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NJBIA: Using Social Media to Grow your Business NJBIA Workshop.

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NJBIA: Using Social Media to Grow your Business NJBIA Workshop

NJBIA: Using Social Media to Grow your Business

NJBIA Workshop

The Shift Online

Technology has changed business:

o Info is freely availably online for research and comparison

oProspects have more say in how they communicate and receive info

oThe Internet and social media enable rapid communication

oPotential buyers are influenced by current buyers

o BUY your way in with advertisingo ASK for business through sales pitches

Old Marketing Methods

Old Sales Cycle

Salesperson is in control and starts the sales cycle with product explanation

Customer and salesperson share control

Today ‘s Insulated Buyer

What Changed?

Information overload / Lack of trustSPAM filters more prominent


Today ‘s Insulated Buyer

Buyers Are “Insulated”

Caller IDStraight to Voicemail

Tell’em I’m in a meeting

Guarded Entrances

In person meetings more difficult to get

Cold calling not as effective

Impact on the Sales Cycle

New Sales Cycle

Adapt with technology to get found by and connect with clients and prospects

Strategy Change

Main Components of Inbound Marketing

Connect And Get Found Through Social Media

LinkedIn, Twitter and Blogging

oEstablish an online presenceoCreate brand awarenessoGet found by potential customersoEstablish credibilityoNurture leadsoConnect with existing customersoDrive traffic to your website

Social Media Content

o Select keywords!o Info your prospects

needo Info that addresses

concernso Solutionso Testimonialso Videoso Webinarso White paperso Engaging contento Inclusive contento Resource Center

About LinkedIn

oDesigned for professionals to networkoCurrently has over 225 million usersoNew member joins LinkedIn every 2 secondsoPercentage of mobile users: 27%oAverage time of user: 17 minutes


How it works:oDesigned for professionals to networkoBusiness card exchange

Effective LinkedIn Usage

Create a complete profile – think networking group!

o Write full summary (online introduction vs. online resume, use

keywords, include engaging content or stats)o List skills and expertiseo Write out past experiences (keywords, build credibility)o Include educational backgroundo Obtain endorsements and recommendationso Post professional pictureo List three website links with customized linkso Utilize call to actions

LinkedIn Groups

Join or create LinkedIn groups to connect with prospects

LinkedIn Group Example

LinkedIn Group Example

Speak your mind online:

Status Updates

o Industry articleso Quick tipso Topics from the fieldo Include links to your website

Numerous ways to network:

Other features

o Q&A Sectiono Advanced Search Functiono In Mailso People Also Viewed…o People You May Know…

Company Pages

Enhancements since last year:

o Company status updateso Product / Service pageso Bannerso Follow function for updates

About Twitter

oOver 550 million registered usersoMore than 400 million tweets are sent out each dayoPercentage of mobile users: 60%


How it works:

oBuild profileoSend short messages (140 characters) called

“tweets” to followers

Using Twitter

Send simple, effective messages to followers


Tips for messaging

oFollow prospects and clientsoRe-tweet their materialoTweet at themoDon’t be “sales-y”oUse hashtags#oAssess what’s trending

About Blogging

o55% more website visitors for companies that blogo97% more inbound links for companies that blog


How it works:

oCreate blog for prospectsoProvide entries that are relevant

Blog Example

Write entries for your audience

• Make your article infectious – so people read it and spread it

• Continuously connect with audience as subject matter expert

• Help Google help you: use highly searched keyword phrases and turn them into links that point to your website

• Include hyperlinks to other pages on website

• Invite comments

• Comment on other industry blogs with your email address and web address

• Post your blog to your website and social media sites and blast with email program

Blog Tips

Here are some tips on promoting your sites:• Newsletters / Email campaigns

• Press releases

• Direct-mailers

• Flyers in lobby

• Email signatures

• Business cards

• Include icons and links on website

• Staff member promotion

• Word of mouth


Promoting Your Sites

Support SEO and keyword strategy

Integrated Program

oAnalyze sources of trafficoCheck keyword ranks

Contact Information

Please feel free to contact me with any questions:

• E – [email protected]

• P - 723.380.8400

• W- www.grmwebsite.com

• LinkedIn: Tony Popowski

• AIM: TonyatGRM
