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Nothing about us without us. - Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network

Date post: 27-Mar-2022
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Nothing about us without us. A Review of Selected Models of PHA Intervention and Leadership
PowerPoint PresentationA Review of Selected Models of PHA Intervention and Leadership
• To explore intervention research methodologies;
• To identify an outline for an APHA Leadership community-based research proposal.
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
How many APHAs are there?
As of 2011, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) estimates that there are 6,380 Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS (6,380/71,300 = 8.95%). The estimated number of Canadians living with HIV/AIDS is 71,300 (71,300/34,482,779 = .21%)
The estimated percentage of Aboriginal PHAs in the total Aboriginal population is .55% (6,380/1,172,785).
PHAC estimates that there are 17,980 people living with HIV who do not know they have it. At this time we do not know how many Aboriginal people are among the undiagnosed.
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
How many APHAs are there?
These figures tell us there is a great need for mentoring and capacity building for APHAs who come from diverse locations and backgrounds. Confidentiality, privacy, anonymity and safety are common issues for many APHAs who are fully engaged in the lives of their families, communities and workplaces. There are also APHAs who have disclosed their HIV status publically and continue to be actively involved in HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention and care, treatment and support initiatives across Canada.
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
How many people are affected by HIV/AIDS?
If each APHA has 10 immediate relatives (partner with 3 children and 2 parents and 4 siblings)….this would mean there are an additional 63,800 Aboriginal people affected by HIV/AIDS.
If each APHA has 30 relatives in their immediate extended family…this would mean there are an additional 191,400 Aboriginal people affected by HIV/AIDS.
These estimates total 255,200 people which comprises 21.76% of the total Aboriginal population in Canada (Census 2006)
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
Multiple Loss Journey
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
Loss of identity and assumptive world (the life we take for granted).
Complexity of Losses
– Community of meaning
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
• Full voting membership by APHAs.
• APHAs involved in research projects and committees.
• APHAs make resolutions to the CAAN Board at the annual APHA Caucus meeting.
Model 2 Annual International Two-Spirit Gathering
• Organized by Two-Spirit people who were experiencing the first wave of the HIV pandemic.
• The Vancouver group GVNCS began in 1979 and is still active 34 years later.
• There are 15 groups in Canada and the US. 2- Spirited People of the 1st Nations was founded in 1989.
• Regional leaders have facilitated communication, advocacy and access to culturally safe events.
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
• Must have a minimum of 3 directors.
• Provide annual report to Corporations Branch.
• Can apply for Charitable Tax Number.
• Can apply for funding to meet organizational mission and objectives.
• Hold an annual general meeting (AGM) to report to service users/public. Provide audited financial statements.
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
• Can hire staff to deliver projects.
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
Model 4 PHA Caucus (Independent or Org. Program)
POSITIVE LIVING BC provides a comprehensive suite of programs and services. These are generally offered FREE but to Members only, although some require an appointment to be booked in advance.
Most are available at the POSITIVE LIVING BC offices, with several available on a daily basis during opening hours of 10:00am to 4:00pm. This includes the Members Lounge, iCafe computer room and the Advocacy service. There is also a daily schedule of Health and Wellness sessions and regular meetings of social Groups.
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
Model 4 PHA Caucus (Independent or Org. Program)
Peer Navigators are trained and educated on the health issues surrounding HIV/AIDS, STIs, self care, disease progression and safer sex. Through a series of supportive discussions, they use everyday language instead of jargon or medical terminology to make topics easier to understand.
Their role is to support you in gaining knowledge and developing HIV self-management strategies, providing you with the important information you will need to achieve your goals while living with HIV.
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
• Healing Our Spirit BC Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Society (APHA Advisory Group)
• Since 1999, it has been reported that there are over 1,000 APHAs in BC.
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
Red Road HIV/AIDS Network
• Active group on Facebook
• Status updates include HIV/AIDS related information
• Contact/support with other APHAs
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
• Cost of equipment
• Cell phone $80/mon
Doorway 1 • Agency Support
Doorway 2 • Peer Support
Doorway 3 • Individual/Buddy Support
Doorway 4 • Elder/Traditional Support
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
• Elders will do healing work with IDU’s
• IDU identified as mode of transmission for 53% of APHAs in Canada
• Healing the healer
Model 7 Positive Leadership Development Institute
The Positive Change Makers Program was evaluated and found to be an extremely effective (Tangelder, 2010); one of its recommendations is: to identify strategies for involving more youth, northern communities, and Aboriginal communities in the program.
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
Model 7 Positive Leadership Development Institute
• Three module training (Core Leadership Training, Communication Skills Training and Bored? Get on Board!) for people living with HIV and offers PHAs an opportunity to identify and develop leadership skills.
• Core Leadership Training seeks to answer the question: “Who am I as a Leader?” The three main goals of the training are:
- To identify personal values and philosophy; - To develop leadership skills and practices; - To gain community knowledge and awareness.
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
Model 7 Positive Leadership Development Institute
The curriculum objectives for the training are for participants to have the opportunity:
• To understand the 5 principles and 10 commitments of leadership
• To realize individual leadership potential • To participate in building a network of leaders
within the PHA community • To realize the potential and strengths that each
individual brings to the network
20/03/13 CAAN APHA
Model 7 Positive Leadership Development Institute
• To learn about and practice leadership skills in a safe environment
• To inspire others to become leaders • To encourage participants to take on facilitator
and mentoring roles within the community • To expand participants awareness of our
20/03/13 CAAN APHA
Model 8 Canadian AIDS Society: One Foot Forward
One Foot Forward: A GIPA Training Toolkit is a collection of nine educational modules designed by and for people living with HIV/AIDS to assist them in building capacity and in acquiring leadership skills that promote their greater and more meaningful involvement in communities across the country.
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
A plain-language, bilingual resource, One Foot Forward offers training on: - the principle of greater involvement (GIPA); - effective, knowledgeable leadership; - identity, diversity and disclosure issues; - community-based AIDS organizations; - boards and governance; and - working effectively in groups.
• CAS member groups provide services to APHAs
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
Manitoba First Nations AIDS Working Group
• Female and male APHA representation
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
Do I know how to sound my voice?
Does my voice matter?
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
• Mentor and tutor • Skills development • Reading, writing & computer literacy • Speaking skills • Policy training • Credibility • Evidence-based advice • Include Two-Spirit and trans • Representative of region • Consulting with & reporting back to APHAs
Intervention Research
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
Intervention Research
Police detain APHA who tried to provide harm reduction tools to at-risk peers.
20/03/13 CAAN APHA [email protected]
idle no more…
