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November - December 2012 - allsaints.ch fileHow about a Portakabin placed up against the railway...

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November - December 2012

November - December 2012


All Saints, Vevey

Who’s Who Chaplain: Rev. Clive Atkinson

Tel: 021 943 22 39 Mobile: 078 733 36 87 [email protected]

Youth Coordinator: Emilie Moser

Mobile: 078 910 2852 [email protected]

Church Administrator: Louise Bowley

Tel: 021 922 94 57 Mobile: 078 894 18 69 [email protected]

All Saints Women’s Ministry

Annual Gingerbread House


Thursday 6th December 19h30

Put it in the diary! More details to follow.......


Saturday 10th November


War Grave Cemetery

St. Martin, Vevey


All Saints, Vevey

ICS News Magazine

Perhaps, like me, you tend to pass

this by on the table at the back of church? I pick it up occasionally and glance through it wondering why many ICS chaplains manage to fill a column and an almost equal number don't. Those that don't are invariably con-signed to the 'pray for' section at the back of the magazine. Nothing wrong with that. Exceptionally, I read the October issue from cover to cover and what a rewarding experi-ence this was. The chaplaincy reports are crammed with really good and practical ideas that we at All Saints' could lift and adapt to our benefit. Ideas such as a sea container placed in church grounds for use as an extra room. Well, take the concept of a container. How about a Portakabin placed up against the railway line soundproof barrier on the garden for extra room for youth work? Needs Vevey Council/ CFF approval? Fine, we'll never know unless we ask! Youth group structures? Ideas here, - tried and tested. (Ah well, that might work in Bling-ville, but not in Vevey...are you sure?) Assis-tant chaplains/readers/helpers? Many have tried different approaches, - learn from the ones that worked and those that didn't and why. Can ramming Christianity down unwilling throats be unhelpful? Read about it here, writ-ten by the blissfully unaware. Do hard nosed business practices get in the way of Christ's forgiving love? Read about it here. I can highly recommend the ICS magazine as a source of ideas and idea starters, not just for our own Council but for all those interested

in furthering His work in Vevey.

Ross and Fanny Kernohan

The Kernohans are beginning their second year in Northern Ireland as Ross continues his studies at Union Theological College, Bel-fast, in preparation for the ministry. Warmest congratulations to them both with the news that baby number two is on its way. Please continue to pray for Ross and Fanny as they juggle family life and the demands of theological training.

It was lovely to see Iris back in Switzerland visiting family this October past. In a short in-terview at the 10h30 service on Sunday 28th, she thanked the members of the congregation who contributed so generously towards the purchase of a new car. She said, “We are so

grateful to have a reliable newer car.”

Tim and Iris serve unreached people groups working to translate the Gospel in to the many indigenous languages found in the region where they are living. Please continue to pray

for them and their family.

A New Car for Tim & Iris


Muriel Ijere Crot left Switzerland in September for a short term mission trip with Wycliffe Bible


In a recent email she wrote “that everything is going on well for me.” She has found a Church called L’Eglise Evangelique du Cam-eroun where a number of her fellow teachers


“Last Sunday a colleague invited me to the installation of the 4th pastor in the same church but in town and it was very moving and interesting. It took 4 hours which passed

very fast.”

Her work at The Rainforest International

School is progressing well.

“At school I am tutoring students who have difficulties and proposed to teach French to staff as well. We have 3 levels and everybody is enjoying French. The principal is very pleasant and makes people feel at home. The director of the primary school also wants me to teach there. Everybody is very friendly. During assembly we pray, sing songs, etc. It is wonderful to be able to work with Chris-tians. They are always ready to help and have

a smile on their faces.”

And the weather? “It is still the rainy season and it can rain cats and dogs, as we say and 10 minutes later, there is a bright sunshine. I am very happy to be away from the cold and

the snow.“

Please continue to pray for Muriel throughout her time in Cameroon. She hopes to return to

Switzerland in December.

Baptism of Alexis Bradford Saturday 15th September, Bains des Dames,

La Tour de Peilz

Congratulations to Alexis who was Baptized in

September surrounded by family and friends.

Alexis was ably assisted by Emilie Moser and

Vanessa Jefferiss Jones.

All Saints, Vevey


All Saints, Vevey

All Saints Church Weekend

Leysin 2012


All Saints, Vevey

On Monday 20th October, Pat McQuaid, President of the International Cycling Federa-tion (UCI) announced to the world’s media that Lance Armstrong deserved to be forgot-ten. His comment was made as Armstrong was stripped of his seven Tour de France ti-tles, all other results dating from 1998 and banned from cycling for life. This came as the UCI accepted the findings of the United States Anti-Doping Agency's (USADA) investi-gation into world renowned cyclists who have accused Armstrong not simply of doping him-self but of coercing others within his team to dope as well.

Towards the end of October, BBC 5 Live sports did a special on Lance Armstrong called “Peddlers: Cycling’s Dirty Truth”. In it, they interviewed a number of pro-cyclists who like Armstrong have used performance en-hancing drugs (PEDs) to boost their chances of success. And it was the powerful siren call of success at the professional level - to com-pete with the other cyclists and not become just another statistic - and the deep seated motivator of greed – don’t forget the prize money and the sponsorship deals - that drove and drew many to dope.

Tyler Hamilton, a one-time team mate of Arm-strong, spoke of the “1,000 day” fork in the road, an experience that all professional cy-clists inevitably faced. This was the point of

decision where the principle of cycling clean ran up against the frustration of losing to oth-ers who were clearly using performance en-hancing drugs. The choice was to dope and thus compete or to remain clean and face be-ing dropped. Some like Tyler Hamilton gave in while others like the French pro cyclist Chris-tophe Basson took a stand and were pilloried for it.

Success and greed are not drivers which are limited simply to professional cycling or pro-fessional sport for that matter. Jay Wood is a professor of philosophy at Wheaton College, and in a recent article in Christianity Today magazine, reminded everyone that the forces which drove Lance Armstrong to use PEDs can be found within each one of us.

He says, “… set all self-righteousness aside, and ask whether or not there's a little bit of Lance in each of us. Few of us are world-class athletes or world class anything, for that matter. Yet we too live and work in environ-ments where the temptation to cut corners to gain a competitive advantage over others is ever present.”

Wanting to be the best and enjoy the fruits of success has led many to cheat not only in the sports arena but in other realms as well. It is present in the world of business and in the world of academia as Jay Wood knows all too well. “Where competition for grants and fund-ing is fierce, and where promotion and tenure depend on the length of your CV” the pres-sure to succeed has led to a sharp rise in fudged and fraudulent data.

Wood suggests that at both elite and pedes-trian levels, cheating is often motivated by the underlying desire to have worth as a person. There is an adrenalin rush straight to the heart of our identity when we win or come out ahead. It can be addictive and it can become

Winning at All Costs


All Saints, Vevey

an idol. There is nothing wrong with winning nor with being the best at something but when it is sought after to fill a hole within our sense of self worth then the alarm bells should ring.

Jay Wood ends by saying, “To ground our worth in such fleeting attempts at glory should seem silly to Christians, especially when we recall that we are created, sustained, and saved by the almighty God of the universe. Alas, we all too often live in forgetfulness of this truth.”

On the Radar Screen...

The monthly Community Lunch scheduled for Friday, 2nd November has been cancelled. Christmas Lunch Special: Saturday 22nd December at 12.30 in the Church Hall. Every-one welcome. CHF 5.00 per adult, children free. YOU MUST, repeat, MUST, sign in if you want to come by 16th December. We cannot guess if you want to be part of the fun and need to know numbers to be sure that there will be enough for everyone. SIGN IN BY 16th December, please. We repeat, sign in by 16th December. Sandra Darra: 021 943 32 63 or Ruth Livingstone-Wallace: 021 944 3601 You are warmly invited to attend The Armi-stice Ceremony to be held on Saturday 10th

November, 10.45 at the Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery, St. Martins Church, Vevey, led by Rev. Clive Atkinson. Reception after-wards at the Astra Hotel, Vevey. (opposite Vevey station).

A Jubilee Charity Ball in aid of the British

Community Fund will take place at the Montreux Palace Hotel on Saturday 8th De-cember. Further information regarding costs, reservations and other details: Mrs. Sandra Darra: 021 943 32 63

Friday Evening 19th & Saturday Morning 20th April at All Saints' Church

Following the success of the Walk Through the Old Testament Seminar earlier this year, Walk Through the Bible Ministries are return-ing to All Saints to lead two further seminars. Friday evening will concentrate on the Inter -Testimental Period, that is, what happened between Malachi and Matthew while the Sat-urday morning will focus on the New Testa-ment. More information will be available in the New Year.


In Him was Life Preparing the No-vember - Decem-ber edition of Con-tact Magazine leaves me no op-tion but to think about Christmas.

And, forgive me – and you may groan at this – I must confess to twinges of excitement. While back in Northern Ireland last week, I bought fondant icing and marzipan in prepara-tion for making the Christmas Cake. You see we have a tradition in our family that the boys make the Christmas Cake. And to give credit where credits due, it’s been pretty good, per-haps not worthy of the “Great British Bake Off”, but pretty good, none the less. You know as well as I do that the true mean-ing of Christmas surpasses the excitement generated by turkey, tinsel and Christmas trees. You know as well as a I do that Christ-mas is not just for the children. If what the Gospel authors tell us is true, then Christmas is for adults and children alike.

The Apostle John sums up the meaning be-hind Christmas in the opening chapter of his biography of Jesus. With John there are no wise men or shepherds, no sign of angels and inn keepers. John doesn’t tell the Christmas story, but he does help us to understand it. And he makes two essential points that help us understand the full meaning of Christmas.

The first is that Christmas is about God be-coming human. Al Stewart is an Australian Pastor. When asked does he believe God exists, answers, “I

believe God exists because He turned up and introduced Himself.” That essentially sums up what the Apostle John tells us in the first chapter of his Gospel account of Jesus. Do you remember what he said?

He begins by writing “In the beginning was the Word”. That is how John describes Jesus – the Word – Jesus was God’s perfect pen pic-ture. John then goes on to say, “And the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” Jesus was none other than God, present before time began to tick. But John hasn’t finished. “Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.”

Christmas is still far away with the stunning Autumn colours taking centre stage. They are simply breath taking and like many people liv-ing along the lakeside, Autumn is one of my favourite times of year. And the Apostle John tells us that everything was made by the Word.

He goes on to say something more about Je-sus the Word. Do you remember this bit? “In Him was life and that life was the light of the world.” In other words, Jesus the Word was the source of life and He helps us make per-fect sense of our lives. Jesus the Word was God in every sense, ex-isting before time began, creator of everything and the source and meaning of life. But …. the Word became flesh. At four weeks, He was the size of an apple pip in Mary’s womb. At the end of the first trimester He was 7.5 cm long. At the end of the second trimester He would have been 26cm long: He would have been able to hear Mary’s voice and Mary would have felt him kicking. After nine months He was born in a stable and laid in an animal’s feeding trough. The Word became flesh.

All Saints, Vevey


The remainder of John’s gospel is a first-hand account of life with God in flesh and bone. John and many others were eye wit-nesses of the life, words and deeds of Jesus Christ. He could draw no other conclusion than that the baby born in Bethlehem was

none other than God with us, God among us.

But why had God come among us? John an-swers that for us. Jesus came in order that we might come back into God’s family. Listen again to what John has to say, “To all who re-ceived Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God ….” Did you catch that? “ … He gave the right to become children of God”

Jesus who was born in Bethlehem, grew up and became an adult. The purpose of His life and especially His death on the Cross was to give me the right to be part of God’s family and to know God on a personal, intimate, day by day level. That’s the meaning of His death and that’s why He died.

Our son Jacob was travelling back to Switzer-land by car this summer when his passport was stolen. In an attempt to try to resolve this minor crisis we contacted the Embassy in Berne and, because it was the weekend, were transferred to London. When asked whether our son could cross the Swiss border without a passport, the civil servant was unable to give us any assurance, - voicing the possibil-ity that he might be refused entry. No pass-port, no right of access.

What gives me right of access to God my Fa-ther? What gives me the right to call myself His child? The Apostle Paul answers – “It's Jesus. It's Jesus who gives us the right.” “To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God ….”

I hope this is your experience as Christmas approaches and that you are able not only to celebrate and get excited about the turkey, tinsel and Christmas tree but that you have believed in Jesus and know that you are a

child of God.

All Saints, Vevey

Anything Missing?

The Alpha


Starts January 2013


Diary November

Thursday 1st 09h20 Little Arrows 13h00 Little Arrows 19h30 Men’s Small Group 19h45 Small Group (Villars) Saturday 3rd 18h30 All Saints 130th Birthday Party Sunday 4th 10h30 Holy Communion with Bishop Geoffrey 17h30 Worship Evening

Tuesday 6th 09h00 Birds of Pray 14h30 Holy Communion 20h00 Small Groups (Blonay, Lausanne & La Tour de Peilz) Wednesday 7th 09h00 Little Arrows 20h00 Small Groups (Vevey, Jongny) Thursday 8th 09h20 Little Arrows 13h00 Little Arrows 19h30 Men’s Small Group 19h45 Small Groups (Villars) Friday 9th 19h00 Place2B Saturday 10th 10h50 Remembrance Day Service (St. Martin) Sunday 11th 09h00 Holy Communion 10h30 Holy Communion

Tuesday 13th 09h00 Birds of Pray 14h30 Tuesday Break 20h00 Small Groups (Blonay, Lausanne & La Tour de Peilz) Wednesday 14th 09h00 Little Arrows 20h00 Small Groups (Jongny, Vevey) Thursday 15th 09h20 Little Arrows 13h00 Little Arrows 19h30 Men’s Small Group 19h45 Small Group (Villars) Friday 16th 19h00 Ripple Saturday 17th 09h00 Nativity Practice

09h30 Chaplaincy Council Day Away

Sunday 18th 09h00 Morning Prayer 10h30 Morning Prayer 17h30 Worship Evening

Tuesday 20th 09h00 Birds of Pray 14h30 Tuesday Break

20h00 Small Groups (Blonay, Lausanne & La Tour de Peilz) Wednesday 21st 09h00 Little Arrows 20h00 Christmas Choir Practice 20h00 Small Groups (Jongny, Vevey) Thursday 22nd 09h20 Little Arrows 13h00 Little Arrows 19h30 Men’s Small Group 19h45 Small Group (Villars) Friday 23rd 19h00 Place2B Saturday 24th 09h00 Nativity Practice Sunday 25th 09h00 Holy Communion 10h30 Holy Communion

12h30 Fellowship Lunch

Monday 26th 19h30 Chaplaincy Council Tuesday 27th 09h00 Birds of Pray 14h30 Tuesday Break 20h00 Small Groups (Blonay, Lausanne & La Tour de Peilz) Wednesday 28th 09h00 Little Arrows 20h00 Christmas Choir Practice 20h00 Small Groups (Jongny, Vevey) Thursday 29th 09h20 Little Arrows 13h00 Little Arrows 19h30 Men’s Small Group 19h45 Small Group (Villars) Friday 30th 19h00 Ripple

All Saints, Vevey

Gardeners Question Time. Q: Four years ago, our charming neighbour ac-quired a delightful Husky dog, who howls con-stantly almost melodically, through the night, seeking companionship. We decided that a row of fast growing leylandi, planted as close as pos-sible to the boundary line between us and our neighbour might be good company for him. The trees are now 5 meters high and growing at a rate of knots but the Husky still howls through the night. Any ideas?

A: a single 10 cm copper nail hammered into the trunk of each tree will ensure they die off rapidly. You can then gauge whether the trees were ef-fective in providing companionship for the dog or not.



Saturday 1st 09h00 Nativity Practice Sunday 2nd 09h00 Morning Prayer 10h30 Nativity Play 17h30 Worship Evening

Tuesday 4th 09h00 Birds of Pray 14h30 Holy Communion & Christmas Tea 20h00 Small Groups (Blonay, Lausanne & La Tour de Peilz) Wednesday 5th 09h00 Little Arrows 20h00 Christmas Choir Practice 20h00 Small Groups (Jongny, Vevey) Thursday 6th 09h20 Little Arrows 13h00 Little Arrows 19h30 Men’s Small Group 19h45 Small Group (Villars) Friday 7th 19h00 Place2B Saturday 8th Christmas Choir Practice Sunday 9th 09h00 Holy Communion 10h30 Holy Communion 17h30 Service of Lessons and Carols by Candlelight Tuesday 11th 09h00 Birds of Pray 14h30 Tuesday Break 20h00 Small Groups (Blonay, Lausanne & La Tour de Peilz) Wednesday 12th 09h00 Little Arrows 20h00 Small Groups (Vevey) Thursday 13th 09h20 Little Arrows 13h00 Little Arrows Friday 14th 19h00 Ripple Sunday 16th 09h00 Morning Prayer 10h30 Morning Prayer 17h30 Worship Evening

Saturday 22nd 12h30 Community Christmas Lunch Sunday 23rd 10h30 Holy Communion

Monday 24th 23h00 Christmas Eve Midnight Communion Tuesday 25th 10h30 Christmas Day Family Communion Sunday 30th 10h30 Morning Prayer

All Saints, Vevey

Scene 'n Herd

Vital stories you may have missed.

The Duchess of Cornwall, formerly Mrs Camilla Parker-Bowles, braved chilly sand in her stockinged feet yesterday during a visit to the Isles of Scilly. As reported in: The Times of London. Celebrating her 65th birthday, the Duchess of Cornwall visited Liverpool Cathedral on Tues-day and followed up her hectic working week with a visit on Friday to a Reception at Buck-ingham Palace. Ola magazine. 'Elf 'n Safety. A reader rants: 'I bought an 18 inch ladder (whose feet were clad in sweet little non slip rubber boots) from John Lewis to help me change light bulbs. There were no less than 17 stick men pictogram's stuck on it advising of the potential health hazards of using it.' In today's Sheepdog trials, all the Sheepdogs were found not guilty.

Last Quiz The last Contact quiz offered a dazzling CHF 290.00 bottle of Chapoutier Burgundy as 1st prize. Question was: what vehicle is legally allowed on Swiss roads with totally bald tyres? Answer: A steamroller, of course. This cerebral challenge clearly whipped read-ers into a frenzy of total apathy. Zero entries.



Nativity Play Sunday 2nd December at 10h30 Carol Service Sunday 9th December at 17h30 Community Christmas Lunch Saturday 22nd December, 12h30 at All Saints' Christmas Eve Carol Service Monday 24th December at 17h30, St. Peter’s Chateau d’Oex Christmas Eve Communion Service Monday 24th December at 23h00, All Saints' Christmas Day Family Communion Tuesday 25th December at 10h30, All Saints'

Please note the change in service schedule over the Christmas period ….

Sunday 23rd 10h30 Holy Communion Sunday 30th 10h30 Morning Prayer
