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November 1913 (Vol. 5, Pages 583-605)

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.. ... I MEETING L - 12th NOVEMBER 1913- __ A MeotiIg of the County QWlWil, held in the C unty CO!lncil, Chamber, Courthouse, 0 12th Novemb r 191!0 Prese t:: -Mr C. H. IQke, ('lice-Cha.irman) presidi g. Other Members:- Messrs M. Gough, Mo Junr., R. A. Rice, Cl ney, Ma.rk Codd, M. J:2ojrle SeI'..r., John Lard Esmonde, a.nd J. T. Maylere. _ The Secretary, County Survey _ r, and Mr R. TN. Elgee, Solicitor to the C Gunc il, were i a ttend..&nce. C anf irma,t ie Th" }Jinutes f 1 st ting wire -.r d and c.nf1rmed. Old Bridewell-Enniscorthy C urth ou seo t - U der dat_e 5th L ... cal Government Bard wrote, (letter N e 56907-1913, Countyj:- 1 to t..he entry in the M inutes of' P..roc_ eedings of the W xford C unty Council . _ the _ 6th.. ultimo, .... relative t t .he applica.tion of the Rever nd.... R. Fitzhenry, Adminis.... t..r.ator, Enniscorthy, f r a lease f tho old the 6ClUI'..thouse, Ennisc..o.rtlty, for the purp se or 1 .. Boys' I am directfJd-hy t- he L cal G.ev.ernrnent Bard f or Ireland, to state that the...y Mr R. Elgae, S t tne Council, that tenancy that OJdy is nly ,nnual one, and it t the Board the Council are unable to transfar 1a satisfactory interest in thes premis..JIS til the Cmmmittee the Clubo t - In the circumstanc es ,_ the Lelc 1 Government Bo .. rd weuld suggest that if the premises are not by the Cauneil for the purpese -r y or t hei duties deL WJul t... ...sur.rend r them t the - OWD,er __ nerd P rtsmolJ...th, _and th..e.. QctmmitML f the Qluh would then..be _ in a _p siti n t. deal P rtsmoutho" t In cennection with this matter Mr R. Wo Elgee, SoliCitor to the County C uncil, f rwarded copy f the f llowing.. which he had ferwarded Messrs O'Flaherty & S. , S.licit ra, Agents t L rd P rtsm uth, wner f the Cou rth ous er, Enniscorthy, and t ...o he had receiv.....ed n r 1 ----- -- ------ © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES
Page 1: November 1913 (Vol. 5, Pages 583-605)




MEETING L - 12th NOVEMBER 1913- __

A MeotiIg of the County QWlWil, wa~ held in the C unty CO!lncil,

Chamber, Courthouse, Wexford~ 0 12th Novemb r 191!0

Prese t:: -Mr C. H. J>e~c- IQke, ('lice-Cha.irman) presidi g.

Other Members:- Messrs M. Gough, Mo D~le Junr., R. A. Rice, p.OeN~ill,

Pa.t~lLRoB~lie~, --1tj . Cl ney, Jam~Codd, Ma.rk Codd, M. J:2ojrle SeI'..r.,

John O'CanaQ~, Lard Stopford~. _ L. Esmonde, a.nd J. T. Maylere._

The Secretary, County Survey_ r, and Mr R. TN. Elgee, Solicitor to the

C Gunc il, were i a ttend..&nce.

C anf irma,t ie

Th" }Jinutes f 1 st l~te ting wire -.r d and c.nf1rmed.

Old Bridewell-Enniscorthy C urthou seo

t - U der dat_e 5th N..vemhe_r_,~he L ... cal Government Bard wrote, (letter

N e 56907-1913, We~ford Countyj:-

1 "With-..l'e fe~nce... to t..he entry in the Minutes of' P..roc_eedings of the

W xford C unty Council . _the_ 6th.. ultimo, ....relative t t .he applica.tion of

the Rever nd....R. Fitzhenry, Adminis....t..r.ator, Enniscorthy, f r a lease f tho

old bridewell~dj.jning the 6ClUI'..thouse, Ennisc..o.rtlty, for the purp se or

1 .. Boys' Club~ I am directfJd-hy t -he L cal G.ev.ernrnent Bard f or Ireland,

to state that the...y ow~arD-fr.m Mr R. W~ Elgae, S liQi~.r t tne

Council, that t~e tenancy ~f that OJdy is nly ~ ,nnual one, and it

&p~ears t the Board therefer~that the Council are unable to transfar

1a satisfactory interest in thes premis..JIS til the Cmmmittee o£ the BOY5~'


t - In the circumstances ,_ the Lelc 1 Government Bo .. rd weuld suggest that

if the premises are not requi~~d by the Cauneil for the purpese - r y or

t hei ptw~Land duties t..h~Y-J!lAy deL WJul t... ...sur.rend r them t the -OWD,er

_~ __ nerd P rtsmolJ...th, _and th..e.. QctmmitML f the Qluh would then..be _in a _p siti n

t. deal wit~ L~rd P rtsmoutho"

t I n cennection with this matter Mr R. Wo Elgee, SoliCitor to the

County C uncil, f rwarded copy f the f llowing.. l~tter which he had

ferwarded Messrs O'Flaherty & S. , S.licit ra, Agents t L rd P rtsm uth,

wner f the Courthouser, Enniscorthy, and t ...o wr~ch he had receiv.....ed n r 1

----- -- ------


Page 2: November 1913 (Vol. 5, Pages 583-605)

. ,

r.ply:-_ _ _ _

1 ,,~ --.m rrru.ch Cibliged f r your letter of the 2nd inst ., re the

Courthouse premises in Ennisc rthy.

I a.m n VI directed by the County C unci~ t. lI,sk .you would Lard

Portar uth. see his way p. grant the C uncil ji.Lease· f th prc.m;i.ses,

~ Curt Hause, Old Bridewell , and all the premises included in the

pr.esent holding, f r which I think they pay £15 -p r annum , se ~,S t.

~nabl. the Cou cil te make a Su~-Le~se .f the Old Brid~well pextiAn t.

Cemmitt. -- - 1-1 ~~~ f the pr...p.s~d Bity..s g ~lub :t.r Enni sc.rt~, j n order te ena...ble




the Committ e to have sui tii,ble ~lub ex cted em the sit f the Id


I d n t S&y anything s t. the term of a Lease as perhaps

L rd Portsmeuth may have s~ __ m~L rule &s to that. "

On the meti n of the C~irman, it was decided that the m ,tter -

be left in the hands of the S licit r te the C e.'Unci I-Mr Elge It 0

Incre&3,d Sala:r.y.-Mr Padd14h As si stant Surve:ter o

Under date 6th Nevember 1913~ the f llewing letter (Noo 55934-1913,

W xferd C e~ntl) was read: -

~ "The Lec&l Government B0 rd f~r Ireland, h ve h d before them_ the

Minutes f Pneceedings f t~exferd Ceunty Ceuncil en the 21st ultim ,

l r l ... tive to the J?reQesal or the Qau cil t llew Mr P&ddle, AssisLant

County Surveyor, a sum ef £5 per nnum fer his services 1 c >nnecti

___ Iwith Tara Hill QuaJry, and wit~eference theret , the Beard di~ct me t.

state that they will raise ne ebjectiete the prop sed allowance t-O Mr

Paddle, en the conditions set1 rth in the C UJ1.0il ' s res ... ~uti

in the Minutes ab ve referred t . "


In c nnectie!Lwit~he -prep sed incre..a.se - t - Mr Paddl~T th

_ rollewing letter, under d&t~ 8th November 1913, w~s r8~d fr.m him:-

! "In r.efer.enue to.my recent_Applicat.i_ n- f-Or seme ;remun rati. ror -

checking the returns at the W ignbr1dg at Tara Elll _Qu rryo

appe r from the rep rt of the _Council Meet1 g in the Press in reference te

same, that ! ~pp11ed for an increase of my -present sa.la.ry. _Thia ia n t so ,

simply ~~plied f r, som remuneration for w~~t I censider extra w.rk.

It would also appear that _tne c ndit1e.s under which t ~ L~ve duties

have t be carried eut, especially duri g the Wi~ter period are n t very

w 11 understood by this ~.uncil .,


Page 3: November 1913 (Vol. 5, Pages 583-605)

1 I c~~ assure themt~y it is anything but a pleasure t. stand by

the w ighbridge during . wint-er '-s day ~ with ut a r. f or a fire- .r It

plao in whioh ne might pQ.l'tak.e of a' bit :f lunch with &ny degr e ef

cemf.rt, which latter must ef neoessity be partaken .f c41d, and in the


It would be g, c'nv~nience _ii' I hltd th use oi' t h~ f rg , but the

men p rtke i' their repast there.

I w uld net tr uble t~ C uno il agai-n in the- m.,tt-er, but I be 1l1tve

ha.d they kn.wn the circums~i,.nceB under which the duties h~vt te be

perfermed, they would_ns,v1! acted more genereusly.

I believe I a~ net sking f r any c.nce~i , ly what I think in

justice I am ntitled t 0

I w uld gladly p~.f r te be relieved .f the dutieso

I th,ught the Ceuncily~ulQnot have allewed a less sum than £100"

1 "On the m.tict ef the Chairma , it was d.ecid~d that tb.e letter from

Mr Pa.ddle be r ferr "! d tJD tbe Fina.noe & Reads _Cemmittee."

1 Rate Cell~cti • •

Under d.,te 6th Nevember 1913, the Lec 1 G,vernment Beard wr te

(letter No_o 56396-13 Wexf$rdl_ C~o,) as f.llows :-

I "With reference _ to ~he return showing the c _nditi.tn to till 31st ultimG

f the colleoti ef the-2cter rat. in Wexford C.unty~ _f r tbe ourx~t

h If year, l _ r~ <iir~ote<t by _the Lecal Gevernment Beard fer Irela.nd~ -to __

~ta.be that the C.lleotors sh~uld be urged t. pr ceed with ~ll due

diligence witb the o.lleotien .f tho s~c ~ meiet-¥o"


"The ' Secr~tary stated he h d sent cepy ei' th~ Le~l -G.vernment

Baard's letter t. e&oh ef the Rate Colleotera."

o the m tien .f the Ch~irma , the f 11 wing res.lutie~ w~s adopted :

"[email protected] the qu~stien f the p.regress -4f the Ra.t~ C~lleotioll fer th.

o}lrr,ent_ ha~f-y~ .. r be sp OilLlly diul.l_t with at -next -meeting e1'- the--F-inltnoe­

& R.ads Cemrr.itteeo"

R.te Cellectien District Ne . 2 .

I Under da. te 28'th Oot b.er, tt..e Leo"l Gev-ernment Bea.rd w-r- t-e.,- (lett er

IN .. 56189-13 Wext;ord Cou ty) •• f now..,::

__ 1- - "The Leo 1 Gever ment Bo ,rd f r Ire llnd, have had beft-r.e them the

" ~ rePlies t. queries r~specting tbe ppeintment __ f Mr Greg ry Ress-iter,

-- - - - --~ -- --


Page 4: November 1913 (Vol. 5, Pages 583-605)

a.s Poor R .t! Coll ctor in Wexf . rd Ceunty, a.nd I a.r t st te that the

Bea.rd ha.v~ a.pproved f this apptjntrrent 1(1 the t..arms set -Gut i,n the-

query f rm returned, h.er~with, which sh uld---.h..e c~refully fil-eLf r

future ref renceo

The Boar9. pre sum t"hat the C u~ty Council-a.r.e sa.tisfied th t th

f&ct that Mr R ssiter d esnot reside within the ce-llection district

will n t prevent him fron discha.rging efficiently the duties of C.ls~ctor

I a.m tQ dd tha.t the bond f Mr R .ssiter should be submitt<!ld 'f8r

th~ Board'Linsj)ectit in dll.e.-C~se."

M rk d "Read"

Members of Co . Counci ls .& DctP rtm"'.nt of Agricultur.!.. Schemes ..

In connection with the letter of the Department of Agriculture &

Technica.l Instruct io (A.13000-13, under da.te _1 st oct ber 1913) re li.t ive

t e disqua,lificatio of' County Councilors whe,- s Members .f C.u ty

C ommi ttees of Agriculture ha.ve derived finlitncial_benef.i t from C unty

Schemes, the Department wrote (letter N , A.22162-13, under date 2~th

Oct ber 1913) forwarding cepy f Memorandum m. certai points which

have a.risen in co ectioll with the ne..pQ,rtme.n~s _le.:tter.

On the moti of Mr 0 'Beill, seconded by ~ M. Doyle Senr", the

following resolution wa.s adepted:-

"T~a.t we direct th~ep:;,rtment ' s a.t tenti n to the resolutio f

the County ~ommittee of ~gricutyure & Te_cij,nic.al Inst.ructi

October 1913."

of 30th


\ -New Memb~l" . -CClUn.trY Committe. __

Under date 4th November 1913, the fell.wing letter w 5 rea.d

from Mr R. G. Wordsworth, Duffcarrig, Gerey:- .

"u derstandiing that I ~Ill .t permitted t be a. Me1'11ber f t he Ceo

Committee of Agricultur ny longer, a.s I h ve a Sta.11ien tha.t7is

_ t r _gi_stered, ~_il1. y u kindly_ haRd jn my resign ti ,:with my r.egre-tc.­

Th .. nki!lg you f r your kindn S8 •. ]J.d c _ urte_sy t. me fr m the very _

beg1 ing .. "

---1-O. the meti n .f L.r..d St.pf.rd, ~c.nded by Mr R.ssiter, Mr Ho Ho

Mo.r , Knockba.wn, Gor y, w .. s elected member ef the Couat3 C.mmittee

.f Agricultur & Technic .. l Instructio ,vic.e Mr Werdswerth, resigned."

1 0 the moti.n .f the Bha1rm ... ~ sec.nded by Mr Jo C.dd, the

- __ _ _ _~___ _ r


Page 5: November 1913 (Vol. 5, Pages 583-605)

I - ~


f.ll wing res.luti.n w~s ~d ~ted:-

. ttThat .ur Secretary c.nvey to Mr Wordsworth ur expre..ssion .f

regret n his ~e.signJitien AS~embe-r of the Cell. ty C.mmi tt~e. owing t.

Mern.raudum of disqualificati. issu~d by the_ Departrne t .f Ag~icultu~e

& Technical Instructi ••• tt

Insurance C.unty C.u cil Empl.yees .

I cODnecti.n with circular letter (N •• 160 M. 1913 X B.,) £r.m the

.-N ti.nal H .alth I:nsurnce Commiss5 ,a,s to Ins.ur.a.nc..e mf..Emp.l.o¥ees.f

.. 1 public b.dies, the Secretar¥-sta,ted th t. heh&.d writt n t the- _


C .rnmis s i. that in view .f .futiltian. l f the Unit Offi.c rs Superannu ti.n

(Ire l~nd) Act 1865, (28 ~9- Vi.a.., C.ap 26~ the permanent offi~ls .f

C.u.ty C.uncils weI'. n t c.mpuls.ry i surableo

Mr Elgee, Solicit __ r, -c ncurrcd in this view o

Th .pini.n f Ml' Elge-e in the matter had been furnish d the-

Insuranc C.mrr;issi , tne B-e-cretary of which had -writte &S f.ll.ws,

j und r d te 7th Nevember (le~te~--.NJo 532ll-13 Mis!). )

"I m directed by the ktitnal.l!e&l th Insllr~nce C mrrissien

(Irehmd) t. w.okn . wl.,dge the rec~jpt ..Ai: y-Al.lr ~ett-e.r .1' -the- 5th inst-ant,

J a d encl.sures, and with r~f.e.re.nCle theret., -I -AJll.t stat that the

C mrr iss ioners c.ncur i _Ntr....Elge..e '..a interpx.e..ta..t..1a l' the applic&t1 • . • f

the pr.visi IS .f the Spe..cial Order under Se ct L.n 6 .. f the Nati n 1

I sur if.nce Act. t . the e.mpl ... yee~in the service .f the Wexf.r~ C.u ty

C III ci1o"

Pr.p.sed by Mr R.ssit ,.r,s~c.nded by Mr -3 ..... Codd, and p~sslJ-d" Mr M ..

D.yle. s~nr y .. dissent ing:-

~That i view.f Mr Elgee's .pinj as t 1nBura c .£ Cou ty

C.ll cil Empl.yee~, and t. letter f the N tiJIal Health Insuranc.

C.mmissio , UJlder date 17th N.vember 1913-,_ (N "- 5-321.1-13 Misc) our


Secretary be instructed ·s from this date to ll.w the C mpuls.ry

_Insurance _(under t,h~ JIa t..L .. 1 He..i11 th In.s.ur.ai.n..CJLAct..s .. ) t -1a.pse-8r~ --

is dev.ted to the ir service_o" ~

Pou dagfIJ fee - L te.. Mr Ao_.Lenne G-

Under date 30th Oct Ber, -the Lecal G.vermrlfmt B.ard wr.te _ (letter N.o

55,934-1913~ W xf.rd C.unt~) as f llews::

"With r~fer"! ce t. th~ ~ntry in the Minute.s f Pr.ceeding~ .. r t


Page 6: November 1913 (Vol. 5, Pages 583-605)

'- -


W.xf rd Ciu ~y Council en 21~t_1nst t, -I'el&tive t th~ payme..nt er

'peu d· g. f e~ _.en the meu~JlLr.-tlL c..alLe-cteli by tbe, late Mr J.. drew

Len II , _ I __ Til db ect~d -by the.... Le..oo\i,l Gevernment ..Jle .. rd f I' Irelalld, t . 8t~t~

that they Will defer th~ c.siderati. .f this matter until th ball nce

the fir.s.t ...m.i-ty h ~ b~ Ledged t -±.he credit .f tc. Ctun..cilo"

Marked "Read"

Post Office at Ramsgrange o

~he Local ~oyernmant Roard forwarded Sealed Order No(49543-1913,

as to uncl..erte..king t Q _pay Lo.-the . .postma.ster Ganaral a sum n ot exceeding

£7 for seven years as from the 23rd August 1913, in connection with

talegraphic bus 1ness -.at Ralnsgrange Post O.ffi..oBo

Marked "Read "

Proposeg PurcQase of steam Rol~ero

The following resolution was received from_ Enniscorthy R. DJ Council:-

"That we request the COlluty- ~ounc11 to purchase a Steam Roller -for the

Ennis corthy Rural Districto" -

"It was decided t hat this matter be postponed to the meeting of

the Council on 3rd December 19:13. tt

Moto~ Car Act 19030

Under date 23rd Octobe~9ll, t he Local Government Board wrote,

(le tter No. 104-M-19J3 Misc) t hat by the eX{2irin..g Laws Continuance Act,

1903, which received the Royal Assent on the _15th August 1913, the Motor

Car Act 1903 was continued ~ntil the 31st December 1~14o

ADDointment of Food & Drugs InsDectors ~

Under date 7th November 19l3~ the Countx Inspector , R. I. Qo,

Wexford, wrote , recOJ11mending the appointment of t"'1e following a,s Ex-

Officio Inspectors, under the Food & Drugs Acts:-

Sergeant J:..atri ck Whi t .e Jezf...Qr....d)- for.. Wexford Pe.:tt¥- Se sai.on District. ..


---w Sergeant ..lIenr~ Murphy, Oulart, f.or Oulart Petty Se s s.-i one D:i st:r-i-ot 0

Acting Sergeant John Moynihan1- New Ross,fDo New Ross Petty Sessions


OIL the motion o.f L-oI'd Stopford-,- seconde-d by-Mr Fesstter, the


Page 7: November 1913 (Vol. 5, Pages 583-605)

following resolutio_n was ad opted:-

"That Sergea.nts Patrick White, Peter Ruane, Henry Murphy, ~nd

~ Acting Ser~ant John Moyniijan, be appointed Ex-Officio Inspectors under

I Food & Bru~ Acts, for the following districts respectively, viz:-

l l ~exford, -.T.a.ghmon & Duncorrnack~ Oulart, New Rosso ~

Death of Harbour Master, ~ilmore .

_ The Secretary reported t he dea th, on November. 1st, of Mr R.. Q'Flahert

JlarbQur~ster, Kilmore. The re muneration paid late Harbour Master was as

f 0 11 ows : - _

As Caretaker or Harbour Master of t1.e Pier £15 per 9.nnurn"

For Burial of Carcases £4 per a nnum., andfDr lamplighter £6

per a nnum 0 Total .£250

1 A letter was read from Mrs O'Flaherty, asking t he County Council

to allow her to have the work performed until the end of the year" -

On the motion of the Chairman,' seconded by MrRossiter, the

following resolution was adopted:-I

1 "That we tender to Mrs O'Flaherty, _Widow of Mr E. a 'Flaherty,

Harbour Master, Kilrnore, our sincere condolence in her bereavement. By

the demise of Mr O'Flaherty, the County Counnil hav~ lost a fai~hful

and loyal servant.

t That a copy of this r~ solution be furnished Mrs O'Flahertyo" _ I

1 On the motion of Mr O'Neill, seconded by Mr Cloney, the follDwing

resolution was adopted:-

L "That Mrs O~Flaherty be appointed as Harbour Master as from present

date to 31st December 19130"

I On the motion of Mr O'Neill, seconded by Mr Cloney, the following

resolution was adopted:-

__ l "That_a_ Ha_rbour Master be a,ppo1n.ted ~ .the-meeting of' ---the- Council

on 3rd prox., at a sa~ary of £15})er annum as _Harbour Maat.er,..- 8.8- Oi'ficial ---1

for burial of carcases washed ashore in Kilm~ District £4 per annum~ . '

and ~t £6 per annum as lamplighter. _Commission to be paid at - the rate

of ~ on amount of dues collected. Appointment to be determinable on

a month'.g notice at either side."


Page 8: November 1913 (Vol. 5, Pages 583-605)



Transfer of Loanso

Proposed by Mr_ Cloney,

Seconded by Mr M. Doyle Junr:-

"That th~ sum of £5,000 loan for Deeps Bridge CDntra~t~ anQ o~ £520

£460, and £720, loans for the purp~se of s~amrnlling roads in-the Rural

Districts 0:(. Enniscorthy, Gorey, and New Ross~ respectively, be transferre

to the Subsidiary Account, to enable payments -to be made from time to time

OILi'O.ot 01' _C ontrabts for t ne se works."


I New Ross School Attendance Committeeo

Mr J ~ J. Rochford, Secre..tary, New Ross School Attendance- C{)j'11j'11ittee,

wrote under date 30th OctDber 1913, that Mr M. Noonan, SchQol"Attendance

Officer, for the Southern District had resigned as from that date7and

the COmIl1ittee had appointed-Mr J-ohn Aspel, School Attendance Officer, for

~ the Northern Distr'ict, t o do duty also in the Southern district for t'!:"'{3

coming six mont hs, at a ramuneration of £25 per annum. The Committee




did not wish ~t_ present to~ake a permanent appointmento

On ~he motion of Mr M. Cloney,

Seconded by Mr M. -Doy-le -Senr., the fQl~owing resolution was a.dopted::

"That we approve Qf the arrangements IDa.de by New- Ross R. D-cr School

~ttenuance Committee, as to inspeotion of the Schools of their Di strict

by Mr Aspel, and as set ~ut in -the letter of Mr Rochford, Secretary to

the Committee under date 30th Gctobero"

Ballingly Quarryo

Under date October 26th 1913, Mr Kehoe, Assistant Surveyor, wrot,e that

he had agreed ~ith Mr Byrne, Ballingly, to give the County Coun~il a

right of way to Ballingly Quarry at £5 per annum.

On the motion of Mr ROSSiter, seconded by Lord Stopford, the

following r~s~luti~n was adopted:-

"Th.at the County Council agree to Ray}4r Byrne, Ballingly, a sum

of £5 per annum, for rig~t 9! way to Ballingly quarry. Tha.iL our

Solicitor, Mr R. W. Elgee, _be !nstructed to _endeavour to arrange with

Mr Byrne for purchase (in fee) of this right of way 0 "

.. Ferrycarrig Bridge.

On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr ROSSiter, it was


Page 9: November 1913 (Vol. 5, Pages 583-605)

_decided tha~ the_ discussion of claim of Mr~. Colhoun, Contractor,fo~

Ferrycarrig Bridge, for extras etco, in con~ection with his Contract, be

dealt wit~ in Committee.

Mr BarrY, County Surveyor, having submitted the figures in connect-

ion with the claim the following~esclution~as adopted:-

"That Mr Barry, County Surveyor, and Mr Elgee, Solicitor, be

instructed to endeavour to settle the claim made by Mr Ro Colhoun,

relative to extras on f~o~of Ferrycarrig Bridge, within a limit of

£153 in addition to £1,210. 70 lld due on fOOD of the Contracto"

Tub8rculosis (Ireland) Order o

At the meeting of the County Council on the 6th October, the

following resolution was adopted:-

"That the question of the amount of fees or salary to be paid to

~ the Veterinary Surge ons for the work pe~formed by them under the

Tuberculgsis (I reland ) Orde~ 191~, be referred to the next meeting of

the Finance_ & Roads Commit tee, _the Committee - to be empowere-d tro ma.ke

1 reco~mendations to the County Council as to tha fixing of a standing

salary, as from 1st June 1913, in each case for this worko _


That_ the Veterina,ry _SurgeQns of the County he requested to attend

said meetinE for ·the p~rpose of conferringwL~ the Committe~."

The matter was considered at th~ J· eetin.g of the Finance_ & RQ.8,ds

Cornnittee on tLe 29th October.

J Messrs R. Malone , James Malone , W. J .. Doyle, and F. W. rn'aylor,

Veterinar-y Ins:gectors , came b.e.fore. the meeting.and discussed the

various articles of the Orgero

The Veterinary Inspectors stated they woumd not accept less tban

£150 as an addition to their salaryo

The following recommendation was agreed to:-

"That the County CounciL be recommendad -to a1lo.cate for 12 months

_ -+ to ~h~ Veterinar~ Ins-pecto~f the_ County as...<f!'-om 1st June 1913-,-- for

-t increased work caused bX th~ ~ube~culosis (Irela.hd) Drder 1913, the -

following sums,. viz:-

To Mr R. Malone £123, to Mr w. J. Doyle £90, to Mr J amas MVwlone £69, -

to Mr F. W. Taylor £42, to Mr A. Dobbyn £54, which amounts are

calculated at the amount of fees sugge s..ted by the veterinary Inspectors

jn their letter Nhich was yead at the meeting of the Finance & Roads

Commi ttee under date 25th June 1913"


Page 10: November 1913 (Vol. 5, Pages 583-605)


Under date 30th Octobe~LMr_Dobbyn V. S., wrote that he was not

satisfied with the recorr~endation of the Finance & Roads Committee.

The following recommendation was also agreed to:-

'''That a sum a.f ~5 be allocated for one year as from 1st June,

1913, to the Secretary of th2 County Council, as Clerk to the Local

Authority under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Acts, for extra work

imposed on him by the Tuberculo s is (Ire la.nd) Order- 1913,, ·1t - - -

-.In conne CtiOll with---±.he Tuberculosis (Ire land) Order, the County

Council at a recent meeting appoi '1 ted Mr R. Malone, V S., Wexford, to

carry out bacteriological and miQ~oscopical examination of milk for the

whole County, and procured an outfit for him for the purpos 0

In connection with this matter the following letter under date

15th October, was read frorr Mr F ___ W.o --.Ta~lor, V.S ~:-

"In reply to your letter of the 14th I wish to say that I have

my own Microscope and outfit,.. and have been.. examining the samples of

milk myself since the Tu,be.rcuLosis Order came in forceo-

I conclude in these circumstanDes that the County Council will

have no objection to my continuing to do so~ instead of sending the -

samples in to Mr Malone __ QL course I would expect whatever .f'ee is

allov:ed by the County Coul'1 cj.l for such e.xaminations,o It

+ -

~ On t~c motion of Mr O'NeilL, sec~ded by Mr Rice, t~e recorr~endatio of the Finance & 'Roads Committe!: as regards the propos~d increases to the

Veterinary Ins~ectors and to the Secretary of the County Council as

Clerk to the Local Authority were confirmedo"

In connection with the letter from Mr Taylor, it was decided on

the motion of the Cjairman, that M, Taylor be informed that the Coo

Council had appointed Mr R. Malone V. S., to examine samples of milk

for the whole_ County,.. and_the G..ounty Coun.cil -c-ould not see their- way

to int~rfere with that·a~rangemant."

Court own Harbour .

Resolutions_ thanl<ing the Co Council for having agreed to rai s e by loan

their share of the sum necessary to cover the cost of extending the piers

at Courtown Barbour, were ~eceived from Gorey Rural District Council, and

Cou-rt own Harbour Comn;i tt ee. Marked "Read"

-- - - - - - ~ --- - - _. __ . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES

Page 11: November 1913 (Vol. 5, Pages 583-605)





Analyst's Rep~rt .

The following report was read from Sir C. Cameron, County Analyst:­

City- Laboratory,

17 Castle St., Dublin.

24th October 1913.

Report of Sir CharLes C~ron, C. B., M. D~, Public Anal¥st for the

CountJ Wexford, on articl~& sub~itted to him for Analysis during the

quarter ended 30th SepteJllher- 19l3-o

51 articles wer'e re.ceived from the F(}oo Inspectors, R. 1. Co, as

follows ...

Articleo Nym~8P.

Butter 19

Milk .9

Whiskey 7

Cheese 5

Rum 3

Port Wine 2

Margarine 1

Brandy - 1

Buttermilk L

Gin 1

Sherry 1

Ginger 1

Total 5-1

They were pureo

Two specimens ~f wat~ Analysed for ~he Enniscorthy Council, had

the fo llowtng comp ositions.

One imper ial gallon containl'Jd in grains.


Total s olid mat t er , 14.000



_1 Including

Al 'Quminoicl_A!Ilr'on ia

Sal ine Arr''''' onj.a

Nitric Acid

Chlo!' i ne


t For the Guardians

and were corr.ect ..









almost colourless. Colourless

Both good WaDersQ

of Enniscor thy Union fifteen drugs were analysed


Page 12: November 1913 (Vol. 5, Pages 583-605)


For th~L Guardians of HQ~y Union thr.ee drugs ----'liaIe analyseli andJere

correct. _

One s~ci.me!L of water-analysed for W. J. T0ole-, Esq, Curra-cloe,

Wexford, had the follo'Tiing compositiono

One imper~al gallon contRina~ in grains o

Tota l solid matter,



_ AlbuminoiQ Arrmmnia.

Saline Arnnollia

1 Nitric Acid




e .. 015





Being a peaty water the Large amount of aTmnonia is not ~erious, and

on the whole the wB,ter was fit ~or use 0

I } FDr Messrs Buttle, Bros~, Lt~, Enn1SDo~thy, one specimen of cotton

seed_ oil was analysed.

t For Shillela.gh Union, which is partly situated in the County Wexford

one drug was analysed and was correct.

T-otal anaLyses .. - 74.

Charles A. CamerQn,



