their social and economic contexts, through the lens of three different university worlds. This knowledge plays an increasingly crucial role in practical decision-making and strategic planning, where Europe-wide and global contact and negotiation is required. For further information, see Application details http://www.europaeum.org/europaeum/node/30 on our website. Please also note the special deadlines for submission: April 1st, 2011, with final deadline June 1st, 2011. Europaeum Internships The Europaeum offers valuable supported internships to doctoral or post-doctoral scholars from Europaeum universities throughout the year. We are committed to providing engaging and fruitful work experience - with opportunity to pursue research studies in Oxford libraries, join lectures etc. In this way, we
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MA in European History and Civilisation

Applications are now being accepted for the Europaeum's 2011-2012 MA programme in European History and Civilisation with terms spent at Leiden, Paris and Oxford. This programme offers graduate students a special opportunity to deepen their knowledge of European history and institutions, their philosophical and historical backgrounds and underpinnings, and their social and economic contexts, through the lens of three different university worlds. This knowledge plays an increasingly crucial role in practical decision-making and strategic planning, where Europe-wide and global contact and negotiation is required.

For further information, see Application details http://www.europaeum.org/europaeum/node/30 on our website.Please also note the special deadlines for submission: April 1st, 2011, with final deadline June 1st, 2011.

Europaeum Internships

The Europaeum offers valuable supported internships to doctoral or post-doctoral scholars from Europaeum universities throughout the year. We are committed to providing engaging and fruitful work experience - with opportunity to pursue research studies in Oxford libraries, join lectures etc. In this way, we seek to extend the mission of the Europaeum to build European leadership, foster diversity and provide opportunities to supplement research and background education. Interns will be able to use Oxford's world famous libraries and archives and attend university lectures.We offer interns for one-three months, and each intern will be asked to support general office work, work on current events and will be given a research project to work on and help develop. We will help in finding housing and cover the costs, as part of a support package also for food and travel.

Please let your graduates know of this wonderful opportunity, We will need a CV, covering letter, including details of two referees (preferably one academic and one professional), all to the the Europaeum office http://www.europaeum.org/component/option,com

We are looking for one for the autumn and two for the new year.

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Стипендии за международна магистратура на тема детско образование

Международната магистратура "Ранно детско образование и грижа" (IMEC) предлага частични стипендии за европейски студенти.

Магистратурата е с продължителност две години и е насочена към учители, обучители, съветници, лидери или други личности, които работят в сферата на предучилищното и началното образование.Програмата се предлага съвместно от Унивеститетския колеж в Осло, Унивеститета в Малта и Дъблинския технологичен институт. Студентите прекарват първия семестър в Норвегия, втория – в Малта, третия - в Ирландия, а четвъртия семестър пишат тезата си в един от трите университета.Сред темите на предлаганите курсове са: естетика на детската култура, игра и обучение и подходи към разнообразието.Повече за програмата на обучение може да прочетете тук.Обучението се провежда на английски език.

СтипендииПредлагат се стипендии за студенти от страни-членки на ЕС, които покриват напълно таксата за обучение (в размер на 8000 евро). Стипендите се отпускат по програма "Еразмус мундус"Краен срок: 15 декември 2010.Допълнителна информация може да намерите на уебсайта

Стаж в Службата за хармонизиране на вътрешния пазар

Службата за хармонизиране на вътрешния пазар (OHIM) организира два пъти годишно платени стажове за млади дипломанти. Продължителността на стажовете е пет месеца.

OHIM е официалната служба на ЕС за регистрация на търговски марки и дизайн. Търговската марка на общността (CTM) и регистрираният дизайн на общността (RCD) са основни средства, необходими за постигането на единен европейски пазар. Чрез тях е възможна зaщита на интелектуалното право във всички страни - членки на ЕС.

СтажРаботата на стажантите е главно в областта на индустриалната собственост и най-вече запазени марки, съдебни спорове, жалби, дизайн и международно техническо сътрудничество. Стажовете се провеждат в централния офис на OHIM в Аликанте, Испания.

ИзискванияКандидатите за стаж трябва да имат диплома за завършено висше образование. Също така те трябва да имат предишен опит в една от областите на работа на OHIM. Този опит може да е професионален или да е придобит по време на предишен стаж или по време на обучението в университета. Необходимо е отлично владеене на един от официалните езици на ЕС и добри познания по един от езиците на OHIM (испански, английски, немски, френски или италиански).

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СтипендияСтажът е платен, като размерът на стипендията се определя всяка година. За предишната стажантска програма стипендията е била 800 евро месечно.Крайните срокове за подаване на документи са 31 октомври 2010 г. за стаж за периода февруари-юни 2011 и 31 март за стаж за периода 1 септември 2011 - 31 януари 2012Допълнителна информация и необходимите формуляри за кандидатстване можете да намерите на интернет страницата на Службата за хармонизиране на вътрешния пазар.

Курс за човешки права в Болоня

Университетът в Болоня, Италия организира зимен курс на тема "Европейската конвенция за правата на човека - механизъм на защита и правата на мигрантите". Курсът е насочен към студенти и млади хора и ще се проведе между 10 и 14 януари. Информацията е от Mladiinfo.Курсът ще бъде фокусиран върху две основни теми. Едната е функционирането на механизма на Европейската конвенция за правата на човека, а другата - защитата на мигранти и хора без националност.

Лекциите ще се провеждат на английски и френски език. Курсът ще завърши с изпит, като издържалите го ще получат 3 студентски кредита (ECTS).

КандидатстванеКандидатите трябва да са студенти или практикуващи специалисти. Възможно е да се включат кандидати, които от поне 3 години работят в областта на човешките права. Кандидатите трябва да владеят английски и френски.

Такси и стипендииТаксата за участие е 200 евро (без включена цена за престой) или 300 евро (с включен престой).Предвижда се намаляване на таксата (максимум 200 евро) за кандидати с особени заслуги или за такива, които имат финансови затруднения. Кандидатите, които кандидатстват за финансовото облекчение, трябва да подадат мотивационно писмо, CV и документ, който доказва финансовото им състояние.Краен срокДокументите се подават до 20 ноември 2010 г.Допълнителна информация можете да намерите на сайта на университета в Болоня.

Стаж в офиса на върховния комисар по човешки права на ООН

Офисът на върховния комисар по човешки права (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights – OHCHR) в Женева, Швейцария,  набира кандидати за стажантската си програма.

Стажантите ще работят по различни проекти на организацията според техните конкретни интереси. Те ще бъдат ангажирани с изследване на проблематиката на

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човешките права, подготовка на проекти за документи и анализи, осигуряване на провеждането на срещи, подготовка на материали за нуждите на офиса на OHCHR. Продължителността на стажа може да е не по-малко от 3 месеца и не повече от 6 месеца.

Изисквания и документиКандидатите за стаж трябва да са докторанти или студенти в магистърска програма по международно право, политически науки, история, социални науки или друга област, свързана с работата на Върховния комисар. Предимство ще имат тези, които в рамките на обучението си са специализирали в областта на човешките права.Необходими са добри познания по най-малко два от шестте официални езика на ООН - английски, френски, испански, арабски, руски и китайски. Умения за писане на английски или френски език също са задължителни.Върховният комисар не осигурява стипендия на стажантите. Необходимо е те да бъдат спонсорирани от академична институция. Кандидатите трябва да изпратят - попълнен и подписан апликационен формуляр мотивационно писмо; списък на взетите курсове, академични справки или дипломи; пример за академичната си работа или резюме на курсова работа; уверение, че са студенти в магистура или докторанти; копие от медицинска застраховка.Краен срокСледващият краен срок за кандидатстване е 31 октомври 2010 за стажа, който започва януари 2011.Повече информация и формуляр за кандидатстване може да намерите на страницата на офиса на върховния комисар по човешки права.

Стажантска програма на Световната банка

Световната банка набира кандидатури за стажантската си програма през зимата на 2010-2011. Стажовете са платени и са насочени към студенти, които искат да натрупат практически опит и да подобрят своите умения за работа в международна среда.

ИзискванияЗа стаж могат да кандидатстват студенти, които се обучават в магистърски или докторски програми и са граждани на страни - членки на Световната банка (бел. ред. – вкл. България). Отличното владеене на английски език е задължително.Програмата търси кандидати от следните области: икономика, финанси, развитие на човешките ресурси (здравеопазване, образование, прехрана, популация), социални науки (антропология, социология), земеделие, околна среда, развитие на частния сектор, както и други свързани области.

ЗаплащанеБанката предлага почасово заплащане на всички стажанти и покрива част от пътните им разходи. Студентите сами трябва да си осигурят жилище. Повечето стажове се провеждат във Вашингтон. Минималната  им продължителност е 4 седмици. Крайният срок за стажантската програма, която ще се проведе в периода декември 2010 - март 2011, е 31 октомври 2010.Повече информация и онлайн формуляри за кандидатстване можете да намерите на интернет страницата на Световната банка.

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Стаж в Европейския икономически и социален комитет

Европейският икономически и социален комитет (ЕИСК, European Economic and Social Committee) предлага стажантски програми за дълъг (петмесечен) и кратък (от един до три месеца) период.

ЕИСК е консултативен орган, който дава на икономическите и социалните партньори в Европа като работодатели, синдикати, представители на малки фирми, земеделски производители, сдружения, потребители и други възможност да изкажат своето официално становище относно политиките на Европейския съюз.Стажантските програми предлагат различни варианти за работа и квалификация. Предоставя се възможност за завършване и прилагане в практиката на придобити умения и знания по време на предишен стаж или обучение; за придобиване на практически познания за работата в различните отдели на ЕИСК; за натрупване на опит и контакти по време на работата в институцията.

Стаж за дълъг периодКандидатите трябва да имат завършено висше образование и познания в някоя от областите на дейност на ЕИСК. Те трябва да са на възраст до 30 години и да имат задълбочени познания по един от официалните езици на ЕС и задоволителни познания по втори официален език на ЕС.Петмесечният стаж се провежда два пъти годишно: от 16 февруари до 15 юли (пролетен стаж) и от 16 септември до 15 февруари (есенен стаж).

Стаж за кратък периодКандидатите трябва да са студенти, които ще завършат висшето си образование до приключването на стажа. Няма възрастови ограничения за тази стажантска програма. Кандидатите трябва да имат задълбочени познания по един от официалните езици на ЕС и задоволителни познания по втори официален език на ЕС.

ЗаплащанеБезработните стажанти могат да получават стипендия за разходи за живот. Стажантите, които получават заплата от работодател по време на стажа, няма да получат финансова помощ, освен ако сумата, която получават, е по-малка от стипендия. В този случай те получават сумата, която ще изравни доходите им с безвъзмездната помощ.Предстоящият краен срок за подаване на документи е 1 октомври 2010.Формулярите за кандидатстване и повече информация за стажантската програма можете да намерите на сайта на ЕИСК

Платени стажове в Европейския парламент

Европейският парламент (ЕП) предлага два вида платени стажове - с обща и с журналистическа насоченост. Те се финансират от стипендиите Robert Schuman. До програмите се допускат единствено лица, завършили университет или приравнено учебно заведение. Целта им е да дадат възможност на стажантите да допълнят

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познанията, които са придобили по време на обучението си, и да се запознаят с дейността на Европейския съюз, и по-специално на Европейския парламент.

Обща насоченостКандидатите за стипендия Robert Schuman - обща насоченост, трябва да докажат, че са разработвали в рамките на университетското си обучение или за целите на научна публикация задълбочена писмена работа. Кандидатите, чиято работа е по-специално посветена на отношенията между Европейския съюз и САЩ, могат да кандидатстват за стипендия Chris Piening Fellowship.

Журналистическа насоченостКандидатите за стипендия Robert Schuman - журналистическа насоченост, трябва да докажат професионален опит - чрез публикации, чрез членство в журналистическа организация в държава - членка на Европейския съюз, или чрез квалификация по журналистика, призната в държавите - членки на Европейския съюз, или в страните кандидатки.СроковеПродължителността на програмите е пет месеца. Следващото набиране на стажанти ще започне на 15 август и ще продължи до 15 октомври 2010.Кандидатстването се извършва чрез онлайн формуляр, който ще бъде достъпен на английски, френски и немски език в сайта на ЕП от 15 август.

Стаж в Световната търговска организация

Световната търговска организация (WTO) предлага платен стаж на студенти в магистърски програми и на докторанти. Стажовете се провеждат целогодишно в Женева, Швейцария. Информацията е публикувана от Mladiinfo.Целта е работата на стажантите да им помогне да увеличат познанията си и разбирането си за търговската политика на WTO. Конкретните задължения на стажантите зависят от нуждите на различните отдели на организацията. Максималната продължителност на стажа е 24 седмици. Заплащане Стажантите получават заплащане в размер на 60 швейцарски франка дневно (приблизително 45 евро), включително за почивните дни и за официалните празници.Пътни разходи до и от Женева не се поемат. Стажантите трябва сами да поемат и разходите си за здравна застраховка. WTO може да предложи и неплатен стаж на студенти, които получават финансиране отдругаде. ИзискванияКандидатите трябва да имат бакалавърска степен в подходяща дисциплина, например: икономика, право, политически науки, международни отношения. Те трябва да са завършили поне първата година от следдипломно  обучение. Задължително условие е кандидатите да са на не по-малко от 21 години и на не повече от 31 години. Краен срок за кандидатстване няма. Стажовете се провеждат целогодишно. Допълнителна информация може да намерите на уебсайта на WTO.

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Marie-Curie Actions

Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date



FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN Marie Curie Initial Training Networks 2011 (ITN) 2010-07-20 2011-01-26

FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IAPP Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) 2010-07-20 2010-12-07



Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date



ERC-2011-StG_20101124 ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant 2010-07-20 2010-11-24

ERC-2011-StG_20101109 ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant 2010-07-20 2010-11-09

ERC-2011-StG_20101014 ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant 2010-07-20 2010-10-14


Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection

Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date



FP7-Fission-2011 Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection 2010-08-20 2011-04-07

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Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date



FP7-ERANET-2011-RTD ERA-NET Call 2011 2010-07-20 2011-02-22

FP7-HEALTH-2011-single-stage HEALTH-2011-single-stage 2010-07-20 2010-11-10

FP7-HEALTH-2011-two-stage HEALTH-2011-two-stage 2010-07-20 2010-10-13

Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology

Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date



FP7-ERANET-2011-RTD ERA-NET Call 2011 2010-07-20 2011-02-22

FP7-KBBE-2011-5-CP-CSA KBBE 2011 2010-07-20 2011-01-25

FP7-KBBE-2011-5-SME KBBE 2011 2010-07-20 2011-01-25

FP7-OCEAN-2011 The ocean of tomorrow 2010-07-20 2011-01-18

FP7-JPROG-2011-RTD Joint Programming Coordination 2011 2010-07-20 2010-10-05

Information and Communication Technologies

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Publication Date



FP7-ICT-2011-C FET Open 2010-07-20 2013-03-12

FP7-ICT-2009-C FET Open scheme 2008-11-19 2010-12-07

FP7-2011-ICT-FI "Future Internet"-2011 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

FP7-2011-ICT-GC "ICT for Green Cars"-2011 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

FP7-2011-NMP-ENV- "Energy-efficient Buildings" - 2011 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

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Publication Date




FP7-2011-NMP-ICT-FoF "Factories of the Future" - 2011 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

FP7-ICT-2011-FET-F FET Flagship Initiative 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

FP7-ICT-2011-EU-Russia JOINT ICT EU - RUSSIA 2010 2010-07-20 2010-09-14

Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies

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Call Title   

Publication Date




Theme 4 – NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies – Coordinated call EU-Russia 2011

2010-07-20 2011-03-31

FP7-ERANET-2011-RTD ERA-NET Call 2011 2010-07-20 2011-02-22

FP7-NMP-2011-CSA-5Theme 4 – NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies – CSAs

2010-07-20 2011-02-01


Sustainable automotive electrochemical storage 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

FP7-2011-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB "Energy-efficient Buildings" - 2011 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

FP7-2011-NMP-ICT-FoF "Factories of the Future" - 2011 2010-07-20 2010-12-02


Theme 4 – NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies and Theme 5 ENERGY

2010-07-20 2010-11-25


Theme 4 – NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies – Coordinated call EU-Japan 2011

2010-07-20 2010-11-17

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Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date



FP7-ENV-NMP-2011 FP7-ENV-NMP-2011 2010-07-20 2010-11-16


Theme 4 – NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies – LARGE 2011

2010-07-20 2010-11-04


Theme 4 – NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies – SMALL 2011

2010-07-20 2010-11-04

FP7-NMP-2011-SME-5Theme 4 – NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies - SMEs

2010-07-20 2010-11-04


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Publication Date



FP7-ENERGY-2011-2 Energy Call Part 2 2010-07-20 2011-04-07

FP7-ERANET-2011-RTD ERA-NET Call 2011 2010-07-20 2011-02-22

FP7-OCEAN-2011 The ocean of tomorrow 2010-07-20 2011-01-18

FP7-2011-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB "Energy-efficient Buildings" - 2011 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

FP7-ENERGY-2011-JAPAN ENERGY - EU Japan Call 2010-07-20 2010-11-25


Theme 4 – NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies and Theme 5 ENERGY

2010-07-20 2010-11-25

FP7-ENERGY-2011-1 Energy Call - Part 1 2010-07-20 2010-11-16


ENERGY International Research Staff Exchange Scheme 2010-07-20 2010-11-16

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Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date



Environment (including Climate Change)

Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date



FP7-OCEAN-2011 The ocean of tomorrow 2010-07-20 2011-01-18


Sustainable automotive electrochemical storage 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

FP7-2011-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB "Energy-efficient Buildings" - 2011 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

FP7-ENV-2011 FP7-ENV-2011 2010-07-20 2010-11-16


FP7-ENV-2011-ECO-INNOVATION-OneStage 2010-07-20 2010-11-16


FP7-ENV-2011-ECO-INNOVATION-TwoStage 2010-07-20 2010-11-16

FP7-ENV-NMP-2011 FP7-ENV-NMP-2011 2010-07-20 2010-11-16

FP7-JPROG-2011-RTD Joint Programming Coordination 2011 2010-07-20 2010-10-05

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Transport (including Aeronautics)

Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date



FP7-ERANET-2011-RTD ERA-NET Call 2011 2010-07-20 2011-02-22

FP7-OCEAN-2011 The ocean of tomorrow 2010-07-20 2011-01-18

FP7-GALILEO-2011-ENTR-1 FP7-GALILEO-2011-ENTR-1 2010-07-20 2010-12-16

FP7-GALILEO-2011-GSA-1-a FP7-GALILEO-2011-GSA-1 2010-07-20 2010-12-16


Sustainable automotive electrochemical storage 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

FP7-AAT-2011-RTD-1 FP7 - AERONAUTICS and AIR TRANSPORT (AAT) - 2011 - RTD-1 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

FP7-SST-2011-RTD-1 FP7- SUSTAINABLE SURFACE TRANSPORT (SST)-2011-RTD-1 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

FP7-TPT-2011-RTD-1 FP7-TRANSPORT (TPT)-2011-RTD-1 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

FP7-GALILEO-2011-GSA-1-b FP7-GALILEO-2011-GSA-1 2010-07-20 2010-10-05

Socio-economic sciences and Humanities

Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date



FP7-ERANET-2011-RTD ERA-NET Call 2011 2010-07-20 2011-02-22

FP7-SSH-2011-1FP7-SSH-2011-Collaborative projects (large scale integrating research projects)

2010-07-20 2011-02-02

FP7-SSH-2011-2FP7-SSH-2011- Collaborative projects (small or medium scale focused research projects)

2010-07-20 2011-02-02

FP7-SSH-2011-3 FP7-SSH-2011-Coordination and support actions 2010-07-20 2011-02-02

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Call Title   

Publication Date



FP7-SPACE-2011-1 Space Call 4 2010-07-20 2010-11-25


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Call Title Publication Date



FP7-SEC-2011-1 Security Research Call 4 2010-07-20 2010-12-02

General Activities

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Call Title   

Publication Date



FP7-ERANET-2011-RTD ERA-NET Call 2011 2010-07-20 2011-02-22

Joint Technology Initiatives (Annex IV-SP1)

Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date



FCH-JU-2010-1 FCH JU Call for Proposals 2010 Part 1 2010-06-18 2010-10-13

SP1-JTI-CS-2010-04 Clean Sky JTI 2010-04 2010-07-27 2010-10-12

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Research Infrastructures

Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date




call 8: FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-1 2010-07-20 2010-11-25


Ninth Call of the CAPACITIES Specific Programme 2010-07-20 2010-11-23

Calls for tender

Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date



2010/S 143-219458 Development of impact measures for e-Infrastructures 2010-07-27 2010-09-17

2010/S 132-201606 Financing a software infrastructure for highly parallelised codes 2010-06-29 2010-09-08

Research for the benefit of SMEs

Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date



FP7-SME-2011-BSG Research for the benefit of SMEs 2010-07-20 2010-12-08

FP7-SME-2011-CP Research for the benefit of SMEs 2010-07-20 2010-12-08

Regions of Knowledge

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Call Title   

Publication Date



FP7-REGIONS-2011-1 Transnational cooperation between regional research-driven clusters 2010-07-20 2010-12-09

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Research Potential

Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date




Unlocking and developing the Research Potential of research entities established in the EU´s Convergence Regions and Outermost regions

2010-07-20 2010-12-07

Science in Society

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Call Title   

Publication Date



FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2011-1 FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2011-1 2010-07-20 2011-01-20


FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2011-EVENTS 2010-07-20 2010-11-25

Activities of International Cooperation

Call Identifier   

Call Title   

Publication Date



FP7-INCO-2011-6 Reinforcing Cooperation with Europe's neighbours in the context of the ERA 2010-07-20 2011-03-15

FP7-INCO-2011-7 Strengthening European research facilities in third countries - INCO-LAB 2010-07-20 2011-03-15

FP7-INCO-2011-8Strengthening joint European S&T centres in Third Countries - INCO-HOUSE

2010-07-20 2011-03-15

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Покана за представяне на предложения — EACEA/22/10 за изпълнението на „Еразмус Мундус“ 2009 г.—2013 г. Действие 2 — Партньорства (2010/C 200/04) Настоящата покана за представяне на предложения се отнася до сътрудничеството между европейски висши училища и висши училища от трети държави от Южния Средиземноморски регион (Египет, Израел и окупираната палестинска територия), републиките от Централна Азия и Западните Балкани (действие 2 — Направление 1). ЦЕЛИ НА ПРОГРАМАТА Основната цел на програма „Еразмус Мундус“ е да насърчава европейското висше образование, да подпомага разширяването и подобряването на перспективите за кариера на студентите и да улеснява междукултурното разбирателство чрез сътрудничество с трети държави в съответствие с целите на външната политика на Европейския съюз, за да допринесе за устойчивото развитие на тези държави в областта на висшето образование. Конкретните цели на програмата са: — да насърчава структурното сътрудничество между висшите училища и предлагането на подобрено качество в сферата на висшето образование, като създава типично европейска добавена стойност и привлекателност както в Европейския съюз, така и извън него с оглед създаването на центрове за високи постижения, — да допринесе за взаимното обогатяване на обществата чрез развиването на квалификациите на жените/ мъжете, така че те да разполагат с подходящи умения, по-специално по отношение на пазара на труда, и да са с широк кръгозор и международен опит, посредством насърчаване както на мобилността за най- талантливите студенти и преподаватели от трети държави за придобиването на квалификации и/или опит в Европейския съюз, така и за най- талантливите европейски студенти и преподаватели в трети държави, — да допринесе за развитието на човешките ресурси и капацитета за международно сътрудничество на висшите училища в трети държави посредством увеличаване на мобилността между Европейския съюз и трети държави, — да подобри достъпността и да засили профила и видимостта на европейското висше образование в света, както и привлекателността му за граждани на трети държави и за гражданите на Европейския съюз. Ръководството за програма „Еразмус Мундус“ и съответните формуляри за кандидатстване са налични на следния адрес: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/funding/higher_education_institutions_en.php

ДЕЙСТВИЕ 2 — ПАРТНЬОРСТВА „ЕРАЗМУС МУНДУС“ Това действие цели да насърчава структурното сътрудничество между висши училища от Европейския съюз и трети държави посредством поощряване на мобилността на всички нива на обучение за студенти (по бакалавърска и магистърска степен), докторанти, изследователи, академичен състав и административен персонал (не всички региони и партиди могат да включват всички потоци на мобилност). Действие 2 — Партньорства „Еразмус Мундус“ (ЕМД2) е разделено на две направления:BG C 200/8 Официален вестник на Европейския съюз 22.7.2010 г.

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НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ 1 — Партньорства с държави, обхванати от инструментите ЕИСП, ИСР, ЕФР и ИПП ( 1 ) (бивш Прозорец за външно сътрудничество), НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ 2 — Партньорства с държави и територии, обхванати от Инструмента за индустриализирани страни (ИИС). 1. Допустими участници, държави и състав на партньорството Условията, приложими за допустимите участници и за състава на партньорствата за ЕМД2—НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ 1, са посочени в ръководството на програмата в раздел 6.1.2.a, както и в насоките за поканата за представяне на предложения EACEA/22/10 — в раздели 5.2 и 5.3. 2. Допустими дейности Допустимите дейности за ЕМД2 — НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ 1 са посочени в „Ръководство за програма „Еразмус Мундус“ 2009—2013 г.“ в раздел 6.1.2.б и в „Насоки за поканата за представяне на предложения EACEA/22/10“ в раздел 5.3. Планираната продължителност на проекта се посочва специално в индивидуалния географски прозорец/лот и не може да надвишава 48 месеца. Допустимите дейности, включително подготвителните дейности, могат да започнат считано от 30 ноември 2010 г. 3. Критерии за възлагане Заявленията ще се оценяват въз основа на следните критерии за възлагане: 1. Адекватност 25 % 2. Качество 65 % 2.1. Състав на партньорството и механизми за сътрудничество 20 % 2.2. Организиране и осъществяване на мобилността 25 % 2.3. Услуги и последващи действия за студентите/персонала 20 % 3. Устойчивост 10 % Общо 100 % 4. Бюджет Общата налична сума по настоящата покана за представяне на предложения е 15 200 000 EUR и има за цел минимален поток на мобилност от 653 лица. 5. Краен срок за кандидатстване Крайният срок за кандидатстване за „Еразмус Мундус“ Действие 2 — Партньорства е 15 октомври 2010 г. Заявлението за безвъзмездни средства трябва се изпрати с препоръчана поща на следния адрес: ‘Education, Audiovisual and Culture’ Executive Agency Call for proposals EACEA/22/10 — Action 2 Att. Mr Joachim Fronia BOUR 02/29 Avenue du Bourget 1 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel BELGIQUE/BELGIË

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ICES Annual Science Conference, Nantes, France [Event Date: 2010-09-20]

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Annual Science Conference will be held in Nantes, France from 20 to 24 September 2010. The event is designed to provide a forum where marine scientists, professionals, and students gather to share their work in theme-based series of oral and poster presentations. This year's edition will focus on coastal zones. Approximately 19 theme sessions,... read more

'Cross-lingual expert search - bridging cross-language information retrieval and social media', Trento, Italy [Event Date: 2010-09-20]

A workshop on 'Cross-lingual expert search - bridging cross-language information retrieval and social media' will be held in Trento, Italy from 20 to 23 September 2010. The event will look at the challenge of multilingual expert search in social media environments. Cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) is a subfield of information retrieval in which a query may be in one language and relevant documents... read more

Third International Workshop on Academic Software Development Tools, Antwerp, Belgium [Event Date: 2010-09-20]

The Third International Workshop on Academic Software Development Tools will be held in Antwerp, Belgium on 20 September 2010. The aim of the annual event is to explore the role that tools and tool-building play in applied academic software engineering research. Even though tool-building is a popular technique to validate research, it is neither simple nor cheap. Given the importance of tool building and... read more

First International Workshop on Automated Configuration and Tailoring of Applications, Antwerp, Belgium [Event Date: 2010-09-20]

The First International Workshop on Automated Configuration and Tailoring of Applications will be held on 20 September 2010 in Antwerp, Belgium. With the increasing number of applications and the importance of software in our daily lives, it is inevitable that in the near future end-users will be directly involved in configuring and tailoring applications to match their requirements. Major attention will... read more

Workshop on context aware intelligent assistance, Karlsruhe, Germany [Event Date: 2010-09-21]

A workshop on context aware intelligent assistance will be held from September 21 to 24 September 2010 in Karlsruhe, Germany. The internet gives access to large amounts of time- and location-related information, such as local events, transportation timetables and news. Social network sites add even more

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information from friends and peers tailored to certain social groups sharing common interests. The wide... read more

'Adapting to global change at the coast: leadership, innovation and investment', London, UK [Event Date: 2010-09-21]

A conference on 'Adapting to global change at the coast: leadership, innovation and investment' will take place in London, UK from 21 to 23 September 2010. Across the world coasts are dynamic and ever-changing. In recent years, an improved understanding of natural processes has generated new concepts in the management of coastal landforms, water bodies and ecosystems. However, social and economic changes,... read more

'Symposium on small satellite programmes for sustainable development: payloads for small satellite programmes', Graz, Austria [Event Date: 2010-09-21]

The 'Symposium on small satellite programmes for sustainable development: payloads for small satellite programmes' will take place in Graz, Austria from 21 to 24 September 2010. This event is one in a series of symposiums which are all part of the United Nations Basic Space Technology Initiative (UNBSTI). UNBISTI is a new effort within the framework of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications.... read more

Fifth ESA Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Space Applications, Noordwijk, the Netherlands [Event Date: 2010-09-21]

The Fifth European Space Agency Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Space Applications will take place in Noordwijk, the Netherlands from 21 to 23 September 2010. Tracking, telemetry and command systems (TTC) are of fundamental importance in space programmes. Recent developments in the areas of telecommunications, signal processing, computing and electronics are making possible new... read more

'Connecting railways' brokerage event, Berlin, Germany [Event Date: 2010-09-21]

The 'Connecting railways' brokerage event will be held in Berlin, Germany from 21 to 24 September 2010. This four-day brokerage event is intended to help foster partnerships on railway technology, public transport, services, tunnel construction, information and communication technology, interiors and infrastructure. It is open to all businesses, universities and research institutes across Europe. The... read more

Fourth International Conference on Trusted Cloud Infrastructure, Shanghai, China [Event Date: 2010-09-22]

The Fourth International Conference on Trusted Cloud Infrastructure will take place in Shanghai, China from 24 to 27 September 2010.

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Cloud computing has rede?ned ways of storing and processing information. It has resulted in a trend where more and more information is permanently stored and processed in large data centres of shared server infrastructure. This fundamental paradigm shift has given rise to... read more

Ninth ScanBalt Forum, Tallinn, Estonia [Event Date: 2010-09-22]

The Ninth ScanBalt (Scandinavia-Baltic) Forum 2010 will be organised in Tallinn, Estonia from 22 to 24 September 2010. The event will centre on the theme of 'Healthy future', focusing on a variety of issues from lifestyle and food to health related technologies and services as well as industrial biotechnology. All these relate to longer and better life, whether by getting more efficient and effective... read more

'Gendered citizenship in multicultural Europe: issues, challenges, visions - FEMCIT research dissemination seminar', Brussels, Belgium [Event Date: 2010-09-23]

The 'Gendered citizenship in multicultural Europe: issues, challenges, visions - FEMCIT research dissemination seminar' will take place in Brussels, Belgium on 23 September 2010. The 'Gendered citizenship in multicultural Europe: the impact of contemporary women's movements' (Femcit) project has been exploring the relationship between the changing forms and practices of gendered citizenship, and women's... read more

'Challenges of multilingualism in Europe - core findings of the Languages in a Network of European Excellence', Brussels, Belgium [Event Date: 2010-09-23]

A conference entitled 'Challenges of multilingualism in Europe - core findings of the Languages in a Network of European Excellence (Linee) Network of Excellence' will be held on 23 September 2010 in Brussels, Belgium. Linee is an EU-funded project that seeks to raise the visibility of linguistic diversity in Europe as a key issue in European integration. The network is made up of nine scientific European... read more

'Regional strategies on active ageing' workshop, Brussels, Belgium [Event Date: 2010-09-23]

A workshop on regional strategies on active ageing will take place in Brussels, Belgium on 23 September 2010. Regions in Europe often lack strategies dealing with the issues of demographic development and ageing. Mostly they still see both as a threat rather than an opportunity. The latter, though, offers opportunities for new services and products. This can boost companies and regional service providers,... read more

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Seventh European Workshop on Public Key Services, Applications and Infrastructures, Athens, Greece [Event Date: 2010-09-23]

The Seventh European Workshop on Public Key Services, Applications and Infrastructures will be held in Athens, Greece from 23 to 24 September 2010. In recent times, information and communication technologies (ICT) have changed the way that private and public sector organisations interact with the world around them. Companies, institutions and organisations, irrespective of their size, are using the internet... read more

Brokerage Event for Marine Research in the Seventh Framework Programme, Istanbul, Turkey [Event Date: 2010-09-23]

A networking event in the field of marine research, maritime activities, climate change and Earth observation systems will be held on 23 and 24 September in Istanbul, Turkey. The main aim of the two-day event is to initiate competitive research project proposal in the field of marine, climate and earth observation for the upcoming calls of FP7 in the environment field. Almost 100 high potential researchers... read more

'Crossing borders in southeast Asian archaeology', Berlin, Germany [Event Date: 2010-09-24]

The 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, entitled 'Crossing borders in southeast Asian archaeology', will be held from 27 September to 1 October 2010 in Berlin, Germany. The conference will aim to provide an interdisciplinary forum that will facilitate communication among archaeologists, art historians, and philologists who share a common interest... read more

'Future and reality of gaming', Vienna, Austria [Event Date: 2010-09-24]

The Fourth Vienna Games Conference on the topic of 'Future and reality of gaming' will take place in Vienna, Austria from 24 to 26 September 2010. Vienna's annual games conference is an open and international platform for stakeholders from around the world. The main objective of this year's edition is to explore the relations between gaming, society and culture and to discuss insights into how to think... read more

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Workshop on dynamic networks and knowledge discovery, Barcelona, Spain [Event Date: 2010-09-24]

A workshop on dynamic networks and knowledge discovery will be held in Barcelona, Spain on 24 September 2010. The event will be a meeting point for scientists interested in the study of large complex networks and the dynamic aspects of such networks. It aims to cover both aspects of networks analysis: large real network analysis and modelling, and knowledge discovery within those networks. Scientific... read more

Fourth International Workshop on Multimedia and Enjoyable Requirements Engineering, Sydney, Australia [Event Date: 2010-09-27]

The Fourth International Workshop on Multimedia and Enjoyable Requirements Engineering will take place in Sydney, Australia from 27 September to 1 October 2010. This workshop will be an opportunity to explore the value of enjoyment and the role of varying media forms as a way to seed high-quality efforts and results in requirements engineering. High-quality requirements are an important precondition... read more

The 19th International Spin Physics Symposium, Jülich, Germany [Event Date: 2010-09-27]

The 19th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN2010) will be held on 27 September to 2 October 2010 in Jülich, Germany. The symposium, which will be organised into plenary sessions and parallel sessions, will cover topics related to spin phenomena, in particle and nuclear physics. These topics will include: - fundamental symmetries and spin, - spin structure of hadrons, - spin physics beyond the... read more

Third International Workshop on Managing Requirements Knowledge, Sydney, Australia [Event Date: 2010-09-27]

The Third International Workshop on Managing Requirements Knowledge will take place in Sydney, Australia on 27 September. The event will focus on the possibilities and benefits of lightweight knowledge management approaches as applied to requirements engineering. Novel ideas, emerging methodologies,

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frameworks and tools, as well as industrial experiences for capturing, representing, sharing and reusing... read more

'ICT 2010: digitally driven', Brussels, Belgium [Event Date: 2010-09-27]

An event entitled 'ICT 2010: digitally driven' will be held from 27 to 29 September 2010 in Brussels, Belgium. Focusing on information and communication technology (ICT), ICT 2010 will be divided into a conference, exhibition and networking sessions. Key themes for the event are: - the potential of digital solutions to promote sustainable growth in a low carbon economy, - the continuing constructive role... read more

EUIMA Country Workshop (Turkey) Universities Implementing Full CostingHosted by the Turkish Higher Education Council, Ankara, Turkey27 September 2010. More information available soon.

Final Dissemination Conference of the ‘Access to Success' project on Fostering Trust and Exchange between Europe and AfricaBrussels, Belgium28 September 2010. More information is available on the project website.

Fourth International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools, Enschede, the Netherlands [Event Date: 2010-09-28]

The Fourth International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools will be held on 28 September 2010 in Enschede, the Netherlands. The workshop will cover the latest in graph-based tool development, bringing together developers of graph-based tools in different application fields and to encourage cooperation in new tool development. Among the topics which are scheduled to be covered are the following: - tools for... read more

First International Workshop on No-Frills Software Engineering, Yokohama, Japan [Event Date: 2010-09-28]

The First International Workshop on No-Frills Software Engineering will take place on 28 September 2010 in Yokohama, Japan. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to exchange results and experiences related to applied software processes with a special focus on lightweight software process models. As more and more experience from this type of model application becomes... read more

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Find your ICT PARTNERS face2face brokerage event,Brussels, Belgium [Event Date: 2010-09-28]

The Find your ICT PARNTERS face2face brokerage event will be held in Brussels, Belgium on 28 September 2010. Ideal-ist is organising this brokerage event in collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) in the field of Information and Communication Technologies of the 7th Framework Programme. The event aims to: - Make research, innovation and business communities aware of funding opportunities... read more

Workshop on simulation and ground support facilities for space programmes, Noordwijk, the Netherlands [Event Date: 2010-09-28]

A workshop on simulation and ground support facilities for space programmes will be held on 28-30 September 2010 in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The main objective of the workshop is to bring together representatives of space agencies and industry to review the latest in modelling, simulations and ground systems simulators as well electrical ground support equipment (EGSE). The event will also aim to discuss... read more

11th Workshop on Simulation and Electrical Ground Support Equipment facilities for Space Programmes, Noordwijk, The Netherlands [Event Date: 2010-09-28]

The 11th Workshop on Simulation and Electrical Ground Support Equipment facilities for Space Programmes will be held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands from 28 to 30 September 2010. The Workshop on Simulation for European Space Programmes (SESP) was organised for the first time in 1990 and has since been held on a bi-annual basis. The Workshop on Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) was held for the... read more

Technology and business matchmaking event, Plovdiv, Bulgaria [Event Date: 2010-09-29]

A matchmaking event in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) and automation will be held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria from 29 to 30 September 2010. The event will feature a seminar day and a day dedicated to pre-scheduled bilateral meetings. The seminar day will feature presentations and discussions on financing opportunities for clusters and associations, best practices in management of... read more

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Fifth Italian Workshop on Eclipse Technologies, Savona, Italy [Event Date: 2010-09-30]

The Fifth Italian Workshop on Eclipse Technologies will be held in Savona, Italy from 30 September to 1 October 2010. The Eclipse integrated development environment is a widely- used platform for the development of object-oriented applications. It is an open source community and ecosystem whose projects are focused on building a platform comprised of extensible frameworks, tools and runtimes for building,... read more

International Conference on Space Optics, Rhodes, Greece [Event Date: 2010-09-30]

The International Conference on Space Optics will take place from 4 to 8 October 2010 in Rhodes, Greece. This year's edition of the regular event will bring together experts working in all disciplines of optical, optoelectronic and photonic technologies for space applications. The conference aim is to bring together the space optics community and exchange information and ideas on the research, development,... read more

Fourth Companion Robotics Workshop, Brussels, Belgium [Event Date: 2010-09-30]

The Fourth Companion Robotics Workshop will take place on 30 September 2010 in Brussels, Belgium. This fourth research workshop in a series continues a focus on research challenges relating to the adoption, integration and adaptation of companion robots as socially-aware assistive devices at home, or at work for enhanced life/work-style support, comfort and societal benefits. read more

'Future internet and society: a complex systems perspective', Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy [Event Date: 2010-10-02]

A conference entitled 'Future internet and society: a complex systems perspective' will take place from 2 to 7 October 2010 in Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy. This conference will bring together information and communication technology (ICT) experts, social scientists and professionals in the area of complex systems. They will assess the latest developments, identify new trends and look to the future... read more

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International Conference on Distance Learning and Education, San Juan, US [Event Date: 2010-10-03]

The International Conference on Distance Learning and Education will take place in San Juan, US from 3 to 5 October 2010. The primary goal of the event is to promote research and developmental activities in distance learning and education. Another aim is to promote the exchange of scientific information between researchers, developers, engineers, students and practitioners working in the field. read more

'Emergent properties of the cytoskeleton: molecules to cells', Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain [Event Date: 2010-10-03]

An event entitled 'Emergent properties of the cytoskeleton: molecules to cells' will be held from 3 to 8 October 2010 in Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain. The cytoskeletal field is developing rapidly. As well as new discoveries in how proteins are assembled, regulated and interact to contribute to cell behaviour and function, there are new developments in imaging technology and chemical biology. These new... read more

'Tectonic crossroads: evolving orogens of Eurasia-Africa-Arabia', Ankara, Turkey [Event Date: 2010-10-03]

A conference entitled 'Tectonic crossroads: evolving orogens of Eurasia-Africa-Arabia' will take place from 3 to 8 October 2010 in Ankara, Turkey. Situated at the intersection of the Eurasian, African and Arabian Plates, the eastern Mediterranean region is an area of high seismic and volcanic activity. This broad zone is dominated by crustal extension and shortening, as well as strike-slip faulting as... read more

International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Inter-Congress, Antalya, Turkey [Event Date: 2010-10-03]

The annual International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Inter-Congress will take place from 3 to 6 October 2010 in Antalya, Turkey. The general theme for the event is 'From the crossroads of civilisations: understanding cultural diversity to connect societies'. The congress will allow participants to investigate and share methods for exploring key anthropological subjects, including:... read more

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15th International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling, Oslo, Norway [Event Date: 2010-10-04]

The 15th International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling will take place on 4 October 2010 in Oslo, Norway. Over the past decade, researchers have introduced a variety of new aspect-oriented concepts and mechanisms and have pointed out various problematic issues of aspect-oriented software development (AOSD). read more

First Workshop on Model Driven Interoperability, Oslo, Norway [Event Date: 2010-10-05]

The First Workshop on Model Driven Interoperability will take place on 5 October 2010 in Oslo, Norway. Interoperability is the ability of separate entities, systems or artefacts to work together. Although there has always been the need to achieve interoperability between heterogeneous systems and notations, the difficulties involved in overcoming their differences, the lack of consensus on the common standards... read more

32nd ESA Workshop on Antennas for Space Applications, Noordwijk, the Netherlands [Event Date: 2010-10-05]

The 32nd ESA Workshop on Antennas for Space Applications will be held in Noordwijk, the Netherlands from 5 to 8 October 2010. The workshop is designed to be an open forum focused on space antennas (satellite and user ground segment) with the aim of fostering exchange of ideas between researchers and developers involved in the electrical and thermo-mechanical domains. The main objectives of the event will... read more

Eleventh Trade Show for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficient Building and Renovation, Augsburg, Germany. [Event Date: 2010-10-07]

The Eleventh Trade Show for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficient Building and Renovation (Renexpo) will take place from 7 to 10 October 2010 in Augsburg, Germany. This year's edition will focus on bioenergy, covering the entire value chain of wood energy. An additional focus will be cogeneration, presenting the latest products and technological developments. read more

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MedicalExpo, Bacau, Romania [Event Date: 2010-10-07]

The four-day brokerage event, MedicalExpo, will be held in Bacau, Romania from 7 to 10 October, 2010. MedicalExpo is a forum and exhibition bringing together a gathering of industry representatives, companies, and visitors. Topics of interest include:

- medical equipments and services; - orthopedics equipments; - laboratory equipment and products; - medical research; - medical software; - pharmaceutical,... read more

'Networked humanities: art history on the web', Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy [Event Date: 2010-10-09]

A conference on 'Networked humanities: art history on the web' will be held in Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy from 9 to 14 October 2010. Since the earliest times, new technologies have contributed to scientific advances and transformed research methods. Today, the World Wide Web offers revolutionary models of scientific cooperation. This development has repeatedly been associated with the development and... read more

'Modelling and managing competences in collaborative networks', Saint-Etienne, France

[Event Date: 2010-10-11]

A conference on 'modelling and managing competences in collaborative networks' will take place in Saint-Etienne, France from 11 to 13 October 2010. Competence issues have been cited as both strategically and tactically important to develop inter-enterprise or inter-individual collaboration. At the strategic level of enterprise management, organisational competence analysis is required to take coherent... read more

'Personal semantic data on the desktop and on the web', Lisbon, Portugal [Event Date: 2010-10-11]

A workshop on 'personal semantic data on the desktop and on the web' will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on 11 October 2010. Personal information management (PIM) is an area of interest for both researchers and industry. While time and energy resources remain constant, the amount of information that needs attention grows exponentially with advances in communications and information sharing tools. read more

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IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, Gothenburg, Sweden [Event Date: 2010-10-11]

The IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden from 11 to 13 October 2010. The conference provides a forum for discussion on the latest in research and innovation in smart grid technologies. A series of paper sessions, panels, tutorials and lectures by international experts will take place. The conference is open to researchers,... read more

Workshop on parallel software tools and tool infrastructures, San Diego, US [Event Date: 2010-10-13]

A workshop on parallel software tools and tool infrastructures will take place on 13 October 2010 in San Diego, US. The advent of multicore and manycore systems requires that programmers understand how to design, write and debug parallel programs effectively. The increased complexity of multi-threaded parallel programming on multicore platforms requires increased insight into programme behaviour. read more

Fourth International Workshop on System and Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications, Lausanne, Switzerland [Event Date: 2010-10-13]

The Fourth International Workshop on System and Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland from 13 to 15 October 2010. The event will focus on innovative approaches, enabling concurrent engineering (CE) methodologies, the latest tools and techniques and examples of applied system engineering (SE). The aim is to promote the creation and exchange of ideas and to... read more

Future Launchers Preparatory Programme Workshop, Noordwijk, the Netherlands [Event Date: 2010-10-14]

The Future Launchers Preparatory Programme (FLPP) Workshop will be held on 14 October 2010 in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. This event will look at launch systems, required technology and integrated demonstrators. The workshop will present the main achievements and the upcoming milestones of different FLPP activities. The Future Launchers Preparatory Programme aims to advance the technology and industrial... read more

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Seventh International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software, Guimaraes, Portugal [Event Date: 2010-10-14]

The Seventh International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software will be held in Guimaraes, Portugal from 14 to 16 October 2010. The event will centre on how formal methods can or should be used to make component-based software development succeed. Component-based software development has emerged as a promising paradigm to cope with an ever increasing complexity of present-day software solutions.... read more

Third Workshop on Very Large Digital Libraries, Glasgow, UK [Event Date: 2010-10-15] Third Workshop on Very Large Digital Libraries will be held in Glasgow, UK from 10 September 2010. The implementation of modern digital libraries is more demanding than in the past. Information consumers are facing with the need to access ever growing, heterogeneous, related information spaces. At the same time, information providers are interested in sharing rich and organised views about sometimes overabundant... read more

Geneva (Switzerland), 19th – 20th October 2010: Advanced Workshop on Domain Name Dispute Resolution

The World Intellectual Property Organization is organising an “Advanced Workshop on Domain Name Dispute Resolution: Update on Practices and Precedents” to be held in Geneva (Switzerland), on 19th - 20th October 2010.

The conference will introduce selected topics and discuss these with the participants on the basis of UDPR case scenarios. The participants consist of experienced WIPO UDPR panelists with extensive domain name expertise, and senior legal staff of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center. Practitioners and those who may become involved with UDPR proceedings are encouraged to attend the conference.

More information and registration

Geneva (Switzerland), 21st-22nd October 2010: WIPO Arbitration Workshop

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is organising an “Arbitration Workshop” to be held in Geneva (Switzerland), on 21st-22nd October 2010.

The purpose of the workshop is to provide intensive basic training of a practical nature for arbitration party representatives and arbitrators. Speakers are experienced WIPO arbitrators with extensive international experience, including exposure to intellectual property, technology issues and entertainment. Lawyers, patent and trade mark attorneys and others wishing to familiarise themselves with the international arbitration process and wishing to receive training as arbitrators or party representatives are encouraged to attend the workshop.

More information and registration

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EUA Annual Conference: Diversities and Commonalities - the changing face of Europe's universitiesHosted by University of Palermo, Italy20-23 October 2010 

'Complex systems design and management 2010', Paris, France [Event Date: 2010-10-27]

The 'Complex systems design and management 2010' conference will be held in Paris, France from 27 to 29 October 2010. The aim of the conference is to cover as completely as possible the field of complex systems sciences and practices. The event will cover : - scientific contributions - scientific and technical methods and tools for analysing, modelling, simulating, optimising, verifying, validating and... read more

Fifth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, Fukuoka, Japan [Event Date: 2010-11-04]

The Fifth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, will take place from 4 to 6 November 2010 in Fukuoka, Japan. Peer to peer (P2P), grid, cloud and internet computing technologies have seen increased attention in the past few years. They have emerged as new ways of solving complex problems by enabling large-scale aggregation and sharing of computational, data and... read more

International Conference on Energy and Automotive Technologies, Istanbul, Turkey [Event Date: 2010-11-05]

The International Conference on Energy and Automotive Technologies (ICAT 2010) will be held on 5 November 2010 in Istanbul, Turkey. Worldwide energy demand is predicted an average yearly growth rate of 1.8% until 2030. Fossil fuels have been and will be the leading energy source to meet this demand for the upcoming decades. Nevertheless, global strategies and action plans for the alternative and sustainable... read more


Fourth International Workshop on the Vision of a Trustworthy Ubiquitous Computing, Paris, France [Event Date: 2010-11-08]

The Fourth International Workshop on the Vision of a Trustworthy Ubiquitous Computing will take place from 8 to 10 November 2010 in Paris, France. The first vision of ubiquitous computing started more than 15 years ago. In order to totally adopt the idea of ubiquitous computing, several houses were even built, equipped with technology and used as laboratory in order to find and test appliances that are... read more

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Third International Workshop Social Data on the Web, Shanghai, China [Event Date: 2010-11-08]

The Third International Workshop Social Data on the Web will take place in Shanghai, China on 8 November 2010. The 'semantic web' is a term used to describe methods and technologies to allow machines to understand the meaning of information on the Internet. The 'social web' is often regarded as a variety of applications for rapidly publishing and disseminating information to a community of interest:... read more

Dynamic interlinkages between social and ecosystem changes: Towards a Europe-Africa partnership', Hulshort, the Netherlands [Event Date: 2010-11-08]

A conference on 'Dynamic interlinkages between social and ecosystem changes: Towards a Europe-Africa partnership' will take place in Hulshort, the Netherlands from 8 to 12 November 2010. Effective sustainable development requires a holistic approach so that researchers and policy makers can best adapt decisions and better implement practices. The conference will discuss the social-ecological systems' interactions... read more

Madrid (Spain), 15th-17th November 2010: ICERI 2010

The International Association for Technology, Education and Development is organising the third annual edition of the “International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation ICERI”, to be held in Madrid (Spain) on 15th-17th November 2010.

The conference aims to promote international collaboration in Education and Research in all educational fields and disciplines. It is meant for any person interested in education, research and innovation. Participants are invited to submit their abstracts and attend to share achievements in these fields.

More information and registration

Fifth European Quality Assurance ForumBuilding Bridges: Making sense of QA in European, national and insitutional contextsHosted by University Claude Bernard Lyon I, France18-20 November 2010

2010 Classics Colloquium – KrakowThe theme for the 2010 Classics Colloquium -- the ninth in our series -will be Death and Afterlife encompassing a range of subjects and areas of research: linguistics, literature, culture, religion, philosophy, archeology, art history etc. Classics graduate scholars at Europaeum member universities are invited to take part in this Colloquium, taking place at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, from 19th-21st November 2010 Click here for event details http://www.europaeum.org/europaeum/?q=node/1050There remains a few places left for classics students from certain Europaeum partner institutions. The Europaeum will provide accommodation and meals for all graduates for the

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duration of the colloquium. Selected participants are responsible for covering their own travel costs. To apply, please send a 100-word abstract, CV, and a recommendation from one or two academic advisors to the Europaeum office. mailto:[email protected] as soon as possible (all application materials must be in English). Applications will continue to be accept until the end of September !!

September13-15.09 OECD/

IMHE Paris, France

Higher Education in a World Changed Utterly: Doing More with Less


15-18.09 EAIE Nantes, France

22nd Annual Conference: Making Knowledge Work


16.09 Magna Charter Observatory

Bologna, Italy

Making the Magna Charta Values Operational


16-19.09 IFCU - Liverpool Hope University

Liverpool Hope University, United Kingdom

The Idea of a University - Revisited


17-19.09 ICEIT Chongqing, China

2010 International Conference on Educational and Information Technology


20-21.09 Compostela Group of Universities

University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

XVI General Council: 'Balancing the books: Revenue Generation Strategies in HE'


23-24.09 Sakarya University, Turkey

International Distance Education Conference 2010


24.09 EU Burgos, Spain

First International Conference on European Transnational Education


27-29.09 Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The social and ethical commitment of universities: international and regional perspectives and challenges


27-29.09 Dubrovnik, Croatia

International Forum: Foresight in Higher Education Reform 2020

Contact: [email protected]

27-29.09 EADTU Zermatt, Switzerland

Strategies and Business Models for Lifelong Learning


28-29.09 Gent, Breaking the cycle www.education2010.be/en/calendar/social-

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Belgium of disadvantage - social inclusion in and through education


30.09 The Royal Institution, London, UK

Building a World-Class University




Berlin, Germany

Employability and Mobility of Bachelor Graduates in Europe


October03-05.10 San Juan,

Puerto Rico

2010 International Conference on Distance Learning and Education


04-08.10 EducationUSA

Pretoria, South Africa

Triennial Africa Conference: Partnering for the Future


06-08.10 CHE, IREG Berlin, Germany

IREG-5, Conference of the International Observatory on Academic Rankings and Excellence


07-08.10 Centre for Policy Studies in Higher Education and Training, University of British Columbia

Vancouver, Canada

Reform of University Governance - Trends, Policies, Fads and Experience in Comparative Perspective


07-09.10 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Humboldt’s Model. The Future of Universities in the World of Research


11-13.10 University of Pecs, Hungary

‘Expanding Europe’ Jubilee Rectors’ Conference


12-15.10 AIEC Sydney, Australia

2010 Australian International Education Conference: Transitions & Transformations


14-15.10 University Network of the European Capitals of Culture/Compostela Group of Universities

University of Pécs, Hungary

Inclusion through Education and Culture


14-15.10 EURASHE Tallinn, Estonia

20th Annual Conference


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15.10 ACA Brussels, Belgium

World-class: the brave new world of global higher education and research



Calgary, Canada

Internationalization: Essential Building Block to Quality in 21st Century Higher Education


20-23.10 Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogjakarta, Indonesia

World Conference on Science, Education and Culture: Local Wisdom Inspiring Global Solutions


20-23.10 EUA Palermo, Italy

Diversities and Commonalities - the changing face of Europe's universities


20-24.10 Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

Cannakkale, Turkey

World Universities' Congress: What should be the new aims and responsibilities of universities within the framework of global issues


22-23.10 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazhakstan

Science of the Future


25-27.10 EDEN Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Enhancing Transparency in Quality Management of Peer Production - E-value and E-valuation in E-learning


26-28.10 AAOU Hanoi Open University, Vietnam

Open Distance Learning towards Building Sustainable Global Learning Communities


27-29.10 Karlsruhe, Germany

International Greening Education Event


27-29.10 Salamis Bay Conti Resort Hotel, North Cyprus

International Science & Technology Conference-ISTEC 2010



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01-03.11 Ahmedabad, India

International Conference on Ethical Framework for a Sustainable World


02-04.11 Barcelona, Spain

Seventh Annual Open Education Conference: Impact and Sustainability


03-04.11 ANIE Makarere University, Uganda

2nd Annual Meeting of the African Network for Internationalization of Education


04-05.11 ANIE Kampala, Uganda

Internationalization of Higher Education and Research in Africa: responding to opportunities and challenges


08-09.11 Centre for Sustainable Design, University for the Creative Arts

RDM Campus, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Sustainable Innovation 2010: Creating Breakthroughs: green growth, Edo-innovation, Entrepreneurship and Jobs


08-12.11 University of Nottingham

The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China

International Leadership Conference: Managing Global Universities


15-17.11 Madrid, Spain

ICERI 2010 www.iceri2010.org


Internationalization of Higher Education: Global Trends, Regional Perspectives IAU 3rd Global Survey ReportFrom its unique global vantage point, the International Association of Universities (IAU) regularly undertakes Global Surveys on Internationalization of Higher Education and disseminates their findings. With contributions from internationalization experts from around the world, the analysis of results is based on responses from HEIs in 115 countries making this the largest internationalization study of its kind! To order Internationalization of Higher Education: Global Trends, Regional Perspectives, please contact [email protected]

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Issue 26 - July/August 2010Languages: en (2,96MB)

Special feature

Genes, health and the data revolutionBioinformatics, the right reward for the right R & D: Interview with François Képès of Genopole

Other highlights

New tools for earlier breast cancer diagnosis A tale of underground alchemy EU launches forestry sustainable development tool Free, open virtual laboratory for infectious diseases Can the human brain inspire computer science?

Page 38: nis-su.eunis-su.eu/Documents/Infobulletin/Bulletin_September_2010.doc  · Web viewСЕПТЕМВРИ 2010. МАГИСТРАТУРИ, СТИПЕНДИИ, СТАЖОВЕ. MA in European

Title: Let’s embrace spaceDate: June 2010 (Issue 6)Languages: en (4,6MB)

The EU has valuable space infrastructure, in particular a wide array of Earth observation satellites and ground-based systems which help improve European's quality of life. This edition features a number of excellent European space research projects which have empowered Europe to harvest the potential of space for a safer world. Discover projects on responding to emergencies and read about the diversity of space research in the areas of international cooperation, education and exploration

N°63 - April 2010 Table of contents / Editorial / Copenhagen, a missed chance? / A fundamental researcher / “My voice goes with you” / Rendezvous in Hedonia / Laser and fusion, the perfect alliance? / The algorithm of the gods / The cancer of prisons / Where does religious thought come from? / Warning signs of a geyser / In brief / Publications / Agenda / Opinion

Page 39: nis-su.eunis-su.eu/Documents/Infobulletin/Bulletin_September_2010.doc  · Web viewСЕПТЕМВРИ 2010. МАГИСТРАТУРИ, СТИПЕНДИИ, СТАЖОВЕ. MA in European
