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Northwest Canada BBG Release (Jan-Feb)

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Release for NWC BBG for months of January and February
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Northwest Canada B’nai Brith Girls 2008 – 2009
Page 1: Northwest Canada BBG Release (Jan-Feb)

Northwest Canada B’nai Brith Girls

2008 – 2009

Page 2: Northwest Canada BBG Release (Jan-Feb)

January/February 2009

Northwest Canada B’nai Brith Girls # 87


Pg. 1 – Message from your Regional N’siah

Pg. 2-4 – The NWC Weekly: What’s new?

Pg. 5 – Your Role As a member & BBYO’s

Role as an organization

Pg. 6 – IRK Applicationn

Pg. 7– Application Form

Pg. 8-11 – Regional Chai-Lights

Pg. 12-13 – A hello from your Regional


Pg. 14 – Regional Board Contact List

Elli Maxine Hanson

104 Wolf Ridge Place Edmonton, AB, T5T 5M9

H: 780-444-7161 C: 780-990-2522 F: 780-484-0725

E: [email protected]

Page 3: Northwest Canada BBG Release (Jan-Feb)

Volume Three

January/February 2009


Regional N’siah of the Northwest Canada

B’nai Brith Girls…

Elli Maxine Hanson

Northwest Canada Bnai Brith Girls #87

My Sister B’nai Brith Girls,

As I welcome you to a brand new year in the B’nai Brith Youth Organization, I truly hope it will be a year of excitement and memories for each of you. 2009 is becoming history, so make the choice now where your name will lie in those books. Reflect on your experiences thus far, in BBYO or in other areas of your life, in this year and others before it, and make the choice to be

something this year. Whether you choose to be daring, be indifferent, or be involved, I hope 2009 will bring each of you closer to each other, and bring you whatever your heart desires. BBYO is a home for many girls across the globe, and for those of you who

wish to make her your home, she will welcome you in at any time.

My sisters ...I’ve come across a bridge in my yellow brick road. My storybook is changing and I finally have the power to draw in the characters, sketch the setting, and determine the rising and falling action. BBG is a supporting character for me, she’s the girl who is there to guide me at night and hold my hand across the bridge. Although I realize she won’t be around forever, right now she is my crutch and my connection within my past and

present. She has been a wonderful accomplice thus far, and I hope if you are reading this you have found some kind of friendship from her as well. One day you will be flipping through the

countless pages of your storybook, recalling your past years, and you will realize that you’ve approached the fork that every

fairytale character fears. One dark and ominous road stretches out on your left, with mangled trees and unknown pebbles strewn about, and the other on your right is familiar with faces of people you know. You will come upon the opportunity to wander into the unknown, as frightening as it may become, and if you choose to change your life and do so, remember that the friendships you’ve made, memories you’ve shared and lessons you’ve learned from BBYO will follow you wherever your winding path leads.

Read your book sometime,

it’s a nice thought on a Sunday afternoon.

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Page 4: Northwest Canada BBG Release (Jan-Feb)

As NWC moves into the New Year as well, she, like each of us, is growing

changing, and learning. As I hope many of you remember, I have begun a new form of communication, direct from me to you! The NWC Weekly email is a

newsletter to be sent out every couple weeks with updates, attachments, and news for each of you! Below you will find the information from NWC Weekly

Volume One.

OUT WITH THE OLD. . . 1 . LTI CONVENTION. For those of you who attended, LTI was a fabulous convention co-coordinated by Edmonton BBG's very own Sareet Handman. She did an outstanding job to put a weekend of fun and sisterhood together for the BBG's of NWC, I'm sure those of you who attended would agree! If you have any pictures from the convention, please send them to Sharla Gelfand ([email protected]), our Regional Orechet, as well as Evan Horlick ([email protected]) the creator of the Regional Website, so that we can post them for everyone to see!

2. REGIONAL CHAIR POSITIONS. Five Regional chair positions have been appointed in our Region! These girls are all dedicated BBG's trying to help our region out, so be proud if they belong to your chapter! Can't wait to see what they do with their positions for the remainder of the programming term.

Jenna Newton - Regional Sunshine Girlwoman Caylin Holtzman - Regional Save the Sisterhood Chairwoman

Paulina Volovodovsky - Regional Mind Body Attitude Chairwoman Allison Numerow - Regional Penny Pal Chairwoman

Loren Hendin, Zoe Polsky & Micah Grobman - ACT Chairwomen

3. REGIONAL DUES. If you are attending chapter programs and regional conventions, you MUST pay your regional dues. These dues are used to help sustain our region to pay for program rentals, and things that will help you enjoy your own BBYO experience. If you have yet to pay your regional dues, unfortunately regional members will be contacting you to ask you to do so right away. These cannot be taken lightly this year as funding is a crucial aspect to help NWC BBG survive. Please contact Sarah Bracey ([email protected]) to discuss payments and methods.

4. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION is a fantastic opportunity to meet tons of Jewish Teens across the globe. This year it took place in February at Long Branch, New Jersey, and had about a dozen dedicated and enthusiastic BBG's and Alephs representing our fine region, and country at this convention! If you are interested in attending in the future, please keep updated on B-linked to read about it. International Convention 2010 will be held in Dallas Texas!


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IN WITH THE NEW. . . 1 . B-LINKED/DASHBOARD/PROGRAMMING BANK. If you haven't yet heard of these fantastic International BBYO Communities, here they are!

- B-Linked (http://www.b-linked.org/) is an online connection to the entire International order of BBYO. Paid BBYO members can create an account, and here you can check your chapter page for program updates/calendars, pictures, history, and contact information. We are currently in the midst of getting the entire region set up on b-linked, so you can help us out by making yourself an account! If you have created an account prior, and are now having difficulties or technical issues, please email Rachel Worthington ([email protected]) and briefly explain your issues. She is the international staff member in charge of b-linked & technical support. PS - if your parents want to know more about bbyo in general, or these online communities, take them to http://www.bbyo.org/ and click "Parents" on the left-hand menu!

- The Dashboard (http://ydc.bbyo.org/) is a wealth of information. If you are a board member (chapter or regional) you may log in using your b-linked account, however this site is also for those of you not on board (and you don't have to log in anywhere)! It has information about BBYO, about international boards and all kinds of initiatives. Here you can find links to anything you can imagine! You have to take some time to explore the possibilities of this site, its useful for every BBG across the globe.

- The BBYO Program Bank (http://www.bbyoprogrambank.org/) is a life-saver for anyone intending to plan a chapter or regional program! You don't have to log on to use it, and it has everything under the sun. Its also really cool to see what other chapters all over the world are planning in their cities too! If you planned an outstanding program, log on to the program bank and submit your program from your chapter & NWC BBG. If you do submit one, let me know and i'll take a look! If we get enough programs submitted by June, Jenny Serpa, your regional S'ganit, and I will hand out an outstanding program award! So get going BBG's...

4 . THE NWC REGIONAL WEBSITE (http://nwcbbyo.webs.com/index.htm) is a terrific source of information for our region. Until we can completely iron out all the kinks in B-linked & Dashboard, this site will serve as a fantastic communication within our region. It is still being put together, but shortly you will find messages from regional & chapter board members, a calendar with all your upcoming chapter & Regional programs, links to your chapter websites with releases/applications/news from your own chapter, pictures from programs/conventions, links to all the international websites/regional phonebook & Judaism sites, and anything else you need! Sign in to become a member, and stay in touch with our region!

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5. NWC ONLINE PHONEBOOK/NWC JUDAISM WEBSITE. Your Regional Mazkirah Loren Hendin & Regional Katvan Zac Waldman have created an eco-friendly online phonebook(http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pYRYHGEFn3V98a0n1XmPJRw) for your own ease and to increase contact between the members of NWC! Check it out and make sure all your own information is complete and correct! For any updates, email Loren ([email protected]). Your own Regional Sh'laichim Zoe Polsky & Joel Zimmerman, have been busy updating the NWC Judaism website (http://www.freewebs.com/nwcjudaism) with tons of helpful information & Judaic programming ideas, so take a look!

6. MARCH: MONTH OF THE MITS. If you’re a first year member, more commonly known as a MIT… get ready! March is your month to take hold of your chapter and do something fabulous. Mock boards will be created and you will be assigned a board member/position to shadow for the month. This is a great opportunity to find out what it means to be a leader for yoru chapter, and also to take part in some program planning! Contact your Chapter N’siah if you have any questions.


With the global eye unwavering on the conflict in the Middle East, it may become difficult to grasp the political turmoil in a midst of biased media exploitation. The rootings of the middle eastern conflicts run too deep to drain,yet it is important to understand some of the key players in the “game” of warfare.

Hamas, also known as the Muslim Brotherhood, was officially organized in 1987 by Sheik Ahmad Yassin. Backed by one million followers, the organization is spanned throughout the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America. Many followers of the organization have worked hard to better the muslim community by focussing on religious activism and education; however, some chose a more radical standing. The world began to shine it's bright spotlight on Hamas in 2006 when it won 70 seats in the Palestinian National Assembly and refused to recognize Israel. Increasing turmoil in Gaza has only upped the anti for the Israeli Defense Forces to defeat or come to a peaceful agreement with what is now deemed a terrorist organization. With Israeli civilians falling under constant attack from Hamas air raids, Israeli militia has been responding in the defense of its citizens. It is important that as youth of our community we take a stand to support peace and an end to conflict in the middle east. It is crucial that we do not allow the media to spoon feed us our global perspectives, but instead we question, research and understand what's going on in our world today....

-Zoe Polsky, Regional Sh’licha 2008-2009

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My sister B’nai Brith Girls… You are all the influential leaders in this region. Every one of you matters, every one of you makes a difference, and every one of you have devoted yourselves to

the betterment of your chapter. I can genuinely say from the bottom of my heart, that it would be an honor to be a member of any of the six chapters that make up the Northwest Canada B’nai B’rith Girls, and all the members of this region are so blessed to be a part of one of these six

segments of greatness. It is important to keep in mind our responsibilities to our BBG Chapters in each of our respective cities. The B’nai Brith Girls is a worldwide influential sisterhood devoted to the global community. It’s time our members take the step to help build the sisterhood within

Canada as well. A members role in BBYO is to support chapter events, fundraisers, and community service programs, not just regional events. It is crucial to keep in mind that there is

certainly no region without the chapters!

BBYO’S ROLE AS A Global ORGANIZATION: BBYO has a massive responsibility to not only the global community, but the Jewish communities

in every city across the globe. It is a haven for teens to learn leadership, communication, and sisterhood.

ACTIVELY CONCERNED TEENS: Fashion Cents “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” - Coco Channel. Combining the mediums of both fashion and political activism weaves the

roots for A.C.T. 2009. Being held in Calgary on May 3rd, “Fashion Cents” promises to be an unforgettable evening of fun, fashion and fundraising.

The time for change is now.

Adopt A Village Throughout the year, North West Canada has begun to take an active role

in supporting an impoverished community around the world. From making, political activism T-Shits, to planning and coordinating fundraising projects, our region has proved that we are not willing to sit idle to the world's

injustice. For the second portion of the year each chapter will be responsible for planning a fundraiser that will then go to furthering our Adopt A

Village project; it is crucial that in these challenging economic times we band together to create a united force of change. The funds collected will then be

amalgamated with the profits stemming from A.C.T to ensure that a community in Sierra Leone will no longer face the reality of a darkened past,

but rather wake up to a brighter future.

A Global Sisterhood

If the strength of one sister to sister bond has the power to create unforgettable memories and unconditional love; then what would be the magnitude of uniting two independent sisterhoods from two sides of the globe? The B'nai Brith Girls are now paired up with our own beautiful sister sisterhood in Israel called “T'zameret”. Through the combined effort of the members and heartfelt dedication of the chapter Sh'lichot, N.W.C has comprised a

Sisterhood scrapbook that will then be given to the T'zameret delegates at International Convention. We hope to receive a response from them after they return home from the convention and are committed to working

tirelessly to ensure an unwavering sisterly bond continues to flourish.

Page 8: Northwest Canada BBG Release (Jan-Feb)

Inter-Regional Kallah Convention Coordinator Application

Inter-Reg i ona l Ka l la h i s a convent i on wh i c h occurs every two years , a l ong w i t h our fr i ends from the Red R i ver Reg i on , and se l ect guests . If you fee l a connect i on to Juda i sm , and w i s h to exp l o re and share that pass i on w i t h these two reg i ons through i n novat i ve and h igh qua l i ty programm ing , I strong ly encourage you to app ly ! One l u cky ga l w i l l be se l ected to coord i nate th i s one-of-a-k i n d convent i on a l ong w i t h a brother A l eph . It w i l l be he l d on Apr i l 27-29 , 2007 , i n Saskatoon , Saskatchewan . T he return date for th i s app l i cat i on i s i n on ly one

week ! … March 14 th … So if you w i s h to app ly , send me a ema i l r ig ht away !

1 . Suggest and exp la i n potent ia l t hemes for the convent i on . (At l east three ) . 2 . L i s t and descr i be at l east three programm ing i deas for the weekend , and re late them each to Juda i sm . 3 . What makes you the most qua l i f i e d person to coord i nate th i s convent i on? What can you do to make th i s IRK memorab l e and one of a k i n d? 4 . If you cou l d meet one famous Jew , l i v i ng or dead , who wou l d i t be? Why? What wou l d you ask them? 5 . How has BBYO contr i buted to your understand i ng of your Jew i s h i dent i ty?

Spring Convention Coordinator Application

Spring Convention is Northwest Canada’s last convention of the programming term! This year it

will fall on the weekend of June 6-8. I strongly encourage all you BBG’s out there that are

creative, excited to try something new, prone to detail, and prepared to work closely with your

Aleph Counterpart and Regional Staff to apply! SC 2009 will be held at Camp BB Riback, Pine

Lake Alberta.


1. Suggest and explain potential themes for the convention. (At least three).

2. Suggest and explain, using details, three potential programming ideas for the convention.

3. What ideas do you have to make this the perfect ending for the fourth years?

4. How do you plan to make this SC different from all others?

5. What is your favourite BBYO memory and what BBYO memory has inspired you?

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APPLICATIONS All applications must be accompanied by this form!! Fold it separately from your applications so that the applications will remain anonymous. Remember to Answer your questions on a separate piece of paper. Make it extremely creative, and send it to me before the specified due date. Good luck ladies! Due Dates: (Late applications will not be accepted, so don’t be late!!) IRK Coordinator Application – SATURDAY MARCH 14, 2009 SC Coordinator Application – Sunday April 5th, 2009 I, _______________________________________________, wish to apply for the position of

___________________________________________. If selected, it is my full intention to

commit to this position, with the utmost dedication and creativity. If chosen I

understand that I am making a promise to NWC BBG, and will be expected to work with

all BBYO staff and fellow members.

Home #:_______________________ Cell #:_________________________

Chapter:_______________________ Year in BBYO:__________________

Conventions Attended:___________________________________________________________




Positions Held:_________________________________________________________________





Elli Maxine Hanson 104 Wolf Ridge Place

Edmonton, AB T5T 5M9

Cell: 780 990 2522 Home: 780 444 7161 Fax: 780 484 0725 [email protected]

Page 10: Northwest Canada BBG Release (Jan-Feb)

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Brother Alephs , S ister BBGs :









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Page 11: Northwest Canada BBG Release (Jan-Feb)

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Fraternally submitted with undying love for:

A global perspective. Tzedakah. It’s in you to give.

We Remain,


49th Regional Sh’lichim


A Tzedakah Story !























Page 12: Northwest Canada BBG Release (Jan-Feb)

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Brother Alephs , S ister BBGs :



















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Nirvana Day: QA+.7XS%&'%#%-300"&'$%A+'$&*#(%4+8);1&B&1;%$"+%0+#$"%)A%-300"#%<"+1%"+%4+#8"+0%



Page 13: Northwest Canada BBG Release (Jan-Feb)

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Fraternally submitted with undying love for:






We Remain,




Tnu lashemesh la'alot laboker le'ha'ir Hazaka shebatfilot otanu lo tachzir

Mi asher kava nero u've'Afar nitman Bechi mar lo ya'iro lo yachziro le'chan

Ish otanu lo yashiv mibor tachtit a'fel - kan lo yo'ilu - lo simchat hanitzachon Velo shirei hallel

Lachen rak shiru shir lashalom al tilhashu tfila lachen rak shiru shir lashalom bitze'aka gdola

Tnu lashemesh lachador miba'ad laprachim al tabitu le'achor hanichu la'holchim






















Page 14: Northwest Canada BBG Release (Jan-Feb)

Hello from your Regional Chairwomen My sister N'siah my sister BBGs, I've just arrived home from seeing the most amazing play I have ever seen in my life. It is called Frankenstein. A story of a tortured and possibly mad scientist who, after the death of his parents, becomes obsessed with a theory to bring the dead to life. It is a very shaded story that holds very little sunshine. I hope none of you end up like Viktor Frankenstein.

Sunshine is a force that makes one person happy. It is a cute affectionate word used to show endearment toward a significant other. If you are someone’s sunshine it means, you make their world brighter!! I’m here to promote the sunshine and to make you all happy. BBG shines because of our close ties as sisters. It is our friendships that make this sisterhood something we can be proud of. Small things like reaching out to a new or old member, talking to someone you haven’t talked to in a while, taking a MIT out to the town and loving each other unconditionally make out bonds so strong.

At the end of November and throughout December I started to catch up on my birthday card making. I believe that I have caught myself up to the end of January. If your birthday was before February first and you did not receive a card please email me ([email protected]) with your name, address, and birthday and I will make you one.

Submitted with undying love for my sisters, sunshine, happiness, Viktor

Frankenstein, Sarah & Tobiah

I Remain Jenna George Newton Regional Sunshine Girl


My sister N’siah, my sister B’nai Brith Girls,

My name is Paulina Volovodovsky and I am honored to serve as your Regional MBA Chairwoman for the 2008-2009 programming term

I am a second year in BBYO and i am very excited for what all you BBGs will bring to MBA this year! Mind, Body and Attitude is an idea that was created to help strengthen and reinforce BBGs concept of how they think, act and feel about themselves. This year, MBA strives to teach us how to be and feel

the best we can. I hope to achieve this while still allowing us to love ourselves no matter what happens.

I think that the North West Region can work together and expand BBYO into sustainable healthy minds, nourished bodies and improved attitudes.

Submitted with undying love for the ever changing mind, body, and attitude,

I remain, Paulina Ethan Volovodovsky Your Regional MBA Chairwoman for the 2008-2009 Programming Term

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My Sister N’siah, My Sister BBG’s, For those of you who don`t know me, my name is Caylin Holtzman. I am the S`ganit (Vice president) for the Edmonton chapter Ahava as well as the Save The Sisterhood Regional Chairwoman for the 2008-2009 programming term. Sisterhood has always played a big role in my life, my friends and family are very important and enable me to grow as a sister as well as an individual.

In early November I recall sitting in my English 10-1 class at Ross Shep high school. I recall being bored out of my mind, glancing across the classroom. Everyone was silent doing their work, except for myself. I had too many dreams to persue for this Chairwoman position and too much love to make my chapter position all that I possibly could to work... As I glance at the chair in front of me, my eyes stick to the 3 letters in front of me; ``aza``. Someone who had sat in the desk in front of me had a growing passion for this organization much like my own. I step up to the front of my class, grab a sharpy and sit down. Vandalism wasn`t in the question nor did it occur to me as I took the cap off of the marker and under the words ``aza`` I marked down the other part of this growing organization ``bbg``.

These three letters are much more to me then they appear on paper, and although some of you feel as though sisterhood lacks a supporting hand, I am making it my obligation and my honour to strengthen our sisterhood and rekindle the light in which it is started to dwindle in the darkness. My position ties many ends together but with the supporting characteristic of the word `sisterhood`. Many years ago Anita Perlman discovered this order of BBG in hope that as years pass on, it will only grow stronger. Taking in more girls and giving them the opportunity to grasp the meaning of sisterhood, offer support and a helping hand to any of us Jewish girls who need it. And as much as this organization has changed and become something different, I as well as the rest of the region want to make tables turn and bring sisterhood, bbg, and aza back up to the top.

As your save the sisterhood chairwomen it is my duty and my love for this organization to follow through the commitments I made when I applied, as well as the inspiration I long to give off to each and every one of you bbg`s will be a goal in which will remain as this term comes to an end and the next one begins. I am not only a conditional member, or chairwomen but as my years continue and days pass, it will always be my honour to continue to strive for great things for BBG.

I remain…

Caylin Holtzman Regional Save the Sisterhood Chair 2008-2009

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Regional Board Contact List!!

N’siah Elli Maxine Hanson 104 Wolf Ridge Place

Edmonton, AB T5T 5M9

H: 780 444 7161 C: 780 990 2522

E: [email protected] F: 780 484 0725 Star Sign: Aries

Member of Ahava #1461

S’ganit Jenny Rose Serpa-Franceour 403 Oakside Circle SW

Calgary, AB T2V 4P1

H: 403 281 7668 C: 403 869 7833

E; [email protected] F: 403 281 6694 Star Sign: Aries

Member of Zahav #2139

Aym Ha Chaverot Mira Judith Feldman 25 Evercreek Bluffs Veiw SW

Calgary, AB T2Y 4P5

C: 403 990 6472 H: 403 238 3317

E: [email protected] F: 403 262 4409

Star Sign: Leo Member of Daughters of the Star #311

Mazkirah Loren Rachel Hendin 312 Wilkin Wynd Edmonton, AB

T6M 2H4 C: 780 965 9228 H: 780 487 8297

E: [email protected] Star Sign: Libra

Member of Yad l’Yad #232

Gizborit Victoria Ariel Murphy 439 Lake Placid Green SE

Calgary, AB T2J 5A4

C: 403 473 0413 H: 403 271 5675

E: [email protected] Star Sign: Aries

Member of Daughters of the Star #311

Regional Sh'licha Zoe Miriam Polsky 1036 Kildonan Place SW

Calgary, AB T2V 4A9

H: 403 253 8969 C: 403 540 2379

E: [email protected] F: 403 253 4101 Star Sign: Taurus

Member of Zahav #2139

Orechet Sharla Jaclyn Gelfand

148 Woodstock Road SW Calgary, AB T2W 5W5

H: 403 281 5291 C: 403 589 4177

E: [email protected] Star Sign: Cancer

Member of Daughters of the Star #311

Madricha Tiffany A. Kearse H: 613 533 7691 111 Angus House- Jean Royce Hall C: 306 501 1834 535 Union Street E: [email protected] Kingston, Ontario Star Sign: Taurus K7M 2B7 Former Member of Joseph

Silverman #5194
