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Topic DYNAMIC WEB ELEMENTS Class Description Building on the knowledge of the front end development principles kids stretch their thinking by applying javascript to interact with local storage thus enabling to confidently handle the entire spectrum of layers from local disk drive to browser based application/games Class ADV-C90 Class time 55 mins Goal Write JS code for the game login page to build the game page for the multiplayer game. Resources Required Teacher Resources Use gmail login credentials Earphone with mic Notepad and Pen Student Resources Use gmail login credentials Earphone with mic (optional) Notepad and Pen Class structure Warm Up Teacher-Led Activity Student-Led Activity Wrap Up 5 Mins 15 Mins 35 Mins 5 Mins Start the video call from H2H Class Steps Say Do Step 1: Warm up (5 mins) In the last class we learned what local storage is, how to view the data stored in local storage and how to save the data locally. We also learned how to redirect to another page. Ask the student to get into Fullscreen mode. Flow for the class: 1. Explain the JS code © 2020 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission. 1
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Class Description

Building on the knowledge of the front end development principles kids stretch their thinking by applying javascript to interact with local storage thus enabling to confidently handle the entire spectrum of layers from local disk drive to browser based application/games

Class ADV-C90

Class time 55 mins

Goal ● Write JS code for the game login page to build the game page for the multiplayer game.

Resources Required

● Teacher Resources ○ Use gmail login credentials ○ Earphone with mic ○ Notepad and Pen

● Student Resources

○ Use gmail login credentials ○ Earphone with mic (optional) ○ Notepad and Pen

Class structure Warm Up Teacher-Led Activity Student-Led Activity Wrap Up

5 Mins 15 Mins 35 Mins 5 Mins

Start the video call from H2H

Class Steps Say Do

Step 1: Warm up (5 mins)

In the last class we learned what local storage is, how to view the data stored in local storage and how to save the data locally. We also learned how to redirect to another page.

Ask the student to get into Fullscreen mode.

Flow for the class: 1. Explain the JS code

© 2020 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.


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for game_login. 2. Explain the HTML

code for game_page. 3. Explain the HTML

and JS code for activity2

4. Let the student write the JS code for game_login.

5. Let the student write the HTML code for the game_page.

6. Let the student write the HTML and JS code for activity2.

Teacher Initiates Screen Share

Step 2: Teacher-Led Activity (15 mins)

Let's continue building the multiplayer game. We are done with the HTML code for the game login page, now we will write it’s JS code to add some behaviour/functionality and interaction to the webpage .

Run Teacher-Activity-1 and just demo the login page with showing the local storage.

In the last class we made a button in HTML and assigned it an onclick addUser() function.

When this button is clicked we are storing the player names in local storage, and redirecting to a different page. Note for teacher: Ask Student to download game_login.js file from student activity 2 and put it inside guess_the_word_game folder which has been downloaded by the student in the last class. And start coding inside the game_login.js.

© 2020 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.


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Explaining the code:

1. Define the function.

2. Get the input values from the input boxes of player1 and player2 and store them inside variables.

3. Then we are storing the value of the variable player1_name and player2_name

with the respective key on the local storage using setItem() function

4. Then we are redirecting to the game_page.html.

NOTE: After writing these code, when the student tries to run the file, and press the

© 2020 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.


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login button, it might take to a page like this:

Don’t worry about this, as game_page.html is not yet created and that’s why it will show like this. Proceed with the class and let the students know that this will be fixed as we move forward with the class. Great! We are done with the code of the first page that is the login page of the game. Now let’s start with the HTML for the second page that is the main page of the game. Note for teacher: Ask student to download game_page.html from student-activity-2 and put it inside guess_the_word_game folder which has been downloaded by the student in the last class. And start coding inside this file.

© 2020 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.


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HTML code given in game_page.html - NOTE - The following screenshot is given in the CODE DIAGRAM for visual representation:

This code has:

● Bootstrap links ● Our stylesheet link ● Our javascript link ● And some HTML tag which you know already

We will start adding new HTML elements in this file.

1. First, we will add the h4 tag which will be used to hold the player name and a span tag will be used to hold the score of the player.

© 2020 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.


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● This h4 tag has an id that will be used to update this element with the player name.

● Also, the span tag has an id. This id will be used to update this element with the player score.

2. In the same way add an h4 and span tag for the player 2.

3. Now we will add an h3 tag which will be used to hold the player name who has the turn to ask the question.

● This h3 tag has an id that will be used to update this element with the player name who has the turn to ask the question.

© 2020 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.


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4. Now we will add an h3 tag to hold the player name who has the turn to answer the question.

● This h3 tag has an id that will be used to update this element with the player name who has the turn to answer the question.

5. Now we will add a div that will be used to hold the word that we enter, an input box for the answer, and a button to check the word. This is how it should look:

● This div has an id that will be used to update this div with the word, input box, and the check button. We will see how this is done in the next class.

● This div also has a bootstrap class col-lg-6 . Q - According to you what is the purpose of using the col-lg-6 bootstrap class at this instance? A - col-lg-6 bootstrap class is use to set the width of this div to 50% of the screen

6. Now add 2 br tags after this div, so that there is enough space between div element and elements below it.

7. Now add an input box, which will be used to write the word which the questioner wants to ask.

© 2020 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.


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● This input box has an id, this id will be used to refer to this input box and get the value from it.

● It has the form-control bootstrap class which will add padding, margin, and border to the input box.

● It also has a placeholder which is like HINT of the text box. 8. Now add a br tag after this input box, so there is enough space between the input

element and button element. 9. Then we have a button that will be used to get the word from the input box, and

add to the div that has id="output".

● This button has an onclick function send(), that will be used to get the word/value from the input box, manipulate the word (which means removing some words) and then displaying it in the div that has id="output". We will discuss this function in the next class.

● This button has bootstrap class btn and btn-success, which we already know.

● Also we have given an inline style of width 30% to this button. Great! We are done with the HTMLcode for game_page. Now we will do the practice activity 2.

1. Note for teacher: Run teacher-activity-4 and press the update score button

to show the student how the score gets updated in the

© 2020 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.


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score label -

2. Now open the local storage for the website -

3. Now press the save score button -

● And as you press the save score button, you will see that the score is updated in the local storage with the variable name score.

○ So we have updated the score and stored it in the localstorage.

4. Now press the next page button -

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● And you will be redirected to the Activity 2 page.

5. In the Activity 2 page press get score button -

● As you press the button, an h1 tag will be added above the get score button

like this - ○ So this button gets the score value from the local storage ,creates a

h1 element and displays the score in h1 element.

6. Then press the back button , it will redirect you to activity 1 page. Now we will code for this activity - Note for teacher: Ask the Student to download activity_2.html and activity_2.js from student-activity-2 and put it inside the practice-activity folder which has been downloaded by the student in the last class. HTML code given to the student for activity_2.html:

© 2020 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.


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The HTML code has:

● Bootstrap links ● Some HTML elements ● Our link for the javascript file

1. First, the student needs to create a div with id like this:

● This div will be used to update the score that we get from the local storage.

2. Now add a bootstrap class ‘btn-success’ and an onclick getScore() function to the

Get Score button.

© 2020 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.


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● Bootstrap class ‘btn-success’ - this class will add light green color

background and border.

3. Now add an onclick back() function to the Back button.

Great! Now we will write javascript code for practice activity2. Note for teacher: The student needs to write the javascript code in activity2.js which the student just downloaded.

1. First we will write the back() function.

● Define the function ● The back button is used to redirect back to activity_1.html. So we will write

the code for redirecting back to activity_1.html as follows:

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2. Now we will write the getScore() function, this function gets the score from the

local storage and creates an h1 element.

● Define the function

● Now we will get the score value from the local storage and store it in a variable.

○ localStorage - will allow us to fetch data from the local storage ○ getItem(“score”) - getItem() is the method used to get the value

from the local storage. ○ And score is the key to be passed to getItem(), which means it will

only get the value whose key is score. ○ And then we store it inside the variable score.

3. Now we will create an h1 tag and put this score inside the tag. And we will update

the div that has the id as output with this h1 tag.

Teacher Stops Screen Share

Now it is your turn.

● Ask Student to press ESC key to come back to panel ● Guide Student to start Screen Share ● Teacher gets into Fullscreen

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Step 3: Student-Led Activity (35 mins)

*Note: Please follow the following steps. *Note: Allow the student to copy and paste if the code is repeated.

1. Ask The student to download game_login.js from student-activity-2 and put it inside guess_the_word_game folder which has been downloaded by the student in the last class.

2. And write the javascript code for game_login page in game_login.js

3. Ask The student to download game_page.html from student-activity-2 and put it inside guess_the_word_game folder which has been downloaded by the student in the last class.

4. game_page.html has some HTML code and the student needs to complete it.

5. Ask the Student to download activity_2.html and activity_2.js from student-activity-2 and put it inside the practice-activity folder which has been downloaded by the student in the last class.

6. activity_2.html has some HTML code and the student needs to complete it.

7. The student need to write the whole javascript code in activity_2.js

Student-Activity-1 CODE DIAGRAM Student-Activity-2 SOURCE CODE Student-Activity-3 BOOTSTRAP BUTTON REFERENCE Student-Activity-4 JS REDIRECT REFERENCE Encourage and help the student if the student gets stuck.

© 2020 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.


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Keep the code files safe as we will be uploading these file on github when we complete building this website

Teacher Guides Student to Stop Screen Share

Step 4: Wrap-Up (5 mins)

You did great today as well. Great! You have 2 hats off Q - Bootstrap class btn btn-success adds what to the element ? A - It adds light green border color and light green background color to the element. Q - Which function is used to get the value from localStorage ? A - getItem()

(Give at least 2 hats off) Press the Hats Off Icon for Creatively Solving Activities

Press the Hats Off Icon for Great Question

Press the Hats Off Icon for “Strong Concentration..”

Teacher Clicks

Activity Activity Name Links

© 2020 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.


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Teacher Activity 1 WEBSITE LINK https://jynyhy9vu5r8xz5zy0utww-on.drv.tw/guess_theWord_game/game_login.html

Teacher Activity 2 CODE DIAGRAM https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTD_wC_8weHHrJpc21zHaWvugXaNKTVeWLFTeOFmP2sD3607SJCcQ0R4ooyDV-gaYEU-i5Co35qMitP/pub

Teacher Activity 3 SOURCE CODE https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BsEUvjEjnr5Vo0d_oJxJM2b2ydOLqkc0?usp=sharing

Teacher Activity 4 PRACTICE ACTIVITY https://jynyhy9vu5r8xz5zy0utww-on.drv.tw/guess_theWord_game/practice_activity/activity_1.html

Student Activity 1 CODE DIAGRAM https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTD_wC_8weHHrJpc21zHaWvugXaNKTVeWLFTeOFmP2sD3607SJCcQ0R4ooyDV-gaYEU-i5Co35qMitP/pub

Student Activity 2 SOURCE CODE https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KHt3ouOm0nvIk1aTiVqmGnhEUjFAPk3z?usp=sharing





© 2020 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited. Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.

