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NOTIFICATIoN Supplemental Label - epa.gov fileP.O Box 13528, R

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( " ".-' .,",-, :J/J'/9fo Supplemental Label P11- RT 1,5,96 Copy 1 trom SR NOTIFICATIoN f *1 0/ I herbicide Active Ingredient: Sethoxydim 2-[1-(ethoxyimino)butyI)-5-[2-(ethyfthio)propyt]-3-hydroxy-2· CYClohexen-1-one' " ...................................................... ,......... ,...... ,...... ,......... 13,0% Inert Ingredients: ........ _................................................................................. 87.0"'q Total .......... _............................_...................................................................100.0 % "Equivalent to 1 pound per gallon EPA Reg. No. 7969-88 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. CAUTION Statement of Practical Treatr,lent If in eyes: Rush with plenty of water. Call a physidan if irritation persists. If on skin: Wash with plenty of soap ane water. Get medical attention. If swallowed: PrOfll)tly drink a large Qjantity of mlk, whites. gelation solution. or, these are not available. 1arg9 quantities of water, Avoid alcohol. See inside booklet for complete Directions For Use and Conditions of Sale ,nd ____ _______ -, r-- Agricultural Use , I this product only in accordance with its labeling and wilt: the Worker Protection [ Standard, 40 CFR part 170, Refer to supplernQ,ntailabeling uroder •Agricultural Use Requirements· in the Directions For Use for iNormatir 1 atxJut this standard, Net contents: 2.5 gallons ACCEPTED C,ASF C()(porat1on P.O Box 13528, R<!searcll Tna",," ParI<. NC 2/7rA


" """'"'---------------"'~-~,,----,.,,'~~~"'" ".-' .,",-,

:J/J'/9fo Supplemental Label

P11-RT 1,5,96 Copy 1 trom SR


f *1 0/ I

US~ herbicide

Active Ingredient: Sethoxydim 2-[1-(ethoxyimino)butyI)-5-[2-(ethyfthio)propyt]-3-hydroxy-2· CYClohexen-1-one' " ...................................................... , ......... , ...... , ...... , ......... 13,0% Inert Ingredients: ........ _ ................................................................................. 87.0"'q Total .......... _ ............................ _ ................................................................... 100.0%

"Equivalent to 1 pound per gallon

EPA Reg. No. 7969-88


CAUTION Statement of Practical Treatr,lent If in eyes: Rush with plenty of water. Call a physidan if irritation persists. If on skin: Wash with plenty of soap ane water. Get medical attention. If swallowed: PrOfll)tly drink a large Qjantity of mlk, ~ whites. gelation solution. or, ~ these are not available. 1arg9 quantities of water, Avoid alcohol.

See inside booklet for complete Directions For Use and Conditions of Sale ,nd Warra.~nty.:.!..:... ____ --:--:,......,,,...:.:~,.,--=_-:-_---:-_______ -, r-- Agricultural Use Requlremen~ , I ~~_ this product only in accordance with its labeling and wilt: the Worker Protection

[Standard, 40 CFR part 170, Refer to supplernQ,ntailabeling uroder • Agricultural Use Requirements· in the Directions For Use for iNormatir 1 atxJut this standard,

Net contents: 2.5 gallons ACCEPTED

C,ASF C()(porat1on P.O Box 13528, R<!searcll Tna",," ParI<. NC 2/7rA

Precalrtlonary Statements HAZARDS TO HUMANS (AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS) Causes moderate eye injury. Harmful it swallowed Of abSOfbed through skin. Avoid contact with skin. eyes Of clothing. Personal Protective Equipment: Some materials that are chemicaI­resistant to this product are listad below. If you want mOfe options, follow the instructions fOf category E on an EPA chemical resistance category selection chart. Applicators and other handlers must wear. • Long-sleeved s/1;rt and long pants • O1emical-resistant gloves, such

as barrier lamnate, nitr~e rubber ~ 1 i, mils, neoprene rubber ~ 14 rrils. Of viton ~ 14 mls

• Shoes plus socks Follow manufactlXer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such instruclions fOf washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.

Engineering Controls Statement 'Mlen handler.; use closed systems, endosed cabs, Of aircraft in a man­ner that meets \he requirements isted in the WOfker Protection Standard (WPS) fOf agricultlXaI pes­ticides [40 CFR 170.240 (d) (4-6)]. the handler PPE requirements may 00 redJced Of modified as specified in theWPS.

User Safety Recommendations Users should: ·Wash hands before eating, drink­

ing, chewing gLfll. using toOOcco, Of using the toilet.

• Remove clothing mmediately if pesticide gets Inside. Then wash thOfoughly and put on clean clothing.

• Remove PPE itrmeciately after handling this prodJct. Wash the outside of gfoves befOfe remov­ing. "'" soon as possi)Ie, wash thOfoughty and change into clean clothing.

Environmental Hazards For terrestrial uses. do not aprAy directly to w.'3f Of to areas where surlaa> water is present or to inter­tidal areas below !he mean hig1 water marl<. [)Q not contarninate water when rlq;(y_ng of P.qUipmmt wash waters.

Endangered SpeCies Concerns The use of any pesticide in a man­nff that may kill or othetwise harm an endangered or threatened species Of adversely modify their habtat is a violation of federal law.

Directions For Use It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsis­tent with its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that wal contact workers Of other persons, e;ther directly Of through drift. 01/y protected handlers may be in the area during application. FOf any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, con...<;ult the agency r~lXlflsible fOf pesticide regulation.

Agricultural Use Requirements Use this product only in acCOf­dance with its labeling and with the WCAker Protection Standard. 40 CFR part 170. This stClndard con­tain..~ requirements fOf the protec­tion of agricultural WorkffS on farms. forests. nurseries. and greenhouses. and handers of agri­cultural pesticides. It contains requirements for training, decrYlta­mination, notiflCatiorl. and err,cl(­gency assistance. It also contains specific instructions and excep­tions pertaining to the staterrents on this label about per5O(lal protfle­tive equipment (PPE), and restrict· ed-entry interval. The requirements in this box only appiy to usas 01 this product that are covered by the WO'ker Protection Standard. Do not entff or allow worker entry into treated areas durino thA restricted entry intJVaI (REI) of 12 hours . PPE required for earty entry to treated areas that is permitted I.J1der the Worker Protection Standarci and that invoives contact with anything that has been treat­ed. such as pI~ts. soil. Of water. is:

• Coveralls • Cherrical·resistant gloves such

as barrier larrinate. nitrilA rubber ?: 14 mis, f1'3Opref.e nJbiJer ?: 14

I. mils. Of viton ?: 14 rT1I15 . Shoes plus socks

\ In Case of Emergency In case of large-scale Spillage r<X)arding thiS proouct call: CHEMTREC ............ 1lOO·424 .rrl(x) BASF COfPQfatir)n .OOJ-S-:12-HELP

In case of medical emergency rogarding this produ<..1. call: 1. Your local dcx.:tc" fOf immediate

treatment 2. Your local poison control center

(hospital) 3. BASF Corporation 800-832-


'Storage and Disposal Do not contamnate water, food. Of feed by storage Of disposai. Pesticide wastes are toxic. Improper disposal of tlXcess pesti­cide, spray mxture Of msate is a violation of federal law . If these wastes cannot be disposed of acCOfding to label instructions, con­tact you- State Pesticide Of Environmental Control Ageocy. Of the Hazardous Waste representa­tive at the nearest EPA Regional Office for guidance. Triple mse container (or eQlivaIent). Then offer fOf recyci~ Of recor..Ji­tioning. Of puncllXe aild dSl",..,ose of in a sanitary landfill, by incineration. Of. if allowed by state arid local authorities. by burning. If burned, stay out of smoke.

General Infonnatlcn Poast Plus" herbicide may be applied post emergence to control annual and perennjal grass weeds in SR w sethoxydlm-resistant field com Of COfn grown for SR seed. Poast Plus does not control sedges Of tw-oadleaf woods. .Awkations should be made when weeds are sma. and actively gow­ing. Only SR com hybrids are toler­ant to Poast Plus applications. Severe crop InJwy will occ" to com hyb.-'ds not labeled as SR com. Essentialy, aif grass crops such as SOfghLfll, non-SR com and srmil grain. as well as Ofnamental gasses such as turf, are suscepti­ble to Poast Plus; therefOfe. avoid all drec1 Of indirect contact with any grass crop.

Control Symptoms: Poast Plus· herbicide rapidly enters the plant through the fol~ and transiocat6s throughout the plant. Control symp­toms exhibited by the grass piant progress from a slowing ()( stop­ping of growth ~Iy within two days) to reddening or yeIowing of the foiage to leaf tp tun. SubseqUently. bt.m back of the foliage OCClXS. These SyrTl)toms will generally be observed witlVl three weeks. depending on envi'Onmen­tal conditions. Time and Rate 0' Application Apply Poast Plus by grOO'ld ()( air equipment to activ'*i growing grasses before they reach the maxi­nun size listed in Tables 1 and 2. Do not apply to grasses lnder stress due to lack of moistu'e. her­bicide irllXY. mechanicaJ irluY. ()( cold tElfll)Ell'ature. as lIlSatisfactory control may resUt. Thoroug, spray CCM:rcIgEI Of grass fcjage is essential. Ground Application: Use 10-20 gciIons per acre of water per broad­cast acre at a rninnun of 40 psi pr6SSU'e (measured at the boom. not at the pu11p ()( in the ine) to ensure adequate Spray coverage. Use standard high -pr6SSU'e hollow cone ()( fi3t fan nozzles spaced 20 inches apart. Do no~ use flood ()( whirl chamber nozzles. AIr Application: Use a minirrum of 5 gailons of water per acre and a maxirn.m of 40 psi pr6SSU'e. To obtain Lniform COllerage and to avoid drift hazards. the foIowing application equipment and prac­tices should be used: Nozzle type: Use only di~ragm­

type nozzins prodJCing cone ()( fan spray patterns.

Nozzle height: Maxirnl.m of 10 feet above the crOfl.

Nozzle orientation; Nozzles rrust be oriented to dscharge straight back with the IW stream (opposite the drection of travel of the ar­craft) ()( at some angle betweerl straight back and s~ down.

Nozzles must be located" ro farther than J( the dstance from the center of the aircraft to the end of the wing or rotor. Do not 8iJI)/y tank mx by aircraft within 200 lOOt. upwind of ornamental ()( sensitive nontarget crops. ~icat()( rrust follow the most restrictive use precautions to avoid drift hazards and rrust foIow labeling 2S wEllI as applicable state ard IccaI requtations am cronances.

~- ...... -

Directed Spray .lr Layby Treatments: When the crop is tall and grasses are below the crop canopy. drop rozzIes sAould be used to direct the spray 'Tlixture onto the weeds. Band Application: Banding may be used to control anrual grasses. Grasses that are not <XlIIered or only partly covered by Poast Plus wi. not be adequately controled. All recomnendations are on a broad­cast basis. When bandng. rates of Poast Plus. additives. and water should be red! ICed in propOl'lion to the area sp-ayed. Cultivation In'orma1ion Do not cultivate witnn 5 days prior to appication of Poast Plus ()( wittWl 7 days foIowng aooIication. A timely cultivation after 7'days may aid in prO'w'kWlg season-long con­trol. Additives A ncnphytotolOc oil coocentrate (commonly referred to as oil ccn­centrate) ()( Dash- He sprs~ aolu­vant should aIw1¥> be added to the spray tank as r6COfTYl"e'1ded. The 001 concentrate rrost contain either a petroleum ()( vegetable 001 base and must meet the following criteria: 1) be nonph-jlotoxic. 2) contain oriy EPA exerrpt ingred­

ents. 3) provide good mixing quality in the

jar test. and 4) be successhA n local experience. The exact COf'Il)OSition of suitable 001 concentrates will vary. however. wgetabie and petroleum oil con­centrates should contafi errUsifi«s that provide good rrilQng quaity. For vegetalje oil concentrates. it has been observed that higlly reft1ed vegetable oils are more sat­isfactory than urYefined V6Q6tab1e Oils. For aditional nlormation. see Jar Test 'or EstIma1Ing SultabHlty 0' 011 Concentrate. Additive Rate: Oil Concentrate: 1.0% vlv (2 rV11S per acre maximur.j. Dash He: use 0.5% vlv (1 pint per acre maxirrum). ~ication rates of 24 0Uf1CeS of Poast Plus per acre Of grllaler may be made without adOOg either 1D.t'sll HC Of oil concentrate.


..3 f.r MIxing/Spraying '1 FUI tank of a thoroughly clean sprayer one·hat to two-thirds hAl with clean water. Start agitation and add oil concentrate Of Dash HC; allow to mix thoroughly. Add Poast Plus and remanng vok.me of water. Apply Pom Plus soon after mixing. Maintain constant agitation dumg app/'lC8tion. Jar Test 'or EstImating SultablUty of 011 Concentrate 1. Watar supply: Use oriy water

from ntended source and at the source \en1l6I ature.

2. Amount 0' water In Jar. F()( 20 ~ per acre spray volume use 3113 CLpS (BOO mil of water. For 10 gaIons per acre spray voIune. use 1213 ~ (400 mil of water. F()( 5 gaJlgns per acre spray YOIume. use 5~ ~ (200 mil of water. F()( 01:1er spray voII.mes. aqust proportionately to above.

3. Amount of herbicide and 011 concentrate to add: Add her­bicide and oil concentrate at the 'ate of 1 tP~ (5 mil b-each pint recommended label rate.

4. Add components In 'Onowlllg sequence. gently mixing " 9!Weer1 c:or1lXJIlej II adcitions: a) Dash HC or oil concentrate. b) Poast Plus (and other errU­sifiable concentrates when applicable).

5. Cap Jw.inYert 10 cycles. let stand for 15 minutes. evak.ate.

6. Evaluation: AA Ideal tank mix will be tniform; thus. the suitabi· ity of the oil concentrate is Q.J6S­tienable if any of the folowing are observed:

Free 001 at the surface-tim ()( glob­~.

F1occtAation-fine partdes wtld1 n'6'/ be suspeI dad in the iquid ()( found as a PI ecipitated layer at the bottom of the !sr.

Clabberng-ttid<~texture (coagulated) r ing yogurt Of a , .. xd-like texture as with cot, tage cheese.

"Iestrictions and Limitations Do ("lot ar:.DY Poast Plus· herbi­cide to com hytvids which are not speofically labeled as (SR) com because severe crop injury wiU occur. Over-the-top applications of Poast Plus in SR com may be made until the onset of pollen shed. Do not apply Poast Plus after pollination occurs. Do not appy Poast Plus to SR com within 60 days of harvest of com gain 0( fodder. Do not apply Poast Plus to SR com within 45 days of harvest of com fOfageisilage. Do not appy rTlOI'e than a total of 4.5 ptlts of Poast Plus per acre per crop season. Do not cultivate within 5 days pfior to application of Poast Plus 0(

within 7 days foilowW1g application to prevent stres~ in tho weeds.

Table 1 Rate and Time of Applications

Do flot apply Poast Plus If ralflfaJll~ oXIXlCtod witrun 1 hour follo"'fl(J apl~ication as weed control WIll prol"lb/y be unsatisfactory. Do not apply Poast Plus If crop has been subjected to stressful conditions or crop injury prrduced by prior herbicide appications. hail damage, flooding, druught, unsea­sonable cold, 0( widely fluctuating temperatures as '"jury 0( unsatis­factQ('f control may result. If sire" ~ conditions are present, dei<r_ appiication to give plants a chance to recover.

Peast Plus Tank Mlx,'s Poast Plus may be taIl« mixed With various herbicicks labeled fO( the use of broadleaf weed control in com. See Table 3 fO( suggested dosage rates and possible tank mix combinations. Timing of tank mix combinations should be in accordance with the

• weed gowth stages indicated on the respective labels. Broadleal weeds controlled and tank mix part­ners are listed in Table 3. If weeds are not at the correct stage of growth to( treatment at the same time, then separate appications should be made. Delayed applica­tion that perrrits weeds to exceed the maxirrum size will reSlJt in inad­equate control.

Annual Grasses - Standard Recommendations (SR'" Sethoxydlm-reslstant Com)

Rate and Maximum Height at Appjlcation

Special Early Standard R.acue- Additiva Rata'- Per

Gr ... Acre

Max. Ht. Rata Per Max. Ht. Rat. Per Mall. Ht. Rata Par Dash He 011 Qnche.) Acre (oz) (lnchea) Acre (oz) Qnchea) Acre (Ol) Concentrata

Bam~dgrass 4 18' 8 24 12 36 Crabgrass, Lafge··· - - 6 24 8 36

,Smooth _. - 6 24 8 36 CL.P;lrass, Wooly - - 8 24 - -Foxtail, Giant 4 18 A 24 16 36

· Gr--. 4 18 8 24 16 36 · Yellow - -- 8 24 16 36

Goosegrass 3 18 6 24 8 36 ,Joinsongrass (seeding) - - 8 24 16 36 JlI)'.,llerice - - 8 24 - - 0.5% vtv 10%vtv Millet. Wid Prc;,so 10 12 10 12 24 24 (I pint (2 pints Oats, Wid - - 4 24 - - m.aJOIT1UT1) maximun) PancLm. Browntop - - 8 24 - -

· Fall 4 18 8 24 12 36 · Texas 4 18 8 24 12 24

Ry'lgr a.ss, Aro..Ja - - 8 24 - -SandtAJr. FIeld - - 3 30 - --Shalt ... caneNVildc<roe - - . I 8 24 - -Sognalgrass. Broadleat 4 18 8 24 12 36 Spanglelop Red - - 8 24 - -W,tcrqrass -- - 8 24 - --

. - -.~-.

<;" .. - -_ ..•.. __ .. _._--, . . - - .-

In tOO tollO>Mng slales. use 24 OtrCes: AL. AR. FL. C',A. lA. '~S. NC. ~ _ _ J. TN. TX. and VA ,. Relcu. Treatment for Controlling Selected Annual Grasses Fcr tesl r"",-,~ •• alway<; apfiy Pout Plus 10 gro>Mrq rn-IueJ graq",q a' Ir., qr,>wth ,'ag9 a, <,r.,."F.",j In Ihe ,1/-,'10.;.010 HQ'H3V9f, If Po.,t Plut cafYY.Jt be apphl!d at the recommeojf 1 lirne, 1'1f'~9f" arn...-ll qras.sec; Ci¥l t-~ contrclilwJ 'Nith .-; la!-r acx;"·c<1t;0n by incroa .. rq tt.., role of Pout Plus,

.•• Add 0 5·1 g~1on a' U."V~ Q( 2 5 P)IJ1I.1S of N.AS to centrol cr;l! ... :'as .... A~T~!,,,...,tJf)n r ::lIM of 24 nJn(':f.?S of Po.,t Plut ~f ;ler,! N gfP,l!(1f rT',', ,t-II} m,.-~n W"tV"'l!rt ;'lrj.jlr .. ] pdt-w:v Dash H~ cr nl '-')(1-


1 1.1


Table 2 Rate and TIme ot Applications Perennial Grasses - Standard Recommendations (SRN Sethoxydlm-reslstant Com) ._---

Rate and Mulmum Height at Application

Standard Initial Application Sequential Application Additive Rate Per Acre Gr ... Maximum Height Rate Per Acre Maximum Height Rate Per Acre 011 o.sh HC (inche.) (ounces) (inche.) (ounce.) Concentrate

Bermudagrass 6' stolon 36 'I' stolon 24 Jomsongrass (h .zemel 25 24 1L: 24 0.5% .Iv 1.0% vlv Jomsongrass (No-run 20 24 12 24 (1 pint (2 pints MI-Hy, Wirestem 6 36 6 36 maxil1llTll maximllTll Quackgrass' 8 36 8 24

'Add 0.5-1 gallon 01 UAN or 2.5 IX" rods 01 AMS to control quacl<grass.

Table 3 Weeds Controlled with a Tank Mix CQmblnatlon tor Sethoxydlm-Reslstant (SRI Com"

Poast Plu. at 24 0LnC8S per acra plus:

WeedUst Atrulne Bas.gran Laddok 8·12 2,4·0 LVe""

Up to 1 pound a.i. Up to 1 :r.a1 Up to 2.3 pints ~p to 0.25 poo.Ild a.e per acrtt per acre per acre per acre

CockJebu, Common X X X - X Larnbsquarters, Common X X X X MomiflQ9lories X X X Plgweeds X X X Ragweeds X X X X Smartweeds X X X X VelveUeal X X X X

, For additional information on weed heights and leaf stages, consUt \he respectiw labels. ,. 2.4-0 LVE can be applied at 0.25 po<.nd of add eQLivalent per acre 0Y9I' the top when oorn is 4-5 ind1es tall and ~

ate small. Increase rate to 0.5 poU1d of add eqlivalent per acre as com reaches 8 inches. Use drop nozzles or dreet sp-ay toward \he base If com is more than 8 ind1es tall. Do not use an additiw with Po .. t Plus.

RIIs1rtctlons and Um/tatlons tor Tank Mixes (partial list) . Mways read and follow all label directions when using any pesticide alone Of in tank mix CO'T'bnations. The roost restr'ctive labeling applies when using a!ank mix. Physical in::r:.~tibiity, reduced weed control. or crop ~ may resUt from mixrn Poast Plus· her· blclde withpastb:les (h..ngicides, hertlicides, nsecticides. or miti­cides), ~. or fertilizers. 8ASF does not rElCOfTYT8ld the use of Poast Plus tank rrixes other than those listed on 8ASF labels, Sl.P­plementallabeling, or tedvlcal bul­letins. local agrictitural autt-oor.ties may be a SOU"ce of informatio!l when using other than 8ASF ree­onvnended contJinati0ns. Do not apply Poast Plus with othe' Pf'Sti­Odes whose labefs cautial against toor use With oil adJ<.N3nts.

Poast Plus + Basagran° Tank Mill In SR- 5ethoxydlm-resls­tantCom: Do not apply rrore than 4 pOnt') of Basagran p~~ acre If' one ~a·~lf1.

Poast Plus + Atrnlne Tank Mix In SR Com: FOf postemergence awlications, if there has been no previous soi app6cations to that crop, the maxi· rT1Ul'1 rate of airazine from aI sources is 2 pou1ds of atrazine per acre. If there has beEn a rxeviOus soil application to that L:OP, do not exceed a total of 2.5 pounds of active ingredent per acre. per cal­endar year. Pout Plus + Laddo~ 5·12 Tank Mix In 5R Gom: Do not make roore than one appIi­catil)(l of Laddok 5-12 per season. Pror.;edure for Cleaning Equipment Attentlonf Clean sprayer thor· oughly before and after applying Poast Plus. Clean spr ayer thorOUQhIy prior to appflcation of PClast Plus, particu­larly " a herhicldu was used whICh has the potential to injUfe the crop spt"ayed with Poast Plus. C()<1~utt the labef of previously uS(>(j h!YbcirlBs for clPaning instructions If no ,,',tructlons are 3vatlilb4e, \r1ese

steps listed below are suggested b' cleaning of spray equiprrent prior to Of following appflCations of Poast Plus. 1. Hose down thOf~ the inside

as well as the outside of equ~ ment ~Ie filling the spray tank half lui of water. Rush by operat· ing sprayer \61ti the system is PJfQ6d of this rinse water.

2. P.eM ta'lk with water while addng 1 gallon houSEtlold arrrra lis or 1 pot household dsh wastmg detergmt per 100 gallons of water. or add a cern­mercia! sprayer cleaner accord­ng to the manufactU'er's oree­lions. ()perate the IJUfTl) to o. "tJate the detergent rlJtion through the sprayer systEm for 5 to 10 mnules and dschatge a small a. nount of solution thrOU9'1 the boom ar..:J no~. Let the solution starld for 24 hotn.

3 Rush the CJe"ffJal' sdutial 001 of the spray la'lk \tvough the ':X>C'Tl

4. Hernove the r 00lhl'S ard screens 31") \II,sh thu sYJ\aln With two tar''''dls of wate-.


l\ppendlx It,o folloWing are scientific names for the weeds listed in this label. For specific recommendations on control of these weeds, refcr to tho major and/or tank mx sectionS.

Common Name Scientific Name

Bamy;vdgrass EcfWlochixl ClUs-galk Bem1uda9ras5 GynoOOn dactybn Crabgrass, Large Oigitatia sanguinalis

, Smooth Oigitaria ischaemum C'-"9rass, Woolty EtiochIoa vi/Iosa Foxtail, GIant Setaria faban

, Green Setaria vi-idis , Yellow Setaria Q/auca

Goosegrass EJeusi1e Indica Jo/vlsongrass SaQfun halepense JlIlglerlce EcfWloch/oa colonum Millet, WId Prose Panicum miiacoom MuhIy, Wirestem Muhlenbergia /rondasa P<ncLm, BrOWf'ltop PaniCum fascicutJtu

, Fall Panicum dichotonoJflorum , Texas PatVcum /exanum

Quackgrass A'7opyroo rep8fls Shatter .::anaIWIfdca'le SaQlXxn bicolor Signalgrass, Broadleaf Brachi<ria p1a~yIa Sprangletop,Red Lep/ochloa fiJi miS Witchgrass PanlCum capillare


Agticuflu,., Product.

6 Conditions of Sale and Warranty Tho Directions For Use of t~s product reneet the opnion of experts based 00 fiad use and tests. The directions are believed to be reliable and should be followed carefully_ Howevel', it is ~ssible to eliminate aI risks inherently asso­pated with use of this product. CrOP Irj\$)', ineffectiveness or other lIlin­tended consequences may result, because of such factors as weather concitions, presence of other mate­rials, or use of the prodJct in a man­/'lei' inconsistent with itS labeling, all of which are beyond the control of BASF CORPORA noN ("BASF") or the Seller. All such risks shaI be assuned by the Buyer. BASF warrants that this product conforms to the chemical descrip­tion 00 the label and is reasonably fit for the puposes referred to in th3 Directions For Use, slbject to the imerent risks, referred 10 above_ -BASF MAKES NO OTHER EXPAE$ OA IMPUED WARRANTY OF ATNESS OR MERCHANTABIU­iY OR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPlIED WARRANTY. IN NO CASE SHALL BASF OR THE SELLER BE UABLE FOR CONSEOUENTlAL. SPECIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES RESULnNG FROM THE USE OR HANDUNG OF THIS PRODUCT. BASF and the SeIer offer this prod­uct, and the Buyer and User ao:ept it, subjecl 10 the foregoing Conditions of Sale and Warranty which may be varied only by agree­ment n writing signed by a duly authorized representative of BASF.

8<lsagr/Ml and Laddok are registered traderr1at1cs of BASF AG. Dash and Poast P*.Js Bferegistered traderr1at1cs of BASF Corp. Laddok S-12 is a rf!Slrlc/ed use ptJSticide

C 1996 BASF CorpofatlOn

BII Sf' Corr<Jf a'on p () nnw 1.1'"12Q n",c,P,Afm T"',rq~ P",,, . f " ~ ; ... ~


Postemergence Grass Herbicide Active Ingredient: Sethoxydim: 2-[1-(ethoxyimno)buM-5-[2-(ethyithio) pmpylJ-3-hydroxy-2-cyclohexen-l-one' . .. .. 13.0% Inert Ingredients: .................. . . .. ...~ Total... ............ .................. .............. . .. 100.0%

'Equivalent to 1.0 pound per gallon EPA Reg. No. 7969-88-241


STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT II in eyes: Flush with plenty of water. C"II a physi( :ian if irritation persists. If on skin: Wash with plenty of soap and water. Get medcal attention. If swallowed: Promptly drink a large quantity of milk. egg whites. gelation soiu1ion. or. if these are not available. large quantities of water. Avoid alcohol.

PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS (AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS) Causes rTlO<Jo'ate ~e inlury. Harmful if swallowed or absorbed through skin. Avoid contact with skin. fries. or clothing.

Personai Protective Equipment (PPE): Some materials tt1at are chemically resistant to thiS product are listed below. If you want n"()(e options. fol­low the instructions for category E on an EPA chemlc;<ll resistance cat(!Qory selection chart. Applicators and other handlers must wear. • LDr!Q-:,loeved shirt and long pants • Cheffical-resistant gloves, SLK:h as barner /anlnatp,

nitrile nJbber ~ 14 mils, nooprerY3 rubber ~ 14 Inils, or viton ~ 14 mls

• St-oes plus socks Fanow n'k1fHrlacturer's instructions for c!eanll·)iJ/n1..:1In­taininq PPE. If no such Inr;tnx:tlons for 1,'.(l;,h;]hlr~s, tr,(l

dPt(lfCJ+~nt an(i hot w(~U~r, KPf','p ;HI<'.1 wd:::.h PPE !:j_'pa­(dtely from oH~" l.llHlclry

Engineering Controls Statement \"1~'n h . .)fYj1pr<; IIJ' cb~J.....-f :,.-':;1(:'(11'";, ''0 L :-;.-,.-j r;1t:r->, or ;lirr::r;-Jft In il rnlntlflr th-1t rT"lO'f"'!S 0"," rt"llj'rt~T\.'rlf·; li~;1fld In th'(\ \V()(}-~." Pr()!ry-Jlf"O(l St :y).-f,lf"l C. VP~)} 1, if ;\qf;! j 1':1 I( ,-11

I'~C:;"-j",, [.F) cn~ 1 m ;:>·I(Y'VI '·,d. 11\1' hi" r·'f f'f'[ r i -~ li j' rnp¥:(1'~, rT \. f,' t)(' r'- ', It I, ',"\; ! (,' In! "r. ~ 1 ,r, . ; 1i' '" !~," j

!~) ttl,) \'/r:=--,

Distributed hy Americnn Cynnnmid Cnmrany.

7 1 (J

[User S'llety Recommendations l . U';ers stlOuld: • Welsh hands before eating. drinking. chewing gum.

using tobacco. or using the toilet. • RE;move clothing imrnediately if pesticide gets inside.

Then wash thoroughly and put on clean cfothing. • Fiernove PPE immediately altE)( handling this prod­

'JCt. Wash the outside of gloves before removinQ. As soon as poSSible. wash thoroughly and change Into clean clothing. ' __ . ___ -------------

Environmental Hazards For terrestrial uses. do not apply directly to water or to areas where surlace water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not conta­minate water wt18f I disposing of equiQmer1t washwaters.

Endangered Species Concerns The use of any pesticide in a manner that may kill or otherwise harm an endangered species ()( adversely modlly their habitat is a violation of federal law.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE --It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other perSCX1s. either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

Agricultural Use Requirements Use this product only in ar.cordance with ;ts labelll1Q '3nd WIth the Wor'Ker Protection Standard. 40 CFR part 170. This standa;d contains requirements for the protection of agncuhural worl<.ers on farms. forests. nurseries, and greenhouses, and ha:1dlers of agricul­tural pesticides. It contains requirements for training. decontamnation. notification. and emerger,cy assis­tance. It also contains specific instrU'::tiQr1S and excep­tionS pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protectIVe equipment (PPE). and restricted­entry interval. The requirements in this box onty apply to uses of this product that are covered by the Worker ProtectKJn Standard. Do not entP.r or allow worker entry into treated areas durinq the restricted entry interval (REI) of ~" hOJrs . PDE required to< e;H1y entry to treated areas It'dt is [X'fmtte-j undc.'f the WorkP.r Protoctlon StarYJard ilnd thilt Involves contact with any1hinq tr'Jt has been treatC(j, such 3S r J;1nt:., :iOiI, Of W(1ter, IS:

• C( vcralls • Chcr.ni('..<'11-fP,c;/",t;]nt glovcs, such 3S baf.rl~>( larTl!n.)te,

Ilitrile rut)t)(y ? 14 mil:', n!l'lfVffin ,.Jhti:r > 14 rn!'), (1f Ylt()f) ? 1 t1 (1111'" ,


r CCEPTEl; tf\ - I Ig~


IN CASE UF EMERGENCY In case of large-scal~ spillage regarding this product: Avoid contact, isolate area and keep out ani­ma�s and unprotected persons. Confine spill and call: CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 Nnerican Cyanamid Company 201-835-3100 In case of modical ernergency regarding this p-oduct, call: 1. Your local doctor for invnooate treatment, 2. Your local poison control center (hospital), 3. American Cyanamid Company 201-835-3100.

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. Pesticide wastes are toxic. Improper disposal of excess pesticide, spray mixture, or rinsate is a viola­tion cf federal law. If these wastes cannot be disposed of according to label instructions, contact your State Pesticide or Environmental Control Agency. or the Hazardous Waste representative at the neare.~t EPA Regional OffICe for guidance_ Triple-rinse container (or equivalent). Then offer for recycling or recondlltonlng, or puncture and dospose of in a sanitary landfill, 01 by .. Incineration, or, if allowed by state and local authontles, by burning. If burned, stay oul of smoke.

GENERAL INFORMATIO~' Prestige is an improved formulation for broad spec­trum postemergence control of annual and perennial grass weeds. Prestige does not control sedges or broadleaf weeds. Essentially, all grass crops SlJ':h as sorghum, corn, small grains, and rice, as well as orna­mental grasses such as turf, are susceptible to Prestige. Avoid all direct or indirect CQ(ltact With any desifed grass crop unless otherwise sp8C.foo on the Prestige label. Control Symptoms Prestige rapidly enta-s the plant through the foliage and translocates throughout the plant. Control symp­toms exhibited by ·rte grass plant p-ogress from a slowing or stOpping of growth (generally Within 2 cays). to reddening of the foliage and to leaf tip burn Subsequently, foliage burnback occurs. These symp­tOlns Will generall', be observed wHhin 3 weeks depending on mvironmental conoitions.

APPLICATION INFORMATION Applications can be made as broadcast, band, or spot spray application at the rates and growth stages hstL'd in the weoj tal~es Do not exceed the applicatl()fl rates ~nd ,Jse restrictIOns spe ~Ified in Restrictions and Limitations, Apply Prestige to activP/y growing graSSe$ al the P-ClP'J growth :;I~ge as Sf "Jofm If1 the rale etlans .. Do not apply 10 g((l~\-se-S O( crops uncklf sfre'-,:" ~;U.,:fl a'"; ~,fres.$ due to /;1c:k (,f rnc~r;f\Jrp.. t'IPrn.CI(je Ifljury, rT)p.ch;)nicallnplry, ()f (~o!' J tf~nl~',(v'lfIJr0r;. ar; \)nYifl';f.Jr­

If "'/ cnntrrJ and crop In;! wy rTl,Tl P((;t i,-It II" r(>';I#-,

All Prestige (l~ ,~-.li{-~l!lfYl<; til r-t--,(;tr,'" vr-,!! Ir,!.- . .-", (',!,1'.1!~_;

nl.;]r10Y. C(l(n, (l.lt--;, (','D, '.'it'lf":'!) ~;hr)'dil t-..r> rr:Tj·-' t..--,f,-".'l !:!ir"irv-.), 'v',olun!mr (pr",l''; Hl;ll PrTV:>fq.> h IlTl L1fl1 ~;: ,(,q'J nir' II 1)11

I"V~,' :,IHTYT,r>r (~/1;- !hi' "1'1~1 hIL,'\ rnr; t ... , ~'.lr!, !,i,' f,(

I' ~- ,- )fTl, Jl1t (>1 .. r , '11 ~ t.- .iI, 1, I ,-!' F 1 ,,) ! I: ': f. r.' ,r, I t ~. 1 ,- , ,{ i j i ' 'r! ';

;If tin,., (If ;l.'r',l ,11:, \11 ",lIl" \'/"',I;'rrl fl;-"r"') Prestige I'"; n"t r,,' ::1:':,o(..-j.1,lf", r,;f,ll'l"'ii'" !"~' ,1· ti'I!'-""f'-Dfl1~', !tLl!Pi-'''-'l.~j "~"'~'fI'.LHI-' f~'1

Cultivation Information Do not cultivate within 5 days before applying Prestige or w. '.tlin 7 days afta- application . A timely cultivation after 7 days may help provldo sea­son-long control. To control quackgrass, cultivate 14-21 days after an initial or sequential application 10 aid control. • In irrigaled areas, it may be necessary to irrigate before treating to ensure active weod growth.

Ground Application Spray Volume: Under rrost conditions, a spray vol­umo of 10 gallons per aero '5 opt.mal (5-20 gallons of sp-ay solution per acre for broadcast appl.catlOn rmy be used). Spray Pressure: When using standard high-pressure or ftat fan nozzles, adjust pressure to 40-60 PSI mea­sured at the nozzle. Nozzle Se!ection: Thorough spray cova-age of grass fvli'lge is essential_ For broadcast application, use stan­dard high -pressure pestlC.de nozzles. Do not use flood or whirl chamber nozzles. Applying Prestige" herbicide with control drop applicator (COAl nozzles is not recommende~ because erratic coverage can cause inconSistent weed control. Boom Height: Always adjust spray pressurs, spray volume, and height of spray txxxn to ensure penetra­tion of plant canopy and thorough coverage of target (,rasses. When tall weeds such as volunteer corn are to &; contro/led, the txxxn should be high enough to cover the enlire plant. Refer to the nozzle manufactur­e<'s directions for recommended height. Band Application: Banding of Prestige may be used to control annual grasses. Grasses that are not co\'­ered or only panly cova-ed by the spray mx will not be adequately controlled. When treating taner weeds such as volunteer corn, the spr:.y txxxn must be high enough to thoroughly cova- the top /eaVes and whorls of the plant All recorrmenc'ations are on a broadcast basis unless othe;wise stated. When banding. rates of Pre~ige, additiv<.ls, and water should be reduced in proponion to tt~ area sprayed. Banding is not rocommencled for p<-'femial grasses.

Alr Application Special Directions: Do not apply Prestige by aircrilft wfla-1 ..... ind is blowing more than 10 fT1Ph (or more than 5 mp.'l in California) Coarse sprays (large droplets) are less lik(.~y to drift. The applicator must follow the rrost restrictive use prec-A1ulions to ;o04d dnft halErds, In('JudH1g It-.ose In thiS laWir,,_. as well as applicable slale and 1;::v]1 regulatl()(1S <Jr· j ordinances Spray Volume: Tt)()fough sf,;ay coverage of grass foliage IS f'sr~ntlrll U"e a mnlrllum of 5 g;,llons of water per acre. Inuease wilter vdurTYJ to 10 g;llions p:~r acre if gril:'S fok3QD co( crop canopy i$ dBnse Spray Pressure: Tt~ 5P"1,/ rx"r,~,ure S~'0' .1,1 r<)! P",<:Of:o(j 4() r:S t • t

Noule Selection: ! :-,0 (In!y (j',lr )hr;lJn~ ,,)-, ~:"I"-, pr:)· (~JI-lfl(J (l)fl0 f)f fdf) ',;:\(;1',' ~-';ltt!'rry;

Doom Height: r~.') n'-It (1'(,-, 'ni;l -l) .. 1'Jln11j!n't)("1:1~lr (,f In f.-""I dtlf),''''~ lho Cr!,'P NOlzle Orie-ntation: i J, l//ff·- t r ,-;1 t.~ \)rlf 1qtn'j t,) d;; I (I, Irq_' , .... i,~h lllP ;\ r '-,' r {\,1(1) (nr t ~ ',lIn t~)P ,~ rl, -til >(1 nf tr,l,;~ (If PI;:' ;1" r.l f!) -I' .I f ', (, : T ,ltd" ;It!!' ,lr ':1111

(~,'.',T"·'-lr'1 fJ ':/!"-,I!'I,~r lt~ !')f,l!l.jf",hn(()fil

P'.l:) l f i""" ~ I· n , _ f~,.· ~ ,'\'] I' fr, Ifll Pl#' \ "~,,,I,, ,,; n,~,

,!,'r r"f! ~'.I111" I,'" j, r ~'_" '.'"n-j ('t ('Ir",

Spot or Small Area Treatment Do nOI ,n"ke spol I'Wlrnenls in addilion to b<oaocasl or band treatments. When using knapsack spravers or high-volume spray equipment util,zing hand guns or other suitable nozzle arrangements, prepare a 1.5-2.25% solution of Prestige in water unle:;s otherwise specified under specific crops. Dash He' spray adjuvant or a recom­mended oil concentrate must also be used at a con­centration of 0.5% for Dash He and 1.0% for oil con­centrate. Apply to foliage of grasses on a spray-ta-wet basis. Spray coverage should be uniform and complete. Do not spray to point of runoff. Prepare the desired volume of spray solution by mixing the amount 01 Prestige and the arnount of Dash He or oil concentrate in water according to Table 1. For adeJitional information regarding spot treatment, see page 10.

ADDITIVES Dash He rnay be substituted for an oil concentrate with some exceptions. Dash He is not recomn'€nded lor use in some tank mxes (see Directions For Use in ..lppropriate cr, p sections). A nonphytotoxic oil concen­trate (common:1 referred to as oil concentrate) or Dash He should always be added to the spray tank as rec­ommended. The oil concentrate must contain either a petroleum or vegetable oil base and must n'€8t all the following criteria: • be nonphytotoxic, • contain only EPA-exempt ifl9redients, • provide good mxing quality In the jar test • be successful in local experience. The exact c()mpositlOn of suitable oil concentrates will vary, however, vegetable and petroleum oil concen­trates shculd contain emulsifiers that provide good rnx­ing quality. H'gtlly refined vegetable oils have been observed to be more satISfactory than LJ1fefined veg­etable oils. For additional information, see Jar Test for Estimating Suitability of Oil Concentrates.

Addition of Urea Ammonium Nitrate Solution (lJAN) or Ammonium Sulfate (AMS)

Adding 'JAN solution or AMS is recommended. UAN solution is commonly referred to as 28%, 30%, or 32% nitrogrJn and is a water solution of urea Wld ammonium nitrate. 'M1en AMS is used, 3 quarts of li1uid AMS (8-8-0 analysis) rnay he substituted for 2.51XJUnds of solid AMS. In SOfT'€ 31 eas. using a nitrogen additive may improve control of rhizome johnsongrass. Consu~ your local American Cyanamd Company representatrve for rec­omrTlCfleJations for your area. Ber.-ause most nitrcx]Af1 solultons are mil(Jy cOlTosr/e to g3Ivani?ed, mid steel, arYJ brass spray CQl.pmant, nnse the enttre spray system with walet soon after usp Use hiqh-quailly N,1S to <lvoid plugging of splay noz­zles The N.1S m lSI be rhldly ,.olutk If1 w<llm ;]nc1

Table 1

r 'I IJ

CUll lain no insoluble materials. Local sources of high­quality, fine feed-grade AMS omy be better than fertiliz­er-grade AMS. Low-quality AMS may contain material that wili not readily dissolve which could result in nozzle tip pI~ing. To determine quality, perform a jar tE'.t adding y, cup of ammonium sulfate to 1 gallon of water and agitate for 1 minute. If any undissolved sedi­ffiPnt is oe!setVed, predissolve the AMS in water and fil­tet before adding it to the spray tank. If AMS IS addod dtrectly to the spray tank, add it slowly while agitating. Adding the AMS too quickly may clog outlet lines. Ensure that ammonium sulfate Is completely dis­solved before adding other products.

Table 2_ \dditive Rate per Acre

Additive Ground Air Application Application

UAN Solution 4-8 pints 4 pints

AmmOl">um Sulfate 2.5 pounds 2.5 pounds

CJj O:n;..,trale 2 pints 2 pinls

Dash He 1 pont 1-Plnl

MIXING Fill the tank of a thoroughly clean sprayer one-half to two-thirds full with clean water. Start agitation and add UAN or ammonium sulfate first. Next, add Dash He or oil concentrate; allaN the corrponents to mx thOroughly. Add Prestige" herbicide and the remaining volume of water Apply the spray mix soon after mixing. Maintain constant agitation dunng application.

Jar Test for Estimating Suitability of Oil Concentrate

,. Water supply: Use only water from the intended source at the source temperature.

2. Amount of water in jar: For 20 gallons per acre spray volume, use 3';' cups

. (800 ml) of water. For 10 gallons per acre spray vol­ume, use 1'13 cups (400 ml) of water. For 5 gallons per acre spray volume, use 'I. cup (200 ml) of water. For other spray volumes, adjust proportionately to atxJve.

3. Amount of herbicide and oil concentrate to add: .Add 1 teaspoon (5 on) of herbicide and oil con­centrate for each 1 pint of recommended label rate.

4. Add components in following sequence, gently mixing between addItions: 1) Water mscible or soil :e products (such as Status herbicide, arnr, <)nium sulfate, UAN solution) when ar:plicable 2) Dash He or oil concentrale. 3) Prestige (and oth<"!r em.Jlslfiable concentrales when ilr:pllcable)

r Desired Spray Solution Volume

Amounl of Prestige 10 be Added

1 r· I. '" II

Pres!tg" (1.5".1

1 q!1 r\l" , f) (]!J.-lrtc;

" r;'1-1"" t .", ;_!";

Preslig., (2.25",)

bash He (0.5%)

-.• f. (.,.'

1 [.,,'


':llfCa nc,;"F. t e (1 lJ .... 1

l' r .' 1 q-III[

;~ 'l J jf !':' . . " .. • 'l i 1·'

5. Cap jar, invert 10 cycles, let stand for 15 minutes, evaluate.

6. Eval,~"tion: An ideal tank mix will be uniform: tt1US, the suitability of the oil concentrate is questionable if nr.y of the following are observed:

Free oil at the suriace-film or globules. Flocculation-~ne particles which may be suspended in

the liquid or found as a precipitated laye. at the bot­tom of the jar.

Clabbering-thickening tf'xture (coagulated) resembling yogurt or a curd-like I xture as with cottage cheese.

Procedure for Cleaning Spray Equipment Clean sprayer thoroughly before applying Prestige, particularly if a herbicide with the poten­tial to Injure crops was used. Cor1sult the label of previously used herbicides for cleaning instructions. If no instructions are available, the steps listed below are sUQ98sted for cleaning spray equipment before or follOWing applications of Prestige. 1. Thoroughly hose down the inside and the outside of

equipment while filling the spray tank ha~ full of water. Rush the system by operating sprayer until the rinse water has been pu'ged.

2. Refill the tank with water while adding 1 gallon of household ammonia or 1 pint of household dish­washing detergent per 100 gallons of water. Or add a corrmerdal sprayer cleaner according to the man· ufacturer's directions. Operate the pump to circulate the detergent solution through the sprayer system for 5-10 minutes and discharge a small amount of solution through the boom and nozzies. Let the solution stand for 24 hours.

3. Flush the detergent solution out of the spray tank through the boom.

4. Remove the rlQules and screens and flush the sys­tem With two tankfuls of water.


General Restrictions and Limitations All Crops

D.J flOt apply if rainfall is expe<.1ed wnhin 1 hour following app~cation as grass control 'Nill probably be unsatisfactory. D.J not apply to grasses or crops under stress, such as stress due to lack of moisture, herbicide injury, mechanical injury, or cold temperatures, as unsatisfac­tory contre! and crop injury may result. D.J not make spot tnntments in addition to broadcast or band treatments. Physical incompatibili,y, reduced weed control, or crop injury may result .trom mixing Prestige with pesticides (fungicides, herbiCIdeS, InsectICides, or mtlcides), addi­tives or fertilizers. American Cyanamid Company does flOt recommend usif"\J Prestige tank mixes other than those listoo on AmerICan Cyanamid Company labels, supplemental labeling, or Technical Infonnnation Bulletins. Local agricultural authorities may be a source of information when using combinations other than those recommended by American Cyanamid Compilny. D.J flOt apply Prestige with other pesticides whose labels caution against their use with oil adjuvants. D.J not apply Prestige as a preplant or pre-emergent treatment before planting corn, milo, millet, or sorghum. D.J not apply through any type of irrigation system. Do not tank mix Prestige with Classic' or Scepter" herbicides because of antagonistic activities. Classic may cause antagonism when sprayed from 7 days before application, to 1 day after application of Prestige. This antagonism is more likely to occur in grasses under stress conditions. Other Spray Equipment: Do not use selective appli­cation equipment such as recirculating sprayers or wiper applicators.

Herbicide Resistance Naturally occurring biotypes of certain grass species With resistance to this herbicide and related products (sanne mode of action) are known to exist. Selection of resistant biotypes, through repeated use of these herbi· cides, may result in control failures. If poor performance cannot be attributed to adverse weather conditlOfls or Improper application methods, a resistant biotype may be present. In such a case, additiOf13I treatments with thiS herbicide or related products is net recomme'1ded Consult your local f0presentative or agricultural advisor for assislance.



Apply to actively growing grasses at the sizes indicated in Tables 5 and 6. Always follow recommendations given in Application Information section (page 4). Do not apply to drought -stressed grass or grass that has gone through an extended dry period. Always adjust spray pressure, spray volume, and height of spray boom to ensure penetration of pant canopy and thorough coverage of grasses to be con­trolled. In irrigated arros, it may be necessary to irrigate before treating with Prestige' herbicide to ensure active weed growth. lBbeled crops at all stages of growth are tolerant to Prestige. Always add 1 pint of Dash HC spray adjuvant or 1 quart of oil concentrate per acre. For maximum use rate and minim...m time from last JppIication to harvest, cansuh Table 3. Use Area: Prestige may be applied to soybeans as directed in Tables 5-9 in the following states: Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, '.1issouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, and ,Visconsin.

Soybean Tank Mix or Sequential Application General Information

Prestige" may be tank mixed with Basagran', Blazer', and Status herbicid"s for postemergence control of broadleaf and/or grass weeds. Apply to actively growing weeds at the recommended growth stages. Separate aPDications should be made if: • all weeds to be controlled are not at the correct

growth stage for treatment at the same time, or • grasses to be controlled include rhizome john-

song rass , quackgrass, bermudagrass, wirestom muhly, volunteer corn, shattercane, volunteer cereals, wild oats, red rice or witchgrass.

Table 3 - Restrictions and Umitations for Prestige

Minimum Maximum Maximum Rate Per Crop Time From Acre Per Rate Per Acre

Application to Per Season Harvest (days) Applicatio, (pints) (pints)

l SO~..<lf1s 7~.-l 375 7.5

Table 4, Sequential Applications

J I 1 Ground Application For tank mixes with Prestige, use 20 gallons of total spray solution per acre (broadcast basis) and a mini­mum of 40 psi. Use standard high-pressure or flat fan noules spaced 20 inches apart. Do not use flood or whirl chamber nozzles. Air Application: Use a minimum of 5 gallons of water per acre ~d a maximum of 40 psi.

MIXING Fill the spray tank half full with water, and add the rec­ommended amount of product in the following order. Allow components to mix thoroughly. Maintain constant agitation during application. Apply as soon as poss:ble.

~ Prestige + Basagran Add Basagran, UAN or AMS, Dash HC spray adjuvant or oil concentrate, and Prestige while the agitator is running. Add the remaining quantity of water.

8) Prestige + Status Add Status. oil oorlcentrate, and Prestige while the agitator is running. Add the remaining quantity of water.

C) Prestige + Blazer Add Blazer, oil concEntrate, and Prestige while the agitator is running. Add the remaining quantity of water.

Uvestock Grazing or Aircraft Comments Application Feeding

Only seed Yes See tank mix secll0rl for use Wlnl

,,,'d hay other hprblcldes

Order of Application Minimum Time

·· __ ~~~=-=l_--S;;;;:ds::~lied --:~ Betwe:~ ::~~alions -easagran + Blazer C' -1-- - -------- ._-- --------

__ ~tus ____ ~ Pre_slige ~ 7 deys

Prestl'ge I' -lllalerCs'taBt"u's"gr •. n 0'---'-- ---. 2 4 ri',~'ur.s

~_L . ._1 _ • il';l-) H+?,;~r.-:'c~,j Ln'ry irl~.-:,·.-_-r f. 'r Basagran I; M{ t1()tIS 1.-:: r.-, -1: ;,.,' : t -,' t~y>

'T'.' .. \.,,~ Pr( .. / ... ~tJ)(1 C;',jT'I_ j:!,'-: Basaglan fT._!'1 t-.., ;l;-,.Jtr>d ,1~t,_,~ ~:.t h. I'~: [;,., '."'-j.-,_ j

"" ";!.' i .. n'rv r.vl'j·~-'r::·".'~. ·1'0 f ...... ",.j ,J'. (j'·-.I,' :1I'rJ In Iro", Basagran :;;~."'"J


SOYBEANS Separate Applications of Prestige. Preceded or Followed by Basagran

or Basagran + Status Tank Mix

~plications of Prestige can be preceded or followed by Basagran andlor Status. or Basagran andlor Blazer to obtain broad sper.trum control of weod~ list· ed on the respective product labels (refer to this label and the labels for Basagran and Status). ,i\lso. refer to these product labels for timing. rate. and other informa· tion for ground and aerial applications. For best results when making separate applications. a minimum period of time is recommended betwoen applications. depending upon their order according to Table 4.

Table 7. Prestige" Herbicide Tank Mix Combinations

Basagran (1-2 pints per acro) + Prestige

)3 'I IJ Restrictions and limitations

(partial list) Read and follow the Restrictions and Limitations on the labels for Prestige. Basagran. Status. and Blazer. TIle most restrictive labeling applies in tank mixes.

Status (0.5-1 pint per acre) + Prestige -

Grass Max. Hl Prestige Rate/Acre Max. HI. Prestige (inches) (pints) (inches) Rate/Acre (pints)

Barnyardgrass 8 2.25 8 2.25 Crabgrass, Large 6 2.25 6 2.25

. Smooth 6 2.25 6 225 Cupgrass. Wooly 8 2.25 8 2.25 Foxtail. Giant 8 2.25 8 2.25

. Green 8 225 8 2.25 , Yellow 8 2.25 8 2.25

Goosegrass 6 2.25 6 2.25 Johnsongrass (seedling) 8 2.25 8 2.25 Junglerice 8 2.25 8 2.25 Millet, Wild ProSQ to 1.125 10 1.125 Panicum, Brownlop - - 8 2.25

, Fall - - 8 2.25 , Texas 8 2.25 8 2.25

Sigroaigrass, Broadlea! 8 2.25 8 2.25 S",angletop, Red 8 2.25 8 2.25 Volunteer, Corn 12 15 - -Witchgrass 8 1.5 8 2.25

Additive Rate Per Acre: Dash He 1 pin! + UN< 4-8 pints or Additive Ra te Per Acre: Oil Concentrate 2 pir;s Oil Concentrate 2 pints


. ----

Table 8 Spot Treatment Application Y'lble Annual Grass Control

Concentration in Spray Solutio n'

Grass f----.

Prestige' Oil Concentrate

Grass up to 6" Height Grjjss up to 12" Height -

500 annual grasses lIs led in Broadcast Application tables '.5% 2.25% 1% under specific crop.

, Refer to Table 10 (Solution Table) for preparat on of dAsired solution volume. , Repeat applicalton as needed.


Table 9 Perennial Grass Suppression

" Concentration in S Grass Maximum He: ght pray Solution'

(inches) Prestige'

Bermuda,'ass (Wiregrass) 6" stolon 2 '-5% Johnsongrass. (Rhizome) 20 2.25% Muhly. Wlrestem 6 ;.5% Quackgrass 8 2.25%

, Refer to Table 10 (Solution Table) for preparatIon 01 deSired solutIon volume. , Repeat application as needed.

Table 10 Solution Table

Desired Spray Solution Amount of Prestige or Oil Concentra

to be Added for Solution Volume

Prestige (1.5%) Prestige (2.25%)

t gallon 1.9 ft. oz 2.9 ft. oz 3 gallons 5.8 ft. oz 8.75 fl. oz 5 gallons 9.5 ft. oz 14.5ft.oz

1 tablespjOn = 0.5 flu'd ounce


y! n


Oil Concentrate

1% 1% 1% 1%

Oil Concentrate (1 '!o)

1.3 ft. oz 3.75 ft. OZ 6.4 ft. oz

Appendix TI)e following are scientific narno" for tile weeds listed If1 tilis label.

Common Name Scientific Name l ~--+----- ----- ----~--- -

Barnywdgrass Echlnochloa crus-galli Bermudagrass Cynodon dactylon Brome Downy Oromus tectorurn Cheatgrass Bromus secalinus Crabgrass, Large OIgitatia ,anguina/Js

, Smooth Digitatia Ischaemum Cupgrass, Southwestern EfIOchlru gradllis

, Woolly Eflochlna villosa Fescue, Tall Festuca arundlnacea Foxtail, Giant Setaria fabe,;

, Green Setaria viridis , Yellow Setaria glauca

Goosegrass Eleusine indica Itchgrass Pottboellia exaltata Johnsongrass Sorghum halepense Junglerice Echinochloa colonum Lovegrass (See Stinkgrass) Millet, Wild Prosa Muhly, Wirestem Oats, Tame

,Wild Orchardgrass Pigoongrass (See FoxtaJl) Panicum, Browntop

, Fall , Texas

Ouackgrass Red Rice Ryegrass, Annual

, Perenn:aJ Sandbur, Field ShattercaroeNJildcane Signalgrass, Broadleaf Sprangletop, Red Stinkgrass Volunteer, Barley

,Com , Oats , Rye , Wheat

Watergrass (See Barnyardgrass) Wiregrass (See Bermudagrass) Witchgrass

DISCLAIMER The label instructions for the use of this product reflect the opinion of exper1s based on research and field use. The directions are believed to be reliable and should be followed carefully. However rt i3 impossible to eliminate all risks inherently associ­ated with use of thiS product Cr 'jp injL'ry, ineffectiveness or other IJnin­te< "jed consequences may result because of sud) factors as weather conditions, presence of other mate­rials, herbicide resistant weed popu­lations, or the use of, or application of the product contrary to lanel instructions, ail of which are beyond the control of AinenCAln Cyan;]micJ Company. All suel) nsks shall be assumed by the user AinerlGln C/anan)id Corn,,;)n, ~tnll not tJ0 rc.:,rnn~;ible fc:r I(y_~:_;.;~ I)f (:l:lrn:j· V::;

Panicum mihaceum Muhlenbergia frondosa Avena sativa Avena fatua DaCtyilS glomerata

Pan/cum fasciculatu Panicum dlchotomifiorum Panicum texanum Agropyron repens Oryza sativa Lolium muM/orum Lolium perenne Cfnchrus incenus Sorghum bicolor

I Brachlaria platyphylla Leptochloa flliformlS Eragrost/s cllianensis Hordeum vul;;are Zea mays Avena sativa Seeale cereale Tnticum aestNum

Panicum caplflare

resulting from US·3 of this product in any manner not set forth on this label. User assumes all risks associ­ated with the use of this product in any mannu not specifically set forth on this label. American Cyanamid Company warrants onlY that the mal ~rial contained herein conforms to t,_, che<nical description on the label and is re"sonably fit for the use therein des,,~bed when used in accordance with the directions for use, subject to the risks referred to above CYANAMID DOES NOT M~,KE or, AUTHORIZE ANY ,~GENT OR REPRESENTATIVE TO M~'<E ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPUED AND EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES AND DIS­CLAIMS All. It.1PLlED WAR­HNJTiES OF ME'RCHANTAEJllJTY elf ,ITt J[:::~; FOf-l A. PARTI~JjlJ\R

/ S- 7 I-J

PURPOSE. BUYER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND AMERICAN CYANAMID'S EXCLUSIVE UABIU· TV, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, NEGUGENCE, STRICT UA­BIUTY OR OTHER,JISE, SHALL 8[0 UMITED TO REPAYMENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF PRESTIGE AND STATUS In no case shall Cyanamid or the seller be liable for consequential, special or indirect damages resulting from the use or handling of this product. Uses With Other Products (Tank Mixes) If this product is used in combina­tion with any other product except as specifically rocommended in writ­ing by American Cyanan~d Company, then American Cyanamid Company shall have no liability f:.­any loss, damage or injury arising out of its use in ally such crmt.na­tion not so specifically recomme<ncJ· ed. If used In corrbir,ation 'ecom mended by Americ.3r, Cyanamid Company, the liability of American Cyanamid Company shall in rK' manner ex1erd to aei'! damage, I,). ' or irjury not directly caused y the indusion of the American Cyanamid Company product in such con1!)i'1<l­tion use, and in any event shall tJe lirnltee! to return of the account of the purchase ,Jrice of the Amenea!) Cyanamid Company produC'

Basagran IS a regisk"Yed trademark Jf BASFAG. Blazer, Prestiqe, [Jf)d Status ore reGIs­tered tr3dcm~rks of BASF Ccp:y3~on Ct~SSK: ie a r~qlstered tradem"'k of E I D..JPonr rfe Nemours and Com[!,]n'. r'urswf dmi Scer;tpr are re:;'c..t<J{(3I: tr(]dt;'mar~:s of Am1cJlcan C),an'Jf1ild Comp,]"y Surdt II IS a r'-Y~'':-~''I'?ci tu,j·''i'd'l. c'" ASSCO. Inc .
