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Notes on Ajax

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AJAX-in ASP- Before AJAX Web Pages and their behaviour:- Environment:- Web Browser –on Client side.. Web Server ---on Server side. When a browser sends a request to the server for a particular page then the webserver takes the request and process it and send the response in a html format…to the browser.. Which were displayed by the browser.. In This process…browser sends the clients request via net work via httprequest object.. to the server.. And the client should wait or keep idle until he got the response from the server…… This we have experienced…………. Whenever we we send data through a web form……….. We strucked or web form is freezed until u got the response from server…….. This means that the data was sent to the server from browser to the server via net work through http request object and processed there and the …result was sent back to the client in HTMl formt… This type of traditional WEB TECHNOLOGY (ASP/JSP/PHP or….) process takes more time … to complete….. Recently a new technology emerges..known as AJAX…. Means Asynchronous Java Script Technology… Which highly concentrates on client side improvement …. By Utilising the capabilities. Improved in Browser Technology Recently…
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Before AJAX

Web Pages and their behaviour:-

Environment:- Web Browser –on Client side..

Web Server ---on Server side.When a browser sends a request to the server for a particular page then the webserver takes the request and process it and send the response in a html format…to the browser..

Which were displayed by the browser..

In This process…browser sends the clients request via net work via httprequest object.. to the server..

And the client should wait or keep idle until he got the response from the server……

This we have experienced………….

Whenever we we send data through a web form………..

We strucked or web form is freezed until u got the response from server……..

This means that the data was sent to the server from browser to the server via net work through http request object and processed there and the …result was sent back to the client in HTMl formt…

This type of traditional WEB TECHNOLOGY (ASP/JSP/PHP or….) process takes more time … to complete…..

Recently a new technology emerges..known as AJAX….

Means Asynchronous Java Script Technology…

Which highly concentrates on client side improvement ….

By Utilising the capabilities. Improved in Browser Technology Recently…

Problems are:--

Round Trips :---

Unnecessary Data Transfer:--Causes to Slow Processing Heavy Net work Traffic

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Evolution In Browser Technologies:-

Micorsoft is the first to change the type and pattern of data sending methods…

In IE 4.O itself it utilized the early form of XMLHTTPREQUEST Object …then it was available as an Activex Object under the name as MSXML…and the data was poseted to the server by usinh HTTP request…

In IE 4 microsoft utilized IFrame

Developers make HTTP Requests to the servers using hidden IFRAME

then insert the content into the page using JavaScript and DHTML.This provided much of the same functionality that's available through modern

AJAX, including the ability to submit data from forms without reloading the

page -- a feat that was achieved by having the form submit to the hidden

iframe. The result was returned by the server to the iframe, where the page's

JavaScript could access it.

The big drawback of this approach (beyond the fact that it was, after all, a

hack) was the annoying burden of passing data back and forth between the

main document and the document in the iframe.

Latter in IE 5.0 micorsoft introduced XMLHTTP ……

The main difference between HTTP Post Protocol and XMLHTTP Request is

that XMLHTTP Request can Operate ASYNCHRONOUSLY…….

means… that XMLHTTP Request can be initiated in parallel with the current browser

operation ….in effect…….

The Request can be sent to the server and processed as a back ground process while the

user is interacting or manipulating the information within the browser .


A user can work continuously within the browser Uninterrupted while sending request and receiving the response…


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XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is an API that can be used by JavaScript, and other web browser scripting languages to transfer XML and other text data to and from a web server using HTTP, by establishing an independent communication channel between a web page's Client-Side and Server-Side.

The data returned from XMLHttpRequest calls will often be provided by back-end databases. Besides XML, XMLHttpRequest can be used to fetch data in other formats such as HTML, JSON or plain text.

XMLHttpRequest is an important part of the Ajax web development technique, and it is used by many websites to implement responsive and dynamic web applications. Examples of web applications that make use of XMLHttpRequest include Google's Gmail service, Meebo, Google Maps, Windows Live's Virtual Earth, the MapQuest dynamic map interface, Facebook and many others.

[edit] Methods

Method Description

abort() Cancels the current request.

getAllResponseHeaders() Returns the complete set of HTTP headers as a string.

getResponseHeader( headerName ) Returns the value of the specified HTTP header.

open( method, URL )open( method, URL, async )open( method, URL, async, userName )open( method, URL, async, userName, password )

Specifies the method, URL, and other optional attributes of a request.

The method parameter can have a value of "GET", "POST", "HEAD", "PUT", "DELETE", or a variety of other HTTP methods listed in the W3C specification.[1]

The URL parameter may be either a relative or complete URL.

The "async" parameter specifies whether the request

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should be handled asynchronously or not – "true" means that script processing carries on after the send() method, without waiting for a response, and "false" means that the script waits for a response before continuing script processing.

send( content ) Sends the request.

setRequestHeader( label, value ) Adds a label/value pair to the HTTP header to be sent.

[edit] Properties

Property Description


Specifies a reference to an event handler for an event that fires at every state change.

readyState Returns the state of the object as follows:

0 = uninitialized 1 = open 2 = sent 3 = receiving

4 = loaded

responseText Returns the response as a string.


Returns the response as XML. This property returns an XML document object, which can be examined and parsed using W3C DOM node tree methods and properties.


Returns the response as a binary encoded string which can be decoded and viewed using the following vbscript function: Dim q, S For q = 1 to LenB(objHTTP.ResponseBody) S = S & Chr(AscB(MidB(objHTTP.ResponseBody,q,1))) Next wscript.echo S


Returns the HTTP status code as a number (e.g. 404 for "Not Found" and 200 for "OK"). If server does not respond (properly), IE returns a WinInet Error Code (e.g 12029 for "cannot connect").

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statusText Returns the status as a string (e.g. "Not Found" or "OK").

[edit] History and support

The XMLHttpRequest concept was originally developed by Microsoft as part of Outlook Web Access 2000, as a server side API call, so not still a real web client feature. The Microsoft implementation is called XMLHTTP. It has been available since Internet Explorer 5.0[2] and is accessible via JScript, VBScript and other scripting languages supported by IE browsers.

The Mozilla project incorporated the first compatible native implementation of XMLHttpRequest in Mozilla 1.0 in 2002.

This implementation was later followed by Apple since Safari 1.2, Konqueror, Opera Software since Opera 8.0 and iCab since 3.0b352.

The World Wide Web Consortium published a Working Draft specification for the XMLHttpRequest object's API on 5 April 2006[1].

While this is still a work in progress, its goal is "to document a minimum set of interoperable features based on existing implementations, allowing Web developers to use these features without platform-specific code". The draft specification is based upon existing popular implementations, to help improve and ensure interoperability of code across web platforms.

Web pages that use XMLHttpRequest or XMLHTTP can mitigate the current minor differences in the implementations either by encapsulating the XMLHttpRequest object in a JavaScript wrapper, or by using an existing framework that does so. In either case, the wrapper should detect the abilities of current implementation and work within its requirements.

Traditionally, there have been other methods to achieve a similar effect of server dynamic applications using scripting languages and/or plugin technology:

Invisible inline frames (or NN4 equivalent ilayer's) Remote Scripting Netscape's LiveConnect Microsoft's ActiveX Microsoft's XML Data Islands Adobe Flash Player Java Applets Image wrappers (probably the oldest method available, possible since NN3

implementations) DOM metascripting

In addition, the World Wide Web Consortium has several Recommendations that also allow for dynamic communication between a server and user agent, though few of them are well supported. These include:

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The object element defined in HTML 4 for embedding arbitrary content types into documents, (replaces inline frames under XHTML 1.1)

The Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Load and Save Specification [2]

Here is a cross-browser general purpose example of an AJAX/XMLHttpRequest JavaScript function

function ajax(url, vars, callbackFunction){ var request = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0"); request.open("POST", url, true); request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); request.onreadystatechange = function(){ if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) { if (request.responseText){ callbackFunction(request.responseText); } } } request.send(vars);}

[edit] Known problems

[edit] Caching

Most of the implementations also realise HTTP caching. Internet Explorer and Firefox do, but there is a difference in how and when the cached content is revalidated.

Firefox revalidates the cached response every time the page is refreshed, issuing an "If-Modified-Since" header with value set to the value of the "Last-Modified" header of the cached response.

Internet Explorer does so only if the cached response is expired (i.e., after the date of received "Expires" header).

This raises some issues, and it is widely believed that a bug exists in Internet Explorer, and the cached response is never refreshed.

It is possible to unify the caching behaviour on the client. The following script illustrates an example approach:

var request = (typeof(XMLHttpRequest) != "undefined") ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); request.open("GET", uri, false); request.send(null);

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if(!request.getResponseHeader("Date")) { var cached = request; request = (typeof(XMLHttpRequest) != "undefined") ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); var ifModifiedSince = cached.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified"); ifModifiedSince = (ifModifiedSince) ? ifModifiedSince : new Date(0); // January 1, 1970 request.open("GET", uri, false); request.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", ifModifiedSince); request.send(""); if(request.status == 304) { request = cached; } }

In Internet Explorer, if the response is returned from the cache without revalidation, the "Date" header is an empty string. The workaround is achieved by checking the "Date" response header and issuing another request if needed. In case a second request is needed, the actual HTTP request is not made twice, as the first call would not produce an actual HTTP request.

The reference to the cached request is preserved, because if the response code/status of the second call is "304 Not Modified", the response body becomes an empty string ("") and then it is needed to go back to the cached object. A way to save memory and expenses of second object creation is to preserve just the needed response data and reuse the XMLHttpRequest object.

The above script relies on the assumption that the "Date" header is always issued by the server, which should be true for most server configurations. Also, it illustrates a synchronous communication between the server and the client. In case of asynchronous communication, the check should be made during the callback.

This problem is often overcome by employing techniques preventing the caching at all. Using these techniques indiscriminately can result in poor performance and waste of network bandwidth.

[edit] Workaround

Internet Explorer will also cache dynamic pages, this is because the URI of the page may not change but the content will (For example a news feed). A work around for this situation can be achieved by adding a unique time stamp or random number, or possibly both, typically using the Date object and/or Math.random().

For simple document request the query string delimiter '?' can be used, or for existing queries a final sub-query can be added after a final '&' – to append the unique query term to the existing query. The downside is that each such request will fill up the cache with useless (never reused) content that could otherwise be used for other cached content (more useful data will be purged from cache to make room for these one-time responses).

[edit] Reusing XMLHttpRequest Object in IE

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In IE, if the open method is called after setting the onreadystatechange callback, there will be a problem when trying to reuse the XHR object.

To be able to reuse the XHR object properly,

use the open method first and

set onreadystatechange later.

This happens because IE resets the object implicitly in the open method if

the status is 'completed'.

For more explanation of reuse: Reusing XMLHttpRequest Object in IE. The downside to calling the open method after setting the callback is a loss of cross-browser support for readystates. See the quirksmode article.

[edit] Cross-browser support

Microsoft developers were the first to include the XMLHttp object in their MSXML ActiveX control. Developers at the open source Mozilla project saw this invention and ported their own XMLHttp, not as an ActiveX control but as a native browser object called XMLHttpRequest. Konqueror, Opera and Safari have since implemented similar functionality but more along the lines of Mozilla's XMLHttpRequest. Some Ajax developer and run-time frameworks only support one implementation of XMLHttp while others support both. Developers building Ajax functionality from scratch can provide if/else logic within their client-side JavaScript to use the appropriate XMLHttp object as well. Internet Explorer 7 added native support for the XMLHttpRequest object, but retains backward compatibility with the ActiveX implementation.[2]

[edit] Frameworks

Because of the complexity of handling cross-browser distinctions between XMLHttpRequest implementations, a number of frameworks have emerged to abstract these differences into a set of reusable programming constructs.

The First one takes the advantage of this development in IE web browsers is the

Google suggestsGoogle Maps…GOOGle Mail.

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Browser Vendors Supplying the Browsers with the Objects in it..

MIcrosofts new Mobile based Browser technology :---


San diego:- march -28-2007

As the new technology becomes available for a limited public preview, the head of Microsoft Live Labs explains how Deepfish will help solve the current limitations of mobile Web viewing.

To download the Deepfish technology preview and get updates from the Deepfish team blog go to, http://labs.live.com/deepfish/.


This is not a NEW TECHNOLOGY..This is a set of technologies already in existence..

Xml-Java ScriptDhtmlDomXMlHttp Object..


HTML Documents are static representations of user interface.Once this interface is presented it can not be changed …

If you want a changed document again the document has to be sent to the server for processing and got the new HTML Document….

But JAVA SCRIPT and DOM provides a way to change this rendered statistic document display by Programitically and dynamically according to the events such as user clicking the mouse…all from within the browser….

Now different browsers display theses dynamic pages dynamically…

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To make standardization in display of these dynamic pages an attempt has been made by the ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association)..

Now the JAVA SCRIPT has been renamed as ECMA SCRIPT..in 1998…And accepted by ISO also..

In reducing the differences in displaying the documents among the browsers Microsoft and w3c,and Netscape had jointly provide a DOCUMENT OBJECT..

DOM(Document Object Model):--

DOM is a cross language Program API provides

To access and modify the xml documents.

A DOM implementation presents an XML document as a tree

structure, or allows client code to build such a structure from


It then gives access to the structure through a set of objects which

provided well-known interfaces.

Once you have a DOM document object, you can access the parts

of your XML document through its properties and methods

The Document object Model or DOM is an object that provides access to all elements within the HTML document or page..

There are primarily 3 Object Models are available….

1) Java Script Object Library and language.2) Browser Object Model3) Document Object Model.


NET AJAX client applications. It covers how to handle Document Object Model

(DOM) events, in addition to application events such as init, load, and unload

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Differences between Browser Object Model and Document Object Model.

In Browser object model ..ROOT OBJECT is ..== WINDOW OBJECT

Other objects contained within it is ..

Document Object….Page Object..etc…..

Document object means --it is the standard DOM …Object..Its main concentration is on WINDOW……..

DOM Has 3 levels..

Dom Level -1Dom Level-2Dom Level-3


When a ajax enabled button was clicked on the form..the event handler on that form..activates the callback function on server..

Before this

Means before sending data to the server

First we have to write a function to receive the data returned by the server

The XMLHttpRequest object has a special property called



stores the function that will

process the response from the server.

The XMLHttpRequest object has another property



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This is where the status of our server's response is stored. The response can be processing, downloading or completed.

Each time the readyState changes then our

Onreadystatechange function executes

you can retrieve the server's response by using

the responseText property.

Browsers available:

IE -5.0Mozilla/netscape -6.xFirefox -Opera-7.xSafari -1.2x

Working with AJAX on form :-

when a button is clicked----

1) Control Must Utlise the Script Management functionality of the

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Clientscript OBJect…which is a member of a page object….RUN ON….. SERVER SIDE

2) It calls the ICallbackeventHandler…..

To Invoke server methods of ICallbackevnthandler interface on the server



Hence there is a need to provide a method or register a method to perform this function.


Then Browser takes help of the CLIENT SCRIPT object which is

now member of the PAGE OBJECT…..

and page Object is of type


CLIENT SCRIPT OBJECT :---------Has two methods

1) Register Startup Script2) Register clientscript Block

The client script object is member of the page object….


The script object also contains:----

asynchronous client script management functions…

of all one important method is ------

GetCallBackEventReference: -- This Method allows a developer

1) To obtain a reference to the java script method that will trigger asynchronous call back event

2)To specify the name of the variables used to pass in event data

3) contextual data

4) What client – side java script methods to call when the asynchronous callback event completes

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This method will throw an exception if the control or page in which it is executing …does not implement

ICallbackEventHandler …..

The Client Callback feature really consists of two things:

the new

ICallbackEventHandler interface as well as

the new

Page.GetCallbackEventReference method


The Page.GetCallbackEventReference method and its overloads

will create JavaScript code snippets that you need to place on the client side

.(means on browser…?)

These code snippets contain code that sends an HTTP request back to the page (using the XMLHTTP object under the hood).----that MEANS TO SERVER

The request is then handled on the server side by a Web control that implements the ICallbackEventHandler interface.

In most cases, that Web control is the page itself

, but you can have specific user controls or Web controls that react to the request, as you will see later in this article.

Once the request has been handled,

the result is then passed back to the client through another JavaScript function

whose sole purpose is to react to the result of the request.

FROM ……………………….>?

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ScriptManager is a server-side control that sits on your Web Form and enables the core of ASP.NET AJAX.

Its primary role is the arbitration of all other ASP.NET AJAX controls on the Web Form and

the addition of the right scripting libraries to the Web browser so that the client portion of ASP.NET AJAX can function.

Often you will find yourself using the ScriptManager to register other controls, Web services, and client scripts.

As a server-side control, ScriptManager reacts to events in the ASP.NET page lifecycle

and uses those events to coordinate the activities of all the controls, options, and code employed by ASP.NET AJAX.

ScriptManager will hook a particular event,

get notified when it occurs,

and configure a few settings depending on the environment;

this process will repeat itself several times through the rendering cycle of your ASP.NET page. The settings it configures, however, are often the exact settings needed to make your use of ASP.NET AJAX seamless.

I will first go over

a few of the main features of ASP.NET AJAX that the ScriptManager control enables

for you, and then begin an exploration of the lifecycle of the control on the server. By understanding the internals of ScriptManager, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the options it provides for Web application development and learn how to get the most out of it.

Let's start with scripting, as it is a central element to ASP.NET AJAX.

In fact, all of the functionality of ASP.NET AJAX depends upon its scripting libraries. I will then run through some features of AJAX support in ASP.NET AJAX, how to interact with Web services, and finally talk a bit about authentication. During each discussion I'll show you how to tweak options through ScriptManager

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Scripting with ScriptManager

The block of code in Figure 1 demonstrates the standard way of defining a class in ASP.NET AJAX. The internals of the client script library are beyond the scope of this article, but in summary

The common steps necessary to create a class based on the ASP.NET AJAX script extensions are as follows:----

1. Register the namespace with ASP.NET AJAX.

2. Create a constructor method.

3. Create the class prototype by filling in the member methods and their


4. Register the class with ASP.NET AJAX.

5. Notify the client script added by the ScriptManager that you have reached the

end of the type definition (the call to Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded).

This class exposes functionality to the client alone.

However, through the ScriptManager control you can take advantage of a much more interesting side of scripting in ASP.NET AJAX where your class can expose functionality to both JavaScript on the client and Microsoft® .NET Framework code on the server.

For example, if a consumer of your control was to set a property on an instance of it like this

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


this.MyCustomButton.AlertMessage = "Hey, stop clicking me!";



it would be intuitive to also be able to interact with that control instance through

script in the browser like this:

<script type="text/javascript">

function get_text()


var mb = $find("MyCustomButton");

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var text = mb.get_AlertMessage();

// do something with the text



Note that I use the same name, MyCustomButton, as a reference to

the control on both the server and the client;

I also interact with the property, AlertMessage, as if its value seamlessly crossed the server/client boundary.

This feels natural, but until ASP.NET AJAX this type of unified server/client programming model was not

easy to access and would have required a great deal of custom code.

Today, in ASP.NET AJAX, this unified server/client paradigm is integrated and fully supported.

The magic of this tight server/client integration comes through two new interfaces,




To use these interfaces, you inherit your ASP.NET Web control from them, implement the required interface methods, and then register the control with the page's ScriptManager control. For example, the following skeleton of server-side control code implements the required methods of IScriptControl:

class CustomButton : Button, IScriptControl


IEnumerable<ScriptReference> IScriptControl.GetScriptReferences()


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IEnumerable<ScriptDescriptor> IScriptControl.GetScriptDescriptors()





The methods GetScriptDescriptors

and GetScriptReferences will

return to the ScriptManager control

all the information it needs to logically present your control

code as a server and client object.

The end result will be an experience like you saw previously, where object instances transcend the server/client boundary.

GetScriptReferences will return a list of script files your control code will need.

One of the script files it must return contains the definition for your control as a script class—in other words, the client script version of your server-side control.

GetScriptDescriptors, on the other hand, returns what are known as ScriptDescriptors, or objects that describe the properties and events of your client class.

ScriptDescriptors can be seen as holding onto metadata for your client class, including properties and their associated values.

Figure   2 shows a more complete example of the server control sketched out earlier. Here you can see the bodies of the GetScriptDescriptors and GetScriptReferences methods filled in.

In the body for GetScriptDescriptors, I instantiate a ScriptDescriptor object.

The constructor for the ScriptDescriptor takes the name for the control I am describing, CustomButton. I then add the AlertMessage property and its value (held by the private member _alertMessage) to ScriptDescriptor. The property that I want

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to interact with from the client code, AlertMessage, has now been described to ASP.NET AJAX.

In the body of GetScriptReferences, notice that I am creating and returning a ScriptReference object pointing to a .js file. This .js file maintains the client-side code for that control—and thus all its client functionality.

1) Now I can register the control with the ScriptManager so that

it is aware the control exists (I'll explore that step later).

2) When the page is rendered,

the ScriptManager control will react to various events for which

it gets notified and call




3) These two methods will then return to the ScriptManager control

ScriptDescriptors and ScriptReferences containing

all the necessary information to hook up the client

object to its server counterpart.

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In the example here, ScriptDescriptor describes a custom control named CustomButton with a property AlertMessage.

Also included in the ScriptDescriptor will be the value of the property set from within GetScriptDescriptors.

The ScriptManager control will also get a reference to an external .js file called MyCustomContent.JSScript1.js.

The reference to the script file will be in the form of a ScriptReference object returned from GetScriptReferences.

The prototype and footer for the control's client class in the .js file is defined as shown in Figure   3 .

The first thing you should notice is that this client class has get_ and set_ methods for the AlertMessage property.

The ScriptManager control will set the value of this property to whatever you specified on the server through the ScriptDescriptor object. Since I exposed AlertMessage from the server code, whatever that property was set to on the server will now be reflected in the AlertMessage property exposed on the client object.

AJAX and ScriptManager

Many developers, when first using ASP.NET AJAX, start with the UpdatePanel control.

If a ScriptManager control is included on the page and the UpdatePanel contains any controls,

the controls within UpdatePanel can be asynchronously updated through the facilities of AJAX.

On the designer surface of Visual Studio®, the setup typically looks like Figure 4.

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Figure 4 A Simple Asynchronous Control

It really could not get much more elementary than this.

If someone clicks the Button in this setup, the Button control will raise a postback event

that will be caught by the UpdatePanel control.

The UpdatePanel then resubmits the postback event as a partial postback and its content will be asynchronously updated (without the browser fully reloading the page).

However, there are many interesting scenarios where your expectations will fail, leaving you with a mess on your hands.

For example, there is a new and fascinating way to break script references using the UpdatePanel control and AJAX.

In days of old you would have added script to the page as a result of a full postback such as this:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)



this.GetType(),"myscript","alert('hello world!');");


But this new method can break under ASP.NET AJAX. Why?

Because ClientScriptManager is not a control that understands partial postbacks and

partial rendering, and so script code registered with it will not be included in the page

response for a partial postback.

Instead, if you wanted the button to introduce client script into the page output, you would leverage the ScriptManager:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


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this,this.GetType(),"myscript","alert('hello world!');",true);


The result is the same, but the method is slightly different.

In fact, the methods of the ClientScriptManager control are now included in the

ScriptManager control as static methods (RegisterStartupScript, for example).

Whenever you are utilizing ASP.NET AJAX and want to work with script

through partial postbacks , you must now use methods exposed by the

ScriptManager control instead.

As another advanced case scenario, consider the control setup in Figure 5. Under normal circumstance the LinkButton,

once clicked, would cause a full postback of the Web Form. But what if you wanted to click the LinkButton and have it refresh the UpdatePanel asynchronously? In other words, you want to click the LinkButton and make the UpdatePanel behave as if the LinkButton were inside it. To do this, use a method on the ScriptManager control called RegisterAsyncPostBackControl:

Figure 5 Using LinkButton Asynchronously

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


// register the LinkButton1 control as one that can

// cause partial postbacks.



Clicking the LinkButton will now cause the UpdatePanel to refresh asynchronously,

just as if the LinkButton control were actually in the UpdatePanel.

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As an example of inverse behavior,

you could also make an element inside an UpdatePanel cause the whole page to refresh—a full postback.

To do so, you just use a different method on the ScriptManager called RegisterPostBackControl:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


// Button1 will cause a full post-back no matter

// where it is on the page.



This code will cause the control, Button1, to do a full postback of the page, even if

Button1 exists within an UpdatePanel.

Let's go even further now.

You have seen how to tweak the controls

that trigger the UpdatePanel control's partial postback event using ScriptManager, but what if you wanted

to update a control somewhere on the page—totally outside of the UpdatePanel—when the UpdatePanel

refreshes? This is also possible through the ScriptManager control.

ScriptManager's RegisterDataItem method makes it easy to refresh

controls or data outside an UpdatePanel.

RegisterDataItem allows extra data of your choosing to be sent down to the client when an UpdatePanel control posts back;

the data can be consumed by script you write on the client.

For example, say you have a situation like the controls in Figure 6. In this example, I want to update the Label with whatever value has been clicked in the Calendar control.

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This may seem simple, but the Calendar control is within the UpdatePanel while the Label is not.

How can I get the UpdatePanel to refresh the Label?

The answer is simple: if I use RegisterDataItem from my server-side code, I can get extra data sent to my client-side code.

The client can consume the data sent from RegisterDataItem and

refresh the Label with it:

Figure 6 Updating Controls Outside of an UpdatePanel

protected void Calendar1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)



Label1, Calendar1.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString());


RegisterDataItem takes the control you are planning to update

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as the first argument and the raw data you wish to update the

control with as the second argument.

The ScriptManager control will take the data you pass, wrap it up, and send it down to the client as part of its response to the partial postback event. In your client code, you would retrieve the data sent from the ScriptManager control after the event has completed, like this:

<script type="text/javascript">



function PageLoadingHandler(sender,args){

var dataItems = args.get_dataItems();


$get('Label1').innerHTML = dataItems['Label1'];





Look at the script code. It does a number of things.

It registers for the pageLoading event through the

PageRequestManager client class.

Next, it implements the event handler for the pageLoading event, PageLoadingHandler.

It gets a name/value collection of data items from the second parameter, args.

Finally, it retrieves the value you want using the name of the control you supplied as the first argument

to RegisterDataItem on the server.

Web Services and ScriptManager

The ease with which you can now asynchronously interact with Web services from

script in ASP.NET AJAX, handle the response (including errors), and process the

Page 26: Notes on Ajax

response gives you a great deal of power to really make your pages useful and


From point to point—browser to server—you are utilizing the latest technologies of the new Web in one of the most intuitive manners possible through ASP.NET AJAX.

The ScriptManager control acts as a global registrar of sorts for

all the services you need in your ASP.NET AJAX application.

Figure 7 shows the properties menu for the ScriptManager control as seen through Visual Studio.

Figure 7 ScriptManager Properties

You can see that I have the Scripts collection highlighted, and below that is a collection for Services (Web services) as well.

You need to register with ScriptManager any services you want to interact with from your client code.

To add a service reference to the ScriptManager control, you would simply expand the Services collection and add a reference as shown in Figure 8.

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Figure 8 Adding a Web Service Reference (Click the image for a larger view)

What exactly does this do? The complete details will be spelled out shortly, but if you were to view the source for a page referencing a service through the ScriptManager, you might see something like this in its content:

<script src="WebService.asmx/jsdebug" type="text/javascript"></script>

This external reference was added to the page output by ScriptManager because the

Web service is registered with it. Note that /jsdebug is appended to the name of the

Web service; if this were a release build, there would only be /js appended to it.

When the ASP.NET AJAX pipeline sees a request for this service with the /js text

appended, it will return a script class wrapping the methods of the Web service (this

is known as proxy script). The body of each method on this proxy script class will

perform an asynchronous call to its corresponding Web service method. Therefore, to

call the Web service methods, you simply call the corresponding method on the script

class built for you by the ASP.NET AJAX Web service framework. It's really that easy.

For example, if a service named WebService exposed a method called Add, like this


public int Add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }

you could call it from this script:

function CallAdd()


// method will return immediately

// processing done asynchronously

WebService.Add(0,6, OnMethodSucceeded, OnMethodFailed);


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In this example, the auto-generated script proxy class handed to you by the

framework wraps the Web service method calls so that you may interact with it from

script. WebService.Add will thus call the corresponding Web service method, Add.

Two callbacks are typically defined when calling into a Web service: one for a success case and another for a failure case. Since the Web service call is executed asynchronously, callbacks are required to know how the call actually completed. For example, the following methods implement a success callback and failure callback, respectively:

function OnMethodSucceeded(result, eventArgs)


var label = Sys.UI.DomElement.getElementById('Label1');

var sb = new Sys.StringBuilder();

sb.append('You got back a value of ');


label.innerHTML = sb.toString();


function OnMethodFailed(error)




The request is sent and the result is received asynchronously from the Web service so the end effect is similar to using the UpdatePanels control. Content can be refreshed with the data received from the Web service without a full browser postback. In the sample code shown earlier, I asynchronously update Label1 with the result of the Web service call to WebMethod Add. The end result might look like Figure 9. No full postback will occur and the end result will be absolutely seamless.

Figure 9 The Updated Label

Authentication and Personalization

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Advanced features of ASP.NET AJAX, such as authentication and personalization, use Web services, too. The authentication service in ASP.NET AJAX implements two methods: one for logging a user in and one for logging the user out:



ASP.NET AJAX employs forms authentication, meaning that the user is logged in when a valid forms authentication cookie is inserted into the browser's session by the Web server.

The manner by which the cookie data is inserted into the session in ASP.NET AJAX is the same as it would be via a full postback, so physically there is no difference in the mechanisms being used. Once the cookie has already been inserted into the browser's session, the client is then authenticated with the server and can view restricted pages and content.

Being able to authenticate and log in or log out a particular user from client script yields interesting possibilities for highly interactive user-based systems. An example of logging in a user through AuthenticationService and script might look like this:

<script type="text/javascript">

function MyMethod(username, password)



password,false,null,null,null,null,"User Context");



The steps for enabling authentication in your AJAX application are well documented

(see ajax.asp.net), so they needn't be covered here. But as you can clearly see, once

it is enabled, forms authentication is easily implemented through script.

When the standard ASP.NET authentication service just doesn't fit the bill, you can create your own and register it with the ScriptManager control. The methods required by a Web service implementing authentication functionality are shown here:


public bool Login(string userName,

string password, bool createPersistentCookie)


... // code to check user credentials and log user in


Page 30: Notes on Ajax


public void Logout()


... // code to log user out.


After you have filled in your implementation code, you must register your new authentication service with the ScriptManager control. With your new authentication service registered, any code you previously had on the client interacting with the default authentication services of ASP.NET AJAX will now utilize your service instead. Therefore, from the client script side, no change will be required to use your own custom authentication Web service.

Here's an example of registering as an authentication service through ScriptManager declaratively:

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1"

runat="server" >


Path="WebService.asmx" />


Without going into the implementation at this point, you may also take advantage of your own profile services in ASP.NET AJAX. A profile service can be registered in the same way through the ScriptManager control as an authentication service. The profile services give you the ability to tailor a Web site to a particular user. Since it's done from client script, the effect to the user will be intuitive and seamless. Examples are available through ajax.asp.net.

How It All Works

The ScriptManager control has two basic phases to its existence.

In the first phase it verifies that the environment can support all the rich features of ASP.NET AJAX and sets up all the necessary pieces to support it.

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In the second phase, it actually performs asynchronous communication with the code running on the client so that the script can perform the necessary page updates. Because it is a server-side control and Web programming in ASP.NET is event-driven, the core of the ScriptManager control is in how it registers for and responds to events.

An overview of the events to which it responds is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10 Defining a Class in ASP.NET AJAX

Registering Objects with ScriptManager

Page 32: Notes on Ajax

You may add script and service references declaratively with


However, you may also add them programmatically through the

Services and Scripts properties on the ScriptManager control.

You also can choose special data to be sent to the client, and you can design controls to work with ScriptManager as special script controls. All of these features require that you reference your object with the ScriptManager control.

So what is ScriptManager doing with all of these references?

When a page hosting

a ScriptManager control and ASP.NET AJAX functionality is first

requested by a browser

the initialization stage of

the page's child controls will invoke ScriptManager's OnInit


Page 33: Notes on Ajax


OnInit carries out a number of important steps, including

a check that only one ScriptManager control resides on the page

and whether the page is currently undergoing a partial postback.


The most important step OnInit performs, however,

is to register for a series of events generated by the host page such as

InitComplete, PreRenderComplete, and PreRender.

The ScriptManager control needs to know when these events occur on its parent page because ASP.NET AJAX operates by tapping into these page events.

The most crucial page event for loading script and service

references into the browser is

the page's PreRenderComplete event.

The handler for this event is called OnPagePreRenderComplete (see Figure   11 ) and it is a method of the

ScriptManager control itself.

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OnPagePreRenderComplete exists to process all the scripts and services that you registered with the ScriptManager control up to the PreRenderComplete event of the page (including scripts needed by script controls, scripts referenced by ScriptManagerProxy controls, and so on).

If the page is not undergoing a partial postback,

a globalization script block is registered, along with all your scripts and services. If, on the other hand, a partial postback is underway, only scripts are registered. Scripts need to be registered for both partial and full postbacks because the ScriptManager control offers the ability to include script at any time.

All of your scripts and services are registered during this phase, but what does that mean?

How is the registration of the script or reference translated into some sort of output onto the page?

Remember that you are still processing the first page request and so you're not dealing with partial postbacks. Because of this, you can still use ClientScriptManager to register scripts. RegisterScripts, for example, iterates every script that was registered with the ScriptManager control and then hands it off to the page's default ClientScriptManager instance.

When the page is rendered, ClientScriptManager will be called and the

script references will be added to the page output, just like in pre-


RegisterScripts will be called during an asynchronous postback as well

(due to the else clause shown in Figure   11 ).

Page 35: Notes on Ajax

The method still calls into ClientScriptManager, but since ClientScriptManager won't know what to do in an asynchronous postback, nothing will happen.


RegisterScripts will call an internal method,

RegisterScriptIncludeInternal, that will tuck away the script reference

in an internal array for later use.

What about Web service references?

Recall that by adding a Web service reference to your ScriptManager control, a reference to script will be added to the page.

This script reference will cause the browser to make a request at the specified URL.

The ASP.NET AJAX framework will inspect the class implementing your Web service and return a proxy script class you may consume from client code. The browser will download this automatically generated proxy class, and this will be your Web service reference.

To generate the script reference to the auto-generated proxy class, RegisterScripts will iterate over every Web service reference you have and eventually call into the following method:

private string GetProxyPath(Control containingControl, bool debug)


if (debug)

return GetServicePath(containingControl, true) +



Page 36: Notes on Ajax

return GetServicePath(containingControl, true) +



The script reference generated by GetProxyPath will be added to the page in the

same manner as regular script references: by utilizing the ClientScriptManager for

the first page request and by "tucking away" the reference into some internal array.

What is this internal array?

It's a number of arrays, actually.

Recall that for the first page request, the ScriptManager leans on the traditional method of simply adding script and service references to the ClientScriptManager class for the page. But using ClientScriptManager will not work during a partial postback. Instead, the ScriptManager must cook up some other method, and this is what the internal arrays are for.

The response for a partial postback, as you will see, is actually a well-formed, easily parsable block of data that the client framework will inspect and consume.

The ScriptManager control's Render event will be called and it, in turn, will call a member method, ProcessScriptRegistration, of yet another class, PageRequestManager (see Figure   12 ).

This is where the script reference will be rendered to the page output for ASP.NET AJAX. Each method will take the HtmlTextWriter handed to it for the Render phase and write its necessary content to it. Each method (for example, RenderActiveScripts) will refer to each respective internal array that was filled previously.

Putting the AJAX in ASP.NET AJAX

If you use the Fiddler HTTP debugger proxy app (fiddlertool.com/fiddler), you can trace all Web traffic that moves through Internet Explorer® on your machine. Browse to the AJAX samples on ajax.asp.net and watch what happens through Fiddler; you can see that an actual HTTP POST occurs each time you invoke a partial postback event. The HTTP POST contains the usual HTTP headers, but it also includes one that you may have never seen before:

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x-microsoftajax: Delta=true

This header is key. Once the ScriptManager control identifies this header, instead of passively injecting references into the page output, it will inspect the data sent in the form POST and render a response back to the client in a format the client script understands.

Along with writing service and script references to the initial page output,

the ScriptManager control will also initialize the client-side functionality.

When it renders the first time, the ScriptManager control makes sure

that two startup scripts are registered with the ClientScriptManager.

One script calls into a method that initializes the client-side runtime.

The other initializes the client-side version of the PageRequestManager class discussed earlier.

For an understanding of AJAX, the second initialization script—the one that initializes PageRequestManager—is the most important.

This client script is written to the page output through a method called RenderPageRequestManagerScript. I removed a lot of the plumbing code from the method so it's easier to read, but in general it looks like this:

it internal void RenderPageRequestManagerScript(HtmlTextWriter writer)







RenderUpdatePanelIDsFromList(writer, _allUpdatePanels);







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Notice how it is writing out UpdatePanels, PostBackControl IDs, and AsyncPostBackControl IDs to the page; these are all controls that need to take part in the ASP.NET AJAX experience.

The client-side PageRequestManager is responsible for tracking all events generated by the controls registered with ScriptManager;

the RenderPageRequestManagerScript method is what initializes the PageRequestManager operating on the client with the exact controls it should watch.

When a postback event is fired on the client, PageRequestManager will identify whether it was caused by any of the controls identified by the script written in RenderPageRequestManagerScript.

If it was, PageRequestManager will cancel the postback event and repackage it.

The newly packaged data from the postback event will then be transmitted to the server using the client class Sys.Net.WebRequest (which is public and can be used from your client-side code).

The header x-microsoftajax: Delta=true will be set in the POST request sent to the server through Sys.Net.WebRequest.

On the server side, the ScriptManager control has now been instantiated and loaded into the control tree of the page.

ScriptManager is a server-side control and so will be notified of the data in the form POST through LoadPostData, a method of ASP.NET that lets individual controls filter through the form POST for pertinent information.

(Note that this is a standard event not specific to ASP.NET AJAX.) If you refer to the event diagram in Figure 10, you'll see that LoadPostData occurs immediately after InitComplete on the page.

Within LoadPostData, the ScriptManager control identifies the controls that caused the form POST (including the UpdatePanel the control resided in, if applicable).

The identity of the control that caused the postback event is tucked away for later use.

So far the ScriptManager control recognizes that a partial postback is occurring and has identified the controls that caused the postback.

Now you can build the response to the client.

The ScriptManager control completely overwrites the default Render method for its host page, taking over the rendering of your ASP.NET page.

Realize that, up until now, you have simply been seeing the ScriptManager control as something to tweak various settings in your ASP.NET AJAX application.

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Now you can finally see

that you give it these various options because it, arguably, becomes your new page class, complete with its own format for rendering controls to the page output stream.

In fact, ScriptManager will see to it that the default rendering for two objects are overwritten:

first for the Page itself, and

then for the Web Form on the page.

Therefore, when the ASP.NET page framework asks the page to render, the ScriptManager's own internal implementation will be called.

By knowing what controls caused the postback and their associations—is it in an UpdatePanel with other controls,

or is the source of the postback event somehow linked to an UpdatePanel?—

the ScriptManager control knows which child controls should be asked to render and which should be ignored. Where the default behavior for a Page class in ASP.NET is to ask each child control to render, ScriptManager will only ask those it deems necessary.

It is also worth noting that within the override for the Form objects' rendering, the ScriptManager will process and send down to the client all of the extra data you registered with it via the RegisterDataItem method. Therefore, it is important that you have your data ready to be sent down to the client by the time the Form object is asked to render itself to the client.

The data to be sent down to the client will be encoded in a raw or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) serialized format.

Finally, the client framework gets the asynchronous response from the server and parses out data.

The ScriptManager control has packed into the response all the control IDs and new markup so the client framework can simply perform scripting operations on the browser's document object model to update the page content.

Given that this whole process occurred asynchronously, the browser is quickly and silently updated and the user of the Web page gains a better experience.

Follow the Script

Page 40: Notes on Ajax

ASP.NET AJAX is a powerful technology. To harness many of the ASP.NET AJAX features in your Web app, you will need to employ the ScriptManager control as I've demonstrated in this article.

The ScriptManager control handles many details of the ASP.NET AJAX implementation for you. By now you should be noticing that the ScriptManager's presence can be felt frequently in instances where the default behavior of a control such as the UpdatePanel isn't exactly what you need. In addition to scripting features and AJAX, the ScriptManager control also supports such high-end features as authentication and personalization.

Scripts and services must be registered by the page's

PreRenderComplete event with the ScriptManager control.

You may add a script reference to the page during either full or

partial postbacks.

Other objects are asked to hand over to the real ScriptManager all of their script and service references when scripts are being registered.


ASP.NET AJAX is implemented on the client by overriding the

default rendering implementation for its host page.

The ScriptManager will take control of the page rendering cycle from then on and will send down to the client a response it can easily parse through and use to update elements within the browser. By overriding the default page rendering, the right controls can be rendered to the client in a specialized format, including with data registered with the ScriptManager.



There are three main technologies that enable AJAX functionality:

remote method calls,

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client-side data binding, and

visual effects.

It has been reported that more than 100 frameworks for AJAX development exist today-they support a variety of platforms and utilize a number of programming approaches.

In general, I tend to group AJAX frameworks into three main

categories based on their capabilities:

callback frameworks,

UI frameworks, and

full frameworks.

A callback framework consists of a simple set of client and server libraries. It doesn't let you do much more than invoke a piece of server-side code from the client, moving input and output parameters in a serialized format. A typical UI framework is the evolution of an existing professional control library that provides advanced grid, charting, and tree controls. These support asynchronous postbacks and injecting JavaScript code on the client for automatic page refreshes. Finally, a full framework provides a rich programming model that includes controls and application services, preferably on both the client and the server. Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX falls into this third category.

The Straight Way to ASP.NET AJAX

ASP.NET AJAX is composed of two distinct, though not mutually exclusive, APIs: client and server.

You can build AJAX functionalities using direct client-side programming, traditional server-side programming, or any combination of the two. Any AJAX-based page inherently requires some client-side JavaScript code to address the browser's document object model (DOM) and any application-specific extension

. . A framework, in fact, could generate made-to-measure script code as the output of a server-side control. This form of indirect page updating is by far the simplest way to add AJAX capabilities to new and existing ASP.NET 2.0 pages.

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In ASP.NET AJAX, page updates can be governed by a piece of client code automatically injected by a server control-the UpdatePanel control.

The UpdatePanel control represents the nerve center of the server-centric programming model of ASP.NET AJAX. It lets you execute server-side code and return updated markup to the client browser. You may wonder how this differs from classic postbacks. The difference is in how the postback is implemented-instead of a full page refresh, the UpdatePanel control manages to send an out-of-band request for fresh markup and then update the DOM tree when the response is ready.

The client-centric programming model of ASP.NET is centered around the ability of placing calls to remote endpoints (mostly, but not exclusively, ASP.NET Web services and Windows® Communication Foundation services). When initiated straight from the client browser, a call to a remote endpoint requires a JavaScript proxy and a pinch of JavaScript code. Finally, client-side data binding can be viewed as an extension to the classic JavaScript runtime and DOM. In a purely client-side programming style, you connect to a remote endpoint, download data, and bind it to a DOM subtree. The structure of the template remains on the client, along with some state information, and only raw data is moved from the server to the client.

There are three main approaches to programming in ASP.NET AJAX. Figure   1 outlines these tools and tells you when they are most appropriate to use.

FIGURE -1Figure 1 Approaches to Programming in ASP.NET AJAX

Approach Description Use

UpdatePanel Contains a group of server controls and monitors their postbacks and rendering process. Any requests for postback that originate from the contained controls are hijacked and served via script. Changes to the page are applied using DHTML.

Used when your team lacks significant JavaScript skills or you simply prefer to minimize the exposure to client-side programming. The use of UpdatePanel is also recommended when you need to protect any sensitive business logic in your app.

Remote method calls

Blanket term for asynchronous calls to page methods and local and external Web services. Calls move input arguments and receive return values via JSON streams in a type-independent manner. Strongly typed JavaScript code is required to trigger the call and apply changes back on the client.

Used when you need to work with a smarter client that triggers and controls remote operations in an asynchronous manner. This approach requires JavaScript coding to process return values and update any portion of the current DOM that is affected by results.

Client-side data?

Two client-side controls written entirely in AJAX JavaScript to

Used when you need a more modern and cross-browser

Page 43: Notes on Ajax

Approach Description Use

binding* implement template-based binding. They are ListView, for multiple-records view, and ItemView, for single-record view. These two controls are combined together with client data source and filtering components.

version of DHTML applications. With client-side data binding, your final pages include a thick layer of JavaScript and/or XML Script and virtually no managed code except for the Script Manager control.

Figure 3 Changes in Web.config for ASP.NET AJAX<microsoft.web>









<remove verb="*" path="*.asmx"/>

<add verb="*" path="*.asmx"





<add type="Microsoft.Web.UI.ScriptModule" name="ScriptModule"/>



Figure 4 ASP.NET AJAX Web Service Methodsnamespace Samples

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[WebService(Namespace = "http://samples.ajax/")]



[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]

public class MyDataService : System.Web.Services.WebService


public MyDataService() {}


public Customer LookupCustomer(string id)


return CustomerManager.Load(id);



public CustomerCollection LookupAllCustomers()


return CustomerManager.LoadAll();



UpdatePanel and the Interceptor Pattern

The UpdatePanel control heralds a programming style where page contents update without complete page refreshes and without a need for client-side programming.

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In ASP.NET AJAX lingo, this is referred to as partial rendering.

The UpdatePanel control is the most visible component involved in enabling this capability.

However, the real brains behind the internal implementation of partial rendering is the ScriptManager control.

Still, the UpdatePanel control is the main tool developers use when writing pages that are partially updatable.

A Web page refresh can be obtained in either of two ways-manually clicking on a Submit button or programmatically calling into the submit method of the DOM form object. In both cases, the browser freezes the current page and sends a new request to the back-end Web server. The incoming response then overrides the existing contents.

The purpose of the UpdatePanel control is simply to hook up this process. It intercepts form submissions, captures any information being sent, and sends the same information through an out-of-band call based on XMLHttpRequest. The UpdatePanel control also adds some extra information to indicate which selection of controls are to be processed and rendered on the server-partial page rendering.

The behavior that results out of the UpdatePanel control is fully described by the interceptor pattern. The pattern refers to any external component that observes an object call and injects its own code between the caller and the receiver. In this way, the external component takes full control of the operation, controls how the task is accomplished, and returns a valid response to the caller. Figure 2 illustrates the implementation of this pattern in ASP.NET AJAX.

UpdatePanel and the Interceptor Pattern

The UpdatePanel control heralds a programming style where page contents update without complete page refreshes and without a need for client-side programming.

In ASP.NET AJAX lingo, this is referred to as partial rendering. The UpdatePanel control is the most visible component involved in enabling this capability. However, the real brains behind the internal implementation of partial rendering is the ScriptManager control. Still, the UpdatePanel control is the main tool developers use when writing pages that are partially updatable.

A Web page refresh can be obtained in either of two ways-

manually clicking on a Submit button


Page 46: Notes on Ajax

programmatically calling into the submit method of the DOM form object.

In both cases, the browser freezes the current page and sends a new request to the back-end Web server. The incoming response then overrides the existing contents.

The purpose of the UpdatePanel control is simply to hook up this process.

It intercepts form submissions, captures any information being sent, and sends the same information through an out-of-band call based on XMLHttpRequest.

The UpdatePanel control also adds some extra information to indicate which selection of controls are to be processed and rendered on the server-partial page rendering.

The behavior that results out of the UpdatePanel control is fully described by the interceptor pattern.

The pattern refers to any external component that observes an object call and injects its own code between the caller and the receiver.

In this way, the external component takes full control of the operation, controls how the task is accomplished, and returns a valid response to the caller. Figure 2 illustrates the implementation of this pattern in ASP.NET AJAX.

Figure 2 UpdatePanel Control and the Interceptor Pattern (Click the image for a

larger view)

The script code that is injected into the client page registers a handler for the form's onsubmit DOM event. This new handler simply replaces the classic request with one that goes through XMLHttpRequest and passes extra information. In particular, it adds the name of the UpdatePanel control responsible for the postback to the existing list of input fields. The modified contents for a page with a pageable grid look like this:



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The ScriptManager pseudo parameter refers to the ID of the UpdatePanel control that is responsible for the postback. Only the controls associated with the specified UpdatePanel control will be refreshed and their modified markup sent back to the browser, along with updated viewstate information.

Partial rendering is a common feature in various AJAX frameworks, although the internal implementations vary. Most of the differences have to do with the approach used to associate updatable controls with the request. In ASP.NET AJAX, updatable controls are grouped in an outermost container control (the UpdatePanel). Everything inside the container is rendered out to markup-this represents the delta of the currently displayed page. One alternative approach is to require that individual controls register programmatically with the framework for rendering over AJAX-style postbacks. This is more or less what happens in ASP.NET 2.0 with controls that support control state.

A more granular, more flexible approach than grouping controls in a container is to have each individual control decide how it renders AJAX-style postbacks. However, you'll also need additional codebehind instructions or ad hoc controls should be used. While good for control libraries and other such products, this approach is far too intrusive for a Web framework such as ASP.NET.

The UpdatePanel control is a class that's derived from System.Web.UI.Panel. A UI-free container of child ASP.NET controls, UpdatePanel can contain any ASP.NET server controls and doesn't require you to use any special AJAX-enabled controls. By using UpdatePanel, AJAX programming is done entirely on the server using the same application model and programming style as classic ASP.NET. Developers don't need to learn about JavaScript or the client-side Microsoft AJAX Library. Likewise, they have no exposure to XML Script or the browser's DOM.

Transforming a traditional ASP.NET page into an AJAX page is a two-step operation.

First, you add a ScriptManager control to the page.

You then wrap any group of controls that you want to refresh partially and asynchronously with an UpdatePanel control. The UpdatePanel control supports nesting scenarios and can be created dynamically, and an ASP.NET page can contain as many UpdatePanel controls as you want.

The actual update is triggered in two possible ways: when child controls post back and when specific external events occur.

Through triggers and other properties you can make each UpdatePanel control refresh its contents conditionally.

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With the UpdatePanel control, you can migrate ASP.NET pages to AJAX piecemeal and do so very quickly. The same ASP.NET page, in fact, can fire both AJAX-style and classic postbacks. For this reason, UpdatePanel must move the view state of the page with each and every request. In particular, the view state is sent to the server, updated to reflect changes on selected controls, and then downloaded to the client. The same happens to event validation data. View state and event validation data cannot be updated on the client and for this reason must be sent back to the server, checked for tampering, and properly updated. Having up-to-date copies of the view state and event validation data available on the client is key to maintaining the page in a consistent state while allowing successful postbacks, in both AJAX and classic styles.

Ultimately, UpdatePanel is the easiest approach to learn for ASP.NET AJAX, it involves the least possible upgrade and migration work, and it is fully interoperable between classic and AJAX pages. When you use updatable panels, pages refresh more quickly. In fact, these updates are sometimes too fast for users to note the changes. For this reason, a busy panel that tells what's going on may not be enough. A busy panel like the UpdateProgress control is designed for long tasks-not to give users feedback on displayed changes. A better tool for giving users feedback on such changes is the UpdatePanelAnimation extender, which is defined in the latest CTP of the AJAX Control Toolkit. You can see a sample of this in action. The extender animates the area covered by UpdatePanel during the postback. In particular, you can specify animations for the updating and updated events on the extender. Note, though, that you have to install the AJAX Control Toolkit separately, as it is not incorporated in the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions download.

Taking Control of Out-of-Band Calls

If you're comfortable with JavaScript and want to try making direct server calls from

the client, you have two main options: using Web services and calling into static page


By registering an ASMX Web service with the script manager, you instruct the ASP.NET AJAX infrastructure to generate a JavaScript proxy class and inject it into the client page. You can take a look at the proxy class by typing the URL of the Web service into the address bar (local machine) followed by the /js suffix. Here's an example of a JavaScript proxy for a Web service with two public methods. The code has been simplified for reading:


Samples.MyWebService = new function()


this.appPath = "http://YourServer/AjaxDemo/";

var cm = Sys.Net.ServiceMethod.createProxyMethod;

cm(this, "LookupCustomer", "id");

cm(this, "LookupAllCustomers");


Page 49: Notes on Ajax

This code makes it possible for you to call the Web service from a script tag. It uses the classic Proxy pattern, and the overall mechanism is exactly the same as when you're using Web services on the server in classic ASP.NET or in Windows applications.

There are some caveats, though. What kind of server-side code would you call from a client? Or, put another way, what kind of operations do you expect to be invoked from the client on Web services? Web services that are invoked from AJAX pages expose some business logic to the client pages. A public endpoint, a Web service can be invoked from the Internet and there's no built-in security layer to protect your application logic. This vulnerability is nothing new.

ASP.NET AJAX gives developers a chance to expose some application logic through Web services. Once published on the Internet, this logic (not protected by any security layer) is available to any callers. In general, you should only expose data and logic that is considered safe for Internet use. There might be no real problem if you write and invoke a Web service that returns a products catalog. However, exposing the business logic layer (BLL), including, for example, the credit card verification process, is not something you should do.

ASP.NET AJAX leads you to use Web services to expose BLL to client pages for direct use. You should think of AJAX Web services as a sort of non-critical, user interface layer BLL. Any truly sensitive pieces of BLL should be invoked using classic postbacks or UpdatePanel controls.

To link Web services directly to an ASP.NET AJAX page, they must be local Web services hosted in the same Web application as the caller page. There are two main reasons for this requirement. First, the Web service must be backed by an ASP.NET AJAX application that knows how to handle the /js suffix appended to each request. You could, however, use another ASP.NET AJAX application to host the Web service. In this case, your client calls might clash with the stricter security settings in recent browsers that prevent cross-site calls.

Page Methods vs. Web Service Methods

Another possible approach to binding server code to ASP.NET AJAX pages is to invoke page methods. A callable page method is a public static (or Shared in Visual Basic® .NET) method defined in the codebehind class and decorated with the same WebMethod attribute used for Web service methods. At present, this is limited to ASPX pages-both inline and codebehind code-but might be extended in the future to user controls and custom controls.

I should note that the ASMX Web services and page methods require different settings. In particular, you must register Web services with the script manager and you must install a script HTTP module to run page methods. Figure   3 shows what's needed in the web.config file.

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To register a Web service and force the generation of the proxy you need the following:

<asp:ScriptManager ID="scriptManager1" runat="server">


<asp:ServiceReference Path="~/WebServices/MyDataService.asmx" />



You'll also need additional attributes to decorate the Web service class. In particular, you need the ScriptService attribute to enable the generation of the JavaScript proxy class and GenerateScriptType for each custom type you plan to use, except for generic types. Figure   4 shows an example.

The GenerateScriptType must be applied for the Customer type, but not for the CustomerCollection if this type is defined to derive from the generic Collection<T> class, for which ASP.NET AJAX has built-in support:

public class CustomerCollection : Collection<Customer> {}

The HTTP module required for page methods hooks up the default HTTP handler for ASPX requests and redirects the rendering stage to a custom piece of code that executes the specified method and serializes return values.

Both the page methods approach and the Web service methods approach help you access the back-end BLL. Like publicly exposed Web service methods, page methods can easily be automated from the address bar of a browser-it only requires some elementary JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) skills. Thus, you should be just as careful with these page methods as with the WebMethods in terms of what BLL logic you expose.

In the end, whether you use page methods or Web service methods is really just a matter of preference. In both cases, you should call into a façade layer that then routes to the proper BLL function, as shown in Figure 5. Web service methods can be called from any page, provided you register the endpoint to the service in each page. Page methods can only be called from the page that defines them. Currently, my personal preference is to use page methods.

Figure 5 Comparison of Page and Web Service Methods (Click the image for a larger


Both ASP.NET AJAX Web service methods and page methods make extensive use of JSON to pass object data around. A lightweight data-interchange format, JSON is used

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to serialize objects to strings. Because of its inherent simplicity, JSON is good for both people and machines. More people can write and read JSON strings than can write and read SOAP packets. And JSON is very easy for machines to parse and process.

You might expect page methods to offer better performance than Web services. After all, to resolve Web service calls, the ASP.NET runtime has to parse SOAP packets. This, however, isn't exactly true. ASP.NET AJAX installs a tailor-made HTTP handler (see Figure   3 ) that intercepts all ASMX requests. Requests with a /js suffix are processed differently, working directly with the JSON payload and Web service method. As a result, no SOAP is involved whatsoever and the body of the request simply contains the JSON stream of input arguments. For non-AJAX requests, the new HTTP handler just delegates the call back to the original ASP.NET handler that understands SOAP.


All things considered, I think UpdatePanel is the best approach for the majority of development teams. It doesn't preclude classic ASP.NET and allows you to modify existing pages at your convenience. Also, it's unobtrusive and doesn't require you to learn many new things before starting. In addition, UpdatePanel gives the same level of protection for your BLL as classic Web pages and it fully supports asynchronous ASP.NET pages running lengthy tasks.

A final piece of advice: avoid mixing various AJAX platforms. In terms of JavaScript built-in object extensions, there might be collisions between ASP.NET AJAX and other frameworks. More importantly, there's no guarantee that a combination of products that works today will still work in the future. Any new version of any framework can introduce new collisions.

Still Synchronous for Now

AJAX functionalities  are often associated with asynchronous techniques.

Consequently, it is often assumed that ASP.NET AJAX does programming

asynchronously by default. This is certainly true from a client perspective—the task

starts on the server and the current page remains available for further interaction.

However, ASP.NET AJAX doesn't support ASP.NET 2.0 asynchronous pages, nor does it implement remote calls asynchronously (meaning via asynchronous HTTP handlers). The HTTP handler that serves AJAX Web service requests works synchronously. The same is true for the HTTP module that serves page methods, regardless of whether the ASP.NET page is marked for asynchronous processing. Most of these architectural issues will likely be worked out in a future version of ASP.NET, currently code-named "Orcas." For now, however, the best way out is to implement AJAX through the UpdatePanel control.

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How Client Callback Can Be Implemented Now

Before we go to ASP.NET 2.0’s Client Callback feature, let’s take a look at what Web developers currently do to overcome this problem.

Calling server-side methods from JavaScript is something that is currently possible using

Microsoft’s XMLHTTP ActiveX object.

This ActiveX object allows you to retrieve XML files over the Internet using the HTTP protocol.

However, unlike the name implies, you can use this object to issue an HTTP request to any server — including Classic ASP, regular HTML, or even PHP files — and just retrieve the raw HTML output.

Since the XMLHTTP object is pretty much a standard ActiveX object, you can instantiate it using regular JavaScript.

So, let’s take a look at this sample code that retrieves the HTML code from Google’s front page:

function RetrieveGoogleFrontPage() {   var XmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0");   XmlHttp.Open("GET", "http://www.google.com", false);   XmlHttp.Send();   return XmlHttp.responseText;}

From this code sample, you can see that using the XMLHTTP object is fairly simple.

You simply specify a URL to issue the request and retrieve the complete content

that is being returned from the Web server.

All this is done in JavaScript, so the page on which this code resides is actually not being posted back.

Also, notice that the XMLHTTP object returns the complete response text. This means that if you just want to retrieve business data from the server side, you have to write a special page that returns the business data with the unnecessary HTML code that bloats a regular page.

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ASP.NET 2.0's Client Callback

Now, let’s fast forward to ASP.NET 2.0. The new ASP.NET abstracts the use of the XMLHTTP object. Internally the Client Callback feature still uses the XMLHTTP object, but both the Web user as well as the Web developer are shielded from it.

The Client Callback feature really consists of two things:

1) the new ICallbackEventHandler interface as well as

2) the new Page.GetCallbackEventReference method On server .The architecture boils down to the following basic steps.

The Page.GetCallbackEventReference method and its overloads

will create JavaScript code snippets that you need to place on the client side.

These code snippets contain code

that sends an HTTP request back to the page (using the XMLHTTP object under the hood).

The request is then handled on the server side by a Web control that implements the ICallbackEventHandler interface.

In most cases, that Web control is the page itself, but you can have specific user controls or Web controls that react to the request, as you will see later in this article. Once the request has been handled, the result is then passed back to the client through another JavaScript function whose sole purpose is to react to the result of the request.

Let’s take a look at this ASP.NET 2.0 code sample that simply retrieves the server time and displays it through a regular JavaScript alert:

<%@ page language="C#" compilewith="ServerTime.aspx.cs" classname="ASP.ServerTime_aspx" %>

<html>   <head>      <title>Server Time</title>      <script language="javascript">

         function GetServerTime()         {            var message = '';            var context = '';                        <%=sCallBackFunctionInvocation%>         }

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                  function ShowServerTime(timeMessage, context) {            alert('The time on the server is:\n' + timeMessage);         }                  function OnError(message, context) {            alert('An unhandled exception has occurred:\n' + message);         }

      </script>   </head><body>   <form id="MainForm" runat="server">      <input type="button" value="Get Server Time" onclick="GetServerTime();" />   </form></body></html>

using System;using System.Web.UI;namespace ASP {public partial class ServerTime_aspx : ICallbackEventHandler   {      public string sCallBackFunctionInvocation;

      void Page_Load(object sender,System.EventArgs e)      {         sCallBackFunctionInvocation = this.GetCallbackEventReference(this,"message","ShowServerTime","context","OnError");      }            public string RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument)      {         // Uncomment next line to test error handler         // throw new ApplicationException("Some unhandled exception");         return DateTime.Now.ToString();      }   }}

The first thing you notice is that the Page implements the ICallbackEventHandler interface. This interface really has only one method, namely RaiseCallbackEvent. This is the method that is being executed when a request is handled, and as you can see in this example, it simply returns the current time on the server.

To create the client code,

we are making a call to the Page.GetCallbackEventReference method on page load.

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As stated before, this method will create the JavaScript code snippet that, when invoked, will initiate the client callback.

The GetCallbackEventReference method has several overloads, but in all overloads one has to basically indicate which Web control will react to the request (in this case, it’s our own page instance), the JavaScript variable names that contain the parameters specific to this request, and JavaScript functions that are being called when the request returns or errors out.

Since this method returns the JavaScript code to initiate the callback, we simply wrap that string inside a JavaScript function that is invoked on the button click. At run time, the <%=sCallBackFunctionInvocation%> expression will evaluate to:


__doCallback is an ASP.NET 2.0 internal JavaScript function that will initiate the HTTP request to call back the server.

Notice how the variable and function names we specified in the GetCallbackEventReference method directly translate into this function call. The pseudo-code in FIGURE 1 illustrates the event order that will take place when a callback is initiated.

FIGURE 1: Callback event order

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Whe the callback initiates, the message variable is the main parameter that will be passed to the server-side RaiseCallbackEvent method. It is important to understand that a JavaScript string value is being passed to a .NET method. Notice how this message has to be of type string, so if you want to pass complex data back to the server, you have to apply some serialization to your data structure to flatten it out as a string. In this example, we do not need to pass any information to the server, so we just initialize the message variable as an empty string. The same applies to the return value of this method. Again, notice that a .NET string is being returned to a JavaScript method as a string value.

The two JavaScript functions ShowServerTime and OnError are self-explanatory. These are the functions that will be called from the server upon finishing the client callback request. ShowServerTime’s first parameter will hold the value of whatever is returned from the RaiseCallbackEvent method (which in our case is just the server time). OnError’s first parameter will hold the value of the Message property of whatever unhandled exception has occurred on the server side.

The context variable is an interesting variable. Although we pass this variable to the function call, it is not passed to the server-side method (as we know that the RaiseCallbackEvent method has only one parameter). Instead, the context variable is cached on the browser throughout the entire callback and then passed as the second parameter to the returning JavaScript functions. This will allow us to identify the context of this entire callback. Imagine a scenario, where you are initiating several requests to the server that really serve two separate events or a case where you have several concurrent callbacks for the same event. You cannot be guaranteed that the returning JavaScript methods are called in the same order in which the requests were initiated in, so the context variable allows you to mark each request with a unique value and act upon this value as it is being returned to the JavaScript functions.

If you run this example, you will see when clicking on the Show Server Time button, that the entire event is handled in the background without the page being refreshed. Also notice that the client callback is handled asynchronously, so even if the server-side method might take several seconds or minutes to complete, the client browser's user interface is not being blocked. Of course, if the Web user navigates to a new page, the JavaScript functions won’t be invoked anymore, but the RaiseCallbackEvent will finish to its completion.


JavaScript with ASP.NET Pages - Part 2

Published: 14 Feb 2007By: Xun Ding

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ASP.NET provides a number of ways of working with client-side script. This article explores the usage and drawbacks of ASP.NET script callbacks, and briefly presents a bird's view of ASP.NET AJAX. To learn about common used Javascript functions in ASP.NET 2.0, please refer to the first part.


ASP.NET server-based web forms use a request-response model. Each request results in a roundtrip a.k.a postback to the server. Each postback causes the requesting page to be refreshed, regardless of the nature or the sender of the request. With web users becoming more and more sophisticated, the request-response-refreshing (or click-n-wait) model becomes less and less desirable and in the case of heavy webpages, the lack of smooth performance simply drives users away.

To remedy this, ASP.NET allows various ways to work with JavaScript. One class of them is the ClientScript class, which interjects JavaScript into a webpage, to perform a host of pure client-side tasks, such as window pop-ups, setting focus etc. This class uses strictly a server-centric model, in which the server controls the operation.

Another option is to use an object called XMLHttpRequest to bridge across server and clent-side script, and to enable client-side script to make direct calls to the server, retrieve server-side data, then partially and selectively refresh the calling page. With this model, ASP.NET enables you to create both server-centric and client-centric applications.

There are two ways from the client-side script to make server calls and achieve partial page rendering. One is using the ASP.NET built-in script callback mechanism, the other is the AJAX technology. In this article, we'll examine the Script Callback techniques in detail, we'll also briefly look at AJAX in general, and the programming models in ASP.NET AJAX.

ASP.NET JavaScript Callbacks

To shield programmers from the intricacies of making use of the XMLHTTP object, ASP.NET introduces a string of operations on the server and client side to accomplish Script Callbacks.

On the server side, the code-behind page class must define a method called GetCallbackEventReference method, it also must implement the ICalbackEventHandler interface. The ICalbackEventHandler interface requires two methods:

1. RaiseCallbackEvent 2. GetCallbackResult

The former method handles the necessary operation on the server such as data retrieval; the latter returns the result to the calling script.

Generally we define the GetCallbackEventReference method in the web form's Page_Load event. It returns the JavaScript command WebForm_DoCallback that is to be executed once the server has finished serving the call. The WebForm_DoCallback in turn is stored in the resources of the system.web assembly and will be retrieved through the WebResource.axd HTTP handler.

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On the client side, at least two methods must be defined. The first one is the event handling method, responding to an event such as onclick, onmouseover; the second is used to process the response from the callback, and accordingly update's the necessary part of the page.

To illustrate these rather convoluted procedures, we use an example that provides suggestions based on user's input in a textbox. (Please note, this ASP.NET code is tailored from the original AJAX code written in ASP and JavaScript at http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_example_suggest.asp.)

Web form: <form id="form1" runat="server"> First Name: <input type=text name=tFirstName onkeyup="GetHint();"/></form><p>Suggestions: <span id="txtHint"></span></p>Server-side Code using System;using System.Web.UI;

//implement ICallbackEventHandler Interfacepublic partial class scriptcallback : System.Web.UI.Page, ICallbackEventHandler{ private String hint; public String getHintFromServer; //Define GetCallbackEventReference method //whose signature is as the following: //public string GetCallbackEventReference( //Control target, //string argument, //string clientCallback, //string context, //string clientErrorCallback, //bool useAsync) void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { getHintFromServer = this.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference (this, "message", "ShowHint", "null", "null", false); } //The parameter eventArg is the argument parameter of //the GetCallbackEventReference,passed from the JavaScript. void ICallbackEventHandler.RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArg) { String[] a = new String[31]; a[1] = "Anna"; a[2] = "Brittany"; a[3] = "Cinderella"; a[4] = "Diana"; a[5] = "Eva"; a[6] = "Fiona"; a[7] = "Gunda"; a[8] = "Hege"; a[9] = "Inga"; a[10] = "Johanna";

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a[11] = "Kitty"; a[12] = "Linda"; a[13] = "Nina"; a[14] = "Ophelia"; a[15] = "Petunia"; a[16] = "Amanda"; a[17] = "Raquel"; a[18] = "Cindy"; a[19] = "Doris"; a[20] = "Eve"; a[21] = "Evita"; a[22] = "Sunniva"; a[23] = "Tove"; a[24] = "Unni"; a[25] = "Violet"; a[26] = "Liza"; a[27] = "Elizabeth"; a[28] = "Ellen"; a[29] = "Wenche"; a[30] = "Vicky";

Int32 i; if (eventArg.Length > 0) { for (i = 1; i < 31; i++) { String suggestion = a[i].Substring(0, eventArg.Length).ToUpper(); if (eventArg.ToUpper() == suggestion) { if (hint == "") hint = a[i]; else hint = hint + " , " + a[i]; }

}//'Output "no suggestion" if no hint were found // 'or output the correct values if (hint == "") hint = "no suggestion"; } else hint = "no suggestion"; } //Return a string that will be received and processed // by the clientCallback JavaScript funtion String ICallbackEventHandler.GetCallbackResult() { return hint; }}Client Side Code: <script language=javascript>function GetHint()

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{ var message = document.form1.tFirstName.value; var context = ''; <%=getHintFromServer%>} function ShowHint(hint) { var spanHint=document.getElementById("txtHint"); spanHint.innerHTML=timeMessage;}</script>

Drawbacks of Using Script Callbacks

Using ASP.NET Script callbacks has a few issues:

1. Cross-browser Support

ASP.NET Script callbacks will work with Internet Explorer, Firefox and other Mozilla-compliant browsers. It ensures each compliant browser can call the server and return with server-side response, however not all browsers supports dynamic partial page updates. Even with those that do, it is important that script code strictly follows the W3C DOM (Document Object Model - DOM) standards.

In the above example, to update the text inside the span tag called txtHint, instead of directly calling txtHint.innerHTML or using document.all.txtHint: We use the document.getElementById method to retrieve the element then update its content:

var spanHint=document.getElementById("txtHint");spanHint.innerHTML=...;

2. Server's Response Delivery Format

With each script's callback, the server responds with a string. This works very well with small amount of data. However, it gets problematic with large complex data types. It defeats the purpose if we have to rely on the client-side script on laborious and intensive data parsing, let alone doing so is error-prone.

3. Problem with multiple callbacks

ASP.NET script callback works fine with a single call generated from a single control. However, it gets messy if multiple controls issue multiple callbacks. Because no matter where and how the call is generated, it all gets to be handled by the RaiseCallbackEvent method on the server side. To differentiate the calls and their senders, there is only one way, which is to bundle all necessary information into a string and pass that to the GetCallbackEventReference method, which in turn will be passed to the RaiseCallbackEvent method. It is also possible to write a custom class to handle multiple callbacks.

For more details, please see Script Callbacks in ASP.NET 2.0 - interesting, but lacking.


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The bundle of technologies (DHTML, JavaScript, XmlHTTPRequest, CSS) that is now coded as AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) has been around for a long time. However, only after the launch of a string of successful Google applications (such as Google Maps, Google Suggest, and Gmail) it gained enormous and lasting popularity.

In its bare bone, AJAX makes direct calls to server using the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object. The XMLHttpRequest object has a readyState property with 5 possible values, a value of 4 indicates a call to server is complete and the calling party can update part of the page based on the response sent back from the server.


The raw infrastructure and logic of AJAX is very simple. However, using AJAX in its raw form to write truly interactive and appealing web pages demands extensive skills in JavaScript and sidestepping the various traps caused by the subtle differences between various browsers. It also entails that programmers reinvent the wheel, repeatedly rewriting the same code to recreate the same behavior for common controls. Therefore, many AJAX frameworks have sprung up to free programmers from toiling around sending request and processing responses at its lowest level. Many frameworks also provide a set of sophisticated tools and protocols. ASP.NET AJAX (formerly known as ATLAS) is such a comprehensive yet still fast evolving framework designed for ASP.NET.

An ASP.NET AJAX application can be both server-centric or client centric. In a server-centric application, partial page updates are administrated by a server control called UpdatePanel. It behaves as a intermediate broker between the requesting and responding party, as shown in the following diagram:

For a regular ASP.NET server page to realize partial page-update, the easiest way is to place one or more parts of web page inside an UpdatePanel. A web page can have multiple UpdatePanel controls, an UpdatePanel can also have nested UpdatePanel controls. It is also allowed to have controls outside of an UpdatePanel defined as triggers to fire a partial update.

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While it is possible for the UpdatePanel control to work with client script, the functionalities are rather limited - such as stopping and canceling asynchronous postbacks, custom error-message handling, etc. And you must call a reference to the PageRequestManager class in the Microsoft AJAX library. It is more common to use the AJAX library to create custom client components to enable client behaviors, and then use these components as server controls' extensions. The host of components provided by the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit is such custom client components.

In a client-centric AJAX application, a JavaScript function directly calls a Webservice through a script proxy class. Again a new set of rules must be strictly followed. First for a webservice to be consumed by a client-side script, it must be marked with the ScriptService attribute. In the calling page, a reference to the Webservice must be placed inside a ScriptManager control and specify its path to the Webservice, as in the following code:

<asp:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="scriptManager"> <Services> <asp:ServiceReference path="MyWebService.asmx" /> </Services></asp:ScriptManager>

It is also possible to for a JavaScript to call a static page method that is marked with the [WebMethod] keyword.


To enable the communication between server and client, more importantly, to enable partial page rendering, ASP.NET has two major approaches: one is script callbacks, the other ASP.NET AJAX. While script callbacks represents an earlier primitive approach which leaves much to be desired, ASP.NET AJAX represents a sophisticated framework that includes server and client-side components, a JavaScript library (AJAX library), and a collection of server-side classes and methods (AJAX extensions).

While ASP.NET AJAX has enjoyed a lot of exposure and gained lasting popularity and influence, script callbacks are much less well-known. However, given that script callbacks are extensively used by such ASP.NET controls as the TreeView and GridView, its approach still merits some exploration. Therefore this article showed the details of the usage of script callbacks, examining some of its downsides, and briefly introduces the underlying logic of AJAX, and the programming models of ASP.NET AJAX in particular.



out- of – band- call

If you're involved in Web development you may have faced a problem that you

couldn't find a good solution for—making client-to-server calls outside the current

page. For example, you might want to validate the content of a textbox against data

stored on the server asynchronously, without interrupting the continuity of the work

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or without forcing a full page refresh, which is particularly heavy for UI-rich pages.

How would you code such an out-of-band call from the client to the server and back?

There are a few issues to address to solve this problem. First and foremost,

you need to set up a parallel HTTP channel for sending the request and getting the response. The new request should be invisible to the user to avoid any interference with the displayed page.

Finally, the response you get from this invisible request must be merged with the current page through dynamic changes to the document object model (DOM) of the page.

The great news about the scripting object model in ASP.NET 2.0 is that it allows calls to server events from client code without causing the page to post back and refresh. This is implemented through a callback mechanism.

In this column, I'll outline the problem and discuss some feasible solutions. Then, I'll focus on the details of the ASP.NET 2.0 script callback implementation and provide a tiny but effective framework that you can use in ASP.NET 1.x as well.

Script callback in asp.net from msdn

Out-of-Band Calls

The display of a Web page is the final step in a relatively simple process that begins with an HTTP command sent by a browser to a target URL or IP address.

The browser opens a socket to the specified IP address, sends the packets, and waits for the response.

When the response text arrives, it is displayed according to its content type.

As a result, the previously displayed page is wiped out and fully replaced with the new one.

This pattern remains valid even when a page posts to itself—the common pattern with ASP.NET pages. In this case, the page's output is cleared and redisplayed—an effect that might not be desired by the user. If you can make assumptions about the browser's capabilities, I recommend you take another route: out-of-band calls.

It's an alternative postback pattern that proves particularly effective for rich client Web applications.

In this process I have a component in the currently viewed page opening a socket to the specified remote URL and sending a request. If the request is sent asynchronously, the user can continue working with the page in a non-blocking way without experiencing delays or waiting. When the response is fully downloaded on the client, the same component detects the event, retrieves the information from the

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response, and decides how to update the page. While the request is ongoing, the user continues to see the same page unchanged. When the new data arrives, the component refreshes the current user interface taking full advantage of the browser's capabilities—namely, DHTML support. This generic pattern can find various implementations—the first was Remote Scripting; the latest incarnation is ASP.NET 2.0 script callbacks.

A few years ago, Microsoft released an interesting technology—Remote Scripting—that, for whatever reason, was never embraced by as broad an audience as it deserved.

Remote Scripting closely follows the model I just described. It uses some client-side script to trigger a Java-language applet which, in turn, opens the socket to the destination URL.

The remote URL must be a classic ASP page that includes a call to the server-side layer of Remote Scripting and exposes an object with a given name—public_description.

The particular naming schema required here serves to define the contract between the caller and the server page. (In classic ASP, there's still no notion of interfaces.)

The return value of the call must be a string.

The string is processed on the client and passed to a JavaScript callback function for merging the content with the rest of the page.

Using Remote Scripting is effective because it works with a fair number of browsers and doesn't require a recent version of Microsoft® Internet Explorer. However, the mechanism of out-of-band calls—regardless of how you code them—is really powerful only if the browser allows for dynamic changes to the page. Otherwise, you can do little more than display a pop-up message. For more information about Remote Scripting, check out the article at Using Remote Scripting.

Another implementation of the out-of-band pattern that has been around for a while is based on Web services. The webservice.htc DHTML behavior is a simple, lightweight component that encapsulates the invocation of remote methods using the SOAP protocol. This behavior enables pages viewed with Internet Explorer 5.0 and later to communicate directly with Web services regardless of the platform.

In this case, you use XmlHTTP instead of a Java-language applet, but the idea behind the mechanism is similar. The bad news is that you are limited to an uplevel family of browsers; the good news is that you can access server-side code on virtually any platform precisely because a Web service is involved. More information and the source code of the webservice.htc behavior is available for download at WebService Behavior.

All in all, out-of-band calls are an old problem that developers (including developers at Microsoft) made several attempts to solve. However, until ASP.NET 2.0 no solution was fully integrated with the hosting framework.

In ASP.NET 2.0 the scripting model of the Page object is enriched with callback abilities that provide an ASP.NET-specific implementation of a kind of remote

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scripting. I'll take a look at that next, then I'll move on to provide an implementation that works with ASP.NET 1.x.

ASP.NET 2.0 Script Callbacks

In ASP.NET 2.0, the overall scripting model has been significantly enhanced. In addition to script callbacks, you have full access to the contents of the page's <head> tag, can programmatically assign the input focus to a particular control, read and write the title of the page, and make buttons and other controls post to any page in the application. Check out the Beta 1 documentation for quick examples and references.

To use ASP.NET 2.0 script callbacks,

you define a trigger element in the page (not a Submit button) and bind it to some JavaScript code.

This code will retrieve input data from the current page input fields and prepare a call to a system-provided script function named WebForm_DoCallback in Beta 1.

This function is expected (in the final release) to open the HTTP connection to the specified remote ASP.NET page.


The ASP.NET runtime detects a callback invocation and executes a particular method on the page.

The return value of the server-side method is passed back to the client as the response to the previous request.

On the client ,

the response gets passed to a user-defined JavaScript callback function that can then update the user interface via DHTML.

The bottom line is that a round-trip still occurs, but the page is not fully refreshed. More importantly, the user can continue working with the controls in the page while the parallel request is served. Figure 1 shows the architecture of script callbacks in ASP.NET 2.0.

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Figure 1 Script Callbacks

You can use callbacks to update individual elements of a page, such as a chart or a panel, provide different views of the same data, download additional information on demand, or auto-fill one or more fields. In particular, the ASP.NET 2.0 TreeView control uses script callbacks extensively to implement its expand/collapse features and the GridView control uses callbacks to page and sort without explicit postbacks.

Using Script Callbacks

Developing an ASP.NET 2.0 page that makes use of script callbacks is a two-step procedure.

First, you write the server-side code that will be invoked from the client.

In doing so, you basically define the data model for the call. You decide what information must be exchanged and in which format. The actual type being exchanged must be a string, but the contents of the string can be quite different—JavaScript, XML, a comma-separated string of values, and so on.

The second step requires you to define the client-side code to trigger the out-of-band call.

The remote invocation begins when a call is made to a built-in JavaScript function named WebForm_DoCallback.

You don't necessarily need to know the name and signature of this function, as you can get it from a new member of the Page class—the GetCallbackEventReference method:

string js = GetCallbackEventReference(this, arg, func, "null", "null");

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A call to this JavaScript function is bound to a clickable element in the page—for example, a <button> tag.

It is essential that the clickable element not be a Submit button.

For this reason, you can't render this button using the <asp:button> control because such a server control outputs the submit button markup:

<input type="submit" id="button" ...>

You need to attach some client-side code (the onclick handler) to an HTML element that can fire an event if the user interacts with it.

Note that if you associate a client's onclick handler with a Submit button, the client code is executed properly, but after that the page posts back and cancels all the dynamic changes brought about by the remote out-of-band call.

So far I have discussed the code needed to instruct the client page to open a channel to the server and send an HTTP request to a remote ASP.NET page. What happens next?

As expected, the ASP.NET runtime takes care of the request and begins processing it. First, the page HTTP handler (the ProcessRequest method on the Page class) determines the postback mode by looking at the request headers and body, including the __VIEWSTATE hidden field. Next, it figures out if the page is being invoked on an out-of-band call. If so, it sets the public IsCallback property of the Page to true. To determine the callback mode, the ASP.NET runtime looks for a __CALLBACKID entry in the Request collection. If such an entry is found, the runtime concludes that a callback invocation is being made. So, how is a callback invocation different from a postback invocation?

The runtime checks to see if the referenced control on a requested page implements the ICallbackEventHandler interface (which could be the page itself). A page that implements an interface will have the following directive (this holds true for ASP.NET 1.x too):

<%@ Implements Interface="System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler" %>

If the control implements the required interface, the ASP.NET runtime invokes the

RaiseCallbackEvent method on the interface and prepares the response from the

results of the call.

The ICallbackEventHandler interface features just one method with the following signature:

string RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument)

The actual parameter for the method is retrieved from the Request collection of

posted values. The string representation of the input data is contained in an entry

named __CALLBACKPARAM. Once again, this string can actually contain everything

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you want and need, including XML data or Base64 data, comma-separated values,

dates, numbers, and so forth. Let's consider an example.

Refresh the Data, Not the Page

Figure   2 contains the source of an ASP.NET 2.0 page that takes advantage of script callbacks. It looks like an ordinary page except for a few additional features, the most important of which are the implementation of the ICallbackEventHandler interface and the JavaScript code to refresh the page at the end of the call. The key things to notice are the client-side mechanism to trigger the out-of-band call, the server-side code that serves the call, and the client-side JavaScript code to merge results with the current page.

As I mentioned, you need an interactive HTML element that doesn't submit the page. The HTML 4.0 <button> tag is a good choice here. However, because it needs a dynamically generated onclick event handler, you must mark it with the runat attribute:

<button runat="server" id="btn">More Info</button>

The onclick handler points to a built-in piece of JavaScript code that initiates and controls the out-of-band call. The GetCallbackEventReference method on the Page class returns the script string that starts the callback:

string js = GetCallbackEventReference(this,


"UpdateEmployeeViewHandler", "null", "null");

btn.Attributes["onclick"] = String.Format("javascript:{0}", js);

The function receives the arguments described in Figure   3 . In the previous code snippet, I'm making the call to the current page and passing the value of the item currently selected in a page's dropdown list. UpdateEmployeeViewHandler is the name of the JavaScript function that will merge callback results with the current page. Context is any DHTML reference or extra information you want to pass to the callback is useful to the merge process. Finally, the error callback is a JavaScript function that is automatically invoked if an error occurs during the callback. As you can see in Figure 4, you select an employee in the dropdown list and click the button to raise a callback event on the server. The handler for the button is shown in the following code snippet:

<button id="buttonTrigger"



UpdateEmployeeViewHandler, null, null)">

More Info


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In addition, the markup of the page contains the related instructions shown in the following code:

<script src="WebResource.axd?a=s&amp;r=WebForms.js&amp;t={...}"

type="text/javascript" />

<script type="text/javascript">


var pageUrl='/Intro20/Samples/Ch01/Callback/Invoke.aspx';


// -->


WebResource.axd is a new built-in HTTP handler in ASP.NET 2.0 that's used to

retrieve script code into pages. This handler guarantees that all the script code

necessary to perform the callback is correctly referenced within the page or control.

In particular, WebResource.axd ensures that calls to WebForm_DoCallback and

WebForm_InitCallback are successfully resolved. If you want to take a look at the real

source code behind script callbacks in ASP.NET 2.0, open the Temporary Internet

Files folder on your Web server machine and look up the file WebResource.axd. The

code injected through this HTTP handler represents the callback manager in charge

of sending the request and handling the results. The manager registers any

JavaScript callback function and calls it back when the server event has been fully

processed. The <script> blocks I just showed you are inserted in the page when you

call the GetCallbackEventReference function. For this reason, you should never use

WebForm_DoCallback directly; the call will fail if the right <script> blocks aren't

inserted and properly initialized. Another good reason for not calling

WebForm_DoCallback directly is that this name is not part of the public page API. As

such, it may change without notice in future builds of ASP.NET 2.0 as well as in future

minor or major upgrades of the platform.

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Figure 4 Trying it Out

The ID of the currently selected employee (shown in Figure 4) is ultimately passed to the server-side implementation of the ICallbackEventHandler interface and then it's used to retrieve the information for the client:

string RaiseCallbackEvent (string eventArgument)


// Get more info about the specified employee

int empID = Convert.ToInt32 (eventArgument);

EmployeesManager empMan = new EmployeesManager();

EmployeeInfo emp = empMan.GetEmployeeDetails(empID);

// Prepare the string for the script callback.

string buf = "";


return buf;


The format of the event argument string is arbitrary and left up to you. The same is true for the string you return to the script callback—the aforementioned UpdateEmployeeViewHandler function that you see in Figure   5 .

To merge the server-side generated values with the existing page, you typically use the page's DHTML object model. You give each updateable HTML tag a unique ID and modify its contents scriptwise using the innerHTML property or any other property and method the DOM supplies. Figure 4 shows the state once a callback operation has completed. More importantly, there's no postback visible to the user even though a round-trip still occurs under the hood.

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Under the Hood of ASP.NET 2.0

To understand how to implement script callbacks in ASP.NET 1.x, you should learn exactly what really happens in ASP.NET 2.0. In particular, you should figure out the contents of the HTTP request sent and what component is used to accomplish that. The ASP.NET 2.0 documentation states that in order to take advantage of script callbacks the user must be running Internet Explorer 5.0 or later. The prototype of WebForm_DoCallback is shown here:

function WebForm_DoCallback(









It uses a COM object to issue an HTTP POST or GET command to the specified target

URL. The COM object used here is an old acquaintance of many developers:

var xmlRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

The HTTP verb is GET or POST depending on the size of the data to send. If the size exceeds 2KB, a POST command is used. The HTTP request consists of three logical elements: __CALLBACKID, __CALLBACKPARAM, and posted data. The __CALLBACKID value contains the destination URL (the event target parameter), whereas __CALLBACKPARAM carries the input parameter for the server-side stub method. The posted data is collected by the WebForm_InitCallback method and appended to the HTTP command. The following pseudocode shows how to initiate the out-of-band request:

var xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

xml.onreadystatechange = callback;


postData = __theFormPostData +

"__CALLBACKID=" + eventTarget +

"&__CALLBACKPARAM=" + escape(eventArgument);

xml.open("POST", pageUrl, true);


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When the request terminates, the specified callback is invoked to complete the job. As an aside, be aware that the Microsoft.XmlHttp COM object ships with Internet Explorer 5.0 and later. And, of course, these implementation details are subject to change.

Script Callbacks in ASP.NET 1.x

At this point, I'd say that implementing script callbacks in ASP.NET 1.x shouldn't be that hard. You need a common piece of JavaScript code to inject into all pages that intend to support client callbacks. This code should initiate and control the remote URL invocation. The code in Figure   6 provides a possible implementation, instantiating the XmlHttp object and preparing a POST command. The function (named DoCallback in the example) extends the query string of the URL with a couple of parameters. The first parameter, Callback, contains a Boolean parameter to indicate whether or not the request is going to be a regular postback or a callback. The second parameter, Param, contains the input parameters for the server-side code. Note that the code in Figure   6 can be easily extended to work asynchronously:

xmlRequest.onreadystatechange = callbackFunction;

The following snippet shows a piece of client code that, attached to a button, fires the client callback and refreshes the user interface:

function MoreInfo()


var selectedEmpID = document.all["EmployeeList"].value;

var xml = DoCallback("webform1.aspx", selectedEmpID);

// Sync updates

Msg.innerHTML = xml.responseText;


How is the server page structured? Figure   7 shows the full source code of a page just like it. In the Page_Load event handler, you check to see if the request is a callback using code like this:

if (Request.QueryString["callback"] != null)


string param;

param = Request.QueryString["param"].ToString();


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return true;


If the query string contains the Callback parameter, you invoke a predefined function

—here RaiseCallbackEvent—and pass the return value to Response. Next, you flush

the output buffer and end the request. That's it.

It is worth noting that in ASP.NET 1.x you need to verify yourself if the request is a callback. This check is necessary for any implementation, but in ASP.NET 2.0 it is buried in the Page class.


Script callbacks allow you to execute out-of-band calls back to the server. These calls are special postbacks, so a round-trip always occurs; however, unlike classic postbacks, script callbacks don't redraw the whole page and they give users the illusion that everything is taking place on the client. ASP.NET 2.0 provides a built-in mechanism for client callbacks based on the services of a COM object that ships with Internet Explorer 5.0 and later. By using the same object, you can implement a script callback mechanism in ASP.NET 1.x as well. The companion code, available from the link at the top of this article, provides a sample implementation.

Cutting edge from msdn---

Asynchrounous calls

ContentsWays to AJAX in ASP.NETThe Straight Way to ASP.NET AJAXUpdatePanel and the Interceptor PatternTaking Control of Out-of-Band CallsPage Methods vs. Web Service MethodsMy Way to ASP.NET AJAX

Unless you've spent the past 12 months disconnected from the Net-perhaps vacationing

on a remote tropical island or participating in a reality game show-you should know a

few things about AJAX. But I'll do a quick refresher just in case.

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First, there's the acronym-it stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Then there is its purpose: a true breakthrough, AJAX makes possible solutions that would be otherwise impossible or just impractical to obtain. And finally, you should understand what AJAX is made up of. It's not a technology, per se. Instead, it is a blanket term to indicate rich browser applications built using powerful combinations of client-side Web technologies that have been around for years, such as JavaScript, cascading style sheets (CSS), DHTML, and XMLHttpRequest.

A large share of the browsers currently available support a common set of features-and these features allow Web developers to build applications that are very interactive, able to refresh quickly, and capable of doing a good deal of work on the client. Leveraging theses capabilities, AJAX applications provide rich user experiences that are similar to using desktop applications. Furthermore, AJAX makes it easier than ever to create "mash-up" applications. A mash-up is simply a Web application that combines information from multiple sources (for example, bringing together Microsoft® Virtual Earth™ with property sales information to create a helpful real estate tool).

I actually think that AJAX is so big, so important, that it will be forgotten in the next year or so. What? This is because I think AJAX will be absorbed by everybody in the industry, becoming a standard part of everyday life that we just don't think about-like today you don't feel the need to emphasize the use of XML or HTTP.

Unveiled at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference in September 2005, Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX (formerly referred to as "Atlas") adds many new capabilities to ASP.NET 2.0 (see ajax.asp.net), all of which are geared towards making it easy to add AJAX-based functionality to your Web sites. In this month's column, I examine ASP.NET AJAX, looking closely at some of its key features. This column assumes you have at least some degree of familiarity with the basic concepts and tools. For a good introduction, see the article "Atlas at Last: ASP.NET Atlas Powers the AJAX-Style Sites You've Been Waiting For" by Matt Gibbs in the July 2006 issue of MSDN®Magazine. Also, see the sidebar "Still Synchronous for Now" for some additional information.

Ways to AJAX in ASP.NET

What new application functions can you build with AJAX? More specifically, what functions can you build using asynchronous JavaScript calls and the browser's object model? There are three main technologies that enable AJAX functionality: remote method calls, client-side data binding, and visual effects. Remote method calls sounds a bit too vague, so I'll narrow this to partial page postbacks and out-of-band requests.

How do you turn your new or existing ASP.NET apps into AJAX applications? It has been reported that more than 100 frameworks for AJAX development exist today-they support a variety of platforms and utilize a number of programming approaches. In general, I tend to group AJAX frameworks into three main categories based on their capabilities: callback frameworks, UI frameworks, and full frameworks.

A callback framework consists of a simple set of client and server libraries. It doesn't let you do much more than invoke a piece of server-side code from the client, moving input

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and output parameters in a serialized format. A typical UI framework is the evolution of an existing professional control library that provides advanced grid, charting, and tree controls. These support asynchronous postbacks and injecting JavaScript code on the client for automatic page refreshes. Finally, a full framework provides a rich programming model that includes controls and application services, preferably on both the client and the server. Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX falls into this third category.

If you already use a commercial suite of controls, upgrading to the next AJAX-powered version will likely be a seamless experience. If you develop applications entirely in-house and take care of the presentation layer as well as the back-end layers, then a full framework is the most viable option. Finally, a simple framework is useful only to add quick callback capabilities to existing ASP.NET applications, for both version 1.1 and 2.0.

ASP.NET 2.0 already provides a built-in script callback API, which I've written about in this column several times, for instance "Cutting Edge: Script Callbacks in ASP.NET" and "Cutting Edge: Custom Script Callbacks in ASP.NET"). And in the companion code for this column, I've included a demo of an extremely simple AJAX framework for remote method calls. It uses just 50 lines of code, part in JavaScript and part in managed code. Obviously, it can't compete with ASP.NET AJAX, but it can be used as the core code to add basic AJAX capabilities to ASP.NET 1.1 applications.

The Straight Way to ASP.NET AJAX

ASP.NET AJAX is composed of two distinct, though not mutually exclusive, APIs: client and server. You can build AJAX functionalities using direct client-side programming, traditional server-side programming, or any combination of the two. Any AJAX-based page inherently requires some client-side JavaScript code to address the browser's document object model (DOM) and any application-specific extension. It isn't necessary, however, to leave the writing of such a script code up to the ASP.NET programmer. A framework, in fact, could generate made-to-measure script code as the output of a server-side control. This form of indirect page updating is by far the simplest way to add AJAX capabilities to new and existing ASP.NET 2.0 pages. In ASP.NET AJAX, page updates can be governed by a piece of client code automatically injected by a server control-the UpdatePanel control.

The UpdatePanel control represents the nerve center of the server-centric programming model of ASP.NET AJAX. It lets you execute server-side code and return updated markup to the client browser. You may wonder how this differs from classic postbacks. The difference is in how the postback is implemented-instead of a full page refresh, the UpdatePanel control manages to send an out-of-band request for fresh markup and then update the DOM tree when the response is ready.

The client-centric programming model of ASP.NET is centered around the ability of placing calls to remote endpoints (mostly, but not exclusively, ASP.NET Web services and Windows® Communication Foundation services). When initiated straight from the client browser, a call to a remote endpoint requires a JavaScript proxy and a pinch of JavaScript code. Finally, client-side data binding can be viewed as an extension to the classic

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JavaScript runtime and DOM. In a purely client-side programming style, you connect to a remote endpoint, download data, and bind it to a DOM subtree. The structure of the template remains on the client, along with some state information, and only raw data is moved from the server to the client.

There are three main approaches to programming in ASP.NET AJAX. Figure   1 outlines these tools and tells you when they are most appropriate to use.

UpdatePanel and the Interceptor Pattern

The UpdatePanel control heralds a programming style where page contents update without complete page refreshes and without a need for client-side programming. In ASP.NET AJAX lingo, this is referred to as partial rendering. The UpdatePanel control is the most visible component involved in enabling this capability. However, the real brains behind the internal implementation of partial rendering is the ScriptManager control. Still, the UpdatePanel control is the main tool developers use when writing pages that are partially updatable.

A Web page refresh can be obtained in either of two ways-manually clicking on a Submit button or programmatically calling into the submit method of the DOM form object. In both cases, the browser freezes the current page and sends a new request to the back-end Web server. The incoming response then overrides the existing contents.

The purpose of the UpdatePanel control is simply to hook up this process. It intercepts form submissions, captures any information being sent, and sends the same information through an out-of-band call based on XMLHttpRequest. The UpdatePanel control also adds some extra information to indicate which selection of controls are to be processed and rendered on the server-partial page rendering.

The behavior that results out of the UpdatePanel control is fully described by the interceptor pattern. The pattern refers to any external component that observes an object call and injects its own code between the caller and the receiver. In this way, the external component takes full control of the operation, controls how the task is accomplished, and returns a valid response to the caller. Figure 2 illustrates the implementation of this pattern in ASP.NET AJAX.

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Figure 2 UpdatePanel Control and the Interceptor Pattern (Click the image for a larger


The script code that is injected into the client page registers a handler for the form's onsubmit DOM event. This new handler simply replaces the classic request with one that goes through XMLHttpRequest and passes extra information. In particular, it adds the name of the UpdatePanel control responsible for the postback to the existing list of input fields. The modified contents for a page with a pageable grid look like this:







The ScriptManager pseudo parameter refers to the ID of the UpdatePanel control that is responsible for the postback. Only the controls associated with the specified UpdatePanel control will be refreshed and their modified markup sent back to the browser, along with updated viewstate information.

Partial rendering is a common feature in various AJAX frameworks, although the internal implementations vary. Most of the differences have to do with the approach used to associate updatable controls with the request. In ASP.NET AJAX, updatable controls are grouped in an outermost container control (the UpdatePanel). Everything inside the container is rendered out to markup-this represents the delta of the currently displayed page. One alternative approach is to require that individual controls register programmatically with the framework for rendering over AJAX-style postbacks. This is more or less what happens in ASP.NET 2.0 with controls that support control state.

A more granular, more flexible approach than grouping controls in a container is to have each individual control decide how it renders AJAX-style postbacks. However, you'll also need additional codebehind instructions or ad hoc controls should be used. While good for control libraries and other such products, this approach is far too intrusive for a Web

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framework such as ASP.NET.

The UpdatePanel control is a class that's derived from System.Web.UI.Panel. A UI-free container of child ASP.NET controls, UpdatePanel can contain any ASP.NET server controls and doesn't require you to use any special AJAX-enabled controls. By using UpdatePanel, AJAX programming is done entirely on the server using the same application model and programming style as classic ASP.NET. Developers don't need to learn about JavaScript or the client-side Microsoft AJAX Library. Likewise, they have no exposure to XML Script or the browser's DOM.

Transforming a traditional ASP.NET page into an AJAX page is a two-step operation. First, you add a ScriptManager control to the page. You then wrap any group of controls that you want to refresh partially and asynchronously with an UpdatePanel control. The UpdatePanel control supports nesting scenarios and can be created dynamically, and an ASP.NET page can contain as many UpdatePanel controls as you want.

The actual update is triggered in two possible ways: when child controls post back and when specific external events occur. Through triggers and other properties you can make each UpdatePanel control refresh its contents conditionally.

With the UpdatePanel control, you can migrate ASP.NET pages to AJAX piecemeal and do so very quickly. The same ASP.NET page, in fact, can fire both AJAX-style and classic postbacks. For this reason, UpdatePanel must move the view state of the page with each and every request. In particular, the view state is sent to the server, updated to reflect changes on selected controls, and then downloaded to the client. The same happens to event validation data. View state and event validation data cannot be updated on the client and for this reason must be sent back to the server, checked for tampering, and properly updated. Having up-to-date copies of the view state and event validation data available on the client is key to maintaining the page in a consistent state while allowing successful postbacks, in both AJAX and classic styles.

Ultimately, UpdatePanel is the easiest approach to learn for ASP.NET AJAX, it involves the least possible upgrade and migration work, and it is fully interoperable between classic and AJAX pages. When you use updatable panels, pages refresh more quickly. In fact, these updates are sometimes too fast for users to note the changes. For this reason, a busy panel that tells what's going on may not be enough. A busy panel like the UpdateProgress control is designed for long tasks-not to give users feedback on displayed changes. A better tool for giving users feedback on such changes is the UpdatePanelAnimation extender, which is defined in the latest CTP of the AJAX Control Toolkit. You can see a sample of this in action. The extender animates the area covered by UpdatePanel during the postback. In particular, you can specify animations for the updating and updated events on the extender. Note, though, that you have to install the AJAX Control Toolkit separately, as it is not incorporated in the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions download.

Taking Control of Out-of-Band Calls

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If you're comfortable with JavaScript and want to try making direct server calls from the client, you have two main options: using Web services and calling into static page methods.

By registering an ASMX Web service with the script manager, you instruct the ASP.NET AJAX infrastructure to generate a JavaScript proxy class and inject it into the client page. You can take a look at the proxy class by typing the URL of the Web service into the address bar (local machine) followed by the /js suffix. Here's an example of a JavaScript proxy for a Web service with two public methods. The code has been simplified for reading:


Samples.MyWebService = new function()


this.appPath = "http://YourServer/AjaxDemo/";

var cm = Sys.Net.ServiceMethod.createProxyMethod;

cm(this, "LookupCustomer", "id");

cm(this, "LookupAllCustomers");


This code makes it possible for you to call the Web service from a script tag. It uses the classic Proxy pattern, and the overall mechanism is exactly the same as when you're using Web services on the server in classic ASP.NET or in Windows applications.

There are some caveats, though. What kind of server-side code would you call from a client? Or, put another way, what kind of operations do you expect to be invoked from the client on Web services? Web services that are invoked from AJAX pages expose some business logic to the client pages. A public endpoint, a Web service can be invoked from the Internet and there's no built-in security layer to protect your application logic. This vulnerability is nothing new.

ASP.NET AJAX gives developers a chance to expose some application logic through Web services. Once published on the Internet, this logic (not protected by any security layer) is available to any callers. In general, you should only expose data and logic that is considered safe for Internet use. There might be no real problem if you write and invoke a Web service that returns a products catalog. However, exposing the business logic layer (BLL), including, for example, the credit card verification process, is not something you should do.

ASP.NET AJAX leads you to use Web services to expose BLL to client pages for direct use. You should think of AJAX Web services as a sort of non-critical, user interface layer BLL. Any truly sensitive pieces of BLL should be invoked using classic postbacks or UpdatePanel controls.

To link Web services directly to an ASP.NET AJAX page, they must be local Web services hosted in the same Web application as the caller page. There are two main reasons for this requirement. First, the Web service must be backed by an ASP.NET AJAX application that knows how to handle the /js suffix appended to each request. You could, however,

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use another ASP.NET AJAX application to host the Web service. In this case, your client calls might clash with the stricter security settings in recent browsers that prevent cross-site calls.

Page Methods vs. Web Service Methods

Another possible approach to binding server code to ASP.NET AJAX pages is to invoke page methods. A callable page method is a public static (or Shared in Visual Basic® .NET) method defined in the codebehind class and decorated with the same WebMethod attribute used for Web service methods. At present, this is limited to ASPX pages-both inline and codebehind code-but might be extended in the future to user controls and custom controls.

I should note that the ASMX Web services and page methods require different settings. In particular, you must register Web services with the script manager and you must install a script HTTP module to run page methods. Figure   3 shows what's needed in the web.config file.

To register a Web service and force the generation of the proxy you need the following:

<asp:ScriptManager ID="scriptManager1" runat="server">


<asp:ServiceReference Path="~/WebServices/MyDataService.asmx" />



You'll also need additional attributes to decorate the Web service class. In particular, you need the ScriptService attribute to enable the generation of the JavaScript proxy class and GenerateScriptType for each custom type you plan to use, except for generic types. Figure   4 shows an example.

The GenerateScriptType must be applied for the Customer type, but not for the CustomerCollection if this type is defined to derive from the generic Collection<T> class, for which ASP.NET AJAX has built-in support:

public class CustomerCollection : Collection<Customer> {}

The HTTP module required for page methods hooks up the default HTTP handler for ASPX requests and redirects the rendering stage to a custom piece of code that executes the specified method and serializes return values.

Both the page methods approach and the Web service methods approach help you access the back-end BLL. Like publicly exposed Web service methods, page methods can

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easily be automated from the address bar of a browser-it only requires some elementary JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) skills. Thus, you should be just as careful with these page methods as with the WebMethods in terms of what BLL logic you expose.

In the end, whether you use page methods or Web service methods is really just a matter of preference. In both cases, you should call into a façade layer that then routes to the proper BLL function, as shown in Figure 5. Web service methods can be called from any page, provided you register the endpoint to the service in each page. Page methods can only be called from the page that defines them. Currently, my personal preference is to use page methods.

Figure 5 Comparison of Page and Web Service Methods (Click the image for a larger


Both ASP.NET AJAX Web service methods and page methods make extensive use of JSON to pass object data around. A lightweight data-interchange format, JSON is used to serialize objects to strings. Because of its inherent simplicity, JSON is good for both people and machines. More people can write and read JSON strings than can write and read SOAP packets. And JSON is very easy for machines to parse and process.

You might expect page methods to offer better performance than Web services. After all, to resolve Web service calls, the ASP.NET runtime has to parse SOAP packets. This, however, isn't exactly true. ASP.NET AJAX installs a tailor-made HTTP handler (see Figure   3 ) that intercepts all ASMX requests. Requests with a /js suffix are processed differently, working directly with the JSON payload and Web service method. As a result, no SOAP is involved whatsoever and the body of the request simply contains the JSON stream of input arguments. For non-AJAX requests, the new HTTP handler just delegates the call back to the original ASP.NET handler that understands SOAP.


All things considered, I think UpdatePanel is the best approach for the majority of development teams. It doesn't preclude classic ASP.NET and allows you to modify existing pages at your convenience. Also, it's unobtrusive and doesn't require you to learn many new things before starting. In addition, UpdatePanel gives the same level of protection for your BLL as classic Web pages and it fully supports asynchronous ASP.NET pages running lengthy tasks.

A final piece of advice: avoid mixing various AJAX platforms. In terms of JavaScript built-

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in object extensions, there might be collisions between ASP.NET AJAX and other frameworks. More importantly, there's no guarantee that a combination of products that works today will still work in the future. Any new version of any framework can introduce new collisions.

Still Synchronous for Now

AJAX functionalities  are often associated with asynchronous techniques.

Consequently, it is often assumed that ASP.NET AJAX does programming asynchronously

by default. This is certainly true from a client perspective—the task starts on the server

and the current page remains available for further interaction.

However, ASP.NET AJAX doesn't support ASP.NET 2.0 asynchronous pages, nor does it implement remote calls asynchronously (meaning via asynchronous HTTP handlers). The HTTP handler that serves AJAX Web service requests works synchronously. The same is true for the HTTP module that serves page methods, regardless of whether the ASP.NET page is marked for asynchronous processing. Most of these architectural issues will likely be worked out in a future version of ASP.NET, currently code-named "Orcas." For now, however, the best way out is to implement AJAX through the UpdatePanel control.

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Send your questions and comments for Dino to  [email protected].

Dino Esposito is a mentor at Solid Quality Learning and the author of Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 (Microsoft Press, 2005). Based in Italy, Dino is a frequent speaker at industry events worldwide. Get in touch with Dino at [email protected] or weblogs.asp.net/despos.

 From the February 2007 issue of MSDN Magazine.

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© 2007 Microsoft Corporation and CMP Media, LLC. All rights reserved; reproduction in part or in whole without permission is prohibited.

Related Articles from MSDN Magazine: Wicked Code: UpdatePanel Tips and Tricks by Jeff Prosise Wicked Code: Asynchronous Pages in ASP.NET 2.0 by Jeff Prosise Wicked Code: Scalable Apps with Asynchronous Programming in ASP.NET

by Jeff Prosise ASP.NET: ScriptManager Enables AJAX In Your Web Apps by Ben Rush Cutting Edge: AJAX Application Architecture, Part 1 by Dino Esposito ASP.NET: 10 Tips for Writing High-Performance Web Applications by Rob


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Find It: Integrate Search Into Your Site With ASP.NET by Marco Bellinaso

Cutting Edge: Canceling Server Tasks with ASP.NET AJAX by Dino Esposito

Cutting edge from msdn

ASP.NET client callbacks represent a neat and elegant way to execute server-side

code without posting and refreshing the current page.

I discussed ASP.NET callbacks in the August and December 2004 installments of

Cutting Edge, considering them from the perspective of rendered pages making

background callbacks to the server, sending input data to the relevant page, and

receiving a response.

The response string can then be processed by the client however it sees fit, often

manipulating the rendered page content through the Dynamic HTML (DHTML) object

model and a callback JavaScript function embedded in the page.

While that use of callbacks is exciting, they can do more.

A script callback mechanism can also add advanced functionalities to a server control.

By implementing a couple of interfaces, any custom control can be endowed with script callback capabilities to use background round-trips to collect server data and update the user interface—the topic I'll cover this month.

Inspired by GridView Controls

If you've read my recent ASP.NET 2.0 GridView feature article, you know that the GridView control does not require you to refresh the whole page in order to display a new page of records.

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In fact, the GridView control provides an advanced engine for paging and sorting that is based on ASP.NET script callbacks.

The data for the new page downloads behind the scenes, invisible to the user. Once it reaches the client, the data is collected by a JavaScript function and used to update the current view.

Paging and sorting callbacks are not 100 percent client-side solutions (if you need a purely client-side implementation, see the one Jeff Prosise built in the Wicked Code column in February 2004). The GridView's page and sort callbacks work on demand, downloading only the data needed; the whole data source is not downloaded onto the client. You still pay the price of a round-trip, but you're guaranteed the most current data even if that data has recently been updated on the server.

Having discovered that ASP.NET controls can support script callback capabilities had me all a-tingle for a while, and made me rush to figure out how to build my own.

Incidentally, the GridView is not the sole ASP.NET 2.0 control to sport a similar capability. Other view controls, such as TreeView, DetailsView, and FormView, provide the same feature out of the box. As a developer using a callback-enabled control, you don't need to cope with server-side code or worry about writing and embedding JavaScript code in the hosting page. The control takes care of everything and exposes an intuitive programming model through which you can control the script callback mechanism.

The ABC of Controls Script Callbacks

The ASP.NET script callback mechanism consists of two key elements:

the server-side code that executes in response to a user action and the JavaScript callback code on the client that processes the results generated by the server-side event.

In a scenario where a page calls back to itself, like the one I considered in the aforementioned articles, you can attach some ASP.NET-generated script code to a page button that performs a postback that's invisible to the user.

Because the target of this request is the current page, the page posts to itself, similar to how it would in an ordinary postback event, though with an abbreviated page lifecycle. The page must implement the ICallbackEventHandler interface so that a method with a predefined signature can be called to generate results for the client.

So how does the scenario differ when a control triggers the out-of-band call? In this case, the target URL of the "invisible" postback is the URL of the page that hosts the caller control. The control must implement the ICallbackEventHandler in order to provide a method that generates some results for the client.

Likewise, the control is responsible for injecting in the hosting page any JavaScript code that is needed to process results and refresh the page.

A callback-enabled control is simply a control that implements the ICallbackContainer and ICallbackEventHandler interfaces, both of which have one method.

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The ICallbackContainer interface has a method to return the script code that triggers the remote call;

the ICallbackEventHandler interface provides the server-side code to execute during the call.

ICallbackEventHandler is the same interface that a callback-enabled page must implement. The declaration for a sample custom control that implements callback interfaces is shown in the following code:

public class CallbackValidator : WebControl,

INamingContainer, ICallbackContainer, ICallbackEventHandler

In the implementation of the ICallbackContainer interface you may need to place a call to the page's GetCallbackEventReference method to obtain a correct JavaScript call to start the server event. I'll return to this later.

The CallbackValidator Control

To understand callback-enabled server controls, let's take a look at an example of a custom validator control powered by ASP.NET script callbacks. In ASP.NET, validation controls are used to check and verify the input of the form fields defined within a Web page. The validator is a server control that inherits from the BaseValidator class which, in turn, inherits from Label.

Each validation control references an input control located elsewhere in the page. When the page is about to be submitted, the contents of any monitored server control is passed to the validator for further processing. Each validator performs a different type of verification. For example, the CompareValidator control compares the user's entry against a fixed value using a comparison operator such as less-than, equal-to, or greater-than. The RangeValidator ensures that the user's entry falls within a specified range whereas the RegularExpressionValidator validates the user's entry only if it matches a pattern defined by a regular expression.

Normally, validation takes place on the server. However, ASP.NET also provides a complete client-side implementation for most validation controls and allows the user to write custom client-side script for the rest. This allows DHTML-enabled browsers, such as Microsoft® Internet Explorer version 4.0 and later, to perform validation on the client as soon as the user tabs or clicks out of a monitored input field. In many cases, client-side validation is powerful enough to detect many significant errors and notify users. For example, a RequiredFieldValidator control verifies that the given field is not left empty. There is no need to post back to the server to verify the current value.

If client-side validation is turned on, the page won't post back until all the input fields contain valid data. In order to run secure code and to prevent malicious and underhanded attacks, you should still validate data on the server; server-side validation is always performed by the validator controls even if client-side validation is also performed. Besides, not all types of validation can be accomplished on the

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client. In fact, if you need to validate against a database, there's no choice but to post back to the server. And this is just where the rub lies.

A regular postback involves the page as a whole. The entire view state is uploaded, the entire page is processed, and the same large response is generated, downloaded, and rendered. Wouldn't it be nice if you could issue an out-of-band, optimized request to the server and check the state of only the controls under validation?

In ASP.NET there's no such a control. So let's write one that I'll name CallbackValidator. CallbackValidator is a custom ASP.NET 2.0 control I built to demo how a control can implement out-of-band calls to the host page and handle the event itself on the server.

When I embarked on this project, I actually had a not-so-ambitious objective: my goal was simply to modify the CustomValidator standard control. For the record, the CustomValidator control employs programmatically defined validation logic to check the validity of the user's entry. You use this approach when the values to check against are not known beforehand. The original intention of the CallbackValidator control was to offer a way to perform server-side validation without posting back the whole page. I was halfway finished with modifying my control when I realized that with no significant extra effort I could have had a custom button-like control capable of validating a number of input fields on the server without posting back the whole page. This behavior is what the CallbackValidator control is all about.

Before I delve into the control's nuts and bolts, take a look at Figure 1. The Submit button on this page just posts all the values to the server the usual way. In practice, values will be processed on the client and if all of them pass, the control passes to the server where all control input will be validated using the server-side validation code, if any. The Validate button triggers an out-of-band call to the Web server and validates only the specified input controls. When it returns, you know which values have passed validation by the server. In Figure 1, for example, you'll know whether the user ID is already taken before you try to submit the rest of the data.

Figure 1 Input Form with a Callback-Enabled Validation

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Figure   2 shows the source code of this page. As you can see, it contains an HTML server form, a few textboxes (each bound to a standard validation control), and an instance of the custom CallbackValidator control. This control is actually responsible for creating and displaying the Validate button.

How the Control Works

The CallbackValidator control inherits from WebControl and implements the INamingContainer interface. In addition, it implements the ICallbackContainer and ICallbackEventHandler interfaces for callback support.

The ICallbackContainer interface requires a method, GetCallbackScript, declared like so:

string GetCallbackScript(IButtonControl buttonControl, string argument)

GetCallbackScript takes two arguments. The first is a reference to the page's control

that is expected to trigger the callback. The second argument (a string) represents

any context the caller wants to pass to the method to help with the construction of

the output. As the name suggests, the GetCallbackScript method prepares and

returns a string with the JavaScript function call to attach to the specified button

control to trigger the remote call.

The button control argument allows you to specify exactly which button in the control's UI you're making the JavaScript call for. The sample CallbackValidator control has just one clickable button; the GridView control has many, one for each link button in the pager or in the header. In ASP.NET 2.0, all controls that act like a button on a form are required to implement a new interface—IButtonControl. The interface is detailed in Figure   3 and is implemented by the following Web controls: Button, LinkButton, and ImageButton. By design, HTML button controls do not implement the interface. Note that in the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.x, the IButtonControl interface exists (albeit with a radically different set of members) only for Windows® Forms button controls.

The second interface required by a callback-enabled control is ICallbackEventHandler—the same interface required on pages that support script callbacks. The interface consists of one method:

string RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument)

The method receives input values in the form of a string, does some server-side work, and returns its response again in the form of a string. What matters here is that both input and output data can travel packed as strings; the real content and format of the strings is up to the coder.

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Before I discuss the implementation of the CallbackValidator control, take a look at Figure   4 , which illustrates how the control fits in the page's HTTP handler that processes requests for ASPX resources. The CallbackValidator control looks like a button with some script code attached. The script code is just what its GetCallbackScript method returns. When clicked, the button (Validate) fires the background postback sending view state, current input values, plus a couple of custom strings named CALLBACKPARAM and CALLBACKID. The former contains the input value for RaiseCallbackEvent as created in the body of the GetCallbackScript method, and CALLBACKID serves to identify the server-side object to handle the server event. Once on the server, the page's HTTP handler that picks up the request from the ASP.NET runtime tries to locate a control with that ID that implements ICallbackEventHandler. If successful, the control's RaiseCallbackEvent method is invoked and its output returned to the client. If the CALLBACKID targets the page, the HTTP handler sees if the page implements the interface and then proceeds as usual.

Building the Control

CallbackValidator is a composite control whose user interface consists of a simple pushbutton.

You can easily extend this aspect of the control by adding a few properties to set the style of the button—link, push, image, or whatever. The text to be shown on the button is set by the ButtonText property. A collection property named ControlsToValidate gathers the IDs of all page validators to be tested on the server during the callback. The property is implemented as a StringCollection type and is empty at the beginning. The code in Figure   5 only lets you add control IDs at run time, which you would typically do in the Page_Load event:

void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {




Note that the collection class doesn't persist its contents to the view state. For this reason, you must always reinitialize it when a request comes in. Note also that you should add validation controls, not input controls, to the collection. During the remote call, the CallbackValidator control will invoke the Validate method on associated controls and store the responses for the client callback. The CallbackValidator control works with existing validators making an out-of-band call to test them all; it's not actually a new type of validator itself.

As you can see in Figure   5 , the CallbackValidator control creates a Button control and attaches some code to its OnClientClick property. OnClientClick is a new property introduced in ASP.NET 2.0 to add a JavaScript call to the HTML onclick event. In ASP.NET 2.0, the following two lines of code are completely equivalent:

button.Attributes["onclick"] = js; // ASP.NET 1.x; still works in 2.0

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button.OnClientClick = js; // ASP.NET 2.0

The code to associate with the validate button is obtained through a specific method

wrapped in the ICallbackContainer interface. Note that as of Beta 1, the use of the

ICallbackContainer interface is not mandatory, but using it does help to keep code

neat and clean. I didn't use it in last month's example and it is not even mentioned in

the MSDN documentation for Beta 1 that discusses script callbacks. Nonetheless,

ASP.NET controls that benefit from script callbacks (mostly the GridView) implement

it. The only component that uses the ICallbackContainer interface is the control itself,

meaning that you can easily write a callback-enabled control that doesn't use that


The JavaScript function call that GetCallbackScript returns comes from the following statement:


this, args, "CallbackValidator_UpdateUI", "null"));

The first parameter (this) indicates the current control and sets the CALLBACKID field

in the request being issued. The second parameter (args) is the input string for the

server-side RaiseCallbackEvent method. The third parameter is the name of the

JavaScript callback function which is used to process the output of the

RaiseCallbackEvent method. Finally, the fourth parameter is null in this case, but

represents a JavaScript object to be passed as the context of the callback function.

The CallbackValidator control must ensure that the JavaScript callback is defined in the hosting page and must make the decision about the format and contents of the args parameter. There is just one type of information the RaiseCallbackEvent implementation needs from its client caller: the list of validators to test. Here's the code that concatenates all validators' IDs in a pipe-separated string:

int i = 0;

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");

foreach (string s in ControlsToValidate)


if (i>0) sb.Append("|");




string args = String.Format("'{0}'", sb.ToString());

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An example of JavaScript code bound to the Validate button in Figure   2 might look like the following:







Note that the ID of the CallbackValidator control is mangled by the server so that it

can uniquely identify every control on the page.

Working Around State Issues

As in Figure   4 , the request posted back contains a few input fields. Aside from the aforementioned CALLBACKID and CALLBACKPARAM fields, the request includes a few more input fields. More precisely, it includes all the input fields in the form, plus the two specific to the callback operation. In other words, the view state is posted back along with the current values of the input fields (textboxes, dropdown lists, and so forth).

The page HTTP handler restores the view state and posted values before it checks the callback status of the request and figures out which object (Page or control) will have RaiseCallbackEvent called.

In light of this, you may assume that the code defined in the RaiseCallbackEvent method will execute in a consistent and updated state. In particular, you may assume that all validators invoked by the RaiseCallbackEvent method of the CallbackValidator control will test the current values of their bound input controls. As the section title may suggest, this is not the case. Take a look at the code of RaiseCallbackEvent in Figure   6 .

The method retrieves the validator control and invokes its Validate method. The method does its job (what exactly depends on the type of the validator) and sets the IsValid property to either True (valid) or False (invalid). Next, the RaiseCallbackEvent method builds its response to the client page. The return string is a pipe-separated collection of strings, each with the following form:

controlID:valid (0/1):message:tooltip

The first token is the client ID of the control that is the fully qualified ID that takes

into account any mangling due to Master Pages and naming containers. The second

token is 0 or 1 depending on the value of IsValid. The third token is the message the

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validator would display after a full postback. This corresponds to the validator's Text

(default) or ErrorMessage property. I also force a * string if both are empty. By

design, Text is expected to contain some text to simply mark the field as invalid.

ErrorMessage, instead, provides a more detailed explanation of the error. If the

CallbackValidator's ShowDetailedInfo property is true, I use the ErrorMessage string

as a tooltip, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7 Validation Error Message

So where's the state-related hassle? This machinery works great on paper, but not with real values. While debugging, I realized that the results of the validation tests were completely unreliable. For example, the User ID textbox is designed to accept anything but "Dino" and empty strings. Well, it works great with regular postbacks, but not if callback validation is used. Some well-placed breakpoints showed that all textboxes retain their original values and ignore what you may have typed before attempting to validate.

The problem is not with the view state, but with posted values. The page machinery works great as usual; it just doesn't receive what I perceived to be the correct values from the client.

If you scroll the HTML source code of a page that uses ASP.NET callbacks, you see that upon page loading a call is made to a JavaScript function named WebForm_InitCallback. This function is part of the ASP.NET 2.0 infrastructure and is injected into the page through the WebResource.axd system handler.

A look at the source code of this function is in order. (See last month's column for details on how to get it.) Basically, WebForm_InitCallback builds the body of the POST request when the page loads. The body of the page is a string (its name is __theFormPostData) filled with the contents of the view state and all of the input fields in the form. The code is correct; however it executes at a time I wasn't expecting! The content of the input fields is collected at load time and is not updated with user-supplied values when the post back takes place. That's why the server state appeared to be incorrect. To work around this issue, I simply repeated the call to WebForm_InitCallback before starting the out-of-band call (see Figure   6 ). Note that this is in fact the expected behavior rather than any sort of bug. The argument against the system calling WebForm_InitCallback before the out-of-band call is for scenarios where the user wants to perform the callback in the context of the data that was originally sent down from the server.

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JavaScript Files as Embedded Resources

To top off the column, let me discuss a nifty technique that greatly simplifies JavaScript code injection in ASP.NET 2.0 custom controls. The technique also works in ASP.NET 1.x. The idea is simple: write your JavaScript code in regular JS files and add them to the project as embedded resources. (Set the Build Action property in the Visual Studio® .NET Properties window). Also, prefix the resource name with the component's namespace. Next, when you need to use the script in the code, do what the EmbedScriptCode method does in Figure   6 . You use a bit of reflection, but you gain a lot in terms of code maintenance and readability.


ASP.NET script callbacks are an extremely powerful feature that can save time on each page update. Although a server request is issued, the whole page remains intact in the browser's window. The advantage is two-fold. First, the user has the illusion that no postback is necessary and continues reading or working with the page. Second, only a few page fragments are refreshed (using the HTML object model). In the August 2004 and December 2004 columns, I provided in-depth coverage of the basic feature. This month I demonstrated how to implement callbacks in custom controls to provide more flexibility in the controls you build.

Scalable Apps with Asynchronous Programming in ASP.NET….INCLUDES THREADING CONCEPTS

Do you want to know a secret? A deep, dark, dirty secret? One that, if revealed,

would cause great angst in the ASP.NET community and prompt shouts of "Aha!"

from the anti-Microsoft crowd?

Most Web sites I've seen built with ASP.NET aren't very scalable, not because of a flaw in ASP.NET, but because of how the technology is used.

They suffer a self-imposed glass ceiling that limits the number of requests they can process per


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These sites scale just fine until traffic rises to the level of this invisible ceiling.

Then throughput begins to degrade. Soon after, requests start to fail, usually returning "Server unavailable" errors.

The underlying reason has been discussed many times in MSDN®Magazine. ASP.NET uses threads from a common language runtime (CLR) thread pool to process requests.

As long as there are threads available in the thread pool, ASP.NET has no trouble dispatching incoming requests. But once the thread pool becomes saturated-that is, all the threads inside it are busy processing requests and no free threads remain-new requests have to wait for threads to become free. If the logjam becomes severe enough and the queue fills to capacity, ASP.NET throws up its hands and responds with a "Heck no!" to new requests.

One solution is to increase the maximum size of the thread pool, allowing more threads to be created.

That's the course developers often take when their customers report repeated "Server unavailable" errors. Another common course of action is to throw hardware at the problem, adding more servers to the Web farm. But increasing the thread count-or the server count-doesn't solve the issue.

It just provides temporary relief to what is in reality a design problem-not in ASP.NET itself, but in the implementation of the actual site.

The real problem for apps that don't scale isn't lack of threads. It's inefficient use of the threads that are already there.

A truly scalable ASP.NET Web site makes optimum use of the thread pool. That means making sure request-processing threads are executing code instead of waiting for I/O to complete. If the thread pool becomes saturated due to all the threads grinding away on the CPU, there's little you can do but add servers.


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However, most Web apps talk to databases, Web services, or other external entities, and limit scalability by forcing thread-pool threads to wait for database queries, Web service calls, and other I/O operations to complete.


A request targeting a data-driven Web page might spend a few thousandths of a second

executing code and several seconds waiting for a database query to return.

While the query is outstanding, the thread assigned to the request is unable to service other requests.

That's the glass ceiling. And that's a situation you must avoid if you care about building highly scalable Web sites.

Remember: when it comes to throughput, I/O is evil unless handled properly.

I/O isn't evil, though, if it doesn't gum up the thread pool.

And ASP.NET supports three asynchronous programming models that act as anti-gumming agents.

These models are largely unknown to the community, in part due to scant documentation. Yet knowing how-and when-to use them is absolutely essential to building cutting-edge Web sites.

Asynchronous Pages

The first, and generally most useful, of the three asynchronous programming models ASP.NET supports is the asynchronous page. Of the three models, this is the only one that's specific to ASP.NET 2.0. The others are supported all the way back to version 1.0.

I won't go into detail about asynchronous pages here because I did that in the October 2005 issue (msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/05/10/WickedCode).

The upshot is that if you have pages that perform relatively lengthy I/O operations, they're candidates to become asynchronous pages.

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If a page queries a database and the query takes, say, 5 seconds to return because it either returns a large amount of data


targets a remote database over a heavily loaded connection,

that's 5 seconds that the thread assigned to the request can't be used for other requests.

If every request behaved like this, the application would quickly get bogged down.

Figure 1 illustrates how an asynchronous page neatly solves this problem. When the request arrives, it's assigned a thread by ASP.NET. The request begins processing on that thread, but when the time comes to hit the database, the request launches an asynchronous ADO.NET query and returns the thread to the thread pool. When the query completes, ADO.NET calls back to ASP.NET, and ASP.NET grabs another thread from the thread pool and resumes processing the request.

Figure 1 Asynchronous Pages at Work (Click the image for a larger view)

While the query is outstanding, zero thread pool threads are consumed, leaving all of the threads free to service incoming requests. A request that's processed asynchronously doesn't execute any faster. But other requests execute faster because they don't have to wait for threads to become free. Requests incur less delay in entering the pipeline, and overall throughout goes up.

Figure   2 shows the codebehind class for an asynchronous page that performs data binding against a SQL Server™ database. The Page_Load method calls AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync to register begin and end handlers.

Later in the request's lifetime, ASP.NET calls the begin method, which launches an asynchronous ADO.NET query and returns immediately, whereupon the thread assigned to the request goes back into the thread pool. When ADO.NET signals that the query has completed, ASP.NET retrieves a thread from the thread pool (not necessarily the same one it used before) and calls the end method. The end method

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grabs the query results and the remainder of the request executes as normal on the thread that executed the end method.

Not shown in Figure   2 is the Async="true" attribute in the ASPX's Page directive.

This is required for an asynchronous page: it signals ASP.NET to implement the IHttpAsyncHandler interface in the page (more on this in a moment).

Also not shown in Figure   2 is the database connection string, which includes an Async="true" attribute of its own so that ADO.NET knows to perform an asynchronous query.

AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync is one way to structure an asynchronous page.

Another way is to call RegisterAsyncTask.

This has a couple of advantages over AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync-the most important being that it simplifies the task of performing multiple asynchronous I/O operations in one request. For details on this, see the October 2005 installment of Wicked Code.

Asynchronous HTTP Handlers

The second asynchronous programming model featured in ASP.NET is

the asynchronous HTTP handler.

An HTTP handler is an object that serves as an endpoint for requests.

Requests for ASPX files, for example, are processed by an HTTP handler for ASPX files. Likewise, requests

for ASMX files are handled by an HTTP handler that knows how to deal with ASMX services.

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In fact, ASP.NET comes with HTTP handlers for a variety of file types. You can see these file types-and the

corresponding HTTP handlers-in the <httpHandlers> section of the master web.config file (in ASP.NET 1.x,

it's in machine.config).

You can extend ASP.NET to support additional file types by writing custom HTTP handlers. But even more interesting is the fact that you can deploy custom HTTP handlers in ASHX files and use them as targets of HTTP requests.

This is the proper way to build Web endpoints that generate images on the fly or retrieve images from databases. You simply include an <img> tag (or Image control) in the page and point it to an ASHX that creates or fetches the image. Targeting an ASHX file with requests is more efficient than targeting an ASPX file because an ASHX file incurs much less overhead at processing time.Z

By definition, HTTP handlers implement the IHttpHandler interface. Handlers that implement that interface do their processing synchronously. The ASHX file in Figure   3 contains one such HTTP handler. At run time, TerraServiceImageGrabber makes multiple calls out to the Microsoft® TerraServer Web service to convert a city and state into latitude and longitude, retrieve satellite images ("tiles"), and stitch the images together to form a composite image of the specified location.

The results are shown in Figure 4. The page shown contains an Image control whose ImageUrl property targets the ASHX file in Figure   3 . Once the user selects a city and state and clicks a button, the HTTP handler converts the input into a satellite image.

The results are impressive. But there's a catch. TerraServiceImageGrabber is a perfect example of how not to write HTTP handlers. Think about it. TerraServiceImageGrabber requires several seconds (at least) to make all its Web service calls and process the results. The vast majority of that time is spent simply waiting for Web service calls to complete. Repeated requests for the ASHX file can deplete the ASP.NET thread pool in a fraction of a second, preventing other pages in the application from being served up (or at least forcing them to be queued until a thread becomes available). You can't build a scalable application in this way unless you scale out the hardware. But why spend tens of thousands of dollars on a Web farm when one server might handle the load with properly written software?

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Figure 4 TerraServiceImageGrabber at Work (Click the image for a larger view)

HTTP handlers don't have to be synchronous. By implementing the IHttpAsyncHandler interface, which itself derives from IHttpHandler, an HTTP handler can be asynchronous. When used correctly, an asynchronous handler utilizes ASP.NET threads more efficiently. This is done in the same manner as an asynchronous page. In fact, asynchronous pages leverage the asynchronous handler support that predated asynchronous pages in ASP.NET.

Figure   5 contains an asynchronous version of the handler shown in Figure   3 . Async-TerraServiceImageGrabber is slightly more complex, but it is also far more scalable.

Asynchronous processing begins when ASP.NET calls the handler's BeginProcessRequest method. BeginProcessRequest makes an async call to TerraService via the TerraService proxy's BeginConvertPlaceToLonLatPt method. The thread assigned to the request then goes back into the thread pool. When the async call completes, another thread is borrowed from the thread pool to execute the ConvertPlaceToLonLatCompleted method. That thread retrieves the results of the last call, makes an async call of its own, and then goes back into the thread pool. This pattern repeats until all the asynchronous calls have completed, at which time the handler's EndProcessRequest method is called and the resulting Bitmap is returned to the requestor.

To forestall EndProcessRequest until the final Web service call has completed, AsyncTerraServiceImageGrabber returns its own implementation of IAsyncResult from BeginProcessRequest. If it returned the IAsyncResult returned by BeginConvertPlaceToLonLatPt instead, EndProcessRequest would be called (and the request terminated) the moment the first Web service call completed.

The class that implements IAsyncResult, TerraServiceAsyncResult, features a public CompleteCall method that can be called at any time to finish the request. Normally,

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AsyncTerraServiceImageGrabber calls CompleteCall only after the final Web service call has completed. However, if an exception is thrown in one of the methods that executes between BeginProcessRequest and EndProcessRequest, the handler caches the exception in a private field (_ex), calls CompleteCall to terminate the request, and then rethrows the exception from EndProcessRequest. Otherwise, the exception would be lost and the request would never complete.

AsyncTerraServiceImageGrabber is more scalable than its synchronous counterpart since it consumes ASP.NET threads for only a fraction of the total time required to process a request. The vast majority of the time, it's simply waiting for an asynchronous Web service call to complete.

In theory, AsyncTerraServiceImageGrabber can also outperform TerraServiceImageGrabber because, rather than making repeated calls to TerraService's GetTile method in series, it makes the calls in parallel. In reality, however, only two outbound calls targeting a given IP address can be pending at a time unless you increase the runtime's default maxconnection setting:



<add address="*" maxconnection="20" />



Other configuration settings can also affect concurrency. For more information, refer to the Knowledge Base article "Contention, Poor Performance, and Deadlocks when You Make Web Service Requests from ASP.NET Applications" (support.microsoft.com/kb/821268).

Even if only one callout executes at a time, AsyncTerraServiceImageGrabber should perform no worse than TerraServiceImageGrabber. And its design is far superior because it uses ASP.NET threads as efficiently as possible.

Asynchronous HTTP Modules

The third asynchronous programming model you can leverage in ASP.NET is the asynchronous HTTP module. An HTTP module is an object that sits in the ASP.NET pipeline, where it can see-and even modify-incoming requests and outgoing responses. Many of the key services in ASP.NET are implemented in the form of HTTP modules, including authentication, authorization, and output caching. You can extend ASP.NET by writing custom HTTP modules and plugging them into the pipeline. And when you do, you should carefully consider whether those HTTP modules should be asynchronous.

Figure   6 contains the source code for a simple, synchronous HTTP module called RequestLogModule, which logs incoming requests in a text file named

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RequestLog.txt. It creates the file in the site's App_Data directory so users can't browse to it. (Note that the security principal that ASP.NET runs as-ASPNET or Network Service, for example-must have write permission to App_Data for this to work.) The module implements the IHttpModule interface, which is the one and only requirement for an HTTP module. When the module loads, its Init method registers a handler for HttpApplication.PreRequestHandlerExecute events, which fire from the pipeline in each and every request. The event handler opens RequestLog.txt (or creates it if it doesn't already exist) and writes into it a line of text containing pertinent information about the current request, including the time and date that the request arrived, the requestor's user name if the request is authenticated (or the requestor's IP address if authentication is turned off), and the requested URL. The module is registered in the <httpModules> section of web.config, prompting ASP.NET to load it each time the application starts up.

The problem with RequestLogModule is twofold. First, it performs file I/O in each and every request. Second, it uses a request-processing thread to perform the I/O-a thread that could otherwise be used to service additional incoming requests. This module, simple as it is, imposes a penalty on throughput. While you could mitigate the delay by batching the file I/O operations, a better approach is to make the module asynchronous (or better yet, batch the file I/O and make the module asynchronous).

Figure   7 shows the asynchronous version of RequestLogModule. Called AsyncRequestLogModule, it performs exactly the same work, but returns the thread assigned to the request to the thread pool before writing to the file. When the write completes, a new thread is borrowed from the thread pool and used to finish the request.

What makes AsyncRequestLogModule asynchronous? Its Init method calls HttpApplication.AddOnPreRequestHandlerExecuteAsync in order to register begin and end methods for PreRequestHandlerExecute events. The HttpApplication class features other AddOn methods for other per-request events. For example, an HTTP module can call AddOnBeginRequestAsync to register async handlers for BeginRequest events. AsyncRequestLogModule's BeginPreRequestHandlerExecute method uses the framework's FileStream.BeginWrite method to begin an asynchronous write. The moment BeginPreRequestHandlerExecute returns, the thread goes back into the thread pool.

AsyncRequestLogModule contains some thread synchronization logic that merits special mention. It's possible-likely even-that multiple requests running on multiple threads will write to the log file at the same time. To ensure that concurrent writes don't overwrite each other, AsyncRequestLogModule stores the position in the file for the next write in a private field shared by all module instances (_position). Before each call to BeginWrite, the module reads the position from the field and updates the field to point to the first byte following what's about to be written to the file. Logic that reads and updates _position is wrapped in a lock statement so that no more than one thread can execute it at a time. That prevents one thread from reading the position before another gets the chance to update it.

Now the bad news. For BeginWrite not to use another thread from the pool, the isAsync parameter to FileStream's constructor must be set to true, as I've done in my example. However, a little-known consequence of using FileStream.BeginWrite to initiate an asynchronous write is that there's no guarantee the write will actually be asynchronous, even if you've requested asynchronous operation. Windows® reserves

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the right to perform asynchronous file I/O synchronously if it believes that synchronous I/O will be faster. For more information, read the Knowledge Base article at support.microsoft.com/kb/156932. The good news is that if Windows writes to the request log synchronously, the writes are, in theory, performed so quickly that they have minimal impact on the scalability of the host application.


Asynchronous programming is an excellent way to build more scalable applications by using the ASP.NET thread pool as efficiently as possible. In my travels, I rarely see ASP.NET developers utilize asynchronous programming models, in part because they simply don't know that these models exist. Don't let sparse documentation stand in your way; start thinking asynchronously today, and you'll be building better applications tomorrow.

Be aware that the downloadable sample code accompanying this article comes in both C# and Visual Basic® versions. I frequently get e-mail asking for Visual Basic versions of the samples. This time, you don't have to ask; they're already there!

In-Band versus Out-Of-Band

In the public switched telephone network, (PSTN), in-band signalling is the exchange of signalling (call control) information within the same channel that the telephone call itself is using. An example is DTMF signalling.

Out-of-band signalling is telecommunication signalling (exchange of information in order to control a telephone call) that is done on a channel that is dedicated for the purpose and separate from the channels used for the telephone call. Out-of-band signalling is used in Signalling System #7 (SS7), the standard for the signalling that has controlled the world's phone calls for some twenty years

DTMF is an in-band, channel-associated register signalling system. It is not compelled.

SS7 (e.g. TUP or ISUP) is an out-of-band, common-channel signalling system that incorporates both line and register signalling

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Serialization in Windows Communication Foundation

Windows Communication Foundation has been built from the ground up

around the tenets of service orientation.

It supports several serialization mechanisms that make it easy to bring existing types

forward and provides a simple, interoperable foundation for future service-oriented

applications. Windows® Communication Foundation (which is still in beta) embraces XML

as a key enabling technology. While you can use it to build services that process XML

directly, most developers prefer to leverage serialization mechanisms that automate

moving between objects in the Microsoft® .NET Framework and XML Infosets.

There are two general approaches you can take when implementing a Web service. One is to embrace XML and program directly against the messages. This offers a high degree of flexibility, especially when tackling tough challenges like versioning, where core XML technologies like XPath, XSLT, and XQuery are indispensable. But many developers may find this technique tedious and overwhelming. The other approach is to predefine a mapping between .NET and XML, and then rely on automated serialization mechanisms. This hides the various XML details in order to simplify the developer experience. Windows Communication Foundation supports both approaches, with equal depth.

Internally, Windows Communication Foundation represents all messages with the Message class, which is found in System.ServiceModel.Channels. The Message class models a SOAP message, commonly referred to as a SOAP envelope, which has a header section and a body that carries the payload. The Message class provides an interface for interacting with the header section and body section using either System.Xml classes or type-based serialization.

When working at the message level, you can explicitly choose which technique to use. However, the most common way to make use of serialization in Windows Communication

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Foundation is to author service contracts in terms of serializable types, as shown here:


public interface IEchoService



Person EchoPerson(Person person);


By annotating the .NET interface with [ServiceContract], you indicate that the .NET type definition will also serve as a service contract. Think of Web Services Description Language (WSDL). Annotating the method signature with [OperationContract] indicates that you want the method to be included in the service contract. At run time, Windows Communication Foundation automatically maps the method signature to a pair of messages behind the scenes, each containing a Person in the SOAP body. It then uses a serializer to map the Person object into the message. (For complete control over what goes where in the SOAP envelope, you can use [MessageContract] types in the signature.)

Serializing and Encoding

Windows Communication Foundation supports three serializers: XmlSerializer, DataContractSerializer, and NetDataContractSerializer. Each of these comes with different mapping algorithms and customization techniques. (See Figure   1 for a comparison.) Nevertheless, each performs the same fundamental task—mapping between .NET objects and XML Infosets.

DataContractSerializer is the default and is always used unless specified otherwise. You can choose a different serializer by annotating the service contract with an attribute, as shown here:



public interface IEchoService




Person EchoPerson(Person person);


Address EchoAddress(Address address);

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Phone EchoPhone(Phone phone);


In this example, [XmlSerializerFormat] specifies XmlSerializer as the default serializer for all methods on the contract. However, I've overridden the serializer on EchoPerson by annotating the method with [DataContractFormat]. There isn't an attribute for NetDataContractSerializer, but you can write a custom attribute to apply it in the same way as the others if needed. The serializer is considered part of the service contract because it directly impacts your code.

Windows Communication Foundation also lets you specify the encoding to be used. Whereas serialization defines how .NET objects map to XML Infosets, the encoding defines how the XML Infoset is written out to a stream of bytes. Windows Communication Foundation currently supports the following encodings: text, binary, and Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM). However, more encodings, including your own custom encodings, could be added down the road.

If you use each of the three encodings to write out the same XML Infoset, you'll get three very different byte streams, but they'll all represent the same logical data. The encoding isn't considered part of the service contract, but rather a configuration detail since it doesn't impact your code—you control the encoding by configuring the endpoint's binding.

The separation of serialization from encoding makes it possible to build your applications on a consistent data model (the XML Infoset) while providing flexibility in representation (the encoding). This is a key feature when applying Windows Communication Foundation to a variety of real-world scenarios. If you care about interoperability, you can choose to use the text encoding. When performance is more of a concern, you can choose to use the binary encoding. In either case, the encoding choice is decoupled from the serialization mechanism.

At first, Windows Communication Foundation serialization might remind you of ASMX. Once you start to peel off the layers, however, you'll see an amazing world of new possibilities.

Behind the Scenes

When Windows Communication Foundation creates a message to send at run time, it chooses the serializer based on the service contract and the encoding based on the binding configuration. Let's look at how this is accomplished. Figure   2 shows how to create and write a message containing a Person object.

The last parameter to CreateMessage specifies the serializer to use when creating the message. The serializer controls how the Person object is added to the message body as an XML Infoset. I then create a message writer and pass it to WriteMessage. The writer

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determines which encoding will be used to write the message out to a byte stream. The new XmlDictionaryReader and XmlDictionaryWriter classes allow you to create readers and writers based on any of the supported encodings (text, binary, or MTOM).

For the example shown in Figure 3, I used a binary XmlDictionaryWriter. If you open the generated file in Visual Studio®, you'll see that it's binary; you won't find the angle brackets or XML tags you're used to seeing in traditional text encoding.

Figure 3 Binary Encoding

The code in Figure   4 shows how to accomplish the reverse–deserialize a Person from the binary file on disk. The reader supplied to CreateMessage determines which encoding to use when reading bytes from disk; in this case a binary XmlDictionaryReader. Then the call to GetBody<Person> indicates that I want to use DataContractSerializer to deserialize the XML Infoset back into a Person object.

In cases where you prefer to avoid serialization, the Message class lets you work directly with the XML Infoset. Instead of calling GetBody<T> to deserialize the body into a .NET object, you can call GetReaderAtBodyContents and use the returned XmlReader to process the body (see Figure   5 ). By working directly with the XML Infoset, you can make use of your favorite XML processing technique. In Figure   5 , I simply advance to the name and age elements and print their values to the console.Defining Serialization Mapping

Although you can access the XML Infoset directly, a great deal of engineering effort has gone into making the serialization concepts easy and approachable throughout the programming model. The main thing you must focus on when using serialization is how the mapping works between your .NET objects and XML Infosets.

When you use .NET types in the context of serialization, there are two contracts you must consider. There's the local .NET contract, which defines the data structure along with corresponding behavior (you'll have constructors, properties, and other helpers that make the type easier to use). And then there's the external data contract, which identifies precisely what data to serialize and how to do this. Windows Communication Foundation refers to this as the data contract of a .NET type.

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Since a data contract ultimately defines the structure of an XML Infoset, it's natural to represent the data contract using an XML Schema definition. In fact, XML Schema is always used to share data contracts with non-Windows Communication Foundation applications. However, data contracts are also defined in .NET type definitions. Each serializer comes with a default algorithm that defines most of the mapping details, but includes attributes that let you customize the mapping. This information is stored along with the .NET type as metadata which serializers can access at run time to determine specific mapping details.

Windows Communication Foundation provides a new command-line tool named svcutil.exe for moving between these different data contract representations (you can also use xsd.exe when working with XmlSerializer types). If you pass an XML Schema definition to svcutil.exe, it will automatically produce the corresponding .NET serializable types annotated with all the right attributes. If you pass a .NET assembly to svcutil.exe, it will automatically generate the corresponding XML Schema definitions for all serializable types (use the /dataContractOnly switch).

The result is great flexibility. You're free to define new data contracts in either XML Schema or .NET code and you can easily convert to the other. If you're working in a situation where the XML Schema definitions already exist and you need to support them, you can simply start with svcutil.exe. If you're defining new contracts and need to quickly, start by writing class definitions.

Working with XmlSerializer

As most of you know, XmlSerializer is the serializer currently used in ASMX (found in System.Xml.Serialization). The fact that Windows Communication Foundation supports XmlSerializer is good news for anyone who has made significant .NET Web services investments over the years and plans to eventually migrate them forward. You can easily use your XmlSerializer-based types in new service contracts by applying [XmlSerialzerFormat] to the service contract as shown earlier.

Let's review the basics of how XmlSerializer works. First, you instantiate XmlSerializer and specify the type you intend to serialize. Then you call the Serialize and Deserialize methods to move between instances of the .NET type and the corresponding XML Infoset. XmlSerializer defines a default data contract mapping algorithm for moving between these representations.

XmlSerializer can operate on any public type without any special attributes. With XmlSerializer, a type's public data interface maps directly to what goes in the XML Infoset. Hence, XmlSerializer automatically includes all public read/write fields and properties in the mapping, and it ignores anything that's private, protected, or so on. The .NET class name maps to the root element while the public field and property names map to local element names. The element order is the same as the order of the members in the class, with fields grouped first followed by properties. XmlSerializer does not use XML namespaces by default.

Figure   6 shows a simple class definition. Since this type is public, it can be serialized using XmlSerializer without any special attributes. But only the public read/write fields and properties will be included during the mapping, which includes the sensitiveData

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and spouse fields, as well as the Name and Age properties.

Figure   7 shows how to serialize a Person with XmlSerializer. Notice the call to Serialize also accepts an XmlWriter, which means I can specify any XmlDictionaryWriter implementation and choose the desired encoding. When this code executes, it produces the following person.xml document:











Note that the name of the type (Person) became the name of the root element while the field and property names became the local element names. Also note that the private fields, Name and Age, were not included except via the properties whose get methods are called. Fields are grouped first, followed by properties (each group is in the same order as they were defined in the class definition). The elements are not namespace qualified.

In this case, the data contract defining the actual mapping can be published as an XML Schema definition using the xsd.exe tool from the .NET Framework. The schema shown in Figure   8 accurately describes the XML instance that I produced with the serialization code shown in Figure   7 and can be shared with other parties. You can supply this same schema to xsd.exe /classes and it will generate a class definition similar to the one we started with, and it will have an equivalent data contract.

Figure   9 illustrates how to deserialize a Person object from person.xml. The serializer knows how to read the XML according to the data contract. During deserialization, the default constructor is called (providing an opportunity to do any necessary initialization) and the set methods are called for properties.

I didn't have to do anything special to define this two-way mapping; it was automatically derived from the type's public data interface. XmlSerializer provides a suite of customization attributes (also found in System.Xml.Serialization) that you can use to influence the mapping for a particular type. Figure   10 shows how to use some of these attributes. I've made several changes to the default mapping in this example. I specified an XML namespace to qualify the root element, modified the order of the elements, mapped the Age property to an attribute instead of an element, and told the serializer to ignore the sensitiveData field. Now, when an object of this type is serialized you'll get the

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following XML:

<Person Age="34" xmlns="http://example.org/person">


<spouse Age="33">




If I generate the XML Schema again using xsd.exe, it will reflect all of these customizations. In addition, you can completely override the default mapping by implementing IXmlSerializable on the type, in which case you're defining your own mapping algorithm with custom reader/writer code.

There are a few things that make XmlSerializer unique. First, the data contract isn't explicit; it's implicitly derived from the public data interface, which may give you more than you're bargaining for (like the sensitiveData field). You have to use opt-out techniques (such as [XmlIgnore]) to address those situations. Second, XmlSerializer gives you a great deal of flexibility when it comes to XML Schema. We used an attribute instead of an element, for example. There are several more sophisticated XML Schema concepts you can apply when using XmlSerializer, but using these more advanced features can often lead to interoperability problems across frameworks.

Working with DataContractSerializer

When the Windows Communication Foundation architects contemplated the type of serializer that would make the most sense, they decided that it should use a very explicit data contract model ("boundaries are explicit") and constrain developers to a subset of XML Schema to improve interoperability results. Since XmlSerializer didn't provide either of these characteristics, the architects had to provide a new serializer. That's where DataContractSerializer comes in.

DataContractSerializer has been designed from the ground up for Windows Communication Foundation. It benefits from the lessons learned from working with XmlSerializer, and should be just as easy to use. The class is found in the System.Runtime.Serialization namespace because the implementation is quite similar to the IFormatter approach used in .NET remoting. In fact, this is meant to replace that mechanism moving forward.

The mechanics for using DataContractSerializer are similar to those for XmlSerializer. First, you instantiate DataContractSerializer and specify the type you intend to serialize. Then you call the WriteObject and ReadObject methods to move between instances of the .NET type and the corresponding XML Infoset. DataContractSerializer defines a default mapping algorithm for moving between these representations.

DataContractSerializer can operate on any .NET type annotated with either the [DataContract] or [Serializable] attributes. It supports backwards compatibility with [Serializable] types to simplify moving .NET remoting code to Windows Communication

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Foundation. The [Serializable] mechanism was designed to serialize the entire object by value so you can reconstitute the same object on the other side of a .NET remoting call.

In this sample, I use the same Person class as before, but without the XmlSerializer customization attributes, and I annotate the class with [Serializable]:


public class Person


private string name;

private double age;

private string sensitiveData;

public Person spouse;

... // constructors and properties


The default mapping for [Serializable] is different from the one used with XmlSerializer.

Here, all fields are included in the mapping, whether public or private, and properties are

never included. The .NET class name maps to the root element, while the field names

map to local element names. The elements are ordered alphabetically in the data

contract and a namespace is derived from the .NET namespace in use.

The code in Figure   11 shows how to serialize a Person object with DataContractSerializer. The generated XML will now look a bit different given the differences in the [Serializable] mapping:

<Person xmlns=










<spouse i:nil="true"/>



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Notice that only fields are included, the elements are ordered alphabetically, and the

element is automatically qualified with an XML namespace (this namespace is a

combination of "http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/" and the .NET namespace

containing the type, which in this case was "DataContractSamples"). You can produce

the XML Schema that describes this format by using svcutil.exe /dconly. Figure   12

shows the code used for deserializing a Person object.

Another difference from XmlSerializer is that constructors are not called during deserialization. However, if you need to perform initialization, DataContractSerializer supports the [OnDeserializing], [OnDeserialized], [OnSerializing], and [OnSerialized] callbacks that were also supported on the Binary/SoapFormatter classes.

The only customization you can make to the default [Serializable] mapping is to exclude a field from the data contract using the [NonSerialized] attribute, as shown here:


public class Person


private string name;

private double age;


private string sensitiveData;

public Person spouse;

... // constructors and properties


However, you can completely override the mapping algorithm by implementing

ISerializable on the type. In this case, DataContractSerializer will call your code to

perform the mapping, giving you complete control.

DataContractSerializer also supports a more explicit mapping mechanism through the [DataContract], [DataMember], and [EnumMember] attributes. When using this approach, you annotate the type with [DataContract] to make it serializable and then you annotate any fields or properties you wish to map with [DataMember]. Similarly, you annotate the enum values you wish to map with [EnumMember]. In this scenario, you are explicitly defining the data contract—nothing maps by default.

The code that is shown in Figure   13 presents a Person class that uses the [DataContract] mapping mechanism. When I serialize an instance of this type using the same code shown in the previous example, I get the following XML:

<Person xmlns=


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<spouse i:nil="true"/>



The mapping details are identical to [Serializable]. The only difference is how I indicated

what should be included in the data contract. With [Serializable], all fields become part

of the data contract (unless they are marked with [NonSerialized]). With [DataContract],

only members marked with [DataMember] are included. Note that if a type has both

[DataContract] and [Serializable] attributes on it, it will use the [DataContract] mapping.

The [DataContract] mapping is more customizable than that offered by [Serializable], but it's also more constrained than XmlSerializer. The code in Figure   14 shows how to use a few of the customization properties found on [DataContract] and [DataMember]. In this example, I've customized the XML namespace, some of the element names, and the element order. Setting IsRequired=true causes the serializer to verify that the element is present during deserialization (and it shows up as minOccurs="1" in the schema). Here's what the resulting XML looks like:

<Person xmlns="http://example.org/person"







<Spouse i:nil="true"/>



More sophisticated schema customizations are not possible via attribution. You cannot, for example, change elements into attributes or change from sequence to choice compositors. If you want complete control over the XML mapping, you can avoid the [DataContract] attributes altogether and implement IXmlSerializable or ISerializable (the former takes precedence over the latter). This approach, however, requires more work.

When you are using DataContractSerializer, you can only work with XML Schema

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definitions that meet the [DataContract] mapping constraints. If you pass a more complex XML Schema to svcutil.exe, it will warn you when it doesn't meet the [DataContract] constraints and encourage you to use xsd.exe /XmlSerializer.

Despite its constraints, [DataMember] makes it possible to implement some interesting data versioning heuristics via both the Order parameter and the IsRequired parameter. (Basically, doing this allows you to safely add new fields in future versions of the contract.) You can also implement IExtensibleData on your data contracts to enable the serializer to round-trip unrecognized data during serialization—when, for instance, you need to pass a new version of a message to an old implementation.

You always have to provide DataContractSerializer with type information before it can serialize/deserialize instances. This is different from .NET remoting, where type information is identified at run time and serialized into the message in order to provide type fidelity across the wire. When you need support for this type of scenario, you should use NetDataContractSerializer.

Working with NetDataContractSerializer

The major difference between DataContractSerializer and NetDataContractSerializer is that the latter serializes .NET type information into the XML. NetDataContractSerializer supports [Serializable] and [DataContract], the same mapping algorithms, and the same customization attributes. However, when you use NetDataContractSerializer, you no longer have to supply type information ahead of time, as illustrated here:

NetDataContractSerializer serializer =

new NetDataContractSerializer(); // no type specified

serializer.WriteObject(writer, p);

The generated XML contains the .NET type information in attributes placed on the root

element (z:Type and z:Assembly) as illustrated here:

<Person z:Id="1" z:Type="DataContractSamples.Person"

z:Assembly="DataContractSamples, Version=, Culture=neutral,

PublicKeyToken=null" xmlns="http://example.org/person"



<Name z:Id="2">Bob</Name>


<Spouse z:Id="3">

<Name z:Id="4">Jane</Name>


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<Spouse i:nil="true"/>



Since the .NET type information is found in the XML, you don't need to specify the .NET

type when deserializing either.

Microsoft has provided this ability specifically to address situations where you need type fidelity across the wire. But for the most part, Windows Communication Foundation encourages developers to embrace the more explicit DataContractSerializer approach. This is why you can't enable NetDataContractSerializer on a service contract without writing your own behavior/attribute.

Advanced Serialization Concepts

When using DataContractSerializer or NetDataContractSerializer, there are a few concepts to consider. First, when serializing types that use inheritance, make sure all types in the hierarchy are serializable (either via [DataContract] or [Serializable]). If they aren't, you'll get exceptions at run time. Likewise, you must ensure that any contained types are also serializable.

If you find yourself stuck in a situation where you cannot make some of the types serializable, you can use what is known as a serialization surrogate. This is basically a serializable type that can take the place of the non-serializable type without requiring you to modify the original class definition. You do this by implementing the IDataContractSurrogate and handing it to the serializer. The serializer will call your surrogate during the serialization process, at which point you can replace the non-serializable object with a different object.

The Windows Communication Foundation serializers also provide a way to specify known type substitutions that you want the serializers to recognize at run time. This lets you type a serializable field as some base type and actually serialize different derived types at run time. This is done by annotating base types with the [KnownType] attribute (similar to how [XmlInclude] works in XmlSerializer). There is also [ServiceKnownType] for use on service contract definitions.

These new serializers can also maintain object references and deal with issues like circular references (see the constructor with a preserveObjectReferences flag). This is a nice improvement over XmlSerializer, which choked on such object graphs. I can, for example, serialize a circular spouse reference in the previous examples. I've included such an example in the downloadable sample code.


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Windows Communication Foundation is built on a consistent data model (XML Infoset) and flexible representations (encodings). When working with it you can choose to work with the XML directly or you can use the built-in serialization techniques to automate mappings. You'll rarely need to program against the serializer classes directly since you can simply annotate your service contracts to choose a serializer. It's important, however, to understand how each serializer works.

It's also important to understand which serializer is best for a given scenario. You should use DataContractSerializer whenever possible in Windows Communication Foundation. Its constrained mapping improves interoperability when starting with code. NetDataContractSerializer should only be used when you absolutely need type fidelity across the wire. Alternatively, you should use XmlSerializer when you need backwards compatibility with ASMX types, you need more flexibility in the XML representations, or you're starting with existing schemas that don't meet the [DataContract] mapping constraints.

Aaron Skonnard is a cofounder of Pluralsight, a Microsoft .NET training provider. Aaron is the author of Pluralsight's Applied Web Services 2.0, Applied BizTalk Server 2006, and Introducing Windows Communication Foundation courses. Aaron has spent years developing courses, speaking at conferences, and teaching professional developers. Reach him at pluralsight.com/aaron.

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