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THE SENTINEL-LEAJJJciK SPARTA, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1959 SPARTA LOCALS MRS. DAISY HOLE EN, Correspondent - Phone TU-T-TJSl Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Houk of Lud- ington spent last week Wednesday %ith their daughter, Mrs. Lewis Salisbury and family. Robert Feerick, aged 83, of Fre- mont, passed away Monday at the Fremont Hospital. He Is survived by his wife, Kittle; two sisters, Mrs. Dora Skagg of Jackson, Mrs. Interested in Stocks? Investors Stock Fund, Inc., offers an open end mutual fund with pro- fessional supervision of divcc«ified securities, emphasizing common stocks. The securities for this fund arc chosen with objectives of long- term capital apprecia- tion possibilities and reasonable income. For a free prospectus-book- let, call or write: Marshall L. Vaughan Zone Manager Phone: TU 7-9107 101 King Blvd. Sparta, Michigan ReprMtniins ( &ru>e6fari Diversified Services, Inc. FOUNDED 1894 O*, MAIL THIS COUPON Pleott »end me lh« protpedut- booklet on lnve»lof» Slock Fund. Nome. Addreu. City. -Zoo# State. Adela Thompson of Kent City, and several nieces and nephews. The* funeral services will be at the First Methodist Church in Fre- mont at 2 o'clock on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Garant of Maple Rapids, spent last week- end with her mother. Mrs. Martina Roosenraad. Mm. Lula Milner spent last week with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nelson at Long Lake. The V.W.C.A. will register for their Spring term classes at Com- stock Park High school on Wed- nesday, March 18 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Five subjects will be offered: Sewing, cake decorating, typing, contract bridge and flower arrang- ing. Registrations will also be ac- cepted al the Y.W.C.A., Grand Rapids, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Alxoma Grange will have a card party at their hall Saturday night. March 21, at 8:30. Lunch will be served. Mrs. Ertvin Klenk entertained St. Mary's Service League In her home last Wednesday afternoon. A 2 o'clock luncheon was served to members and their guests, with Mrs. John DeLoof assisting the hostess. This was one of the mon- ey-making projects for St. Mary's hospital in which all members of the organization are participating Mrs. Iris Merritt of 276 River St. of Sparta, stlU remains in St. Marys Hospital after receiving a neck Injury a week ago as she was making a left hand turn be- ing struck with a police car driven by Gordon Helsel. The W.C.T.U. Lenten Ilreukfast will be held In the Educational Building of the Sparta Methodist Church on Tuesday, March 17 at 9:45 a.m. For reservations, call TU 8-8132 or TU 7-7351, not later thaK the morning of March 16. Following the breakfast. Rev. Bruce Mead, pastor of the Free Methodist Church, will speak. Special music. A-1C John Erbeti, Mrs. Erbes and their children, have returned to Florida, where they are living at Ford Walton Beach, near Elgin Air Force Base, where he is sta- tioned. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Er- bes, Sr., accompanied them on their moving trip from Sparta and spent a couple weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. RuHneii Giiiett and daughter, Ruth Ann. Lorreen Rob erts, and Mrs. Glllett's mother, Mrs. Ben Torrenga, drove to Lan- sing Sunday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Craig Larson. Manson Vandemieer of Stebbins Rd., is in St. Mary's Hospital fol- lowing surgery on Friday. Mrs. Jeanette Onck of Grand Rapids was a week-end guest of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slegel and fam- ily of Long Lake Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan LaVine of Grand Rapids, former residents of Sparta, were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emory Allison. Mr. and Mrs. Ehvood Biumen- stein have sold their home on S. State St. to Mr, ahd Mrs. Harold Bristol of Sparta. The Blumen- steins expect to move this month to Los Gatos, California. Central Circle will meet Tues- day, March 17 with Mrs. H. L. Finch, W. Division. Pot-luck din- ner at 12:30. Assistant hostesses are Mrs. Arthur Nelson, and Mrs. John Nieboer. Devotions by Mrs. Tina Johnson. Sparta relatives and friends who attended the Fiftieth Wedding An- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Johnson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Johnson on 4-MIle road, Comstock Park last Sunday after- noon and evening, were, Mrs. Har- ry Lymburner, Harvey Johnson of Cadillac, who is visiting Sparta relatives, Ross Perry, Mrs. H. L. Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Clare E. Finch, Mrs. Lareta Johnson, Mrs. J. R. Bettes, Mrs. O. F. Brown. Mrs. Florence Cattell, Mrs. Mina Bright and Mr. and Mrs. Abner Ellison. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Titus, 143 W. Averill on the birth of a 7-lb., 8-oz. daughter, Annette Renee on March 4. Mr, and Mrs. Roland Fahiing announce the birth of a seven- pound 7 Vi-ounce girl. Penny Sue, on Tuesday, March 3. at St. Mary's hospital. Miss Alice Koderstroin is in Blod- gett hospital following an auto- mobile accident in which she was injured about two weeks ago. Mary E. Schaefer participated in Alpha Chi Omega pledging cere- monies recently staged by sorori- ties at the University of Michigan. The Sparta Elementary Teach- ers were entertained on Thursday at a late afternoon coffee at the beautiful home of Mrs. John Pow- ell on Kings Blvd. Mrs. Powell formerly taught first grade in Sparta. o- CONKLIN REFORMED CHURCH 11:00 A.M. Sunday School 10:00 A.M. .Morning Worship Scoaling Shorts The Thunderblrd Patrol of Spar- ta Boy Scout Troop No. 280 took third place honors In the Class C classification in the First-AId-o-ree held recently at the Grandville High School in competition with other Scout troops In the Grand Valley Council. The local Scouts represented North Kent District of the Council. The Scout bus was used for the first time and the following boys participated in the First-AId-o-ree: Keith Burgess, Robert Blevins, Tom Carpenter, Richard Berry. Edward Waite, Bill Barnum and Jim Hickman. Fred Bloom, also a member of the patrol, was unable to attend. Adult leaders accompanying the boys were Scoutmaster Ralph Bar- num, Advancement Chairman El- don Walker, Junior Assistant, Jack Walker and Scout Father, Harold Allen. Herbert Waite has been named Finance Chairman of the North Kent District of the Grand Valley Council of Boy Scouts. A trip through the Civil Defense Headquarters at Battle Creek and a lour of the Kellogg Company are being planned by the Cubs in Spar- ta Pack No. 3280 for the Monday following Easter. Over 60 Cub Scouts from the Sparta Pack No. 3280 were hosts to their parents and brothers and sisters at the annual Blue and Gold banquet held at the Civic Center February 26. The tables were beautifully decorated by the Cubs themselves with elaborate centerpieces created by each Den and individual favors for everyone. The invocation was said by Cub Scout David D'Amour from Den 8 and Mrs. Ardyth Babcock's Den 13 led the flag ceremony. Scoutmaster Ralph Barnum was introduced to the group and a court of awards was set up with Advancement Officer. Arthur Kent presenting many badges, arrow points and service stars. Mrs. Leonard Tawney from Cro- ton Dam. an Ottawa Indian prin- cess, entertained the boys and their families with a talk on Indian lore atid showed many examples of her handiwork. o EIKiERTON BAPTIST MISSION 13-Mile Road Edgerton "The Little Church with a Big Welcome." R«x McMurray, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Classes for all ages. Morning Worship 10:45 A.M Young People's 7:00 P.M. Evening Evangelistic Services 8:00 P.M. (J owjl M (M! (frl (X Bui If- for Peop/e i.eck Ford's lurgu oponlnuB Evorybudy gots h daolti < tload toonj- leg rooin gttloro All front »e«ts •re foam psdded No deep iuul wollu full doptti cutihiun Saves up tu bf a gallon with regular (jne Cliongo oil only uoch 4000 miles AluminlZfid muMlurm I I DlAmmirl I natr Alumlnl/od mutflori nurmnlly last twice ati lung Save on luwost-cost Hccossones | New Diamond lustre Finish never needs waxing ,1 your FREE Ford Stvlnp Book. Add '•m up yourMlf., t m of ov*t $162 on (iM ce«t of ur tnd i TOE W0MJD/S MOST BEAUT1FUUY PROTOmONED CARS ENTER THE SYLVANIA PHOTOFLASH CONTEST . . . SEE YOU* LOCAL FORD DEALER FOR DETAILS JOHNSON BROS. SPABTA KENT CITY MOTOR SALES KENT CITY PINE SEEDLINGS NOW AVAILABLE Tree chairman, Kenneth Ander- son, of the North East Kent Soil Conservation District, states the Red, Scotch and Austrian pine seedlings will again be available for planting stock by the Districts, Multlflora rose for hedgerow and for wildlife plantings will also be available. If you expect to do reforesting, other tree planting, windbreak or wildlife planting, please contact the District office in Rockford or contact your local District Direc- tor. GIRLS' BASKETBALL Kenewa Conference Standings: won lost CoopersviUe 6 2 SPARTA 4 4 Comstock Park 4 4 Hudsonvllle Unity 2 6 **«* Sparta and Comstock Park girls basketball teams are tied for sec- ond place with the Coopersvllle team emerging victoriously as Kenewa Champions as the finals of the basketball season drew to a close last week. The Spartans lost a very close mitch by a one-point margin last Friday evening at Coopersvllle with the home team claiming a 35-34 victory and the league title. o NAZARENE CHURCH Sparta, Michigan Rev. Richard R. Cook, Pastor SUNDAY: Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Sunday School 10:00 A.M. NYPS Service 6:30 P.M. Evangelistic Service 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting. o South Sparta Mrs. Larry Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pratt ar- rived home Saturday from a two months' trip to Arizona. They also visited friends In California for a week and stopped over for a few days in Borger, Texas, to visit Mrs. Pratt's sister. They then came home through Kansas, stop- ping at Dodge Cily to see Wyatt Earp's old town and Boot Hill cemetery, also stopped at Meade to see the hideout of the famous Dalton gang of outlaws and took the Kansas TUrnpike through the two Kansas Cities in Missouri and Kansas, through Missouri, stopping at Hannibal to see Mark Twain's home. They also stopped in Inde- pendence to see Truman's new library and also his home. They arrived home to see snow cover- ing the ground, a novelty after seeing none for two months. Mr. and Mm. Leonard Nordhof attended the Nordhof family get- together in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Al Vanderclay Friday night at her home in Grand Rapids and they were Thursday evening din- ner guests of his sister, Mrs. Jake DeVogel In Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Wheaton were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blough of Camp Lake. Mr. and Mrs. L. Nordhof visited his brother and sister-in-law at Caledonia on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ingersoll of Alpine, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chorman of Sparta and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pratt attended the open house celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Ehgotz of Coral, held Saturday evening at the school gym in Coral. About 300 attend- ed the event. o CAMP LAKE by Ruth YarneH Mr. and Mrs. M. L. WilMn, Mr. and Mrs. J. Matzen of Grand Rap- Ids and Mrs. Russell Barnes of Ce- dar Springs were all Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blller of Stauffer Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Itene of Grand Rapids, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith on Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schrauwen are grandparents of a new baby girl, born to their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Koning of Bowman Rd., were Sunday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blller. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Raman at- tended a Legion dinner on Mon- day evening in Sparta. Frank lliller received word of the death of an uncle in Big Rapids and attended the funeral this week. These days when the tempera- lure goes above rreezlng, have made the fishermen a bit worried so gradually the fish shanties are disappearing. Makes one feel that maybe spring isn't too far away. LISBON NEWS Mrs. Iva Mars, Corr. TO 7-2158 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reister and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Denhof were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norm Johnson. Mrs. M. Green of Kent City was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reister and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Reister spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Wolters. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reister and Franklin Reister, called on Roland Kraft at St. Mary's hos- pital Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Reister called on Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Kraft Sunday evening. Mrs. Franklin Reister attended a stork shower Sunday evening, honoring Mrs. Walter Beuschel. Mrs, Ell Roberts and Mrs. Geo. Van Dyke were hostess and co- hostess. Mrs. Irving Reister and Mrs. Charlotte Roman and son called on Mrs. Sophia Reister Sunday after- noon. VILLAGE OF SPARTA Council Proceedings NORTH CHESTER BAPTIST CHURCH Howard Boithouse, Pa«tor 905 Logan, S E. Grand Rapids, Mich. Phone GL 8-1922 Sunday Sunday School 10:00 A.M Morning Worship 11:05 A.M. Evening Gospel Service 8:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer and Praise lltttlnjl 8:00 P.M \roung Peoples' Meeting 8:00 P.M. Regular Meeting of Sparta Vil- lage Council, March 9, 1959, in Council Rooms. 156 Division St., Sparta, Michigan, 8:00 p.m. Meeting called to order by President Johnson. All members present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Moved by Titus, that the bills In the sum of $10,329.78, as ap- proved by the Finance Committee, be paid. Seconded by Colby. Aye: Rambow, Field, Carlson, Colby, Titus, and Lee. Nay: 0. Carried. Report by Clerk and Supt. of Public Works. Report by Police Chief Heugei as follows: Arrests—February- Seeding, 5; Did not have right of way, 2; Drlvlftg without due cau- tion. 3; Disobeyed stop sign, 1; Ex- pired operator's license, 2; No op- erator's license, 5; Violation of check law, 1; Defective equipment, 1. 7 accidents and 225 driver's licenses Issued In February. Upon motion meeting was ad- journed by President Johnson. —Roy C. Burgett "i- Village Clerk. o «T. CATUIJUNE CHUROB ilavonna MUSH 8 '0n on <1 10 'Ofl a.fn THE SPARTA FREE METHODIST CHURCH Bruce W. Meads, Pastor 105 Grove Street Phone TU 7-9281 SUNDAY: Light & Life Hour, WFUR 8:30 A.M. WLS 5:00 P.M. Sunday School: 9:45 to 10:45 A.M. Organ Meditations: 10:45 to 11:00 Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Inspirational Hour 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting 7:30 P.M. ALPINE BAPTIST CHURCH 7.Mile Road and Alpine Ave. Comstock Park, Mich. SUNDAY: Unified Service 10:00 A.M. Young Peoples Junior.. .6:00 P.M Prayer Groups 6:30 P.M. Evening Service. 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting 7:30 P.M. Senior Young People's ..7:30 P.M. MAMRELUND LUTHERAN CHURCH SCHEDULE Fruit Ridge and Lutheran Church Road Richard A. Swedberg, pastor Sunday School 0545 A,M. Divine Worship 11:00 A.M. First Sunday of each month Holy Communion Services at 8:30 and 11:00 A.M. Plant Food Helps Farmers Beat 59 Cost-Price Squeeze FERTILIZER will be one o£ x the farmer's best weapons for beating the cost-price squeeze in 1989. That is the statement of the Midwest division of the Na- tional Plant Food Institute, in citing a U. S. Department of Agricultural forecast. The department indicates that virtually everything but fertilizer will cost the farmer more in the New Year. "Wages to hired labor and prices paid for non-farm goods and services, except fertilizer, are still rising," says the De- partment. "They will probably average higher in 1959 ths^i in 1058. "Prices of fertilizer are ex- pected to remain at about present levels." Fertilizer use based on soil tests and recommendations by agricultural colleges, can help the farmer build his individual volume of production and cut his costs of crop production, the National Plant Food In- stitute points out. Other essen- tial items in such program are t..e use of improvea and adapted varieties of seed, la- bor-saving tillage practices and effective insect control. NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS Starting This Week, March 11 The following Sparta Merchants will keep their stores open Friday evenings and will close on Saturdays at 6:00 p. m. SPARTA FINANCE CO SPARTA TRACTOR & IMPLEMENTS WM. A. ROGERS IMPLEMENTS EAST SPARTA FARM SUPPLY JOHNSON HARDWARE PINTLER'S HARDWARE WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE THE PAINT STORE SPARTA HOME APPLIANCE CARLSON-MEYER LLOYD HANSEN & SONS HOWARD'S SHOES ALLEN'S SHOE STORE GASS MEN'S WEAR RUTH DE LANGE SHOP STONER'S DRY GOODS HAUGHAN'S BARBER SHOP LOUIE'S BARBER SHOP TONY'S BARBER SHOP PAUL LAWRENCE JEWELERS HAMMER JEWELRY I
Page 1: NOTICE - Sparta Township Historical Commissionspartahistory.org › newspaper_splits › The Sentinel Leader › 1959 › Th… · Marshall L. Vaughan Zone Manager Phone: TU 7-9107

T H E S E N T I N E L - L E A J J J c i K S P A R T A , M I C H I G A N WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1959


Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Houk of Lud-ington spent last week Wednesday

%i th their daughter , Mrs. Lewis Salisbury and family.

Robert Feerick, aged 83, of Fre-mont, passed away Monday a t the Fremont Hospital. He Is survived by his wife, Kitt le; two sisters, Mrs. Dora Skagg of Jackson, Mrs.

Interested in Stocks?

Investors Stock Fund, Inc., offers an open end mutual fund with pro-fessional supervision of divcc«ified securities, emphasizing common stocks. The securities for this fund arc chosen with objectives of long-term capital apprecia-tion possibilities and reasonable income. For a free prospectus-book-let, call or write:

M a r s h a l l L . V a u g h a n Zone Manager

Phone: TU 7-9107 101 King Blvd.

Sparta, Michigan


(&ru>e6fari Diversified Services, Inc.



Pleott »end me lh« protpedut-booklet on lnve»lof» Slock Fund.



City. -Zoo# State .

Adela Thompson of Kent City, and several nieces and nephews. The* funera l services will be at the First Methodist Church in Fre-mont a t 2 o'clock on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs, Richard Garant of Maple Rapids, spent last week-end with her mother. Mrs. Martina Roosenraad.

Mm. Lula Milner spent last week with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nelson at Long Lake.

The V.W.C.A. will register for their Spring term classes at Com-stock Park High school on Wed-nesday, March 18 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Five subjects will be offered: Sewing, cake decorating, typing, contract bridge and flower ar rang-ing. Registrations will also be ac-cepted al the Y.W.C.A., Grand Rapids, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Alxoma Grange will have a card party at their hall Saturday night. March 21, at 8:30. Lunch will be served.

Mrs. Ertvin Klenk entertained St. Mary's Service League In her home last Wednesday afternoon. A 2 o'clock luncheon was served to members and their guests, with Mrs. John DeLoof assisting the hostess. This was one of the mon-ey-making projects for St. Mary's hospital in which all members of the organization are participating

Mrs. Iris Merri t t of 276 River St. of Sparta, stlU remains in St. Marys Hospital a f te r receiving a neck Injury a week ago as she was making a left hand turn be-ing struck with a police car driven by Gordon Helsel.

The W.C.T.U. Lenten Ilreukfast will be held In the Educational Building of the Spar ta Methodist Church on Tuesday, March 17 at 9:45 a.m. For reservations, call TU 8-8132 or TU 7-7351, not later thaK the morning of March 16. Following the breakfast . Rev. Bruce Mead, pastor of the Free Methodist Church, will speak. Special music.

A-1C John Erbeti, Mrs. Erbes and their children, have returned to Florida, where they are living at Ford Walton Beach, near Elgin Air Force Base, where he is sta-tioned. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Er-bes, Sr., accompanied them on their moving trip from Spar ta and spent a couple weeks in Florida.

Mr. and Mrs. RuHneii Giiiett and daughter, Ruth Ann. Lorreen Rob

erts, and Mrs. Glllett's mother, Mrs. Ben Torrenga, drove to Lan-sing Sunday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Craig Larson.

Manson Vandemieer of Stebbins Rd., is in St. Mary's Hospital fol-lowing surgery on Friday.

Mrs. Jeanet te Onck of Grand Rapids was a week-end guest of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slegel and fam-ily of Long Lake Drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan LaVine of Grand Rapids, former residents of Sparta, were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emory Allison.

Mr. and Mrs. Ehvood Biumen-stein have sold their home on S. State St. to Mr, ahd Mrs. Harold Bristol of Sparta. The Blumen-steins expect to move this month to Los Gatos, California.

Central Circle will meet Tues-day, March 17 with Mrs. H. L. Finch, W. Division. Pot-luck din-ner at 12:30. Assistant hostesses are Mrs. Ar thur Nelson, and Mrs. John Nieboer. Devotions by Mrs. Tina Johnson.

Spar ta relatives and friends who attended the Fif t ieth Wedding An-niversary of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Johnson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Johnson on 4-MIle road, Comstock Park last Sunday af ter -noon and evening, were, Mrs. Har-ry Lymburner, Harvey Johnson of Cadillac, who is visiting Sparta relatives, Ross Perry, Mrs. H. L. Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Clare E. Finch, Mrs. Lareta Johnson, Mrs. J . R. Bettes, Mrs. O. F. Brown. Mrs. Florence Cattell, Mrs. Mina Bright and Mr. and Mrs. Abner Ellison.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Titus, 143 W. Averill on the birth of a 7-lb., 8-oz. daughter, Annette Renee on March 4.

Mr, and Mrs. Roland Fahiing announce the birth of a seven-pound 7 Vi-ounce girl. Penny Sue, on Tuesday, March 3. at St. Mary's hospital.

Miss Alice Koderstroin is in Blod-gett hospital following an auto-mobile accident in which she was injured about two weeks ago.

Mary E. Schaefer participated in Alpha Chi Omega pledging cere-monies recently staged by sorori-ties at the University of Michigan.

The Sparta Elementary Teach-ers were entertained on Thursday at a late afternoon coffee at the beautiful home of Mrs. John Pow-ell on Kings Blvd. Mrs. Powell formerly taught first grade in Sparta.


C O N K L I N R E F O R M E D C H U R C H 11:00 A.M. Sunday School 10:00 A.M. .Morning Worship

Scoaling Shorts The Thunderblrd Patrol of Spar-

ta Boy Scout Troop No. 280 took third place honors In the Class C classification in the First-AId-o-ree held recently at the Grandville High School in competition wi th other Scout troops In the Grand Valley Council. The local Scouts represented North Kent District of the Council.

The Scout bus was used for the first time and the following boys participated in the First-AId-o-ree: Keith Burgess, Robert Blevins, Tom Carpenter, Richard Berry. Edward Waite, Bill Barnum and Jim Hickman. Fred Bloom, also a member of the patrol, was unable to attend.

Adult leaders accompanying the boys were Scoutmaster Ralph Bar-num, Advancement Chairman El-don Walker, Junior Assistant, Jack Walker and Scout Father, Harold Allen.

Herbert Waite has been named Finance Chairman of the North Kent District of the Grand Valley Council of Boy Scouts.

A trip through the Civil Defense Headquarters at Battle Creek and a lour of the Kellogg Company are being planned by the Cubs in Spar-ta Pack No. 3280 for the Monday following Easter.

Over 60 Cub Scouts from the Spar ta Pack No. 3280 were hosts to their parents and brothers and sisters at the annual Blue and Gold banquet held at the Civic Center February 26. The tables were beautifully decorated by the Cubs themselves with elaborate centerpieces created by each Den and individual favors for everyone.

The invocation was said by Cub Scout David D'Amour from Den 8 and Mrs. Ardyth Babcock's Den 13 led the flag ceremony.

Scoutmaster Ralph Barnum was introduced to the group and a court of awards was set up with Advancement Officer. Arthur Kent presenting many badges, arrow points and service stars.

Mrs. Leonard Tawney from Cro-ton Dam. an Ottawa Indian prin-cess, entertained the boys and their families with a talk on Indian lore atid showed many examples of her handiwork.



13-Mile Road — Edgerton "The Little Church with a

• Big Welcome." R«x McMurray, Pastor

Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Classes for all ages.

Morning Worship 10:45 A.M Young People's 7:00 P.M. Evening Evangelistic

Services 8:00 P.M.

(Jowjl M (M! (frl (X

Bui If- for Peop/e

i.eck Ford's lurgu oponlnuB

Evorybudy gots h daolti <

tload toonj-leg rooin gttloro

All f ront »e«ts • r e foam p s d d e d

No deep iuul wollu full doptti cutihiun

Saves up tu bf a gallon with regular (jne

Cliongo oil only uoch 4000


AluminlZfid muMlurm I I DlAmmirl I natr Alumlnl/od mutflori nurmnlly last twice ati lung

Save on luwost-cost Hccossones

| New Diamond lust re Finish never

needs waxing


your FREE Ford Stvlnp Book. Add '•m up yourMlf., t m of ov*t $162 on (iM ce«t of ur tnd i






Tree chairman, Kenneth Ander-son, of the North East Kent Soil Conservation District, states the Red, Scotch and Austrian pine seedlings will again be available f o r planting stock by the Districts,

Multlf lora rose for hedgerow and fo r wildlife plantings will also be available.

If you expect to do reforesting, other tree planting, windbreak or wildlife planting, please contact the District office in Rockford or contact your local District Direc-tor.

GIRLS' BASKETBALL Kenewa Conference Standings:

won lost CoopersviUe 6 2 SPARTA 4 4 Comstock Park 4 4 Hudsonvllle Unity 2 6

**«* Sparta and Comstock Park girls

basketball teams a re tied for sec-ond place with the Coopersvllle team emerging victoriously as Kenewa Champions as the finals of the basketball season drew to a close last week.

The Spartans lost a very close m i t c h by a one-point margin last Fr iday evening at Coopersvllle with the home team claiming a 35-34 victory and the league title.


NAZARENE CHURCH Sparta, Michigan

Rev. Richard R. Cook, Pastor

SUNDAY: Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Sunday School 10:00 A.M. NYPS Service 6:30 P.M. Evangelistic Service 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting.


South Sparta Mrs. Lar ry P r a t t

Mr. and Mrs. Lar ry Pra t t ar-rived home Saturday from a two months' tr ip to Arizona. They also visited friends In California for a week and stopped over for a few days in Borger, Texas, to visit Mrs. Pra t t ' s sister. They then came home through Kansas, stop-ping at Dodge Cily to see Wyatt Earp's old town and Boot Hill cemetery, also stopped at Meade to see the hideout of the famous Dalton gang of outlaws and took the Kansas TUrnpike through the two Kansas Cities in Missouri and Kansas, through Missouri, stopping at Hannibal to see Mark Twain's home. They also stopped in Inde-pendence to see Truman 's new library and also his home. They arrived home to see snow cover-ing the ground, a novelty af te r seeing none for two months.

Mr. and Mm. Leonard Nordhof attended the Nordhof family get-

together in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Al Vanderclay Friday night a t her home in Grand Rapids and they were Thursday evening din-ner guests of his sister, Mrs. Jake DeVogel In Grand Rapids.

Mr. and Mrs. Milo Wheaton were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blough of Camp Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Nordhof visited his brother and sister-in-law at Caledonia on Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ingersoll of Alpine, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chorman of Sparta and Mr. and Mrs. Lar ry Pra t t attended the open house celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Ehgotz of Coral, held Saturday evening at the school gym in Coral. About 300 attend-ed the event.


CAMP LAKE by Ruth YarneH

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. WilMn, Mr. and Mrs. J . Matzen of Grand Rap-Ids and Mrs. Russell Barnes of Ce-dar Springs were all Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blller of S tauffer Dr.

Mr. and Mrs. Win. Itene of Grand Rapids, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith on Sun-day,

Mr. and Mrs. F rank Schrauwen are grandparents of a new baby girl, born to their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Brown.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Koning of Bowman Rd., were Sunday evening callers a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. F rank Blller.

Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Raman at-tended a Legion dinner on Mon-day evening in Sparta.

Frank lliller received word of the death of an uncle in Big Rapids and attended the funeral this week.

These days when the tempera-lure goes above rreezlng, have made the fishermen a bit worried so gradually the fish shanties are disappearing. Makes one feel that maybe spring isn't too far away.

LISBON NEWS Mrs. Iva Mars, Corr.

TO 7-2158

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reister and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Denhof were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norm Johnson.

Mrs. M. Green of Kent City was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reister and fam-ily.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Reister spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Wolters.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reister and Franklin Reister, called on Roland Kra f t a t St. Mary's hos-pital Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Frankl in Reister called on Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Kraf t Sunday evening.

Mrs. Franklin Reister attended a stork shower Sunday evening, honoring Mrs. Walter Beuschel. Mrs, Ell Roberts and Mrs. Geo. Van Dyke were hostess and co-hostess.

Mrs. Irving Reister and Mrs. Charlotte Roman and son called on Mrs. Sophia Reister Sunday af ter -noon.


Council Proceedings


— Howard Boithouse, Pa«tor — 905 Logan, S E.

Grand Rapids, Mich. — Phone GL 8-1922 —

Sunday Sunday School 10:00 A.M Morning Worship 11:05 A.M. Evening Gospel

Service 8:00 P.M. Wednesday

Prayer and Praise l l t t t l n j l 8:00 P.M

\roung Peoples' Meeting 8:00 P.M.

Regular Meeting of Sparta Vil-lage Council, March 9, 1959, in Council Rooms. 156 Division St., Sparta, Michigan, 8:00 p.m.

Meeting called to order by President Johnson.

All members present. Minutes of the previous meeting

were read and approved as read. Moved by Titus, tha t the bills

In the sum of $10,329.78, as ap-proved by the Finance Committee, be paid. Seconded by Colby.

Aye: Rambow, Field, Carlson, Colby, Titus, and Lee. Nay: 0. Carried.

Report by Clerk and Supt. of Public Works.

Report by Police Chief Heugei as follows: A r r e s t s — F e b r u a r y -Seed ing , 5; Did not have right of way, 2; Drlvlftg without due cau-tion. 3; Disobeyed stop sign, 1; Ex-pired operator 's license, 2; No op-erator 's license, 5; Violation of check law, 1; Defective equipment, 1. 7 accidents and 225 driver's licenses Issued In February.

Upon motion meeting was ad-journed by President Johnson.

—Roy C. Burgett "i-Village Clerk.



M U S H — 8 ' 0 n on<1 10'Ofl a.fn


Bruce W. Meads, Pastor 105 Grove Street Phone TU 7-9281

SUNDAY: Light & Life Hour,

WFUR 8:30 A.M. WLS 5:00 P.M.

Sunday School: 9:45 to 10:45 A.M. Organ Meditations: 10:45 to 11:00 Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Inspirational Hour 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting 7:30 P.M.

ALPINE BAPTIST CHURCH 7.Mile Road and Alpine Ave.

Comstock Park , Mich. SUNDAY: Unified Service 10:00 A.M. Young Peoples J u n i o r . . .6:00 P.M Prayer Groups 6:30 P.M. Evening Service. 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting 7:30 P.M. Senior Young People's . .7 :30 P.M.


Fru i t Ridge and Lutheran Church Road

Richard A. Swedberg, pastor

Sunday School 0545 A,M. Divine Worship 11:00 A.M. First Sunday of each month Holy Communion Services at 8:30 and 11:00 A.M. •

Plant Food Helps Farmers Beat 59 Cost-Price Squeeze FERTILIZER will be one o£ x the farmer's best weapons for beating the cos t -p r i ce squeeze in 1989.

That is the statement of the Midwest division of the Na-tional Plant Food Institute, in citing a U. S. Department of Agricultural forecast.

The department indicates that virtually everything but fertilizer will cost the farmer more in the New Year.

"Wages to hired labor and prices paid for non-farm goods and services, except fertilizer, are still rising," says the De-partment. "They will probably average higher in 1959 ths^i in 1058.

"Prices of fertilizer are ex-pected to remain at about present levels."

Fertilizer use based on soil tests and recommendations by agricultural colleges, can help the farmer build his individual volume of production and cut his costs of crop production, the National Plant Food In-stitute points out. Other essen-tial items in such • program are t..e use of improvea and adapted varieties of seed, la-bor-saving tillage practices and effective insect control.


Starting This Week, March 1 1 The following Sparta Merchants will

keep their stores open Friday evenings and will close on Saturdays at 6:00 p. m.























Page 2: NOTICE - Sparta Township Historical Commissionspartahistory.org › newspaper_splits › The Sentinel Leader › 1959 › Th… · Marshall L. Vaughan Zone Manager Phone: TU 7-9107


KENT CITV MRS o . W. FULKERSON, Correspondent - Phone OR-8-2701

John Wabcko la now stationed at For t Sam Houston, Texas. He Is,In the medical corp.

Gunnord BJork, who has been In Butterworth hospital for twelve weeks, Is Improving and hopes to be able to re turn home by Easter.

Mrs, George Alger, who formerly lived In Kent City, died In Maple Grove Home, Tuesday, and was burled at Ada Thursday, Mr. Al-ger passed away In July, 1956,

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Taylor have returned from Florida where they had been for a brief vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Peterson are the parents of a 7-lb., 11-oz. daugh-ter, Betty Lynette, born at St, Mary's hospital Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnson and family of Fremont , spent Sun-day af ternoon with Mr, and Mrs, Ar thur Johnson and family,

Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Verhey and family of Grand Rapids, spent Sat-urday evening with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Hawkins.

Remember the Community Car-nival, Saturday evening, March 14. Supper beginning a t 5:00 p.m. and a snack bar all the evening. Many new at t ract ions tills year.

Mrs. Gordon Anderson's mother, Mrs, Alfred Borgman, died at her home Saturday, a f te r a lingering Illness, The funeral was Tuesday in Muskegon,

Mr. and Mrs, Jack Rollins, Mr. and Mrs. Russell MacDonlell of Grant and Mr. and Mrs. Chalmer Holben of Grand Rapids drove to Holt Sunday to see Mrs. Duane Rice who Is in a critical condition.

Mrs, Florence Casner, has been In Grand Rapids during the past week with her sister who Is doing very nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Collins and Linda were Saturday evening din-ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Anderson,

Mrs, I n n a Towns was a week-end guest of Mrs. Iva Sayre,

There was a fumiiy gathering Sunday at the home of Dorr Cur-tlss and his mother, Mrs. Maggie Curtlss, the occasion being the 92nd birthday of Mrs. Curtlss. Those who attended the party, were, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Curtlss of Sparta, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eu-






bank and son, Curtlss of Marne, Mrs. Mattie Holben, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Clark, Miss Sylvia English and Miss Zell Raleigh of Grand Rapids. Mrs. Curtlss Is In very good health.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Austin spent Sunday in Grand Rapids with their son, Herbert Mattson and family.

Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Poling and family of Ohio, were in church Sunday morning. They are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Donald Poling and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Reiley and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCulfor and ilttie son, came from Kalamazoo Sunday and attended church here and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnson. They called on a few old friends In the afternoon,

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hyler, J r . , and daughter, Mary of Greenville, visited their grandmother, Mrs. Jane Munson and Mrs, M. E. Moore at the home of the lat ter , Satur-day,

Hugh Lautner was home Satur-day night returning to his home in Milwaukee Sunday morning of last week.

Mrs, Carl Klein is now working in the C. J. Wabeke office, except Saturdays when Gregg takes over.

Mr. and Mrs. Otis Emmorey and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Castenholz and family, spent Sunday in Alle-gan with Mr. Emmorey's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. As-penwall.

Henry V'dtkatnp. who has spent the past three weeks In Blodgett hospital because of a severe hear t attack, returned home Saturday.

Mr, and Mrs. Ted Campbell and family of Garrett , Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert LaBrle and family of St. Johns, expect to be here this week-end to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelley and to attend the Carnival Saturday evening.

Mrs. San ford Dcyo and Mrs. Henry Myers of Rockford, who are spending the winter in Florida, visited The Keys last week and this week they are taking a t r ip to Nassa j , Bahama Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Deyo expect to re tu rn home about April 1st.

Mrs. Wm. DeGraf is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Charlie Harrison and family. Mrs. DeGraf is the former Iris Shirk.

Mrs. Caroline Graham and Mrs. Gladys Byle entertained their Sun-day School classes with a party in Fellowship Hall at the church on Saturday.

Mr. Lewis Biddenger, who was in a bad auto accident five and one half weeks ago, was brought home Tuesday from the hospital and is as well as could be expected.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bronner vis-ited her aunt , Mrs. Ada Crankshaw of Rockford Friday. Mrs. Crank-shaw was Injured In a fall recently.

Mrs. Karen Mortensen of Ann Arbor Is spending a few weeks with her son, Edd Mortensen and fam-ily.

The Emmons Crusaders, a nation-ally known group of musicians and speakers, will be holding services In the Methodist Church from

March 16 to 23, The public is cor-dially Invited to at tend these ser-vices.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saur and Mr, and Mrs, Abner Ellison a t tend-ed the Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. P. Benjamin John son, near Grand Rapids Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Harrison and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dea Harrison were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Harrison, honoring Charles on his birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kriger re-turned home Sunday a f t e r spend-ing a month In the sunny south. Recently 45 of the local people (including the Krlgers) held a pic-nic at Bradenton, which was an enjoyable "family" party,

M.M.F.N. Rober t Bronner, who Is in the Navy, is now in China.

Mr. and Mrs. Otis Austin ob-served their 61st wedding anniver-sary on Tuesday, March 10.

Mrs. George Wilkerson has re-turned home a f t e r spending the winter with her children.

— o

Obituaries SHAW—Mrs. Clara M. Shaw, 90,

life-long Casnovia township resi-dent and one of Its oldest resi-dents, died Thursday, March 5, a t Grant Community Hospital a f t e r a short illness.

She was born In Casnovia town-ship April 26, 1868 and was mar-ried to Israel Shaw In 1886. He died in 1916. Mrs. Shaw had lived on her present farm for 63 years.

Survivors include four sons, Claude and Robert of Ravenna, Glen of Casnovia, Harold of Jack-son; sister, Mrs. Wilma Morton of Casnovia; six grandchildren and seventeen great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were held Mon-day at the Hay ward Funeral Home with Rev. H. A. Knickerbocker of-ficiating. Burial was In the Hil-ton cemetery.

« * * BARNUM—Mrs. Irena Barnum,

82, of Bailey, died Sunday. March 8, In Clark Memorial Home, Grand Rapids.

Her husband, Herbert , had served as postmaster In Bailey. He died In 1941. Mrs. Barnum was a Sentinel-Leader correspondent for many years In the Bailey area.

Surviving are three sisters; three brothers and five grandchildren.

Funeral services were Wednes-day in Grant with burial In Seaman cemetery,



Mrs. Lou Keller of Harper Dr. in Spar ta was the main speaker at Ihe Monday noon meeting of the Spar ta Rotary Club. Mrs. Keller was privileged to go to Europe last Summer and took this opportunity to tell some of the interesting de-tails of her journey. During her absence from Sparta she toured parts of Scotland, England, Hol-land, Belgium—where she attended the Brusseiis World's Fair . Paris, France and Ireland. About the only mishap along the way that caused any amount of a larm, said Mrs. Keller, was the report that a bomb had been placed aboard the plane as they were about to leave Ireland for New York City on the re turn trip. After a four-hour de-lay while the plane was being searched, they were on their way.

Following her remarks, Mrs. Keller showed some colorful slides taken at various historic points of interest along the way. —JD

F.HA. LUNCHEON On March 4, the Kent City Re-

gional F.H,A. officers, Jeri Pen-dell and Leann Shear, assisted by Mrs, Forres t Shear and Mrs, Har -old Pendell, served a luncheon to other officers of the Regional Chapter of F.H,A. and their ad-visors.

Following the luncheon, the reg-ular meeting was held with a dis-cussion of the Sta te Convention. Judy Butler was chosen for first place with Mary S t rand as her a l ternate to run for S ta te F . H A . office. A theme fo r the coming Fall regional meeting to be held at Otsego, was also discussed.

All regional officers will be at-tending the Sta te F . H A . conven-tion held at the Pantl ind Hotel on April 16 and 17.


W.S.C.S. NOTES The Woman's Society of Chris-

tian Service of the Spar ta Meth-odist Church will meet a t the church on Friday, March 13 at 2 o'clock. The business meeting will be in charge of the president, Mrs. Milton Olson.

Mrs. Lou Keller and Miss Thel-ma Russell will present the pro-gram, "Intercontinental Visit," Speaking f rom personal experi-ences gathered during their recent visits to Europe, a program of itv to rest to all women of the church Is assured. Guests a re welcome.

Mrs. A, Bar th Carlson, J r . will give the devotions. Hostesses will be Mrs, Olive Blanchard, Mrs, Hu-bert Finch, Miss Bessie' Nlckolai and Mrs, William Bosch.

SPARTA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Luke Cook of En-

sley spent last week Thursday with Mr, and Mrs, Charles Nelson, Mrs. Cook is a sister of Mrs. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mix of How-ard City and Mr, and Mrs. Henry Blackmore were Saturday af ter-noon and evening guests at the Nelson home.


KENT CITY CLUB The Kent City Study Club re-

cently met in the Methodist church dining room with about f i f ty mem-bers and guests present.

Mrs, Bruce Emmory conducted a short business meeting, and the following officers were elected for the coming year : President, Mrs, Norman Weston; vice-president, Mrs, Norrls Helsel; secretary, Mrs. Ha r ry Collins; t reasurer , Mrs. M. L, Cochrane; and directors, Mrs, Austin Smith and Mrs. Bruce Em-mory, retiring president.

The program chairman, Mrs. C. Reyburn, Introduced the Rev. Stu-a r t Noordyk, minister of the Grant Reformed Church and a talented organist, who entertained with a group of organ melodies, a f t e r which he explained stereophonic sound and how records and tapes are made stereophonlcally.

Refreshments were served f rom a table centered with red carna-tions and red, white and blue can-dles. Serving were Mrs, Clarence Johnson, Mrs, Edward Blohm, Mrs. Lester Johnson and Mrs. Robert Vanderheide, Mrs. Bruce Emmory attended the coffee service.


Use a plastic clothes basket in your child's bedroom or playroom to keep toys collected. Michigan Sta te home economics specialists say it is lightweight and the han-dle makes for easy carrying by parent or child.

Sparta Garden Club

Monday evening, March 16, members of Spar ta Garden Club will be guests at the home of Mrs. Howard Reynolds. Miss Tuinstra will discuss "Annuals for Summer Color," Assisting a re Mrs, John Ryan and Mrs. Arthur Saur,

CASNOVIA Mrs. H O. Brott , Cor. Phone OS 5-2751

Mr. and Mrs, Mark Hersey and son, Mark II, will leave Grand Rapids airport Wednesday morn-ing and Idlewlld Airport a t 1:30 p.m. for a month's vacation In Europe. Their first stop will be In Prestwlck, Scotland, where they will rent a car and drive to Edin-burgh. Here they will be guests of a former school chum of Mrs. Hersey's whom she hasn' t seen for many years. Following this vlsk they will drive to Birmingham and London, England, where Mr, Her-sey will visit the Inst i tute of Tech-nology In the interest of f ru i t -growing. Time permitt ing their plans are for a tr ip to Amster-dam, Brussels and Cologne. Miss Rebecca Durham, sister of Mrs. Hersey will join them in F rank-fort for a tr ip to Italy. The re-maining t ime will be spent visit-ing a friend, Erlck Grosse In Kos-sel, Germany and Gerhar t Brune-mann In Hanover, Germany, who was an exchange student In the United States and received his Doc-torate at the Michigan University. While in Hanover they will visit the Institute of Technology In tha t city. Little Ann Eliza Hersey will be the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Howard Durham during her parents' absence.

ISPS ownere...all makes, all models I

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A M D T H E W E L C O M E M A T ' S O U T A T

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OLDSMOBILE 8TYLEI There ' i l o u lhai 's new

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and handling ^uuliticH such um you've never ex-

perienced! Hockct power more re«j»on«ive und

econoinirul than ever before! Even mui<• of tlu-unoothncHS, quiet and (piulity liiul have made Olds the leader in the mrdiuin price elatw! (>ome

in and get That Neu Oldt FvdiriR today!

Irving Humphreys, who has been stationed In Bobenhausen, Ger-many for 18 months, has received his discharge and returned home Thursday evening,

Mr, and Mrs. Charles Saur en-tertained with a family dinner on Saturday evening, honoring the birthday of Mrs. Saur 's brother, Kenneth Nequlst. Other guests, were Mr. and Mrs. John Nequlst, Freida and Garry Nequlst of Spar-ta and Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ne-qulst of Battle Creek.

Mr, and Mrs, Earl Rasmussen of Edmore spent the week-end with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Loomis and

Donald. Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Robinson of Grant were guests a t the Loomis home.

Mrs. Mildred Ives, Mrs. Beatrice Fink and Mrs. Mattie Batcholor, all f rom South Bend, Indiana, came Sunday evening to remain until Monday afternoon with Mrs. Wil-ma Morton and to attend the fun-eral of their aunt, Mrs. Clara Shaw.

Mrs. Lowell Saur, who is stay-ing with her son-in-law and daugh-ter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morton since returning from the hospital spent Wednesday with Mrs, Ed-ward Blohm at Kent City.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J . Mason re-ceived word Monday night tha t his brother Louis, had passed away in St. Louis, Missouri, The Ma-sons will be unable to attend the funera l because of ill health.

Seventeen members were pres-ent for the March meeting of the Country Garden Club when they met a t the home of Mrs. Helen Schugers Thursday. The usual pot-luck dinner was served a t noon. Following the business meeting, games were played the remainder of the afternoon. Mrs. Dorothy Sorenson drew the door prize. Mrs. Melvin Anderson will be hostess for the April meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ransom and Mrs, Wilbur Wit t called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ransom at the coun-ty hospital In Muskegon Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ransom who are both quite poorly, ob-served their golden wedding anni-versary Tuesday, March 10.

Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Durham and children of Vlcksburg, spent the week-end with his mother. Mrs. Howard Durham. Sunday Mrs, F, D. Hersey entertained with a fare-well dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hersey and Mark II, who leave Wednesday for a tr ip to Europe. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Burnet t Hersey, Annette and Buz, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Durham and children. Mrs, Howard Durham and Eliza.

Alpine Township


Correspondent Phone EM 1-4082

The Altar Society of Holy Trin-ity church will hold a baked goods sale In the church basement on Sunday morning, March 15, Coffee and rolls will also be available giving one an opportunity to eat. chat and take advantage of choos-ing the day's dessert. These bake sales are noted for quality goods and a wide selection Is offered. Members of the St, Francis Guild will be In charge.

Mr. and Mrs. William Dykstra of Hachmuth Dr,, are spending a few months In Bradenton, Florida.

Julie Marie Peasley arrived a t But terworth hospital on March 4, to Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Peasley of Netherfleld.

Jim Fryear , son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eryear of Fru i t Ridge, re-ceived an award for outstanding 4-H club work a t achievement day Saturday. J im now has the oppor-tunity to prepare an exhibition for the 4-H fair in August, and Is a senior a t Spar ta high school.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arends and Mary Jo of Conklin and Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Steffens and Eddie were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ed Steffens of Walker Rd, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Post of Byron Center were af ternoon call-ers.

Wheeler school will have their fourth In a series of all-games parties on Friday, March 20. Mrs, Lester Platie, Mrs, Edward Van-denBout, Mrs, Bruce Bellman and Mrs. Donald Warren will be In charge. Play begins a t 8:30 p.m. with door prizes, table favors and refreshments.

Mrs. Orlo Dame of 7-MIle Rd., entertained her sewing club recent-ly.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDou-gall, and children of Westgate, were in Hudson, Ohio, for the week-end, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burt .

Friday the ISth—of February— Timothy John arrived to Mr. and Mrs. Carl F . Vogel, Jr . , of 8-MIle Rd.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin VanOefflin of Conklin, Lannle Bellamy of Sparta, and Tom Alt had Sunday evening supper with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alt of 7-MIIe Rd.

Roland DeWlnter of Alpine Ave. spent the week-end in Blodgett hospital for a check-up.

Mr. and Mrs. James Cordes and children of Hachmuth Dr., visited Mr. and Mrs. James Norman of Mlddlevllle, Sunday.

Sleet, snow or high water did not deter an influx of moving vans at Westgate the past few weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Piersma have moved Into 4517 Westgate, with Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Pellczan at 4539 and 4549 has Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pierce with neighbors, Mr.

and Mrs. Bernard West at 4558, Mr. and Mrs. Chester LacoskI 4571 and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mulvey at 4590, Lantern Lane spells home to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Land a t 333, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mclntyre 323, and Mr. and Mrs, Ralph C. Raabe 343. Then on Brandywlne reside Mr. and Mrs, Alonzo J , Schullo, Jr., a t 287, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kasnowlcz 324, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fountalne, 411,

Members of the Alpine Eagles 4-H Club receiving style review pins at their recent achievement day are Kathleen Knauf, Mary Lamoreaux. Dlanne Sherman and also Jull Ebers, Dlanne Sherman has been selected to represent the NW district in the county 4-H style review to be held at Cascade Coun-try club on April 18.

Mrs. Dennis Boyd of Nether-fleld entertained the Westgate Ca-nasta club Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Johnson of 4-MIle road, announce the birth of Jane Marilyn on February 21,

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jarecki and children of Baumhoff Ave., spent the week-end visiting relatives In Detroit.

Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Antor and family of S-Mlle Road, will enter-tain his mother, Mrs. Wm. Antor for dinner on her birthday, March 11.

Little Diane Mead has returned home a f t e r an extended stay In Butterworth hospital and 3-year-old sister Linda also returned from a week's visit with her grandpar-ents, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Collins in Stockbridge. They are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mead of Netherfleld.

Noreen Jos t of Baumhoff Ave., spent the week-end with her cousin Michael Bott of Grand Rapids.

Tho Raymond Kamstra 's of 7-Mlle Road, have announced the birth of Barbara Jean on Febru-ary 19.

Another local boy won an award at 4-H achievement day Saturday. Don Jost, son of Mrs. Raymond Jost of Baumhoff Ave., received a conservation award and pin, and will at tend Camp Shaw for a week this June.

Tho overpopulated countries can be assured of someone left to tend the home hearth when the space age commutes to the moon.


CHRISTIAN REFORMED — S P A R T A , MICH. Sunday, March 15:

Morning Service—10:00 A.M "Ordained For Men."

Evening Service— 7:00 P.M. Special Lenten SerieH. Questions Asked of Jesus, His Last Week: "What Is the Great Commandment?"

Services will be conducted by Gerald Nyenhuis, and held a t Sparta American Legion Hall.



Dynamic 0 0 Holiday SotntCovp* — Ualuilng hug* f « o r

window of Unltd f w o f - r t i i t t a n l gkiu at ilundard Kjvipmtnll


O L . D S M O B I L E Q U A L I T Y O B A L I R ' S


Open Saturday Nights The following Sparta Retail Establish-ments will be open Saturday Night and will continue to be open every Saturday Night, as usual, for the convenience of our customers.








SPARTA BAKERY (Frank Cnossen)
















No Meters To Meet In Sparta You Don't Have To Pay To Shop

• M M H M H I
