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No. 17/2011...INFOSYLVA est un service d'information à partir de coupures de presse, mis à...

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Page 2: No. 17/2011...INFOSYLVA est un service d'information à partir de coupures de presse, mis à disposition par le Centre d'Information sur les Forêts de la FAO et qui fait le point

No. 17/2011

INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information Centre

with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish.

INFOSYLVA est un service d'information à partir de coupures de presse, mis à disposition par le Centre d'Information sur les Forêts de la FAO et qui fait le point de l'actualité dans ce secteur, en anglais,

français et espagnol.

INFOSYLVA es el servicio de información de recortes de prensa suministrado por el Centro de Informacion Forestal de la FAO con noticias sobre las actividades forestales, en inglés, francés y español.

Forthcoming FAO events September Future Policy Award Cerimony 2011 - Best Forest Policies The Central Park Zoo, New York, USA - 21 September 2011 October Contributions of Forests to a Green Economy Bonn, Germany - 04-07 October 2011 International Bonn Forest Days Bonn, Germany - 06-09 October 2011 Planted Teak Forests: a Globally Emerging Forest Resource San José, Costa Rica - 31 October – 5 November 2011 Rediscovering wood: the key to a sustainable future - International Conference on the Art and Joy of Wood Bangalore, India - 19-22 October 2011 November Second Asia-Pacific Forestry Week: New Challenges – New Opportunities Beijing, China - 7-11 November 2011

Other forest-related events September Forests Indonesia - Alternative futures to meet demands for food, fibre, fuel and REDD+ Jakarta, Indonesia - 27 September 2011

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International Symposium on Costs and benefits of REDD plus: What, Who, How and When? Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 19-20 September 2011 Poplar Council of Canada - Poplars and Willows on the Prairies: Traditional Practices meet Innovative Applications Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - 18-22 September 2011 Restoring Forests: Advances in Techniques and Theory Madrid, Spain - 27-29 September 2011 Who Will Own the Forest? 7 World Forestry Center, Portland, Oregon, United States of America - 19-21 September 2011 October 2º Congreso Nacional de Protección y Manejo Sustentable del Bosque Nativo Villaguay, Entre Ríos, Argentina - 27-29 October 2011 Contributions of Forests to a Green Economy Bonn, Germany - 04-07 October 2011 Eleventh RRI Dialogue on Forests, Governance and Climate Change: Role of Public and Private Finance to Reduce Forest Loss and Degradation London, United Kingdom - 12 October 2011 Fifth International Woodfibre Resources and Trade Conference - Woodchips and biomass for global markets Singapore - 31 October-2 November 2011 Primer Taller Robre Rehabilitación y Restauración en la Diagonal Árida de la Argentina Universidad Nacional de Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina - 27-28 October 2011 United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification 10th Session - UNCCD COP10 Changwon city, Republic of Korea – 10-21 October 2011 November 2011 IUFRO Forest Protection Joint Meeting ‘Pathogens, insects and their associations affecting forestry worldwide’ Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay - 08-11 November 2011 25th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB 2011) Christchurch, New Zealand - 28 November - 02 December 2011 VI Congresso Forestal Venezolano - “Conservar y Plantar Bosques No Es Un Lujo, Es Una Necesidad” Barquisimeto, venezuela - 29 November - 02 December 2011 X Congreso Mexicano de Recursos Forestales Hidalgo, Mexico - 22-25 November 2011

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IUFRO International Conference - Research Priorities in Tropical Silvicuture: Towards New paradigms? Montpellier, France - 15-18 November 2011 IUFRO Working Group Improvement and Culture of Eucalypts - EUCIUFRO 2011 Porto Seguro, brazil - 14-18 November 2011 Usages, biodiversité et forêt méditerranéenne Bouches-du-Rhône, france - 17-18 November 2011 December Forest Day 5 Durban, South Africa - 4 December 2011

FAO Forestry announcements All 63 editions of the FAO Yearbook of Forest Products (1947-2009) are now available online at http://www.fao.org/forestry/62283/en/. The FAO Yearbook of Forest Products is a compilation of statistical data on basic forest products for all countries and territories of the world. It contains series of annual data on the volume of production and the volume and value of trade in forest products. It includes tables showing direction of trade and average unit values of trade for certain products. Statistical information in the yearbook is based primarily on data provided to the FAO Forestry Department by the countries through questionnaires or official publications. In the absence of official data, FAO makes an estimate based on the best information available.

New publication from FAO Nature & Faune volume 25, issue 2 - Economic and social significance of forests for Africa’s sustainable development Volume 25, Issue 2 of Nature & Faune magazine examines the “Economic and social significance of forests for Africa’s sustainable development”. Authors share cases and experiences highlighting attempts made by forest and natural resource managers to develop innovative partnerships with new stakeholders outside the traditional forest sector. It points out where to obtain information on the contribution of wildlife to national economies. The Kingdom of Lesotho is on the spotlight. The special article features Rwanda. On the menu are eleven other articles from Zambia, Gabon, South Africa, Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana, as well as subregional perspectives from West and Central Africa. These articles and features are set within the context of International Year of the Forests 2011.

FAO in the news 12 million trees planted nationwide so far - Douglas Uggah Bernama, 06/09/11 More than 12 million trees have been planted nationwide so far under the campaign to plant 26 million trees by 2014, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Douglas Uggah Embas disclosed Tuesday. Améliorer la gestion des paysages pour prévenir les feux de forêt FAO, 09/09/11

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Les pays doivent s'attacher davantage à la gestion des divers paysages en dehors des forêts, a mis en garde aujourd'hui le Partenariat de collaboration sur les forêts (CPF), organe constitué de 14 organisations internationales et secrétariats de conventions, afin de prévenir 95% des feux de brousse dus aux activités humaines dans les forêts et zones adjacentes. Aumentan incendios forestales en el mundo El Universal, 09/09/11 La Asociación de Colaboración en materia de Bosques destacó que es de vital importancia tener presente la prevención de incendios ante el cambio climático que causa el número de estos fenómenos. Better landscape management needed to prevent forest fires FAO, 09/09/11 Countries need to pay more attention to fire management on lands bordering forests in order to prevent the 95 percent of wildfires that originate from human activities in forests and adjacent areas, an international partnership for forests warned today. Dan recomendación para evitar 95% de incendios forestales La Opinion, 11/09/11 La Asociación de Colaboración en materia de Bosques (ACB), advirtió que los países deben prestar más atención a la gestión de los alrededores de los bosques, con lo que asegura que se podría evitar el 95% de los incendios forestales. Date palm decline: Iraq looks to rebuild The Independent, 11/09/11 Iraqi officials are pushing re-planting programmes for the country's date palms, which are famed across the Middle East as the region's best but have suffered terrible losses in past decades. El 95 % de incendios en bosques se evitarían con mejor gestión de alrededores EFE, 09/09/11 La Asociación de Colaboración en materia de Bosques (ACB), advirtió hoy que los países deben prestar más atención a la gestión de los alrededores de los bosques, con lo que asegura que se podría evitar el 95 % de los incendios forestales. GFPS and FAO tackle unacceptable practices in Ghana's forestry sector All Africa, 05/09/11 In recent times, a cross-section of Ghanaians have been expressing concern about what they describe as the high level of "unacceptable and illegal practices," and their negative impacts on the country's forestry sector. These Illegal practices are basically those actions that are against the laws in the forestry sector, while the unacceptable practices refer to those that compel stakeholders to compromise their commitment in seeing to it that the right thing is done in the sector. Guyana getting closer to decision on EU forestry trade accord Starbroek News, 01/09/11 A decision on whether Guyana will join a European Union (EU) trade accord to ensure that only legally harvested timber is imported into the EU is likely to be made shortly. La FAO pide mejorar la gestión alrededor de los bosques para evitar incendios Eroski Consumer, 10/09/11

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En muchos países ha aumentado la frecuencia y la magnitud de los incendios forestales en los últimos años. L'Irak rêve de ressusciter ses riches palmeraies d'antan AFP, 08/09/11 Arbre mythique, célébré dès l'époque babylonienne pour sa prodigalité et sa majesté, le palmier-dattier a payé un lourd tribut aux sanctions et aux guerres en Irak depuis 1980, mais les autorités sont décidées à faire redresser la tête à cette culture millénaire. Los cilindros de madera quieren tumbar al gasóleo Publico, 12/09/11 El impulso al combustible de biomasa forestal reduciría unas 8.500 toneladas anuales de emisiones de CO2. More funds needed for fire management All Africa, 13/09/11 The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), a 14 member international organization has stressed the need for countries all over the world to reduce forest fires by including fire management in broader landscape management strategies. Recursos forrajeros y medio ambiente El Economista, 06/09/11 En las actividades ganaderas, las praderas con árboles tienen un enorme potencial para mitigar el cambio climático al absorber y almacenar CO2, representando una reducción de carbono que podría superar al que ofrecen los bosques, si se utiliza adecuadamente. Se requiere una gestión mejor del paisaje para prevenir los incendios forestales FAO, 09/09/11 Los países deben prestar más atención a la gestión de los diversos paisajes externos a los bosques -señaló hoy una asociación internacional para los bosques-, a fin de evitar el 95% de los incendios forestales derivados de actividades humanas que se practican en los bosques y las zonas adyacentes. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), continues to invest in Guyana’s forestry sector NCN, 05/09/11 The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization country representative Dr. Lystra Fletcher-Paul said this is aimed at addressing local needs and national priorities which reflect internationally agreed principles. U.N. wants better forest management UPI, 14/09/11 There is a significant potential for major economic and environmental losses unless steps are taken to reduce deforestation, a U.N. official said from Geneva. Zoil and the new forest development programme - a real stitch in time All Africa, 09/09/11 Of the countless number of problems facing developing economies like Ghana, there is non that threatens the survival of both the current and future generations than the issue of deforestation. The

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scary nature of this situation is clearly underscored by recent reports on the rate of deforestation and environmental degradation in Ghana issued by institutions such as the United Nations Commission for Sustainable Resources and the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).

Press review/ Revue de presse/ Informe de prensa: 01-15 September 2011 International Year of Forests Alberto de Mónaco hace un llamado para salvar a los bosques El Universal, 07/09/11 El príncipe Alberto de Mónaco pidió hoy en una conferencia en el Parlamento Europeo una acción global para salvar los bosques del planeta, amenazados por la tala indiscriminada, los incendios, las plagas de insectos y otros peligros. Arboretum Marbella, un espacio público orientado a la alfabetización medioambiental 20 Minutos, 04/09/11 El Arboretum Marbella, ubicado en el municipio malagueño marbellí, es un espacio público orientado a la alfabetización medioambiental de la ciudadanía y a la formación e información del ámbito territorial para que los visitantes puedan participar y dotarse de herramientas "prácticas y eficaces" para el respeto por el medioambiente y la gestión sostenible del territorio, aunque en sí mismo, es un jardín de conservación de especies autóctonas de la comarca de Málaga, compuesto por 131 especies. Colombia y el año Internacional de los bosques Vanguardia, 12/09/11 2011 fue declarado por la ONU el año internacional del bosque. Por eso a lo largo de él se han desarrollado y se llevarán a cabo foros, debates, múltiples acontecimientos y celebraciones culturales en todo el planeta para resaltar el inmenso valor que para la supervivencia de la especie humana ellos tienen y sensibilizar a la comunidad internacional en su preservación. Defensora de los bosques El Mundo, 05/09/11 La modelo brasileña Gisele Bündchen, una de las más cotizadas del mundo, se unió ayer al Día de la Amazonía y presentó por Internet una campaña “en defensa de los bosques”, que pone su fama al servicio del mayor pulmón vegetal del planeta. Forêts: la nouvelle saison de coupes est lancée RTN, 01/09/11 Le premier arbre de la saison a été abattu. Après une pause estivale, les forestiers-bûcherons ont démarré la nouvelle saison de coupes 2011-2012, jeudi après-midi, à la forêt cantonale du Maillard, au-dessus de la Chaux-de-Fonds. Gisele Bundchen launches Amazon campaign Fox News, 06/09/11

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Brazilian top model Gisele Bündchen, one of the most sought-after in the world, expressed her support for World Amazon Day by launching an online campaign in defense of the rainforests, in which she puts her fame at the service of an area whose vegetation has been described as "the lungs of our planet." La modelo Gisele Bündchen lanza una campaña por la Amazonía mediante internet EFE, 05/09/11 La modelo brasileña Gisele Bündchen se unió hoy al Día de la Amazonía y presentó por internet una campaña "en defensa de los bosques" en la que pone su fama al servicio del mayor pulmón vegetal del planeta. Le prince Albert II au chevet des forêts au parlement européen Nice Matin, 08/09/11 Le souverain a assisté hier au Parlement européen à la Conférence internationale "2011, l´année internationale des forêts, quelle voie pour le futur?", organisée à Bruxelles. Une initiative de Gaston Franco, député européen, président du groupe 'Forêt' de l´intergroupe du Parlement européen 'Changement climatique, Biodiversité et Développement durable'. México y China coinciden en que la APEC debe ocuparse del medio ambiente EFE, 08/09/11 El Ministro de Medio Ambiente de México, Juan Rafael Elvira, dijo hoy a Efe que coincide con la postura del presidente chino, Hu Jintao, en que la APEC no sólo debe encargarse de temas de cooperación económica, sino también de conservar los recursos naturales que son vitales para todos los países. Minister calls for more tree planting Ghana News Agency, 08/09/11 Mr Mike Allan Hammah, the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, has appealed to Ghanaians to embrace tree planting to help protect the environment. Tout savoir sur la forêt Sud Ouest, 08/09/11 L'assemblée générale des Nations-unies a déclaré 2011 "année internationale des forêts" afin de sensibiliser les opinions sur la conservation des forêts. Un paseo por los árboles de la Sierra Huelva Información, 04/09/11 La asociación Sierra de Picachanes de Linares de la Sierra lleva a cabo una ruta fotográfica por el entorno del municipio dirigido a los más jóvenes · Su objetivo fundamental son los árbolesl homenaje Con motivo de la declaración de 2011 como Año Internacional de los Bosques, Linares ha querido rendir homenaje a su paisaje lleno chopos, nogales y madroños. UN Secretary-General plants symbol of peace ABC News, 09/09/11 United Nations' Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has planted an olive tree at the National Arboretum Canberra. WWF launches new urban forests campaign The Times of India, 09/09/11

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The Hyderabad chapter of World Wildlife Foundation-India (WWF) on Thursday launched its 'Cities for Forests Campaign' in the city to raise awareness about the need for urban forests. As part of its four-month-long initiative (September to December) WWF will encourage students and youth from across Hyderabad to come together to study the existing forest cover of the city and in turn help authorities preserve them better. Algeria Desertification: Algiers regrets "insufficient" international mobilization Ennahar, 09/09/11 "One of the major causes of food insecurity in the world-in this case the loss of natural resources, land degradation and desertification- remains little-treated and has a poor international mobilization," said Minister at the opening of the meeting which includes hundreds of experts from over 40 African countries. Feux de forêt : Des dizaines d’incendies et plusieurs hectares ravagés El Moudjahid, 03/09/11 Le phénomène des feux de forêt prend de plus en plus d’ampleur, surtout avec la montée du mercure ces derniers jours, qui a favorisé le déclenchement d’incendies. World needs to do more against desertification: Algeria AFP, 09/09/11 The world needs to do more to combat desertification, which threatens close to a third of the planet's population, Algeria said Thursday at the opening of a conference here. Argentina El fuego destruyó 61 mil hectáreas de bosques cordobeses en nueve días La Capital, 13/09/11 La Fundación para la Defensa del Medio Ambiente (Funam) indicó que en nueve días de septiembre "se quemaron 61.062 hectáreas de bosque nativo, matorrales serranos... Australia From apples to oil, Liberals get lost in afternoon light The Sydney Morning Herald, 01/09/11 For just shy of 30 years, Australia's two major political parties, the Australian Labor Party and the Liberal Party, have been in agreement that Australia's markets should be open to global competition. Plane biofuel to be made from eucalyptus to help cut greenhouse emissions The Australian, 01/09/11 Australia's gums could hold the key to an environmentally friendly aviation sector. The industry is becoming increasingly focused on carbon emissions as trading schemes are set up around the world, and more and more people take to the skies. Bangladesh Bangladesh's 'golden fibre' comes back from the brink BBC, 05/09/11 Jute, a vegetable fibre that can be spun into sackcloth, used to be the 'golden fibre' of Bangladesh.

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Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Alerta canciller sobre mercantilización de bosques bolivianos Prensa Latina, 04/09/11 El canciller boliviano, David Choquehuanca, alertó hoy sobre el interés de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales (ONGs) de mercantilizar los bosques de zonas amazónicas. Bolivian indigenous groups protest highway construction National geographic, 02/09/11 Indigenous groups in Bolivia have begun a march from Trinidad to La Paz, a journey of over 300 miles, to protest a highway now under construction that will bisect a biodiverse rain forest region, reports the BBC. Fiscal General instruye investigar quema descontrolada de campos y bosques Los Tiempos, 07/09/11 El Fiscal General Mario Uribe instruyó este miércoles iniciar "de oficio" una investigación sobre los incendios forestales que se generan en las tierras bajas del país, los mismos que -dijo- "ponen en riesgo algunos bienes jurídicos protegidos por el Código Penal". Focos de calor afectan familias y bosques en Bolivia Prensa Latina, 06/09/11 Más de 16 mil focos de calor se registraron en lo que va de este año en Bolivia, informó hoy el director de la Autoridad de Bosques y Tierra (ABT), Cliver Rocha. Los focos de calor tienden a aumentar El Deber, 04/09/11 Todo apunta a que septiembre será el mes más crítico por las quemas y los incendios forestales. El último reporte brindado por la Autoridad Boliviana de Bosques y Tierra (ABT) da cuenta de que el departamento de Santa Cruz concentra la mayor cantidad de focos de calor del país (6.720). Le siguen Beni, con 5.634 y Pando, con 1.561. Un tajo de cemento en la selva central de Bolivia La República, 03/09/11 Las selvas del Territorio Indígena del Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure se encuentran en trance de ser atravesadas por una carretera. Brazil 60% of deforested Amazon used for cattle: study The Independent, 05/09/11 More than 60 percent of deforested areas of the Brazilian Amazon forest are used for grazing cattle, while only five percent is used for agriculture, a new government study said. Amazonía sufre destrucción de bosques La Republica, 06/09/11 Es la mayor reserva vegetal del planeta. Ex ministra del Ambiente brasileña asegura que reforma forestal le causa preocupación. Brasil celebra el Día de la Amazonía con llamamientos a la preservación EFE, 05/09/11

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Brasil celebró hoy el Día de la Amazonía con diversos actos dirigidos a concienciar a la población y a las autoridades sobre la necesidad de proteger la mayor reserva vegetal del planeta de la acción depredadora del hombre. Brasil reduce en 16% deforestación de su gigantesca sabana ABC Digital, 13/09/11 Brasil perdió 6.200 km2 de sabana entre 2009 y 2010 a causa de la deforestación, casi un 16% menos con respecto al período 2008-2009, informó el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente este martes. Brazilian court upholds sentence in case of U.S. nun's killing CNN, 07/09/11 A Brazilian court has upheld the 30-year sentence of a rancher convicted in the 2005 killing of an American nun who dedicated herself to protecting the Amazon rain forest. Cae el ritmo de la deforestación en el ecosistema brasileño del Cerrado EFE, 13/09/11 La deforestación en el ecosistema del Cerrado, que representa el 22 % de la superficie de Brasil, cayó de 7.600 kilómetros cuadrados entre 2008 y 2009 hasta 6.400 kilómetros cuadrados en el período 2009-2010, informaron hoy fuentes oficiales. En Amazonie, le bras de fer autour du barrage Belo Monte continue Le Monde, 06/09/11 C'est un combat majeur qui se déroule en Amazonie depuis de nombreuses années : la bataille autour du Belo Monte, cet immense barrage qui doit voir le jour dans le nord-ouest du Brésil, sur le fleuve Xingu. Le feu vert définitif pour la construction de l'édifice hydroélectrique a été donné le 1er juin dernier par l’Institut brésilien de l'environnement. Mais les opposants au projet ne baissent pas les bras. Google Earth en tricycle pour filmer les tréfonds de l'Amazonie La Voix du Nord, 04/09/11 Google Earth est en train de filmer le coeur de l'Amazonie pour ouvrir au monde entier une fenêtre sur la biodiversité de la forêt tropicale grâce à des tricycles équipés d'un mât bardé de caméras pour prendre des vues à 360 degrés. Google Earth se lance à l'assaut de la forêt amazonienne Le Parisien, 02/09/11 Vous rêvez de voyager, d'explorer les recoins de la forêt vierge depuis votre ordinateur de bureau ? Google Earth est en train de filmer au coeur de l'Amazonie pour ouvrir au monde entier une fenêtre sur la biodiversité de la forêt tropicale. Google Maps va ouvrir aux internautes les recoins de l'Amazonie AFP, 01/09/11 Explorer les recoins de la forêt vierge depuis son ordinateur de bureau? Google Earth est en train de filmer au coeur de l'Amazonie pour ouvrir au monde entier une fenêtre sur la biodiversité de la forêt tropicale. La forêt Amazonienne a ses années comptées Les Echos, 01/09/11

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On a longtemps alerté le Brésil de l'importance de préserver la forêt mais les intérêts économiques ont le dessus et la dévastation continue á grands pas. La mayor parte de la Amazonía destruida en Brasil fue transformada en pasto EFE, 02/09/11 El 62,1 por ciento del área de la Amazonía hasta ahora destruida en Brasil fue convertida en pastizales, especialmente para la cría de ganado, y apenas un 4,9 por ciento en cultivos agrícolas, según un estudio divulgado hoy por el Gobierno brasileño. Law could allow WCup projects in protected areas Businessweek, 01/09/11 Changes to an environmental law under consideration by Brazil's Senate could open the door to 2014 World Cup stadiums being built in conservation areas. Mayor parte área deforestada en Brasil dedicada a ganadería Prensa Latina, 02/09/11 El 62,2 por ciento de los 719 mil 210 kilómetros cuadrados deforestados en la Amazonía brasileña en 2007 y 2008 fue dedicado a la ganadería, revela un estudio del Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciales (INPE), divulgado hoy. Representantes brasileños consideran que la crisis mundial dificultará acuerdos ambientales EFE, 05/09/11 La crisis mundial dificultará las negociaciones para que los países que emiten más dióxido de carbono (CO2) retribuyan financieramente a las naciones en desarrollo comprometidas con la preservación de sus selvas y bosques, dijeron hoy representantes del sector agropecuario brasileño. Burkina Faso Battling the effects of gold mining in Burkina Faso The Guardian, 05/09/11 Gold mining in Burkina Faso's northern Séguénéga region is devastating the environment and the social structure. Huge swaths of land have been cleared of vegetation. Tree Aid is providing local people with sustainable alternatives, to provide an income and protect the environment. Cameroon Cameroon's investment plan endangers forest reserves AletNet/Reuters, 01/09/11 Cameroon’s dream of building, digging and mining its way out of widespread poverty by 2035 has sparked a war of words between government officials and environmentalists, who say the plan encroaches on millions of hectares of forest and threatens local livelihoods. Canada Hard-won wisdom, steely optimism The Gazette, 10/09/11 Tzeporah Berman delivers the inside scoop on the maturation of Canada's environmental movement. Chile Botánico plantea estudiar bosques desde el aire en Chile La Tercera, 12/09/11

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Francis Hallé alcanzó fama mundial como biólogo y botánico cuando en 1986 organizó la primera Radeau des cimes (Navegando las cimas), una iniciativa científica para estudiar los bosques tropicales desde el aire, pues, a su juicio, esa es la forma correcta de investigar estos parajes. Para ello utilizó un globo aerostático, que transformó en un gran laboratorio aéreo. China China to plant pine trees in Horqin sandy area China Daily, 04/09/11 Authorities in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region plan to plant about 520,000 hectares of pine trees in Horqin, the country's largest sandy area, between 2011 and 2020. Colombia Colombia se queda sin bosques El Espectador, 10/09/11 Mientras el viceministro de Ambiente advierte que, si no se toman medidas, en cien años se habrán acabado los recursos forestales del país, organizaciones ambientales critican la pobre acción del Gobierno para evitarlo. El aporte de la industria legal maderera La República, 01/09/11 La industria maderera colombiana, ha crecido notablemente en los últimos tiempos, esta incluye desde la reforestación y deforestación con fines comerciales, la madera en sí, la transformación y fabricación de mobiliario; actividades que han ubicado al sector maderero colombiano como un importante rubro con potencial de crecimiento y competitividad productiva a nivel nacional e internacional. El Gobierno “toca madera” El Diario del Otún, 04/09/2011 En la última década Colombia ha perdido un volumen de bosques del tamaño del territorio de El Salvador, por culpa del narcotráfico y su influencia letal fomentando cultivos ilícitos en esas áreas, advirtió el presidente Juan Manuel Santos. Títulos mineros entre Palocabildo y Casabianca ponen en riesgo bosque El Nuevo Día, 02/09/11 Hoy, la tala indiscriminada de árboles es el principal problema que se registra en la zona. Desde hace varios meses circula el rumor en Palocabildo que el bosque natural del área rural del Municipio habría sido entregado a empresas mineras para que inicien exploraciones auríferas con alta tecnología. Croatia Developers threaten animals in Croatia's cave network BBC, 01/09/11 Species of animals, millions of years old, could be wiped out by pollution and development in Croatia, according to a new breed of cave biologists. Ecuador Trafic d'animaux en Equateur: les associations locales se mobilisent pour sauver les singes 20 Minutes, 02/09/11 Notre globe-trotter d'Un an pour la planète a rencontré les associations équatoriennes qui luttent contre le trafic d'animaux...

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Yasuní: un frágil ecosistema acechado por múltiples intereses EFE, 02/09/11 La Amazonía ecuatoriana alberga uno de los principales tesoros ecológicos del planeta, el Yasuní, un océano verde considerado el lugar más biodiverso del planeta, hoy acechado por múltiples intereses, algunos de los cuales ponen en peligro la supervivencia de este parque nacional. France Bois et forêt en vedette Sud Ouest, 08/09/11 Un temps idéal, un site remarquable (propriété de la famille Lala à Orliac), un parking à proximité : tout était réuni pour que la 10e édition de la Journée forestière de samedi soit une parfaite réussite. Elle était organisée par le Comice agricole et forestier du canton de Belvès, avec le Centre régional de propriété forestière d'Aquitaine (CRPF, antenne Dordogne), le groupement de développement forestier du Sud-Dordogne (GDF), Interbois Périgord et la Chambre d'agriculture (Périgord noir), en partenariat avec le Conseil général, la mairie de Belvès, la Communauté de communes du Pays du châtaignier et la commune d'Orliac. Une forêt de… maïs! Sud Ouest, 02/09/11 La prolongation du plan anti-scolytes motivait la réunion de la filière bois-forêt d'Aquitaine, hier à Morcenx. Convoquée à l'initiative d'Henri Emmanuelli, en présence du préfet de Région, Patrick Stéfanini, elle a permis d'officialiser le traitement de 300 000 stères supplémentaires d'ici à la fin du mois d'octobre. Il s'ajoutent au 1,8 million de stères dont le traitement entamé à la mi-mars dernier s'achève. Wolf makes a comeback in France BBC, 06/09/11 In the summer months high on the French Alps the sheep graze on rich pastures. In the Hautes Alpes, they are currently feeding beneath ski lifts on slopes that will soon be covered by a thick layer of snow. But this year the freedom to roam has been curtailed. Somewhere in the dark, dense forests a grey wolf is on the prowl. Gambia Forest management committees trained in Kafuta All Africa, 12/09/11 The Saint Joseph's Family Farms Centre (SJFFC) in Bwiam, in the Foni Kansala District of West Coast Region recently concluded a two-day training of Forest Management Committees (FMC) on forest management at the Kafuta Forestry Training School in the Kombo East District of the West Coast Region. Ghana Mainstreaming gender consideration in REDD All Africa, 12/09/11 So far, debates around Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) have almost neglected gender issues and the role women can play. Honduras Desalojos y capturas para salvar la Biósfera El Heraldo, 05/09/11

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La expulsión de 14 familias de la zona núcleo, así como el arresto de 24 personas acusadas de delitos ambientales marcan el inicio. Pobladores exigen al ICF frenar depredación en el valle de Siria La Tribuna, 08/09/11 Pobladores del valle de Siria, Francisco Morazán, protestaron ayer en las instalaciones del Instituto de Conservación Forestal (ICF), en Comayagüela, en contra de la deforestación en esa región. Reserva de Biosfera Tawahka Asangni: diseñarán este año plan para mejorar su manejo y protección La Tribuna, 04/09/11 La Reserva de Biosfera Tawahka Asangni (RBTA), se creó el 20 de octubre de 1999, por su gran riqueza biológica y cultural. Siendo la única área protegida promovida y propuesta por un pueblo indígena, los Tawahka, mismos que iniciaron su lucha por la declaratoria de la Biosfera en 1988. Zona de amortiguamiento de Biósfera casi destruida El Heraldo, 07/09/11 Como no hay un dato exacto sobre la deforestación en el área, el Instituto de Conservación Forestal actualmente realiza un análisis multitemporal para determinar los daños. India Banned livestock drug continues to threaten India's vultures, conservationists warn The Guardian, 06/09/11 Diclofenac is still being sold despite causing population crashes in species of vulture that fed on cattle treated with the medication. Vulture-killing drug still for sale, finds survey BBC, 06/09/11 A toxic drug that threatens India's critically endangered vultures is still widely available, a survey has found. The living latticework bridges in the Khasi Hills of India The Guardian, 15/09/11 Vines and roots of trees are trained to stretch across rivers and streams, to create a sturdy structure strong enough to be used as a bridge for up to 50 people at a time. Villagers create these living bridges – which take 10-15 years to grow – as a solution to the high annual rainfall, which would cause ordinary wooden bridges to rot. Indonesia Jambi villagers fight to save their forests Jakarta Globe, 03/09/11 The green and seemingly boundless landscape of Jambi province has tempted oil palm and logging companies for years. Some of them have already acquired large swathes of the province, leasing them out in parcels to smallholders who burn the land illegally before planting, as it is the cheapest and easiest way to clear vegetation. On the trail of the orang pendek, Sumatra's mystery ape The Guardian, 08/09/11

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On Friday zoologist Richard Freeman embarks on an expedition to find the elusive orang pendek. In the first of two articles, he describes the creature's possible appearance and likely evolutionary origins. Orang pendek quest begins in Sumatra The Guardian, 09/09/11 A new expedition to track down the elusive orang pendek begins today. Richard Freeman describes the tantalising sightings and frustrations of previous expeditions. Second chance for body charged to assemble REDD institution Jakarta Globe, 14/09/11 A task force charged with establishing a forest conservation oversight body has been renewed so that it may fulfill its mandate, a senior official said on Wednesday. Kenya Four counties team up in Mau forest conservation All Africa, 12/09/11 Nakuru, Kericho, Bomet and Narok counties are set to team up after the 2012 general election in the conservation of Mau forest which faces extinction from human activities. Greenbelt sounds alarm over destruction of two Laikipia forests All Africa, 09/09/11 The Green Belt movement has raised the alarm over the wanton destruction of Marmanet and Ol Arabel forests in Laikipia. The movement's senior projects officer Lilian Muchungi warned that the forest is on the verge of becoming extinct . She cautioned that the region isat the risk of facing an acute water shortage if the trend continues. State to revoke land titles in Kaya forests All Africa, 12/09/11 The government will revoke all land titles issued in the sacred Kaya forests and monuments in South Coast that are currently being degraded due to massive encroachment. During a tour of several Kayas in the region, Assistant minister for National Heritage Wilfred Ombui assured the locals that the forests will be protected. Malaysia Shirley the orangutan 'weaned off smoking' BBC, 12/09/11 An orangutan in Malaysia called Shirley - famous for smoking cigarettes thrown by visitors into her enclosure - is being helped to kick the habit. Mexico Alertan en Hidalgo sobre deforestación El Universal, 06/09/11 El dirigente de la Sociedad Ecologista Hidalguense, Marco Antonio Moreno Gaytán, alertó sobre la degradación y pérdida de al menos 90 mil hectáreas de bosque y de más de 50% del agua de tres demarcaciones de la entidad, presuntamente a consecuencia del cambio climático. Asegura Semarnat que México avanza en combate a la deforestación El Diario de Chihuahua, 07/09/11

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El Secretario de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada, indicó que para frenar el deterioro de los ecosistemas forestales del país, la estrategia gubernamental está orientada a fortalecer las acciones de conservación, restauración e incorporación de superficies a esquemas de manejo sustentable de bosques, selvas y zonas áridas del país. Decomisa Profepa madera ilegal en bosques de la monarca Cambio de Michoacán, 12/09/11 Más de cinco mil metros cúbicos de madera de pino y cedro, de corte reciente, decomisó la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (Profepa), en tres operativos diferentes realizados en los bosques de la Mariposa Monarca y su zona de influencia; esto, como parte del programa federal Cero Tolerancia. Erosionadas 740 mil hectáreas El Sol de Morelia, 03/09/11 La pérdida de suelo en Michoacán está asociada principalmente al cambio de uso de suelo, disminución de la cobertura vegetal y a la deforestación. Se estima que 740 mil hectáreas presentan algún nivel de erosión (severa, alta, moderada y/o ligera). México dispuesto a fortalecer cooperación con China en recuperación de bosques CRI, 07/09/11 México está dispuesto a fortalecer la cooperación en la recuperación de bosques con China, que es líder mundial en esa área, afirmó hoy miércoles en Beijing el ministro de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales del país latinoamericano, Juan Rafael Elvira. Mexico reduces annual deforestation 34 percent ABC News, 08/09/11 Mexico's environment secretary says the country has reduced the average annual loss of forests and jungles. México resalta importancia de conservar los bosques Pueblo en Línea, 07/09/11 El secretario de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de México (Semarnat), Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada, señaló el día 6 la importancia de conservar los bosques en el mundo durante la Primera Reunión Ministerial de Bosques, dentro del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico (APEC) organizado por China en Beijing. Registran vulnerabilidad bosques de Tamaulipas El Diario de Ciudad Victoria, 05/09/11 Mario César Lara Martínez, director de Protección Forestal, se dijo preocupado por la situación que guardan algunos bosques en Tamaulipas, luego de que los incendios forestales los afectaran, lo que los deja vulnerables a plagas. Morocco Agadir: Les efforts se poursuivent pour circonscrire un incendie de près de 160 ha de forêt Au Fait, 07/09/11 Les opérations de lutte se poursuivent mercredi pour circonscrire un feu de forêt qui a ravagé, depuis la veille, environ 160 ha d'arganier et de thuya dans la commune d'Amskroud, aux environs d'Agadir.

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Incendies de forêts au Maroc: Un net recul cette année Yabiladi, 01/09/11 Chaque année, des milliers d’hectares de forêts sont ravagés par les flammes, dans le tout le pourtour méditerranéen, y compris au Maroc. Cette année, cependant, le nombre de hectares brûlés dans le royaume connait une baisse significative : 2 180 hectares ont brûlés alors qu’en 2010 pas moins de 5 600 ha de forêt ont été décimés. Nepal Himalayas expedition finds evidence of 'disaster in the making' The Guardian, 14/09/11 The disappearance the juniper bushes, which hold the soil together, will cause problems, Mountain Institute scientists say. New Zealand Forest owners face ETS deadline Ashburton Guardian, 15/09/11 Mid Canterbury forest owners have just weeks left to apply to be exempt from the deforestation provisions of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). Nigeria Cut a tree in Abuja without approval, pay N50,000 fine - AEPB All Africa, 06/09/11 The Abuja Environmental Protection Board (AEPB) has placed a ban on tree felling in the Federal Capital Territory. Deforestation - looming self-inflicted disaster All Africa, 11/09/11 During geography, biology and agricultural science lessons in secondary schools, defforestation takes centre stage. But its encroachment is as intensive as its education and awareness. Increased cases of deforestation, erosion and other environmental degradation are fast threatening many states, especially in the north, turning them into arid zones. Gov's wife flays indiscriminate felling of trees All Africa, 02/09/11 Wife of Katsina State governor, Hajiya Fatima Shema has expressed concern over the indiscriminate felling of tress in the state, saying the practice could lead to desertification and erosion if not addressed. 'Illegal use of forest reserve causes desertification' All Africa, 11/09/11 Indiscriminate and illegal reservation of gazette forest land to expand agricultural production as a result of increase in human population has been described as the major cause of desertification. Rising global demand fuels charcoal production Business Day, 06/09/11 Rising demand from the international market has made the charcoal industry a vital part of the Nigerian economy, with local suppliers scarcely able to meet demand in Europe and America. The demand is also huge within the African continent. For many South African barbecues, for instance, charcoal is essential. Cooks around the world depend on it, thus fueling increased production in Nigeria.

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Six persons fined N270,000 for cutting trees All Africa, 12/09/11 A Federal Capital Territory (FCT) mobile court has fined six men N270,000 for cutting down trees within the territory without permission. Tree felling - Abuja bares its fangs All Africa, 08/09/11 'Nigeria's federal capital territory, FCT, is a 7,000 square kilometer-area hewn out of four states - Niger, Nassarawa, Plateau and Kogi. Located between Latitude 9 and Longitude 7 degrees, Abuja comfortably nestles in an area known as the 'Middle Belt' of Nigeria. Daily, as early as 6:30am, the sun is already blazing hot, making residents grapple with temperatures as high as 84 to 90 degrees. Pakistan KP Govt decides to give PFI status of separate dept Pakistan Observer, 15/09/11 The Khyber Pakthunkhwa Government has decided to enhance and broaden the role and scope of Pakistan Forest Institute (PFI) by giving it the status of a separate department in order to promote forestry, range-management, bio-diversity and wildlife education and training facilities to students. Papua New Guinea The island birds of Papua New Guinea The New York Times, 14/09/11 On Saturday afternoon, I arrived in Alotau, the provincial capital of Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea. It’s a very small town with a port, a market and just a couple of main streets. Milne Bay is a maritime province with more than 600 islands off the southeastern tip of New Guinea. Paraguay Constatan deforestación en Yhú ABC Digital, 01/09/11 La Secretaría del Ambiente (Seam) realizó una intervención en la propiedad del menonita Hellmer Hildebrand, de esta comunidad, y constató la explotación irracional de la reserva boscosa, sin contar con licencia ambiental. Los funcionarios hallaron troncos de árboles quemados y hornos para la elaboración de carbón vegetal en el lugar. Detienen a cuatro depredadores de bosques en San Juan Nepomuceno ABC Digital, 07/09/11 Detienen a cuatro pobladores sorprendidos en flagrancia cuando estaban depredando reserva de bosque de la ribera del arroyo Capiibary en el distrito de San Juan Nepomuceno. Fue durante un operativo fiscal-policial. Los intervinientes incautaron dos motosierras, una motocicleta y una camioneta que pertenecen a los afectados. En países como el Paraguay, cada persona debería plantar 100 árboles ABC Digital, 12/09/11 En los países templados como el nuestro, cada habitante debería plantar unos 100 árboles durante toda su vida, para aspirar a un equilibrio ecológico, según el botánico y biólogo francés Francis Hallé, quien estuvo de visita en Paraguay, invitado por la embajada de su país. El experto sostuvo también que en 10 años, es probable que no quede ni un solo bosque primario en el mundo.

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Invaden 400 hectáreas en la reserva de San Rafael y arrasan bosques ABC Digital, 04/09/11 “Sintierras” provenientes del Dpto. de Caazapá invadieron unas 400 hectáreas de tierras ubicadas en la reserva forestal de San Rafael del Paraná, en el distrito de Alto Verá (Dpto. de Itapúa). La propiedad afectada pertenece a la familia Salomoni Ocampos y los ocupantes tendrían el apoyo del Indert, según denunciaron los pobladores. Además, los campesinos arrasaron con 15 hectáreas de bosque. Ley de deforestación cero es letra muerta en Caazapá ABC Digital, 02/09/11 La ley de deforestación cero es letra muerta en el departamento de Caazapá. Los productores, de origen brasileño, arrasan con los últimos árboles de la zona para convertirlos en carbón y preparar el suelo para el cultivo de soja. Durante una intervención, la fiscalía detectó varias trasgresiones contra el ambiente en fincas situadas en el distrito de Tava’i. Los dueños fueron imputados por desmonte y producción ilegal de carbón. Pakova insta a “desmantelar” el Poder Judicial de San Pedro ABC Digital, 07/09/11 El gobernador de San Pedro, José “Pakova” Ledesma (PLRA), acusa al Poder Judicial, y a la Fiscalía, en especial la ambiental, de perseguir solo a trabajadores, patriotas y de hacer la vista gorda ante el rollotráfico y la deforestación que perpetra “la gente con dinero”. Instó a la gente a hacerse sentir para sacar a todos del departamento. Fue durante la inauguración de una olería en este distrito, con presencia del ministro de Agricultura, Enzo Cardozo. Proyectan conservar bosques ABC Digital, 01/09/11 La Municipalidad local y la Fundación Oñondivepa firmaron un convenio denominado Ñamomba’e Parque Ybycuí. El emprendimiento tiene por objetivo principal preservar la zona boscosa mediante el involucramiento de las familias del entorno de la reserva con actividades alternativas. Philippines A captured beast that reminds us of a remote past The Guardian, 09/09/11 The picture of the giant crocodile caught in the Philippines is a document of the marvellous, the fearsome and the fantastic. Aquino declares September 26 as 'Save Sierra Madre Day' Sun Star, 05/09/11 President Benigno Aquino III has declared September 26, 2011 as Save Sierra Madre Day. Aquino signed Proclamation 233 on August 10, 2011 to step up efforts for "the rehabilitation, reforestation, protection and conservation of the Sierra Madre Mountains." Giant crocodile captured in Philippines – but a bigger one may be at large The Guardian, 06/09/11 The six-metre saltwater crocodile caught after a three-week hunt may be the largest ever captured alive, officials believe. Giant crocodile Lolong not eating 'due to stress' The Guardian, 09/09/11

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Saltwater crocodile placed in pen surrounded by concrete walls after being captured in southern Philippines. Philippine giant croc captured after three-week hunt BBC, 06/09/11 A giant saltwater crocodile weighing more than a tonne has been captured in a remote southern Philippine village following a series of attacks on humans and animals, officials said. Spain El tipo de suelo que más ha crecido en España son las zonas artificiales EFE, 11/09/11 Las zonas artificiales son el tipo de suelo que más ha crecido en el territorio español durante el período de 1987-2006 - un 52% -, sobretodo en los últimos seis años, según el último informe temático sobre Biodiversidad del Observatorio de la Sostenibilidad en España (OSE). La campaña de setas de este año será menos abundante que la temporada pasada EFE, 01/09/11 La campaña de setas de este año, que en algunas comarcas catalanas está a punto de comenzar, será menos abundante que la temporada pasada, según el Centro Tecnológico Forestal de Cataluña (CTFS), cuyos técnicos apuntan a que, no obstante, estará por encima de la media de los últimos años. La osa herida por un ejemplar adulto en Larón se encuentra en perfecto estado EFE, 07/09/11 La osa localizada el pasado 7 de abril en Larón (Cangas del Narcea) con heridas presumiblemente causadas por un ejemplar adulto y que fue liberada hace unos veinte días se encuentra en perfecto estado, según han confirmado fuentes de la Dirección General de Recursos Naturales. Locos por el bolet El país, 07/09/11 La campaña de recogida de setas que está a punto de comenzar será buena, pero no excepcional como lo fue la pasada, con una producción de 110 kilos por hectárea, más del doble de la media en los bosques de Cataluña, que es de 46 kilos por hectárea. Los buscadores de setas miran al cielo Lavante, 05/09/11 Buenas previsiones. Los aficionados a la micología están de suerte. Las lluvias caídas en las últimas semanas son clave para que las setas crezcan en los montes castellonenses. Sin duda alguna, el robellón continúa siendo el más codiciado. Las comarcas del interior se preparan para recibir a miles de buscadores. Un programa de NNUU persigue conectar los bosques de España con Europa EFE, 11/09/11 Plantemos para el Planeta, campaña del Programa de NNUU para el Medio Ambiente, se ha propuesto restaurar y conectar los bosques de Europa y España, país este último donde según la leyenda era tal la continuidad de la masa arbórea que una ardilla podía recorrer la península de costa a costa.

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Sri Lanka Golf course threat to prime natural habitat in Udawalawe The Sunday Times, 04/09/11 Villagers and conservationists vehemently reject so-called ‘eco-friendly’ recreation project in Bogahapattiya. Sri Lanka count finds more elephants than expected Associated Press, 02/09/11 The first national survey of Sri Lanka's wild elephants found more than had been estimated — a sign the endangered species has a healthy, growing population on the Indian Ocean island. Sweden Drunk Swedish elk found in apple tree near Gothenburg BBC, 08/09/11 A homeowner in southern Sweden got a shock when he found a drunken elk stuck in his neighbour's apple tree. Switzerland L’école des petits dans la forêt 24 Heures, 07/09/11 Lorsque la météo le permet, des enfants de 3 à 6 ans troquent la salle de classe pour les bois. Thailand Elephant wounded in Burma landmine explosion The Guardian, 13/09/11 Animal expected to recover after receiving treatment in Thailand for injured foot, says conservation group. Los elefantes tailandeses se reciclan El País, 07/09/11 Los paquidermos eran utilizados como acarreadores de carga, ahora son adiestrados para sujetar una brocha con la trompa y pintar en un papel. Los defensores de los animales lo consideran una explotación. Risk hazard maps left out villages Bangkok Post, 12/09/11 The four villages hit by mudslides in Uttaradit on Friday were not regarded as risk areas for mudslides, authorities say. Residents received no warnings from authorities before the fatal mudslides hit, because power was out to the area. However, on a broader front, the geography of the villages were not associated with risk factors for such a natural disaster anyway. Authorities say this lends weight to their suspicions that recent deforestation activity may be partly to blame. Villagers dispute agency's ecological damage figure Bangkok Post, 14/09/2011 Villagers accused of causing global warming through forest encroachment intend to ask the Administrative Court to revoke a regulation that allows a government agency to file a civil case against them.

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Uganda A thrilling tour of country's parks through a board game All Africa, 12/09/11 A new board game that hopes to promote the sustainable use of Uganda's natural resources and conserve the country's wildlife heritage has been launched in the country. Disaster looms on Mt. Elgon, say scientists All Africa, 05/09/11 Another disaster is looming in Bugisu sub-region if authorities do not act fast and remove the people from the slopes of Mt. Elgon. Scientific reports indicate that Mt. Elgon, which is a home for more than 200,000 people living on the slopes, has developed bigger cracks triggered off by heavy deforestation, poor methods of farming and poor land management around the mountain. Mpigi authorities to evict forest encroachers Daily Monitor, 05/09/11 With about 64 per cent of forest vegetation in the district cleared, something drastic has to be done to arrest further degradation. Plant bamboo to control mudslides All Africa, 06/09/11 Rain is supposed to be a blessing from the gods. So when people start dreading the next downpour, you know something has gone drastically awry. People in different parts of the country are still trying to come to terms with the losses and suffering the current rains have brought into their lives. To the best of my knowledge, East Madi Game Reserve doesn't exist All Africa, 13/09/11 I was amazed to read in the Daily Monitor of August 29 that three ministers went to Apaa, Amuru District, on August 26 to identify the boundaries of East Madi Game Reserve. If identifying the boundaries of East Madi Game Reserve was, indeed, the purpose of the visit by the team, then I am left confused as to what all this is about. United Kingdom Ancient trees: your Green shoots photographs The Guardian, 01/09/11 From a much-loved oak that has lived for 1,000 years, to a 300-year-old majestic beech, we asked you to capture images of Britain's ancient trees. Biomass schemes will boost destructive timber imports, claims wood industry The Guardian, 11/09/11 Wood companies and green campaigners say subsidies to power companies threaten both jobs and rainforests. Bittern revival: boom time for UK's loudest bird BBC, 02/09/11 Britain's loudest bird, the bittern, has enjoyed its best year on record in England, conservationists have said.

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Booming bitterns become a big noise again The Guardian, 02/09/11 Big rise in number of breeding males in species which became extinct in 19th century. Brownsea Island red squirrel population at capacity The Guardian, 08/09/11 One of Britain's most important colonies of red squirrels has reached full capacity, experts say. Conservationists have spent the last 50 years making sure conditions on Brownsea Island off Dorset are improved for the beloved creature. Delamere treehuggers poised to claim world record The Guardian, 12/09/11 Volunteers who took part in a group tree hug in the north of England are awaiting the verdict from Guinness officials. Diamond Jubilee: Woodland Trust to create new woodland BBC, 14/09/11 The Woodland Trust is to plant six million trees and create hundreds of new woodlands to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee next year. Disease threat leaves UK oaks' future 'at crossroads' BBC, 14/09/11 The future well-being of the UK's oak trees could be a crossroads, according to one of the UK's chief tree experts. How the Conservatives lost touch with their rural grassroots The Guardian, 03/09/11 The Tories have traditionally been the champions of the countryside, but Labour are now moving in on their turf. Human DNA trap set for deer poachers BBC, 09/09/11 Criminals who poach deer and other animals could be tracked through tiny samples of their DNA, researchers say. Landscape-wide deer management preserves woodlands BBC, 15/09/11 Woodlands without effective, wide-scale management systems are more likely to be damaged by the UK's growing deer population, a study has suggested. Planning reforms could lead to loss of ancient woodland, warns trust The Telegraph, 05/09/11 Vast areas of ancient woodland could be lost if the Coalition’s planning reforms become law, conservationists have warned. Record numbers of golden eagles poisoned in Scotland in 2010 The Guardian, 14/09/11

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RSPB says victims were young adult birds attempting to establish new territories in eastern and south-west Scotland. Red squirrels under siege as conservation groups suffer financial squeeze The Ecologist, 02/09/11 In the second of our 'wildlife at risk' series, Sam Campbell reports how habitat loss, disease and funding cuts leave the iconic red squirrel facing a bleak future. Sand lizards bred at Chester Zoo return to Ynyslas BBC, 02/09/11 A group of sand lizards - one of Britain's rarest reptiles - are being released back into the wild. Once commonly found on dunes and heathland, the reptiles became endangered after the gradual destruction of their habitats. Short-haired bumblebees to be reintroduced to UK from Sweden The Independent, 11/09/11 Attempts to bring the short-haired bumblebee back from extinction in Britain with the help of an "expat" colony that survives in New Zealand have been abandoned in favour of using bees from Sweden, according to new research being presented at the British Ecological Society's annual meeting tomorrow. Wasp numbers rise 40 per cent after warm spring The Telegraph, 04/09/11 The summer may have turned cold and wet, but an exceptionally warm spring has triggered a dramatic rise in the number of wasps. Wild boar cull 'not based on scientific estimates' The Guardian, 01/09/11 Scores of wild boar are being culled each year despite an almost total lack of reliable information, conservationists warn. Wildlife groups 'are failing to protect nature' The Independent, 14/09/11 There is great dismay at the way Natural England has been banned by ministers from issuing any comment on policy. Willow tit and lesser spotted woodpecker on at-risk list BBC, 07/09/11 Two once-widespread woodland species of British birds have been put on the endangered list after a steep decline in their numbers. Woodland birds join extinction danger list The Independent, 07/09/11 Both the woodpecker and the willow tit were widespread 40 years ago, but every year since 1970 their populations have declined so they are now in grave danger. United Republic of Tanzania Case against proposed Serengeti highway can proceed, says Court All Africa, 10/09/11

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The proposed construction of a highway through the Serengeti National Park has run into further trouble with the East African Court of Justice. Kigoma to earn on forest conservation All Africa, 04/09/11 Communities in seven villages of Kigoma Rural district will early next year start earning money for protecting Masito-Ugalla forest reserve, which climate change scientists say is helping in the absorption of carbon dioxide and controlling global warming. Wildlife law 'not fair to local companies' All Africa, 13/09/11 The government will amend the wildlife law apparently because it is not fair to local hunting companies which have merged with foreigners. United States of America A shrub back from oblivion and in need of care The New York Times, 11/09/11 The extinction-defying shrub is informally called Franciscan manzanita, for its home near San Francisco Bay, but maybe someone should rename it the Lazarus manzanita. It was given up for extinct some 60 years ago, then rediscovered in a traffic island in 2009 by a botanist driving home from a climate-change conference. Agency takes new approach to save Everglades land National Public Radio, 12/09/11 In Florida, federal officials have released plans for a new wildlife preserve just south of Orlando. The Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge will include at least 150,000 acres, but there's a twist — most of it will remain under private ownership. Bad news is now official for scorched Texas town The New York Times, 07/09/11 It was one simple line of text, one out of 243: 112 South Buckhorn Drive. Bettye Porterfield found it on Wednesday as she ran her finger over a piece of paper taped to a window. She and her husband, Ken, had lived at that address for nearly nine years — they called it their little cottage in the pines — but now her home was gone. The list made it official. Calmer winds slow growth of Minnesota wildfire Associated Press, 14/09/11 Calmer winds, cooler temperatures and a few moments of sleet and light snow brought encouragement Wednesday as firefighters continued efforts to contain a blaze that was in a "pause mode" — days after it moved at breakneck speeds, swallowing nearly 160 square miles of forest along the Minnesota-Canada border. Deer 'pill' curbs aggressive mating BBC, 01/09/11 US scientists say they have developed a contraceptive vaccine for deer that reduces fertility and eliminates aggressive mating behaviours.

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Feux de forêt au Texas: deux morts, 500 maisons détruites AFP, 07/09/11 Les feux de forêt qui ravagent le Texas ont fait deux morts, détruit quelque 500 maisons et entraîné l'évacuation de dizaines d'habitants, selon un nouveau bilan fourni mardi par des responsables locaux cités par les médias. Heat and fires scorch South as drought toll rises Reuters, 08/09/11 Raging wildfires and scorching heat across the South over the last week, added to the human, economic and agricultural toll of a historic drought that climatologists said was only growing more dire. Judge approves key endangered species deal Reuters, 09/09/11 The U.S. government has until 2018 to decide whether to set aside critical habitat or provide other protections for hundreds of imperiled species, under an agreement approved on Friday by a federal judge. Judge backs deal on imperiled species Associated Press, 09/09/11 A federal judge on Friday approved a pair of sweeping settlements that require the government to consider endangered protections for more than 800 animal and plant species. Senate plan mixes wilderness, timber harvests in bid to rescue Mont. ecosystem The New York Times, 14/09/11 Lodgepole pine trees have seen better days in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest. The 3.3-million-acre forest in southwest Montana has suffered one of the worst infestations of mountain pine beetle in the Northern Rockies. Slowing winds give firefighters a chance in Texas The New York Times, 06/09/11 Bob and Margaret Austin stared at the hills in the distance, where towering plumes of white and black smoke stretched across the blue horizon Tuesday. They had survived the flames of a wildfire, but they had no idea if their house had been as lucky. Taking advantage of a destructive insect’s weakness for purple The New York Times, 12/09/11 The cartoon-purple boxes are hard to miss. The foresters who hang them from roadside trees all over the country call them Barney traps, for the friendly dinosaur whose color they resemble, but their purpose is anything but gentle. The three-sided contraptions, baited with a chemical lure and coated with glue, are designed to catch the attention of the emerald ash borer — a deceptively pretty little beetle from Asia that has killed tens of millions of ash trees in less than a decade. Texas wildfire destroys more than 1,500 homes The New York Times, 11/09/11 The number of homes destroyed by a wildfire in Texas has risen to 1,554, officials said Sunday, and the figure is expected to increase as they enter more areas where the blaze has been extinguished. Seventeen people remain unaccounted for.

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Texas wildfires: is drought the new climate? Los Angeles Times, 07/09/11 Well before the contagion of wildfires was sparked this week, the state had been experiencing a weather catastrophe. Texas has seen its driest consecutive months since record-keeping began in 1895. Parts of the state have had no measurable rain in nearly a year. The drought, warn officials from the National Weather Service, may continue into next year. The struggle to save Alaska's 'illness-busting' wild berries The Ecologist, 07/09/11 Despite being used to treat diabetes and infections, knowledge of Alaska's wild berries is in danger of being lost as young indigenous people embrace western lifestyles. The toll from tree-boring pests The New York Times, 13/09/11 As Anthony DePalma explained here this morning, the Forest Service went to great lengths to get inside the mind of the emerald ash borer, a vivid-green, bug-eyed invasive insect that is wreaking havoc on trees in 15 states. Tropical Storm Lee's winds stoke Texas wildfires Reuters, 04/09/11 Strong, gusty winds caused by Tropical Storm Lee whipped up the wildfires that have burned in the parched state of Texas this season, threatening some 1,000 homes east of Austin on Sunday night, officials said. Wildfire protection plan half-funded in Texas Associated Press, 14/09/11 Long before this month's historic wildfires in Texas, the state's forest service came up with a $20.4 million plan to stop the flames from starting or tamp them out before small blazes grew deadly and destructive. Wildfires engulf Texas The Guardian, 06/09/11 Sixty separate wildfires, whipped by strong winds, burn across Texas destroying hundreds of homes and killing at least two people. Wildfires in parched Texas kill 2 and destroy homes The New York Times, 05/09/11 Firefighters struggled to gain control of fast-moving wildfires that consumed tens of thousands of acres of drought-stricken areas of Texas on Monday, as high winds spurred flames that have killed a mother and her child, destroyed or damaged hundreds of homes and forced Gov. Rick Perry to cut short a presidential campaign trip to South Carolina and return to the state. Wildfires rage out of control across Texas The Independent, 07/09/11 More than 1,000 homes have been destroyed in wildfires sweeping across rural Texas – and the biggest of the blazes is still completely uncontained, state officials have admitted.

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Zimbabwe Stray elephants destroy crops, fencing All Africa, 09/09/11 A herd of stray elephants suspected to be from Botswana has descended on the 50-hectare Shashe irrigation scheme 120km west of Beitbridge town and destroyed crops and fencing material. Veld fires - Hurungwe feels the heat All Africa, 15/09/11 There is a song by the Nyaminyami Sounds, a Kariba-based musical outfit, which talks about how a raging veld fire needs collective effort to fight down. World $40bn a year could halve deforestation worldwide The Citizen, 05/09/11 Investing just 0.034 per cent of global GDP could transform the world's forestry sector, halving deforestation rates, slashing carbon emissions and creating up to five million new jobs by the middle of the century.That is the conclusion of a major new report from the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), which argues that investing an average of $40bn a year in forest protection would allow forests to absorb 28 per cent more carbon from the atmosphere than they do now. Africa forest restoration can protect food security, group says San Francisco Chronicle, 13/09/11 Restoring and preserving dry-land forests can help provide food and fertilizer on small farms and prevent the recurrence of famine in Kenya and other African countries, a research group said. Algiers conference to tackle Africa desertification AFP, 07/09/11 Regional cooperation to improve the fight against creeping desertification of the African continent is at the centre of a conference that is to open here Thursday. Alien worm invasion 'threat to forests' BBC, 06/09/11 Invasive earthworms can alter the carbon and nitrogen cycles in woodland, as well as undermining native plant species, a study has said. Árboles: cruciales para evitar otra hambruna en África BBC, 13/09/11 La sequía es sólo uno de los factores responsables de la hambruna que ya ha cobrado miles de vidas en el este de África. Do trees grow on money? Earth Island Journal, 03/09/11 A UN-backed plan to address climate change by slowing deforestation sounds like a good idea. Unless you live in the forest. Encyclopedia of Life catalogues more than one-third of Earth's species The Guardian, 05/09/11

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The field guide for citizen scientists, which aims at bringing all species on the planet together, has reached the 750,000 milestone. Endangered species set for stem cell rescue BBC, 04/09/11 In a novel marriage of conservation and modern biology, scientists have created stem cells from two endangered species, which could help ensure their survival. Fears grow for Asia's endangered anteaters The Independent, 04/09/11 Tiger poaching gets the press but wildlife groups in Asia are increasingly fearful for the future of a smaller, scalier and "less sexy" creature: the pangolin. Land sparing beats land sharing for both food and fauna The Guardian, 02/09/11 Producing lots of food while protecting biodiversity is a tough balance, but a new study shows the limits of wildlife-friendly farming. Les grands groupes miniers accusés de manquer de transparence Le Monde, 08/09/11 Leurs dégâts font rarement la une des journaux. Pourtant, à en croire nombre d'ONG, les grands groupes miniers provoquent d'importants dommages sur les territoires où ils opèrent. "L'essentiel de l'activité se déroule dans des pays peu développés où la mobilisation est moins importante que dans les économies développées, explique la directrice générale de Novethic, Anne-Catherine Husson-Traore. Les enjeux environnementaux et sociaux sont pourtant colossaux et les profits du secteur mirobolants". Los árboles también se alimentan de las rocas El Nacional, 06/09/11 Por primera vez, investigadores en Estados Unidos demostraron que los árboles pueden acceder directamente al nitrógeno contenido en las rocas, creciendo más y aumentando así su capacidad de capturar de la atmósfera dióxido de carbono, CO2, el principal gas que contribuye al calentamiento global. Los cigarros se apagarán sólos El Diario Montañés, 08/09/11 La nueva normativa europea obliga a las tabaqueras a fabricar cigarrillos con un papel de baja combustión que evite los incendios forestales. Los indígenas pueden enseñarnos un mejor uso de los recursos, según el jesuita Bartomeu Meliá EFE, 06/09/11 Si algo puede aprender el mundo desarrollado de los pueblos indígenas es "la moderación en el uso de los recursos" y "la solidaridad", según el jesuita hispano-paraguayo Bartomeu Meliá, quien ha vivido durante años con comunidades consideradas "primitivas". Male bumblebees seek mates on the hills BBC, 08/09/11 Bumblebee males head for the hills to find mates, according to scientists in Scotland.

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Managing Congo Basin forests - a regional approach for a regional resource All Africa, 06/09/11 The Congo Basin forest ecosystem is the world's second largest moist tropical forest, second only to the Amazon, and represents about one quarter of the globe's remaining closed canopy forest. It covers an area almost four times the size of France and spans six Central African countries: Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Democratic Republic of Congo and Central African Republic. 'No substitute' for virgin forest BBC, 15/09/11 The crucial role that virgin forests play in conserving nature is confirmed in a study that spans the tropics. 'Oldest' woolly rhino discovered BBC, 01/09/11 A woolly rhino fossil dug up on the Tibetan Plateau is believed to be the oldest specimen of its kind yet found. Our demand for metals could cost us the Earth The Guardian, 01/09/11 For too long mining companies have used the mantra of growth to excuse environmental destruction. Pristine forests never completely regenerate: new study ABC, 15/09/11 A new study says that pristine tropical forests once cleared never fully regenerates. The study in the latest issue of Nature found that South East Asia has suffered the greatest loss of biodiversity of any tropical region in the world. Renewable energy demand to push land grabs East African Business Week, 05/09/11 Rising demand for the dominant form of renewable energy worldwide - wood - could drive yet more acquisitions of land in developing countries where food insecurity is rising and land rights are weak, say researchers at the International Institute for Environment and Development. Renovo wooden bikes are thoroughbred machines The Guardian, 13/09/11 The sleek bike glides over asphalt and easily absorbs impacts with wrinkles in the road. The only downside? Price. Royal Bengal Tiger: threatened species The Daily Star, 03/09/11 The majestic Royal Bengal Tiger is roaming near the brink of extinction. Once, the tiger ruled over a major part of the globe ranging from the Pacific to the Black Sea and from Ural Mountains to the Mountain Agung. It is an irony of fate that tiger is facing an onslaught of poaching throughout its range. Scientists say forests are key to preventing food insecurity Voice of America, 13/09/11 Scientific research shows that forests are a crucial defense against poverty. A new study says planting trees is critical in preventing famines like the one currently devastating parts of the Horn of Africa.

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Species on the edge of survival The Ecologist, 01/09/11 From the tiger to the bumblebee, the list of endangered birds, animals and insects is a growing one. Now a new book based on the IUCN Red List is providing an insight into the species under threat Tasmanian tiger's jaws were too weak to kill sheep BBC, 01/09/11 The strange marsupial carnivore, which became extinct in 1936, was thought to kill sheep. Sheep farming was the backbone of the Australian economy, and the government duly set up a bounty scheme to exterminate the species. Vampire bats could save stroke victims The Telegraph, 04/09/11 Research has found that a drug derived from the substance can thin blood and dissolve blood clots in the brain, saving lives and limiting the damage caused by strokes.

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