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[email protected] 1 Socket-based Client- Server Application Client-Server application architecture...

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[email protected] 1 Socket-based Client-Server Application Client-Server application architecture Choosing services – Connectionless atau Connection- oriented

[email protected] 1

Socket-based Client-Server Application

Client-Server application architecture

Choosing services – Connectionless atau Connection-oriented

[email protected]


Evolution of Application Architecture

[email protected]


3-tier Client-server application architecture

[email protected]


Internet Protocol and Network Application

Internet protocol supports: General-purpose service for reliable data transmission Mechanism for connecting hosts

Network application programs: Use Internet Protocol to connect to other application Provide user-level services

[email protected]


Client-Server Model Server Application acts as a “listener”

Waits for incoming messages Executes services Returns the results/outcomes

Client Application makes connection Sends messages to the server Waits for response

[email protected]


Features of a Client An application program

Becomes a client when a network service is needed

It can also executes other calculation Is directly created by the users Is executed locally by at the users’ computer Initiates connection to a server Able to access various services (at a given

time) Does not require a special device or

operating system

[email protected]


Features of a Server

Special-purpose application for providing a network service

Is executed on a remote computer (usually is centralised and shared)

Waits and receives request for services from the clients

Requires high-performance device and operating system

[email protected]


Transport Protocol and Client-Server

Client and server exchange messages via transport protocol such as TCP or UDP

Both client and server must have the same protocol stack and both interact with the transport layer

[email protected]


Transport Protocol and Client-Server

[email protected]


Several Services on a Server

[email protected]


Identifying a Service Every service has a unique identifier which is used by

the client and server Example - TCP uses port number protocol

(port_num) as identifier Server is registered under a specific port number

for a service Client asks for a session with the port number for

the service Every transport session contains 2 unique

indentifier (IP address, port number) at the server (IP address, port number) at the client

[email protected]


Connection-oriented and Connectionless Transport Protocol

Which one should be chosen? UDP - connectionless

Client builds a message Client sends the message to a server The server responds Message must be loaded into a UDP datagram

TCP - connection-oriented Client makes a connection to a server Client and server exchange messages Client terminates the connection

[email protected]


UDP UDP is a connectionless transport protocol,

i.e. it doesn't guarantee either packet delivery or that packets arrive in sequential order.

With UDP, bytes of data are grouped together in discrete packets which are sent over the network.

[email protected]


Packets may travel along different paths depending on the state of the network.

No two packets are guaranteed the same route.

Each packet has a time-to-live (TTL) counter, which is updated when it is routed along to the next point in the network. When the timer expires, it will be discarded, and the recipient will not be notified.

[email protected]


If a packet does arrive, it will always arrive intact. Packets that are corrupt or only partially delivered are discarded.

[email protected]


Advantages of UDP

UDP communication can be more efficient than guaranteed-delivery data streams.

Unlike TCP streams, which establish a connection, UDP causes fewer overheads.

Real-time applications that demand up-to-the-second or better performance may be candidates for UDP, as there are fewer delays due to error checking and flow control of TCP.

[email protected]


UDP sockets can receive data from more than one host machine.

Some network protocols specify UDP as the transport mechanism.

[email protected]


Java Support for UDP Two classes are provided:

DatagramPacket class (java.net) DatagramSocket class (java.net)

[email protected]


DatagramPacket Class

A DatagramPacket object represents a data packet intended for transmission using UDP.

It contains addressing information such as an IP address and a port.

When a DatagramPacket is read from a UDP socket, the IP address/port number of the packet represents the address/port number of the sender.

[email protected]


When a DatagramPacket is used to send a UDP packet, the IP address/port represents the address/port of the recipient.


IP address (java.net.InetAddr)

Port address (int)

Packet data (byte[])

[email protected]


Creating a DatagramPacket Constructor to use for creating a DatagramPacket for receiving incoming UDP packets:DatagramPacket(byte[] buffer, int length)

Example:DatagramPacket packet;packet = new DatagramPacket(new byte[256], 256);

[email protected]


Constructor to use for sending a DatagramPacket to a remote machineDatagramPacket(byte[] buffer, int length,

InetAddress dest_addr, int dest_port)

Example:DatagramPacket packet;

InetAddress addr;

addr = InetAddress.getByName("");

packet = new DatagramPacket(new byte[128], 128,addr, 2000);

[email protected]


DatagramPacket Methods

InetAddress getAddress() byte[] getData() int getLength() int getPort() void setAddress(InetAddress addr) void setData(byte[] buffer) void setLength(int length) void setPort(int port)

[email protected]


DatagramSocket Class

The DatagramSocket class provides access to a UDP socket, which allows UDP packets to be sent and received.

The same DatagramSocket can be used to receive as well as to send packets.

Read operations are blocking - i.e. the application will continue to wait until a packet arrives.

[email protected]


Each DatagramSocket binds to a port on the local machine. The port number need not match the port number of the remote machine.

If the application is a UDP server, it will usually bind to a specific port number.

[email protected]


Creating a DatagramSocket Constructor to use for creating a client DatagramSocket:DatagramSocket() throws java.net.SocketException

Example:DatagramSocket socket;

try {

socket = new DatagramSocket();} catch (SocketException exception) {


[email protected]


Constructor to use for creating a server DatagramSocket:DatagramSocket(int port) throws


Example:DatagramSocket socket;

try {

socket = new DatagramSocket(2000);} catch (SocketException exception) {


[email protected]


DatagramSocket Methods

void close() void connect(InetAddress r_addr, int r_port) void disconnect() InetAddress getInetAddress() int getPort() InetAddress getLocalAddress() int getLocalPort() int getReceiveBufferSize() throws java.net.SocketException

[email protected]


int getSendBufferSize() throws java.net.SocketException int getSoTimeout() throws java.net.SocketException void receive(DatagramPacket packet) throws

java.io.IOException void send(DatagramPacket packet) throws

java.io.IOException int setReceiveBufferSize(int length) throws

java.net.SocketException int setSendBufferSize(int length) throws

java.net.SocketException void setSoTimeout(int duration) throws


[email protected]


Listening for UDP Packets Before an application can read UDP

packets, it must bind a socket to a local UDP port using DatagramSocket

create a DatagramPacket that will contain the data.

[email protected]



DatagramSocket DatagramPacket

UDP application

Reads packets

Translates packetsInto a DatagramPacket

[email protected]


The following code illustrates the process for reading UDP packets.

DatagramPacket packet;DatagramSocket socket;packet = new DatagramPacket(new byte[256], 256);socket = new DatagramSocket(2000);boolean finished = false;while (!finished) {

socket.receive(packet);// process the packet


[email protected]


Java I/O streams are usually used to access the contents of the byte array in a DatagramPacket. See example later.


IP address (java.net.InetAddr)

Port address (int)

Packet data (byte[])




[email protected]


Sending UDP Packets When sending a packet, the application

must create a DatagramPacket that will contain the data. The address and port information must also be set.

When the packet is ready for transmission, the send method of DatagramSocket should be invoked.

[email protected]





UDP application

Binds to a UDP port


Send DatagramPacketusing DatagramSocket

[email protected]


The following code illustrates the process for sending UDP packets.

DatagramPacket packet;DatagramSocket socket;packet = new DatagramPacket(new byte[256], 256);socket = new DatagramSocket(2000);packet.setAddress(…);packet.setPort(2000);boolean finished = false;while (!finished) {

// write data to packet buffersocket.send(packet);…


[email protected]


User Datagram Protocol Example

Run receiving application

java PacketReceiveDemo Run sending application

java PacketSendDemo

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[email protected]


Building a UDP Client/Server Run echo server

java EchoServer Run echo client

java EchoClient

[email protected]


Algorithm for Echo Server1. Create socket

2. Create an empty packet

3. Repeat the following forever1. Wait for a packet

2. Send the packet back to sender

[email protected]


Algorithm for Echo Client1. Create socket2. Set timeout value for socket3. Repeat the following ten times

1. Create the message to be sent2. Create packet containing the message as well as the

destination IP and the port3. Send the packet through socket4. Wait for packet from receiver through socket or timeout5. if packet received

1. Create an input stream to access data in the packet2. Use the input stream to read the data and then display it on

the screen.

6. Sleep for a second

[email protected]


Overcoming UDP Limitations UDP limitations:

Lack of Guaranteed Delivery Lack of Guaranteed Packet Sequencing Lack of Flow Control

[email protected]


Lack of Guaranteed Delivery

Packets sent via UDP may become lost in transit.

UDP packets can also become damaged or lost.

For some applications, the loss of individual packets may not have a noticeable effect (e.g. video streams).

For other applications, loss of packets is not acceptable (e.g. file transfers).

[email protected]


If guaranteed delivery is required, avoid packet-based communication, and

use a more suitable transport mechanism (e.g. TCP).

send acknowledgement to sender after receiving packets.

[email protected]


Lack of Guaranteed Packet Sequencing

Applications that require sequential access to data should include a sequence number in the contents of a datagram packet.

This enables detection of duplicate packets and also missing packets.

[email protected]


Lack of Flow Control The technique of flow control is important to

avoid flooding a system with more data than it can handle due to limited bandwidth.

One technique of flow control is to limit the number of unacknowledged packets. E.g.: increase control when number of acknowledgement packets received is much less than the number of packets sent.

[email protected] 52

Transmission Control Protocol

[email protected]



Unlike UDP which is concerned with the transmission of packets of data, TCP establishes a "virtual connection" between two machines through which streams of data may be sent.

TCP guarantees delivery and order, providing a reliable byte communication stream between client and server that supports two-way communication.

[email protected]


Establish a virtual connection

Terminate the connection

Transmit data back and forth

[email protected]


TCP uses IP (Internet Protocol) to establish the connection between machines.

This connection provides an interface that allows streams of bytes to be sent and received, and transparently converts the data into IP datagram packets.

The virtual connection between two machines is represented by a socket.

[email protected]


TCP sockets are different from UDP sockets: TCP sockets are connected to a single machine. UDP sockets only send and receive packets of

data. TCP allows tansmission of data through byte streams. They are converted into datagram packets for transmission over the network without programmer intervention.

[email protected]


Advantages of TCP over UDP Automatic Error Control

Data transmission is more dependable. Delivery of data is guaranteed - lost data packets are retransmitted.

By means of a timer, TCP retransmits a packet if an acknowledgement is not received from the recipient within a specified amount of time.

[email protected]


Reliability As packets are delivered by IP, they will

frequently arrive out of order. However, each packet contains a sequence number. Using this sequence number and queuing out-of-order packets, TCP is able to pass arriving packets to the application in the correct sequence.

[email protected]


Ease of Use Network programmers will find programming

communication via TCP sockets far simpler than via datagram packets. This is because data sent and received can be treated as a continuous stream (like I/O streams). The data need not be packaged into discrete units like UDP.

[email protected]


Communication Using Ports

Both UDP and TCP uses the concept of a communications port, which distinguishes one application from another.

When a TCP socket establishes a connection to another machine, the following information will be required: the IP address of the remote machine the port number

[email protected]


Like ports in UDP, ports in TCP are also represented by a number in the range 1 - 65535.

Ports below 1024 are restricted to use by well-known services. For example, Telnet (port 23) SMTP (port 25) HTTP (port 80) POP3 (port 110)

[email protected]


Socket Operations

TCP sockets can perform a variety of operations: Establish a connection to a remote host Send data to a remote host Receive data from a remote host Close a connection

[email protected]


There is a special type of socket that provides a service that will bind to a specific port number. Normally used only in servers, this socket can perform the following operations: Bind to a local port Accept incoming connections from remote hosts Unbind from a local port

[email protected]


TCP and the Client/Server Paradigm

In network programming, applications that use sockets are divided into clients and servers.

A client is software that initiates a connection and sends requests.

A server is software that listens for connections and processes requests.

[email protected]


Note that in the context of UDP programming, no actual connection is established. UDP applications may both initiate and receive requests on the same socket.

In the client/server paradigm, when there is a connection between two applications, one must be a client and the other must be a server.

[email protected]


Network Clients

Network clients initiate connections and control network transactions.

The server fulfills the requests of the client but not the other way round.

The network client speaks to the server using a network protocol. E.g an HTTP client communicates with an HTTP server using HTTP.

[email protected]


Port numbers are used to enable clients to locate servers. E.g. a web server uses port 80.

[email protected]


Network Servers

The role of the network server is to bind to a specific port and to listen for new connections.

Unlike the client, the server must run continually in the hope that some client will want its services.

The server runs indefinitely. Normally, it is automatically started when the host computer of the server is started.

[email protected]


Some servers can handle only one connection at a time, while others can handle many connections concurrently, through the use of threads.

Some protocols (e.g. HTTP/1.0) normally allow only one request per connection. Others, like POP3, support a sequence of requests.

Servers answer the client request by sending either a response or an error message.

[email protected]


TCP Sockets and Java

Java provide the following classes for TCP sockets: java.net.Socket java.net.ServerSocket

The Socket class should be used when writing client software.

The ServerSocket class should be used when writing server software.

[email protected]


Socket Class Socket objects represent client sockets,

and is a communication channel between two TCP communications ports belonging to one or two machines.

[email protected]


There are several constructors for the Socket class.

The easiest way to create a socket is shown below:

Socket mySocket;

try {

mySocket = new Socket("www.aol.com", 80);

} catch (Exception e) {


[email protected]


Some of the other constructors: Socket(InetAddress addr, int port)

Throws java.io.IOException, java.lang.SecurityException

Socket(InetAddress rAddr, int rPort, InetAddress lAddr, int lPort)

Throws java.io.IOException, java.lang.SecurityException

Socket(String rHost, int rPort, InetAddress lAddr, int lPort)

Throws java.net.UnknownHostException, java.io.IOException, java.lang.SecurityException

[email protected]


Using a Socket Refer section 6.4.2 (pg 150) for a

description of some of the methods of the Socket class.

[email protected]


Reading from and Writing to TCP Sockets

In Java, once a socket is created, it is connected and ready to read/write by using the socket's input and output streams. Use the methods getInputStream() and getOutputStream() to access those streams.

[email protected]



Socket socket;InputStreamReader isr;BufferedReader br;PrintStream ps;try {

socket = new Socket("www.aol.com",80);isr = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream());br = new BufferedReader(isr); ps = new PrintStream(socket.getOutputStream());

} catch (Exception e) {…


[email protected]


SO_TIMEOUT Socket Option

Socket options are settings that modify how sockets work. They can affect the performance of applications.

SO_TIMEOUT is the most useful socket option. It allows a timer to be started when a read request is made on a socket. When no data arrives in time and the timer expires, a java.io.InterruptedIOException is thrown which can be caught to check for a timeout.

[email protected]


Use the setSoTimeout() method to set the duration of the timer. Example:


The getSoTimeout() method can be used to get the duration of the timer. A value of zero means that timeouts are disabled and read operations will block indefinitely.

[email protected]


Creating a TCP Server The given example is a TCP server which

returns the current day and time to the client.

[email protected]


SocketServer Class

The server socket is a special type of socket used to provide TCP services.

Client sockets bind to any free port on the local machine, and connect to a specific port and host.

The difference with server sockets is that they bind to a specific port on the local machine so that remote clients may locate a service.

[email protected]


Client socket connections will connect to only one machine, whereas server sockets are capable of fulfilling the requests of multiple clients.

[email protected]


Creating a ServerSocket Once a server socket is created, it will be

bound to a local port and ready to accept incoming connections.

When clients attempt to connect, they are placed into a queue.

When this queue is full, further clients are refused.

[email protected]


There are several constructors for the ServerSocket class.

The easiest way to create a socket is shown below:

ServerSocket mySocket;

try {

mySocket = new ServerSocket(80);

} catch (Exception e) {


[email protected]


Some of the other constructors: ServerSocket(int port)

Throws java.io.IOException, java.lang.SecurityException

If port is 0, then any free port will be used. By default, the queue size is set to 50.

ServerSocket(int port, int maxClients) Throws java.io.IOException, java.lang.SecurityException

Allocates sufficient space to the queue to support the specified number of client sockets.

[email protected]


Using a ServerSocket Refer section 6.6.2 (pg 161-Reilly) for a

description of some of the methods of the ServerSocket class.

The most important method is the accept() method, which accepts client connection requests.

[email protected]


Accepting and Processing Requests from TCP Clients

The most important function of a server socket is to accept client sockets. Once a client socket is obtained, the server can perform all the "real work" of server programming, which involves reading from and writing to the socket to implement a network protocol.

Example: a mail server that provides access to stored messages would listen to commands and send back message contents.

[email protected]



ServerSocket server;BufferedReader reader;PrintWriter writer;server = new ServerSocket(13);while (true) {

Socket client = server.accept();reader = new BufferedReader(

new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream()));

writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(



[email protected]


TCP Socket Client-Server : ALI BABA…

[email protected]


ALI BABA Client-Server

[email protected]


Client Application In this example, there are 2 java programs The client program is implemented as a

class NyietInSengClient

[email protected]


import java.io.*;import java.net.*;

public class NyietInSengClient { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Socket nisSocket = null; PrintWriter out = null; BufferedReader in = null;

try { nisSocket = new Socket("localhost", 8888); out = new

PrintWriter(nisSocket.getOutputStream(), true); in = new BufferedReader(new

InputStreamReader(nisSocket.getInputStream())); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { System.err.println("Don't know about host:

localhost."); System.exit(1); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Couldn't get I/O for the

connection to: localhost."); System.exit(1); }

BufferedReader stdIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));

String fromServer; String fromUser;

while ((fromServer = in.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println("Server: " +

fromServer); if (fromServer.equals("tata titi tutu")) break;

fromUser = stdIn.readLine();

if (fromUser != null) { System.out.println("Client: " +

fromUser); out.println(fromUser);

} }

out.close(); in.close(); stdIn.close(); nisSocket.close(); }}

[email protected]


Server Application Server application is implemented using 2

classes: NyietInSengServer

NyietInSengServer contains method main() for the server program. It listens at a port for incoming connection, accept the connection and reads messages from client/writes responses to the client through a socket

[email protected]


import java.net.*;import java.io.*;

public class NyietInSengServer { public static void main(String[] args) throws

IOException {

ServerSocket serverSocket = null; try { serverSocket = new ServerSocket(8888); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Could not listen on

port: 8888."); System.exit(1); }

Socket clientSocket = null; try { clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Accept failed."); System.exit(1); }

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream(), true);

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new


String inputLine, outputLine; NyietInSengProtocol nis = new


outputLine = nis.processInput(null); out.println(outputLine);

while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { outputLine = nis.processInput(inputLine); out.println(outputLine); if (outputLine.equals("tata titi tutu")) break; } out.close(); in.close(); clientSocket.close(); serverSocket.close(); }}

[email protected]


NyietInSengProtocol NyietInSengProtocol provides the jokes. It tracks

the current joke, the current status (SENTTOKTOK, SENTCLUE, etc) and returns joke text based on the current status.

It implements a communication protocol (a language) agreed by the client and server.

Protocol class (part of server app)

[email protected]


Begins by creating a ServerSocket object to listen (wait) at a certain port. When selecting a port no., pick one that is not reserved for other services.

NyietInSengServer waits at port 8888 as the port 8888 is not used in my computer environment:

try { serverSocket = new ServerSocket(8888);

} catch (IOException e) {

System.out.println("Could not listen on port: 8888"); System.exit(-1); }

Server App.

[email protected]


The constructor for ServerSocket throws an exception if it fail to listen the specified port (say if it is being used)

In this case NyietInSengServer has no other choice than to exit.

Server App.

[email protected]


If the server is able to connect to the specified port, then a ServerSocket object is created and the server app. Will perform the following steps – accept connection from client (in bold): Socket clientSocket = null;

try {

clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();

} catch (IOException e) {

System.out.println("Accept failed: 8888");



[email protected]


Method accept() waits until a client program is executed and requesting for connection at a specified host and port (example, host : localhost and port : 8888.

When connection between the client and server is succesfully created, method accept() will return a new Socket object (in example :clientSocket) which is bound to a new port.

NyietInSengServer can communicate with NyietInSengClient through this new socket.

It can keep listening and waiting for new incoming connection using the original ServerSocket (in example : serverSocket)

However, in the example, the server application is not able to cater for more than 1 client.

Server App.

[email protected]


Read/Write Process

1. Gets the socket's input and output stream and opens readers and writers on them

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream(), true);

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( clientSocket.getInputStream()));

String inputLine, outputLine;

[email protected]


After the server successfully establishes a connection with a client, it communicates with the client using this code:

// initiate conversation with client

NyietInSengProtocol nis = new NyietInSengProtocol();

outputLine = nis.processInput(null);


2. Initiates communication with the client by writing to the socket (shown in bold).

Server App.

[email protected]


while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

outputLine = nis.processInput(inputLine);


if outputLine.equals(“tata titi tutu"))



3. Communicates with the client by reading from and writing to the socket (the while loop).

Server App.

[email protected]


1 is already familiar. Step 2 is shown in bold and is worth a few comments.

After the NyietInSengProtocol is created, the code calls NyietInSengProtocol 's processInput method to get the first message that the server sends to the client.

For this example, the first thing that the server says is “NyietInSeng MatekAji Semar Ngiseng!" Next, the server writes the information to the PrintWriter connected to the client socket, thereby sending the message to the client.

[email protected]


Communication Protocol of AliBaba Client-Server

Following is the implementation of the protocol:

[email protected]


import java.net.*;import java.io.*;

public class NyietInSengProtocol { private static final int WAITING = 0; private static final int SENTTOKTOK = 1; private static final int SENTCLUE = 2; private static final int ANOTHER = 3;

private static final int NUMJOKES = 3;

private int state = WAITING; private int currentJoke = 0;

private String[] clues = { "Ali", "Di Sini", "Hari"};

private String[] answers = { "Ali Baba, Bujang Lapok la.. ",

"Di Sini lah, Oi Di Sana! ", "Harimau Kuat! Grrrrrr "};

public String processInput(String theInput) { String theOutput = null;

if (state == WAITING) { theOutput = "NyietInSeng MatekAji Semar Ngiseng!"; state = SENTTOKTOK; } else if (state == SENTTOKTOK) { if (theInput.equalsIgnoreCase("Siapa tu?")) { theOutput = clues[currentJoke]; state = SENTCLUE; } else { theOutput = "Sepatutnya awak cakap \"Siapa tu?\"! " +

"Cuba lagi. NyietInSeng MatekAji Semar Ngiseng!";

} } else if (state == SENTCLUE) { if (theInput.equalsIgnoreCase(clues[currentJoke] + " mana?")) { theOutput = answers[currentJoke] + " Main lagi? (y/n)"; state = ANOTHER; } else { theOutput = "Sepatutnya awak cakap \"" +

clues[currentJoke] + " mana?\"" + "! Cuba lagi. NyietInSeng MatekAji

Semar Ngiseng!"; state = SENTTOKTOK; } } else if (state == ANOTHER) { if (theInput.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { theOutput = "NyietInSeng MatekAji Semar Ngiseng!"; if (currentJoke == (NUMJOKES - 1)) currentJoke = 0; else currentJoke++; state = SENTTOKTOK; } else { theOutput = "tata titi tutu"; state = WAITING; } } return theOutput; }}
