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November 14 newsletter -...

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“Give Thanks To The Lord!” “It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord!” (Psalm 92:1) “Two men looked out from behind prison bars; the one to the mud, the other to the stars,” says the poet. Both men had exactly the same choice: one looked at that which inspired him, the other at that which depressed him. It is typical of humanity. Two men received from God exactly the same blessing. One looks at what he has received and is deeply grateful; the other thinks of what he is still lacking and is dissatisfied. One says: “Thank You, God!” The other says: “What for?” A grateful heart is a wonderful thing to have; it makes life beautiful. The happiest people in the world are usually the thankful ones. The grateful heart finds it easy to be content, kind, tolerant, and forgiving; the grateful heart heals and cheers. The writer of the 92nd Psalm begins his song of thanks- giving by encouraging the highest form of gratitude. He says: “It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord.” It is once again the Fall of the Year and Thanks- giving Day is approaching. But, rather than just giving thanks on Thanksgiving Day, give thanks to God everyday! Thank God for the bountiful harvest that is being gathered in, in spite of the hail, storms, and floods that took place this past summer. Thank God for being able to sit down three times a day at a table which offers an abundance and a great variety of food. (There are many who do not enjoy such a luxury.) Thank God for the wonderful free- doms we enjoy, because there are many through- out the world who do not enjoy such freedoms. Thank God for the peace and quiet that surround our homes in spite of the rumblings of war around the world. (Many people in the Middle East are in the midst of war.) Thank God that our children and grandchildren have bicycles and televisions, chocolate sundaes and pieces of pie. Some even have lap tops and ipads and cell phones. (But so many children throughout the world only dream of ice cream and a pair of shoes.) The Psalmist wrote: “It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord,” even though he wasn’t living in a mansion, and the high standard of living which many of us take for granted was beyond his wildest dreams. The poorest man is sometimes the most grateful and thankful. Gratitude does not depend on what a man has, but on how he feels toward what he has! It is a good thing for every man, woman and child – regardless of their earthly lot – to give thanks to the Lord. Where shall we begin? Someone has said that a man should put himself at zero and then reckon every degree ascending from that point as an occasion for thanks. A man must begin at absolute nothing, and whatever he has more than nothing is reason for thanksgiving. If we, then, begin at the right place, though we may be hungry and without freedom, every one of us has abundant reason for thanking God. You and I do not have a single thing on earth, whether it be wealth, friends, a healthy body, a sound mind, or material things of any kind, that we do not in the final analysis owe to the goodness of God and that we are not capable of losing in three seconds or less than that. To be truly grateful to God it is not necessary to discover new blessings; we need but see clearly those which we already have. Some of the greatest sermons in the world have been preached from beds of affliction. Listen to this true story. Let’s call the “preacher” Joe. He was a young, married man with a family that included two small children. He had a good job with an income that was more than adequate. One day there was an accident in which Joe lost his right arm and with it his job. His great sermon he preached the day after the accident, from his hospital bed. It was not the kind of sermon you might hear from a pulpit, but it was still a sermon, clear, short, powerful, and to the point. Joe said, “I look at it like this. When I was born, God came to me and said: `Joe, I’m giving you a strong body and a good mind. I have equipped your body with everything you need for a happy, suc- cessful life. In time I’ll give you friends, a wonderful wife, and beautiful children. Let’s see what you can do in serving Me and your fellow men with what I have given you.’ Joe proceeded slowly: “God was very good to me, and always I was grateful. Yester- day God tapped me on the shoulder and said: `Joe, the right arm I gave you thirty years ago – I’d like to have it back. I’ll let you keep everything else. You’ll have to find a different job, but I’ll let you keep your health, your mind, the other members of your body, your wife and family, your friends, and the opportu- nity for service. Let’s see what you can do with what you have left.’ I’m going to do just that,” Joe went on, “I’m going to see what I can do for God and oth- ers with what I have left. God’s sure been good to me.” He didn’t say “Amen,” but that was the end of the sermon. This happened many years ago. Joe is a suc- cessful businessman and a real Christian gentle- man. He did not ruin his life by fretting over what he had lost – as so many do; he concentrated on what he had left, and was deeply grateful for it. Often our great trouble – yours and mine – is our taking for granted that we deserve the rich blessings God bestows upon us and never really appreciate their value until we have lost them. We think they are ours to have and to hold and to use as we please. Thank God for ALL things, including the “little” things. Have you ever thanked God for the smile of a child, for moonlight on rippling water, for the twinkling of a star, for the dew on the rose petals, or for the opportunity to rest your tired feet? God is so good to us – the very bounty of His kindness and love makes us insensitive to it! I haven’t even mentioned the greatest blessing of all – the blessing of God’s own Son, and His death and resurrection in our place, making our forgive- ness and eternal life possible. Stop. Take the time to “THANK GOD for ALL your blessings – both large and small!” God bless you this Thanksgiving Season. Pastor Duley The Newsletter of Holy Cross Lutheran Church and University Lutheran November, 2014 Cross Talk IN THIS ISSUE: Pastor Lappe: How Great Is Our God pg. 2 Operation Christmas Child pg. 2 Voters' Meeting pg. 3 Christmas at Concordia pg. 4 F1RST SERVE pg. 5 Music News pg. 6 Youth News pg.7 Parish Nurse pg. 8 November Calendar pg. 11

“Give Thanks To The Lord!”“It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord!” (Psalm 92:1)

“Two men looked out from behind prison bars; the one to the mud, the other to the stars,” says the poet. Both men had exactly the same choice: one looked at that which inspired him, the other at that which depressed him. It is typical of humanity. Two men received from God exactly the same blessing. One looks at what he has received and is deeply grateful; the other thinks of what he is still lacking and is dissatisfi ed. One says: “Thank You, God!” The other says: “What for?”

A grateful heart is a wonderful thing to have; it makes life beautiful. The happiest people in the world are usually the thankful ones. The grateful heart fi nds it easy to be content, kind, tolerant, and forgiving; the grateful heart heals and cheers. The writer of the 92nd Psalm begins his song of thanks-giving by encouraging the highest form of gratitude. He says: “It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord.”

It is once again the Fall of the Year and Thanks-giving Day is approaching. But, rather than just giving thanks on Thanksgiving Day, give thanks to God everyday! Thank God for the bountiful harvest that is being gathered in, in spite of the hail, storms, and fl oods that took place this past summer. Thank God for being able to sit down three times a day at a table which offers an abundance and a great variety of food. (There are many who do not enjoy such a luxury.) Thank God for the wonderful free-doms we enjoy, because there are many through-out the world who do not enjoy such freedoms. Thank God for the peace and quiet that surround our homes in spite of the rumblings of war around the world. (Many people in the Middle East are in the midst of war.) Thank God that our children

and grandchildren have bicycles and televisions, chocolate sundaes and pieces of pie. Some even have lap tops and ipads and cell phones. (But so many children throughout the world only dream of ice cream and a pair of shoes.) The Psalmist wrote: “It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord,” even though he wasn’t living in a mansion, and the high standard of living which many of us take for granted was beyond his wildest dreams. The poorest man is sometimes the most grateful and thankful. Gratitude does not depend on what a man has, but on how he feels toward what he has! It is a good thing for every man, woman and child – regardless of their earthly lot – to give thanks to the Lord. Where shall we begin?

Someone has said that a man should put himself at zero and then reckon every degree ascending from that point as an occasion for thanks. A man must begin at absolute nothing, and whatever he has more than nothing is reason for thanksgiving. If we, then, begin at the right place, though we may be hungry and without freedom, every one of us has abundant reason for thanking God. You and I do not have a single thing on earth, whether it be wealth, friends, a healthy body, a sound mind, or material things of any kind, that we do not in the fi nal analysis owe to the goodness of God and that we are not capable of losing in three seconds or less than that. To be truly grateful to God it is not necessary to discover new blessings; we need but see clearly those which we already have.

Some of the greatest sermons in the world have been preached from beds of affl iction. Listen to this true story. Let’s call the “preacher” Joe. He was a young, married man with a family that included two small children. He had a good job with an income that was more than adequate. One day there was an accident in which Joe lost his right arm and with it his job. His great sermon he preached the day

after the accident, from his hospital bed. It was not the kind of sermon you might hear from a pulpit, but it was still a sermon, clear, short, powerful, and to the point.

Joe said, “I look at it like this. When I was born, God came to me and said: `Joe, I’m giving you a strong body and a good mind. I have equipped your body with everything you need for a happy, suc-cessful life. In time I’ll give you friends, a wonderful wife, and beautiful children. Let’s see what you can do in serving Me and your fellow men with what I have given you.’ Joe proceeded slowly: “God was very good to me, and always I was grateful. Yester-day God tapped me on the shoulder and said: `Joe, the right arm I gave you thirty years ago – I’d like to have it back. I’ll let you keep everything else. You’ll have to fi nd a different job, but I’ll let you keep your health, your mind, the other members of your body, your wife and family, your friends, and the opportu-nity for service. Let’s see what you can do with what you have left.’ I’m going to do just that,” Joe went on, “I’m going to see what I can do for God and oth-ers with what I have left. God’s sure been good to me.” He didn’t say “Amen,” but that was the end of the sermon.

This happened many years ago. Joe is a suc-cessful businessman and a real Christian gentle-man. He did not ruin his life by fretting over what he had lost – as so many do; he concentrated on what he had left, and was deeply grateful for it. Often our great trouble – yours and mine – is our taking for granted that we deserve the rich blessings God bestows upon us and never really appreciate their value until we have lost them. We think they are ours to have and to hold and to use as we please.

Thank God for ALL things, including the “little” things. Have you ever thanked God for the smile of a child, for moonlight on rippling water, for the twinkling of a star, for the dew on the rose petals, or for the opportunity to rest your tired feet? God is so good to us – the very bounty of His kindness and love makes us insensitive to it!

I haven’t even mentioned the greatest blessing of all – the blessing of God’s own Son, and His death and resurrection in our place, making our forgive-ness and eternal life possible. Stop. Take the time to “THANK GOD for ALL your blessings – both large and small!” God bless you this Thanksgiving Season.

Pastor Duley

The Newsletter of Holy Cross Lutheran Church and University Lutheran

November, 2014

Cross Talk

IN THIS ISSUE:Pastor Lappe: How Great Is Our God pg. 2Operation Christmas Child pg. 2Voters' Meeting pg. 3Christmas at Concordia pg. 4F1RST SERVE pg. 5Music News pg. 6Youth News pg.7Parish Nurse pg. 8November Calendar pg. 11

How Great Is Our GodI love the song “How Great Is Our God.” In it,

Chris Tomlin sings:

From age to age He standsAnd time is in His handsBeginning and the endBeginning and the end

The Godhead Three in OneFather, Spirit, SonLion and the LambLion and the Lamb

How great is our GodSing with me

How great is our GodAnd all will see

How greatHow great is our God

To fully comprehend how great our God is, I believe that we need to see things in their proper perspective. For example: When I think of the tiny piece of creation I’ve seen with my own eyes; it’s pretty amazing! I think of the Grand Canyon in Arizona. I think of the ice glaciers in Alaska. I think of the redwoods in Northern California and the 10,000 lakes of Minnesota. I even think of the corn fi elds in Nebraska that have their own unique beauty.

Each part of God’s creation reminds me of Romans 1:20, where Paul writes: “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they

can clearly see His invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.”

So what about you? What have you seen of God’s creation that points to how great He is?

The God who we worship is bigger than we can imagine. He’s greater than we can comprehend. Words cannot begin to describe how amazing He is. According to the Bible, His love is wide. His love is long. His love is high. And His love is deep. It is simply too great to fully understand. Why? Because He is too great to understand. He’s the One who created the heavens and the earth. He’s the One who gave us life. But even greater than all of this is that He would come near to us.

As Paul writes in Colossians 1: “Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed be-fore anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through Him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made things we can see and things we can’t see – such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through Him and for Him. He existed before anything else, and He holds all creation together” (Colossians 1:15-17).

This month, may you be reminded of how great our God is. May you put your hope and trust in Him. And may His unfailing love surround you – holding you and me and all of creation together.

Thanks be to God. And all God’s people said…Amen!

- Pastor Dustin

Holy Cross Lutheran ChurchGrowing Together in Christ’s Love and

Reaching Out as His Disciples!

Duane DuleySenior Pastor

Dustin LappeAssociate Pastor

Jack HeckSenior Care Pastor

Andrew RohwerDirector of Youth Ministry

Robin BoellMusic Director

Judy WellmanUL Campus Coordinator

Deanna KitzelmanPreschool Director

Michelle BombeckDirector of Assimilation

and Small Group Coordinator

Faith SkrdlaChildren's Ministry Director

Tammy HaydenFinance And Benefi ts Administrator

Karen BayePreschool Aide

Diane TroyerAdministrative Assistant

Sue SeatonAdministrative Assistant

Dustin LimbachCustodian

Telephone 237-2944Fax 237-2695www.hclk.org

e-mail: [email protected] Lutheran: [email protected]

A congregation of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

Page 2 Cross Talk November, 2014

Thanksgiving Eve Worship ServiceHoly Cross will again conduct a Thanksgiving

Eve Worship Service on Wednesday, November 26, beginning at 7:00 p.m. A pie and ice cream social will follow the worship service in the Friend-ship Hall. God’s blessings as you prepare for “Thanksgiving,” but “give thanks to the Lord for all His blessings – every day of your life!”

Midweek Advent Worship Services at Holy Cross

Holy Cross will conduct Midweek Advent Wor-ship Services on Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., on December 3, 10, and 17.

As we look ahead to Christmas Eve Day and Christmas Day, we have added a service to the schedule for this year. Services will be held on Christmas Eve Day (December 24), at 3:00, 5:00, 7:00 and 10:00 p.m. (Holy Communion will be cel-ebrated in the 10:00 p.m. service.) (It is our hope that the 3:00 p.m. service will alleviate the crowd-

ing at the 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. services.) Also, a Christmas Day Service will be conducted on December 25, beginning at 10:00 a.m., with Holy Communion being celebrated in the service.

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry Underway

Holy Cross has participated in Operation Christ-mas Child for several years. Many of us have taken this opportunity to touch the life of child with a fi lled shoebox as a display of Christ’s love. This year, the 7th and 8th Grade Confi rmation classes are assisting with the shoebox ministry. They are working with Sue Seaton and Faith Skrdla in the promotion, display and collection of boxes. Look for the Christmas tree display (created by the confi rmation classes) in the church entryway with information and everything you need to fi ll a box. The dead-line for returning fi lled boxes is November 23.

Beginning and the endBeBeBeBegigigiginnnnnnnnininining g g g anananand d dd ththththe eee ennnndddd

ThThheee GoGodhdhheaeaeaead d d d ThTThThrerereee e inininin OOOneneneneFaFaFaFaththththeeer, SpSpSpSpirirrrit, SoSoSoSonLLLiLionononon aaaandndndnd tttthehehehe LLLLamamamambbbbLiLiiioooon and thehehehe Lamb

How www grgrgrgreaeaeaeat t t t isisisis oooourururur GGGGododododSing with me

November, 2014 Cross Talk Page 3

2014 Fall Voters’ Meeting Scheduled for November 16

The Semi-Annual Holy Cross Voters’ Meet-ing, in which offi cers and board members are elected, the 2015 annual budget is approved, and other items of business are brought for-ward, will be held Sunday, November 16, 2014, beginning at 1:30 p.m. in the Friendship Hall. ALL members, 18 years and older, are consid-ered to be voters of the congregation, and are asked to help make these important decisions of the church.

Opportunity for Travel to Israel is Closing Soon

If you have an interest in traveling to Israel to walk in the Footsteps of Jesus, the opportunity to travel with the March (2015) group is com-ing to a close. Travel dates to the land of Israel are March 4 through March 14, 2015. If you are interested in traveling with the group on this once-in-a-lifetime journey, please speak with Pastor Duley before December 1, as the reg-istration closes December 4, 2014. There are about ten openings available to travel with the group. God’s blessings as you consider such a journey.

Contribution StatementsYour quarterly contribution statement is wait-

ing in your church mailbox. If you have any questions, please call or email Tammy Hayden at 308-237-2944 or [email protected].

Lutheran Women in Mission Thank You!The LWML Women in Mission would like to

thank the congregation for supporting our re-cent bake sale. With your generous purchases at the bake sale, we will continue to “Serve the Lord with Gladness”, (Psalms 100:2) as we support local and worldwide mission proj-ects. To God be the glory.

Faithful ServersFaithful Servers is a group of volunteers dedi-

cated to serve our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ through the preparation and service of meals for funerals and special events at Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Anyone can be a part of a circle by either preparing food or by being a caller to help line up food.

If you are interested in being a part of this group, please contact Michelle Bombeck at 224-4616 or email her at [email protected]. We are currently in need of individuals inter-ested in being callers for a circle! New Publication Coming in January

Holy Cross’s Church Council recently ap-proved a plan to combine the monthly Cross Talk and the weekly Sunday bulletin announce-ments. A new streamlined, publication printed twice a month, will begin January 2015. The transition to this combined publication has already begun. The weekly Sunday bulletin announcements will continue to be provided, but may look a little different during this time until we change over completely in January. The December CrossTalk will be the last issue we publish however, before we unveil the new combined version. If you have any questions about these changes, please call the church offi ce.

Thank you Ronda for Your Contributions to the CrossTalk Newsletter

Now that plans are in place to streamline and combine the monthly CrossTalk and weekly bulletin announcements, Ronda Andersen will be moving on to other areas of ministry. While raising her family and supporting her husband Kirby in the family business, Ronda has volunteered her skills and time to the Holy Cross newsletter since 1996. She has seen the CrossTalk go through design changes and modes of distribution. Her service on the Cross-Talk contributes to a chronicle of Holy Cross’ history. The upcoming December CrossTalk will be her last issue. We will miss having Ronda involved in the CrossTalk, but we wish her well and look forward to seeing how God will use her in other ministry!

Thank you Ronda!

Sign Up Now to Receive the New Twice Monthly Email Publication

Starting in January, we will be emailing the new announcement/newsletter combo

to those who would like to receive it, but you can request now to be included on this email list. Please email the church offi ce at [email protected] with your name and the email address(es) you would like the new publication sent to. You will then receive a confi rmation, using the email address(es) you’ve provided to ensure they work. You will also be able to make changes at any time if you need to, by just sending us another email. Also keep in mind, the new publication will be printed and available after worship services and also posted on the church website. Please call the church offi ce if you have any questions about this and we will be glad to help you!

Sermon Themesfor NovemberNovember 1 and 2

All Saints' DayRevelation 7:9-17

“Our Loved Ones are Gathered Around the Throne of The Lamb!”

November 8 and 9Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18"Got Hope?"

November 15 and 16Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

Zephaniah 1:7-16 “When God Has Had Enough!”

November 22 and 23Last Sunday of the Church Year

Matthew 25:31-46"Walking In His Ways"

November 29 and 30First Sunday in Advent

Mark 13:24-37“Waiting For The Savior!”

Page 4 Cross Talk November, 2014

Seniors For The Lord (Adult Group)On the fourth Tuesday of each month all

adults 55 years and older are invited to attend the “Seniors For the Lord” group at 11:30 a.m., in the Friendship Hall of the church. Partici-pants are asked to bring a dish to pass and a dessert or salad to share. Pastor Duley leads a Bible study following the meal. Following the study the group plays cards in the Friendship Hall. All are welcome and encouraged to at-tend. We will meet on Tuesday, November 25, at 11:30 a.m.

Future Opportunity to Serve on Board of Education

Holy Cross Board of Education is looking for dedicated members who would like to serve on the BOE starting in 2015. The BOE works with our Pastors, staff and other volunteers to pro-vide and support quality Christian education in our church. This is a great opportunity to con-tribute to a very worthy ministry. We meet once a month at the church for an hour (or so). This would be a three-year commitment. If interest-ed please call or text Josh Sikes@293-6264.

Christmas at ConcordiaChristmas at Concordia Concert will be

here in the blink of an eye. We plan to take a busload to the 3 p.m. concert on Saturday, December 6. The group will leave the church at noon and after the concert, we will head home stopping at Chances R in York for a banquet. We will be back in Kearney by 9:30 p.m. If you signed up, please make your payment at the church offi ce. The total is $40 per person which includes the early registration fee, the bus ride & the meal at Chances R. If you cannot attend with the group, there are concerts on Friday, December 5 at 7 p.m., Saturday, December 6 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, December 7, at 3 p.m. If you would like to attend one of the other ser-vices, you need to go online at www.christma-satconcordia.net at 11 a.m. on Monday, No-vember 3. You can order up to 10 tickets. (Last year all concert tickets were claimed within 80 minutes of the beginning of registration.) The concert is a wonderful way to continue your Christmas preparations.

Ideas for Used Pews WelcomeAbout eight of Holy Cross’ sanctuary pews

have been replaced in the reconstruction of the sanctuary. As a result, we would welcome ideas or creative thoughts about what could be done with the leftover used pews. Please call Dan Sleicher at 440-9618 with your ideas.

Prayer Shawl Meets on Mondays

Come and knit or crochet with us and also enjoy a relaxing time of Christian fellowship. You are always welcome to join us for this most gratifying ministry. This ministry’s purpose is to provide hope and en-couragement through prayer as each item is made; then given to someone who is facing diffi cult life situations. Our meeting time for the fall and win-ter will be the fi rst and third Mondays at 1:00 p.m. Thanks to everyone for your generous donations of yarn and monetary gifts. If you know some-one who could benefi t from a prayer shawl, please contact the church offi ce or Kay Kreutzer. For more in-formation or to join us please contact Kay at 237-5713.

Fifth Weekend Worship Service – Sunday Evening, January 4, 2015!

Holy Cross has plateaued in its worship attendance, and to try to pick up attendance, the Elders have approved trying a Sunday night service, beginning January 4, 2015, at 5:30 p.m.

This service will be more con-temporary than the 9:30 and 11:00 services, utilizing video, drama and other types of communication in the service. This service will be pastor-led, and a Praise-team will play a major role in the service as well. We are hoping that this service will attract college students, the millennial genera-tion, and those who are out of town on the weekend, giving them the opportunity to wor-ship.

Miracles for Marcus Benefi t Carnival on November 8

A carnival-themed benefi t for Marcus Walz is planned for November 8, 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Axtell Community School in Axtell, Nebraska. Marcus, the son of Landon and Nicole (Hoffman) Walz of Arapahoe, was diagnosed with a rare cancer. All proceeds from the benefi t will help the family with additional medical expenses and travel costs. Please come help support this wonderful little boy and his family.

Thrivent Sponsors Children’s Workshop on November 20

Thrivent Three Rivers Chapter is sponsor-ing “Money Matters for Kids” at the Kearney Children’s Museum on November 20 from 4 - 8p.m.! This will be a fun event for children ages 6 - 10 and their parents. Each child who completes the workshop will receive a piggy bank provided by Thrivent. Admission is free for everyone! This is an awesome time for fami-lies to check out the museum. It’s an amazing adventure!

Woodworking Volunteers Needed to Build Benches

We are looking for volunteers with skills in woodworking who would be willing to build two short benches from old damaged pew parts. Eventually these benches will be auctioned at a future event for needs that arise.

Please Join Us for the St. John’s Worship Service

On the fourth Sunday of each month, Holy Cross leads the Sunday afternoon worship ser-vice at St. John’s Nursing Home (3410 Central Avenue) beginning at 4:30 p.m. The residents really do enjoy our members coming and help-ing them worship and visiting with them. Our next worship service will be on Sunday, November 26, so please join us!

Progress Toward Retiring Our DebtThanks to Grateful Gifts from Members

Holy Cross is making good progress toward retiring its church debt, which will help prepare us for the next step in our ser-vice toward the Lord. Our debt is now less than $169,756.

Give Thanks and Give Back is an op-portunity for members to celebrate special blessings in life like a birthday, anniversary, bountiful harvest or other joyous occasion. Your offering through Give Thanks and Give Back is applied to reduce our overall church debt.

Envelopes for Give Thanks and Give Back are located at the welcome desk. You'll also fi nd an envelope in your church mailbox the months you celebrate a special occasion. The idea is simple. If you are celebrating a 14th wedding anniversary, you would make an extra offering, over and above your regular gift, in the amount of $14. To celebrate a 46th birthday, you would make a gift through Give Thanks and Give Back in the amount of $46.

The combined gifts of members in cel-ebration of their blessings is helping our congregation make faster progress toward reducing the church debt.

November, 2014 Cross Talk Page 5

F1RST SERVE offers you a variety of volunteer oppor-tunities, giving you

the chance to try out serving in any area that interests you,

by shadowing some-one, just once.

If you enjoy that area of serving and want

to continue, great! If not, you can try something different.

If you are willing to serve anywhere, contact Michelle Bombeck and she will make sure you end up in a volunteer position that

uses your gifts.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY TEAMIf you love hanging out with kids, there is no bet-ter place to serve than in our children’s program! Some opportunities include nursery, Sunday school, or Wednesday nights! There are a variety of opportunities to serve in Children’s ministry, working either directly with children or behind the scenes. If this excites you, sign up for a Chil-dren’s Ministry First Serve today!

PRODUCTION TEAMAre you tech-savvy? Do you have a knack for learning new things that involve a lot of buttons? Do you thrive under pressure? If your answer to any of these questions is “yes”, the Holy Cross Production Team would love to have you! As a Production volunteer you could help make our weekend services excellent by operating a video recording, contemporary worship screens or sound system.

SET UP TEAMDo you love working behind the scenes to help everything run smoothly for worship? In the Set Up Team, you could help by doing such things as preparing and serving the coffee and donuts, or prepare and clean up communion (altar guild). If the Set Up Team sounds like your cup of tea, set us up for success by serving on the set up team!

HOST TEAMAre you a people person? Do you love meeting new people and helping them feel at ease? The Host Team has a spot for you! Some serving opportunities on this team include staffi ng the ministry center before, during and after weekend services; helping guests feel welcome greeting them with a smile and answering questions; ush-

ering before and during services. If you think you may be the host(ess) with the most(ess), join us in trying out the host team!

MUSIC MINISTRY TEAMAre you musically inclined? Love to sing? Have an instrument you play? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, why not join us in using those gifts during worship? As a member of the Music Team you can prepare for and attend weekly band, bell or choir practices, play in the band at any of the weekend services on your scheduled week(s), including sound checks. You can also help out by keeping music organized through fi ling! If we are singing your kind of tune, try music ministry out!

YOUTH MINISTRY TEAMIf you love hanging out with older kids (middle school through high school), you should join us on the youth ministry team! You can serve in a variety of ways including providing food for Wednesday nights, Wednesday night youth group sponsor, 2nd Sundays sponsor for middle school youth activities, Sunday morning Bible study helper. If this sounds exciting to you, try out serving on our team!

CAMPUS MINISTRY TEAMIf you are lead to spend time with younger adults, the campus ministry team is for you! Join us on the adult advisory team, or assist in raising funds by selling scrip cards on Sunday mornings. You can also join us for the planning and fun this Thanksgiving in preparation for our Thanksgiving meal. If this sounds like it is up your alley, try out serving on our team!

Many more F1RST SERVE opportunities are available in every area of ministry!

Some of us discover our spiritual gifts through serving. Are you one of those individuals? If so,

here is a great opportunity to Jump In at Holy Cross and do just that! Jesus taught us that we are to love God and love others. He showed us

how to do that by serving others. At Holy Cross, that is our goal as well. When we serve others, we

are loving them and in turn, we are loving God.

Growing Together in Christ’s Love & Reaching Out as His Disciples

Holy Cross Lutheran Church • Michelle Bombeck • Director of Assimila on • www.hclk.org• 308-237-2944

Thanksgiving Week – Music Rehearsal Changes!

With Thanksgiving Eve Worship on Wednes-day, November 26 at 7 p.m., there are a couple of changes in the music schedule for that week:

• Praise Team: Monday, November 24 – 6 p.m. (moved from Wednesday)

• Adult Bell Choir: Tuesday, November 25 – 6 p.m. (normal)

• Advent Vocal & Bell Quartets: Tuesday, No-vember 25 – 7 p.m. (normal)

• Adult Choir: Tuesday, November 25 – 7:15 p.m. (normal)

• Men’s Choir: Tuesday, November 25 – 8:15 p.m. (normal)

• Grades 3-5, 6-8 Bell Choirs: NO rehearsal on Wednesday, November 26!

Please mark your calendars! Thank you for serv-ing our Lord!

More Music Groups!There are many opportunities for YOU to join us

in praising our Lord! Please contact Music Director Robin for more info on any of these groups:

Saturday 5:30 p.m. Song Leaders, Sunday 8 a.m. Hymn Leaders, Sunday Praise Bands & Worship Team Singers, Adult Choir, Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir, Adult Bell Choir, Adult Bell Ensembles, Grades 3-5 Midweek Bell Choir, Grades 6-8 Mid-week Bell Choir, Brass Ensembles, Flute Ensem-bles, and more!

Page 6 Cross Talk November, 2014

Music CornerBell Choirs!

Ring a joyful noise to the Lord!Grades 3-5 Midweek Bell Choir

Don’t forget! Our Grades 3-5 Bell Choir rings for the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, November 16. Please mark your calendars! Many thanks to all parents,

ringers, and leaders!

Grades 6-8 Midweek Bell Choir Don’t forget! Our Grades 6-8 Bell Choir rings for the 6 p.m. Advent service on Wednesday, December 4. We also added another ringing date for this group:

The 7 p.m. Christmas Bell Concert on Sunday, December 7. Please mark your calendars! Many

thanks to all parents, ringers, and leaders!

Six Bell Choirs! Four Kearney Churches! The annual Community Christmas Bell Celebration

will be held on Sunday, December 7 at 7 p.m.! Once again, we will share our Christmas music to the Lord at the Merryman Performing Arts Center, located at

225 W. 22nd Street. Adult and youth bell choirs from four Kearney churches will participate. The program includes selections rung by the mass bell choir, by in-dividual church bell choirs, and various small ensem-bles and solos. What an awesome way to celebrate

the birth of our Savior, Jesus! Please join us!

Special Music ScheduleNovember 2014 – May 2015Grades 3-5 Midweek Bell Choir

November 16 - 11 a.m.March 1 - 11 a.m.April 19 - 11 a.m.

Grades 6-8 Midweek Bell ChoirWednesday, December 3 – 6 p.m.

(Advent worship)December 7 – 7 p.m.

(Christmas Bell Celebration!) … new! Wednesday, March 4 – 6 p.m.

(Lenten worship)April 26 – 11 a.m.

Adult Bell ChoirNovember 2 - 8 a.m./9:30 a.m.

(All Saints’ Sunday)December 7 – 11 a.m.December 7 – 7 p.m.

(Christmas Bell Celebration!)Wednesday, December 10 – 6 p.m.Saturday, January 31 – 5:30 p.m.

February 1 - 11 a.m.March 1 – 8 a.m.

Wednesday, March 18 - 6 p.m.April 19 – 7:15 p.m. (Spring Concert!)

May 3 - 11 a.m.

Women’s ChoirNovember 23 – 9:30 a.m./11 a.m.Wednesday, February 25 – 6 p.m.

(Lenten worship)April 26 – 8 a.m./9:30 a.m.

Adult Bell EnsemblesNovember 16 – 8 a.m.

December 3, 10, 17 – 6 p.m. (Advent worship)

December 13 – 2 p.m. (Hilltop Mall)December 24 - 10 p.m.

(Christmas Eve)December 25 – 10 a.m.

Christmas Day)January 18 – 8 a.m./9:30 a.m.

March 29 – Services TBA (Palm Sunday)

April 5 - Services TBA (Easter)May 24 – Services TBA (Pentecost)

Ages 3-Kindergarten Sunday School Choir

Grades 1-6 Sunday School ChoirGrades 7-8 Sunday School ChoirSchedule coordinated by Children’s Ministry: Susan Dusky, Vocal Music Coordinator, See Children’s Ministry

section for more info!

High School Praise TeamNovember 9 – 9:30 a.m./11 a.m.January 11 – 9:30 a.m./11 a.m.

February 8 – 9:30/11 a.m.April 12 – 9:30 a.m./11 a.m.May 17 – 9:30 a.m./11 a.m.

(Grades 8-11)

Campus Praise TeamWatch for upcoming dates to sing!

Adult ChoirSaturday, December 13 – 5:30 p.m.

(Christmas music!)December 14 - 8 a.m./9:30 a.m./

11 a.m. (Christmas music!)Wednesday, December 17 - 6 p.m.

January 25 - 11 a.m. (also 12:15 p.m. Servant Event!)Wednesday, March 11 - 6 p.m.

March 29 - Services TBA (Palm Sunday)Friday, April 3 - 7 p.m. (Good Friday)

April 5 - Services TBA (Easter)

Men’s ChoirNovember 26 – 7 p.m.

(Thanksgiving Eve worship)February 18 – 6 p.m.

(Ash Wednesday worship)

Christmas Vocal EnsemblesDecember 24 – 10 p.m.December 25 – 10 a.m.

Brass EnsemblesNovember 2 - 8 a.m. (All Saints’ Sunday)

December 25 – 10 a.m. (Christmas Day)

March 29 – Services TBA (Palm Sunday)

April 5 – Services TBA (Easter)

Do You Like to Sing? Please Join Us!

Grades 7-8 Sunday School Choir: Singing November 9!

Our Children’s Vocal Music Coordinator, Susan Dusky, has some great plans in place for 9:30/11 a.m. worship on November 9! Please see the Children’s Ministry section for more info!

High School Praise Team! YOUR Sunday is coming soon --- November

9! We’ll sing at the 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. services that day. Please plan to attend our rehearsal: Wednesday, November 5 at 6 p.m. at Holy Cross, right before 7 p.m. Youth Group at the Youth House. Please come to rehearsal, so that we can do a good job of singing for the Lord on the 9th!

Men’s and Women’s Choirs: A little friendly competition!

Guys and Ladies, do you enjoy singing 2-4 part harmony? Do you enjoy singing with “just the guys” or “just the girls?” Coming in November, we have special groups for each of you! Please join us!

Women’s Choir• Rehearses at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesdays:

November 4, 11, 18• Sings for 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship on

Sunday, November 23Men’s Choir

• Rehearses at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesdays: November 4, 11, 18

• Final brief rehearsal at 8:15 p.m. on Tuesday: November 25

• Sings for 7 p.m. worship on Wednesday, November 26 (Thanksgiving Eve)

Which group will have the most singers --- the men or the women? The other choir gets to treat them following our November 18 practice! Please join us!

Adult Choir – More Christmas Singers Welcome!

Our Adult Choir will offer special Christmas selections on December 13 and 14! Would you like to sing some beautiful Christmas music with us? Many more singers are WELCOME for this special project, so please join us for our three practices:

• Rehearsals at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesdays: November 25, December 2, December 9

November Senior High EventsPlease note, dates and times are subject to change.

November 2High School Youth Bible Class

9:30-10:45 a.m.Food – Session #3

“In the Presence of My Enemies”

November 5High School Praise Team

6:00-6:45 p.m.Practice for singing on Sunday

Youth House Open 6:00 p.m.Food, Hangout, Study

Youth Meeting7:00-8:30 p.m.

Growing – Session #2"The Power of the Holy Spirit"

November 9High School Praise Team

9:00 a.m.Praise Team warm up in Music Room

9:30/11:00 a.m.

Sing during worship services High School Youth Bible Class

9:30-10:45 a.m.Food – Session #4

“Hanging Out With God”

November 12Youth House Open 6:00 p.m.

Food, Hangout, StudyYouth Meeting7:00-8:30 p.m.

Growing – Session #3“My Cup Overfl ows”

November 16High School Youth Bible Class

9:30-10:45 a.m.Food – Session #5

“Crumbs for the Children”

November 19Youth House Open 6:00 p.m.

Food, Hangout, Study

Youth Meeting7:00-8:30 p.m.

Growing – Session #4 “Prayer and God’s Presence”

November 21 – November 23NE District Youth Gathering

LaVista, NE

November 23NO High School Bible Class

(District Youth Gathering Weekend)

November 26NO Youth Group (Thanksgiving Break)

November 30NO High School Bible Class (Thanksgiving Break)

Middle School Parent and Students: Mark Your Calendars!

Middle school youth and their friends will be regu-larly meeting on the second Sunday of each month. All students and their friends in grades 6, 7, and 8 are welcome and encouraged to join us. We have fun activities planned, relevant topics and issues to discuss and relationships to grow and strength-en. Each of these events and experiences will be unique…as we discover the connection of God’s Word with our lives...as we are reminded that God Loves Us So Much! Please mark your calendars for the second Sunday of each month and make plans to join us! The dates are listed below. Specifi cs about each event (theme, location, time) will be provided a month in advance.

Planned Dates are Sundays: November 9, De-cember 14, January 11, February 8, March 8, April 12, and May 10.

November, 2014 Cross Talk Page 7

Youth News

BirthdaysMiddle School

Ashley Ringlein 11/1Logan Trampe 11/3Alexandra Dusky 11/10Alexzander Schmit 11/10Megan Warner 11/12Meyer Sikes 11/16Hannah Speicher 11/17

High SchoolNicole Aschwege 11/3Garrett Ortgiesen 11/3Cassie Mathews 11/4Mitchell Woeste 11/4Bryce James 11/7Olivia Otte 11/9Tony Koetters 11/12Caleb Capellen 11/13Valerie Heyd 11/14Colton Envick 11/16Ashley Nichols 11/20Benjamin Dinkel 11/21Brittany Rutt 11/21Dalton Mays 11/28Hannah Widger 11/29

StewardshipHave you ever noticed how children emulate their par-

ents? Children watch their parents and they do what they see them doing. This is how they learn to speak. They watch the shape and form of their parents’ mouths and they try to make the same shape so that they can make the same sounds.

But children copy their parents even on a more mun-dane level. They watch how their parents cross their legs, how they fold their hands, how they stand and sit and walk, how they do and say most everything: and children try to copy it. This can be quite humorous when caught in the act. They do this even when parents don’t want them to. Everyone has been in the uncomfortable, and some-times rather embarrassing, situation where a child does or says what one of their parent’s have done or said…some-thing that is not too flattering! Sitcoms thrive on this sort of thing. And it only works because of the truth that children emulate their parents. And they do it because they want to be like them.

We are the children of God by grace, through faith. In Holy Baptism, God the Father declares of us what He declared of Jesus at His Baptism in the Jordan, “You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” God the Father claims us as His own. He takes away all our sins, and in exchange He gives us His righteousness, His purity, His holiness, and HIs Spirit, by which we cry out, “Abba, Father.” We are born again, born from above, born of water and the Spirit, to a new life in Christ as His children. We are sons of God in Christ, through Baptism. And since we are sons, we are heirs; heirs who share in the glory of the Son of God. The inheritance is ours because of the Father’s grace and mercy, because of His generosity in sending His Son in time to save us for all eternity.

And this is why we give generously of our income to the work of the church. Through the working of the Holy Spirit, we are enabled to lead holy lives. We are strengthened to emulate the generosity of our heavenly Father by being generous ourselves. We give to the work of the church because we have witnessed the generous giving of our Father in heaven. More than that, we are recipients of it. It is because we have received God our Father’s gifts that we desire to give ourselves. And His gifts are not just spiritual. They are temporal and earthly as well. As the Small Catechism teaches in the Fourth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer:

“Give us this day our daily bread. What does this mean? God certainly gives daily bread to everyone without our prayers, even to all evil people, but we pray in this petition that God would lead us to realize this and to receive our daily bread with thanksgiving. What is meant by daily bread? Daily bread includes everything that has to do with the support and needs of the body, such as food, drink, clothing, shoes, house, home, land, animals, money, goods, a devout husband or wife, devout children, devout workers, devout and faithful rulers, good government, good weather, peace, health, self-control, good reputation, good friends, faithful neighbors, and the like.”

In other words, he gives us everything that we need for the care of both body and soul. His generosity knows no bounds.

Therefore we sit down at the beginning of the year, the beginning of the month, or the beginning of the week, and set aside a generous portion of God’s daily bread for His work in the church. Not because He has commanded us so to do. But rather because we, as His children by grace, want to emulate His generosity in our own lives. He is our Father; we are His children. And children want to be like their parents.

Page 8 Cross Talk November, 2014

Notes from the Parish NurseWhat’s Up About Blood PressureWhat is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is the measurement of the force of blood against the walls of the arteries when the heart pumps. The top number or systolic pressure measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart muscle contracts, it should be 120 mm Hg or less. The lower number or the diastolic pressure measures the pressure in the arteries between heart-beats when the heart muscle is at rest, it should be 80 mm Hg or less. A person should maintain their blood pressure at 120/80 or less.What is High Blood Pressure?

High Blood Pressure or hypertension can happen slowly over time. If the force of the blood fl ow is high, the tissue in the arteries can get stretched beyond its healthy limit, this is when damage occurs. Pos-sible health consequences that can occur over time if high blood pressure is not treated are, damage to the heart and coronary arteries. A person could have a heart attack, develop heart disease, congestive heart failure, aortic dissection and atherosclerosis, (a fatty build up in the arteries that can harden the vessels). If high blood pressure is left untreated a person could have a stroke, develop kidney dam-age, vision loss, memory loss, or develop peripheral

artery disease, (a narrowing of blocked arteries). If a person’s blood pressure becomes more than 140/90 it is time to seek medical attention. There are effec-tive treatments that can control this deadly disease. A physician must be notifi ed to prevent further dam-age to one’s body. To learn more about heart disease please go to The American Heart Association’s Inter-active Library called www.watchlearnlive.heart.org. What are the Symptoms of High Blood Pres-sure?

High blood pressure or hypertension is often con-sidered the “silent killer” because there are usually no warning signals. An elevated blood pressure re-cording can be discovered as part of a routine Doc-tor’s exam. If those elevated numbers are ignored until symptoms occur it will be too late, the damage will already be done. It is a common misconcep-tion that nervousness, sweating or facial fl ushing are signs of high blood pressure. Headaches are not a common symptom of high blood pressure. If a headache occurs due to high blood pressure it would be considered a medical emergency and time to call 9-1-1. What is Pre-Hypertension?

A condition called Pre-hypertension is when the blood pressure upper number is 120-139 and lower number is 80-89. These numbers are an early warn-

ing signal for a person to take action to improve their cardiovascular status. There are several ways to improve elevated blood pressure readings: Eat a healthy low salt diet, Physical activity (150 minutes per week), Healthy weight, Manage stress, Avoid tobacco smoke, Take medications as directed, Limit alcohol intake, Understand hot tub safety. Prevention

It is very important to work with your doctor to determine if you need medication to control your blood pressure. You need to be diligent about know-ing what your numbers are and following up on your care. Your doctor wants to help you avoid serious medical complications due to uncontrolled high blood pressure. Blood pressure checks are a MUST. You can monitor your blood pressure through your clinic visits or at your local pharmacy. Blood pressure checks are also done once a month here at Holy Cross in the library on the second Sunday of each month 8-12 noon. The Parish nurses are adding another time for blood pressure checks on Satur-day evenings after church in the library. There is no charge for the checks but you may have to listen to another sermon about living a healthy lifestyle. For more information please go to www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/High Blood Pressure. Rita Kaul RN,BSN FCN 308-293-2397.

“Living, Growing, Maturing, Caring”

Life Groups

The mission of Life Groups at Holy Cross: For all to have a living, growing, maturing and caring relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another.

What is a Life Group?Life Groups are a fellowship of 6 to 12 people who gather outside of the church to study God’s Word, pray, serve, have FUN and share their faith journeys with others.

Is this another Bible study? No. The purpose of a Life Group at Holy Cross is to live in Biblical community with fellow believers, grow and mature in our faith by building authentic relationships with others and caring for people both inside and outside of God’s church. Life Groups are about studying God’s Word, yes, but they are also about having fun together, caring for each other and sharing our lives and faith!

How often do we meet?We encourage Holy Cross Life Groups to meet twice-monthly from September through May. However, the frequency of getting together is up to the Life Group!

How long will we be in this group? Multiplication of Life Groups takes place two years after the group begins.

Confidentiality is an essential part of each Life Group. “What is said in the group, stays in the group.” Godwants to us to be in relationships with others that are grounded in faith and which strengthen our connection to Him.

We all need Life Groups! God did not make us to live our lives alone!

By sharing our lives and our faith with others, we are doing the very thing God called us to do: Love Him and Love our Neighbor.

Interested? Sign up today!

Sign up through Michelle Bombeck or through our website at www.hclk.org/ministries/lifegroups

Russ & Marilyn Rathjen 11/1/1963 51Matthew & Melissa Drozd 11/2/2012 2Bob & Shirley Hazzard 11/2/1974 40Terry & Rhonda Pfeiffer 11/3/1984 30David & Janet Schroeder 11/5/2004 10Randy & Janet Hadwiger 11/7/1981 33John & Amy Cook 11/8/2003 11Ron & Angie Plambeck 11/9/1989 25Jerry & Nancy Lierman 11/13/1982 32Curt & Sue Breinig 11/14/1992 22LeRoyce & Cynthia Margritz 11/19/1983 31Delmar & Marcia Gugelman 11/20/1998 16Dan & Karin Scamehorn 11/22/2008 6Aaron & Natalie Madsen 11/24/2007 7Larry & Rosie Goos 11/25/1959 55Joseph & Becky Klute 11/25/2006 8Brian & Jolynn Kugler 11/25/1995 19Dick & Alice Mercer 11/27/2004 10Joe & Jill Debban 11/28/1998 16Aaron & Laura Pullmann 11/29/2008 6Bill & Sharon Crosier 11/30/1969 45Larry & Lori Miller 11/30/1963 51

Birthday and Anniversary Greetings Holy Cross members celebrating birthdays and anniversaries in the month of November include the following individuals. When you see one of these fellow members, please be sure to give them your best wishes! If your birthday is incorrect or not listed, please update your information with the church office at 237-2944. May God bless your special day!

November, 2014 Cross Talk Page 9


Rhonda Anderson 11/1Lucas Bressington 11/1Kelly Herren 11/1Kelsey Petersen 11/1Ashley Ringlein 11/1Eli Robinson 11/1Lori Vance 11/1Ariel Hadwiger 11/2Brian Kroll 11/2Adam Mues 11/2Preston Schwanebeck 11/2Nicole Aschwege 11/3Nick Bennett 11/3Roger Daake 11/3Mary Daake 11/3Garrett Ortgiesen 11/3Rhonda Pfeiffer 11/3Logan Trampe 11/3Terri Woods 11/3Kerri Dealey 11/4Cassie Mathews 11/4Dawsen McCarter 11/4Sheila Rasmussen 11/4Stan Roemmich 11/4Collin Sleicher 11/4Mitchell Woeste 11/4Kellan Kubicek 11/5Garrett Wibbels 11/5Jennifer Wilkins 11/5Candi Burton 11/6Cassie Burton 11/6Alexa Jacobsen 11/6Brett James 11/6Margaret McCollough 11/6Michelle Theis 11/6Jackie Trampe 11/6Bryce James 11/7Ivy Schinkel 11/8Henry Stade 11/8Kermit Bosshamer 11/9Melissa Buckshire 11/9Grant Davis 11/9

Ruth Janssen 11/9 Olivia Otte 11/9 Shelly Rolfe 11/9Kelly Varguez 11/9Doug Anderson 11/10Brenda Bierbower 11/10Kirsten Burkland 11/10Alexandra Dusky 11/10Rachel Miller 11/10Alexzander Schmit 11/10Krissy Weinberger 11/10Avery Howard 11/11Lindsay Journey 11/11Sara Kluever 11/11Elaine Monter 11/11Ciera Neverve 11/11Chadlynn Robinson 11/11Emmett Epley 11/12Lorissa Goodner 11/12Kate Havranek 11/12Judy Kahle 11/12Tony Koetters 11/12Lynn Tank 11/12Megan Warner 11/12Caleb Capellen 11/13Ken Donahoo 11/13Dean Felker 11/13Chrissy Land 11/13Katelyn Petersen 11/13Ryan Peterson 11/13Ryan Teter 11/13Colton Travis 11/13Valerie Heyd 11/14Stacey Manary 11/14Robert Mathis 11/14Lowell Peeks 11/14Pat Seaton III 11/14Ashleigh Axtell 11/15Joan Kreutzer 11/15Karen Smolik 11/15Jim Bielenberg 11/16Colton Envick 11/16

Jaxon Flynn 11/16Blake McNeil 11/16Allan Peterson 11/16Meyer Sikes 11/16Nicole Straka 11/16Olivia Denny 11/17Paige Fryda 11/17Diane Plummer 11/17Victoria Ruskamp 11/17Sam Smith 11/17Hannah Speicher 11/17Janet Zastrow 11/17 Stacie Giesler 11/18Paul Cox 11/19Gene Hinrichs 11/19David Howsden 11/19Adrian Hutter 11/19Heidi Neverve 11/19Verna Wood 11/19Lexi Zinnel 11/19Lisa Anderson 11/20Dustin Forrest 11/20Cheryl Halliwell 11/20Byron Hansen 11/20Darlene Holtz 11/20Bentley Krantz 11/20Cynthia Margritz 11/20Mike McCollough 11/20Ashley Nichols 11/20Carsen Staehr 11/20Lanna Bishop 11/21Benjamin Dinkel 11/21Dyllon McCain 11/21Samantha Sikes 11/21Michael Andersen 11/22Doug Boell 11/22Deloris Chetelat 11/22Amy Cook 11/22Jonathan Gierhan 11/22Michelle Lewis 11/22Megan Widger 11/22Russ Balcom 11/23

Collin Donahoo 11/23Luke Jones 11/23Melissa Peters 11/23Greg Werner 11/23Mindy Ackermann 11/24Lucas Dart 11/24Shane Ellmers 11/24Brett Hall 11/24Brileigh Hall 11/24Rylan Hall 11/24Roan Howard 11/24Anna Kriz 11/24Jared Runnels 11/24Nancy McCoy 11/25Jenn McReynolds 11/25Paul Bishop 11/26Meri Crumm 11/26Becky Dimock 11/26Crew Pennington 11/26Ed Reese 11/26Alan Roesler 11/26Jackie Schutt 11/26 Emelie Berke 11/27Kim Capellen 11/27Glenda Fraber 11/27Hunter Beerbohm 11/28William Hogeland 11/28Suttyn Kohler 11/28Lauren Kohtz 11/28Corlis Kozera 11/28Kyle Kreutzer 11/28Dalton Mays 11/28Jesi Scoville 11/28Jon Sostad 11/28Hannah Widger 11/29Waylon Epley 11/30Alice Koetters 11/30Pete Kotsiopulos 11/30Shelby Staehr 11/30

Active Duty Military Personnel

Holy Cross Members in the Military:Deb Andersen Lance Fredrickson - Son of Scott and LynnMatthew Taylor - Son of Diane Taylor

(Buethe)Mark Klein - Son of Ivan KleinTyler Wright, Son of Brian & Emily Wright Family and Loved Ones of Holy Cross Members:Katie CorneliusChase HartmanJon Pearson - Cousin of Jori Pearson Corey Thompson - Grandson of Everett and

Mildred KueblerTim Ullman - Son-in-law of Dan and Lynn

TreadwayTrent Johnson - Son of Charlene Dam;

grandson of Kenneth and Elaine WeberPaul Hoefs - Friend and co-worker of Mark

CrummAmber R Miller - Granddaughter of Marcella

YoungIan Young - Grandson of Marcella YoungBrian Schmidt - Grandson of Hildegard PohlCory - Friend of HC members Tim and Peg

JonesDaryl Harvey - Brother of HC member RashawnDavid Lehman Dustin Schutt - Nephew of HC members Joe,

Pam and Jackie SchuttJohn Christensen - Cousin of HC member

Beth ReidMichael McBride - Relative of HC member

LaVeda SchroederMike McNulty - Friend of the JohnsonsJohn Boehnke - Friend of the RathjensRyan Huls - Nephew of DeeDee AschwegeTyler Huls - Nephew of DeeDee AschwegeMatt Andersen - Son of Tom and Deb AndersenRandy Margritz - Son of LeRoyce and Cyn-

thia MargritzCody, Mark and Sean Carlson - Relatives of

the AschwegesBen Cornelius - Nephew of Linda MuhlbachMichael MachmullerJoshua Crawford - Grandson of Henry and

Norma SchlattmannPaul Swenson Travis ReissStacia KlueverBrandon BennettMichael Shaffer - Grandson of Lavern and

Jean DekeReed TheilfoldtPlease keep us up-to-date on your military status.

8 am 9:30 am 11 am 8 am 9:30 am 11 am 8 am 9:30 am 11 am 8 am 9:30 am 11 am 8 am 9:30 am 11 amAcolytes Beth










Ushers Mark Bartels

Lyle BurgerKeith


Curt Breinig

Ivan KleinDavid KloneJohn



Betty Jo ShawJerry



Doug BoellStan


MeyerLarry Pittz

Stan Roemmich

Lavern DekeMark

PullmannMonty SplitterMarilyn Buttler

Bob DaakeRon

Lieske Dan

SlawskiJo Slawski

Scott Theis

Larry Achterberg

Bob Kuhlmann

Doug Peterson

Byron Wiseman

Lucas DartFrank






Greg Balfany

Sue BalfanyGene

Beerbohm Katie,

Mike, and Mitch


Paul BartelsNorm

HeidenCharles Kreutzer

Kevin MadsenMonty SplitterCraig



Larry Achterberg

Steve KahleDennis SchardtMarty


Paul BartelsNorm

HeidenCharles Kreutzer

Kevin MadsenMonty SplitterCraig



Larry Achterberg

Steve KahleDennis SchardtMarty


Hymn Leader/Praise Band/

Worship Team/

Special Music

Sat. 5:30Kyla


Russ Rathjen

Adult Bells/Brass


Sat. 5:30Julie Lewis

Laura Pierce

Piano Solo

Sat. 5:30Janelle


Laura Lucas

Bell Duet

Sat. 5:30Michelle Widger

Julie Lewis

Vocal Solo

Sat. 5:30Kyla


Julie Lewis

Flute Solo


Sat. 5:30 Kathryn



Sat. 5:30 Pam

SchuttLorraine Heiden

Sat. 5:30 Carol

LarsonLaura Pierce

Sat. 5:30Cole

KovarikRobin Boell

Sat. 5:30Laura PierceDianne Duley


Steve Lewis

Mike Erbsen

Mark Reid Angela and Travis Flies

Lay Readers

Todd Dahlke

Susan Schardt


Marci Meyer

Ross Epley


Mark Reid CallaMailand


Julie Lewis Michelle Epley

Talana Roy

Steve Lewis

David Klone

Ken Larson


Bob Heiden

Zach Seaton

Phil Wellman

Monty McCollough

Monty McCollough

Kay Kreutzer

Linda Helms


Zach Seaton

Zach Seaton

Monty McCollough

Monty McCollough

Neil Berke Neil Berke Matt Bamesberger

Matt Bamesberger

Greeters Dick and Alice


Kevin and Chris

Madsen, Charlene

Heck, Vivian


Clara Kreutzer, David and Lori Klone,

Linda Schwartz

Doug and Connie

Weissert, Don and

Doris Envick

Vern and Connie Lantis,

Dale and Elaine Nispel

Pam Balcom,

Marv and Barb Muth,

Dorothy DeLaet

Paul and Darlene Bartels, Verleen


Harold and Eileen

Debban, Randy and

Kelly Peterson

Judy McDonald,

Mandy Hinrichs,

Gary Dornhoff

Darlene Bartels,

Mark and Lori

Bartels, Gloria Travis

Dale and Elaine Nispel, Darwin

Glinsmann, Deanna Sleicher

Marilyn Buttler,

Ron and Joyce

Lieske, Monty and

Brenda Splitter

Byron and Elaine


Altar Guild

Holy Cross Grades 6-8 Midweek Bell Choir

Holy Cross Ages 3-K Sunday School Choir

Holy Cross Adult ChoirHoly Cross High School

Worship Team

Holy Cross Campus Worship Team

Julie LewisRuss RathjenLaura PierceLaura LucasKyla KaslonJanelle Pittz

Michelle WidgerAnna KahleSydney Reid

Kathryn PetersonJordan Baker

Preston Van AmburgJoe SwensonCole Kovarik

Nate PriebeJohn HarbolsTrudi Lappe

Jenn McReynoldsDawn Schroeder

Jolene BerkeJoAn Berke

Lauren Harbols

Deanna SleicherJackie KohtzLauren Kohtz

Meghan DahlkeTeresa DahlkeSarah Dahlke

Thanks to these October

Volunteer Musicians

Page 10 Cross Talk November, 2014

SHARING OUR TIME AND TALENTSNovember 1 and 2 November 8 and 9 November 15 and 16 November 22 and 23 November 29 and 30

Jeanne Ortgiesen, Peggy Frost, Ann Macrander, Marcy Meyer, Janet Rash

Jeanne Ortgiesen, Peggy Frost, Ann Macrander, Marcy Meyer, Janet Rash

Praise Band D/Worship TeamWomen's Choir

Women's Choir

Praise Band E/Worship Team

Katelyn Peterson

9:30 am Flute Solo

Praise Band B/Worship TeamHigh School

Grades 7-8 Sunday School Choir

Dianne Duley Jolene Berke Lorraine Heiden

Praise Band C/Worship Team

Michelle WidgerJolene Berke

9:30 am Piano Solo11 am Grades 3-5 Bells

Praise Band A/Worship TeamTrudi Lappe,

Jenn McReynolds

9:30 am Adult Bells

Robin BoellRobin Boell

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

14:45 pm SongLeader Rehearsa l5:30 pm Worsh ip /Communion

2 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS ENDS8 am Worsh ip /Communion9:30 am Worsh ip /Communion9:30 am Sunday School , Adul t B ib leStudies11 am Worsh ip /Communion11 am New Member Welcome

310 am Sta f f Meet ing1 pm Qui l te rs1 pm Prayer Shawl3 pm Ladies Bible Study6 pm Bel l Duet6:30 pm Trus tees7 pm E lders

46 pm Adu l t Be l l s7:15 pm Men 's Cho i r7:15 pm Women 'sCho i r

59:30 am Ladies Bible Study5 pm Fami ly N igh t Mea l5 pm Grades 3 -5 Be l l s5 pm Grades 7 -8 Cho i r5:30 pm Grades 6-8 Bel ls 6 pm Conf i rmat ion , Fa i thWeavers , Adu l t C lasses6 pm P ra ise Band B/High School Worship Team7 pm Youth Group

6 76:30 am Men’s B ib le S tudy

84:45 pm SongLeader Rehearsa l5:30 pm Worsh ip

98 am Blood Pressure Screen ing8 am Worsh ip9:30 am Worsh ip 9:30 am Sunday School , Adul t B ib leStudies11 am Worsh ip2 pm Middle School Event

1010 am Sta f f Meet ing1 pm Qui l te rs5:30 pm Parish Life5:30 pm Stewardsh ip6 pm Bel l Duet

11VETERAN'S DAY6 pm Adu l t Be l l s 7 pm LWML 7:15 pm Men 's Cho i r7:15 pm Women 'sCho i r

129:30 am Ladies Bible Study5 pm Fami ly N igh t Mea l5 pm Grades 3 -5 Be l l s5:30 pm Grades 6-8 Bel ls 6 pm Conf i rmat ion , Fa i thWeavers , Adu l t C lasses6 pm P ra ise Band C/Worsh ip Team7 pm Youth Group

13 146:30 am Men’s B ib le S tudy

151 pm Pr iva te Baby Shower4:45 pm SongLeader Rehearsa l5:30 pm Worsh ip /Communion

168 am Worsh ip /Communion9:30 am Worsh ip /Communion9:30 am Sunday School , Adul t B ib leStudies11 am Worsh ip /Communion1:30 pm VOTERS'MEETING

1710 am Sta f f Meet ing1 pm Prayer Shawl1 pm Qui l te rs 3 pm Ladies Bible Study6:30 pm Board of Education

186 pm Adu l t Be l l s7:15 pm Men 's Cho i r7:15 pm Women 'sCho i r8:15 pm Men's /Women's Choi r Snack Night !

199:30 am Ladies Bible Study5 pm Fami ly N igh t Mea l5 pm Grades 3 -5 Be l l s5:30 pm Grades 6-8 Bel ls 6 pm Conf i rmat ion , Fa i thWeavers , Adu l t C lasses6 pm P ra ise Band D/Women 's Cho i r Worsh ip Team7 pm Youth Group

20 216:30 am Men’s B ib le S tudy

224:45 pm SongLeader Rehearsa l5:30 pm Worsh ip

23SHOEBOX DEADLINE8 am Worsh ip9:30 am Worsh ip 9:30 am Sunday School , Adul t B ib leStudies11 am Worsh ip4:30 pm St .John 'sWorsh ip

2410 am Sta f f Meet ing1 pm Qui l te rs 6 pm Pra ise Band E/Worsh ip Team6:30 pm Church Counc i l

2511:30 am Sen io rs fo r the Lord 5:15 pm Flu te So lo6 pm Adu l t Be l l s7 pm Advent Voca l /Be l lQuar te ts 7:15 pm Adu l t Cho i r8:15 pm Men 's Cho i r

269:30 am Ladies Bible Study7 pm Thanksgiv ing Eve Serv ice


286:30 am Men’s B ib le S tudy

299 am Chi ld ren 'sCho i r Prac t i ce9 am ChurchDecora t ing4:45 pm SongLeader Rehearsa l5:30 pm Worsh ip

308 am Worsh ip9:30 am Worsh ip 9:30 am NO SundaySchool9:30 am Adul t B ib leStudies11 am Worsh ip2 pm Ch i ld ren 's Chr is tmas Worsh ipPrac t i ce

Please note: This calendar is published each month prior to the month's activities, so some calendar items may change. Also, some of the calendar times do not necessarily refl ect set up or clean up. Call the church offi ce for the most current information.

Times indicated for wedding rehearsals and wedding ceremonies are approximate only. Please check with the wedding coordinator for the specifi c times.

Novembe r

Nebraska Youth Gathering - LaVistathrough Sunday

Holy Cross Lutheran Church3315 11th AvenueKearney NE 68845

NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONU.S. PostageKearney NE 68847Permit No. 135

Coming Up in November:Sunday, November 2Daylight Savings Ends

Sunday, November 16Voters' Meeting 1:30 p.m.

Wednesday, November 26Thanksgiving Eve Service 7:00 p.m.

and Pie Social Following

Thursday, November 27Thanksgiving
