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Nn29 8 web issuu

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Limpopo-based community newspaper - Mokopane & Lephalale
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Helena Raats ([email protected]) It seems that the strict credit control measures introduced by government is not the only hurdle facing property buyers, historical municipal debt is another curve ball thrown at home owners. Simply put, historical municipal debt is the previous property owner’s unpaid municipal bill, which is forced onto new homeowners. Following a recent court battle between the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipal- ity vs Mathabathe (22 May 2013), it has become obvious that a matter that should deemed plainly speaking – unconstitutional and illegal – has become a major cause of concern for prospective property buyers. Municipalities have tried to exploit a loophole in the law with regards to Section 118 (1) and (3) of the Municipal Systems Act – they aim to force a previous property owner’s unpaid municipal bill onto the new homeowner. On Sunday night, the pro- gramme Carte Blanche, took a closer look at this issue after several home owners had been slapped with huge bills under the Act. The problem is that municipalities first cut the power and refuse to reconnect ser- vices until the unpaid bills are cleared. This means that you could take ownership of your property, but may be refused basic services by the relevant municipality if there are his- torical municipal debts against the property. Municipalities generally have a ‘pay first and sort out problems later’ attitude making it difficult for individuals to make a stand against the policy. At present the only options available to potential buyers is to request (usually by the Property buyers beware! conveyance attorneys) an unabridged rates clearance certificate before signing any con- tracts. However, what many buyers do not know is that this certificate is only relevant for municipal service fees, property rates and other municipal taxes for a period of the last two years. Any amounts due on the property prior to that two year period are still techni- cally the responsibility of the relevant owner (source: www.livewired.co.za). “It is simply ridiculous,” says Karen Stadler, a commercial estate agent from Yvette Malan Properties in Lephalale. “It’s like saying I have to pay the grocery bill for the person queuing behind me.” “Municipalities are trying to use this Act to dig themselves out of bad debt,” she says. LEPHALALE - Former staff of contractors affiliated with Eskom Housing marched from Marapong to the housing facility last Wednesday. The disgruntled em- ployees handed a memorandum to Eskom, demanding to be reinstated at the facility. The women, who worked in the kitchens, gardens and as security, say they lost their jobs when new companies won certain tenders. They asked Eskom to investigate tenders at the housing facility. The organisers of the march believe that the Lephalale municipality allegedly interferes with job place- ments. The memorandum was received by Kgobe Seate for Eskom housing. “We want our jobs back!” ... to page 2
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Helena Raats ([email protected])

It seems that the strict credit control measures introduced by government is not the only hurdle facing property buyers, historical municipal debt is another curve ball thrown at home owners. Simply put, historical municipal debt is the previous property owner’s unpaid municipal bill, which is forced onto new homeowners.

Following a recent court battle between the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipal-ity vs Mathabathe (22 May 2013), it has become obvious that a matter that should deemed plainly speaking – unconstitutional and illegal – has become a major cause of concern for prospective property buyers.

Municipalities have tried to exploit a loophole in the law with regards to Section 118 (1) and (3) of the Municipal Systems Act – they aim to force a previous property owner’s unpaid municipal bill onto the new homeowner. On Sunday night, the pro-gramme Carte Blanche, took a closer look at this issue after several home owners had been slapped with huge bills under the Act.

The problem is that municipalities first cut the power and refuse to reconnect ser-vices until the unpaid bills are cleared. This means that you could take ownership of your property, but may be refused basic services by the relevant municipality if there are his-torical municipal debts against the property. Municipalities generally have a ‘pay first and sort out problems later’ attitude making it difficult for individuals to make a stand against the policy.

At present the only options available to potential buyers is to request (usually by the

Property buyers beware!conveyance attorneys) an unabridged rates clearance certificate before signing any con-tracts. However, what many buyers do not know is that this certificate is only relevant for municipal service fees, property rates and other municipal taxes for a period of the last two years. Any amounts due on the property prior to that two year period are still techni-cally the responsibility of the relevant owner (source: www.livewired.co.za).

“It is simply ridiculous,” says Karen Stadler, a commercial estate agent from Yvette Malan Properties in Lephalale. “It’s like saying I have to pay the grocery bill for the person queuing behind me.”

“Municipalities are trying to use this Act to dig themselves out of bad debt,” she says.

LEPHALALE - Former staff of contractors affiliated with Eskom Housing marched from Marapong to the housing facility last Wednesday. The disgruntled em-ployees handed a memorandum to Eskom, demanding to be reinstated at the facility. The women, who worked in the kitchens, gardens and as security, say they lost their jobs when new companies won certain tenders. They asked Eskom to investigate tenders at the housing facility. The organisers of the march believe that the Lephalale municipality allegedly interferes with job place-ments. The memorandum was received by Kgobe Seate for Eskom housing.

“We want our jobs back!”... to page 2

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www.noordnuus.co.za Noordelike Nuus / Northern News 29 AUGUST 20142


This short form announcement is the responsibility of the directors. It is only a summary of the information contained in the full announcement and does not contain full or complete details.

Any investment decision should be based on the full announcement published on SENS on Thursday, 21 August 2014, and also available on Exxaro’s website at www.exxaro.com

Copies of the full announcement may be requested by contacting Exxaro Investor Relations.

Group Company Secretary: CH Wessels

Investor relations: M Mthenjane (+27 12 307 7393)

Sponsor: Deutsche Securities (SA) Proprietary Limited(+27 11 775 7000)

Registration number: 2000/011076/06

JSE Share code: EXX

ISIN: ZAE000084992


(“Exxaro” or “the company” or “the group”)

If you have any queries regarding your shareholding in Exxaro Resources Limited, please contact the transfer secretaries at (+27 11 370 5000).

The full report is available on www.exxaro.com or scan the code with your smartphone to take you there.

SUMMARISED INTERIM RESULTSfor the six-month period ended 30 June 2014

Group consolidated revenue increased by 19% to R7 412 million compared to R6 245 million in the six-month period ended 30 June 2013, but remained stable compared to the R7 323 million recorded in the second half of 2013, predominantly due to the increase in export sales.

Group consolidated core net operating profi t was R557 million higher at R1 774 million (1H13: R1 218 million, 2H13: R1 452 million). This represented a 46% increase on 1H13 and a 22% increase on 2H13, mainly due to a higher net operating profi t contribution from the coal business.

Attributable losses to owners of the parent, which include Exxaro’s equity-accounted investments in associates and joint ventures, were R2 441 million (1H13: earnings of R2 244 million; 2H13: earnings of R3 973 million) or 688 cents loss per share, down 209% from 1H13 (down 161% from 2H13) mainly due to the non-recurring impairment loss of the Mayoko project in 2014.

Headline earnings, which exclude the impact of any impairment and partial impairment reversal as well as profi ts

realised on the sale of discontinued subsidiaries and other non-core assets, were R2 814 million (1H13: R2 529 million, 2H13: R 2 665 million) or 793 cents per share (1H13: 712 cents per share; 2H13: 751 cents per share), representing an 11% increase on 1H13 (6% on 2H13) headline earnings per share.

Cash generated from operations was R1 555 million (1H13: R602 million; 2H13: R1 557 million) for the group. This was primarily used to fund net fi nancing charges of R136 million (1H13: R128 million; 2H13: R64 million), taxation payments of R31 million (1H13: R117 million; 2H13: R41 million) and to pay dividends of R1 126 million (1H13: R546 million; 2H13: R841 million).

A total of R1 578 million (1H13: R2 403 million; 2H13: R2 361 million) was spent on acquiring property, plant and equipment (capital expenditure), of which R1 076 million (1H13: R1 826 million; 2H13: R1 681 million) was invested in new capacity (expansion capital), with R502 million (1H13: R577 million; 2H13: R680 million) applied to sustaining and environmental capital.












UP 11%

ic – diluted

1H14 VS 1H13











...from page 1

The Livanos Group has successfully been fighting historical mu-nicipal debt cases for the past few years. During a recent interview with CNBC News, Peter Livanos said that home owners must en-sure that all previous debts are settled in full and not just rely on the clearance certificate. “If all arrears are properly extinguished before transfer, there should be no problems.

“That’s what municipalities are trying to achieve, but sometimes they go about it the wrong way – legally they have had years to sort out problems, get money and do what they had to do in terms of the law, but they failed to do so,” he explained.

Livinos is testing the matter in court at the moment and they are confident that a favourable ruling will be binding to ensure that this does not keep happening and that home owners are protected. “A lot of people cannot afford to fight and just pay.”

Northern News approached both Lephalale Municipality and Mogalakwena Municipality to request their official position with re-gard to historical municipal debt. Neither Donald Langa, nor Charles Lekaka (CFO) was available for comment. Acting municipal manager advocate M.B. Makgato was out of office this week. The Mogalak-wena Municipality confirmed receipt of the queries, but failed to respond prior to print.

Rental marketAnother headache seems to be the rental property market where the municipalities of both Lephalale and Mogalakwena are refus-ing to reconnect services to rental properties where rates are still outstanding.

“This is a major problem,” says Sue van der Merwe of Sue Pro-perties in Mokopane. “Estate agents have been forced to employ people to deal with account problems at the municipality on a full-time basis. “Even if the utility bill is in another person’s name, the municipality is holding the property owner responsible for the costs.”

Frans van der Merwe, who owns several properties in Mokopane, agrees. “What recourse is there for an owner to ensure that bills don’t mount up if the municipality refuses to cut off due to non-payment or to collect the outstanding debt from the relevant tenant in whose name the utility account has been opened?”

Arona Rossouw from @Sold Properties in Lephalale says that the only recourse property agents is are adding a clause to the rental agreement stating that no deposits will be paid back unless there is proof that all municipal accounts have been settled in full. “It be-comes the estate agent's problem to trace the previous tenant and demand payment to allow a new tenant to take occupation.”

“Ultimately, the home owner remains responsible for the account, however, this means that the owner has a lawful right to access all information relating to an account at the municipality,” says Gys Grieshaber of Just Properties and Grieshaber Attorneys. He explains that the main recourse would be to counter sue the relevant municipality for not taking the necessary steps to collect the previous tenant’s debts.

Property buyers beware!

Tafelronde Kameeldoring 92 wat in beheer was van die biertuin by vanjaar se Kierieklapper Kunstefees (KKKF) het daarin geslaag om ‘n rekord bedrag van R120 000 aan die Potgietersrus Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes te oorhandig.

Die Tafelronde se opbrengs vanuit die biertuin was R100 000 en ‘n addisionele R20 000 borg van SAB het ‘n totale bedrag van R120 000 aan die dienssen-trum besorg. Die organisasie skryf hulle sukses toe aan die groei in fees ondersteuners en sê ‘n groter biertent

R120 000 skenking vir dienssentrumhet voorsiening gemaak vir dié toename.

Die Tafelronde se huidige voorsitter, Nicolaas le Roux, het ‘n besondere dank aan al die borge en elke tafelaar en hulle vrouens uitgespreek vir hulle harde werk by die KKKF.

In die foto hierbo is Nicolaas le Roux (links voor), saam met mede-tafelaars tydens die oorhandiging van die tjek aan die KKKF se voorsitter, Johan Kirchner, as amptelike verteenwoordiger van die Potgietersrus Diens-sentrum vir Bejaardes. - Martie Pretorius

Noordelike Nuus groet met ’n swaar hart een van sy staatmakers hierdie week. Valerie Cilliers het in 2010 as senior verslaggewer by die Bosveld Bul-letin, wat later Noordelike Nuus uitgekoop het, aangesluit. Met haar oop, vriendelike glimlag en omgee het sy diep in baie harte gekruip en baie van Lephalale se stories vertel.

Valerie begin egter met ’n nuwe era in haar loop-baan en sluit vanaf 1 September as skakelbeampte by die Lephalale Munisipaliteit aan.

Arno en Valerie Cilliers het van Durban na Le-phalale getrek vier jaar gelede toe nuwe geleenthede vir Arno, wat as argitek werk, deure oopgemaak het. Valerie wat kommunikasie studeer het, het as joer-nalistieke dosent gewerk by Varsity College en het onmiddellik vryskut begin werk vir Bosveld Bulletin.

Hulle geniet die Bosveld en woon met hul vier kinders Ammi (12), Johan (10), Sarel (9) en Jana (4) op ’n plaas buite Lephalale.

Vaarwel Valerie!

Noordelike Nuus bedank Valerie vir haar harde werk oor die jare en wens haar alle voorspoed toe in haar nuwe pos in die kommunikasie afdeling van die plaaslike munisipaliteit. - Helena Raats

By verlede week se Gemeenskapspolisiëringsfo-rum (GPF) vergadering het die voorsitter, Thys Eloff, ‘n beroep op die gemeenskap gedoen om die polisie te help om hul ses voertuie wat tans staan weer in werkende toestand te kry.

Sommige van die voertuie het klein foute wat maklik herstelbaar is. Teen Dinsdagoggend het twee besighede in Lephalale op die versoek gerea-geer en is een van die voertuie reeds in werkende toestand terwyl onderdele vir ‘n tweede voertuig aangevra is.

Vir inligting kontak Thys Eloff by sel: 082 5888 305.

GPF vra hulp met polisie voertuie Lephalale CPF growing in strengthCommunity policing forum (CPF) chairman Thys Eloff has requested that members of the neighbourhood watch add a CPF-sticker to their homes and vehicles.

Since its inception in June this year more than 600 residents have registered as members of the neighbour-hood watch. The cost of the small stickers is R5 each and the large stickers are R12. Signage is available for houses at R140 each. Contact Mariaan Wiid of the neighbourhood watch on 082 306 7274.

A new emergency number is available to the community of Lephalale: 061 088 2951 can be phoned in the case of an emergency.

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29 AUGUST 2014 Northern News / Noordelike Nuus www.noordnuus.co.za 3

Die minderjarige seun (16) wat daarvan verdink word dat hy die Kiesling-egpaar in hulle plaashuis, Meredal, naby die Botswa-na grens in Maart vanjaar vermoor het sal op 12 September deur die streeklanddros, N.G Pretorius in die Mokopane Streekhof verhoor word.

Will (69) en Anje (66) se erg ontbinde liggame is ‘n paar dae na hulle dood gevind. Hulle familie kon nie met hulle telefonies in

Moordverhoor vir tienerverbinding tree nie en het aangeneem daar is fout met die sein. Daar is eers onraad ver-moed na dae se onsuksesvolle pogings.

Die seun wie se naam nie bekend gemaak mag word nie omdat hy minderjarig is, is sedert sy inhegtenisname in Polokwane by ‘n plek van veiligheid aangehou. Hy het by die Kieslings gekuier voor hulle dood en is later in Mosselbaai deur die polisie in hegtenis geneem. - Martie Pretorius

Two men were arrested and charged with smuggling cigarettes to the value of more than R2-million last week.

The men came through the Grobler’s Bridge border post using a Freightliner truck and cooler-type trailer. They altered the trailer to fit cigarette cartons in the sides, floor and roof of the truck.

According to warrant officer Hennie van

11596 cartons of cigarettes smuggledStaden, they noticed the newly-added pop rivets on the panels of the truck and also the “suspiciously thick roof.” When they removed the panels on the sides they discovered the cigarette cartons. The two men, Alexander Ruben Stewart and Oneas Ma-tuero, appeared in court on 19 August and the case was postponed until Monday 25 August. - Mariska Ehlers

Inwoner met mes gesteekMariska Ehlers ([email protected])

‘n Inwoner van Onverwacht is Woensdagoggend net na 02:00 deur ‘n inbreker met ‘n mes in sy huis in Groen-kloofsingel gesteek.

Coetzee Badenhorst (25), het Woensdag vanuit sy hospitaalbed in die Lephalale MediClinic vertel dat hy en lede van sy gesin net na 01:00 wakker geword het met die reuk van pap wat brand. Die gesin het die vorige aand pap en wors geëet en die pot was nog op die stoof. Daar word vermoed dat die inbreker die plaat aangeska-kel het, die motief hiervoor is egter onbekend.

Hoewel dit vir hulle vreemd was, het hulle die plaat afgeskakel en die pot buite gaan neersit. Hy sê syy ma het die deur gesluit en hulle het niksvermoedend weer gaan slaap.

‘n Uur later het Coetzee wakker geword en gesien dat die deur oop staan, hy het gedink dat sy broer, Eben, buite op die stoep rook. Toe hy die deur wou toe-maak het ‘n onbekende man met ‘n hoed verby hom gehardloop en hy het na die man gegryp, dié het omgedraai en hom met ‘n mes in die linkersy gesteek. Coetzee het sy familie wakker gemaak en hulle het met hom hospitaal toe gejaag. Daar het personeel van die MediClinic die polisie ontbied.

Volgens die dokter is die snywond wat hy op-gedoen het redelik diep en so 7cm lank.

Dit het later duidelik geword dat die verdagte die deur met ‘n skroewedraaier oopgedwing en drie selfone gesteel het.

Die polisie het Woensdagoggend die familie se verklarings afgeneem en die saak word tans ondersoek.

Merke aan die deur is duidelik sigbaar waar die voordeur oopgedwing is.

Stabbed and murderedFour suspects were arrested by the Mahwelereng police after they stabbed a man with a broken beer bottle on Sunday night.

Johannes Kekana was passing by a local ta-vern when he was attacked by three men wiel-ding sjamboks. He managed to evade his attack-ers and fetched his son from his home to assist him in identifying the suspects.

When he returned to the tavern a fight ensued and he and was stabbed with the broken beer bottle. He was rushed to hospital but died on ar-rival. Two suspects were arrested immediately at the scene on Sunday night.

Another suspect was arrested the following day in Nigel and a fourth was taken into custody on Monday. The suspects will have appeared in court this week. - Itumeleng Lekganyane

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www.noordnuus.co.za Noordelike Nuus / Northern News 29 AUGUST 20144

The Colonel

is in you


and serving


The manager of Talisman Plant Hire is challenging every business of Lephalale to adopt a street in their area and to keep it clean.

Mariaan Wiid assigned some people to keep their street clean and also challenge the rest of the companies and also the com-munity in Lephalale to do the same in their area.

“If we all do our part in this project we can enjoy a better and cleaner town,” she said.

Adopt a Lephalale street

The Lephalale Police met with foreign nationals who live in Marapong last week following threats from the local community to evict them from the area.

According to W.O. Frans Mo-koena the group of ten Ethiopians were all spaza shop owners whose shops were closed down during a raid by the police last year. The men who are legally in South Africa do not have permits to operate spaza shops.

According to regulation they need to apply for permits at the Lephalale municipality, but they have not done so.

Tension over spaza shops in MarapongCommunity members who

have taken occupation of the spaza shops refuse to move their mer-chandise. The Ethiopians say they built the shops and now want to reopen them.

They have offered to buy the merchandise from local traders. The community also alleges that the foreign nationals threatened them with axes and pangas. This could not be confirmed by the Le-phalale police.

One of the shops were burnt and the merchandise disappeared adding tension to the explosive situ-ation.

Met die vloede wat in Maart groot skade in die Lephalale omgewing aangerig het, het die Lephalale Watergebruikersvereniging (WGV) verskeie uitdagings om te oorbrug.

Een daarvan is die balanseer-walle wat tydens die vloede erg beskadig is. By die WGV se jaarver-gadering verlewe week het voorsit-ter, Francois van den Berg, gesê dat die walle wel verseker is, maar dat die versekeraar weier om uit te be-taal. Die saak sal na die Ombuds-man verwys word. Intussen moet ‘n plan beraam word om die walle te herstel om watersekerheid in die toekoms te verseker.

Tydens die vergadering het som-mige van die waterreg eienaars

Uitdagings lê voor vir WGVhulle ongelukkigheid uitgespreek oor die prosesse wat gevolg is om kwotasies vir die opstel van ingenieursplan in te win. Die de-partement van waterwese vereis dat ‘n ingenieur aangestel word om planne op te trek vir die nuwe damme. Hierdie koste sal deur boere self gedek moet word. Van die eienaars wou weet waarom hulle nie self die damme kan her-stel nie.

Hulle is deur die departement meegedeel dat die regte prosesse gevolg moet word aangesien som-mige damme onwettig gebou en herstel is. Indien die walle onwettig gebou word, sal die afgebreek moet word.

Wat die WGV se finansies aanbetref het dit 'n skoon oudit ontvang.

Van den Berg het ook by die vergadering ‘n vriendelike waarsku-wing aan waterreg eienaars gerig om nie die wet te oortree, hetsy by wyse van onregmatige besproei-ing, nie betaling van rekening, riool stortings of sandmynery nie.

Hy sê die departement het aangedui dat hulle beslis sal optree. Hy herinner lede dat alle aansoeke soos byvoorbeeld aansoeke vir mynaktiwiteite en oorplasing van waterregte via die kantoor van die WGV gedoen moet word. Indien ander roetes eers gevolg word sal aansoeke vertraag word omdat dit net weer na die WGV kantoor ges-tuur sal word.- Valerie Cilliers

Martie Pretorius ([email protected])

Mogalakwena Municipality technical ser-vices manager, David Malepa, called on the media on Wednesday to point out who was at fault for Mokopane’s contaminated water.

Last week the Democratic Alliance (DA) called on Wilmot James, the DA shadow minister of health, to accompany them on a visit to various water points where the water status was found critical. Northern News visited the sites and reported on this matter on 22 August,(Polluted water in Mokopane – an environmental crime) where raw sewage build-up close to Soetdoring flats was visible.

Malepa met with Northern News this week at a private construction site. The foundation wall of the development proved to be centimeters from a municipal manhole. Malepa said this caused the manhole lid to be moved resulting in rubble blocking the main stream. “The water sample that was taken by the DA proved positive for E.Coli due to the sewage that overflowed. The cause is clear,” said Malepa.

Municipality not at fault for water contamination

Suspected thieves arrestedSix suspects have been arrested for house breaking, possession of stolen goods and ammunition without a license. Mahwelereng police recovered four plasma TVs, two microwaves, a fridge, an iPad and 31 rounds of ammunition.

Some of the items have not yet been identified and returned to the rightful owners. Captain Steve Mabuza urges the community to come forward and claim their possessions. Please contact Captain Mabuza for more information on cel: 082 565 8407.- Itumeleng Lekganyane

The manhole that was affected by building construction caused sewage to overflow and contaminate Mokopane’s water as David Malepa, Mogalakwena technical services manager points out.

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29 AUGUST 2014 Northern News / Noordelike Nuus www.noordnuus.co.za

Carre-Lee Armstrong (16) van Lephalale het al as model op TV programme soos Bravo en Fiesta haar verskyning gemaak, maar verlede week het haar droom om eendag ‘n be-kende aktrise te wees ‘n stappie gevorder.

Carre-Lee is onlangs aangewys as die Limpopo ambassadeur vir aktrise Angelique Gerber se Ap-prentice program. Hierdie titel het beslis daartoe bygedra dat verskeie deure in die vermaak-likheid- en mode-wêreld vir haar oopgaan.

So is Carre-Lee dan ook verlede week gevra om as 'n ekstra op die stel van 7de Laan te werk. Hoewel sy nie gevleuelde woorde met Oom Oubaas kon uitruil nie, was die ervaring vir haar ongelooflik.

Carre-Lee sal Donderdag 30 Oktober op 7de Laan te sien wees.



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(011) 860 1888, RooTS klIPTowN, (011) 933 3059, RooTS kRuGeRSDoRP (011) 660 3557, RooTS leoNDAle (011) 865 1675, RooTS leThlABIle (012) 251 2540, RooTS MAMeloDI (012) 801 1753, RooTS MeYeRToN (016) 362 0877, RooTS olIeveNhouT (012) 652 0865, RooTS olIfANTS 073 801 0277, RooTS PRoTeA GARDeNS (011) 980

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MoDJADJI (015) 328 3348, RooTS TzANeeN (015) 307 2620 noRth West RooTS BoITekoNG (014) 593 4462, RooTS NoRThAM (014) 784-4408, RooTS zeeRuST (018) 642 3342, RooTS zeBeDIelA (015) 642 3020 KWAZuLu-nAtAL RooTS eDeNDAle (033) 398 7063, RooTS ezAkheNI 036 636

3578, RooTS JozINI (035) 572 8099, RooTS MTuBATuBA (035) 550 1265, RooTS NewCASTle (034) 312 4044, RooTS NquTu (034) 312 6862, RooTS Theku PlAzA (034) 374 1035 mpumALAngA RooTS ACoRNhoek (013) 795 5070, RooTS DAYIzeNzA (013) 798 3020, RooTS eMBA SeCuNDA (017) 685 3034, RooTS eRMelo (017) 811 1212, RooTS MIDDelBuRG (013) 241 3207, RooTS SIYABuSwA (013) 973 2161, RooTS ToNGA

(013) 708 0241, RooTS wITBANk (013) 656 1561 FRee stAte RooTS heIDeDAl (051) 432 0051.


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Carina Stander

Mense dink mos ek is so vol natuurliefde dat ek my met vars modder grimeer en die wensbene van knaagdiertjies (slegs dié wat ‘n natuurlike dood gesterf het) deur my neus ryg om my profiel te verfraai. Woudvrou! roep een koerantman my. Bosnimf! skryf ‘n ander digter in ‘n brief. In g’n resensie of onderhoud word die kans verbeur om te wys op “haar aartsmistiek” of “die suiwer natuur as leidmotief in haar werk” nie.

Als goed en wel. Ek red spinnekoppe en bang nie juis slange nie, maar wanneer ‘n sekere voëlspesie my drie uur in die more uit die bed boender, maak dit die jagter in my wakker.

Dis elke lente dieselfde storie: die ver-

Woorde uit die Waterberge

Piet-my-vrou, skiet-my-nou!pestelike Piet-my-vrou kom hakkel in die stikdonker nag by my kamervenster. Piet-my-vrou. Skiet-my-nou. Die skuldige is ‘n man-netjie wat glo sy eiers voorsê presies wanneer hulle moet uitbroei. Dag en nag moedig hy sy verwagte kuikentjies aan, sy welluidende stemmetjie al hees.

In ons verbrokkelde samelewing behoort sulke toegewyde vaderskap my seker tot hal-leluja’s te stem, maar daar is ‘n klaaglied in my hart.

Oorpluisies kan ek nie dra nie, ingeval my eie seuntjieskind om middernag roep omdat hy sy slaaphaas verlê het. Was ek ‘n Boed-dhis, sou ek smeek dat hierdie voël tot doofs-tom muggie gereïnkarneer word.

Was ek ‘n evolusionis, sou ek kon argu-menteer dat Cuculus solitarius in alle waar-

skynlikheid die swakste skakel in die ketting is en daarom liefs van die evolusieleer af gestamp moet word, dankie.

As bioloog sou ek dié klip in die bos gooi: kom ons vang al 10 000 en eksperiment-eer vir ‘n nuwe middel teen voëlgriep! Eureka! Maar goeie Christenkind wat ek is, laat dit my met ‘n enkele opsie. Om te bid. Opreg te bid. Hiermee dan my gebede soos die aand vorder: 23:00: “Laat sy ou kleintjies tog spoedig uitbroei dat hy net sy snawel kan hou.” (Dit vra ek met ‘n swaar hart, wetend dat daar volgende jaar vyf Piet-my-vroue voor my venster kan nesmaak.) 24:00: “Mag hierdie voël met sy goeie vader-hart na ‘n hemelse woning verhuis.” 2:30: “‘n Vinnige dood, asseblief. Laat hom

verstik aan ‘n mot.” 3:00: “Kan ‘n uil hom nou vang en klaarkry?” 3:30: “Mag elke vervloekte slang en lik-kewaan, elke kruipende of vlieënde vyand nou uit hulle gate kruip en hom en sy hele nageslag uit-wis!”

Elke dag as ek sien hoe die suikerbekkies en Knysna loeries, die glasogies en rooibor-

sies in die tuin rinkink, die vlinders en bye en krioelende erdwurms, blouape wat oor die dak wip, bosbokke en soms ‘n dwergmuis-hondjie wat kortpad vat, weet ek dat ek die aand met ‘n rein hart kan gaan slaap – totdat Piet-my-vrou my weer om middernag tot lie-derlike smeekgebede dryf!

“Kuier en gees vang,” was die gemeente se hoofdoel met die Vlaggiefees, sê die NG Kerk Ellisras -Wes sekretaresse Karen Bo-tha. Karen sê dat vandag se mense te min kuier en nie genoeg tyd aan mekaar span-deer nie.

Die fees is ‘n jaarlikse instelling vir die kerk en elke jaar kry die fees n nuwe naam. Hierdie keer is die ge-meente gevra dat elke gesin sy eie “gesinsvlag” sal maak en so het die fees sy naam gekry.

Die fees het Vrydagaand begin met ‘n hoender en chips ete en het eers Sater-dag middag klaargemaak. Daar is ook ‘n veiling gehou en twee Rooibokke, 4,5L First Watch whisky en ‘n naweek weg vir twee per-sone is opgeveil.

Vlaggies wapper mooi by feesMense so ver soos Koedoesrand het die

geleentheid bygewoon. - Mariska Ehlers

Onder: Pret en plesier by die Vlaggiefees.

Carre-Lee kuier by7de Laan Potties het talent!Impak Jeug bied aan ‘n ‘Potties het tal-ent’, ’n talentkompetisie waar die jeug van Mokopane uitgenooi word om hul talente vir die gemeenskap te wys. Of jy nou mooi gedigte skryf en voorsê, sing of dans – kom wys jou talent en wen R500.

Tieners tussen die ouderdomme van 11en 19 word uitgenooi om deel te neem aan die pretaand wat 5 September by die Volle Evangelie Kerk by 78 Bezuidenhout straat gehou sal word. Die koste is R20 per inskrywing en die aand sal om 19:00 begin. Geen onwelvoeglike gedrag sal op die verhoog toegelaat word nie – klere moet gepas wees en nie uitlokkend nie. Slegs een item per inskrywing, indien twee items gelewer wil word, moet daar twee vorms ingevul word. Ouers se in-ligting sal ook benodig word.

Registrasie sluit 31 Augustus en Ru-ben van Straten kan gekontak word vir meer inligting asook inskrywingsvorms by 076 987 0755.

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Waterberg FET College will offer the following programme:NATIONAL CERTIFICATE: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - END USER COMPUTING


Enquiries: Ms. Vosser (015 - 491 4216)

This opportunity is for capacity building in Computer Skills.Entry requirements:Unemployed youth with at least Grade 12 or equivalent with a pass in English First Additional Language (as medium of instruction)How to apply:

Business Studies Centre (Mahwelereng): Student Support Officer - Mr. Raseleso Engineering and Skills Training Centre (Lebowakgomo):

between 08:30 -15:30 (Monday to Friday).

Prospective students must submit their CV's and certified copies of results/qualifications to:


Student Support Officer - Mr. Maselesele

9 SEPTEMBER 2014 at 14:00






Die gewilde ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’, wat in Junie op sosiale media netwerke van stapel gestuur is om bewustheid te kweek vir mo-torneuronsieke (MNS) wêreldwyd, het ook Saterdag in Mokopane manne na hul asems laat snak.

Chris Keet, eienaar van Klipspringer en Net Die Beste Slaghuis in die dorp het besluit om ook ’n skenking te maak vir die bewus-making van MNS. Die ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ laat dapper manne en vroue bibber nadat ’n emmer vol yswater oor hulle uitgestort word – alles vir liefdadigheid!

Die siekte, wat ook as ‘Amyotrophic Lat-eral Sclerosis’ (ALS) bekendstaan, is onlangs baie in die nuus omdat een van die land se geliefde oud-Springbok rugbyspelers, Joost

Ysige uitdaging vir slaghuisevan der Westhuizen, in 2011 met ALS ge-diagnoseer is. Joost het so paar weke terug self in paddavoete en ’n snorkel aan die uitdaging deelgeneem met ’n groot glimlag op sy gesig.

“Ons het die veldtog op Facebook ge-sien,” vertel Louisa Landsberg wat gehelp het om te reël dat verskeie blokmanne van die twee slaghuise die uitdaging aanvaar. “Dit was groot pret en die manne was om-trent goed wakker na die uitdaging!”

Hulle daag nou ander slaghuise uit om ook die ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ te aanvaar en hul deel te doen vir liefdadigheid.

Indien u wil bydrae kan u ‘J9’ SMS na 42305, SMS kos R30 of u kan ’n epos stuur na [email protected] vir inligting oor MND.

Die blokmanne van Net Die Beste Slaghuis en Klipspringer snak na hul asems nadat hulle Saterdag aan die bekende ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ ten bate van MND bewusmaking deelgeneem het. Chris Keet, eienaar van die slaghuise, daag ander slaghuise in Mokopane uit om ook deel te neem aan die uitdaging. Hier is (voor) Riaan Badenhorst, Chris Landsberg, Willie Landsberg en Jan Faber. Agter is Dries Coetzee, Rudi Botha, Corné van Niekerk en Jan Venter.

Die Bossie o/11 krieketspan het verlede Donderdag uithaler krieket gespeel toe hulle Laerskool Warmbad met drie paaltjies gewen het. Dié span-netjie oefen hard met die oog daarop om hierdie jaar die liga te wen.

Bossie krieket op sy beste

Remax Lephalale het onlangs deel geword van die nasionale RE/MAX Foundation, ‘n instansie wat nie-winsgewende organisasie help. Die plaaslike Diere Beskermings Ver-eeniging (DBV), SAVF Maroela-oord en ‘n kinderhuis in die Lephalale omgewing is genomineer as hul begunstigdes.

Volgens Lindy Groenewald van Remax is dit gewoonlik die DBV wat oorgesien word as dit kom by donasies en bystand, daarom het die Remax span Maandag besluit om die plaaslike DBV te besoek.

Remax Lephalale het al bekendheid ver-werf vir die liefdadigheidswerk wat hulle in Lephalale doen. “Hierdie kantoor het ‘n gees

Remax daag Lephalale uit na goeie daad

van gee en so is dit vir ons tweede natuur om te help waar nodig," sê Lindy.

By die SAVF Maroela-oord het Remax hande gevat met kontrakteurs en word daar daagliks kospakkies vir die bejaardes af-gelewer.

Die span beoog ook om Kersgeskenke vir die kinders in die kinderhuis in te samel.

Remax daag alle besighede en lede van die gemeenskap uit om betrokke te raak en al kan hul nie finansieel bydra nie, is daar baie ander maniere waarop die publiek byvoorbeeld die DBV kan help. Kontak vir Mariaan Wentzel by die DBV op 076 636 6946 vir inligting.

The Mogol Club Park run had a record atten-dance on Saturday with of 130 participants in the 5km run/walk.

The Parkrun is held every Saturday at 07:00 and starts on the club’s rugby field. The weekly event is a fun way to increase your fitness levels and is free, all you need to do is register on www.parkrun.co.za.

The SAMHS band and training centre in

Lephalale is presenting a Military Ball in cooperation with the Mogol Club on Sat-urday, 20 September. The event, which is first of its kind in the region, is in support of the SAVF Maroela Oord and the SPCA in Lephalale. Tickets are being sold at R300 per person or R3000 per table of 10 peo-ple. The price includes a five course meal. Dress is strictly formal. Contact Denise on [email protected] or 014 763 2427 for your tickets.

News from the Mogol Club

“Met krag en vernuf” lui Potgi-etersrus Stoeiklub se slagspreuk. Die klub se stoeiers is na ‘n oefenkamp in Polokwane verlede naweek opgeskerp en slaggereed om te stoei met meer krag en meer vernuf. Die klu-blede het hulle dank uitgespreek

Meer krag, meer vernuf

teenoor Ian Baciu Stoeiklub se afrigters, Rudi Botha en Jan Roets wat die kamp aangebied het. Stoeiers van die Potgietersrus Stoeiklub wat die afgelope naweek ‘n oefenkamp in Polokwane bygewoon het is: Nicholis Frauendorf, Lewies Coetzee, Zander Oosthuizen, Meinrich Frauendorf, Pieter Jordaan en Marnu van der Kolff. By hulle, afigters Walter Frauendorf en Danie Venter. Afwesig: Rally Somo, Monique Venter en Ben Coetzee.

Die Derby Wedvlug vanaf Reddersburg is deur Jo-han van Zyl gewen.

Die duiwe het wind van agter gehad. Hulle is om 07:00 losgelaat en was om 14:12 terug by hul hokke. Die gemiddelde spoed was 93km per uur.

Die Ope wedvlug is deur Tiaan Marais gewen en sy duif se spoed was 100km per uur.

Die volgende wedvlug is vanaf Richmond oor ‘n afstand van 940km.

Die duiwe word Vrydag losgelaat en kom ge-woonlik Saterdaoggend by hul hokke aan indien die

Sportman Amateur Posduifklub uitslaeweer saamspeel.

Die posisionering lyk soos volg:Johan van Zyl 1,8,9,11; Dewald Viljoen 2,3,4; Tiaan Marais 5,6,10; Louis Rossouw 7.

Reddersburg Ope:Tiaan Marais 1,2,5,8,14,15,17,22,23,25; Barend van Biljon 3,9,10,18,26; Louis Rossouw 6,20,27; Johan van Zyl 4,7,11,12,16,21,24,28; Dewald Viljoen 13,19.

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29 AUGUST 2014 Northern News / Noordelike Nuus www.noordnuus.co.za 11

RADOS INTERNATIONAL SERVICES PTY (LTD) provides ore sorting solutions to the mining industry, utilising its proprietary RADOS sorters. These solutions include a comprehensive outsourced service in which RADOS finance, operate and maintain the RADOS sorters and associated plant. We are looking for hands-on and self-motivated candidates who can work together in a team to maintain high Safety, Health and Environmental Standards and to optimise plant availability, throughput and metallurgical efficiency. The candidates must be medically fit and have an intimate knowledge of the MHS Act with extensive exposure to NOSA or similar SHE systems. A valid driver’s license is compulsory. RADOS has the following vacancies at a PGM Concentrator near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province. Plant Manager The successful candidate will manage RADOS’s and our client’s interest, ensure that the installation is operated safely, efficiently and within budget. The candidate will have a suitable Metallurgical degree with a minimum of 5 years metallurgical plant experience and 2 years middle management experience. Extensive experience in statistical analysis and data processing in Excel and SQL databases, and experience in PGM processes is beneficial. Instrument Technician The successful candidate act as maintenance supervisor and will be responsible for the asset and maintenance management in line with industry and SHEQ standards and within budget. The candidate must have a Section 13 Instrumentation trade test with a minimum N4 qualification and 5 years process plant maintenance experience. Millwright (Fitter/Electrical) The candidate will be responsible for the maintenance of plant equipment and infrastructure. The candidate must have a Section 13 Millwright trade test in electrical with fitting and a minimum N3 qualification with 3 years process plant maintenance experience. Site Administrator The successful candidate will manage stock levels, order and expedite spares, capture and liaise employees’ payroll with head office and assist with human relations. The candidate must have a matric and completed a course in stock management and buying or basic accounting. Any training and experience in HR will be beneficial. Shift Foreman The successful candidate will ensure that the installation is operated efficiently and safely, maintain production records, and will train and develop employees. The ideal candidate will have a suitable Metallurgical diploma or degree with a minimum of 3 years metallurgical plant experience and with at least 1 year shift foreman experience. The candidate will work rotational shifts. Please e-mail a concise 3 page CV in MS Word format to [email protected] Closing date 05 September 2014. Please regard your application as unsuccessful if we do not contact you within 30 days of the closing date. No correspondence will be entered into.

Hoërskool Piet Potgieter se graad 11A kaskar fondsinsameling spaarbussie het ‘n goeie hupstoot gekry na Saterdag se gholfdag wat hulle by die Kameeldoring Buiteklub aangebied het.

Frans Fourie en Riaan Foord se goeie spel het aan hulle 57 punte besorg en hulle het as die wenners weggestap. Derrick Jordaan en Francois Duvenhage in die tweede plek was kort op hulle hakke met 57 punte vir ‘n uittel en Keith Freeman en Keagan Ross het die derde plek ingeneem. Hulle het 55 punte aan-geteken.

Naaste aan die pen op putjie 6 was Ruan Bester en naaste aan die pen op putjie 17 was Kenny Mboyana.

Die leerders het hulle opregte dank teenoor al die borge sowel as die spelers uitgespreek.

District winners Mokopane Primary School’s u/13 netball team was crowned as the district winners of the league games while representing the Mahwelereng cluster on 22 August in Lephalale.

The team scored an outstanding number of goals leading them to the upcoming Provincial league to be held shortly. Their coaches congratulated and thanked every player for their dedication and hard work.

Right: Mokopane Primary School’s proud u/13 netball team. They are Elizabeth Senwamadi, Keitumetse Chokwe, Jessica Matjiu, Tshegofatso Kganyago, Tsuma Sekwakwa, Khensani Maimela, Kgaogelo Maboya, Lindi Lekalakala,Lethabo Kekana, Dipuo Dammie, Thatho Mabisela and Lethabo Kutumela. The team is accompanied by their team manager, Friedah Letjiko, and their coaches, Catrien Gerritsen and Martha Mothwa.

Gholfers help met fondsinsameling

Limpopo se swemspan het algeheel tweede geëindig, na Noord-Wes, gedurende die naweek se SA Klein Inter-Provinsiale Gala wat gehou is by St Benedict’s College in Bedfordview, Johannesburg.

11 TUKS Limpopo swemmers van swemafrigter, Awie Hattingh, het Limpopo verteenwoordig en 14 individuele

Tweede plek vir TUKS Limpopo swemmersmedaljes huis toe gebring. Medaljewenners was: Miral Honiball (drie silwer), Morne van der Bank (twee silwer, een brons), Anel de Vos (een silwer, een brons), Carel Smit (een silwer, een bors), Franco Botha (een silwer, een brons) en Bernice Laboff (een silwer, een brons). Swemmers kon elk net in twee items en Individuele Wisselslag deelneem.

Provinsies wat aan die gala deelgeneem het was: Noord-wes, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Oos-Gauteng, Noord-Vrystaat en Sedibeng Aquatics.

In die aflosse het die spanne van Limpopo drie goud, vier silwer en twee brons medaljes gewen.

Die Limpopo seuns en dogtersspanne het ook algeheel tweede in hul onderskeie afdelings geëindig.

Die wenners van Hoërskool Piet Potgieter se graad 11A gholfdag, Riaan Foord en Frans Fourie saam met Wynand Welgemoed, die Kameeldoring Buiteklub se bestuurder.

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oordelike uus orthern ewsN NAitblinkerschievers

UFransa de Beer

Vir die eerste keer sedert die Beeldtrofee se ontstaan wen 'n span van Ellisras Hoër-skool (EHS) hierdie gesogte trofee. EHS het die beste o/16 span vir medium skole in vier en ‘n half provinsies - Mpumalanga, Noord-Wes, Limpopo, Gauteng en ‘n gedeelte van die Vrystaat.

EHS se o/16 span het Saterdag in die eindstryd teen Hoërskool Vryburg die wed-stryd met 18-17 beklink. Hierdie wedstryd was nie vir die met swak harte en hoë bloeddruk nie. Pieter du Plessis druk twee drieë, Andreas van Zyl een en Rikus Malan slaag met twee doelskoppe. Michael Kotze word aangewys as speler van die wedstryd. Volgens die hoof, Louis Campbell, het die spelers die skool se leuse ‘vasberade’ prak-ties gedemonstreer.

Die hoof bedank al die ondersteuners, twee bussies vol personeellede, beheerlig-gaamlede (sommige wat nie eens ‘n kind op die veld gehad het nie), ouers, familie en vriende van die skool.

Dit was ook ‘n groot dag omdat EHS twee spanne in die eindstryd gehad het. Die Rassie o/14 span het ook in die eindstryd gespeel teen Hoërskool Wesvalia en eindig tweede.

Die skool bedank afrigters van beide spanne, Eddie Elmes en Fanus du Ples-sis (o/14) en Johan Pitout en Theuns van Staden o/16), vir baie ure se opoffering. Ons skool is ons trots.

EHS is Beeld trofee wenners! Goud vir Lephalale swemmers Ellisras Aquatics het baie goed gevaar by die Interprovinsiale Swemgala by Bedfordview in Germ-iston Saterdag. Die Limpopo-span het tweede gekom teen Mpuma-langa, Noord-Wes, Oos- Gauteng, Noord-Vrystaat en Sedibeng Provin-sie.

Lephalale swemklub se swem-mers het besonders goed gevaar met groot uitblinkers soos Dario Geyser wat goud, silver en twee brons medaljes losgeswem het. GJ Roets het goud en Cherise Mans sil-wer in die aflos.

Die ander swemmers wat puik gevaar het was Marusca Geyser, Fred Pistorius, HJ Pienaar, Franco Troskie en Dries du Preez. Die klub is baie trots op hierdie groep swem-mers wat Limpopo verteenwoordig het.

Hulle bedank die afrigter Darren Watkins en die swemmers se ouers wat so getrou die kinders onder-steun.
