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North Presbyterian Church 4 Sunday in Lent March 6, 2016 · PDF file ·...

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North Presbyterian Church 4 th Sunday in Lent March 6, 2016—10:45 a.m.

North Presbyterian Church 4th Sunday in Lent

March 6, 2016—10:45 a.m.


Greeting, Welcome, and Opportunities for Discipleship Welcome to our guests and visitors! As a church of hospitality we invite you, if you feel comfortable, to introduce yourself at this time. We are glad you are here. We hope you will fill out the welcome pad (found in the pew holder) to help us get acquainted. We also invite you to join us in Westminster Hall for coffee hour following worship.

Everyone—please silence your cell phones.

Gathering Be Still and Know Be still and know that I am God. Be still and know that I am God.

Prelude Variations on “Amazing Grace” Powell

Call to Worship We gather here in your presence, God, In our need, and bringing with us the needs of the world. We come to you, for you come to us in Jesus, And you know by experience what human life is like. We come with our faith and with our doubts; We come with our hopes and with our fears. We come as we are, because you invite us to come; And you have promised never to turn us away.


*Hymn 475 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (During the singing of the hymn, please pass Joys & Concerns to center aisle.)

*Call to Confession Take, O Take Me As I Am Hymn 698 Take, O take me as I am; summon out what I shall be;

set your seal upon my heart and live in me.

*Prayer of Confession Merciful God, we confess that we have strayed from your ways. Like the Prodigal Son, we have wasted our inheritance. You gave us the earth for our home, but we squander earth’s resources and hoard its bounty. You gave us neighbors to love, but we pursue selfish ambitions. You gave us the commandments that lead to human flourishing, but we break your law and forsake your love. Forgive us our sin and bring us to repentance. Help us to find our way home to you, where you welcome us with open arms; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

*Silent Confession (A time for personal confession of sin)

*Assurance of Forgiveness Hear the good news! God loves us. God forgives us.

*Response Gloria Patri et Filio by Jacques Berthier

Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

*Passing of the Peace Having received Christ’s peace, let us share it by turning to our neighbors and greeting them, saying “May the peace of Christ be with you!”


Resting in God’s Care Bless the Lord, my soul, and bless God’s holy name. Bless the Lord, my soul, who leads me into life.

Prayer for Illumination

Scripture Reading Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 p.78

Listen to what the Spirit is saying to the church. Thanks be to God.

Sermon “Naked Love” The Rev. William T. Hennessy


Offering Offertory Anthem: I Will Arise arr. Byler

*Doxology (Hymn 607) Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Christ, all people here below; Praise Holy Spirit evermore; Praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen.

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper The Invitation to the Lord’s Table

Hymn 509 All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.

With all our hearts…we sing our praise:

Holy, Holy, Holy © 1986 by GIA Publications, Inc

Your love for us…the mystery of our faith:

Christ Has Died

© 1986 by GIA Publications, Inc

Pour out the fire…Christ teaches us, saying:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Communion of the People Our Lord invites all who trust in him, and all who long to trust in him, to share in this meal, which he has prepared. Communion will be received by intinction. Please come up the center aisle and return down side aisles. (If your diet requires gluten-free bread, please go to the station at the foot of the steps in the center.)

Prayer after Communion We give you thanks, eternal God, that you have fed us in this sacrament. Fill us with a vision of your new creation, where all may have life, and have it abundantly; through Jesus Christ, the bread of life. Amen.


*Hymn 774 There Is Now a New Creation



*Sung Response (next page)

*Postlude Glorificamus Redford

*Those who are able, please stan

300 North Forest Road

Sunday, March 6

8:30am Worship/Chapel

9:30 Adult Ed./Lib.

10:45 Worship/Sanctuary

Church School

11:45 Coffee Hour/WH

12:30-2:00pm Training for New Elders,


Monday, March 7

7:00pm Session/Chapel

Tuesday, March 8

9:00am Staff mtg./Ofc.

5:45pm Lenten Soup Supper &


Wednesday, March 9

10am-8pm EGA/WH

7:30pm Sarah Circle, Mary

Soom's , 162

Meadowview Lane,


Thursday, March 10

6:30pm Bells/S151

7:30pm Adult Choir/Choir Room

Sunday, March 13

8:30am Worship/Chapel

9:30 Adult Ed./Lib.

Bible Study/RC

Children’s & Youth Choir


9:30am-12pm Childcare available/S257

10:45 Worship/Sanctuary

Church School

11:45 Coffee Hour/WH

12:30-2:00pm Training for New Elders,


To view the March calendar, visit



ACE—Amherst Chamber Ensemble EGA—Embroidery Guild

DR—Dickinson Room

FJC—Family Justice Center

FONP—Friends of Night People


LE3—Tutoring program


NPC—North Presbyterian Church


RC—Resource Center

WCF—Williamsville Christian Fellowship

WH—Westminster Hall

Series on Opioid Epidemic

The UB Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences is offering a series, “Confronting

the Opioid Epidemic,” Tuesdays March 15, 22, and 29 from 6-8 p.m. in Farber Hall on the

South Campus. Anyone interested in learning about the latest advancements in medicine and

healthcare is encouraged to attend. Cost is $5 per session; free for students with a valid id.

For more information or to register, go to [email protected].

Adult Education: Adult Forum, Sundays at 9:15 a.m. (note time change)

Exodus and Exile: During February and March, an adult forum series will look at the

geopolitical circumstances driving the flow of these newer refugees. Everyone is welcome.

March 6—Refugees from Africa. North Church member Azubike Kalu-Nwiwu will speak

about the Boko Haram crisis in Nigeria, and its creation of internally displaced people. Pat

Townsend will comment on the impact of the Somali refugee presence in Kenya and in the

United States.

March 13—WEDI—Westminster Economic Development Initiative is the organization founded

by Westminster Presbyterian Church to provide opportunities for residents on the West Side.

If you have not visited their most well-known program, the West Side Bazaar, have a look at

an excellent video from Katie Couric’s visit: https://www.yahoo.com/katiecouric/buffalos-big-

comeback-201146847.html?soc_src=mail&soc_trk=ma. WEDI is now an independent 501C3

organization. Executive Director Ben Bissell will be our speaker.

March 20—Refugees and Me—What are the implications of the refugee situation for world

Christians? A panel of North Church members will tell short stories of their experience with

refugees over the years. As a group, we will reflect on the six series presentations in the light

of the Biblical charge to care for the resident alien/stranger/foreigner.

Blanket Drive

Today you will have another opportunity to support a worthy cause: Church World Service

Blankets. What good can a blanket do? It brings comfort in times of crisis to hurting and

displaced families in such far-flung places as Sudan, Pakistan and Nicaragua. For just $5, you

can provide comfort in many communities hit by disaster. Will you join Martha Circle again

this year? For each blanket you buy, you will receive a sweet, edible treat lovingly prepared

by a member of Martha Circle. Please stop by a table in the narthex or Westminster Hall to

make a difference.

One Great Hour of Sharing (a.k.a. Fish Banks!)

The children will receive their fish banks on Sunday, March 13. Please help them remember

to return the banks on Sunday, April 3. When you give to OGHS you are assisting in the

empowerment of others as they move past emotional, physical, and spiritual misfortune. Your

help gives hope. You may also give securely online at http://northchurchwilliamsville.org/.

Simply click on the “Donate” button and follow the instructions by using a credit card or bank

account transfer. Thank you!

Women’s Circles

Martha Circle: CANCELLED

Sarah Circle: will meet on Wednesday, March 9, at 7:30 p.m. at Mary Soom's home, 162

Meadowview Lane, Williamsville. The co-hostess is Leigh Gaskill.

Training for New Elders and Deacons

New elders and deacons recently elected to serve in the Class of 2019 should plan to attend

officer training with Pastor Hennessy today and Sunday, March 13—each time from 12:30-

2:00 p.m.—in the church library. Ordination and Installation will be held during the 10:45 a.m.

worship service on Sunday, April 3.

Holy Week Services

Potluck Seder Supper: Thursday, March 24, 5:45 p.m., Westminster Hall

The Passover Seder meal celebrates the deliverance of the Hebrew people from Egyptian

slavery and God's great love for God's chosen people. Before Jesus was arrested, he shared a

Passover meal with his disciples that has come to be known as Communion for Christians.

Maundy Thursday: Communion and Tenebrae Service, 7:30 pm, Sanctuary

Good Friday Worship: March 25, noon, Sanctuary

Prayer, reflections and music in the sanctuary with mixed choir from Amherst, Clarence and

North Presbyterian churches.

Easter Worship Services, March 27

8:00am Sunrise Worship

10:45 Worship Service, Sanctuary

Tuesday Bible Study

You’re invited to join the Tuesday lunch Bible Study for its current mini-series “What We Bring

to God.” Bring a bag lunch and join us in the library at 12:30 to eat, followed by study from 1

to 2:00 p.m. We are NOT planning to meet the 4th Tuesday of each month because those

are the days when some of us volunteer for Friends of Night People.

Not Your Grandpa’s Rummage Sale! Please take survey!

In January North held its annual meeting. Treasurer Ann Eisenlord and Elder Joe Alber

presented the 2016 budget, which has a deficit of just over $8,000. In 2016 North is seeking

to generate more revenue by using the church building more and by fundraising.

One idea that the Membership Committee would like to try is a “garage” sale in the fall. But

we want your FEEDBACK! Please take this very brief and simple survey and tell us what

you think. We’d like feedback by the end of March. Thank you!


Join Us for Coffee (Making!)

Coffee is an important aspect of fellowship with each other and visitors. For many years,

committees have had responsibility for preparing coffee or lemonade; however, we are now

experiencing a few glitches in the system. Many people serve on multiple committees and

they are over-burdened. Also, three of the committees no longer exist. We need YOU! If you

would be willing to help fill in—committees will still take responsibility for their assigned

months—it will ease the load. There will be a sign-up sheet in Westminster Hall, and

instructions for making coffee are posted by the coffee maker. Thank you!

Pennies for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

It's that time of year again! Jonathan Roesser will be collecting pennies to be donated to the

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. In the past few years, North Church has just about

matched what Jonathan has been able to collect over the year. His contributions to this cause

now total more than $1600.00 since 2011. Won't you please bring in your pennies through

the month of February and give them to Jonathan or leave them in the front office? The

power of a penny can do great things! Thank you.

Book Groups (library) (Visit https://www.pinterest.com/northchurch/books/)

Morning (10:00 a.m.)

March 16: Erik Larson. Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania (2015)

April 20: Stories from the Shadows: A Reflection of a Street Doctor by James J. O’Connell

Afternoon (1:00 p.m.)

March 23: Mary Coin, by Marisa Silver

Lenten Soup Suppers and Study on Science and Faith

March 8, 15, and 22 5:45-7:30pm

Enjoy homemade soup, bread, fresh fruit and dessert. Cost is only $5 per adult; children eat

free. Our study this year is titled “Painting the Stars.” It is an exploration of evolutionary

science and its impact on faith. Please come for a provocative and energizing discussion.

Registration is required for child care the Monday before each supper. Kindly call the

office at 632-1330.

Musical Opportunities

Palm Sunday: If you would like to sing with the opening Hosanna, please contact

Marlene Harrington at [email protected] or call 839-1930 for more

information. The only rehearsal will be prior to the service on March 20.

Easter/March 27 Additional singers are welcome to join the choir for this festive

occasion. Some rehearsal necessary. Contact Marlene for details.

Musical: Tales of Wonder/May 15 This will require a combination of learning the

music on your own with recordings and attending some group rehearsals. Inquire for


Flowers Today

The flowers today are from the Bigler families in celebration of Erin’s 20th birthday

and of her life.

Mission Statement

Brought together by our shared faith in

Jesus Christ,

Called by God to live as faithful disciples,

Blessed by our diverse gifts and experiences,

We commit ourselves to:

Worship together,

Teach and learn from one another,

Nurture each other with care and love, and

Reach out in ministry and mission to

the world.

(Adopted by the Session June 5, 2006)

Preacher: Bill Hennessy Coordinator: Randy Bigler

Liturgist: Linda Gowans Lock-up: Bill Ervin

Organist: Marlene Harrington Counters: Linda Gowans, Erin Kahler

Greeters: Debbie & Tim Hutton Pianist (8:30): Jane Cary

Ushers/Communion Servers (8:30): Mary & David Bullions Acolyte: Emily Jennings

Ushers/Communion Servers (10:45): Glenn & Karen Hopkins;

Randy & Kerri Bigler

Visitors—You are important to us. Please fill out a visitor card and put it in the offering plate if

you wish to be contacted. You may also approach an usher—likely wearing a yellow ribbon

today—to find out more about North Church.

Ministers: The Congregation

Pastor/Head of Staff: The Rev. William T. Hennessy Director of Sacred Dance: Olivia Ebsary

Administrative Assistant: Cynthia Machamer Accountant: Karen Thomas

Facilities Coordinator: Mike Callaghan Childcare Supervisor: Regina Koteras

Director of Music, Organist: Marlene Harrington Webmaster: Tara Martin

Director of Music, Children & Youth: Marty Shafer Pre-Teen Coordinator: Kimberly Will
