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node.js in action

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Node.js in action presented at Mongo Dilli meetup
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node.js in action Learnings from Cisco Karan & Sneha ThoughtWorks Saturday, 24 August 13
Page 1: node.js in action

node.js in actionLearnings from Cisco

Karan & SnehaThoughtWorks

Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 2: node.js in action

node.js ?

• JavaScript is not jQuery

• Created by Ryan Dahl utilizing the Google V8 JavaScript engine

• Has evented I/O as part of its arsenal

Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 3: node.js in action

Tech Stack

• Express (web framework)

• Sequelize (ORM)

• Gruntjs (task runner)

• coffee-resque (background jobs and queues)

• Q (callback sanity)

• Mocha/Sinon/Chai (TDD)

Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 4: node.js in action

Callback Hell!

• Avoid like the plague

• Can suck all the fun out of writing JavaScript (everywhere)

• Waiting for returns across logical boundaries is almost impossible

• Senthil/Kuldeep cover this area in a lot more detail right after this talk

Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 5: node.js in action


Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 6: node.js in action

TDD in JS?!?

• With Q/promises, there is no reason not to

• We used Mocha/Sinon/Chai(and their -as-promised brothers) to be able to assert on methods returning promises

• This converts each of your tests into promises which either resolve to success or failure

Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 7: node.js in action


Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 8: node.js in action

socket.io• Library in a state of constant flux

• Was a major cause of performance slow down in our application

• First we make a normal GET request to get a handshake token

• The second request using the token then gets upgraded to a full duplex conn

• Had to integrate with a (k,v) store like Redis to help coordinate the creation of the handshake tokens

Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 9: node.js in action


• Double-edged sword:

• node.js comes with a promise of speed

• the promised land is full of land mines which can literally blow you away if you don’t hit dead center the first time around

• Gatling proved a very capable companion in figuring out the bottlenecks

Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 10: node.js in action

Performance contd.

• The JS native MySQL driver turned out to be the sore point

• Arriving at this conclusion took a lot of doing:

• newrelic didn’t help

• nodetime didn’t help

• running around wildly didn’t help

• Intuition strikes again: Performance was inversely proportional to the number of round trips to MySQL

Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 11: node.js in action

Background Jobs

• Anything which doesn’t belong in your web flow, should be scaled separately

• A simple Resqueisque background jobs queue solved the problem for us

• Redis again chimed in with its queue data structure

Saturday, 24 August 13

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Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 13: node.js in action


• Utilizing all the available CPU resource from within a single node.js application is hard

• Eventually, you will need to fire up all the cylinders

• The “cluster” module helps out grandly in this regard; however it must be done right to ensure a stable production environment

Saturday, 24 August 13

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Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 15: node.js in action


• Source based deployment is easy to do, but hard to get right

• “npm install” can bring in different versions of your dependencies if you have sliding dependencies in your package.json file

• Have to have a full compiler suite to handle native extensions (e.g. libmysqlclient)

• Doing a node.js upgrade can silently fail if you do not “rm -rf” node_modules first

• Doing a RPM (name your favorite packager) based setup might not be such a bad idea afterall

Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 16: node.js in action

Deployment contd.

• Things we take for granted in the Rails world is not so simple here

• Had to write our own asset-combiner to get around shoddy implementation in connect-assetmanager

• A must if the site is going live with a CDN

Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 17: node.js in action


• Clustering (which splits your application into master/worker processes) makes it difficult to keep the application up

• We finally ended up using “mon” (a highly simplified cmd line based monit) as the usual techniques (forever, etc.) were not playing ball

Saturday, 24 August 13

Page 18: node.js in action


• It was a rewarding experience

• Not a magic bullet

• Avoiding callback hell helped keep our sanity

• Be prepared to spend sleepless nights “when” the performance bugs hit

Saturday, 24 August 13
