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No169 newslettr daily e-9_7_2013

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )169( 2013/7/9 Syrian Arab Republic Ministry of Information The Directorate of Electronic Information Page NO .1 The army continues its control on Homs Three citizens were injured because of bombing three explosive bombs that were putted in cars in Kafer- sousah, under the president’s bridge (Jesser Alraees) and Alworood district. This caused material damage in that site. The engineering units thwarted an attempt for bombing explosive bombs which is 1 kg; the terror- ists planted it under a car near the (Lanwazet) café in Almalki and another one in Alfahama. Four citizens were martyred yesterday and 10 were in- jured, including women and children because of bombing two bombed terrorist cars in Alhadara Street in Ekrama avenue in Homs city and this caused great material dam- ages in the houses and the shops of the people besides that the nets of telephone and Thwarting bombing an explosive bombs in Almalki Finding a Tunnel of Terrorists in Bab Houd District Units of the army eliminated many terrorists who are af- filiated to Jabhit Al-Nusra in the Eastern Guttah and the southern countryside of Da- mascus and it destroyed their weapons, ammunition, heavy machine guns and RPG electricity in the district. Unit of the Syria army found, yesterday, a tun- nel which its length about 500 meters and its height is 170cm and it extended from Bab Houd to Jwarat Alshaiah. This tunnel was used by terrorists for trans- ferring the weapons and the ammunitions. Also, units of the armed forced controlled many buildings in Bab Houd district and it captured a sniperwas centered in the south of real estate interests in the neighborhood. Also, units of the army eliminated many terrorists from (Kataab Rijal Allah) near the sports club in Alrasteen city and Alkalidiah in Homs
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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )169( 2013/7/9

Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of InformationThe Directorate of

Electronic Information

Page NO.1

The army continues its control on Homs

Three citizens were injured because of bombing three explosive bombs that were putted in cars in Kafer-sousah, under the president’s bridge (Jesser Alraees) and Alworood district. This caused material damage in that site. The engineering units thwarted an attempt for bombing explosive bombs which is 1 kg; the terror-ists planted it under a car near the (Lanwazet) café in Almalki and another one in Alfahama.

Four citizens were martyred yesterday and 10 were in-jured, including women and children because of bombing two bombed terrorist cars in Alhadara Street in Ekrama avenue in Homs city and this caused great material dam-ages in the houses and the shops of the people besides that the nets of telephone and

Thwarting bombing an explosive bombs in Almalki

Finding a Tunnel of Terrorists in Bab Houd District

Units of the army eliminated many terrorists who are af-filiated to Jabhit Al-Nusra in the Eastern Guttah and the

southern countryside of Da-mascus and it destroyed their weapons, ammunition, heavy machine guns and RPG

electricity in the district.Unit of the Syria army found, yesterday, a tun-nel which its length about 500 meters and its height is 170cm and it extended from Bab Houd to Jwarat Alshaiah. This tunnel was used by terrorists for trans-ferring the weapons and the ammunitions. Also, units of

the armed forced controlled many buildings in Bab Houd district and it captured a sniperwas centered in the south of real estate interests in the neighborhood. Also, units of the army eliminated many terrorists from (Kataab Rijal Allah) near the sports club in Alrasteen city and Alkalidiah in Homs

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )169( 2013/7/9

350 wanted surrender in Homs

Destroying a depot of weapons and ammunition and two bombed car

350 wanted surrendered and han-dled their weapons to the compe-tent authorities after settling their status after pledging not to return to take up arms or carry out any acts of prejudice to the security of the nation and its people.

Units of the Syrian army clashed with terrorist groups

and killed many of them and it destroyed weapons, am-

munition, mortar gun caliber 120 mm and anti-craft gun in Aleppo. Also, another unit destroyed weapons depot and ammunition of terrorists and two bombed cars were equipped with explosives in Tal Rafaat village in the north-ern countryside of Aleppo.

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )169( 2013/7/9

The Russian foreign minis-try stated in a statement of it yesterday that the draft of international Security Council statement which was submitted by some non-permanent mem-bers countries about the events in Homs as “biased and one sided”.In the Russian statement, the Russian foreign ministry said that “the draft statement in-cluded calls to the Syrian gov-ernment to end violence, as the acts of the armed opposition that uses civilians as human shields were not effectively denounced.’’‘’The Russian side proposed making the text more balanced by expressing concern over the fate of the locals in Nubbol and al-Zahraa towns in Aleppo countryside -that the UN Sec-retary-General Ban Ki-moon spoke about- who are now under siege due to the armed opposition acts,’’ the statement added.The Ministry said the propos-als were given the short shrift, and “those who proposed the

The Russian Foreign: The draft of the Security Council’s statement about the events in Homs is biased and Russia is ready for connection with the members

of “Al-Doha coalition”

draft statement distorted the essence of what is taking place by further calling on the Syrian government to ensure the access of humanitarian aid to other areas.’’The Syrian Foreign Ministry’s call to the International Com-mittee of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent requesting the delivery of humanitarian assis-tance to the locals in Homs and its expressing readiness to en-sure ‘’humanitarian corridors’’ to that end were not taken into consideration, the statement pointed out.The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Alexander Luka-shevich said that ‘’Doha Coali-

tion’’ is requested to express in no uncertain terms readiness to send representatives to the in-ternational conference on Syria due in Geneva without precon-ditions, and to set to common search for finding a political solution in Syria according to Geneva communiqué. Lu-kashevich expressed Russia’s willingness to establish contacts with members of the ‘’Doha Coalition’’ as to seek an end to the crisis and the suffering of the Syrian people through a comprehensive national dialogue, with full respects to Syria’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity away from foreign interference.

five sources of U.S National security reported that the intelligence Committees at the U.S. Congress agree on Kerry’s plan to send weap-ons to those it described “opposition’s fighters “ in

Committees in the U.S. Congress impede America Projectto Supply opposition fighters by weapons for fearing

of its arrival at the hand of militant groups.Syria, fearing the arrival of such weapons to extremist groups belonging to al-Qae-da, sources reported that the Congress committees sus-pended temporarily financ-ing arms’ project.

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )169( 2013/7/9

Central Committee of the Arab Socialist Baath Party held yesterday expanded meeting chaired by Presi-dent Bashar al-Assad Re-gional Secretary of the party. President Al-Assad presented at the meeting an analytical political pre-sentation about the war on the Syrian People, the recent developments, and the international and Arab stances of this issue, and the party’s role during this phase. President Bashar al-Assad stressed the need for a critical review of the per-formance of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party and its cadres for building on the positives and overcoming the nega-tives. President al-Assad said that the most important step is to find channels of communication between al-Baath party leaders and the popular base as to deepen interaction with citizens. President al-Assad stressed the importance of laying down accurate standards of party hierarchy and effective mechanisms in selecting the Party’s representatives. A new regional leadership was selected during the meet-ings as President Bashar al-Assad the Regional Sec-retary, with the membership of the 15 new one.

The first religious judge in Damascus Mahmoud Alma-rawi announced that tomorrow (Wednesday) is the first day of Ramadan in the 10th of July. The president Bashar Al-Assad received a cable from Almarawi who congratu-lated him because of coming the holy month (Ramadan) after that Shaaban month will be completed on Tuesday

The Education Ministry on Monday published the results of the high school certificate (Baccalaureate) exams for 2013. Education Minister Hazwan al-Waz said that students applied for the of the certificate, (75.55%) of scientific branch passed the exams, while (65.63%) students of

President al-Assad.. stressed the need for

a critical review of the performance

of al-Baath Arab Social-ist Party and its cadres

The First Religious Judge in Damascus: Wednesday is the first day of Ramadan

The First Religious Judge in Damascus: Wednesday is the first day of Ramadan

literary branch passed the exams. As for the Sharia (Islamic studies) branch, (84.98%) passed, while the women’s vocational branch (73.75%) of them passed. the industrial vo-cational branch, (80.92%) passed, while (60.37%) for the commercial vocational branch passed.

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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )169( 2013/7/9

Economy deputy D.r Qadri Jameel issued generalizations called upon the ministries and public and private bodies to provide the requirements of

In cooperation with the Syrian trust for de-velopment and the General Women’s Union and the Revolutionary Youth, the Damas-cus province opened “the meeting of the Syrian village” in Altakiah Alsoulimaniah on the occasion of coming Ramadan .The activities will continue till Tuesday and it

Economy deputy ordering the need to provide citizens’ requirements during Ramadan month.

“The Syrian Village meeting” in Altakiah Alsouliamaniah”

contains interactive activities and various social, artistic and cultural for supporting the small projects and helping the peasants and the craftsman who came from the un-stable area to sell their products . Scores of organizations and the public associations participated in it.

citizens in the local markets of food and consumer goods during the month of Rama-dan and monitoring prices. For his part, Ali Ibrahim Ali,

Chairman of the standing by bakeries’ Committee called on all bakery supervisors to secure all basic materials and assistance
