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Noise and Vibration Analyses Technical Report Neches River Bridge Study June 2016 Jefferson and Orange Counties CSJ: 7220-01-001 Texas Department of Transportation – Rail Division

Noise and Vibration Analyses Technical Report Neches River Bridge Study June 2016

Jefferson and Orange Counties CSJ: 7220-01-001 Texas Department of Transportation – Rail Division

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analysis i

Table of Contents 1.0 Project Overview ........................................................................................................ 1

2.0 Noise and Vibration Background Information ........................................................... 3 2.1 Noise Descriptors .......................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Vibration Descriptors .................................................................................................... 5

3.0 Noise and Vibration Impact Criteria .......................................................................... 6 3.1 Operation Noise Impact Criteria ................................................................................... 6 3.2 Operation Vibration Impact Criteria ............................................................................. 9

4.0 Existing Conditions ................................................................................................. 11 4.1 Noise Measurements.................................................................................................. 11 4.2 Vibration Measurements ............................................................................................ 13

5.0 No Build Conditions ................................................................................................ 13

6.0 Operational Noise ................................................................................................... 14

7.0 Operational Vibration .............................................................................................. 15

8.0 Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 17

9.0 Construction Related Noise Impacts ...................................................................... 17

10.0 Construction Related Vibration Impacts ................................................................ 19

11.0 Mitigation ................................................................................................................ 20 11.1 Mitigation During Construction .................................................................................. 20 11.2 Mitigation During Operation ....................................................................................... 23

11.2.1 Train Noise Mitigation ............................................................................................ 23

11.2.2 Train Vibration Mitigation ....................................................................................... 24

12.0 Encroachments ....................................................................................................... 26

13.0 References ............................................................................................................. 26

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analysis ii

List of Tables Table 1: Land Use Categories and Metrics for Transit Noise Impact Criteria ...................... 7 Table 2: Ground-Borne Vibration (GVB) and Ground-Borne Noise (GBN) Impact Criteria for General Assessment ............................................................................................................... 10 Table 3: Long Term Noise Measurement Sites (dBA) .......................................................... 11 Table 4: Vibration Measurements ........................................................................................ 13 Table 5: Projected Train Operations ..................................................................................... 14 Table 6: Project Noise Levels (dBA) ...................................................................................... 15 Table 7: Comparison of Ground Vibration Impact Curves ................................................... 16 Table 8: Construction Vibration Damage Criteria ................................................................ 16 Table 9: Construction Equipment Typical Noise Level Emissions ...................................... 18 Table 10. Construction Noise Impact Levels ........................................................................ 19 Table 11: Vibration Source Levels for Construction Equipment ......................................... 20 Table 12: Construction Equipment Vibration Impact Distances ......................................... 20

List of Figures

Figure 1: Project Location ........................................................................................................ 2 Figure 2: Typical A-Weighted Sound Levels ............................................................................ 4 Figure 3: Typical Vibration Levels ........................................................................................... 5 Figure 4: Noise Impact Criteria for Transit Projects ............................................................... 8 Figure 5: Increase in Cumulative Noise Levels Allowed by Criteria ...................................... 9 Figure 6: Noise and Vibration Measurement Locations ...................................................... 12

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analyses 1

1.0 Project Overview

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is studying a project to add track capacity to the rail corridor crossing of the Neches River in the City of Beaumont, Texas (Figure 1). The project consists of an additional track over the Neches River with an additional lift bridge or fixed bridge north of the existing bridge.

The purpose of the proposed Neches River Bridge project is to: • Improve rail operations through the Beaumont area by providing a second rail crossing of

the Neches River.

o Improved rail operations would focus on maintaining existing rail mobility and continuity while providing new rail capacity to accommodate growth.

o Improved rail operations would increase overall freight and passenger rail capacity and efficiency and reduce rail and vehicular congestion by addressing vehicular mobility at railroad-highway grade crossings.

• Support and enhance industrial facilities utilizing rail, marine and highway services in the Beaumont region.

o Improved movement and interface amongst rail, marine and vehicular modes would benefit the Beaumont region in terms of development and economic growth, which are top priorities for stakeholders and the public in the region.

The proposed project is needed because existing rail operations through the Beaumont area are affected by track capacity, track switching, industrial service access, and bridge openings for marine vessel traffic. Future rail traffic across the Neches River is expected to increase with both through traffic along this national corridor as well as local rail traffic serving the region’s existing and expanding industrial facilities. Without improvements to the existing rail crossing of the Neches River at Beaumont, operations will deteriorate in the future with increased rail traffic.

The Noise and Vibration Analyses Technical Report assesses the potential impacts that may occur as a result of the No Build Alternative and the proposed Build Alternative E-1.

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Figure 1: Project Location

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analyses 3

2.0 Noise and Vibration Background Information

This section describes the basic terminologies of noise and vibration used in this report. This information will provide background for the assessment procedures described in the later sections.

2.1 Noise Descriptors Noise is usually defined as sound that is undesirable because it interferes with speech communication and hearing, or is otherwise annoying. Under certain conditions, noise may cause hearing loss, interfere with human activities, and in various ways may affect people’s health and well-being.

The decibel (dB) is the accepted standard unit for measuring the amplitude of sound because it accounts for the large variations in sound pressure amplitude. When describing sound and its effect on a human population, A-weighted (dBA) sound pressure levels are typically used to account for the response of the human ear. The term “A-weighted” refers to a filtering of the noise signal in a manner corresponding to the way the human ear perceives sound. The A-weighted noise level has been found to correlate well with people’s judgments of the noisiness of different sounds and has been used for many years as a measure of community noise. Figure 2 illustrates typical A-weighted sound pressure levels for various noise sources.

Community noise levels usually change continuously during the day. The equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level (Leq) is normally used to describe community noise. The Leq is the equivalent steady-state A-weighted sound pressure level that would contain the same acoustical energy as the time-varying A-weighted sound pressure level during the same time interval. The maximum sound pressure level (Lmax) is the greatest instantaneous sound pressure level observed during a single noise measurement interval.

Another descriptor, the day-night average sound pressure level (Ldn or DNL), was developed to evaluate the total daily community noise environment. The Ldn is a 24-hour average sound pressure level with a 10-dB time-of-day weighting added to sound pressure levels that occur during the nine nighttime hours from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. This nighttime 10-dB adjustment is an effort to account for the increased sensitivity to nighttime noise events. The FTA uses Ldn and Leq to evaluate train noise impacts at the surrounding communities (US DOT 2006)1.

1 Hanson, Carl E., David A. Towers and Lance D. Meister. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. U.S. Department

of Transportation and Federal Transit Administration, 2006. FTA-VA-90-1003-06

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analysis 4

Figure 2: Typical A-Weighted Sound Levels

Source: Study Team 2016

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analyses 5

2.2 Vibration Descriptors Vibration is an oscillatory motion, which can be described in terms of displacement, velocity, or acceleration. Displacement, in the case of a vibrating floor, is simply the distance that a point on the floor moves away from its static position. The velocity represents the instantaneous speed of the floor movement, and acceleration is the rate of change of the speed. The response of humans, buildings, and equipment to vibration is normally described using velocity or acceleration. In this report, velocity will be used in describing ground-borne vibration. Vibration amplitudes are usually expressed as either peak particle velocity (PPV) or the root mean square (RMS) velocity. PPV is used to evaluate the potential for building damage. It is defined as the maximum instantaneous peak of the vibration signal. PPV is not considered the appropriate measurement for evaluating the human response to vibration as it is typically used for construction noise monitoring. RMS is used to evaluate human response, since it takes some time for the human body to respond to vibration signals. The RMS of a signal is the average of the squared amplitude of the signal. For sources such as trucks or motor vehicles, PPV levels are typically 6 to 14 dB higher than RMS levels. FTA uses the abbreviation “VdB” for vibration decibels to reduce the potential for confusion with sound decibel (USDOT, 2006).

Decibel notation acts to compress the range of numbers required in measuring vibration. Similar to the noise descriptors, Leq and Lmax can be used to describe the average vibration and the maximum vibration level observed during a single vibration measurement interval. Figure 3 illustrates common vibration sources and the human and structural responses to ground-borne vibration. As shown in Figure 3, the threshold of perception for human response is approximately 65 dB; however, human

Figure 3: Typical Vibration Levels

Source: USDOT, 2006

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analysis 6

response to vibration is not usually significant unless the level exceeds 70 dB. Vibration tolerance limits for sensitive instruments such as MRI or electron microscopes could be much lower than the human vibration perception threshold.

3.0 Noise and Vibration Impact Criteria

This section presents the guidelines, criteria, and regulations used to assess noise and vibration impacts associated with the proposed project.

3.1 Operation Noise Impact Criteria The speeds of the trains will be below 90 mph. Therefore, they are not considered high-speed trains and criteria and methodology described in FTA’s Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment (USDOT, 2006) manual are applicable for this evaluation. The noise impact criteria are based on comparison of the existing outdoor noise levels and the future outdoor noise levels. They incorporate both absolute criteria, which consider activity interference caused by the transportation project alone, and relative criteria, which consider annoyance due to the change in the noise environment caused by the transportation project. The FTA noise impact criteria are applicable to three categories of land use and are summarized in Table 1.

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Table 1: Land Use Categories and Metrics for Transit Noise Impact Criteria

Land Use Category

Noise Metric (dBA)

Description of Land Use Category

1 Outdoor Leq(h)* Tracts of land where quiet is an essential element in their intended purpose. This category includes lands set aside for serenity and quiet, and such land uses as outdoor amphitheaters and concert pavilions, as well as National Historic Landmarks with significant outdoor use. Also included are recording studios and concert halls.

2 Outdoor Ldn (DNL)

Residences and buildings where people normally sleep. This category includes homes, hospitals, and hotels where a nighttime sensitivity to noise is assumed to be of utmost importance.

3 Outdoor Leq(h)* Institutional land uses with primarily daytime and evening use. This category includes schools, libraries, and churches where it is important to avoid interference with such activities as speech, meditation, and concentration on reading material. Places for meditation or study associated with cemeteries, monuments and museums can also be considered to be in this category. Certain historical sites, parks, campgrounds and recreational facilities are also included.

Source: USDOT 2006

* Leq for the noisiest hour of rail-related activity during hours of noise sensitivity.

Ldn is used to characterize noise exposure for areas where people normally sleep, such as residential areas and hotels (Category 2). The maximum 1-hour Leq during the period that the facility is in use is used for other noise sensitive land uses such as National Historic Landmarks with significant outdoor use (Category 1) or schools (Category 3). There are two levels of impact included in the FTA criteria, as shown in Figure 4. The interpretation of these two levels of impact is summarized below:

• Severe Impact: Noise mitigation will normally be specified for severe impact areas unless there is no practical method of mitigating the noise.

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analysis 8

• Moderate Impact: In this range, other project-specific factors must be considered to determine the magnitude of the impact and the need for mitigation. These other factors can include the predicted increase over existing noise levels, the types and number of noise-sensitive land uses affected, existing outdoor-indoor sound insulation, and the cost-effectiveness of mitigating noise to more acceptable levels.

Source: USDOT, 2006

As can be seen in Figure 4, an impact determination is based on the exceedance of the moderate or severe impact criteria that accounts for both existing and project noise exposure. Although the curves in Figure 4 are defined in terms of the project noise exposure and the existing noise exposure, it is important to emphasize that the increase in the cumulative noise – when the project noise is added to existing noise – is the basis for the criteria. Figure 5 shows the noise impact criteria for Category 1 and 2 land uses in terms of cumulative noise exposure increase.

Figure 4: Noise Impact Criteria for Transit Projects

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analyses 9

Figure 5: Increase in Cumulative Noise Levels Allowed by Criteria

Source: USDOT, 2006

Figure 5 also shows that the criterion for impact allows a noise exposure increase of 10 dBA if the existing noise exposure is 42 dBA or less, but only a 1 dBA increase when the existing noise exposure is 70 dBA. As the existing level of ambient noise increases, the allowable level of project noise increases, but the total allowable increase in community noise exposure is reduced. As a result, project noise exposure levels that are less than the existing noise exposure can still cause an impact.

3.2 Operation Vibration Impact Criteria As mentioned previously, the FTA Manual (USDOT 2006) is applicable for FRA projects with conventional train speeds less than 90 mph. The evaluation of vibration impacts can be divided into two categories: (1) human annoyance, and (2) building damage.

Human Annoyance Criteria Table 2 presents the criteria for various land use categories, as well as the frequency of events. The criteria are related to ground-borne vibration/ground-borne noise causing human annoyance or interfering with the use of vibration sensitive equipment. The criteria for acceptable ground-borne vibration are expressed in terms of RMS velocity levels in VdB and are based on the maximum levels for a single event (Lmax).

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analysis 10

Table 2: Ground-Borne Vibration (GVB) and Ground-Borne Noise (GBN) Impact Criteria for General Assessment

Land Use Category

Ground-Borne Vibration Impact Levels (dB re 1 micro-inch/sec)

GBV Impact Levels (VdB re 1 μin/s) GBN Impact Levels (dB re 20 μPa)


Events Occasional2

Events Infrequent3

Events Frequent1

Events Occasional2

Events Infrequent3


Category 1: Buildings where vibration would interfere with interior operations.

65 VdB4 65 VdB4 65 VdB4 N/A5 N/A5 N/A5

Category 2: Residences and buildings where people normally sleep.

72 VdB 75 VdB 80 VdB 35 VdB 38 VdB 43 VdB

Category 3: Institutional land uses with primarily daytime use.

75 VdB 78 VdB 83 VdB 40 VdB 43 VdB 48 VdB

Source: USDOT, 2006.

Notes: 1. Frequent Events is defined as more than 70 vibration events of the same kind per day. 2. Occasional Events is defined as between 30 and 70 vibration events of the same kind per day. 3. Infrequent Events is defined as fewer than 30 vibration events of the same kind per day. 4. This criterion limit is based on levels that are acceptable for most moderately sensitive equipment such

as optical microscopes. Vibration-sensitive manufacturing or research will require detailed evaluation to define the acceptable vibration levels. Ensuring lower vibration levels in a building often requires special design of the HVAC systems and stiffened floors.

5. Vibration-sensitive equipment is not sensitive to ground-borne noise.

All of the sensitive sites within the study area fall under Land Use Category 2 or 3.

Building Damage Criteria Normally, vibration resulting from a train passby would not cause building damage. It is extremely rare for vibration from train operations to cause any sort of building damage, even minor cosmetic damage. However, there is sometimes concern about damage to fragile historic buildings located near the right-of-way. Vibrations generated by surface transportation are mainly in the form of surface or Raleigh waves. Studies have shown that the vertical component of transportation-generated vibrations is the strongest, and that peak particle velocity (PPV) correlates best with building

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damage. Even in these cases, damage is unlikely except when the track would be very close to the structure.

4.0 Existing Conditions

Sensitive sites within the study area consist of two places of worship (existing and planned sites associated with the Emmanuel Baptist Church), three parks (Riverfront, Waldman, and Martin Luther King Jr.), a multi-family/halfway house, and the Beaumont Public Library. While historically significant sites are treated as noise-sensitive depending on the land use activities, there are no NRHP-eligible historic sites within the APE that are considered noise sensitive.

Noise and vibration field measurements were conducted during the week of November 9th, 2015, at the locations shown in Figure 6.

4.1 Noise Measurements Noise measurements were conducted using ANSI Type 1 Larson Davis (LD) Model 824 environmental noise monitors. The microphones used were PCD-377B02. The instruments were calibrated and operated according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

The purpose of measuring existing noise levels is to determine the appropriate impact criteria based on the FTA noise impact guidelines. Two long-term measurements were taken November 9 – 11, 2015. Long-term measurement equipment was left overnight to record day-night levels (DNL). The noise measurement sites with results are listed in Table 3 and the locations of the measurement sites are shown on Figure 6. The measured values were used to estimate existing noise levels at all other sensitive sites along the alignment.

The existing noise environment is dominated by the existing rail noise, including horn blowing, with existing noise levels exceeding 70 dBA.

Table 3: Long Term Noise Measurement Sites (dBA)

Site Location/Site Description Date Start Time Duration Peak Leq


R3 Halfway House 875 Neches Street

11/9/15 3:00 PM 49 hours 70 75

R4 Ebenezer Baptist Church 675 College Street

11/9/15 1:20 PM 51 hours 84 90

Source: Study Team, 2015.

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Figure 6: Noise and Vibration Measurement Locations

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4.2 Vibration Measurements Vibration measurements were conducted using an EcoEARS Matrix 500 data logger and a PCB tri-axial accelerometer mounted on steel ground stake connected to Larson Davis HVM100. Vibration levels were measured on the vertical, transverse, and longitudinal axes. While vibrational motion can be generated in all dimensions (X, Y, Z), only the vertical “Z” component has typically been addressed for environmental studies because it usually contains more energy than the others. (This is because the ground surface is less constrained to motion in the vertical direction than in the longitudinal or lateral directions.)

A total of two vibration measurements were taken. The locations of the measurement sites with the background vibration measurements are listed in Table 4 and shown in Figure 6.

Please note that it is preferable that ambient vibration be characterized in terms of the root mean square (RMS) velocity level, in VdB, not the peak particle velocity (PPV). PPV is commonly used to monitor construction vibration. RMS velocity is considered more appropriate than PPV for describing human response to building vibration.

Table 4: Vibration Measurements

Site Location/Site Description Date Land Use

Max RMS Velocity Level


Background (VdB)

R3 Halfway House 875 Neches Street

11/9/15 RES 84 61

R4 Ebenezer Baptist Church 675 College Street

11/9/15 COM 103 75

Source: Study Team, 2015.

5.0 No Build Conditions

Under the No Build Alternative, the existing rail line and Neches River Bridge would continue to be used for rail service. Since it is already part of the existing noise and vibration environment, the No Build Alternative does not create any new impacts. Under the No Build Alternative, the noise environment would continue to be dominated by rail noise, including horn blowing. Existing noise levels exceeding 70 dBA would continue. According to the FTA Manual, “the criteria specify a comparison of future project noise with existing noise and not with projections of future ‘no build’ noise exposure (i.e. without the project)” USDOT, 2006.

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analysis 14

6.0 Operational Noise

Train noise impacts predicted for the Build Alternative were evaluated using the detailed noise assessment methodology in Chapter 6 of the FTA Manual (USDOT, 2006). Projected noise was calculated using a combination of formulas in the FTA manual (USDOT, 2006) and the CREATE Railroad Noise Model User Guide (Harris Miller Miller & Hanson, 2006). Hourly train operations were available for the existing condition. The current day/night split of operations was used to determine the hourly train volume for the Build Alternative. Table 5 identifies the assumptions used for the projected train operations.

Table 5: Projected Train Operations

Total Number Trains (Daily) 82

Trains Per Hour (Day) 3.4

Trains Per Hour (Night) 3.5

# Locomotives 2

# Rail Cars/Length 60 cars /4380 ft

Source: Study Team, 2016

In addition to calculating operational noise levels, horn blowing was incorporated into the projected noise levels for the at-grade rail crossings that are present under the Build Alternative at Neches Road. As a separate action, the City of Beaumont has committed to closing Pearl Street in the near term (with or without this project) to eliminate the use of train horns at this location. No construction is proposed at Neches Street -- the one remaining roadway-railroad grade crossing. The analysis also assumed that the track would consist of continuously welded rail and would be in generally good condition.

Projected noise levels under the Build Alternative for each site are shown in Table 6. A map showing the location of impacts is provided in Appendix A.

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analyses 15

Table 6: Project Noise Levels (dBA)

Source: Study Team, 2016

Note: 1. Category 2 sites use Ldn and Category 3 sites use Leq. Both are in dBA.

7.0 Operational Vibration

The FTA procedures provide a calculation method for predicting vibration levels for a generalized assessment, but recommend field measurements for detailed analyses.

Field measurements of train passbys were taken at two locations along the project corridor. The measured freight train values were compared to the generalized ground surface vibration curves presented in the FTA Manual (USDOT, 2006) as shown in Table 7. The vibration levels listed in the FTA manual are higher than the measured data. After reviewing the data, it was determined that the FTA generalized ground surface vibration curve for a typical freight train should be used for operation impact assessment to provide a conservative estimate of impacts. Since operations in the year 2035 exceed 70 events per day (total daily operations are expected to be 82 freight passbys), the criteria for frequent events will be used (previously presented in Table 2).




Background Level

(Leq or Ldn)

Distance to Track (Ft)

Moderate Impact Level

Severe Impact Level

Project Noise Impact

R1 Beaumont Public

Library (3) 70 468 70 75 66 None

R2 Planned Church

Site (3) 84 131 71 81 74 Moderate

R3 Multi-Family (2) 75 459 66 74 77 Severe

R4 Church (3) 84 81 71 81 75 Moderate

R5 Park (3) 84 63 71 81 72 Moderate

R6 Park (3) 70 298 70 75 68 None

R7 Park (3) 70 435 70 75 67 None

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analysis 16

Table 7: Comparison of Ground Vibration Impact Curves

Ground Vibration Estimation Techniques

Distance to Human Annoyance Vibration Impacts (in feet)

Residential Commercial

Measured Freight Train Passby 45 30

FTA Generalized Curve for Freight Trains 195 140

Source: Study Team, 2016

Based on the FTA generalized curve, annoyance vibration impacts (i.e., where vibration levels will be 72 VdB or higher) would occur at residences located 195 feet or closer to the track. For commercial and institutional uses, annoyance vibration impacts (i.e., where vibration levels will be 75 VdB or higher) would occur at structures located 140 feet or closer to the track. The annoyance impact criteria for residences and commercial/institutional property established by the FTA apply to vibrations inside building structures.

There are no residences or buildings where people normally sleep within 195 feet of the No Build or Build Alternative. Two institutional land use sites with primarily daytime use (Sites R2 and R4) are within 140 feet of the No Build or Build Alternative.

In extreme cases, vibration can cause damage to buildings; however, it is not a factor for normal transportation projects, with the occasional exception of blasting and pile-driving during construction. Damage to structure starts to occur around 95 to 100 VdB, as shown in Figure 3. In addition, based on measurements (Table 4), the background vibration levels (75 VdB at R4 – 30 feet from the track) do not come close to the criteria for building damage as shown in Table 8, even for the most sensitive buildings.

Table 8: Construction Vibration Damage Criteria

Building Category PPV (in.sec) Approximate Lv1

I. Reinforced-concrete steel or timber (no plaster) 0.5 102 II. Engineered concrete and masonry (no plaster) 0.3 98 III. Non-engineered timber and masonry buildings 0.2 94 IV. Buildings extremely susceptible to vibration damage 0.12 90

1RMS velocity in decibels (VdB) re 1 micro-inch/second Source: USDOT, 2006.

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analyses 17

8.0 Conclusion

Both noise and vibration impacts are projected for the proposed Build Alternative. The rail noise criteria is divided into moderate impact and severe impact categories.

Based on FTA criteria, the proposed Build Alternative is predicted to have one severe noise impact for Category 2 sites (residences, hospitals, hotels, etc.), and; three moderate impacts for Category 3 sites (schools, libraries, churches, etc.) as shown in Appendix A.

Vibration impacts are projected for the proposed Build Alternative. Vibration effects would be noticeable but are not anticipated to result in property damage. Unlike the rail noise criteria with its differentiation of moderate impact and severe impact, there is only an impact condition for the FTA vibration criteria; therefore, all project vibration impacts are considered to be of the same level.

Based on FTA vibration criteria, the proposed Build Alternative potentially results in vibration impacts at two Category 3 sites. Vibration annoyance from the existing freight trains occurs within 195 feet or less for residential sites and 140 feet for commercial sites.

9.0 Construction Related Noise Impacts

The predominant construction activities associated with this project are expected to be earth removal, hauling, grading, and paving. Temporary and localized construction noise impacts may occur as a result of these activities. Table 9 illustrates the noise levels associated with various construction activities.

During daytime hours, the effects of these impacts may be temporary speech interference for passers-by and those individuals living, working, or attending school near the project. During evening and nighttime hours, if applicable, steady-state construction noise emissions such as paving operations may be audible, and may cause impacts to activities such as sleep. Sporadic evening and nighttime construction equipment noise emissions such as from backup alarms, lift gate closures (slamming of dump truck gates), etc., may be perceived as distinctly louder than the steady-state acoustic environment, and may cause severe impacts to the general peace and usage of noise-sensitive areas. Extremely loud construction noise activities such as usage of pile-drivers and impact-hammers (jack hammer, hoe-ram) will provide sporadic and temporary construction noise impacts in the near vicinity of those activities. It is suggested that construction activities that will produce extremely loud noises be scheduled during times of the day when such noises will create as minimal disturbance as possible.

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Table 9: Construction Equipment Typical Noise Level Emissions

Equipment Typical Noise Level (dBA)

50 ft from Source

Air Compressor 81 Backhoe 80 Ballast Equalizer 82 Ballast Tamper 83 Compactor 82 Concrete Mixer 85 Concrete Pump 82 Concrete Vibrator 76 Crane, Derrick 88 Crane, Mobile 83 Dozer 85 Generator 81 Grader 85 Impact Wrench 85 Jack Hammer 88 Loader 85 Paver 89 Pile-driver (Impact) 101 Pile-driver (Sonic) 96 Pneumatic Tool 85 Pump 76 Rail Saw 90 Rock Drill 98 Roller 74

Source: USDOT, 2006

Construction noise impact level prediction (Table 10) can be assessed in a general capacity with respect to distance from known or likely construction activities.

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Table 10. Construction Noise Impact Levels

Land Use One-Hour Leq (dBA)

Day Night

Residential 90 80

Commercial 100 100

Industrial 100 100

Source: USDOT, 2006

Using the general methodology outlined in the FTA Manual, and assuming the two loudest pieces of equipment are operating at the point of the track nearest to the sensitive receptor, and the distance to the nearest commercial site (R4), no construction noise impacts are projected for any commercial sites. Based on the distance to the nearest residential receptor (R3) and the two loudest pieces of equipment, a construction noise impact is projected for nighttime construction activity only. However, these would be short term impacts and could be avoided by restricting construction activities to daytime hours only.

10.0 Construction Related Vibration Impacts

Two types of construction vibration impact were analyzed: (1) human annoyance and (2) building damage. Human annoyance occurs when construction vibration rises significantly above the threshold of human perception for extended periods of time. Building damage can be cosmetic or structural. Fragile buildings such as historical structures are generally more susceptible to damage from ground vibration. Normal buildings that are not particularly fragile would not experience any cosmetic damage (e.g., plaster cracks) at distances beyond 30 feet based on typical construction equipment vibration levels. This distance can vary substantially depending on the soil composition and underground geological layer between vibration source and receiver. In addition, not all buildings respond similarly to vibration generated by construction equipment. Vibration levels produced by construction equipment were obtained from the FTA Manual (USDOT, 2006). Based on the typical vibration levels listed in Table 9, calculations were performed to determine the distances at which vibration impacts would occur according to the criteria discussed in Section 3.2.

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Table 11: Vibration Source Levels for Construction Equipment

Equipment (projected use) PPV1 at 25 feet (in/sec) Approximate Velocity Level2

at 25 ft (VdB)

Large bulldozer 0.089 87

Loaded trucks 0.076 86

Vibratory compactor/roller 0.210 94

Source: USDOT, 2006. Notes:

1. Peak particle ground velocity measured at 25 feet unless noted otherwise. 2. RMS ground velocity in decibels (VdB) referenced to 1 micro-inch/second.

Table 12: Construction Equipment Vibration Impact Distances

Equipment Distance to Vibration Annoyance Impact1


Distance to Vibration Building Damage2


Large bulldozer 43 15

Loaded trucks 40 13

Vibratory compactor/roller 73 26

Source: Study Team, 2016

Notes: 1. This is the distance at which the RMS velocity level is 80 VdB or less at the inside of the building

structure. When propagating from the ground surface to the building structure foundation, there is a vibratory coupling loss of approximately 5 dB; however, this loss is offset by the building amplification in light-frame construction. Thus, no additional adjustments are applied.

2. This is the distance at which the peak particle velocity is 0.20 inch/sec or less.

The distances shown in Table 12 are the maximum distances at which short-term construction vibration impacts may occur. It is assumed that the equipment listed would be used on the point of the track nearest any sensitive sites. The nearest vibration sensitive receptor is approximately 80 feet from the track; therefore, no building damage or vibration annoyance impacts would be anticipated under the Build Alternative.

11.0 Mitigation

This section discusses the possible mitigation measures that can be implemented to either reduce or mitigate the impacts generated by the construction and operation of the proposed project.

11.1 Mitigation During Construction

At this time, it is recommended that low-cost and easily implemented construction noise and vibration control measures should be incorporated into the project plans and specifications.

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These measures include, but are not limited to, work-hour limits, exhaust muffler requirements, haul-road locations, elimination of tail gate banging, ambient-sensitive backup alarms, construction noise complaint mechanisms, and consistent and transparent community communication.

Noise and vibration impacts caused by construction activities are temporary. However, standard construction mitigation measures may be required to minimize these impacts. Construction activities conducted during daytime hours will have a lesser impact than nighttime construction. However, there may be locations where nighttime construction would be unobtrusive, such as commercial areas where the land use is unoccupied during nighttime hours, or industrial areas that are generally not sensitive to noise and vibration. Nighttime construction may be necessary to avoid unacceptable disruptions to current rail operations or street traffic during daytime hours. Once details of the construction activities become available, the contractor would need to work with local authorities to develop an acceptable approach to minimize interference with the business and residential communities, traffic disruptions, and the total duration of the construction.

There are a number of measures that can be taken to minimize intrusion without placing unreasonable constraints on the construction process or substantially increasing costs. These include noise and vibration monitoring to ensure that contractors take all reasonable steps to minimize impacts when near sensitive areas; noise testing and inspection of equipment to ensure that all equipment on the site is in good condition and effectively muffled; and an active community liaison program. The community liaison program should keep residents informed about construction plans so they can plan around periods of particularly high noise or vibration levels and should provide a conduit for residents to express any concerns or complaints.

The following are possible control measures that can be implemented in order to minimize noise and vibration disturbances at sensitive areas during construction:

• Use newer equipment with improved noise muffling and ensure that all equipment items have the manufacturers’ recommended noise abatement measures, such as mufflers, engine covers, and engine vibration isolators intact and operational. Newer equipment will generally be quieter in operation than older equipment. All construction equipment should be inspected at periodic intervals to ensure proper maintenance and presence of noise control devices (e.g., mufflers and shrouding, etc.).

• Perform all construction in a manner to minimize noise and vibration. Utilize construction methods or equipment that will provide the lowest level of noise and ground vibration impact, e.g., avoid impact pile driving near residences and consider alternative methods that are also suitable for the soil condition. The contractor

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analysis 22

should be required to select construction processes and techniques that create the lowest noise levels near sensitive receptors.

• Perform independent noise and vibration monitoring to demonstrate compliance with the noise limits, especially in particularly sensitive areas. Require contractors to modify and/or reschedule their construction activities if monitoring determines that maximum limits are exceeded at residential land uses.

• Conduct truck loading, unloading and hauling operations so that noise and vibration are kept to a minimum by carefully selecting routes to avoid going through residential neighborhoods to the greatest extent possible.

• Construction lay-down or staging areas should be selected in industrially zoned districts. If industrially zoned areas are not available, commercially zoned areas may be used, or locations that are at least 100 feet from any noise sensitive land use such as residences, hotels and motels. Ingress and egress to and from the staging areas should be on collector streets or greater (higher street designations are preferred).

• Turn off idling equipment.

• Minimize construction activities during evening, nighttime, weekend, and holiday periods. Permits may be required in some cities before construction can be performed in noise sensitive areas between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

• The construction contractor should be required by contract specification to comply with all local noise and vibration ordinances and obtain all necessary permits and variances.

It is expected that ground-borne vibration from construction activities would cause only intermittent localized intrusion along the rail corridor. Processes such as earth moving with bulldozers, the use of vibratory compaction rollers, and the operation of vibratory pile drivers can create annoying vibration. There are cases where it may be necessary to use this type of equipment in close proximity to residential buildings. Following are some procedures that can be used to minimize the potential for annoyance or damage from construction vibration.

• When possible, limit the use of construction equipment that creates high vibration levels, such as vibratory rollers and hammers, operating within 130 feet of building structures.

• Require vibration monitoring during vibration-intensive activities.

• Restrict the hours of vibration-intensive equipment or activities such as vibratory rollers so that impacts to residents are minimal (e.g., weekdays during daytime hours only when as many residents as possible are away from home).

A combination of the mitigation techniques for equipment noise and vibration control as well as administrative measures, when properly implemented, can be selected to provide the most

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analyses 23

effective means to minimize the effects of construction activity impacts. Application of the mitigation measures will reduce the construction impacts; however, temporary increases in noise and vibration would likely occur at some locations.

11.2 Mitigation During Operation

11.2.1 Train Noise Mitigation At this time, recommended mitigation for noise impacts to Site R2, R3, and R4 would consist of providing sound insulation for the buildings. Effective treatments include caulking and sealing gaps in the building façade, and installation of new doors and windows that are specially designed to meet acoustical transmission-loss requirements. Reasonableness of these noise mitigation measures would be addressed during final design.

At this time, mitigation for noise impacts to Site R5 is not practicable or feasible. It is not practicable to recommend treatments at the source (i.e., the trains). In addition, since this site is the Riverfront Park, sound insulation is not possible. A barrier is not feasible because the optimal location for the barrier would be along the tracks and a barrier in this location would create utility conflicts and safety concerns. In addition, to fully protect the park from the rail noise, part of the barrier would need to be built along an existing culvert (adjacent to the City Hall) and on the new approach structure for the Neches River Bridge. Therefore, no mitigation is proposed for Site R5.

During the final design phase of the project, FTA requires a more detailed noise analysis. This analysis should use any updated information on estimated freight operations.

The dominant noise source in the study area is horn blowing from the grade crossings. The FRA requires the use of locomotive horns at all grade crossings2. An exception may be granted with the establishment of a ‘quiet zone’ where supplemental safety measures (SSM’s) are used in place of the locomotive horn to provide an equivalent level of safety at grade crossings.

However, it anticipated that it will not practicable to convert Neches Street into a quiet zone due to the anticipated cost. Noise barriers would not be a viable mitigation option because any noise barriers would need to break the line of sight from the horns, which are typically mounted on top of the locomotive cab, a height in excess of 10 feet. In addition, there would need to be a gap in the barrier in order to allow for continued access on Neches Street. Therefore mitigation for noise impacts at sites R2, R3, and R4 might consist of providing sound insulation for the buildings. Effective treatments include caulking and sealing gaps in the building façade, and installation of new doors and windows that are specially designed to meet acoustical transmission-loss requirements. More detail on this mitigation measure is provided below:

2 FRA Train Horn Rule: https://www.fra.dot.gov/Page/P0105

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analysis 24

• Building Insulation – In cases where rights-of-way are restricted, the only practical noise mitigation measure may be to provide sound insulation for the building. The most effective treatments are to caulk and seal gaps in the building and to install windows that are specially designed to meet acoustical transmission-loss requirements.

R5 is predicted to be impacted with a noise level of 72 dBA. This impact is due to the proximity to the rail. It is not considered practical to recommend treatments at the source (i.e., the trains) such as wheel treatments (described below) for mitigation for all trains traveling the corridor.

• Resilient wheels serve to reduce rolling noise, but only slightly. A typical reduction is 2 decibels on tangent track. This treatment is more effective in eliminating wheel squeal on tight turns; reductions of 10 to 20 decibels for high-frequency squeal noise are typical. The costs for resilient wheels are approximately $3000 per wheel, in comparison to about $700 for standard steel wheels.

• Damped wheels, like resilient wheels, serve to reduce rolling noise, but only slightly. A typical reduction is 2 decibels on tangent track. This treatment involves attaching vibration absorbers to standard steel wheels. Damping is effective in eliminating wheel squeal on tight turns; reductions of 5 to 15 decibels for high-frequency squeal noise are typical. The costs for damped wheels add approximately $500 to $1000 to the normal $700 for each steel wheel.

In addition, since R5 is the Riverfront Park, sound insulation is not possible. Although a barrier would be the recommended mitigation measure for R5, a barrier is not considered to be feasible. The optimal location for the barrier would be along the tracks. A barrier in this location would create utility conflicts as well as safety concerns. In addition, to fully protect the park from the rail noise, part of the barrier would need to be built along the existing culvert (adjacent to the City Hall) and on the new approach structure for the Neches River Bridge. Therefore no mitigation is anticipated to be feasible for this location.

11.2.2 Train Vibration Mitigation At this time, the recommended mitigation for vibration impacts at Sites R2 and R4 would be regular rail grinding through maintenance. Wheel and rail surfaces that are degraded over time due to wear generate vibration levels that are significantly higher than those produced by a well-maintained system. Up to 20 VdB of vibration reduction can be gained when comparing new or well-maintained rail systems to older systems showing wear.

During the final design phase of the project, a more detailed vibration analysis would be required to determine:

• The soil characteristics and the efficiency at which the vibration propagates through the ground at various locations along the alignment,

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analyses 25

• The most appropriate method of vibration mitigation, and

• The extent where mitigation would be required at specific locations.

In order to ensure that vibration is reduced to an acceptable level, FTA has established that the following mitigation measures should be considered and applied according to the results of the final design study:

• Maintenance – Wheel and rail surfaces that are degraded over time due to wear generate vibration levels that are significantly higher than those produced by a well-maintained system. However, these conditions are not uncommon on rail systems. Up to 20 VdB of vibration reduction can be gained when comparing new or well-maintained rail systems to older systems showing wear. The following measures would help to minimize vibration impacts if done regularly:

1. Rail grinding on a regular basis, especially on rails that tend to develop corrugations.

2. Wheel truing to re-contour the wheel and remove wheel flats. This can result in a dramatic vibration reduction. However, significant improvements can be gained from simply smoothing the running surface. Install wheel-flat detector systems to identify vehicles that are most in need of wheel truing.

3. Implement vehicle reconditioning programs, particularly with components such as suspension systems, brakes, wheels, and slip-slide detectors.

• Relocation of Special Trackwork – Crossovers, turnouts, and other special trackwork that cause an irregular rail surface should be considered for relocation to less vibration sensitive areas when feasible. The use of special “spring-loaded rail frogs” should be considered at turnouts and crossovers that cannot be relocated away from residential and commercial structures. The special frogs incorporate mechanisms that close the gaps between running rails. Frogs with spring-loaded mechanisms and frogs with movable points can significantly reduce vibration levels near crossovers.

• Ballast Mats – Ballast mats are rubber or another type of elastomer pads that are placed under the ballast. The mat must be placed on a concrete pad to be effective. They will not be effective if placed on the soil or the sub-ballast. Ballast mats can provide up to 10 to 15 VdB of reduction at frequencies above 35 to 40 hertz, but are generally ineffective at frequencies below 35 hertz.

• Resiliently Supported Ties – This is a system that consists of concrete ties supported by rubber pads. The rails are fastened directly to concrete ties using standard rail clips. This measure can provide a 10 VdB reduction at frequencies in the 15 to 40 hertz range.

• High Resilience Fasteners – These are used in conjunction with a concrete slab base. The fastener must be very compliant (resilient) in the vertical direction. If standard resilient fasteners are used (vertical stiffness of 200,000-lbs/inch; stiffness refers to

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analysis 26

the compressibility of the resilient material), little or no improvement in the vibration level would be achieved. Special soft fasteners with a vertical stiffness in the 30,000-lbs/inch range would reduce vibration levels as much as 5 to 10 VdB at frequencies above 30 to 40 Hz.

• Floating Slab Trackbed – This type of trackbed consists of a concrete base with 5-foot long floating concrete slabs supported above the base using resilient isolation elements such as rubber or similar elastomeric pads. The effectiveness of this method depends on the resonant frequency of the resilient pads and the mass of the concrete slab. These have been shown to be very effective at frequencies in the 5 to 20 hertz range. However, this method is very expensive and would normally be considered only in areas where irregular surfaces exist.

12.0 Encroachments

Indirect impacts are reasonably foreseeable and occur as a result of an action, but occur later in time or are removed from the action location. This section discusses potential encroachment alteration impacts related to noise.

The purpose of the proposed project is to improve rail operations through the Beaumont area by providing a second rail crossing of the Neches River. Improved rail operations would focus on maintaining existing rail mobility and continuity while providing new rail capacity to accommodate growth. Improved rail operations would increase overall freight and passenger rail capacity and efficiency and reduce rail and vehicular congestion by addressing vehicular mobility at railroad-highway grade crossings. As such, this project is not expected to result in any indirect or encroachment impacts. Any increase in daily rail volumes would contribute to the noise environment; however, in order to achieve a 3 dB increase in noise, the volume of trains would need to double. A 10 dB increase is typically judged to be twice as loud.

13.0 References

Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) Rail Division. 2013. Neches River Bridge Feasibility Study. Final Report. June 2013.

US. Federal Transit Administration. Office of Planning and Environment. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. By Carl E. Hanson, David A. Towers, and Lance D. Meister. FTA-VA-90-1003-06. Print.

US. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Railroad Policy and Development. High-Speed Ground Transportation Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. By Carl E. Hanson, Jason C. Ross, and David A. Towers. DOT/FRA/ORD-12/15. Print.

Neches River Bridge Study Noise and Vibration Analyses 27










Port of Beaumont




























































Exhibit 1a Neches River Bridge Crossing±

J e f f e r s o nJ e f f e r s o n

O r a n g eO r a n g eH a r d i nH a r d i n

Jefferson and Orange CountiesCSJ: 7220-01-001


0 400 800200

FeetSources: Jefferson County Appraisal District, 2015; Orange County Appraisal District, 2015

CIA Study Area Project Centerline

Noise Receivers!( No Impact!( Moderate!<( Moderate Noise Impact/Vibration Impact!( Severe Noise Impact

!? GradeCrossingLand Use


Industrial- Marsh LandParkPort of BeaumontRailroadResidential- MFVacant


Exhibit 1b Neches River Bridge Crossing±

J e f f e r s o nJ e f f e r s o n

O r a n g eO r a n g eH a r d i nH a r d i n

Jefferson and Orange CountiesCSJ: 7220-01-001


0 400 800200

FeetSources: Jefferson County Appraisal District, 2015; Orange County Appraisal District, 2015

CIA Study Area Project Centerline

Noise Receivers!( No Impact!( Moderate!<( Moderate Noise Impact/Vibration Impact!( Severe Noise Impact

!? GradeCrossingLand Use


Industrial- Marsh LandParkPort of BeaumontRailroadResidential- MFVacant
