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November 1943 Engineers News - OE3of * * * the · ! a $ d · c · . . ,. _ • . ., , . . !. ~ 12, ....

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.. '·, VOL. ONE1 NUMBER NINE , . SAN fRANCISCO, ~ALIF. .-r, . ,.,.·- .. .;..., -~....-·: NOVEMBER : 1t! · 19'43 . . ,,. Cosf t, .fU¥in . .. 1< ·.Y tc, · ~igh r~~~~~~~c;::;J~~ft~ff 0 ~;f ···. wa es; ·F·. ·A ;': .ord.. rs rOb·e rulingrnGen.e~ asteercase · _,____:_~', · · : I · --- · Victor ~. Sw~ns~n, Local Unlou. ., l\fanager, re1lo1;ts: .. ·_ .. . -: .: .. . . . . . . j · .. -- . . . At the tin1e of the last issue of our "Engineers' New:;;" I was · _, ,i~vmg." .-c~st_ s ·_ . ·R.eport, 0~ · 4pcf ' V'inson . asks: :. -~~~n~~n:e:~r t 1 !sia~n\ ~~~et~ 0 ~~:!z;~ 0 ~e!t:!1 t~=~~e\:::;~·· ;·.' to·, be. s,tu_die4 - pri' c~ ·;: ri$·e.' :t :_ .' .L up . ot':: d. ' owri?::;•·' ii~:QS:::·1:it'z~r:t 1 !~ 0 7~~ffi~:~c;ffiQ~e~~e0?~~:rt~;~~~r ' ·· · .-. ' -. __ ·.-, -·:· .-· · ,:· W~J1ingto1,:'-: The cost .of Hving ::·· , ·." .. . / ·Trustee s; nan:iely Brother Chas . B. Gi:amling· and Brother Wm. · · ' ; Washi11gto1i; , · p; ().-Org~~1zec1 1 for '.' city · ;,vorke"ts rd se '. forir~te'.hths Washingto1~~ F1·ed M. '.: Vinsq:i, f 'Shihr · · \ ' labot's t(!P . leader;s . won , :-resi1e!\r "( if ·: ~he ;, pe~, , cent · between ' ' Ai.igust Dl(ector cf E c°(jrio~ fc ?t~?i_iizatfon, ' :··: : I ' als6 hact" ot~asiori tb · rtle~t v~ioμs dele.g;;ie~ f~6in our sipt~r : .. Rooseve[J's - pronu~e . to . ; make , a ' ·a s. te b r. •: '> '. . PJlntS ~ut . th . at : th e nat_wn lS ~t ai1, L6¢a1s < thro'ughqut, the· United Stotes: and Canada. : The ,c_ oriv:~n~ ' rea1istic detetirtination: bf .-tbe >:'fo --:3, n ·, ..m .e •.. . . '' economic qrossroad?, . .w 1th ,the next . tion lasted tw6 \Veeks hut, during that time·! ·also 'visited Wash- : d·e~s¢. :i~ 0 th'. e ,•: ~. 9# 9(1t ~l11g "" ;lt1/, >, S, _~cr.~tar( ot -~ 0 ?\_Pertin~:~;· f,ew mon-ths : like1Yto., determine .. ; ,. · . ·, . . : · ., : ,: . .>: ington; D:' c_,, on .matters per- . 'a .v.iew -to po~lble ;'upw:ard ,rev.isiori . J?~Fte~ · H 1 :. at th e Ja~e st · l~~e · .. S . ~\ whether , the · cost 'of Jivihg soars or .' E ·. · , -·. · • , lairiing·. t6; ·-out ' focal . Union's :, .. ,. ~f .the;,.';Littl ~ ' ~teeh: \VB:ge ·fof nYul ~, f..o?ct ,,. pncesr -,,' ~he.·: moS t - Imp~rtant goe_~ ba~K to the . September, - 1942 ' ng1neers Wl,n " . w¢rges i aμd 'new, dassi ,fi¢atioris, . ·_ .-, : This · was :, announce'cl: · by ., ' AFL pa~t .,o.f ·_ ~! 1 e-· fam 1 .. 1 Y , _b~idge!, _ wer~ lev0 l. - ··· . · ... .. . : ·N· :' ·_·, ·, ·· · ,. · · - ' ' t.l , - -. " - - ' · ··' RB ela: ct1An irl v:m:i9u~ ·p0rts p(p~t.:fe'rritory,' ' . . ', Presld~~~ wlnianr " Green ·; i4tei:-) . 0 !1W ,_sligh_ y.. .. , ~! . ~hei:: o~: t~e -- ?,V:r- : 'Th~ ~ost-~f-ll~ing · lndex ·,Vinson '-. ' :.,;; , , __ · . - :"' .. , :., -r .:had the o,-f •pbrtunity o . f. . talk~ . .: ....... ' ' ,. ' - , .. ' .· -. .. ,age > ·.although;. there · 'were , wide . . ' ' ·· ' ,, - h . ' '· J:-' . ' two -ho_u1 :, me€tLttg ;, Of :, , the _Comb 1 n;ed,, ', '. :, ·: \ ·. . -'' ' , '•. ' " ,. pointed ·out ' d:rmpped from 125.1 at·· m · g am' ,, ', , ·i.n .::g with~ .Pr:esicl.en . t; _ M . 'ei!oriey. on ' · · · ·,,-._ · _ ·· - -' · ·· :p .. ,: vanat1bns \ni · d1ff~re11t pai;,ts, of -. th e' ; · . , • . ,·- - .. .:, 1 : _ , .½1?or_War _. B9a_r:~ ,yitJ'i." t.~e 1 ,esi, . .' -: t' X ·: · <:: '·- , ·.· · . .. ·_ , _. . between· ·, May· a,,-,1d , August . of ·thlS .- ... -- ., ·• ,·, . · ."' ,_ · .. rtldnymatters of'irnp.ortdr);c~: to •' d q1t · "'t the - White House coun ,::y.. · ' · b · · · · · · ,, · · · L · · .. "-• •, « • ' ·' ·-- . ,,,- .- · · , - • - : ' year -only to egm -nsmg .a"am - Austin B -- Wadman Busmess -· · diir ocal.Union: Also 1 my ,visit <:,-,-. : : i~i : ~~~t". 1 i~s _eif 'Stf~~~· st - ~a\ : :,. i;t'be ,: , Jitd_ex - was . not : iip~~ia:t~ly ·:· -~ ; the -~ost of ·li~ing.' sho~;d, c~'ri.- : Repr_;~~ve; ~ep-0;~~ on tlie -- to -Washington vt:as ;: :I .' b€1ieve, ,; ';· _ ij1·.) ~-ree11: 's.i1~4• o . ~~t. -~~: c'cini,n~\tti e )i_ r.o~ ~? <- ~own'• i_ nw se~tio1:~ 1 . st ~tisc. ·t)~),Je -~to \ 11~v~ ·, J})( did .; i11 -'' thi>~:~ .. :: ' 1i\ !~g~)~e;~~~1.1.:.-fun~ft : ~le~- ,'. ~o :st 'p r- ci flt ab l e' .; he ·c. ause ·.\; _ :: ~tr ~;: ; zi~ _ ~fii:! :;; _ : l:x . ~i .'. ~ .: B .t; ~ :t _, ,:._~ . .. ~o_ '.~l, :~e~sts~ _ . o~~,'.~~, ~~,t~~i _~;~_ ::. ~;t;~ _:_'.- : . ~l~rt?~! :: :: ~ : ~~ ::~~t; _ !: ,:-' !!i~ -~ :'.' t _;i .'j: i# stticti~ _ :ls '; : f:~?~,, ~~ir;~~t; _ ;_ \ 1 _ . ·-~f~~?~cb _ fo;rrd}~~~ ;' .. -- .' ., t~ l~,.:pre, se,n t · me , th,oo,s p:y ,;;.v.liwP.\ ~h,e Jl~J:',, c~iit } t1p1n:gJ t I;:e:. ~on~h•. ma~ly beatert ,,oa~k ,to . 11:Z.8; .tlie "."level-.:, o! .' Br.othei·;Swarifon; :-lpcal;# n:iQil)na~/ · lS . a~$1sta11t t9' p1,1r -~~n,e, r.;;i.L P:;e:sh if of -·L . .. (:'on- · ·. '. tf1e ·.p'ast.,; yearoi;-ga:nized 'laho1y ha ·s·1:, li'ne:s,,,i{ere·• beigg/ introduced; : · \VOUld. Slirpa ~s : :!,:31: by . next May,\' ·· .a: nd-,; : the imiepende: nt, :or company: ,v-entfon '. is -an educati011 ·in itself, ' '. ' '. •. ,. ,_ •••• • _. J ' ' . ·. · e¥idcnc-e'',:. sh:ovv · ing , thaL · th·e .,· actual" :< '.Reports · to- the, • Bureau .of -Labor · The · choice . of. . d>i -re ct i on, . ,he unfon t ecefred ,.g·, votes. · '.'-·, · · ,, '· ·- · as · ,·· one meets people · connec;ted , ·'increases . are . .two or . thr.eeAimes sfu:t'istfos .. inclicated •. growin'g shorts stated; must . be made; by , : ~ners '. , The '.two • lo\v uri.\oris; _ tyli;g ·' witn wit ,h·" the ·· great · . iaqot " movement;- . tJ{tit ·: - ~lich ·\n, ~a:ny: ~: oai '. ts·,: of °t)1i i a:'ges.: ~f: 'a·. nuintier..·of lri1pci~tarit cost leans. ·\. : . .. - - : L~cal .No. 353 . :i 1 ~essitated .. a iuri- throughout,the i,vorld . . The conven- . , < coimtr:i'.: . · .. · .. .. . ,. . , , . of.· llvi, ng . · it ems, , Secretary. Perckins •. '.'Events · of. ·Jl.jne,: July ;ancl Aug- 6ff: :- The _ National.Labor; Relat.ions ti~n . :>was · a ; great success and · .,:· /. ; 1~\s : Js~~~~riedth.at · if · this -.' cait bl {Jp<>rted'.' ' ' ·. · · - ustust S?ow that we can win,': ,he · Board ·· ordered ·the run -off on or bi:ougl1t ;:, about: much · harmony •. °i ii_o~eci. :' by th ~ ne\v. : i_nvesti1 a'tion, '.r-io 1 slight · ri_se, : comii1g ?{tE;r .. said. :"Ev~mt.s :f1 ; ?1:°1: ·:pepte.t1;ber; :194? before~ October 3rd; ,_: 1943, · then throughout' , ~he hniks of Labor .. ~: - .: the . Pi'e~idert.t · will agre~ to ah. a:a'- _decl\l)e_: of L2 . per · . cent ciurmg the, to May; 1943 show ' that . we '• can sen(a'n :ainend~d dlr .ectioil advari.c-' .. ' I' 't i"orisidereif it a "·pi;-ivileg~ to · be .: ,; jtls t ineht ; of .: tJi.e ·"Liftfo:' stekl' Jfql'-' · 1wev:i~~is : th:i.-ee ::·months, ' brought lose: . - /.. ing - the ·<dat~. to October; 18th: The cj.ble to ,. a.ttend; and my ' time in ·. rii:iilh;, ' ':. ~vhich· ·,,,_ \:vill··,- p~rmit / wide" · the. :, Bureau' .s i!'fdex/ of ·livirrg costs . Full · consequenc~ of; a runaway daj;e :- was further . cj.dvaneed· t'o Oc- Boston was' mbs~ .e_ njoyaple 'be~ause · wa&e irfcrease S:: fo1· ·,.rriost ~ Amiricaff JQ lfl/J.7. _ per ' .ceilJ·'' of th,e a,y.erage; inflation, canno.t be i e st i11?-at~ - ~. ,yirv tober 29th, 19' 43 . . . . .• ', . of the fine ,'. hospitality · extended ~ by ·. -\~'(,);kers to ' :ria~e \lp' " for::t,h_ e h,i~h ~r f~~}: 9~5-9 / Th{s· was per : ~ent son - declared. '''.Things move to~ I i-1.1 :,: Vincent --of the N~tionai ti{e Officers' and members of -1,o:, liviri "' costs. _. 'a,.· ):ugher .:than September J year ,_ ago, fast. once t_hey · are ou.t ·. of . control, · bor. Relations Boa_rd was .~ !Elect1011 cal · u.nion No.· 3 of Boston; . £pt . :. R .' · "' : . ·,... t •t· . f. t·h ' 'FL .·/ .: cro· 61/t P er ce . nt- 'highe.r· abov,e the ·May, h,sefadded, - . Cciml'nissioner' .' . and ' the ,. election \'i l11'ch· r .. an1 · v.er·y g''atefu· 1 .. ·- epresen a ·I·ves ·.o . e .,,, -· : · · , : .- ·· ' · ·- . · · · · • · · , ' ' ' , and '' Rdi!rciad B i;th~rho6ds', '.: t 6' !d , 19.42) ~v. e~ ~9-72?½ per C€.:lr above ·, Be': Ul:ged the ,fqllowing_ : prqgfom ,vas ~uly. held with the following . on my retm:n I had occasion 'to ·· ··:. -. ·· .- - . : · · .Januarv :·1941! -base date for . thefo .r .ffghttiig· infla .·.t.i.ciri ::.. r·esults· t ·. oct · Uth h tt · .. t}le ; P r:esident- ;. at_ ' the m~e. tI!l_g; that : :., , , J;' · , . ·c · . . '. ·,,_~ · · · . . ' s op : m g en; - a a s or 1me.: ·' h "L'ttl St .. . 1" . , . f . . I . . ,15 . per cent .. Little . St:eel formula .Buy . only · what . y:ou n~d:-., ar'ld . , J .ngine,ei's! L.0~11,l . N_o; 353 . r_ ec. There;, I ' had ' the '. opport~,.~ity . of· /t. e ,,._ 1 · e. ' · ee wag: > 01 !.1:!,u,a 1 · 8 :f~;-. ,; ~ a;.;es ; ·. ma ;ke- wha .t :. yoi( hav~ lastlong e,r. ' ce.ived H.3 v.o.t_ e,s .. :, i~e _C.I;O. . 6 . '3 ._· meetinb" several of. our . rep ' resenta- . outdate.d, - unworkable , and ·;u, .. 1ten-· . · · ·. "' .. . -' . .. '.: . . . . · .- · .··: - . ·~· - . ·· · Other ,, chan"'es··disclosed , wel'e. . . a .. ,.». av .. _.no:··:·ore , . than ceili:rig.., pric es votes--a · clear ma,J·orib' ·of 50 ' t·· · ··· d 1 · d th t B th · able · lll the· }ight.. of pnce mcreases. ,. -:,··--. ",. _. ~-. :,; .. . . : .. ,·_·. .. . ..., _ .. ' . . .. . ··, . . · .,. ·"···. .. · . 1ves, an ,_. earne .: a . · ro er . · : ,.: _ ,. ·.'. . c .- · .. season:aLdeclme' of ,2 per; cent .m arid. hu itlitioned g9ocls only, by. ex~ :votes, - t~e n.1ajority , b.eirig ·.-~5 ,' .Joseph ' Riley ' Bi.isiness Represent~- . · / ' :They charget_I t~at,, tn~, P~lY, P\"lI_' ,~ · ~r~sh ' fi; _ if: and :. vegetable ,')H\ces, changiri.g'ratiori :stamps. . per · cent 'of all , eligil>le votes , tive in Og~en, \vas lea;ing . to s~rvt/ J :qn _pf. Jhe - ~~tw~ s. e:o~omi~;ta~i- . ~l,1'.1-rP;·:adva1, c,e~ : )~' price~ ..or, ; pr: . . ·, 1;1:~_ ,- ~11>-':1:t}Y: } to ) vo1'.~( gg : ~\· ng t~e: .. · in ~ he :v. o~ng ~nlt.,'. , .• .. : . . .. .. -- , Unc'Je.Sam. - ,..:. . , . -~izatioI\ P~ 0 ~!~IB :. ~hich., has .· , ;~ 1 :. . artges,: · lettuce;, .green heans :•, and . .watt -hi;ough:ta,xes, .. · · . ,·, •· · .. : , .· , . To secul'e tlps ·maH,m!;y a _ ,great1 · ·' I ,visit to - say for 'Joe t-hat -lie' .: t,een: Pt ' i~treff~~t has' · bee,l} ,SfU:\J 1 t 'd~ro~ ·: ~s ~ !~ "' "f eath~'r se~ 'i~ ·: a '.. ·: hi; ~~~e;.,~ t~ ; ~o;J~. i;i~hting ,the ; deW of v,;-0rk _. \"; as ' §ece~ s~(( : ?~ 1 tfi_e _ ,did a good job as Busip~ss . Repr.e- - r ·. ~za:tm •· of :W,,ges ; : .. ·.·.· , · .. ·. , i:o _ . _ :Si\,gh,t ) ~. c:ease m t:he cost ~f . house: war and . msure your perspnal . fu 7 · m1r:~. of !ou-r :T~prese~tah~;· ·. senta . t_ive, ., and made . many friends . ·. They;_ ~S!\el ~ed · U.J;a~ , ,no , rei f · gi: :ftlrn!Sh\ng~i , : a•:1 : f v.era_g.e mc ~ease tu 'Fe J)y bu3/in~ rc ,War ;Bon1s, . .received: mval· 1:,1able ~ss_ista,nce f~9~ 1 foOgdeI). .. Af the :J;}teserit time ,h _~: •; -~ess has _bee~ mack ,. to , <l~,t_e,.~ Q: .r 011 of..::0.1 per .. , cent '.·m,;,r. ents , a,nq a c<:m· ·., :P~Y: .,off_' Olp.. _: .debt~;'. . ·fVOl~ ne\V 'Br<?tli.er'i ·Ostl~r :itnd _ }~J , bb:ir~,,,IJI~S~-. is · - stationed _ it :: · Monti,;r.ey/ h but ~ng . back pn~es: to Se~te~}}:r _ I~ '. '.tihua~loniil. the . steady Jncreases.o{ ones .. · - . . ·.. . . . . , . ... ,dei1t an? '.secreta1:y', ,of ',Local No. whe~e he: ,~ill.: go from the\ :e I do ... 1, 942,, lewils ;as the .Econom1c .Stab.1° ·. ·- - · d · 11 , · d · Pr· .,, ,. f · th ···f ·t . ·· th d · m- ." , · · · ·· · , · · · · · · · · · . ' , , : . . , . ,;1, { e 'a 'd " : ~el'>'.1Ce.!;l ., al'.l ·'.ffiJ.SC,e a~e?~I~ g_o, O. S. Ol-'J~ _or; . e '. i,1yre, w~ •. . a_ e: , . ::;;).>, , . . . . , . not •khow; ch0w.ev'er, I' <;lo kljOW ,.· ~zatfon-, Ac.t .requires.,., I .s ·, ... · • · ,P.rices of fuel electnc1ty ·and 1ce qtlate ltfe msuranee a,:id savmo-s · · ·.- <\Ye ,addr, ess .ed co _. mmumcat,ons -to th · t .. ·· 1 · · 11 ·· ·1 · :, ·· h ·. - b · ·1 ·· ·· · - · d af .t , . . , . ... ·· . · · · - ·· , - <s ·· ·, · · . ·-: ,.-.·.·.· · :,· ·' ·. a wew ·a · weeome 1m ae~ ·· :Q1>iees , a1 ,e st1lL: .gomg,, up_. a)c_ -< _, er . ·reni'ain~d tlnch'an.e:ecL . . . ·.· -. . * ;{ ·· *'.. - ·'·. each votei' . i,n the .voti ng · unit_ · .. an'd·. - . , . ,.. - ,vhe , p; it ls . all over!' <ta~·-· . ,~ ·, ' - . . . '* .. :. ,-.* · * '·.. . a• rranged the rn-e . etirtgs · -to contact ' - , . . f \. · · - · · · · · - · ·· · · • · - · · ·· Th e. · following is resume · o · an · :, Presi,dept ·. G:r.e~Il. emphasized ,l: bat . ... ,,.; '. · P -_·-~. ne "" .. ··. ·.t_p · u+ -. --·· ·,_:,_ the · men, · One fo'r· October. 6th ' at · · , · · -. t, he lahor·· ;e - p{ :esentatives especiaily ·s·· ·· ·k · I ' :. ··. ··:'· tu vw 8 p,m, West Joi·drin, . ohe at :Bing- important' -' 001.frt ' cledsi~n: hand.ed ·,denounce'd- ,'the exercise . of ,,, veto··,. _ J"l, .. ~. osses , ' . -. ; hits.: ne~;'.hinh . ' iui.m : Cahyon a t' 4 a.m: a' ncl one at dow.n iR . the s: tate _ of lJtah, , w, bic1l_ . PO\~er ·.· _ b: /_ Ec .'~noini(! , sth _ bi_Ji_ J ati_~n .. ,.·· a ··. r ·· e ·, .. :.~ ·. ·n fi· ··1+ · es·1ma " ·.· , ._ . . .· .~ . ,·' . ·s p .. m '. O,ctobe.~.7th, ·alsoat Bing7 is . .very favorable tb . Labo:i;- 11·1 . . Holding that buildi'ng trades eon- · . Director Vmspn, War- ·Mob1llzat10n · '. · · . ; · : · . . · ·wS:shingtou, D.C. ..::.:. Afrcraf t.. prO- ha'm. At the three meetin ·gs ·'a ' totai · 1 , ' . ' . ' . tr , ac . ts _ s.ignecl ·prior. . to the. actual : ' ' Director ., ,Byrn_es or ·,.~nyo11~ •..eJse' .... , washington, n .. C. ~s )nly two- duciion' iri"Oct6»er ex'cee<l,ed a11 :ex-; oC '.eight . 111ei;i -app~are,d ... · We ,thep ' ' - over · wage' adjustments voled - by , hundredth~ of ) · per cent of the pectatioris and ' broke a1i.:.. pi:evi61.is · lr~d,• .t'o · co ntact ,th'em· 1-h e" hard way, lli~i~g ' of workei·s a:re :valid . and , , the \Y,ar Labor Board ,. and other ,numqer of rrJ.~n; daY.i w. orked, have; i·ecords · when it : ,passed ,, th~ 8,200 ' 1:i'y._goijlg fi-drri d66r t6 :·dobf; :ti.o\v: bihtjing, a decisii ,:r . of . \l~t;r !'l nd ing ~ -. ,.;: fet\eral '- agencies: · .. ·· ···' -'· ': .. · ,. ;, . been. · 1ost < from··, iabor ·:causes, :: ,ran<rrra f-k; ;: the Wai· · Production : Bo' ard .e,jer, the' decti'o:ri returirs .' derr~on-" importance. ha s ju 5t .: been · ha-n d ed '.': ·; 'Tll.e .1 abor, .;leacters , p~rticYllarly• of whi~h ,were . of. ml1~6r _ nature" ' o'n. -r tfV: e 1ilel i; . <. . · '. ".; , strare qm:·success.· . . clown 'iri th~ .Gene.va Steel ca i~ . hi · e au ~a; th~.'-President'.s -, attenhcn , fo jobs ·.,vit:h whkh:'the· War' :rieym:t- . Tfie · n~~''S· i;. \\'3.,S, ,: ah,.'t} re;: more en-' .. ·, The man'. in- ~harge of the cam- Jμdge . V(illisim . L. Knous, AssO:cfati . ;-. f'.' i~son~ s- ' ind~fen,?iqle,. vet0 '. {)f, ,,.the,' m~~t lias conta!,!.t, - ' 3. 0 ~(:0;diri~. A: ~; coiif ~ 'girig·/ i~dii t1 f~fbYjt i%'herj pr.0- ti' aig,n ffo· \ he · C.T.O. was I\J;r.)Iow:·: JuS t, ic~ ( of th,e _Sltpreine-Cou.r't. 'ol ,. . -8 . ·, cen~~ ,, an ·- .-hour: , .wage: increase James ..P.· Mitchell; ·· Jabor ·i·elations. · du_ ttion . of ,planes was· 9nly '7;~98----- ai·d : Lee,. tlie ' highly-touted· organ,- Colorado, , 8 PP.Q 1 nted .- . bY, ~ tpe ,.. ){a~ . ' a w~r;4~<Lto· a million .. non•oper~ting, .~li~eetor o.f -the :~ War ;,Depart~ent. ': .:fourteen,· l ~ss tl1a1;,. August, '. ·; · : .'' '.- ·.; Jie1\ who - h~,s been , giyerit~e. cre1it · 'ti, o~;.ir ., W!l.r · ·: I,,~b g~- ·~oa rd .. tf he,a . .r: ' -. t:~Hroacr: ~n:iployes . , by : :, a ,-;;. special '. ~,: S.t1tf1ming - , ,up ' his '.'_ experf ences, : . , The ,bi'g (?.etooer gaip "once 1n(!re : of 'Orgarifzj'i1g.' the Ford, P.la:nL , In . : th(!. qase, , Hea 1 :1ngs: !~ t,he _ca ~e . Wf!re c-! 'Pr.esidential •,Commissi9n:, ' · j . : ,:·· 1 ,\ · \ Vi:t:h \ clabpr(s ,:,·' ~IJO .' o: , sti:'.i · ke\ ,,p}epge;, '. pl'aced , tl;i~ -:' pl'al;le : .. , progra111. : wJth,!-n r an · h9ur , afte1· . tp.e. el~ctiqn., returns hel d: ,comm_~ ncmg . with A~gu~t , 14 _;. "\Ve ,' did· n:~t ~ calUo,r ' the' removal rMitenell- ·-St~ted, ,, thaf 1, sue Ii. -,.fosses .. st 1:*i.no- 'QJstanee \ of ,, th e i- yeai.~end ~wi re ,declar€d • i':e- had :toth .' pi·esi- ;! 19~3. . . . - . . > '~- ' ·. ~. . ,, ((fo~tfu~ed. ori··P.a;e 7) _ .. ·.·' ;!~ve'r~ ' S9 ·sniall .: as tp peJ;J.egliglbl~, ... ; g'qnl'~o i'. : 1o; gμi:i : pf:iin1s. ;i: pibri th:,~ . , : ,, ,, ', : ·, (GbnHni.1ed . on .Pag~ gj . ''..,,.<'. I , .' (Cpnt1nt1e~l : 01( fage 2) -!/,f ,; -,. . , .... " . t:::;..: •• • . _ .......~ -~ ., .,.:~ ... .... _. ·:-.-··· ·r _ :-~---···-"': .. :;::· ·- -... - .. · ····: :·· .:· : .. - ·--,:- .- .-- ... -. . . -~ · . . _ , ., .. - . . .. -. - . ·"
Page 1: November 1943 Engineers News - OE3of * * * the · ! a $ d · c · . . ,. _ • . ., , . . !. ~ 12, . . ,· · . . c · · Labor * * * ENGINEERS' NEWS

.. ~



.-r, .

, .,.·- .. .;..., -~....-·:

NOVEMBER :1t! ·19'43 . .,,.

Cosf t,.fU¥in ... 1< ·.Y tc,·~igh r~~~~~~~c;::;J~~ft~ff0~;f ···. wa es;·F·. ·A;':.ord.. rs rOb·e rulingrnGen.e~asteercase ·

_,____:_~', · · : I ·--- · Victor'· ~. Sw~ns~n, Local Unlou.., l\fanager, re1lo1;ts: .. ·_ . . . -: . : .. . . . . . . j · .. -- . . .At the tin1e of the last issue of our "Engineers' New:;;" I was ·

_, ,i~vmg." .-c~st_s ·_ . ·R.eport,0~·4pcf'V'inson. asks: :. -~~~n~~n:e:~r t1:·!sia~n\ ~~~et~0~~:!z;~0

~e!t:!1 t~=~~e\:::;~··

;·.' to·, be. s,tu_die4 -pri'c~·;:ri$·e.' :t:_.'.L up:·.ot'::d.'owri?::;•·' ii~:QS:::·1:it'z~r:t1!~07~~ffi~:~c;ffiQ~e~~e0?~~:rt~;~~~r ' ·· · .-. ' .· -. __ ·.-, -·:·.-· · ,:· W~J1ingto1,:'-:The cost .of Hving ::·· , ·." .. . . / ·Trustees; nan:iely Brother Chas. B. Gi:amling· and Brother Wm. · · ' ; Washi11gto1i; , · p; .· ().-Org~~1zec1 1 for '.' city · ;,vorke"ts rdse '. forir~te'.hths Washingto1~~ F1·ed M. '.: Vinsq:i, f 'Shihr · ·

\ ' labot's t(!P . leader;s . won , :-resi1e!\r "(if ·:~he ;, pe~, ,cent ·between ' 'Ai.igust Dl(ector cf Ec°(jrio~ fc ?t~?i_iizatfon, ' :··: : I 'als6 hact" ot~asiori tb ·rtle~t v~ioµs dele.g;;ie~ f~6in our sipt~r : .. Rooseve[J's - pronu~e . to. ; make, .·a ' ·a s . te b r. •: '> '. . PJlntS ~ut. th.at: the nat_wn lS ~t ai1, L6¢a1s< thro'ughqut, the· United -· Stotes: and Canada. :The ,c_oriv:~n~ ' rea1istic detetirtination: bf .-tbe>:'fo--:3,n ·, /~~ .. m .e •.. ,· . . '' economic qrossroad?, . .w1th ,the next. tion lasted tw6 \Veeks hut, during that time·! ·also 'visited Wash- : d·e~s¢. :i~


th'.e ,•: ~.9# 9(1t~l11g "";lt1/, >,S,_~cr.~tar( ot -~0?\_Pertin~:~;· f,ew mon-ths :like1Y:· to., determine .. ; ,. · . ·, . . : · ., : ,: . .>: ington; D:' c_,, on .matters per- .

'a .v.iew -to po~lble ;'upw:ard ,rev.isiori .J?~Fte~ · H1:.at the Ja~est · l~~e · .. S . ~\ whether, the ·cost ' of Jivihg soars or.' E · . · , - ·. · • , lairiing·. t6; ·-out ' focal . Union's:, .. ,. ~f .the;,.';Littl~ '~teeh: \VB:ge ·fof nYul~, f..o?ct,,. pncesr-,,'~he.·: moSt -Imp~rtant goe_~ ba~K to the .September,- 1942 ' ng1neers Wl,n " . w¢rgesiaµd 'new,dassi,fi¢atioris, .

·_ .-, : This·,· was :, announce'cl: · by., 'AFL pa~t .,o.f ·_~!1e- ·fam1 .. 1Y:·,_b~idge!,_ wer~ lev0l. - ··· . · ... ,· .. . : ·N· :' ·_·, ·, _· • ·· · ,. · · - ' ' t.l , - - . " - - ' ···'RB ela:ct1An irl v:m:i9u~·p0rts p(p~t.:fe'rritory,' ' .

. ', Presld~~~ :·wlnianr "Green ·; i4tei:-) . 0!1W ,_sligh_ y.. .. ,~!.~hei:: o~: t~e -- ?,V:r- : ' Th~ ~ost-~f-ll~ing· lndex ·,Vinson '-. ' :.,;; , ,, __ · ~ . - :"' .. , :., -r .:had the o,-f•pbrtunity o. f. .talk~ •

. .: ....... ' ' ,. ' - , .. ' .· - . .. ,age>· .although; . there · 'were , wide . . ' ' ·· ' ,, - a· h . ' '· J:-' . ' two-ho_u1:, me€tLttg;,Of:,,the _Comb1n;ed,, ', ' . :, ·: \ ·. . - ' ' ' , '• . ' " ,. pointed ·out ' d:rmpped from-· 125.1 at·· m· g am' ,, ', , ·i.n.::g :·with~.Pr:esicl.en. t;_ M. 'ei!oriey. on ' · · · ·,,-._ · _ ·· ~ - -' · ·· :p .. "·,: vanat1bns\ni ·d1ff~re11t pai;,ts, of -.the' ; · . , • . ,·- - .. .: , • 1

: • _

, .½1?or_War_. B9a_r:~ ,yitJ'i." t.~e 1,esi , . .' -: t' X•·:· <:: '·- , ·.· · ... ·_ ,_. . ,· between··, May · a,,-,1d ,August. of · thlS .- ... -- ., ·• , ·, . · ."' ,_ · .. rtldnymatters of'irnp.ortdr);c~:to •' dq1t ·"'t the -White House coun ,::y.. · ' · b · · · · · · ,, · · · L · · • .. "-• •, « • ' · ' ·--. ,,,- .- · · , - • - : ' year -only to egm -nsmg .a"am - Austin B --Wadman Busmess-· · diir ocal.Union: Also1 my ,visit

<:,-,-. : :i~i: ~~~t".1i~s_eif 'Stf~~~·st-~a\ : :, . i;t'be ,:,Jitd_ex -was . not :iip~~ia:t~ly ·:· -~ ; the -~ost of ·li~ing.' sho~;d, c~'ri.- : Repr_;~~ve; ~ep-0;~~ on tlie - - to -Washington vt:as ;::I .' b€1ieve, ,; ';· _ij1·.) ~-ree11: 's.i1~4•o.~~t.-~~: c'cini,n~\tti e )i_r.o~~? <-~own'• i_nw se~tio1:~1. st~tisc. ·t)~),Je-~to \11~v~ ·,J})( did.; i11-'' thi>~:~ .. :: ' 1i\!~g~)~e;~~~1.1.:.-fun~ft: ~le~- ,'. ~o:st 'p r-ci flt ab l e ' .; he·c.ause

·.\;_::~tr.·~;:;zi~_:·~fii:!:;; _:l:x.~i.'.~.:B.t; ~:t_,,:._~ ... ~o_'.~l,:~e~sts~ _.o~~,'.~~,~~,t~~i _~;~_ ::.~;t;~_:_'.-:.~l~rt?~!:::::~:~~::~~t;_! : ,:-'!!i~-~:'.'t_;i .'j: i#stticti~_:ls'; .·:f:~?~,,~~ir;~~t;_;_\1_.·-~f~~?~cb_fo;rrd}~~~ ;' .. --~ .~ . ' . ,t~l~,.:pre,se,n t · me,th,oo,s p:y ,;;.v.liwP.\ ~h,e Jl~J:',, c~iit } t1p1n:gJtI;:e:. ~on~h • . ma~ly beatert ,,oa~k ,to. 11:Z.8; . tlie "."level-.:,o!.' Br.othei·; Swarifon;:-lpcal;# n:iQil)na~/ · lS . a~$1sta11t t9' p1,1r -~~n,e,r.;;i.L P:;e:sh


of -·L . .. (:'on- · ·. '. tf1e ·.p'ast.,;year; · oi;-ga:nized 'laho1y ha·s·1:,li'ne:s,,,i{ere·• beigg/ introduced; : · \VOUld. Slirpa~s ::!,:31 : by .next :·May, \'·· .a:nd-,;:the imiepende:nt, :or company: ,v-entfon '. is -an educati011 ·in itself,

• • ' • '. -· • ' '. •. , . ,_ •••• • _. • J • • ' • ' . • · .. · e¥idcnc-e'',:.sh:ovv·ing , thaL ·th·e .,·actual" :< '.Reports· to- the, •Bureau .of -Labor · The · choice . of . . d>i -re ct i on, . ,he unfon t ecefred ,.g·, votes. · '.'-·, · ·,, '· ·- ·as · ,··one meets people · connec;ted , ·'increases . are . .two or . thr.eeAimes sfu:t'istfos .. inclicated•. growin'g shorts stated; must . be made; by , :~ners ' . ,The '.two• lo\v uri.\oris; _ tyli;g ·' witn wit,h·" the ·· great · .iaqot " movement; ­. tJ{tit·: -~lich ·\n, ~a:ny:~:oai'. ts·,:of °t)1ii a:'ges.: ~f:'a·. nuintier..·of lri1pci~tarit cost leans. ·\. : . .. - - :L~cal .No. 353 . :i1~essitated .. a iuri- throughout,the i,vorld . . The conven- . , < coimtr:i'.: . · .. · .. .. . ,. . , , . of.· llvi,ng . ·items, ,Secretary. Perckins •. '.'Events · of. ·Jl.jne,: July ;ancl Aug- 6ff::-The _ National.Labor; Relat.ions ti~n .:>was · a ; great success and ·

.,:· /. ;1~\s :Js~~~~ried• th.at · if ·this -.' cait bl {Jp<>rted'.' ' ' ·. · · - ustust S?ow that we can win,': ,he ·Board ·· ordered ·the run-off on or bi:ougl1t ;:, about: much · harmony •. °iii_o~eci. :'by th~ ne\v. : i_nvesti1 a'tion, <·'.r-io 1 slight· ri_se,: comii1g ?{tE;r .. ~ said. :"Ev~mt.s :f1;?1:°1: ·:pepte.t1;ber; :194? before~ October 3rd;,_: 1943, · then throughout',~he hniks of Labor .. ~: ­

.: the . Pi'e~idert.t ·will agre~ to ah. a:a'- _decl\l)e_: of L2 . per· .cent ciurmg the, to May; 1943 show ' that .we '• can sen(a'n :ainend~d dlr.ectioil advari.c-' .. ' I' 'ti"orisidereif it a"·pi;-ivileg~ to ·be .: ,; jtlstineht; of .: tJi.e ·"Liftfo:'stekl'Jfql'-' ·1wev:i~~is : th:i.-ee ::·months, ' brought lose: . - / . . ing -the ·<dat~. to October;18th: The cj.ble to ,. a.ttend; and my ' time in

·. rii:iilh;,' ':.~vhich··,,,_\:vill··,- p~rmit / wide" ·the.:,Bureau'.s i!'fdex/ of ·livirrg costs . Full· consequenc~ of; a runaway daj;e:-was further . cj.dvaneed· t'o Oc- Boston was' mbs~ .e_njoyaple 'be~ause ·wa&e irfcreaseS:: fo1· ·,.rriost~ Amiricaff JQ lfl/J.7. _per ' .ceilJ·''of th,e a,y.erage; inflation , canno.t be i esti11?-at~-~. ,yirv tober 29th, 19'43. . . . . • ', . of the fine ,'. hospitality ·extended ~by

·. -\~'(,);kers to ' :ria~e \lp'"for::t,h_e h,i~h~r f~~:·} :9~5-9/ Th{s· was 5· per: ~ent son - declared. ' ''.Things move to~ I i-1.1:,: Vincent--of the N~tionai ~~- ti{e Officers' and members of -1,o:, liviri"' costs. _. 'a,.· ):ugher.:than September J year,_ago, fast. once t_hey ·are ou.t·. of . control, · bor. Relations Boa_rd was .~!Elect1011 cal · u .nion No. · 3 of Boston; . £pt

. :. R.' ·"' : . ·,... t •t· . f. t·h.· ' 'FL.·/ .:cro· 61/t P_·er ce. nt- 'highe.r · abov,e the ·May, h,sef added, - . Cciml'nissioner'.' .and ' the ,. election \'il11'ch· r .. an1· v.er·y g''atefu·1 .. ·- epresen a ·I·ves ·. o . e . ,,, -· : · · , : .- ·· ' · ·- . · · · · • · · , ' ' ' , and'' Rdi!rciad B i;th~rho6ds','.: t 6'!d ,19.42) ~v.e~ ~9-72?½ per C€.:lr above ·, Be': Ul:ged the ,fqllowing_: prqgfom ,vas ~uly. held with the following .on my retm:n I had occasion 'to ·· ··:. - . ;· ·· . · .- - .. : · · .Januarv :·1941! -base date ,· for . thefo.r .ffghttiig·infla.·.t.i.ciri ::.. r ·esults· t · . oct · Uth h tt· .. t}le ; P r:esident-;.at_ 'the m~e.tI!l_g; that : :., , , J;' · , . ·c · . . '. ·,,_~ · · · . . ' s op : m g en; - a a s or 1me.: ·' h "L'ttl St .. . 1" . , . f . . I . . ,15 . per cent .. Little . St:eel formula .Buy . only ·what . y:ou n~d:-., ar'ld . , J .ngine,ei's! L.0~11,l .N_o; 353 . r_ec. There; , I 'had ' the '. opport~,.~ity . of· / t . e ,,._

1 · e. ' · ee wag: >01

!.1:!,u ,a 1·8 :f~;-. ,;~a;.;es ; ·. ma;ke- wha.t :. yoi( hav~ lastlonge,r. ' ce.ived H.3 v.o.t_ e,s .. :, i~e _C.I;O . . 6.'3 ._· meetinb" several of. our. rep' resenta-. outdate.d, - unworkable , and ·;u, .. 1ten-· . · · ·. "' ... -' . .. '.: . . . .

· .- · .··: - . ·~· - . ·· · Other,, chan"'es··disclosed ,wel'e. . . a .. ,.».av .. _.no:··:·m·ore , .. than ceili:rig..,pric.· es votes--a · clear ma,J·orib' ·of 50 ' t·· · ··· d 1 · d th t B th · able ·lll the· }ight .. of pnce-·mcreases. ,. -:,··--. ",. _. ~-. :,; .. . . : .. ,·_·. .. . ..., ~· _ .. ' . . .. . ··, . . · .,. ·"··· . ,· .. · . 1ves, an ,_. earne .: a . · ro er . · : ,.:_ ,. ·.'. . c .- · .. season:aLdeclme' of ,2 per; cent .m arid .huitlitioned g9ocls only,by.ex~ :votes, -t~e n.1ajority , b.eirig ·.-~5 , ' .Joseph 'Riley ' Bi.isiness Represent~-

. · / ':They charget_I t~at,, tn~, P~lY,P\"lI_',~· ~r~sh ' fi;_if: and :. vegetable ,')H\ces, changiri.g'ratiori :stamps. . per · cent 'of all , eligil>le votes .· , tive in Og~en, \vas lea;ing. to s~rvt/ J :qn _pf.Jhe -~~tw~ s . e:o~omi~;ta~i- .~l,1'.1-rP;·:adva1,c,e~ : )~' price~ .. or,;pr: . . ·, 1;1:~_,-~11>-':1:t}Y:}to ) vo1'.~( gg:~\·ng t~e: .· .. · in ~he :v.o~ng :·~nlt.,'. , .• .. : . . .. .. -- , Unc'Je.Sam. - ,..:. . ,

. -~izatioI\ P~0 ~!~IB :.~hich., has .· , ;~1 :.. artges,: · lettuce;, .green heans :•, and . .watt-hi;ough:ta,xes, .. · · . ,·, .· •· · .. : , .· , . To secul'e tlps ·maH,m!;y a _,great1 · ·'I ,,visit to- say for 'Joe t-hat -lie ' .: t,een: Pt' i~treff~~t has' ·bee,l} ,SfU:\J1t 'd~ro~ ·:~s ~ !~"' "f eath~'r se~ 'i~ ·:a'.. ·: hi; ~~~e;.,~t~ ; ~o;J~. i;i~hting ,the ;deW of v,;-0rk_. \";as '§ece~s~((:?~1 tfi_e_ ,did a good job as Busip~ss . Repr.e- - .· r'

·. ~za:tm •· of :W,,ges ; : .. ·.·.· , .· · .. ·. , i:o _. _:Si\,gh,t ) ~.c:ease m t:he cost ~f. house: war and . msure your perspnal . fu7 ·m1r:~. of !ou-r :T~prese~tah~;· .· ~~o ·.senta.t_ive, ., and made . many friends . ·. They;_ ~S!\el ~ed · U.J;a~, ,no , rei f · gi: :ftlrn!Sh\ng~i , :a•:1: f v.era_g.e mc~ease tu'Fe J)y bu3/in~ rc ,War ;Bon1s, . .received : mval·1:,1able ~ss_ista,nce f~9~1 fo.· OgdeI). .. Af the :J;}teserit time ,h_~:

•; -~ess has _bee~ mack,.to ,<l~,t_e,.~Q: .r 011 of..::0.1 per .. ,cent '.·m,;,r.ents, a,nq a c<:m· ·., :P~Y: .,off_ ' Olp.. _:.debt~;'.. ·fVOl~ ne\V 'Br<?tli.er'i ·Ostl~r :itnd _}~J,bb:ir~,,,IJI~S~-. is · -stationed _ '·it::· Monti,;r.ey/ h but • ~ng . back pn~es: to Se~te~}}:r _I~'. '.tihua~loniil. the.steady Jncreases.o{ ones .. · - . . ·.. .· . . . . , . ... ,dei1t an? '.secreta1:y', ,of ',Local No. whe~e he: ,~ill.:go from the\:e I do

... 1,942,,lewils ;as the .. Econom1c .Stab.1° ·. ·- - · d · 11 , · d ·Pr· .,, ,. f ·th ···f ·t . ··th d · m-." , · · · ·· · , · · · · · · · · · . .· ' , , : . . , . ,;1, { e 'a 'd" :~el'>'.1Ce.!;l ., al'.l ,··'.ffiJ.SC,e a~e?~I~ g_o,O. S. Ol-'J~ s·_or; . e '. i,1yre, w~ •. . a_ e:, . ::;;).>, , . . . . , . not •khow; ch0w.ev'er, I' <;lo kljOW ,.· ~ zatfon-, Ac.t .requires.,., I .s ·, ... · • · ,P.rices of fuel electnc1ty ·and 1ce qtlate ltfe '·msuranee a,:id savmo-s · · ·.- <\Ye ,addr,ess.ed co_. mmumcat,ons -to th· t.. ·· u·1· ·11 ·· ·1· :, ·· h·. - b · ·1 ·· ·· · - · d af.t , . . , .... •·· . · · · - ·· , -· - -· <s ·· ·, · · .· . ·-: ,.-.·.·.· · :,· ·' ·. a wew · a ·weeome • 1m ae~ ··

:Q1>iees , a1,e st1lL:.gomg,,up_. a)c_ -< _, er. ·reni'ain~d tlnch'an.e:ecL . . . ·.· -. . * ;{ ·· *' .. - ·'·. each votei' . i,n the .voting ·unit_· .. an'd· . - . , . ,.. - ,vhe,p; it ls .all over!' <ta~·-· . ,~ ·, ' - . . . '* .. :.,-.* · * '·.. . a•rranged the rn-e. etirtgs · -to contact ' - , . . f \. · · - · · · · · - · ·· · · • · - · · ·· ,· The.· following is resume · o · an ·:, Presi,dept ·.G:r.e~Il. emphasized ,l :bat . ... ,,.; '. · P-_·-~. ne "" .. ··.·.t _p· u+_·-.--···,_:,_ the · men, ·One fo'r · October. 6th ' at · · , · ·

-. t,he lahor·· ;e-p{:esentatives especiaily ·s·· +· ···k· I ' :. ··. ··:'· tu vw 8 p,m, West Joi·drin, . ohe at :Bing- important'-' 001.frt ' cledsi~n: hand.ed ·,denounce'd- ,'the exercise . of ,,,veto··,. _ J"l, .. ~. osses ,' . -. ;hits.:ne~;'.hinh . ' iui.m: Cahyon at' 4 a.m: a'ncl one at dow.n iR . the s :tate _ of lJtah, , w,bic1l_

. PO\~er·.· _b:/_ Ec.'~noini(! , sth_bi_Ji_J ati_~n .. ,.··a··. r··e·, .. :.~·.·n!·fi···1+·es·1ma" ·.· ,._ . . .· .~. ,·' . ·s p . . m '. O,ctobe.~ .7th, ·also:· a t Bing7 is . .very favorable tb . Labo:i;:· - 11·1 . . Holding that buildi'ng trades eon- · . Director Vmspn, War- ·Mob1llzat10n · '. · · . ; · : · . . · ·wS:shingtou, D.C . ..::.:.Afrcraft.. prO- ha'm. At the three meetin·gs·'a 'totai · 1 , ' . ' . ' . tr,ac. ts_ s.ignecl ·prior. .to the. actual : ' ' Director ., ,Byrn_es or ·,.~nyo11~ •.. eJse' .... ,washington, n .. C. ~s)nly two- duciion' iri"Oct6»er ex'cee<l,ed a11 :ex-; oC '.eight . 111ei;i -app~are,d .. . ·We ,thep '

' - over· wage' adjustments voled - by, hundredth~ of ) · per cent of the pectatioris and 'broke a1i.:.. pi:evi61.is· lr~d, • .t'o· contact ,th'em· 1-h e" hard way, lli~i~g ' of workei·s ,· a:re :valid . and , ,the \Y,ar Labor Board ,. and other ,numqer of rrJ.~n;daY.i w.orked, have; i·ecords · when it: ,passed ,, th~ 8,200 ' 1:i'y._goijlg fi-drri d66r t6 :·dobf; :ti.o\v: bihtjing, a decisii ,:r. of . \l~t;r!'lnding

~-. ,.;: fet\eral '-agencies: · .. ·· ···' -'·.· ': .. · ,. ;, . been. ·1ost< from··, iabor · :causes, ::,ran<rrraf-k; ;:the Wai· · Production : Bo'ard .e,jer, the' decti'o:ri returirs .' derr~on-" importance. has ju5t .: been · ha-nded '.': ·; 'Tll.e .1abor, .;leacters , p~rticYllarly• of whi~h ,were .of.ml1~6r _nature" 'o'n. -r tfV:e1ileli; . <. . · '. ".; , strare qm:·success. · . . clown 'iri th~ .Gene.va Steel cai~. hi ·

eau~a; th~.'-President'.s -,attenhcn, fo jobs ·.,vit:h whkh:'the· War' :rieym:t- . Tfie ·n~~''S·i;.\\'3.,S,,:ah,.'t}re;: more en-' .. ·, The man'. in- ~harge of the • cam- Jµdge . V(illisim . L. Knous, AssO:cfati . ;-. ,·f'.' i~son~s- ' ind~fen,?iqle,. vet0 '. {)f, ,,.the,' m~~t lias conta!,!.t, -' 3.


~(:0;diri~. A:~; coiif~'girig·/i~diit1f~i¥fbYjti%'herj pr.0- ti'aig,n ffo· \ he· C.T.O. was I\J;r.)Iow:·: JuS t,ic~ ( of th,e _Sltpreine- Cou.r't . 'ol ,. . -8 .·, cen~~ ,, an ·- .-hour: , .wage: increase James .. P.· Mitchell; ·· Jabor ·i·elations. · du_ttion . of ,planes was · 9nly '7;~98----- ai·d : Lee,. tlie ' highly-touted· organ,- Colorado, ,8 PP.Q1nted .- .bY, ~tpe ,.. ){a~ . ' a w~r;4~<Lto· a million .. non•oper~ting, .~li~eetor .·o.f -the :~War ;,Depart~ent. ': .:fourteen,· l~ss tl1a1;,. August,'. ·; · : .'' '.- ·.; Jie1\ who-h~,s been,giyerit~e. cre1it · 'ti,o~;.ir ., W!l.r ··: I,,~bg~-·~oard .. tf he,a . .r:

'· ' -.t:~Hroacr : ~n:iployes . , by ::, a ,-;;.special '. ~,: S.t1tf1ming - ,,up ' his '.'_ experf ences, : . ,The ,bi'g (?.etooer gaip "once 1n(!re : of 'Orgarifzj'i1g.' the• Ford,, P.la:nL , In . :th(!. qase, , Hea1:1ngs: !~ t,he _ca~e .Wf!re c-! ' Pr.esidential •,Commissi9n:, ' · j . : ,:·· 1,\· \Vi:t:h\ clabpr(s ,:,·'~IJO.'o:,sti:'.i·ke\ ,,p}epge;, '.pl'aced , tl;i~ -:'pl'al;le : .. , progra111.: wJth,!-n ran· h9ur , afte1· . tp.e. el~ctiqn., returns held: ,comm_~ncmg. with A~gu~t ,14• _;. "\Ve ,'did· n:~t~calUo,r ' the' removal rMitenell- ·-St~ted, ,, thaf1, sue Ii. - ,.fosses .. st1:*i.no- 'QJstanee \ of ,, the i- yeai.~end ~wi re ,declar€d • i':e - had :toth.' pi·esi-;! 19~3. . . . - . . > • '~-

' ·.~. . ,, ((fo~tfu~ed. ori···P.a; e 7) _ .. ·.·' ;!~ve'r~ 'S9 ·sniall.:as tp pe-· J;J.egliglbl~, ... ; g'qnl'~oi'.:1o;gµi:i : pf:iin1s. ;i: pibrith:,~ . , :,, ,, ', : ·, (GbnHni.1ed .on .Pag~ gj . ''..,,.<'. I , . ' (Cpnt1nt1e~l :01( fage 2) -!/,f ,; • • - ,. • . , : · .... " . t:::;..: •• • . _ ....... ~ -~ ., • .,.:~ ... .... _. ·:-.-··· ·r _:-~---···-"': .. :;::· ·--... -.. ·····::·· .:· : .. - ·--,:- .- .--... -. . . -~· . . _, ., .. - . . .. --. - . ·"

Page 2: November 1943 Engineers News - OE3of * * * the · ! a $ d · c · . . ,. _ • . ., , . . !. ~ 12, . . ,· · . . c · · Labor * * * ENGINEERS' NEWS

r Two

ENciJNEERS' NEWS · - . · .·. _.,,I · . . ~-r . ! -. ..~------.'. -----------·N_o_v_e_m_b_e_r_l_9_, _1_9_4_3

St~ward· plan F~-:_,,,_~---------~--.-- ---1-.. ---=-_-~;__:: ·:...._.~ - . --: :~-~~ds .awarded on several

;_ .., .A . . . ··_,,.· . "t 1n0:nc,la b.e~Fetar_y. wctrJ1s. , .. _1 .• :L " :.0 " ,1.,j) . . _ . 11n~·er~.., way;ca , d. ,., " r ······~~::~ . . fi ... : .. · .. ., ·. .. :, ·; .. _ ... ,,...<:: .. riro.a-u J-O~s 1n -~tOCfiJcr>n .:area: .r ... ~, ..... , ... ,;,..~,,,..,;,J-.r.:' .fb,. ., 0 "1;' tJ11:<?.f .... ·1:t · : .. ,:·'t<!Qil7\en~ fo-····yo., .. u · I:: · · · · · - : ! · ;; . - • •.. ··- -· .... - - · · _!:_ P · · ~anen1e~-.,. /·-. _,}:t\:1rJ. ,l ,,,,d ~ · .,·"> ~~f" . -r ·· - . · ,:EnAine·ers:·plaft 'Sdl.6\lt11 fii\t!r

. . . . Are your dues paid for the . ~urrent month? Due~ ate de- I '='' . ·. . . , ·'· . .. . . '-, . ' ,, --. . . . ,. }I!"" Wm. A. Speers, Business Rep- . linquerit after the first of the rhonth; ·so let's make it d habit "Bill" Waack, -Business ,Rep.re- Stockton office. He -wasn't q·uite a:s

1,·es.entative worli:ing out of the to have tPJ.em paid ·by the first ·of th~ ,month, sentative ... ,~orking out o1f it'he lucky as some of oui· .brothers ,and " · J . · Off" · t A b · luckier than rnthe1··s ... · pi·e1·c' e 1·,,, ~~I). ose ice, repor s: mem er is eligible for-_suspension for non.payment of . Stockiio·n office reports: '~

. coining out 0afte1' erg.fut . months ,}n

.-San Jose-A revi:e{v of .our labor dues ·after 90 days' delinquency. · Suspended members lose ' Bids for · improvement of .t\v:o the hospital ·with -a · broken ·neck,

;relations . tvith the Permanente . all .benefits in ·the Local and. ·Intetnational Union ,.clnd may ·i\iJ:9ther Lode road~ to -·e:;,;:pedite the and ' he is ; going back ·on ··a l>lside ..

CorpoFation, since the ·Inst issue of be r.emoved from · the· job if he is .~ot in good . sta~ding. t · . I Tough guys ·these No 3 men 1 . . . . ranspor tation . o.f ·much · needed ' · · ·

this · publication; reveals that closer -vVhen a .member has . been sµspena~B ;~he ·hl~s1 .pay a · .lurriber to war . ihdustries were . :The road's . to the \V00ds -are

ccoope~·ation has ~,een establish.ed i,,n reinstatement .fee, . a~d the ·sick dnd death 'assesshl~~fs, .as . · . . . . . slic.king l!P, Frank Lmvrenee ati.'d t . .. . . . :opened m . Sa:cramento, last ·week. h b t u, . t 1 -1 t· ·


well as m;crued dues before he Can':-agai.n become Cl m~mber . ·.ave . een o '· vr-e ze s severa imes effecting adj}'stinents of working in good -Stan.ding; ,in other wmds, the .member must pay his . B_iasotti ·-& Son -of S,tockton sUb'• To ·the last ' incirtth and ;ve're . mak··

mnditions, where irregularities .regular .monthly .dues in .addition to eleven dollars . . D.on'.t mitted a . low bid o.f $92,582 fo~ ing some progress. Let's hear from )f.!revailed. let it happen to you! · grnding and surfacing · of seve~ some of our .members i~i the wood.s t:

: This, . tve think, is largely attri- The member who receives a .delinquent no'ti~e should send . miles of highway betwe€•.:i. .Al ta - You fellbws · up thel'e ·cai1 be of ·a buted to . the, Companys' oe~v policy his payment directly to the .San Francisco Office .at 1] 61 ville and Murphy's. -great hell). And ~i'nddentally, · ,r of centF-alizing control, and the Market ·Street, or contact ·tne San Francisco Office by 'fnail or' Low loid of $259.,595 for . grading think we'll be. able to use some of idelegatioh 'cif authority. Such ac- telephone if it is impossi0]e fo make a remittance' immediately. and surfaeing. of eighteen 'miles .cif you "mom'ltain skinners" oil th:e fiviti~s -are now enibrac,ed in the All records are· kept 'in Hie Sdn Francisco O.(fice and pay- road between Toyon, just east of ~obs I first mentioned in . this col:.

f unctions . of the P ublic Relations men ts ma9i to b.ranch offices may not reach the Main Office Valley Springs t o \'Vestpoint by umn, if you are members of Local Department, under the able dir- in time to a ';;oid suspension. . · ' ;,,vay of Mokelumne .Hill •.was of~ 3 .. , . How -:about it? ,ection of H. E . Gessler. Notily us i1 you ·are ill. All good standing menibers are fered ,by Clau'de . Wood o.f Lodi. * * *

Heretofore, unnecessary delay in entitled to benefit during an illness if they are unable to Because of the impending winter · -1J;he handling of complaints, .Sttb· work, Your note should be accompanied by a doctor's cer- season, major work .on these proj- ·AFL workers mittea · for aajustmmt, has been tificate which states the length of time you have been out of ects will . not be completed until ·b' · k . L , d 1l;he ell.use for considerable .uni:est \vork due to illness and approxi111ately how long ,it will ,be next spring. However, .it fa,plam:1.ed · GC WQr Ti10, · .. among .our members. Since .,ad- until you ci:re able to return. Local No. 3 .will be gkxd .to take to . :tlo ·c6nsider.able wor·k .on the · justments -are now , effected ·more care 0f your dues in accordance .with the rul-es of the Sick worst sections as soon as possible . New York City.-FirS

t field re·,·

!Jr:.on1ptly, there has been a com- ·Benefit Fund. . · I and"" throughout the ·".vinter po~·ts on the nation-~ide, $


T M B. YNON'· F ' . as 000 :ti.FL drive for-war-relief, ti.OW pfete r .evival:of Union interest, and · · · · , inancial Secretary. weather .conditions permit. · a better · feeling towar~l the Com- · · Harir,r h,1etz and my$elf made a being co

nd·uc_ted b~ .

the ·. La~?!'

· League for Human Rights, pronuse tour .. through Permanente Magnes r ecord-breakino- success ·for this

p~~~re are certain obligations. Swanson reports vital }!OvVeVer, .that ShOU!d be ·more Se!'· . ' d · 8 11 . W uj h sium . plant for' the purp.ose of de-. . - .. . "' · t f 'th N. . campaign m suppor o e a-·

t:ri:runing . V.:het~er o~ not sever:al tional Wat' Fund, according to or the .. operations . of _ this . ~la_nt Abraham Blue·stein, exe-cutive di-:iously ;1·egard'ed by the member-s cour, , : ·e,c-1s1on !fl ·ta,.

of ·all Unions; especially by those ~ · should not come under ' the Juris- t f ti L

· wh:o ·are .ind:cred to ·.take their ub­ligations lightly. Essentially, two of .th'ese ar.e: regular attendance at Union meetings; ?-nd the pay-1urent of Union . dues. These are im­portant, a:nd .determine the ·sucC'ess of any o_rganization.

' ~ t the last __ monthly me'eting in 1lhe San Jose Division, which meet­ings are- ·held on the fourth Friday of · each r:nonth, the Ste,vard sys-11.em was instituted, and the mem­b'ers requested to elect, whom they ,vante·a to r.epresent thell)., ·as Steward, · in th'eir im·mediate wo'i-k­

. . . . - . . .. rec or o 1e eague. (Continued from Page 1) ,vith the A. F. of L. unions ,vas d1ctron ·of t he engrneers. To Per- . . . . t•

Th subseqtl("tly adopted \'er·bally 'by' _!llane'nte engineers \Ve expect to :he regwnal . directors ~f. '..'.eE e cbntroversy '.vas . brought_ ., c · . . ,. _ • . ., , . . dnve report close ·co-operation o about by the activities of the Uni- all th'e rest or th·e contractors and ~ave a . re~ort. 0' ·progr_ess by the central labor bodies. international ted Brotherho·o·a of Welders Cut- that the terms of th·a't con· ti·a·ct time you receive this issue. How ' ' and. local unions, and individual ters and Helpers of America who should be specifically enforced about a · month1Y meeting for our · · Thousands of

d · · · · · · · · '· , · members of this plant and where umon memoers. . .. . ,

ha pet1t10nea the Utah _Labor R~, 3. That the Utah Labor Reta- . . . . . trade unionists are workmg as vol · lati'ons Board for cer'tiilication as tions Board had no J·urisdict i'on in could you ·suggest ' beside our ·own t ·s · oing into factories a1\d

Labor-·Temple? Let's get some of un eer ' g . . . , the collective bnrgaining represen­tative of those w~rking with the welding torch ·and t)le electric .arc ar.e employed by -Koppers Com­pany, :one .of 'the contractors on th·e prnject.

The Utah Labor Relations Board

the matter, since the case was . one . . homes to get pledges ot a day's over which the National War La~ the_ beefs out m the open, where pay from their fellow AFL mem-­

we ·can all get .c:n ear.ful !. bor Board had exclusive jurisdic- bers: tion. In m,y .ii.aSte · to .get our !': tockton Stories from the field emphasize

repor t to .press, I ·had to get Pol-4. Tha·t the Utah-Pomeroy-Mor- lock's :Bond. sales before .the r esults the i~terest shown by AF~ mem·:

rison contract, even - tbough en- . . . . . . · , . . . bers m labor's own war relief pro·· · wer.e comole.tely taoula ted. I le- h' 1 · . 'f tJ · · · · t

ter'ed into at a time.\vhen only a p' orted c;,a5:oo p·er en·g'.ineers 3- 3-A gI1,anh1, ·'liNv ic_ l isloWne o_ F re . proJ\.ec s made a -decision certifying the Uni- f """ · o t e 1 at10na ar una ted· ·w. elders to be the collective hand ul of employees were actu- '3-B. This amount was $82.70 per I . dd't· . 't ·t . 1· ·r • .·, ·o.

. . al)y employed en the job was valid . . . . . · n a 1 10n o i s re 1e woi K 1 .

· ·To -date,- ohly two have been .bargaining representatives of those and binding ·n vie\ r . th· . ~ man · ' : nice gomg, me~! Give us all the cou'ntdes of the United Na .. ehosen by this procedure, and. fur- usino- 'the above ni med to0ls 50% . . ' -~. . v .

0 · _e .p~ac !1 ,b0o5L.1n ·getting th·e War CheSl· tions th·e National War .Fund

iing area.

r , "' . 1 tice m the building .and construe-Rd C ' . d·', , . T 1 k ' lih'ei· delay may necessita;te the ap- or more of the time. C,:1 June 12, . . ,· · . . e rnss r,\ e . over. . .1.t · 00 s as inakes special allocations for .at··· ,,_ ointment of Stewards i_•., all areas, 19·4· ·" ·k · <:T •• • • tion trades_ mduSt11es negotiatmg though the ·Stockton Yar ds are go- · d 1· f le "· . a woi stoppa 0 e resulted, such a contract prior to the . date_ " . . _ ga11lzed lab0r's mdepen ent re 1e not .covered, · subject to the ap- 500 of the employees of Koppers . m 0 to put it over -agam on all programs in Britain, China and

. . when employees were actually th w t c t ·d proval of · the members in the area. Compa11y walking off the job. Due hired. . 0 er · es oas yar . ~- _ Russia.

Tho5€ ,accepting .Stewardships, to tlie efforts bf A. F. of L. or- Local No; 3 ·has ,decided to span- These allocations support such ineed hav'e no fear bf intimidation ganizers .and 'union ~representative, Th-e A . F . of L . . sought ,an order sor ,a -troop of Boy .scouts .. in the projects as , the building of mer ..

ij,y the .company, or by foremen or super-iht"endents.' The Union is .per­fectly within its.. rights, and the plan has · alre_ady -been discussed

however, the workers returned to from the Boar,a declaring .that .the Stockton . area· . it, .an .effort to ass. 'chant .seamen's .clubs in . Britain their jobs and the matter ,; as fes clo~ed-shop -~r~visions of the utaha ~ist in CUl'bing puvenil: . de~inquen- and hostels .for worker~ in China's feiT~d · to · the War Labor Ba:ord. Pomeroy-Morrison contract should ~Y- Our $64.00 q.uest10:1 is . . ·. lndusti'ial cfries _ proJecfs which

Sub~equently, the utah Board be f::<.iforced, . as w~ll. as the other . W~;re . can we get_._a _Sc9~~, Ma~~ i.vere ·init_iated ·.by _organtzed lab~r . cited some ,tJiiity~lwo contractors contracts on the .p1.0Ject. ~er. Many of .you . . n01ste1s ha;; e. before t he _f,ormat10n or the Na·

· .. In making your selection, how- working . on the job to appear be- ·Ju·ctg'e ·K'Il0:us made his findings ·,youngsters : of sco~·: a~e an~. m~ny tional War Tund_, and .will proviae with ;C0mpa,.1y officials.

ev:er, It ,is_ -weH to keep in mind fo'r; it on a pe.tition 'file<l by the in the affirmative as .to every sin- of you,· ~an · q.ualu~ ,m th1s fi~e for enlarged relief programs in t hat i .. t w __ o_ uld be to vour advantage u ·t d u, 1·d ·.. f · · tlI· ·t· · ·· f gle contention made ·oy· the A "F · work. Get off th.e .dime, :and see if these countries during 'the coming· . ; me vve ers · or cer 1ca 10n ·o . . ·· · · · , . · · ·

·t o select s.omeone who is entirely · . · t t' · . It · d - · - ·of L He stated however · that Number 3's ,scouts can't .be "Stock- year represen a ives. was emon- ,.; . l ·1 1a' b . k. 'a ton's ,Flnest" . .. · .. : . , ,· .. ·th . . . . f

:familiar. wit_h the ·operations of the strated at the first day of the .,ome .P an s 1ou e wor 0 e · out . · · · Commentmg on e .progress o. area/. he .. is to cover, .-and one who :hearino· before the Utah Board by the A. F. of L, whereby.a weld~ .. ~ay- ','.S~mffy" :=,mith, is .. still · in, 'the campaign, Geor·ge 'Meany, sec-

.. ivill ·not· J·umJ? at conclusions at the 'th ·t . ~ t f tl : ·· · · · · · a·a er or burner· may not be -required the · saddle .at · Colbergs. He and retiry-tre·asurer 'of the A.FL and a .mos o 1ese companies i · · · lteast prov. ocaVon. t

1 ' ld · "t to carry more than one catd That Douglas. do. 0 . K . i!l' this fine .wood honoi·ary ·sec·r'etary of t he. Labor

, no even emp oy a we or or a cu - ,. _ · . h ' · a·,. · , . , . . . · · · Imm'ediately following our next 'ter. Tbe Board ther'e tipon . dis- ;Pl~n had already been worked· out s ip_yar. · : . _ " Leagu: .for Human Ri~hts, said:

meeting, whi<;h w ill be o'n Novem- 'missed the great er number of the pnor to_ the dat~ of t he hearing-, _Lik~. the. · proverbial_. plugged , _"I~ 1~ ~easy,:to understand the e1:-her t_he ;tv_;venty~sixth, _a · meeti>:12: of , ·t, . 't ·t d · ~ and the agreement betwee,:1 the. -m1;kel · · ·that .. always re.turns, thus1astic response of m·embers of

. - con 1 ac ors Cl e . . "W" · " M l c · a · · b ·, · the Stewards will b-e called for the Wli°ile these hearings ,v'ere going unions 'be"~ring .on thatsubJect ·was .· mgf " _anue · . ar o;g:i. ·is . ~c~. the , A.FL ·to this campaign of _th e ~utp·ose: of acquainting themselves on befoi·e ti1e Utah Board, a f>eti- 'offered in evidence. from Nicaragua with a stake that ·l:.ahor League ·'for Human Rights. with the .. provisions of our agree- · · , . . T. h · · . _ _..,t ·' rr· .·., · .. - r· · h. :d , ·wo'uld· choke a mule . .'~'Wfogy" likes Each ql.'ember. knows th'at t-he· eon-

tion was filed with the Supi:e.in-e . e grea sign 1cance o t e e- ·. ct·' . " . . , .. . ment .with the Company, and ais- , · · . 1: · . · · con itions m the wild .tropics · . . tribution maae·· through the League

Court .·on ·behalf of the A. F: of L. c1s10n ies m_ the , fact tha~ 'the I wonder why? . . to th·e National War ·Fund goes to' eussing . labor relations, g~nerally. unions and the companies involved, 'Judg.e _sp,ecificially finds tha'.t build, ·. 'Broth~r . Pierce ~ho berore ·g· 0 , . k . . .. t 1 h t h · Th b doubt but that .: · · . .. · · a · · · . ·· · . .... • · - wor 1.rnm·ema e Y--' ere a . ome, : ere can e no seekmg to have that Court issu·e mg. tra es .-contracts signed pnor to in"' ·1;0 the Ai:'m" ,; .,.,a· s -0

1n·· a "". lad· e-'" · ,. d . . 11 t h· ,._, f th 11' · d St d t · .. · . ' . . · · · . , . · · · - ' · · · 0 • ; ,, .. , µ ·abroa 1n ·a · e coun.x,es o · e

a we . orgamze ·ewar sys em a wnt of prohlbitwn enJommg t_he ,th~ hirmg of any of the workers -for' Teichert is· abou't · ·to· ·'proct·uce· U ·t ·a N t··. . all · t f th ·11 t 'b t h · th' · . . · , . ,. . · , . · · · · · m e . a 10ns, m par. s 0 . e

w i con q u e muc m smoo mg Uta~ Labor ~elaticos Board from .are valid : a~1d ·b111d1•:1~. He upheld liis §·ervice- withdf~waI to , the world with ou:r a·rm~d forces." over many of the rough spots, and procee.ding with the case. the content10n made oy the A .. F .' . effect a more kindly relationship A temporary stay · was grante'd of L. and the · ·emj'iloy-ers _.t hat such :i-------------....:.... _ __,_ _________ _;_ _______ -;.,

ENGINEERS' NEWS 1'Detwe£;:1: emplo:yer and employee. and hearings were suspended untii ·contracts m,ust of, necessity be ne- , * * * final cte'terminatioll by the Su- ,go~ated . prior . ,to. actual ·com~ I

,.. · "' pi·eme Coui·t. The War ·La.bar mencement of construction and the, ' :'-oa,di.tionS limit ·output . Board was also aske,;no take jufls- 'hiring of .employees, . .. !

Formerly Monthly New's Lefter

:published· ·each month by .LOCAL UNiON -No. 3

· Better physical working condi- diction ov.er the entire controvei·sy. The .decision is . also ·noteworthy tions would -help c'orrect current This. the War, Labor Board did and ·in that the judge. indi!'.!ates the im- : ai'fficultie's -in meeting war pl·o- appointe"d Judge \iVilliam L. Knous poi tance ' 0f not clist1'.ibuting any ·, auction -schedules, blamed chiefly to ,hold hearings. , . /, contractual relations . during . th e : . . , -of the ·q)i manp0we'r ·shortages; according At these hearings ~he A. F. of i,: present emergency. . ; , ·. ~interncftional Un'ion of 'Opera'ting ·engineers t:o a s'urvey developeu by the u. s. made the following .contentions: . . '* * * . . ·.,, N ' th - l 'f . N th N d . . . . · . · ,,. · ... ,, · · 0r. . ern Ca 1 orn1a, · or : . ern . eva a Ij>epaHment 'of Labor in consulta- 1. That the construction of the .The Nazb~op~a~d/1,;.QMice in · S f U h · t;ion with the War and Navy De- project was one intimately con- War~w h~~J issu:ed . il::het~ :list of , · . tate O . ta . pa1'tments, the Maritime Commis- .nected with the war effort I and 60() prohibited books, including. Subscription pric$: $2.'50 per yedr siO'n, and the · War ·pfoduction that consequently t he War Labor sports textbooks that teach ,skiing, ·Qffic~: 1161 Mark~t Stteet Bbai'd. -The 'Survey ~umm~rizes' Board ,has excluslve jurisdiction-'of cliscus ,a~: ~ave~ . throwing-:t: . San Francisco., California ©~· . An~ei7ic:an .. .ind-ustr.ild ·exp~rien~e the e~ntroversy., . , w~ll as_ cm_ld'ren s book,;, . one -. o. ·Eirtered ·as .Second Class ·Matter -September 9, '1943, at the ,PostoHiee ·· both in the last war and m Ui1s I ·2. ·! h&.t the ·contract · -signea ,•by wn.lch .a esor1l:Jes the ·a.dv.entures of i 1 ·0f 'San -F rancisco, Ca1ifornia, under .the Act of August 24, 191-£~ war to1 '.i!r.fte, 1 Utal1-Pomeroy-Morl:'ison Company ,a kitten. . ' ·-,_ ___ ..;........;._.;.


1 ••




Page 3: November 1943 Engineers News - OE3of * * * the · ! a $ d · c · . . ,. _ • . ., , . . !. ~ 12, . . ,· · . . c · · Labor * * * ENGINEERS' NEWS

f .



' -~-

No~e~JJ!~r·\t~~l'J~,1;\ - , ,·.EJi~.:.EERS.:·. . ·i:~N~.:S'.'.. \~• Tifrea . -----=·-~·-·-"""-----·---.. -----------------.-.-........... ,, . .,.. ______________ _;_..;_'-----------------:.;;.... ____ ...;.. __ .;;..,----,,..a...---------------· ;..," ;.,.·: ·

a contract with the Army Engin­_een:; foi,. flood control .wo.rk Gil tl;le ·s an Joaquin and . Kin.gs. Rivers. ·Th,ey . are {1sing . fifteen Cafs and one· Dragline, all manned by Local :No. 3 members .

. ~ '

i .aw.1e.nc8: rep~;rt~;. o ·ctQ6et· ,;_\ ·. law· ·montli; in S0:c1ament0. · · i

\ • ·~ ··. · ·, ~. :· ,. I t,.-,,..f ·'t: ·., _. ,r, '· Ji., ... ;· ,;--<

·dfeGJ~.wltli.Jj1·6.1Ss'.. at~·s.tan'.dst.ill J·

mov.i~g the equipment to Aubu:bi

and Gridley. Franceschi has started.

w.ork ,Ori a -neyv Wal;~house at Mc~ . . . ~ ~

Cellan Field which will proYide '

mem,bers, worjdng __ . there. Work

continues at t he Auburn Hospital,

A. Teichert & . · Company have

the Reservation with several ma~

chines, They have abqut 20 mem~

hers· · wotidng ) here .. L!)cke Com~

p;1ny and McBoria\d. &, Kahn are

Washington -A pilot study o:f three industries has been. made by

* * * ·Elll)g~neers -win ­lNILRB · elecfion

the WMC's bm:eau 0°f manpowe~ ,utili~ation to lay a basis for trans-'· .,,r

, • .,. , .. ,,.. ,. ,r ,.. ••

,r· (Continued from Page 1 )

· .dent anq sedetary of the. C.I.0. ) oc~l signing Operating Engineers' . .apJ?lications as well as other mei11- · . _ . . l i,ei;s of the C-I.O.; .and men who Exam~ing CI .bullet-riddled Genman fighter pl~ne on d~sp_lay during -. th~ .i;e~ent War Departmenti ha!i no affiliatiOl}S, _ . c9ajei;eHce., of labor, ~dustry -·an,d ,11-E\WSP?Per l'?qd~i;s in W~~;,hingtc;>n w~re (I to r): Henry, W. · At .. the . eonclqsiop of the election I Bl-u~~n,perg. ·Pl United, Brotherh(?od ,_ 9£ G~rpe~tez:s, AFL N<iitionql Qi:ga~i?,ing Director Frank _+ returned to E_~Y, Nevada, ~nd will fent~n ,ffil:<:i ·f :resideµt.:~eid ·R~bin.?C?n ,.of !n,t~;qajiG>n\al Q'~ipn _otMill, Mine and S~elter Wor.ker$. ;report on that m the next issue. (f.~~~i;ated .P.1ct~re~.) . . · ·


ferting workers from, war p1·oduc·• tion to peacetime° industry. ' ,.

Through the development of ~im.;' na·r studies for an important ti.n::.. dustries, the bur~au believes it 'wi!G.; be po.ssible to.· indicate types \J_f~ peacetime activities whicl~ at the end- of the war should first be dl,,;­c;ouraged to expand in ordeF· ·eto .absorb quickly workers dismisfeai

. i' . from war IJlants.


Page 4: November 1943 Engineers News - OE3of * * * the · ! a $ d · c · . . ,. _ • . ., , . . !. ~ 12, . . ,· · . . c · · Labor * * * ENGINEERS' NEWS


• I .,. ; '

~ · t ! . I


four · -ENGIN~s~Jrews • . )· ~-•<"""'"~-.: I •

. -;. .. ·:,_· ·. .November :.19, -1~43


Nail· that h:eel!

·u:tilizcttion-~_not_ c·onscription-.-of labor :, : .

C'. .. ·· o ·M· .. . ·.·M· ... ·-'.,E. ·N-\ .T

: _ :· :' . '.'· .. : .·. I .' .. ~ - • ; ';

' . ,.o:,e. ' ,_ · . . '_!: .

' . .", ,•,,;

Insurance action vitaT . . .· . . F .. , . ' .

Congress must act. quickly on_ our amendme_nts t9 make sq~ : ciaI,security adequate to carry workers .safely through the •eCO::

. nomi,c . eiJ:iergencies 'ol postwar days. l!pon t.he '.safety of lapoi:' _..,:_.,,\ depend~ the sqfe.t/of derrio~racy. The Eur~pean phcis~ of lhe . ".·\ wa'r -~ay be over next summer. hi.dusfrial reconversion begin:. ning with · the Gerrr{an armistice ·. will . mark th~ beginning of postwar UI1employn,1ent.

. Un_less ) he ' f~deral . govern~ei:it is ready, with provistons .against the emergen'cies'; workers who have given -their best to make possible the winning of the :War will hn:d themselves job.:.

· · less, moneyless, with a .rankling sense of injustice. As a matter of o.iscre.tiorr we ask . the Adrriinisttciti6n and . Congress to mak~ ' if possible for us , t,o -invest in: social insurance, · sb thpt we shall, riotbe.fqrced on relief when we cicdasionally are unable to earn:

· · Labor has,- proposed . that ·we. invest six per . cent of · our · ·, earnings and ·that employersrt>ay six pe(.c~nt of..payrolls fo . insure income during· unem,ployment, disabilityiand ina;bility . to work due to old age. Under.qui' proposal.revenueir.a:ised! , fr.om social . insurance:would . amo,,unt:Jo:.·eiglit }:ir nme bi!,lfons,: annually~. :with · national income / al its_.:present ,Ievet , 'This,· ,would'·be an·'increase ,oqour ::or,fivibi~lioris/ . ;: ·. . ' .· :' ,:::

-: ·. o'{,;r proposal :wouldnoLonly, prQV!cl~:~i:ich0 rieededinc~ecised . . revenues i:xvailcilile-' for ·war' cr'edit,but.would .tonstitu:te th,;,' nios-t ; ~ffedive ·anti'~infkdion'.:measurnt)1i::ttcan. be :addpted . .

The.: Ways and Means . C~inrilittee can with great wisdom make an increased social ins.urarice rate an .element in its 1iscal ;;., program, 'for it mli'st he consfde.red 'ir\cohnechoh'with' cilf incoine : ·•· 1 tax -provisions imposed· on :y,rage_::-eamers ··d· othe{~small-iri.ccime · .. 'j persons. . . . ' . ' . ' l

. - . We,look to this powerful :committee for the courcig~ arid . · ···· the vision to· .und.erstand. thatbasic; ·social insurance supple- .

merits ,and buttresses our ·fr~e economy,which prov.id~s .i<>hs . for our millions· of wage~eeirilers:~ Jobs '. are our main depen.. . ~ ·dence and· we.look;to·p1:i-vate·ind1,15.try to provid~ them . . ButJo : : . / insure ui against relief and to insure our·frEle economy against . \

·· -poli.tical dependence, a substantial so'Ciai ·insurance · syst'ent · ds indfspeni,mble. . ·. ..: .. , , . ,. . ·

. . . . ·,. . .

Tl;iis is our first step in postwar planning-and riow is the ideal time.-American ,Fed·ercttionist.

·' . . '


Lafollette flays .labor's foes . Warning· that conscription · of labor, might that high and-the .bulk were about 6-per cent. Senator Robert M. Lafollette o± Wisconsi'n has served notice

"hamstring" the . war effort, Jopeph D,, Keenan, Comparative figures show .that the tirne lost that ·he intends· to renew his fight forJe·gislation to outlavr op.:. . M!PB . vice . chairman for : Tabor: prdductitm, told from· iridusfria.l ·d1sputes runs at a higher co'.rri- pressive labor tactics b y ·empk,yers;:emplbyer·associations and · the' AFL convention the:t :·w.hat we need todqy parative ratio·in Great Britain than in this couri- their agents. ' is· to get the most effective utilizatbn . and-- the try. I regret that military security prevents my ·, Senator La:Foilette .a~d Senator Elbert D. Thomas of Utah maximum productivity'' .fr0m:the available. la- · giving you the exact ratio.". · have introduced a bill ) Nhich provides .. criminal :pencil ties 'for bor force. "' "Conscription," Keenan said, ' '. seryes to put labor espfonage, professional strikebreaking, use of ·industrial

Keenc;ip.!s criticism of labor conscription was and keep ~ople at· assigned stqtioris. That is mun1ticms, yellow0 dog prqctices, blq:cklisting of union men and focused 9n the necessity of increasing produc- only the beginning of the industrial process. coercion of emplo'yes. , .

,, hon .of warmunitions :by. 40 per ciiint .during a ' What we need fodciy is to. get the most effec- .· .- J'.n·-~ speech -on th~ ~~ed'for.~s.uchJegislcition;-~ ;- LafoI-_, . · period when .officrdl estfmates indicate thi::rt em- tive utilization' cmd)he maximu.m pmductivity. J~tte ob$erye~ , that ,)h~re :w,as ·a: .day when iLwas ce>~id'.' .

ployi::nent cdn be ·increased by only .zo'·per ce_nt. Conscription> I Jear, might cut the effective- ' ered -stat.esn1anlike ,to. legislcite 'for .. the ,0prot~ctiori·of labor's · . ''In my sincere judgment, ·conscription would ness of the· :present labor forc.e -~y twice -the rights/' Today;, howeveri enemies of·la:bor ·are:"seizing\ 1-p'on:. slow down . our industrial output .for many . percentage as} hat by yrhich it might' increase : the ri-ational~E)mergeric;y '.aS-CI 'goo&4pportunity to take \these: .'1n·on··t'11s if . 1·t is .atre' mpted before· :every·. other the number . employed in WOT industry. Any . ht f I b h 'd . . . ·. . ' . .

h 1 Id b · d' · ,, ng . s . rom a or, - e sai . , . , . - . : . . . . , .

· · f 11 · d " l ·a "W h 1· sue resu t wou ·· e a 1saster. · · resource is· -u · Y: tne , -,;ie sen · · e ave no · . · . . . , - · · · . · " · · · ,. "Unless· we in the Congress have· the ·intestinal' fortitude in·' · yet used ou'.f resomc;es of. lapor~mcinagement . The WPB vice chmrman declared ihat labor th· . f .1 d . . t O f d · d 1-- th· . . ft -·coopetcitiori irl' driy s_ubstcmtidl . de·gre·e; Yet, the has 'proved ifs integrity os· a partner .. in t.,1/0.r . .' IS time O per:_i GI1 . CflSlS _0 ' .e en ;: an; promo. e ' e· n1:s 1 u:-

. ~vi1s we· musf ovetcbrht/ dre ·evils" ,vhich can . production''. dbd: hE!;_ quoted sta~_istics ds to the ho~s . and .. do~trmes th0t .s:ym~.ohze ~o_ur -de_mo~:?CY, we W.l·l( be be . overcome only by complete and effective · volume of. output and· the low percentage of guilty of losmg t,he war on the nome front; - Mr. ·Lafollette , teamwork ,within: each pkmf, within eac'h in- · time lost-through Jabot _dispute. · ·· · ··• . declar.ed. dustry, witliin. each community; each . area, '. "We hav·e not been _profiteering,,, he• said. , "If we continue to indiccrtlthat. it is. our infention 'Or 'd~sign .. ea¢h regi6rt,, tirid throughout the~ij.dtioh d~ a · · "Wherever the weekly take~hoine has. been to ·refo.se protection to the· growth oL?onafid.e trade · unionism :whole. · . · ·· · :mcreased,'the 0 work~t has earned.it in:· sweat ,and industrial democracy, we win ·a~pri:ve the nation of one of

·'We'.ve·. licked eveiY, one .. :'0 f, th~ 'i6:b~ ~e :· ~by. ·. ho:.rdet citid,- longer wor:k '.and greater,· the; gredtest sources of inter-na] and-spiritual' strength." , haYe .. had .to: tackle , so-for ... l say w~ can lick ~ill,'.~ ·· .,. Mr. Laf ollelte pfoclided that the "forces of.indilstnal ciutoc-: this, :one, :too!" . . , . . . . ' . ' . . : ' ''Labor ha~ had t~ ·-£ace rotteri living Condi- ' racy''.° wilLseize upon,, the 'polil~W,<Il"perio.d 'tp tum•:back· the . •

Keem:m said 'that iLrnandoJoty legislg.tion is . tio1!s· in most wat . oente'ts; .where housing, . ..march of industrial ::C:iemocracy;'' . ' ever .needed, iNorkers/ wiU know it< . .. . . · Jrcmspo~t_a_tion; .saniJatrOI1, ~hopping; and ·~¢t- . ' ILet . us .. ~ot de~eiy~ : ~J-rsf;lve(),'.')1~-;,arried; • '.'by .. imag1r1in~ .

, 1 · .• '\Labor:.· un1on:s--~ow: fporri day fo ~~ e~pe~ '.· ~qg ,f aciht1;es, , day .C<:lr~ . -~<?r . .-0 ~Mre:r;/ we,dical Jbat industrial ;democrar;:yjs ,so BOunctly J Ooted iiY.'the',hedrts ·and · Tience how -the . battle of productton is :going, . "service '?J1d , C!,ther ., ess~nt1als .:fo,r. · heaHh · an~. minds of 1 O'.O pe(cen fof the: e:inploy~rs;oHhe nation· Jhat it ne"eds .

r -- ,.because~ union ;members · are the !?hqck troops -,.safety :~ _e ~~g~r~u.s1.!Y". J~~_lo~~ 5.~f!qple·. s~oncl-. riO "legaL"prOfeciio·n.'' - · · · .. _:_. : :.· -· ~ ·: .· : . . . -~--- ·· · · - - ·. · "': · .: in fighting ·the battle .. of .. productio'ri,".Ji.e ·said. ··ards. The worker :nas· been paymg m taxes a , · . · . ·, · ·. : ·· · ·" · *···: · * ... *"' .' :. · ., ..;;. \

"When notional service --,beccirne··:.:n~·ed~d · in . hon's .share of: inciedsed savings and he• has . . · .. '· . ·· ·· .... '. : . . ' Britain, the T~acl_es Union Congi,ess, ~id ·, l}Ot :1°t 9rum~l~d/ ' ; 0

• :~ : • • ;· • • , · ·: • • : ·· •• • ~T:: _:_ ' ,, • ·d.: :_ ,·1· ... · ... -. 1,:·.+tle' .- > .. '.10·· -~y .. ··i ··,,· , _: . .-nE3ed ·to~rec;rq about it in:frie p0per:s. ;A.11d~-yrhen: ,' :·Ke.ena:n -~ser,t~~ 4~~ .nahomII11;Ist .get ~~ery- 1~ E)_, ffi0. · g: qt -:. '~ -:-<1 _ ,.g.I .. ,b _ r J-; ... i, sit .was needed, . the , goverrimenLwent'· to . the ·., . :P?SS~le ~ tt ~of",extrwoutp~_t::h;;1t ,ur~ed - ;reG:rl .. . . . '· . . . . . . . ~ -. , · .lab0r. movement c;md called :on 'Erhest , Bevin 'to . ·.·. lc.rboralilanage,II).ent'·;c_oop~rsrt.10B< (IS · th~: No . .l · . There •are n-b i,'med.als cmc± v~r:y ;Jit.tle.,glor{ for the soldiers on

; . . opei:ate it :sb. that there ~'To.uld be '.:a moximurn .·j ~dus,tri,al '}rtc~nt~V:e .t,o incte?~e ·• ptodt1ctiq~-. . the - product1on :line'.:,;But Jhey{can Jmo_w\ the:·:satfsf.01ition,J bat ; ., , .output .a.rid' q: miDti:num :oL r~gimeritation:., . .. . ~artime ·ce;nc.li_t,mns, .K~~n9:ri.:d:dar~d( _may 1 d "~ b ~- l b . .. ~ . -· , · .: ·: . . . , .' . . ·· . . ·. · )' ,,,. , . . . .. , ,1ushfy-ihe -:estab1ishl)1entof·, .. a:,plctnVwld:e:wage c?~e,;; fr,o:m., o j'ob .w~ L qm.e :s: M.p.d~t :ot is icimeri~an , a ?r :s, p<?·-. ~ . , . l(~~pqn, $al~ ;'~flt1.sh- .tx,p~ne1;c:e .. • md1cat~d .. · itJ.Centi.ve ·plati. whidf •will rewdrd .and' ind lice SlhOn :Joqc;ry. Jxrbof•ha:s·\d<:m~·; ¢n,0 ·1S . !iGJ.Jil.g :·a ',JO~ ::wti15:h -?~~-... , . • ~ that nahoncrl s~rv1ce-J~g1slation 1n Great.Ent- , constant i:rnpfo.' e . -t<':' " ·'-' .'·t ... t : · ... :, . _,:· ,eqrned _·: the .· respect_·,oqnd g.ra. htude_ not .only ,. of.Jhe people'. ,O!

· · h t d · t · · t t · ·' v men " m ou pu · ' · : A · b t f .. ·11· 11 · · th · · ld · .. q111: ... . as -.:no _ .. 9~rv.e . . o mcrease . ou, pu · per "It / ismy. position ··. therefoi,e 'that·a '-.plcmt~-·,._m,enca· u _o .our'. a 1es: a ·.over. · ewor . ,·0,- · ,··

0 ··:worker .to eliminate absences from i.work .nor . · . ...... ·,, ... : ..... - .; ' ·, ... , .. . , .... ·.· ,, ... '. .. · .... :.-~· ... ·, , . •·:, : · ·, , - · - · .. ·· · · '> .. · ··· ., ··. - .. . .. ,, ., - · · ·- .. ·-.;· t ·· .. 1:·· ': . t . t '.k · · · ·· · ··· · ·.·. ·· · · · .·,,~~d~mcent1'."esys~eni \f\1'h1ch,r _ewara~:-wor,kers ;:: •,The:nahon ·1s -proud of.,yourpatnohsm and•·of,_.the _magmfrcent . · • 0 ~: iwrna .e s n . es. . . .··. m direct ·rat1b"f6r ::increas'~tP oh'tput::tis di'legiii- cqntrib .. ution . you ate ; makiqg toward :the'.c:W:mmng 0f:· the yrar.,

'...-7 . '.; Pie ~ew '::"Yor_k ',1'.,1m_es r~cently repo~ted ' mate . wartim_e <· .emergenci · me0$Ure for ' use ·We :wilJ.n.ot fbr:get:' Meanw;hilef itw:ould ;seert( t6:m'e '.· t1:iaf ]dbqr ', absenteeism 1;1vrunn1I1g,'.ab'out; -:10>per,· ce!lt . '. wherever circui:nstcmces justify itif~d;orily :should ·hrm]y" .· re:;;0lve ' '.Jhaf lhe :gains whi:ch ; have 'been .vron ":

... ,· .. a?°1~~g· es!>~Il,h~ 'f'ar,,,_~ .orkers.,.m ·,(:;p,~ah ~r,it-,• ,;;: if::""'_t):i.~ .. details dr~ . \1iorked, out withr:Uie~ fu]l 0fter 1orrg years ot .. sfrugg1e . shall:-;i-:rot: 'be :•irnpair'ed ·or 1ost'ic;om':.. :- -~ . '. am; ']e·A~ciax;ed. .· . >. \: ,.-; .. -: . ; . .· ". ·. qgreernent of·.:iocal union's· ana:·,m:anag§rnentpl :p1etely either ;iidhe he·attc:md ;-;ti..dino.r1 .ot 'w ar.:or1n'·:the?,v-e1tei' qf ',.: ' .. : "Oµt.: .of ::: -28 :; Ametican».war .sin:diistries ~.for >.Ahr0ugh Aheir, ·Giu1y, established· collecti:v:e -'bar"' ,eonfusion-'that1w:elrm'try:; roilow;''In.-this •resohitio'n··ttlf thoti'ghtful .' ·

~~hicl1, ,offkiaf figli:res<ire '.available/ none .~were ; gainrng ,machinet,y:'.'.. .~ ·; :. /'kri1eri:eqni.,:will•Join; ·mENDELL WH:±KIE.'- · ,, ·. · · - ·- -~ '.·,. ,. ..


Page 5: November 1943 Engineers News - OE3of * * * the · ! a $ d · c · . . ,. _ • . ., , . . !. ~ 12, . . ,· · . . c · · Labor * * * ENGINEERS' NEWS

' \ .

' ·.· ~-- "·

;, : l, I l :."'.'' .;( i

... ,Nove1n_be'r <19, ·'194~ · !' ','·

:k ... -~ ;' ~

··1.. ' .. ~· . .'·.:· . '. ,---;.,.·_,, ._: ...:. ---,.._.,........,.,;-..,.,......;,;,.,...,...,...:;_;..,.;.:,--,,--"""-.,....;;:.,,.,,..;,,,..-;....;;...;,.4,,,,+,:'~~",-'="'· :C::. --~)-~-,:<<~-'. -·· 1kot:hei; 'Ai .· Qle'm, Ecf -~or:m, ·J "'': .

1,,.,, :t;if:'/_''",' .. . ,. ·· . .. , , .·. -, i:~· .. ·:".. ..·· 'I'.,

and -Joe , Walthers, .,vork.µ1g OU~ , .•,,.'y·,,,~,-iT{H\}foH6;,vlng ' poem ,'va~ contdhut~d1-.uyBtiPher Glei1 Parrish who has "·or tlie ''Oaklaaid .· office, ,rei)oi·t: , ,, . ' ... " "(\ ri;~i,tii /~t~~:1ef ti;~~1t:' ~ci~ta Ric~ Ii~·~rs11e ,,has :~ee1i W<irk:

· ·. Puget S01ind 'Bridge· ai~d D~edg- '· ·· . . , . ing "on a;· Highway job ·. for the U. , S. Engineers: . .. ing·. co: is : b~Hding: .a · Barg~ Dril,l · · .·. ·.. . . '· ' . · . · . . . ·· . ·. . ·' ...

~g:r~~e~b:::~f1~~~~~t~c~~~~n:; ' ·:·-Th~: •. :.;Fof.g:qt,~:~t···.{Q~:t{~;;S,ki~#~:r,··: ·.

·on i;he · job. This "work wHl start ,,.. .;, .. , .. ·.,· : . .. · ' .... .-,',.,:-/,-.:_,. >-:,·:;_ ' ·· ( 'inafew. v~eeks: An:the ,\vorkwi11 ' ,.,.. . ·- .. , T_ . .,·,... .·-; -_ :,,·, ··";; 5 '.':\ ,r } ,be. tnder-water vlork: , .;. · ..... '! .· ... DoV:;n · where · ,th~re 'ai'e 'n9 te11· comrn,andn:ien,ts , ·. · ,,' , They live ,vith dirty riatiyes·

··. ·:<\nd · a ·marr cap.: raise :a 0 ~hitst _- · , ; ; . · _ , , · D~wn ' in, this sweltering i'one' ··,i'.,; ~;:_,'>:_ ;/'. ··: . . .. ,. . . ' H.;ydraulic Dredging· Company ·has

. , ~tart~d ,.,the D~·edging job at Rich~ mond Ya'rd : II~ Kiss Crane -•. Com­pai.iy. :has ·a jt b' at ' th~ Ford . Plant

. ·111 . Riciuno1~ct.' Brother- T.od , Larso~ . ,.. ~, . · is on ·this_ job. ,

Lh1'e the :Quf~ast_s-. 6{ dvniz/i.tior'i ' .. :_ . ; \ :working ' on the Pan Amed~an 'Highway 'ser~ing life at its -\~6rst: , /:J , .. · Thousand~ -of miles fr0m :i;oine .

' ' ·' , . · ... 2 .· ' '.·• ,.·.. .,-.,: .. ,, . . . I . ,·, ,. ; :• .. , - ~ -. .

Do\~n in rum soaked C::entral;A,rnerica .,. ·., . ·. , . ,lnto Pu1,1ti:1,re,nas , City thet go . 'LiVe the n1en tha,t .GOd .forgO~-.:: . ·./ :· .. ;'.·:· . -~. ·~ ,· ~· · T,Q .·_-.squa .. p.de1~ .their .. meagei~ · 'pay· .

.·Fighting -the ev~r presel).t fevfi!r : , · They raise merry hell for an\ iv'ening

"five ,I .

Yard job in ' Ri'cl'im§rd'

We of the .. Oaltland: offic.e feel -that , it is our business ·and are'' deeply concernecFabbut ·the t'vvelve, ,!1,u11,dr~d _seventy eight Brother En-


gineers ~nd, Oilers in the Arme('l 'F,orces. • If ~ny 'Broth~r members hai.i~ ;ny information about pro­motions or mvards 01' the death of ,these· membe rs, or nev,;s· of . their

' · J;>ef,:rg . wounded or missing ... in ac7 ·

tion,· plea_se notify the Oakland of­fice ; · : ,

Tim H. J. Ifaiser-"piant at Raduni The . itch arid th~ '-J'uno-le •rot'·. ··· ,_ -A,1;ci>£re


always _l:irokethf( next d~y: · . ' ,. • . ,, b '' ' is a very busy place at the present .

... ·g· .. l'Ba,v~eoythaer'dr_';, Lsh: l~f' to_n1'1nbaYx:da· 1r-;dFstieI\I1/,a. rR_ d1·c··Oh~ < /:No~ody·,-.kn_,o~vs_: tl1~; '. ·~r!\~v.\ ';1/' At irtight they lif on. t~~il: pillows . tiine. B1~other) laiph J. Hishon; 'an

• ! • ' •.• -~.

_ . · · · ·· · · · old . .time meniber ·of Locai 3, w.110, mo.11d-,'._.-1·s -d·o· 1·ng a· 'ni'ce J'ob. ·B·r·other . An_d. nobo_\lY gives _a d_ amp , . . .. , With ills. no .. d_octor can cur_e · , ·, ·· · · · .· · · . t' ,has been 'on tl1e job' for some time,-

. Stew T,hompson is , ,our.~ Re,presens · Bac_k horn\; t~rey are · forf;otten •, . Hell no; we ·a~-f not convicts, .i~ Pla,nt Engin~er. ,. ' . . tative ~n the Labo'i- : Man~O'ement Those·. ep1pl:qyees •of ,Uncle Sam> ' :.·,, . We. a·re: worker~ 01~ foreign. tour. -l Wori, in the H '. J. K:aisgr Quarry , Con1mittee ai:;Yard, III,' R,khrriond. "' ' 4 · ·,,. . ,, ' · ;- ,;... . . · . 8 · · , is\:ery slow now. . . ,

\, ' . ·, . _ , ·.:_, :.:. .-, \}.':. ·./ ·.. . Covered with sweat.iJi'the ; ~vening _ .. _ . , ,-:: Boys, -I aµ1 giving yoµ- warning' '. -. , -

, . ·1· ,Tile Oakla:~d ·omce :has ,i:ecerved · '' ~~Ii~~-Y\~:~!i~:.:~_~i/ Jfqt::e~~:);(i~,-,,,·\_:_jJ'.<{ ·::_ ._, l[ti{J£~lj~~-";;1tr~~:l?i8½i,.~11·\ ;_~~~e.·~ ··cc· ,.;,.Louis'- Biasottiis busy.on, his Hi:,, . _,,,;,

a letter·; from :·Br.a.tiler ·,Geo Criser · · , · · · ;:-:· :'''_•: :;:, f·::·, · · · , . t. ·n·' b· 1· ·. -,~, : , -. . ' .. - ' . . To. dam , up .meniories -dreari1:C . ':· ' \·· ,' ,:::,_:} '' F'0r··1 am 'doing my hitch .in)iell. ,::\v~,r-.r~~i1:_a_~mg J,OD a __ ~l 1r· ,,\ ,Y~

,v.J\c),·f~bo\v, a· Ffrs( Li~\,ifen~,i;if)n · .·. · · .... . . ,._, •· ·, :·,- ,':,:::, '; . .',,.,:''''· ' '. :,/ ... ,,;:\,. , hcrv~ :thre~membersontheJOb: . ,. t lie A1,n:i:y··Engine.~rs.,Lt. •Crts.er · is· . , .... , . . , ,,; . . · .. : ... ··.··,:-,,,,.-, .. ··:I_., .;, .. ,,·,. ··_ .·.· ,',s, ,,. - • .. , ·, . ·.' , "/;''····, , : ·.·'.,,c'i,._:.- . Seve{·a-1 Engineers . from .. StortJ ~t"a·'· t1·-0· ·n·e· d · a· ·t '· _·, p 0· rt . Bel·n:0·-1·-s·e ,• v· 1·r-· Ya_ rd •of · Mo0re· Pryd99k', Com_pany . p~rff<!Jt·{_e_cord_·,,0f ·,not.:,:b~1_ n_g_ ,,. <l-_bse __ n_t of. the.· Oaklan9-:,Pff_1 __ ce \ the~:.;p1lst .. .-.- ,_ .... ,_ ,. . . -, ·. . . . : · .·., .-.. ;.,;. ·-,:'.< ,., .. -,. . c'' ...... , ·, ··.,-,.-·_,.._ ,.-: · . . , , .. ··_· ...... -··_, ... ·· ::: :·J,:·c:,,- .;-, .. ·:0 :, .. ,.,, .... ,,._. _ _.,_. __ ., .. ,.,, .•• • .• ,. -: • · .- ,, . ·,.'., ••.. ,. • Jol51n .Alamedahave;goneto· ,:ono,-. --·

. -~·ni·a.· . · , '· __ · · '. · · ,_.,::,- ·:,:- ·teally' Jias <" a ' ·fun·· time;"jo_. b.-' In ·ad- a·-smgle ·d_'a:xt_'::_foi:: the':IJast.two:sea11s: ,few-. we.ets. Brother .):Mey;_i has .. £~1.- · • .. ·,, \ :,-:.'\: ,.,,.;:, , , ·: · . : :

8-5: ' · >~ .,,, . · · ' . · . . · - · . · · .. · : · ·.,,.,, -·, ... -· :'·.'•- ... ,.. ... . · ··· - ,,.. ·-'· ·:.:·· ·. ·, . . .. · - .- .· · · . . · , .,. pah-, ·,:Nevada. Work · 1rr- •.the th· ,

-,: ,. -- .. '• · ·. · : . ,, ,: . · .. '.dition. to·. directing the-·actiyities uf .of .empioyme:nq -,;:_,·. ·. .. · _ ... · .· Itsted· as ,.a,· .first clqss .Buck Pr1vat~ .. ·.- '· · ·.··, . · , , - · ~ .

!,: ' •. : ~ ,;~ei;l ,;: ~~viees V-1:;{ , ·: ~~.;thef ' _sq111'~' 24Cf• crdne ' ~pe~~tisi t~ '.thf : :. <ii ':>;\{/{:);' /\>., . ". :o: Ji; iif tne'. u. '. _s·., '.,\rri~y, --w~ ' .feel t_hat :;~1~1:;o,!~::;::1 ~h~-~,:. has slowe ~

· · · · · · ··· '· . ·· ·-- · · ·· · ~-- ·' West Yard ·Brdtlier "Hosman'"also •w · ' b k: ·· · '''1938 ·M ' - D · Riley after · all the- a_d_ vi_ ee .. he has· ,. :.,·• ' · · Y. .. ,-, .. , , · : Frank 011vera ··3:A cmember, , were· . ·,. · .. , " .·,. •a.y ac , Ill ~; '•·- 001e ry- ' · ·. ·i ,- ,,-. • . · ; •• :.~- - · _ ·. __ · :,, .. ~:

t' . held '.{'hursday:D<;~~ber) A,'_-194~ at ~s i1,( c~a~:g( of' ke~f irig - ~~ '.offi~~: ~cic~ . C~ril~an,{ ~~a,d( th~ir". fi~~t received fr?m vati~~~ soi'o:ces, \V!ll :· Brother Porter Bur~e," -~vho ha~ _J", ., Berge M6rtu(wy,· in:,Niles. . . . of ,per~onnel_. and ,mamtenance ~~c- awards ~o emploYe';S ·for · llleptori" make a fme _ .sold1er. ·Good lltck, been with Close Buildi11f Ma_terial

.J · .• ;:,:~ ·, . . · : orcls. Ten years of h\s ,: 11 years,. ous sµgg~stions tc/ 'sp~ed prnduc-:-: J:o,_e!'. .\' forthe ·.past5years;,is .onth-eirjob ' Brother Cha~lie Lloy'd'( :Biade :Yith . M<:?r~ ,, ArydCl~~ ~?lllPaJ?:Y. ticin, imprcife .facilities . ~rid' eiimjn:. ' ' , at Hayward: VVe iilso''have Brothe~? ' operator:. and ·cat · sKioner: , has have b~·~n _gpe_r,it in:; t~e- crane <P,e- a:t_e a~cide_nt,, liJ2;~r~$. ,. ;, , O · _- ;_ B_r~!;be( H. E. ', . Beim~i~hoye~~, J. ·A. Walker and Brother Galti:o.

· .,;, . . : 11 :, , · .. ttl " d. · 1 ·M· , •. y··· , -1-1-, ... C" 1,,, '•partment. ,--:·-- l)l1,0Hier' Ca_ ·_ r-11 M0llef',:po,v'erhuuse w:ho . has . ,be_en- stat10aed-- with- •the--D ., tl' . , b'' -.,;ma y•.; se e .111 • ar sv1 -e,., a1- . . , ,. · · .. ;· .. ·· .. '.", .. :," ·. :··· ·: ., . . · ·" , .. ;_ · ., . . , ... ,, ,ornson 1eJ0. f. · -~ · ,. . Ch'·· ·1· · :l .- ·.· -~~1.:.:- , m- ·e·d' .. fr' -m~· , . ~. . ._._. _ .. -· -· . _ .. :sUJ{epiPJebP,ent, .ri:11d·-... ·Br:OtheF:_ :·:,, J .. -~~a9~~~ =111' ·;_I?av1sv1l~e;.: Rl1qcle:·- Is~· ou.ia. . " ar 1e• 1as .. ,.,oo · · 0 . . . •. . . . . . . · · · , ,, . ·. ': , . . : , ,.. . .. . . ·, , , ;. . . : , ... , , . . . .

·-~~~::0~:~~;ei~:-g!~~tjt;~ructi_¢ri· ;d7=1

::\~:z~,e:;:.·~:;i~i C:C!~f~:~:.j::!!~:!!f~ort!0

:V::h~t!f fllt:ei:t ,,~;i!f~1;:as6;;;;.C£;Ji{~;~t();~~li11:t ,u~1!J~~!!;a~;;~ts::;t~X: .. ~:o~~,--, fa a r~cerit· te:l~phone · cbp:iers~- · ,Livingston; .. Streets , irr , c:>_a~and: :c~~v;e' , th:s~ :. a,~ards. · The~~ , two . ~l!ov~,;1, \YfiS'. ; ~-~c.enq;y;, t,ra'.isferred to· Ed,vard Re·e~le. · is. the co~1tractor .

. fioli ' wiih' Br~th'e1~- Lloyd; the Oak~ :This: ·yai·d•:1s ' qutfifting\ sfn:a"lF _sl11ps, . b11ot}'lg'l'S: 1:('l]e ',!i~ilke'nlpl<Jyf;!d j n, the . a new:,,sta:twn in\!!~ ~ay li_r~a. , ·five· bf OUI!: members are employe4, . . land, Office 'Business ~Eipr~seritas Ai._ the . pr-eserit tim:e· ,th~i·e: '. aTe"' 7: '.same capa~it~., >,, ··: ' . - ;,·, , . . , · .-.-• _ _._. ,: ·. ,-:: i~- 011, ''the· job. -· Lo't1is .'Eiascotti, .Coma:.,

1 1:ives•0

• ,,ve1.:e , .in~rired:_·. toi.'~sperid / a< ;r.1ii m1?,e1:s of-the Opei,,atir1g Eri:~hi:0· . : Since, ·, thes:~ ' awards- ,v.e.re .. fir~t -.· Brother Jack Gree1iwood recents , pany. is . starting: ,a , gi:adi1Jg jpb for ; / couple · o'f 'wee'b ;;~r't1re:;(.1'oyg-'~~cie0 ieers: :.Uni01f. e'mp~oy~d: theff!; '.'rh:ey ,~~de :ih;"1~38;; hun,ctre?s, · of- Moore · ly left for the ; so't\11 ,(Mexico} ,for :a .. · Housing, .,;, Pr.:qJect ,, i_ft- Albany'. · · home.; I ' was, -~lSO ''l'eque'sted' to "in~ 'have two• truck cranes , ~n;d' ~htee :Ernployees ... haye · received several _the winter monp:is: 'He:_:,wiH be· eni- 'Brother: JohIJ '.t'r:rpp, is Hea_d,oMech-,

. ::~;~t1f1~~g!~Z~~:~:~:r;r :ri/~~~ ' .:~;;:;:;sr~.a7;~~~~!1/ ;:1~t::};:; :i~:~:~.11~/~t:: '' \~i~;~tl ~1:~g;~;-~?y~~-.. ;~~I~t~?i;~;~~:~ ._¥i!t!;~: ·. r;~t.efy~ ~~ri!~:t;:~::v~;o~:i~: : ,



.welcome· mat is ,·always out.:at ],221 on. the ·.Job. , .:_ t\'ioils," · · ' · · · · . Cliff · Jorgenson has -returned from the 'JOb, . . ,,,· -'11111 . ' Divver SL· ' ---. . ',. up nort!J. where he was employed ' ' ' . '

. . •.. ,·· . - \ . Brother j~ci Russell,- cra:rie. ,oper.:-.- · 'Brother '.•.Joe Riley, -former Buss on the Yu)rnn Hi\;ay job . . Brother Brother Bob Snodgrass.lias :sta1:t-Wc <thinkBrother ·Roy .}Iasman: at01:· an'ct -~teward at ¥oore · DD;~, ir(~ss Represe~1tative .· of Ogden Cliff Mellidc ' is ·opi;iat~iig Kuhn's', ed'.his ~l~W"duties ci,s MaiMr'•:riech-

' Crane :Dispatcher of ·. the ·. we·st doc)( · Co.; swing .shift/ holds the _ 'lftah, ,,has ·been a ' frequent v'isitor J3ros. 95 N. w. _Dr.agllne on ' the (Continued oii' Page .7Y . . ",'· ,··/ ~. ; .. : . '-,,.,.' " . . '· ...... · . . . .•; '\ . ·• . . . ' . . . ,..;, . ,. . . :.

CIClll~y:repOrts Rent> aidili~ <1.f:ive ;. fOt Wat telieffund;s ... . · ~- 5;.Army as:sr ' " WO_rk falling off. . 'John ·neLagr11:ii'ge a~cl L~s :. h_ave . inoved "its eqtiipmerit to ·Elkol Taylor is . General Superinte11dei1t , re• germ,~n O . ~:[ 'in San·M:ateo Collett, Busin;ss Repr~~nta- . fo!'.' repa1r. Seve~·al_ of oi.u- brothers in that ge ai~d ail Foremen are ·Eng1nee.rs 1obs :, .. Pat" Ciartcy, '. Presi~ent and _ ... t~'ves _,~orking ~-ut of ' t!~e Rei;,o . "ai-,e i10~ '~Or~\lt ~t flko as ~:1ea?Jn~embe1·~ ·of. Ldcal ~o. 3. A_~t~r sev- _ Jack ·Foster, Business Rep-

' - . . . . . .. · -, . , . Office, report: . _ du,ty . r~pa1rm,en, _ _. ,_:_ '. : :: .. , .. , ., , . f eni.l .con:f7rerrc~s -.with officials of resentative working out of the Businiss' Representative: work-:-· ' I ' • ' • :· . ' • ' . • ' '' • • • •• •

· .. ' ·m· g ·01;1·t . o_-f; :-t.he' ' Reno---1J1e ·Rerio' omce . is ' again . Yancy_ In~,ulation Company has . tj1is C(?InJ.)an,y, t~ey have agreed to, .- Sah · Francisco Office, reports: :San Francisco;,; g~iril to· help ... '\ n .th·e wki: R~lief corripletecUts · bi·idge job ho,rt'h . of repa!r the ·road ·a.1:ol\ild the ·am- . Tile U. S. Army Engineers '' are

, ' riffice; · reports: Drive. An· rnembers, of'1.,oc~l N·o. >3 Elk.o,'7.?: ; . . : : .. · .· ' , . . ' .. '; • . ,1-irnni_tioi'i:' ai·ea, a~d: . perhaps the .in n~ed of the following men: _ .. ;· ~ si~1~e , -p~,;j~~t : 11)._ol),thJy ,,, report,' working •otiit ,cil ti;e j\.ii:i~dicti6n'. of ·;'.• Mor~ispn -Illi~~s¢11' .()0111,paif Iias· men ,\ vili ' stay longer 011'. the job,, . · · ~ , -· · - bOt11

· ·work, i~ Sil.~~- II-late;, Co~hty ,' ~n-the Rerici',,office _will be asked ·to moyea from : W.elfs, > N~vlida, . ,to a,s _this 11.as J:>~en the '"bone of 'c~n- . ·5 ~:!~µ a1:i:-~ ;i:&ric~· $1.75 t

. . , .· '. . . , .. "; · k .d·,. .· f. f . o-ive· $9_ 00 ·fo the_ War, Relief fund. Sparks; : They : have ,18_ o;ooo ,cubic _tention!~. since the . men l_1_ave ,been·· · ,co11struct10n ·has ;:uac e · o , a "' .. _, . . · , · , . · · - . · · . · · · .... , .. . · · ' -· : - . ' . . ,. .. per ho\ii;. · · · · ·· ·, · ... . · · . -·. ' · ,This donation ·: will' be , divided. ya1,ds· pf track b.ase, _tp. . :q_io".;'e .for , havm_g tr:ou,bl~ gettmg to. and from . • - -. · .i

,little; _ . .. . . i ' three ways: ,$3.00. ' to the ' 'Rec). the , : Southern . Pli:~ific • between \VOl'k. ;• _;,, -~·- ', .. ,.. • 3 Mates,bothSteam_and·Eiec": I

: : , Pacific . Bridge ,Company's- jo'5 at .. G:i·6ss,· $3,00 tfr the War, R-eliefjmd' .~i:>;iu,ks ·. and Fernley·; Bi·othei'; .:fb;hn .• · F. (); f,toJV~ Coinp:tny · and,- K B; - ti'ic, $1::35. p_er · hour .. . :Red~~bqd( ' which y:as over a,yeil.r!s .$3.00 to -Fo'1~eigrl Relief.· · .. · ·.. Clark is "iri:a:~fo{ riiedian:ic> .· .. ·_. ' ·. 'Bishop' Company- l~avejust had to: ' 5 .op·erat·ors; Elec'tric;,$1.50 per ,~o~k, i;' finishei ,Most of·-t:h-e 'me~ • Each merrrbet wm-: rec~ive a re- - I:sbell C~n'.stri.mti,on C!omp1Wy has 1:nove ·theh· ;~amps out otthe Ord- hour, , · . . · 1. d · h · ;;,, _· . t . ·ceip· ., for· 11is . d'o·n·ati'on· to this, cbmpleted-' its:._e_xtensio_ri ol}.' the·-Ely. nance' Pepot ;md- are .. · rrow,. head'- 1 Steain · Engineer; $1i50'- per . emp, oy,e -,. there . ave ' 1:.1e.en · r;ms- · ~ · · . ·. ·' .. . · . : · . · ... · · (· · · '· .. ·: ·- .-.. , .. ·.-': · - ··. · · ; . :• ·· ,, .. : · · . .c ·a· li'for·nia·. 'feired 'Up.to .the' 'l:Hinters Point job/ 'wortl_i'y c~use; and it is: hoped thaY, Air_?01 t and !11?st. 0~ 1~Jl ~en h~v:e qp.~\te?q · at · Do~!~, . , _ . hour. '. : · On-· the Ooiist- .t-here is ,a: .little ddnatiotis by these rrteff!berK will n:oyed UJ?) ~ ~np~en,y ~11 :its st11P-, The, . Wesfe,rn ~aciflc bridge. of. (Time · and one'-half for all' over-

s.· L · . · ··-1. · ·k. - . ·t·h:·. ·. ·:-b· ·. ,... _ _-c;r. ed'1·t··ed '·, .. 0 ·• L·. 0· ·cal· No · 3 t·,111·.0: 'lig· h pmg · and:· mmmg JOb ,for .the Con- Stolte Company 1s about two-thirds t· · -. b, t d · t.' ,., taie·- Fenta ... wor- "WI : ,mem ers· · = · · c J. • , · • • · ·• , , · ; · " 0 ~· ·.. · ·• · • · · · • ~ 1me; su sis ence; an · . quar, er.s f

, · . E . . i · . • the R·eno office Paume·nts m·~·:y be solidated, Copper Mmes Cor-por:a- f1mshed . . E;.,, B. Bishop ,has a, new . .- . . 1 d) .. -o tlie-- Operatmg .: ngme-ers-:oper- · . . · · . J · w . . ·, _ , 1 _ • • , ' • • • - .. • • ,,. • , • • ,,u1ms 1e , , · : . · . .. , , ·. •; .. . . . . • :made" through the Ren:o office 01' t1on./Fh1_s JOb iS yrog1:e,ssmg r,ueely: contra.et to ; do_ the lev.elmg,,- roads : - . · · . ·; , . · . . . . , _ ·: . ,

ratmg samE:. . ' ,, .. ' .' .. . ; '. ' '' ., . . ; . ' . . ," . ' • - at pi-es~nt.' we: .. liave' 35 prQthers and .sew$'rs tpr the,- n,e,v one' million ' TIJ;!-s,work, lS essenti~l to the-wal'!' , ,,Two· ·of· •the·,."heavy, cduty , .. -repa1r~ .a Busme~s Representat1ve-w1ll con , ,, · .,., .. · . , .· " ,. , , .,_,: ·., ,,. . , ,. . ... .- , ,· . . . ·.· .. . ,effort . The above order was re--·

· . · , _ . · ,. : ·· . ·. :,. ·. · .. • • · , . · tact vou ori the ·>ob:. · ; · \\'Orl~u~g -Of th_1s J~b. ::1:11e ,> Army dollar. _.hou.smg p1:o_~ect at HoneY. . . · . . . . . . _. . _ . . -men . from _,t.he . 'Pacific ,Budge ,: at.. . . : . . ,~ . . , . ' Engineers are' tO cohs'tri.1ct"a ;pipe Lake, subbing under ,t he :Qow Con~ ce1ved at the office this week, and -Re~d':ood C1~y ~ave<b,~~n·,:.111~c~d: . ' w~~tb~9:?k ·,C,onstructjon- Co~n,- ir~e ,: f~Q~ .-the _Reno ' city- iirnits t~ .str1,1ctio~ ,,cci1npany. ,,This company ' there are .several of these jobs

. . -One , 1:n:,,- weldmg for" P1_ombo ,,a_nd pany .. received the contract fr9m th .- ·.R ·""· A·": ,, , ·A· ·-B , ·: T·l. ~ - _ .\"1··ii i1ave·fr·om· ·. two -to" t·w·o and ·on·e- -open for competent men;"'7Here, i~ ... _,_ .. ·, ,- . . . .. . . , .. . .. , ... ,. e enp _ rmy_ 1r _ase . . . 11.s .cpl). . . :: .. , .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . · ·.!he.':_?ther, :, ~!l~rles ::,,Ba::tllolomew; ._the · Army; .Eng1neeri:; .- 'for an exten: _ t{·ac°t-ha.;; not '.b~en•'a,wat<i'ed to date, haif months:. of w·ork ;for about l5 an' oppor.tunity to make· so:r:ne·rea,

fis .now;a,:nia:ster;:rp,_ eci:ianic for ;_R. :;r . . sion , at L'.erriorf. ·Vall_ey,._ (~e110 Aif . ,,..:,._,, ··t _.'':::_., B .. ,. 't''i. ·, .. ,.· .... ··c ·· .>;,t· "·, t"; '. ·• 0;. -.0·,·u·r· -E~n·g· -1:-n· ·e·er·s··, ·, . .-,·. ·_, .. · ··. · money ,by : staying out the con- . . , ..,. . . .. · . .. ., .·. , . .. ..... , ,-.,1nsou _; .ro ,uers .. Ol).Sru_c1on. ... -1; ..... _. , ... · , , - ..

~l!ffor~ -:al).~'··c~mpany. _· ' . ,'. ,Bfse?,J?r } one~e~e , w_arm-up :. ap- _c~i1.iiaii~( job, J/3 '.rrii~~s' · ~d¥ ·,of ~o_hiiso~ J)ril~~ and :P,iper Com- tract; and the \'vork will · carry on .. . Bel~ S~pya~d ,ha~ been,-?et:mg rons. Brother Horace Co~pe,r 1_s ' a ·Camp ' Bu11y0rr; . daJifotnia; : is~ pro- P~,ny is now; layjng -its P?ncrete for for -some time to come. If' inter­lll . a _few-,,new ,.pi_eces .of eq,:npment ;su)),c_ontractor on ., ,the _exca,va;tion .. : · . · ·:,.- ,., 1 .. -, .. , ·t'1i'·,,. n1· .. . . -the warm up strip at · Fallon Ne- ested, ·contact the San -. Francisco .· ... , __ , .. ,. _ ... . -- , -· .. , _.,._ · . . . , . . -- . · · . ,gressrng. n1cey, w1 ·o y . one,. -c· .. ·.· , . • .- .. ;_;,..-' ...

. 'a?<l --~dwding __ a. fep'V: ~~nd,_,asLvalrioud,s :RHDe8·, Wil!_•h?:1'1'f :~wp J~~ps: 3;nd a~· shqve1·:-cr~f";",.voi•kihg ;nowr'.' There' v,ilda . . , . , .. ' ' ' ,· ,'.' ,Office! times ... estern , rp_e,an ·, tee _~yar ·: ... -·car:ry1!,' . at ,cpresent. _, We .a1:E!., ·'·. •;1· -:1--f :· -'·,c"d· ···.: ... ,·t:.,·· ;,,.t ... " ·,: .··c .. .;t'·h·· ... d .. Tlie .:Nev-"a· sta· te· · ·F·ea· e·r· ·ati·o·n· . of The local · dredgir.ig'.; \VO_rlckpro., .. ·· • .. • . . _.. • • c " ,_ . . .. . - : · ; • . • • . · , • • , . , are ·. 1a . p, .- .ozen -. ca_ s on .,· e ,. ay . . .. nu . .. . . . . , ._ ..

, If;' P.f~cee1}n:~:'a))~t1t:t~e .. ,s.~~-e_....:<"? ·a!,~t1c1~attI1~r.a "l~r:?e :"e~t~~s~or, c,;at \shift; :,J1he) J31( t:/f1frl'itff:\ib'out' · 30. L.i;+l:ior:Y.:m holds. its anriuaFconyen- gressing. nicely, b~f tl1,~re :i~ need . ,•·l?mmbO's :Job · at -Mills ·Field' ·1s 'tlu_s \1).Irj)ont -;'I.'!J,e , prese.nt"ccontract:, ci." . ''Y' :: , .. :-'-: ··,,,,,·'.0,;Ji'l"ih'''(;, . . ' tion af' Lds" Vegas ' November• 19 ,' of ·. a number -· -of. ::• deckhands _, and

;i~~.t?Jiii;.~~~El~~,iii~li~r::::t~i~ti atiilliJiii~l Stl~~E&~E~~~¥i?~ ;~fiJf~i;':itJii±ri, :, : ,,; cyarc_Is,c,. 'FJ_iere 'lS ,,also -~dr\tl'.e .c:wo,i:~, :;flfght · traihirfg • ,scl1doF; at''.' Riillon," ifs ct.~vt ·:ici :'otie°' sh'i'ffFc:it1~ ' to ·u1e \viil be sent.- ' .· ''. : -, ' ' . ' · _' -'~ , * *- · . . · · ·,

.::~!~1~~a'.t1~~~iiE=!i!=SlS~i~~:~~~Jt~~i~!~,~t\~;•;:!'i~:~tt~i~11;'1Ei·:!~t;;;2ra:F~:!:~EE :- '~hei:e;, fli.at :is :abouL ;i.lb ; -:·,_.' : 1).lld 'se,ve1;ag~' systex11:. The' contract :a:nothei.~ 30 ,i (iays ~' ii ' .tne: \Vinte1:'.s -N.L.R.B.· ~L Chester :.' dalifornia'' cently inade c,dito~ ·ot.hif cOllipiµiy ' .

,to blow, tbem\up; ·th:an.'iUs 't-o·;bliild ' .1mme_d.1ately. · · · . , ·. · ··· :- .. · Lake, , Cahforma,J AT[iort; , 1;; work- ·will. be granted a .place on tlfe ·bal- had a pretty -soft J(!b...-:untll I su.d-J ~e111>11p: 'But:not' ,;nearly~so· ~ff~- . \"; '.rh.e·• ~t~lf M?Ul!~n/ ai,ri'p,?l'H,??: ing ·g~o •,si-i'ift~- ;Yi'.t:1 ';.!,~O\lf 10_ '~i].ii; iof in ~he' cqming electiq~, it: .whiqh •de1ily " remt:rnberecf ' every one ~ ' .t;i'l".e-;:: .· · .: ... , -,, .... , "",·. · lS_)'fl)l)'lpl_et~dr flup.t;.;:and·;,F:l.'.a,ndsen -,; nee rs ,,;_ employed;·.-...,·,,Bro_ther"·,,,,.J ack :H'h·e ,date : has not yet --beeh . set; .,,,. . ·uiy. --r:eaders . car:rie~· a; :gtm!': ' ·-. f

• • ' ·. - -. , -, ·· - •. , •• -, • : • ' ". ~ • ·,· ·1·

,~,,,..,:·· [ .

·1-·,1 •

Page 6: November 1943 Engineers News - OE3of * * * the · ! a $ d · c · . . ,. _ • . ., , . . !. ~ 12, . . ,· · . . c · · Labor * * * ENGINEERS' NEWS


* * * I A liberal is a man who sits on a jiip~et fence u.n~I ) 1is hj11d ,en~ get!! Jo !\Ore that 4e Jux:nps instinctively f-the wr,ong.iµrection.



_,.,..,..,. ~~- .l 1,_ ·:'.····

• .- ___ , .., _ -::"' 'I, • ~ ~ ~ r.........,,,..~....,..

Mett ,J. Hagcjedy·: replaces l/'cfn.,fel~un ·

Neil · J . Haggerty, · chosen- unani­mously by the :executive board ' o:f the Californi :ct_ SUtte· Fedepi.tiop of Labor, will take over the , dut ies of the , Ia_te Edward D. Vand.eleur,· as

Page 7: November 1943 Engineers News - OE3of * * * the · ! a $ d · c · . . ,. _ • . ., , . . !. ~ 12, . . ,· · . . c · · Labor * * * ENGINEERS' NEWS

~tile ;;Lake(· · OV~T ·sMa:r1n · :GtJEl~:tw.-~~:}W:qy~-_:~-t~--~ eon-st1,u.et1on· :JQDSj 2EureJkm: ,. · L .:i , . ; · ·" . ,. ii. o~'''H_· iliA_~;• '." F~1~;'_, :iiUilii~ _J to_·_11_,_"'.·v .. _ s:'"_i ~1ft . _:,:~6a_~!if~ o1i'~ltc • : .. ·.: 1p· .. ,;li':,id1,,;,_ ., a"._, ·: .~n .... 'ts··· "'_/~_-,_. -. :_· ··, 1

' -~ . ·. "' --- · :Jtt·'l'f.1_ .. ,ftlf''· .. le_, lj __ -_- ?u_ .. ,,_ rti __ ;_ ~.e. • ;\s,0.m.m: · - . . . ,,, ·<-- - - .. • - -- ~- ,., .. , - • ~- ... re; o.r-,is ... woowc 0£'il :~_iii. ' f~ . . ir.- ;'II\ ,: ~ i _ ·; , : ··Repr·esentativ~ \vo~fong . otit - of ' ter . th~ii ' 'l'talf . a;n: ~o'n:' 'P~ta:-Ttima . . . .. ' "' . ,:.:i , . _[IL· ' ... ,, ' . . :- -~ . . ~ .I;

; ~ . ' • l ~

'E. -A . .CRe'd) »es~er, Business the San ·~afaeLoifice f eports: Creek Bridge ... ·Same ·go:es for, · · · · · · . · .. · .Otto Never, -Business Representative Wo'i·kin.g:uut ·of-th~'e Em-'eka . . . . . s R.. f l L 'b t & C 11 tt. · 1 Truett & Shields -&· Fisher .on N ap'a Off'" . ' t . - . · an , -a ae -"- e1 .er · o e 1


. . . · : . . ., . . . . ice, repor s: . . .. . , , . . .· : .. ... . . -~ R1verJ0b .. ,.Te1chert&S0nhave . - .. · .-··" . . ~- · · J ... ·.~ ..... , •• • • ,,,. • • •• .

,~t11L a~tive · empI0y19g .few · rr,i·em- : d , . b · f , 6 . . . ".,. .' . . . . Eureka.,:;-, The ramy -s~ason has GOUsetl constru·ef.ion Job_-s ·to Riipi·ts\mtl!,tiv.e .· working o'lit . of-t!l,e . R~d~li~g otfice; ~eports:

b. ., S

1. . . . . H ,goo . JO . or ...... .tate, .at ,1vio11ow 'h ··t " . . . .. ,:;i n .. . ,. .d . . l .·. .. 1 • .•... . , , . .. 1...

. 'el'S ' ll1 < ausa1to v1qmty,, . . ea.- c · . . : h J l , . . · · ' .1

. 'S ·U ·GOWn ana lJ!l8 cW00_-S are on·y W0f£cln§<l~iai:'t llIBe 'Be80liS'e · ;t'Eelldiri.g-c;:-1toi·i:ison :.,a,nd , Knu?sen fy-Moore · .. practically finished Tibu• ove, :s · Oll d ,\1-st · al! wmte~ . , "of the •min: . .

· ·· ·. ti · · d d .1.1 .. ,, . , - . .A G R . h , 'th - All .other local contractors .111 the . ·M · ., ;.1 H . . '· h . b ·. :.i . •f . 1 . 0 .. • h were -'Te.een Y,1 .awar' e · a . m1 . 1011 :rein ·Way ; ' . , · .. · . ;; -aisc . WI . \r1i . d' · < ' · . . : · . ;. ; · _;. ' .. . ,, · 'arsnal emrq o:n 1S Q -ouLuo:n'e or . Me 'seasoh ·.dL-hmJ.t . doli11: ·c6,1t.r a:eL_1:~: ,fo ,; .:.10t-~'f , i ,e,\i . 1 t ., . t . fil .. r ... a eJo . istnct are ver,y .-actrne; 'K . . . d· Ur R d H b t ·n " t" . . 'h . . . th:

. . ,- . U~\)il ·. crew:; _rymg . 0 lllS: •up ·· on \vith jobs c6ming·. uo! ·H. o: .Rut~~··, 1y~r :qnH· : .. · e .,_ e · ·.··ten; _ u . Wl ,M·s 0:n,:uPll:1 ere·,agalh ·m ·, •'e ' . WOtk 6\1,' .. the jap _camp, ;;i,t ' 'J',i:1!·¢ h1~hway proJects beforeyams .. . ,· . f .d .h· · ] · ... ·. b... h , .: . , ·sprmg: 1S eqU1prp.en 'lS _gomg to · ar:ysi\Ti e.


.. l""'-~ 'T··· h·s·: ~;,o· r'· k'·, ,ss.: Oltl'd ''s•a··Crt •;..;g·· ,~·-t· ' ,·H . . . b . , . .. .., ·1'1 .... er or as evee .. ,ao · m .. t e -·VlCllllt) ·s.--..... , "! '· tl.:.· .. · ·' \l 'J . . . . ·t · t . b . C . c· !·_i ...., ... ·,,,v: . ,.. 1 ·,'.· ··, . : m-· · · ' , · 1 ·•·'. ,_ Jtve· .een ·-gomg ··stt-ortg a :sum• . f l\,T· : -.

11 . . . , .- d·a ·· · · ..... ·. · e,.~,e 01 ne:-sma : ~ggmg con r.e:e ors . e1ween -- rescent · 1ty_

. . . ,o LJ.a1ysv1 e ·1n .-a · it-ion to bus1- · ·c.1 E , i- · k' ., .· ·t · k' · t b - d 'h away,-:: ·mer! · . . ·v11

. _ ; ··., -··'·E:mu · ·ure,.;:a.eepaca .s· mner0r wo. usyarrdnowan ten -r:'_ . . . . . ness · m .. a eJo, ,and · ·EJast,.,£ay. Cas- · . .. t . . . ' ]] · f · l k· , ,· · d k · ·· . · ·. !!l hi.1;soh· .Constru:ctidn Co . . is .gelr{g Biother . Bill ·1tu·s~ell . ha n ci s .. • &.. :B. 11· · . .. . ,.· . · . . :· . , , . '•We ge · 0 <X:L · or ·s· ClC. er or. on ey,en_gmeer. . . · - - , ,.

I.'; . . . . . . . . ,. · .. · . 0 . son · · a , g.omg ·.stow 0n .Valle30;- : ··rh·. ·h . · . · · · · ·h· · E. h .. ·• d ·


" . alop.g •. v~ry Tlie~ly on. the, gole iff1d around · Marinship -With .'.his .' erei,v:·1 N . ·R ' cl : . ', A'. ' . ' • . ., .. ·~ ~ : .. ou~n22 :p ro1,ed . ere ;in . µrea .. q s_,S'.<;:'ITL~ - Emd we qave _ '10\Vei.; iine·- le~_d_iii'g' ·. 'from . 'Shas_ta 1 • , i · · • •' ,· · .. 1 apa oa . . McBorrnH:i ,& WeSt- _____ .c_c..___:c..c..::..:::..::=:..._..::::.: _____ three cat skmners and one dra 0 - .

,,, . ·. , ,:hopmg to get -em .out of the brook are po.udno,·eement · on N,ap' a -, · · : · ·· · · · - · . · ,. ~ · Dam to Oi;~~ille. The_y .have sev_·.e1'al ... , H h C . .· . ':. . . ~ -1· f lme crew busy, Close IS f1111shed

r , . . - , ' . . ' ' • . _mud . •' .. . . utc eson · .. ompany.c at Airport. : : . . . many •·bmthers,-.com~.. AP . ro·m . . . . .. , .. ,· , . ( , · ·meces -, ·of·- eqmpment workmg .on . 'G ·eenbrae on -overtime ~ ·: ,,. B1~th~ ;' .... ·:-· · . ·; ~ :' _ ...... · , · ' ,< ,- ./. :\vmr·\_ ·.'··· ' · I_ ' 1 • at Laytonv-11le. until ,next spr111g, ~ • . .. , . . .- · , . . · ... - 1 . .. . ·• • • . mg over : from. <Rad-1ch & Brown: ··

thl_· s, .il_ ob_ ,such -as . hole,. digging ma- er be_. wis_ .-Waggoner· .,a;:1Cr· -Rowl_ey_ s· . ·t R . b h. h : .b . d' E.. . f . B .. .. The loel¼.l drydoek is kee.ping all. • . . . . : · , ·• • . . . . .• I . . . . .. . ' • an a . ,osa JO . w lC lS uttone ·:ff·s· . -ay

.c~11;~s1 po,te _.: settmg. t.raf to1:s_,. Si:!f: :o~ : 's~ovels. Br.~t;h'e~ ) A:t~H~o'i\\ Wi~~1 up:· ~- .,. . __, , : . ··• . . . . . · . , _ ':u ·, , · · ; . )Jrothers _,.bu-sy. >and the .Eu-ieka , gmg traetor_-s; · cran.e:s ., and ,.d_ ozers. -Br'oth:er W·ebster ,en ·.:Hot Plant. N Q , ... , .. ··a· ,.

8,,. . . .. , · . . · · Sh-ipbuilcl11\g ;C(;). at . Fields Landing·,

· · · r· · · · I ·· - · · · - apa uarrresl•an : '111pJa1:us go- . . c1·: , .. • ., . . For s~me .r .eaSCt1 M/ .. Larson ;11as sBi;<ilher_ ,•1.B.irdwen ' with his .. . shovel . ... . t . ' ·s·'· _11 ·t·.· &. s· ·· .. ' .'t' h : aAl,·n· -.~· /; ~-1·:ng··s· cont-i_n,µ~lly puts on . 1 ll'IO(e -h,eavy, .. . . ··: :, ,· . .......... .. ·· . .. .. ,.,. . . . mgsrong. pa -e....1 u1.w1 · un-v, . . ·· ·v.11111 · · !).Ot signed . our .m:ast~r -, agreement, getting :·out .small Job for , City of . . , .. , , b . . , ,- ·.:_,, _

0_ . .;~--- - , :R · ·.· , , · · . ·" . · duty · m,echanics. · · ·

· ·rth··· ··h -11 . .. · · · t t·h· · b - . .. , 10., crew suy .ar.o't1n =nta .,os , ·a · oug ·a . ·equ1pm~n :·on · · i:S Jo :::an Rafael. . . . . . . · .· . ·,. . . · Our· ·\· ' 0 ·1·'; 1··n 1·0- 'n· · tl ·R· ·a · . ··b. ·· .. · t. d .. ·b· · ·b· ·. ·f · · -· · · . ·-. . · with several prospects for future. (Contmrn!dfromPage5) . · ' ··_v ." · ooa ,1zmg , 1e .. ·, .e • 1s · erno- opera e Y mem e1s .o "S · ·· ,·· ·J I" c t . t · · . . ·· .-, ' , . · ·· . . . . woo'd Lumbe ' I11austr· · ·

. • _ • 0

.. ' ·. · , . ' . • ·, : · .,..; , ••• , - : .-_ . . • qu,ai e- ~eac · .Q n s r u c . 1 0 n . Carlm· Constru·cuon · 'C<lmpahy ' try- anic oh .'the, Macc'o ''Constrfrcticn , _" : 1 Y ,is gorng the ,,·Internat10nal Umol). of ppe t- Com·p·any . J·nown· as -· ·Johns·o·n·-Nel-· . · . . ·. , , .. , ... ,. ·.... . " ,. . .. . . - . , ., . . . . . , . . · , ... ahead slo,.,Jv ,'·1·th m· uch o,,..,po·s1· . . ... " ,. : , ... · ··.-· .. ·, . . · , · .· , . ' - .. . · . . mg·un eMendocmo '"A1rp·ort~weat-h- Job at 'th'e 'Stan'dard Oil Reiinery 'iif ' -- y . , " "' •

atmg Engiµeers, .anq ·ther e .. Is no s·on Sa·n · ·Ra-fael · ·keep -mov·1·ng' · · ···· ·· . .. · .. , · :•,, . .. ···· · , · · . . · · :. .· ·. · · · · · t·1'0·11 . .,, .. om ·:the loo-o-e· r c0mpa·n1·es . . -: ·: . .. -·· .. , . . · .. ·'·•. , · , · · · , ,· . ··· · ·. ·er· agamst ·th·em! · Br'o'ther Th'om'asRfchmond. ··. G'ood ' Jm!k Bob! - We' ....,.. · · · ,, "'"" ·. · · • 0th_er}'.d1}P: l~e ,· ~'.?tµr_e'. , . · . . . . · .. -Btother, Bc:h~lsoh,&C: Bi'otp.e.r F'hil,. iirid .B.fother 'Ea·ch'ei:6 '~fe:,cipei'atlng, haye 'ai5proximately · :30 'memb·ets bu.r stew~rqs ·.· on these, jobs, ,how~.

'llt . .'1,S. h~rd t()_ ~ay_ wh':!h:~r:or, ~'bl lips ~e:ep.· ··shovel ·::going; . Brother an::· "indusfrial . "'bro\vn . hoist"· ·13.t on the job · Worklrrg 't\,ii:r sltift's. · ever: are ·aeing · a fi.n~ . jpb. We 'stHl tn~ _ '.Altur,c\l:; Afe"o11aut1~. ,rra-~111.rrg C6x ·.o:i . ''.Gat"' .. , '., .. '-McPhaiJ ~ -·corn- Ht'ltchescrn· Quai+y; . ) __ ·_ need riggei'S, ·eho~er, .~etters, and.

Base wjl~. ;st.~rtth.is __ ._ w:;.,rter, tl~ough' \ pany. ,, hav.e ... \l'Sual. C?Jew ,'· .. , · very . :No·tJier" _news ·.· , . ,'.'h.'op.e ,You all . The McN_e_il O>i1sfruction Com:-~ · loader men. This vv'or}: . is iiteadf ,it h.as b'e'e_n :Iet,:to ,;i , firpl :of, Port-. ,-qµieb-at ·Hamilton Fiel'd·. . . . . .. ·.' have . and ap'pr~ciate ··'yo'ur · -TUR-.· ·. · .. · . '·:" , . . , ....• . , . . , . a-nd -th~re is some . overtime.

Ian~( ~tfi0 '.\ .· 1+~a . . , Lar~?n ;~nd ., <i<'i\ederi6kson &-Watso~ 'firing up -~~Y'. ·on 'riih~ksgiv.id~ :ahd ·ei,joy · it ~::p -~int1~:~·:Pfeh~!n_ ~~~~- ;!;;_ ~! ·~hancep Jor_-.a~vancement , are .. good; .

Harmes of Sacrainenfo. · ·· · "" ,. ·t ·· d d ., .,,. " dd · h· · ·t '··tn · f 11· "t - t '--·t · · · · · · ··s 'o" 1··1e c•,~0111··e ·111·ne"' ·a-e sta t1·n· · .. , ; , . . . : . r"' '. ·. ,:: ; , · · . . • . . , .. • :· .... equtpmen an · , .. 011~;,, ,0 · C · ores: 0 · e li es ex e,. . · · · o·ne of the . lai·ges'f 'jobs that · has .·' ·. '"' . 1 " ·. " i' g : The .. big hydro-elec;tnf proJec,t · · · · · · · · · · · been dt ,:le i,\i 'th'is ai'e'ii in the 'last u.p ai'1tl our -steward at ·Marsnall-·

at Big _Bend i_s tapering off~ though, ~~· f N . ~ .. yeal\ There ,ver.e qu'ite a 11u'inbe1' Ha1frahan,, Scotty Jefrkin'S, is, as:.. . we still have , a .]ot: of engi-ne·ers ,o-n "tY;{)/l\,u:les,. :,o· • ' · .. ov II '.·t, ; meet·1n,g... . of .ui.cal ' s and :, 3·A members efrl- sisting n ne in . 1yc~tihg. and' ,lining _ thl; 'j6b ;a'ir'd :will h'a-ve f or · a year' , \:hem 't.ip'. · · .·, · · · · . pl'Oyefd \oh the job. , . to come, Th·e ; NciMember .: meeting .·was BUSINESS A'GENTS ,REPORTS . . T'i-1ei:e \Vere appfoxlfoately 2,74;3;~- Our next meeting will be .. on.

·:0u't on tµat -iniglity -Slia:sta Da.m, called to order ' at 8:15 p.m.; No- · ·It wa,'s regufarlj, inovoo and s'ec- 295 ~'ubic yards··of ''¢in·t·~ moved ori evei'yt-hing . is '• working . like · : .the, vemb1er. ·6; · at t he .Building Trades o'hded tl~al t,)1.e DU;iness 'agen.'ts' 're, 'this job. ¼,, ·greater :pru·t · i5f ·th-is' p~nduliim _on a clock., There ·-is -lots '.Pempl'e, · Sa n Fran'cis'c:o, President ports ·be di~p'imsecl -with ,1ihce -tli;e • \ , · ' • • woi'k·was Tdon'e in ,the •,vinter ·time

November 21st at 8 :p.m. Our mem­)Jer,s \'liU ·furnish the music '.and entertainmcGt for, the meeting,

,of ·ex.cavating ·an'd oack ·f-i1Hng t o Clah'cy pi·esidh~g.: :Roll ea:li ·showed ~-ep·orts ate-.rn.ade in .the :··Engin'ee'i:·s' d\iririg t he 'lrains ,v·heir lhe· going be _ done . . The la,,t buck:et of c011~. -'conductor Riley and Guard O'Brien Ne'ivs. Gari'ie'd· ..

' crete should 'b.e pouted . about Jun.e 'abseht. It was requested . that if there was plenty tough. 900,00'9 ,fol).'s 'of !R,.ep~rt. ,~rges 1 of 1944'. ' ' · .. ·,, .iUINUTES were any questions or information :~;.~~i::al~:;1:~~\~:a; ::?~ ~:!:. 11;.. · :j.·JJ, · L .di-..

. \ 'Keswick , Dam is still going: ·We 'l;h(l ·minutes ·Of :the c,Regula-r ·for · the _::business rep-~sentatrves,1 ple ted. 413,4(30 "Squai:e yarcls of ;gje'TT'er r"anus-Htg ' have a ·smal],-cr.ew .. of,concrete ·men 'ivl:eeti'~g 'of -October 2, 194-3, were th'ey ·oe given a,t thi:s• Hiwe. paving -was' .laid, and thei"e ·\Vas _'0_ f· ;nr,ievan:ce.s.· -oi+. this ~ob. -Ce}um)S'ia Consfructior\. by- ihoticin adopted as . pr.inted in Atte11danc'e ticket No. :ggi:J6i ,vas 382,926 feet :of .soil .:pipe· used. rr'heir ':a

* *' * ! 1.

' !:

Co. · anticipa_ tes .having enoU:gh a.o-a . the -Eng· ineers' News. : ·held by Lyle McCann, 110 Hickory' · b contract ' co1i.sisted of '_606 ·building-s Waisnhlgt"o'il...:.. FulYer ·· utilization

O"'r~irntes on ·han·d .b_y · · t:lte first ,of A $ynopsis· of the minutes of_ the ·Av.eriu-e, ... Millbl'a.e, ,, California, and · . . ~ pf 120 ·aiffer'ent types. 'of -gri'e_vant e machinery ·- thr'ough- ; the yeai· ' fo . finish ,the_. Shasta Dam. EKecutive,. -Hoard meeting .of Octo- ·he was presented with ;the ·attend- - .

·b 1·6 1943

··· . d . d t h a~ce .award. · ' ·· · ·. · · We t n.ink t nat: t lYe comp1etion'· of 'out Amei'ican ·.industry would ma- . -Carrico,•iron '"minihs \ vorkidg ten er . . ' . ' were .rea an e £ th V d . j ' • . . tj1is ·,job ill ress thai1 a "year's time ' 'terially reduce th~ number of dis- :

. . . . . . acts afrcl recomin'e°ntlatioi1.S 0~ i he -.. , ro er ·. an ewar C . g~ve a re- , , _. . . . . . .. .. , hours -a day . si~~:ila-ys -a \veek: This . . .. . . . -: · .. . . .. . , ~ ,: ·d ,port on the statemenLof cash re- 1s -a·"r.emarkao1e -record accompllsh-.. putes · coming ·before · -government · . . . . d . ·b"· ···d· ·. 11 ,.. . , es Boar.d we1e by .mo.t10n :anpr:ove . .. . a· • . . , .. ... ' d b b . f 'r - . 3· . ,. . t d . ·s . t f L. b 1s·· a · gou· .ao .. ,an _ . a · ·eugme r •. · · . . . . . "' ·. · 'ce1ve and ·disbursed ·for the ,tlurd , e·· · Y om· .mem e2·s -.o -L-OCaJ ·.· : agencies o ax , ecr.e ary o · a OL' :

" seem to ·stay ~put. 'H_eins . Br,othei·s, as read. . . t . I ., ' , ._Frances .. F i rkins said in makin.·oc, · .. · A ' · f ' h ' · · f tl · ,quar _er. · · --- · E,: £. C~ishop and J; ,•P . ' -i;3ren.han ; sy~Q~Sl~ '.? .. t e mi~utes O ' ie _. There. follo~ed, consider~ble 'tlis- . iBai:-r'eft '"' Hilp .: job As · corhing ;publi'c a rep:ofr ·on "Settling Plant and a-fevv :oth<'!r,:,sinal~-cont'ract6rs: ,E~:ecut~;;,.e ;,:8.?

4. :a3

~~~ . ~e~_tmt ;:ot~,!'{?~. :cus~°Io.h iin leaderriiarii 'pay ·in th~ :along nic.el~ . with TO · memb~rs , on :Grievances," p1\eQare:d : at the \,e~ ; .t.ll · ct· .. k· · ··h· vembet . o, .19 ,wereTeau .. anuthe .. . ..... d ., . . . .. .. . b.-- l h . · . , t 1- , . t · ·d t'l' are s. -1 . · 01ng . some wor, · m ·.: -1s · . . , . . , : .. · ·. · .· . , . ·. var10us · •yar Si- .no . .. act10n . . emg 't e Job·,·at thE1· present time. In 'the.· ques · o a- ~rqup o ·· rn us ,n;;i 1sts


d.. . t · · . · acts· --ano recommendat10ns or . the_ . . ,·;· . . · · · · .· . , d -· 1 d. -1stnc. . . . . . .. . . . . B ... ·d . .. :b' . . . . . .. . d . ta"en . . · . _ . ., . near .,f.utu·re . they·: ;anti'cipate ex- an ·umon_ ea et'S·, ··. · ,.·" · ..... · - h t . f .. · . ·. , · oar. were y . mot10n appr..ove .as . T·· . . . . . . . . , . . .. ·. , . . i..,e ,ar.e : ve1:y _s_ qr . o engineers- · . : , · ·· · · · · here . bei_hg ''iio fiiffher .business pandmg so t hat we ,_,;v11l ·•nave ;a:p- . The -report ·sum:rh'ai:·iz'es .the ex-·

h1 ·.t his ,:d1sti::kt. Have ·had· s'o:nie mt ··rea~. . , ' ,, I • . • to come, bifore 'the foe-etihg,'i't ad- :proximat~ly :1s ~diembei:s ~ri\pl9y.ed iperi~nce of man/ l~•rge ,, cob~oi-a- · ficulty fo su'ppl .. ying the cal.l's. COMMUNI0A'FI'0NS . ' jc5tlrrte'ii. . . . i.there. · . tions a~d l abor un-io~s 'i.n working E veryo:i.e is ,«:-orki:hg at. the ·p'r'eS'ent .. Fr.om ·l;.ocal '·bii'ion, . _No. S'l'O, ·Resi;Yec'ffull.y .. 's'ubmilt'e-a, out gr:ievanee · machiner:y -in .their time ·ari'd ,:s'e€m ' {6 '. be/ lrappy '·and Spokane, · \Vashing.ton; 1 regaruing 'c F. ,l\tATHEWS, S~'c~~taj\y: · McDonald .&,'.Iiahn .has '. the cm- own cbllective b'.argaining., uriits: , , contented: emplo;yment of ,.e~grnE?ei"s on -the :~ · · :;_>'(_ .. . ~··:_*, .. :_.:. t : :,, _.- · · .. tract .for,:.constr.uction- ·ot t ·he· H~s- ''The 'gov.er~ment · :sho.uld and. * .. '* :~ .· ·: 'p-a,~eo,. -Wasiii!rig:toh'., ;ipif~je'c't. /;~ ili!'cl fr ., •..ii . ·+ . . ~ . .. . ,,r ·pital· Unit . . · / E. ,J : .T.obin .has .one .does _· set forth , Uie rules .of .th~,

· for information. · · · · .,~S·!~efl- :,,Or~e:rS · ·.. . ,i'ig; ,a trencher~,, operating. ,at- the .ga:ine ' as:det E\ri:nined . oy public ·pol• . · N,it_he_ . . r:e_· ·ne_· '_my·.·· .. ·•.:·. . .'F:i-cim. :Wai; lFlihahci-e,: c~frrrnitte'e,' iii•iiil'9}C1~sts~ .st.ud:y-;_. ··:present . ,time : : : ·;The,re are . . -10 icy,"· 'Sectetary . Perk:l"n_s . said. : ''In

· ' ·Tr·;e,as_u,i:y_ Derat:n;:~F.:;.~-~ Sto5~to~, .· ·' .- Gd6iit'lri:iiedi'froiii::iag:~'; i > · l. . :m·embers _. etnploye\} -onit-he Fred- extreme ca'ses , .the , go'verhII\eht; 11!1'1AP . ·w-- ·e· .. .,..+· .h--e--· p '. ·,.,. · e/{pressmg .··ap:preciat~on· · for_-. .:aii;l._ 0 ,. _.: ,,. .t:,, __ .. "· ·-'t' : . ..... ;,,·,: .. t, ;,., . '1:, .. : " , ,,; ., -.:;,a·' 1··1··cks· on · ·0- .·. -Watson ·. '"ob'·'· at ' Fleet ,a·"c'ts '9-·s,- u"m· :p· ·1·1-_·e o· r ·J·u·dge·-.. ,·,,11··en 1"n' -.,· IIJlliliiil!l c ·· ··· ' '1i,I · ... .. , ., .,.·, ·.·.-,. , , . . . " • · _ , ..... ... .. or .occ,s -ero . any .. par .. 1cuar,mu1v1- · • ... oz; · . . 1' U '.· · ·. ~

S·:.·t' .. Q·~,,-:P·.· · ..... :·_·s>,·_, ___ :_-.si_ ... e·:· ,_ .. _··a·:_, · ._m- ·.· .. ·· .. e: _: n: . .. :given _by .L~cal·"N~, ·3-m ,tlw .Th1rd uii:1-'•>.'.: l\-if 'GI-ee~- ~x'p.laiiiW i:6 'the' 'City .•· ,Camp . Par.ks ·. Brother ·AI· dustrial .strife· threaten's the publi¢. 'War Loah D'.rive. Flle<i. .· . ¥.'.,·.: : ., .. \ .;· · . ,,, .. · .. ;: i, .>'. · . .. · . . '.. . . . ·· ' · ·, . . · ' . . · . · - · . . . .• . ·. · .press,. ''What ' we>dl'd :ooJe'ct .. to···was .Bow1mg :1s ·,M-aster Mecnamc· ·a,nd -int'ei·e_s\: .. But :th:e· posfrive :aevelop-

. · · · · · : ', From_ P;F..C. War.reI1 {); ;Nels~n,: •th:· 'e:x'arc··1• -~' / . ,'f:_,, .. ,;·.;h::-. ,:-:,;;;t .:;, ·.. · Brother :H L ,f'ari:·is ; is in ,charg· e. "me. i).t of .. industfial harmony ·iJe·g'ins: , W·: · h' 't. ::, D; · c··'' .M, .• ·. :h· t .Army.-Eno-ineers ,. eX:pressingappre- . ~:-' '·" seo .sue .. ~rOJracyveto ,· . . · .. · · · ·.· . . as . mg on; . .:· .-'-'- -e-r·c · a

11 ·c· i·a··t··ion· fo"'r· a.ct· .10. 'n··o·f·_·· t·h·e ·.·m· ·-e· m· ·be· -r·s·· --no_ w __ .e_i"s_ .'_o.·y ._·ru., '.:i .:ihd_i'V:idual .. , ho fua:t'ter_ :of .Excavation_ . •at. th'e ·plant level -with ·me .in'tel~ ,

sea,~eh a'nd offic€is 'are ·staying on ... - . ' ' . ·• · of· ·L·· oca·l .N·- 0 . .

3 __ .· .F ... il: "" . \vha:'t nisoffic'e. . . '.·· · ligeht h:andling.' of plant gi-i'ev~n¢es.

the . -joh·d~spit~-v/eather, 'enemy ·ac~ . . . eu . , ''01'.ir. ·ortginal-; no-strike ·pledge Brother Deane. Richerson, ·. 3A · ,"WherKlabbr . and · nianagei:henf ticin ab'.d 'the 'sfrafo of _rep:eat ed , !:lea ,From :Belair . Shipya.rd, . notice of. , , .;b · ,, d ·, ' · \ , .. , , , d' , ta " d--.,: , ·memb_ er , who~is now· in :tii:_e' Mer- ·c'ah - s'ehie , t heir . differe'nc·es -·a· 1·. . . : . . · . . . . was ase upon an un Brs n mg . .. · . · · · · · · .· ·• . . duty, War Shipping Admiriisttation 111_ te_ nt. . to -reduce wa,ge~ p_aid · so_,me, :t·· h .. ,-. t· •• .,;,;,_c.:,'-'.t· ·. 'i .' . ,

1··a'· .b".;_~, -·.'f · .; ·d ',t· .. ·1 :clianf Marines .was· ·a Visilor in the . redl:y. ·the rFesult's .'··sh"ow · u:p·· <i1f , - · · .,,,. . .. .. ·· , , _ · ,._,. · · ·. , . .. · a u,:spues wou e re ·erre o . · ' · . . · ' · · .

i~eortls .$nOw." : .· . . . .. ~e~?,e_rs ,_ of ·. ~oc~: __ :N~·. , 3.:. :'.f~e~~ and ~~ttled by.a : triparlite :ag·en~y :?akland ~~fice recen,tlt D~·ane' ~as ·ter,n1s_ ~~ :nighe~· m?ra.l~, g-reate~ br ·the 1:04,000' rirerchah't sea,m::en was -cons1der11:ole .d1ss:uss10µ on ~lils ,,, .. _h .· • ·t·h· .. . , ·N· .. ,. :t··, ·_,,,;; .1· :. ; >;<. ,~, :·L· ·. ·b · , ,·Ju.st .relurnea back to ·· his h ome .plant eH1c1ency,,and mereasea- pi·o­

'·n h . h· . . , df ·u'· s ' -c- t 1···.· · p · ·,· ·a ·· ··t ·c1 ·· .. .. . 1 ··"'·a' ·suc as -. e . a10na -w.ar . a 01 ' • - . . . . . . ,v _o ave0-s 1pp·e ro~ . . :· . por· s ette!\ .res1 en ·· ancy exp ame . :s ·' "ct :··(ir· . .-. .,. . , .,.: '. :· · · . . · ·,- > port m .San Frands·co a'ftei· hi~ ·duclion." ·sihce Mai-ch ·'1.5, . only. 6,600 hive th t '"() a lion WO ' Id be taken: by· .. oar. ' . .,ro:.1-gh d~mocratic . proc ;. . . t · . . ' . "-, *. *

. ~ -. n _ ·. c_. . - . u . .. ' .,. . . . 'esses:" : . -. .. . .. . · . .. nrs trip out, "" faHed to' return to . sea. after COlll.- the CO!Jlpany until after tp.e cone ·- ~ .. ,_;', ·. , ·,c .: .: : ;: · . ,- :,,, ,.: . . . \ . . . . pl:etirrg a ·voyage. The foa,jo'fity of cluf fon of the pre'seht shipyard.fon:: . ). !.,)~~-~ ·f1nd ;.·t~~ ::~-~f,Js_i_9,ns~ _?f • Fredrickson & •W.atson excav_atc :Nazis fear revolt t1.10s~ -who dropp~d out; less t hari yen.lion at; se:attl~; Washington. ' . 1:~t'.;B_o_a~J , ~~a.;.0~~.::1· "3/.~lJ~l.'·~ age~c ing job at .Oa·k '·Knoll ii going ·fl:!~! :of ,Dutch worke,rs

' '6% per: ·c~nF of the :fofal, ·cl.id . ·so Ca1'ds' of thanks from the 'family' Cle:s ' aroitry.r~1x.:: se.c ' aside _. m .· a_n ·swing. We '•haye appr'qxiinately ,40 . because of ,their h'ealth, acc·oifding of ·Robert •Rone :.a~d ·1he fami:ly: of . a'tffocratic .. _way, .. 0'Y;,:\sup.er.aagei:J,ci~s members oh -'the ,. 'job, \VOrkfng· ,two : New · Yqrk......:T,hat the Nazis are t6 . Marshall iE. Dimo'ck, assistant GalVin Teague. not eveh i, exiSlenc_e at :tne. 't\me shifts. ta¼.ing no chances in preparing for

/ d~puty admi-n\strator. . . -~Mr: .-Dave Jr~ri-k-il}S, ..__dir.ector ,of our . a:greef(len"t . :vva$ 1 .m'a/:le . .. ·we - -- an AJlied invasion of Europe's west . bintcick · said: · "Few industries- the · Tom Mooney .School, .was want, the ~rig~~al_an;~:fiha'l .p'b\yers Br6th'er ,Eugerre Keefe, whHe- coast, is ·proved by their sudden

anywhere can·, malch \'the hlarvel- · granted ·the -floor. He stated that oLthe ,War: .. -Lab,or ,B'oard re~tored .. employecl a:s · a •Mechanic ··cct the su~pension of .all leaves of Dutch olis record of our merchanLsea-J ·the .,'school w,as a non°profit or- to. it." . ,. Fredrickson & Watson j ob at Oak wor.Rers within the Reich. This men. It is one of which the uni~ns, ganization . and was ·supported- by- . M~: : Gr.~en addef~!h~_t'.-i~~-f_fl~ ,t:?El Knoll, -had .ti\'ie misfortune .to me.et new ·aecre e indicates that Germa~y the corrip_anies an:a th·e WS'A can 'b'e :011ganized . 1-ab~~-. ,•H'e :,,eitehded 'an, ' m;vest igation,:,:Of C?~t ~t ,11":}lJ,~, '.·i~- with aii accident in which one _of . intends to hold the largest possible p)mud . .' Wheri . Americans · consic!er 'i'rivitation lo arf, meinb'ers o'f Isoc·a:1 1~xe!;J! ,,prde_rej,\i,.pJ., tp: , Pfes,ide~t :"his ha'Ffds .-was seMered. £rotl'l.er number of workers as hostages ,iri the ·;hsks th'e'se ·men take and' th'e ,Union No . . 3 ,to,. ;in:ve's.tigate the' WOl)l.d,be hel:Jlful.Jf.e·:s:;11~: . _ . .Keefe i~ in .the ,pfovioence Hospital , vi'eW of pi;esen't thi·eatening: c'cm­'<:oi'lditi~rts · \{hder which they •sail school _ and_ eni·oll 'in the · classes. . ''.'3/~ q~estion.::-seri&'usl~ ' tl),e;:,·ac·- ih · ,oalvland, and we :iurrderstan'd he ciltforrs, ,a:ccor'c!ing to the 'Nether~ tlfey . Wii:1 .!Ull¥ understand · that :such classe.s . as {~b~r :1ffstory, par- · Ctl'l,'asy, ,of . \he, ,;~!~~res ;opu! , <??,t ) JY is get:tin,g alohg :as well as coul.d be '1ands faforin~tion Bureau. such a lbw rate of attriti:on ·d:~ ·li.i-~mentary raw a:ird · a number or thE; :1:UT~B;_lcl ··O,! .~a.~c;,r·;st,ay~tics 9f expected. \ Moiit of llte' 300,00D Hollanders rihly meail extreme .loyalty ·and . 01)\,:er suqjects, as .well as , lectur.es'. the Department 'of":L'abor:" . . ' . . --- . . . 'd·epohed to th'e Reich ate · ex~ ·courage' ~yon'd lhe · -line ·of :duty." : on sub1e2:ts C;f interest to il:aboi; a·re ,. Other- AFL _.re~rese_ntat1v:es .' who . S~., ·D,on~ld ·.F.• Po_w1,;rs, ;Who 1s . ~ervic~ 'men, stu'd_erits, and woi'k'ers . · ,· · *' * · * · . · ·. ·· :, now available· at ,the school._ .-He -attended .. tl}e :White Ho.u~~ .confer, staticmed at ·· .Camp , .. ,..Clayb? Uf n:e, 111 their .. early: manhood who, at .the ' 'A Bep_· tibli<ia. n <is . happie~t . wli6n; req,uested that Local .N.· o>.3 _parHci_., ·.en. _ce ... :w,e :_r .. ,e_' .. Secretar. -Y~!·r_easu.r,erl l,,?uisian:a, . was a ·.rec_e_n.t V. i.si~or ,, jn ·\ tirst. ·sig. :na ... 1 .f.r0m their g0yernmen,t 3~~ . <feils·· tlie lsiTe ·· -:~v-ay . !ltlH>'ut.' )?,ate· :in, 1he : stipp~i;t , oi .;the sc;h001.J1--~0~g'e •. J.14,e~~ ~14 ,.Vf<:f _.I?residen\ ,~-~e ;. 0aklan? -~tfi,ce; ;:~gt._ :.P.ow~r::,,; : ,-ifl: . Londo~, . ,:,:oql~, ~agerly_ falce ?Uf) ,: :~o'osevelt ; lri:at -,l!, '9en'i'ifcrsl; . ·does 'lf mhe,:,ma~ter '. was . .later-,1:e:ferre.d . .. tl;) r D:-.n+~l :'l:}f ob1:1, · :nhey ... a-g,reec;l :f;1Hy,1 l$ . f),OjTie. r~n ;:a .,,,b/ 0:l:l,Y:::~1'\:rlou:gh, ~: '. _arrs . ag3:rn~.t :.J:\:1e1r ;. Q]<)~resso:'S .,and ' '

. "When ·'he's .. despoi:lden:t. ·· · . . ,., ·. ·. a .com_m1ttee, . .... . · · "· · . ·'!};,,-1th t~e ·,conquswns .expressed·,,by ,,sa~r$_,he ·hkes . .fi.n,'ly..,-Hfe . .. , ,. ~!.dri:ve .t1lem . fro-rn Dutcn soil . . ,· '

Page 8: November 1943 Engineers News - OE3of * * * the · ! a $ d · c · . . ,. _ • . ., , . . !. ~ 12, . . ,· · . . c · · Labor * * * ENGINEERS' NEWS


J ,.

No~~mber,., l9,.d9~ :

Shipbuilders 'rJ\:,iriQ~te to··· shiPbuild~1s lliiSiness Re;~sent .. t1¥es .. ~::ice rs in .Viirious . ~deliver -16.3 ' ~ One of our Odciancl-mer~be S.,cB6!F0-l~M~®~1,;, :_~ubifutre,El':tn~ ;J)i~fri~(Offi~e.s.within .;JtirisdittlQJt·O.f·:lpcaLN(r.,3\ .

.. (j· $hips_. . ·~~;¥·::~~·¥tf~!:f f~it~~~ttl~~~)!\~i\ 'J~~~~;~::;;~J ,:::;1;,:;~,;J,:•to;.;::~,;;:lf ct· ···._.i

. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . · · _fiemlock 1·568 . , : . . _·, .. j . GUARDIAN. OF SHIPBUILDERS .. ' ' VICTOR; s: SWANSON .. : ... :: _:_: "_ ...... : \ Local Union Mcmag~:r .. J.-. ,vashington:-The Nation;s . me1;_ I

chapt sl1ipyai;ds . .in . Qctob_er cie~ ; .. livered 163 c~rgo ''vessels aggrega-.1 . ting 1,675·,311 ·deadw,eight tons;- , · · bringing the total 1943 deliveries I to 1,524 ships, totaling 15,501,624 · dE?adweight tons, · the · Maritime l Commission announced today. · I

. · Octobe~· product\on surpass~d I . . .•. l

that of September by three vessels,. '-0r 22,540 deadweight tons of ships. During the month, yards delivered 9'8 Liberty Ships; eight C-type car-

(To Harold ·lvl:E)User)': EVergreen 1625 · · . . , It's . time that' tribute should be paid to one:· .. PAT CLANCY ....... ~ .. . :· .. ~.~' ,, , ... ' Pr~sid~~t._ Bu,sine~. R~presentafiy~, . Whose role in building: ships '.'not· manyknovr: . , , . . .,:, _ . • ;,.,, .. . \.,, JUpiter 4-5.5~5 · . · · · · · ·· · From laying keel uritil the job is done, . C. t. MATH.i::; vVS, ............ . , .. . · .. ·::----- --, -:-' .):1e~~rclhi~ ·sec{eta!Y . ,. He is the ·star who . makes or breaks ·the show; . . . :OV$rkm.d · 7063 · . - · . · . ,j Alone he, S)t? above -the building ship . . p. Ii.: VANbEWA:RK ;:_:: ,_ .: .::::Treasurer, B:u,siness· Represe_ri.tative '' i ·J

'Mid cables, levers, .gu_iding ·monstrous crane; .. _. .. ELkddge '3010 . . With care.: he _wci.tchei' 'every 1oad,.....;,b:oe .slip : IT. M. BYNQN ·· ':· ... .. :. ;"· f~an_cial S~cr~tary,..qnd Di~pa_'ich~r -'$ -1

Might mean a score cif fellow-,irorkers skxiril . , . · GRav:stone 4484 · . · : The .massive v7eight appears to bend . .-tl-ie boom, .. JAC~ ~OSTER · .·-:--· .... _ . i _ .. _. D~pcrtcqer, Busin~ss Representati';e' ~ The craneman grins and nods that it's ''O., K. "--'- . . . , PRospect 0489 . · . , ·,. . .

~f @f ~t:~;~;J~~~~~t~ \~~)~~Jse~rl: sti;;, . !~ARRY ~.ETZ ., -,;· ... , .. '.:;ii:11';iig·/ifa4_:Bp~J~i~ps' ~e~r~_i;e_~tativ~ : , 1 A cr:aneman perhaps has an .uns.ung r.o,le, 1 . . . ·, ·.OAKLAND -OFFICE . .)

go vessels, 16 standard tankers, 19 emergency tankers (.modified . Lib­,e r ty Ships) , three T-1 or coastal But iri shipyards he's the ace in the . hole! · I "', .. ~-21 'vVebst~r Stree~~Phone: Twinoaks ?1~0 . . _'C':....· .;

-------~-----------_:_---- ~ ~-~-~ , AL CL.i:.,M, Busm~ss Rep,esentat1ve .............. Home Phone .. HUmboldt 9::i:>5 ta·nkers, two ,pr-ivate .coastal tank- ! ED DORAN, -Business Rep1:es'eritatiye .. 0·.,.:.:.,.\ Home· Phone: _MArket 05~5 ·

:::~i:t:h:::gi~::!re~~g~~r;::, :1:~ FQR opens fight for subsidies; ·. JoE ·vyALTHERS;Busi;:~;:;:i:~:;~::mePhon\ BErkeley047~;r_~,.

:~~~esp;~~~~ ty:e~:v~~.:ti!~:~: ~==~ urge_s action to cut :living costs. H. o'. FOSS, Busr1:s:R~~te~~11£at~~e.:.::~.E~~ai1i. i~~6= S,an R_afa~l 4368 : . L ibertys in October than Septem~ Washington, D. C. - President come per farmer . over ·the parity ' . . . . : ' ' ·,· .. ,,· ' rn:Es:JO OFFici 0

' •. . - . . • . • ... .

ber, they produced three mo"i-e _T-2 Roosevelt, in a fighting message to base 1910-14: Mr: Roosevelt said·; ··'· · : l035 Bt'oadway_:::_Phone: _Fr~sno 3~1237 .. -tank~rs and 11 more emergency a rebellious Congress, stoutly de- was 38 per cent greater in 1942 T . D. "BRYSON .................... ,. ..... :: ·--,--·:: -- , ........ , .. : ... : .. :, ... J3usiness .1;,epi~esentative t k . SA..~ · JOSE QFFICE , . . .. ao -ers. .·,. fended the us-e of J ood subsidies than _the increase in the average 40 North Morrison Street~Phone Columbia 6748 .. : · -? .. ·.

Of the total deliveri.es, 76 ships, and left little doulbt that he wou'ld income of the .other p,ep ple in the M. G. MURPHY, Business Representative .... HomePhqiie: COJumbia 61~::) :. or 47.07 .. per cent, were delivered Vfeto ·i:my bill which sought to pre: country and in 1943 would be 50 WM. A. SPEERS, Business :Re~resen!ative ...... }!opie .-Phone:; MAyfaj_r _61?,:-.._ u r t ,... t · d E t C · • t f th per cent. rrreater· · · - REDDING OFFICE · , · · ·· .·

--..,y v, es 1'-'oas yar ,s ; as. oasc ven use O em. ,,1.. 5 ~ ...• · • ·, . . -, .. 11' , · · 1347 Tehama Str:eet~Plione: Reddi.nk159 · ·• : , '. yards turned . out 51·. vessels, or The ,..,Pr es'.dent appal'ently aimed! _The _ ~resident dwel~, _upon 1~: E. A . ~!ESTER, Business Representative ........ :.J-I?IJie :h?ne: Reddin~' 995;

- 33.51 .per cent of the total; 29 ves· much of hls 10,000-word . message creases m the cos_t , of llvmg, attn 1

. · . . SAOR.Ai'\'IE.NTO·OFFICE, ,- · . . ·, ·, . :·. ; , . sels, or 17,66 per cent, were deliv0 at tl_1e pendiog .bill to extend the bu ting: th1;ee-fourt_hs Of the 6.2 per I Lab~r Temp!e,li'Eighth and ' 'I" ' Stre_et_s-:'Phone :;S~cr,ament~ 3° 7304._ · } "'re_d by vards on the Gulf_ Coast_,·· iu· f tl c d't C· ct· ·c . cent rise from· September 15 1942 F , A. LAWRENC~ .......................... ,. ............ _. ........ ,,_ ...... .1~.usrness.Repre,sent&tiye_ . ..., • e o 1.e ommo 1 y 1e 1t oi_- .. · . . · · ··: · , · • ' - · · · H · p1 · , s ·· .· t 2-73?? ' · · · ··, ·'. and 8€!ven ships, amounting to, 1.76 pm:ation, bey;nd December 31. ' to May 15, 1943, to inci:,easesin the om~~~~~~~a~~;CE ~~ . . . . : per ·cent of the total, . were ·pro- Th" bill .- ·t · t 1 f .eosts of. : food_. He -.then described . · 4·15 Se,..ond -~treet-Phone; Marvs~·me· l.OTI , .... · .. , .. . 1s ,.as1 wasreporec rom · ·• .. · - · . . . - . -~ · .. . ·· · . . . , . ·, , .· · .. · ... ·.··.,.

· duced and delivered by Great the House Banking ~nd Currency the : measures, /ncludilig , several · LeROY-THOMAS ................. :, ... : ..... ,;__:.: .... "·:·:·--·:_ .. ::.:,.Busine~<R,epre~en,tatt~-e ;-

Lakes builders. . Committee, wquld prohibit after· controv~t,sial _· pr_ograms, whic_h : :e· ~ ST<><:KIDN: OFFifJE : . -. . . , . .. _ ~ . . . . , o t l d r ' · tt · th . cm- . , . . . . . . . · . sulted ;_:o:1 brrngmg·,down this m- · .•. · 80<>East ~eb.erAvenue-:--P~one. ,~to,ckton}~~l, . . : .• - .-",.

· c O 3er· e wenes P 1 e O Deeemoer 31 the, pay1,ng_ of ·su.b- ·· · .. ·. :: : . · -· ··•· . :· ·· , ... , ,.·. · . · . \-VlVL .C.- \VAACK Busmess· . .Reprresentat1ve .. Home,J?hone:, Stockt-0n t5.;57'i'L0 ·,·~"'

mission within , ,- 3,388,376 . dead·" sidies to hold down-food costs. The c::rease by ~Augu.~t; ).943, to 4.8, !)er . . ··. ' , .. ·· . . EUREK.i\' OFFiCE' . > .· , . , . C ~- · .,, · weight -tons of · merchant ships for President vetoed an anti:s11bsidy cent, . : a~i~ ' .. J>r:a.1~4 ·, :th,,~ ·: .~uppqrt ._ · · · .:, ., · Labor Temple; l:)urelm ·. iPhone:',.Eu1;eka.20Q) ,· . ·.,, .. ;, ·: ,. , · 1943. The original quota, 16,000,0QO bill last summer and the House which !!respop,s~ble ; org-s,nized , la~ OTTO NEVER; Business B,epr'f~·~nt_ati:\'e.:.:,, .. Ho1:1e Ph,oi1e : ·E-qr.e~::. .12~:1?.J '. ,dead,veight tons, .will .. be reached. upheld him. bor" gave .to the_. hold;tJJ~-line _p'ol·' . - ' &ALT-~ ,Ol7'.F'IC~ :tryAH/,· .. \,. .. ,, ... ;· ... · .. ;' early ·· i)l Nq'Vj'!mber, . ,_ and, · while_ icy; ... · . . · ·. . . 151 Soµth Se_corid, .East.~ stz:e~t:"'-:'Pho_1:~_:· Salt ,Lli,k.e,3-3:06,_ : '. ·:' \

h d "ll 'n . , .. , t ' f " th , !-,fr. Roosevelt said- the support The , Pres'deiit's ' fiaui-es on cost C. L. C.ASEBOLT ............................................ , ............ _.ijqsmess. :p.~p~es.entativ~ .

·.~~1~~~t~t~~~!\:'fJEj;:r£:~'.,~1:at~;1;~:J:J:£t}, tr·~~1~~h~wii;ti$!!7'~f {t . . . . ·. . '·u\g , prices to consumers, is ,an ·es- challen"ed :)by , the . AFL, as . inac.:l '!;I. :L, SPENCE, ~usme;;s R-epre$e-n,l,jltweJ.'.E'~rn~·.'PJ1~11g: :S~lt ,IirNeA-MJO '

. , ~tie ;11um.ber :aml: t:yp.es oJ·vessels: sential -part of ;,,vihing ,:tlre war." : . . : .:0: ' ·, e ,: - • • ',· < ·. ,- . . ; . , . . • .. 'POD.EN ·Ol~'Ji'l(JE; 'UTA:H i:/ .. :· ,' ' ·,' . ' ' ;•; ; ~ .mlt '~by ':'Bay::+i\,r,ea yards follow: ' . ·~he -siibsi<lies Jh~t are :u~d,'' :he · c~ate ?'1'<;1 ~~r ,))elP}'i. ~~tual prrne~,. 261· - 125tl1 :'Sfre.et~ Phpne: :'.Ogd~11•12°~M ,,,: .. : · ,: ,: .. •. ·

. _ · :Ba:rret.t ,:~ "'BHp ~ e,o -n<c eiwt ,e;, said/ 'tca@ot, '.p~operiy ·be . ,called pa;~~~:~~~:i::::sf~i'.~~h~tfo\-v;a Go'v.-· " _ . _ , , ::RENO: QI•.FidE; ~'Ey~A~ ) '· :,;_ '. :,_,· ,. . _. , .. , . . Barges. . .·· .producer _subsidies or ·<;onsun:i.er .·. · _, "' · .. , ·,, :-;· ,. ·" · ." •- - -I · _.· . · · ,;1q: .W~est cFount-h.,St1:1eet-,...,,P.-h.Qn-e: ·-H.~no 2,,p1rl'.L - - ... : ··- :,~ . ,. · . · · . · · · . •. . . . ,· . , ernment;,,, purchase ,,.~ and , :sa.le 'for iJOIJN .D.eLAGRANGE, ·Business ,Re,presentative,1Homa-::Ph0'ne·:·:RenoA289:: >

. Per~ente · Metals .Corp,, - • s1.1bs,rdies . . The~ are war ;;;ubsidies. some :perish:;;bl~j-oo.dsJU ,~n::der' ··it:o' 1iE.srER~M .. GQLI,.JETT/ BUsfpe~s:.R,e_pjese11t~tf".'e{?d¥,e.,t 1ro'p~ :,R~d',3,0j@:;; }R iclJ.mond·, -'(:;a,liL Libei:ty ShipJ. _: ,: The . costs ,wluch J:hey cover ,;are·:. ·· . . >' . d' · t .b. ·ti ":-fh · (> ·'f . .( ·; ,AUSTIN B,. W ABMAN; :B.usmess Representa~v.e,.:,, .. /PJJon~,;:_:Reno,~,'3JJl..i :;;,­. · . · . . . , - ' .. var costs:" · . , · -· 1~sme · is n .u on a ;~ , a_fr: 0

.• Rl<.'GULAR 'MEEI'ING:10F: ;L0DAL, U!NION.i.'NO~· !L · -, . < -S: :'r. . '·We§ter!,l · Pipe' and steel Co. - Food ~ul)sidies iri 1943, the mi;s- · a~l ',Pa,i~t,s .of t-l:1e, cp1J1:try, ' ,~~3:d ,Pl· , _.Il>ELD, ,the ' lsY Satur~y ,,of ea-0ii, m()nth:,ai ithe::~aii ,F.riiriciscq:<B:ujlding: ,

((;3 Cargo llessels: . sa e . said would cost '. about, $800 _ ,d_1cated {hat no '.'fur~l1,er_ ' C(?~(lent:1;a~ · 'Prades ,Gouncil~ 20P Guerrero Street; Sa1; :Fra11cisro;.;-,C~lifor,111a'. :T½:te:: :'.: * . * -;r g ' · • twn of .. food ,authonty". m .file · War 8 p.m . . u,\11 · members should. attend meetmgs.,.regularly.",., . . . , . · •, OOO,OJ)O, but the~r u~ "has ·saveA Food , Administration was l!ltended .. ·, . ''GRIE.VAl~(JE: CONThIITTEE'! • . . , . . . . . .

JPoor utilization , the' ' CklvernmenL and . C(?nsumers by..s~ving that it alri ady wa~ 'prop- Th~ Gf!evance Committee meets ·every: Wednesday/ night _ aL S_ p.~. ,_in- ,{ w· · · , , , · billions of dollars:" ··· • · · . ·· ., , · the. Mam Office, at !16L Ma11ket. ,street. (3rd -floor}; :San.· Francisco,,;.,_

. m_OS~S fflC!IRp_ower erly cente_ red .. .1n one .agency. I All the · Exe.cutive _Officers ., i:md. Busine_ ss ·Representatives :'J'n th~ .-B.ay .. The American Federation of La.- - .., .. W!l,Shington"-The eqU1valent ·of ' bor stai,:_,artiy st;pports the Presi- _The Preside-nt. ackn9wleclged th~ ;Area are, present, ar this. time,' ands if . any member should· have:: a .. g,.~ev- .

· · existence of .· black . markets ~and a_nce,. or problem of any _kind, tpey _sho.uld ;bi·ing it .before tl1e griev.arice ·,;: Hie v1ork of 2,000,000 men is lost dent's subsidv pi·ogram and·, in · · . , · .. . omm· 1"ttee RE11EHBER EVERY· ·WEDNESDAY NIG"I'f 11 ' ·-· '

J said vigoi'ous ,·, efforts . \VOUld :·. be C . . .- . ~. ll- . ,, . ' . . '. ,' . i . . . . . ' to . _war -production thrnugh pqor fact, goes much: further than . he . . '. . ' --- -----------~ .. -----~----------

. - · . . , · · -. · , · , ,.. · · · · · · · , . · ·· made to' :stamp them out but he . · . ,. , ... - . .. -- . · . · . · ' . utilization_·. of manpower, states the has to date in · deman_ding a · com-. · · ·- · ' M · .I- ·+ ·11 f • ·. •+ ·+ N · ·d Oct ohel' Manpower Review, an of~ prehensive subsidy program to re- insiSted ..tliat · il}e '!pr;ic,e , .. s,up. po~t

1, . e_, T& . e S O VISI • 0 0 e_ va .· a,,::

program .is proving-reasonably sue- d• ,. . ·•th ·p ·. ,1,_ · :ficial WMC . publication. .duce living costs. ces, sful_. on , bilth :froµts: 'ir~creasing j 1scuss1ons WI · '._ . ermanenn:: · · .

. Poor - .·scheduling, absenteeism_,'. · several months 'ago :AFL Presi~ · . f . p1:oduction . and mainte,inmg . all' . . . · , . . .. . . .. t urn - over, tinder - utilization. of dent William Green told a Senate food prices foi· ,the consumer." I - Harry ~etz, Special Reyresens I :11ent with :-them~: ~~ ser.ie~ of ;me_~t-, .

~ kills, and .the continuance of Cfr- Co_rnmitt~e that ' a two billion dol- ' ''I am·:- coiiviticei;, ·he , sa1d "that fo.tiy~ working out of the . Siii1 I mgs . wer.~ '}1eld, wrth .. the -:-.Company, . .tain _peacetime· practices incom- lar subsidy program would . save · · ·: . • ' . ·. ' . ' , Fnuicisco -Office r~""rts: ·off{cials wJio were .reluctant · to ·do

1 Go • .

6 b'll' d 11· to al:landon. our present . policy I .. ~ ·. · c . . .. , • , . · . . . . · • •

patible wit]1 an: all-out war pro- . tied ve1nment l'k1 wn . ot a:s I would -increase ' the cost of living, , I hM:e Yisited .several · of om: dis~ .anything· about these . complaints: .. g_ rarri result tn . a ·1oss of 16;000',000 an consumers a I e amoun Ill . · " · · · · ·., · • . . · ' . With A he cooperation · of'. Brother--

I . f . · h . k. brmg about . demands _for mcreased. tricts in the past t\\ro months il' man hours or the- work of 2,000,- nurciases. o items t at- ma ·e up . . - . · , .· · . · . · · ·· .. • Murphy, · and ... Brother . Speers .arid · · . . . . wa"es which would thE.n be Just1- th · te-e t of Local Union No " . · · · · · · · · ·"

· 000 , men,_ it .,_vas charged. · the essential · diet of· the Amen can f' b"'l· · d. . · , h. t . ;, 11

·_, t ·. t · ._ e 1~ ' s .. . · _ . · . : . · .. "': Company personnel-- .,-v;e =·.were able'. . : Jeo le. ..1~ . e, an _mig , .\\e ... sar . ~ seI , .. A bn __ ef_ outlt_ne · or. my activ1t1es . · ·,-. .. .. · · . · . . -e: • ~·-

. Eugene G; Be~k~s; assistailt . . di~ I P • wus a_nd dangerous cycle . of mfla- ,. , . . ,. I to alle'lliate . most of. the trouble 11·e:ctoi· . of t he ::i.VMC's Bureau of ln his -message to Co!).gress, the . . . . . . . . . .• . . folio,, s. there. .

. . . p d d , t 1011~w1thouL ,any_ net. .:profit . ;;to . , I , t 'd abl t f , ·:11;, U ' il· · t· . ·t d. · . re:si . ent . edared, that J _ood ,Pro· · · . , ·· . ,- -:sp_en .a cons1 er· _ e amoun ,o I Visited the Perman_ ente. · Metals_ i.11'.L·anpower . · t 1za 10n, '·porn e out . . . . . . . . . . ·anyqne. .· ..

· ,t hat ;many· signposts like absen.te·e· _ ,duet10n 1s steadily 1ncre.asmg 1;t1 .,8- . .·. . .,.: ... , ·., · ·~_.-1.,ttl _. ~ time m . the State o_r Nevada as- Cor.poratio.l's . Magnesium .. Plant: at , . . . . . . . . . . . ome peop.., ... say a . .i · e . m · I ·

;ism turn-over production . lag , .Am~rica, an mcrease 1f1 ",lJ:ye st0ck f-l "t· • .. 11 · -· ·t· h., _ ... t ·, .. , , · · ;. Tl. . · s_ is_ t!.•;i,g B_r.ot_ µer De_L_ agra_nge, .,vh_ 6 __ 1 l'rfa_nl:eca: \J,'it.h, , B_,_.1.·o._ t. he_r : W __ · aa __ c_K_:-. ':r __ ,,h __ ·. e. :· , , .. . . , . . . . . . · a 1011 ,w1 . .no . ur . a,n:y:one. . . 1ey.

-threatened strikes and reci·ui·tmeiit' ·product10n this year more .than · .1.1 . .. th · . . · .1 : t k . · th· 1s endeavoring t o sign _up work .m ).aborers ·· in .this '" plant;., .are . doing ,· · . · , -~ · ,· ,. . · . · . . · . . .. are . 1<e . . € ·man w10. a ·es e . . dif,fI_·cultieSc-, a. i'e mere ·sy·mp·to'm·s ~f m_ akmg .up . for a .reduct10n m · · . . · ·an Jines . of .industries , stich as some·,.of -the ,. Erigineers' .. ,1,vork. ·A ·

V' 'first ' shot (jf · qpiµm for ,the sensa- . . . . . ' . -1a···b_o-r· _,.n1·s· u .. se·. · . · ... crops. · . mines, . smelter_s, con.s.trl,lctib1! .c._q~~ meetm_g . .is e_ x. pect. ed.,_ s1wrtly· .to· c_or_:_-.. : .tions-. he ·thinks -it will · give .him. He

Actual _caus~s . {or . imcter-utiliza- , , All restrictions . on agricultural llkes iC' .although . he .. swe_ars tha.t :tractors · arui . company;; ~vhere sta-1 re£t this £orrdition·;.: . · . _:

production,_ v;ith the, ·exception of . · . . . . . . •. . . ·tionery engineers are employecj. : · . ·· · . - .' <'. .:tion of lapor fall .into four· ;groups :·. he will ·not mak_e. 1-t a ·habit._ Soon,j · · , r . . · .

1 . I attende,} a me_e __ t:mg. of _the.·_Roi;J...,

· · those on tobacco, have been i'e- Sand d G L d t ,plant conditions, production pro- he is talk:og ,two-,and.then mo.re,: ·I also visited t he .. .f-e1;-manente· . : :. an .· , rave . m . us nes Jn .. re-; cedures, personnel policies and out~ moved, the President said, ,a nd he and more--ca~d then he loses con- ·Metal C0rpor:ation's· pla,cit" at Lo·s .gar.ds.,tb, a renewal _ pf the Pl'e_Sl:-!).t .: :

· · c1enied ·that acreage restric.tio1i.s · · · ' c of-plant factors. Manpower utiliza- trol of himself·."· , Altos where several of our - meri1·- .agreement.. Sevenl.:l :)11ore . meetmg§. · tion consultant~, inade available by ,,vere " in · any way responsible · for * * . * hers complained that -the c:ompany.· are expected- befor:e . this, c_a,n :· _be : WMC to help eliminate mal-ut1Ifaa0 exiSl'.•;1g shortages. He said . that · · .·. · · · · ii , vhis not living up to our ·agree- , accomplished; · g . . · · · , f:miliminary plans tor 1944 caned Munitions output · non; attempt to ferret out particu.., * * · . * for 380,000,000 . acres in crops, as r· .•. ses s1·19h.&f'y . lar ca.µses a_nd to help management · T. · ·

correct· them·: . compared· wit.h 364,000,000 in 1943: Washli!gton-M_uni tions _pro_duc- ~- ft:""n, §. ' · •10· 'b 0" __ fl, 5 . .Nf,a.:f,.y)l.8w· ·, s· .. ,.... · Farmers, said· 1\'Ir. R oosevelt, . .. ·.· · ·s - ' b. · · '- . 1 · i!V W ~ I"'

'·: La);Jor .. aiso has 'a responsibility, twn m . eptem er rose. on y a sm- (~ - were better off. than· for. any com, 1 · ·t b ·th A t l l · , says Frank ·H. . Spatks, directol' , of g e p·om . a ove . e .. ugus eve (Contim\ed from Page 3) cils .or . t~r .the .'• California ,:. S,t;:it~.,

the bureau, in ahotl;er ;tficle - to parable ' recor ded period, including indicating ,the 'difficulty of exceed- Bu_fldi_ng . .--anrl.· construction_,:;Tracdr~, · · · ' }1))'10_ :14;, the' ·so-called .golden age . .. .ks . · · · . rnemgers of all unions ·slfould be . ca1hirnployeril'° .a:tteiiti'6n· t-0 .urid~I'- . - ing previqus pea_~ ' despite .the - • . . - Coun.cil', so th'at ,,prompt ac'ti01Y can

. . - . ',o'f ._a£rici:ilture · which , is,· . 1tsed as_ a : . d . 'made 1'an1'lia 'th tb t" t o· l . ' . ~iil,izaffo_ n' o_f skiiis .and fo de\;elop .. , - . urgent. nee ; the WPB has an- ' - l r ,,,,1 . e sa e y . ~- ·be tak-en . ; . ·. · - . 'yardstick_ to meas_ ure . parity_ .1)r.ices d d · - · I · ' · · · , plans· for upgrirdfog'. .. . nounce . . . · ers and la,vs. The repiesentii.tiv-es .. ·'•It is .; a , :funda;fren t-al~.dµ ty. ,,,qJ . . . ·, * . * .· * . ' for . Inost agi'icultural commodWes. 'A 6 : per cent:inct;Ecase' in. Pl'.OdUCc of ·councils :.and .u::iions, he declared; C,OUDcil~ and ,unions,· to, p1;ote~g)~~

Net · incomes of farmers -- in· 1939 tion_ of he3:vy .bombers, co11tributed should · i1isist that the state \l?c'lfety he~lth,. safety; ana :.Jives . oi;. thei . Wi1;lt _ .3-1! evening ~oat and--~a vias $4,430;000,000; i!1 1942. it was to a 3 per ce.rit g:ain/ oll . an . air, orders , and laws b-e . complied -with. me:m~rs,:,and; to yigorou§ly, ;coop, w hite ti~, ' anybooy .. even . a stock $9,5oo;oop;ooo, and:Hle . estimate ,for -frame : \Ve'fgh_t . J>~~\~ \ ev.e~ ·-'Jh,otigh . ' Cases ' tha,t , ,require'' action' by :-,~ ei.:a te in, helpi11K ,W ,stop.·J he .. d,eaql:£ .

·. broker; can • gain ca reputation: , (o~ l_iM~ .is ) ;J;2;4'75,00Q;()()0, .. , tne, ·numb,tt ,;' Of :; p}~n~j_', \Ya.~ ::,.dp,yn, is~te Safe{y irupecto~ ShOU!<l b_e r~~ ,tqll, o.f. 'ci.I':j~~ed, . . . be-il!g civilized'."-080AR ··\VILDE. The ijicrease:in the average ii'-1° 14. fr~t Al)g~'s! ;:to ~~ : totrr £I ~598:,J,po,r,te:uximmediately :.to local' c.o,un>- .donald..st:r.essed:-, ., :,:.
