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Non linear estimation in anisotropic multiindex denoising IINon linear estimation in anisotropic...

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Non linear estimation in anisotropic multiindex denoising II erard Kerkyacharian, Oleg Lepski, Dominique Picard Abstract In dimension one, it has long been observed that the minimax rates of conver- gences in the scale of Besov spaces present essentially two regimes (and a boundary): dense and the sparse zones. In this paper, we consider the problem of denoising a function depending of a multidimensional variable (for instance an image), with anisotropic constraints of regularity (especially providing a possible disparity of the inhomogeneous aspect in the different directions). The case of the dense zone has been investigated in the former paper [5]. Here, our aim is to investigate the case of the sparse region. This case is more delicate in some aspects. For instance, it was an open question to decide whether this sparse case, in the d dimensional context has to be split into different regions corresponding to different minimax rates. We will see here that the answer in negative: we still observe a sparse region but with a unique minimax behavior, except, as usual, on the boundary. It is worthwhile to notice that our estimation procedure admits the choice of its parameters under which it is adaptive up to logarithmic factor in the ”dense case” ([5]) and minimax adaptive in the ”sparse case”. It is also interesting to observe that in the ”sparse case”, the embedding properties of the spaces are fondamental. Key words and phrases: nonparametric estimation, denoising, anisotropic smoothness, minimax rate of convergence, curse of dimensionality, anisotropic Besov spaces 1 Introduction Our aim in this paper is to complete the study introduced in the former paper [5]. In this paper, we provided a procedure of nonparametric denoising constructed on a pointwise kernel estimation with a local selection of the multidimensional bandwidth parameter. More precisely our model was and still will be: X (dt)= f (t)dt + εW (dt), t =(t 1 ,...,t d ) ∈D. ( d = 2 is precisely the case of an image with an additional noise.) As we will not discuss of special boundary effect, D will be chosen equal to [0, 1] d . We consider a kernel estimation of the form D 1 h 1 ...h d K x 1 - t 1 h 1 ,..., x d - t d h d X (dt) 1
  • Non linear estimation in anisotropic multiindexdenoising II

    Gérard Kerkyacharian, Oleg Lepski, Dominique Picard


    In dimension one, it has long been observed that the minimax rates of conver-gences in the scale of Besov spaces present essentially two regimes (and a boundary):dense and the sparse zones. In this paper, we consider the problem of denoisinga function depending of a multidimensional variable (for instance an image), withanisotropic constraints of regularity (especially providing a possible disparity of theinhomogeneous aspect in the different directions). The case of the dense zone hasbeen investigated in the former paper [5].

    Here, our aim is to investigate the case of the sparse region. This case is moredelicate in some aspects. For instance, it was an open question to decide whetherthis sparse case, in the d dimensional context has to be split into different regionscorresponding to different minimax rates. We will see here that the answer innegative: we still observe a sparse region but with a unique minimax behavior,except, as usual, on the boundary.

    It is worthwhile to notice that our estimation procedure admits the choice of itsparameters under which it is adaptive up to logarithmic factor in the ”dense case”([5]) and minimax adaptive in the ”sparse case”. It is also interesting to observethat in the ”sparse case”, the embedding properties of the spaces are fondamental.

    Key words and phrases: nonparametric estimation, denoising, anisotropic smoothness,minimax rate of convergence, curse of dimensionality, anisotropic Besov spaces

    1 Introduction

    Our aim in this paper is to complete the study introduced in the former paper [5]. In thispaper, we provided a procedure of nonparametric denoising constructed on a pointwisekernel estimation with a local selection of the multidimensional bandwidth parameter.More precisely our model was and still will be:

    X�(dt) = f(t)dt + εW (dt), t = (t1, . . . , td) ∈ D.

    ( d = 2 is precisely the case of an image with an additional noise.) As we will not discussof special boundary effect, D will be chosen equal to [0, 1]d.

    We consider a kernel estimation of the form∫D


    h1 . . . hdK

    (x1 − t1

    h1, . . . ,

    xd − tdhd



  • K is a kernel with good approximation properties in each direction and our aim is toprovide a selector of the muldimensional parameter h = (h1, . . . , hd) depending on thepoint x = (x1, . . . , xd) and using the data X�.Our method is a generalization of the Lepski’s method of adaptation [6], [7] which roughlyconsists in choosing the ”coarsest” bandwidth such that the estimated bias is negligible.However, this notion becomes more delicate in a multidimensional setting.

    We shall again focus on functions with inhomogeneous smoothness properties andespecially providing a possible disparity of the inhomogeneous aspect in the differentdirections. Specifically we shall consider the anisotropic classes of Nikolskii, consisting offunctions f(x1, . . . , xd) with regularity si in the direction i, in Lpi norm, for i = 1, . . . , d.In the former paper we investigated the following zone of parameters:




    pisi> 0,




    pi− 1]


    < 2

    In this region (dense case) the minimax rate of convergence, associated to the Lpnorm is ε

    2s̄1+2s̄ , where s̄ is defined by 1/s̄ =

    ∑di=1 1/si.

    In the present paper, we’ll investigate the following region :

    1 ≤ pi ≤ p < ∞, ∀ i 1−d∑





    pi> 0,




    pi− 1) ≥ 2.

    This region corresponds in the one-dimensional case to the sparse case where a minimaxrate of convergence different from the dense case is observed. It was an open question todecide whether this sparse case, in the d dimensional context has to be split into differentregions corresponding to different minimax regimes. We will see here that the answer innegative : we still observe a sparse region but with a unique minimax behavior, except,as usual, on the boundary. In this region, we have the following rate of convergence :

    {[log ε−1]1/2ε

    }b, b =



    ( 1pi− 1




    ( 1pi− 1


    with an additional logarithmic term on the boundary. This rate of convergence coincideswith the rate observed in dimension 1 (see for instance [12], [1], [10]). Another importantremark is that the estimation procedure does not depends on the parameters (s1, . . . , sd)and (p1, . . . , pd) of the Nikolskii’s class. It means that our estimator is not only minimaxone but minimax adaptive w.r.t the family of Nikolskii’s classes described by the parame-ters (s1, . . . , sd) and (p1, . . . , pd) belonging to the sparse region. It is worthwhile to noticethat the same procedure is adaptive up to logarithmic factors in the dense zone [5].

    It is also interesting to observe that in the ”sparse case”, the embedding properties ofthe spaces are fondamental, and this is the reason of our limitation to the case 1 ≤ pi ≤p < ∞ since we have not been able to find embedding theorems in the literature whenthis condition is not valid.

    The paper will be organized as follows. The second section recalls the anisotropicBesov conditions, and the procedure of estimation. This section is concluded by two


  • theorems. The first one states the upper bound for the risk of the procedure. The secondtheorem states the lower bound. In particular, the two theorems together prove that ourprocedure attains the minimax rate of convergence simultaneously for all values of theparameters (s1, . . . , sd) and (p1, . . . , pd) belonging to the sparse zone, in other words, it isminimax adaptive in the ”sparse case”. The third section concerns the proof of the upperbound theorem. We first recall the embedding and approximation properties which willbe needed in the sequel. Then we give a rapid summary of essential tools appearing in [5].The last part, is devoted to the main part of the proof. Section 4 concerns the proof of thelower bound theorem. The proof of this theorem follows a general type of constructionfor lower bounds which is used in various domains of nonparametric statistics: estimation([3], [9]), adaptative estimation ([8]), hypotheses testing ([4], [11]). This is the reasonwhy we chose to give the construction in full generality and to obtain our lower boundresult as a particular case of this construction. There is at least two advantages to thisconstruction : first, it is general enough to be applied in a lot of models, secondly, one ofthe assumptions directly contains the rate of convergence. In the particular case of thewhite noise (which is the framework of this paper), our approach leads to the verificationof four simple assumptions. Thus instead of giving a direct (and rather standard) proofof Theorem 2, we deduce the rate of convergence by verifying the four assumptionsmentioned above.

    2 Adaptive procedure for anisotropic conditions.

    2.1 Anisotropic Besov Balls

    Let us recall the following definition of the Besov space B(s1,...,sd)(p1,...,pd),∞ (see [13]).

    Let f be a measurable function defined on Rd. For y ∈ Rd, we define :

    ∀x ∈ Rd, ∆yf(x) = f(x + y)− f(x).If l ∈ N then ∆ly is the l−iterated of the operator ∆y. (Of course ∆0y = Id.)We have the following properties :

    1. Let l ∈ N :

    ∆lyf(x) =l∑


    Cjl (−1)j+lf(x + jy) Especially :

    (−1)l+1∆lyf(x) =l∑


    Cjl (−1)j+1f(x + jy) =


    Cjl (−1)j+1f(x + jy)− f(x)

    2. If k ∈ N, m ∈ N∗, 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞; f ∈ Lp(Rd), we obviously have :‖∆k+my f‖p ≤ 2m‖∆kyf‖p.

    3. Less obviously, one can prove Marchaud inequality : Let k ∈ N, m ∈ N∗. 1 ≤ p ≤∞; f ∈ Lp(Rd) :

    ‖∆kyf‖p ≤ a(k,m)∞∑


    (j + 1)m−12−kj‖∆k+m2jy



  • Definition 1. Inhomogeneous Besov spaces.

    1. Let e1, ....ed the canonical basis of Rd,. For 0 < si < ∞; 1 ≤ pi ≤ ∞, we saythat f belongs to Bsipi,∞ if and only if there exists l ∈ N, si < l ( resp. for all l ∈N, si < l), and C(si, l) < ∞, such that :

    ∀h ∈ R, ‖∆lheif‖Lpi (Rd,dx) ≤ C(si, l)|h|si .

    2. B(s1,...,sd)(p1,...,pd),∞ = ∩




    • Thus, we are considering functions having regularity si in the direction i quantifiedin Lpi in the sense mentioned above. The proposition below proves that the func-tions having this regularity can be approximated using appropriated kernels withthe rate of convergence hsi in Lpi norm.

    • The condition ∃l ∈ N, si < l can be replaced by ∀l ∈ N, si < l in such a way thatone can choose indifferently an integer l, as soon as l > si.

    Let us finally define the following Besov ball Bsp,∞(M), s = (s1, . . . , sd) and p =(p1, . . . , pd) as the set of functions supported on D, and such that all the constantsC(si, l) appearing in the definition above are less than M .

    2.2 Construction of the estimator.

    2.2.1 Kernel.

    Let g(t) be an integrable, bounded, compactly supported function such that∫R

    g(u)du =1. Following Nikolskii [13], we define :

    gl(u) =l∑


    Ckl (−1)k+1k−1g (u/k) .

    It is easy to verify :∫R

    gl(u)ukdu = δ0,k, for k = 0, 1, ..., l − 1. Let us put:

    K(t1...td) = gl(t1) . . . gl(td).

    For t = (t1, . . . , td), K(t) is a compactly supported, bounded kernel (i.e. there exista > 0, K > 0 such that K(t) = 0, ∀t /∈ [−a, +a]d and sup |K(t)| ≤ K).We denote

    ‖K‖ ,(∫



    and obviously, we have for 0 ≤ ki < l,∫Rd

    K(t)tk11 ...tkdd dt = δ0,k1 ..δ0,kd .


  • 2.2.2 Family of kernel estimates with dyadic bandwidths.

    Let us define jM(ε) in N, by: 2−(jM (ε)+1) ≤ ε2 ≤ 2−jM (ε), and restrict our attention to

    the following set of dyadic:

    I := I(ε) = {j = (j1, . . . , jd), 0 ≤ ji ≤ jM(ε), ∀i}

    We consider the following family of kernel estimates :

    f̂j = 2Pd

    i=1 ji


    K(2j1(t1 − u1), . . . , 2jd(td − ud))Xε(du1, . . . , dud), j ∈ I(ε) (1)

    2.2.3 Estimation procedure

    Let us define the following ordering in Nd:

    j, m ∈ Nd, j > j, m ∈ I, |f̂j∧m(t)− f̂m(t)| ≤ σ(m) (3)

    where f̂j is defined in (1).Now, let ĵ ∈ A such that

  • 2.3 Minimax rates over anisotropic besov balls

    2.3.1 Upper bounds.

    We have the following theorem :

    Theorem 1. Let Bsp,∞(M), be defined as above, with s = (s1, . . . , sd), p = (p1, . . . , pd) ∈Rd+ and such that:

    1 ≤ pi ≤ p < ∞, ∀ i ∈ {1, . . . , d} (5)

    1 −d∑





    pi> 0, (6)

    Set δ =[




    ( 1pi− 1

    p)]. If δ ≤ 0, (’sparse zone’) then, for

    L =





    pi− 1


    ], K =





    pi− 1






    |f ∗ε (t)− f(t)|pdt ≤ C5(p){[log ε−1]1/2ε

    }KpL [log ε−1]dI{δ=0} (7)

    where C5(p) is an absolute constant.

    This theorem leads to the following remarks.

    • Let us first note that the behaviour of the estimator f ∗ε if δ > 0 (’dense zone’)has been investigated in the former paper [5] (Theorem 4). In particular we deducefrom [5] that if the inequalities (5) and (6) of Theorem 1 are verified and δ > 0then




    |f ∗ε (t)− f(t)|pdt ≤ C5(p){[log ε−1]1/2ε

    } 2s̄p(2s̄+1) [log ε−1]d−1 (8)

    where C5(p) is an absolute constant, s̄ is defined by 1/s̄ =∑d

    i=1 1/si.

    In [5] this result was treated as adaptive since the estimator does not depend on theparameters of the besov ball. Actually, the estimator f ∗ε is not minimax adaptiveif δ > 0: the upper bound given by (8) and the minimax rate of convergence foundin [5] (Theorem 3) differ by the factor {log(1/ε)}b, where b = s̄p

    (2s̄+1)+ d− 1. In this

    situation one usually speaks on ”adaptation up to a logarithmic factor”. However,if δ < 0 our estimator f ∗ε is minimax adaptive (see Remark after Theorem 2).

    • Notice here that when 1−∑d



    > 0, then K > 0



    ( 1pi− 1

    p) < 1, furthermore δ ≤ 0 implies



    ( 1pi− 1

    p) ≥ 2

    p. We

    deduce that, in the sparse zone, necessarily p > 2.

    As a consequence L ≥ K > 0.


  • • We observe a phenomenon which is the equivalent in d dimension of the famous’elbow’ observed for d = 1 , leading to essentially 2 regimes for the minimax ratesof convergence. Notice that for d = 1, the rate



    2(s− 1p1

    + 1p)p

    2(s− 1p1

    ) + 1

    is exactly the rate observed in this situation. (see [12], [1])).

    • As in dimension 1, the following lemma proves that the rate in the sparse zone issmaller than in the dense region.

    Lemma 1. Under the conditions of the theorem, if δ ≤ 0, then


    1 + 2s̄≥ K


    with equality if and only if δ = 0.

    The proof of the lemma is just observing that


    L− 2s̄

    1 + 2s̄=


    L(1 + 2s̄)

    and, obviously, L = K +∑d


    ( 12 −1p ) > 0.

    • We can also observe in the following lemma, that, for the sparse case, as well asthe dense case, the rates are strictly decreasing with the dimension.

    Lemma 2. Under the conditions of the theorem, if {i1, . . . , il} ⊂ {i1, . . . , im}, then

    if s̄(i1, . . . , im)−1 =



    sir, s̄(i1, . . . , im) ≤ s̄(i1, . . . , il) (10)

    if K(i1, . . . , il) = [1−l∑





    pir− 1

    p)], L(i1, . . . , il) = [1−





    pir− 1



    K(i1, . . . , il)

    L(i1, . . . , il)≥ K(i1, . . . , im)

    L(i1, . . . , im)(11)

    and equalities in (10) or (11) only occur if the two sets are equal.

    (10) is obvious. (11) is obtained by induction : Using the symmetry of the problem, we only needto calculate :

    K(1, . . . , d)L(1, . . . , d)

    − K(1, . . . , d− 1)L(1, . . . , d− 1)

    =( 12 −

    1p )[1−



    ( 1pi −1pd


    L(1, . . . , d)L(1, . . . , d− 1).

    Now, as pi ≤ p, K > 0 implies that [1−∑d


    ( 1pi −1pd

    )] ≥ K > 0, as well as K(i1, . . . , il) > 0, for anyl ≥ 1.Moreover, obviously, L(i1, . . . , il) = K(i1, . . . , il) +



    ( 12 −1p ) > 0.


  • 2.3.2 Lower bounds.

    In this section, we state the following lower bound result.

    Theorem 2. Let L and K be the constants defined in Theorem 1. Then for ε > 0 smallenough,





    |f̃ ε(t)− f(t)|pdt ≥ C6(p){[log ε−1]1/2ε

    }KpL , (12)

    where C6(p) is an absolute constant and the infimum is taken over all possible estimators.

    Remark : Let us note that this lower bound is valid for a standard Besov ball withoutany restriction on its parameters. However, the bound is effective only for δ < 0. Forδ = 0, the upper and lower bounds differ by a logarithmic factor. As is obvious, thislower bound is correct but not sharp for the case δ > 0 (’dense zone’) and in particular,another proof has to be used see [5]. 3

    Remark :

    1. We deduce from Theorem 1 and 2 that the estimator f ∗ε is minimax adaptive in thesparse zone δ < 0.

    2. We have from Theorem 1, Theorem 2 and inequality (8) that our estimator isadaptive up to a logarithmic factor w.r.t to the family of besov balls Bsp,∞(M) withs and p satisfying (5) and (6).

    3. It is an open question how to construct an estimator being minimax adaptive w.r.tto the family of besov balls Bsp,∞(M) with s and p satisfying (5) and (6).


    3 Proof of the upper bound result.

    3.1 Embeddings and approximation properties for anisotropicBesov spaces.

    3.1.1 Embeddings

    As in dimension 1, for the sparse zone, the embeddings are an essential tool. We quotehere Theorem 6.9, p.252 in [13] :

    Proposition 1. If

    1 ≤ pi ≤ r ≤ ∞, ∀ i ∈ {1, . . . , d}, (13)

    Kr =






    pi− 1


    )]> 0, (14)


  • are satisfied and if we put

    Kj =






    pi− 1


    )], (15)

    s′i =siK



    then the space B(s1,...,sd)(p1,...,pd),∞ is embedded in the space, B



    Notice that for all i, because of pi ≤ r, we have Ki ≥ Kr > 0. This propositionwill be used in two situations : for r = p, then Kr = K, and r = ∞, where we see theimportance of the condition 1−




    > 0.

    3.1.2 Approximation properties.

    The following proposition is proved in [5], and shows that the approximation propertiesin the Besov spaces are driven by the regularity parameters si’s:

    Proposition 2. Let f ∈ B(s1,...,sd)(p1,...,pd),∞Let g(t) an integrable function defined on R,


    g(t)dt = 1. Let

    gl(t) =l∑


    Ckl (−1)k+1k−1g (t/k) .

    Let us also defineK(x1, . . . , xd) = gl(x1) . . . gl(xd).

    For h and y ∈ Rd, and i arbitrary in {1, . . . , d}, let

    [y.h] = (y1h1, . . . , ydhd) ; [y.h]i = (y1h1, . . . , yi−1hi−1, 0, yi+1hi+1, . . . , ydhd).∥∥∥∥∫

    RdK(y)[f(x + [y.h])− f(x + [y.h]i)]dy

    ∥∥∥∥Lpi (R


    ≤ L|hi|si (17)

    3.2 Essential results from [5]

    Let us now recall the following ingredients of the proof in [5], which will be useful here :

    3.2.1 Dyadic directional modulus of approximation.

    Let us define the following dyadic modulus of approximation:

    D̃i(2−ji) ={

    (δ12−j′1 , . . . , δd2

    −j′d), δj ∈ {0, 1}, 0 ≤ j′l ≤ jM(ε), ∀l 6= i, ji ≤ j′i ≤ jM(ε)}

    g̃i(2−ji)(t) , sup

    y∈D̃i(2−ji )


    K(x)[f(t + y.x)− f(t + [y.x]i)


    ∣∣∣∣ (18)We shall restrict to functions having a minimal regularity: For 0 < ν ≤ 1, 0 < Lν <

    ∞, 0 < L < ∞, we say that the function f belongs to F0 = F0(ν, Lν , L, [0, T ]d) if


  • • supt∈[0,T ]d |f(t)| ≤ L

    • ∀t, t′ ∈ [0, T ]d, |f(t)− f(t′)| ≤ Lν (|t1 − t′1|ν + . . . + |td − t′d|ν)

    Notice that Proposition 1 implies that under the condition 1 −∑d



    > 0, we

    necessarily consider functions belonging to a set F0(ν, [0, T ]d), with ν eventually smallenough but positive.

    3.2.2 Local rate of convergence.

    Let us recall :λ(j, ε) := ‖K‖2

    Pdi=1 ji/2∆, ∆ = ε(1 + d log ε−1)


    The following proposition is proved in [5] and describes the behaviour of the optimalmultiscale bandwidth if we restrict the choice to dyadics.

    Proposition 3. For any arbitrary f ∈ F0, 0 < � <(



    ) 1ν,

    1. There exists j̄ = j̄(t) = (j̄1, ..., j̄d) ∈ I(ε) solution of the following problem :

    (a) If j̄i = 0, then g̃i(2−j̄i)(t) ≤ λ(j̄, ε).

    (b) If jM(�) ≥ j̄i > 0, then g̃i(2−j̄i)(t) ≤ λ(j̄, ε), and g̃i(2−(j̄i−1))(t) ≥ λ(j̄−1, ε),where j̄ − 1 = (j̄1 − 1, ..., j̄d − 1).

    2. Let j̄ = (j̄1, ..., j̄d) and j̄′ = (j̄′1, ..., j̄

    ′d) in I(ε) be two solutions of the previous

    problem . Then :



    j̄′k ≤d∑


    j̄k ≤d∑


    j̄′k + d, ord∑


    j̄k ≤d∑


    j̄′k ≤d∑


    j̄k + d.

    The last sentence of the proposition shows that if the solution j̄ is not unique, thentwo solutions will satisfy:


    j̄′k − d ≤d∑


    j̄k ≤d∑


    j̄′k + d.

    In the sequel, we will consider j̄ a particular solution of the previous proposition, nomatter which one it is since all our bounds will only depend on

    ∑dk=1 jk.

    3.2.3 Local risk.

    The following result is proved in [5] (Theorem 1). It gives a bound for the local risk.

    Proposition 4. Let F be included into F0(ν, Lν , L), then for all f ∈ F , for any ε > 0,t ∈ [0, 1]d,

    Ef |f ∗ε (t)− f(t)|p ≤ C2(p)λ(j̄(t), ε)p (19)

    The constant C2(p) is explicitly given in [5].


  • 3.2.4 Risk for δ > 0.

    The following result is also proved in [5] (Theorem 4). It gives an upper bound of therisk, in the case where δ > 0 , i.e. proves (8).

    Proposition 5. Under the conditions of Theorem 1, if δ > 0, then if µ denotes theLebesgue measure,



    |f ∗ε (t)− f(t)|pdt ≤ C2(p)∑

    j=(j1,...jd)∈ I

    λ(j, ε)pµ{t ∈ [0, 1]; j̄i = ji, ∀ i ∈ {1, . . . , d}}

    ≤ C5(p){[log ε−1]1/2ε

    } 2s̄p(2s̄+1) [log ε−1]d−1 (20)

    3.3 Proof of Theorem 1.

    As remarked previously, we only need to consider the case δ ≤ 0.The proof of inequality (7) heavily builds as above on the following decomposition :

    Using (19), we get:


    ∫|f ∗ε (t)− f(t)|p ≤ C2(p)

    ∑j=(j1,...jd)∈ I

    λ(j, ε)pµ{j̄i = ji, ∀ i ∈ {1, . . . , d}} (21)

    Lemma 3. For f ∈ Btiqi,∞, (j1, . . . , jd) ∈ N, if ji ≥ 1, then

    µ{j̄i = ji, ∀ i ∈ {1, . . . , d}} ≤ λ(j, ε)−qi2−jitiqi

    Proof of lemma 3: Using propositions 3 and 2, we have , for ji ≥ 1 :

    µ{j̄i = ji, ∀ i ∈ {1, . . . , d}} ≤ µ{t ∈ [0, 1]; g̃i(2−(ji−1)(t) ≥ λ(j, ε)}≤ λ(j, ε)−qi‖g̃i(2−(ji−1)(.)‖qiLqi (dt)≤ λ(j, ε)−qi2−jitiqi

    As can be observed in the preceding lemma, we have to distinguish between the caseswhere ji = 0 and ji ≥ 1. Hence the bound in (21) can be rewritten as:


    ∑ji1 ,...jim∈{1,...,jM (ε)}

    λ(j, ε)pµ{j̄il = jil , ∀ l ∈ {1, . . . ,m}, j̄il = 0, ∀ l /∈ {1, . . . ,m}}

    (22)First, let us observe that the term corresponding to m = 0 is bounded by ∆

    p2 and is

    not significant compared to the rate announced in the theorem.To simplify the notations, we shall omit in the sequel the indication j̄il = 0, ∀ l /∈

    {1, . . . ,m} and introduce the following quantities, for i ∈ {1, . . . , d} :

    ri =p− pi

    2, qi = pisi


  • in such a way that δ = 2p(1−



    ), so

    δ ≤ 0 ⇐⇒d∑


    riqi≥ 1.

    Now, let us observe that because we are going to consider only a part of the d dimen-sions, we have to distinguish between the 2 following cases :

    • (i1, . . . , im) ∈ C+ = {(i1, . . . , im),∑m



    < 1}

    • (i1, . . . , im) ∈ C− = {(i1, . . . , im),∑m


    rilqil≥ 1}

    In such a way that (22) (omitting the term corresponding to m = 0) may be replacedby:



    ∑ji1 ,...jim∈{1,...,jM (ε)}

    λ(j, ε)pµ{j̄il = jil , ∀ l ∈ {1, . . . ,m}}



    ∑ji1 ,...jim∈{1,...,jM (ε)}

    λ(j, ε)pµ{j̄il = jil , ∀ l ∈ {1, . . . ,m}}

    (23)3.3.1 Bound for the C+-terms :

    Using (20) we get:



    ∑ji1 ,...jim∈{1,...,jM (ε)}

    λ(j, ε)pµ{j̄il = jil , ∀ l ∈ {1, . . . ,m}}





    1+2s̄(i1,...,im) (log ε−1)m−1 (24)


    s̄(i1, . . . , im)=




    Using Lemmas 1 and 2, we get,




    1+2s̄(i1,...,im) (log ε−1)m−1





    1+2s̄ (log ε−1)d−1 ≤ 2dC5(p)∆pKL (log ε−1)dI{δ=0} (25)


  • 3.3.2 Bound for the C−-terms :

    Let us now concentrate on the indices lying in C−. Using again lemma 2, we only need,as above, to prove the result for the full set of indices.

    Now, we will establish the following lemma :

    Lemma 4. ∑j1,...jd∈{1,...,jM (ε)}

    λ(j, ε)pµ{j̄l = jl, ∀ l ∈ {1, . . . , d}}


    j1,...jd∈{1,...,jM (ε)}

    min{[λ(j, ε)p−pi2−jisipi ∧ 2−jis′ipi ], i = 1, . . . , d} (26)

    where the s′i’s are given in Proposition 1, see (16).

    This lemma is a consequence of lemma 3, which is applied once with q = pi, ti = si,and a second time with q = p, ti = s

    ′i using proposition 1.

    Now, let us introduce the following quantities :

    Zi = [‖K‖∆]KiLsi ∀ i ∈ {1, . . . , d} (27)

    2−j∗i ≤ Zi ≤ 2−j

    ∗i +1, ∀ i ∈ {1, . . . , d} (28)

    We have the following lemma :

    Lemma 5. The following assertions are true at least for ε small enough:

    0 ≤ j∗i ≤ jM(ε) ∀ i ∈ {1, . . . , d} (29)




    2i Z

    pisii = Z

    ps′ii = (‖K‖∆)

    KpL ∀ i ∈ {1, . . . , d} (30)

    Note that

    • (30) is a simple calculation involving the definitions of K; L; Ki; s′i and using thefollowing identity:




    s̄. (31)

    • (29) follows from KiLsi

    ≥ 0, and the fact that (using (31))




    = 1Ls̄

    < 2 since Ls̄ = 12

    + s̄(1−∑d


    sipi) > 1


    Hence, putting together lemma 4 and lemma 5, we get :∑j1,...jd∈{1,...,jM (ε)}

    λ(j, ε)pµ{j̄l = jl, ∀ l ∈ {1, . . . , d}}

    ≤ (‖K‖∆)KpL

    ∑j1,...jd∈{1,...,jM (ε)}



    Pdl=1(jl−j∗l )

    p−pi2 2−(ji−j

    ∗i )sipi ∧ 2−(ji−j∗i )s′ipi

    ]≤ (‖K‖∆)


    ∑j1,...jd∈{−jM (ε),...,jM (ε)}



    Pdl=1 jl

    p−pi2 2−jisipi ∧ 2−jis′ipi



  • 3.3.3 Barycentering.

    Thus we obtain a sum where all possible configurations of signs appear. We will in-vestigate a standard configuration : To simplify, let us put λi = s

    ′ip and recall that

    ri =p−pi

    2, qi = pisi. Then a standard configuration of the previous sum can be written

    and bounded in the the following way :∑j1,...js∈{0,...,jM (ε)}

    ∑js+1,...,jd∈{−jM (ε),...,0}



    Pdl=1 jlri2−jiqi ∧ 2−jiλi



    j1,...js∈{0,...,jM (ε)}

    ∑js+1,...jd∈{−jM (ε),...,0}





    l=1 jl)βi (33)

    For a collection αi, βi of non negative real numbers such that∑d

    i=1 αi + βi = 1.Let us choose

    αs+1 = . . . = αd = 0

    βi =1

    Rqi, i ∈ {1, . . . , d}

    R and α1, . . . , αs will be chosen later. If we denote by R the set of indices consideredabove : {j1, . . . js ∈ {0, . . . , jM(ε)}, js+1, . . . jd ∈ {−jM(ε), . . . , 0}}. Then, we get using(33): ∑



    l=1 jlri2−jiqi ∧ 2−jiλi ], i = 1, . . . , d}






    ] 1R






    ] 1R


    As we observed δ < 0 ⇐⇒∑d


    > 1.Hence, in this case, the last d − s terms are affected with a positive power, whereas

    if we choose αi = [ui − 1 +∑d


    ] 1Rλi

    with ui > 0, then the first s terms are affectedwith a negative power, in such a way that the sum is convergent. It remains to show thatthis combination can be done together with the constraint

    ∑di=1 αi + βi = 1. But this is

    equivalent to :


    R[(ui − 1 +







    qi] = 1

    which is always possible by choosing R in an appropriated way.It remains to see that in the case where δ = 0, then



    = 1, and the sum may

    only bounded by : (log ε−1)d−s.

    4 Proof of Theorem 2

    4.1 Some general results

    The proofs of the results presented in this section are absolutely standard and for thisreason are given with a short proof.


  • 4.1.1 Lower bound for an abstract model

    Let(Ωε, V ε, P εf , f ∈ F

    )be a sequence of statistical experiments generated by the ob-

    servation X(ε) and let G : F → Λ be the functional to be estimated. Here Λ is somenormed vector space and let ‖ · ‖ be the corresponding norm. Let us suppose that thefollowing assumptions are fulfilled :

    For any ε > 0 there exist an integer Nε and a set of parameters fi = f(ε)i , i = 0, . . . , Nε

    such thata. {fi, i = 0, . . . , Nε} ⊂ F .

    b. ||G(fi)−G(f0)|| = aε, ∀ i = 1, . . . , Nε.

    c. lim infε→0 supτ∈[0,1] Eεf0

    min [τZε, 1− τ ] , K > 0.

    Here Eεf is the expectation with respect to probability mesure Pεf and

    Zε =1



    ), zi



    dP εfidP εf0



    Proposition 6. Suppose that the assumptions a, b and c are fulfilled, then for all q > 0

    lim infε→0




    (a−1ε ||G̃−G(f)||

    )q≥ K min (21−q, 1),

    where the infimum is taken over all mesurable functions ( with respect to X(ε)) and withvalues in Λ.

    Proof of the proposition. Set for arbitrary G̃

    Rε(G̃) = supf∈F


    (a−1ε ‖G̃−G(f)‖


    T = Tε = a−1ε ‖G̃−G(f0)‖.

    Using the triangular inequality and assumptions a, b we have ∀τ ∈ [0, 1]

    Rε(G̃) ≥ (1− τ)Eεf0(a−1ε ‖G̃−G(f0)‖






    ∥∥∥|G̃−G(f0)‖ − ‖G(fi)−G(f0)‖∣∣∣)q= (1− τ)Eεf0(T )

    q +τ


    Eεfi|T − 1|q

    = Eεf0 [(1− τ)(T )q + τZε|T − 1|q]

    ≥ Eεf0 {[(T )q + |T − 1|q] min [τZε, 1− τ ]}



    [xq + |x− 1|q])

    Eεf0 min [τZε, 1− τ ]


    (21−q, 1

    ))Eεf0 min [τZε, 1− τ ] .


  • Now, the right side of the last inequality does not depend on G̃, τ is an arbitrary realnumber in [0, 1] and applying assumption c we arrive at the statement of the proposition.2

    Remark : The same proof remains valid for q = 0 if one understands T 0 as I{A} and|T − 1|0 as I{A(c)}, where A is a random event belonging to the σ-algebra generated bythe observation X(ε). This type of risks corresponds to the hypothesis testing problem.3

    Let us now brefly discuss how to check the assumption c.

    Corollary 1. Suppose that the following condition is fulfilled.

    c′. Zε → 1 in P εf0-probability as ε → 0.

    Then the assumption c is verified and K = 12.

    This statement is obvious. The optimal choice of the parameter τ is τ = 1/2.

    Corollary 2. Suppose that the following condition is fulfilled.

    c′′. lim supε→0 Eεf0 (Zε − 1)2 , Ω < ∞.

    Then the assumption c is verified and K ≥ 12





    Remark : Note that Ω = 0 implies the assumption c′ and the bounds given byCorollary 1 and Corollary 2 coincide. 3Proof of Corollary 2. Note that

    min [τZε, 1− τ ] =1

    2(τZε + 1− τ − |τZε − (1− τ)|) ,


    Eεf0 min [τZε, 1− τ ] =1


    (1− Eεf0|τ(Zε − 1)− (1− 2τ)|


    Set Ωε = Eεf0

    (Zε − 1)2. Obviously,

    Eεf0|τ(Zε − 1)− (1− 2τ)| ≤√

    τ 2Ωε + (2τ − 1)2

    Minimizing the right hand side of this inequality w.r.t. τ ∈ [0, 1] and letting ε tend tozero, we arrive at the statement of the corollary. 2

    Let us now return to the Gaussian White Noise (GWN) model.

    4.1.2 General lower bound for GWN model

    It is remarkable that for the GWN model we have a simple explicite condition allowing tocheck the assumption c′′ and, therefore, in view of Corollary 2 to check the assumptionc. Also, in this section we will assume that Nε →∞, ε → 0. It is worthwhile to mentionthat all the results remain valid without this condition and that only some constantsmight be changed. Moreover, the case Nε →∞, ε → 0 is the most important one.

    Remark : Remind that the definition of the GWN model requires to suppose thatF ⊂ L2(D), D ⊆ Rd. 3


  • Proposition 7. Let(Ωε, V ε, P εf , f ∈ F ⊂ L2(D)

    )be the GWN model.

    I. Ω = lim supε→01


    ∑Nεi,j=1 exp

    {1ε2〈fi − f0, fj − f0〉

    }− 1.

    II. Suppose that there exist fi, ∈ F , i = 0, . . . , Nε such that the following conditionsare verified.

    c1. sup{i,j=1,...Nε, i6=j}〈fi− f0, fj − f0〉 ≤ Mε2, where M is a constant independent onε and 〈, 〉 is inner product.

    c2. supi=1,...Nε ‖fi − f0‖2 ≤ ε√

    ρ ln Nε, where 0 < ρ < 1 is independent on ε and ‖ · ‖2is L2-norm.

    Then the assumption c′′ is fulfilled and Ω ≤ eM − 1

    Remarks :If M = 0 then Ω = 0 and one can use the lower bound given by Corollary 1.If Nε 9 ∞, ε → 0 then Ω ≤ eM. 3Thus, combining the statements of Proposition 6, Corollary 2 and Proposition 7 we

    arrive at the following result for the GWN model.

    Proposition 8. Let(Ωε, V ε, P εf , f ∈ F

    )be the GWN model. Suppose that the following

    assumptions are fulfilled. For all ε > 0 there exists an integer Nε, Nε → ∞, ε → 0 andfi = f

    (ε)i ∈ L2(D), i = 0, . . . , Nε such that

    a. {fi, i = 0, . . . , Nε} ⊂ F .

    b. ‖G(fi)−G(f0)‖ = aε, ∀i = 1, . . . , Nε.

    c1. sup{i,j=1,...Nε, i6=j}〈fi − f0, fj − f0〉 ≤ Mε2, where M is an absolute constant.

    c2. supi=1,...Nε ‖fi − f0‖2 ≤ ε√

    ρ ln Nε with 0 < ρ < 1,

    then for any q > 0

    lim infε→0




    (a−1ε ‖G̃−G(f)‖



    √eM − 1eM + 3

    )min (2−q, 2−1),

    where the infimum is taken over all mesurable functions ( with respect to X(ε)) with valuesin Λ.

    Remark : There exist examples where the assumptions c1 and c2 are not verified butΩ is still finite. In such situations one has to calculate directly the expression given by Iin Proposition 7. 3

    Proof of Proposition 7. Since we deal with the GWN model, ∀i = 1, . . . , Nε


    )= exp




    (fi − f0)Xε(dt)−1

    2ε2[‖fi‖22 − ‖f0‖22

    ]}= exp




    (fi − f0)(Xε(dt)− f0dt)−1

    2ε2‖fi − f0‖22



  • where for any function g ∈ L2(D)∫D

    (g − f0)(Xε(dt)− f0dt) ∼ N(

    0, ε2‖g − f0‖22)

    w.r.t P εf0 − probability.

    Remind also that Eεf0zi(X(ε)

    )= 1, ∀i = 1, . . . , Nε.

    Thus, we find that

    Eεf0(Zε − 1)2 =






    ε2〈fi − f0, fj − f0〉

    }− 1

    and , therefore, I is proved.Using the assumptions c1 and c2, we obtain

    Eεf0(Zε − 1)2 ≤ Nρ−1ε +

    Nε − 1Nε

    eM − 1.

    Taking into account that ρ < 1 and Nε →∞, ε → 0 we arrive at the statement II of theproposition. 2

    4.2 Proof of Theorem 2

    We will construct the family fi = f(ε)i ∈ L2(D), i = 0, . . . , Nε, where Nε → ∞, ε → 0,

    satisfying the assumptions a,b, c1, c2 of Proposition 8.Remind that in our problem

    • D = [0, 1]d and F = Bsp,∞(M).

    • G(f) = f and ‖ · ‖ = ‖ · ‖p, where ‖ · ‖p is Lp-norm on [0, 1]d.

    Let us fix some function F : R → R such that

    • supp(F ) ⊂ [−1, 1];

    • ‖F‖∞ ≤ 1;

    • F ∈ H(β, 1), where β = maxj=1,...,d sj and H(β, 1) is a Hölder ball.

    Let us define Fd : Rd → R as Fd(x) =

    ∏dj=1 F (xj), x = (x1, . . . , xd) ∈ Rd.

    Set δ = cε√

    ln 1/ε, hk = δak , k = 1, . . . d, Aε = δ

    a, where the constant c will bechosen later. Below, we will give explicite expressions for the real numbers a > 0 andak > 0, k = 1, . . . d. Now, let us set ã = mink=1,...d ak and let b > 0 be an arbitrary realnumber strictly less than ã. Set Mε = ε

    −b (without loss of generality we will assume thatMε is an integer).

    Let B := {um = i/Mε, m = 1, . . . ,Mε − 1, } and let Bd =⊗d

    j=1 B. Bd is obviously anet in [0, 1]d and Nε := card(Bd) = (ε−b − 1)d.


  • Finally, let us define fi : [0, 1]d → R, i = 0, . . . , Nε as follows:

    f0(t) ≡ 0, fi(t) = MAεFd(

    t− tih

    ), t ∈ [0, 1]d, ti ∈ Bd,

    where h = (h1, . . . , hd).Let us make several remarks.

    1. Clearly Nε →∞ when ε → 0 and the number ln Nε which appears in the assumptionc2 is ”∼ bd ln 1/ε”.

    2. In view of the choice of the function F and the net Bd we have for all ε > 0 smallenough

    [fi(t)− f0(t)] [fj(t)− f0(t)] ≡ 0,∀i 6= j, i, j = 1, . . . , Nε.Thus, assumption c1 is fulfilled with M = 0.

    3. In view of the choice of the family fi, i = 0, . . . , Nε, assumption b is fulfilled for allε > 0 small enough and we find that

    aε := ‖fi − f0‖p = Aε( d∏



    ) 1p


    = M‖Fd‖pδ(a+1p

    Pdk=1 ak).

    4. In view of the choice of the function F it is easy to see that assumption a is fulfilled(i.e. (fi, i = 1, . . . , Nε) ⊂ Bsp,∞(M)) if

    (∏dk=1 hk

    ) 1pj


    = 1, ∀j = 1, . . . , d.

    This leads to the following system of equations for the numbers a > 0 and ak >0, k = 1, . . . d.

    a +1



    ak − ajsj = 0, ∀j = 1, . . . , d.

    5. Fix ρ ∈ (0, 1) and set c =√

    ρbd/M . In view of the choice of the family(fi, i = 0, . . . , Nε) we obtain ∀i = 1, . . . , Nε and for all ε > 0 small enough

    ‖fi − f0‖22 = ‖Fd‖22M2A2εd∏


    hk ≤ M2δ2a+Pd

    k=1 ak .

    If the real numbers a > 0 and ak > 0, k = 1, . . . d satisfy

    2a +d∑


    ak = 2

    then ∀i = 1, . . . , Nε and for all ε > 0 small enough

    ‖fi − f0‖22 ≤ M2δ2 = ρbdε2 ln 1/ε = ρε2 ln Nε.

    Thus, assumption c2 is fulfilled.


  • It remains to find the real numbers a > 0 and ak > 0, k = 1, . . . d, in order to calculatethe rate aε. To do this, one has to solve

    a +1



    ak − ajsj = 0, ∀j = 1, . . . , d,

    2a +d∑


    ak = 2.

    The solution is

    aj = 2






    2− 1


    )], a =






    (1pj− 1




    From here we obtain that a + 1p

    ∑dk=1 ak = K/L and hence aε = M‖Fd‖pδK/L.

    Finally, we find that aε � ML−K



    d ln 1/ε)K

    Las ε → 0. 2


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