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NOTRE DAME NEWS - NDS · Thursday 13 April Mass of the Lord’s Supper (WHITE) 7.00pm Washing of...

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Volume 9 - 30 March, 2017 NOTRE DAME NEWS FOUNDATIONS FOR LIFE-LONG LEARNING FROM THE PRINCIPAL ` THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Dear Parents and Staff This weekend we celebrate the fiCh Sunday of Lent. The reading taken from the Gospel according to John recounts the miracle of Jesus’ raising of his friend Lazarus from the dead. Jesus had already incurred the ire of the Jewish authoriOes through his apparent disobedience of their laws and his disciples feared for his safety. The raising of Lazarus foreshadowed His own ResurrecOon and showed His power over death so that those who believe in Him may take hope from this. Just as Jesus calls for the stone to be rolled away from Lazarus' tomb, so too will the disciples find the stone rolled away from Jesus' tomb. In a metaphorical way let us look for stones in our lives that separate us from others and hinder us from living life to the full. HOLY WEEK As Easter falls in the middle of the school holidays we will be remembering the events of Holy Week by gathering in the central piazza at 2.45pm on Monday to Thursday of next week. Parents are most welcome to join us at this Ome. STATIONS OF THE CROSS You may have noOced the display outside your children’s classrooms. Each of these depicts one of the fourteen StaOons of the Cross following the journey from Jesus being condemned to die through to Him being laid in the tomb. Throughout the next week classes will find Ome to follow in Jesus’ footsteps as part of their preparaOon for Easter. Please ask your children about what they may have learnt from this experience. DADS’ & KIDS’ CAMPOUT I think everyone is looking forward to the Dads’ & Kids’ Campout tomorrow night, especially the mums, who, hopefully, can enjoy a “night off” to do whatever they want. It will be “tents up” from 4.00pm with Ome for some fun before our dinner and movie. Thank you to Jerome Wilson and Liam South for all of their efforts in bringing this event to fruiOon and to the P&F for so generously funding the event so that it is free for all to a‘end.
Page 1: NOTRE DAME NEWS - NDS · Thursday 13 April Mass of the Lord’s Supper (WHITE) 7.00pm Washing of the Feet (For the procession of the Gi0s at the Offertory, the Faithful are asked

Volume 9 - 30 March, 2017



Notre Dame Catholic

Primary School 360 Daly St, Cloverdale Perth WA

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creativity in others and pursues alternative solutions. We aspire

to be enterprising and open-minded in the human endeavour

of life-long learning

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ThisweekendwecelebratethefiChSundayofLent.Thereadingtakenfrom the Gospel according to Johnrecounts the miracle of Jesus’ raising ofhis friend Lazarus from the dead. JesushadalreadyincurredtheireoftheJewishauthoriOes through his apparentdisobedience of their laws and hisdisciplesfearedforhissafety.Theraisingof Lazarus foreshadowed His ownResurrecOonandshowedHispoweroverdeath so that those who believe in Himmay take hope from this. Just as JesuscallsforthestonetoberolledawayfromLazarus' tomb, so too will the disciplesfindthestonerolledawayfromJesus'tomb.Inametaphoricalwayletuslookforstonesinourlivesthatseparateusfromothersandhinderusfromlivinglifetothefull.

HOLYWEEKAs Easter falls in the middle of the school holidays we will berememberingtheeventsofHolyWeekbygatheringinthecentralpiazzaat 2.45pm on Monday to Thursday of next week. Parents are mostwelcometojoinusatthisOme.

STATIONSOFTHECROSSYou may have noOced the display outside your children’s classrooms.EachofthesedepictsoneofthefourteenStaOonsoftheCrossfollowingthe journey from Jesusbeing condemned todie through toHimbeinglaid in the tomb. Throughout the next week classes will find Ome tofollow in Jesus’ footstepsaspartof theirpreparaOonforEaster.Pleaseaskyourchildrenaboutwhattheymayhavelearntfromthisexperience.

DADS’&KIDS’CAMPOUTI think everyone is looking forward to the Dads’ & Kids’ Campouttomorrownight,especiallythemums,who,hopefully,canenjoya“nightoff” todowhatever theywant. Itwillbe“tentsup” from4.00pmwithOme for some funbeforeourdinnerandmovie. Thankyou to JeromeWilson and Liam South for all of their efforts in bringing this event tofruiOonandtotheP&Fforsogenerouslyfundingtheeventsothatitisfreeforalltoa`end.

Page 2: NOTRE DAME NEWS - NDS · Thursday 13 April Mass of the Lord’s Supper (WHITE) 7.00pm Washing of the Feet (For the procession of the Gi0s at the Offertory, the Faithful are asked



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Monday24April-PupilFree Day




STAFFING• Interviews were held last Friday and I am very pleased to

announce thatMrsMeghannGilmourwillbe joiningour staffasSupportTeacher fromthestartofnextterm.MeghanncomestouswithhighrecommendaOonandwewelcomehertotheNotreDameteachingteam.

• As a result of our restructure of the Support Teaching roles atNotre Dame Mrs Margaret Hennessy will move to full OmeSupport Teacher, building upon her MiniLit role that she hasconductedwiththeJuniorclassesandextendingthistotheSeniorclassesthroughtheimplementaOonoftheMacqLitProgram.

• To facilitate Margaret’s move to full Ome Ms Julie Carlton willincrease fromher3daysperweek inYear2MtoteachtheclassfullOme.

CongratulaOons toMeghann,Margaret and Julie,wewish you all greatsuccessinyournewroles.

ANEWINITIATIVE–ARTForthenexttwotermsMrsAnne`eFlexmanhasbeenemployedtoteachArtasaSpecialistareaacrossalloftheclasses(4YearOldKindy–Year6).This will occur on Mondays and Tuesdays so that it doesn’t affect herteaching intheYear4Mclass.Classeswillreceive lessons ineithertermTwoorThreeasbelow:

Term Two

Year OneYear TwoYear FourYear Six

Term Three

4 Y.O. KindergartenPre PrimaryYear ThreeYear Five


ANZACAs ANZAC Day falls during the school break we will be commemoraOngthosewhofoughtsothatwemayliveinfreedomasfollows:

• StudentsinYear6andthechoirwillbea`endingtheCityofBelmontANZACServicenextTuesday4Aprilat10amatFaulknerParkMemorial.AllschoolsintheBelmontareawillbea`endingthisspecialcommemoraOveservice.

• OurschoolANZACDaycommemoraOveservicewillbeheldintheschoolgroundsonWednesday26Aprilat8.30am.IfthereareanyfamilymemberswhohaveservedaspartoftheArmedForces,pleasecontacttheschool.

Page 3: NOTRE DAME NEWS - NDS · Thursday 13 April Mass of the Lord’s Supper (WHITE) 7.00pm Washing of the Feet (For the procession of the Gi0s at the Offertory, the Faithful are asked

Darryl WinsorPrincipal

TRAFFIC/PARKINGISSUESThe safety of our children is paramount and the pracOces of some parents create some verydangeroussituaOons.Ithasrecentlybeenbroughttomya`enOonthatchildrenarebeingdroppedofffromcarsinthestreetratherthanfromadesignatedparkingspotorthedropoffzone.AcOonssuch as this place the children at risk and are both frustraOng and dangerous for other drivers.PleaseremembertotaketheOmetodropoffandpickupchildreninamannerthatissafeforallconcerned.

REMINDERS• TheschoolwillnotbeopenonMonday24April.• Thursday1JuneandFriday2JuneareProfessionalDevelopmentdaysforthestaffandthe

children do not a`end school on these days. These are the days prior to the WesternAustraliaDaylongweekend.PerhapsagreatOmeforfamiliestoplanamid-yeargetaway.

LUNCHESWerecentlyhadasituaOonwhereachildwhohadtheirlunchpackedinaglasscontainerdroppedandbroke it, losingmostof their food.Pleasepackchildren’s lunchand recess innon-breakablecontainerstoavoidthisproblem.

FREEDRESS As the first term concludes next Friday, 7 April, the staff and children are invited towear neatcasualclothestocelebrate.AgoldcoindonaOontosupporttheMissionswouldbeappreciated.


Page 4: NOTRE DAME NEWS - NDS · Thursday 13 April Mass of the Lord’s Supper (WHITE) 7.00pm Washing of the Feet (For the procession of the Gi0s at the Offertory, the Faithful are asked



PALM SUNDAY Saturday8April VigilMass(RED) 6.00pmSunday9April PalmSunday(RED) 8.00am,10.00am&6.00pm


HOLY THURSDAYThursday13April MassoftheLord’sSupper(WHITE) 7.00pm WashingoftheFeet (FortheprocessionoftheGi0sattheOffertory,theFaithfulareaskedto bringtothealtartheir ProjectCompassionboxesandenvelopes). HolyHourwiththeLord 8.00pm–10.00pm Concludingprayer 10.00pm

GOOD FRIDAY Children’sStaOonsoftheCross 9.00am(Church)Friday14April StaOonsoftheCross (RED) 11.00am(StaOonsintheNotre Dameschoolgrounds) AspecialcollecLonfortheHolyplacesistakenuptoday.

TheLord’sPassion (RED) 3.00pmEASTER SUNDAY Saturday15April EasterVigilMass(WHITE/GOLD) 7.00pmSunday16April EasterSunday(WHITE/GOLD)8.00am,10.00amand6.00pm



Notre Dame Catholic Church Cloverdale

Page 5: NOTRE DAME NEWS - NDS · Thursday 13 April Mass of the Lord’s Supper (WHITE) 7.00pm Washing of the Feet (For the procession of the Gi0s at the Offertory, the Faithful are asked


PARISHCHILDREN’SSTATIONSOFTHECROSS-GOODFRIDAY14AprilThisisaninvitaOontoallchildrenintheParish. ParentswhowishtheirchildrentoparOcipateinthemimeofthestaOons,pleaseplacethechildren’snamesonthesheetsinthechurchoremailJoanita([email protected]). IMPORTANT: ParOcipants are requested to come at 8.15am topreparefortheStaOons.

CROSSBEARERS arealsoneeded for theStaOonsof theCrossat11.00 in theNotreDameCatholicPrimarySchool.IfinterestedpleasecalltheParishofficeon92774094(Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday-9.00amto12noon)

WelcometoWeek9!TheYearOneshavebeenextremelybusythisterm,learninglotsofamazingthings,especially about sea life creatures. In WriOng we wrote our very own Easter cards andcolourfullydecoratedthem.Wehavebecomeveryfamiliarwithnouns,andwehaveenjoyedlearninganawesomesongallaboutthem.Wehavediscoveredvariousreadingstrategiesthistermandduringguidedreading,wehavefocusedonthestrategycalledMainIdea.InMathemaOcs,wehavecommencedlearningaboutaddiOonandsubtracOon to10.Overthelastfewweeks,wehavebecomefamiliarwithcounOngstrategies,foraddiOonandsubtracOon.Alongtheway,wehavealsometmany'FriendsofTen'.InHistory,we have been discussing the importance of families and how families can change. In Art, wemade beauOful sea life plates and painted awesome sea creatures. This week, we havecommencedpainOngsomespecialEastereggstogivetoourfamiliesforEasterandwehavebeenlearningabout theevents leadinguptoEaster. Wearealso looking forwardto readingsomebiblestories thisweek about Palm Sundayand The Last Supper. OurAssessment Scrapbookswere sent home this week.W e h o p e a l lp a r e n t s h a v e t h eopportunity to look throughtheirchild'sandreturnthemto schoolby theendof thisweek. We have also lovedhaving our own iPads. Wehavebeenlearningfournewapps; Pic Kids, Popplet,Doodle Buddy and BookCreator. We are having somuchfunontheseappsandt h e y a r e h e l p i n g u sshowcase what we arelearning.Haveasuperweekeveryone!

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Miss Gullotti and Mrs Millard

Page 7: NOTRE DAME NEWS - NDS · Thursday 13 April Mass of the Lord’s Supper (WHITE) 7.00pm Washing of the Feet (For the procession of the Gi0s at the Offertory, the Faithful are asked

SENIORSWIMMINGCARNIVAL-BAYSWATERWAVES-15MARCHWelldonetoallstudentswhoparOcipatedintheannualNotreDameSeniorSwimmingCarnival,heldatBayswaterWaves. It hasbeen fantasOc to see theprogression inour swimmerswithmore50meventracesa`emptedandgreaterconfidenceandeffortshowninthepool.SpecialthankstoalltheteachersandparenthelperswhoassistedwithvariousduOesontheday.Arecapofthepointstallybelow,aswellassomenewrecordholders.Welldonetoall students for their fantasOc levelsofenthusiasm, friendlycompeOOonandsportsmanshipshownthroughouttheday.


NewRecordHoldersYear6Girls50mBackstroke -BellaMeloncelli(Prendiville)Year6Girls50mFreestyle -BellaMeloncelli(Prendiville)OpenGirls50mBu\erfly -BellaMeloncelli(Prendiville)Year6Girls50mBreastroke -AndreaJancik(Nagle)Year4Girls50mBreastroke -EllaBlake(Mercy)Year4Girls50mFreestyle -EllaBlake(Mercy)Year4Boys50mFreestyle -JaiSeinor(Prendiville)

Page 8: NOTRE DAME NEWS - NDS · Thursday 13 April Mass of the Lord’s Supper (WHITE) 7.00pm Washing of the Feet (For the procession of the Gi0s at the Offertory, the Faithful are asked

S.E.M.C.P.S.S.A.INTERSCHOOLSWIMMINGCARNIVAL-AQUALIFE23MARCHSelected students from years 4-6 represented Notre Dame at the annual Interschool Swimmingcarnival,heldatAqualife, lastThursday.Studentscameintothedaywellpreparedandeagertotestthemselvesagainststudentsfromotherschools.WewereblessedwithbeauOfulweather,formostofthe day, which helped keep the students’ spirit high. Notre Dame had some excellent individualperformances throughout the day but the best thing Iwitnessedwas the fantasOc teameffort andsportsmanship shown throughout; every studentwas looking to encourage their teammates to dotheirverybest.Theyear4groupasawholehadafantasOcshowingwithmanytopfinishesinallraces.The year5s found themselves gevng some crucial points against somevery topquality swimmers.The year 6 group was missing one of their star swimmers but the amount of enthusiasm andconfidencetheytookforwardtothechallengewashighlycommendable.WealsohadsomefantasOcoverallperformanceswhichledtochampionboyandgirlcommendaOonsforthefollowingstudents:JaiSeinor(Tied-ChampionYear4Boy),EllaBlake(R/UP-Year4Girls)andKaiMillington(R/UP-Year5Boys).

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Monday 1.30pmto3.30pm

Wednesday 8.00amto10.00am



School Banking

Every Thursday

8.00am - 8.30am - Library


NEXTWEEK’SROSTER: Monday3April2017 -BelindaRa`s Wednesday5April2017 -AmandaMillington Friday7April2017 -DorinaHorOn9.30am-1.00pm/ClaireTwohig



Page 10: NOTRE DAME NEWS - NDS · Thursday 13 April Mass of the Lord’s Supper (WHITE) 7.00pm Washing of the Feet (For the procession of the Gi0s at the Offertory, the Faithful are asked



Easter Raffle 3

prizes per class

TICKETS 1 @ $2.00 3 @ $5.00

Entries Close: Wednesday 5 April



1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize

Prizes for each class.

Page 11: NOTRE DAME NEWS - NDS · Thursday 13 April Mass of the Lord’s Supper (WHITE) 7.00pm Washing of the Feet (For the procession of the Gi0s at the Offertory, the Faithful are asked





PERTHCHILDREN’SHOSPITALVOLUNTEERSSince1929,thevolunteerpresenceatPrincessMargaretHospitalhasbeenextremelyimportanttotheexperiencethatourpaOentsandfamilieshaveduringtheirOmehere.Theirconcernforpeopleandtheirabilitytocreateanatmosphereoffriendlinessandgoodwillisinvaluable.WiththeexciOngmovetotheworldclassPerthChildren’sHospitalweareexpandingthevolunteerteamandwearerecruiOngnowforavarietyofroles.Ifyouareaged18+,andwanttomakeaposiOvedifferencetothelivesofchildrenandtheir families who visit the hospital then we would like to hear from you. You can download anapplicaOon form from our website: h`p://www.cahs.health.wa.gov.au/help_us/volunteers_pmh.htm .OnceanapplicaOonhasbeenreceivedyouwillbeaskedfor interviewand if successfulwillcommenceinducOonandtraining.Wearelookingforpeoplewhocancommittoaminimumof4hoursperweek(1shiC).IfyouneedfurtherinformaOoncontactAndyWahid,CoordinatorVolunteerServices0893408716oremailandy.wahid@health.wa.gov.au.

Page 12: NOTRE DAME NEWS - NDS · Thursday 13 April Mass of the Lord’s Supper (WHITE) 7.00pm Washing of the Feet (For the procession of the Gi0s at the Offertory, the Faithful are asked
