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NOVOMATIC Austrian Open 2010

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Racketlon NOVOMATIC Austrian Open & WorldChamps Teams 3.-5. Sept 2010
Popular Tags:
3.- 5. Sept. 2010 Union Racketlon Klosterneuburg ZVR 761025647 E-mail: [email protected] Wr. Neudorf www.racketlon.at/wct2010 Racketlon Super World Tour & Wr. Neudorf (Vienna) World Champs Teams Christoph Krenn (AUT) World Champion
Page 1: NOVOMATIC Austrian Open 2010

3.-5. Sept. 2010Union Racketlon Klosterneuburg ZVR 761025647 E-mail: [email protected]

Wr. Neudorf








ld T



Wr. Neudorf (Vienna)

World Champs

TeamsChristoph Krenn (AUT) World Champion

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Page 3: NOVOMATIC Austrian Open 2010



Dear Racketlon Players!

As an international company with roots not far away from “Franz

Fürst Freizeitzentrum” it is our pleasure to invest in and sponsor an

upcoming international sport and one of the biggest Racketlon events

of the FIR World Tour. For the fifth time we are now the title sponsor

of the international Racketlon tournament, the NOVOMATIC Aus-

trian Open in Lower Austria. We are very happy to hold the tourna-

ment together with the National Team World Champs this year.

RACKETLON combines the four sports Tabletennis, Badminton,

Squash and Tennis while NOVOMATIC combines modern technol-

ogy, industry, know-how, superior gaming services and internationali-

zation. In order to achieve excellence, it is not enough to dominate in

only one area. You need to aim for top performance in all areas.

We are looking forward to have the best Racketlon players from all

countries here in Lower Austria, and we expect a lot of interesting

matches. I wish all participants an exciting tournament and may they

achieve their aim to reach the top.

Dr. Franz Wohlfahr t


Title Sponsor and Sponsor of the RFA

WelcomeLiebe Teilnehmer!

Herzlich willkommen zu den „RACKETLON AUSTRIAN OPEN

2010“ und ein Welcome to the 9.th WORLD CHAMPS TEAMS in Wr.

Neudorf. Für mich ein schöner Beweis, dass das Engagement und die

Erfolge Niederösterreichs im Racketlonsport auch international Beach-

tung finden.

Gewinnen werden die komplettesten Spieler, d.h. ein guter Einzelsport-

ler garantiert noch lange keinen Sieger. Das macht die ganz eigene Fas-

zination dieses Bewerbes aus, wo absolute Vielseitigkeit, körperliche

Fitness wie auch mentale Stärke gefragt sind. Es ist diese Kombination

der fast unendlichen Schlagvarianten, die mich persönlich fasziniert

und die ich aus meiner Zeit als aktive Tennisspielerin kenne.

Mich freut, dass sich Racketlon auch in Österreich immer mehr durch-

setzt. Auch viele erfolgreiche Spitzensportler haben ihre Liebe zur

Vielseitigkeit entdeckt. In jedem Fall ist Racketlon eine sympathische

Bereicherung der Sportszene im Sportland NÖ, die die Menschen

bewegt. Diese WM steht auch unter der STARRIBBON Charta der

Sportunion als Zeichen für Fairness im Sport ohne Doping.

Ich wünsche der Team WM und den Veranstaltern der Austrian Open

2010 großes Zuschauerinteresse und vielleicht kann nach den letzten

Silber- und Bronzemedaillen unser Nationalteam aus Österreich ganz

oben stehen. Allen Sportlern viel Erfolg, einen guten Verlauf und mö-

gen die Besten gewinnen.

Dr. Petra Bohuslav

NÖ-Landesrätin f. Sport

Grußworte von Sportminister Norbert Darabos!

Racketlon ist eine noch recht junge, aber sehr faszinierende Sport-

art, weil sie den AthletInnen enorme Vielseitigkeit abverlangt. Die

Kombination aus Tischtennis, Badminton, Squash und Tennis er-

fordert eine ständige Umstellung auf die verschiedensten Größen

von Schlägern und Bällen. Racketlon ist nicht nur für die Aktiven,

sondern auch für die ZuschauerInnen ein sehr abwechslungs-

reiches Vergnügen.

Als Sportminister freut es mich daher sehr, dass auch heuer wie-

der ein großes Turnier in Österreich stattf inden kann, nämlich die

Racketlon Team WM 2010 im Rahmen der Austrian Open, von

3. bis 5. September 2010 in Wiener Neudorf. Ich bin schon sehr

gespannt, ob sich die heimischen Starter in diesem hochkarätigen

Feld durchsetzen können, immerhin gehören ja einige Athleten des

Nationalteams, u. a. Weltmeister Christoph Krenn. zur absoluten


Ich danke allen Organisatoren und Sponsoren für die im Vorfeld

dieses Turniers geleistete Arbeit und hoffe, dass ihre Bemühungen

durch großes Zuschauerinteresse belohnt wer-


Mit sportlichen Grüßen

Norbert Darabos

Bundesminister für Landesverteidigung und Sport

Liebe Freunde des Racketlonsports!

Bereits zum fünften Mal begrüßen wir heuer wieder die zahlreichen

Teilnehmer und Fans des Racketlon Austrian Open im Franz Fürst-

Freizeitzentrum. Vereinsleben wurde und wird in Wiener Neudorf

von je her groß geschrieben und die Würdigung ehrenamtlicher

und freiwilliger Arbeit f indet in unserer Gemeinde vollste Unter-

stützung und Wertschätzung.

Sport und die damit verbundenen Aktivitäten schaffen den sozi-

alen Rahmen, um unter Gleichgesinnten einer sinnvollen Beschäfti-

gung nachzugehen. Sportliche Betätigung in Vereinen hat nicht nur

einen hohen gesellschaftlichen Stellenwert, sondern fördert auch

die Gesundheit, gerade in Zeiten wo Bewegungsmangel, Stress,

Leistungsdruck, aber auch Vereinsamung immer mehr zum Thema

werden. Daher freut es mich einmal mehr, dass die diesjährigen

Austrian Open und erstmals die Nationalteam Weltmeisterschaf-

ten zur Austragung gelangt und damit ein weiteres großes, sport-

liches Event in unserer Gemeinde abgehalten wird.

Als Bürgermeister der Marktgemeinde Wiener Neudorf wünsche

ich allen Sportlern viel Erfolg beim Bewerb, den Fans spannende

Stunden und dem Racketlon-Verein Wiener Neudorf und seinen

Funktionären für den Veranstaltungsablauf gutes Gelingen.

Mit sportlichem Gruß

Ing. Christian Wöhrleitner

Bürgermeister Wr. Neudorf

Page 4: NOVOMATIC Austrian Open 2010



77 Austria (AUT)

8 Belgium (BEL)

11 Canada (CAN)

25 Czech Republic (CZE)

2 Denmark (DEN)

20 England (ENG)

4 Estonia (EST)

8 Finland (FIN)

7 Frankreich (FRA)

41 Germany (GER)

13 Hungary (HUN)

8 Israel (ISR)

2 Italy (ITA)

1 Latvia (LAT)

12 Netherlands (NED)

5 Pakistan (PAK)

21 Poland (POL)

6 Russia (RUS)

8 Slovakia (SVK)

5 Slovenia (SLO)

7 Sweden (SWE)

12 Switzerland (SUI)

1 United States (USA)

4 Wales (WAL)

5 Time Schedule

Prize Money

6 Tournament Infos

7 Tournament Rules

8 Draw WC Nationalteams

9 Draw WC Seniors (+45)

Draw WC Juniors (u21)

10 World Champs History

11 World Champs Teams History

12 Nationalteams

12 Austria, Belgium, Canada

13 Czech Rep., England, Finland

14 France, Germany, Hungary

15 Israel, Netherlands, Pakistan

16 Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia

17 Sweden, Switzerland, Wales

18 Star Ribbon

19 Austrian Open History

20 Photos Austrian Open 2009

22 Media Cooperations

ImprintNovomatic Austrian Open 2010 &

World Champs Teams

Editing Marcel Weigl, Mario Gruber,

Christoph Krenn

Fotos: photing.com, RBCKF, RFA

Layout: Christoph Lepka

Printing: derBello


RFA – Racketlon Federation Austria &

Union Racketlon Klosterneuburg

Leopoldstr. 21/5/12

3400 Klosterneuburg

ZVR: 761025647

Tel/Fax: +43/2243/30488

E-mail: [email protected]

Info: www.racketlon.at/wct2010

Results: www.resultreporter.com

Sportscentre Location

1. Wr. Neudorfer Racketlonverein

Franz-Fürst Freizeitzentrum

Eumigweg 3

2351 Wiener Neudorf/Austria


308 Single Entries

19 National Teams

8 Senior Teams

5 Junior Teams

24 Countries

16 Draws

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Time Schedule

Men Elite 1650 €1. place. 6502. place 4003. place 2504. place 1505.-8. place 50 each

Women Elite 850 €1. place 4002. place 2003. place 1004. place 505.-8. place 25 each

National Teams 1000 €1. place 5002. place 3003. place 200

TrophiesThe top 3 players in all single draws will receive trophies or medals in the team competitions

Prize Money 3500 €

Prize money and trophies can only be received by all players taking part in the off icial prize winning ceremonies

Thursday 2.9 21:00 Team Captains and Country Representatives meeting, Trend Hotel Austria

Friday 3.9 08:00 Start World Champs Teams (also Juniors and Seniors) 14:00 Start Single Classes (Men A, B, C, D)

Saturday 4.9 08:00 Start all other Single Classes 18:00 FINAL World Champs Teams 20:30 Prize winning ceremony World Champs Teams 21:00 Players Gulasch Feast at Restaurant Sportlertreff 22:00 Playersparty at the Sportscentre

Sunday 5.9 08:00 Semif inals in all outstanding Classes 10:00 Semif inals Men Elite 11:00 Start Finals in all Classes 14:00 FINAL Women Elite Austrian Open 16:00 FINAL Men Elite Austrian Open 17:30 Prize winning ceremony

DrawsPlease check all permanently updated draws and the exact time schedule for all matches on:


Page 6: NOVOMATIC Austrian Open 2010



Tournament InfosTournament Desk

Ü Registration and all payments latest 15

minutes before f irst match

Ü Welcome package

Ü Score sheets

Ü Shuttle service

Ü Hotel payments in cash only

Ü Phone: +43/650/4868134

Welcome Package

Ü Off icial Austrian Open T-Shir t

Ü Voucher for Players Gulasch Feast, in-

cludes one drink on Sat. 4. September.

star ting at 9.00 pm

Ü Off icial Austrian Open Magazine

Ü Presents for national teams

Official Accommodation

Ü Austria Trend Tournament Hotel ****

Pyramide—Vösendorf +43/1/69900

Parkallee 2, 2334 Vösendorf

Ü Bed and Breakfast Pension Silvia


Oberlaaerstr. 167, 1100 Vienna

Ü Youth Hostel Haus der Jugend

Mödling +43/2236/866363

Eisentorgasse 5, 2340 Mödling

Official Shuttle Service

Ü Bookings at the tournament desk

Ü Runs permanently between tournament

hotel, spor ts centre, Vienna Airport

Ü Bookings for airpor t depar ture latest

Sat. 4. Sept. (8 pm) at tournament desk

Ü Driver: Konstantin Weigl,


Physiotherapy, Massage,


Ü Special Price 15 Euro for 25 min.

Ü Bookings at the tournament desk

Ü Physiotherapist Steno Kos,


Ü Free Softub Whirlpool

Medical Aid

Ü Hospital: LK Thermenregion Mödling

2340 Mödling, Sr.M.Restituta-Gasse 12

Tel.: +43 2236/204-0

Ü Onsite: Dr. Martin Reichmayr


Official Racket Stringing Service

Ü Tennis, Squash, Badminton

Ü Leave rackets at tournament desk

Ü Special price

15 Euro per racket including string

10 Euro per racket excluding string

Live Scoring

Ü On the four Centre Courts 1

Ü Live Scoring on big monitors

Official Referees

Ü For all Elite matches

Ü For all national team matches

Ü For all matches on Centre Courts 1

Ü Linesmen from all Elite semif inals

Official Balls

Ü Table Tennis - Butterf ly three star white

Ü Squash - Wilson, Dunlop

double dot yellow

Ü Badminton - Wilson Topline 90

Ü Tennis – Wilson Double Core


Ü 8 Centre Courts, 2 for each sport

Ü 20 Match Courts, 5 for each sport

Ü 5 Table Tennis

Ü 5 Squash

Ü 5 Badminton

Ü 5 Tennis (2 Indoor Hardcourt,

3 Outdoor Clay)

Ü Practice Courts available

Volunteers on all courts

Ü Matches scheduled on the 8 Centre

Courts will only be played there

Ü For all other matches volunteers will

appoint the courts

Ü Extra shoes for clay cour ts are required

Ü Vacant match courts can be used to

practice, when appointed by volunteers

Ü Water will be supplied for the players

on all courts

The Racketlon Federation of India (RFI) was the f irst country

which was supported under the FIR project for developing

countries. Apar t from charity collections for India 2020 the RFA

- Racketlon Federation Austria invited RFI-President Manoran-

jan Mishra to the FIR Champions League in Vienna this year.

The second country supported by the RFA is now Pakistan. The

Pakistan Racketlon Association (PRA) is invited to come with

a national team to the World Champs for the f irst time in his-

tory. „We are very glad to accept, but still waiting for a VISA“,

says General Secretary Roy Nawaz only two weeks before the

event. For that reason and because of the f lood catastrophe in

Pakistan RFA has decided that the Charity this year will be col-

lected for Pakistan.

Charity Pakistan

© p




RFI-President Manoranjan Mishra with country representatives

Page 7: NOVOMATIC Austrian Open 2010



Tournament RulesThe Rules and regulations of the FIR—

Federation Internationale de RACKET-

LON are based on the rules of the indi-

vidual sports - Table Tennis, Badminton,

Squash and Tennis and can be found on

www.racketlon.net. Below are some ex-

tracts which apply for the NOVOMATIC

Austrian Open 2010 as well as the World

Champs Teams.

Order of Play

Four sets in the order Table Tennis, Bad-

minton, Squash, Tennis are played


Ü First to 21 in all sets, at 20:20 set is ex-

tended until 2 points difference exist run-

ning score, every point counts

Ü Winner is the player with most points in

total after the four sets

Ü If after four sets the score between two

players is equal, the tennis set is exten-

ded by one single point. The winner of this

single gummiarm point, is also the winner

of the whole match


Ü Lots are drawn once at the beginning

of the match. The winner can choose

between service, return or sides in Ta-


Ü If player A serves in Tabletennis, he re-

turns in Badminton, serves in Squash, re-

turns in Tennis. The receiver choses sides

Ü The server has two serves in a row

and star ts to serve from right to left in

all spor ts. His second service is then from

left to right. (except Tabletennis) At 20:20

each player only has one serve, star ting

from right to left, at 21:21 the player ser-

ves from left to right, and so on

Ü If the gummiarm point decides a match,

the server has no second service in Tennis

Ü The winner of the lots before a gummi-

arm point can decide to serve or return,

the loser decides from which side – right

to left or left to right

Time Regulations

ÜThe off icial tournament time is on the

clock above the tournament desk

Ü Matches of players not ready to play by

latest 5 minutes after the scheduled time

are forfeited

Ü Each player can ask for one injury time

out of 5 minutes per match

Ü Sides are switched at 11 points in each

set with a break of maximum one minute

Ü Warm-up time with the opponent be-

fore each set is 3 minutes After the end of

a set, players must be on the next cour t

within latest 3 min.

Ü If any of these time regulations are vio-

lated a player can be warned and later dis-

qualif ied by the head or supreme referee


Ü 4 head-referees - one in each sport -

will be permanently present on the venue

Ü The head-referees will appoint a referee

if any of the players requests one. Until

that point the players make decisions on

their side of the court

Ü All players not on court have agreed to

take the role of a referee for at least one

sport, by entering the tournament

Ü Decisions made by referees during a

match cannot be questioned or overruled,

disqualif ications though can only be made

by the supreme referee.

Supreme Referee: Ewald Spatt

Other Rules

Ü All players are guaranteed at least three

rounds in singles

Ü By entering the tournament all par tici-

pants accept the FIR rules and par ticipate

at their own risk

Ü The RFA – RACKETLON Federation

Austria is not liable for injuries or any sto-

len objects.

WC Team Rules

Ü 15 minutes before each match the team

captain must hand in the line up

Ü Each match consists of 2 men singles, 1

men double, 1 woman single

Ü Order of play is 1st men single, woman

single, men double, 2nd men single

Ü Juniors matches consist of 2 boys singles

and 1 girl single (1BS, GS, 2BS)

Ü Seniors matches consist of 2 men singles

and 1 men double (1S, D, 2S)

Ü All matches are played to 11 points

Ü The winner is the team with the most

points in total after all four encounters

Ü Gummiarm point only apply if the score

is even after all four encounters, in which

case the 2nd men singles plays the gummi-

arm point.

© R




A record of 19 elite nationalteams plus 8 seniors (+45) teams

and 5 juniors (u21) teams have signed in for the 9th FIR World

championships for teams. In addition over 300 players at the

NOVOMATIC Austrian Open are a big organising challenge

for us. We will do our best to make you all feel welcome, but

please stay patient and remember it is the greatest gift on

ear th that we can all compete with each in friendship regard-

less of religion, skin colour and race. Please follow the rules,

Good luck and have fun!

Christoph Krenn and Marcel Weigl.Tournament Director Christoph Krenn and FIR-President Marcel Weigl

Page 8: NOVOMATIC Austrian Open 2010



Draw WC National TeamsSeed

1 Austria Fr. 10:00

Winner Pakistan vs. Slovakia

Fr. 12:30


Fr. 9:30


Fr. 18:15


Fr. 10:15


Fr. 13:15

Winner Wales vs. Russia

Fr. 10:30

3 Sweden

Sa. 16:45 Sa. 18:00 3rd Place Final

4 Poland

Fr. 11:00


Fr. 14:00


Fr. 8:45


Fr. 19:00

Czech Republic

Fr. 9:30


Fr. 14:45

Winner Israel vs. Slovenia

Fr. 11:00

2 Germany

Prelim 1 Fr. 8:00

Pakistan vs. Slovakia

Prelim 2 Wales vs. Russia

Prelim 3 Israel vs. Slovenia

Page 9: NOVOMATIC Austrian Open 2010



Draw WC Seniors (+45)

Draw WC Juniors (U21)


1 Germany Fr. 8:30


Fr. 11:45


Fr. 8:00

Czech Republic

Fr. 20:15 Fr. 19:45 3rd Place Final


Fr. 9:15


Fr. 11:45


Fr. 9:15

2 Hungary

Pool Play:






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Page 10: NOVOMATIC Austrian Open 2010



World Champs HistoryMen20011 Mikko Kärkkäinnen Fin2 Toni Kemppinen Fin3 Mats Källberg/Roland Helle Swe

20021 Magnus Eliasson Swe2 Mats Källberg Swe3 Staffan Ericsson Swe

20031 Magnus Eliasson Swe2 Stefan Adamsson Swe3 Roland Helle Swe

20041 Magnus Eliasson Swe2 Roland Helle Swe3 Mikko Kärkkäinen Fin

20051 Mikko Kärkkäinen Fin2 Magnus Eliasson Swe3 Richard Thomson Can

20061 Mikko Kärkkäinen Fin2 Magnus Eliasson Swe3 Stefan Adamsson Swe

20071 Mikko Kärkkäinen Fin2 Magnus Eliasson Swe3 Christian Wall Swe

20081 Mikko Kärkkäinen Fin2 Magnus Eliasson Swe3 Michael Dickert Aut

20091 Christoph Krenn Aut2 Mikko Kärkkäinen Fin 3 Joey Schubert Aut

Women20011 Katja Aminoff Fin2 Lilian Druve Swe3 Marina Finth Swe

20021 Lilian Druve Swe2 Susanna Lautala-Näykki Fin3 Anneli Druve Swe

20031 Lilian Druve Swe2 Hanna Miestamo (Russila) Fin3 Susanna Lautala-Näykki Fin

20041 Sarah McFadyen Sco2 Lilian Druve Swe3 Katy Buchanan Sco

20051 Lilian Druve Swe2 Susanna Lautala-Näykki Fin3 Silke Altmann Ger

20061 Linda Jansson Swe2 Hanna Miestamo Fin3 Martina Kakosova Cze

20071 Martina Kakosova Cze2 Michaela Björnström Fin3 Linda Jansson Swe

20081 Michaela Björnström Fin2 Martina Kakosova Cze3 Linda Jansson Swe

20091 Michaela Björnström Fin2 Marielle van der Woerdt Ned3 Martina Kakosova Cze

World Champs Medals Table

1 SWEDEN 23,5 20 15 48,5

2 FINLAND 18,5 12 14 44,5

3 AUSTRIA 13,5 18 17,5 49

4 CZECH REPUBLIC 6,5 7 6 19,5

5 POLAND 6 4 5 15

6 ESTONIA 5,5 3 2,5 11

7 SCOTLAND 5 3 3,5 11,5

8 GERMANY 4 8 5 17

9 ENGLAND 3,5 5 5 13,5

10 CANADA 2 0 1 3

11 HUNGARY 1 1,5 2 4,5

12 HONG KONG/CHINA 1 0 0 1

13 NETHERLANDS 0,5 3,5 1,5 5,5

14 BELGIUM 0,5 3 5,5 9

15 LATVIA 0 2 1 3

16 NORTHEN IRELAND 0 0,5 1,5 2

17 PORTUGAL 0 0,5 0 0,5

18 SWITZERLAND 0 0 1,5 1,5

SLOVAKIA 0 0 1,5 1,5

20 USA 0 0 1 1

ITALY 0 0 1 1

Total 91 91 91 273 Total 91 91 91 273

Men Doubles2006 1 Mathias Fagerström/Rickard Persson Swe 2 Hendrik Hakansson/ Christian Wall Swe 3 Michael Dicker t/Christoph Krenn Aut

2007 1 Michael Dicker t/Christoph Krenn Aut 2 Oliver Kudicke/Petr Vesely Ger/Cze 3 Calum Reid/Marcel Weigl Sco/Aut

2008 1 Michael Dicker t/Christoph Krenn Aut 2 Marcel Weigl/Mikko Kärkkäinen Aut/Fin 3 Rickard Persson/Stefan Adamsson Swe

2009 1. Mikko Kärkkäinen/Ismo Rönkkö Fin 2. Oliver Kudicke/Petr Vesely Ger/Cze 3. Michael Dicker t/Christoph Krenn Aut

2010 1. Michael Dicker t/Christoph Krenn Aut 2. Joey Schubert/Alex Köpf Aut/Ger 3. Stefan Jezler/Paul Twisterling Sui/Ned

Women Doubles2007 1 Lubasova/Radka Pelikanova Cze 2 Karin Geertsma/Irene Seifer t Ned/Ger 3 Agata Doroszkiewicz/Krystyna Szwajkovska Pol

2008 1 Martina Kakosova/Linda Jansson Cze/Swe 2 Agata Doroszkiewicz/Sylwia Borek Pol 3 Karolina Pechova/Katerina Sodomkova Cze

2009 1. Martina Kakosova/Zuzana Kubanova Cze 2. Michaela Björnström/Kerstin Peckl Fin/Aut 3. Eva Hrabina/Rita Horvath Hun

2010 1. Michaela Björnström/Marielle v. d. Woerdt Fin/Ned 2. Simone Seitz/Eva Hrabina Aut/Hun 3. Andrea Scharnagl/Silke Altmann Ger

Mixed Doubles2006 1 Katy Buchanan/Calum Reid Sco 2 Lilian Druve/Joachim Nilsson Swe 3 Natalie Lawrence/David Greatorex Eng

2007 1 Michaela Björnström/Mikko Kärkkäinen Fin 2 Zsof ia Troznai/Christoph Krenn Hun/Aut 3 Martina Kakosova/Radim Socher Cze

2008 1 Michaela Björnström/Mikko Kärkkäinen Fin 2 Linda Jansson/Johan Porsborn Swe 3 Martina Kakosova/Radim Socher Cze

2009 1. Michaela Björnström/Mikko Kärkkäinen Fin 2. Katerina Sodomkova/Petr Vesely Cze 3. Joyce Crouse/Alwin Krist Ned

2010 1. Michaela Björnström/Mikko Kärkkäinen Fin 2. Marielle van der Woerdt/Paul Twisterling, Ned 3. Anneli Andersson/Stefan Adamsson Swe

(1. Juli 2010)

Page 11: NOVOMATIC Austrian Open 2010



World Champs Teams History2002 Göteborg/Sweden4 Teams1. Sweden2. Finland3. Scotland4. England

FinalSweden – Finland +22

3rd PlaceScotland – England +15

2003 Göteborg/Sweden8 Teams1. Sweden2. Finland3. Scotland4. England5. Austria5. Belgium5. Bulgaria5. Germany

Final Sweden – Finland +41

3rd PlaceScotland – England +8

2004 Vienna/Austria10 Teams1. Sweden2. Germany3. England4. Austria5. Finland6. Scotland7. Poland8. Bulgaria9. Belgium10. Greece

FinalSweden – Germany +28

3rd PlaceEngland – Austria +11

2005 Vienna/Austria12 Teams1. Sweden2. Austria3. Finland4. Belgium5. Germany6. England7. Scotland8. Bulgaria9. Poland10. Czech Republic11. Hungary12. Netherlands

FinalSweden – Austria +49

3rd PlaceFinland – Belgium +30

2006 Oudenaarde/Belgium14 Teams1. Sweden2. Austria3. Germany4. Belgium5. England6. Scotland7. Poland8. Por tugal9. Finland10. Netherlands11. Wales12. France13. Hungary14. Hong Kong

FinalSweden – Austria +52

3rd PlaceGermany – Belgium +20

2007 Rotterdam/Netherlands11 Teams1. Sweden2. Germany3. Finland4. Netherlands5. Czech Republic6. Belgium7. Poland8. Austria9. England10. Estonia11. Wales

FinalSweden – Germany +50

3rd PlaceFinland – Netherlands +10

2008 Fürth/Germany12 Teams1. Sweden2. Finland3. Austria4. Germany5. Belgium5. Czech Republic5. Netherlands5. Poland9. Switzerland9. Netherlands9. Hungary9. Italy

FinalSweden – Finland +11

3rd PlaceAustria – Germany +16

2009 Löhne/Germany15 Teams1. Poland2. Austria3. Finland4. Czech Republic5. Netherlands5. Germany5. Hungary5. Sweden9. Belgium10. Switzerland11. Italy11. England13. Latvia13. Scotland13. Canada

FinalPoland – Austria +4

3rd PlaceFinland – Czech Republic +24

Page 12: NOVOMATIC Austrian Open 2010



National Teams

AUSTRIA WR Elite WR Seniors (+45) WR Juniors (u21) 1 Christoph Krenn 12 Peter Krenmayr 5 Lukas Trojan 3 Joey Schubert (Photo) 23 Michael Karacsonyi 6 Joey Schubert 7 Michael Dicker t 78 Wilhelm Peltz 9 Lukas Windischberger 8 Marcel Weigl 85 Michael Tesar 27 Daniel Anzeletti 51 Mario Gruber nr Richard Hule 124 Peter Hatina nr Johann Martin 2 Kerstin Peckl nr Christine Seehofer 2 Kerstin Peckl Cap. Peter Krenmayr 14 Simone Seitz Cap. Klaus Eichhorn

Cap. Klaus Eichhorn

BELGIUM WR Elite 11 Peter Duyck 38 Adolphe Fernandez-Diez 85 Geert Blomme 87 Guillaume Lahourcade (Photo) nr Stephane Goriely 8 Inge van den Herrewegen 16 Lieselot De Bleeckere

Cap. Geert Blomme

CANADA WR Elite 62 Jeremy Easterbrook 82 Patrick Laplante junior 89 Jeffrey Klotz 94 Dany Lessard 125 Frederic Damours 140 Evan Mancer

61 Mary Hall 64 Chantal Castonguay

Cap. Dany Lessard

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ENGLAND WR Elite WR Seniors (+45) WR Juniors (u21) 31 Ray Jordan (Photo) 6 Rakesh Gupta 13 Martin Szwaba 77 Keith Lesser 32 David Lazarus 26 Alexander Oliver 139 Alex Hartley 38 Richard Lawrence nr Chris Batey 238 Stuar t Hobden 40 Stuar t Foster nr Luke Barnes 296 David Lazarus nr Duncan Marlow nr Phil Lochrie 15 Sarah Jane-Perry

54 Sarah Jane-Perry Cap. Ray Jordan 69 Sarah Lochrie Cap. Keith Lesser

Cap. Stuar t Foster

National Teams

CZECH REPUBLIC WR Elite WR Seniors (+45) 9 Petr Veselý 30 Rudy Krajc 38 Lubomír Pala 32 Zdenek Devaty 63 Pavel Kracík 35 Jaroslav Schwan 78 Jan Port 41 Vlastimil Kolar 113 Peter Dedík 98 Milos Sauer 205 Pavel Vlcek Cap. Rudy Krajc 6 Martina Kakosová 33 Dominika Koukalová (Photo)

Cap. Petr Veselý

FINLAND WR Elite 12 Mikko Kärkkäinen (Photo) 28 Ismo Rönkkö 92 Anders Lundström 114 Olli Marjamäki 135 Antti Tyyskä nr Ari-Matti Koskinen 3 Michaela Björnström

Cap. Sami Parikka

Coach Jukka Julin

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National Teams

France WR Elite 59 Cédric Junillon (Photo) 168 Grégory Leplatre nr Nicolas Séné nr Grégory Descamps nr Gurval Isambard 34 Florence Martin-Bouet Cap. Cédric Junillon

GERMANY WR Elite WR Seniors (+45) WR Juniors (u21) 5 Alex Koepf 2 Volker Sach 2 Henning Kleb 10 Lars Bosselmann 3 Christian Alte 17 Frederik Floether 21 Paul Sach 8 Michael Heldsdörfer nr Maximilian Vetter 25 Ottmar Neidhardt 13 Heinz Nowicki nr Pascal Steuer 27 Thorsten Deck 29 Joachim Gersdorf 88 Christian Wiessner 120 Reinhard Jochheim 2 Svenja Kleb (Photo) 5 Sarina Leibig 1 Silke Altmann Cap. Volker Sach 46 Jutta Schaub Cap. Henning Kleb

Cap. Alex Koepf

HUNGARY WR Elite WR Seniors (+45) 30 Levente Nándori 1 Péter Sákovics (Photo) 49 Zoltán Czingráber 4 Tamás Markó 69 Attila Rohács 16 Róbert Olláry 75 Zsolt Szalay 75 Csaba Sákovics 85 Tamás Reider nr Tibor Károlyi 108 Péter Csizmadia nr István Németh 10 Éva Hrabina Cap. Péter Sákovics nr Éva Kapcsos

Cap. Zoltán Alber t

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ISRAEL WR Elite WR Seniors (+45) 240 Iftach Gesser 75 Iftach Gesser nr Gil Chohen nr Avi Shimri nr Adam Bachman nr Meir Zemach nr Avi Shimri nr Yaron Arnon nr Nir Arkin Cap. Gesser Iftach nr Eynat Birman Cap. Gil Chohen

National Teams

NETHERLANDS WR Elite WR Seniors (+45) 23 Paul Twisterling 43 Steve Rayson 57 Alwin Krist 44 Erik vd Spek 81 Simon van Opstal 49 Hans vd Landen nr Martijn Franken 66 Marc Veldkamp nr Guus vd Burgt nr Martin Monf ils nr Tymen Reijnders nr Mark de Rijter 5 Marielle vd Woerdt Cap. Marc Veldkamp 40 Eef je Henkelman (Photo) Cap. Marc Veldkamp

PAKISTAN WR Elite nr Haf iz M. Nawaz nr Savfraz Nawaz nr Yousaf Farooq nr Sajjad Ul-Hassan

nr Uzma Parveen

Cap. Haf iz M. Nawaz (Photo)

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SLOVAKIA WR Elite WR Juniors (u21) 107 Marcel Kravec 178 Robert Olláry jun. 156 Lubomír Budinský nr Tomáš Tóth 176 Robert Olláry jun. nr David Kubicek nr Martin Sopko � � � RV� -ZERE� &PEæ I OSZj nr Henrieta Lokšová� RV� -ZERE� &PEæ I OSZj � ' ET� � 6SF I VX � 3 PPj V] � NYR� Cap: Robert Olláry jun.

POLAND WR Elite WR Seniors (+45) WR Juniors (u21) 15 Rav Rykowski 60 Bogdan Miezynski nr Michal Szymczak 18 Norbert Stolicki (Photo) 67 Stanislaw Nowak nr Marcin Nowak 19 Krzysztof Samonek (Photo) 84 Zdzislaw Paliwoda 46 Jacek Szubert 138 Grzegorz Sylwestrzak nr Ulszula Nowak 109 Marek Wojnarski 207 Piotr Seweryn 260 Grzegorz Wlodarczyk 170 Jerzy Gadek Cap Stanislaw Nowak 36 Magda Kaminska Cap Bogdan Miezynski 49 Marta Jez Cap Piotr Zawirski

National Teams

RUSSIA WR Elite 156 Levitin Maxim (Photo) nr Okunev Oleg nr Shilov Mikhail nr Vsiliev Alexey nr Litvinko Valeriy nr Glichikova Ekaterina Cap. Levitin Maxim

SLOVENIA WR Elite 218 Damir Škerl 296 Simon Gradišar nr Aleš Arhar nr Aleš Štendler nr Janez Goršek nr Mirela Šušteric Cap. Primoz Gajsek

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National Teams

SWITZERLAND WR Elite 41 Nico Hobi 74 Valentin Infanger 146 Renato Putelli 321 Graham King 425 Marc Duckeck 1273 Karim Hanna 9 Nicole Eisler (Photo)

Cap. Graham King

WALES WR Elite 95 Steve Kneller (Photo) 246 Lloyd Pettiford 282 Nick Macey 332 John Bult

144 Caroline Arnold

Cap. Steve Kneller

SWEDEN WR Elite 2 Stefan Adamsson (Photo) 16 Rickard Persson 29 Mika Hasmats 44 Örjan Lundberg 61 Mikael von Matern 1121 Roland Helle 7 Annelie Andersson 53 Liza Wulffeldt Cap. Lennar t Eklundh

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„STAR RIBBON – Das Symbol für sauberen Sport“


Ein Ribbon ist eine Schleife, die als Symbol zur Bewusstseinsbil-

dung eingesetzt wird.

Der Sport lebt von seinen Stars. Deshalb setzt die SPORTU-

NION auf den STAR RIBBON, um ein Bekenntnis zu sauberem

Sport und gegen Doping zu ermöglichen.

Doping ist Betrug an sich und seinen Gegnern. Doping schädigt

den Sport. Dagegen setzen wir ein Zeichen und rücken die vielen

positiven Eigenschaften des Sports in den Vordergrund.

Durch Unterzeichnung der STAR RIBBON-Charta und das Tra-

gen der Schleife trägt man dazu bei, die positiven Werte und

Wirkungen des Sports zu verbreiten.

STAR RIBBON bietet auf www.starribbon.com eine Platt-

form zum Thema Doping. Die Plattform bereitet Hintergründe

und Wissen zum Thema Antidoping auf und motivier t, eigene

Ideen gegen Doping und für sauberen Sport zu entwickeln.

Nachhaltige Aufklärung bei über 4.000 Vereinen in ganz ÖsterreichDie Schaffung von Wissen über Doping und seine Gefahren bei

den Sportlerinnen und Sportlern und ihren Betreuern steht im

Mittelpunkt des Projekts.

Es werden in ganz Österreich Informationsveranstaltungen für

alle Vereine durchgeführ t. Dabei werden Experten die gesund-

heitlichen, rechtlichen und ethischen Fragen rund um Doping be-

handeln. Außerdem gibt es ein Antidoping Quiz und Podiumsdis-

kussionen mit Spitzensportlern.


Sei auch Du ein Star und unterstütze Österreichs Sport!

„Für mich bedeutet Sport Wohlbefinden und Be-geisterung, Leistung und Erfolg, Freunde zu finden und durch den Sport auch für das Leben zu lernen.Fairness, Toleranz und Wertschätzung für meine Konkurrenten sind meine Spielregeln. Deshalb un-terstütze ich die Aktion STAR RIBBON und setze mich für einen sauberen Sport in Österreich und gegen Betrug an den sportlichen Mitbewerbern und an mir selbst ein.“

Unterzeichne jetzt auf www.starribbon.com !

„STAR RIBBON – the symbol for „clean Sport“

STAR RIBBON- what does it mean?

Generally, a ribbon is a symbol for awareness raising. Sport lives

from his stars.

Therefore SPORTUNION (a national Sports Umbrella Organiza-

tion covers more than 1.Mio members) has created STAR RIB-

BON, to support real quality in sport and f ight against doping.

Without doubt, doping means deceiving yourself and your com-

petitors. Doping damages both – sport and health.

For this reason we compose a signal against doping and we try to

bring all the positive qualities of sport in the front.

Signing the STAR RIBBON Charta and wearing the ribbon sup-

ports positive qualities and effects of sport.

www.starribbon.com offers a platform to the anti-doping


Platform offers background information and impar ts knowledge

over anti-doping and motivate to create ideas of one´s own for

clean sport and against doping.

Sustained education for over 4.000 Clubs in Austria

The focus of this project is the establishment of knowledge of the

risk of doping between the athletes and their advisers. We or-

ganize an info-tour in every par t of Austria for all clubs. Thereby

experts discuss legal, health and ethic questions around doping.

Besides we have a anti-doping quiz and a panel discussion with



Be a star yourself and support Austria’s sport!

„Sport to me means well-being and enthusiasm, but also performance and success, making friends and learning for life. My rules of the game comprise fairness, tolerance and esteem for my competitors. Therefore I sup-port the campaign “STAR RIBBON” and stand up for “clean” sports in Austria and against the de-ceiving of fellow competitors and myself.”

Sign now www.starribbon.com !

The Austrian Racketlon national teams and all Austrian Racketlon players commit to STAR RIBBON

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Austrian Open History

Austrian Open 2006 220 Players 86 Austrians51 Double Pairs31 Nations

Men Elite1. Eliasson Magnus, Swe2. Struthers Doug, Eng3. Schaub Elmar, Ger

Women Elite1. Kakosova Martina, Cze2. Lautala-Näykki Susanna, Fin3. Jansson Linda, Swe

Men Doubles1. Dicker t Michael / Krenn Christoph, Aut2. Schaub Elmar / O‘Donnell John, Ger/Eng3. Persson Rickard / Fagerström Mathias, Swe

Mixed Doubles1. Schaub Jutta / Kudicke Oliver, Ger 2. Jansson Linda / Krenn Christoph, Swe/Aut3. Kakosova Martina / Socher Radim Cze

Women Doubles1. Seitz Simone / Horvath Rita, Aut/Hun2. Troznai Zsof ia / Kapcsos Eva, Hun3. Müller Anna-Lena / Feitenhansel Anja, Ger

Austrian Open 2007227 Players 86 Austrians20 Nations

Men Elite1. Eliasson Magnus, Swe2. Kärkkäinen Mikko, Fin3. Struthers Doug, Eng

Women Elite1. Jansson Linda, Swe2. Kakosova Martina, Cze3. Van der Woerdt Marielle, Ned

Austrian Open 2008182 Players80 Austrians51 Double Pairs12 Nations

Men Elite1. Eliasson Magnus, Swe2. Kärkkäinen Mikko, Fin3. Weigl Marcel, Aut

Women Elite1. Björnström Michaela, Fin2. Kakosova Martina, Cze3. Lautala-Näykki Susanna, Fin

Men Doubles1. Dicker t Michael / Krenn Christoph, Aut2. Gruber Mario / Schubert Johannes, Aut3. Ken-Kristjan Toomjoe / Johan Porsborn, Est/Swe

Mixed Doubles1. Björnström Michaela / Kärkkäinen Mikko, Fin2. Kakasova Martina / Vesely Petr, Cze3. Jansson Linda / Weigl Marcel, Swe/Aut

Women Doubles1. Horvath Rita / Hrabina Eva, Hun2. Karolina Pechowa / Katerina Sodomkowa Cze 3. Peckl Kerstin / Seitz Simone, Aut

Austrian Open 2003

Men Elite1. Eliasson Magnus, Swe2. O`Donnel John, Eng3. Persson Rickard, Swe

Women Elite1. Miestamo Hanna, Fin2. Buchanan Katy, Sco3. Seifer t Irene, Ger

Austrian Open 2009225 Entries100 Austrians18 Nations

Men Elite1. Christoph Krenn, Aut2. Stefan Adamsson, Swe3. Doug Struthers, Eng

Women Elite1. Marielle van der Woerdt, Ned2. Susanna Lautala-Näykki, Fin3. Kerstin Peckl, Aut

Mens Doubles1. Marcel Weigl / Calum Reid, Aut/Sco2. Christoph Krenn/Michael Dicker t, Aut3. Stefan Jezler/Emil Bergander, Sui/Den

Mixed Doubles1. Katerina Sodomkova/Petr Vesely, Cze2. Eva Hrabina/Attila Rohacs, Hun3. Kerstin Peckl/Jacek Szubert, Aut/Pol

Women Doubles1. Simone Seitz/Eva Hrabina Aut/Hun2. Kerstin Peckl/Gertraud Heigl, Aut3. Eef je Henkelman/Nicole Eisler, Ned/Sui

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Photos Austrian Open 2009

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© photing.com | RCBKF | RFA

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Media Cooperations

Print:Kronenzeitung Austria biggest daily Newspaper 3. Mio. Readers per day.

NÖN- Niederösterreichische Nachrichten Lower Austria biggest weekly Newspaper 700.000 Readers per week.

Internet:www.racketline.com Austrias f irst Racketsports Website

www.laola1.tv Austrias biggest Racketsports Website

Television:ORF-National TV Champions League 2010 3,24 Min Sportbild on ORF 1 100.000 Viewers

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