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No bullying

Date post: 14-Jul-2015
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Bullies think that it might be cool for them

too be mean. Don’t ever be mean too

another human because it might back

fire . If you see another friend or human

being bullied or bullies make sure too tell

an adult or teacher . Don’t ever go

along with the bully

If your being bullied don’t ever let it get

too you if they call you ugly or stupid

there just jealous cause your beautiful

and intelligent . If a friend is bullying you

it means they were never your friend in

the first place . Never reply back to a

message if a bully sent you one.

Lets start with why are you doing it ?

There’s no point in hurting anyone’s

feelings . I’m sure you don’t like mean

things or actions done too you so don’t

do it too others . If you think it makes you

cool it dosen’t it makes you look bad .

Being okay

Being sad

Becoming depressed

First way

Second way

Third way

•Walk away

•Tell an adult/teacher

•Don’t let it bother/get too you

Friends- They should always be there

right next too your side that’s what

makes them your friend

Family- Family loves you and everything

special about you.

Your teacher (s) – They are there too

help you through stuff and they are there

too help educate you and for you too

be kind and nice too others.

You should always

share with

others .


You should always have a

smile on your

face .


You should always

be kind too

others .


Your mind should be set on school and

education it should also be set on friends

and family also yourself

I hope you understood the stages of


Hello my name is Sadie Gutierrez I’ve

been through bullying and it is not fun. I

realized I wanted too make this slide

when it got worse . If someone is talking

about me I say thanks for making me the

center of your world. Don’t ever give up
