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NO. 24, VOL. "EQUAL AND EXACT JUSTICE TO ALL MEN, OF WHATE•ER XVI. NEW SERIES. NIX. STATE OR PERSUASION, RELIGIOUS OR POLITICAL."--Javm•nsoN. SOUTHINGTON, CONN., FRIDAY--MORNING MARCH 18, 1892. WHOLE N(). 960. BUCKWHEAT MAKES THE BEST CAKES. Every package guaranteed to please you or can bo returned and grocer will refund nmnoy. Order a Cage/or to-morrow morning's reakfa, t. •'•- H. t•TI• EET. THE GRAND CENTRAL Shoppin o mporium F. M. BROWN & GO. Important Values! IN ALL T•E L/ITESTSPRING STYLES FLANNEL DEPARTMENT. GLENI)ALL CLOTfI--A },eautlful material for h.mse dres.ea in a big varloty cannot really pa•s them by at the prue --ONLY 12•-(" A YARD COTTON DRESS GOODS. CURTAIN DEPARTMENT., The moat beautiful varzety of bcot(.h 3|adras MuMie• ever neon. )u,t tile thing for sash and lea.., c•lrtaln% r•eil aP ,,vet full 45 •ache• •*,tc the refuter prz(e la 75c per )a•l, bu• to make a qm•k A YARD OUT OF TOWN CUSTOMERS Receive •heir return radmad fare to ,h•- thls , lty F. M. BROWN & GO., Importers aild Retailer% NEW HAVEN, CONN. New York, log Worth St., Parl% Rne Martel 5 bl•. l•ain St., l•lantaTI11e. I. P FlaKE. M D., -- m•'•l •outhlllgton, Conn. $ontMngfon lmvmg sanK. M AItKET PRICES. Market CUVT SG. D. D. s.. Dentist, R•ldcace, 8 Vermont Avenue• BOUTS INOTON, CONN. Ofl•ce Hour•-9 m. 12.• p. m., 1:80 p m.•5p n .o. oN, . O• In Plant =Bl•k. Plant•qe. 0• •m anttl in the mor•g, f• 15 ff.• {•ENEFIT OFFICERS INDICTED DAFFV-DOWN-DILLY. Daffy-down-Dalyls chubby •nd small He|ghl Hol Daffy-down-Drily[ She sl•8 In ths sun •d eha vlaya with h• doll, Daffy-do•-DUly. DUIy• A STREET-CAll Ii03IANCE "Ticket •'" ull.nted lhe •unlrt presently ushered Into a handsomely famished room, where I proceeded to pull myself together •whlle awaiting Mm. Carman. Sinco then some mont, hs have passed: "Paul, what areyou writing there?" "A little story, darling." "Let me see." "_No, no--not yet` But she had looked over my ghoul- der, and a small hand soon covered my eyes, while an arm slipped round my neck and her soft lips pressed mine. "Oh, you naughty boyl But just walt a mlnute." She disappeared, laughing, and came hack quickly with a blue sachet, from which she drew out twop[n• street-car transfers. see, kept them safely-- I've you (hd not think I had thrown •hem away, dear'• The first Tuesday I cried all night` If you had net come the second --" "Well, wbat would you have done, Ethel?" "Shall I tell you?" "Yes, do " "You won't be cross. ° Well, I would ha•e •ent yell one nf them b.y "lh,w .hdly' And Mr,• Carman prised whenbtUlealled. It wasI Wile, •vlfty opCahfornhl•trm.I i beforeel•,smg the envclnpe, secretly It wu• ab.ut half-pa•t fl•o o'elo('K i nlys(,lfltlsldo a far filled with rn¢'n apl)eur over thplr lnng boa• or fur or ' }lear Valloy (JotnlhHly U I1 Millard'u hurry along at top •peed, •blh, lho I,tled hy XI•,.sr• l'ulh.'k and 11o•% have great difficulty I[i bringing their , cra•bltlg 11o1%o l.t•oalng lip, Lnpy haven't get it. ha•e you, •tl,¢•l,,)ulg,,acb ,,thor and ]IDaho. lU,d,aLIdy xl,,l,'tJ{ rush, thI' huck'• did n,,t •"t. tl,,rl of Ill• iacl) •hr• h,ul •l.•k.'n, dud Ir•lng t', I,li-h ",tt'h otbor hal'k It ur get (lilt and walk " F ttle scene, hut hefore they reached It "Here, eon(hlcU)r," I uaid, ten(let-, the deer lU thelrstruggle•appmacl•ed leg Into a dlnw. and tben, turning to t too near the edgo nf the cllllaud both tho(.hlor hMv, l added "It Is the. of them fell to their deathln the[s,ol COAL. E. :L SUTLIFF.I DeMor In COAL ANO WOOD at Iowe• m•rket SQUARE AND HONEST DEALINO is my •xt and motto. T:E1R MS CASH John Hanna, MONUMEN'FS, Cemetery Work. hen(l-writing--hearing tbo vlty mark. I op,'n,'d it and •aw. a/ta,'bed to the top ('oruer €,f tile I I'q(ixlff card , In('lose(l, fivr, 2-cent po•tag. SI;LIIII) Dn the card was printed •R AND MR• JOHN (t CIRM•N While underneath wa• written q•m'or nazne• ,'eriaid]v are found in 1 put tile eanl aside on u• (h'•k. at Somer•,.t House F,,r exaull)le , "•,,w, every day you Inset pe¢)i)],, in (',0, Rill'r, Morning, Offspring, and instant with morenr lcs• attentmn,'son ArthurWclleslyWelllngton Wet- lint In my •se. [ had her, liT a orlon Mr..lower% a no•d hunt• )r the lau b glimpse of the nmther ' g " man. named his son •ward Bylng •Tr't•: d h•r:°t ;•vth;r •S•r•(ll;•t i Tally-tin Forward A mortal that w• .. P evidently unweh'ome Is re•rded ever, there could no no doubt th(y ' •orten namcsaro frequen• but pro• werenf the upper wnrld•but, aft('r•ably thclnng,..namein the world, all, of wha$1nterest•uld they hc te,hmger than thatof any•ten•te, Nevertheles% IdRl foellnterested, •attached to that of Arthur Pepper. so why should Iattempt deny i•?[laundryman' The namo or th• Their address had been given •) me, daughter, •rn In 1883, Is Ann Bertha C•llla •na Emily Fanny and also their (lay at home. The ad- Gertrude Hypat•Inez Sane tlate dress was printed, hut the day wa• I L•u,i.•e Maud No•phella Qulce Re- written In a modern, auguiar EngINh hec•,t Starkoy •e•a Ulysla haml. Not so the lines of thanks Venus Wlnlfred Xenophon Yelty the han(lwritinghl.re was the deli- cate, preeis&•nd that young misses were taught thirty years ago. The mother had ccrtalnly wrltben them But who had written "the day?" I becamecurlmm. I[nwcouldI find out '• Ye% there wa•a way.... But t,, call on penple with whmn I had only exchauged a few wnrds, ou the street, and who, In a week, might have forgotten my nazne and my face, was ntLher a delicate mat° 209 •T•8•{]•?' •tW BPIIq•I• •'r The. ] should haye Imder•o the torture u• Ceella• •nyseH an •1o• •t•. truder, ns the ".,•an• would an- •gal• nnunce me in the re.pile.room Zeus Pepper---one title procisely for every letter of thd alphabetl The simplicity of a child Is some- times like a light overcoat, only put na for effect. Atleast, that Is what a certain parent lmaglee• He has two children, a boy of 8 and 'a •lrl of 10, and It Is hard •o tell which he thinks the more of. Tho other evening both of them had been exceptionally g(md, but he he decided to test, them still further. '*Children," he announced, Impres- sively, "I am going to give nne of E•,T&BLISEED. 17•. LYMAN B. BUTLER, (l•crmerly Lr•m Batl•.) ('FormeHy Buffer where, llerhaps, half a dozen ladles, unknown to me, would lool• me over from head to foot as I advanced, as If to ask. "Who Is this person, and where does ho come from?" When I thrum'hi it well over, how- you a penny. Whlchshall It be?" "Give it to Johnny," remarked the daughter. "Let Nellie hard it," said the son. Tho proud father's eyes filled at this remarkable evidence of unselfish. Boots and Shoel ,°v°r' re'ectedthatther°hadh°°n tlehandodthocointo oll,e, occasion to talk of m& and, a• the and was reaohlng In his •cke• for I• nmne of Paul Bernard, Mrs. Carman another, when Johnny ln•rru0ted would know very well who I was. At din. FOR 8PRINO AND SUMMER WEAR, all event•, I de•rmined renew the "Papa, dear, hc enid reproachfully, acquain•nce, and so the following 'Nellie •ld •ou gJvo It me." a •t of i• a •t •,, Tuesday found mea• •hodoorof No.-- "•B •T. Pine s•reet. W• speak,of those who are cruel as I must •nfess I did feel ra•her an- Inhuman. Ought we no• to regard L. P. BUTLER, e•ywhenmytnqulry "M•.CarmanP' them very human? I• Is chara• slr• shall be AN EDITORIAL ORISIS. TRIUMPHANT EVOL'UT(ON OF THE SPIKETOWN Mortimer Clugston, editor and proprietor of the Splketown Blizzard has reached a crisis In his affairs He eat, in his editorial chair •,lth his arms folded, his Ups tightly com. pressed, and his feet on th0 editorial table, us was his wont when wrestling wlth some intricate problem of life. In looking over hisaccounts hc had made the discovery that tho Spike- town Blizzard was no.t paying ex- it was always in his power to dis- cover the s•mple process of thrusting his hand into his trous0rs p•cket and feeling around that ho hadn't any money, yet there was always out- standing account• ou sttbsexiptlon, Job-work, and advertlsrfi•that were more than suffieient,'as hc had fan- clod, to inakc hiln square w}Lh the But hore lie v,a., faee In faec with the tremend(,u• r.tct that all the gond of thr•('dlvadlul b,th,rs Mating th,t| dup bill ,ugn•.(I b% I[Io Rr(,at DAh'tll Ink-- I.oilg b,' l,.ndored Ul,Oll the Mtua IeHI 'liw g I ;I '• Ilhtil('t Of J')h D,r "l'tl (Iq It' ' It(' •.•llJ ai last "] ]1 [h' took ltl• never paid a cenk There wcre the merchants who got extra copies ta send to friends and thought the•, wereentltled £o them for nothing. •here were the tough men of the vil- lage, whose names had got on his list somohow, whom he didn't dare to. dun, and there were the men who borrowed the paper Instead of sub- scribing for It and found more fault with it than anybody eiec did. "While I am e•plalning things," continued Editor Clugston, "I will explain that I owe my cub at the office a month's salary I owe a board bill of $17.30. 1 owe about $75 in bills coming due In a week. And I've goL $1.35 to pay 'era with. Took In $1 ml suhscrlptlon to-day. isn't hkeh,," he added, raising his since, "that I'll ever have as favorable an opportunity to inaugurate my cash system as I have right now. Ynur accoun• on subscription are iu this book, gentlemen. You will oblige mc very much by cumhlg forward and settling at once." Ill the sepulchral stillness that fol- lowed his remarks Banker Wildcat •me th• front with $6.25, which he said was •he payment in advance for five copies of the BLIzTard. Then the Chairman, followed by the Serretarv und several othem of the as•eml,h.d deadheads, handec over $1 25e,wh in slh,nce. varl•al• alnou[l•q squared up their I•h•zanl h'ft thoTown Hall he had $]74.h0 In I•i• ])oekeL, and his paper was e•I;tbll•hed (,fl a solid cash bast& And now mark hew •ltor (;lugs- h,n had met tbm]ast g•cat crisis Tb.ll indignation meeting was his ]h'or•g•nah.d It iu all its detail% Hb Banker Wihh'at •be due before ever ('rn.h thp truly great journahst. Ih, •,ts a sl)rm'e l<mklng 3Dung fel- 1.• •itb •.nw Jewelry display, bu• Iw had n•one), a• a fifty.oiler bill m ht• band t(.•l•lh'd tie collection, with instru,.tl,n• to push them , TO THE •l'rTKa g'ND. S•'I In large t)l., arid h'a,h (1" fill, d ,t , 1I,' lUd,]l d 1t1#' Iltlro 01hlh•lt he m,', tmR ,tll]ip 'J',,•n Tbe tra•eling man looked Ull with a sly wink. "Come off, sully," he said famll- larl) "I guess you're not onto ely clzr•e•, bul)P,•So you tr• timt hay- wh(ml bo ,•ffere(I It fnr $35, and tb( e TOPICS OF TItE TIMES.!the days when I sa]iud appolntod i herself post, mistress and made an A CHOICE 8ELECTION OF IN-'o•ee of every bandy tree, hot the TERESTING ITEMS. I reign of steam and e]ectricltv has " i comm•t• and •¢ltl•l•m• Bused •pon prmcd too Inuch for h•m. Yotmg- RUSS•h• typhus In exchange fnr ' wires nver Nmgara l.'ali•. The• have •me•can wheaU ls tibia gratitude? no trysts In hu•k• (let,s I..•er• e• i)•£ •] often so bus, tbat Lht.v are •edded ia )ends too hy tr,lograph to sa•o tmme. TH• pr much thnc buzzing to ga•her any Thor. •s no longpr nn) Area ha b•b ptl• up Its duke• wheuever an ' cared lhl• your, awl mo-t t.f kmerlcan heircss Is to be had. were of the •arwt •bwh IIlUllp• 4 the reciph'nt ,t rlestre tn retorl TIIE Lol,istana ]ott*.ry ('al. If kslled shotgun, l{omance is tim lv,or,.-t ,,f In lhat S•a•, promises In boh up •n ' cap•tals uI•m hwh Io (1,• hves. PIIILADELPHIA has prodneed a l•et- The influence of tbe ]()e•l]ll• I• •ory evident In the title of his tlr•t vo[onle, "A Bonk of Imy-l)reaul• " WhEN the Eugh•h people h'urn that Buffaln Ihll has arrlred in ( cagn they will think that work nn World's Fair ha8 lalrl$ i,egLm dl•aqer.r tim ]h,tel ll,,•.d anghl The lintel •,lS a Ilre-tr.tI• Ii].llnll'.e]) hlfurm the l,re'-. bud alwa• dreaded allrv aud roundl) squeezed, In the re';U]tlng patlle. ft. MISSOUR1 h()uscw]fe drives away an•hysprlnkhng ]Imburger cheese about her house The Mis,ourl ant I• thv enl}gbtoilCd Jtldg[npnt r,f lnan- CONNECTICUT TREES. SO'WE OF THE MOST NOTED ONES IN THE STATE. The State Grange Collecting Facte About Them--Elms Planted by the French E.ochambeau--Olasto•o bury Oaks Sa•d •o .Three Cert. tur*es Old. A corretpoudent of the Now York Tlmes s• flies that th{ {'',[IIIC{ If( ut grange h• begun an inttrcsUng work in the Ihe McClel;an •lm• m •outh %Vood- stock were p[antt,I Jan( 17, 1775. by the m the to•n •n the •hadc of which Wash- The noted elm• of }.a•t Hartford w•re fret in h, q he resolution I,ussed unanimously nr three feet of the upper pT)rtlon, The banker, Mr. Wildcat, then which Is almut two Inches thick, is of arnse. I)ractlcal service In the production "If Mr CIu toe's'- "h " ,,Isoalx In the ulanufactureof theist- ,, ter, tte roots are I rat washed, t he said, perhaps this will he us g,,od I atlmeas'any fo-r hhn to links-tie :ut upend boiled out In a t,lg vat, explanation." where other ingredients are also F•litor Clugston stalked slowly and ' placed, and when this Is dried out to sole•nnly forward to the platfornl. ' Sl•Ch a degree that it will solidify, It . I• molde• into semi-transparent cakes Amhl the mnst profound silence ne[ turned and faced the audience which possess all the desirable qnall- "The explanation, gentlemen," ne, ties of toilet soap. A peculiar charac- said, "1• that It takes money to run terlstic said to pertain to th•s weed the Blizzard. In looking over my mxbscriptlon 1Nt (and he took It out from under hls arm andnpenc(l it) 1 find that 1 have twenty-sevcndead- hcad• t• whom I furnish the BHzzard free. Among these dcadhcads Is y•ur chairman, for whom I have |he high- est rOSileCt, together with the finn" is that, notwlt.lstandlng It grows hi a region where alkali roots dnt the ground, and where the soil is white with the chemical, noucof it Is found In the root. The keeper of a menagerie was onco asked whether the band had any el- other preachers hi Splketnwll. secretary Is another deadhead• a(lverti.•esto the extent of $50 a year, most of which I take in trade, and have charged him nothing for his copy of the Bluzard. The twogentlc- mon I sea silting by the stove are also--" "It is asking t• much of Mr. Clugston, perhaps," suggcstod the bankorsuavely, "to expect hhu enumorate all his deadhead subscribers Your fecton the anhnals. "To be sure It does'" said he; "they like it, and therefore It does them good. If you were to come In and lonk at them on a morning when the hand Is going round the town, ynu would see many of them, the nmrn savage boasts tn particular, dull anll moping and elthe• sl•tlng or laying In their dens We who travel w•th wltd beasts cannot, of course, give them tho room they ought to have, in this audience, and I move--" and being cribbed up In allow hexes "No trouble at all," cheerfully In- they degenerate for want of exercise. terposed Mr, Clugstou, '•nly 1 don't do what wc will with them. But it want to consume the time of this would bo ver• mush worse if it were meeting. There's about fifteen of not for the music. When they hear them here, I think. And when It the band strike up they rouse thsnl- comes to delinquent% •ho own mo so)re% and begin takln$, what exer• from 50 cents to $3, this meeting, else thoy cap• the beast• of prey by gentleman, comes pretty near betug walking backwards and forwards, and unanimous. I've got over $500 the otbcm by repeating the movo- outatandlngonsubscrlptlon, and, so meets natural to them whon help me Horace Greeley, there's nearly ! liberty. The birds will begin to $300 of It in this audiencel ' plume themselves at the sound, and Editor Clugston looked over the even the snakes at tLmes will uncoil There were the fel- : and roar up and convince the people, had who sometimes ee0ra to doubt the most that a highly civilized pen- len• at one end and a glollnd-g]ss, tlUl('h Lheul to fight In bhle coats in- ' lnueh nln• cnmplicated In stead of red b]aokeK% war paint and ,traction. Tulq is xery plain stud unusual Affixed to the shut.is of a watch- language for aa English Journal; but maker who had de•mped and left It aPl)cars lu London "l'ruth. "As •, his med•tnrs mluu• was this placa• . broke." As plti•y and cur ous w• na.•nwh•'a yoneshoul• beloyal tel •hem. •edo no•know wh•b •lng b,yal •o •hem means, or how this paired.' •e putmns ot a se•nd- lnyalty Is expected be show . if r•uran• were mue• amused , by the announcement that fresh thelr friends like them But the l mss• of the community is not brougl•t Into personal contact with them. It has to lm'tke them large allnwant'es, and that thel, absorb these ullnwam'es Isncarh' all that la known about A royal family Is, indeed, un weakness in a monal.chlcul "muscles" eamld be had there. There are many curious signs and bns[ness announcements to be found In large cities, of winch it few are" "Sick dogs medically attended by the week or mouth. Birds to board. Round- shouldored persons made straig•rt. Babies or children hired or ex- changed. }•alse noses as good as new, and warranted to fit. Black eyes systenL Monarehy would be better painted very neatly." In the extreme without Its relations." West we hear of a shanty whleh boars the sign.: "Here's where you get a Sv, ran

NO. 24, VOL.






Every package guaranteed to please you or can bo returned andgrocer will refund nmnoy. Order a Cage/or to-morrow morning's

reakfa,t. •'•- H. t•TI• EET.



Shoppin o mporiumF. M. BROWN & GO.





GLENI)ALL CLOTfI--A },eautlfulmaterial for h.mse dres.ea in a big varloty

cannot really pa•s them by at the prue--ONLY 12•-(" A YARD



The moat beautiful varzety of bcot(.h3|adras MuMie• ever neon. )u,t tile thingfor sash and lea.., c•lrtaln% r•eil aP ,,vet

full 45 •ache• •*,tc the refuter prz(ela 75c per )a•l, bu• to make a qm•k



Receive •heir return radmad fare to ,h•-

thls , lty

F. M. BROWN & GO.,Importers aild Retailer%


New York, log Worth St.,

Parl% Rne Martel 5 bl•.

l•ain St., l•lantaTI11e.

I. P FlaKE. M D., --

m•'•l •outhlllgton, Conn.

$ontMngfon lmvmg sanK.



CUVT SG. D. D. s..Dentist,

R•ldcace, 8 Vermont Avenue•


Ofl•ce Hour•-9 • m. • 12.• p. m., 1:80p m.•5p •

n .o. oN,. O• In Plant =Bl•k. Plant•qe. 0••m anttl • in the mor•g, f• 15 • ff.•



Daffy-down-Dalyls chubby •nd smallHe|ghl Hol Daffy-down-Drily[

She sl•8 In ths sun •d eha vlaya with h• doll,Daffy-do•-DUly. DUIy•


"Ticket •'" ull.nted lhe •unlrt

presently ushered Into a handsomelyfamished room, where I proceeded topull myself together •whlle awaitingMm. Carman.

Sinco then some mont,hs havepassed:

"Paul, what areyou writing there?""A little story, darling.""Let me see.""_No, no--not yet` •But she had looked over my ghoul-

der, and a small hand soon coveredmy eyes, while an arm slipped roundmy neck and her soft lips pressedmine.

"Oh, you naughty boyl But justwalt a mlnute."

She disappeared, laughing, andcame hack quickly with a blue sachet,from which she drew out twop[n•street-car transfers.

see, kept them safely--I'veyou (hd not think I had thrown •hemaway, dear'• The first Tuesday Icried all night` If you had net comethe second --"

"Well, wbat would you have done,Ethel?"

"Shall I tell you?""Yes, do ""You won't be cross.° Well, I

would ha•e •ent yell one nf them b.y

"lh,w .hdly' And Mr,• Carman

prised whenbtUlealled. It wasI Wile,•vlfty opCahfornhl•trm.I i beforeel•,smg the envclnpe, secretly

It wu• ab.ut half-pa•t fl•o o'elo('K i

nlys(,lfltlsldo a far filled with rn¢'n

apl)eur over thplr lnng boa• or fur or ' }lear Valloy (JotnlhHly U I1 Millard'u

hurry along at top •peed, •blh, lho I,tled hy XI•,.sr• l'ulh.'k and 11o•%

have great difficulty I[i bringing their , cra•bltlg 11o1%o l.t•oalng lip, Lnpy

haven't get it. ha•e you,

•tl,¢•l,,)ulg,,acb ,,thor and

]IDaho. lU,d,aLIdy xl,,l,'tJ{ rush, thI' huck'• did n,,t •"t.

tl,,rl of Ill• iacl) •hr• h,ul •l.•k.'n, dud Ir•lng t', I,li-h ",tt'h otbor hal'k It

ur get (lilt and walk " F ttle scene, hut hefore they reached It"Here, eon(hlcU)r," I uaid, ten(let-, the deer lU thelrstruggle•appmacl•ed

leg Into a dlnw. and tben, turning to t too near the edgo nf the cllllaud boththo(.hlor hMv, l added "It Is the. of them fell to their deathln the[s,ol



DeMor In

COAL ANO WOODat Iowe• m•rket

SQUARE AND HONEST DEALINOis my •xt and motto.


John Hanna,

MONUMEN'FS,Cemetery Work.

hen(l-writing--hearing tbo vlty

mark. I op,'n,'d it and •aw. a/ta,'bed

to the top ('oruer €,f tile I I'q(ixlff card ,

In('lose(l, fivr, 2-cent po•tag. SI;LIIII)

Dn the card was printed


While underneath wa• written

q•m'or nazne• ,'eriaid]v are found in

1 put tile eanl aside on u• (h'•k. • at Somer•,.t House F,,r exaull)le,

"•,,w, every day you Inset pe¢)i)],, in (',0, Rill'r, Morning, Offspring, and

instant with morenr lcs• attentmn,'son ArthurWclleslyWelllngton Wet-lint In my •se. [ had her, liT a orlon Mr..lower% a no•d hunt•

)r the lau b •glimpse of the nmther ' g " man. named his son •ward Bylng•Tr't•:d h•r:°t;•vth;r •S•r•(ll;•t i Tally-tin Forward A mortal that w•

.. • P evidently unweh'ome Is re•rded

ever, there could no no doubt th(y' •orten namcsaro frequen• but pro•werenf the upper wnrld•but, aft('r•ably thclnng,..namein the world,all, of wha$1nterest•uld they hc te,hmger than thatof any•ten•te,

Nevertheles% IdRl foellnterested, •attached to that of Arthur Pepper.so why should Iattempt • deny i•?[laundryman' The namo or th•Their address had been given •) me, daughter, •rn In 1883, Is Ann

Bertha C•llla •na Emily Fannyand also their (lay at home. The ad- Gertrude Hypat•Inez Sane tlatedress was printed, hut the day wa• I L•u,i.•e Maud No•phella Qulce Re-written In a modern, auguiar EngINh hec•,t Starkoy •e•a Ulyslahaml. Not so the lines of thanks Venus Wlnlfred Xenophon Yeltythe han(lwritinghl.re was the deli-cate, preeis&•nd that young misseswere taught thirty years ago. Themother had ccrtalnly wrltben them

But who had written "the day?"I becamecurlmm. I[nwcouldI find

out '• Ye% there wa•a way.... Butt,, call on penple with whmn I hadonly exchauged a few wnrds,ou the street, and who, In a week,might have forgotten my nazne andmy face, was ntLher a delicate mat°

209 •T•8•{]•?' •tW BPIIq•I• •'r The. ] should haye • Imder•othe torture u• Ceella• •nyseH an

•1o• •t•. truder, ns the ".,•an• would an-••gal• nnunce me in the re.pile.room

Zeus Pepper---one title procisely forevery letter of thd alphabetl

The simplicity of a child Is some-times like a light overcoat, only putna for effect. Atleast, that Is whata certain parent lmaglee•

He has two children, a boy of 8 and'a •lrl of 10, and It Is hard •o tellwhich he thinks the more of. Thoother evening both of them had beenexceptionally g(md, but he he decidedto test, them still further.

'*Children," he announced, Impres-sively, "I am going to give nne of

E•,T&BLISEED. 17•.

• LYMAN B. BUTLER,(l•crmerly Lr•m Batl•.) ('FormeHy Buffer

where, llerhaps, half a dozen ladles,unknown to me, would lool• me overfrom head to foot as I advanced, as Ifto ask. "Who Is this person, andwhere does ho come from?"

When I thrum'hi it well over, how-

you a penny. Whlchshall It be?""Give it to Johnny," remarked the

daughter."Let Nellie hard it," said the son.Tho proud father's eyes filled at

this remarkable evidence of unselfish.

Boots and Shoel ,°v°r' re'ectedthatther°hadh°°n tlehandodthocointo oll,e,occasion to talk of m& and, a• the and was reaohlng In his •cke• forI• nmne of Paul Bernard, Mrs. Carman another, when Johnny ln•rru0ted

would know very well who I was. At din.FOR 8PRINO AND SUMMER WEAR, all event•, I de•rmined • renew the "Papa, dear, hc enid reproachfully,

acquain•nce, and so the following 'Nellie •ld •ou • gJvo It • me."• •• a • •t of • i• •a •t •,, Tuesday found mea• •hodoorof No.--

• • "•B •T.• • Pine s•reet. W• speak,of those who are cruel asI must •nfess I did feel ra•her an- Inhuman. Ought we no• to regard

L. P. BUTLER, e•ywhenmytnqulry "M•.CarmanP' them • very human? I• Is chara•slr• shall be




Mortimer Clugston, editor andproprietor of the Splketown Blizzardhas reached a crisis In his affairs

He eat, in his editorial chair •,lthhis arms folded, his Ups tightly com.pressed, and his feet on th0 editorialtable, us was his wont when wrestlingwlth some intricate problem of life.

In looking over hisaccounts hc hadmade the discovery that tho Spike-town Blizzard was no.t paying ex-

it was always in his power to dis-cover the s•mple process of thrustinghis hand into his trous0rs p•cketand feeling around that ho hadn'tany money, yet there was always out-standing account• ou sttbsexiptlon,Job-work, and advertlsrfi•that weremore than suffieient,'as hc had fan-clod, to inakc hiln square w}Lh the

But hore lie v,a., faee In faec withthe tremend(,u• r.tct that all the gond

of thr•('dlvadlul b,th,rs Mating th,t|

dup bill ,ugn•.(I b% I[Io Rr(,at DAh'tll


I.oilg b,' l,.ndored Ul,Oll the MtuaIeHI 'liw g I ;I '• Ilhtil('t Of J')h D,r

"l'tl (Iq It' ' It(' •.•llJ ai last "] ]1

[h' took ltl•

never paid a cenk There wcre themerchants who got extra copiesta send to friends and thought the•,wereentltled £o them for nothing.•here were the tough men of the vil-lage, whose names had got on his listsomohow, whom he didn't dare to.dun, and there were the men whoborrowed the paper Instead of sub-scribing for It and found more faultwith it than anybody eiec did.

"While I am e•plalning things,"continued Editor Clugston, "I willexplain that I owe my cub at theoffice a month's salary I owe aboard bill of $17.30. 1 owe about$75 in bills coming due In a week.And I've goL $1.35 to pay 'era with.Took In $1 ml suhscrlptlon to-day.isn't hkeh,," he added, raising hissince, "that I'll ever have as favorablean opportunity to inaugurate my cashsystem as I have right now. Ynuraccoun• on subscription are iu thisbook, gentlemen. You will obligemc very much by cumhlg forward andsettling at once."

Ill the sepulchral stillness that fol-lowed his remarks Banker Wildcat•me • th• front with $6.25, whichhe said was •he payment in advancefor five copies of the BLIzTard.

Then the Chairman, followed bythe Serretarv und several othem ofthe as•eml,h.d deadheads, handecover $1 25e,wh in slh,nce.

varl•al• alnou[l•q squared up their

I•h•zanl h'ft thoTown Hall he had$]74.h0 In I•i• ])oekeL, and his paperwas e•I;tbll•hed (,fl a solid cash bast&

And now mark hew •ltor (;lugs-h,n had met tbm]ast g•cat crisis

Tb.ll indignation meeting was his

]h'or•g•nah.d It iu all its detail%

• Hb Banker Wihh'at •be due before

ever ('rn.h thp truly great journahst.

Ih, •,ts a sl)rm'e l<mklng 3Dung fel-1.• •itb •.nw Jewelry display,

bu• Iw had n•one), a• a fifty.oiler billm ht• band t(.•l•lh'd tie

collection, with instru,.tl,n• to push them ,TO THE •l'rTKa g'ND.

S•'I In large t)l., arid h'a,h (1"

fill, d ,t ,1I,' lUd,]l d 1t1#' • Iltlro 01hlh•lt

he m,', tmR ,tll]ip 'J',,•n

Tbe tra•eling man looked Ull witha sly wink.

"Come off, sully," he said famll-larl) "I guess you're not onto elyclzr•e•, bul)P,•So you tr• timt hay-

wh(ml bo ,•ffere(I It fnr $35, and tb( e

TOPICS OF TItE TIMES.!the days when I sa]iud appolntodi herself post, mistress and made an

A CHOICE 8ELECTION OF IN-'o•ee of every bandy tree, hot theTERESTING ITEMS. I reign of steam and e]ectricltv has

" icomm•t• and •¢ltl•l•m•Bused •pon • prmcd too Inuch for h•m. Yotmg-

RUSS•h• typhus In exchange fnr ' wires nver Nmgara l.'ali•. The• have

•me•can wheaU ls tibia gratitude? no trysts In hu•k• (let,s I..•er•

e• • i)•£•] often so bus, tbat Lht.v are •eddedia )ends too hy tr,lograph to sa•o tmme.TH• pr

much thnc buzzing to ga•her any • Thor. •s no longpr nn) Area ha

b•b ptl• up Its duke• wheuever an ' cared lhl• your, awl mo-t t.fkmerlcan heircss Is to be had. • were of the •arwt • •bwh IIlUllp•

4 the reciph'nt ,t rlestre tn retorlTIIE Lol,istana ]ott*.ry ('al. If kslled • shotgun, l{omance is tim lv,or,.-t ,,f

In lhat S•a•, promises In boh up •n ' cap•tals uI•m • hwh Io (1,•


PIIILADELPHIA has prodneed a l•et-The influence of tbe ]()e•l]ll• I• •ory

evident In the title of his tlr•t vo[onle,

"A Bonk of Imy-l)reaul• "

WhEN the Eugh•h people h'urn

that Buffaln Ihll has arrlred in (

cagn they will think that work nnWorld's Fair ha8 lalrl$ i,egLm

dl•aqer.r tim ]h,tel ll,,•.d

anghl The lintel •,lS a Ilre-tr.tI•

Ii].llnll'.e]) hlfurm the l,re'-.

bud alwa• dreaded allrv aud roundl)

squeezed, In the re';U]tlng patlle.

ft. MISSOUR1 h()uscw]fe drives away

an•hysprlnkhng ]Imburger cheese

about her house The Mis,ourl ant I•

thv enl}gbtoilCd Jtldg[npnt r,f lnan-




The State Grange Collecting FacteAbout Them--Elms Planted by

the French E.ochambeau--Olasto•o

bury Oaks Sa•d •o .Three Cert.

tur*es Old.

A corretpoudent of the Now YorkTlmes s• flies that th{ {'',[IIIC{ If( ut grangeh• begun an inttrcsUng work in the

Ihe McClel;an •lm• m •outh %Vood-stock were p[antt,I Jan( 17, 1775. by the

m the to•n •n the •hadc of which Wash-

The noted elm• of }.a•t Hartford w•re

fret in h,

q he resolution I,ussed unanimously nr three feet of the upper pT)rtlon,The banker, Mr. Wildcat, then which Is almut two Inches thick, is of

arnse. I)ractlcal service In the production

"If Mr CIu toe's'- "h " • ,,Isoalx In the ulanufactureof theist-,, ter, tte roots are I rat washed, the said, perhaps this will he us g,,od I

atlmeas'any fo-r hhn to links-tie :ut upend boiled out In a t,lg vat,explanation." where other ingredients are also

F•litor Clugston stalked slowly and ' placed, and when this Is dried out tosole•nnly forward to the platfornl. ' Sl•Ch a degree that it will solidify, It

. I• molde• into semi-transparent cakesAmhl the mnst profound silence ne[turned and faced the audience which possess all the desirable qnall-

"The explanation, gentlemen," ne, ties of toilet soap. A peculiar charac-said, "1• that It takes money to run terlstic said to pertain to th•s weed

the Blizzard. In looking over mymxbscriptlon 1Nt (and he took It outfrom under hls arm andnpenc(l it) 1find that 1 have twenty-sevcndead-hcad• t• whom I furnish the BHzzardfree. Among these dcadhcads Is y•urchairman, for whom I have |he high-est rOSileCt, together with the finn"

is that, notwlt.lstandlng It grows hia region where alkali roots dnt theground, and where the soil is whitewith the chemical, noucof it Is foundIn the root.

The keeper of a menagerie was oncoasked whether the band had any el-

other preachers hi Splketnwll.secretary Is another deadhead•a(lverti.•esto the extent of $50 a year,most of which I take in trade, andhave charged him nothing for hiscopy of the Bluzard. The twogentlc-mon I sea silting by the stove arealso--"

"It is asking t• much of Mr.Clugston, perhaps," suggcstod thebankorsuavely, "to expect hhuenumorate all his deadhead subscribers

Your fecton the anhnals."To be sure It does'" said he; "they

like it, and therefore It does themgood. If you were to come In andlonk at them on a morning when thehand Is going round the town, ynuwould see many of them, the nmrnsavage boasts tn particular, dull anllmoping and elthe• sl•tlng or layingIn their dens We who travel w•thwltd beasts cannot, of course, givethem tho room they ought to have,

in this audience, and I move--" and being cribbed up In allow hexes"No trouble at all," cheerfully In- they degenerate for want of exercise.

terposed Mr, Clugstou, '•nly 1 don't do what wc will with them. But itwant to consume the time of this would bo ver• mush worse if it weremeeting. There's about fifteen of not for the music. When they hearthem here, I think. And when It the band strike up they rouse thsnl-comes to delinquent% •ho own mo so)re% and begin takln$, what exer•from 50 cents to $3, this meeting, else thoy cap• the beast• of prey bygentleman, comes pretty near betug walking backwards and forwards, andunanimous. I've got over $500 the otbcm by repeating the movo-outatandlngonsubscrlptlon, and, so meets natural to them whonhelp me Horace Greeley, there's nearly ! liberty. The birds will begin to$300 of It in this audiencel ' plume themselves at the sound, and

Editor Clugston looked over the even the snakes at tLmes will uncoilThere were the fel- : and roar up and convince the people,

had who sometimes ee0ra to doubt

the most that a highly civilized pen- len• at one end and a glollnd-g]ss,

tlUl('h Lheul to fight In bhle coats in- ' lnueh nln• cnmplicated In

stead of red b]aokeK% war paint and ,traction.

Tulq is xery plain stud unusual Affixed to the shut.is of a watch-language for aa English Journal; but maker who had de•mped and leftIt aPl)cars lu London "l'ruth. "As •, his med•tnrs mluu• was this placa•

. € broke." As plti•y and cur ous w•

na.•nwh•'a yoneshoul• beloyal tel

•hem. •edo no•know wh•b •lng

b,yal •o •hem means, or how this paired.' •e putmns ot a se•nd-lnyalty Is expected • be show . if • r•uran• were mue• amused

, by the announcement that fresh

thelr friends like them But the l

mss• of the community is not brougl•t

Into personal contact with them. It

has to lm'tke them large allnwant'es,

and that thel, absorb these ullnwam'es

Isncarh' all that la known about

A royal family Is, indeed, un

weakness in a monal.chlcul

"muscles" eamld be had there. Thereare many curious signs and bns[nessannouncements to be found In largecities, of winch it few are" "Sick dogsmedically attended by the week ormouth. Birds to board. Round-shouldored persons made straig•rt.Babies or children hired or ex-changed. }•alse noses as good as new,and warranted to fit. Black eyes

systenL Monarehy would be better painted very neatly." In the extremewithout Its relations." West we hear of a shanty whleh boars

the sign.: "Here's where you get aSv, ran

EdRorlM.That well-known writer, Fo•ter C.ates, l'copic We Know. i • m..ve his family fiere tl is week• and wIH Adver•ls• b) the year, weft says tim

saysiehi•dep.rtment In tlm Marvh i•- I "I Wa•bu• Mmeri•n. I •s cheaper and

n,•nys kee • hm tmmc t•.tote the pu•c. IfIt dl•ppems tt Is soon for•gten. 1 ere ts

tl•ment In a good paper und ttmt Is, •

Dry Goods Department

IIa, e )ou h ,d one of ,,ur "•r•,rd Sticks ?call and t•t.'t one, and at the -amc Lime examine the

Largesl} and most complete lines of


W, S, Oould + Undertaker,

•8 and •2 •i• •t.,Nr'ht call- at l•(,siden+e. ]

Ti •e s•l•le 1 <ix

Acorn Stoves and Ranges,

Fo,- .30 :r'(.•,'•l-s the Standard


& PULLP.R,II to 15 State Street, ])Ieriden.

" }] I ] h''hd]L'' t"



Taylor & Durham.



Want a Farm

Borou of Southin on. stree, d,s,r,ct, aflrs,--eiasscarr,ag,,painter. ,,I, taooe• Plan•sville Paragra s. ,,obt.,o•.obou,. We have now iu etoek, Hhoetshem.

J H MA]ITIN & C,,. Cet tot St , .Mar 1H

h, t-,c,', on Spring ,lm] Sum-

mer Clothing, Furnish.

ings, Hats a,,d Shoes •,,,L',LS}• L'Uq+m]ct •

J. ti. 3lartin & Co.,

ood Dinners

P,m,u,h,• thut ,,m m,,ll,, r. "IH]; BI;'-IVI 'lIIE I,O\• ESI' I'I{I( ES "


AIN Williams & 10n CROVE HOUSE,•"•()I "l'II I,'%(,;'i'().'%.

Made tel or(hr. •e;Iranl('•d In II1and •ohl .•l prh• Ihal

II-ll l'ra•

ii 1)1• I(,IIT 1)1 •11•.•I Prol).








reed ready for use, mmle from Seam-

less Bleached Sheetings. The pric•

you will notice is •er3 httle more than

the same •.',•u(l• u, uld cost in thepiece

Sheets 2• >ard-, •(le •at 2• y•ds

long, frmn "Boston' •h(,otmg, •5c.

Frmn "FrmC •heet• 71e. •h.

From "Uhca" sheeting 75c. e•h.

Sheets 2• ymd• •Me cut 2• y•da

1,rag hem "B,,ston" shee•g 7Ie.

From "Frmt sheeting 75t. e•h.

From "Utma sh,.etmg •le each.

She(,•s 2• var(L• whh, cut 2• y•ds

long horn

ca( }]

C. H. BiSSELL & CO,Southington, C(,nn,


l•eople will want

Jewelry, Clocks, Watches,l•lated and Solid ware.

Spectaclesa &c,But WANTENG m not POSSESSING and I myra. x,,u t,, inspect my

unusually fine snpply of gt•ls, and the eon•tma adtht•.n• }•qn• m•e, anyport),•n of •lnch ),,u MAY I'OSSEbS at lh,ma•ka•,l• ],•a t'rwe• andanted to I•, just as •e]•resento,]

Watche• ('loek• and Je•elr• Repaired Prompt]• and •eI1 d.me

H, B, Armstrong & Co, Pop, ar House Furnishers, of New Haven

Announce lheir •prin6 Opening of Carpets

VI';LVI•T•, TAPESTI{• B•)I•Y l:l•l->l•I.• aL,I IN(;t•kIN CARPETS.

Our•a•,t]{,.,m•,,m.,,f th. 3I,,.t 1',•,,,' ', •, X, , I., ,Iu, t .,11 hehwd

Our t'I'R3"I'il Rt] i)EPART31ENT >.,,..,.,1 t,, m,n e

Prlc• theft we ,•,r

l're•ght pm, l ,q, all ],u,, }*as•.

H, B, ARMSIR NG & CO,,Orange IL New Haven• Ct.

#La I'ge•l •t I1€1 |.eadill• I Ioll.*l. }'111 iii.hintg

yeomans Brothers,III(;II •"•'F..

( all attem,,,n I,, th, f,, t t•,,t all •EP&IKI•G., •inn ng

and •1 mbing sh,,ul,I I• ,1,,m at tL> -,.a-,q, •f 1 .... •t,1, I,,.f, ao the rush of

Sl)nng •ork comm(.me• W, ar• pr(1,,u•,t t , mak, t•, L()• I:ST l•s•ble


Tinning, Plumbing. Jobbing.

Low. l'riced


3I,•,'. Lm', :m,I ("']'V• .... 1, ,,,- 95,


I.Sll" lalf La,.

B,,,.-, and ¥,,uth,, La,• aim 1;ut• u l.IRI

Town llall S.•ae •to't eBools, Shoes, Rubber Goods, Trunks, Bag, Shawl Straps, &c.

Bradley House,Southington.

!i. lldSNETT, Proprietor..

George Cari

]Wakes Fresh Can-

Cash Fish Market.."•( ) [ "F I I I N ( ; "I'(),N.

()ur ,•,o(•k Is |"reM• alld We tll•ll)• keep on Illlll(I n I'llll Assort-

tta,hh•cl,, Cod, I,ako Troul,Strqmd Ba.• l{•l Snalq•m, Sea Trout,

Floun(ler•, ('meeds, Frost Fmh,Black l"]sh, l•h,e Fmh, Lske Wlnt(,,

Fr•h Sahnm•, F•esh Herring, Shad,

Clams m >hell, Clams Opened, Bloa•rs,

Shiny •'reok Oysters, Norf•lk (hs•% Lobs•m,Fros• Her•ng Eels, " •ny Haddock,

8muked Homng, Bull Ih,nds Smehs,

Hallihut, Shrimps, Scallops.

You can only apprecmte our st•l• by calling at the mmke• in North's Block,

•'enter •treot.

E. L, Waliace

dy every day.

Good livm 3 attached

Meriden Harness Store.Carriages, Road ('arts, SNndles. &c..


Blankets, I•ubes, I| hips.

1( 1: ('!11-11M, a,' tl,•,,r., m,ule to

Center •

/Cal]dy•Kitchen.TRUNKS and BAGS, I , • "

,.,•= ,,oo • =o.,•,,, ..u ,,.,.., .., ,,,,.. Thump,son s G[ov• tilting Corsets

A. T. Ri•hop.('. ii. BIS•ELL & CO


NVESTMENTSUS E '*Home,•lead- ,,• IPlll•T -qlOilTGAGE

BLEACIIED COT•N; ng Inatter •on• eX•matloa by ua •1 • onlyFine, Smith, Sort finish, durable; 10¢.

a ya•. For sale by

Rush, en aged •,•_..• o!lad a pruphetlc dream a few

% yeJ•rs• ago which told him that he•'wduld live until •he year 1902. He

W• • firm tn the belief •hat thet w•'•rrect tha• he had a mon-

erec•d with his name, agedate, 1902, cut upon la The

bld man has J•t di• and the marbl6'cutter haq another •lerre Ruan In-scription sad put on.


Little Frank Strausser Ill. ,'el k -• Polf•men

Treated by Ruffians. •mith and Loakerman were lu the

•are •road station a• D•ver, f•u•PRISONER IN A MOUNTAIN 0AVE. men, suppled • be the burgl• who

• blew open five safes in' •Ifo• on Sun-tay ntgh• eu• and bought ticke•

M•e• His •0a• •d •aohes for Wtlming•n. " When tSe NorfolkHis Home Almost Dead. •xpress arrived the four men got Into

•he smoktu•car. The officers a•so got

•nto the car.The Tr:mps Tr:votsd from City to Cl• Afar the train had got under way and

for Them--At Night They Torrorlsed •tlve Hu•hlns appr•oh• one of themen• who was sitting.by him•lf, and

Him by fielding a Lighted Candle t• H• •aJ•: "I want you; there Is no use trying

SHa•OKIN, Pa , •arch 16.--The •- from his hand. With the

year-old sou of (•apa Frank Strausser •ther hand the man knocked Hu•hins

Tired all t.be Time


Best Spring N1edicine

tramps a few weeks ago and suffered Ill-

is aa Ion as the continent. Hie •e,me is treatment at their hands. He escaped

has been found half frozen ou the out- over. Then the man began t• shoot at

skir• of town. He was kidnapped by '•he detectiveConductor Lewis entered the car and

' I• your fath(r rich t' asked ti•e

party them to the railroad, where a

freight trait• was boar, led 2'he boy at-tempted to call for help, and a bag wasthrowt• over his head He fell asleep,and on awakening routed himself speed-

told the men to cease firing or he wouldpull the bell-cord. One of the other menat once covered Lewis and kept him In

a corner of the car. Several shots wereexchanged and the e|gh• or ten parsee-

gets dodged behlud seatS.The four men finally got onto the

platform of the car and more shots were•xchanged. Officer Smith was shottbrohgh the hand.

The excitement was intense and thefo•r men Jumped from the tralu and'lisappeared 'L'he officers left the trainat •ttddletowa.


TIIrFI•, O., Marl•h 18--The most ap-palling tragedy that has ever been re-corded in the history of Tiffin occurred

t'yrus and Solomon slept on beds o¢ gol,l unction, l •ay it t• an armsl giant, Satan leg westward with his abductors When yesterday Walter A Snyder, one ofan,l •ardanapaiu• had i•0 bedsteads Of goi• •reateed upon i• a o,•rss when he said to he cried they beat him. PItt•burg was the wealthy and most popular youn•

f(,rstrengtht,• h,,Id th•s ex,-•a•g•eavolr•u - •rhat a dastarJly a.n.•lt, ' lnfa•n•u! "If." told tobeg ()•co a policeman passed, men itt the city, while engaged In e

Walk With Crutches

Hood's 8arsa•arilla

•Suc•ully Pro•cutos Clplm•


Ely's Cream Balm



•V. I3AKElt & CO.'S


moth i•ardware store of J 51 N,tylor,

,•e of tixe oldest estaidishmt.{•ts In the

•nyder •as worth probahly $20,000 it/ill

Articles for a Finish FightSigned in New York.


'The 0]ympio •l•esne, the Plaoe•

=$s ,00

I ,• •,Dep•artment ofre trial te b.fimboo may yet

be cul•lya•ed•n s country as It iswhe•e it ,•upplles a largewant f the peoul• be

lag applied • more than five hundreddiffe•nt pu•se• In the •oweryKingdom It •kes the pla• of bothIron and s•el. The farmer buildshis house and fends out of It, hisfarming u•nsils • well • his house-bold furnt•re •rs manufacturedfrom i• while •he •nder shoo•furnish him wi•h a mos• deliciousvege•ble for hls table.

The r• are •rved In• fantastice*t---emlnn| and nonfldent---•ealde| the Images, shaped ln• divining blocksPu•e •10,000 a Side Wnl be Pnt U• • guess the will of the g•s, or cut

•arquls of •ueensber• •ules to GOVO• [U• lan•rn handles and canes. Thethe Ftgh•Oloves Used to be the 8teall- ta•rlng culms are •ed /or the propseat the Club Will Allow. Of houses• the framework of awnings,

the rl• of •ils and shaf• of rakes,N•w Yo•, March 16.-- Articles of for fences and every sort of frames,

ear.meat for a finish fight betweencoops, and •ges, and the handles and

James J. Corbett• of Callfomla, and rl• of umbrellas and fans. TheJohn • Sullivan, champion of the leaves are sewed ]n• raln•ats andworld, for a wager of $I0,• a side, a tha•h• The shavings and curledpu•e of •,• and the heavyweight threes furnish ma•rials for staffingchampionship of th• world, were drawn pillows, while varts supply the bedup and signed in Room 185, 51 Park rowyesterday afternoon. Thewitnessed by a large crowd oftatlve sporting men. k

The Oorbett faction was on hand a•. tlrbhour appointed, 1 o'clook. It • nearly1:30 o*clock when Jim Wakely• Sullivan•sbacker, and his friends put)u an appear-ance Corbett was smiling and coati-

for sleeping, the chopsticks for eat-Ing, the plpe forsmoklng, the broomfor sweeping, the mattress to l•eupon, the chair to sit upon, the tableto eat on, the food to eat, and thefuel to cook It w•th, otc, etc. Infact, its uses are almost without num.her.

dent and shook hands with Wakely, Here ItTo the man who labors with hl• hands,phy•-

who, by the way, was his timekeeper in Ical trouble Is a very serious tldn.z. It fe nothis recent fight with Peter Jackson be- merely •he sin he endures •acklng and for-fore the California Athletic Olub. mennug as • Is but tire ;*ros• vo loss of

time, money and pl•e haunts him and

side Both parties were apparently more 1• that he h• u•ed •t J•o• 0 n

aud had no idea beyond a desire to fight and It cured; and for burns and bru•es It doe•

While the articles were drawing up

('orbett was called up on a long-distancetelephone by Joe Lannon, who was InBoston A very spirited war of wordsfollowed It wa• evident that Lannonwas mad •cauaB Cor•tt had refused tobox at his beoeflt last night

"If 1 went over • Boston It wouhl

only be to punch your fat head thor-

"You ha•e been in training and I have _

a spraLned thumb 1 also have a blg •l q neward. $1OO.

The Grea• Ameri•n D• wasmos• b•t•r known a genera•lon agothan It is •day. Then th•nds ofthe hazy Argonau• on their way •California had t•ve•ed that f•rf•was• on foot with their dawdlingox-•am, and hundreds of them lefttheft bones • bleach in tha• thirtyland. The survivo• of those deadly•ourneys had a ve• vivid ldeaof whatthat deadly desert w•, but now thatwe•nroll•m•l• in le• than aday In Pullman palavers, l• real--and still existlng--hor• are largelyforgotten. I have walked l• hid•uslength alone and wound•, and real- •ize something more of It than a gritmany railroad journeys acro• It have•ld me. Noweverytrans•ntinentalrailroad cresses the great de•r• which

wes• of •he lloeky Mountie,- fornearly 2,000 miles. The northernrou•s ct•t its least terrible pa•; but, •ly re• r. ot • a( everp•the two railroads which traveme 1•8outhern half--the A•lan•le and Pa-cifi railroad a•d the Southern Pacific•p•orcc •omc of 1• grimmest re-• •,prep•onlyfrom•em•

•;•i•'•"• first scientific exploration ofheathy

l• many excellent qualiti• •m-this region was Lieutenant Whec ers mend it • •l and have m•e itUnited Sta•s survey about 1850; and •e mo• •ul• remedy known.he was first to g,ve scientific n.ssur-ante that we had here a desert as ab-sohtte as the Sahara. If its parchedsands conld speak tl•elr record, whata story Lhey might tell nf bufferlngsand death; uf slow-plodding caravans,whosepatlent oxen lifted their feetceaselessly from the blJ.tering gravel.nf drawn human fa('e• that peered atsome lying image of a placid lake, andtolled f•tnt•cally nn to sink at last,bnpelcas and strengthles•, In the hatdu•t whh'h the mirage had paintedw•th lb('l]n,'•and tt)e •ery •a•e•of

h,lxe • ,*.](b'd t• the Inng sl,,.p In tl•at

care lteis no fighter, auyway"

A strn•grapher appeared on the seen

' I i,,rd--The contest shall be under the

Mar, l,xl• Queensberry rule•, the gloves

NEw Y,,lt•, •btrch 16 -Th*, manGate' see Hallaud In I,• despair he took hisown bfe rather they return to drink

•llnn•tugh I•cape• the Chart.

ALSANV, N Y, March 16.--f]overnot

of th• merrier of Edward Moran In this

city l)e," 31. 1890

•tood that II P llwlght has he¢,n ap-

ALIt•.NY, N Y., Marsh l•--SenatorOau•tor has introdnced in the Senate abill to •ncorporate • general electricoompany {it this S• with • •pLtal ot

$100,•, •lth a privilege • lnc•e itto $•,0•,•0 If •hey •o desl• l• it re-hevesthocorporationfrom the S• •x

of one-eighth of one per ceh• and makestheir tax one twentieth o• one per cent.•o as to makt• •t the s•me • that of New

Jersey, where a general electric company}s forin• in the same way It Iss•gnedto test the sentiment tn theSta•

• l•whether the Inore• •x over New

Jersey Is not d•ving large corpora•onsfrom the S•

BR•gLY•, N Y , Ma•h 16.--Harry P

S•uer, the l l-year-old boy, who rayaway from his mother's house, 498 1-•

(•a•a avenue, on W•ne•day of 1•week, is still absent and •11 effor•find him have an far p•ved unavailingIt Is thought probable that he is t•ln•to make his way to •orry, P•, whe• u

Young Harry h• light hair andeyes and is a very bright lad Tideanother c•e of tr•hy novel readlug induclsg a boy to leave • good home.

•t•yed almost an euti• bl•k o• busi-nes• houses lu the center of the city

a• Syrupd• o, rigs is for aale in 50cI1 bo•tles by all ]ea•in• drug.

gi•t• Any reimr druggist whomay not have it on band • pro-cure it promptly 'any one whowishes to try it. ) not acceptany substltu te•

K|dney, Liver and Bladder Cure,

Rheutnati m,

Disordered Liver,

Impure Blood,

50€. 81ze• $I.00 SLoe

president of the ({rest .'4orthern Tele-

peri,•nce in connection with the telegraph

who knew the dashb•g fighter Ln the days

of the Rebellion weald not recognize

......... i)uslness of the country.

Of d) rl•tlt•tle • *ta fotxlld bl tile mail bag BI•ULIN, Marcl• 14.-- Miss Margaret

from [.•n•.r,• k •,) Tii.p•.rary It was In- Schultz, the daughter of a wealthy

tended e•',l[,•tly to •reck the express, family of •t Prussian ]and-owne•at•d thPre w• eno•gh of •he explosive •ommitted sufe• afar a quarts with

WAsm•o•, Mama 14 •Tho B•hrlng

nothing w• •eelved during the day{

from Lord Salisbury, nor has there beeu•uy developmen• to chang• •h• state el•ffalr•

t,li l'a•t, charge or= htrn, an] you will l•im in the figL]re now cooped up In a

WASUlN(•T(,N, •,larch lfi.--The Demo•cratic untJority In the Hnuse will henceforth be ureter the necessity of having n

quorum present• {f It Inten(l• to pass anybills. Mr Tiailey of Texas, who h•

I ed alDiscTakers hold la tl•i• la.rdt'r:

St,•o Sine, N Y, Marc}, I--Warden

l•rown o€ Sin•g Sing primo , has c•used

dls•atinf•ot• among the keeper• and

place wlmro lntoxlca•l•g liquors a•!•ld,

made the point of no quorum on see- On•,L•, Fla., March 16.--1'he Brook-er•d occasions when Important measures lye aud Philadelphia teams played anwere abner to by vo•ed •pon, has de- l•tere•tinggame of ba•ball here ye•te•elated hl• In•eutlon o[ continuing t•t day, The Phlh•lphia • put up thobe•tpractice •ompelllng t• present0 of g•e, and well earned their•he eoastltutlonal bofow m•y 't'h¢ •bo• W• •¢oQklyn O,

Bowels,Liver,Kidneys,] nsid Skin,

Ii, th• name o€ the L•rJof Ho,t• thb God of

th.• armies of Israel, •vhnm thou haedefled,[i the Lord dell , unto mine

• take

JAcxso•, MicA, March 14--At YazocCity, nea• here last uLght two Italians,J. Mleslglia end.his 17 year-o d eon• wer•murdered. A h•tthet was the weaponused. No clewS0 the murderers has yetbeen found. "

BmDO•VOnI', Oonn, March 16.--Dau-sul•ered this morn-


and vigor. As a,, al)petlz•n•, re-storative tonic, •t sets at work all

I the processes of d•gest•on an(tI trition, and huiIds up flesh andstrength.

For all scrofulous h•imor• and

blood-taints, and oven C'onsump-ties (or Lung- smofula ), af takenin time, it's a po•t•tc remedy.

Unlike the sarsaparillas, whichclaim •o be good for the bl•od in

March, April, and May, "Medical D•scove•v" works equallywell at all se•.•on'•.

Unlike other ))lo,d-purlfiers, too,it's guaranteed to benefit or eure,in every case• or your money ts re.turned.

On these terms, it's the cheapest."Yon pay • sly for the good you get.But it's tl o be.st--or it coaldn't be

sold co.

Before the cause of con-

sumption was known (that

was only a few years ago)

we did not know how Scott%

Emulsion of cod-liver oil did

so much good in consumption

and in the conditions that

lead to consumption.


The explanation is inter-

esting. We send it free in


yesterday. Four large warehouses, BeVoeral stores and dwelllnge wdre consumedand many other bnlldlnge damaged. Thelees will aggregate $125,000; insuranceabout $80,0•0. The orlgtu of •e fire Isa mystery, nnd by many ie bMleved t•have been the work of an |ncendlary.

LOSDO•, March 16..--S1r WllRam Har-court requests that the reports of hie eye-sight's falling be denied. He says thatboth his n•ea are perfectly sound andthat he has had Ilo o0caelon to consultwith them. The

HUMANE, STRONG, VISIBLE, ORNAMENT Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetableCompound

Female Complaints,
