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Northwoods Mag

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  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


    A t c l e :

    Buy Loca l

    A One Tank T

    Pftg Fm Te Gee Mvemet

    $ Priceless $



  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


    ContentsFrom The Editor 3

    South Carolina Wedding & Event Planners: Career Outlook 8

    10 Reasons To Plant Trees...Now! 11

    Proting From the Green Movement 13

    Barter Is Smart Business 16

    Time To Renance or Buy!? 19

    A One Tank Trip 20

    South Carolina Firsts 22

    About North Charleston 23

    Calendar of Events 25Shopping 27

    Dining And Entertainment 28

    Travel & Tourism 29

    Churches, Schools, & Religous Supplies 30

    Professional Services 31

    Clothing Stores and Accessories 32

    House and Home 33

    Personal Care 34

    Medical 35

    Real Estate 36

    Automotive 37

    Banking and Finance 38

    Specialities 39

    Coupons & Specials 40

    www.Northwoods.sc Online Magazine | 2009 2

  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


    Buy LoCaL

    Promoting local business is as simple as having other companysbusiness cards or brochures posted on a board in your store. In aneffort to promote your area, we are distributing decals that say Checkus out at www.Northwoods.sc, in hopes that local shoppers will visit thesite to nd local restaurants, clothing, specials, coupons and more. Weare doing our part, so please join us, and promote your local merchants,and everyone will benet!

    top tenreasonsto think LoCaL

    Buy LoCaL - Be LoCaL heLp LoCaL Businesses

    1. Buy LoCaL -- Support yourself and North Charleston. Manystudies have revealed when you buy from an independent, locallyowned business in the your own area, rather than a nationally ownedbusinesses, considerably more of your money is used to makepurchases from other local businesses. Local businesses continue tostrengthen the economic base of the local community. These includecase studies showing that local local owned businesses generate apremium in enhanced economic impact to the community and our taxbase.

    2.support LoCaL area Community Groups:Non-prot organizations receive an average 250% more support fromsmaller North Charleston area business owners than they do from large


    3. keep your area unique: Where we shop, where we eat andhave fun -- all of it makes our community home. Our one-of-a-kind localbusinesses are an integral part of the distinctive character. Local tourismbusinesses also benet. When people go on vacation they generallyseek out destinations that offer them the sense of being someplace, not

    just anyplace. ~ Richard Moe, President, National Historic PreservationTrust.

    4. reduCe environmentaL impaCt: Locally owned businessesin your area can make more local purchases requiring less

    transportation. This generally means contributing less to sprawl,congestion, habitat loss and pollution.

    5. Create additionaL JoBs: Small local businesses are thelargest employer nationally and in the community, provide the most jobsto local residents.

    6. reCeive Better serviCe: Local businesses often hire peoplewith a better understanding of the products and services they offer, andtake more time to get to know customers.

    Cont. next page

    From the editor

    www.Northwoods.sc Online Magazine | 2009 3

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  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


    From the editor- Continued

    7.investin your Community: Localbusinesses are owned by people who live in thiscommunity, and they are less likely to leave, and aremore invested in the communitys future.

    8. putyour taxesto Good use: Localbusinesses require a relatively little infrastructureinvestment and make more efcient use of publicservices as compared to nationally owned storesentering your area.

    9. Buy Whatyou Want, not What BiG

    advertisinG BudGets Wantyouto Buy:A South Carolina marketplace comprised of tensof thousands of small businesses is the best wayto ensure innovation and low prices over the long-term. A multitude of small businesses, each selectingproducts and services based not on a national salesplan but on their own interests and the needs of theirlocal customers, promises a much broader range ofproduct choices.

    10. promote LoCaL prosperity: An esca-lating body of economic research shows that in anincreasingly homogenized world, entrepreneurs andskilled workers are more likely to invest and settle incommunities that preserve their one-of-a-kind busi-nesses and distinctive character.

    Larry LocalEditor in Chief

  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag



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    3290 Ashley Phosphate RoadCharleston, SC 29418Toll Free: (866)532-4725Fax: (866)[email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag




    WeddinG &



    outLookCan you imagine a moreexciting career than being theperson who helps to plan acouples happiest day togetherand makes them lastingmemories for the rest of theirlife? Or planning a CorporateEvent for some of the largestcompanies in South Carolina.The best part is you are creatingan event that you do not have topay for. If you are interested ina career as a wedding or eventplanner, read on to discovergeneral description, educational

    requirements, and your joboutlook information.

    WeddinGand event

    pLanner JoB desCription

    Wedding or Event planners, asthe name implies, handle manyor all of the details of setting upa wedding or other event fromcoordinating the caterers todirecting the dinners. The term

    wedding planner is aclassication of how involved theperson is with their clientswedding. There are two otherclassications which arewedding consultants andwedding directors.

    Wedding consultants allowcouples to plan the wedding andoffer only their advice and

    expertise. Wedding planners

    oversee and are responsible formuch of the work of the weddingfrom beginning to end, but thecouple is still involved. Weddingdirectors take care of the entirewedding event, which affords thecouple getting married to onlyfocus on getting married.Wedding directors sometimesusually attend the wedding tomake sure the day goes exactlyas planned. If it rains on the day

    of an outdoor wedding, thewedding director will have analternate plan already in place.

    Wedding planners,specically, perform a variety oftasks. They make appointmentswith clients and vendors,provide gown options, providewedding theme options, andplan for the unforeseen amongother things. The business sideof wedding planning involves

    staying within your budget, and

    making sure the vendors getpaid. Wedding planners whohandle all aspects of the eventare mostly self-employedworking both part-time andfull-time. However, specialevent centers, wineries, hotels,and other hospitality facilitiesalso offer employmentopportunities.

    Wedding planners must also

    write contracts and be efcientmarketers of their business. Thebest wedding planner in SouthCarolina must get their nameknown, and can only handle acertain amount of weddings inany given time.

    An event planner does thesame basic tasks as thewedding planner, but the eventwill dictate what is different. Abig corporate event may require

  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


    several sound and videosystems. A golf tournament mayrequire many sponsors beingadequately recognized.Whatever the event, havingalternative plans when things gonot as planned is the mark of a

    good planner. This means thatyou must have a long list ofsuppliers and people in theservice industries that canstand in when problems arise.

    eduCationaL requirements

    For WeddinG & event


    There are no federal, state, orlocal laws requiring wedding orevent planners to haveanything other than a businesslicense. Very fewcolleges/universities offerdegrees or certicates inwedding and planning. Onlineschools offer training; however,carefully research the onlineschool prior to paying any feesor signing up for classes. Thebest schooling is the College

    of OJT ( On the Job Training).Working for a wedding or eventplanner and learning from theground up is the only way totruly learn the business.Certication is increasinglybecoming sought after becauseclients want to make sure theirspecial day is handled by aprofessional.

    JoB outLookFor

    WeddinG & event pLanners

    Wedding and event planningin South Carolina is a growingeld with more and moreopportunities. Creating aprotable business is a slowprocess. Attracting clienteletakes time, but there is alwaysplenty of work for goodplanners.

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  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


    proFitinGFromtheGreenmovementPeople in South Carolina areactive in going green anddoing their part to save theenvironment, save money andpromote the local economy inthe process. There are manygreen initiatives in the statefrom local blogs getting theword out to green businesses,green home builders and homes,recycling programs, as wellas, organizations designedto promote South Carolinaagriculture and SC products.Surely you have heard the buzzon going green and if you wantto start getting involved anddoing your part, here are sometips to get you started:


    idLe- Every second you spendidling your cars engine meansneedlessly wasting gas, as wellas, adding wear and tear on yourvehicle. Idling over 10 secondswastes more gas than is needed

    for startup. Overall, Americansidle away 2.9 billion gallons ofgas a year, worth around $78.2billion.

    turnoffyourcomputer -Save energy and wear and tearon your machine by shuttingdown your computer whenyou are done using it and inthe evenings before you leavework. Youll save an average

    of $90 of electricity a year.The Department of Energyrecommends shutting off yourmonitor if you arent going to useit for more than 20 minutes, andthe whole computer if youre notgoing to use it for longer thantwo hours.

    Cont. next page

    www.Northwoods.sc Online Magazine | 2009 13

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    proFitinG on the Green

    movement- Continued


    aBoutGreenenerGy - More

    than half of all electricityconsumers in the U.S. now havethe option of purchasing greenpower from their local utility. Findout how you can purchase greenpower by visiting the Departmentof Energys state-by-state list ofproviders. You can also checkwith your own utility to seewhats available. Palmetto CleanEnergy is a local South Carolinagreen energy program http://www.palmettocleanenergy.org/default.asp


    yourthermostat - It is toyour benet to pays to pay closeattention to your thermostat,since most South Carolinahouseholds spend 50 to 70%of their energy budgets onheating and cooling. For everydegree you lower the thermostat,youll save between 1% and3% of your heating bill. Do thesame thing in reverse with airconditioning.


    CoLdWater - An easy way toclean green is to turn the dialon your washing machine tocold. Most laundry loads do notrequire hot water, and 90% of

    the energy used by washingmachines goes into heatingthe water. The higher the watertemperature, the higher the costto you and the planet.


    - Save natural resources, aswell as late fees, by registeringwith online bill-paying options.Paperless billing not only savestrees; it also reduces the fossil

    fuel needed to get all thosebilling envelopes from them toyou and back again. Plus, youllsave money on stamps.

    getridofjunkmAil-Approximately 100 million treesand 28 billion gallons of waterare used to send junk mail toAmericans annually. You caneliminate 75% of unsolicitedmail by registering on the Mail

    Preference Service on the DirectMarketing Association website(for a fee of $1). Within 90 days,most unsolicited mail will stop.


    paper - Most software programsgive the option for double sidedprinting, but yet most still printonly on one side of the page.Consider this: the U.S. alone

    uses 4 million tons of copy paperannually, about 27 pounds perperson. Save dough and SouthCarolina landlls.

    cArpool! - If your commuteto work is 25 miles each way andat least half is in typical stop-and-go trafc, youll save roughly10 percent of your monthlycarbon emissions by carpooling.Not to mention saving money on


    buy certified south

    CaroLinaproduCe - TheCertied South Carolina programis a new, exciting, cooperativeeffort among producers,processors, wholesalers,retailers and the South CarolinaDepartment of Agriculture(SCDA) to brand and promoteSouth Carolina products. Our

    goal is for consumers to be ableto easily identify, nd and buySouth Carolina products.

  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


    the currency is unstable anddevalued by hyperination.

    What are the BeneFitsoF


    Barter Can Bring NewCustomers: This enables you toexpand your market andmaintain your cash-payingcustomers.

    Barter Conserves Cash: Barter

    generates new customers

    because buyers are encouragedto pay with their products orservices and save cash.

    Simply put: If you had to makea purchase for $1000, would yourather write a check or pay with

    an equal amount of yourproduct/service at its normalselling price to a new customer?Most businesses prefer to barterand keep cash.

    Barter Raises Protability:Barter customers pay retailprices and fees, so you get thefull value of your goods andservices.

    Barter Moves SurplusInventory: Retailers must keeptheir inventory moving and ourcustomers shop for the most upto date merchandise eachseason. Carolina BarterExchange can deliver youbuyers to move excessinventory, eliminating theadvertising costs and heavydiscounting otherwise needed toachieve this goal.

    Cont. next page

    Barteris smartBusinessBy Zach Hanebrink

    Barter is a form of trade wheregoods or services are tradedfor other goods and/or services,without cash being exchanged.Barter normally replaces money

    as the method of exchange intimes of monetary crisis, or when

  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


    Whatis Barter?- Continued

    raise eFFiCienCy

    Service Business: Increasebillable hours! If you are not at100% capacity 12 months a year

    and you can handle newcustomers, Carolina BarterExchange can help you ll yourfree time with new businessopportunities. And now you willhave trade dollars to purchasethe products and services youneed.

    Hotels: Suppose you have 10vacant rooms at $100 a nightand you need a new brochurefor $1000. Barter provides a wayfor you to buy your brochure, llyour rooms (at your cost), andmaintain your cash.

    Networking Increases YourCustomer Base: Bartercustomers will bring you all thecash referrals that your currentclients bring. You will increasenew cash paying-customers, as

    long as you give your barter cus-tomers the same great servicesand pricing you offereverybody else.

    get virtuAlly Anything!

    Recent year statistics:

    The common dollar amount ofcommercial barter rose to$1,927.

    Merchants accounted saving anaverage of $32,700 using barterand saw and average cash owraise of 18%.

    1 in every six businessesparticipated in at least one bartertransaction for the rst time withintentions to do more in thefuture.

    1,845 new corporations hadbarter transactions surpassing$100,000.

    74% of all Fortune 500companies utilized barter-up awhopping 14% from last year.

    93% of all small businessowners (less than 25 employees)report trying barter with apositive result.

    Carolina Barter Exchange (CBE)is the fastest growing bartercompany based in SouthCarolina. CBE has representa-tion in all 46 counties includingCharleston, Columbia, Hilton

    Head Island, Myrtle Beach, andGreenville.

    CBE is the fastest growing tradeexchange in The Carolinas. CBEhelps its member companiesenhance their businessesthrough exchange of productsand services instead of makingcash disbursements.

    Some examples of the products

    and services we offer include:advertising, printing, travel andvacations, auto repairs,restaurants, caterers, art andcustom framing, ofceequipment, medical treatment,computer services and more.

  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


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    www.Northwoods.sc Online Magazine | 2009 18

  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


    timetoreFinanCeorbuy !?

    Right now, mortgage rates are

    at their lowest level since 1971.Think about that. Twenty-veyears ago, homeowners werepaying as much as 18% on a30-year xed. Today its justa little over 5%.Combine that

    rate with the tax advantages ofa mortgage, and you have anincredibly cheap way to buildwealth, but you better act now.

    Real estate guru BarbaraCorcoran has already seen a

    tremendous surge in renanceapplications more than triplethe average and the numberof people getting approved isastronomically higher as well,she says. But that doesnt meanthe low rates are a panacea forthe ills of the housing market. Itis only once home prices startto go up that we will nally seea light at the end of tunnel,Corcoran says. Until that

    happens, we are still going tohave to crawl out of this mess.[Low interest rates are] a not alifesaver, Corcoran says. Thisis just a helping hand.

    David Kittle, chairman of theMortgage Bankers Association,has this advice to homeownerslooking to renance: Do it. Dontget greedy searching for anotherquarter-point. Lock in ratesnow. He is seeing applications

    soar over 125% just sinceThanksgiving due to the lowrates.

    Of course, you should onlyrenance if it saves you at least3/8 on the rate and if you plan onstaying in your home for at leastfour years, Kittle says. Alongwith good credit, proof of incomeand money by means of a downpayment or equity in the home,

    there are certain things everyhomeowner needs regardless ofinterest rate levels.

    www.Northwoods.sc Online Magazine | 2009 19

  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


    a one tanktrip

    Got the vacation blues?

    South Carolina abounds withdestinations you can visit on onetank of gastrips that showcasethe Palmetto States beautywithout busting your budget.What a rich, exotic place SouthCarolina is. One of the originalAmerican Colonies, the state hasan abundance of historical sitesthat bring our nations past tovivid life. The outdoors lover canenjoy a variety of activities such

    as kayaking, hiking, saltwatershing, even scuba diving inthe company of alligators. Thestates culture has been shapedby its European, African andCaribbean settlers, as evidencedespecially by the food, which is

    some of the most delicious wellever have the pleasure of eating.

    hiLton head isLand

    One of the most famous Islandsin the world is at our back door.Hilton Head Island is an optimumplace to begin a One Tank Tripthrough South Carolina. HiltonHead, whose 70-square milearea gives it the distinction of

    being the second-largest barrier

    island on the East Coast. Thisincredible golf resort communityfeatures a multitude of activitiesto keep families well-entertained,such as kayaking, dolphin-watching cruises and shingcharters. For more land-based

    vacation fun you can rent abicycle and take a cruise alongthe beachfront trails, or play anyof the twenty-four golf courseslocated on the Island. Or maybeyou just want to sit and watchthe azure-blue waters. Whateveryoure looking for, Hilton Headis your one stop for relaxingentertainment. Outdoor activitiesand water sports are plentiful,and the relaxed, carefree

    www.Northwoods.sc Online Magazine | 2009 20

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    atmosphere takes us awayfrom the stresses of city life themoment you arrive.


    Known as the Queen of theCarolina Sea Islands, and justdown the road from Hilton HeadIsland, is the splendid Southerntown of Beaufort. Just takethe US-278 northwest to statehighway SC-170, which bringsyou to Beaufort. The townshistoric homes and peacefulway of life will make your visitto Beaufort seem like a stepback in time to the quieter,simpler, days of the historic Old

    South. This isnt meant to imply

    that Beaufort is stuck in thepast far from it. The town ishost to many contemporary artgalleries and golf courses, andthe adjacent Parris Island MarineTraining Camp is one of the mostsophisticated military training

    centers in the United States.

    Truly, South Carolina offersvisitors a chance to enjoy themodern age while giving aglimpse into our nations past;its the perfect place to enjoy thebest of all possible worlds for justOne Tank of gas!

    www.Northwoods.sc Online Magazine | 2009 21

  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


    southCaroLinaFirstsLike any other State, South

    Carolina is full of Firsts. Thefollowing is a list of some of themore popular Firsts, that may begood to brag about, or for use ina trivia game:

    First European settlement inSouth Carolina in 1526 nearGeorgetown settled by Spanishexplorer Lucas Vasquez deAyllon named San Miguel deGualdape (Rumor has it that he

    was the rst Half-back- that hewanted to be half way back fromFlorida to New York)

    First permanent Englishsettlement in South Carolinaestablished at Albemarle Point inCharleston in 1670

    First free library established -Charleston, 1698

    First opera performed inAmerica - Charleston, February18, 1735

    First building to be usedsolely as a theatre - DockStreet Theatre in Charleston,constructed in 1736

    First Jewish synagogue inSouth Carolina (Kahal KadoshBeth Elohim) - Charleston, 1750

    First Black Baptist Churchestablished, Silver Bluff, 1773

    The Charleston Chamber ofCommerce was the rst cityChamber of Commerce in thiscountry - 1773

    First public museum -Charleston Museum, organizedJanuary 12, 1773

    First business publication -South Carolina Price Current inCharleston, 1774

    The rst time a British ag wastaken down and replaced by anAmerican ag was in Charlestonin 1775

    Golf was rst played in the citylimits of Charleston. The SouthCarolina Golf Club was formed in1786 - this was the rst golf club.

    First Roman Catholic ChurchSt. Marys August 24, 1789,


    First cotton mill built - JamesIsland, 1789

    First reproof building built -Charleston, 1822

    First steam locomotive built inthe United States to be used forregular railroad service - BestFriend of Charleston, 1830.

    First municipal college -College of Charleston, openedApril 1, 1838

    First Roman Catholic cathedralin South Carolina Cathedral ofSaint John and Saint Finbar -Charleston, April 1845

    First state to secede from theUnion, December 20, 1860.

    First shot red in Civil Waron Fort Sumter in CharlestonHarbor, April 12, 1861.

    The rst submarine everto sink an enemy ship wasthe H.L. Hunley used by the

    Confederates on February 17,1864 in Charleston Harboragainst the U.S.S. Housatonic.

    The rst state intercollegiatefootball game took place onDecember 14, 1889 with Wofforddefeating Furman

    First commercial tea farm -Summerville, 1890

    First black woman to practicemedicine in the state was Dr.Matilda Arabelle Evans in 1897

    First textile school establishedin a college - Clemson, 1899

    The rst car was manufacturedin Rock Hill by John GaryAnderson in January 1916

    First woman lawyer in SouthCarolina - Miss James M. Perry

    of Greenville was admitted topractice on May 4, 1918

    First national historicpreservation ordinance passedby Charleston city council onOctober 13, 1931

    First television station WCSCbroadcast from Charleston June13, 1953

    First U.S. Senator elected by awrite-in vote - Strom Thurmond,November 2, 1954

    First Spoleto Festival held inCharleston May 1977

    First Internet company to bringyou the Internet, StreamingRadio, and Online Magazines-www.ONLY.sc ( click here formore information)

    www.Northwoods.sc Online Magazine | 2009 22

  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


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    CharLestonThe city of North Charleston sitson the boarder of Charlestonand Dorchester counties. NorthCharlestons has almostquadrupled in population sinceits conception on June 12,1972, encompassing over 73square miles. With a populationof over 85,000, North Charlestonis the third largest city in SouthCarolina.

    Until the Civil War, what is nowNorth Charleston, consisted ofprimarily of plantations. Theturn of the 20th century broughta boom of industry to the NorthArea, with the opening of E.P.Burton Lumber Company and

    the Navy Shipyard. In 1912, agroup of Charleston businessmen laid out the Park Circlearea. Much of Park Circle stilladheres to the original 1912plan.

    This thriving city is home to theNorth Charleston Coliseum,Performing Arts Center, &Convention Center. Thiscomplex is home to the South

    Carolina Stingrays, an ECHLminor league hockey team, andis a major hub of cultural eventsand conventions for theTri-county area.

    North Charlestons climate hasresulted in some of the mostbeautiful communities in thearea. Several major developershave entered the market over

    the past several years with ahuge selection of new housing.With exceptional choices for therst time buyer, to top executivehomes and homesites, thesesprawling neighborhoodsoffer a wide range of amenities

    including golf, shing, tennis,playgrounds, nearby schools,day care, shopping, dining andrecreational opportunities. Aspart of the areas boom, manydevelopers have integratedtness centers and jogging trailsinto the communities. Parks andCommunity centers also addto the beauty of these carefullyplanned neighborhoods.

    North Charleston is home toseveral highly acclaimedmagnet schools, includingGarrett Academy of Technology,Charleston County School ofthe Arts, and The AcademicMagnet High School. The cityis also home to many well knowcolleges inclueding, TridentTechnical College andCharleston Southern University.

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  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag





    Christmases of Yesterday11/23/2008 - 1/02/2009

    Holiday Festival of Lights11/14/2008 - 1/04/2009

    The Eagles Band Tour 20081/16/2009Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Celebration1/18/2009

    Chamber Music Charlestonpresents the House Concert

    Series01/18/2009 - 01/19/2009

    Class: Intro to VideoProduction1/22/2009 - 2/12/2009Childrens Theatre: TheFabulous Chinese Acrobats1/23/2009

    Convenience Center Closing1/24/2009

    Rascal Flatts at NorthCharleston Coliseum1/24/09

    Lowcountry Oyster Festival1/25/2009 - 1/26/2009

    South Carolina Stingrays vs.Gwinnett Gladiators01/27/09

    Open Studio Workshop1/27/2009

    The Drowsy Chaperone at

    North Charleston PerformingArts Center1/27/2009 -1/28/2009

    Class: Shag for Adults1/30/2009 - 3/6/2009

    Bill Gaither & Friends at NorthCharleston Performing ArtsCenter1/31/2009

    Chamber Music CharlestonPresents: Seaside Serenade01/31/2009

    South Carolina Stingrays vs.Florida Everblades1/31/09


    From Slave to Sharecropper:Exhibit to Highlight African

    American Experiences in theLowcountry after the Civil War6/12/2008 - 2/28/2009

    South Carolina Stingrays vs.Charlotte Checkers2/06/09

    The Meeting Place: Leigh AnnDavis and Beautiful PlacesPhotograph Contest1/2/2009 - 2/28/2009

    Class: Intro to VideoProduction

    1/22/2009 - 2/12/2009

    Class: Shag for Adults1/30/2009 - 3/6/2009

    City Gallery Exhibit: KaroleTurner Campbell &Toney Nesbitt2/2/2009 - 2/28/2009

    Dinner Theater: FlowertownPlayers


    South Carolina Stingrays vs.Florida Everblades2/07/09

    Bob & Tom Comedy All Starsat North CharlestonPerforming Arts Center2/7/2009

    Old Crow Medicine Show atNorth Charleston PerformingArts Center2/8/2009

    Free Concert: USAF Heritageof America Concert Band2/8/2009South Carolina Stingrays vs.Charlotte Checkers2/10/09

    Lily Tomlin at NorthCharleston Performing ArtsCenter2/12/2009

    Southeastern WildlifeExposition02/13/2009 - 02/15/2009

    South Carolina Stingrays vs.Mississippi Sea Wolves2/15/09

    www.Northwoods.sc Online Magazine | 2009 25

  • 8/14/2019 Northwoods Mag


    Childrens Theatre: Madafopresents stories from TheGriot2/20/2009

    Open Studio Workshop2/24/2009

    Dirty Rotten Scoundrels atNorth Charleston PerformingArts Center2/24/2009 - 2/25/2009

    Ben Folds at NorthCharleston Performing ArtsCenter2/26/2009

    The Third Annual Friendship

    Cup02/26/2009 - 03/01/2009

    Playhouse Disney Live! atNorth Charleston PerformingArts Center2/28/2009

    South Carolina Stingrays vs.Mississippi Sea Wolves2/28/09


    Class: Shag for Adults1/30/2009 - 3/6/2009

    South Carolina Stingrays vs.Gwinnett Gladiators03/01/09

    BB&T Charleston Food + WineFestival

    3/05/2009 - 3/09/2009

    Olivia Newton-John atNorth Charleston PerformingArts Center3/7/2009

    South Carolina Stingrays vs.Charlotte Checkers3/07/2009, 3/13/2009

    Flowertown Festival Run/Walk3/14/2009

    South Carolina Stingrays vs.Mississippi Sea Wolves03/20/09 - 3/29/2009

    Charleston InternationalAntiques Show03/19/2009 - 03/22/2009

    62nd Annual Spring Festival ofHouses & Gardens3/19/2009 - 4/18/2009Easter Eggstravaganza3/22/2009

    25th Annual Putnam CountySpelling Bee at North

    Charleston Performing ArtsCenter3/24/2009 - 3/25/2009

    Charleston Fashion Week03/24/2009 - 03/28/2009

    Celtic Woman at NorthCharleston Coliseum3/26/2009

    Jeff Dunham at NorthCharleston Coliseum3/28/2009


    62nd Annual Spring Festival ofHouses & Gardens3/19/2009 - 4/18/2009

    John Edward at EmbassySuites Hotel Airport-


    The Family Circle Cup4/11/2009 - 4/19/2009

    Inaugural CharlestonInternational Festival of Choirs4/16/2009 - 4/19/2009

    East Coast Canoe and KayakFestival4/17/2009 - 4/19/2009

    Yanni at North CharlestonColiseum4/19/2009

    Cirque du Soleil - Saltim-banco at North CharlestonColiseum

    4/22/2009 - 4/26/2009

    Charlestons Second AnnualFilm Festival4/23/2009 - 4/26/2009

    22nd Annual Town of MountPleasant Blessing of the Fleet& Seafood Festival4/26/2009

    The Garden Club of

    Charlestons 74th AnnualWalking Tour of PrivateHouses & Gardens4/27/2009 - 4/28/2009


    North Charleston Arts Festi-val5/02/2009 - 5/10/2009


    The Rice Planters AmateurGolf Tournament6/23/2009 - 6/27/2009

    www.Northwoods.sc Online Magazine | 2009 26

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