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Notice of Concern

Date post: 24-May-2015
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Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno One for All and All for One Student Notice of Concern
  • 1. Student Notice of ConcernUnus pro omnibus, omnes pro unoOne for All and All for One

2. Student Notice of ConcernThe NOC is a Faculty communication toolused to electronically notify the AcademicOffice regarding concerns Faculty haveabout students that CANNOT beresolved at the student/instructor level.The NOC is not a substitution for normalinstructor rapport with students. Rather,the NOC is to be used when normalclassroom management strategies fail. 3. Student Notice of Concern is on the same screen as Attendance Click Enter to make a referral. 4. Click on a student, then click Continue 5. You are now at the NOC referral screen 6. Please ALWAYS communicate with your students. If you check Low test/quiz/assignment scores or Grade below C please explain what action you want the Advisor to take beyond your own remediation discussions with the student, i.e. tutoring in the LSS, review of syllabus requirements, etc. 7. Attendance is monitored daily by the campus Attendance Point Person. Students are automatically withdrawnfrom classes when they exceed the absence threshold. Complete this section if your OWN attendance criteria exceeds that of the college OR if you and the student have negotiated an agreement and you are requesting to NOT have the student automatically withdrawn from your class. 8. When non-academic issues are interfering with students success, please identify the problem and recommend what action you would like the Advisor to take. Detailsare important. 9. EXAMPLES OF NON-ACADEMIC OFFICE ISSUES WHICH DO NOT REQUIREINTERVENTION FROM AN ADVISOR 10. No further comments from instructor. Does not appear to be a need for advisor intervention . 11. No other comments from instructor. Does notappear to be a need for advisor intervention. 12. Instructor noted that she had contact with student, but no other comments were included. 13. No other comments included. 14. Instructor had contact with student. Student has not missed any classes. 15. No added comments from instructor and a new entry made, same as this, on 10/20/08. 16. Has missed 1 of 7 classes. No additional comments from instructor. 17. Academic help? Transportation? Child care?When student was called by an Advisor, we discovered she is in a wheelchairand was having a hard time getting from class to class 18. The following are submitted notice ofconcerns which were resolved usingnormal classroom managementstrategies.Advisor intervention not required. 19. STUDENT REFERRAL FORM NOTICE OF CONCERN DATE SUBMITTED: 2012/05/01 RECORD NO: 1 STUDENT PHONE:COURSE: SECTION NO:STUDENT EMAIL: INSTRUCTOR/STAFF NAME: INSTRUCTOR/STAFF PHONE:INSTRUCTOR/STAFF EMAIL:COMMUNICATION I have communicated with the student.ACADEMIC ISSUES GRADE BELOW "C" AT THIS TIME OTHER ACADEMIC REASONS:Student missing assignment and quiz. Suppose to make up quiz 5-2-2012 and I will accept one late assignment. NON-ACADEMIC ISSUESINSTRUCTOR COMMENTS:Student admits that he does not apply himself. 20. STUDENT REFERRAL FORM Baker NOTICE OF CONCERNDATE SUBMITTED: 2012/05/01 RECORD NO: 1 STUDENT PHONE:COURSE: SECTION NO:STUDENT EMAIL:INSTRUCTOR/STAFF NAME: INSTRUCTOR/STAFF PHONE:INSTRUCTOR/STAFF EMAIL: COMMUNICATIONI have communicated with the student. ACADEMIC ISSUES LOW TEST/QUIZ/ASSIGNMENT SCORES GRADE BELOW "C" AT THIS TIME OTHER ACADEMIC REASONS:Student has the ability just does not want to apply himself. Tested very poorly this week. Im letting him turn in a late assignment NON-ACADEMIC ISSUESINSTRUCTOR COMMENTS: 21. STUDENT REFERRAL FORMNOTICE OF CONCERNDATE SUBMITTED: 2012/06/05 RECORD NO: 1 STUDENT PHONE:COURSE: SECTION NO:STUDENT EMAIL:INSTRUCTOR/STAFFNAME:INSTRUCTOR/STAFF PHONE:INSTRUCTOR/STAFF EMAIL:COMMUNICATION I have communicated with the student.ACADEMIC ISSUESOTHER ACADEMIC REASONS:Student has medical condition that prevent him fromattending class and will require an Incomplete grade. NON-ACADEMIC ISSUES INSTRUCTOR COMMENTS: 22. STUDENT REFERRAL FORMBaker NOTICE OF CONCERN STUDENT PHONE:COURSE: SECTION NO: STUDENT EMAIL: INSTRUCTOR/STAFF NAME:INSTRUCTOR/STAFF PHONE:INSTRUCTOR/STAFF EMAIL: COMMUNICATIONI have communicated with the student. ACADEMIC ISSUESNON-ACADEMIC ISSUESOTHER NON-ACADEMIC REASONS:Student missed clinical yesterday because she had an illchild that she had to take to the ERINSTRUCTOR COMMENTS:____________is looking for a hospital date andinstructor who can supervise student for a make-up. 23. STUDENT REFERRAL FORM NOTICE OF CONCERNDATE SUBMITTED: 2012/05/23RECORD NO: 1STUDENT PHONE: COURSE: SECTION NO: STUDENT EMAIL:INSTRUCTOR/STAFF NAME: INSTRUCTOR/STAFF PHONE: INSTRUCTOR/STAFF EMAIL: COMMUNICATIONI have communicated with the student.ACADEMIC ISSUES GRADE BELOW "C" AT THIS TIME NON-ACADEMIC ISSUESINSTRUCTOR COMMENTS: 24. The following are examples of submitted notice ofconcerns in which normal classroom managementstrategies, i.e. communication with the student, wereNOT initiated by the instructor.The NOC is to be used when normal classroommanagement strategies fail. 25. STUDENT REFERRAL FORMNOTICE OF CONCERNDATE SUBMITTED: 2012/04/19 RECORD NO: 1STUDENT PHONE: COURSE:SECTION NO:STUDENT EMAIL: INSTRUCTOR/STAFF NAME: INSTRUCTOR/STAFF PHONE:INSTRUCTOR/STAFF EMAIL: COMMUNICATION I have not communicated with the student.This is her first full week of absence.ACADEMIC ISSUESLOW TEST/QUIZ/ASSIGNMENT SCORESGRADE BELOW "C" AT THIS TIMEOTHER ACADEMIC REASONS: She has not submitted her homework and is currently doingfailing work.NON-ACADEMIC ISSUES INSTRUCTOR COMMENTS: 26. STUDENT REFERRAL FORMNOTICE OF CONCERNDATE SUBMITTED: 2012/05/18RECORD NO: 1 STUDENT PHONE:COURSE: SECTION NO: STUDENT EMAIL:INSTRUCTOR/STAFF NAME:INSTRUCTOR/STAFF PHONE:INSTRUCTOR/STAFF EMAIL: COMMUNICATION I have not communicated with the student. Attendance/ Assignments ACADEMIC ISSUESNON-ACADEMIC ISSUES INSTRUCTOR COMMENTS: 27. STUDENT REFERRAL FORMNOTICE OF CONCERN DATE SUBMITTED: 2012/05/22 RECORD NO:STUDENT PHONE:COURSE:STUDENT EMAIL:INSTRUCTOR/STAFF NAME:INSTRUCOR/STAFF PHONE: SECTION NO: INSTRUCTOR/STAFF EMAIL:COMMUNICATIONI have not communicated with the student. she is always at least an hour late, and always leaves early ACADEMIC ISSUES LOW TEST/QUIZ/ASSIGNMENT SCORES GRADE BELOW "C" AT THIS TIME NON-ACADEMIC ISSUESINSTRUCTOR COMMENTS: 28. ACADEMIC OFFICE ISSUES POOR GRADES Make referrals when attempts towork with students have failed. NON-ATTENDANCE Report only when Students areon the brink of withdrawal for non-attendance orattempts to discuss attendance/tardy issues with studenthave failed. BEHAVORIAL CONCERNS Refer when classroommanagement strategies have failed. COUNSELING; FAMILY/PERSONAL Refer for suchissues as:Transportation, Child Care, Special Needs, MentalHealth, etc. 29. EXAMPLES OF APPROPRIATEACADEMIC OFFICEREFERRALS 30. More information would be helpful but this is clearly ared flag. 31. Instructor indicated Family/Personal Issues. 32. More information would be helpful 33. Very limited space in Notice of Concerncomment section request made to expand 34. Directions on how to retrieveAdvisor follow-up documentationon Notice of Concern referrals. 35. Click on View/Save/Print, then click Submit 36. Click onClick on one orof your sections, then Continue. one or all all of your sections, then click click Continue 37. Click on the student you wish to see follow-up documentation, then click Submit 38. Click on Student Notice of Concern Referral Forms link and you will be taken to theoriginal referral and any Advisor follow-up that has occurred. 39. .This is the top half of the report that is generated. 40. This is the bottom half of the report that is generated with the Advising Action documenting Advisor follow-up activity. 41. GUIDELINES FOR DOCUMENTING STUDENT CONCERNS POOR ATTENDANCE/TARDINESS/PARTICIPATION write specific concern...we dont know whatthis means when not explained. Explain the problem and the Advisor interventionyou feel will be helpful. Make referrals only when your normal classroommanagement strategies have not been successful. 42. WHEN NOT TO SUBMIT A NOTICE OFCONCERN Do NOT submit a Notice of Concern if you only want to document : an observation or interaction with a student but are NOT requesting intervention by an Advisor. a current grade in the class. an absence/tardy. If this is an ongoing issues which has not been resolved with normal classroom management strategies then a request for advisor intervention is appropriate. missed assignments. failed assignments. poor study habits. 43. Questions
