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Northern Wisconsin Advertiser (Wabeno, Wis.) 1902-04-17 [p ]€¦ · nrttimi. UKcsranccin (i....

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nrttimi . UKcsranccin (i. HIMLEY. PUBLISHER. \YA?ENO. FOREST COUNTY. WISCONSIN. THURSDAY APRIL 17. 1902. VOL. 4, no. m. SOCIETY, 'i. , r:::N; camp. x... r,ux m vv. a A!' >in tin* :irst and t!ij:-il Sutiirrtnv •' <•’ in”-of i-itflt month. ;tt thf M. 'V. of Hall, at 8:0(1 I*, m. Visiting nvijfli- V r> Hiv ronliallv invited. IINI.AIHN .IKIKCIN, A. H. SlKnllM. V. *'. i lerl;. c. & n. vv. R’y. 1 AH'AI, Time Caud. NoiiTH BOUND. Mixed train 11:15 . m. South Bound. Mixed train 2:15 p m. V. H. Johns, Agent. Post-Office. Mail arrives at 11:15 a. in. Mail closes at ti.ou p, m. Office hours from 8:IH> a. ni. to 0:00 p. m. Sundays from 10:00 a m. to 12 noon. V. H. Johns, Postmaster, C. G. Himley, Deputy: TOWN OFFICERS: John McGuiUe Chairman F. O. Rusch Supervisor Ernest Martin.,.. C. G. Himley ............ Clerk M. J. Dickinson Treasurer A. J. Johnson Assessor A. L. Burgan .Justice P. Mielke M. Bolanlj O. E. Lutz A. G. Russell ; .. Constable Wm. Griffin Chris. Gantner ......... Frank Farrell C. 0. HIMLEY, Notary Public WABENO, WISCONSIN, Notice. 1 lierfeby give notice that I have the agency for seliing the t'hicago <i' North Western Rail- way Company lands for Crundon and vicinity. For further par- ticular.'- and terms call on or ad- dress, A." E: Himley. •• Crandon, Wis. Excursion Rates to the MarJri Gras and " inter Resorts Via the North-Western Line. On tv the .vlardi Grasat New S i-l. ans eXefii’sioit tickets will bp ’-old February "to ft. inclusive. ai very low rates, with final limit for feiiirti passage until February !>, inclusive. Excursion tickets are also on sale daily, at reduced ' to th*> principal winter re- i-ris in (la United States and Mexico. Fur full information ap- ple i > ticket agents Chicago N. fib-Western R’y* Home Seekers. It Will Pay You to Look lie Lands in Northern Wis- consin. The North-Western Lint* has largt o a■!;- of ’and for salt- along its lines in Northern Wisconsin at low prices and easy terms of. payment. If ye n are looking for anew location v. here good land is cheap, this your op- portunity nnd now is the time to buy. Markets near are: Minneapolis. St. Paul. Duluth. Superior, Milwaukee, Chicago. Tty land is well timWred with a hajxt.ti hardwood growth, the soil fertile and easy of cultivation, and t! ere is a great abundance of pure cold water. >■ w , Urmi mtiT the above points when you are listing for lathi. For Illustrated f'old-’randftither froe information SMldryvs ; r,co. W. Bell., /.and Commissioner Jlndsoti. IVis.. or <>. ii. MayKae. ,V>- pstant General Passenger Agent. St. <*ani. Mifin j -.A Subscribe for the Aivf EHTbiEH K\. J. DfCkSNSON yvjs. DEALER IN- Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Footwear, hardware. Lumbermen’s Supplies. Hay, Flour and Feed. Notice. Jos. Trompczynsk will be at j llie Palmer House at 7 .aona every j Wednesday with a mil line of I drugs. J. T's. twenty years ex- perience in the drug line empow- ers him to treat any kind of sick* hess with good’ success. I ' If You Art Going to California Apply to agents Chicago & North-West- ern Ity, about the through Tourist Sleeping Car service to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Round trip tourist tick- ets on sale daily. FARMERS’ INSTITUTES FOfi JUNE, 1902: University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., April 15, 1902. We are planning to hold Sum- mer Institutes in Northern Wis- consin in June, rit points in the State that are too far north to make winter meetings advisable. If your town has a hail that can be furnished free, in which to hold a otie day meeting, and your farmers and business men wisli an Institute to be held at your town sometime during June, write to this office foi* a blank petition-. Only ten or twelve of these meetings can lie held and we al- ready have a number of petitions on tile. If you wish a meeting for your town! write at once, as the earliest applications will re- ceive the most favorable con- sideration. Geo. McKerrow, Supt. O. E. Lutz of Laona was u caller in town Sunday. Spring time is the time to use Rocky Mountain Tea. Keeps you 1 , i well all summer. Great spring life re newer, flu cts. Ask your druggist. FOR SALE—A row boat, in good condition, dirt cheap for cash! cattse for selling, dead broke and need money. Apply to Himley. I live and let my brethren live With all that's good with me. Unto the poor, some cash I give The balance I give Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. Subscribe for the Advertiser and you will have a complete record of the proceedings of the County Board, Town Hoard and the Board of School Directors, Which alotie is worth the sub- pserition p’ ice of *1.50 per year, besides all other items of local and gneral farthest LOCAL- LOGIC, Hand in your news items. Deck Bennett Sundayed well his family at Cliutouville. The local saw mill finished sawing then- basswood Monday. M. Waterman went down the line Tuesday, returning today. Postmaster Rodi bough was i down from Pudus yesterday. Win. Wolf is loading lumber ; this week for Curtis & Yale of i Wausau. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Gantner of Carter were visitors in town Saturday. Miss Moore and Frank Bon* esho attended a ball at Carter Saturday night. The mahinery for the Priebe & Kleimslimidt saw and planiug mill arrived last Week. Al. Richardson was over to Crandon a few days, returning Tuesday. George Boehm visited with his folks at Mountain a couple days this week. Albert Rusch went down to his home at Reedsville today to remain some time. Billy and Eva McCllntoCk will make yon forget your troubles at the Woodmen Hall Monday and Tuesday April 21 and ,22m1. Miss Wilton's sister of Mrs. Paul Gresbach of this village, came up from Suring Saturday to assist the Burgan family. Mr. and Mrs. Normatl John- son were up from Ferry’s resort Monday. Normaif lias just re- covered from a trial of the small poN. Joe Grattoh and F. Kennard are busy these days building a house for Col. Pike on the land he purchased and which he will make into a stock farm. Mrs. Chas. Reitz received a message from her folks, near Edgar, Wis., stating that her father waft very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Reitz and children left for Edgar Monday. Andrew Miller of Scb'tt, Che- boygan county, purchased land west of Wabenc. and will move his family here in. about two weeks Land agent Richardson made the sale. Byron H. Cooley of redonia and Andrew Mueller of Adell, came up Wednesday. Mr. Cooley is a land agent and returned to- day. Mr. Mueller will remain a few days to look at some land with Bock Bennett. The Billy and Eva McClintock Entertainers will appear at the M. w. a. Hall Monday and Tues- day April 21 and 22nd in high classed vaudeville, more fun than a circus. A moral and up to date attraction. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Editor Himley returned from the Southern part of the state yesterday, whore he had been on business during the past ten days The old man wus consid- erably roiled up over an article that appeared in the issue gotten but during his absence, and lias been giving the boys in the office b over sine* 1 his return. Airs. Burgan To Rest. Mrs. Alvina Ewan Buygan, vcl-oso death occured last Tues- day morning of blood poisoning after nine days’ illness, was laid in her final resting place ill tlit* Forest Hill cemetery last Thurs- day afternoon in the presence of a large number of sorrowing rel- I atives, friends and neighbors. The funeral services were held in the German Lutheran church. i Rev. Fredrjch of Brookside, the congregational pastor delivering a sermon in both German and English. The pall-bearers were T. A. Brenner, Paul Neuman, Paul Kupper, Louis Rumuiell, William Rumuiell and Christ Schmoll. Oonradin Jecklin acted as funeral director. The floral tributes were many and beutiful. The church was filled with people and many were unable to get seats. Relatives from abroad in attendance at the funeral were Edward Ewan, father of deceas- ed, and Mrs. Frank Pl’oft, moth er of Mr. Burgan, both of Cor- inth, Wisconsin, find Joe Proft, brother of Mr. Burgan of Lin- coln county, Wisconsin. Mother of deceased being in feeble health was unable to be present at the funeral. Deceased was 22 years, 2 months and\2s days at the time of hei 1 death. She is survived by her husband and two small children, Johnnie, aged 2 years and H months, and alittledaugh- ter only 9 days old, to motirh the loss' of a kind Wife alio loving mother. Mrs. Burgan Was a faithful and devoted wife, and a loving find forid parent. She was a kind and obliging neigh bor, generous to the worthy peedy, and always read) avid will- ing to lend a helping baud in time of sickness or trouble. She was highly respected by all whokrtew her. Deceased was born in Baum- (garie'n, Germany on January 21, 18NI She came to this country with her parents in 1881, when but 1 year old, settling first in Broadueks. Pennsylvania, and in 18811 moved to Corinth, Wiscon- sin, when* her parents have since resided. On November SO, Im9B she was married to Antone L. Burgan at Dorchester, Wisconsin. after which they located here, where they have resided ever cince; Mr. Burgan bbing in Hie mefcantile business in this village, and is one of the leading business men. Barney McGinlev came back from a campaign trip along t In* Gillett Branch last week. He went over in the interest of some of his old-time friends in politics who seemed to be in danger of defeat before he got upon the ground; but, after the arrival of Mr. McGintey, things suddenly changed and they won out. There is generalship neeaed, even in politics; isn't that so?— Crandon Republican. Makes children eat, sleep, and grow: Makes mother strong and vigorous. Makes a healthy fam- ily. That's what Rocky Mountin Tea does. 35 cts Ask your druggist Correspondence: Carter Dave Bowman was in town Suturd iv. Ernest Martin was up to at- tend the funeral today> Dr. French of Mountain was a caller in town Tuesday. W. B. St. John of Carter was in town a short time Saturday. MV. and Mrs. Christ Gantner called on their Wubeuo friends Thursday. Mat Boland’s little girl broke her arm Friday. Dr. French is attending her. Dr. Luckner of Laona was seen on our streets Tuesday return- ing the same day. Bill Rabbitt is very (tick. Dr. French of Mountain is the in- tending physician. Mrs. E. Hemenway has been on the sick list the past week, but is now on the gaim Bill Torge arrived from Gillet Tuesday and will open up he saloon for business in a few day Miss Moofe and Frond Bot esho of Wabeno came down Sat- urday to attend the ball In tin evening. 'The dartce given at Midlke’> Hotel last Saturday evening wa a grand success and all report a good tittle. Bill. London received a me- sage from Vernon county Ttie - day announcing the serious il ness of his mother. Mr. Latidoi and sister left for Vernon county Wednesday. Notice. In regard to the article entitle*. “Wabeno as T. see it," which aj peared in the columns of thi. paper last week. I desire to stab to the readers of tile Advertls EK that the article was hande*. in, and published by the “devil" during iuy trip to the sotttheri part of the suite, without my knowledge or ebusedt. To me, Wabeno is first among all places, and I have a* high regard for tin town and its people: and its fu- ture looks promising. Had l been at home the article would not have been printer as it has ui ways been the policy of tliis paper not to take part h any individual or factional strife whether church, social, politica or otherwise. Editor. Bought a New Plant. Editor L. P. l-erry of The (Mi iett Times, spent-Tuesday after- noon in town looking over tarn pies, consulting, etc., and suc- ceeded iu selecting ah up to-date printing office which will soon be in operation in Gillett. The out lit was purchased through B. F. Goodcil, the genial and capa- ble repfesenative of The Ameri Cah Type Founders' Company of Chicago. Tlx Herald, Oconto Falls. H. id. Baldwin, one of Moun- tain's prosperous merchants, was in the village Saturday. j Stop At— Hotel Wabeno T. F. MOORE. Proprietor. Sample Room In Connection \V A MONO wis rirst*Class. S. C. FRENCH, Physician and Surgeon, Mountain. Wis. A. L. Burgan. —Dealer in— Groceries, Confectionery, Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. WABEtfO. WIS. Milwaukee House Miller & Miller Pops. NORTH CRANDON, WIS.- Comfortable and Homelike. 1 Emil Birkle, Tonsorial Artist; Workmanship First-Class; laircutting, shaving and sham pooing done in the best manner (Shop in Manitowoc House:) . * 'atronize- Manitowoc House* W. L. Boehm, Prop, ALSO DEALER IN- WINES. HLIGUORS and CIGARS Good Accomodations: IV.. sonable Rates. WAKEN*. wi* •* II and. DREIER, Attorney at Law Fire and Life Insurance. Money to Loan on Real Estate Shawano, YVjM. - FRANK LACKNER M.D. Physician and Surgeon. LAONA, WIS. Will be ai the Hotel WaHeno at Wabeno, every Wednes- day and Friday. * i ■■ ii B CHET STARKS, Cruiser and Estimater, : , # i. Tresspassing looked after and esu . , i mates made promptly and at reasonable rate 9. REFERENCE IF DESIRED. LAONA,


'i. , r:::N; camp. x... r,ux m vv. aA!' • >in tin* :irst and t!ij:-il Sutiirrtnv•' <•’ in”-of i-itflt month. ;tt thf M. 'V. of

Hall, at 8:0(1 I*, m. Visiting nvijfli-V r> Hiv ronliallv invited.

• IINI.AIHN .IKIKCIN, A. H. SlKnllM.V. *'. i lerl;.

c. & n. vv. R’y.

1 AH'AI, Time Caud.NoiiTH BOUND.

Mixed train 11:15 . m.South Bound.

Mixed train 2:15 p m.V. H. Johns, Agent.

Post-Office.Mail arrives at 11:15 a. in.Mail closes at ti.ou p, m.

Office hours from 8:IH> a. ni. to0:00 p. m.

Sundays from 10:00 a m. to 12noon.

V. H. Johns, Postmaster,C. G. Himley, Deputy:

TOWN OFFICERS:John McGuiUe ChairmanF. O. Rusch SupervisorErnest Martin.,.. “

C. G. Himley ............ClerkM. J. Dickinson TreasurerA. J. Johnson AssessorA. L. Burgan .JusticeP. Mielke “

M. Bolanlj “

O. E. Lutz “

A. G. Russell ; .. ConstableWm. Griffin “

Chris. Gantner .........“Frank Farrell “



Notice.1 lierfeby give notice that I

have the agency for seliing thet'hicago <i' North Western Rail-way Company lands for Crundonand vicinity. For further par-ticular.'- and terms call on or ad-dress, A." E: Himley. ••

Crandon, Wis.

Excursion Rates to the MarJri Grasand " inter Resorts

Via the North-Western Line. Ontv the .vlardi Grasat NewS i-l. ans eXefii’sioit tickets will bp’-old February "to ft. inclusive.ai very low rates, with final limitfor feiiirti passage until February!>, inclusive. Excursion ticketsare also on sale daily, atreduced' to th*> principal winter re-i-ris in (la United States and

Mexico. Fur full information ap-ple i > ticket agents ChicagoN. fib-Western R’y*

Home Seekers. It Will Pay You toLook lie Lands in Northern Wis-

consin.The North-Western Lint* has largt

o a■!;- of ’and for salt- along its lines inNorthern Wisconsin at low prices andeasy terms of. payment.

If ye n are looking for anew locationv. here good land is cheap, this your op-portunity nnd now is the time to buy.

Markets near are: Minneapolis. St.Paul. Duluth. Superior, Milwaukee,Chicago. Tty land is well timWredwith a hajxt.ti hardwood growth, thesoil fertile and easy of cultivation, andt! ere is a great abundance of pure coldwater. >■ -

w ,

Urmi mtiT the above points when youare listing for lathi.

For Illustrated f'old-’randftither froeinformation SMldryvs ;

r,co. W. Bell., /.and CommissionerJlndsoti. IVis.. or <>. ii. MayKae. ,V>-

pstant General Passenger Agent. St.<*ani. Mifin

j -.A

Subscribe for the AivfEHTbiEH

K\. J. DfCkSNSONyvjs.


Dry Goods,Groceries,Clothing,Footwear,hardware.

Lumbermen’s Supplies.

Hay, Flourand Feed.

Notice.Jos. Trompczynsk will be at

jlliePalmer House at 7 .aona everyj Wednesday with a mil line of

I drugs. J. T's. twenty years ex-perience in the drug line empow-ers him to treat any kind of sick*hess with good’ success.

I 'If You Art Going to California

Apply to agents Chicago & North-West-ern Ity, about the through TouristSleeping Car service to Los Angeles andSan Francisco. Round trip tourist tick-ets on sale daily.


University of Wisconsin,Madison, Wis., April 15, 1902.We are planning to hold Sum-

mer Institutes in Northern Wis-consin in June, rit points in theState that are too far north tomake winter meetings advisable.

If your town has a hail thatcan be furnished free, in whichto hold a otie day meeting, andyour farmers and business menwisli an Institute to be held atyour town sometime during June,write to this office foi* a blankpetition-.

Only ten or twelve of thesemeetings can lie held and we al-ready have a number of petitionson tile. If you wish a meetingfor your town! write at once, asthe earliest applications will re-ceive the most favorable con-sideration.

Geo. McKerrow, Supt.

O. E. Lutz of Laona was ucaller in town Sunday.

Spring time is the time to useRocky Mountain Tea. Keeps you

1 , iwell all summer. Great springlife re newer, flu cts. Ask yourdruggist.

FOR SALE—A row boat, ingood condition, dirt cheap forcash! cattse for selling, deadbroke and need money. Applyto Himley.

I live and let my brethren liveWith all that's goodwith me.

Unto the poor, some cash I giveThe balance I give Rocky

Mountain Tea. Ask yourdruggist.

Subscribe for the Advertiserand you will have a completerecord of the proceedings of theCounty Board, Town Hoard andthe Board of School Directors,Which alotie is worth the sub-pserition p’ ice of *1.50 per year,besides all other items oflocal and gneral farthest


Hand in your news items.Deck Bennett Sundayed well

his family at Cliutouville.The local saw mill finished

sawing then- basswood Monday.M. Waterman went down the

line Tuesday, returning today.Postmaster Rodibough was

i down from Pudus yesterday.Win. Wolf is loading lumber

; this week for Curtis & Yale ofi Wausau.

Mr. and Mrs. Christ Gantnerof Carter were visitors in town


Miss Moore and Frank Bon*esho attended a ball at CarterSaturday night.

The mahinery for the Priebe& Kleimslimidt saw and planiugmill arrived last Week.

Al. Richardson was over toCrandon a few days, returningTuesday.

George Boehm visited withhis folks at Mountain a coupledays this week.

Albert Rusch went down tohis home at Reedsville today toremain some time.

Billy and Eva McCllntoCk willmake yon forget your troublesat the Woodmen Hall Mondayand Tuesday April 21 and ,22m1.

Miss Wilton's sister of Mrs.Paul Gresbach of this village,came up from Suring Saturdayto assist the Burgan family.

Mr. and Mrs. Normatl John-son were up from Ferry’s resortMonday. Normaif lias just re-covered from a trial of the smallpoN.

Joe Grattoh and F. Kennardare busy these days building ahouse for Col. Pike on the landhe purchased and which he willmake into a stock farm.

Mrs. Chas. Reitz received amessage from her folks, nearEdgar, Wis., stating that herfather waft very sick. Mr. andMrs. Reitz and children left forEdgar Monday.

Andrew Miller of Scb'tt, Che-boygan county, purchased landwest of Wabenc. and will movehis family here in. about twoweeks - Land agent Richardsonmade the sale.

Byron H. Cooley of redoniaand Andrew Mueller of Adell,came up Wednesday. Mr. Cooleyis a land agent and returned to-day. Mr. Mueller will remain afew days to look at some landwith Bock Bennett.

The Billy and Eva McClintockEntertainers will appear at theM. w. a. Hall Monday and Tues-day April 21 and 22nd in highclassed vaudeville, more funthan a circus. A moral and upto date attraction. Admission15 and 25 cents.

Editor Himley returned fromthe Southern part of the stateyesterday, whore he had been on

business during the past tendays The old man wus consid-erably roiled up over an articlethat appeared in the issue gottenbut during his absence, and liasbeen giving the boys in the officeb over sine*1 his return.

Airs. Burgan To Rest.

Mrs. Alvina Ewan Buygan,vcl-oso death occured last Tues-day morning of blood poisoningafter nine days’ illness, was laidin her final resting place ill tlit*Forest Hill cemetery last Thurs-day afternoon in the presence ofa large number of sorrowing rel-

Iatives, friends and neighbors.The funeral services were heldin the German Lutheran church.iRev. Fredrjch of Brookside, thecongregational pastor deliveringa sermon in both German andEnglish. The pall-bearers wereT. A. Brenner, Paul Neuman,Paul Kupper, Louis Rumuiell,William Rumuiell and ChristSchmoll. Oonradin Jecklin actedas funeral director. The floraltributes were many and beutiful.The church was filled with peopleand many were unable to get

seats. Relatives from abroad inattendance at the funeral wereEdward Ewan, father of deceas-ed, and Mrs. Frank Pl’oft, mother of Mr. Burgan, both of Cor-inth, Wisconsin, find Joe Proft,brother of Mr. Burgan of Lin-coln county, Wisconsin. Motherof deceased being in feeble healthwas unable to be present at thefuneral. Deceased was 22 years,2 months and\2s days at the timeof hei1 death. She is survivedby her husband and two smallchildren, Johnnie, aged 2 yearsand H months, and alittledaugh-ter only 9 days old, to motirh theloss' of a kind Wife alio lovingmother. Mrs. Burgan Was afaithful and devoted wife, and aloving find forid parent. Shewas a kind and obliging neighbor, generous to the worthypeedy, and alwaysread) avid will-ing to lend a helping baud in timeof sickness or trouble. She washighly respected by allwhokrtewher.

Deceased was born in Baum-(garie'n, Germany on January 21,18NI She came to this countrywith her parents in 1881, whenbut 1 year old, settling first inBroadueks. Pennsylvania, and in18811 moved to Corinth, Wiscon-sin, when* her parents have sinceresided.

On November SO, Im9B she wasmarried to Antone L. Burgan at

Dorchester, Wisconsin. afterwhich they located here, wherethey have resided ever cince; Mr.Burgan bbing in Hie mefcantilebusiness in this village, and isone of the leading business men.

Barney McGinlev came backfrom a campaign trip along t In*Gillett Branch last week. Hewent over in the interest of someof his old-time friends in politicswho seemed to be in danger ofdefeat before he got upon theground; but, after the arrival ofMr. McGintey, things suddenlychanged and they won out.There is generalship neeaed,even in politics; isn't that so?—Crandon Republican.

Makes children eat, sleep, andgrow: Makes mother strong andvigorous. Makes a healthy fam-ily. That's what Rocky MountinTea does. 35 cts Ask yourdruggist


CarterDave Bowman was in town

Suturd iv.

Ernest Martin was up to at-tend the funeral today>

Dr. French of Mountain was acaller in town Tuesday.

W. B. St.John of Carter was intown a short time Saturday.

MV. and Mrs. Christ Gantnercalled on their Wubeuo friendsThursday.

Mat Boland’s little girl brokeher arm Friday. Dr. French isattending her.

Dr. Luckner of Laona was seenon our streets Tuesday return-ing the same day.

Bill Rabbitt is very (tick. Dr.French of Mountain is the in-

tending physician.Mrs. E. Hemenway has been

on the sick list the past week,but is now on the gaim

Bill Torge arrived from GilletTuesday and will open up hesaloon for business in a few day

Miss Moofe and Frond Botesho of Wabeno came down Sat-urday to attend the ball In tinevening.

'The dartce given at Midlke’>Hotel last Saturday evening waa grand success and all report agood tittle.

Bill. London received a me- -

sage from Vernon county Ttie -

day announcing the serious ilness of his mother. Mr. Latidoiand sister left for Vernon countyWednesday.


In regard to the article entitle*.“Wabeno as T. see it," which aj -

peared in the columns of thi.paper last week. I desire to stabto the readers of tile AdvertlsEK that the article was hande*.in, and published by the “devil"during iuy trip to the sotttheripart of the suite, without myknowledge or ebusedt. To me,

Wabeno is first among all places,and I have a* high regard for tintown and its people: and its fu-ture looks promising.

Had l been at home the articlewould not have been printeras it has uiways been the policyof tliis paper not to take part hany individual or factional strifewhether church, social, politicaor otherwise. Editor.

Bought a New Plant.

Editor L. P. l-erry of The (Mi

iett Times, spent-Tuesday after-noon in town looking over tarn -

pies, consulting, etc., and suc-ceeded iu selecting ah up to-dateprinting office which will soonbe in operation in Gillett. Theout lit was purchased through B.F. Goodcil, the genial and capa-ble repfesenative of The AmeriCah Type Founders' Company ofChicago. Tlx Herald, OcontoFalls.

H. id. Baldwin, one of Moun-tain's prosperous merchants, wasin the village Saturday.

jStop At—

Hotel WabenoT. F. MOORE. Proprietor.

Sample Room In Connection\V A MONO wis



Physician and Surgeon,


A. L. Burgan.—Dealer in—


Fresh, Salt and SmokedMeats.


Milwaukee HouseMiller & Miller Pops.


Comfortable and Homelike.1

Emil Birkle,Tonsorial Artist;Workmanship First-Class;

laircutting, shaving and shampooing done in the best manner

(Shop in Manitowoc House:). *


Manitowoc House*W. L. Boehm, Prop,


Good Accomodations:IV.. sonable Rates.

WAKEN*. wi*•*


Attorney at LawFire and Life Insurance.

Money to Loan on Real Estate

Shawano, YVjM.-

FRANK LACKNER M.D.Physician and Surgeon.


Will be ai the Hotel WaHenoat Wabeno, every Wednes-

day and Friday.

■ * i ■■ ii B

CHET STARKS,Cruiser and Estimater,

: , # i.Tresspassing looked after and esu

., i

mates made promptly and atreasonable rate9.


