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November Spirit Alive Magazine

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Dawniel Winningham! Girl Power!!

Missionaries On A Battlefield

Girl Power! with Dawniel Winningham

You need the word, told to you

straight up! Get it from Dawniel YourGirlPower.com

The Intercessors Battleship101

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Table of Contents SPIRIT ALIVE BATH AND BEAUTY ........................................................................................................... 6

FAITH BEHIND BARS AND BEYOND! ....................................................................................................... 7

Who is Sara Kruzan? ........................................................................................................................................ 8

PRAYER TASK FORCE ................................................................................................................................... 12

FEATURED AUTHOR OF THE MONTH ................................................................................................. 16

Pastor Keith Levy ............................................................................................................................................ 16

TRANSFORMATION IN THE WORD ........................................................................................................ 18

INTERNATIONAL PRAYER FOCUS .......................................................................................................... 19

SPIRITUAL HARVEST ................................................................................................................................... 20

GIRL POWER! ................................................................................................................................................. 22

Starting Fresh ................................................................................................................................................. 22

EVERY MAN STANDING IN HIS PLACE ................................................................................................. 23

SISTERS OF FIRE............................................................................................................................................ 25

Single, Sexy & Christian – So How Do You Live A Pure Life? .................................................................... 25

FEATURED PROFILE OF THE MONTH .................................................................................................. 27

Lady Shaunte’ Garrett ..................................................................................................................................... 27

APHESIS HOUSE ............................................................................................................................................ 31

KAYLA'S CORNER .......................................................................................................................................... 33

POEMS OF PRAISE ........................................................................................................................................ 35

RELATIONSHIPS ............................................................................................................................................ 36

LIFE, LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS: ........................................................................................................... 36

Marriage & Mid-Life Crisis ............................................................................................................................... 36

SPIRIT ALIVE BOOK SHELF NEW AUTHORS ...................................................................................... 39

SISTERS OF FIRE WOMEN.......................................................................................................................... 41

MISSIONARIES ON THE BATTLEFIELD ................................................................................................ 47

Pastor Shirleen Cook ...................................................................................................................................... 47

BROADCAST PAGE ....................................................................................................................................... 51

JUNIOR MISSIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 53

Youthfully Christian ............................................................................................................................................ 54

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Join Us Every Friday at 11:00 PM, est.


Join us on Blog Talk Radio for Faith Behind Bars and Beyond!

We offer challenging discussion topics and converse with others who understand the plight of our brothers and sisters behind bars and the hardship of transitioning into a

life BEYOND the walls.

With Host Lila Robinson author of upcoming book “Invisible Society”

Join the Discussion Live Every Friday Night by dialing 424-675-8300 or chat live on Blog Talk Radio at www.blogtalkradio.com/lilarobinson

Post your comment!

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Who is Sara Kruzan?

HUMAN TRAFFICKING TRAGIC STORY Many of us probably have never heard of her name. In fact, most of the nation hasn’t heard about this tragic story of United States Justice. So, Spirit Alive had to investigate the story behind Sara Kruzan. Who is Sara? She is one of many women who have been behind bars for crimes that have been committed in order to save their own lives. Sara Kruzan is a bright young woman who was victimized throughout her young life by a brutal oppressor “her pimp” G.G. Sara like many young ladies in our current society was manipulated, brutalized and then forced into prostitution that included forcible sexual relations with strangers. Sara a talented youthful and full of energy at the age of sixteen Sara found herself trapped in a vile lifestyle in which she struggled for years to escape. Sara is the face of hundreds of young women today who are being beaten and forced into prostitution. Human Trafficking is real in the United States. Sara Kruzan was 11 years old when she met up with G.G. a man who seemed nice. He would take them out on various outings such as roller skating, ice cream and adventures. He lavished her with jewels, clothing and anything she wanted. G.G. began preparing her for a life of prostitution. He reminded his girls that getting paid for sex was a practice in which they should engage. However, G.G. is only a fraction of the men who premeditate the destruction of young girls in the United States. Sara was subjected to thousands of nights living in horror. Who would speak for her? G.G. had begun forcing himself upon Sara to groom her for a life on the street. After several years of being subjected to repeated rape, forcible sex, and brutality Sara in a battle for her own life shot G.G. her oppressor. After a long court battle Sara Kruzan was sentenced to Life without parole. Sara is only one of 2270 of minor who committed murder that are serving sentences of life without parole she is part of the 227 youth who were sentenced to this tragic law in the State of California. There was no one there to stop the brutality. Law Enforcement had failed, her mother failed, society had failed after serving almost 18 years behind bars the government continues to fail Sara Kruzan.

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Relevant Articles http://www.jlwop.com/blog/statement-on-sara-kruzans-clemency-petition.html








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The Night Belongs to Jesus!!

Don't Forget to Rate Your Favorite Artist if your artist is chosen as the

Friday Night Praise Artist of the Week Your comment may be featured in Spirit Alive Magazine

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Author Pastor Keith Levey has recently released his book entitled “But is it Biblical?” This book was developed by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in which Pastor Levey states “was difficult while searching for a biblically based church, it was difficult to find that one”. From this search for truth the book was birth. The questions many new believers and long standing members in the Christian faith have been struggling with for years is addressed in this book. The book seeks not to be the only answer to all biblical questions but rather and introduction to answering some of the tough questions believers struggle with during their walk with Christ. Currently Pastor Keith Levey is a guest on Biblically Speaking a weekly broadcast on Blog Talk Radio with host Lila Robinson that broadcast on Thursday evenings at 9pm(EST) in which we are discussing various aspects of the book entitled “But is it Biblical?” At present we are in the second week of broadcast. Last week Pastor Levey answered the earth shaking questions on the topic “Who is God?” This month we will also cover topics such as, where is God and speaking in tongues. This will surely be a hot topic. The book is available for purchase for a limited time offer Pre-Order for the Blow Out Price of $15.00 for a limited time only! You can purchase the book at http://www.spiritalivenetwork.weebly.com or you can win an autographed copy by listening to the broadcast and sending us an email about your favorite part of the show. Everything from likes, dislikes, questions and comments will be reviewed. The winner will be announced each week on our weekly broadcast show Thursday’s on BlogTalk Radio 9pm Eastern Standard Time. Come Check Us Out!

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Single Life, Sex & More EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT 9PM(EST)



424-675-8300 Listen Live

or join us on chat

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The International Prayer Focus is committed to praying for international needs around the world. We pray for the persecuted churches, underground ministries, missionaries, and world issues. This month International Prayer Focus is centered on various parts of the nation Gadafi~ Prayer for the family and the nation impacted by the death of Ghadafi who was killed recently. Although his lifestyle of terriorism leaves little for us to speak proudly the fact remains that he was a human being that was created by God. So let us pray for his family and the nation impacted by the life of Ghadafi. United Nations~ Lift up the United Nations as the develop plans and projects for countries around the world. Let us pray they will seek God for His guidance in every decision. The Holy Spirit may come upon them and reveal a spirit of unity, blessings and decisions that are in line with God’s Word. Persecuted Churches~ Many of us may not realize that there are hundreds possibly thousands of underground churches in foreign countries that cannot operate in the liberty of religious freedom as those in the Western Hemisphere. Let us lift them up prayer for protection, provision, and the power of the Holy Spirit. International Missionaries~ Prayer for those serving and preparing to go abroad in every nation spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Lord anoint them as their feet are prepared with peace, strengthen their shield of faith and may the Holy Spirit be upon the Sword as the preach the gospel.

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What is the spiritual harvest and what does it mean for Christians and non-believers alike? For years we have been taught that the harvest is about gaining something for ourselves. The harvest is not something that we ourselves can obtain nor manifest from our own strength. In fact, it is just as the title suggest spiritual. The Word of God speaks of the spiritual harvest of the souls of the kingdom as well as those who are serving in the Kingdom and the field in which God has assigned to his people. The harvest reveals the plan that God has laid before us in the Great Commission. Just because it is spiritual doesn’t mean we cannot see it. Jesus spoke about the harvest and rallied us to see the harvest. The field is ripe but the laborers are those who can go into the field unafraid to snatch the wheat with the tares. It is not our job to separate He alone will separate the wheat from the tares. God is ready for the fields to be harvested.

The seeds are scattered amongst the field. When we are awake the seeds are being planted as we sleep the seeds are pressing against the soil. The seed is struggling against rocks, pests ready to pluck it out as soon as it breaks through. There is so much the seed that has been planted in the heart of the spirit of man must toil against the trials and tribulations of the world. Think about a seed for just a moment. It is underground pressed into the soil. Then it must press its way back up the soil. As the seed is working, growing, pressing there are those above the soil stepping on it, stumping it further into the soil, preventing it from bursting forth.

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The seed of the Spirit that is planted in man is fighting to sprout forth. It is our job as the planter to nurture that seedling through the process of developing their faith in the Word of God. No man comes into the world a seed that has not endured hardship.

Start by Being the Miracle & watch

the seed grow!

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GIRL POWER! With Dawniel Winningham

Author of The Girlfriends Guide to Girl! Power and The Big 5 Guide to Girl! Power WorkBook, Performance Coach for Fortune 100 firm, Life

Coach, Friend, Mother, and Woman.

Currently working on REAL Girl! Power series the first of which will be REAL Girl! Power for Tweens and REAL Girl! For Entrepreneurs.

You can visit her on the web www.yourgirlpower.com

Follow the girl power movement @yourgirlpower of Friend her on Facebook


Starting Fresh “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.” Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whoever cursed the forties and made me fear this coming of age should be ashamed. As I approach my 41st birthday I am more alive than ever. The things that did not make sense to me before now make perfect sense. What once seemed dark is now a tremendous beacon of light shining in my path. I have learned to be still and allow the LORD to guide me and my hands in how he would have me work. I still work for others, but even that work has taking on new meaning. It seems as if the LORD is blessing my opportunity to start fresh. He has removed all of the things, which I once viewed as obstacles, and replaced them with resources, strength, and stamina to push ahead. He will also bless YOUR chance to start fresh as well. Don’t wait until New Years, do it now. Below are some steps to get you started, and once you are started, don’t you dare stop. Move ahead and refuse to look back. Forget the past and work to build the brightest future you can imagine. Refuse to take your dreams and talents with you to the grave. They won’t benefit the next generation there. They won’t benefit you there!

1. Pray and Meditate daily on your dream; allow God to bless your dream even as you give thanks for what he has already provided.

2. Take steps daily towards your dream; step out on the faith of God and get moving. 3. Tell others about your plan to start fresh and ask for help. 4. Remove all doubt and past memories; push past those things that don’t seem possible. 5. Love yourself and encourage YOU. Don’t for a moment believe that what you have set out to do is not


Remember all things our possible through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ who strengthens us; and a little bit of Girl! Power on the side doesn’t hurt!

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SISTERS OF FIRE Single, Sexy & Christian – So How Do You Live A Pure Life?

How can you keep a pure life when you are constantly battling with the flesh? There is a lot to be said when it comes to sex and the single life but as a Christian you won’t hear about it. It is the most taboo subject in the church. It difficult enough that you will be hard-pressed to find a church that will talk about marital sex, but single life and sex? Never! So how DO you deal with this topic…uhm duh! By talking about it! You have to stay in prayer, read your bible, and by seek God in all your decisions and have faith that he will deliver. The downside to this life of purity is that there is an enemy at work – that is out to seek and destroy everything that God has predestined for your life. The spiritual battle is constant and while you are mixed up in your life and fleshly desires you are not realizing that you are hindering your own success and happiness by flouting God’s divine design. Single women talk about the perfect man with a J.O.B., good credit, and hopefully no baby mommas. They are not opposed to the thought of children; hell some these same women have one, two, or five themselves. They are opposed to the thought that someone else will come first in that man’s life. Some single women set high standards and some take Mr. Right Now and they are so busy with their standard checklist or by sleeping with every man that comes their way they are not realizing they are allowing victory to reign on the wrong side. No judgment but really – is this the way that God would want us to choose the right person for us? The time that women spending praying for a good man, the right man, the no-drama, good credit man – they themselves live in a whirl wind of drama. So I petition to you single ladies, and please excuse me if I offend you by next words, but all the single ladies as you are rock your Beyonce theme song in the background, close your legs and your mouth and listen up. Be the good woman, the right woman, the no-drama, good-credit woman and maybe just maybe you will find you a great man, a God-sent man, God-fearing, loving, good credit having, sexy, sweet, good saving, house having, modern car driving, Sunday church-going, bible-study every day, love his wife & kids man…#imjustsaying. So come November I thought that given all the mistakes I’ve made and the fact that I understand the pain that comes with not waiting on God to send you the right one. I thought I‘d give you some tips to strengthen your relationship with God, get right, and get that man! Stay Tuned!

Sisters of Fire presents: Single, Christian & shhhh…SEX! Look for announcements via BlogTalk Radio!

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CHARACTER MAKEOVER Spirit Alive Ministries

Transformative, Empowering & Challenging!

And We’re Bringing It Back! Get your Character Makeover Today!

Hosted by Kayla Finley of Sisters of Fire & Spirit Alive Ministries

To sign up please contact [email protected]

Remember God called us to be gentle creatures, the fruit of the spirit is love, joy,

peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

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Lady Shaunte’ Garrett

Meet this Dynamic Woman of God! www.ladyshaunte.com

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Joyce Spencer One of the Great Ladies of Jazz

For booking, please call LaDarien Spencer at 214-418-2861 or Email us at [email protected].

There is also a contact form on my website: http://himrp.com/contactus.aspx.

You can find my Electronic Press Kit at this link:


Cost and traveling fees are negotiable and based upon whether the church or venue

wants a solo artist with performance tracks or a large or small band, and whether it's a church ministry or private event. You can also reach us via

social networks on FaceBook, MySpace and witter.

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Chef Andarrio is one of the most sought after caterers in the South East Region. What makes him so special? His diversity in stirring up dishes to delight every desire with dishes like this month's snow crab legs and short ribs, crab cakes and more.. If that isn't enough for those of us we crave the pasta Chef Andarrio has buffet of many from Alfredo to Marinara. His dishes have a Southern touch with the eloquence of France the Europeans now how to dish up a plate to good to eat. Chef Andarrio has all the secrets to creating a dish with that will make even the Europe stand up and take notice. If you have an event, book signing, holiday party Chef Andarrio has the quality catering service you need with his Personal Chef program. WOW your guest with Chef Andarrio's as he awakens the flavors with mouthwatering dishes.

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You can also find Chef Andarrio on FaceBook and Buck

TV for a savory dish to serve tonight!

Page 31: November Spirit Alive Magazine



Aphesis was designed to provide transitional housing for individuals being released from

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unable to care for themselves.

Aphesis House 1522 Compton Avenue Nashville, TN 37212

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Page 32: November Spirit Alive Magazine



Join us every week on the

Jus Being Real Gospel Show

Listen Live 24/7 days a week

Morning Worship

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Page 33: November Spirit Alive Magazine

KAYLA'S CORNER Some young Christians get saved, go to church a few times,

and never come back…and older more seasoned Chrisitans want to know why. Well as some one from the younger generation who is also new to this life I thought I would share with you the many mistakes seasoned Christians make when bringing younger people into the faith….you talk to much! I’m sorry, did that offend you? Well it’s the truth, you talk and never teach, making us feel lowly and undeserving to be a part of the body of Christ. When in fact scripture itself says that aposltes (who some of you swear you are), prophets (who most of you pretend to be), evangelists (who take responsibility of sharing the gospel), pastors (who are supposed to lead the church) and teachers (who uhmm..yeah teach)…are here to equip the saints for the working of the ministry for the builing up of the body of Christ, (Ephesian 4:11-12). Yeah, I just learned that scripture and it opened my eyes to what the body of Christ, is SUPPOSED to do. It helped me to understand why it took me so long to go back to church after I was saved. There is no building up in the Church anymore, if someone does not speak in tognues you tell them they are not in the spirit and have not been baptized by the spirit, but have you even told them what the spirit is? Most of us are like, wait…what spirit? Have you tried to understand what they are going through – tried to relate and communicate with them? Do you know that we are thirsting for the knowledge that you, our mentors, teachers , pastors, evangelists and so forth are supposed to give us? I told myself recently that if I ever get someone, win a soul and get them to come to God on their own – then it will be my duty to teach them in the ways of the Lord, to the best of my knowledge. I can only do so much myself but I can least explain things to them that they may be afraid to ask the

Walking In The Spirit


What Spirit?

By Kayla Finley

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Marriage & Mid-Life Crisis

There is something happening in your marriage. The pull, tugs and shifting of on your relationship can be difficult. One day you wake up to someone you don’t know anymore. Who is this man that seems cracked, broken and changed? You lay before the throne of God asking Him to do something! Anything! With tears streaming down your face, knots in your stomach and a pounding headache you realize this man has changed. In a blink of an eye the man you once knew for years is no longer there. His eyes have changed, his attitude and most of all selfishness has risen to the surface. At this point he only sees what he wants. What Happened? For many it is the plight of disappointment in their lives, they feel as they are on their last leg and the only way out is to take the plunge all or nothing. For some; they engage in extra-marital affairs, others resort to risky behaviors and still some especially Christian men begin to question their faith, purpose and whether or not God is real. Unfortunately, there is no magic wand for us to wave to make it all go away. In fact, from this point on the man, the marriage and his faith will ultimately be transformed. He will no longer go back. The question is how does this affect your relationship? A man in mid-life crisis can take you through many stages of emotional grief. We have to find out if we are willing to endure this journey with them or call it quits. So many marriages fail due to lack of communication, extra-marital affairs, financial devastation and mid-life crisis. This time in a marriage can be one of the most trying times of your entire relationship. Men find it very difficult to explore their emotions, to get in touch with their feelings in general. When they are battling unforeseen forces they are the last ones to reach out for help. Instead they tend to rely on male coping strategies. For example; they may blame their spouse for all of their plights in life along with God for misleading them. They will oftentimes look towards activities, hobbies or situation to help them cope such as drinking more, picking fights with spouse or other, separating themselves from friends, spouses and community. In some cases; they may even quit

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A ministry committed to SETTING THE CAPTIVES FREE!

If you or someone you know is behind bars or have been released and is struggling with issues this is the group for you. Do you have a desire to see them Change Their Lives? Or as an ex-felon are you looking to strip that title and change your life? Are you interested in serving the needs of ex-felons, inmates and their families? Then contact Faith Behind Bars

and Beyond working together to Set the Captive Free through bible studies, resources, networking and programs.

You can connect with us via FaceBook to join our Forum Group

or email [email protected]

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The Power of these women of God is astounding Each one bringing a special anointing to the Sister Network.

Sisters of Fire is a network of powerful women speakers, authors, producers and more.

Sisters of Fire women are available for speaking engagement around the world.

Touching on topics such as Women Behind Bars, Missions, Brokenness, Getting into Position, Empowerment, Business, Finances, Young Women, Teens and


For more information you can contact this powerful network at [email protected]

or join Sisters of Fire Forum group online via FaceBook starting in November

Page 42: November Spirit Alive Magazine






FACEBOOK Gary Robinson – I want to stand in my Place!

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$20 Donation, featured in 1 issue of Spirit Alive Magazine

$39.95 fee, featured in 3 issues of Spirit Alive Magazine $59.95, featured in 6 issues of Spirit Alive Magazine $69.95, featured in 12 issues of Spirit Alive Magazine



CALL 423-336-9940

Page 44: November Spirit Alive Magazine

Date: Monday April 2, 2012 – Thursday April 5th 2012

Join our missionary team in 2012 for a mission trip to the Beautiful island of

Dominican Republic.

Events include: Crusades

Conferences Seminars

Preaching at Churches Pastoral Training

Humanitarian and Building Projects Street/Beach Evangelism

Many other Activities for those in Attendances

Please click attending if you are interested in joining us or bringing a group from your church.

Missionaries are responsible: 1. Airfare

2. Visa procedures in their countries 3. Missionary fee (Meals/Accommodations) 120US

Missionaries must be: 1. 18 years and older

2. Christians


God Bless you

Page 45: November Spirit Alive Magazine

Listen Live on BLOG TALK RADIO

Lila Robinson is the CEO/Founder of Spirit Alive Magazine. She is also a published author the book titled “Divine Keys for Kingdom Living” and her upcoming book titled “Sex, Christianity and Marriage: What Does a Garter Belt Have to Do With It” She has spent numerous years working in the ministry. Mrs. Robinson has been featured on ItsOurWorld7 Blog Talk Radio Show and has interviewed personalities such as Lady Charmaine Live, Judith Gayle, Gospel Artist and scores of authors. Mrs. Robinson is also a motivational speaker, spiritual coach and women’s empowerment leader. Her no bars held attitude has helped her to build up the kingdom of God. Mrs. Robinson has also created the Spirit Alive Network and conjunction with Spirit TV Gospel Talk on Livestream 24/7 and the Jus Being Real Gospel Show. Although her life hasn’t always been a bed of roses she takes the salt with the sweet and handles it with humility. She believes in putting Christ first no matter what the cost. “Many times I will find myself outside of the church walls, not because I don’t like church, it is the call of the lost that keeps me on the road to helping others Breakthrough in their own lives. Mrs. Robinson is currently working on her next project Faith Behind Bars and Beyond a radio broadcast show on Blog Talk Radio. The purpose of this show is to help change the stigma of ex-felons to provide a platform to discuss issues such as addiction, family, recidivism ratio, and how this impacts our society as whole. The program launched its first episode on August 19, 2011 with Co-Host Cynthia Metcalf Miller author of “In Rare Form”. These two ladies come from what they have labeled the road to Hell. But we they have been redeemed by the Savior Hand. There is no subject Mrs. Robinson is not willing to touch on as long as it is edifying for the Body Christ. I think my strongest calling is to those who have been broke down not just broken. My message is to bring hope, transformation and lead them to the Savior. Lila Robinson also has a Gift Store where she sells her all natural bath and beauty products made with all natural ingredients. You can check out her products at www.spiritalivenetwork.weebly.com Proceeds help to support the ministry and keeping all our broadcasts and magazine free. The Spirit Alive network store has African Clothing, All natural beauty products, gift baskets for the holidays and all broadcast Books, Transcripts, DVD's and CD can be purchased online.

You can listen to Lila Robinson on Livestream, Facebook, Blog Talk Radio, and Cinch Cast. Join us every Friday at 11:00am Fit for Jesus Broadcast, 6:30pm Lessons for Life and

11:00pm for Faith Behind Bars and Beyond.

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Providing tidbits for making your marriage stronger with Christ. Information on how to please your spouse,

how to get rid of those old ghosts and the garter belt theory. Marriage From God's Perspective

by Author Lila Robinson

Get Your Copy Today and Discover How to Ignite the Flame in Your Marriage

e-book available on Amazon.com or order via www.spiritalivenetwork.weebly.com

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Reverend Shirleen Johnson-Cook is the founder of No Bounds Outreach Ministries. She is a licensed and ordained Evangelist, and she has been "building congregations without walls" for the past fourteen years. Her ministry has been a four-fold outreach ministry from its conception, because evangelism has always been her passion. Reverend Cook's mission statement says it all. She believes that no park is too far, no convalescent hospital is too hopeless, no shelter is too shameful, and that no prison, or rehab is without redemption. She

believes that Jesus came to set the captives free. She is dedicated to carrying out the "Great Commission" of Jesus Christ, because she wants everyone to know Jesus, and have a personal relationship with Him for themselves.

Reverend Cook was licensed to preach the Gospel in 1997 and has been preaching the Gospel to anyone who will hear ever since. She has had some formal seminary training, but she considers her teacher to be the Holy Spirit. This was taught to her by one of her first mentors, Reverend Eva Goines. The most important thing to Reverend Cook is having a reachable, teachable spirit herself. She feels blessed to have been surrounded by mighty men and women of God in her first church home, Palma Ceia, where she has now been a member for over 30 years.

Although Reverend Cook was always encouraged to be the very best that she could be for God's Kingdom by her mother, Sister Shirley Snider-Mitchell, her first life changing experience with evangelism was introduced to her through serving in the Prison Ministry, and singing with the Disciple Singers; which were under the leadership of Reverend Eva Goines. The Prison Ministry baton was then passed to Pastor Gloria Word, and under her leadership Reverend Cook matured and came into her own Ministry. The one thing this evangelist knows is that no man is an island, and she will be forever grateful to those who helped her grow into the evangelist that you see today.

When it comes to teachers, Reverend Cook feels that she was truly blessed with some of God's very best beginning with Pastor Charles Bennett who has now gone home to Glory. Pastor Eva Goines, Pastor Ophelia Williams, and Pastors, Gloria and James Word were all instrumental in her spiritual growth, and she is proud to add her newest Pastor, Pastor Tommy Smith to that list, so she tells anyone that will listen that she comes from excellent stock.

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Reverend Cook has served as the assistant to Pastors Gloria and James Word of God's Word Christian Worship Center, and Pastor Ophelia Williams of Nation Interfaith Ministries. She fully enjoyed the many opportunities given to her serve God's people. She was the Minister of Music, Church Secretary, and at times the janitor and took much pride and care in her duties to her Pastors and her church families. She is also a religious commentator working with such groups as the Religious Announcer's Guild, the NAACP, and the Pastors Wives & Widows Association. She is a conference speaker, a published inspirational poet, and Spanish tutor to other Preachers and Evangelists.

Reverend Cook is employed by JAN-PRO Cleaning Systems in Pleasanton, CA. She is an Accounts Receivables Manager, and a Spanish translator, but most of all she is a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever she is.

She has also been happily married to her husband Monte Cook for over 14 years. She feels so blessed to have a husband that supports her Ministry and will help out however and whenever he is needed.

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In the upcoming issues of Spirit Alive Magazine we will be engaging young people to take an adventure around the globe as they learn about new cultures, languages and people from a diverse

background. It is our belief that by teaching them today about the Great Commission we will establish an on-going outreach into the world as they seek to do the work of the Lord. There is no

age in which God cannot use. We have a great desire here at our network to encourage young people to participate in the Kingdom of God. This section will take them as far as India, to the deserts of Africa to the rice fields of Asia. They will learn about children their age doing great things in their country to spread the gospel. So look for it next month: Kids on the Battlefield.

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Youthfully Christian By Dajhanique Grace-Wills

But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 10:33 Being a youth is hard….but being a Christian youth in public school is even harder. Especially when you’re not focused on the right things. When I began 7th grade at Oak Grove Middle School in Concord I began to get wild because it was my first time in a public school I had just moved away from my Christian adoptive parents and raised in a very strict Christian environment, I didn’t know what to do with myself! Not that my mommy Kayla wasn’t Christian, she just didn’t follow ‘the rules’ as strictly as my dear Mommy Esther and Daddy Herman. I loved the feeling of the freedom - I was in junior high and excited! I had been in public school before in 5th grade but it wasn’t as exciting as junior high school and I wanted to explore. I got caught up in all the wrong things- cursing at school, talking back to my teachers, and falling being on my grades because I was so focused on the school drama. My mommy Kayla was not happy! I thought because she wasn’t what I expected a Christian to be that the rules were not the same, boy was I wrong! My family had to move toward the end of the first semester so my time at Oak Grove was cut short. My mother decided she was going to make a change and moved us to Pittsburg, not her first choice of city

but we had to make do with the funds we had to move out of our current home. My mother thought a change of schools would be good because I had got caught up in some he said, she said drama, my grades were horrible and my behavior wasn’t great. We talked and she told me that this was the time to get back on track, we didn’t know anyone out here and I could start on a clean slate at this new school. She urged me to start back focusing on god, reading my bible, doing my bible study and praying again. But I ignored her, this was even better than before…Oak Grove was lame compared to Riverview….these kids were cool! I kept getting in trouble, even worse trouble, fighting and getting caught up with the wrong crowd. My mother was furious! She took all my distractions: my iPod, my cell phone and my freedom. Riverview was like a black hole and she didn’t want me to get sucked in. I tried to be good, act like a “Good Christian” but Lil’ Dee seemed cooled and stronger. I wanted to prove myself to the kids in this school and it was easier to be with the “in-crowd” then to fall back on my beliefs. I continued to get bad grades, doing even worse than I had done in Oak Grove. Not surprisingly my mom grounded me for the WHOLE SUMMER, even keeping me from going back to my foster parents for the summer in Belize. I was devastated but it helped me focus this past summer on the things that were important to me. Now I’ve started a new school year and found a friend that is Christian as well. We go to church together on Sundays and we can be ourselves with each other. The pressures of being a teen are hard with all the drugs and bad influences but it is battle worth fighting to hold on to my salvation. Even though I grew up in a Christian home it never really dawned on me that this is the only life worth living and that we are not always protected from this sinful world but it is what we focus on that will keep us on the right path. It may not be a popular life but it is the only way to live. I am Youthfully Christian and I love Jesus. Now can you rep him as well?

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