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Nootropics Guide for Beginners

Date post: 05-Dec-2014
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In this nootropic guide presentation learn the complete history behind the discovery of these brain enhancing smart drugs used by Dave Asprey, The Bulletproof Exec. http://ilovebuttercoffee.com/nootropics-guide/ Things you will learn: # Origins of the word nootropic: Greek root noos for mind and trepein for toward # Drugs along this line aim selectively at the noetic functions (relating to neocortical mental activity, cognition or the intellect) # Discovered in 1964 by Dr Corneliu Giurgea at UCB # Famous quote: “Man is not going to wait passively for millions of years before evolution offers him a better brain.” # Was experimenting with GABA pathways in the brain & discovered Piracetam, also called Nootropil® # He wrote the 1983 paper “The nootropic concept and its prospective implications“ # Discovered cognitive benefits to patients with epilepsy and post-concussion patients # Caffeine, Modafinil and L-Theanine are considered smart drugs # Piracetam, aniracetam, and Levitiracetam are considered nootropics
