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NKJV, Hack Job Translation

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  • 8/2/2019 NKJV, Hack Job Translation



    The New KJV is a Hack Job Translation

    The following are just a few of the many places where the NKJV 1982 does not follow ortranslate the literal Hebrew texts. The NKJV translates hundreds of verses in such a way that

    they completely change the meaning found in the King James Bible, of which it is supposedly amodern revision. The NKJV also contains many misleading footnotes designed to discredit theAuthorized King James Bible. We will look at just a few of these.


    Micah 7:19 - and thou wilt cast all THEIR sins into the depths of the sea.

    THEIR sins is the reading of the Hebrew texts as well as that of the Geneva Bible 1599, theRV 1881, ASV 1901, NASB 1963-1995, Darby, Youngs, Rotherhams Emphasized Bible 1902,Jewish Publication Society 1917, Hebrew Names Bible, 2001 Judaica Press Tanach.

    NKJV - You will cast all OUR sins into the depth of the sea. Footnote- literally THEIR

    Agreeing with the the NKJV bogus reading of OUR sins (instead of THEIR sins) is the RSV,NRSV, ESV, NIV and Holman. The ESV footnote also tells us that the Hebrew reads THEIRsins just as the KJB and the Jewish translations have it. The NRSV also reads our sins likethe NKJV now does, but the NRSV informs us in their footnote that the reading of OUR sinscomes from the Greek LXX, the Syriac and the Vulgate, while the Hebrew says their sins.

    Micah 2:6 PROPHESY ye not, say they to them that prophesy: they shall not prophesy TOTHEM, that THEY SHALL NOT TAKE SHAME.

    NKJV - DO NOT PRATTLE, you say to those who prophesy, So they shall not prophesy TO


    Here the NKJV needlessly changes the word prophesy to prattle even though it still

    translates the same word as prophesy in the same verse. Then it changed prophesy TOTHEM to prophesy TO YOU, and then in a footnotes tells us the literal reading is tothem (not to you). Then in the NKJV footnote they try to imply that the KJB got its reading

    of that they shall not take shame from the Vulgate rather than the Hebrew by stating:Vulgate reads he shall not take shame.

    The fact is the Hebrew itself can be translated as that they shall not take shame and so do theGeneva Bible, Bishops bible, and the Jewish translations of 1917, 1936, the Complete Jewish

    Bible, and the Judaica Press Tanach!

    Micah 2:12 KJB - I will put them together as the sheep of BOZRAH, as the flock in the midst of

    their FOLD.

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    NKJV - I will put them together like sheep of THE FOLD, like a flock in the midst of theirPASTURE. Then the NKJV footnotes Hebrew - BOZRAH

    Micah 3:2 KJB - Who hate the good, and love the evil; who pluck off their skin from OFFTHEM, and their flesh from off their bones.

    NKJV - who strip the skin from MY PEOPLE Footnote - Literally THEM.

    Micah 3:12 KJB - ...and Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of THE HOUSE asthe HIGH PLACES of the forest.

    NKJV - ...Jerusalem shall become heaps of ruins, and the mountain of THE TEMPLE likeBARE HILLS of the forest. Footnote - literally HOUSE (not temple)

    Micah 6:5 KJB - ...what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from SHITTIM unto Gilgal...

    NKJV - what Balaam the son of Beor answered him, from ACACIA GROVE to Gilgal...

    Footnote - Hebrew - SHITTIM.

    Micah 6:14 KJB - Thou shalt eat, but not be satisfied; and THY CASTING DOWN shall be inthe midst of thee; AND THOU SHALT TAKE HOLD, but shall not deliver...

    NKJV - You shall eat but not be satisfied, HUNGER shall be in your midst. YOU MAY CARRYSOME AWAY (18), but shall not save them. Footnote: Targum and Vulgate read you shalltake hold (as the KJB has it).

    First of all, the KJB says THOU SHALT TAKE HOLD and so do the Geneva Bible, Bishops,Coverdale, and the KJV 21st Century versions. Even the Holman Standard has you will

    acquire while the NIV has you will store up, but the NKJV says You may carry some awayand then casts doubt on the legitimacy of the KJB reading by saying that the Vulgate reads youshall take hold, as though the Hebrew could not possibly be read this way.

    Micah 6:14 -The KJB says THY CASTING DOWN shall be in the midst of thee and so do theGeneva Bible, Bishops, Coverdale, the KJV 21 and the Spanish Reina Valera (tu abatimiento),

    ut the NKJV says hunger, while the ASV has humiliation, the NASB has vileness and theNIV says your stomach will be empty. Hey, its all pretty much the same message, right?

    Micah 7:11 KJB - In the day that thy walls are to be built, in THAT DAY SHALL THE DECREEBE FAR REMOVED.

    In the day of Israels restoration, the decree to judge her for her sins will be far removed. Soread the Geneva Bible, Bishops bible, Revised Version, the American Standard Version and theKJV 21st Century. However the NKJV says in that day THE DECREE SHALL GO FAR AND

    WIDE. - the opposite meaning.

    Micah 7:12 KJB - In that day HE shall come even to thee from Assyria...

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    NKJV - In that day THEY shall come to you from Assyria... Footnote - Literally HE.

    Micah 7:15 KJB - According to the days of thy coming out of the land of Egypt will I shew untoHIM marvellous things.

    NKJV - I will show THEM marvelous things. Footnote - Literally HIM.


    Nahum 1:5 KJB - The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth IS BURNED

    at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein.

    NKJV - And the earth HEAVES at His presence - Footnote: Targum reads BURNS.. Thus the

    NKJV implies that the KJB translators got their reading of burned from a Targum ratherthan a possible meaning of the Hebrew.

    First of all, note the context He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it dry, and drieth up all the

    rivers (v.4) Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of hisanger? his fury is poured out like fire...(v.6)

    The Hebrew word in question has many meanings including accept, arise, burn, forgive, bring,set up, lift up, went, bear, regard, respect, carry away, fetch, and to pardon.

    The same Hebrew word is used in 2 Samuel 5:21 where we read in the KJB of when David andhis men fought against the Philistines and burned up their idols - And there they left theirimages, and David and his men BURNED them.

    So read the Judaica Press Tanach (And they forsook there their images, and David and his men

    BURNED them.), the Spanish Reina Valera 1909, 1960 and 1995 (David y sus hombres losQUEMARON), Bishops Bible 1568, the Geneva Bible 1599, Websters 1833, and the KJV 21stCentury version.

    However the NKJV joins many modern versions and says: And they left their images there,and David and his men CARRIED THEM AWAY. Did they keep them for themselves or didthey burn them up?

    In Nahum 1:5 not only does the King James Bible say the earth IS BURNED at his presenceut so do the Bishops Bible, the Geneva Bible, Las Sagradas Escrituras 1569 (y la tierra SE

    ABRASA delante de su presencia), the Spanish Reina Valera 1909, Websters, and the KJV 21stCentury.

    Nahum 2:2 KJB - For the LORD HATH TURNED AWAY the excellency of Jacob, as theexcellency of Israel: for the emptiers have emptied them out, and marred their branches.

    So read or mean Wycliffe 1395, the Geneva Bible, the 1936 Hebrew Publication Society

    translation (For the Lord hath turned away the excellency of Jacob), Douay, Websters, and theKJV 21st Century version.

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    However the NKJV says the exact opposite with: For the LORD WILL RESTORE theexcellence of Jacob like the excellence of Israel.

    It is not a question of the Hebrew word, for such versions as the NASB has translated this sameword as turn back 43 times, and turn away another 42 times, but it is one of interpretation.Yet here the NASB and NKJV are in basic agreement reading: The Lord WILL RESTORE the

    splendor of Jacob.

    As is usually the case, the scholars as well as the multiple-choice bible versions are in radicaldisagreement about both the text and its meaning. What one affirms another denies. Jamieson,

    Fausset and Brown comment: For the Lord hath turned away the excellency of Jacob--that is,the time for Nineveh's overthrow is ripe, because Jacob (Judah) and Israel (the ten tribes) have

    een sufficiently chastised. The Assyrian rod of chastisement, having done its work, is to bethrown into the fire. If God chastised Jacob and Israel with all their "excellency" (Jerusalemand the temple, which was their pre-eminent excellency above all nations in God's eyes, Ps

    47:4; 87:2; Eze 24:21; see on Am 6:8), how much more will He punish fatally Nineveh, an aliento Him, and idolatrous? MAURER, NOT SO WELL (caps are mine) translates, "restores," or

    "will restore the excellency of Jacob."

    Likewise John Wesley notes: Israel and Jacob were more to God, yet he punished them; muchmore will he punish Nineveh. Turned - Laid low.

    And Matthew Henry comments: The Lord has turned away the excellency of Jacob, as theexcellency of Israel, that is, The Assyrians have been abusive to Jacob, the two tribes (havehumbled and mortified them), as well as to Israel, the ten tribes, have emptied them, andmarred their vine-branches.

    John Calvin remarks: God has taken away the pride of Jacob as he has the pride of Israel.

    Nahum 2:3 KJB - ...the chariots shall be with flaming torches in the day of his preparation,and THE FIR TREES SHALL BE TERRIBLY SHAKEN.

    So read the Spanish Reina Valera, the Geneva Bible, the 1936 Jewish translation, Youngs,Websters and the KJV 21st Century.

    However the NKJV says: ...in the day of his preparation, AND THE SPEARS AREBRANDISHED. Then it footnotes: Literally the cypresses are shaken.

    The NIV says The PINE trees are brandished, NASB has the Cypress spears are brandished,the RSV, NRSV read: THE CHARGERS PRANCE; the Douay has and THE DRIVERS ARESTUPIFIED, Wycliffe says THE LEADERS THEREOF BEEN ASLEEP, Bishopss has THEFIR STAVES ARE DRENCHED IN POISON, the Bible in Basic English 1960 says: THEHORSES ARE SHAKING, Coverdale reads: HIS ARCHERS ARE WELL DECKED ANDTRIMMED, and the New English Bible 1970 says: ARE LIKE FLICKERING FIRE. Yep, itsust like noted author and scholar James White says. Having a variety of translations helps us

    to better understand the Bible. Dont you agree?

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    Nahum 2:7 KJB - And HUZZAB shall be led away captive.. So read the Geneva Bible, Bishopsible, the Revised Version and others, but the NKJV says: IT IS DECREED, then footnotes -

    Hebrew - Huzzab.

    But dont worry, the RSV, ESV say its mistress and the NET versions says Nineveh.

    Nahum 2:13 KJB - ...and I will burn HER chariots in the smoke.. NKJV - I will burn YOURchariots in smoke.. Footnote: Literally HER.


    Habakkuk 2:6 KJB - "...Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to himthat ladeth himself with THICK CLAY!"

    NKJV - "Woe to him who increases What is not his--how long? And to him who loads himselfwith MANY PLEDGES?"

    Then the NKJV footnotes: "Syriac and Vulgate read 'thick clay'", thus implying again that theKJB translators got this reading from these foreign language versions rather than from theHebrew. It should be noted that the Hebrew word used here is found only one time in theentire Bible, and there are many different ways the various versions have translated it.

    Secondly, Lamsa's 1936 translation of the Syriac does not read "thick clay" but "How long willhe load himself with EARTHLY GOODS?" I also noticed that this time the modern versions did

    not make any reference to the so called Greek LXX. Maybe this is because this fabled versionreads: "Woe to him that multiplies to himself the possessions that are not his! How long? ANDWHO HEAVILY LOADS HIS YOKE."

    And thirdly, it should be asked Why do all these bible correctors always try to discredit theKing James readings by referring to the Vulgate? Isn't it more than likely that the Latintranslations are often right? If the Vulgate says 'Christ died for our sins and rose from thedead" are we then to toss this out of our Bible? I think not.

    Not only does the King James Bible read "to him that ladeth himself with THICK CLAY" but so

    also do Wycliffe 1395, Coverdale 1535, Bishops's Bible 1568, the Geneva Bible 1599, theSpanish Reina Valera of 1602 and 1909 "amontonar sobre s ESPESO LODO", the Douay-Rheims, the 1950 Douay, Websters 1833, and the KJV 21st Century version.

    The 2001 Jewish translation called the Judaica Press Tanach is very similar to the KJB reading:"How long? And who loads himself with A BEAM OF MUD!". Darby's translation notes "Thereis a play on the word, which may also mean "thick clay".

    John Gill makes no attempt to "correct" the KJB reading but says: "and to him that ladethhimself with thick clay: such is gold and silver, no other than yellow and white dust and dirt;and may be called clay, because dug out of the earth, as that; and as clay is defiling, so are gold

    and silver, when ill gotten, or ill used, or the heart set too much upon them; and as that is veryponderous and troublesome to carry, so an abundance of riches bring much care with them,

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    and often are very troublesome to the owners of them, and frequently hinder their sleep, rest,and ease; and as clay when it sticks to the heels hinders walking, so riches, when the affectionsare too much set on them, are great obstacles in the way of true religion and godliness."

    Matthew Henry likewise comments: "he is lading himself with thick clay. Riches are but clay,thick clay; what are gold and silver but white and yellow earth? Those that travel through thick

    clay are both retarded and dirtied in their journey; so are those that go through the world in themidst of an abundance of the wealth of it; but, as if that were not enough, what fools are thosethat load themselves with it, as if this trash would be their treasure! ... They overload their shipwith this thick clay, and so sink it and themselves into destruction and perdition."

    John Calvin also agrees with the King James reading of "thick clay" and comments on themeaning of the Hebrew word.

    Nevertheless, here the NKJV reads: "...to him who loads himself WITH MANY PLEDGES?",while the NASB has "And makes himself rich with loans?", and the NIV "and makes himselfwealthy by extortion!".

    Habakkuk 2:7 - KJB - "Shall they not rise up suddenly THAT SHALL BITE THEE, and awakethat vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them?"

    Here the NKJV says: "Will not YOUR CREDITORS rise up suddenly?", but then in a footnotethey tell us: "Literally THOSE WHO BITE YOU". The Hebrew word is # 5391 can be used

    figuratively as "to lend upon usury", but the usual literal sense if found in such phrases as "if aserpent had bitten any man" Num. 21:9, "and a serpent bit him" Amos 5:19, "an adder that

    iteh the horse heels" Genesis 49:17; "fiery serpents... and they bit the people" Num.21:6;"every one that is bitten" Num. 21:8; "the serpent will bite without enchantment" Ecc. 10:8,11;and "the prophets...that bite with their teeth" Micah 3:5.

    NKJV - "Will not YOUR CREDITORS rise up suddenly?", while the NIV gives the oppositemeaning of "creditors" with "Will not YOUR DEBTORS suddenly arise?".

    However agreeing with the literal "that shall bite thee" are the following translations: the 1901ASV "Shall they not rise up suddenly THAT SHALL BITE THEE, and awake that shall vex thee,

    and thou shalt be for booty unto them?", the Revised Version 1881, Wycliffe 1395, Coverdale1535, Bishops' bible 1568, the Geneva Bible 1599, Darby, the Douay-Rheims, the Judaica PressTanach, the KJV 21st Century, the Spanish Reina Valera Antigua (No se levantarn de repentelos que te han de morder?), Lamsa's translation of the Syriac, and, Yes, even the Latin Vulgate

    "non repente consurgent qui MORDEANT TE".

    For the NKJV to be consistent in their implied criticisms of the KJB readings, they should havefootnoted just like they did in the previous verse - "Syriac and Vulgate read "those that bite

    thee" ;-)

    Habakkuk 3:9 KJB - Thy bow was made quite naked, according to the oaths of the TRIBES,

    even thy WORD.

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    NKJV - Oaths were sworn over YOUR ARROWS. Footnote: Literally tribes.


    Zephaniah 1:12 KJB - ...I will search Jerusalem with candles, and punish the men that are

    settled ON THEIR LEES... So read the RV, ASV, Darby, the 1917, 1936 Jewish translations and

    several others.

    NKJV - ...and punish the men who are settled IN COMPLACENCY Footnote: Literally ontheir lees.


    Haggai 1:4, 8; 2:3 - KJB- Is it time for you, O ye, to dwell in your cieled houses, and thisHOUSE lie waste? Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the HOUSE; and I willtake pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the LORD. Who is left among you that sawthis HOUSE in her first glory?

    NKJV - ...in your paneled houses, and this TEMPLE to lie in ruins...and build the TEMPLEthat I may take pleasure in it... Who is left among you who saw this TEMPLE in its formerglory? Footnote for all three verses: Literally HOUSE.


    Zechariah 1:21 KJB - ...but THESE are come to fray them, to cast out the horns of theGentiles... NKJV - but THE CRAFTSMEN are coming to terrify them, to cast out the horns ofthe nations... Footnote: - literally THESE.

    Zechariah 5:6 KJB - And I said, What is it? And he said, This is AN EPHAH that goeth forth.NKJV - And he said, It is a BASKET that is going forth Footnote: Hebrew EPHAH.

    Zechariah 7:2 KJB - When THEY had sent unto the house of God... NKJV - When THE

    PEOPLE sent... Footnote: Literally THEY.

    Zechariah 8:17 KJB - "And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against HIS neighbour".

    So read the RV, ASV, Geneva, Youngs, Darby, and the Jewish translations. However the NKJVsays: "...in your hearts against YOUR neighbor", but then footnotes "Literally, HIS".

    Zechariah 8:23 KJB - "In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of alllanguages of the nations, even shall take hold OF THE SKIRT of him that is a Jew, saying, Wewill go with you: for we have heard that God is with you." So read Geneva bible, the Jewishtranslations of 1917, 1936, the Judaica Press Tanach 2001, the RV, ASV, Darby, Youngs, Douay,Lamsa, Rotherham's Emphasized Bible, and the KJV 21st Century. The NIV says "hem" which

    is acceptable, but the NASB has "garment". However the NKJV says: "shall GRASP THESLEEVE of a Jewish man". The sleeve is part of a shirt, not a robe. The word for "skirt" refersto the bottom part of a robe, as in when David "cut off the skirt of Saul's robe" in 1 Samuel 24:4.However even the NKJV still translates this same word as "skirt" in Jeremiah 2:34 - "Also in

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    thy SKIRTS is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents."

    Zechariah 9:17 KJB - For how great is HIS goodness, and how great is HIS beauty! Manycommentators like Calvin, John Gill, Matthew Henry, Adam Clarke and John Wesley have allseen this verse as a reference to the goodness and beauty of God the Messiah.

    Other translations that refer to HIS goodness and HIS beauty are the Geneva Bible, the RV,ASV, Darby, Youngs, 1936 Jewish translation, Douay, NRSV and the ESV. However this has alleen changed in the NKJV, for it says: For how great is THEIR goodness and how great is

    THEIR beauty. Then in a footnote the NKJV informs us: Literally HIS!!! Versions like the

    NASB, NIV, and Holman also change the text to read THEIR goodness and beauty.

    Zechariah 14:5 KJB - And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains:...ye shall flee, like as ye

    fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the LORD my Godshall come, and all the saints with THEE.

    So read the Jewish translations of 1917, 1936, the Judaica Press Tanach, Hebrew Names

    Version, the Revised Version, ASV, Youngs, Darby, Greens, KJV 21, Rotherhams EmphasizedBible 1902, the Geneva Bible, and Websters 1833 translation.

    Jamieson, Fausset and Brown, John Wesley, and other Bible commentators have seen areference here to God Himself. JFB comments- Lord my God . . . with thee--The mention ofthe "Lord my God" leads the prophet to pass suddenly to a direct address to Jehovah. It is as if

    "lifting up his head" (Lu 21:28), he suddenly sees in vision the Lord coming, and joyfullyexclaims, "All the saints with Thee!" So Isa 25:9.

    The Geneva Bible notes read: Because they did not credit the Prophets words, he turns to Godand comforts himself in that that he knew that these things would come, and says, "You, O

    God, with your angels will come to perform this great thing."

    Matthew Henry comments: The Lord my God shall come, shall come to the comfort of all thatare his; for, "Blessed Lord, all the saints shall be with thee, and it shall be their everlastinghappiness to dwell in thy presence; and therefore come, Lord Jesus." The Lord my God shallcome, shall come to the comfort of all that are his; for, "Blessed Lord, all the saints shall be

    with thee, and it shall be their everlasting happiness to dwell in thy presence; and thereforecome, Lord Jesus."

    John Calvin notes: All the saints WITH THEE (caps are mine). There seems to be here a kind

    of indignation, as though the Prophet turned himself away from his hearers, whom he observedto be in a measure prepared obstinately to reject his heavenly doctrine; for he turns hisdiscourse to God.

    Though the NKJV still reads: The LORD my God will come, and all the saints with YOU. YETit footnotes: The ancient versions and some Hebrew manuscripts read HIM.

    Versions that do read The Lord my God will come, and all the saints with HIM are the RSV,(which footnotes that HIM comes from the Greek LXX, Syriac, Vulgate and Targum, but the

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    Hebrew reads YOU), NIV, NASB, the NRSV, ESV and Holman Standard.

    Back to the beginning - GENESIS

    Im not going to list every one of the scores upon scores of examples of where the NKJV

    unnecessarily paraphrases or changes the Hebrew texts. (Gen. 9:9 your descendants Ft. Lit.

    seed = KJB; Gen. 18:11 had passed the age of childbearing Ft. Lit. the manner of women hadceased to be with Sarah = KJB; Gen. 27:36 Esau Ft. Lit. he = KJB; Gen. 29:30 Jacob Ft.Lit. he = KJB) It would be exhausting and of little value. If you cant see the weight andsignificance of the changes by now, then producing a hundred more examples will not change

    your mind about the NKJV.

    What I will do is mention a few of the more salient examples of where the NKJV misses the

    whole point, or tries in subtle and not so subtle ways to discredit the King James Bible by itsmisleading footnotes.

    Genesis 20:16 presents us with another example of paraphrasing found in the NKJV and other

    modern versions which misses the whole point of the passage and results in confusion.

    Abraham had been told by God that He would give him a son by his wife Sarah. Yet we see thefaltering steps of faith in our spiritual father as he and Sarah sojourned in the land of Gerar.Upon entering the region of king Abimelech, Abraham thought "Surely the fear of God is not inthis place; and they will slay me for my wife's sake." So he told Sarah to say that he was her

    rother. The result of this was that Abimelech took Sarah into his house, thus putting her into avery precarious position. Then God came to Abimelech by night in a dream and told him thatSarah was Abraham's wife and that he was "but a dead man".

    Abimelech arose early in the morning and called Abraham and asked him why he had done

    this. Then the king gave Abraham sheep, oxen, men and womenservants and restored himSarah his wife and told him to dwell where he pleased. Then in verse 16 we read: "And untoSarah he said, BEHOLD, I have given thy brother a thousand pieces of silver: BEHOLD, HE IS

    TO THEE A COVERING OF THE EYES, unto all that are with thee, and with all other: THUSSHE WAS REPROVED."

    "Covering of the eyes" is the literal reading of the Hebrew and is also found in the Wycliffe1395, Coverdale 1535 - (lo, he shalbe vnto the a couerynge of the eyes, for all that are withthee); Bishops bible 1568, the Geneva Bible 1599, the 1917 and 1936 Jewish translations, the2001 Judaica Press Tanach, the RV, ASV, Young's, Darby, Douay, the KJV 21st Century version

    and the Spanish Reina Valera bibles. Even the NKJV shows in its Footnote that the literalHebrew is "COVERING OF THE EYES FOR YOU.

    The Spanish Reina Valeras from 1909, 1960 and 1995 read just like the King James Bible with:

    mira que l te es como un velo para los ojos de todos los que estn contigo, y para contodos (Look, he is to thee as a covering of the eyes to all those who are with you, and for all).

    Abimelech is saying to Sarah that the truth is now known that her "brother" is in fact herhusband and that Abraham will serve as a covering of other men's eyes so that they will not

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    look upon Sarah as a potential wife. Thus she was reproved for her part in the deception thatalmost cost Abimelech his life.

    However the NASB, NIV, and NKJV all miss this point and even contradict each other. Insteadof "Behold, he is to thee a covering of the eyes, unto all that are with thee, and with all other:thus she was reproved" the NKJV says: " INDEED, THIS VINDICATES YOU before all who are

    with you and before all others. Thus she was REPROVED."

    The NASB has: " Behold, IT IS YOUR VINDICATION before all who are with you and before allmen YOU ARE CLEARED.", while the NIV reads: " THIS IS TO COVER THE OFFENSE

    AGAINST YOU before all who are with you; you are COMPLETELY VINDICATED."

    Now the Holman Standard has come out and it reads IT IS A VERIFICATION OF YOUR


    So which is it? Was she reproved as the KJB, NKJV and others say or was she cleared and

    vindicated as the NIV - NASB have it? And what on earth does "this vindicates you" mean? The

    NIV omits the word "behold" three times in verses 15, 16, adds "offence" though it did get"cover" more or less right but yet the meaning is totally different than either the NKJV, NASBor the KJB.

    The Geneva Bible of 1599 notes: 20:16 "And unto Sarah he said, Behold, I have given thyrother a thousand pieces of silver: behold, he is to thee a covering of the eyes, unto all that are

    with thee, and with all other: thus she was reproved." "God caused this heathen king to reproveher because she concealed her identity, seeing that God had given her a husband as her veil anddefence."

    Matthew Henry and John Wesley both say the same thing in their commentaries. "He gives to

    Sarah good instruction, tells her that her husband (her brother he calls him, to upbraid herwith calling him so) must be to her for a covering of the eyes, that is, she must look at no other,nor desire to be looked at by any other. The marriage-covenant is a covenant with the eyes, like

    Job says in ch. 31:1."

    John Gill notes: "behold, he is to thee a covering of the eyes, unto all that are with thee; a

    protection of her person and chastity: so an husband, in our language, is said to be a cover tohis wife, and she under a cover: thus Abraham being now known to be the husband of Sarah,would for the future be a covering to her, that no one should look upon her, and desire her, andtake her to be his wife."

    The King James Bible is right and the NKJV is a hack job that misses the whole point.


    Exodus 1:5 KJB - And all THE SOULS THAT CAME OUT OF THE LOINS of Jacob wereseventy SOULS.

    So read the Jewish translations of 1917, 1936, the Geneva Bible, Coverdale, the Revised

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    Version, American Standard Version 1901, Darby and the KJV 21st Century 1994. However theNKJV says: All THOSE (not souls) WHO WERE DESCENDANTS (1) of Jacob were seventyPERSONS (not souls). Then in a footnote the NKJV tells us: Literally who came from theloins of So why not just say it?


    Numbers 21:14 Wherefore it is said in the book of the wars of the LORD, WHAT HE DID INTHE RED SEA.

    Here the NKJV changes the meaning of the verse and tries to discredit the KJB reading. TheNKJV says: Therefore it is said in the Book of the Wars of the LORD: WAHED IN SUPHAH.Then in a footnote the NKJV tells us: Vulgate reads WHAT HE DID IN THE RED SEA., as

    though the King James translators got their reading from the Vulgate rather than the Hebrewtexts.

    However, agreeing with the King James Bible reading of WHAT HE DID IN THE RED SEA

    are the following Bible translations: Bishops Bible 1568, the Geneva Bible 1599, Websters1833, the KJV 21st Century version.

    The Spanish Reina Valeras 1569, 1909 and 1960 likewise agree with the King James Biblereading: Lo que hizo en el mar Rojo (What He did in the Red Sea).

    It basically comes down to whether the Hebrew words in question form a verbal phrase (Whathe did in the Red Sea) or are specific names of places (Waheb in Suphah). However if it refersto physical places or cites, (as the NKJV, NIV, NASB do) there are no other Biblical or

    historical references to any such alleged places as Waheb or Suphah. The King James Biblereading just makes a lot more sense.

    There are several quite different translations of this verse with the Judaica Press Tanachsaying: "What He gave at the Sea of Reeds, Rotherhams Emphasized bible of 1902 with: Waheb with a hurricane, and Lamsas 1936 translation of the Syriac says: A flame of fire is inthe whirlwind.

    Adam Clarke remarks on the passage: What he did in the Red Sea, and in the brooks of Arnon.This clause is impenetrably obscure. All the versions, all the translators, and all thecommentators, have been puzzled with it. Scarcely any two agree.

    Numbers 24:17 KJB - ...and shall smite the corners of Moad, and destroy all the children ofSHETH. So read the NASB, NIV, RSV, NRSV, ESV and Holman Standard.

    NKJV - and batter the brow of Moab, and destroy all the sons of TUMULT. Footnote: Hebrew


    Numbers 24:24 KJB - And ships shall come from the coast of CHITTIM, and shall afflict

    Asshur, and shall afflict Eber, and HE ALSO shall perish forever. Chittim or Kittim is thereading found in the Jewish translations, the RV, ASV, NASB, NIV, RSV, NRSV, ESV, Young,

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    KJV 21 and Holman.

    NKJV - But ships shall come from the coasts of CYPRUS and they shall afflict Asshur andafflict Eber, and so shall AMALEK until he perishes. Footnotes: Hebrew Kittim (not Cyprus);Literally he (not Amalek)

    Numbers 25:1 "And Israel abode in SHITTIM, and the people began to commit whoredom with thedaughters of Moab." SHITTIM is the Hebrew word and is found even in the NASB, NIV, RSV, ESV,RV, ASV and the Jewish translations. However the NKJV changes this to read: "Then Israel remained inACACIA GROVE..." Then it footnotes: "Hebrew - Shittim". The NKJV did this all 5 times the wordShittim occurs in the O.T. See Joshua 2:1; 3:1; Joel 3:18 and Micah 6:5.

    SEED or Descendants?

    An important prophetic statement found in the book of Galatians is all messed up in the NKJVreferences. In Galatians 3:16 we read: Now to Abraham and his SEED were the promisesmade. He saith NOT, And to SEEDS, as of many; but as of one, And to thy SEED, which isChrist.

    The NKJV N.T. verse reads basically the same, but in giving cross references to this distinctionetween SEED (singular) as opposed to SEEDS (plural) the NKJV footnotes three Old

    Testament references found in Genesis 12:7; 13:15; and 24:7.

    Lets take a look for a moment at these three O.T. references listed in the NKJV and see what

    we find. In the King James Bible we read in all three: 12:7 -And the LORD appeared untoAbraham, and said, Unto thy SEED will I give this land...; 13:15 - For all the land which thouseest, to thee will I give it, and to thy SEED for ever.; 24:7 - The LORD God of heaven...swareunto me, saying, Unto thy SEED will I give this land.

    However when we look at all three of these references in the NKJV, we do not read of a singularSEED, but instead of a plural DESCENDANTS. 12:7 - To your DESCENDANTS will I give thisland; 13:15 - for all the land which you see I give to you and your DESCENDANTS for

    ever. (Footnote: Literally SEED) 24:7 - To your DESCENDANTS I give this land.

    Esther 10:3 - King James Bible - For Mordecai the Jew was next unto king Ahasuerus, and

    great among the Jews, and accepted of the multitude of his brethren, seeking the wealth of hispeople, and speaking peace to ALL HIS SEED.

    The literal Hebrew texts all say seed and so read the RV 1881, ASV 1901, Jewish Publication

    Society 1917, Wycliffe 1395, Coverdale 1535, Bishops Bible 1568, Geneva bible 1599,Rotherhams Emphasized bible 1902, Darby, Douay, Youngs, Greens 2000 literal, KJV 21stCentury Version, Spanish Reina Valera toda su simiente, and the Judaica Press Tanach.

    NKJV 1982- . The NKJV shows its confusion in that the printed 1982 edition says: ...speakingpeace to all HIS KINDRED., then footnotes: Literally seed. However the online NKJV 1982

    says: seeking the good of his people and speaking peace to all HIS COUNTRYMEN., and thenfootnotes: Literally seed.

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    NASB 1972-1995 - who sought the good of his people and one who spoke for the welfare ofHIS WHOLE NATION.

    NIV 1984, TNIV 2005 - he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare ofALL THE JEWS.

    RSV 1956 - he sought the welfare of his people and spoke peace to all HIS PEOPLE.

    NRSV 1989 - for he sought the good of his people and interceded for the welfare of ALL HISDESCENDANTS.

    ESV 2001 - he sought the welfare of his people and spoke peace to ALL HIS PEOPLE.

    The Message 2002 - he cared for the peace and prosperity of HIS RACE.

    More examples of NKJV silliness and word changes in the book of First Samuel.

    These are just a few of the many examples found in this single book where the NKJV needlesslychanges words and the meanings found in the King James Bible. The same pattern can be seen

    in every single book of the Old Testament.

    1 Samuel 1:16 Count not thine handmaid for a DAUGHTER OF BELIAL:

    So read the Revised Version, Darby, Wycliffe, Websters bible and others, but the NKJV says:

    A WICKED WOMAN, but then footnotes: Literally daughter of Belial.

    1 Samuel 1:28 And HE worshipped the LORD there. The he refers Eli, the high priest. So

    too read the RV, ASV, NASB, NIV and even the ESV, but the NKJV reads So THEY

    worshipped the LORD there.

    1 Samuel 2:1 MY MOUTH IS ENLARGED OVER mine enemies. So read the Hebrewtranslations, RV, ASV, Geneva, Youngs and many others. The NASB says My mouth speaks

    oldly, and the NIV has My mouth boasts over my enemies, but the NKJV says I SMILE ATmy enemies!!!

    1 Samuel 2:8 He...lifteth up the beggar from the DUNGHILL, to set them among princes... Soread the Geneva bible, the RV, ASV, JPS (the 1917 Jewish Publication Society bible), Douay,

    Darby, Youngs, and the Spanish Reina Valera. However the NKJV joins the NASB, NIV andchanges dunghill to THE ASH HEAP.

    1 Samuel 2:12 Now the sons of Eli were SONS OF BELIAL; they knew not the LORD. SONSOF BELIAL is the reading of the Revised Version, Bishops bible, Coverdale, Wycliffe, Darbyand even the NKJV tells us in their footnote: Literally sons of Belial, but in their text theNKJV says the sons of Eli were CORRUPT.

    1 Samuel 2:25 If one man sin against another, THE JUDGE shall judge him: but if a man sinagainst the LORD, who shall intreat for him? So read the Geneva Bible, Coverdale, Bishops

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    ible, Spanish Reina Valera, 1936 Jewish translation, the Complete Jewish Bible and others.However the NKJV says: If a man sins against another, GOD will judge him.

    1 Samuel 4:5 ...all Israel shouted with a great shout, so that the earth RANG AGAIN. Thisverb is used only twice and it has to do with making a sound. The second use of this Hebrewverb is in 1 Kings 1:45 where we read that the city RANG AGAIN (RV, ASV and others =

    KJB),and there the NKJV says the city IS IN AN UPROAR. Here in 1 Samuel 4:5 the earthRANG AGAIN (made a noise) is the reading of Bishops bible, Geneva, the 1917 and 1936Jewish translations, the RV, ASV and others, but the NKJV says: the earth SHOOK.

    1 Samuel. Here is a small sampling of how the NKJV changes the simple word BEHOLD,(which it does have many times). In every one of these places the KJB and many othertranslations have the word BEHOLD, but notice how the NKJV continually changes this wordmerely for the sake of change. (Afterall, they have to get their copyright so they can sell bibles.)

    NKJV - 1 Samuel 9:7 LOOK, 9:12 THERE HE IS, 9:14 THERE WAS, 9:17 THERE HEIS, 9: 24 HERE IT IS; 10:8 SURELY, 10:10 THERE WAS; 12:1 INDEED, 12:3 OMITS;

    12:13 TAKE NOTE; 13:10 OMITS; 14:7 HERE I AM; 14:8 VERY WELL; 14:17SURPRISINGLY; 14:20 INDEED; 16:11 THERE HE IS;16:15 SURELY; 19:19 TAKENOTE; 25:36 THERE HE WAS; 26:7 THERE;. These are just a very few of the numerousexamples of where the NKJV makes these changes.

    1 Samuel 10:19 Now therefore present yourselves before the LORD by your tribes, and by yourTHOUSANDS. So read the 1917 JPS, RV, ASV, Youngs, Geneva Bible and others. But theNKJV says by your tribes and your CLANS, then footnotes: Literally thousands.

    1 Samuel 10:25 Then Samuel told the people the MANNER OF THE KINGDOM, and wrote itin a book... So read the RV, ASV, 1917, 1936, but the NKJV says: explained to the people the


    1 Samuel 10:27 But THE CHILDREN OF BELIAL said... NKJB has But SOME REBELS


    1 Samuel 13:21 YET THEY HAD A FILE FOR THE MATTOCKS. So read the RV, ASV,

    Hebrew Names Version, Geneva Bible, Youngs, Diodati, Spanish Reina Valera 1602, LamsasPeshitta, and the Thrid Millenium Bible.

    However the NKJV reads: AND THE CHARGE FOR SHARPENING WAS A PIM. Not quite

    the same, is it?

    1 Samuel 14:13 And Jonathan climbed up upon his hands and upon his FEET. So read theRV, ASV, NASB, NIV, RSV, NRSV, ESV, Geneva and many others. The NKJV says climbed upon his hands and KNEES. The Hebrew word is cleary feet and not knees.

    1 Samuel 14:16 ...the multitude melted away, and they went on BEATING DOWN ONEANOTHER. This directly ties into verse 20 where every mans sword was against his fellow.It is also the reading of Bishops bible, the Geneva Bible, Youngs, Darby and the KJV 21st

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    Century version. However the NKJV says: the multitude, melting away: and they WENTHERE AND THERE. The Hebrew word means to break down, smite, or beat. It never meanshere and there.

    1 Samuel 16:12 Here we read a description of the young David that he was ruddy, and withalOF A BEAUTIFUL COUNTENANCE, and goodly to look to. So read the Geneva Bible, the RV,

    ASV, Darby, and the Spanish Reina Valera 1602. Even the NIV says he was of fineappearance. However the NKJV says: he was ruddy, with BRIGHT EYES, and good looking.

    1 Samuel 16:14, 15 - Here we read that God sent an EVIL spirit to trouble Saul, and so agree the

    Geneva bible, RV, ASV, RSV, ESV, NASB and NIV. But the NKJV tells us in both verses that itwas A DISTRESSING spirit.

    1 Samuel 17:6 Here we read of Goliath who had greaves of brass upon his legs, and a TARGET(a shield, or buckler) of brass between his shoulders. This was a shield that goes around theneck and protects the chest area. So read Wycliffe, Coverdale, Bishops, Geneva bible, Douay,Lamsa, Diodati, the Spanish Valera 1602, and the KJV21st century.

    The NKJV, however, tells us he had bronze greaves on his legs and a bronze JAVELINetween his shoulders.

    1 Samuel 17:18 Here David was commanded of his father to go to his brethren with these tencheeses unto the captain of their thousand, and look how thy brethren fare, AND TAKE THEIR

    PLEDGE. So read Coverdale, Bishops, Geneva, the Jewish translations of 1917, 1936, Spanish,Youngs, Darby and the KJV21. But the NKJV says: see how your brothers fare, and BRINGBACK NEWS OF THEM.

    1 Samuel 18:4 And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to

    David, and his GARMENTS, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle. GARMENTSor apparel is the reading found in the AV, ASV, RSV, Youngs, JPS 1917, Darby, and the KJV21.Even the NIV says tunic. However the NKJV says: with HIS ARMOR.

    1 Samuel 18:21 Here king Saul offers to give David his other daughter to be his wife and hesays: Thou shalt this day be my son in law IN THE ONE OF THE TWAIN. That is, in one of

    the two daughters he had.

    So read Wycliffe, Coverdale, Bishops, Geneva, Youngs, JPS 1917, Spanish 1602, and the KJV 21.

    But the NKJV says: Therefore Saul said to David A SECOND TIME, You shall be my son-in-

    law today.

    1 Samuel 25:17 and 25 for he is such a SON OF BELIAL, that a man cannot speak to him. TheNKJV reads: he is such a SCOUNDREL that one cannot speak to him. Then it kindlyfootnotes for us Literally son of Belial.

    1 Samuel 25:22 and 34 So and more also do God unto the enemies of David, if I leave of allthat pertain to him by the morning light ANY THAT PISSETH AGAINST THE WALL. This isliterally what the Hebrew text read and so do the following versions: Wycliffe 1395, Coverdale

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    1535, Bishops bible 1568, Geneva Bible 1599, Douay, Spanish Sagradas Escrituras 1569,Spanish Reina Valera 1602, the Modern Greek Bible, Diodati, Greens interlinear, and the KJV21st century version.

    However the NKJV totally paraphrases the Hebrew text in verses 22 and 34 and says: to theenemies of David, if I leave ONE MALE of all who belong to him.

    1 Samuel 28. One of the really annoying features of the constantly changing NKJV is how itcontinually changes words and meanings just for the sake of change. I will note several of theseconstant changes in just this one chapter of 1 Samuel 28.

    First is will give the King James Bible reading, followed by the changes the NKJV makes.

    28:1 And it came to pass in those days, NKJV Now it happened in those days, 28:2Therefore will I make thee keeper of mine head, NKJV I will make you one of my chiefguardians; 28:3 Saul had put away those that had FAMILIAR SPIRITS, and the WIZARDS,

    out of the land., NKJV Saul had put THE MEDIUMS and the SPIRITISTS out of the land.;

    28:7 And his servants said to him, BEHOLD, there is a woman that HATH A FAMILIARSPIRIT at Endor.; NKJV IN FACT, there is a woman who is A MEDIUM at Endor.; 28:8 IPRAY THEE, DIVINE unto me BY THE FAMILIAR SPIRIT; NKJV PLEASE CONDUCT ASEANCE for me; 28:13 I saw GODS ascending out of the earth.; NKJV I saw A SPIRIT

    ascending out of the earth.; 28:17 And the LORD hath done TO HIM (to him = refers toDavid) as he spake by me; NKJV the LORD has done FOR HIMSELF (for Himself = refers toGod) as He spoke by me.

    1 Samuel 30:12 and when he had eaten, HIS SPIRIT came again to him. So read the Jewishtranslations, RV, ASV, Geneva, Douay, Youngs, etc. NKJV his STRENGTH came back to him.The Hebrew word is spirit, not strength.

    1 Samuel 30:22 Then answered all the wicked men and MEN OF BELIAL... NKJV Then allthe wicked and WORTHLESS MEN... Footnote - Literally men of Belial.

    2 Samuel 18:14 How Absalom was killed. "Then said Joab, I may not tarry thus with thee. Andhe took three DARTS in his hand, and thrust them through the heart of Absalom, while he was

    yet alive in the midst of the oak. And ten young men that bare Joab's armour compassed aboutand smote Absalom, and slew him." Three DARTS is the reading found in the Revised Version,ASV, 1917 Jewish Publication Society translation, Lamsa, Italian Diodati, Spanish ReinaValera, Geneva Bible and Youngs. It is possible for a man to be alive even with three darts in

    his heart. But the NKJV along with the NASB and the NRSV says "three SPEARS in his heart"while the NIV and ESV tell us he had three JAVELINS in his heart before he died.

    2 Samuel 19:24 "And Mephibosheth the son of Saul came down to meet the king, and had

    neither dressed his feet, nor trimmed HIS BEARD, nor washed his clothes, from the day theking departed until the day he came again in peace." "trimmed his BEARD" is the readingfound in Wycliffe, Bishops, Geneva Bible, the RV, ASV, Jewish translations 1917, 1936, HebrewNames Version, Rotherham's Emphasized bible, Lamsa, Douay, Darby, RSV, NRSV, ESV,French Louis Segond and Spanish Reina Valera. However the NKJV joins the silly NASB, NIV

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    and reads: "nor trimmed his MUSTACHE"!

    2 Kings 10:11 - So Jehu slew all that remained of the house of Ahab in Jezreel, and all hisgreat men, and HIS KINSFOLKS, and his priests, until he left him none remaining.

    The Hebrew word used here is #1350 and means to redeem, a redeemer, a kinsman or

    kinsfolks. In order to redeem a person or his property, the other person had to be personallyrelated and from the same family. The people Jehu killed were family relatives of the wickedking Ahab.

    See how this specific word is used in such passages as Numbers 5:8 if the man have nokinsman..; Ruth 2:20; 3:13; 4:1,3, 6, 8, and 14 - the man is one of our next KINSMEN. Inthese passages even the NKJV correctly has kinsman, as one who must be related by blood to

    redeem the property of a fellow family member.

    In 2 Kings 10:11 HIS KINSFOLKS or members of his family is also the reading of Coverdale

    1535, Bishops Bible 1568, the Geneva Bible, Lamsa, the Judaic Press Tanach, French Martin

    1755, Louis Segond 1910, Ostervald 1996, the Spanish Reina Valera 1960, 1995, the ModernGreek (oikeious - relatives), the KJV 21st Century 1994 and the Third Millenium Bible 1998.

    However most modern versions like the RSV, NASB, NIV, Holman and NKJV have changedthe meaning of the text and tell us: So Jehu killed all who remained of the house of Ahab inJezreel, and all his great men and HIS CLOSE ACQUAINTANCES...NKJV, or close friends


    In 2 Kings 10:12 and 14 the KJB as well as the Geneva Bible, Youngs, the 1917 JPS, RV, ASV

    and others tell us: And he was at the shearing house in the way; And they took them aliveand slew them AT THE PIT OF THE SHEARING HOUSE, but the NKJV instead says: ON


    In 2 Kings 10: 25 the King James Bible, the Hebrew texts, the Geneva Bible, 1917 JPS, Lamsa,Darby, Douay, Young, RV, ASV and the Spanish Reina Valera (to name a few) tell us: and theguard and the captains cast them out, and went TO THE CITY of the HOUSE of Baal. And they

    rought forth the images out of the HOUSE of Baal, and burned them.

    However versions like the NASB, NIV, NKJV, RSV, NRSV, ESV all tell us: and went into THE

    INNER ROOM of the TEMPLE of Baal NKJV. However versions like the RSV and NASB, after

    saying INNER ROOM then inform us that the Hebrew text literally reads CITY, just like theKJB has it.

    Then in the next verse, 2 Kings 10:27 we read: And they brake down the image of Baal, andrake down the house of Baal, and made it a DRAUGHT HOUSE unto this day. A draught

    house, pronounced as draft house, is simply a public toilet. Draught house is the readingfound in such versions as Bishops bible, the 1917 JPS, the RV, ASV, Youngs, and Darby. Other

    versions like Wycliffe, Geneva Bible, Lamsa, and even the NASB, NIV, and RSV all say thingslike a public toilet, a latrine, or a privy, ut they all refer to this pagan house being made

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    into a toilet.

    The NKJV stands virtually alone in that it has changed the meaning of the verse to read: andtore down the TEMPLE (lit. house) of Baal and made it a REFUSE DUMP to this day.

    Now, I know of several refuse dumps around most big cities, but there is a huge difference

    etween a refuse dump and a public TOILET. And then they have the nerve to keep telling usthe modern bible versions are getting better and just updating that archaic language of theKing James Bible.

    2 Kings 17:27 - Here is an interesting verse in that so many Bible versions actually depart fromthe Hebrew text and yet I have seen some modern version promoters actually trying to tell uson the forums that the King James Bible is wrong and their modern versions that reject the

    Hebrew text are right! If they would just think things through, they would realize that the KJBand the Hebrew text are right. But NO. Rather than accepting a very reasonable explanation asto why the KJB and Hebrew are correct, they prefer to accuse them of error. Such are the waysof those who have no Final Written Authority -The Inspired Holy Bible - and instead place

    their own minds and understanding as their final authority.

    In 2 Kings the Lord Himself sent lions among the people who now lived in Samaria becausethey continued to worship idols and feared not the Lord God of Israel. So the king of Assyria

    came up with a plan to teach the people about the God of Israel. In 2 Kings 17:27 we read:Then the king of Assyria commanded, saying, Carry thither one of the priests whom ye

    rought from thence; and let THEM go and dwell there, and let HIM teach them the manner ofthe God of the land.

    Agreeing with the Hebrew text in reading the plural as let THEM go and dwell there are theJewish translations of JPS 1917, the 1936 Hebrew Publishing Company version, the Judaica

    Press Tanach, the Revised Version 1881, American Standard Version 1901, Darby, Youngs, theSpanish Reina Valera 1909, Rotherhams Emphasized Bible 1902, World English Bible,Hebrew Names Version, and the KJV 21st Century version 1994.

    There are many versions like the RSV, NRSV, ESV which change the Hebrew text here and tellus so in their own footnotes. These versions read: Carry thither one of the priests whom ye

    rought from thence; and let HIM go and dwell there... Then in a footnote they all tell us thatthe reading of HIM comes from the Syriac and the Vulgate, but the Hebrew reads THEM.

    Not surprisingly, Daniel scribal error Wallaces NET version also adopts this bogus reading

    and he defends it by telling us in his footnote: Hebrew and let THEM go and let THEM livethere, and let HIM teach them the requirements of the God of the land. The two plural verbsseem inconsistent with the preceding and following contexts, where only one priest is sent backto Samaria. The singular has the support of Greek, Syriac, and Latin witnesses.

    Did it ever occur to scholars like Daniel Wallace et.al. that the priests themselves weremarried men with wives and children and that they would take their family members withthem when they went to live in another country, and so the priest and his family went toSamaria and he would teach the people about the God of the land, and thus we have let THEM

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    go and dwell there, and let HIM teach them...???

    Not only do the RSV, NRSV and ESV wrongly read HIM instead of THEM, but so do the NKJV,NASB, the Geneva Bible, Bishops, Coverdale, and the Holman Standard.

    The NIV gets around the problem by just omitting the Hebrew word altogether and says:

    "Have one of the priests you took captive from Samaria go back to live there and teach thepeople what the god of the land requires."

    1 Chronicles 25:3 - Has the Hebrew text been corrupted?

    1 Chronicles 25:3 KJB - Of Jeduthun: the sons of Jeduthun; Gedaliah, and Zeri, and Jeshaiah,Hashabiah, and Mattithiah, SIX, under the hands of their father Jeduthun, who prophesiedwith a harp, to give thanks and to praise the LORD.

    Agreeing with the Hebrew text and the KJB are Wycliffe, Bishops Bible, the Geneva Bible 1599,the RV 1881, ASV 1901, Rotherhams 1902 Emphasized bible, all Jewish versions including the

    1917 JPS, Hebrew Names Version, Judaica Press Tanach, the Complete Jewish Bible, the KJB21st century version, the Third Millenium Bible 1998, and even Daniel Wallaces NET version,who mentions the variant reading but apparently sees no need to add it to his version.

    The modern versions that add the additional name of SHIMEI to their text are the RSV, NRSV,ESV, NIV, TNIV, NKJV, NASB, Greens literal, and the Holman Standard.

    The NKJV adds the extra name and the online NKJV says: Of Jeduthun, the sons of Jeduthun:Gedaliah, Zeri, Jeshaiah, SHIMEI, Hashabiah, and Mattithiah, SIX, R158 under the directionof their father Jeduthun, who prophesied with a harp to give thanks and to praise the LORD.Then it footnotes Shimei, appearing in one Hebrew and several Septuagint manuscripts,

    completes the total of six sons (compare verse 17).

    In other words, the NKJV editors think something has dropped out of the Hebrew text and thatthe number six refers to the sons of Jeduthun, and so they need to add the extra name of this

    additional son to come up with the number six mentioned in the text.

    These modern versions tell us some or several Septuagint manuscripts read such an suchecause not all alleged Septuagint copies are the same in numerous places. The words some

    or several mean more than one, so just how many different Septuagint versions exist outthere in scholar-land? Well, I guess we poor peons will never know, because they arent telling

    us. The copy of the generally accepted and widely published LXX version I have does NOT addthe extra name Shimei.

    The NASBs also add the extra word, and not in italics. The printed versions of the NASB I have

    seen do not contain a footnote about this added name, but the online NASB has one of the mostmisleading and deceptive footnotes possible. After placing the additional name in their text,the online version simply footnotes: So with mss and ancient versions. And whichmanuscripts and ancient versions might these be? Not the Syriac, nor the Latin, nor thetraditional LXX version. I guess they just expect us to take their word for it and assume that the

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    traditional Hebrew texts have been corrupted and the extra name has managed to fall throughthe cracks.

    Youngs literal version is more than a little goofy here. It alone takes the number SIX andchanges it into a personal name. Youngs says: Of Jeduthun: sons of Jeduthun, Gedaliah, andZeri, and Jeshaiah, Hashabiah, and Mattithiah, SHISSHAS, are by the side of their father


    So how do we explain the accuracy of the preserved Hebrew text found in the King JamesBible? It is really quite easy. Notice that the text lists SIX names, and says these people were

    six. The text does NOT say six SONS; it just says six.

    Adam Clarke simply comments: The sons of Jeduthun-six That is, six with their father,

    otherwise, there are but five. Hence it is said, they were under the hands of their fatherJeduthun, who prophesied with a harp.

    Likewise John Wesley mentions: Six - Jeduthun their father being included in that number.

    The King James Bible is right - as always.

    The NKJV is at best a poor substitute for the true Holy Bible. Get yourself the Authorized King

    James Holy Bible and stick to it. Accept no cheap imitations.

    Will Kinney

    Return to Articles - http://brandplucked.webs.com/articles.htm

    Further studies comparing the King James Bible with the NKJV -

    To see how the NKJV keeps changing its English text from one edition to the next,see http://brandplucked.webs.com/nkjvwordchanges.htm

    If you mistakenly think the NKJV is the same as the KJB, please see -http://brandplucked.webs.com/nkjvsameaskjb.htm

    See also Dont Go On Safari with a NKJV translatorhttp://brandplucked.webs.com/nkjvsafari.htm

    See a comparative study between the KJB and the NKJV in 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra andNehemiah here:


    And for a thorough examination of the differences between the KJB and the NKJV in the Bookof Proverbs see:


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  • 8/2/2019 NKJV, Hack Job Translation



    Page 21 of 21NKJV Hack job - Another King James Bible Believer
