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North Carolina standard. (Raleigh, N.C.) 1851-01-15 [p...

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- IW,- X I .(. il ' TW ". JT T . . 1 .V . I 'i A J i f IK'S r"k.- -' .' I '..--J- -m vl, r5V.(A 'yr: f-- ..' KI'Y. , tff l.i,L. M-iY- l HriC,V' taf;- - VJ'iV I. - W.-3.- . ikx i - jk:. "sr m,s wm . ' v;, j WAjrw.r . I2gaji4 Jfuv--- . ; t "mavfcv IKS. ."1 St -- Jv? V. m (is.1 t ' ' " .' . i , ,, .... ,,...-- SEMI-WECKL- Y, $ 4 P ER ANNUM IN - ADVANCE. -- ; ; .vnrTot tctn?T rtrEtv "ixtt- - WEEKLY. 82 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. YOL. 1. RiO.HCan, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1851. NO. 21. THE WORTH CAROLINA STANDARD ii Pciumii Wstm.iT a Sbmi-W- t, it WILLIAM W. HOLD EN, 0 EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TsBg of tii Wbikit. Two dollr per annum, U Jvance, or within the firt month, Two dollar and be aiz month and Three fifty cents, if payment delayed ; Mas. Dollar, if not paid wi bin air month from the time of ulxcriliing-- . Tebm or the Sei-Wi- t. Four dollar per annum, in advance, or within the first month; Four dllr and fifty cent, if payment be delayed months; and Five Dollar, if not paid within six months from the time of Mihscribinff. The above rule will ho inflexibly adhered to. rd AnvMTiKXMT not exceeding fourteen line will for fee inserted one time for one dollar, and twenty-fiv- e and cent for each subsequent insertion ; those of greater length in proportion. Court orders and Judidicial Ad- vertisements will be charsted 25 per cent higher than the aliove rate. A reasonable reduction will be made to those who advertise by the year. Advertisements inser- ted In the Semi-Week- ly Standard, will also appear in the Weekly Paper, free of charge. Subscribers, and other, who may wish to send money to the Editor, can do so at an times, uy jnaii anu ai uw rik. Receipts for all um will be promptly transmitted. Letter to the Editor must come free of postage. iru z z aT nu zz a , uvzzxii Never before such Glorious Lock ! Every Drawing a.l.ls fresh Laurel to the already high fame of the renowned prize sellers, PYFER & CO. No. I, Light Stbsbt, Baltimore, Md. Last month was as wc predicted, a most fortunate one for the patron of our Lcccx Hoes. DKIIULD THR BBHXI.tST PRIZKS. 5 16 71 $10,000. in a package of Half Ticket, ent to Cincinnati, Ohio. Whole Tic ket, 19 22 78 $3,000, ent to South Carolina. Whole Ticket, 47 55 69 $10,000, sent to Ohio. the Half Ticket, 26 33 45 $15,000, sent to North Carolina. Half Ticket, 1 29 48 $18,000, sent to Tennessee. waa 29 4fi 75 $20,000, in Package Quarter Tickets, sent to ha Virginia. as Quarter Ticket, 10 17 18 $11,000, ent to Virginia. S 38 52 $4,00(1, in Package Quarter Tickets, sent to Tennessee. Quarter Ticket, 25 44 66 $5,000, sent to Pennsylvania. ALL SOLD AND PROMPTLY PAID BY PYFF.P. & CO. No. 1 Light Street, Baltimore, Md. ' We respectfully invite the attention of the public to the following Brilliant Srliemex for Janiiary, 1S51. I It r Pare Capital No. of Price f Price of Jan. P izes. Ritllot. Tickets, rarkages. 6 26,000 78 Noa 15 drawn 8 2j 00 I 20,000 78 No 12 drawn 5 18 00 8 35.000 75 Nos 14 drawn 10 37 00 9 20,000 75 Nos 12 drawn 5 18 00 10 10.000 66 Nos 13 drawn 4 1 1 00 the II 65.366 78 No - 12 drawn 15 55 00 13 25.000 75 No 13 drawn : 8 ' 28 00 U 20,000 75 No ' 12 drawn 5 18 00 15 33.500 78 Noa 1A drawn ! 10 30 00 16 25,000 78 Nos 13 drawn 6 22 00 17 11,000 72 No 11 drawn 5 18 00 18 5 of 204100 75 No 12 drawn 10 37 00 20 23.000 78 Noa 13 drawn 8 5 ' 23 00 Ex 21 20.000 75 Noa It drawn 18 00 23 3U,000 75 No 13 drawn 16 37 00 23 55.000 78 No 1 3 drawn "5 15 00 24 . 15.M4 75 Na 11 drawn 4 16 00 of 25 60.000 78 No 30 drawn : 33 125 00 27 3 of 15,000 75 No 1 1 drawn '8 28 00 2 21,000 78 Nos 13 drawn 5 18 00 2S 40.000 78 Nos 12 drawn 10 37 00 30 18.000 75 No 14 drawn 5 16 00 31 24,000 73 No 13 drarvn 5 18 00 PLEASE OBSERVE. are Correspondents will please War in mind that the the prices of Package of Quarter Ticket only are pub- - lihcd in this paper. The Printed official drawings which Correpondcnt can rely upon ai being correct, are always forwardud from Pvfer & Co. Ilauk Drafts or Certificates of Deposit payable in Gold at irijht, will be promptly remitted to those Correjon-dcut- s who draw prizes at Pyfer & Co'a. Remember A Package of Ticket, can draw four f the most splendid prizes in a scheme. In order to secure a Fortune, and tha cash immediate- ly after the result is known, the reader of this paper have only to remit cash Drafts or prize ticket, to the Old Established, far famed and truly fortunate Exchange and Lottery Brokers, PYFER & CO. No. 1, Light Street, Baltimore. Md. January 1st, 1850. 848 PL.AXK ROAD NOTICE. - of Subscription to the Greenville and Raleisrh BOOKS Road Company will he opened on the 1st day of January next, and remain open thirty day at the ollowing place, vix t At tVashiiiston, under the direction of John My era. B. V. Havens, James E. Hoyt, B. F. Hank and Joseph Pott. - " At Greenville, under the direction of Gould Hoyt, Chnrlea Green. Edwin H. Goielt Win. Bernard, r and Heurv Bell. At the town of Wilson, under the direction of Jona than Rountrcc,-Joh- Farmer and Barron C. Watson. At Eagle Rock, under the direction of T. R. Dednam Wm. H. Hood, and Needham Price. At Raleigh, under the direction of Thomas D. Hogg, Vm..H. Jones and James T. Marriott. Amount of share $25. Two dollars on each share to be paid en subscribing. - . . . JOHN MYERS. ,. JAMES E. HOYT, . joseih pon s, ' ,. ii. N BEN. P. Hi.NKS, B H. HAVENS. : Washington, N. C Jan. 4, 1S51-- - 11 TRINITY SCHOOL. , Seven Mile - West or. Raleigh N. C. Rev. P. T. Babbit, Rector. rflHE Eighth term of this School will commence on I the 8ta ol January, isoi, . . ; .iriiLl is? aavatrcx. ' For board, washing &x with inatructioa in English, n.l uuiinrVnt Iunrusse. A7 ver term of five months. Asa general rule, boy sever 14 years of age will not be received. The design of the School is to furnish a aade retreat to which boys can be sent for thorough training. Hence the requirement that they shall be young, or, if ever the docile period ef childhood, that they shall pos- se as aharaeter in keeping with the object of the SchowL la restiect te beautv. retirement and healthfulneaaof act uation, and convenience and comfort of buildiaga, this school possesses quite aa advantage. The course of stady will be retruleted bv the requirement of our University, and ae pain will he spared te make the boy good schoV ars. , , , , ,,? : l Dumber MtWlMO. .r .s'f - M-- V SV. MARX'S SCBOOIai. RALEIGH.' N. CV;i TUB 18th Term of this rfchoot wID commence oa the day of January 1831, and continue 'till the 7th of Jmw.-.- - ' -- r" For a Circular eonU'mingfulf particnlars,'apply to the oumnoer. - ALDEKT SMEDJSS. Kecror. December 4th, I860. 1 lt. " -- I. ' , - ' ' . ' ' . - . FEMALE classical institutf, (HutiioiouiB Stiiit,) ' RALiElGEI W. C. REV. BENNET T. BLAKE, Principal. Ma. VV. C. Dora, A. M., Profetor of Mathematics and Ancient Language. Karl W. PiTKBSitia, Profcnor of Music. Lfcw M. PTcaii.iaf Teacher of Drawing and Painting. Young Ladies can be TWENTY-FIV- E board in the family of tha Principal. These will receive all the attention, and enjoy all the comfort of a private family. The course of study is well digested, thorough and extensive. The entire expenae to a pupil will be cover, by the payment of One Hundred Dollar in advance, a session of five months. This will include Board Tuition, with Music, French, Latin, Greek, Mathe- matics, Drawing and Painting. Taken separately, the charges will be as tollows Board per session or five months. $50 00 Tuition in the Classical Department, 20 00 Tuition in the English Department. .15 00 Music on Piano or Guitar, 20 00 Drawing and Painting, 10 00 Painting in oil Colours, . 15 00 French, 10 00 The Pupil will be regularly instructed in Vocal Mu- sic, without further charge. ' The Session for 1851 begin 6th January, 1851. B. T. BLAKE, Principal. Raleigh, Nov. 8, 1850. 4 tf. MALE ACADEMY, of l'aj-rm- t. Wlarren Count, JS'orth Carolina. Ihe TEACHERS: n mVf Department of Language, R. A. EZELL, A. M. ing Department of Mathematics,!). R. WALLACE, A.R. or rpHE TWENTY-THIR- D SESSION will commence the on the 15tb day of January, 1851. The Principal lakea erreat pleasure in informing he Public that the Mathematical Department ha been, at co-t- t of great labour and expense, placed upon an ex- alted the and permauenl basis. Jdr. Wallace whose servi- ce have been secured lor that division of the School, To graduated wilh Ihe first distinction at College, and since had charxeoflhe Greenville Aeademy, which, Principal, he conducted with entire success a"d uni- versal approbation. His testimonial from the most em- inent is Scholar ol the Slate evince a high ordi of Schol- arship it and a high rank as an Instructor. a In the Warrenton Academy, boy are prepared tho- roughly for the advanced clashes of any College in the Union or for the varied duties of useful life. The a rict-- et attention ia given lo the moral a well as intellectual improvement ot the Students, and the course of instiuc-lio- n, while it insure a high order of Scholarship, is de- signed 38 to develope and strengthen the faculties of the mind. . TERMS. Board for the Session of five months, $50 00 Fuel and Lights in the rooms; 5 00 Tuition for the Languages and Mathemalies, 17 50 do in the English branches, 12 50 Fuel in the School-roo- 1 00 Foi Ihe character of the Institution, Member of the Legislature are referred to the Representatives of War of ren, all of whom are Trnstees of the Academy, and lo Members from Northampton. R. A. EZELL, Principal. Decembe 16, 1S50. 847 4w. in State of North Carolina. Naah count. Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions, Nov. Term, 1850, Zadock Peacock and wife Eliza C., Martha A. Win- - borne and Isby Jane Winborne, . Joaiah Winborne, r of David Winborne, dec d, Mary Winborne, David Winborne, Jamea Winborne, David Bizzell and wile .Meluny, William Winborne, Jarratt William and wife Nancv. John L. Winborne, Rhody Winborne, Adm'lrix Ivey J. Winborne, William Rentfrow and wile Mary, of Joel B. High and wile Gatsey, William B. Winborne, Mahala Winborne, Seleta Winborne, Appy Winborne, Lugmnna Winborne Petition for settlement. flTHlS Petition comma; on lobe heard, and itappear- - JHL i nit to Ihe satialactian ol the Court that Ihe Defend ants, James Winborne, David Bizzell and wile Melany, William Winborne, Jarratt William and wife Nancy, of this State, it is therefore ordered by Couit that advertisement be made in the JN. C Standard for six week successively, notifying the said Defendants lo be and appear si the next Term of our Court ol Plea and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Nah, at Ihe Court House in Nashville, on the second Monday of February next, lo answer or demur to said Petition, otherwise judgment pro eonfesso will be granted, fcc. Witness, Jno. w. Bryant, Ulerk nt our said court at otUce the 3d Monday in November A. D. 1850. JNO. W. BRYANT, C. C. C. December 25. - Pr. Adv. $5 624 1 16 w6t. LOUISBURG MALE ACADEMY, FRANKLIN COUNTY, N. C. rWXHE Spring Session of 1831, will commence on JL Monday Ihe 6th ol Jauuary. 1 tie location pomes se the advantage nf health and excellent Society. The subscriber i well know to the public, having, for several year, had charge of a large and flourishing kchnnl at .Midway. Thorough and evele malic instruction will be eiven upon all subiecta usually taught in Academies of Ihe highest grade. Student desiring it, will be prepar- ed for an advanced class in College. All reasonable ef- fort hall be made lo elevate both the intellectual and moral character of Ihe Student. Tkbms: Tuition in the Classical and higherEng- - lisb and Mathematical Branches, $15 per Session. Common English branclres. JO " Board with the Principal. 8 " month. T. M. JONES, A. M., Principal. December 18, 1850. 14 8L See R R. R. R. To the citizens of North Carolina particularly, J 1 T E can measure and furnish an entire suit of clothe If (including coat, pantaloons, and vest,) at from $35 to $44 ; and will warrant litem lo De equal inuu respects to anv that can be furuiahed in the United Males lor mai nionev. Uentlemcn need no longer send oui oi ine State for cheap Clothing, unle they prefer it. Raleigh, Nov. 5, 1850, .. . 2 -I- f. Royal Raleigh Ringtail ra. v.., ; ' Dress and Frock Coats. - lITEhaveoii hand a beantitul assortment of Black 1 f Dreas and Frock Coat for- twenty dollars, gotten uo bv ourselves and cannot be bought any where else in Ihe United StatM far Ih mnnev. KcColtect that. vve have also fancy Frock ana Dress Coats for fifteen, six teen, and eighteen dollars. Ihe like ol wntcn never was known before. OLIVER ft. PROCTER. Merchant Tailor. Raleieh.Nov 9. ' '842 John M. Sheppard, Jr COMMISSION MERCHANT, RICHMOND, Va Otlcc in front Shock Warehouse, mFFERS hi services te sell Tobacco, Wheat, Flour, and Cera; and respectfully solicits consignments. Ricbmovd. January 1st, 1850. 792-6- in Hoildcrs Companion, , r CONTAINING the Elements of Buildinr. Snrvevine i and Arcbitactere, with practical Rufss and Inattue- - iana coaaacteA mma um eurc .ay a.1 m, emeaton, CivjJ Engineerr ac Fo Bale y - ia, A. HENRY D. TTJRNER. u Raleigh, Now. 7. 185. ' Oaslnesi Crtls f ff MORE of those desirable Coats, just opened at the low price of $4 60j E. L. HARDING & CO. Raleigh, Nov. IS. 6 FEMALE SEMINARY, . Warreatou, Ii. C THE ninth Term of this school will commence on 15th of January, 1851, and terminate the first weekin November. ; tiki aa follows na sxtsiox or tin xoktms. in Board, . $50 00 - English Tuition, " 12 50 French. ' - - 10 00 German, 10 00 , Music on Harp and use of instrument, 35 00 ' Music on Piano and usejof instrument, 23 00 Music an Guitar and use of instrument, 20 00 Drawing and Painting, 10 00 Painting in oil colors, - 15 0O Washing and Fuel, 6 00 Useful and Ornamental Needle work free of charge. No extra charge whatever will be made. Book, 8ta tionary &c, furnished at the lowest retail prices. It is particularly desirable that pupils should be pres ent at the commencement of the session, as studies will then be arranged and classea formed. AH articles of clothing must be marked with the own er's name in full. A circular containing fuller information will be ad ; iy dressed to all persons who may desire it. ) DANIEL. TURNER. j Warren ton, Dec 18, 1850. 888 5tw. South Lowell Male Academy, OX A AG E COUNTY, X. C. THE present session of this Institution will close on 20th of December; end the next session will a commence on Thursday, January 2nd. Students are earnestly requested to be present at the commencement J the session. I The School continues under the superintendance of Rev. Jamea A. Dean, M. A., as Principal, and Mr. vt r a mm ar.;, Th. a..i.m k..;i.i m aaa w, - saw vumi j i'iiiiu" is new, and ia so constructed as to accommodate three even four Teachers. It is hoped that the friend of to institution will rally around it, ana furnish a suffi- - ment number of student to test it capability. Three objects will constantly be kapt in view : 1st. To promote thorough scholarship. 2nd. To secure students from the contamination of vice, and to in- still into their minds mdral and religious principles. 3d. cultivate a taste for general knowledge. No pain will be spared to obtain all these ends. south lioweli Academy is a Preparatory !chool ' or Randolph Macon College ; hut the course of instruction such a to prepare for any College in the country ; and is equally adapted to aucb aa do not intend to pursue a Collegiate course. Expenses as heretofore, viz : Tuition 910 00 $12-- 50, and $15 00. Board in the beat families, 92500 per session. south Jjowell i in U range county, rvortb t;aro!ina. miles west of Henderson, and about the same dis-ian- North-we- st of Raleigh. D. C. PARRISH, See. Ex. Com. in November 28, 1850. 844 4t- - PLEASANT GROVE ACADEMY FRANKLIN COUNTY, N. C Exercises of this Institution will commence on THE the 6th of January next, under the charge Mr. Edwin L. Barrett, a gentleman eminently quali- fied to instruct in all the branches taught in preparatory School. The Academy will be neat and comfortable, situated about 200 yards from the residence of the sub- scriber, known to be one of the most healthy locations . the State, and equidistant from Louisburg and the Shocco Springs. Board can be had with the suuscrilicr, at 3u,au per month, and also in the families of Mr. Joseph J. Joucs, Mr. Thomas A. Person, Mrs. Elizalicth Branch, and oth ers, all convenient to the Academy, at the above rates. Parenta and guardians may reat assured, that every attention will be paid, both to the morals and literary pursuit of the students; and owing to the healthiness the situation, the purity of the water, and the morali- ty of the neighborhood, the public and particularly those iving in the lower country, would do well to give thia natituti on a trial. tcitio era session. For the Language, and higher English brandies, $15 Lower English branches, . - 10 Address the Subscriber, Louisburg, N. C. WM. J. BRANCH. December 1st, 1850. 845 4tw. Register and Spirit of the Age copy 4 times, weekly. Somerville female institute, ' Al LEASBURG, CASWELL, A. C. j next session of this School will lie opened THE first Wednesday in January, on the first day of the month, ihe course of studies is extensive and about the same a in our female Colleges. Probably- - there ia no community ia which 'a school could le ' located for the training of youth, that exerts so little of unfavorable influence and afford greater facilities for lorming virtuous principle and correct habits of life A philosophical and chemical apparatus aurhcient to illustrate most ot tne principle in these sciences, is connectedawith the school. There is also a library of well selected book to wntcn the young ladies have access, and they are encouraged to spend their time not devoted to atudy in reading nseful book. Term per Sestion, of Eire Month. Board in my own aa well aa in most of the families in the village and neighborhood, at $6 per month. Tuition in English, according to advancement, Irom $10 to f 15. Music, including the nse or the instrument, vu Drawing and painting, each, & French, Latin "and I i reek, 5 Needle.work, free of charge. SOLOMON LEA, Principal. Leasbur?. December 7th, 1350. 846 4t. FEMALE INSTITUTE, WARRENTON, N. C. Twentieth Semi-annu- al Session of this THE will commence on the 1st Monday in Jan. 1851. . ... , i. i f . . The location is pleasant, proveroiany neaiui:ui,reurcu, yet easy of access at all seasons of the year. This in- stitution is so arranged arid conducted as to combine the greatest advantages with the least expense, and to give competent and efficient instruction in all of the various branches of art accomplished r emaie education The Board and Tuition in all the branches requisite for a Diploma and Gold Medal will not exceed 9124 00 per .annum. . . , , 1 ' 2 T .... n..l ,Tue Ornamental-orancneo- , einuracmg iihuuiwihh Music, Wax Fruit and Flowers, Ancient and Modern Languages, Drawing' and fainting in uil ana water Colors, at the usual prices. t Vocal Music. Needle and rancy worn, gratis. The Libraries of the Principals are accessible to ad vanced Students. - - Lectures a Don Literary and Scientific subjects, with appropiate experiments will be delivered during Ihe Ses- sion ' - Rxv. N. L. GRAVES, . . J. WILCOX. .s.. "',.,.,; ... 1 GRAVES. .., . i Associate 'Principals, j, November 30. 1850. t-- - y - - SEDGEWICK FEMALE SEMINARY. , . . RALEIGH, N-- -- , i 8prin$ term of this TnaUtution will epen on THE the first day of January; 1851. . Term per Session of five months, payable in advance.) Board end Jagliatt.itMuea, - ' : ' i " Mans m HaswOtsisarr h- -j f -- M r jo 00 "- -' 'n """ " 00 Uss ef Insttaaient,. Lath and rrencearh. " 10 00 Incidental Expanses, .''mlmL'l''. l. ? , . MRS. J. J.'FnfCH, Principal. . ae.:0,-185.;-:,'--;- ' i.,.: 4t wi Received, and for JUST 6 VbURCH. Raleigh, Oct. 2, 1850. L0UISBURG FEMALE SEMNART. A. H. RAY. ' - J.A.RAY, Principal. i Mi E, W. CcrtisI Intructre on Piano and Vocal Music Mi R. 8. FAiaAtt, Instructress on Guitar, and Vocal Muaic, Drawing, Painting, Oatutheuica, dte. Other assistance as it may he needed. ' THE Spring Session "of 1651, (the 17th under he Principal,) will commence on Monday the 6th of January. The Trustees are highly gratified to be able to announce to the public, that hereafter the en- tire and undivided attention of both tha Principals will be devoted to the interests of this Institution Mr. Ray having relinquished a profitable and successful Male chool, in order to add his personal efforts to those of the former very efficient corps of. Teacher, in making this all that a good Female Institution ought to be. The Board recommend, with vary great confidence, the Louisburg Female Seminary to the patronage of the public. For cheapness, soundness of instruction, impar- tiality and fidelity in teaching, high-tone- d moral and re- ligion influence, and strictness in regulating the expen- ditures of pupils, this institution will compare aucccssful- - wnu any in me siate. m point or health, tbo Board Bve t as their deliberate opinion that thia Village is not surpassed by any location in the Central portion of the ouuriinu in support oi tni opinion they may add that among the large number of pupils from the Eastern part of the State, there has not been a death Li the eight years that the Aeademica have been under the govern- ment of the present Principals : and there have been, for several yeara, very few case requiring the attention of be rnysician ; and they understand, from the most reli- able sources, that f,,r tha ! rni,. l..t;A.i i.:n. among the pupils have been nearly unknown : and throughout the community there has been almost unin- - terrunted good health. A Circular, prepared by the Principal, setting forth in detail the government, coarse of studies, text books price, &c. will be issued soon.' and scut on application all who may feel interested in the minutis of the ! School Economy which will be observed and practised ere. By orJor of the Board, T. K. THOMAS, Sre'y. Louisburg, Dec 13,1850. 846 3u . TAR -- RIVER ACADEMY. GRANVILLE COUNTY, N, C. THIS School will lie opened for the reception of on the first Monday in February, 1851, This Academy is located 9 miles West of Oxford, in neighborhood proverbially healthy, and the Pupils will have every facility to attend divine worship, a there is both a Baptist and Presbyterian Church within a mile of the Academy. The Trustees have secured the aervice of Mr. Jesse Smith, a gentleman of considerable experience a a Teacher, and well qualified to prepare boy for College. The Trustee are determined to sustain a good School the neighborhood, (all ofihem "having children of their own to educate) and have therefore put tuition tt the following very low rates: Spelling, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, 5 00 English Grammar and 50 Geography, - - - 7 The higher branches of English, - - - 10 00 The Languagea, . - - 12 50 Good board can be had in highly respectable families for $5 per month. Any information with regard to the school may lie had by addressing Lewis P. Allen, Tar River, P. (I, Granville co., N. C. December 1st, 1850. 845 td. FEMALE SCHOOL. '.if HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. rfHE winter session of Mr. 6c Mrs. BurwellV School I for young Ladies wiil begin on Thursday, 9th of January. : Board and Tuition, - - . 67 50 Music on Piano or Guitar, - - - 20 00 Use of Instrument for practice, 5 00 Drawing, - - - - 10 00 rrench. - ... - . . 10 00 Latin, - - - - - 5 00 washing per session. - - - 5 00 When two or more pupils come from the same familv the charge for washing will be $2 50 for each. Aa the number of pupils is limited, persons desirous of securing places must make early application. For circulars con- taining all necessary information, address Rev . Bur-wel- l, HitLborouirh N. C. Dec, 1 1. 1850. 12 w4t-Th- e Raleigh Register, Wilmington Chronicle. Fav- - etteville Observer, and Newbertiian, will insert once a week for four week. ENGLISH SCHOOL. JULIA PEACE inform bcr friend and the MISS that she intends opening a School on the 1st of January, in which will be taught the usual brunch es ot an English Education. If there are those in the country who would wish to send their children, ber Moth er can accommodate them with board. Particular atten tion will lie paid to the manners, and improvement of the children committed to her charge. Terms the same aa the other Schools. Raleigh Dec. 16, 1850. - . 847 The Kileigh Star will please copy three times, and send account to this office. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. VEDAH HOCK. Franklin ;CovntV, .V. C. D. S. RICHARDSON. Principal C. H. STOCKWELL, Assistant. TT1HE Spring Term for 1851, will commence on the J 1 3th day of January. The New Academy will be dedicated on that day. . The Student are earnestly re- quested to be present. For a circular containing partic- ulars, apply to the Principal, at Belford P. O., Nash County. Nah, Dec. 13.- - ' b. .cThe TarhorougU Press. Raleigh Register, Biblical Recorder, and North state Whitr. will please insert the above till the 1st of rcbruary, add send accounts to V S. Richardson. ...... Oxford Female Academy. Graviu.r Countv, N. C. ' Regular exercises of this institution will l IHE on Mnudav the 12th dav of January next. Term per Session nf five months: Board, including fuel, lights, washing, &e. $ 45 00 Tuition in the Ittiiglish branches, 15 00 French or Latiny,.., . 5 00 Music on the Piano with use of instrument, SO 00 SAM'L. L. YEN ABLE, Principal Oxford, Dec. 15, 1830. " 847 4tw. TEACHERS WASTED. rrHE Trustees of the Foreatville Female Academy wish to employ a Gentleman and his Wife to take charge of their School, commencing about the 2nd or 3rd .Monday in January. If they cannot get a man and hia wife, 'lliy would employ a young lady. Testimonials as to character and qualifications will be required. Address the subscriber at Forestville, Wake county, N. C. . " .." ; J. 8. PURIFY, Sec ' Nov. S3. 1850. ; - , s'lo ef. ... ... .i itALEtGH ACADE51Y. I I ' 'J . ' y rriQISJustitattoa will arsua open on Wednesday, Jan- - I nary 8, 1850.. Particolav attention will he given to the Freuakv Language, Book keeping. Survey in, LeveH inland othei hrancbe of a practical character. - ' - vj! ....I . v(ll fit- - 'J- -. t" ri,' Raleigh. Dec 16, 1850. ;. i55t f AMP OIL Burning Fluid, and Phosgene Gas ; a 1 j good supply expected by next freight Train. P. F. PESCTJD. Raleijh, Nov. 27, 1850. 9 NORTH CAROMXA 1 nilJTtTAI. INSURANCE COJIPAXY, RltiklOH, K. C- - THE following persona have been elected Director Officers of this Company for the present year DIRECTORS. ... Dr. Josiah O. Watson, Jos. G. B. RoulhaC, Richard (Smith, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, S. W. Whit- ing, T. H, Selby, of Raleigh ; Geo. McNeill, Fayette-vill- e, Joshua G. Wright, Wilmington, Jas. E. Hoyt, Washington, James Sloan, Greensborough, Wm. Bad-ha- Edenton, Joshua Boner, Salem, Joseph Pool, Elizabeth City, Michael Brown, Salisbury, Alexander Mitchell. Newbern, W. N. H. 8mith, Murfreeaborough, H. B. Williams, Charlotte, John B. Barrett, Milton, and A. T. Summy, Aaheville. . All Directors 'are authorized to receive application. ' ' OFFICERS. Josiah O. Watson, President, ' J. G. B. Roulhac Vice President, Richard Smith, Treasurer, J. C. Partridge, Secretary, John H. Bryan, Attorney, J. Hersman, General Agent. S. W. Whiting, 1 Richard Smith, Executive Committee. ' John Primrose, Thi Company i now in successful operation," and i prepared to effect insurance against fire on all kinds of property, (Steam Milla and Turpentine Distilleries ex- cepted.) Atl communications in reference to insurance should addressed to tha secretary, post paid. ' J. C. PARTRIDGE. See'y. Raleigh. Janiiary 2, 1850. 793 Important to ' , MILLERS & MILL OWNERS! "IHE Undersigned would resoeclfullv inform those engaged in the Milling Business in Cs. C. .that he keeps constantly on hand, and wilt supply at "the sboileat notice, that almost invaluable article YOUNG'S IMPROVED PATENT SMUT AND SCREENING MACHINE. The only Machine of the kind thai ha stood the test and lliven sat istaction to the public. It has surplan'ed every Smut Machine yet offered in the State, more or'less of wtiieh has been taken down to make room lor it. The public need Tear no imposition, a there are now snme2S0 Machines running in N C; and I wish to oflcr no other references than Ihe gentlemen who are using them, whose expectations have been more than realized in their peifounance. It not only thoroughly cleanse Ihe Wheat ol stunt, but also purifies it of all other substances, almost to perfection. It take up but 4 feel sqoaie in Ihe Mill, and requires but little power. Jt is warranted for five yeara aainut breaking or wearing out, and also to retain it cleauing qualities for that time. There are a number of these Machine through which 100,0(10 bushel ol Wheat have been cleaned, and they have never been nut of order one day. There was awarded to it the Premium at the Maryland State Fair, and a Premium wilh a Stiver Medal, at the Fail of 'he Maryland Institute, al Baltimore, last Fall Address the Subscriber al nu!h Lowell Mills. O ange county, N. C. JNO. A. Mc.VIANNEN. December 21, 1850. 15 tf. P. F. PE&CtP, ITliolesalc and Retail Drnffcist FATtTTxyiLt.E St. RaLcioB, N. C. .. OFFERS for cash, or approved credit, at the lowest price, a large and well selected assortment .East India. Mediterranean aud European DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Pi-suc- Kus;llsh and American Chemicals, Foreign and Domestic Soaps. Paints and Oils, Fancy Articles, . Dye Stuffs. Fsncy Soaps, Irruggists Labels, Brushes. Window Glass, Extracts, Surgical Instruments, ' Trusses, , Druggists' Glas Ware. Leeches, Shaker's Herbs and Roots, Pirax Bbaxby, Manna, Saaaar and Post Wikkb, Slfvtl fAr tftii.innl tinrTUWt. Manila Sarsaparilla, WisUr's Balsam of Wild Cherry, uray a Ointment, jjeckwith a Pills, Aver Cherry Pectorial. Doctor Wiley's Cough Candy, Gen- - uine Cod Liver Oil, together with every article comprising the stock of a Phy- -. sician or Druggist. April 7, 1850. S09 MOUNTAIN HOTEL, MORGAlTOi, Bnrke Co. N.C. tf-- i THE Subscriber, thsnkful for the very liberal pat- - tonage heretofore received, would now inform the TUJlVSl.M.I.ya PVBMtlC that hi House is still open, and that his accommodations (heretofore limited) are now enlarged. He has erected t row of Oinces tor Professional gentlemen, together trith a commodious Hotel, all of which is entirely new. The location of the MOUNTAIN HOTEL commands Ihe finest view of the mountain scenery in the place; and is removed from the noise and uproar of a Court-yar- d and the Public Square, and yet sufficiently near for all j the purposes of business. The subscriber promises to spare no pain to provide Ihe invalid a comfortable Summer Retreat, and to gen j tlemcn ot pleasure and business a uesirante Hoarding House. J. M. xiAlrUlJJT. Morganton, July 25, 1850. 826 ly. BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Henry D. Turner, I'ubllsncr Bookseller anal Siatioucr No. 1, FaTETTSVit-t- St. Raleicb, N. C. HAS alwaya on hand a large and general collection Law, Medical, Theological, Classical, Voyages, Travels, Novels and Miscellaneous Books. Also, a very extensive assortment of School Books, &c, Blank Books, Ledgers. Journal, Day Books Pase Books, Bank Books, Record Book, ' Blank Check Books, and any other kind , that may be wanted manufactured to order. Together with a general assortment of Stationery. Particular attention given to filling all orders complete Irom Booksellers, Merchants, Tescbars, and private indi-viJua- ls. And every article in hia line sold at the lowest prices for cash or approved ciedit, either at wholesale or tctail. All new works received as soon aa published, Raleigh, August 27, 1850. 630 -- Yew Hooks. FOOT Prints ol the Creator $1.25. Home Altar by Rev. Charles F. Deems. 75 ets, The Eminent Dead or Triumph of Faith ia the Dying rurar, a i ,uu. . v ,. . , , , The Angel World, a Poem by Philip James Baily Atunor oi r etu ou ct. Life of John Randolph of Roanoke by Hugh A. Genand ' z vol. ikiasitn, a,ea , , y ., History ot the Polk administration by Lucian Chase, ' Aanala ef the Qoeen ef Spain by Mrs. Awu'ta Gerge. z eoL cloth ljt&,r.. i c - '' Li-re- - of Literary en Scientific Mea W fmette. ., 1,00.. , . j., s ti-u- . V'-- ' Van al the Hour h J F.niauvr r,aoner.-st?J2- The Lily and ihe Fatom of the Hague not si Florida, by w.Gtlmere Mmms. jivA'!"r Life here aad there by N p. VVitir " ;k; I- The vl le of4 Cedars by Grace A goHar. ; t $ ,t-i- 7 . The Earl's DanghteTj by Rev. W.ewflt " ,. w ' Just reeeieeel aad for sale by " "' ' . J it; ll-- . " POM ERA Y . 0,NEAL. December .S5V 1 A Itot of Themaitown l ime, justrecei- - X ved and for aale by R. TUV&JStt c BO."!. Raleigh, Nov. 30, 1850. V . 1(1 - -- ........... -- , '"' . - , NORTH CAXlOZ.IV A i ; Mutual Life Insurance Company ' RA Latum, Ji. 'CV THIS Company' is now taking inserance on the livee persons and Slaves, at their" entat likhid rate of premium. Thia being the only M Insurance Company In the State, and working under a charter1 suit ed to the condition and circumstances of all, U.e Direee tor feel no hesitation in saying li st it affotc! greater x inducements for the insurant of lives then any other1 Company in the country. : 'a The 6th Sec of ihe Charter provWcs 'Tlist the husrena may insure his own life, lor the sole oae and benefit of hi wife or children, free fern the claims of the repre- sentative of the husband or any of bis crtdiicrs." It is conducted on the mvtui.t plaa. each person' in' eured becoming a member thereof, and not licb.e beyond the amounted his premium. ' . ' v;- Policies for 100 io $000 will I e issued on the life , of a wlute person ; and on Slaves tot two-lbir- their' market value, for a term of from en to fiveiytefav aa the owner may desire. .,. . t v, All losses of the Company are peid within 30 days af- ter proof of loss is famished. . No California nVks taken. The business of the Company ia couductce acder the immediate supervision of ?j Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President, . Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, ' James F.Jordan, Secretary, ' ., - i Win. H. Jones, Treasurer,... Perrin Busbee, Attorney, . Dr. Wm. IT. McKee, Examtniag Physkiaa. v J. Hersman, General A Cent. , Al! Communications en husinesa should be addrewed postpaid, to JAMES F. JORDAN, , , ' Secretary. Nov. 1. 1S50. ..... ,., . 1- - Valuable Ucal Estate for Sale, I offer for sal my entire Real Estate, upon which Jare thirty-fiv- e sets of Boxes; the most ef which have only. been in use from one to two jrars; with a uf ficient quantity of round trees to cut at feast twenty art more. The land upon which these arc situated is aot easily aurpassed by any piney land in Eactrrn Carolina. There is upon the premise two Distilleries neatly and couveniently fitted up, with all necessary s. Upon the farm, I think the buildings altogether are seU dom excelled. Those wishing to purchase are invited to examine for themselves. Terms shall be .low, and payments accomodating. Come and' see. . .... Any person wishing to purchase, can be furais5jed with s sufficient number of team and wagona to carry on both the operations of Farm and Turpentine, and wilh a year's supply of provision. JOHN A. AVIKETT, - Cathanne Lake, Onslow Co. N. C. 3G Ju!y2, 1850. . HENRY GERHARDT, SJBtTlIt'IBl.Sf, Johnston Co.. .VrtA taroHva. Kuliacribar would respectfully inform his (rund 11HE the public generally, that he. has on hand large and rich supply of ' Cloths. Casslmeres, Yettlngc, and Trltcar.fi ga of all sorts ; and that be is prepared to execute weak to fiie best manner and at moderate prices. ,,:-.- He also has on band a superior lot of ., Reud'!tlade Clothluir " consisUng of Cloaks, Overcoats, Business Coats, Yeita, Pantaloons, lamb'a wool Shirt, dec, which he will diapose of on the most accommodating term. ; . . i ..' He solicits a call from those in want ef Clothing, at he is determined to give good bargain, mad te da kit work in the best and . most approved style. - .i I HENRY GERHARDT. Smithfield, October 14th, 1650. 897-ma- , New Watcb and Jewclerj- - Store, : W. H. THOMPSON Would reepeetrtilly te. Twform the citizens ofKaltigh and its vicinity, thai Kuaihe has opened a choice stock of ,: . n' Watches aad JcWetry, ''- - - in a part of the Store occupied by Mr Thompson ii a Millinery establishment,, where he ofier for vale Gld and Silver watches, . warranted correct time kept the latest styles of . , , - - .i. - p Fashionable Jewelry, such ss Guard, est and Fob Chains; Cameo, rtorfifhd mourning Broaches; Plain, Chased and Btone Rittirs ; Gold Pens and Pencil; Gold and f?ilver Thimbles; Srucs, Collar and Sleeve Buttons, Ear Rings,- Gold and Silver Spectacles, &e.. Fancy Gooda and Fine Cutlery ,':bFI of which will le sold cheap, t Watches, Clocks' and Jewel- ry repaired in superior style. Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange. . " " Sept. SI, 1849. . i - r ,':T77 6m.i CITY OF. RALEIGH. A 1 .A Desirable Residence for Kale. ' rTHE Executrix of the late Louis D. Henry, offers for 1 sale uu late Hewdence. hear the City of Kakigh." The Dwelling-Hous- e is a 'large arid rommodioo one,' remarkably well built, with all out houses complete, has about 15 or 17 acre of land attached, nr.dee highest cultivation.. The premisea beiig tvl limits of the Corporation is not echject to th I iy T and still the situation is convenient, and eitV yards of the Governor's Mansjoa, in an everlV" bct borcood. ' The terms of sale would be liberal. ' J ' D. lM KAE. RaIciib.Ja!y 15, 1 Vi - SSStf.' . A NEW BOOK SOREa l, FayctteviHe Street; :i:c t?t4 Poet RALEIGH c. ;.. ... tensive sortmerrt ef Ltw. k RE now receiving an MedicaL Theol.ieiea WeellaneeiiS and tch.l Books nenemllv A enaa "rt choice J3uka Jo Pre, eats, Noveis, Slstionary" H kinds, which we are sett, ing at Ihe vrry Jowest'Ces, and which are coi.fi. dent will give atisf- - examine, ; C n w I j. W; o'neal. December fl. . - l.t Not Carolina- - Musio Store ribr takes (hi opportunity of announe. JL ingtq peopleotNortn Carolina, lhat he jnfenria to open n" urawwr oni, myuusit: .STORf' wnere wui aiways om loana a complete t- - sortm x ot r oretgn ana American .viimie and Musical ents all of which will b aelected by biir.seit rianu will be from the best Manutaeterie io United State, and will be sold al New York and iladelphia prices. 4 ; . . . . &. VV, flCKSILIA,i Raleigh. November. 1850. . . 2- -ly HisARTT & LITCHFORH.; Dealers In tttapla and Faucy Dry Goods. ' HATS, CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, r : FancY Article, Ac Ae. ; . HAY$ received aearljr their entirt aSfctk Te" Good to which t7rcill w the attention of their estomV s the pnlilie grostij( ad afl of which are efferedcoAe most reasonable terra. Releigb,Oct23,IW0'. - s. 'v.. ' , :,&7Ti f f, V ' , ,, ; . t ., Urn .;..t t,- -. ! i . nv&lida. .x 2 h- nt "A' 'T 'Peeewf'i Vmg Store yon ceayi fittd Old Ledoa I)ock Brandy; Perter, Old Madeira tiberry aad Pert Wise, seWcted expressly far Medical pWpnaee.-- . Atse Capsule of Copaiba and Cabebs, , Castor Oil Capsules, Tarranta. Marshall's and Carpenters Ex'U ot Ccisil Cubcbs, Scc,-in- d all the most popular Patent Medicines 'in uso. November SI. 9' . . 1 t

- IW,- X I .(. il ' TW ". JT T . . 1 .V . I 'iA J i f IK'S r"k.- -' .' I

'..--J- -m vl, r5V.(A 'yr: f--..' KI'Y. , tff l.i,L. M-iY- l HriC,V' taf;- - VJ'iVI. - W.-3.- . ikx i - jk:. "sr m,s wm . ' v;, j WAjrw.r . I2gaji4 Jfuv--- . ; t "mavfcv


."1 St -- Jv? V. m (is.1 t '' " .' . i , ,, .... ,,...--

SEMI-WECKL- Y, $ 4 PER ANNUM IN - ADVANCE. -- ; ; .vnrTot tctn?T rtrEtv "ixtt--


YOL. 1. RiO.HCan, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1851. NO. 21.


ii Pciumii Wstm.iT a Sbmi-W- t, itWILLIAM W. HOLD EN, 0


TsBg of tii Wbikit. Two dollr per annum,

U Jvance, or within the firt month, Two dollar andbe aiz month and Threefifty cents, if payment delayed ; Mas.

Dollar, if not paid wi bin air month from the time ofulxcriliing-- .

Tebm or the Sei-Wi- t. Four dollar perannum, in advance, or within the first month; Four

dllr and fifty cent, if payment be delayed months;

and Five Dollar, if not paid within six months from the

time of Mihscribinff.The above rule will ho inflexibly adhered to.

rdAnvMTiKXMT not exceeding fourteen line will

forfee inserted one time for one dollar, and twenty-fiv- e andcent for each subsequent insertion ; those of greaterlength in proportion. Court orders and Judidicial Ad-

vertisements will be charsted 25 per cent higher than thealiove rate. A reasonable reduction will be made to

those who advertise by the year. Advertisements inser-

ted In the Semi-Week- ly Standard, will also appear inthe Weekly Paper, free of charge.

Subscribers, and other, who may wish to send money

to the Editor, can do so at an times, uy jnaii anu ai uw

rik. Receipts for all um will be promptly transmitted.Letter to the Editor must come free of postage.

iru z z aT n u z z a , uvzzxiiNever before such Glorious Lock !

Every Drawing a.l.ls fresh Laurel to the already highfame of the renowned prize sellers,

PYFER & CO.No. I, Light Stbsbt, Baltimore, Md.

Last month was as wc predicted, a most fortunate onefor the patron of our Lcccx Hoes.

DKIIULD THR BBHXI.tST PRIZKS.5 16 71 $10,000. in a package of Half Ticket, ent to

Cincinnati, Ohio.Whole Tic ket, 19 22 78 $3,000, ent to South Carolina.Whole Ticket, 47 55 69 $10,000, sent to Ohio. the

Half Ticket, 26 33 45 $15,000, sent to North Carolina.Half Ticket, 1 29 48 $18,000, sent to Tennessee. waa29 4fi 75 $20,000, in Package Quarter Tickets, sent to ha

Virginia. asQuarter Ticket, 10 17 18 $11,000, ent to Virginia.S 38 52 $4,00(1, in Package Quarter Tickets, sent to

Tennessee.Quarter Ticket, 25 44 66 $5,000, sent to Pennsylvania.


No. 1 Light Street, Baltimore, Md. '

We respectfully invite the attention of the public tothe following

Brilliant Srliemex for Janiiary, 1S51.I It r

Pare Capital No. of Price f Price ofJan. P izes. Ritllot. Tickets, rarkages.

6 26,000 78 Noa 15 drawn 8 2j 00I 20,000 78 No 12 drawn 5 18 008 35.000 75 Nos 14 drawn 10 37 009 20,000 75 Nos 12 drawn 5 18 00

10 10.000 66 Nos 13 drawn 4 1 1 00 theII 65.366 78 No - 12 drawn 15 55 0013 25.000 75 No 13 drawn : 8 ' 28 00U 20,000 75 No ' 12 drawn 5 18 0015 33.500 78 Noa 1 A drawn ! 10 30 0016 25,000 78 Nos 13 drawn 6 22 0017 11,000 72 No 1 1 drawn 5 18 0018 5 of 204100 75 No 12 drawn 10 37 0020 23.000 78 Noa 13 drawn 8

5' 23 00 Ex

21 20.000 75 Noa It drawn 18 0023 3U,000 75 No 13 drawn 16 37 0023 55.000 78 No 1 3 drawn "5 15 0024 . 15.M4 75 Na 11 drawn 4 16 00 of25 60.000 78 No 30 drawn : 33 125 0027 3 of 15,000 75 No 1 1 drawn '8 28 002 21,000 78 Nos 13 drawn 5 18 002S 40.000 78 Nos 12 drawn 10 37 0030 18.000 75 No 14 drawn 5 16 0031 24,000 73 No 13 drarvn 5 18 00

PLEASE OBSERVE. areCorrespondents will please War in mind that the the

prices of Package of Quarter Ticket only are pub- -

lihcd in this paper.The Printed official drawings which Correpondcnt

can rely upon ai being correct, are always forwardudfrom Pvfer & Co.

Ilauk Drafts or Certificates of Deposit payable in Goldat irijht, will be promptly remitted to those Correjon-dcut- s

who draw prizes at Pyfer & Co'a.Remember A Package of Ticket, can draw four f

the most splendid prizes in a scheme.In order to secure a Fortune, and tha cash immediate-

ly after the result is known, the reader of this paperhave only to remit cash Drafts or prize ticket, to the OldEstablished, far famed and truly fortunate Exchange andLottery Brokers,

PYFER & CO.No. 1, Light Street, Baltimore. Md.

January 1st, 1850. 848

PL.AXK ROAD NOTICE. -of Subscription to the Greenville and Raleisrh

BOOKS Road Company will he opened on the 1st dayof January next, and remain open thirty day at theollowing place, vix t

At tVashiiiston, under the direction of John My era.B. V. Havens, James E. Hoyt, B. F. Hank and JosephPott. - "

At Greenville, under the direction of Gould Hoyt,Chnrlea Green. Edwin H. Goielt Win. Bernard, r andHeurv Bell.

At the town of Wilson, under the direction of Jonathan Rountrcc,-Joh- Farmer and Barron C. Watson.

At Eagle Rock, under the direction of T. R. DednamWm. H. Hood, and Needham Price.

At Raleigh, under the direction of Thomas D. Hogg,Vm..H. Jones and James T. Marriott.Amount of share $25. Two dollars on each share to

be paid en subscribing. - .


. joseih pon s,'

,. ii. N BEN. P. Hi.NKS,B H. HAVENS. :

Washington, N. C Jan. 4, 1S51-- - 11

TRINITY SCHOOL., Seven Mile - West or. Raleigh N. C.

Rev. P. T. Babbit, Rector.

rflHE Eighth term of this School will commence on

I the 8ta ol January, isoi,. . ; .iriiLl is? aavatrcx. '

For board, washing &x with inatructioa in English,n.l uuiinrVnt Iunrusse. A7 ver term of five months.Asa general rule, boy sever 14 years of age will not be

received. The design of the School is to furnish a aade

retreat to which boys can be sent for thorough training.Hence the requirement that they shall be young, or, ifever the docile period ef childhood, that they shall pos-

seas aharaeter in keeping with the object of the SchowLla restiect te beautv. retirement and healthfulneaaof actuation, and convenience and comfort of buildiaga, thisschool possesses quite aa advantage. The course of stadywill be retruleted bv the requirement of our University,and ae pain will he spared te make the boy good schoVars. , , , , ,,? : l

Dumber MtWlMO. .r .s'f - M-- V


TUB 18th Term of this rfchoot wID commence oa theday of January 1831, and continue 'till the

7th of Jmw.-.- - ' -- r"For a Circular eonU'mingfulf particnlars,'apply to the

oumnoer. - ALDEKT SMEDJSS. Kecror.December 4th, I860. 1 lt.

" - - I. ', -


' '




FEMALE classical institutf,(HutiioiouiB Stiiit,) '


Ma. VV. C. Dora, A. M., Profetor of Mathematicsand Ancient Language.

Karl W. PiTKBSitia, Profcnor of Music.Lfcw M. PTcaii.iaf Teacher of Drawing and

Painting.Young Ladies can be

TWENTY-FIV- Eboard in the family of tha Principal.

These will receive all the attention, and enjoy all thecomfort of a private family.

The course of study is well digested, thorough andextensive. The entire expenae to a pupil will be cover,

by the payment of One Hundred Dollar in advance,a session of five months. This will include BoardTuition, with Music, French, Latin, Greek, Mathe-

matics, Drawing and Painting.Taken separately, the charges will be as tollowsBoard per session or five months. $50 00Tuition in the Classical Department, 20 00Tuition in the English Department. .15 00Music on Piano or Guitar, 20 00Drawing and Painting, 10 00Painting in oil Colours, . 15 00French, 10 00

The Pupil will be regularly instructed in Vocal Mu-

sic, without further charge. '

The Session for 1851 begin 6th January, 1851.B. T. BLAKE, Principal.

Raleigh, Nov. 8, 1850. 4 tf.

MALE ACADEMY, ofl'aj-rm- t. Wlarren Count, JS'orth Carolina.


Department of Language, R. A. EZELL, A. M. ingDepartment of Mathematics,!). R. WALLACE, A.R. or

rpHE TWENTY-THIR- D SESSION will commence theon the 15tb day of January, 1851.

The Principal lakea erreat pleasure in informing hePublic that the Mathematical Department ha been, at

co-t- t of great labour and expense, placed upon an ex-


and permauenl basis. Jdr. Wallace whose servi-ce have been secured lor that division of the School, To

graduated wilh Ihe first distinction at College, andsince had charxeoflhe Greenville Aeademy, which,

Principal, he conducted with entire success a"d uni-

versal approbation. His testimonial from the most em-


Scholar ol the Slate evince a high ordi of Schol-arship

itand a high rank as an Instructor. a

In the Warrenton Academy, boy are prepared tho-roughly for the advanced clashes of any College in theUnion or for the varied duties of useful life. The a rict-- et

attention ia given lo the moral a well as intellectualimprovement ot the Students, and the course of instiuc-lio- n,

while it insure a high order of Scholarship, is de-signed


to develope and strengthen the faculties of themind. .

TERMS.Board for the Session of five months, $50 00Fuel and Lights in the rooms; 5 00Tuition for the Languages and Mathemalies, 17 50

do in the English branches, 12 50Fuel in the School-roo- 1 00Foi Ihe character of the Institution, Member of the

Legislature are referred to the Representatives of War ofren, all of whom are Trnstees of the Academy, and lo

Members from Northampton.R. A. EZELL, Principal.

Decembe 16, 1S50. 847 4w.inState of North Carolina. Naah count.

Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions, Nov. Term, 1850,Zadock Peacock and wife Eliza C., Martha A. Win- -borne and Isby Jane Winborne, . Joaiah Winborne,

r of David Winborne, dec d, Mary Winborne, DavidWinborne, Jamea Winborne, David Bizzell and wile.Meluny, William Winborne, Jarratt William and wifeNancv. John L. Winborne, Rhody Winborne, Adm'lrix

Ivey J. Winborne, William Rentfrow and wile Mary, ofJoel B. High and wile Gatsey, William B. Winborne,Mahala Winborne, Seleta Winborne, Appy Winborne,

Lugmnna Winborne Petition for settlement.flTHlS Petition comma; on lobe heard, and itappear- -JHL i nit to Ihe satialactian ol the Court that Ihe Defend

ants, James Winborne, David Bizzell and wile Melany,William Winborne, Jarratt William and wife Nancy,

of this State, it is therefore ordered byCouit that advertisement be made in the JN. C

Standard for six week successively, notifying the saidDefendants lo be and appear si the next Term of ourCourt ol Plea and Quarter Sessions, to be held for theCounty of Nah, at Ihe Court House in Nashville, on thesecond Monday of February next, lo answer or demur tosaid Petition, otherwise judgment pro eonfesso will begranted, fcc.

Witness, Jno. w. Bryant, Ulerk nt our said court atotUce the 3d Monday in November A. D. 1850.

JNO. W. BRYANT, C. C. C.December 25. - Pr. Adv. $5 624 1 16 w6t.


rWXHE Spring Session of 1831, will commence onJL Monday Ihe 6th ol Jauuary. 1 tie location pomes

se the advantage nf health and excellent Society. Thesubscriber i well know to the public, having, for severalyear, had charge of a large and flourishing kchnnl at.Midway. Thorough and evele malic instruction will beeiven upon all subiecta usually taught in Academies ofIhe highest grade. Student desiring it, will be prepar-ed for an advanced class in College. All reasonable ef-

fort hall be made lo elevate both the intellectual andmoral character of Ihe Student.

Tkbms:Tuition in the Classical and higherEng- -

lisb and Mathematical Branches, $15 per Session.Common English branclres. JO "Board with the Principal. 8 " month.

T. M. JONES, A. M., Principal.December 18, 1850. 14 8L

See R R. R. R.To the citizens of North Carolina particularly,J 1 T E can measure and furnish an entire suit of clothe

If (including coat, pantaloons, and vest,) at from $35to $44 ; and will warrant litem lo De equal inuu respectsto anv that can be furuiahed in the United Males lor mainionev. Uentlemcn need no longer send oui oi ineState for cheap Clothing, unle they prefer it.

Raleigh, Nov. 5, 1850, .. . 2 -I- f.

Royal Raleigh Ringtail ra. v.., ;

' Dress and Frock Coats. -

lITEhaveoii hand a beantitul assortment of Black1 f Dreas and Frock Coat for- twenty dollars, gotten

uo bv ourselves and cannot be bought any where else inIhe United StatM far Ih mnnev. KcColtect that. vvehave also fancy Frock ana Dress Coats for fifteen, sixteen, and eighteen dollars. Ihe like ol wntcn neverwas known before. OLIVER ft. PROCTER.

Merchant Tailor.Raleieh.Nov 9. ' '842


Otlcc in front Shock Warehouse,mFFERS hi services te sell Tobacco, Wheat, Flour,

and Cera; and respectfully solicits consignments.Ricbmovd. January 1st, 1850. 792-6- in

Hoildcrs Companion, , r

CONTAINING the Elements of Buildinr. Snrvevinei and Arcbitactere, with practical Rufss and Inattue- -

iana coaaacteA mma um eurc .ay a.1 m, emeaton,CivjJ Engineerr ac Fo Bale y

- ia, A. HENRY D. TTJRNER.u Raleigh, Now. 7. 185. '

Oaslnesi Crtlsf ff MORE of those desirable Coats, just opened at

the low price of $4 60jE. L. HARDING & CO.

Raleigh, Nov. IS. 6

FEMALE SEMINARY,. Warreatou, Ii. C

THE ninth Term of this school will commence on15th of January, 1851, and terminate the first

weekin November. ;

tiki aa follows na sxtsiox or tin xoktms. inBoard, . $50 00 -

English Tuition, " 12 50French. ' - - 10 00German, 10 00 ,

Music on Harp and use of instrument, 35 00 '

Music on Piano and usejof instrument, 23 00Music an Guitar and use of instrument, 20 00Drawing and Painting, 10 00Painting in oil colors, - 15 0OWashing and Fuel, 6 00

Useful and Ornamental Needle work free of charge.No extra charge whatever will be made. Book, 8ta

tionary &c, furnished at the lowest retail prices.It is particularly desirable that pupils should be pres

ent at the commencement of the session, as studies willthen be arranged and classea formed.

AH articles of clothing must be marked with the owner's name in full.

A circular containing fuller information will be ad ; iydressed to all persons who may desire it. )


Warren ton, Dec 18, 1850. 888 5tw.

South Lowell Male Academy,OX A AGE COUNTY, X. C.

THE present session of this Institution will close on20th of December; end the next session will a

commence on Thursday, January 2nd. Students areearnestly requested to be present at the commencement J

the session. I

The School continues under the superintendance ofRev. Jamea A. Dean, M. A., as Principal, and Mr.

v t r a mm ar.;, Th. a..i.m k..;i.im aaa w, - saw vumij i'iiiiu"is new, and ia so constructed as to accommodate three

even four Teachers. It is hoped that the friend of toinstitution will rally around it, ana furnish a suffi--

ment number of student to test it capability.Three objects will constantly be kapt in view :

1st. To promote thorough scholarship. 2nd. To securestudents from the contamination of vice, and to in-

still into their minds mdral and religious principles. 3d.cultivate a taste for general knowledge. No pain

will be spared to obtain all these ends.south lioweli Academy is a Preparatory !chool ' or

Randolph Macon College ; hut the course of instructionsuch a to prepare for any College in the country ; andis equally adapted to aucb aa do not intend to pursue aCollegiate course.Expenses as heretofore, viz : Tuition 910 00 $12--

50, and $15 00. Board in the beat families, 92500per session.

south Jjowell i in U range county, rvortb t;aro!ina.miles west of Henderson, and about the same dis-ian-

North-we- st of Raleigh.D. C. PARRISH, See. Ex. Com. in

November 28, 1850. 844 4t--


Exercises of this Institution will commence onTHE the 6th of January next, under the chargeMr. Edwin L. Barrett, a gentleman eminently quali-

fied to instruct in all the branches taught in preparatorySchool. The Academy will be neat and comfortable,situated about 200 yards from the residence of the sub-

scriber, known to be one of the most healthy locations .

the State, and equidistant from Louisburg and theShocco Springs.

Board can be had with the suuscrilicr, at 3u,au permonth, and also in the families of Mr. Joseph J. Joucs,Mr. Thomas A. Person, Mrs. Elizalicth Branch, and others, all convenient to the Academy, at the above rates.

Parenta and guardians may reat assured, that everyattention will be paid, both to the morals and literarypursuit of the students; and owing to the healthiness

the situation, the purity of the water, and the morali-ty of the neighborhood, the public and particularly thoseiving in the lower country, would do well to give thianatituti on a trial.

tcitio era session.For the Language, and higher English brandies, $15Lower English branches, . - 10

Address the Subscriber, Louisburg, N. C.WM. J. BRANCH.

December 1st, 1850. 845 4tw.Register and Spirit of the Age copy 4 times, weekly.

Somerville female institute,' Al LEASBURG, CASWELL, A. C. j

next session of this School will lie openedTHE first Wednesday in January, on the first day ofthe month, ihe course of studies is extensive and aboutthe same a in our female Colleges. Probably- - there iano community ia which 'a school could le ' located forthe training of youth, that exerts so little of unfavorableinfluence and afford greater facilities for lorming virtuousprinciple and correct habits of life A philosophicaland chemical apparatus aurhcient to illustrate most ot tneprinciple in these sciences, is connectedawith the school.There is also a library of well selected book to wntcnthe young ladies have access, and they are encouragedto spend their time not devoted to atudy in readingnseful book.

Term per Sestion, of Eire Month.Board in my own aa well aa in most of the families in

the village and neighborhood, at $6 per month.Tuition in English, according to advancement, Irom

$10 to f 15.Music, including the nse or the instrument, vuDrawing and painting, each, &

French, Latin "and I i reek, 5Needle.work, free of charge.

SOLOMON LEA, Principal.Leasbur?. December 7th, 1350. 846 4t.


Twentieth Semi-annu- al Session of thisTHE will commence on the 1st Monday in Jan. 1851.

. ... , i . i f . .The location is pleasant, proveroiany neaiui:ui,reurcu,

yet easy of access at all seasons of the year. This in-

stitution is so arranged arid conducted as to combine thegreatest advantages with the least expense, and to givecompetent and efficient instruction in all of the variousbranches of art accomplished r emaie education

The Board and Tuition in all the branches requisitefor a Diploma and Gold Medal will not exceed 9124 00per .annum. .

. , , 1'2 T .... n..l,Tue Ornamental-orancneo- , einuracmg iihuuiwihh

Music, Wax Fruit and Flowers, Ancient and ModernLanguages, Drawing' and fainting in uil ana waterColors, at the usual prices. t

Vocal Music. Needle and rancy worn, gratis.The Libraries of the Principals are accessible to ad

vanced Students. -- Lectures a Don Literary and Scientific subjects, withappropiate experiments will be delivered during Ihe Ses-

sion ' - Rxv. N. L. GRAVES,. . J. WILCOX. .s..

"',.,.,; ... 1 GRAVES..., . i Associate 'Principals, j,

November 30. 1850. t-- - y - -


8prin$ term of this TnaUtution will epen onTHE the first day of January; 1851. .

Term per Session of five months, payable in advance.)Board end Jagliatt.itMuea, - ' : ' i "Mans m HaswOtsisarr h--j f -- M r jo 00

"- -' 'n """ " 00Uss ef Insttaaient,.Lath and rrencearh. " 10 00Incidental Expanses, .''mlmL'l''. l. ? ,

. MRS. J. J.'FnfCH, Principal. .ae.:0,-185.;-:,'--;- ' i.,.: 4t wi

Received, and forJUST 6 VbURCH.Raleigh, Oct. 2, 1850.


i Mi E, W. CcrtisI Intructre on Piano and VocalMusic Mi R. 8. FAiaAtt, Instructress on Guitar, and

Vocal Muaic, Drawing, Painting, Oatutheuica, dte.Other assistance as it may he needed. '

THE Spring Session "of 1651, (the 17th under hePrincipal,) will commence on Monday the

6th of January. The Trustees are highly gratified tobe able to announce to the public, that hereafter the en-tire and undivided attention of both tha Principals willbe devoted to the interests of this Institution Mr. Rayhaving relinquished a profitable and successful Malechool, in order to add his personal efforts to those of

the former very efficient corps of. Teacher, in makingthis all that a good Female Institution ought to be.

The Board recommend, with vary great confidence, theLouisburg Female Seminary to the patronage of thepublic. For cheapness, soundness of instruction, impar-tiality and fidelity in teaching, high-tone- d moral and re-ligion influence, and strictness in regulating the expen-ditures of pupils, this institution will compare aucccssful- -

wnu any in me siate. m point or health, tbo BoardBve t as their deliberate opinion that thia Village is notsurpassed by any location in the Central portion of theouuriinu in support oi tni opinion they may add thatamong the large number of pupils from the Eastern partof the State, there has not been a death Li the eightyears that the Aeademica have been under the govern-ment of the present Principals : and there have been, forseveral yeara, very few case requiring the attention of bernysician ; and they understand, from the most reli-able sources, that f,,r tha ! rni,. l..t;A.i i.:n.among the pupils have been nearly unknown : andthroughout the community there has been almost unin- -terrunted good health.

A Circular, prepared by the Principal, setting forth indetail the government, coarse of studies, text booksprice, &c. will be issued soon.' and scut on application

all who may feel interested in the minutis of the !

School Economy which will be observed and practisedere. By orJor of the Board,

T. K. THOMAS, Sre'y.Louisburg, Dec 13,1850. 846 3u


THIS School will lie opened for the reception ofon the first Monday in February, 1851,

This Academy is located 9 miles West of Oxford, inneighborhood proverbially healthy, and the Pupils will

have every facility to attend divine worship, a there isboth a Baptist and Presbyterian Church within a mileof the Academy.

The Trustees have secured the aervice of Mr. JesseSmith, a gentleman of considerable experience a aTeacher, and well qualified to prepare boy for College.The Trustee are determined to sustain a good School

the neighborhood, (all ofihem "having children oftheir own to educate) and have therefore put tuition ttthe following very low rates:Spelling, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, 5 00English Grammar and 50Geography, - - - 7The higher branches of English, - - - 10 00The Languagea, . - - 12 50

Good board can be had in highly respectable familiesfor $5 per month. Any information with regard to theschool may lie had by addressing Lewis P. Allen, TarRiver, P. (I, Granville co., N. C.

December 1st, 1850. 845 td.



rfHE winter session of Mr. 6c Mrs. BurwellV SchoolI for young Ladies wiil begin on Thursday, 9th of

January. :Board and Tuition, - - . 67 50Music on Piano or Guitar, - - - 20 00Use of Instrument for practice, 5 00Drawing, - - - - 10 00rrench. - ... - . . 10 00Latin, - - - - - 5 00washing per session. - - - 5 00When two or more pupils come from the same familv

the charge for washing will be $2 50 for each. Aa thenumber of pupils is limited, persons desirous of securingplaces must make early application. For circulars con-taining all necessary information, address Rev . Bur-wel- l,

HitLborouirh N. C.Dec, 1 1. 1850. 12 w4t-Th-e

Raleigh Register, Wilmington Chronicle. Fav- -etteville Observer, and Newbertiian, will insert once aweek for four week.

ENGLISH SCHOOL.JULIA PEACE inform bcr friend and theMISS that she intends opening a School on the

1st of January, in which will be taught the usual brunches ot an English Education. If there are those in thecountry who would wish to send their children, ber Mother can accommodate them with board. Particular attention will lie paid to the manners, and improvement ofthe children committed to her charge. Terms the sameaa the other Schools.

Raleigh Dec. 16, 1850. - . 847The Kileigh Star will please copy three times, and

send account to this office.


D. S. RICHARDSON. PrincipalC. H. STOCKWELL, Assistant.

TT1HE Spring Term for 1851, will commence on theJ 1 3th day of January. The New Academy will be

dedicated on that day. . The Student are earnestly re-

quested to be present. For a circular containing partic-ulars, apply to the Principal, at Belford P. O., NashCounty.

Nah, Dec. 13.- - 'b.

.cThe TarhorougU Press. Raleigh Register, BiblicalRecorder, and North state Whitr. will please insert theabove till the 1st of rcbruary, add send accounts to VS. Richardson. ......

Oxford Female Academy.Graviu.r Countv, N. C. '

Regular exercises of this institution will lIHE on Mnudav the 12th dav of January next.Term per Session nf five months:

Board, including fuel, lights, washing, &e. $ 45 00Tuition in the Ittiiglish branches, 15 00French or Latiny,.., . 5 00Music on the Piano with use of instrument, SO 00

SAM'L. L. YEN ABLE, PrincipalOxford, Dec. 15, 1830. " 847 4tw.

TEACHERS WASTED.rrHE Trustees of the Foreatville Female Academy

wish to employ a Gentleman and his Wife to takecharge of their School, commencing about the 2nd or3rd .Monday in January. If they cannot get a man andhia wife, 'lliy would employ a young lady.

Testimonials as to character and qualifications will berequired. Address the subscriber at Forestville, Wakecounty, N. C. .

" .." ; J. 8. PURIFY, Sec' Nov. S3. 1850. ; - , s'lo ef.

... ... .i itALEtGH ACADE51Y.I I ' ' J . ' yrriQISJustitattoa will arsua open on Wednesday, Jan- -

I nary 8, 1850.. Particolav attention will he given tothe Freuakv Language, Book keeping. Survey in, LeveHinland othei hrancbe of a practical character. - ' - vj!

....I . v(ll fit- - 'J- -. t" ri,'

Raleigh. Dec 16, 1850. ;. i55t

f AMP OIL Burning Fluid, and Phosgene Gas ; a1 j good supply expected by next freight Train.

P. F. PESCTJD.Raleijh, Nov. 27, 1850. 9



THE following persona have been elected DirectorOfficers of this Company for the present year

DIRECTORS. ...Dr. Josiah O. Watson, Jos. G. B. RoulhaC, Richard

(Smith, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, S. W. Whit-ing, T. H, Selby, of Raleigh ; Geo. McNeill, Fayette-vill- e,

Joshua G. Wright, Wilmington, Jas. E. Hoyt,Washington, James Sloan, Greensborough, Wm. Bad-ha-

Edenton, Joshua Boner, Salem, Joseph Pool,Elizabeth City, Michael Brown, Salisbury, AlexanderMitchell. Newbern, W. N. H. 8mith, Murfreeaborough,H. B. Williams, Charlotte, John B. Barrett, Milton, andA. T. Summy, Aaheville.

. All Directors 'are authorized to receive application.' ' OFFICERS.

Josiah O. Watson, President, '

J. G. B. Roulhac Vice President,Richard Smith, Treasurer,J. C. Partridge, Secretary,John H. Bryan, Attorney,J. Hersman, General Agent.

S. W. Whiting, 1Richard Smith, Executive Committee.

' John Primrose,Thi Company i now in successful operation," and i

prepared to effect insurance against fire on all kinds ofproperty, (Steam Milla and Turpentine Distilleries ex-cepted.)

Atl communications in reference to insurance shouldaddressed to tha secretary, post paid. '

J. C. PARTRIDGE. See'y.Raleigh. Janiiary 2, 1850. 793

Important to ',

MILLERS & MILL OWNERS!"IHE Undersigned would resoeclfullv inform those

engaged in the Milling Business in Cs. C. .that hekeeps constantly on hand, and wilt supply at "the sboileatnotice, that almost invaluable article


The only Machine of the kind thai ha stood the test andlliven sat istaction to the public. It has surplan'ed everySmut Machine yet offered in the State, more or'less ofwtiieh has been taken down to make room lor it. Thepublic need Tear no imposition, a there are now snme2S0Machines running in N C; and I wish to oflcr no otherreferences than Ihe gentlemen who are using them,whose expectations have been more than realized intheir peifounance. It not only thoroughly cleanse IheWheat ol stunt, but also purifies it of all other substances,almost to perfection. It take up but 4 feel sqoaie inIhe Mill, and requires but little power. Jt is warrantedfor five yeara aainut breaking or wearing out, and alsoto retain it cleauing qualities for that time.

There are a number of these Machine through which100,0(10 bushel ol Wheat have been cleaned, and theyhave never been nut of order one day.

There was awarded to it the Premium at the MarylandState Fair, and a Premium wilh a Stiver Medal, at theFail of 'he Maryland Institute, al Baltimore, last Fall

Address the Subscriber al nu!h Lowell Mills. O angecounty, N. C. JNO. A. Mc.VIANNEN.

December 21, 1850. 15 tf.

P. F. PE&CtP,ITliolesalc and Retail Drnffcist

FATtTTxyiLt.E St. RaLcioB, N. C. ..

OFFERS for cash, or approved credit, at the lowestprice, a large and well selected assortment

.East India. Mediterranean aud EuropeanDRUGS AND MEDICINES,

Pi-suc- Kus;llsh and American Chemicals,Foreign and Domestic Soaps.

Paints and Oils,Fancy Articles, . Dye Stuffs.Fsncy Soaps, Irruggists Labels,Brushes. Window Glass,Extracts, Surgical Instruments, 'Trusses, , Druggists' Glas Ware.Leeches, Shaker's Herbs and Roots,

Pirax Bbaxby, Manna, Saaaar and Post Wikkb,Slfvtl fAr tftii.innl tinrTUWt.

Manila Sarsaparilla, WisUr's Balsam of Wild Cherry,uray a Ointment, jjeckwith a Pills, Aver Cherry

Pectorial. Doctor Wiley's Cough Candy, Gen- -uine Cod Liver Oil, together with every

article comprising the stock of a Phy- -.

sician or Druggist.April 7, 1850. S09


tf--i THE Subscriber, thsnkful for the very liberal pat- -

tonage heretofore received, would now inform theTUJlVSl.M.I.ya PVBMtlC

that hi House is still open, and that his accommodations(heretofore limited) are now enlarged. He has erectedt row of Oinces tor Professional gentlemen, togethertrith a commodious Hotel, all of which is entirely new.

The location of the MOUNTAIN HOTEL commandsIhe finest view of the mountain scenery in the place; andis removed from the noise and uproar of a Court-yar-d

and the Public Square, and yet sufficiently near for all j

the purposes of business.The subscriber promises to spare no pain to provide

Ihe invalid a comfortable Summer Retreat, and to gen j

tlemcn ot pleasure and business a uesirante HoardingHouse. J. M. xiAlrUlJJT.

Morganton, July 25, 1850. 826 ly.

BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS!Henry D. Turner,

I'ubllsncr Bookseller anal SiatioucrNo. 1, FaTETTSVit-t- St. Raleicb, N. C.

HAS alwaya on hand a large and general collection

Law, Medical, Theological, Classical, Voyages, Travels,Novels and Miscellaneous Books. Also, a very

extensive assortment of School Books, &c,Blank Books, Ledgers. Journal, Day Books

Pase Books, Bank Books, Record Book, '

Blank Check Books, and any other kind, that may be wanted manufactured

to order.Together with a general assortment of Stationery.

Particular attention given to filling all orders completeIrom Booksellers, Merchants, Tescbars, and private indi-viJua- ls.

And every article in hia line sold at the lowestprices for cash or approved ciedit, either at wholesale ortctail.

All new works received as soon aa published,Raleigh, August 27, 1850. 630

--Yew Hooks.FOOT Prints ol the Creator $1.25.

Home Altar by Rev. Charles F. Deems. 75 ets,The Eminent Dead or Triumph of Faith ia the Dying

rurar, a i ,uu. . v ,. . , , ,

The Angel World, a Poem by Philip James BailyAtunor oi r etu ou ct.

Life of John Randolph of Roanoke by Hugh A. Genand' z vol. ikiasitn, a,ea , , y .,

History ot the Polk administration by Lucian Chase,'

Aanala ef the Qoeen ef Spain by Mrs. Awu'ta Gerge.z eoL cloth ljt&,r.. i c - ''Li-re- - of Literary en Scientific Mea W fmette.

., 1,00.. , . j., s ti-u- . V'-- '

Van al the Hour h J F.niauvr r,aoner.-st?J2-

The Lily and ihe Fatom of the Hague not si Florida,by w.Gtlmere Mmms. jivA'!"r

Life here aad there by N p. VVitir " ;k; I-

The vlle of4 Cedars by Grace A goHar. ; t $ ,t-i- 7 .

The Earl's DanghteTj by Rev. W.ewflt " ,. w'

Just reeeieeel aad for sale by " "' '. Jit; ll-- . " POM ERAY . 0,NEAL.

December .S5V 1

A Itot of Themaitown l ime, justrecei- -X ved and for aale by R. TUV&JStt c BO."!.

Raleigh, Nov. 30, 1850. V . 1(1

- -- ........... -- , '"' .


Mutual Life Insurance Company' RA Latum, Ji. 'CV

THIS Company' is now taking inserance on the liveepersons and Slaves, at their" entat likhid

rate of premium. Thia being the only M InsuranceCompany In the State, and working under a charter1 suited to the condition and circumstances of all, U.e Direeetor feel no hesitation in saying li st it affotc! greater xinducements for the insurant of lives then any other1Company in the country. : 'a

The 6th Sec of ihe Charter provWcs 'Tlist the husrenamay insure his own life, lor the sole oae and benefit ofhi wife or children, free fern the claims of the repre-sentative of the husband or any of bis crtdiicrs."

It is conducted on the mvtui.t plaa. each person' in'eured becoming a member thereof, and not licb.e beyondthe amounted his premium. ' .

' v;-Policies for 100 io $000 will I e issued on the life ,

of a wlute person ; and on Slaves tot two-lbir- their'market value, for a term of from en to fiveiytefav aathe owner may desire. .,. . t v,

All losses of the Company are peid within 30 days af-

ter proof of loss is famished. . No California nVks taken.The business of the Company ia couductce acder the

immediate supervision of ?j

Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President, .

Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, '

James F.Jordan, Secretary, '., - i

Win. H. Jones, Treasurer,...Perrin Busbee, Attorney, .

Dr. Wm. IT. McKee, Examtniag Physkiaa. v

J. Hersman, General A Cent. ,

Al! Communications en husinesa should be addrewedpostpaid, to JAMES F. JORDAN,

, , ' Secretary.Nov. 1. 1S50. ..... ,., . 1--Valuable Ucal Estate for Sale,

I offer for sal my entire Real Estate, upon whichJare thirty-fiv- e sets of Boxes; the most ef which

have only. been in use from one to two jrars; with a ufficient quantity of round trees to cut at feast twenty artmore. The land upon which these arc situated is aoteasily aurpassed by any piney land in Eactrrn Carolina.There is upon the premise two Distilleries neatly andcouveniently fitted up, with all necessary s.

Upon the farm, I think the buildings altogether are seUdom excelled. Those wishing to purchase are invitedto examine for themselves. Terms shall be .low, andpayments accomodating. Come and' see. . ....

Any person wishing to purchase, can be furais5jedwith s sufficient number of team and wagona to carryon both the operations of Farm and Turpentine, andwilh a year's supply of provision.

JOHN A. AVIKETT,- Cathanne Lake, Onslow Co. N. C. 3GJu!y2, 1850. .


SJBtTlIt'IBl.Sf, Johnston Co.. .VrtA taroHva.Kuliacribar would respectfully inform his (rund11HE the public generally, that he. has on hand large

and rich supply of 'Cloths. Casslmeres, Yettlngc, and Trltcar.fi ga

of all sorts ; and that be is prepared to execute weak tofiie best manner and at moderate prices. ,,:-.-

He also has on band a superior lot of .,

Reud'!tlade Clothluir "consisUng of Cloaks, Overcoats, Business Coats, Yeita,Pantaloons, lamb'a wool Shirt, dec, which he will diaposeof on the most accommodating term. ; . . i ..'

He solicits a call from those in want ef Clothing, athe is determined to give good bargain, mad te da kitwork in the best and .most approved style. - .i I

HENRY GERHARDT.Smithfield, October 14th, 1650. 897-ma- ,

New Watcb and Jewclerj- - Store, :

W. H. THOMPSON Would reepeetrtilly te.Twform the citizens ofKaltigh and its vicinity, thai

Kuaihe has opened a choice stock of ,: . n'Watches aad JcWetry, ''- - -

in a part of the Store occupied by Mr Thompson ii aMillinery establishment,, where he ofier for vale Gldand Silver watches, . warranted correct time keptthe latest styles of . , , - - .i. - p

Fashionable Jewelry,such ss Guard, est and Fob Chains; Cameo, rtorfifhdmourning Broaches; Plain, Chased and Btone Rittirs ;Gold Pens and Pencil; Gold and f?ilver Thimbles; Srucs,Collar and Sleeve Buttons, Ear Rings,- Gold and SilverSpectacles, &e.. Fancy Gooda and Fine Cutlery ,':bFI ofwhich will le sold cheap, t Watches, Clocks' and Jewel-ry repaired in superior style. Old Gold and Silver takenin exchange. . " "Sept. SI, 1849. . i

- r ,':T77 6m.i


.A Desirable Residence for Kale. 'rTHE Executrix of the late Louis D. Henry, offers for

1 sale uu late Hewdence. hear the City of Kakigh." TheDwelling-Hous- e is a 'large arid rommodioo one,'remarkably well built, with all out houses complete,has about 15 or 17 acre of land attached, nr.deehighest cultivation.. The premisea beiig tvllimits of the Corporation is not echject to th I iy T

and still the situation is convenient, and eitVyards of the Governor's Mansjoa, in an everlV" bctborcood. '

The terms of sale would be liberal. ' J 'D. lM KAE.

RaIciib.Ja!y 15, 1 Vi - SSStf.' .A NEW BOOK SOREa

l, FayctteviHe Street; :i:c t?t4 Poet

RALEIGH c. ;.. ...tensive sortmerrt ef Ltw.k RE now receiving an

MedicaL Theol.ieiea WeellaneeiiS and tch.lBooks nenemllv A enaa "rt choice J3uka Jo Pre,eats, Noveis, Slstionary" H kinds, which we are sett,ing at Ihe vrry Jowest'Ces, and which are coi.fi.dent will give atisf- - examine, ;

C n w Ij. W; o'neal.December fl. . - l.t

Not Carolina- - Musio Storeribr takes (hi opportunity of announe.

JL ingtq peopleotNortn Carolina, lhat he jnfenriato open n" urawwr oni, myuusit:.STORf' wnere wui aiways om loana a complete t- -sortm x ot r oretgn ana American .viimie and Musical

ents all of which will b aelected by biir.seitrianu will be from the best Manutaeterie io

United State, and will be sold al New York andiladelphia prices. 4 ; . . .

. &. VV, flCKSILIA,iRaleigh. November. 1850. . .

2- -ly

HisARTT & LITCHFORH.;Dealers In tttapla and Faucy Dry Goods. '

HATS, CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES,r : FancY Article, Ac Ae. ; .

HAY$ received aearljr their entirt aSfctk Te"Good to which t7rcill w

the attention of their estomV s the pnlilie grostij(ad afl of which are efferedcoAe most reasonable terra.

Releigb,Oct23,IW0'. - s. 'v.. ' , :,&7Tif f, V ' , ,, ; . t ., Urn .;..t

t,--. ! i . nv&lida. .x2 h- nt"A' 'T 'Peeewf'i Vmg Store yon ceayi fittd Old Ledoa

I)ock Brandy; Perter, Old Madeira tiberry aad PertWise, seWcted expressly far Medical pWpnaee.-- . AtseCapsule of Copaiba and Cabebs, , Castor Oil Capsules,Tarranta. Marshall's and Carpenters Ex'U ot CcisilCubcbs, Scc,-in- d all the most popular Patent Medicines

'in uso.November SI. 9'. .


