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November 19, 2012

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Imua ‘Iolani: Vol 88, Issue 2
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Mr. Manny Dayao 1. How old is your baby? Two months 2. What is your baby’s name, and how did you choose it? One afternoon at band camp—and yes, this is a “one-time-at-band-camp” story—we were waiting for the equipment truck to arrive, and my percussionists and I were talking about names for the baby. Taylor Ann Katase (‘13) said, “You should TOTALLY name her Lily, because Aunty Rosa’s a flower name, and Lily’s such a cute name.” My mother told Rosa (my wife) and me the story of how a kupuna gave me the name ‘Kaweihi’ when I was still in the womb, and I wanted this name to be given to my ‘precious’ one. Just when we knew what our little girl’s name would be, ‘Mehana o ke aloha puni,’ was gifted to us by a family friend. ‘Lily Kaweihi Mehana O Ke Aloha Puni Dayao’ is what our poor child will have to learn to write in kindergarten. 3. As a first-time parent, what is it like having a baby in the house? Hard, but wonderful! One of my best friends from college told me, “It’s going to be a hundred times harder than you’re expecting, but it’ll also be a million times more rewarding.” I think it’s true. Also, babies come with a lot of stuff, then people give us things, so it’s very crowded. 4. What are the challenges and joys of hav- ing a baby? Challenges: Sleep depriva- tion, and figuring out what a person who does not use words yet wants. Keeping mommy happy, since the lactation nurse recommended we avoid bottles these first six weeks. Joys: Seeing her personality develop. Know- ing her little habits and idiosyncrasies. All her little “firsts.” Holding her. For the full interviews, visit imuaonline.org Students are excited about the school’s initiative to eventu- ally put iPads in the hands of all students in grades four through twelve. The idea for the iPad initia- tive surfaced last school year when current ‘Iolani seniors Austin Dar- mawan, Molly Browning, and Blake Tsuzaki were taking U.S. History with Mr. Russell Motter and Mr. Josh Reppun. After many discussions during and between classes, the students and teachers formed an online group called the “iPad Cafe.” “Together we shared our experi- ences in the classroom, and that led to bigger conversations about how every student could really forward their education using these devic- es.” Tsuzaki said. Last summer, at a conference discussing the use of technology at ‘Iolani, the students first introduced the idea of the iPad initiative to Head of School, Dr. Timothy Cottrell. Dr. Cottrell then asked Molly, Blake, and Austin to make a video demonstrating the uses of the iPad. Dr. Cottrell then showed the video (available on YouTube under the ti- tle “’Iolani School iPad Initiative,”) to the Board of Governors, who gave the initiative their support. “It’s a pretty big deal for us, and within a year or two every- body, probably fourth grade through twelfth grade will be walking around with iPads.” Dr. Cottrell said as he announced the iPad initiative to the junior class. The iPads will initially be distrib- uted as a pilot program to only the junior class. The juniors will receive thier iPads at the start of the second semester of this year. The iPads will be primarily be used in U.S. History, a class taken by all Juniors. How- ever, teachers in other departments may choose to incorporate the iPad into their classes as well. The following year the initiative will be expanded to either grades ten through twelve or grades seven through twelve. The school will be using Apple’s new iPad with Retina Display. Apps required for school courses may be purchased for students by the school through the use of redemp- tion codes. Students may also make personal purchases for their school iPad. Students who already own an iPad will most likely be required to use the school issued tablet. Mr. Motter discussed the ratio- nale for choosing the iPad as op- posed to a laptop or other personal device. “Unlike laptops,” said Mr. Motter, “The iPad doesn’t have a screen students can hide behind.” Mr. Reppun also discussed how the iPad is a communal device that can be easily used for group projects and passed from student to student unlike bulky laptops. Mr. Reppun also added, “We’re not just doing this because everyone else is doing it. We’re doing it because Dr. Cot- trell made a thoughtful and strategic decision. It’s not a matter of jump- ing on the bandwagon. When we do something, we do it well.” Mr. Motter and Mr. Reppun spe- cifically noted the versatility of the iPad. As Mr. Reppun said, “Many people think the iPad is only as good as the number of textbooks you don’t have to carry. However, the iPad is so much more than that.” Mr. Motter also discussed how the iPad enables students to look at ma- terials in more depth and easily ac- cess documents and resources not readily available in the classroom. U.S. History teacher Mr. Jef- frey Hackler is also excited about the new opportunities for ‘Iolani, “It moves us out of pencil and pa- per and more into the technological world.” Mr. Hackler also noted his personal enthusiasm saying, “The iPad is really a breath of fresh air.” Teachers are not the only ones on campus who are excited. Many members of the junior class are eagerly waiting to receive their iPads. Jack Gregory ‘14 said, “As a diehard Apple guy, I’m really excited about ‘Iolani’s upcom- ing iPad program. I think the new iPads are going to be a great way for students to engage and under- stand the material they are work- ing with. The iPads will be a great addition to ‘Iolani’s already out- standing academic programs.” Some seniors, however, are dismayed that they will not be receiving iPads. Eden Koo ’13 says, “Most of us are disappointed in the school administration, maybe not entirely because of the iPads, but also be- cause our class is missing out on something yet again.” Dr. Cottrell addressed this issue and com- mended the ac- complishments of the seniors during his announce- ment of the iPad initiative to the junior class, “It’s wonderful that they’re shaping the future of the school, and timing wise I think it’s re- grettable that they’re not really in a position to be the ones to get us going.” However, some seniors such as Keke Liu ‘13 still man- age to look on the bright side of things, “Although we are not re- ceiving iPads this year, I feel that the implementation of this technol- ogy will take our school forward.” If students are interested in join- ing the iPad discussion, Mr. Motter and Mr. Reppun are hosting student group meetings. They can be con- tacted for more information at: [email protected] [email protected] NOVEMBER 19, 2012 HONOLULU, HAWAII VOLUME 88, ISSUE 2 IMUA IOLANI A Voice for Students since 1923 Plan for Upper School iPads ‘a pretty big deal’ Two babies add to extended campus family Two ‘Iolani teachers have added new members to their families. Mrs. Melanie Pfingsten and Mr.Manny Dayao recently sat down with Imua to de- scribe the joys of parenthood. Ashley Mizuo | Imua Iolani Blake Tsuzaki ‘13 uses his Apple iPad for work and play. BY MATTHEW BEATTIE-CALLAHAN Hanaleimaile Lena Pfingsten Lily Kaweihi Mehana O Ke Aloha Puni Dayao INTERVIEWS BY CLAIRE FURUKAWA Mrs. Melanie Pfingsten 1. How old is your baby? Six weeks 2. What is your baby’s name, and how did you choose it? Hanaleimaile Lena Pfingsten. It was im- portant to my husband and me that our chil- dren have Hawaiian first names so that they would speak and hear their Hawaiian names. 3. How many children do you have? How are the siblings reacting to the new baby? I have an older daughter named Moani who is 20 months old. She loves to say “baby” and to kiss her. We try to keep her from squishing Hana when she goes in for the kiss. 4. What has being a parent taught you, and do you feel like you’ve changed as a mom by having this baby? Selflessness. And I’m still working on it. As a parent, you learn to put aside the things you would like to do with your time in or- der to fulfill the needs of your children. I’m more relaxed with my second child because I know a little more about what to expect. Index A&E -- 2 Features -- 2 Editorials -- 3 Sports -- 4
Page 1: November 19, 2012

Mr. Manny Dayao1. How old is your baby?Two months2. What is your baby’s name, and how did

you choose it?One afternoon at band camp—and yes, this

is a “one-time-at-band-camp” story—we were waiting for the equipment truck to arrive, and my percussionists and I were talking about names for the baby. Taylor Ann Katase (‘13) said, “You should TOTALLY name her Lily, because Aunty Rosa’s a flower name, and Lily’s such a cute name.” My mother told Rosa (my wife) and me the story of how a kupuna gave me the name ‘Kaweihi’ when I was still in the womb, and I wanted this name to be given to my ‘precious’ one. Just when we knew what our little girl’s name would be, ‘Mehana o ke aloha puni,’ was gifted to us by a family friend. ‘Lily Kaweihi Mehana O Ke Aloha Puni Dayao’ is what our poor child will have to learn to write in kindergarten.

3. As a first-time parent, what is it like having a baby in the house?

Hard, but wonderful! One of my best friends from college told me, “It’s going to be a hundred times harder than you’re expecting, but it’ll also be a million times more rewarding.” I think it’s true. Also, babies come with a lot of stuff, then

people give us things, so it’s very crowded. 4. What are

the challenges and joys of hav-ing a baby?

Challenges: Sleep depriva-tion, and figuring out what a person who does not use words yet wants. Keeping mommy happy, since the lactation nurse recommended we avoid bottles these first six weeks.

Joys: Seeing her personality develop. Know-ing her little habits and idiosyncrasies. All her little “firsts.” Holding her.

For the full interviews, visit imuaonline.org

Students are excited about the school’s initiative to eventu-ally put iPads in the hands of all students in grades four through twelve.

The idea for the iPad initia-tive surfaced last school year when current ‘Iolani seniors Austin Dar-mawan, Molly Browning, and Blake Tsuzaki were taking U.S. History with Mr. Russell Motter and Mr. Josh Reppun.

After many discussions during and between classes, the students and teachers formed an online group called the “iPad Cafe.”

“Together we shared our experi-ences in the classroom, and that led to bigger conversations about how every student could really forward their education using these devic-es.” Tsuzaki said. Last summer, at a conference discussing the use of technology at ‘Iolani, the students first introduced the idea of the iPad initiative to Head of School, Dr. Timothy Cottrell.

Dr. Cottrell then asked Molly, Blake, and Austin to make a video demonstrating the uses of the iPad. Dr. Cottrell then showed the video (available on YouTube under the ti-tle “’Iolani School iPad Initiative,”) to the Board of Governors, who gave the initiative their support.

“It’s a pretty big deal for us, and within a year or two every-body, probably fourth grade through

twelfth grade will be walking around with iPads.” Dr. Cottrell said as he announced the iPad initiative to the junior class.

The iPads will initially be distrib-uted as a pilot program to only the junior class. The juniors will receive thier iPads at the start of the second semester of this year. The iPads will be primarily be used in U.S. History, a class taken by all Juniors. How-ever, teachers in other departments may choose to incorporate the iPad into their classes as well.

The following year the initiative will be expanded to either grades ten through twelve or grades seven through twelve.

The school will be using Apple’s new iPad with Retina Display. Apps required for school courses may be purchased for students by the school through the use of redemp-tion codes. Students may also make personal purchases for their school iPad. Students who already own an iPad will most likely be required to use the school issued tablet.

Mr. Motter discussed the ratio-nale for choosing the iPad as op-posed to a laptop or other personal device. “Unlike laptops,” said Mr. Motter, “The iPad doesn’t have a screen students can hide behind.” Mr. Reppun also discussed how the iPad is a communal device that can be easily used for group projects and passed from student to student unlike bulky laptops. Mr. Reppun also added, “We’re not just doing

this because everyone else is doing it. We’re doing it because Dr. Cot-trell made a thoughtful and strategic decision. It’s not a matter of jump-ing on the bandwagon. When we do something, we do it well.”

Mr. Motter and Mr. Reppun spe-cifically noted the versatility of the iPad. As Mr. Reppun said, “Many people think the iPad is only as good as the number of textbooks you don’t have to carry. However, the iPad is so much more than that.” Mr. Motter also discussed how the iPad enables students to look at ma-terials in more depth and easily ac-cess documents and resources not readily available in the classroom.

U.S. History teacher Mr. Jef-frey Hackler is also excited about the new opportunities for ‘Iolani, “It moves us out of pencil and pa-per and more into the technological world.” Mr. Hackler also noted his personal enthusiasm saying, “The iPad is really a breath of fresh air.”

Teachers are not the only ones on campus who are excited. Many members of the junior class are eagerly waiting to receive their iPads. Jack Gregory ‘14 said, “As a diehard Apple guy, I’m really excited about ‘Iolani’s upcom-ing iPad program. I think the new iPads are going to be a great way for students to engage and under-stand the material they are work-ing with. The iPads will be a great addition to ‘Iolani’s already out-standing academic programs.”

Some seniors, however, are dismayed that they will not be receiving iPads. Eden Koo ’13 says, “Most of us are disappointed in the school administration, maybe not entirely because of the iPads, but also be-cause our class is missing out on something yet again.” Dr. Cottrell addressed this issue and com-mended the ac-complishments of the seniors during his announce-m e n t

of the iPad initiative to the junior class, “It’s wonderful that they’re shaping the future of the school, and timing wise I think it’s re-grettable that they’re not really in a position to be the ones to get us going.” However, some seniors such as Keke Liu ‘13 still man-age to look on the bright side of things, “Although we are not re-ceiving iPads this year, I feel that

the implementation of this technol-ogy will take our school forward.”

If students are interested in join-ing the iPad discussion, Mr. Motter and Mr. Reppun are hosting student group meetings. They can be con-tacted for more information at:

[email protected]@iolani.org

November 19, 2012 HoNolulu, Hawaii volume 88, issue 2

IMUA ‘IOLANI A Voice for Students since 1923

Plan for Upper School iPads ‘a pretty big deal’

Two babies add to extended campus familyTwo ‘Iolani teachers have added new members to their families. Mrs.

Melanie Pfingsten and Mr.Manny Dayao recently sat down with Imua to de-scribe the joys of parenthood.

Ashley Mizuo | Imua Iolani

Blake Tsuzaki ‘13 uses his Apple iPad for work and play.

By Matthew Beattie-Callahan

Hanaleimaile Lena Pfingsten

Lily Kaweihi Mehana O Ke Aloha Puni Dayao

interviews By Claire Furukawa

Mrs. Melanie Pfingsten1. How old is your baby?Six weeks2. What is your baby’s name, and how did

you choose it?Hanaleimaile Lena Pfingsten. It was im-

portant to my husband and me that our chil-dren have Hawaiian first names so that they would speak and hear their Hawaiian names.

3. How many children do you have? How are the siblings reacting to the new baby?

I have an older daughter named Moani who is 20 months old. She loves to say “baby” and to kiss her. We try to keep her from squishing Hana when she goes in for the kiss.

4. What has being a parent taught you, and do you feel like you’ve changed as a mom by having this baby?

Selflessness. And I’m still working on it. As a parent, you learn to put aside the things you would like to do with your time in or-der to fulfill the needs of your children. I’m more relaxed with my second child because I know a little more about what to expect.

IndexA&E -- 2

Features -- 2Editorials -- 3

Sports -- 4

Page 2: November 19, 2012

By Ilana BuffensteIn

Though the construction of the Sullivan Center takes up roughly one fourth of our cam-pus, few know the personali-ties behind the painted panels.

I recently had the opportuni-ty to interview two of the con-struction workers, Tehani Ta-nabe and Tony Makue, who are working on the project, and got a feel for what their lives were like. I discovered that the con-struction site--a whole world within a world--is remarkably similar to our own ‘Iolani.

I started off with a few ice-breakers, asking them ques-tions like, “Did you play with Legos as a child?” (“Of course! We still do!”), “What is your favorite machine to operate?” (“The forklift; you get to go 60 feet in the air!”) and, “What do you do on your breaks?” (“Drink water, talk sports, anything but work!”). When I asked Makue about how he chose a career in construction, he insisted he “had wanted to be a professional body boarder, but found out that it didn’t pay

much.” However, all this work is not

without play -- every week the construction workers have an

Aloha Friday ugly shirt con-test, in which the person with the ugliest emerges as supreme winner. Regarding their fa-

vorite manmade structures, Makue’s is the waterpark at-traction Flo-Rider: the aspir-ing body boarder’s life goal is

to have one in his backyard. In Tanabe’s opinion, the pyramids are a “very impressive” feat of construction.

As the interview wound down, I asked them how work-ing in a school environment was different from other envi-ronments. After some thought, Tanabe admitted working at ‘Iolani is more “logistically complicated, as the safety of students is a bigger concern.” On the other hand, “The best thing is seeing the faces of all the students and even the fac-ulty light up as they watch us work”, as she and her co-work-er enthusiastically put it. And the ‘Iolani lunches aren’t bad either.

The construction site, like our whole school, is a place that looks to the future while still adhering to its traditions. A variety of personalities, from the serious engineer to the nos-talgic wave-rider, rather than weakening a sense of com-munity, actually strengthens it. Both institutions share a com-mon purpose: to create oppor-tunities for the next generation.

Page 2 Features, arts & entertainment Imua ‘IolanI

By CassIe Busekrus

Taking on Robert Turney’s thought-provoking ‘Daughters of Atreus’ proved a challenging task, but after weeks of preparation, the ‘Iolani Dramatic Players did the show justice from Oct. 31 to Nov. 3.

The Greek tragedy takes place over a 20-year span, and examines the vio-lent conflict brought on by avenging the deaths of fallen family members. The tragic division of a household and the pain brought on by attempting to appease the gods made the show an intriguing performance.

Since early September, the cast has worked tirelessly to develop their re-spective characters. Blaise Nakagawa ’14 (Kalchas) noted, “Acting isn’t so much memorizing lines as it is know-ing the characters. Memorizing is re-ally the easy part. It’s getting the emo-tion right that’s more difficult.” The intensity of each scene captivated au-diences as ‘Iolani students stepped out of their comfort zones to become the despaired and vengeful characters the show demanded.

From the sword-swinging scenes to more passionate moments, the su-perb acting and the emotional dis-tress invoked in the audience made ‘Daughters of Atreus’ a profound per-formance. One cast member said, “We get to use real metal swords and spears that have been dulled. Swinging a real sword…it’s one of the most enjoyable theatre experiences I’ve ever had.” The realistic reenactments and aston-ishing speeches made for a haunting production.

Greater than the performance itself, though, were the profound friend-ships created during rehearsals. Di-rector Mr. Rob Duval even dedicated the first few days of rehearsal to cast bonding activities. “Every single day in rehearsal, we are laughing. It’s so

much fun to work with such incred-ibly talented and humorous people,” shared Summer Scott ’14 (Klytaim-nestra). “Theatre is like any team sport in the sense that need to learn to come together with your cast mates and trust each other,” said Josh Sakai ‘15 (Achilles). “We’re like a family. Even during rehearsal, it doesn’t feel like work to me…it’s invigorating and a drastic change in pace to everyday ‘Iolani life.” Sakai continued.

An action-packed show with ever-scheming characters, ‘Daughters of Atreus’ was a successful performance full of sacrifice and revenge. From mother-daughter rivalry to sibling love, the exceptional acting brought life to the bloody events that unfold on the House of Atreus due to a ter-rible curse.

Cassie Busekrus | Imua IolaniKlytaimnestra (Summer Scott ‘14) and Iphegenia (Victoria Sprowls ‘14) are mother and daughter in ‘Daughters of Atreus.’

Getting your driver’s license the hard way

Fall play tragic, haunting

Workers enjoy challenges of Sullivan project

As eager teenagers, we can’t wait to grow up. I wanted to get my license as soon as possible. This would bring the only thing that mattered in my life: freedom. For a competent, follow-the-rules driver, becom-ing licensed may be uncomplicated. Adults pass almost all the time on their first try. But for reckless, inexperienced teenage drivers -- which the testers seem to hate -- the pro-cess may be difficult. Nevertheless, it is ob-tainable. I did it. However, there were many bumps in the road.

First, I took my driver’s education course, but my instructor didn’t even show me the testing routes -- $500 down the drain. Upon completion, I drove a total of 50 hours, ten of which were night driving. Or at least I said I did. In reality, I drove until I felt like I knew was I was doing, practicing maybe 20 hours before taking my test.

When I was finished writing down my (fake) hours, I searched for an adequate driving location. Everywhere was booked for the next six months, except Kaneohe, also known as “The Grizzly”, so I booked my test there.

When I arrived at the testing location to sign in, I saw an elderly, wrinkled lady glaring at me from the corner of the room. I thought nothing of the encounter and went outside to be called. Before taking the test, I reassured myself by saying I was a great driver. (It didn’t work, but nothing beats positive words.)

“Tristan Medeiros-Shiimonn!” she shouted, butchering my name.

“It’s Tristan Medios-Simon,” I corrected.“Oh well, let’s get started.” And the up-

hill battle began.The lady that had been eyeing me turned

out to be my tester. She talked down to me

despite me being taller. I tried to be cordial, but inside I reminded myself I had an un-shakeable confidence. Winners act like win-ners. But apparently, after the test, I was told I was supposed to stop COMPLETELY behind the line. When making a left turn, I was supposed to creep COMPLETELY into the intersection. When head-checking, I was supposed to COMPLETELY check blind spots for cars that weren’t there.

I took the tester’s long lecture to heart and vowed to correct every mistake. I broke the bad news to my mother and practiced my driving skills for the next week.

A week later, I arrived at 5 a.m. and wait-ed in line for three hours. I went through the same procedure as before, but instead of the elderly lady, I got The Dragon as my tester. So I asked to use the bathroom just to have a moment to collect my thoughts. Be extreme-ly polite, I told myself, because dragons are known to have very short tempers. She can spit fire at will. Call her ma’am and ask her if she’s comfortable in the car. But I failed the test again, and learned the hard way not to ride the brakes down a hill.

“You have to be The Man of your vehi-cle,” The Dragon lectured.

“Yes ma’am,” I replied.“You know, I was once a teenager, driv-

ing at 16, and I got into three accidents...”I interrupted her by getting out of the car.

I walked over to my mom.What I learned the hard way: take your

driver’s test in Wahiawa.

Reece Suzuki, also an excellent driver, con-tributed to this story.

By trIstan MedIos-sIMon

Ilana Buffenstein | Imua IolaniTehani Tanabe and Tony Makue agree: “The best thing is seeing the faces of all the students and even the faculty light up as they watch us work.

Page 3: November 19, 2012

By Rachael helleR

Photography students at Io-lani were met with surprise on the first day of school as they entered the classroom. To their left, what was once a light-trap hallway leading to an expan-sive darkroom was replaced by

an open digital lab, complete with ten sparkling new Mac computers. This past summer, Ms. Alison Uyehara Ngo oversaw the reconstruction of the photography classroom which is now suited more for art in the digital age.

Before this year, students new to photography started out using black and white film, learning the basics of com-position and aesthetics before moving onto digital in their third semester. However, film processing equipment has become increasingly expensive to maintain, and over the past few years Ms. U has recognized a trend of disinterest in film photography among freshman taking her class. She kept five out of 13 film enlargers, moving most into stor-age, and merged the darkroom with the film processing room and closets. Film photography will still be integrated into the program for older students who are interested, but the primary focus has shifted towards digital photography.

I understand the challenges that arise when trying to

maintain an equally digital and analog pro-gram, for Ms. U has expressed it is simply too difficult to budget both sides of the artistic spectrum. However, learning the fundamen-tals of photography in film forces one to be thoughtful and decisive. With only twenty-four pictures and no “delete” option, each roll of film is a precious collection of art.

I value the time and effort it takes to shoot, develop, and create my own pictures in film; some of my best photographs are the ones I shot in film and therefore spent more time composing and processing. Many students find the procedure tedious and annoying, pre-ferring the instant gratification of digital cap-ture to the more involved process of film.

I believe that the time-consuming nature of film photography pushes students to spend time creating mindful and original work. Very few high schools in Hawai‘i have full darkrooms, and it saddened me to notice that many students were not appreciative of the completely free ac-cess to an art medium currently declining into nonexistence.

While I am thankful for the new equipment and ex-cited to learn the nuances of digital photography, I will continue to shoot many of my projects in film and

November 19, 2012 Editorials Page 3

By Kady MatsuzaKi

Traditionally, each class elects one boy and one girl to represent them in a dance during the Cheerfest assembly and to make an appear-ance at the Homecoming game.

This year, however, in a year of many changes, the tradition was abandoned due to circumstances beyond the Homecoming commit-tee’s control. The people nominated in grades nine and eleven declined the position of attendant. Only the senior and sophomore nominees agreed to serve. The solution to this dilemma resulted in a Homecom-ing court that included the usual senior king and queen, and senior attendants, but excluded the sophomore attendants who had already accepted the nomination.

Samantha Langcaon, one of the sophomores nominated, said, “When Mr. U told us that we wouldn’t have any sophomore attendants, I was disappointed because I was looking forward to possibly repre-senting the class. However, I wasn’t mad because I knew…it would be best for everyone.”

Disappointment seemed to be a common theme among the chosen sophomores, with Jessica Otsu adding, “I was sad because it shows how little class spirit there is in the other grades who turned down the offer. It was a disappointment to our ‘one team’ motto.” Otsu also expressed discontent with the nomination system, stating that, “Most people just end up being nominated by accident as a joke.” Anne Mu-kai remarked, “It would have been a good memory for when I got older, especially because I would have been doing it with one of my best friends. It made me a little sad.”

Whatever the reason for rejecting the sophomore nominations, the absence of freshmen and junior attendants has unfortunately led to sophomores missing out on a Homecoming tradition.

9th, 11th grades push sophomore attendants out of Homecoming

Darkroom disappears, done in by digital

Photo courtesy of Dalton SueThe Lower School Raider Award is the only award recognizing good deeds.

Photo courtesy of Alison Uyehara-NgoBecause the destruction of the darkroom commenced the day after school ended, this photo was taken digitally.

Recognizing righteous raidersBy david Pang

Good deeds deserve recognition.

In 2010, the ‘Iolani faculty presented the last of the Ku-dos Awards to students who displayed the “One Team” spirit and so deserved recog-nition. However, the Kudos

Award was discontinued when teachers discovered that some recipients were not the brilliant role models they were thought to have been. According to Señora Bailey, founder of the Kudos Award, “It was discour-aging to learn something negative about a student whom we had so glowingly praised in Chapel.” For the first time since 1999, no one in middle school has received the Kudos Award.

With the slew of athletic and academic awards, shouldn’t there be an award for sheer kindness? Ath-letics and academics gain us entrance into college, but good morals prepare us for life. ‘Iolani’s focus on good grades and athletic achievement should be widened to stress the importance of good moral citi-zenship, which is part of ‘Iolani’s mission statement and gives the school its unique “One Team” identity. Currently, and unfortunately, the Lower School Raid-er Award is the only one that recognizes students for something beyond grades and sports.

The constant kindness of ‘Iolani students is preva-lent even without recognition. I’ve seen students help teachers with supplies, open doors, and congratulate

others after they have been defeated. In this past week, several students congratulated me on winning a competition. They were my competitors, yet they congratulated me without sarcasm or spite, and I har-bored great respect for them. Why shouldn’t we rec-ognize this morality?

The Kudos Award was an effective way to reward unassuming students of their outstanding character. Unfortunately, some students were undeserving, but the idea that ‘Iolani students are more than just athletes and nerds is a valuable one. How can we acknowledge it? Awards show the value of a person’s character and seek to reward, in a small way, a student for their Raid-er spirit that is unique to ‘Iolani. I believe the ‘Iolani administration should once again try to recognize the moral goodness in its student body. The lessons we learn from ‘Iolani should go beyond books; we must also learn the importance of being good people.

But how can young people place value in good morals if their school only pushes academics and sports? I want to graduate from ‘Iolani a well-round-ed person. I want to have the mentality that grades and sports are not everything. That I am not defined by my SAT score or the amount of championships I can win before I graduate. There are many deserving people at ‘Iolani who should be recognized because they are simply good people. They do good deeds because they want to. They do things because they are simply good. And ‘Iolani should, in some way, recognize these people.

The good deeds that people do should count for something.

explore the analog world. There is something magical about dipping a print into developer and watching a pic-ture materialize before my eyes that cannot be replaced by an image on an LCD screen.

Photo Courtesy of Ka Mo‘olelo O ‘IolaniHaving a full Homecoming court, like the one pictured above from 1982, had been a tradition at ‘Iolani for decades.

Page 4: November 19, 2012

Page 4 SportS Imua ‘IolanI

Raider sports fall wrap-up

Imua ‘Iolani is published by the students of 'Iolani School, located at 563 Kamoku Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96826. Est. 1923, printed at Hawaii Hochi Ltd.

Editors-In-Chief:Maile GreenhillMaya Stevens

News Editors: Matthew CallahanClaire Furukawa

Features Editors:Jaylene-Rose Lee

Alanna Simao

Arts & Entertainment Editors:Cassie BusekrusChanelle HuangOpinion Editor:

Lauren Goto

150th Anniversary Editor:Max Wei

Middle School Editors:Amy NakamuraEmily Nomura

Lower School Editors:Lindsey Combs

David Pang

Sports Editors:Brittany Amano

Carrie Ann Randolph

Video/Hiki Nō:Korry Luke

Ashley MizuoSarah Zhang

Photo Editors:Anna Brandes

Lia HoKekoa Morris

Staff Writers:Ilana BuffensteinRachael Heller

Pascha HokamaDaniella Kim

Kady Matsuzaki

Advisers:Ms. Lee Cataluna

Mr. John Tamanaha

Contibutor:Bianca Bytrom Pino

Imua 'Iolani accepts advertising submis-sions on a space-available basis. The dead-line for the next issue is Dec. 9. The opinions herein expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the administration, faculty, staff

Football: 1st ILHKayaking (Boys): 6th ILHKayaking (Girls): 6th ILHVolleyball: 3rd ILHCross Country (Boys): 2nd ILH, 3rd State

Bowling (Boys): 1st ILH, 5th State Bowling (Girls): 5th ILH

Water Polo D-I: 2nd ILH tourney Water Polo D-II: 2nd ILH

Cross Country (Girls): 4th ILH, 6th State

Feeling a little under the weather, Reece Foy was doing homework when he heard his mother shouting, “for joy of course. It was my dad talking to her, and he delivered the news, which she excitedly exclaimed to me from across the house.”

‘Iolani’s quarterback had won one of the two High School Heisman Awards for the state of Hawai’i. Out of 45,000 applica-tions, Foy ‘13 and a senior girl from Radford were chosen, mak-ing it past several rounds that were then narrowed down to Ha-waii’s top 20 finalists. According to the website, since 1994, the Wendy’s High School Heisman Program has honored more than 250,000 of the nation’s top high school seniors. Like the Heis-man Trophy for college athletes, the Wendy’s program awards students who pursue athletic and academic excellence with integrity.

“When I found out I honestly was shocked, I did not think I was going to be selected because I know that there are many amaz-ing kids out there, who are great

athletes, exceptional students, and proactive leaders in their communities.”

Foy, ‘13, had to write two essays to be considered for the award.

“The first was about my Tutu who passed away last year. She was my closest friend and I loved her more than anything. I talked about her passing, and how my faith in God helped me through the rough times, as well as how my Tutu and the Lord gave me confirmation she was in Heaven by performing a healing miracle in front of me. “

His second essay was about his passion for his work with Operation Rad, an organization that helps refugees in Darfur. When he was about to submit his writing, however, he realized he had written way too much. “I thought the essay has to be 1500 words, but it was 1500 charac-ters. I have to give a shout out and a big mahalo to Mr. Strawn because he helped me cut down my essays literally seconds be-fore the deadline.”

Foy will now be considered for the National High School Heisman Award. Winners will be

announced in December during the Heisman Weekend in New York City. “This award defi-nitely is something I am proud of because it embodies everything I stand for and everything I am.”

Foy is more focused on im-

mediate goals, though. “For the football season we definitely, as a team, want to win that State Title,” he said. As for the rest of his senior year, Foy says, “I’m trying to get to know as many people as I can because I realize

how awesome our school is and how lucky I have to have 250 classmates, each with a unique gift... Life is a beautiful gift if you are looking through the right lens.”

Foy ‘shocked’ to win Heisman

Check imuaiolani.org for information on the ILH Cheerleading Championships and other athletic events

Korry Luke | Imua Iolani

Lia Ho | Imua Iolani

Imua Staff

Photo courtesy of Mr.Tamanaha Reece Foy has played football at ‘Iolani since the 7th grade.

By Carrieann randolph
