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Nov. 2011 - HBTS News

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November 2011: Issue of HBTS News - News & Information for Holley by the Sea Residents
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This is a publication written and produced by Sandpaper Publishing, Inc./Navarre Press for the owners of HBTS and is not an official publication of Holley by the Sea Homeowner's Association, Inc. www.hbtsnews.com Contact Holley by the Sea President Pete Peterzen Internal Vice-President James Mitchell External Vice-President Joseph Sipp Treasurer William Stuart Secretary Brooke Goldberg Brooke is available at the Rec Center M-W-F 9:30 to 12:30pm Email to the Board: [email protected] Interim General Manager: Jennifer Barrett Email: hbtsaccting@ bellsouth.net Holley by the Sea Homeowner’s Association 6845 Navarre Parkway, Navarre, FL 32566 850 939-1693 November 2011 HBTSNEWS By Sandi Kemp HBTSnews.com The Board of Directors approved forming a tennis com- mittee at its Aug. 11 meeting. The previous committee had been downgraded to a club because it had not been acting as a committee, according to the Florida State Statutes. Florida State Statutes 720 states that committees must fol- low the same guidelines of the board with published meetings and published minutes of the meetings. Holley by the Sea was fre- quently advertised as a “Tennis Club”in the late 70s and early 80s because the common prop- erties boast eight lighted clay tennis courts and a handball court. The tennis program at Holley by the Sea is currently without a tennis pro at the helm. Kelly Baker left abrupt- ly in September after being at HBTS since Jan- uary. Interim association manag- er, Jennie Barrett, has been authorized by the board to begin advertising for an interim ten- nis pro. The new HBTS Tennis Com- mittee includes Carrie Clancy, Tim Karsten, Chrissy Koenig, Cyndy Linton, Jay Mason, with Linton as the chairperson. Materials presented to the board stated an action plan that addressed concerns with recommenda- tions. They are as fol- lows: Concern: HBTS lost its tennis pro. Recommendation: Authorize the Tennis Commit- tee to advise General Manag- er on refilling the tennis pro position and interview possi- ble tennis pro candidates to be hired in a“commission only” status in the interim period. Concern: There are no estab- lished procedures for HBTS members to resolve comments, concerns and complaints relat- ed to the tennis program. Recommendation: Appoint the HBTS Tennis Committee to act as an advisory group to the General Manager for all issues related to the tennis program possibly reducing the amount of time the GM and the BOD spends fielding questions and researching issues. Concern: HBTS invested in clay courts as an integral part of its recreation program. Clay courts have very specific main- tenance requirements for opti- mum playability and safety. Recommendation: Send at least two maintenance staff members to a certified clay court maintenance program to quick- ly protect HBTS’s investment in its courts. Tennis Committee Mis- sion Statement: To build, strengthen and grow the HBTS tennis program. Tennis Committee Goals: 1. Act in advisory capacity to the General Manager and Board of Directors and liaison to the HBTS tennis communi- ty at large. 2. Support efforts to maintain the tennis facility in accor- dance with HBTS Bylaws, BOD alters Architectural Control Cte. rules The following changes were approved during the Oct. 11 meeting: 1. Foreclosures ACC seeks BOD approval to clean up and maintain properties front, back and side yards (current policy is front yard only). Motion to approve up to $5000 for yard mainte- nance of properties front, back and side yards as the ACC sees fit with monthly reports and subject to BOD approval above any costs past pre- approved amount. Approved 4-0. 2. Yard/Lot Maintenance and Improvement Policy a. All occupants must sign an adapted version of the Not in conjunction with existing contracts or other offers. Valid thru November 30, 2011. MEETING Continued on page 2 ACC Continued on page 2 Tennis Committee is formed Photo by Dickie Williams State Statute 720: Home- owner’s Associations 720.303 Associ- ation powers and duties; meetings of board; official records; budgets; financial reporting; association funds; recalls.— (2) BOARD MEETINGS.— (a) A meeting of the board of directors of an association occurs whenever a quorum of the board gathers to conduct association business. All meetings of the board must be open to all members except for meetings between the board and its attorney with respect to proposed or pend- ing litigation where the contents of the discussion would oth- erwise be governed by the attorney-client privilege. The provi- sions of this subsec- tion shall also apply to the meetings of any committee or other similar body when a final decision will be made regarding the expenditure of asso- ciation funds and to meetings of any body vested with the pow- er to approve or dis- approve architectur- al decisions with respect to a specific parcel of residential property owned by a member of the com- munity. (b) Members have the right to attend all meetings of the board and to speak on any matter placed on the agen- da by petition of the voting interests for at least 3 minutes. The association may adopt written reasonable rules expanding the right of members to speak and governing the frequency, dura- tion, and other man- ner of member state- ments, which rules must be consistent with this paragraph and may include a sign-up sheet for members wishing to speak. Notwith- standing any other law, meetings between the board or a committee and the association’s attorney to discuss proposed or pending litigation or meetings of the board held for the purpose of discussing personnel matters are not required to be open to the members other than directors. Florida State Statute Findings
Page 1: Nov. 2011 - HBTS News

This is a publication written and produced by Sandpaper Publishing, Inc./Navarre Press for the owners of HBTS and is not an official publication of Holley by the Sea Homeowner's Association, Inc.


Contact Holleyby the SeaPresident Pete Peterzen

Internal Vice-President James Mitchell

External Vice-President Joseph Sipp

Treasurer William Stuart

Secretary Brooke Goldberg Brooke is available at theRec Center M-W-F9:30 to 12:30pm

Email to the Board: [email protected]

Interim General Manager: Jennifer BarrettEmail: [email protected]

Holley by the Sea Homeowner’s Association6845 Navarre Parkway,Navarre, FL 32566 850 939-1693

November 2011HBTSNEWSBy Sandi KempHBTSnews.com

The Board of Directorsapproved forming a tennis com-mittee at its Aug. 11 meeting.The previous committee hadbeen downgraded to a clubbecause it had not been actingas a committee, according tothe Florida State Statutes.

Florida State Statutes 720states that committees must fol-low the same guidelines of theboard with published meetingsand published minutes of themeetings.

Holley by the Sea was fre-quently advertised as a “TennisClub” in the late 70s and early80s because the common prop-erties boast eight lighted claytennis courts and a handballcourt.

The tennis programat Holley by the Sea iscurrently without atennis pro at the helm.Kelly Baker left abrupt-ly in September afterbeing at HBTS since Jan-uary.

Interim association manag-er, Jennie Barrett, has beenauthorized by the board to beginadvertising for an interim ten-nis pro.

The new HBTS Tennis Com-mittee includes Carrie Clancy,

Tim Karsten, Chrissy Koenig,Cyndy Linton, Jay Mason,

with Linton as the chairperson.Materials presented to the board

stated an action plan thataddressed concerns

with recommenda-tions.

They are as fol-lows:Concern: HBTS

lost its tennis pro.Recommendation:

Authorize the Tennis Commit-tee to advise General Manag-er on refilling the tennis proposition and interview possi-ble tennis pro candidates to behired in a “commission only”status in the interim period.

Concern: There are no estab-lished procedures for HBTSmembers to resolve comments,concerns and complaints relat-ed to the tennis program.

Recommendation: Appointthe HBTS Tennis Committee toact as an advisory group to theGeneral Manager for all issuesrelated to the tennis programpossibly reducing the amountof time the GM and the BODspends fielding questions andresearching issues.

Concern: HBTS invested inclay courts as an integral part ofits recreation program. Claycourts have very specific main-tenance requirements for opti-mum playability and safety.

Recommendation: Sendat least two maintenance staffmembers to a certified clay courtmaintenance program to quick-ly protect HBTS’s investmentin its courts.

Tennis Committee Mis-sion Statement: To build,strengthen and grow the HBTStennis program.

Tennis Committee Goals:

1.Act in advisory capacity tothe General Manager and

Board of Directors and liaisonto the HBTS tennis communi-ty at large.

2.Support efforts to maintainthe tennis facility in accor-

dance with HBTS Bylaws,

BOD alters Architectural Control Cte. rules

The following changes wereapproved during the Oct. 11meeting:

1. ForeclosuresACC seeks BOD approval

to clean up and maintainproperties front, back and sideyards (current policy is frontyard only). Motion to approveup to $5000 for yard mainte-nance of properties front, backand side yards as the ACCsees fit with monthly reportsand subject to BOD approvalabove any costs past pre-approved amount. Approved4-0.

2. Yard/Lot Maintenanceand Improvement Policy

a. All occupants must signan adapted version of the

Not in conjunction with existing contracts or other offers. Valid thru November 30, 2011.

MEETING Continued on page 2

ACC Continued on page 2

Tennis Committee is formed

Photo by Dickie Williams

State Statute 720: Home-owner’s Associations

720.303 Associ-ation powers andduties; meetings ofboard; official records;budgets; financialreporting; associationfunds; recalls.—


(a) A meeting ofthe board of directorsof an associationoccurs whenever aquorum of the board

gathers to conductassociation business.All meetings of theboard must be opento all members exceptfor meetings betweenthe board and itsattorney with respectto proposed or pend-ing litigation wherethe contents of thediscussion would oth-erwise be governedby the attorney-clientprivilege. The provi-sions of this subsec-tion shall also applyto the meetings of any

committee or othersimilar body when afinal decision will bemade regarding theexpenditure of asso-ciation funds and tomeetings of any bodyvested with the pow-er to approve or dis-approve architectur-al decisions withrespect to a specificparcel of residentialproperty owned by amember of the com-munity.

(b ) M e m b e r shave the right to

attend all meetings ofthe board and tospeak on any matterplaced on the agen-da by petition of thevoting interests for atleast 3 minutes. Theassociation may adoptwritten reasonablerules expanding theright of members tospeak and governingthe frequency, dura-tion, and other man-ner of member state-ments, which rulesmust be consistentwith this paragraph

and may include asign-up sheet formembers wishing tospeak. Notwith-standing any otherlaw, meetingsbetween the board ora committee and theassociation’s attorneyto discuss proposedor pending litigationor meetings of theboard held for thepurpose of discussingpersonnel matters arenot required to beopen to the membersother than directors.

Florida State Statute Findings

Page 2: Nov. 2011 - HBTS News


Call us with your HBTS news939-8040


MeetingContinued from page 1

ACCContinued from page 1

November 2011

Volume I • Issue 2

HBTS News is published weekly by Sandpaper Publishing Inc., HBTS News and its entire contents and style are fully protected by copyright and registered according tocopyright laws. HBTS News cannot be reproduced in any form for any purpose without the expressed written permission of Sandpaper Publishing Inc. and Navarre Press.

Publisher/EditorSandi Kemp

[email protected]

Interim Assistant EditorChristine O’Connor

[email protected]

Production ManagerDickie Williams

[email protected]

WriterYvonne Harper

[email protected]

HBTSNEWSTo Contact Us:

HBTS News7502 Harvest Village Court

Navarre, FL 32566Phone: (850) 939-8040Fax: (850) 939-4575

Web: www.HBTSNEWS.comE-mail: [email protected]

Advertising Chanda Ryan

[email protected]

Graphic & Web DesignNic Nowlan

[email protected] Colborn

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Advertising/Marketing Manager

Gail [email protected]

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October Usage & Variance RequestsThe following usage vari-

ance requests were discussedduring the Oct. 11 meeting:

2153 Villa CourtRequest from the own-

er on behalf of the renters.Renters are husband wifeand two children - nuclearfamily. Looking for hard-ship variance:Approved.

2579 Cove RoadRenters : Family of four,

husband and wife and twochildren - nuclear family– less bedrooms than fam-ily members. Looking forhardship variance:Approved

6613 Indian St.Nuclear family that

exceeds the number ofbedrooms. Approved on

hardship once the paper-work is received from theowner.

The following architec-tural variances were dis-cussed during the Oct. 11meeting:

7392 Frankfort St.Owner wishing to build

a shed in the yard. Thiswas denied by the Archi-

tectural Committeebecause the size of theproposed shed is 320square feet which couldbe large enough for a guesthouse. Owner was pres-ent and he stated that itwas basically a one caregarage and he wanted itto store a classic car. Theowner stated he was fromthe north and he was useto have a basement, which

he can’t have in Navarre.Plans have already beenapproved by county.Approved by board.

7623 Treasure St. Parking pad on the side

of the garage – angleattachment to the drive-way. Approved.

Covenants, and manu-facturer’s standards forcourts and related struc-tures and equipment.

3. Enhance the HBTS /Hidden Creek propertiesby sustaining and show-casing its recreation cen-ter and tennis programthrough involvement inlocal and regional tennisorganizations such asUSTA, GPLTL and GPTA.

Other ActionsApproved at the Oct.11, 2011 boardmeeting:

• Air conditioningmaintenance contractwas upgraded to a morecomprehensive contractthat would include allparts and labor and guar-anteed response time.

• Motion was made touse the same amount offunds currently spent in

“Splash Magazine” toadvertise in HBTS Newsgiving HBTS twice asmuch space and help withthe website. The motionwas approved with a dis-senting vote by PetePeterzen. Reason for dis-senting vote: Peterzenwould have liked moretime to think about it.

• Navarre High SchoolSwim Team representa-tives were present torequest that the NavarreHigh School Swim Team(Santa Rosa County SwimChamps – five years in arow) use the HBTS poolfrom 6 - 8 p.m. on week-nights. This request hasbeen granted for severalyears. Currently, the swimteam uses the NavarreYMCA. However, theweather is getting cool-er which is lowering thepool temperature.Approved as long as theswim team opens uplanes if residents want to

use the pool. • Maria Baker and

Kevin Lanier wereapproved as members ofthe Violations AppealsCommittee.

• Maria Baker and LeeSteinert were approvedas members of the Nom-inating Committee.

• The Youth Depart-ment was approved topermanently extendhours.

• The General Manag-er Job Description from2007 was thrown out infavor of a new job descrip-tion that is to be writtenby a group of volunteers,to be subject to boardapproval.

• Fishing Club mem-ber Dan Ramsey report-ed on the success of “Takea Kid Fishing Day” at theNavarre Pier and gave aglowing report of theHBTS Fishing Club’sinvolvement. Ramseyposted pictures of the

event in the front entry-way of the club house.

• Board President PetePeterzen stated that hewanted to submit a sur-vey to the membershipwith the assessment bills.Survey questions arebeing solicited by themembership.

Social Committeehighlights:

The October Yard Salewas a success and nettedan income of $113. TheSocial Committee willsupport the Youth Depart-ment Halloween eventon Oct. 28 at the BeachHouse. There will be a potluck dinner at the BeachHouse to honor veteranson Nov. 12. The 50/50 willbenefit the WoundedWarrior Foundation. Atrip to Bellingrath Gar-dens is slated for Decem-ber and the annual San-ta Breakfast will be Dec.17 at the Beach House.

By Sandi Kemp HBTSnews.com

The Holley by theSea Fishing Club wasfounded in March 2011and currently has 117members. The clubmeets the first Tuesdayof each month at 7 p.m.in the screen room atthe recreation facility.Annual dues are $5 perperson, or $10 per fam-ily.

You must be a Hol-ley by the Sea proper-ty owner or renter whois 18 years of age orolder to be a member.

The fishing club’s

mission is to educate,encourage and assistthose Holley by the Sea

property owners whodesire to learn moreabout fishing in a fun-

filled and friendly envi-ronment while pro-moting good sports-manship and resourceconservation through-out our community.

The club is hosting aFish Fry on Saturday,Nov. 5 and you have tobe a member or an invit-ed guest to attend. Allprospective membersare invited guests, withthe intention that youbecome a member onNov. 5. The menuincludes fried and grilledfish, gumbo, French friesand coleslaw. There willbe hamburger and hotdogs for the kids and

non-fish eaters. Also,each member will beasked to bring an appe-tizer or dessert. (ShirleyMosher is coordinatingthe appetizer and dessertitems, and she can bereached at 936-1819).The cost per person isset at $ and childrenunder 12 are free. Gamesfor kids are planned.When you sign up –please indicate the agesof the children you arebringing.

If you would likemore information, sendan email to [email protected].

Something “fishy” is going on at Holley by the Sea

File photoFounding members of the HBTS Fishing Club are Bob Burton,Vinnie Mosher, Billy Neal, Dick Justice, Norm Crowder, PatTraynor, Dan Ramsey and Sheila Ramsey. Three other found-ing members of the HBTS Fishing Club who were not presentfor the photo are Earl Dean, Sam Edmonson and Bill Jarrett.

Yard/Lot Maintenance and ImprovementPolicy prior to usage of the facilities (seeBOD approved policy in this issue)

b. Publicize/educate residents on prop-erty and lawn maintenance.

c. Communicate with property man-agers on the importance of continue over-sight of their rental properties to ensureproper lots. Approved 4-0.

3.Shed/Garagea. The ACC recommends to the BOD

that they be granted the power to approveShed/Garage Improvement Projects lessthan 400 sq. ft. and less than 12 feet high.

b. Requests over the 400 sq. ft. or greaterthan 12 feet high will be turned over to theBOD for approval.

c. The ACC recommends to the BODto rescind the policy approved in May 2006limiting the Committees ability to approveShed/ Garage Improvement Projects 320square-feet and smaller. Approved 4-0.

4. Home Improvement FinalInspection Plan (HIFIP)

1. ACC recommends that the Archi-tectural Office conduct a final inspectionof all ACC permitted Home Improvementprojects upon completion.

Action : Interim General Manager willcome up with a plan for providing extraman hours to be approved by the BOD atan upcoming regular meeting.

5. Home Improvement Applica-tion

1.The ACC recommends that the $10application fee be waived for all furtherapplications

In 2010, there were 350 applicationsgenerating $3500 in revenue for the asso-ciation. ACC committee member DanRamsey supports doing away with the $10application fee. “We are not in businessesto make money. May help people to comein and do the right thing if we didn’t havea fee. “Ramsey also expressed that it wasinconvenient for employees to collect the$10 application fee.

Board member Brook Goldberg wasnot in favor of eliminating the fee becausethere is a cost associated with approvinghome improvements and while she wasall for making it easier for people to do theright thing, “We are spreading the cost outto multiple homeowners while benefit-ing a few,” she said.

ACC member Billy Neal commentedthat, “People do home improvements anddon't submit the fee anyway.”

“Home improvements that go smooth-ly don't cause us as much staff time asthose that are in violation,” said Board Pres-ident Pete Peterzen.

Peterzen also stated that in his person-al opinion, he doesn’t want another obsta-cle and that “it takes $5 of staff time to keeptrack of the money.” Approved 3-1, withGoldberg as the dissenting vote.

Page 3: Nov. 2011 - HBTS News



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By Yvonne C. HarperHBTSnews.com

If you are looking for areason to get out and getinvolved, look no furtherthan the Holley by the SeaSocial Committee. As itsname indicates, the HBTSSocial Committee plans out-ings and get-togethers forHBTS residents and theirguests.

The two most well-knowngatherings are the Break-fast with Santa held inDecember and the EasterEgg Hunt held in April.These two events usuallysell out and are a great suc-cess. However, there is moreto this committee than justChristmas and Easter.

Committee Chairman BobGeller has served on thecommittee for three yearsand has been using everyresource possible to get theword out about other events.Geller hopes that with thenewly created HBTSnewsletter, more residentswill become more aware ofall that HBTS has to offer,to include social events.

The next main social eventwill be the Veterans’ Pot Luckon Nov.12, from 5p.m. to8p.m., at the HBTS BeachHouse. This potluck willserve to honor all veterans.

Chicken, ham and fish willbe provided, and all otherdishes will be brought bythose attending, with “left-overs available upon request”said Geller. The cost to attendis $2 per person. The SocialCommittee is donating halfthe ticket price to theWounded Veteran’s Organ-ization; the other half willgo toward the winning raf-fle ticket. Nov. 9 is the lastday to purchase tickets.

Geller and his wife of 44years moved to Navarre sixyears ago. Originally fromMaryland, he had a suc-cessful career as a mechan-ical engineer working for

John Hopkins University.He worked in the AppliedPhysics laboratory with theAdvanced Combat SystemsDevelopment, and wasinstrumental in creating mis-sile guiding systems for theNavy that were precise andnever missed their mark.

So successful was he andhis fellow-workers, he“worked himself out of ajob.” That resulted in an ear-ly retirement in 2005 and amove to sunny Florida.

His first time visiting thisarea was in 1976 and heenjoyed all subsequent vis-its. So when his brother-in-law retired and took up res-

idence in Navarre it seemedlike the perfect place to callhome. He likes the season-al aspects of the area with-out the extremely cold weath-er. The only thing he miss-es is the fall colors, but reme-dies any longings for thegolden and red hues of fallby taking a trip to Maryland.This also gives him an oppor-tunity to visit his daughterand three grandchildren.Geller also has a son thatlives in Palm Beach, Fla.

His involvement with theSocial Committee came byway of him and his wife’sinvolvement with othersocial groups in Navarre

such as the Red Hats andthe Emerald Coast Women’sClub. Many of the samemembers of the aforemen-tioned groups were involvedwith the HBTS Social Com-mittee and they invited himand his wife to join. Hisenthusiasm led to sugges-tions that he chair the com-mittee: he accepted and hasbeen the chair for the lastthree years. However, hereadily acknowledges thathe is not the committee;rather he is just the chair-man. The committee hasabout 13 members andmeets the first Tuesday ofevery month at 10 a.m. atthe recreation center.

Geller loves to hear ideasfrom other committee mem-bers and residents alike.However, he does becomefrustrated when he tells oth-er about what is going onand the residents do notseem to be aware of whatthe association has to offer.Geller thinks most of it isdue to the fact that manypeople use only one or twobenefits of the homeown-ers association – such as thepool, tennis courts, or weightroom - without being fullyknowledgeable of all theother benefits such as thesocial committee. He wouldlike to change that.

Recent events the socialcommittee was responsiblefor organizing was the latesummer and spring yardsales and a pontoon outingthat took the passengers toCrab Island.

Geller is presently work-ing on arrangements for atrip to Bellingrath Gardensand Home in Mobile, Ala.,for a viewing of the Christ-mas lights. The tentativedates for this are Dec. 1, 2,or 3. He would also like tosee past keynote events suchas Oktoberfest and luausmake a comeback.

After the Veterans’ PotLuck on Nov. 12, the nextmain social will be Break-fast with Santa on Decem-ber 17 from 9am – 11am. Ahearty breakfast will pre-cede a visit from Santa, cour-tesy of the Holley-NavarreFire District. There will beother activities for childrensuch as face painting andkids’ crafts. The last day toreserve a spot for this eventwill be Dec. 14. Tickets canbe purchased at the frontdesk in the HBTS recre-ational center.

Geller is now acceptingall ideas from HBTS resi-dents for future events; allsuggestions can be sent toBob Geller [email protected].

November 2011

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HBTS Social Committee aims to excite

Committee Chairman Bob Geller has served on the committee for three years and has been usingevery resource possible to get the word out about the committee’s events.

Page 4: Nov. 2011 - HBTS News



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November 2011

BOD: Tell us what you thinkOwners of HBTS will receive a survey with

their assessment invoice that will ask thequestions shown below. HBTS News staffadded a little more information and commen-tary in green that we feel may help ownersmake a more informed decision.

Holley By The Sea ImprovementAssociation, Inc. 2011 Survey

Member ID or Block/Lot #(s)____________________________________________

Hidden Creek Estates Resident? Y / N [The reason you are being asked this is

because Hidden Creek Estates has differentarchitectural guidelines]

This survey is non-binding and does notoblige the owner or the Association in anyway.It is for informational purposes only.

Please return the survey with your assess-ment payment via mail or drop it off at thefront desk at the Recreation Center.

ExpansionMost of the current amenities for the HBTS Com-

munity were built circa 1990. There has been only one increase in the capacity of

the amenities at the Recreation Center since theoriginal construction (Screen Room & Weight Roomadded in 1998). However, the user base has increasedby approximately 300 percent since the year 2000and approximately 50 percent of local HBTS resi-dents use the facility each year.

1. The BOD is considering a plan to rec-ommend potential upgrades where necessaryto ensure support of the community popula-tion? Do you support this effort? Y / N

[Capacity has been discussed at almostevery board meeting since the beginning ofthe year. The board of directors can put moneyaside in the budget for future expansion or,they can decide that an expansion project isnecessary and assess the community with aspecial assessment.]

Boats/RVs/TrailersThe covenants Article VII, Section 10 states that,

“No camper, self-propelled mobile home, trailer,boat, any vehicle that has commercial signs, advertis-ing, or commercial equipment visible, or any vehiclewhich is used or intended for use primarily to haul orcarry material and/or equipment shall be stored orparked on any residential lot or portion thereofunless the same is enclosed in a permanent structureor a special permit has been issued to the owner bythe Architectural Control Committee.”

2. Would you be in favor of an effort tochange this part of the covenants to be lessrestrictive? Y / N

3. How do you think these types of vehi-cles should be stored? Check all that apply.

________In a garage (not visible)________In the backyard (no fence required)________Behind a 6-foot privacy fence________On the side of the house (No fence

required, but behind the front edge of thehome)

[The board spends a lot of time on thisissue, and money because boards have takenresidents to court because of the requirementof a permanent structure.]

StreetlightsHolley By The Sea has several neighborhoods and

several major roads that have street lights that wereput in place by the developer prior to 1998 or by the

HOA between 1998-2001 and are required to bemaintained by the Association. [Currently theassociation pays close to $70,000 a year inelectric costs for street lights that were put inplace by the developer or the association priorto 2002. After that time, members of the asso-ciation who want street lights have to requestan MSBU (Municipal Service Buying Unit) tohave a street light and residents on that streethave to share the cost of the electricity.]

4. Would you be in favor of an improve-ment effort to expand the placement of streetlights throughout all of Holley By The Sea? Y / N

A note from the General Manager:

Hello all. Theannual assessment statements were mailedout by the end of October. If you have not received yourstatement please call us and we will send you another copy.As always, your assessment is due in full by Jan. 1, 2012.

Included with your assessment is a survey and a noticefrom the Architectural Department.

The Board of Directors would appreciate you filling outthe survey and returning it with your assessment payment.Also, please take the time to read the notice from Archi-tectural and feel free to call us with any questions you mayhave.

The HBTS Recreation Center will be closing at noon onThanksgiving Eve and reopen Friday morning at 6. I wouldlike to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. As always, feelfree to stop in my office with any comments, questions orconcerns you may have. Or just to say "Hi."

Thank you, Jennie Barrett

Page 5: Nov. 2011 - HBTS News

HBTSNEWSYard of the Month

November 2011


By Jessi StoneHBTSnews.com

Frank Valensi’s and Star Darling’syard on Aurora Drive in Holley by theSea has been chosen as Yard of theMonth for November.

Valensi designed the minimalist land-scaping himself and it includes sabolpalms, sago palms, windmill palms,canary date palms, orange trees, tan-gerine trees, century plants, variegatedcentury plants and Washington palms.

“I’m the type of guy who says the lessthe better,” he said, adding that he choseplants based on what he liked, the costand their ability to withstand North-west Florida’s cold winters.

Valensi and Darling bought their homein January 2009 after moving to Navarrefrom Ohio. Valensi said the yard was inhorrible shape when they moved in, butnow people in HBTS have said it lookslike Disney World because the grass isso lush and green.

“It took a long time to get it like that,”he said.

Valensi also does his own fertiliza-tion and maintenance on the yard. Aftertrying several products that were unsuc-cessful, he found Scotts Lawn Careproducts made a world of difference.He installed an irrigation system forall the trees to be watered simultane-ously every day.

When asked why it was importantfor him to have a nice yard, he said itwas probably something he inheritedfrom his parents.

“That’s just me,” he said. “It’s just asense of pride of ownership.”

Disney-green grass earns YOM honor

Photo by Dickie WilliamsFrank Valensi proudly displays his beautiful palm-laden front yard. This month’s Yard of the Month honor was chosen by HBTS News staff. Future Yardsof the Month will be chosen by former honorees.

Page 6: Nov. 2011 - HBTS News

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Page 7: Nov. 2011 - HBTS News



November 2011

By Yvonne C. HarperHBTSnews.com

The Holley by the Sea Recre-ation facility and surrounding landused to be “so nice” Jackie Goebeloften heard when she became themaintenance manag-er five years ago. Sincethen, returning therecreational facility andland to its former glo-ry has been Jackie’sgoal.

The epitome of hersuccess is the HBTSBeach House thatopened one year ago.The new 3,600 square-foot beach house isavailable to all HBTS residents forprivate functions. It can be rent-ed for birthdays, weddings, anniver-saries, reunions or any other occa-sion. It features a full kitchen, greatroom, and restrooms. The pane-less windows on the south sideoffer a stunning view of Santa RosaSound. Always thinking of howshe can improve the facility, Jack-ie sought and received the fundsto add a couple of outdoor grillsto allow for more options to thoserenting the beach house.

She was also responsible forhaving the area behind the beachhouse on the sound-side cleared.

Her leadership and handiwork,

along with that of her three-manand one-woman crew is evidentas one enters into the well-man-icured recreational facility entrance.The trees that help shade the park-ing lot are healthy, and the crepemyrtles that line the walkway to

the front entrance aretrimmed and manicured.The fountain’s water isclear and sparkles in theFlorida sun.

Upon entering thefacility, the floors are shiny,the lights and fans aredust free, the main roomis spotless, the kitchen isorderly and the bath-rooms and locker roomsare well stocked and

unsoiled. A stroll around the facil-ity and the 48 acres it sits on pro-vide a plethora of examples of Jack-ie’s dedication to her work.

Jackie is originally from Ohio, andmoved to Miami when she was 12-years-old. Over time, she slowlymade her way north, settling in Ocalawhere she owned a small workinghorse farm. She discovered Navarrewhile visiting her daughter and son-in-law six years ago. Driving toMobile from Fort Walton Beach onU.S. Highway 98, the Navarre Bridgecame into view - they took a left anddrove along Scenic Highway. It wasthen that she fell in love with thearea: she returned home, sold her

horse farm and bought a house inHolley by the Sea.

The home she purchased wasa fixer-upper and she spent muchof her time visiting Lowes. It wasduring a shopping excursion thatshe was introduced to Paul Williams,the then-HBTS general manag-er. At the time, Paul was search-ing for a new maintenance man-ager and after hearing that Jack-ie had experience with remodel-ing homes and landscaping, prop-erty maintenance, flipping hous-es, and using equipment, he hiredher that day.

At her hiring, she was “just amaintenance person” but after her90-day probation period, Paulasked her to assume the positionof maintenance manager becauseof her “get it done” attitude andapproach to her job.

Since then, she has workedsteadily to bring about the improve-ments that make the HBTS recre-ational facility and land the envyof Navarre.

Her responsibilities includemaintaining all entrances into theHBTS subdivision, to now includethe Hidden Creek entrance; theponds; the boat ramp off Coun-ty Road 399; the tennis courts;the fishing pier; the entire recre-ational center to include all weightroom equipment; the beach house;the play equipment; the pool; and

the 48 acres of grounds keeping.“Decent common sense” dic-

tates the priority of jobs: “If some-thing’s broke, we fix it right away.”Her approach is to maintain theequipment in place on a regularbasis to ensure fewer repairs. Thetennis courts are just one itemthat requires daily maintenance.

The type of material used forthe eight courts require that hercrew brushes the courts daily andwaters it twice a day. The dailywatering caused the old perime-ter fencing to rust; therefore sheordered new fencing that shouldlast 20 years. She also recycledpavers to create a walkway fromthe courts to the racquetball court.She is presently working on com-pleting the landscaping sur-rounding the courts.

Being a steward of “(your) mon-ey,” she has worked to reducemaintenance costs. One such cost-reduction will be the new pooldome that will arrive no later thanthis December. A technician iscoming from Canada, where thedome was purchased, to instructJackie and her crew on how to putup and take down the dome, thussaving the HOA money.

Jackie is presently working toimprove the baseball diamond sothat more families can enjoy thefield. The money has been bud-geted for next year so she is hop-

ing the existing field will be doneby early spring; she also wants toadd another baseball field allow-ing more people to play ball.

Another project she is work-ing on is repairing the boat rampoff CR 399. Hurricanes Dennisand Ivan heavily damaged theramp; she is working with thecounty and the various agenciesto pull the permits so repairs canbe accomplished.

Jackie also wants to improvethe roads that lead to the campgrounds.

Although it is not in her depart-ment, one program Jackie wantsthe residents to know about is thebefore and after school youth pro-gram. This program is just one ofmany that HBTS offers to its resi-dents.

Many HBTS residents ask her“what else is here?” When sheshows them all that the recre-ational facility has to offer, thetypical response is, “all of this forwhat we pay?”

Jackie would love to have moreresidents be involved, thus cre-ating a sense of communityamong the HBTS residents.

Jackie is an example of what acan-do attitude coupled with astrong sense of ownership canaccomplish and with her at thehelm, HBTS is on its way to beingthe treasure of the Emerald Coast.

Jackie Goebel: Getting the job done


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Page 8: Nov. 2011 - HBTS News



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Fish FryThe HBTS Fishing Club

will host a Best Ever FishFry on Nov. 5, starting at 3p.m. There will be gumbo,deep-fried fish, cole slaw,French fries, and hotdogsand hamburgers will beavailable upon request.Please bring an appetizeror dessert to share. Cost fordinner is $8. Kids 12 andunder are free.

Veterans’ Pot LuckThe Holley by the Sea

Social Committee is host-ing a Veterans’ Pot Luck onNov. 12, from 5 – 8 p.m. atthe Beach House. Thispotluck will serve to hon-or all veterans. Chicken,ham and fish will be pro-

vided, and all other disheswill be brought by thoseattending. The cost to attendis $2 per person. The SocialCommittee is donating halfthe ticket price to theWounded Veteran’s Organ-ization; the other half willgo toward the winning raf-fle ticket. Nov. 9 is the lastday to purchase tickets. Call939-1693.

Navarre LibraryThe Friends of the

Navarre Library will be host-ing a book sale Nov. 4 – 5,Friday and Saturday. Hoursof the Friday sale will be 9a.m.-4 p.m. Hours of theSaturday sale will be 9 a.m.-noon.

Full Moon Walk Join a Gulf Islands

National Seashore ParkRanger for an hour-longprogram on the Novemberfull moon and night skiesat Langdon Beach Gulf sidepavilion in the Fort Pickensarea of Gulf Islands Nation-al Seashore at 6 p.m. Nov.5. This one-hour programfollows a planetary lineupof our solar system 100 yardsdown the Gulf beach andconcludes with stargazingand stories about the parkspecies that depend upondark night skies for theirsurvival. Although includ-ing an evening picnic to dineunder the full moon isoptional, rangers recom-mend bringing a blanket to

sit on during parts of theprograms. This free pro-gram is a beautiful treat forthe whole family andfriends.

Jingle Bell RunNavarre Beach Area

Chamber of Commerce willhold its first Jingle Bell 5-Krun, walk and fun run eventat 8 a.m. Dec. 3. The start-ing line for the family-friendly event will be locat-ed at the Holley-NavarreFire Station at 8618Esplanade St. behindMcDonald’s. Proceeds willbenefit the Navarre Cham-ber Foundation’s commu-nity projects. Register onlineat www.active.com

or www.navarrecham-

berfoundation.org. Regis-tration through Dec. 1 willcost

$15 and $20 after Dec. 1.

Christmas in the ParkNavarre Beach Area

Chamber of Commerce willhold the annual “Christmasin the Park” parade and cel-ebration from 2:30-8 p.m.Dec. 3 at Navarre Park. Thisyear’s event will kick-offwith a community Christ-mas parade at 2:30 p.m.behind McDonald’s, passthrough neighborhoodstreets along the north sideof Navarre Parkway and endat American Legion Post#0382.

Santa and Mrs. Claus willarrive by fire truck in the

parade and will be availablefor photos with childrenfrom 4-7 p.m. Visits are free,photos are $2 each. TheGrinch will also make hisway into the park and willtake pictures with children.The Chamber is nowaccepting applications forbusinesses, groups, organ-izations, or individuals thatwould like to participate inthe parade. Parade entryforms with payment mustbe received at the Cham-ber by Nov. 25. For a paradeentry form, sponsorshipopportunities, or generalinformation regarding thisholiday event [email protected] or call the Cham-ber at 939-3267.

November 2011

along the lines of gas drive offsup and theft as opposed to vio-late crimes, according to Hall.He said he puts a lot of empha-sis on his narcotics unit becausekeeping drug problems downkept many violent crimes down.

“We still have metham-phetamine and prescriptiondrugs and cocaine and mari-juana, but we don’t have it likeother counties because we’reso aggressive,” he said.

The department has offsetthe reduction in revenue bycharging fees for certain serv-ices. Out-of-county residentshave to pay a fee for finger-printing, which is a require-ment for all governmentemployees. About $3,000 hasbeen generated this year fromthe charge. The departmenthas made more than $1,000 bycharging for copies of publicrecords.

Sheriff employees arecharged to eat in the dininghall, raising about $3,000 thisyear. The department is reim-bursed for fuel when deputieswork side jobs and use coun-ty vehicles. Hall said the reim-bursement totaled about$30,000.

Hall said $11 million of his$30 million budget was dedi-cated to the Santa Rosa Coun-ty Jail. To offset those costs, heimplemented jail processingfees.

“We charge them to putthem in jail unless they are indi-gent,” he said. The processingfee raised about $41,000 in thelast year.

Inmates are also charged formedical co-pays, which gen-erated $71,000. Those foundguilty of major crimes areordered by a judge to reim-

By Jessi StoneHBTSnews.com

Sheriff Wen-dell Hall recent-ly spoke to theR e p u b l i c a nClub aboutinnovative wayshis departmenthas coped withbudget restraints during thelast few years.

Hall said the economicdownturn was something sher-iff departments were dealingwith all across the nation, butunlike other departments hewasn’t asking for a budgetincrease.

“I have understood whateconomic times are and whathard times are, so we haveadjusted,” he said.

Sheriff’s office employeeshave taken on more responsi-bilities to make up for a reduc-tion is the work force. Thedepartment has 175 deputies,which is 21 positions short ofthe norm.

While most businesses slowdown when the economy slowsdown, that isn’t the case withcrime. Hall said crime ratestend to increase, “but unfortu-nately there’s not enoughincome from ad valorem tax toincrease my budget.”

The crime rate in Santa RosaCounty has gone up in 2011,but Hall said it was nothingcompared to what other coun-ties were dealing with. He saidEscambia County had 30 mur-ders last year, which gave theneighboring county the high-est murder rate per capita inthe state.

A majority of Santa Rosacrime increases have been more

burse the department for inves-tigation costs. Hall said his officehad been reimbursed $13,000for investigations.

The jail also receives revenueby housing inmates for otheragencies, including the U.S.Navy, U.S. Marshals andOkaloosa County. The jailcharges $58 a day per inmate,raising about $500,000 in thelast year. U.S. Marshal hous-ing and transport alone hasgenerated $952,609 in the lastyear.

Hall said the departmenthad raised about $1.7 millionjust by charging those addi-tional fees.

“It’s something a lot of coun-ties and agencies don’t dobecause it’s more trouble thanits worth,” he said.

He also announced that hewould be running for anoth-er term as sheriff before retir-ing. Hall first ran for sheriffin 1995 as a Democrat butwas defeated. He said heswitched parties and waselected in 2000.

“It’s a wonderful time to bea Republican because I thinkthis next election next year we’regoing to see a lot of good pos-itive changes made and we’regoing to see a lot of Republi-cans go back in office,” he saidduring his introduction. “I thinkwe’re going to have a Repub-lican president one more timethank goodness.”

When the economy final-ly begins to turn around,Hall said Santa Rosa Coun-ty would recover muchquicker than other countiesbecause people continuedto move into the area for thelow crime rate, low taxationand the school system.

Sheriff copes with limited budget

Hall announces he will seek another term


If you have storyideas or photos fromevents send them to

[email protected]

You are oneof our bestreporters!


Page 9: Nov. 2011 - HBTS News

Holley By The Sea


email: [email protected]

Holley By The Sea Homeowners Association upholds and protects the natural beauty and charm of our community which promotes sustained propertyvalues for homeowners. Our community is governed by covenants which are well thought-out rules and regulations that offer an exceptional way ofliving for all residents today and future generations. In order to maintain our community’s integrity, it is critical for everyone to comply with theassociation’s requirements. Here are some reminders for homeowners regarding the appearance and maintenance of their property. Let’s all work to-gether to continue to make Holley By The Sea a great place to live!

YARD AND LAWN CARE Be a good neighbor and keep your yard looking neat

and well manicured. Homeowners are responsible forthe appearance of their yards. Below are some guide-lines to ensure your lawn meets the requirements of ourcovenants.

• Mowed throughout the entire year - front, back and side yards

• Edge along your driveway and sidewalk

• Fertilize and apply pre-emergent weed control annually

• Keep beds mulched and clear of weeds and grass

• Trim around fence, mailbox, boarders and home

• Prune bushes and trim trees, removing any dead limbs

• Water on a regular basis and ensure your sprinkler system is operable

• Keep lawn free of trash and debris and do not store miscellaneous items in your yard or driveway

For yard waste picked, contact Waste Management,www.wm.com, 866-770-4176.

(Tips on lawn care, see the University of Florida IFAS, Lawn& Garden website.).

TRASH CANS Store them out-of-sight

Our covenants require that trash cans and recyclebins remain out-of-sight except on trash pickup days.Please keep these containers in your backyard, yourgarage, behind a fence or barrier to obscure themfrom view. Concealing these containers will improvethe neatness and appearance of our community.

Homeowners are responsible for costs that may incur ifproperty is not maintained to the standards of the covenants.Homeowners of rental properties will be billed for anymaintenance expenditures.


Any change to the exterior of your home requiresapproval from the Architectural Con-trol Committee(ACC). Homeowners must submit a Home ImprovementApplication to the Architectural Dept. prior tobeginning projects, such as fencing, decks, sheds,remodeling, additions, gazebos, pools, and any otherchanges or additions to the appearance of the outsideof your home.

Removing a Tree - Before removing a tree, that ismore than 4 inches in diameter, from your property,a Home Improvement Application approval is alsorequired.

There is no fee. Applications are available atwww.holleybythesea.org or the Architectural Dept.For questions, call 939-1693 x3.



Holley by the Sea

■ Seller: Blake Lewis Const.Buyer: Arcadia Homes LLCAddress: 4661 LaQuinta Ct.Date: 08-19-11Price: $38,700

■ Seller: Brian BarnesBuyer: Robert C. TaylorAddress: 495 Cooke Dr.Date: 08-15-11Price: $290,000

■ Seller: James Emery Homes LLCBuyer: Christopher V. HullAddress: 2350 Ash LaneDate: 08-12-11Price: $285,000

■ Seller: Mitchell G. Ellis, Jr.Buyer: Aaron C. AdamsAddress: 2505 Crescent PlaceDate: 08-22-11Price: $230,000

■ Seller: MSC Of NWFBuyer: Travis SellersAddress: 6834 Liberty St.Date: 09-01-11Price: $40,000

■ Seller: Anthony T. DeangeloBuyer: Paula M. SchubeleAddress: 7339 Brewster St.Date: 09-09-11Price: $225,000

■ Seller: Oasis PropertiesBuyer: Whitworth BuildersAddress: Date: 08-12-11Price: $50,000

■ Seller: Brooke P. McLeanBuyer: William R. Heslin, Jr.Address: 7049 Lago Miraga Dr.Date: 08-31-11Price: $15,000

■ Seller: Joseph D. AmbersleyBuyer: Steven L. WylandAddress: 7413 Huntington Dr.Date: 08-19-11Price: $95,000

■ Seller: Norman L. SelfBuyer: Whitworth BuildersAddress: Date: 08-31-11Price: $43,000

■ Seller: Kreg CorpsteinBuyer: Terry D. GannAddress: 1882 Bayou Dr.Date: 08-25-11Price: $214,000

■ Seller: Helen S. LandersBuyer: Richard J. Turcotte, Jr.Address: 7048 Pro Am Ct.Date: 08-15-11Price: $375,000

■ Seller: Donald L. PenningsBuyer: Christopher P. ThomasAddress: 10 Shady LaneDate: 08-04-11Price: $65,000

■ Seller: Vennita WaldropBuyer: Stanley B. PriceAddress: 6949 Summit Dr.Date: 08-26-11Price: $192,000

■ Seller: Whitworth BuildersBuyer: Alan F. BuringAddress: 2388 Citrus Dr.Date: 09-02-11Price: $324,900

■ Seller: Carolyn A. HoomesBuyer: Joe H. AdcockAddress: 1842 Eagle LaneDate: 09-09-11Price: $159,900

■ Seller: Robert B. LomaxBuyer: Brian E. ValezAddress: 7001 Flintwood St.Date: 09-22-11Price: $136,500

■ Seller: Timothy B. MessingerBuyer: HLOT Ltd.Address: Date: 09-19-11Price: $40,000

■ Seller: Dann WoodruffBuyer: Justin M. JonesAddress: 7017 Flintwood St.Date: 09-13-11Price: $213,000

■ Seller: Michael D. CroninBuyer: Steven T. PerzAddress: 2410 Byers Ct.Date: 09-21-11Price: $303,000

■ Seller: Carolyn A. HoomesBuyer: Joe H. AdcockAddress: 1842 Eagle LaneDate: 09-09-11Price: $159,900

■ Seller: Robert B. LomaxBuyer: Brian E. ValezAddress: 7001 Flintwood St.Date: 09-22-11Price: $136,500

■ Seller: Timothy B. MessingerBuyer: HLOT Ltd.Address: Date: 09-19-11Price: $40,000

■ Seller: Dann WoodruffBuyer: Justin M. JonesAddress: 7017 Flintwood St.Date: 09-13-11Price: $213,000

■ Seller: Michael D. CroninBuyer: Steven T. PerzAddress: 2410 Byers Ct.Date: 09-21-11Price: $303,000

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Information below provided by the Architectural Board of Holley by the Sea

November 2011

Aug. 30 – Oct. 8

■ Brewster StreetFamily Disturbance09/03/2011

■ Citrus DriveBaker Act09/04/2011

■ Commodore DriveFamily Disturbance09/06/2011

■ Commodore DriveBattery09/27/2011

■ Desoto Street Battery09/12/2011

■ Fairmont StreetFamily Disturbance 09/01/2011

■ Fairmont StreetFamily Disturbance10/06/2011

■ Fairmont StreetEnforceable Orders09/12/2011

■ Coral StreetTraffic Offense/DUI09/19/2011

■ Coral StreetTraffic Offense/DUI09/21/2011

■ Edgewood DriveBaker Act09/24/2011

■ Pepper DriveGrand Theft10/07/2011

■ Pepperwood StreetBurglary: Residence10/04/2011

■ Pepperwood StreetFamily Disturbance

Holley by the Sea Incidents09/13/2011■ PGA Blvd.Property Found09/01/2011

■ Sandstone RoadBattery09/16/2011

■ Sandstone StreetMissing Person: Juvenile10/01/2011

Page 10: Nov. 2011 - HBTS News

HBTSCALENDAR November 2011

1 2 3 4 5

76 8 9 10 11 12

1413 15 16 17 18 19

2120 22 23 24 25 26

2827 29 30

11:00amCardio Tennis

3:00pmHBTS Fishing Club Fish Fry

Babysitter Course

HBTS FishingClub Fish Fry

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

9:00amArchitectural Committee Meeting

10:20amZumba Class

10:30amWomen's Tennis Clinic

5:00pmPoker Night

Fun Factory:We have new hours! Pleaseremember reservations arerequired. For reservations, contactthe Youth Department. Mon. – Fri. 8am – Noon, 5pm – 8pm Sat. 8am – Noon

8:30amMen's Tennis Clinic

8:30amPyramid Training

10:20amYoga-Stretch &Flex

11:20amZumba ToningClass by Kim

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class


7:00pmFree weight roomorientation withMarsha

10:20amYoga-Stretch & Flex

11:20amZumba Toning Class by Kim

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

6:15pmBody Conditioning

6:30pmBunco Night

7:30pmZumba Class

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class


11:00amCardio Tennis

VeteransPot Luck

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class

10:30amWomen's Tennis Clinic

5:00pmPoker Night


8:30amMen's Tennis Clinic

8:30amPyramid Training

10:00amFree weight roomorientation withMarsha

10:20amYoga-Stretch & Flex

11:20amZumba Toning Classby Kim

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class



10:20amYoga-Stretch & Flex

11:20amZumba Toning Class by Kim

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

6:15pmBody Conditioning

7:30pmZumba Class

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class


6pm – 11pmParents’ Night Out


8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

9:00amArchitectural Committee Meeting

10:20amZumba Class

10:30amWomen's Tennis Clinic

5:00pmPoker Night

8:30amMen's Tennis Clinic

8:30amPyramid Training

10:20amYoga-Stretch &Flex

11:20amZumba ToningClass by Kim

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

Rec Center HoursOpen 6am -Noon

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class


8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class


11:00amCardio Tennis

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class

10:30amWomen's TennisClinic

5:00pmPoker Night


8:30amMen's Tennis Clinic

8:30amPyramid Training

10:20amYoga-Stretch & Flex

11:20amZumba Toning Classby Kim

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

6:15pmBody Conditioning

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class



8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class


10:20amYoga-Stretch & Flex

11:20amZumba Toning Class by Kim

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

6:15pmBody Conditioning

7:30pmZumba Class

8:30amCombo Aerobics

8:30amH20 Aerobics

10:20amZumba Class


Babysitter Course

6:15pmBody Conditioning

6:30pmBunco Night

7:30pmZumba Class

8:30amMen's Tennis Clinic

8:30amPyramid Training

10:00amSocial CommitteeMeeting

10:20amYoga-Stretch &Flex

11:20amZumba ToningClass by Kim

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

6:15pmBody Conditioning

7:00pmHBTS Fishing ClubMeeting

7:30pmZumba Class

5:30pmH20 Aerobics

6:00pmBoard of Directors Meeting

6:15pmBody Conditioning

7:30pmZumba Class

6:15pmBody Conditioning

7:30pmZumba Class

7:30pmZumba Class

This content provided by Holley by the Sea




Before and After School: We currently have a waiting list. Ifyou are interested in having yourchild’s name added to the list please contact the Youth Department.

For information about HBTS Calendar Events contact 939-1693

HBTS Fishing Club’sBBeesstt FFiisshh FFrryy EEvveerr

November 5th, 20113:00 pm Appetizers - 3:30 The Fish Fry

Menu• Gumbo

• Deep Fried Fish• Cole Slaw

• French Fries• Hot Dogs and Hamburgers

(available upon request)

Please bring an appetizer or desert to share!!Cost for dinner is $8.00. Kids under 12 are free.Open to all Members of the HBTS Fishing Club.To join the club, you must be a HBTS member.

Please go to http://fishnclubs.com/hbts/

Holley by the Sea Calendar of EventsVeterans Pot Luck

Saturday November 125-8 pm

Chicken • Ham • Fish$2 per person

Please bring a side.


Breakfast with SantaSaturday December 17

9 am - 11 am

Board of Directors MeetingNov. 15

6 pm


Nov. 7 & 219 am

Page 11: Nov. 2011 - HBTS News


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© 2011 PrimeLending, A PlainsCapital Company. Trade/service marks are the property of Plains Capital Corporation,PlainsCapital Bank, or their respective affiliates and/or subsidiaries. Some products may not be available in allstates. This is not a commitment to lend. Restrictions apply. All rights reserved. PrimeLending, A PlainsCapital

Company (NMLS no: 13649) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a state-chartered bank and is an exempt lender in FL.

Snip To ItFamily Hair Salon

(850) 932-38885660 Gulf Breeze Parkway – 4AMidway Plaza Shopping Center(across from Gulf Breeze Zoo)

Mon-Fri: 9-5 Sat: 9-3

Quality Hair Care at Reasonable Prices■ Clipper cut $10 ■ Kids Cut $10 ■ Scissor cut $15■ Bang Trim $5 ■ Basic Style $12 and up ■ Specialty Style $25 and up ■ Perm $44 and up ■ Relaxer $44 and up ■ Color $45 and up ■ Highlights $45 and up ■ Deep Conditioning $10 and up ■ Facial Wax $8 per area

Smoothing Treatment (no formaldehydes), starting at

$180, Last up to 3-4 months(see salon specialist for furtherinformation and consultation)

Robin BennettBroker-Owner


We provide the highest level of personal service, professional representation, and technical expertise in the real estate business. Call us today for details about listing yourhome for sale or as a rental.

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Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s OfficeCrime Prevention Unit


Beware of Traveling ThievesA cool breeze, low humidity and the return of friends and neighbors from up north can

only mean one thing; fall has once again arrived in Northwest Florida. Unfortunately, thistime of year also means the arrival of “Gypsies” and “Travelers” who head our way lookingfor an opportunity to take advantage of those in need of various home repairs. This alert fromthe Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office serves as a reminder to be on the lookout for thesecon-artists who are very good at persuading, convincing and finally separating you from yourmoney.

The con starts with a knock on your door and an offer to do repairs around your home.These repairs could be roof coating/repair of shingles, asphalt paving/driveway sealing, housepainting, tree trimming/landscaping, and termite/pest control, just to name a few. They offerto do the work and charge you less than what a reputable local company would charge. Theidea of paying less money is always a welcoming thought, but you must remember that doingbusiness with someone that is just passing through can prove to be a disastrous decision.After receiving a deposit or the full amount, you are told they are going to get supplies andwill return. Some take the money and run; others return but provide extremely poor laborresulting in additional monies being spent at a later date to fix the original problem.

These thieves have also been known to con their way into your home on the pretense ofusing your phone, checking for leaks, selling a must have item, etc. While inside your homethey look for valuables, easy items to pocket and/or your personal information. Some workin pairs and while one of them has your attention, the other is working their way throughyour home taking what isn't theirs. Below are a few tips to keep in mind:

• Never let a stranger in your home!• Never give full payment for the job until it is complete.• Don’t do business with door-to-door contractors.• Beware of high pressure sales tactics and the familiar story of having left over material

from another job. • Keep all doors, including the garage door, closed and locked at all times; especially when

you are outside working in the yard. Stepping away from the front of the house to retrievesomething in the backyard is all the time needed to gain access to your home.

• Make sure your entry point doors are made of solid wood or metal and have deadboltlocks.

• Do not hide keys under the doormat or rocks. • Secure sliding glass doors with anti-slide block or slide bolt. • Contact the Better Business Bureau (BBB) at 850-429-0002 or www.sunbiz.org to veri-

fy the company is who they say they are. • Check your warranty! You may already be covered at no cost to you.

November 2011

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Page 12: Nov. 2011 - HBTS News

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