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NO MORE OLD-AGE This is the world’s first published causes and successful treatment for Catarrh-Rheumatism and Arthritis. You can take this book home and treat yourself. Ageing. The reasons why you grow old, wrinkled, bald or fat are simply explained together with a simple treatment for self-rejuvenation. If you want more out of life, at any age, a longer life, health, youth, beauty, or increased energy, follow these simple directions. This is more than a book . . . it is a passport to a new life.

Price 10s.

All copyrights reserved. Reproduction in part, or whole, necessitates the written permission of the Author. “There are no two living people, of the same type, being born on the same day, who have the same physiological age . . . One will always appear older than the other. “Ageing is not caused by ‘Time’, but is the main, basic, chronic disease. Treat ageing, and the other chronic diseases vanish.” Dr. Charles de Coti-Marsh, from the world’s first address on “The Conquest of Ageing”. Toronto, 1949.






DR. CHARLES DE COTI-MARSH, LL.D, D.Sc., Ms.D., D.O. (Hons. Lond.)






No More Old-Age is the shortest and simplest practical guide for all who wish to follow my methods at home. AGEING, premature ageing, rheumatism and arthritis have been completely and utterly conquered by “K” Therapy since 1940. These diseases are preventable, nationally, or in your home. Home treatment can help. When I came back from America this year, a retired schoolmaster asked for my help. Mr. S. lives near Shaftesbury, Dorset; funds and disability prevented him coming to London, so I went to see him. Mr. S. was crippled, bent and a very old man. He suffered “Marie Strumpell” arthritis, which fuses the spine together, and destroys the cartilages. He had osteo-arthritis of the hips which prevented him moving the joints or walking more than a few steps. From all medical points of view, a “hopeless case”. But, I wrote for him the instructions much as they are given here. He gave himself home treatment by these methods, and after six months, I saw him yesterday at my Sevenoaks Clinic. He is now able to move his spine freely, his hips are free, he can walk, garden and HAS ALL THE APPEARANCES OF A MAN TWENTY YEARS YOUNGER, the lines on his face forming two loose jowls have gone. His heart and blood-pressure have normalized. He is one of the world’s first cases of such severe arthritis to be recorded as “recovered”, and he did this by home treatment. You may be able to do the same. That is one of my latest cases. Now one of the first. A Knight of the Realm, eminent in the medical and political worlds. Treated in 1942, he wrote the following in 1948: “WHEN I CONSULTED DR. DE COTI-MARSH I WAS SUFFERING AGONY WITH ARTHRITIS IN MY SHOULDER, UNABLE TO DRESS WITHOUT ASSISTANCE. BEFORE I HAD FINISHED MY SHORT HOLIDAY MY JOINTS WERE WORKING WITH EASE, THE PAIN HAD DISAPPEARED, AND I HAVE HAD NO RECURRENCE. “AS THIS IS FIVE YEARS AGO, I HAVE NO HESITATION IN PASSING THIS INFORMATION ON TO OTHER SUFFERERS.” That is not all. In 1949, he writes: “YOU MAY TELL YOUR PUBLISHER THAT I SUBSCRIBE THIS FOREWORD WITH MORE CONFIDENCE HAVING ATTAINED THE AGE OF 77 STILL CARRRYING OUT WORK OF GREAT RESPONSIBILITY.” A young man’s health and energy plus 50 years of public service experience. “K” Therapy results are permanent, since the basic cause of the rheumatism, arthritis and ageing is removed. For ten years I sought the basic chemical and dietetic causes of catarrh, sinusitis, bronchitis and rheumatism. I knew that all arose from catarrh. I found the cause in the breakdown of the potassium salts of the bloodstream, traced the effects of this through thousands of symptoms, gland disorders, and even mental disorders, and then in 1940 discovered and used potassium in atomic form as the remedy. The “K” Therapy system. Miss G., the first patient, was 23. She might have been 83. She was a skeleton with every joint fixed. She had not long to live, and prayed for “release” from the living torture. She recovered completely, became a fine buxom girl. I went to her wedding, and looked after her when she had a fine eight pound baby.


Other patients came, old, worn out with pain, bent and crippled, they also recovered, and to my amazement, when they came back months after treatment finished, they looked ten to twenty years younger. I had traced this chronic disease group to its first atomic change in the body, the change that slowly triggers the chain reaction of fibrositis, and the calcium deposits which cause man to lose his strength, and woman her beauty, as the years advance. In other words, Ageing. That dread business of growing old. My past fifteen years of intensive research enriched my experience in this new aspect of the treatment. I earned money only to research, and lived with a problem. But said nothing to patients. Twenty years is a long time, and the final results cost me every penny and a bit more. But new lives, new youth, were enjoyed by 90 per cent. of patients, most of them “hopeless cases” to begin. Now, I know that Ageing is a disease, I know all its various phases and mechanisms, and that all the other “chronic” diseases arise from, with their roots in, this process of growing old. All disease is related in its first atomic change in the body, diseases make slow progress day by day. In “K” Therapy first we halt the disease, then raise resistance; energy increases, the whole body with all its millions of cells is reborn, the disease is swamped, health returns, muscles become soft, the mind cheerful and alert, wrinkles vanish, heart, glands, sex life and arteries combine in harmony to restore and keep – not a false youth, boosted by artificial means – but true health, natural zest and energy, maintained without drugs. Constitutional reconditioning by modern geriatric treatment is a wonderful experience. Two years ago I was old. Worn out by twenty years of unremitting hardship and poverty caused by the vast and tremendous difficulties I had to face in this research. I was told by colleagues that “I would never see 60 again”. They were right. I looked it, felt tired all the time, my eyes were giving constant trouble, I was dizzy at times, confused, fat, bald, and worn out. This at 40. Now, thank God, I am a young man again. I do not need spectacles, I have grown new hair, and once again, as when I was young, I have a magnificent body, in splendid health. I have treated myself as a human guinea pig all my research days. Twice I have voluntarily contracted rheumatism and arthritis in a “reversion test”. I have no right to be alive, yet now, as I write, most men would envy my appearance, zest, and fitness. I want every one of you to enjoy the same new lease of life. I try to set an example to my patients, believing that all physicians should be fit. Though I knew the importance of the new knowledge and treatment, I kept my counsel. Even during my year in North America when I heard all about “the wonder drugs” to cure arthritis. We had been doing better in the Sevenoaks Clinic, and had the world’s first, almost unbelievable, case histories of total rejuvenation, people who were old and crippled, who had returned to work. Now I am satisfied and I have tried to make my message simple and sincere. “K” Therapy is a success. It is simple, it is now 90 per cent. sure. It is a system which makes sense, and I hope it will bring new lives and happiness to many thousands who now suffer, and prevent the misery and degradation of “being old” and cast out upon that human scrap heap. Now we have proved that usefulness, health and energy can be combined with the wisdom and integrity that come only with the experience of many years. Also, it is my very great and humble privilege to thank all my patients, past and present, and to add my compliments to the many distinguished colleagues and friends all over the world, as their obedient servant in the crusade against disease and death. CHARLES DE COTI-MARSH, 17 ARTILLERY MANSIONS, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.1


CONTENTS THE “OLD-AGE” GERM .................................................................................................... 1







ON BEING YOUNG AGAIN ................................................................................................. 6


DIETARY .................................................................................................................... 7


ANTI-AGEING FOODS ..................................................................................................... 9

THE OBJECTS OF THE TREATMENT..................................................................................... 10





DETOXICATION............................................................................................................ 13













TYPICAL MEALS ........................................................................................................... 17



CONTROLLED RELAXATION .............................................................................................. 19


GROWING NEW HAIR ..................................................................................................... 20


CASE HISTORIES........................................................................................................... 22

BEFORE COMMENCING TREATMENT .................................................................................... 27

HELPFUL HINTS ........................................................................................................... 30


THE “OLD-AGE” GERM If you are over 30, look back ten years; look at photographs of yourself then. You enjoyed life. Since then you have become a bit wrinkled, perhaps bald, or your muscles have become flabby. If you could return as you were then, it would be worth an effort, and you can return, not exactly as you were ten years ago, for you were ageing then, but as you could have been if you were perfectly fit. As you might have been if you could have read this book then. It is easy now to control the business of growing old, for we know the cause of these stiffening muscles, greying hair and wrinkles. We know they are not “inevitable”. They are caused by the effects of a germ, BACILLUS COLI. B.Coli is a verminous parasite causing Ageing and Arthritis. It is found in teeming millions in the bowels of those who eat meat and fish. Your bowel is porous. If you become constipated the bowel stretches, enlarges its pores, and millions of B.Coli enter your bloodstream – the blood which feeds your brain – and every cell in your body. As a result, you become “acid”, flatulent, tired, fat, your complexion and skin become old-looking, wrinkles appear. Your blood circulation is not so good, you feel the cold more, and you need glasses. Antidote this “Old-Age” germ and all these symptoms of ageing vanish. Ageing is unknown in the young. A person is aged at any age, or young. Young people do not suffer cancer, or arthritis. If they do then they are old, physiologically. We can age rapidly, or slowly. Cause ageing and in 90 per cent. of cases, cure ageing. Ageing in nine people out of ten in this civilization is premature. The human body should not age, but reach a gradual peak of mental and physical brilliance at between 50 and 60, and then maintain this peak indefinitely. Ageing is caused by too much calcium being deposited around the muscles, glands and arteries. We can remove this calcium; but we might also be describing arthritis. Yes. They are twins. Both have the same common cause, both are cleared with the same reconditioning geriatric treatment, both can begin with B.Coli pollution. Arthritis is merely a rapid form of Ageing. This pollution may take place WITHOUT CONSTIPATION as the term is understood. BACILLUS COLI pollutes the average human body daily in thousands of millions. Most of these are killed by the LIVER, KIDNEYS, AND SPLEEN, but the B.Coli deposits in the blood a substance called B.Factor. The Ageing Factor. B.Factor is b-Iminazolylethylamine. It is B.Factor which triggers off the processes of Ageing and Chronic Diseases.

Catarrh, Tonsillitis, Increase of Body Weight (at any age), Bronchial disorders, Muscle Pains, Fibrositis, Rheumatic diseases, Arthritis and Ageing.

These symptoms, which usually follow in the same order, may be found in the very young; i.e. I have had patients of aged 18 months suffering rheumatic diseases. It will be seen that AGEING HAS NO RELATION TO THE NUMBER OF YEARS LIVED. It is a process which may be likened to the course of any known chronic disease. But the process of Ageing brings about a multitude of chronic diseases, all having the same cause, all of which have vanished in patients who have taken “K” Therapy, FOR AGEING ALONE. Once the processes described in the paragraph before last are started, at any age, they cannot naturally halt. The process of degeneration once commenced makes a little progress every day, so little that one hardly notices the slight changes in figure, in the hair, the eyes, and in the stiffening of the muscles. Some people age more quickly than others. Your physical age is therefore always different from the age represented by your birthdays. Your physical age can now for the first time be accurately assessed for you. You can control Ageing.



The stomach is shown here as roughly normal size, but it may distend to the dotted lines with over-eating. Food passes from the stomach down the duodenum (1) to the small intestines, empties into the colon at (2) just below which is the appendix. The colon is porous, so much so, that a sick person may be fed by rectal injections of foods. Medicines are also more potent if injected into the anus. There is direct connection through the colon to the blood which builds and maintains your body and brain. Poisons, and chemicals from the parasitic B.Coli and even the parasite itself penetrate to the blood from the colon, causing catarrh, which is a general poisoning of the entire body, and reactions which lead eventually to tonsillitis, degeneration, rheumatism, arthritis and ageing. Internal cleanliness ensures a long efficient life without chronic disease.


B.Coli is responsible for the beginning of these changes. Its B.Factor starts the chemical changes which cause a gradual degeneration of the POTASSIUM ATOM in your bloodstream. The Potassium Atom is a complex atom. It is found in the complete unity only in those who enjoy youth and energy. It is known as the “K” Atom. “K” Therapy, therefore, as a system reduces B.Coli by a new system of dietary personally directed. Clearing the body slowly and naturally of the effects of the pollution, and restores the Potassium Atom and its salts. The effects are naturally slow, but startling in comparison with other medical methods. All patients who have been treated with “K” Therapy so far are those who suffered chronic or fatal diseases and who had been treated by other medical methods without benefit. As the POTASSIUM SALTS in your blood slowly decrease, so the chemical reaction is an INCREASE OF COLLOIDAL CALCIUM DEPOSITS. This causes the HARDENED ARTERIES, and causes the stiffening of muscle (Fribrositis). Calcium deposits form round the glands, the heart, and in the joints of the arthritic victim. The calcium deposits appear to dissolve and vanish in the average patient taking “K” Therapy. Those who suffered Rheumatic Diseases and Arthritis and Premature Ageing in March, 1950, now report in May of this year, “a general loosening of all joints”. This calcium-produced stiffening of muscles and joints is the same in Ageing as it is in Arthritis. My own researches concur, independently, with Dr. Alexander Bogomolets, the Russian geriatrist who is treating Stalin, and with Dr. Arnold Lorand of Carlsbad, Professor J.G. Adami of McGill University, and substantiate fully the research of Professor Metchnikoff of the Pasteur Institute of Paris, who would have undoubtedly produced a general system of rejuvenation had he had the benefits of the modern knowledge of biophysics. There have been ten great scientists of any research power in this field since Hippocrates in 500 B.C. They are: Hippocrates; John Hunter, English surgeon, 1700; Professor Berthold, 1803, who rejuvenated chicken and animals; Professor Steinach with sex gland rejuvenation; Professor Voronoff of Paris, with human sex gland rejuvenation; Professor Metchnikoff, with research on the human bowel and natural methods of rejuvenation; Dr. Lorand of Carlsbad, with rejuvenation by dietary; leading to Dr. Stieglitz and Dr. A. Bogomolets of modern times. It is agreed that the human body is capable of about 150 years of efficient life, without undue signs of ageing. This has been supported by independent medical and scientific evidence since the early 1900’s, but natural reconditioning awaited a deeper knowledge of the atom “K”. Throughout the ages mankind has sought some means to artificially prolong youth, health and beauty, but our present knowledge obtained from the system of “K” Therapy shows that this is impossible, but is possible by purely natural methods. In fact, the results obtained by the natural methods of “K” Therapy far exceed the hopes of scientists who sought an artificial means by the use of drugs and glandular extracts.

No More “Retiring Age” I profoundly disagree with the present-day theory of a man or woman being retired “on age”. Ninety per cent. of my patients return to work with healthy vigorous bodies and minds at ages far exceeding this “retiring age”. Ninety per cent. success is the highest figure ever recorded in any field of medical work, and it might seem safe for me to indicate that any reader will be restored to youth and energy, but I do not make any such indication. All obtain greater benefit from “K” Therapy than any other method of medicine, it can do no harm but only a vast good. Yet each person is a different being, with a different physical age to the next. There are no two people of the same physical age, though each were born on the same day, and each lived identical lives.


To try this system at home will bring the pleasing thought that each day one becomes more fit and youthful; each day the chronic diseases, latent within all, become less. Yet I prefer to see, know, and assess each person taking the treatment; to modify and adjust, in detail, the personal requirements of each case. So I make no prognosis unless this is done, nor do I make any promise whatever. I base my statements contained in this book solely on that which has happened to patients in the past ten years. Last week Susan H., aged 9, was brought suffering acute tonsillitis. In three days there was no sign of tonsillitis. You may do the same for your child from this book, or you may not, I saw and examined Susan. Yet old Mr. Kennedy was crippled with arthritis. He, an old-age pensioner, said, “I will make your book my bible” – that was as I went to North America. When I came back I could not recognize the man who bustled in and said he was Kennedy. He cured himself at home and has resumed work. No promises, but only good can come from natural reconditioning.


ON BEING YOUNG AGAIN WHAT IS REJUVENATION? Eight weeks ago a lady came to my Sevenoaks Clinic suffering infective arthritis affecting the spine, hips, hands and shoulders. She also suffered kidney disease, constant headaches and had a very low haemoglobin rate. She was aged beyond her years. At 55 years, chronologically, her physical condition indicated a physiological age of 80 plus. To-day she has no pain, her joints and muscles have lost their stiffness, her skin has lost the “crêpe-paper” look, her bowel movements are regular, and she came in most annoyed because she was stiff after playing 27 holes of golf one Sunday, indicating that youthful enthusiasm was mentally resumed. She is young again. Her periods returned 3 years after her “change of life”. She has been rejuvenated, or lost the effects of ageing by about 10 years. But the important thing is that she is losing the chronic diseases. We all have these two ages. Birthdays are of little use in calculating your true age, but now, for the first time in medical history it is possible to accurately assess the true age by the condition of the body. This is called the physiological age. It takes into account all things and their condition and far exceeds an ordinary medical examination. For now, ageing is regarded as the root cause of the slow-forming “chronic” diseases. There are hundreds of these, from pyorrhoea to rheumatism, cataract to constipation. During the past 10 years it has been satisfactorily proved that by treating ageing alone these “chronic” diseases vanish. For instance: a patient was rapidly going blind with cataracts over both eyes. Medical science could offer little help except an operation in five years time. The patient was also bald, his muscles stiff, his age 65, but since his disabilities rendered him 100 per cent, disabled, he might have been a hundred years old. After 3 months he can now read the fifth line on a Snell’s test type card. He has also grown new hair, and his muscles have lost their stiffness. He has been rejuvenated as I understand the word. Rejuvenation is not only reducing the ageing effects on the body, it is also a process of returning the body to the highest peak of physical perfection possible, individually. This home treatment guide to “K” Therapy may enable you to continue your life-work for many years beyond the normal span in health, your brain will clear, and your muscles will again be supple, you will have much more energy. This is the true object of my long research, to enable all to live longer in perfect health, so that the aged may still enjoy a hard day’s work and have the ability to earn their own living, and support themselves. Old-age has no compensations. I have visited many countries in my research on this question of ageing. Old-age is never accepted, willingly, by any sane person. It is the age of helplessness and pain. They are twins, ageing and arthritis. Both arise from the same cause, and both, for the past 10 years, have been absolutely conquered by the same treatment, a new science in medicine. Geriatrics.



MEATS Beefsteak contains 1,500,000 Bacteria per gram. Pork Chops “ 2,900,000 “ “ Beef Liver “ 31,500,000 “ “ Corned Beef “ 31,000,000 “ “ Hamburger and Sausage Meat “ 75,000,000 “ “ Pork Liver “ 95,400,000 “ “ as against Horse Dung “ 25,000,000 MEAT CONTAINS MORE ACTIVE LIVING BACTERIA THAN DUNG. THE BACTERIA ARE NOT KILLED BY COOKING. FISH Also abundant in putrefactive and verminous bacteria, its substance is putrefactive as may be demonstrated by allowing fish to become slightly rotten in the same temperature as the human bowels. ANIMAL FATS May or may not contain such a high proportion of B.Coli, and Tuberculosis Bacilli, but they are harmful in raising the viscosity of the blood, and in encouraging the rapid growth of B.Coli already in the patient’s organism. SUGARS Metchnikoff, Bogomolets, Lorand and other geriatrists agree on sugars being a “Number One Killing Factor”. My researches showed that sugars produce the fermentation and chemical action which causes the breakdown of the life-essential potassium. WHITE BREAD Countless authorities have published condemnation of white bread and flour. Dogs fed upon this substance consistently develop nervous and mental disorders and die. REFINED AND CANNED FOODS “The increase of cancer does correspond with the development of food-refining industries.” (Ramus, U.S.A.) “According to statistics one-third of my patients must have had malignant growths, latent or active, 10 years ago. Yet none have developed cancer and none have yet died (De Coti-Marsh, speech on “The Conquest of Ageing”, Toronto, 1949). Canned foods are denatured foods; they are not living, active foods containing the salts and vitamins of living foods and fresh vegetables. SALT “The prolonged taking of excessive salt causes profound nutritional changes – as evidenced by the dropsies, anaemia and leucocytosis. Also a RETENTION OF EFFETE MATTER IN THE TISSUES GIVING RISE TO GOUTY AND RHEUMATIC SYMPTOMS”. (Boericke, Materia Medica, 9th Edition). “Patients suffering even minor heart disorders will not recover, no matter what medicine is given, if they continue taking excess salt.” (De Coti-Marsh.)


A certain small amount of salt is necessary, but none should be added to the food at the table, and only slight amounts used in cooking. Excessive salt, i.e. the adding of salt at the table causes diabetes, Addison’s disease, Hyperthyroidism,* and Goitre. To this list I therefore add all fried foods, poultry, and “wet” foods (stews and soups). Other sauces, pickles and gravies. The patient will find such an increase of energy and health on the dietary recommended that after a week or so of the body readjusting to clean living, foods which are repulsive in character will not be desired.

* “The thyroid gland controls the liver, spleen and kidneys, and adjusts our speed of living”.


ANTI-AGEING FACTORS IN FOODS: REBUILDERS The Most Important Foods In my opinion the shortest list of the most important foods would be: WHEAT, CABBAGE, BEANS, DAIRY PRODUCE, BLACK MOLASSES (Black Treacle), DATES. Wheat with its hundreds of by-products, cabbage with its high iron content, beans with their protein value, milk as the only complete foodstuff, crude molasses with its many unnamed protective and re-building substances, and dates for their natural sugars and proteins. Add to this list fresh, uncooked vegetables and fruits, and an infinite variety of dietary is possible with all the anti-ageing foods. Foods from this list only are advised for the first 4 months of “K” Therapy treatment. The following, also anti-ageing in character, may be added afterwards. DRIED APPLES, APRICOTS, BEANS (ALL), BARLEY, BEETS, BRUSSELS SPROUTS, BUTTER, BUTTERMILK, CAPERS, CARROTS, CAULIFLOWER, CELERY, CHARD, CHEESES, CHERRIES, CHOCOLATE, CITRON, COCOA, CORN, CURRANTS AND JUICES, DANDELION, DATES, EGGS, ENDIVE, FIGS, FLAXSEED, GRAPEFRUIT, GRAPES, HAZEL NUTS, HONEY, HORSERADISH, LEEKS, LENTILS, LETTUCE, LIMES, LINSEED, MANGO, MANGOLDS, MAPLE SYRUP, MILK (COWS’ AND GOATS’), MOLASSES (CRUDE AND PARTLY REFINED), MUSTARD, OATMEAL, OLIVES, ONIONS, ORANGES, PAPRIKA, PARSNIPS, PEACHES, PEANUTS, PEARS, PEAS (DRIED AND FRESH), PEPPERS, PINEAPPLE, PLUMS, POTATOES, PRUNES, RAISINS, RASPBERRIES, RHUBARB, RYE WHEAT, SPINACH, TAPIOCA, TOMATOES, TRUFFLES, TURNIPS, VINEGAR, WALNUTS, WATERCRESS, WHEAT BRAN, WINE.* SMALL QUANTITIES of many various foods, mixed fruit, vegetables, nuts and dairy produce make the best meal. Only in detoxication should one type of food be taken at a meal. Mixed foods mean more various mineral salts, vitamins and rebuilders from which the body may take that which is necessary. In this way there is no deficiency and the whole makes more attractive eating with variety. The patient should take only Rebuilders of A.-A. Factors, and exclude, wherever possible, other foods.

* All these foods contain between 0.14 and 2.075 of Potassium. Conquest of Ageing, De Coti-Marsh, 1949.


THE OBJECTS OF THE TREATMENT FIRST OBJECTIVE To Reduce the Quantity of Putrefactive Bacteria in the Body This is accomplished by avoiding the foods which create B.Coli, meat, fish and poultry. A sharp dividing line should be drawn across foods of corpse character, i.e. of animal origin, and those of vegetable character. Whether meat rots in one way or another the stench of putrefaction is the same. We cannot smell this after eating meat but the stench is there, within the body. This is the filth upon which the average person builds the most valued possession, the body. Vegetable foods should be as living and fresh as possible to contain the mineral salts, vitamins and chemicals that the body needs. “K” Therapy demands that meat and fish be avoided altogether. The putrefactive bacteria are then reduced by taking Yogourt at about the rate of four four-ounce bottles daily. (Patients attending the Clinic have the rectal injections of Bacillus Acidophylus Culture which effectively clears many millions of B.Coli each day.) The process is long, since pollution may have taken place over a large number of years. Vegetarians are also polluted with B.Coli since this germ is present in nearly all foods, even in the drinking water. We therefore aim at the MAXIMUM REDUCTION of putrefactive bacteria. The greater the reduction the more effective the results. SECOND OBJECTIVE Starch Reduction Ageing and arthritis may be broadly stated to be measured by the amount of fibrous stiffening of the muscles in the body.* This is caused by undue deposits in the muscles of COLLOIDAL CALCIUM. Colloids, which hold the calcium in deposit are STARCH PRODUCED. We therefore reduce the TYPE OF STARCH, which produces colloidal-calcium deposits – WHITE BREAD, WHITE SUGARS, SALT, OR ANY SUBSTANCE OR FOOD WHICH IS MADE FROM, OR CONTAINS THESE WHITE FLOURS AND WHITE SUGARS. Fried foods are excessive fats, animal fats, also cause this stiffening of tissue. Colloidal deposits in the muscles, glands, heart and arteries, present the main, and as far as I know, the only difference between the condition of the body of a man of twenty in perfect health, and the body of a man of seventy. This “hardening” is now preventable and results over the past 10 years show that “K” Therapy appears to dissolve and prevent the colloids which cause ageing and hardening, liberating the calcium, with the result that the muscles resume the normal suppleness of youth with a good blood supply. An insignificant but indicative feature of this treatment is the fact that bald men have consistently grown new hair. This is due to the now known fact that baldness is due to the hardening, or fibrosis, of scalp muscles, the fibrosis preventing a good blood supply to the hair roots. The same rejuvenative changes can be observed slowly taking place throughout the body, the softening of the tissues, the increased blood supply, the drainage of waste matter which has clogged these tissues for years in the case of rheumatic diseases, thereby effecting a constitutional rebuilding of the whole body in a natural way. * Dr. Meigs (Cal.).


Starch, in its many carbohydrate forms, is essential to the maintenance of energy. I experimentally reduced my diet to a nil starch content for 5 weeks – this during a heat-wave in Toronto. My fatigue point was lowered, my muscles trembled after exertion, energy decreased, and mentally I became confused and tired. Fats are interchangeable with carbohydrates, they should preferably not, therefore, be taken together. If there is a craving for potatoes, potatoes may be taken as a meal, baked in their jackets. Nothing but potatoes should be taken at such a meal. White bread should never be eaten, nor any foods made with white flour. Wholewheat bread, two days stale, is best. THIRD OBJECTIVE Rebuilding from Ageing or Disease This is the period in “K” Therapy which is purely individual; some folk rebuild quickly, some slowly. Following the dietetic instructions, the patient first rids the body of much putrefactive and waste products, then the resistant factors to ageing, disease – and this is important to latent disease – are brought into action. Active resistance to degeneration is, for the first time in life, brought to full effectiveness about the twelfth week of treatment. Then the whole vast change begins; the muscles, arteries and glands de-age first, energy increases, the heart is relieved of a tremendous load. The heart muscles gradually discharge their load of colloidal calcium and the organ becomes even stronger. Blood can now circulate the extremities of the hands and feet more easily, so the load is again lessened, the arteries which had become hardened with calcium, gradually soften as the calcium deposits lessen, again taking a load from the heart. Nervous, and some mental disorders, are in my opinion, caused by the hardening of tissue around the glands, or by the actual calcification of glands themselves, as witness the complete recovery of patients who suffered such afflictions. It has been known for years that nervous and psychological disorders followed constipation,* but I can quote case histories of complete personality changes by both sexes from abnormal to normal. The rebuilding period is the logical outcome of having first cleared the body of excessive waste products, then providing it with nothing but the foods which contain rebuilding factors. If nothing but these foods are given then the body forms no more waste and can select the chemicals necessary to a complete rebuild of all the tissue.

Foods which contain rebuilding factors are: BRAN, WHOLE-GRAIN, BLACK MOLASSES (Black Treacle), DAIRY PRODUCE, FRESH FRUITS, FRESH VEGETABLES (Green and yellow vegetables especially), DATES, and YEAST.

IT SHOULD NOT BE DIFFICULT TO TAKE THESE FOODS ONLY FOR ONE MONTH, and therefore for a further two months, to make them predominant in the dietary.

* Dr. B. A. Pickworth, “Nasal Sinusitis and Mental Disorders.” Lond.


FOURTH OBJECTIVE Replacing the Potassium in the Body The potassium salts are the salts of youth. The potassium atom is only complete and whole in youth. If the potassium atom is whole then youth, energy and virility prevail, but this complex atom breaks down and the salts disperse. A complete list has been compiled showing that as each salt disperses, at any stage in life, so this coincides with a stage in senescence or ageing.* Potassium is the most valuable substance in the body. Potassium salts in the blood begin to disperse early in life, at the age of eighteen months to two years a child may show the first signs of ageing degeneration in the form of tonsillitis, catarrh, digestive disorders, or bronchial troubles. These overload the kidneys, and the thyroid gland is brought into imbalance.

“K” COMPOUND TABLETS These are highly complex in manufacture and contain eleven of the tracer elements in the exact proportions required by the body. They were the first demonstration in the world of atomic medicine and their use is scientifically proven from standard and clinical test. “K” Compound Tablets cannot be bought; they are prescribed and supplied individually, only at personal consultation. Self-improvement can be accomplished without medicines. “K” Therapy is then a complete system and it will be seen that no one part of the system will result in rejuvenation from ageing or disease, the whole must be applied.

* Charles de Coti-Marsh, “The Twelve Stages of Senescence.”


DETOXICATION This is a period of a few days in which the body is spring-cleaned of verminous bacteria and their chemical effects. Taking a young, fit and healthy male or female at the age of 20 as an example, a period two to three days is sufficient. An older person requires a longer period but is unable to carry out the routine for many reasons; therefore, short periods of detoxication at regular intervals are best on an average. If we regard, very rightly, our body as being a combustion stove in which fuel, in the form of foods, is burned, and presuming that we, on average, have burned the wrong type of fuel to produce much soot, the analogy is fairly just. We have then a condition where the stove will produce little heat no matter what fuel is burned. But after a good clean-out a little fuel produces a lot of heat. Heat is energy, energy is produced from an electro-chemical action, derived from foods, this is transformed into a pure electrical energy. The basic energy of the average human body is 3 to 5 millivolts, but in traversing the nervous network this becomes transformed to enormously high frequencies. Poor food means low energy, low energy means poor inciting power to the glands; the glands as a team control the electro-chemical action and a cycle of inefficiency is produced resulting in a lowering of health and ability. This is ageing. Energy is life, but energy is low in a dirty body, or a body laden with unclean deposits. Energy is raised by a detoxication period of short duration. Three to four days is the maximum, whilst one day weekly is the minimum for effective clearance of the by-products of B.Coli. B.Factor is the triggering factor in this mechanism; b-Iminazolylethylamine, commencing a chain-reaction of chemical breakdown to the conditions of chronic disease, premature ageing and arthritis. Detoxication is pleasant, and extremely beneficial in all forms of disease and disorder. Each detoxication period reduces the number of putrefactive bacteria and excess calcium deposits. Each period reduces the fibrosis of ageing, collectively we gain tremendous, far-reaching benefits by removing the collected toxins from the body. Each time the results are better. FIRST TWO DAYS For the first detoxication I recommend a short period of two days, during this time only a bland substance may be taken. The ideal substance is bran. Plain washed bran. This may be taken with fruit juice as required, but no other foods of any description may be taken. Water may be taken as required. We have the double action here of a rebuilding substance, rich in vitamin B, being also bland and absorbent, and giving bulk to the colon. At the same time detoxication takes place effectively. It is best to begin with an aperient. Epsom salts are good but prune juice with bran tea is better in my opinion, though its action is slower, an enema of two pints of water with a teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda may be needed if constipation has been troublesome.



Bran Tea is made by placing two or three tablespoons of bran in a clean vessel and pouring on boiling water. I recommend this in all cases of nervous disposition. The tea may be flavoured with the juice of a whole lemon for an early morning drink, or with prune juice in cases of constipation.

The fruit juice should be fresh, but the canned will do if the sugar content is not above 5 per cent. A headache will be experienced on the evening of the first day of detoxication. Aspirins should not be taken for this. A cup of tea (made with tea this time), fresh and weakly made with no sugar or milk disperses this headache. The tongue becomes furred, and the breath unpleasant. The greater these symptoms the greater the need for detoxication. No hunger is experienced after the first evening, but complete relaxation. Most patients describe their sleep on this, the first evening of detoxication as “extremely deep”. The relaxation produced is the relaxation of a body being freed at last of its great burden. On the second day no hunger is experienced, the mind becomes sharp and clear, the skin begins to clear of wrinkles and enlarged pores, the sight becomes more clear and the limbs move more easily. It is well to finish the second day with an aperient or enema and to begin the first stage of a new life by taking only the foods indicated in this book. HOW TO MAKE YOGHOURT Take one pint of fresh milk and bring it to the boil. Let it rise to the top of the pan. Let it cool till its temperature is 110 to 120 degrees by a clinical thermometer. Stir into it one dessertspoonful of Yoghourt Culture, AND POUR IMMEDIATELY INTO A WARMED THERMOS FLASK and leave it for 10 to 16 hours. It is then ready for use. The second day’s Yoghourt may be made from a dessertspoon of the previous day’s supply. Each three days use a fresh dessertspoon of original culture. Cleanse the flask thoroughly each time with a weak solution of bicarbonate of soda. Ample Yoghourt can thus be made at home for the family. Fresh supplies of Yoghourt will be delivered in the London area only in England, and in the large cities of the U.S. The dairy companies supply and deliver. In England Yoghourt Culture can be supplied from United Dairies Central Laboratory, Wood Lane, London, W.12. This book or the author may be mentioned in initial enquiries. SKIN DISEASES Where these have ever existed during life continue the detoxication for three days. Taking during this time one or two baths daily containing one to two pounds of bran.* Where skin diseases are active at the time of beginning treatment they are usually vanished by the third day. In every case the skin is vastly improved by this treatment. SIGHT

* The bran is placed in a muslin bag and steeped in the bath.


The connection and close sympathetic relation between the skin and the eyes is overlooked by most specialists in sight problems. It is well known that most of my patients discard their spectacles during or after treatment, due to the fact that where poor sight is suffered I treat the skin and the sight improves with the skin. Most sight disorders appear only after wrinkles have appeared in the skin. The skin is the largest organ in the body in close relationship to other organs. RHEUMATIC DISEASES During detoxication take the following bath nightly: Into a very warm bath place and dissolve EPSOM SALTS, TWO POUNDS COMMON SALT, TWO POUNDS


Massage the whole body thoroughly and remain in the bath for twenty minutes, after which either of the following procedures may be followed: 1. To wrap the body in a hot blanket and rest on the bed till a perspiration covers the body, then

sponge down with a cold sponge. Or 2. To run cold water into the bath till the water is cool. This is recommended if the patient has to

go out. The rule here is, never leave the bathroom with a warm or hot skin. These baths may be taken at any time but during detoxication assist elimination of acids. I often recommend a detoxication period of three days on YOGHOURT alone, with water; this for any type of arthritis, or fibrositis of rheumatic origin, especially where the kidneys, liver of spleen have been congested with B.Coli effects. Once a year after detoxication has been regularly carried out either for one day a week following the initial cleanout, a complete overhaul of the human engine can be safely carried out by three days on fruit juice alone. SLEEP A person drugged with excessive carbohydrates sleeps a light kind of sleep, sometimes suffering insomnia. This type of sleep changes to a natural and more deep character of rest as treatment advances. There are thirty-seven varying depths of sleep. Patients report a deeper and more satisfying sleep after about ten days of treatment. Scientific relaxation assists this. I encourage all patients to go to bed half an hour earlier and to rise immediately on waking. This will be, on an average, an hour earlier than usual. But as the sleep becomes deeper after a few months patients will wake as much as two to three hours earlier than usual. The extra time enables a new vocation to be studied or may be accounted for in exercise. Most folk seem to be doing the wrong job in life and have an occupation to which they insist they are “intended”; art, languages, or even a profession. The extra time and energy may be used in this direction.


MEDICINES (WHEN PRESCRIBED ONLY) “K” Compound Tablets will begin on the second day of the detoxication, and will be taken as follows:

Sub Labial Administration. On rising the tablet is placed under the upper lip and left there, during which time no drinks or mouthwash may be used. The inert carbon is washed down with a drink of water after about ten minutes. One tablet each morning for as many months as years lived, or as many year units as represented by the physiological age, whichever is the greater. Thereafter one tablet each seventh day.

OVERWEIGHTS The body returns to normal body weight after a short period of treatment, and as the glands return to a condition of balance. A fat body is a sick body, fat people rarely need treatment for ageing, they rarely live that long. MENTAL RESULTS The amazing results reported by patients in this direction lead me to recommend this treatment to all corrective institutions and special schools for backward children. I have recorded and treated hundreds of mentally backward children, who are now normal citizens. Prison dieticians may note that anti-social and personality changes are caused by chemical changes, usually accompanied with a past history of catarrh.



The juice of a whole lemon in water, or grapefruit or orange, after the “K” Compound Tablet.

Breakfast Fruit. For example: prunes, apples, or minced mixed fruits. Or Bran, Yoghourt, brown sugar, and fruit. Or Ryvita type biscuit, with boiled egg and fruit. No tea, bread, or butter to be taken at this meal,

11 a.m. Choice of: tea, milk, buttermilk, Yoghourt, coffee. Noon

SALAD. Example: mixture of dates, apples, celery, beans, onion, water-cress, nuts, oranges, peas, lettuce, outside cabbage leaves, carrots. With cottage cheese or egg. No starch at this meal. No soup, or sweet.

4 p.m. Tea or coffee or milk. Evening Meal

Two or three or more, green or yellow vegetables, steamed. and Omelette (varied) or Welsh Rarebit, or various cheese dishes. SWEET. Date and oatmeal cookies. Date pudding. Steamed fruit pudding. or Fresh fruit. or Nuts, dried fruits, and a glass of red wine.

Manual Workers. Baked potato in its jacket. (It is a good rule to eat starch only after perspiration.) There are many thousand variations of the above though this kind of dietary does not become monotonous as does the “Meat and two veg.” type. This dietary fits the NATURAL APPETITE, cooked foods are an acquired taste, and unnatural to children. The following is an example: One cup of bran, over which squeeze the juice of an orange, add one bottle of Yoghourt, chop and add one handful of dates and one chopped portion of cream cheese. This is prepared in a few moments by anyone and constitutes an “ideal meal”. After a while the patient loses the habit of going to a restaurant for cooked foods.


YOGHOURT* This is a concentrated culture of Bacillus Acidophylus antidotal to B.Coli. Yoghourt should be fresh, that is either eaten or injected within five days of being made. There are tablets made but these appear to be useless for the present purpose. Two to four bottles containing four ounces each may be taken daily.

RECTAL INJECTIONS The estimated amount for each patient is delivered into the lower bowel three times weekly in clinical practice, this method being most effective in all infective arthritic conditions, kidney disorders and in antidoting the causative factors in catarrh, rheumatism and associated conditions. Regularity is the main factor in success here, since with daily dosage and strict dietary it still takes four months to overcome the main content of the parasitic B.Coli.

RELAXATION I consider it most important for all patients, whether under treatment for arthritis, ageing, or rheumatic disease, to learn to relax. This for two reasons. The first is a constitutional reason, in that all muscles afflicted with fibrositis, whether from one cause or another, ARE TENSE. This causes undue strain upon the nerves supplying them, causes a diminished blood supply to a part already starved of good blood, and increases tension throughout the body taking up energy which should be used in other directions of resisting disease. Nervous and some mental disorders, are therefore associated with arthritis because of this tension, together with the DEPRESSION and excessive worry always brought about by rheumatism. The other reason is that manipulative surgery must be applied to restore joints and muscles to a good condition after the fibrous cause has been removed dietetically. It is impossible to successfully manipulate a tense patient. Therefore, I teach patients CONTROLLED RELAXATION with truly amazing results. Blood-pressure is reduced, nervous tension relaxes, insomnia becomes a thing of the past, and sleep is important, a general increase in mental and physical abilities follows. The tension in the muscles which may have caused pain, vanishes under this method, which I now publish for the first time.

* See “How to make Yoghourt”.


CONTROLLED RELAXATION DE COTI-MARSH METHOD Patients are instructed to sit comfortably, hands in lap, without the legs being crossed, they are instructed in the art of sitting relaxed. They are then instructed to relax the diaphragm on saying to themselves “ONE”. The diaphragm with its vast network of nerves can be thus relaxed at will. On saying “TWO”, patients are instructed in the art of relaxing all the neck, back and shoulder muscles voluntarily, and conscious control of these muscles is therefore impossible till they resume normal tension. On saying “THREE”, the legs and lower limbs are voluntarily relaxed, and a distinct tingling can be felt in the feet as this is done. The word “FOUR” is repeatedly associated with complete mental relaxation, whereupon sounds are not heard, and all physical tension ceases. The word “FIVE” is rarely spoken since the patients are asleep, but though the sleep is deep and complete they have the ability to wake at any time they wish. The temperature of all patients rises under this quick and easy method, and when they wake all experience a flood of fresh energy. This is most valuable when treating disease of any kind, or for those who put much energy into their work. The brain is completely freshened and the effect, after a little practice, is equal to many hours of light sleep. During relaxation any pain occasioned by tense muscles, even migraine pains vanish and are not present on waking. Ageing, with all its manifestations of wrinkles, baldness, and tired appearance of constant nervous tension can be brought about early in life by the tension of occupation alone. Many American executives are, for this reason, “too old at forty”. All this tension, with all its evils of arterial hypertension, vanish as soon as the pupil is adept at Controlled Relaxation. It is the only complete exercise which can be learned in a few minutes which has a thorough constitutional rejuvenative effect immediately. I cannot speak to highly of the system which I recommend to all who may have suffered stomach ulcers, since these are occasioned by high tension nerves. It has been quoted by the Press recently that prospective mothers using this method needed no anaesthetic, felt no pain, and were up after childbirth in two days. As a former practising psychologist I realize the enormous value of the mental stimulus in achieving rejuvenation. If, for instance, a person accepts the idea that because mother or father died at 60 years then the same age must apply to the children’s deaths, then rejuvenation of the body is largely a waste of time. Get rid of these ideas. In most cases they vanish with the returning confidence and realization of physical abilities as the body resumes its healthful life. Ideas, false or true, can kill. Imaginary troubles cause physical affliction. Clear your mind of these old cobwebs by controlled relaxation. Controlled relaxation is physical and mental in effect. The diaphragm – I discovered during the war – always arches upwards in fears, complexes, and nervous disorders. After a time it stays arched placing great strain upon the nervous network. Worry can cause, and undue worry is caused by, this highly arched diaphragm. In the diaphragm we first feel the emotions of love, hate, terror, and tenderness. Undue tension causes a rapid pulse, grey hair, and excites the glands. The thyroid gland and pituitary gland, all the important organs controlled by these glands are also excited and race away with life. You only have one chance at life, so relax.


GROWING NEW HAIR The patient may wish to improve the appearance of the hair and its condition in which case the following instructions will assist if carried out consistently over a number of months. THE REASON FOR BALDNESS and poor hair may now be made known as advancing fibrositis of the muscles of the neck, scalp, and particularly from the ears and temples in a frontal arch over the top of the head.

Poor blood supply, due to the fibrositis, causes the hair to fall out by reason of insufficient nourishment to the roots. I advise all patients to massage with the finger-tips from the ears, backwards, and on each side of the neck at the base of the skull from the ears towards the middle of the back of the head, and to continue the massage up over the crown, but keeping to the same direction. Do not massage upwards, always across the head. The massage will cause pain across the tightened muscles at first, but after a few days the pain lessens as the muscles loosen. Hair tonics are useless in the growing of new hair unless these directions are carried out, when lotions are unnecessary. The “K” Compound tablets assist the skin and hair from a constitutional point of view.


The hair should be cut shorter, this to enable a frequent plunging of the head into alternate warm and cold baths. Or the head may be placed under the warm tap, and immediately following, under the running cold water tap, say a dozen times after a bath. This stimulates circulation. Horseradish undoubtedly has a herbal and beneficial action upon scalp circulation when eaten as a part of the daily salad. The scalp massage should be continued as part of the daily toilet, either at night, after mental concentration, when these muscles tighten, or in the morning. The scalp may be heavily massaged with a “FLESHER”, this is a glove, or massage instrument, of rubber, with rows of nipples over its surface. The object of the massage is not to abrase or rub the skin but to move the underlying muscles. The fingers should not “SLIDE” over the skin, but “dig into” the scalp fascia. Wrinkles around the eyes, and over the face are also caused by this fibrositis of muscles, these also should be treated in the same way. Exercises which help are making a “tall neck”, then relaxing the neck muscles to throw the head back as far as it will go.


CASE HISTORIES OF REJUVENTATION BY “K” THERAPY These are not selected case histories, but are taken at random from the “active” file, patients who still yet have to experience the full and complete benefits of the treatment. Names are withheld, but the De Coti-Marsh Clinics, at Rockdale Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, England, were opened to all qualified medical practitioners, and the international press, in a published invitation – “Scientific Survey of the Decomar Atomic Therapy”, Atomic Man Series V, 1947 – inviting all interested in the prevention and cure of the rheumatic and arthritic diseases to fully investigate the 90 per cent. complete recoveries by this new treatment. My books, The Conquest of Rheumatism and Victory over Rheumatism at Home were also subjected to severest scientific and general investigation possible at my own request, one national newspaper spending some months upon investigation found that all details were correct, and described the book as the “first serious scientific contribution to the cause and treatment of arthritis”. These facts are mentioned to fully substantiate the value of the treatment, and its authentic background in the absolute and complete conquest of the so-called “Chronic” diseases, hitherto labelled “Of obscure origin, and incurable”. These diseases are the slow-forming diseases, the Asthmas, Bronchial Disorders, Rheumatisms, Skin Diseases, and the like. This treatment prevents these and all “chronic” diseases by removing the basic cause, and not only has the treatment so far completely removed all traces of these and many other slow forming diseases from all types of patients in the past, but the diseases have never made their appearance again. Rejuvenation, with all its masses of new medical details unknown to the average doctor, is no new subject to me. For ten years past, patients such as these which I present, have been treated for the complete removal of Ageing-Effects. In order words, Rejuvenation treatment alone. No treatment has been given to any particular disease or disorder, but disease in any form has been completely overcome in every patient by restoring the whole body to a condition of youth. Internationally, there has been a great but friendly rivalry to produce the world’s first, proven, case histories of complete rejuvenation. Nations have subsidized huge departments of universities, as for example, the great Banting Institute of Toronto, who are researching for the cause of Arterio-Sclerosis (Hardened Arteries), the cause and treatment of which is published in this book. The power to resume and keep youthful for the whole of life is, therefore, at last assured to the average person, and, as far as I can manage single-handedly, it is simplified to a new way of living which everyone can follow. The dreaded “chronic” diseases are completely overcome by clearing the body of the vermin produced by meats and fish. The “diseases of modern times”, the heart diseases, psychological disorders and fatal diseases caused by undue mental and nervous tension are overcome by a simplified method of conscious relaxation. This little book will, therefore, take care of most troubles in life, and the patient who follows the advice given will, at least, be assured that he, or she, is no longer rapidly degenerating into old age, but actually getting a little stronger and fitter from every point of view each day. These are true and factual case histories of people who are now entering a new life. Yet most of these have been given a “death sentence” warning by their doctors under orthodox ideas of medicine. Mrs. B. Suffering the dread “Marie Strumpell” arthritis of the spine. Her blood-pressure on 13th MARCH, 1950, will be significant to every doctor; it was, 210 over 110. She weighed 12 stone, and her arteries had hardened. Her right lung was affected at the apex, and a secondary form of infective arthritis was causing great pain in the shoulders, arms, neck, hips, knees and ankles.


Mentally she suffered depression with constant weeping, and confusion. She was unable to walk more than a few yards. Her sight was failing. Her chronological age on 13th March, 1950, was 57 years. Her physiological age I calculated at 80 years plus. After eight weeks of treatment, on 13th MAY, 1950, she had lost two stone in weight, was standing upright, her blood-pressure was reduced to 160 over 90, she was able to read a newspaper without glasses, had lost her depression and was now very jolly, she had no pain in her joints and appeared, from every physiological point of view, ten years younger than she was a mere two months ago. The next case I turn to at random is that of a Mr. C. An old man, very senile, and going blind. He came on 4th January, 1950. On 22nd May, he reports having watched television; for the first time for seven years he has seen several plays and attends the movies. More than that, he appears at least 15 years younger, has grown new hair and is now looking for a job. Mrs. D. Aged 52 in years. Her body covered with weeping eczema, and with arthritis in all joints, her face and ankles bloated. After eight weeks of treatment she has no trace of skin disease, appears 15 years younger than her age, has still some traces of arthritis, but these are clearing rapidly. This woman had aged 20 years all in the five years immediately before her treatment began. Miss E. A case of insanity, certified previously. A former inmate of two mental homes. Duration of her mental complaint, five years. Had been attended by 7 doctors. On 26th April, 1950, I saw the patient lying in bed in a darkened room. Her hands were constantly twitching and plucking at imaginary pieces. Her eyes showed clearly that she was living in terror. The house had to be kept quiet, no tradesmen could call. On 19th May, 1950, the patient stood up at a meeting of patients, fully relaxed, perfectly sane, and to all intents and purposes absolutely cured. Her treatment was as given in this book, with the Total Relaxation exercises as soon as she could gain the health to get out of bed. Her treatment is proceeding.


HAVE BEEN REJUVENATED From Mr. S., Dorset. 15th June, 1950. “Six months ago I came to you suffering OSTEO-ARTHRITIS OF THE SPINE AND HIPS. “Previous treatment had temporarily eased the pain, but the root cause of the disease was not attacked till you generously handed me a proof-copy of your book. “Now, constitutionally, I am better. I have lost the rash on my skin, look years younger, my energy has increased, and I can now work again for long stretches without being exhausted. This, by following your book alone, without other treatment.”


From Mrs. V.G.P., Sevenoaks. July, 1950. “Before taking ‘K’ Therapy treatment, I had had catarrh for 45 years, eczema for 30 years and arthritis for 18 years. “Both orthodox, and unorthodox doctors and specialists, not only in England, failed to give any relief. “I have proved in my own case that your theory of cause and effect was right.


“Now, friends pass me in the street because they do not recognize me. My disabilities are disappearing, I am no longer afraid of being a burden to my family, and look and feel many years younger. “I want to thank you for the ‘V’ Sign you have introduced into the treatment of ‘chronic diseases’, and am so thankful that my four children, and my grandchildren will escape these inherited troubles.” “All children with catarrh should have this treatment instead of having their tonsils out and we should be a healthier nation.”


From Mrs. B., Sevenoaks. July, 1950. “I wish to express my gratitude for the marvellous cure I have had with ‘K’ Therapy. “Three months ago I came to you very depressed. I had arthritis and high blood-pressure. “My doctor told me that ‘there was no cure’, I was afraid of becoming a burden to my family. “Now, my spine and back is free to move without pain. The blood-pressure is normal. I look years younger, and my friends are amazed at my renewed health and youthful appearance. It is a joy to feel so well and young again.”


Mr. H., Sevenoaks. January, 1948. “When coming to you I had been warned that I had not many months, or weeks, to live. “Arthritis Deformans and heart troubles prevented me standing upright. “Now I am pleased to say that I am a different person, able to stand upright, walk, and do a day’s work. “My point is that I have paid National Health Insurance for six years, I have been in London Hospitals and Clinics who did nothing to arrest the disease, and your treatment accomplished this change in two months . . . Why is your treatment not used nationally? Is it because you are an Osteopath?”


From Mr. H. July, 1948. “I started this treatment at 71 years of age, crippled with arthritis, and after seven weeks in a London Hospital, and treatment by numerous doctors. “Now, I have no pain, no arthritis and look and feel years younger, and want to go back to work.”


From Miss B.M.G. 1949. “After being in mental homes for 20 years, and an arthritic sufferer, how can I show my gratitude for your treatment which has cured me of both afflictions? “This in two-and-a-half months.”



From “State Registered Nurse”. 1949. “I knew my condition to be dangerous when I came to you with diseases affecting the heart, blood-pressure and kidneys. “It is now obvious to me that the removal of the catarrhal and calcium deposits from the body is accurate and effective. “After 6 weeks of this treatment I was fit enough to resume my duties as a nurse, and had the pleasure of attending Miss D. who came from South Africa to take the treatment. “Her recovery, at an age of 80 years, from osteo-arthritis, is amazing, visibly losing years from her age, and very much improved in health.”


The main point of these opinions is, that none of these patients have received treatment for any particular disease. All had similar treatment with “K” Therapy for the root cause which is Ageing. It is obvious that one does not contract, usually, the “chronic” diseases when young, therefore, if the patient is successfully restored to a younger condition, these diseases of the second half of life just cannot exist. No matter what the disease, if it is slow and “chronic” in nature, it must vanish if youth, virility and health are restored. It was not there when you were young. The message of this book is, therefore, that, assisted by the researches of previous gerontologists and geriatrists, a constitutional regeneration treatment is now available to mankind, and at last, both men and women are endowed with command over their own destinies. They may grow old, and fat, or diseased; or stay young, fit and healthy for a much longer length of life. I have deliberately delayed publication of this treatment for ten years to ensure that results are long lasting, but as a scientist, if I waited another twenty years, I could not be more satisfied, nor could my patients. You do not have to use the “K” Compound, or “K” Plus tablets to obtain such results. Many have rejuvenated themselves at home, alone, quite successfully, by recognizing the fact that your body is, and will be, just what you care to build it from. You may build it on bad material to invest in Old-Age at any time in life, or you may, like Thomas Parr, live and work, in perfect health, without signs of ageing, for 150 years. Why not be as young as your family? There are hundreds more apparent miracles in medicine, patients who have returned to health and youth in weeks, not months or years, all of whom have suffered for many years and have been treated by drugs or surgery. A man who suffered migraine for 20 years. He came but once, his migraine ceased two days after, he has not had a return after two years. A woman with a similar history. A young woman who came weeping and wondering why she could not live an ordinary life as other girls. She had a beard, and further investigation showed she suffered a glandular disorder which created a masculine personality, her voice was low as a man’s voice, she desired marriage and children, both of which were impossible. But after exactly three months of treatment she is now a most attractive woman, a transformed personality, normal in every way.


Yes, after 20 years of intensive work in this direction, I can at last see the full results of my work, the complete conquest of Ageing and arthritis, and at last, my task of making the whole mass of research simple for the average man and woman is complete. Anyone can grow old and useless by neglect and call it “natural”, but this book can be of real service to those who wish to stay young and avoid disease.


BEFORE COMMENCING TREATMENT Two close-up, full-face untouched photographs, passport size, and or two full-length studio photographs of patient, the minimum of underclothing. Lighting full and hard to indicate any gross irregularities of the body, stomach, back and features. One copy of each photograph to be retained at the Clinic in the patient’s confidential case history, the others should be pasted into this book. These instructions should be shown to the photographer and the fact made known that the prints are required for MEDICAL USE ONLY.






REJUVENATION CHANGES DURING TREATMENT First Month (First Week) Skin and sight clears. Wrinkles are lessened. “Tension” lines leave the face. Scurf and dandruff leave the hair. You feel lighter, move more easily, lose constipation, mentally clearer, sleep more soundly. Second Month Muscles and joints are easier, you gain in energy. Be mean with this energy, the body needs it for reconstruction and rebuilding. Seek an oculist, your eyes may have strengthened. Third Month Your weight is down. People are beginning to tell you that you “look younger”. Seek a tailor, get younger-looking clothes made. You are easier to live with, more cheery and bright. You notice that you don’t go to restaurants any more? Fourth Month Sex life is awakening again. This is important because of the active link between the sex glands and the thyroid and pituitary. It means that the whole cycle of endocrine glands in your body have rebalanced to youthful activity. Your blood-pressure should be normalized now. Your kidneys, liver and spleen, and heart and arteries in better condition. If your progress seems slow, it may be that there was latent disease that you knew nothing about which is slowly clearing. Fifth Month If you are a woman, and maybe have had the “change of life”, your periods may return. This has happened. Be pleased. Many women wished to be relieved of this trouble, only because in the past the period has been accompanied by pain. In a healthy woman one day should be the same as any other. If a man, and maybe over 40, maybe you also have had the male climacteric, or “change” – nerves, dyspepsia, undue fatigue, palpitation and irritability – this vanishes about now. As your sex life resumes normality, your hair begins to grow again; encourage this. These hints as to what may happen are taken from an average of what has happened to patients in the past. Remember that when you look younger, you are younger. Forget those middle-aged habits.


STAY YOUNG I am often told that I am very “courageous” to take on these old and diseased folk after they have been given such a short time to live by most eminent doctors. It is not courage, it is confidence. I have been doing the same for years, with the same results, and not one of my patients has yet died. But it is from such extreme cases one learns of the future which awaits the average young man and woman of today. It is by such experience that one is able to say, with equal confidence, to a young person, YOU CAN AVOID THIS FATE. You can age rapidly or slowly, but as you are now you ARE ageing, and as you now live, you are growing older, sowing the seeds of these dreadful diseases which develop later in life. Avoid them, fear them, root them out, for if they develop, the second half of your life will be one of pain, agony, frustration and slow death. Results over the past 10 years show us that ageing is unnecessary and these diseases can be avoided by the young people of today. “Immunization against ageing?” That sounds impossible but it is true.


Restoration of health and youth has nothing to do with drugs, it is an applied knowledge of assistance to nature. Physicians should themselves be fit and living examples of their own teaching, for the word doctor still means “teacher”. It is in the young that prevention of disease is of a greater service than its treatment in later life. In youth, youth can be maintained for many years exceeding the normal span of life, but youthful health can but partly be restored to the very old. Take note of this. If you are young stay young, if you are middle-aged get younger and avoid old-age.


HELPFUL HINTS Alcohol. In France, Switzerland, Eire, Luxembourg, Belgium and Great Britain, I have recorded folk of between 70 and 100 years with all their hair and teeth, still working and cheerful. They drink wine, eat no meat, live mainly on dairy produce, and burn up all the food they put into their bodies. Whisky, Rye, Brandy, Gin and all spirits are killers. Aged Cider is a fine drink, the present-day beer a poor drink, but good red wine, mature and soft is a natural product of the sun and grape. Exercises. Should begin with “passive” tensing of the muscles all through the body. Arms, legs, abdomen, neck, face, scalp and back. This takes up the flabbiness, takes out the fat, and fits the muscles for active, heavy exercise under medical guidance. Breathing. Do not deep breath. In the average case you are trying to stretch fibrous lung tissues. EXHALE heartily, make sure your lungs are fully emptied, but let the incoming breath be normal. The lungs expand normally when they are cleared of fibrous deposits. Sex Life. I am not an authority, but Dr. Heunner, of Mount Siniea Hospital writes: “Above three times weekly abnormal. Below three times weekly, abnormal.” I have found that it is the person whose sex life is not used to the full who ages rapidly, due, I trace, to the excess of nervous and physical tension caused by subjecting the main natural urge resulting in mental and glandular degeneration. Short-lived City Dwellers. Three main reasons. First, incomplete relaxation through noise. Second, a lack of potassium in the “manufactured” drinking water. Thirdly, radionic radiations from electric sources are inharmonious to human neuro-electrical systems, resulting in undue “spacing” of neurones within the nerves causing the same inefficient control between brain and glands as in ageing. Water. When I investigated the cause of the sinusitis suffered by folk living in the Great Lakes areas of North America, I found the cause in the lack of potassium in the Great Lake waters, borne out by official analysis. Sinusitis is merely acute catarrh. Drink one-third less water than you perspire daily if you are overweight. Fruit contains much water. The body is eight-tenths water. The potassium in this water is vital. Water contains B.Coli; fruit juice does not. Baths should be cool or cold, unless therapeutic.


THE DE COTI-MARSH CLINIC ROCKDALE ROAD, SEVENOAKS, KENT, ENGLAND Before any patient is finally accepted for treatment they come for a FIRST INTERVIEW to decide whether “K” Therapy is likely to prove beneficial in their particular case, and should a broad path to ultimate recovery seem likely the patient is allocated an appointment for CLINICAL INVESTIGATION. Clinical Investigation is a complete case history and a personal plan of campaign, different in each case. Investigation may be completed in a few hours or it may take several weeks in a complex case. Contrary to usual medical practice, patients are asked no questions and are not encouraged to talk till their complete life history of diseases, disorders, ailments and medical record is complete. They may then confirm dates and details if they wish. The patient’s correct physiological age is assessed from this information. The ages of patients range from a few months, for preventive treatment, to 80 years, or more. No more patients are accepted than can be given all the time and attention which complete reconditioning demands. Photographs, and infra-red photography are employed to substantiate the confidential case histories. Treatment is pre-arranged at the completion of the investigation and runs according to personal needs and plan. The usual is a twice weekly visit of about half an hour. The average patient is under treatment for about eight weeks. Manipulative surgery is employed to eburnate joints damaged with arthritis, or to gently loosen all joints and muscles. Lectures are given each Monday evening at 6.30 covering a wide aspect on self-help and re-education. “K” Therapy treatment is divided into three classes. 1. For those who can afford individual attention. 2. For those who can afford only the Clinical Investigation and a personally directed Home Treatment

a complete routine is devised. They follow this at home, and report for examination when the treatment is complete. Patients in other countries find this convenient. Those who cannot afford either treatment are in the third category, and a Free Clinic has been available for them since 1940, but the cost of each individual treatment had to be borne by Dr. de Coti-Marsh, and this, together with increasingly heavy research costs had to be closed in 1949. No patient is ever sent away without advice and assistance even now.

The clinic is private and is not incorporated into the Health Scheme of the country. Geriatric reconditioning necessitates very individual attention to every detail. The London resident of Dr. de Coti-Marsh is at 17 Artillery Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W.1, opposite St. James’s Park.


YOUTH ALL YOUR LIFE The real cause of woman losing her beauty, and man his strength as the years advance is not “time” but B.Coli, a germ from the bowel. . . . Antidote the effects of this germ and we live longer lives, stop growing old, and antidote arthritis. This discovery by Dr. Charles de Coti-Marsh, the British longevity expert, led to his development of “K” Therapy, which has proved that . . . Ageing is the basic chronic disease as easily overcome as any other ailment. More important is the fact that latent and active disease vanishes when ageing, alone, is treated successfully. After ten years of revolutionary success in his quiet Sevenoaks Clinic, the great scientist remained silent, making no claims, till a plain, simple home treatment for all had been discovered, tried and tested, this, the antidote for ageing, for all. Now, at last, this magnificent message “No More Old-Age”. Mankind enters a new age when the old folk will have all the power and energy they need to earn their living, a longer useful life, and the conquest of chronic diseases which arise in the second half of life. Get younger and stay young, prevent and remove those signs of ageing by following these clear, simple instructions.
