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NOIDA PUBLIC SR. SEC. SCHOOL A – 78 SECTOR – 23, NOIDA … VIII B... · 2020. 5. 6. · NOIDA...

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NOIDA PUBLIC SR. SEC. SCHOOL A – 78 SECTOR – 23, NOIDA DT.01-05-2020 WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT FOR CLASS – VIII B SESSION: 2020-2021 ENGLISH: Q.1 You are Ritvik/Riya, Head boy/girl of Nilisha International School. Your school is going to organise an Inter House Quiz Competition. Write a notice to be put up on the school notice board. Q.3 Write a paragraph on ‘Precautionary Measures for Covid-19 (Corona Virus)’. Q.4 Write a paragraph on ‘Be the change, you want to see in the World’. Q.5 You have recently visited an Indian Monument with your family. Write a diary, describing about your experience. Q.6 Write Three Synonyms of the following words: i) Liberty ii) Sacrifice iii) Abolish iv) Abundance v) Interfere vi) Ability vii) Explanation viii) Wealth ix) Excuse x) Chivalry HINDI: बसंत पाठ -1 (व*न ,-न-1 *न.न/ल1खत ,-न3 के उ7र द:िजए 1.(व*न क>वता का उ?दे-य बताइए ? 2. क>व को ऐसा >व-वास Dय3 है Gक उसका अंत अभी नह:ं होगा? 3. ल3 को अनंत तक >वक/सत करने के /लए क>व कौन सा ,यास करता है ? 4. क>व Pप3 कQ तंRा और आलUय हटाने के /लए Dया करना चाहता है ? 5. वसंत को ऋत राज Dय3 कहा जाता है ? 6. वसंत ऋत मZ कौन-कौन से [योहार मनाए जाते ह\ ? 7. ऋत प]रवत^न का हमारे जीवन पर Dया ,भाव पड़ता है ? बसंत पाठ -2 लाख कQ ‘ड़यां ,-न-1 *न.न/ल1खत ,-न3 के उ7र द:िजए 1. लाख कQ ‘ड़यां वUत >व*नमय Dया है ? 2. बचपन मZ लेखक अपने मामा के गांव Dय3 जाता था? 3. बदल को बदल मामा ना कहकर बदल काका Dय3 कहता था? 4. वUत >व*नमय Dया है >व*नमय कQ ,च/लत प?ध*त Dया है ? 5. मशीनी ने Gकतने हाथ काट dदए ऐसा Dय3 कहा गया है ?
  • NOIDA PUBLIC SR. SEC. SCHOOL A – 78 SECTOR – 23, NOIDA DT.01-05-2020



    Q.1 You are Ritvik/Riya, Head boy/girl of Nilisha International School. Your school is going to organise an Inter

    House Quiz Competition. Write a notice to be put up on the school notice board.

    Q.3 Write a paragraph on ‘Precautionary Measures for Covid-19 (Corona Virus)’.

    Q.4 Write a paragraph on ‘Be the change, you want to see in the World’.

    Q.5 You have recently visited an Indian Monument with your family. Write a diary, describing about your


    Q.6 Write Three Synonyms of the following words:

    i) Liberty ii) Sacrifice iii) Abolish iv) Abundance v) Interfere

    vi) Ability vii) Explanation viii) Wealth ix) Excuse x) Chivalry


    बसंत पाठ -1 (व*न ,-न-1 *न.न/ल1खत ,-न3 के उ7र द:िजए 1.(व*न क>वता का उ?दे-य बताइए ? 2. क>व को ऐसा >व-वास Dय3 है Gक उसका अतं अभी नह: ंहोगा? 3. फूल3 को अनंत तक >वक/सत करने के /लए क>व कौन सा ,यास करता है? 4. क>व पPुप3 कQ तंRा और आलUय दरू हटाने के /लए Dया करना चाहता है? 5. वसंत को ऋतरुाज Dय3 कहा जाता है? 6. वसंत ऋत ुमZ कौन-कौन से [योहार मनाए जात ेह\? 7. ऋत ुप]रवतन̂ का हमारे जीवन पर Dया ,भाव पड़ता है? बसंत पाठ -2 लाख कQ चू̀ ड़यां ,-न-1 *न.न/ल1खत ,-न3 के उ7र द:िजए 1. लाख कQ चू̀ ड़या ंवUत ु>व*नमय Dया है? 2. बचपन मZ लेखक अपने मामा के गांव Dय3 जाता था? 3. बदल ूको बदल ूमामा ना कहकर बदल ूकाका Dय3 कहता था? 4. वUत ु>व*नमय Dया है >व*नमय कQ ,च/लत प?ध*त Dया है? 5. मशीनी यगु ने Gकतने हाथ काट dदए ऐसा Dय3 कहा गया है?

  • 6. बदल ूके मन मZ ऐसी कौन सी eयथा थी जो लेखक से छgपी ना रह सकQ? 7. मशीनी यगु से बदल ूके जीवन मZ Dया बदलाव आए? 8. लाख से कौन-कौन सी वUतएंु बनाई जाती ह\ ? 9. घर मZ मेहमान के आने पर आप उसका अ*तjथ स[कार कैसे करत ेह\? 10. मशीनी यगु मZ कौन-कौन से प]रवतन̂ आ गए ह\ हमारे खान पान रहन सहन और कपड़3 मZ Gकस कारण और Dय3 बदलाव आत ेह\?


    Chapter-1:- Rational Number

    Q.1:- Arrange the following rational numbers in descending order !𝟐𝟕

    , 𝟓𝟕, 𝟐𝟒𝟑𝟓

    , 𝟏𝟏!𝟐𝟏

    Q.2:- Simplify: (i) 𝟐𝟑 + !𝟓

    𝟔 + !𝟕

    𝟗 (ii) !𝟏𝟏

    𝟐 + 𝟕

    𝟔 + !𝟓


    Q.3:- The sum of two rational numbers is !𝟕𝟏𝟑

    . If one of them is !𝟓𝟑𝟗

    , find the other.

    Q.4:- What should be subtracted from !𝟑𝟐

    to get !𝟑𝟏𝟏𝟒


    Q.5:- Find five rational numbers between !𝟒𝟓

    and !𝟐𝟑


    Q.6:- The area of a rectangle is 25 𝟓𝟏𝟔

    cm2. If length of the rectangle is 8𝟑𝟒cm , find its breadth.

    Q.7:-The product of two rational numbers is !𝟏𝟑𝟗

    .If one of the numbers is !𝟐𝟔𝟕

    , find the other.

    Q.8:- A car covers a distance of 189 𝟏𝟑 km in 4 𝟒

    𝟗 hours. How much distance will it cover in 1 hour?

    Q.9:- Divide the sum of 𝟔𝟓𝟗

    and !𝟏𝟏!𝟑

    by the product of 𝟕𝟔 and 𝟓


    Q.10:- What is the perimeter of a quadrilateral whose four sides measures 2𝟏𝟔 cm, 3𝟑

    𝟒 cm, 1 𝟓

    𝟏𝟐 cm and 3𝟏

    𝟐 cm.

    Chapter-2:- Linear Equations in One Variable

    Q.1:- Solve the following equation

    4𝑚 – ./01

    = 2 – 02.!31

    Q.2:- Solve : 𝟏𝟒𝒚!𝟏𝟕𝒚/𝟐

    = !𝟏𝟐

    Q.3:- Solve for x: 11(x - 3) - 3(2x + 3) = 3.

    Q.4:- Solve: (i) 𝟑𝒙!𝟓𝟐

    = 𝟓𝒙!𝟖𝟑

    (ii) 𝟑𝒙/𝟓𝟒𝒙/𝟐

    = 𝟑𝒙/𝟒𝟒𝒙/𝟕

    Q.5:- The sum of four consecutive odd numbers is 136. Find the numbers.

    Q.6:- The sum of three consecutive multiples of 7 is 777. Find the multiples?

    Q.7:- The perimeter of a rectangular swimming pool is 378 m. Its length is 6 m more than twice its breadth.

    What are the length and breadth of the pool?

    Q.8:- A piggy bank contains Rs.460 in coins of denominations Rs.2, Rs.5, Rs.10.The numbers of Rs.5 coins is

  • twice the number of Rs.2 coins. If the total number of coins is 100. Find the number of coins of each

    denomination in the piggy bank.

    Q.9:- The ages of Rahul and Jyoti are in the ratio 3 : 5. Five years from now, the ratio of their ages will be 2 : 3.

    What are their present ages?

    Q.10:- There is a rectangular plot, reserved for the construction of a school. The length and breadth of the plot

    are in the ratio 7 : 8. At the rate of Rs.150 per metre, it costs Rs.90000 to fence the plot. What are the

    dimensions of the plot?


    1. Write different steps of agricultural practices? Explain any two of these. 2. Differentiate between the following: i) rabi and kharif ii) weed and weedicide iii) manure and humus iv) fertilizers and manure v) pesticide and insecticide 3. Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of crops in a field? 4. What is irrigation? How does it affect the crops? 5. Write about the economic importance of microbes 6. What are agricultural implements? What is their role in field? 7. What is nitrogen fixation? 8. ‘Plastic and environment’ influence each other. Comment. 9. Why are synthetic fibres preferred over natural fibres? 10. List and explain properties of plastics. 12. What will happen when harvested grains are stored without drying? 13. Why cannot wheat be grown as summer crop? 14. A farmer uses dried neem leaves to store his grains in a metallic container. Give reason. 15. What is hybridisation?


    ONE MARK QUESTIONS: 1. Explain the term resource? 2. What is biotic resource? 3. What is abiotic resource? 4. What is potential resource? 5. What is “Technology”?

    THREE MARK QUESTIONS: 1. Differentiate between human and human-made resources? 2. Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable resources?

  • 3. What is resource conservation?

    FIVE MARK QUESTIONS: 1. Why are human resources important? 2. What is Sustainable development?

    Activity- Draw a poster on “Water conservation”


    CHAPTER-1 DATED:-01-05-2020 Q1. What are the parts of Computer Network as Data Communication System? Q2. What is Computer Network? What are the advantages of Computer Network? (Write any four) Q3. Define the following Networking Technology a. Ethernet Cables b. Coaxial Cables c. Do the above (a, b) parts wired networking technology or wireless technology? Q4. Explain any two wireless Network technologies. Q5. What is Network? Explain any two types of network depending on the geographical area. Q6. What CAN? (full form) Q7. Define the following terms:- a. Modem b. HUB c. Switch d. Repeater

