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Nomophobia Night Journal

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Journal for the assignment
JOURNAL 2015/2016 NOMOPHOBIA NIGHT A Journal by Ahmad Zakiy Mohsin THINKING SKILLS 819
Page 1: Nomophobia Night Journal

JOURNAL 2015/2016


A Journal by Ahmad Zakiy Mohsin


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ENTRY #1 25 JULY 2015

Today was my second day of classes in

CFS IIUM and also my first class for Thinking

Skills subject. I was told that my lecturers

name is Sir Jefri. I only know 1 person from

my class. Azhad. The rest are girls I haven’t

got the chance to know yet. I was told that

there would be another guy called Yusran

earlier today, but he is not around for this


So today, in Thinking Skills, they had

done a presentation. I felt out of place. I know

nothing about the subject and apparently

they had already started on a project. So a

project is required by the syllabus to be done

by our class and marks would be given to us

as part of our final examination marks.

I asked Azhad about the project. He

told me that we are still at the proposal phase. Last week they

had done a presentation as well on other topics to be proposed

as the concept of our project. It had been rejected and they had

thought of another one. Nomophobia; that was the topic for today’s presentation.

Today was the first time I heard of that term. It means fear of no mobile

phones. They had explained in the presentation that it is a problem of the new gener-

ation. Each time the teenagers lost their phones, they get anxious. They also feel

anxious and panic each time their phone battery dies. I personally thought that it was

an interesting topic to be chosen for our project.

However, I kept silent the whole time due to the fact that I knew almost no-

body in our class. I hope I can get to know them better faster so that I can participate

better in this project.


Selfie during one of the meetings.

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As a follow up to our Nomophobia Night, today is the portfolio day. We were required

to set up a booth, and our project would be evaluated by a couple of lecturers. The

portfolio day went on from morning until 4pm. We had been divided into groups and

had been given shifts to be at the booth to present whenever the lecturers came. My

shifts are from 10am-11am, and also at 3pm-4pm.

Somehow, the first lecturer came during my morning shift and the second lec-

turer came during my evening shift. So both lecturers ended up having the same pre-

senters. The first lecturer was Sir Ahmad El Muhammady. He is a really nice person.

He liked our presentations alhamdulillah. After the presentation, our group had a lit-

tle chat with him. He told us that he’s a political scientist and earlier this year he had

gone to the White House under the invitation of Obama himself.

After that, I went to class while my friends took care of the booth. I had to rush

a bit because today, I also have a presentation for my Islam and Other Religions sub-

ject. I had to present about deviant teachings in Islam with my group. My part was

more on Ayah Pin. Alhamdulillah, after the presentation, Madam Ariyanti had con-

gratulated us for making a very good ending to our final class for the subject. And Al-

hamdulillah, she also had given us full marks for our presentation.

Immediately after the class, I had rushed back to the booth again for my

evening shift. This time, Amirah came together with my group. The next lecturer was

Sir Nazriq. He too is a very nice person. He too enjoyed our presentation. Alhamdulil-

lah for that. And that’s the end for our Nomophobia project. Overall, it was a really

nice experience with all the sweet and bitter moments. 😁



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ENTRY #3 25 JULY 2015

So we have decided on choosing Nomophobia as our topic for Thinking Skills project.

Izdihar and Iman will lead us. Tonight we had a meeting to plan on what will our

project be in terms of its objectives and what kind of program should we do.

At first, we had a few problems determining the objective of our project. It was

because we was not sure of our own capabilities. Some of us suggested that we

make “solving nomophobia” as our objective. I disagreed. This is because, to me,

Nomophobia can not be cured in a short period of time. We were only given around

10 weeks to do the project. It is unrealistic to do so. So I suggested that instead of

solving Nomophobia, we should give awareness to the CFS students on the dangers

of Nomophobia.

I also reminded my fellow team mates that we should focus on something that

we could handle and not be too ambitious because some of us were planning on

making a grand program that includes talks by renowned people. I think that being

ambitious without being realistic is a waste of time. If they want to call the profes-

sionals, it would require us to have a really big budget that in reality, we don’t have.

We should focus more on practicing our thinking skills instead of making our program

fun. Some of my friends had the same thought with me and they too agree that we

should make the program simple yet can be managed smoothly to achieve our objec-


So in the end, we had decided that we should do a program full of games and

activities that we could manage by ourselves instead of talks that would require us to

call people from outside. It will attract more people to come to our program because

we agreed that most of the CFS students are more interested in games instead of


Finally, we had been divided into groups by Izdihar and had been given tasks

for us to do. I was appointed as the registration committee with Mastura and also as

the cameraman for program night together with Ainan. Izdihar had reminded us that

we will have another follow up meeting in the upcoming week to update on our

progress. I am looking forward for that meeting.


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ENTRY #3 21 AUGUST 2015

After a lot of discussions,

Mastura and I had decided

that we would sell tickets

before the Nomophobia

Night itself. And thanks to

the Special Tasks Commit-

tee, we got to set up our

booth. And today is the


Last night, those

from the promotion com-

mittee had made some

posters for us to hang at the booth. It is so beautiful. Actually, we were supposed to

set up our booth yesterday but unfortunately, the table that the CFS management

had given us

was broken. So we had to start today. Earlier, we had appointed shifts to our class-

mates to be at the booth promoting and selling tickets to CFS students.

So this morning, it was Kamilia, Aliyaa and my turn to manage the booth. Un-

fortunately, we did not get much people to register in the morning. However, when it

was time for my second shift in the afternoon, we had done some improvisations.

We printed flyers and also redecorated our booth to make it look far more in-

teresting. We went to the hallways around CFS and had given flyers to the students

who walk around. Some of my classmates were very good in promoting the program.

On top of that, we had shared promotions through Whatsapp Messenger and it had

gone viral around the CFS students. Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah by 6pm, more

than half of the expected participants had already registered. InsyaAllah by Monday

we will reach our targetted number of participants.


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ENTRY #4 25 AUGUST 2015

11AMToday’s the day! Alhamdulillah we managed to pass our targetted number.

Praise Allah for that. I have only one class this morning therefore I have more time to

prepare for tonight. After lunch insyaAllah I am going to help them make the

nametags. I am really excited for tonight!

12PMAlhamdulillah, the program is finally over! It had started with us preparing the

AMF hall for the program at 5pm. We had arranged the chairs and had set up the au-

dio system. Then Izdihar gave us a bit of briefing so that everyone is again, sure of

the program tentative and details. Then we went of for Maghrib prayer.

After Maghrib prayer Mastura and I immediately went to the registration booth

that we had set up in front of the hall’s entrance. By 8pm, as stated in the flyers we

gave, the participants had already came. The participants came to our booth, show-

ing their tickets, and had been given a piece of paper. By 8.45pm, all the participants

had already came and the program started.

Alhamdulillah the program went smoothly as we planned except that we had

to regroup the participants into new groups. The participants enjoyed the activities

we did like charades, math game and puzzles. While all these are going on, I play my

part as the photographer. I am also required to do a video on the people who are

caught on their phones during the program, to be shown at the end of the program it-

self. It was a challenge for me. But alhamdulillah, I managed to get it done.


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ENTRY #4 25 AUGUST 2015After that, all of us had a photography session together. Then all of us shared

the left-over food that we did not manage to sell. I really enjoyed the pizza! Tonight

really is a memorable night!

p/s: All the photos I took is lost due to copying error 😭

