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Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons

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  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons




    Lesson 1Lesson 1

  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    Bell ActivityBell Activity

    What is a non-communicableWhat is a non-communicable


    A. A disease that you dont talk about.A. A disease that you dont talk about. B. A disease that attacks your socialB. A disease that attacks your social


    C. A disease that cant be passedC. A disease that cant be passed


    D. A disease that can be passed around.D. A disease that can be passed around.

  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    Health Goal # 28Health Goal # 28

    !ill be in"ormed about my !ill be in"ormed about my


  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    What is it??What is it??

    A non-communicable disease,A non-communicable disease,

    o NCD, is a medical conditiono NCD, is a medical condition

    oo diseasedisease!hich is!hich isnon-in"ectiousnon-in"ectious

  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    About NCDsAbout NCDs

    NCDs ae diseases o" lon$NCDs ae diseases o" lon$

    duation and $eneally slo!duation and $eneally slo!

    %o$ession%o$ession &hey include'&hey include' heat diseaseheat disease,,

    sto(esto(e,, cancecance,, asthmaasthma,, diabetesdiabetes,,

    chonic (idney diseasechonic (idney disease,,

    osteo%oosisosteo%oosis,, Al)heime*s diseaseAl)heime*s disease

    ,, cataactscataacts, and moe, and moe

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  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    Death "om NCDDeath "om NCD

    ut o" the 3 million %eo%le !hout o" the 3 million %eo%le !ho

    died "om NCDs in 2003, hal" !eedied "om NCDs in 2003, hal" !ee

    unde a$e 40 and hal" !eeunde a$e 40 and hal" !ee!omen!omen

    5is( "actos5is( "actossuch as a %eson*ssuch as a %eson*s

    bac($ound, li"estyle andbac($ound, li"estyle and

    envionment ae (no!n toenvionment ae (no!n toincease the li(elihood o" cetainincease the li(elihood o" cetain


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    Death "om NCDDeath "om NCD

    6vey yea, at least 3 million6vey yea, at least 3 million

    %eo%le die because o" tobacco%eo%le die because o" tobacco

    use and about 28 million dieuse and about 28 million die"om bein$ ove!ei$ht"om bein$ ove!ei$ht

    Hi$h cholesteol accounts "oHi$h cholesteol accounts "o

    ou$hly 2/ million deaths andou$hly 2/ million deaths and43 million die because o"43 million die because o"

    hi$h blood %essuehi$h blood %essue

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    5is( 7actos5is( 7actos

    5is( "actos5is( "actossuch as a %eson*ssuch as a %eson*sbac($ound, li"estyle and envionmentbac($ound, li"estyle and envionmentae (no!n to incease the li(elihood o"ae (no!n to incease the li(elihood o"

    cetain non-communicable diseasescetain non-communicable diseases &hey include' a$e, se,&hey include' a$e, se, $enetics$enetics,,

    e%osue toe%osue to ai %ollutionai %ollution, and, andbehavios such asbehavios such as smo(in$smo(in$,,unhealthy dietunhealthy dietandand %hysical inactivity%hysical inactivity

    !hich can lead to!hich can lead to hy%etensionhy%etensionandandobesityobesity, in tun leadin$ to inceased, in tun leadin$ to inceasedis( o" many NCDsis( o" many NCDs

  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    Ae they %eventable?Ae they %eventable?

    9ost NCDs ae consideed9ost NCDs ae consideed

    %eventable because they ae%eventable because they ae

    caused by modi:able is(caused by modi:able is("actos"actos

    What does ;modi:able

  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    7ive =m%otant 5is(7ive =m%otant 5is(

    7actos7actos &he WH*s&he WH*s

    World Health Report 2002World Health Report 2002

    identi:ed :ve im%otant is(identi:ed :ve im%otant is("actos "o non-communicable"actos "o non-communicable

    disease in the to% ten leadin$disease in the to% ten leadin$

    is(s to health &hese aeis(s to health &hese ae aisedaised

    blood %essue, aisedblood %essue, aisedcholesteolcholesteol, tobacco use, alcohol, tobacco use, alcohol

    consum%tion, and ove!ei$htconsum%tion, and ove!ei$ht

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    6liminate the 5is(6liminate the 5is(

    7actos7actos =t has been estimated that i"=t has been estimated that i"

    the %imay is( "actos !eethe %imay is( "actos !ee

    eliminated, 801 o" the caseseliminated, 801 o" the caseso" heat disease, sto(e ando" heat disease, sto(e and

    ty%e 2 diabetesty%e 2 diabetesand >01 o"and >01 o"

    cances could be %eventedcances could be %evented

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    =nteventions ta$etin$ the main=nteventions ta$etin$ the main

    is( "actos could have ais( "actos could have a

    si$ni:cant im%act on educin$si$ni:cant im%act on educin$the buden o" disease !old!idethe buden o" disease !old!ide

    6ots "ocused on bette diet6ots "ocused on bette diet

    and inceased %hysical activityand inceased %hysical activity

    have been sho!n to contol thehave been sho!n to contol the

    %evalence o" NCDs%evalence o" NCDs

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    DiseasesDiseases- NCDs include manyNCDs include many

    envionmental diseasesenvionmental diseases, covein$ a, covein$ a

    boad cate$oy o" avoidable andboad cate$oy o" avoidable and

    unavoidableunavoidable human healthhuman healthconditionsconditions

    caused by etenal "actos, such ascaused by etenal "actos, such as

    sunli$ht, "ood, %ollution, and li"estylesunli$ht, "ood, %ollution, and li"estyle


    - &he&he diseases o" a@uencediseases o" a@uenceae non-ae non-

    in"ectious diseases !ithin"ectious diseases !ith

    envionmental causesenvionmental causes

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    6am%les o"6am%les o"

    6nvionmental6nvionmentalDiseasesDiseases 6am%les include'6am%les include' - 9any ty%es o"- 9any ty%es o" cadiovascula diseasecadiovascula disease


    -- Chonic obstuctive %ulmonay diseaseChonic obstuctive %ulmonay disease CD. caused by smo(in$ tobaccoCD. caused by smo(in$ tobacco -- Diabetes mellitus ty%e 2Diabetes mellitus ty%e 2 -- o!e bac( %aino!e bac( %aincaused by too littlecaused by too little


    -- 9alnutition9alnutitioncaused by too little "ood, ocaused by too little "ood, oeatin$ the !on$ (inds o" "ood e$eatin$ the !on$ (inds o" "ood e$ scuvyscuvy"om lac( o""om lac( o" itamin Citamin C..

    -- (in cance(in cancecaused by adiation "om thecaused by adiation "om thesunsun

  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    =nheited Diseases=nheited Diseases

    Genetic disodesGenetic disodesae caused byae caused by

    eos in $enetic in"omation thateos in $enetic in"omation that

    %oduce diseases in the aected%oduce diseases in the aected%eo%le &hese eos may include'%eo%le &hese eos may include' A chan$e in the chomosome numbes,A chan$e in the chomosome numbes,

    such assuch as Do!n syndomeDo!n syndome

    A de"ect in a sin$le $ene caused byA de"ect in a sin$le $ene caused bymutationmutation

    A eaan$ement o" $eneticA eaan$ement o" $enetic


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    =nheited Diseases=nheited Diseases

    ContEdContEd Cystic :bosisCystic :bosisis an eam%le o" anis an eam%le o" an

    inheited disease that is caused by ainheited disease that is caused by amutationmutationon a $eneon a $ene

    &he "aulty $ene im%ais the nomal&he "aulty $ene im%ais the nomalmovement o"movement o" sodium chloidesodium chloidein and outin and outo" cells, !hich causes the mucus-o" cells, !hich causes the mucus-secetin$ o$ans to %oduce abnomallysecetin$ o$ans to %oduce abnomallythic( mucusthic( mucus

    &he $ene is&he $ene is ecessiveecessive, meanin$ that a, meanin$ that a%eson must have t!o co%ies o" the "aulty%eson must have t!o co%ies o" the "aulty$ene "o them to develo% the disease$ene "o them to develo% the disease

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    Cystic 7ibosis ContEdCystic 7ibosis ContEd

    Cystic :bosis aects the es%iatoy,Cystic :bosis aects the es%iatoy,

    di$estive and e%oductive systems,di$estive and e%oductive systems,

    as !ell as the s!eat $landsas !ell as the s!eat $lands

    &he mucus seceted is vey thic( and&he mucus seceted is vey thic( and

    bloc(s %assa$e!ays in the lun$s andbloc(s %assa$e!ays in the lun$s and

    di$estive tactsdi$estive tacts

    &his mucus causes %oblems !ith&his mucus causes %oblems !ithbeathin$ and !ith the di$estion andbeathin$ and !ith the di$estion and

    abso%tion o" nutientsabso%tion o" nutients

  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    Diabetes 9ellitus &y%eDiabetes 9ellitus &y%e

    22 #ormerly#ormerly non-insulin-de%endentnon-insulin-de%endent

    diabetes mellitus N=DD9.diabetes mellitus N=DD9.oror

    adult-onset diabetesadult-onset diabetes is a is ametabolic disordermetabolic disorderthat isthat is

    characteri%ed by hi&hcharacteri%ed by hi&h

    blood &lucoseblood &lucosein the conte't o"in the conte't o"insulin resistanceinsulin resistanceand relati(eand relati(e


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    Diabetes 9ellitus &y%eDiabetes 9ellitus &y%e

    2 ContEd2 ContEd DiabetesDiabetesis o"ten initially mana&ed byis o"ten initially mana&ed by

    increasin&increasin& e'ercisee'erciseandanddietary modi)cationdietary modi)cation. " the condition. " the condition

    pro&resses* medications may be needed.pro&resses* medications may be needed. Lon&-term complications "rom hi&h bloodLon&-term complications "rom hi&h blood

    su&ar can include increased risk o"su&ar can include increased risk o"heart attacksheart attacks** strokesstrokes** amputationamputation* and* andkidney "ailurekidney "ailure..

    #or e'treme cases* circulation o" limbs is#or e'treme cases* circulation o" limbs isa+ected* potentially re,uirin&a+ected* potentially re,uirin&amputation. Loss o" hearin&* eyesi&ht*amputation. Loss o" hearin&* eyesi&ht*and co&niti(e ability has also been linkedand co&niti(e ability has also been linked

    to this condition.to this condition.

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    esson 2esson 2 Bell ActivityBell Activity

    What is cance?What is cance?

    A A disease you can catch "omA A disease you can catch "om

    $ems$ems B A seually tansmittedB A seually tansmitted


    C ccus !hen cells divideC ccus !hen cells divide D ccus !hen abnomal cellsD ccus !hen abnomal cells

    $o! out o" contol$o! out o" contol

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  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    Heat DiseaseHeat Disease

    ourour heartheartis an ama%in& or&an. tis an ama%in& or&an. t

    continuously pumps o'y&en andcontinuously pumps o'y&en and

    nutrient-rich blood throu&hout yournutrient-rich blood throu&hout yourbody to sustain li"e.body to sustain li"e.

    his )st-si%ed po!erhouse beatshis )st-si%ed po!erhouse beats

    /e'pands and contracts0 1* times/e'pands and contracts0 1* times

    per day* pumpin& )(e or si' ,uarts o"per day* pumpin& )(e or si' ,uarts o"blood each minute* or about 2*blood each minute* or about 2*

    &allons per day.&allons per day.

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    Ho! the Heat Wo(sHo! the Heat Wo(s

    As the heart beats* it pumpsAs the heart beats* it pumps

    blood throu&h a system o" bloodblood throu&h a system o" blood

    (essels* called the circulatory(essels* called the circulatorysystem. he (essels are elastic*system. he (essels are elastic*

    muscular tubes that carry bloodmuscular tubes that carry blood

    to e(ery part o" the body.to e(ery part o" the body.

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    &he HeatEs 7unctions&he HeatEs 7unctions

    Blood is essential.Blood is essential. n addition to carryin& "resh o'y&enn addition to carryin& "resh o'y&en

    "rom the lun&s and nutrients to your"rom the lun&s and nutrients to yourbody3s tissues* it also takes thebody3s tissues* it also takes thebody3s !aste products* includin&body3s !aste products* includin&carbon dio'idecarbon dio'ide* a!ay "rom the* a!ay "rom the

    tissues.tissues.his is necessary to sustain li"e andhis is necessary to sustain li"e and

    promote the health o" all the body3spromote the health o" all the body3stissues.tissues.

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    &hee 9ain &y%es o"&hee 9ain &y%es o"

    Blood esselsBlood essels AteiesAteies &hey be$in !ith the&hey be$in !ith the aotaaota, the, the

    la$e atey leavin$ the heatla$e atey leavin$ the heat Ateies cay oy$en-ich bloodAteies cay oy$en-ich blood

    a!ay "om the heat to all o" thea!ay "om the heat to all o" thebody*s tissuesbody*s tissues

    &hey banch seveal times,&hey banch seveal times,becomin$ smalle and smalle asbecomin$ smalle and smalle asthey cay blood "uthe "om thethey cay blood "uthe "om theheat and into o$ansheat and into o$ans

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    &he 2&he 2ndnd&y%e o" Blood&y%e o" Blood

    esselessel Ca%illaiesCa%illaies &hese ae small, thin blood&hese ae small, thin blood

    vessels that connect thevessels that connect theateies and the veinsateies and the veins

    &hei thin !alls allo! oy$en,&hei thin !alls allo! oy$en,

    nutients, cabon dioide, andnutients, cabon dioide, andothe !aste %oducts to %assothe !aste %oducts to %assto and "om ou o$an*s cellsto and "om ou o$an*s cells

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    &he &he dd&y%e o" Blood&y%e o" Blood

    esselessel einseins &hese ae blood vessels that ta(e blood&hese ae blood vessels that ta(e blood

    bac( to the heat this blood has lo!ebac( to the heat this blood has lo!e

    oy$en content. and is ich in !asteoy$en content. and is ich in !aste%oducts that ae to be eceted o emoved%oducts that ae to be eceted o emoved"om the body"om the bodyeins become la$e andeins become la$e andla$e as they $et close to the heatla$e as they $et close to the heat

    &he su%eio vena cava is the la$e vein&he su%eio vena cava is the la$e vein

    that bin$s blood "om the head and ams tothat bin$s blood "om the head and ams tothe heat, and the in"eio vena cava bin$sthe heat, and the in"eio vena cava bin$sblood "om theblood "om the abdomenabdomenand le$s into theand le$s into theheatheat

  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    Did you (no!?Did you (no!?

    his (ast system o" blood (essels --his (ast system o" blood (essels --

    arteries* (eins* and capillaries -- isarteries* (eins* and capillaries -- is

    o(er 4* miles lon&. hat3s lon&o(er 4* miles lon&. hat3s lon&enou&h to &o around the !orld moreenou&h to &o around the !orld more

    than t!ice5than t!ice5

    Blood 6o!s continuously throu&hBlood 6o!s continuously throu&h

    your body3s blood (essels. our heartyour body3s blood (essels. our heartis the pump that makes it all possible.is the pump that makes it all possible.

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    Heat DiseaseHeat Disease

    When you think o"When you think o" heart diseaseheart disease**

    usually people think o"usually people think o"

    coronary artery diseasecoronary artery disease/narro!in& o" the arteries leadin&/narro!in& o" the arteries leadin&

    to the heart0* but coronary arteryto the heart0* but coronary artery

    disease is 7ust one type o"disease is 7ust one type o"cardio(ascular disease.cardio(ascular disease.

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    Cadiovascula DiseaseCadiovascula Disease

    Cardio(ascular disease includes a number o"Cardio(ascular disease includes a number o"conditions a+ectin& the structures or "unction o" theconditions a+ectin& the structures or "unction o" theheart. hey can include8heart. hey can include8

    Coonay atey diseaseCoonay atey diseaseincludin$includin$ heat attac(heat attac(.. Abnomal heat hythms oAbnomal heat hythms oaythmiasaythmias Heat "ailueHeat "ailue Heat valve diseaseHeat valve disease Con$enital heat diseaseCon$enital heat disease Heat muscle disease cadiomyo%athy.Heat muscle disease cadiomyo%athy.

    eicadial diseaseeicadial disease Aota disease and 9a"an syndomeAota disease and 9a"an syndome ascula disease blood vessel disease.ascula disease blood vessel disease.

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    eadin$ Cause o"eadin$ Cause o"

    Death in the Death in the Cardio(ascular disease is the leadin&Cardio(ascular disease is the leadin&

    cause o" death "or both men andcause o" death "or both men and!omen in the 9.:.!omen in the 9.:.

    t is important to learn about your heartt is important to learn about your heartto help pre(ent heart disease.to help pre(ent heart disease.

    And* i" you ha(e cardio(ascular disease*And* i" you ha(e cardio(ascular disease*you can li(e a healthier* more acti(e li"eyou can li(e a healthier* more acti(e li"eby learnin& about your disease andby learnin& about your disease andtreatments and by becomin& an acti(etreatments and by becomin& an acti(eparticipant in your care.participant in your care.

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    Abnomal HeatAbnomal Heat

    5hythms5hythms he heart is an ama%in& or&an.he heart is an ama%in& or&an. t beats in a steady* e(en rhythm* aboutt beats in a steady* e(en rhythm* about

    4 to 1 times each minute /that3s about4 to 1 times each minute /that3s about

    1* times each day50.1* times each day50. But* sometimes your heart &ets out o"But* sometimes your heart &ets out o"

    rhythm. An irre&ular or abnormalrhythm. An irre&ular or abnormalheartbeat is called an arrhythmia. Anheartbeat is called an arrhythmia. Anarrhythmia /also called a dysrhythmia0arrhythmia /also called a dysrhythmia0

    can in(ol(e a chan&e in the rhythm*can in(ol(e a chan&e in the rhythm*producin& an une(en heartbeat* or aproducin& an une(en heartbeat* or achan&e in the rate* causin& a (ery slo! orchan&e in the rate* causin& a (ery slo! or(ery "ast heartbeat.(ery "ast heartbeat.

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    Heat 7ailueHeat 7ailue

    he term ;heart "ailure; can behe term ;heart "ailure; can be"ri&htenin&."ri&htenin&.

    t does not mean the heart has ;"ailed; ort does not mean the heart has ;"ailed; orstopped !orkin&.stopped !orkin&.

    t means the heart does not pump as !ellt means the heart does not pump as !ellas it should.as it should.

    his then leads to salt and !ater retention*his then leads to salt and !ater retention*

    causin& s!ellin& and shortness o" breath.causin& s!ellin& and shortness o" breath. he s!ellin& and shortness o" breath arehe s!ellin& and shortness o" breath are

    the primary symptoms o" heart "ailure.the primary symptoms o" heart "ailure.

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    Con$enital HeatCon$enital Heat

    DiseaseDisease Con&enital heart disease is a type o" de"ectCon&enital heart disease is a type o" de"ect

    in one or more structures o" the heart orin one or more structures o" the heart orblood (essels that occurs be"ore birth.blood (essels that occurs be"ore birth.

    t a+ects about ei&ht out o" e(ery 1*t a+ects about ei&ht out o" e(ery 1*children. Con&enital heart de"ects maychildren. Con&enital heart de"ects mayproduce symptoms at birth* durin& childhood*produce symptoms at birth* durin& childhood*and sometimes not until adulthood.and sometimes not until adulthood.

    n most cases scientists don3t kno! !hy theyn most cases scientists don3t kno! !hy theyoccur.

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    What is Cance?What is Cance?

    Cancer is the &eneral name "or a &roupCancer is the &eneral name "or a &roup

    o" more than 1 diseases in !hicho" more than 1 diseases in !hich

    cells in a part o" the body be&in tocells in a part o" the body be&in to&ro! out o" control.&ro! out o" control.

    Althou&h there are many kinds o"Althou&h there are many kinds o"

    cancer* they all start becausecancer* they all start because

    abnormal cells &ro! out o" control.abnormal cells &ro! out o" control.9ntreated cancers can cause serious9ntreated cancers can cause serious

    illness and e(en death.illness and e(en death.

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    Nomal Cells in theNomal Cells in the

    BodyBody he body is made up o" hundreds o"he body is made up o" hundreds o"

    millions o" li(in& cells. =ormal body cellsmillions o" li(in& cells. =ormal body cells

    &ro!* di(ide* and die in an orderly "ashion.&ro!* di(ide* and die in an orderly "ashion.

    Durin& the early years o" a person3s li"e*Durin& the early years o" a person3s li"e*

    normal cells di(ide "aster to allo! thenormal cells di(ide "aster to allo! the

    person to &ro!.person to &ro!.

    A"ter the person becomes an adult* mostA"ter the person becomes an adult* mostcells di(ide only to replace !orn-out orcells di(ide only to replace !orn-out or

    dyin& cells or to repair in7uries.dyin& cells or to repair in7uries.

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  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    eople can inherit dama&ed D=A*eople can inherit dama&ed D=A*

    but most D=A dama&e is causedbut most D=A dama&e is caused

    by mistakes that happen !hileby mistakes that happen !hilethe normal cell is reproducin& orthe normal cell is reproducin& or

    by somethin& in our en(ironment.by somethin& in our en(ironment.

    :ometimes the cause o" the D=A:ometimes the cause o" the D=Adama&e is somethin& ob(ious*dama&e is somethin& ob(ious*

    like ci&arette smokin&.like ci&arette smokin&.

    But o"ten no clear cause is "ound.But o"ten no clear cause is "ound.

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    n most cases the cancer cells "ormn most cases the cancer cells "orma tumor.a tumor.

    :ome cancers* like leukemia*:ome cancers* like leukemia*rarely "orm tumors.rarely "orm tumors.

    nstead* these cancer cells in(ol(enstead* these cancer cells in(ol(ethe blood and blood-"ormin&the blood and blood-"ormin&or&ans and circulate throu&h otheror&ans and circulate throu&h othertissues !here they &ro!.tissues !here they &ro!.

  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    Ho! Cance %eadsHo! Cance %eads

    Cancer cells o"ten tra(el to otherCancer cells o"ten tra(el to otherparts o" the body* !here theyparts o" the body* !here they

    be&in to &ro! and "orm ne!be&in to &ro! and "orm ne!tumors that replace normal tissue.tumors that replace normal tissue. his process is called metastasis.his process is called metastasis. t happens !hen the cancer cellst happens !hen the cancer cells

    &et into the bloodstream or lymph&et into the bloodstream or lymph(essels o" our body.(essels o" our body.

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    Ho! Cances DieHo! Cances Die

    =o matter !here a cancer may spread*=o matter !here a cancer may spread*

    it is al!ays named "or the place !hereit is al!ays named "or the place !here

    it started.it started. #or e'ample* breast cancer that has#or e'ample* breast cancer that has

    spread to the li(er is still called breastspread to the li(er is still called breast

    cancer* not li(er cancer.cancer* not li(er cancer.

    Like!ise* prostate cancer that hasLike!ise* prostate cancer that hasspread to the bone is metastaticspread to the bone is metastatic

    prostate cancer* not bone cancer.prostate cancer* not bone cancer.

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    Dieent &y%es o"Dieent &y%es o"

    Cance BehaveCance BehaveDieentlyDieently Di+erent types o" cancer can beha(eDi+erent types o" cancer can beha(e(ery di+erently.(ery di+erently.

    #or e'ample* lun& cancer and breast#or e'ample* lun& cancer and breastcancer are (ery di+erent diseases.cancer are (ery di+erent diseases. hey &ro! at di+erent rates andhey &ro! at di+erent rates and

    respond to di+erent treatments.respond to di+erent treatments.

    hat is !hy people !ith cancer needhat is !hy people !ith cancer needtreatment that is aimed at theirtreatment that is aimed at theirparticular kind o" cancer.particular kind o" cancer.

  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    Ho! Common isHo! Common is


  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    esson Bell Activityesson Bell Activity

    =ame @ non-communicable=ame @ non-communicable


  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


  • 8/9/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases ALL Lessons


    Cance ideoCance ideo

    What s Cancer?What s Cancer?
