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nML programming

Date post: 31-Dec-2015
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nML programming. applicative programming. value-oriented, not machine-oriented. 값만 생각하는 프로그래밍. 복잡한 머리는 터트려버려라. What is applicative programming?. VALUES ARE IMMUTABLE. 1, 2, 3, 1+2, {kwang, young}U{sang}. OBJECTS ARE CHANGING. 1, 2, 3, 1.add2, {kwang, young}.add(sang). S. S. 1, 2, 3, 4. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
nML programming applicative programming value-oriented, not machine-oriented 값값 값값값값 값값값값값 값값값 값값값 값값값값값값

nML programming

applicative programming

value-oriented, not machine-oriented

값만 생각하는 프로그래밍

복잡한 머리는 터트려버려라

What is applicative programming?


1, 2, 3, 1+2, {kwang, young}U{sang}


1, 2, 3, 1.add2, {kwang, young}.add(sang)

1, 2, 3

1, 2,3, 4



T = add(S,4)




1, 2, 3

1, 2, 3 4

F-22 Standard ML/NJ

Rafale Ocaml

nML ?nML ?

Homework 2-1






fun insert(x,l) = x::lfun delete(x::[]) = x | delete(x::r) = delete r | delete [] = raise ...

fun delete(x::r) = x | delete [] = raise ...

([], [2,3])

([4], [2,3])



Homework 2-2type val = type env = type mem =

fun eval(SEQ(e1,e2),env,mem)= let val (v1,mem1) = eval(e1,env,mem) val (v2,mem2) = eval(e2,env,mem1) in (v2,mem2) end

Modules in nML

val x = …type t=A|B…

이 보따리 이름은 Box

structure Box = struct val x = … type t = … end

Box.x … Box.A

module( 보따리 ) 는 정의한 ( 이름붙인 ) 것들을 하나로모아놓고 이름붙여 놓은 것 입니다 .

Modules in nML

그러한 보따리의 타입이 signature 입니다 .

val x: int -> inttype t

val x: int -> inttype t = A|B

val x: int -> int

signature S = sig … end

signature matching

structure XX: S = struct … end

functor( 모듈함수 ) 는 모듈을 받아서 모듈을 만드는 함수 functor F(X,Y) = struct … end

function( 함수 ) 는 값을 받아서 값을 만드는 함수 fun f(x,y) = x+y

Modules in nML

functor F(X: sig … end, Y: sig … end) = struct … end

functor F(X: S1, Y: S2) = struct … end

signature Animal = sig val age: int val think: string -> bool val feel: string -> bool end

functor Couple(Beauty: Animal, Beast: Animal) = struct

val age = Beauty.age + Beast.agefun think x = (Beauty.think x) orelse (Beast.think x)

fun feel x = (Beauty.feel x) andalso (Beast.feel x)end

signature CAR = sig type speed type fuel val accelerator: int -> speed val break: int -> speed val fill_tank: int -> fuel end

structure Porche = struct type speed = int type fuel = EMPTY | FULL of int fun accelerator n = n**n fun break n = n/10 fun fill_tank n = FULL n end

structure TicoDriver = DriverSchool(Tico)structure PorcheDriver = DriverSchool(Porche)

functor DriverSchool(Car: CAR) = struct fun speed_up n = Car.accelerator n fun slow_down n = Car.break n fun get_ready n = Car.fill_tank n end

signature CAR = sig type speed type fuel val accelerator: int -> speed val break: int -> speed val fill_tank: int -> fuel end

signature STACK = sig type atom type ‘a stack val empty_stack: atom stack val push: atom * atom stack -> atom stackend

functor MakeStack(S: sig type t end) = struct type atom = S.t type ‘a stack = ‘a list val empty_stack = [] fun push (x, stk) = x::stk end

structure IntStk = MakeStack(struct type t = int end)

structure StrStk = MakeStack(struct type t = string end)

structure PairStk = MakeStack(struct type t = int * string end)
