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November 6, 2016 All Saints' Sunday

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A United Methodist Church 1700 Napa Valley Drive · Little Rock, AR 72212 225-9231 · www.asbury-lr.org Asbury UMC Little Rock Our Mission To bring others into Asbury UMC to experience a difference, so they make a difference for Jesus Christ and others. Our Invitation To all who need Comfort, Friendship and the Love of God through our Savior Jesus Christ. This church opens wide its doors in the name of our Lord and says, “Welcome.” November 6, 2016 All Saints’ Sunday
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A United Methodist Church 1700 Napa Valley Drive · Little Rock, AR 72212

225-9231 · www.asbury-lr.org

Asbury UMC Little Rock

Our Mission

To bring others into Asbury UMC

to experience a difference,

so they make a difference

for Jesus Christ and others.

Our Invitation

To all who need Comfort,

Friendship and the Love of God

through our Savior Jesus Christ.

This church opens wide its doors

in the name of our Lord and says,


November 6, 2016

All Saints’ Sunday

Page 2: November 6, 2016 All Saints' Sunday

Please take a few moments to silence your phone. For the most meaningful worship, we encourage you to take advantage of our nursery available

for infants through 2 years old.

Divine Worship Sanctuary

November 6, 2016 8:30 & 10:45 A.M.

Gathering in God’s Presence

Welcome and Announcements


*Call to Worship Lo, I tell you a mystery, we will not all sleep, But, we will all be changed. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, And we shall all be changed!

*Hymn of Praise Sing with All the Saints in Glory 702

Preparing Our Hearts

Children’s Moments Laura Stinnett (8:30)

Megan Garrison (10:45)

(Kid’s Club available for 3 and 4 year olds.)

Lifting Our Lives and Prayers to God

Prayer for the People

The Giving of Our Tithes and Offerings

Offertory Write Your Blessed Name Chancel Choir K. Lee Scott

*Doxology 94 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power up lifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

*Hymn of Meditation Great Is Thy Faithfulness 140

Hearing God’s Word

Scripture Lesson Colossians 1:1-6 (NLT, Pew Bible) 902 The Message “For All the Saints!” Rev. Mary Hilliard

Responding to God With Our Lives

A Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance

The Great Thanksgiving The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.

It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere to give thanks to You, Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. God of Abraham and Sarah, God of Miriam and Moses, God of Joshua and Deborah, God of Ruth and David, God of the priests and the prophets, God of Mary and Joseph, God of the apostles and the martyrs, God of our mothers and our fathers, God of our children to all generations.

*Please stand as you are able.

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And so, with Your people on earth and all the company of heaven, we praise Your name and join their unending hymn:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of Your glory. Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!

Holy are You, and blessed is Your Son Jesus Christ. By the baptism of His suffering, death, and resurrection You gave birth to Your church, delivered us from slavery to sin and death, and made with us a new covenant by water and the Spirit.

On the night in which He gave Himself up for us, He took bread, gave thanks to You, broke the bread, gave it to His disciples and said: "Take, eat; this is My body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me."

When the supper was over, He took the cup, gave thanks to You, gave it to His disciples and said: "Drink from this, all of you; this is my blood of the new covenant, poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me."

And so, in remembrance of these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ, we offer ourselves in praise and thanksgiving as a holy and living sacrifice, in union with Christ's offering for us, as we proclaim the mystery of faith.

Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.

Pour out your Holy Spirit on us gathered here, and on these gifts of bread and wine. Make them be for us the body and blood of Christ, that we may be for the world the body of Christ, redeemed by His blood.

Renew our communion with all Your saints, especially those whom we name before You: {At the tone of the bell, following the reading of each name, let congregation respond: Lord, we thank you for this thy servant for his/her living and dying in the faith.} Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, strengthen us to run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfecter of our Faith.

By your Spirit make us one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry to all the world, until Christ comes in final victory, and we feast at His heavenly banquet. Through Your Son Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit in Your holy church, all honor and glory is Yours, Almighty Father, now and forever. Amen.

Invitation to Holy Communion

Following receiving communion, light a candle in memory of a loved one(s). Gluten free wafers are available upon request. The offering plate provided is for Community Ministries.


We now, the people of this congregation, grateful for our heritage, aware of the sacrifices of our mothers and fathers in the faith, and confessing that apart from us their work cannot be made perfect, dedicate ourselves anew to the worship and service of Almighty God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

*Hymn of Commitment For All the Saints 711

*Blessing of God’s People

*Choral Benediction For All the Saints (verse 4) 711

O blest communion, fellowship divine! We feebly struggle, they in glory shine;

Yet all are one in thee, for all are thine. Alleluia, Alleluia!


You are encouraged to go serve Christ after the singing of the Benediction.

A special thank you to Richard Hunter for leading worship this morning.

Assisting in Worship: 8:30 - LaChrisha Gray / 10:45 - Mary Noble

Acolytes: 8:30 - Erin McNamer / 10:45 - AnnMarie Golden

Sound/Video Operator: 8:30 - Jason Stumhofer, Joe Hof / 10:45 - Mazhil, Sharath

Virginia Bush Lyn M. Granderson Joel Ruminer Jean H. Casey Donna McClelland June S. Scholtens Fred Clark Barbara McKenney Harold E. Smith A. D. Flurry Jr. Luanna Reddin

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Celebration Worship Wilson Activity Center

November 6, 2016 10:45 A.M. Please take a few moments to silence your phone.

For the most meaningful worship, we encourage you to take advantage of our nursery available for infants through 2 years old.

Please complete the information requested in the friendship pads and return to the end of the row.

I Know I’ll Feel At Home

Welcome and Announcements

Open the Eyes of My Heart How Great is Our God / Stand By Me

Children’s Moments Laura Stinnett

(Kid’s Club available for 3 and 4 year olds.)

Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

Sharing of Our Gifts

The Way He Was Raised

The Message “How Could We Forget?”

Judges 2:16-19 Rev. Chase Green

Holy Communion—If you would prefer a gluten free wafer for communion please

notify the pastor or communion steward as you come forward. Love offerings placed in the small wicker baskets support our Community Ministries. This ministry provides charitable assistance to people in need.

Following receiving communion, light a candle in memory of a loved one(s).

Remember Me

The Invitation and Blessing

Wayfaring Stranger

We are so glad you worshiped with us at Asbury UMC. Now go and serve Christ.

Assisting in Worship: Pat Purifoy

Sound Operator: Kevin Purifoy, Randy Dennis

Video Operator: David Marano

Asbury Prison Band Jay Greenfield Baker Kurrus Todd Mead Scott Southern

Asbury Staff Rev. Mary Hilliard, Senior Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Chase Green, Pastor of Discipleship/Congregational Care [email protected]

Rev. Tom Weir, Pastor Emeritus [email protected]

Stephen Edds, Minister of Music [email protected]

Anguel Kehayov, Organist [email protected]

Mike DuPas, Interim Part-Time Praise & Worship Leader [email protected]

Laura Stinnett, Minister of Children [email protected]

Kayla Stout, Nursery Director [email protected]

Amy Bennett, Minister of Youth [email protected]

Cheryl Cate, Finance Manager [email protected]

Ora Bunton, Child Development Ctr., Director [email protected]

Judith Hill, Child Development Ctr., Asst. Director [email protected]

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Special Events Thursday, November 10th.........................................ACCDC Taste of Culture Fundraiser 6 pm (WAC) Thursday, November 17th.....................................................Senior Game Day 10:30 am (Warehouse) Monday, November 21st........................................................................Church Council 5 pm (Room 227) Monday, November 21st...............................................................Charge Conference 6 pm (Sanctuary)

Pastor on Call: Nov. 4, 5, 6 Rev. Mary Hilliard Nov. 11, 12, 13 Rev. Chase Green


The November Calendar and new Save-the-Date are available on the youth board outside of the Warehouse! Be sure and grab one!

We will be going to lunch today as a youth group, and then going to play Frisbee Golf! Bring money for lunch, and you can stay until youth tonight!

Youth tonight at 5:30 in the Warehouse--we will be all together for the next few weeks as we go through our “Life of Christ” series!

Great job on the Pumpkin Patch! We made over $3,500, which will go toward paying for our discounts we give for OMP and assembly!

This Wednesday, we will be starting our new Groove: Dilemmas series! 6 - 7:30, Senior High in the Warehouse, Junior High in Room 101.

Remember we are having a High School watch party for the LSU/Arkansas game on Saturday, Nov. 12! I’ll give a time next week when the game time is released!

We are also having a Junior High Bonfire on Friday, November 11! More details on whose house that will be at soon, but it will be from 6-9 that night, and we’ll have hot dogs and S’mores! Plan to bring a friend!

Nov. Drivers Van Car Jim Britt Scott Broyles

Preaching Schedule Sunday, Nov. 6th Sunday, Nov. 13th 8:30 Divine Worship Rev. Mary Hilliard Rev. Chase Green 10:45 Divine Worship Rev. Mary Hilliard Rev. Chase Green 10:45 Celebration Service Rev. Chase Green Rev. Mary Hilliard

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sunday School: 172 8:30 (D): 131 10:45 (D): 46 10:45 (C): 130 Total Worship Attendance: 307 Guests: 23 including 6 first time

SPECIAL CHILDREN’S MINISTRY DATES: Questions? Contact Laura Stinnett, Minister of Children

Sun., Nov. 6: Children’s Choir, 9:30 am, Room 215 3yrs-2 grade, Room 206 3rd-6th grade,

Sunday School, 9:45 am

Wed., Nov. 9: Wild Wednesday, 6:30 pm Room 210, The Edge, 5:45 pm, Room 206

Fri., Nov. 11: Parents’ Night Out, 6 pm - 10 pm

Sun., Nov. 13: JUNIOR Choir sings at both 10:45 worship services

Open dates for Sacred Grounds: Nov. 20 & 27. The cost is $100 to sponsor a week. Call the office to schedule a date.

Prayers: Hila Ruminer Barbara Clark

Open dates for Flowers: Nov. 20 & 27. Call the office to reserve a date.

ASBURY UMC SHIRTS! The youth group is selling Asbury UMC shirts! The money goes toward helping our youth pay for upcoming trips, and you’ll get a great shirt to help spread the word about Asbury! We’ve got short & long sleeve t-shirts, plus polos and button ups! We will be selling through the month of November...see a youth to place an order, or use the order forms in your Sunday School class! Visit the table in the WAC to see samples of the shirts (order forms available here too)!

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WANTED if you can sponsor a week, several weeks or a month ($100 per week). THANK YOU!

Sunday, November 6th - ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY 8:00 am Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 8:00 am Coffee & Donuts (WAC) 8:00 am Celebration Team Rehearsal (WAC) 8:30 am Divine Worship (Sanctuary) 9:30 am Children’s Choir 3 yrs - 2nd grade (Room 215) 9:30 am Children’s Choir 3rd - 5th grade (Room 206) 9:45 am Sunday School 10:40 am Celebration Band Pre-Service Music (WAC) 10:45 am Celebration Worship (WAC) 10:45 am Divine Worship (Sanctuary) 12:00 pm Youth Lunch & Frisbee Golf (offsite) 5:30 pm Sunday Night Student Ministries (Warehouse)

Monday, November 7th 7:30 am ACCDC 2016/2017 Classes 6:00 pm Men’s Basketball (WAC) 6:00 pm SPRC Meeting (Room 123) 7:00 pm AA Meeting (Room 103)

Tuesday, November 8th 7:30 am ACCDC 2016/2017 Classes 11:00 am - 1 pm Food Pantry 6:30 pm Prison Band Rehearsal (Room 200) 6:30 pm Cub Scouts (Room 101) 7:00 pm Boy Scouts (Room 105)

Wednesday, November 9th 5:00 am Men’s Basketball (WAC) 7:30 am ACCDC 2016/2017 Classes 5:45 pm The Edge (Room 206) 6:00 pm Wednesday Night Student Ministries (Warehouse) 6:00 pm Wally Gee Men’s Bible Study (Room 226) 6:30 pm Wild Wednesdays (Room 210) 6:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Room 200)

Thursday, November 10th 7:30 am ACCDC 2016/2017 Classes 6:00 pm ACCDC Taste of Culture Fundraiser (WAC)

Friday, November 11th 7:30 am ACCDC 2016/2017 Classes 6:00 pm Parents’ Night Out (WAC) 6:00 pm Junior High Youth Bonfire (offsite)

Saturday, November 12th

Sunday, November 13th 8:00 am Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 8:00 am Coffee & Donuts (WAC) 8:00 am Celebration Team Rehearsal (WAC) 8:30 am Divine Worship (Sanctuary) 9:30 am Children’s Choir 3 yrs - 2nd grade (Room 215) 9:30 am Children’s Choir 3rd - 5th grade (Room 206) 9:45 am Sunday School 10:40 am Celebration Band Pre-Service Music (WAC) 10:45 am Celebration Worship (WAC) 10:45 am Divine Worship (Sanctuary) 5:30 pm Sunday Night Student Ministries (Warehouse)

Daily devotionals from Pastor Mary are available on the website, www.asbury-lr.org. Click on “Blogs.”

Asbury Weekly Calendar

* WAC - Wilson Activity Center

PJ’S AND PANCAKES WITH ST. NICK Be sure to mark your calendar for Sunday, December 4th from 5 pm to 6:30 pm. We will be having a Family Life dinner, PJ’s and Pancakes with St. Nick. Children may wear their favorite Christmas pj’s, decorate a pancake, and take pictures with St. Nick. There will also be some crafts and other fun! Adults may come in pj’s too! For more information or questions, contact Laura Stinnett in the church office or email, [email protected].
