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Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of...

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Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule (Version 3) (Tracked Changes) Applicant: Norfolk Boreas Limited Document Reference: ExA.CA.D72.V32 Deadline 76 Date: March 2020 Revision: Version 32 Author: Royal HaskoningDHV Photo: Ormonde Offshore Wind Farm
Page 1: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule (Version 3) (Tracked Changes) Applicant: Norfolk Boreas Limited Document Reference: ExA.CA.D72.V32

Deadline 76

Date: March 2020 Revision: Version 32 Author: Royal HaskoningDHV

Photo: Ormonde Offshore Wind Farm

Page 2: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 2

Date Issue No. Remarks / Reason for Issue Author Checked Approved

26/11/19 01D First draft for review AP/PG CC/JT/JL JL

09/12/2019 02D Second draft for review AP/PG CC/JT/JL JL

09/12/2019 01F Final for submission at Deadline 2 AP JL JL

02/03/2020 02F Final for submission at Deadline 6 AP/PG CC JL

27/03/2020 03F Final for submission at Deadline 7 AP/PG CC JL

Page 3: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 3

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5

2 Compulsory Acquisition Schedule ............................................................................ 7

Table of Tables

Table 1. Compulsory Acquisition Schedule 7

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Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 4

Glossary of Acronyms

CA Compulsory Acquisition

DCO Development Consent Order

HoTs Heads of Terms

LIG Land Interest Group

NFU National Farmers’ Union

OWF Offshore Wind Farm

VWPL Vattenfall Wind Power Limited

UK United Kingdom

Page 5: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 5

1 Introduction

1. Norfolk Boreas Limited (‘the Applicant’, an affiliate company of Vattenfall Wind Power

Ltd (VWPL)) is seeking a Development Consent Order (DCO) for Norfolk Boreas (the

Application), an offshore wind farm (OWF) in the southern North Sea.

2. Since May 2018, prior to submission of the Application, the Applicant has been in

discussions with the landowners (and representing land agents) from whom the

Applicant requires land/rights over land to deliver the project. Discussions have

focussed around Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option for an easement, acquisition

and lease of land.

3. Key to these discussions has been the ongoing negotiations with the Land Interest

Group (LIG), led by Savills and the National Farmers’ Union (NFU), with whom over 50

rounds of communications have been held to date.

4. In May 2018, the majority of the HoTs were issued to landowners and representatives.

5. At the time of writing on 27th 3rd March 2020 a total of 830 HoTs have been signed

with Landowners, out of the 100 total number of HoTs that the Applicant is currently

seeking; representing 830%. The total number of HoTs the applicant is seeking has

reduced by 1 since the version submitted at the start of the examination due to the

sale of land from one landowner in the scheme to another (who was already included),

removing the entirety of their interest.

6. The Applicant is also in on-going discussions with those landowners where HoTs have

not yet been agreed. The applicant remains hopeful that a number of these can be

completed before the close of the examination. Where this is not possible, the

applicant will continue to engage with the landowners in an attempt to reach an


7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of

Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and is working with the solicitors

representing the landowners to convert the HoTs to legal agreements as soon as

possible. The applicant remains hopeful that the large majority of HoTs can be

converted to agreements by the close of the examination.

8. The following schedule lists parties identified by the Examining Authority as having

submitted a relevant representation in respect of the Application.

9. A number of the parties listed do not hold an interest in the land required for the

project, and therefore no compulsory acquisition powers are being sought over their

land. These parties have been identified where applicable.

Page 6: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 6

10. A number of parties identified are tenants or occupiers of the land affected. To date

the Applicant has focussed on negotiations with the landowners of the affected land

in the first instance, however it has made contact with occupiers of land in relation to

completing an occupiers consent agreement. Of the 4239 parties who own land that

are listed, HoTs have been agreed with 362 of these.

11. A number of the parties listed refer to names which are not the same as those with a

legal interest in the affected land e.g. The Jones Family (RR-097). Where this has

occurred the legal names with whom the Applicant is seeking an agreement have

been added and cross referred if listed elsewhere (e.g. RR-097 and RR-070). This

cross referencing has been confirmed as correct in the NFU deadline 5 submission

response to written questions.

Page 7: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 7

2 Compulsory Acquisition Schedule

Table 1. Compulsory Acquisition Schedule

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

1 Penelope Malby 20022487 RR-004

This party has no land interest within the Order Limits for Norfolk Boreas and therefore no powers of Compulsory Acquisition are being sought over their land.

N/A N/A No The Applicant has responded to this party’s Relevant Representation (RR-004) in the Applicant's Comments on Relevant Representations (document reference ExA.RR.D0.V1; AS-024).

2 Necton Farms Ltd 20022489 RR-009

Occupier Permanent Freehold Acquisition

Scenario 2 – 40/13 Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/14a Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/14b Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/14c Scenario 2 – 40/15 Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/16 Scenario 1 – 40/16b Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/16c Scenario 2 – 40/17 Scenario 2 – 40/18 Scenario 2 – 40/19 Scenario 2 – 40/21 Scenario 2 – 40/22 Scenario 2 – 40/22a Scenario 2 – 40/24 Scenario 1 – 40/24b

Yes Whilst to date the Applicant has been focussed on negotiations with owners of the affected land, further negotiations with Necton Farms Ltd to acquire its interest are now progressing in the form of an occupiers consent.

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Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 8

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 2 – 40/24c Scenario 2 – 40/24d Scenario 2 – 40/25 Scenario 2 – 40/29 Scenario 2 – 40/30 Scenario 2 – 41/02 Scenario 2 – 41/04 Scenario 2 – 41/06 Scenario 2 – 41/06b Scenario 2 – 41/19 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/26 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/26a Scenario 1 – 41/26b Scenario 1 – 41/26d Scenario 1 – 41/26e Scenario 1 – 41/26g Scenario 2 – 41/28a Scenario 1 – 41/28b Scenario 1 – 41/28c Scenario 1 – 41/28d Scenario 2 – 41/29 Scenario 2 – 41/30a

Page 9: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 9

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 2 – 41/35 Scenario 2 – 41/37 Scenario 2 – 42/01

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

Scenario 1 – 40/13a Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/14 Scenario 2 – 40/15a Scenario 2 – 40/15b Scenario 1 – 40/16a Scenario 1 – 40/19 Scenario 1 – 40/22a Scenario 2 – 40/23 Scenario 1 – 40/24a Scenario 1 – 40/24c Scenario 1 – 40/24d Scenario 1 – 40/25 Scenario 2 – 40/26 Scenario 2 – 40/27 Scenario 1 – 40/29 Scenario 1 – 40/30 Scenario 2 – 40/33a Scenario 2 – 41/01a Scenario 2 – 41/03

Page 10: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 10

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/03a Scenario 2 – 41/03b Scenario 1 – 41/03c Scenario 2 – 41/05 Scenario 1 – 41/06a Scenario 1 – 41/06b Scenario 2 – 41/15 Scenario 2 – 41/28 Scenario 2 – 41/30b Scenario 2 – 41/30c Scenario 2 – 41/30d Scenario 2 – 41/40 Scenario 1 – 42/01

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

Scenario 1 – 41/05 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/10 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/11

Temporary Rights Scenario 1 – 40/13 Scenario 2 – 40/13a Scenario 1 – 40/15 Scenario 1 – 40/15b Scenario 2 – 40/15c Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/15d

Page 11: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 11

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 2 – 40/17a Scenario 2 – 40/20 Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/20a Scenario 2 – 40/26a Scenario 2 – 40/27a Scenario 2 – 40/28 Scenario 2 – 40/32 Scenario 2 – 40/33 Scenario 2 – 40/33b Scenario 2 – 41/01 Scenario 2 – 41/01b Scenario 1 – 41/15 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/18 Scenario 2 – 41/26c Scenario 1 – 41/26f Scenario 2 – 41/30 Scenario 2 – 41/30e Scenario 2 – 41/30f Scenario 2 – 41/40a Scenario 1 & 2 – 42/02 Scenario 1 & 2 – 42/03

Page 12: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 12

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Rights Permanent Freehold Acquisition

Scenario 2 – 41/20 Scenario 1 – 41/23 Scenario 1 – 41/23a Scenario 1 – 41/24 Scenario 1 – 41/25 Scenario 2 – 41/28a Scenario 1 - 41/28b Scenario 1 – 41/28c Scenario 2 – 41/31 Scenario 2 – 41/34 Scenario 2 – 41/36 Scenario 2 – 41/38

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

Scenario 2 – 41/14 Scenario 2 – 41/14a Scenario 2 – 41/14b Scenario 2 – 41/14c Scenario 1 – 41/22 Scenario 2 – 41/23 Scenario 2 – 41/23a Scenario 2 – 41/24 Scenario 2 – 41/25 Scenario 1 – 41/25a

Page 13: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 13

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 2 – 41/33

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/08 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/13 Scenario 1 – 41/14b Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/16 Scenario 2 – 41/22

Temporary Rights Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/07 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/09 Scenario 1 – 41/14 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/17 Scenario 2 – 41/27 Scenario 2 – 41/39

3 Polly Brockis 20022632 RR-018

This party has no land interest within the Order Limits for Norfolk Boreas and therefore no powers of Compulsory Acquisition are being sought over their land.

N/A N/A No The Applicant has responded to this party’s Relevant Representation (RR-018) in the Applicant's Comments on Relevant Representations (document reference ExA.RR.D0.V1; AS-024).

4 Helen Savage 20022805 RR-023

This party has no land interest within the Order Limits for Norfolk Boreas and therefore no powers of Compulsory Acquisition are being sought over their land.

N/A N/A No The Applicant has responded to this party’s Relevant Representation (RR-023) in the Applicant's Comments on Relevant Representations (document reference ExA.RR.D0.V1; AS-024) and the Applicant is in active dialogue with Cawston PC and Norfolk CC with respect to traffic concerns brought forward by local residents and their locally elected representatives.

5 Cadent Gas Limited 20022850 RR-024

Occupiers - Apparatus Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

05/08 06/04 09/03

Yes Agreement has been reached with Cadent which the Applicant hopes will shortly be signed to allow removal of Cadent's

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Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 14

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

09/15 10/01 14/20 35/15 35/16

representation.Protective provisions are being negotiated, and the parties are close to agreement. The Applicant considers that agreement will be reached by the close of the examination.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)

09/04 09/05 14/21

6 Vanessa Long 20022869 RR-026

This party has no land interest within the Order Limits for Norfolk Boreas and therefore no powers of Compulsory Acquisition are being sought over their land.

N/A N/A No The Applicant has responded to this party’s Relevant Representation (RR-026) in the Applicant's Comments on Relevant Representations (document reference ExA.RR.D0.V1; AS-024).

7 Alison Shaw 20022884 RR-027

This party has no land interest within the Order Limits for Norfolk Boreas and therefore no powers of Compulsory Acquisition are being sought over their land.

N/A N/A No The Applicant has responded to this party’s Relevant Representation (RR‐027) in the Applicant's Comments on Relevant Representations (document reference ExA.RR.D0.V1; AS-024).

8 Diana Lockwood 20022886 RR-031

This party has no land interest within the Order Limits for Norfolk Boreas and therefore no powers of Compulsory Acquisition are being sought over their land.

N/A N/A No The Applicant has responded to this party’s Relevant Representation (RR‐031) in the Applicant's Comments on Relevant Representations (document reference ExA.RR.D0.V1; AS-024).

9 Paul King NORB-001 RR-038

Potential Rights Permanent Freehold Acquisition

Scenario 2 - 40/13 Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/14a Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/14b Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/14c

Yes The Applicant has responded to this party’s Relevant Representation (RR-038) in the Applicant's Comments on Relevant Representations (document reference ExA.RR.D0.V1; AS-024).

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Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 15

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 2 – 40/15 Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/16 Scenario 1 – 40/16b Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/16c Scenario 2 – 40/17 Scenario 2 – 40/18 Scenario 2 – 40/19 Scenario 2 – 40/21 Scenario 2 – 40/22 Scenario 2 – 40/22a Scenario 2 – 40/24 Scenario 1 – 40/24b Scenario 2 – 40/24c Scenario 2 – 40/24d Scenario 2 – 40/25 Scenario 2 – 41/02 Scenario 2 – 41/04 Scenario 2 – 41/06 Scenario 2 – 41/06b Scenario 2 – 41/19 Scenario 2 – 41/20 Scenario 1 – 41/23

Page 16: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 16

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 1 – 41/23a Scenario 1 – 41/24 Scenario 1 – 41/25 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/26 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/26a Scenario 1 – 41/26b Scenario 1 – 41/26d Scenario 1 – 41/26e Scenario 1 – 41/26g Scenario 2 – 41/28a Scenario 1 – 41/28b Scenario 1 – 41/28c Scenario 1 – 41/28d Scenario 2 – 41/29 Scenario 2 – 41/30a Scenario 2 – 41/31 Scenario 2 – 41/34 Scenario 2 – 41/35 Scenario 2 – 41/36 Scenario 2 – 41/37 Scenario 2 – 41/38

Page 17: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 17

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

Scenario 1 – 40/13a Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/14 Scenario 2 – 40/15a Scenario 2 – 40/15b Scenario 1 – 40/16a Scenario 1 – 40/19 Scenario 1 – 40/22a Scenario 2 – 40/23 Scenario 1 – 40/24a Scenario 1 – 40/24c Scenario 1 – 40/24d Scenario 1 – 40/25 Scenario 2 – 40/26 Scenario 2 – 40/27 Scenario 2 – 40/33a Scenario 2 – 41/01a Scenario 2 – 41/03 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/03a Scenario 2 – 41/03b Scenario 1 – 41/03c Scenario 2 – 41/05 Scenario 1 – 41/06a

Page 18: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 18

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 1 – 41/06b Scenario 2 – 41/14 Scenario 2 – 41/14a Scenario 2 – 41/14b Scenario 2 – 41/14c Scenario 2 – 41/15 Scenario 1 – 41/22 Scenario 2 – 41/23 Scenario 2 – 41/23a Scenario 2 – 41/24 Scenario 2 – 41/25 Scenario 1 – 41/25a Scenario 2 – 41/28 Scenario 2 – 41/30b Scenario 2 – 41/30c Scenario 2 – 41/30d Scenario 2 – 41/33 Scenario 2 – 41/40

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

Scenario 1 – 41/05 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/08 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/10 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/11

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Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 19

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/13 Scenario 1 – 41/14b Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/16 Scenario 2 – 41/22

Temporary Rights Scenario 1 – 40/13 Scenario 2 – 40/13a Scenario 1 – 40/15 Scenario 1 – 40/15b Scenario 2 – 40/15c Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/15d Scenario 2 – 40/17a Scenario 2 – 40/20 Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/20a Scenario 2 – 40/26a Scenario 2 – 40/27a Scenario 2 – 40/33 Scenario 2 – 40/33b Scenario 2 – 41/01 Scenario 2 – 41/01b Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/07 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/09 Scenario 1 – 41/14

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Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 20

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 1 – 41/15 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/17 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/18 Scenario 2 – 41/26c Scenario 1 – 41/26f Scenario 2 – 41/27 Scenario 2 – 41/30 Scenario 2 – 41/30e Scenario 2 – 41/30f Scenario 2 – 41/39 Scenario 2 – 41/40a

10 The Crown Estate 20022909 RR-045

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

01/01 01/02 01/03 01/17 01/19

No The Applicant has entered into agreements for lease for the offshore parcels of land relating to the Crown and is seeking Crown consent in respect of the relevant plots under section 135 of the Planning Act 2008. The Applicant and the Crown Estate Commissioners (the Commissioners) are continuing to work together to agree a position which would provide the Commissioners with sufficient assurance as to the way in which compulsory acquisition powers of any third party interests in Crown land forming part of the Crown Estate may be exercised. This would permit the Commissioners to provide their consent to the compulsory acquisition of the third party interests in the relevant plots for the purpose of section 135(1) of the Planning Act 2008 and their consent to the provisions of the dDCO for the purpose of section 135(2) of the 2008 Act.

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Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 21

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

11 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Thomas Love

20022911 RR-055

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights


Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

01/07 01/08 01/10 01/11 01/13 02/01 02/02 02/03 02/04 03/02 03/05 04/05 04/08

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


Temporary Rights (scenario 2 only)

04/06 04/07

12 Peter Soldan 20022915 RR-053

This party has no land interest within the Order Limits for Norfolk Boreas and therefore no powers of Compulsory Acquisition are being sought over their land.

N/A N/A No The Applicant has responded to this party’s Relevant Representation (RR‐053) in the Applicant's Comments on Relevant Representations (document reference ExA.RR.D0.V1; AS-024).

13 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mr Charles Sayer

20022921 RR-049

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights


Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


14 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mr Cubitt Siely

20022920 RR-050

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

01/09 02/12

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

01/14 01/16 02/06 02/07 02/08

Page 22: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 22

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

01/11 02/03

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights


Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


15 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mrs C B Hart

20022919 RR-051

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

01/05 01/18 01/20

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

16 Glenn Berry 20022923 RR-047

This party has no land interest within the Order Limits for Norfolk Boreas and therefore no powers of Compulsory Acquisition are being sought over their land.

N/A N/A No The Applicant has responded to this party’s Relevant Representation (RR‐047) in the Applicant's Comments on Relevant Representations (document reference ExA.RR.D0.V1; AS-024). The Applicant is also in communication with the party, answering questions where appropriate and directing him to relevant application and examination documents.

17 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of G F de Feyter & Partners

20022935 RR-065

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

06/11 06/13 07/02

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

06/14 07/01

Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)


Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

03/08 03/13 04/02 04/03 04/10

Page 23: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 23

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

18 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of E H Wenn (Happisburgh) Ltd

20022934 RR-062

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

03/08 03/09 03/13 04/01 04/02 04/03 04/09 04/10 04/11

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

19 Savills (UK)Ltd on behalf of HBSH Pension Scheme

20022933 RR-066

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

03/11 Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

20 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Church Farms (Gimingham) Ltd

20022932 RR-059

Occupiers Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

02/14 02/23 03/01 03/04 03/07

Yes Whilst to date the Applicant has been focussed on negotiations with owners of the affected land (and HoTs have been agreed with the owners), further negotiations with Church Farms (Gimingham) Ltd to agree an occupier's consent are now progressing.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

02/15 03/03

21 Eni UK Limited 20022931 RR-063

This party has no land interest within the Order Limits for Norfolk Boreas and therefore no powers of Compulsory Acquisition are being sought over their land.

N/A N/A No The Applicant has responded to this party’s Relevant Representation (RR-063) in the Applicant's Comments on Relevant Representations (document reference ExA.RR.D0.V1; AS-024). The Applicant met with Eni UK Limited on the 7th October with regards to the representation submitted. On the 3rd December 2019, the Applicant received an email from Eni UK Limited confirming that they no longer hold an interest in land affected by Norfolk Boreas. This was further confirmed by Eni UK Limited at the request of the ExA in REP5-094 at Deadline 5

22 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mrs A Green

20022930 RR-080

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

02/21 Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by

Page 24: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 24

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

02/20 both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

23 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mrs P Hinton

20022929 RR-082

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

02/14 02/23 03/01

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


24 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mr G Hales

20022928 RR-072

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights


Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


25 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Dr G Cubitt

20022936 RR-061

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

04/12 05/01

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


26 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Bradenham Hall Farms

20022952 RR-058

Occupier Permanent Freehold Acquisition

Scenario 1 – 40/12c Scenario 1 – 40/12d

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement for the cable easement have been agreed and signed by the landowner. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement for acquisition of land from the landowner have been issued by the Applicant and negotiations are ongoing. The Applicant is hopeful that the necessary land and rights can be acquired by agreement.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

37/22 38/01 38/04 38/09 38/11 39/01 39/02 39/09 39/10 39/12 39/13 40/01 40/04 40/11 40/12

Page 25: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 25

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 1 - 40/12a Scenario 1 – 40/12b

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

38/02 38/05 38/08 38/12 39/04 39/05 39/06 39/07 39/15 39/16 40/02 40/03

27 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of L Padulli

20022951 RR-068

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

10/17 11/01 11/05

Yes HoTs Issued. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed but not yet signed. It is anticipated that HoTs will be signed in the near future, following which discussions will commence to negotiate the form of Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


28 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mr M Howell (Presumed to be Dorothy May Howell and David Robert Howell)

20022950 RR-076

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

36/04 36/07

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

36/05 36/06 36/08 36/10 36/11

29 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Diocese of Norwich

20022949 RR-060

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

17/03 Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

30 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mr R Baldwin

20022948 RR-079

Freehold and Occupier

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

36/20 37/01

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway Temporary Rights

(Scenario 2 only) 36/19

Page 26: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 26

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights


between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

36/15 36/16 36/17

31 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Farnham Farms Ltd

20022947 RR-064

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

37/07 37/09 37/16 37/18

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

37/05 37/13

Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)

37/03 37/04 37/06 37/10 37/12 37/15

32 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mr G Anderson (Dillington Hall Estate)

20022946 RR-071

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

33/16 34/01 34/07 35/01 35/07

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation. Acquisition of

Permanent New Rights, Access Only

34/03 34/04 34/09 34/10 34/11 34/13

Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)

33/17 34/02 34/12 35/02

33 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mr P Bunting

20022945 RR-077

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

32/06 Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights


34 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mr J Carrick

20022944 RR-073

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

30/04 30/05 30/06

Yes HoTs Issued. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been issued by the

Page 27: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 27

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Applicant and negotiations are ongoing. The Applicant considers that it will be possible to reach agreement in due course.

Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

28/08 29/02

Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)

28/09 28/10 29/01 29/03 29/04

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


35 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mr & Mrs M Jones

20022943 RR-070

Freehold and Occupiers Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)

29/06 Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

29/07 29/09 29/12 30/02

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

29/08 29/13 30/01

36 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mrs A Jones

20022942 RR-081

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

27/16 28/01 28/03

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)

28/06 28/07

37 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of National Trust

20022941 RR-083

Freehold Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)

15/06 15/09

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions have commenced to complete the form of option agreement. The representation to Norfolk Boreas has also been withdrawn by the National Trust.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

15/07 15/10 15/13 15/15 16/03 16/08 16/09 16/10 16/13 17/01 17/02

Page 28: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 28

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

17/04 17/07 18/01

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

15/08 15/12 15/14 16/02 16/04 16/07 16/11 16/14 17/06

Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights


38 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mr P Mutimer

20022940 RR-078

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

11/14 12/02

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

11/15 12/01

39 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Albanwise Ltd

20022939 RR-057

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

24/17 24/18 25/01 25/03 25/05

Yes HoTs Issued. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed but not yet signed. It is anticipated that HoTs will be signed in the near future, following which discussions will commence to negotiate the form of Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

12/03 (subsoil) 12/05 (Subsoil) 24/19 25/02 25/06

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

24/13 24/15

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights


Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)


Page 29: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 29

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

10/17 11/01 11/05

40 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mr M and Mrs J Ditch (Also known as the Ditch Household in row 51 below)

20022938 RR-075

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

09/12 09/16 10/02 10/05 10/14 10/16

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

09/13 09/14 10/07 10/09

Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)

10/03 10/06 10/10 10/12 10/13

41 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Trustees of WM & SJ Bulwer Long 1983 Settlement Also known as the Heydon Estate in row 45)

20022958 RR-088

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

20/06 20/07 20/09 20/10

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

19/08 20/08 20/11

Rights Acquisition of Permanent New Rights


Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


42 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Trustees of Stinton Hall Trust

20022957 RR-087

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

20/05 Yes HoTs issued. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been issued by the Applicant and negotiations are ongoing. The Applicant considers that it will be possible to reach agreement in due course.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

21/12 21/13

Page 30: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 30

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)

21/10 21/11 21/17

43 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Trustees of Salle Park Trust

20022956 RR-086

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

21/08 20/17 20/19 20/20 21/01

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

20/18 20/21 21/07 21/09

Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)

21/02 21/04 21/06

44 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mr Kyle White

20022955 RR-074

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

21/16 22/02

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

45 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Heydon Estate (Also known as Trustees of WM & SJ Bulwer Long 1983 Settlement in row 41)

20022954 RR-067

Freehold Please refer to entry row 41 above

Please refer to entry row 41 above

Yes HoTs Agreed. Please refer to entry row 41 above.

46 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of William Youngs & Son (Farms) Ltd

20022953 RR-089

Freehold and Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

18/04 Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)


47 Patricia Lockwood 20022964 RR-103

This party has no land interest within the Order Limits for Norfolk Boreas and therefore no powers of

N/A N/A No The Applicant has responded to this party’s Relevant Representation (RR‐103) in the Applicant's Comments on Relevant

Page 31: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 31

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Compulsory Acquisition are being sought over their land.

Representations (document reference ExA.RR.D0.V1; AS-024).

48 Addleshaw Goddard LLP on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

20022970 RR-100

Freehold and Occupiers Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

10/04 Yes Protective provisions are being negotiated, and the Applicant considers that agreement will be reached by the close of the examination.

49 Bidwells on behalf of Christopher S Wright

20022968 RR-092

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

12/04 12/06 24/05 (Subsoil) 24/10 (Subsoil) 24/16 (Subsoil) 25/04 (Subsoil)

Yes HoTs issued. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been issued by the Applicant and negotiations are ongoing. The Applicant considers that it will be possible to reach agreement in due course.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)


50 Cruso & Wilkin on behalf of David Perry Warnes

20022973 RR-093

Freehold and Occupiers Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

22/07 Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only


51 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Ditch Household (Also known as Mr M and Mrs J Ditch in row 40 above)

20022977 RR-094

Freehold and Occupier Please refer to entry row 40 above.

Please refer to entry row 40 above.

Yes HoTs Agreed. Please refer to entry row 40 above.

52 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Jones Household (Also known as Mr & Mrs M Jones in row 35 above)

20022976 RR-097

Freehold and Occupiers Please refer to entry row 35 above.

Please refer to entry row 35 above.

Yes HoTs Agreed. Please refer to entry row 35 above.

Page 32: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 32

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

53 Savills (UK) Ltd on behalf of Mrs P Riches

20022975 RR-098

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

02/09 02/10

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

54 Nicola Banham 20022980 RR-105

This party has no land interest within the Order Limits for Norfolk Boreas and therefore no powers of Compulsory Acquisition are being sought over their land.

N/A N/A No The Applicant has responded to this party’s Relevant Representation (RR-105) in the Applicant's Comments on Relevant Representations (document reference ExA.RR.D0.V1; AS-024).

55 Colin King 20022983 RR-109

Potential Rights Permanent Freehold Acquisition

Scenario 2 - 40/13 Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/14a Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/14b Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/14c Scenario 2 – 40/15 Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/16 Scenario 1 – 40/16b Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/16c Scenario 2 – 40/17 Scenario 2 – 40/18 Scenario 2 – 40/19 Scenario 2 – 40/21 Scenario 2 – 40/22 Scenario 2 – 40/22a

Yes To date the Applicant has been focussed on negotiations with owners of the affected land in the first instance. This party does have third party historic rights listed on the owner's title, which are as a result of a 1972 conveyance. However the area of land over which these rights exist within the landowner's title, is currently unknown. The Applicant has investigated these rights and also requested the Land Registry to provide copies but the Land Registry have confirmed that no copies of the Conveyance were lodged on first registration, therefore there is no plan to show the precise locations referred to. The Applicant is therefore engaging with this party in order to further understand these historic rights. The plot references have been corrected to reflect the Book of Reference.

Page 33: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 33

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 2 – 40/24 Scenario 1 – 40/24b Scenario 2 – 40/24c Scenario 2 – 40/24d Scenario 2 – 40/25 Scenario 2 – 41/02 Scenario 2 – 41/04 Scenario 2 – 41/06 Scenario 2 – 41/06b Scenario 2 – 41/19 Scenario 2 – 41/20 Scenario 1 – 41/23 Scenario 1 – 41/23a Scenario 1 – 41/24 Scenario 1 – 41/25 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/26 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/26a Scenario 1 – 41/26b Scenario 1 – 41/26d Scenario 1 – 41/26e Scenario 1 – 41/26g Scenario 2 – 41/28a

Page 34: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 34

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 1 – 41/28b Scenario 1 – 41/28c Scenario 1 – 41/28d Scenario 2 – 41/29 Scenario 2 – 41/30a Scenario 2 – 41/31 Scenario 2 – 41/34 Scenario 2 – 41/35 Scenario 2 – 41/36 Scenario 2 – 41/37 Scenario 2 – 41/38

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

Scenario 1 – 40/13a Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/14 Scenario 2 – 40/15a Scenario 2 – 40/15b Scenario 1 – 40/16a Scenario 1 – 40/19 Scenario 1 – 40/22a Scenario 2 – 40/23 Scenario 1 – 40/24a Scenario 1 – 40/24c Scenario 1 – 40/24d

Page 35: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 35

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 1 – 40/25 Scenario 2 – 40/26 Scenario 2 – 40/27 Scenario 2 – 40/33a Scenario 2 – 41/01a Scenario 2 – 41/03 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/03a Scenario 2 – 41/03b Scenario 1 – 41/03c Scenario 2 – 41/05 Scenario 1 – 41/06a Scenario 1 – 41/06b Scenario 2 – 41/14 Scenario 2 – 41/14a Scenario 2 – 41/14b Scenario 2 – 41/14c Scenario 2 – 41/15 Scenario 1 – 41/22 Scenario 2 – 41/23 Scenario 2 – 41/23a Scenario 2 – 41/24 Scenario 2 – 41/25

Page 36: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 36

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 1 – 41/25a Scenario 2 – 41/28 Scenario 2 – 41/30b Scenario 2 – 41/30c Scenario 2 – 41/30d Scenario 2 – 41/33 Scenario 2 – 41/40

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

Scenario 1 – 41/05 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/08 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/10 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/11 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/13 Scenario 1 – 41/14b Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/16 Scenario 2 – 41/22

Temporary Rights Scenario 1 – 40/13 Scenario 2 – 40/13a Scenario 1 – 40/15 Scenario 1 – 40/15b Scenario 2 – 40/15c Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/15d Scenario 2 – 40/17a

Page 37: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 37

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

Scenario 2 – 40/20 Scenario 1 & 2 – 40/20a Scenario 2 – 40/26a Scenario 2 – 40/27a Scenario 2 – 40/33 Scenario 2 – 40/33b Scenario 2 – 41/01 Scenario 2 – 41/01b Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/07 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/09 Scenario 1 – 41/14 Scenario 1 – 41/15 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/17 Scenario 1 & 2 – 41/18 Scenario 2 – 41/26c Scenario 1 – 41/26f Scenario 2 – 41/27 Scenario 2 – 41/30 Scenario 2 – 41/30e Scenario 2 – 41/30f Scenario 2 – 41/39 Scenario 2 – 41/40a

Page 38: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 38

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

56 Clan Farms Ltd 20022984 RR-108

Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

05/04 05/08

Yes Whilst to date the Applicant has been focussed on negotiations with owners of the affected land (and HoTs have been agreed with the owners), further negotiations with Clan Farms Ltd to agree an occupier's consent are now progressing.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

05/05 05/09

57 Mr Geoffrey Vout NORB-AFP067 N/A AS-015 Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

22/11 Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions are underway between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights


58 James Edward Keith Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

32/08 32/10 31/11 33/01

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions will now commence between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

32/09 32/12 32/14 33/02 33/04

Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)


Occupier Acquisition of Permanent New Rights


59 Bawdeswell Estate (David Edward Brown , Kate Alice Paul and William David Winslow Barr)

FreeholdQu Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

25/07 26/01 26/03 26/09 27/07 27/09 27/11

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions will now commence between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

26/02 26/05 26/10

Temporary Rights (Scenario 2 only)

27/03 27/12

Page 39: Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm Compulsory …...7. The Applicant has now agreed the final form of the Option Agreement and Deed of Easement (subject to a few final amendments) and

Compulsory Acquisition Objections Schedule Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm ExA.CA.D72.V32 March 2020 Page 39

Obj No.i

Name/ Organisation

IP/AP Ref Noii

RR ref Noii


Other Doc

Ref Nov


Permanent/ Temporary vii



Status of objection

60 Bawdeswell Estate (David Quintin Gurney, David Edward Brown , Kate Alice Paul and William David Winslow Barr)

Freehold Acquisition of Permanent New Rights

26/12 26/14 26/15 27/01

Yes HoTs Agreed. Formal Heads of Terms (HoTs) for an option agreement have been agreed and signed by both parties. Discussions will now commence between legal teams to agree the wording of the Option and Deed documentation.

Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

26/04 26/06 26/11 26/13 27/04

Rights Acquisition of Permanent New Rights


Acquisition of Permanent New Rights, Access Only

26/08 27/02
