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Now At SCOVILL'S,€¦ · weekas convenient; andifpossible, lei us hare themby Thursdayevening. Jiy...

Date post: 09-Aug-2020
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PUBLISHED EVERY ,SATUBDAX MOR^ItfG, '»V.. i^;v:;'-AT":-> .i* Orangeburg,. S. C. >il'T<?iils^'lfä QQ per Ännurft, in Advance: During the »Spring and Fall Seasons, Extra Copied of the OuAMaEuvna News will he circulated for the benefit of our AoysirxislNa PATnoxs. . B$t?~ Contract Advertisements inserted on. the a»ont Liberal Terms. , A.djlrcsa SAMUEL DIBBLE, * Editor "Orangeburg New«,'* Orangeburg, S. U. CSV" We respectfully request our friends to tend in their Advertisements as early in the week as convenient; and if possible, lei us hare them by Thursday evening. Jiy this means, ice. trill be able to issue at an earlier hour on tSlatur- däy, and will be enabled to give more of the latest newt, uji to tlie titne of oür going to j>rcss. Public Meeting. On Monday last, tho 8th instant, iu pursu¬ ance of a notice announced last sälo day, a number of the citizens of tho District met at <ho Court House for the purpose of taking iuto (consideration the peculiar condition of tho peo¬ ple, and of adopting some measure by which to prevent tho carrying on of civil suits, at the en¬ suing Session of the Court of Common Pleas. Tho meeting having been organized by the appointment of Dr.J. II. O'Cainas Chairman, and E. Ezekicl, Esq., as Secretary. A person present movod that a petition be drawn up to be forwarded to General Sickles, praying him to interpose his military power and put a stop to all civil causes. Pcndiug its consideration, Col. Oliver moved ns a substitute that a com¬ mittee be appointed to confer with the Bur of the District, and request them to continue the Civil Docket; this was adopted, and Col. Oli¬ ver, Col. Ruuiph', and Adam Smoke, ?Esq.. were appointed. These, in a short time, re¬ ported that the Bar would hohl a meeting at once and reply in a short time. While nwaitiug their reply, Rev. I. S. K. Lcgare, after commenting on the extreme des¬ titution in some portions of the District, moved that a committee be appointed to solicit contri¬ butions in aid of tho indigent, who should re¬ port'their success through the District papers. This was carried, and Rev. I, S. K. Legare. and Mossrs. Briggmnu and Hamilton were naumd as the committee. 'The Committee of Conference Iben reported the following ns the'reply of the Bar: In reply to the application of a portion of the -citizens that the Bar shall consent to con¬ tinue the civil dockets at this term, we beg leave, to assure them that the-Bar is quite willing to assent. But as some of the Bar think that they have no such authority without the ' consent of their clients, and unanimity in such'a case is essential, we regret that we mud leave the question to them. If the clients will agree we will cheerfully comply with the " request of the meeting, II.utsons & Lkuark, Ellis & Bhkwstku, Izi.au & DiituLk. SlMONToN & CLOVKII, W. J. DkThkvillk. . . The resolution to appeal to Gen. Sickles was then, with somo unimportant amendments, adopted, and the meeting adjourned. Comment wc will not make, except to re¬ mark that au appeal to a military commander unconstitutionally appointed, is indicative of a sad departure from the first principles of the Government. New Advertisements. JKSTCommissioner's Sale. JWJ-Shcriff'a Sales. j*^*We invite attention to the advertise¬ ment of Ready-Made Clothing, for sale by Messrs. D. Louis & Co., Agents. -«ggrM. McMastru, Agent, offers for Side a large assortment of Dry Goods at reduced rates. Administrator's Notice.(Messrs. 0as- kin & My>.R8 Administrators Estate wadk 11, Gaskin, doeeaso.) t£ärW. C. Mitoiiki.l, Painter, announces his readiness to serve any needing the services pf an experienced and practical Workman. fiöyB. Williamson, Receiver, by virtue of n decree of tho Court of Equity, advertises to soil.tho entire Stock L. W. Dash & Co.. for (.'ash at reduced rates, JSväyMcssrs. Ekektel & Koiin have on hand a full stock of Spring and Summer floods selected with great care, which they offer at very low rates. Read their advertisement. SSSfMcssrs. BULL & ScoVILL announce the arrival of a .fine stock of Spring Goods, se¬ lected for this market by one of the Firm. H is they are grepnrod to dispose of prices to suit the hard times- JSßy-Messrs. Roi.tnson k Co., advertises a largo supply of Groceries; Dry Hoods, Hard¬ ware, &c. These gentlemen are Agents for Baugh'h Super Phosphate, also for Clemens, Brotfri & Co.'in Cotton Gins. fitafirMcssi-s. Jrimmns & Co., advertises for 5000 bushels RoUgli Rico and 1000 bushels Cow Peas, for which they will give the cash or exchange Bacon, Corn untj I'Jour at the most reasonable rates. JSfly- Wo have on baud n number 01 JUunk Fl. Fa*8., printed in tho most improved style, which wc will dispose of tit Charleston l'riccs. Apply tit this Office. , '; [ . jj Consignees per South tarojiua .Knih'Oiid From tith-tv Wmunctusiv&l J. Eastorlin, E. lt., T. B. Itickcnbacker, J. II. Chappoll,* J. D. Sntoiik, Snider &. Wells, J. Kniglil, Jus Jones,.AVF. Diokson,. J, K. Quattlcbuum, J. M. Urserg, D.- Livingston, J. M.. Shirer, Il.Ti-J. eben¬ er, J. \i. llüst,1 J. a Miunuin, IK&T., Mv A., I). F., B. It. Walter, M. Brandenburg, D. P. llaot, .1. II. P. Wl j I 7y i e n1$ a x, Maiuuku.In New York, April 4, 18G7, by the Rev. Dr. J. B. l'feigl, THEODORE KOI IN ib ROSA, youngest daughter of Ilcrutan Wahl, Bsq., of Zco- hen, Hungary. COMMERCIAL. OrricK ur TJiR OaAxoEMiino Nkwh, April V2, 18(57. COTTON..As predicted in our first issue Cotton has steadily declined in Liverpool, with large "stock on hand. "We trust that planters havo put in the ground "sufficient for all their wants in tho provis¬ ion line. We quote: Ordinary. 10 Middling. 20 Strict Middling. '21 ORANtWBlT.O RBTAU. PRICES. COHn.KOTKll WKKKI.V lit KZKKIKL * KOIIN. RAGGING per yard.$ ROtTi. 32 HALB HOCK per lb. 20©25 BRICKS per M. 8 50 OANDLBS per lb sperm. 350» 40 " Adamantine. 30(« 35 Tallow. 25 COFFEE per lb Rio. 30 («,33 14 Laguayra. * 40 44 Java. 'GO CORD AG E per lh Manilla. 30<5.:15 FISH Cod per lb.'... 12 " Herring per box. 1 00 44 Mackerel per kit. 8 00© 4 00 FLOUR per bbl Fine. 1:! 00© 14 00 " Super. 14 00© 15 00 " Extra. 10 (KW.Vir 09 Family. 17 00© 18 00 GRAIN, Oats.. 1 50 44 Corn. 1 75 Peas. 1 50 HIDES, per lb dry. 0 (</. 10 INDIGO, per lb Carolina. 1 00© 1 'J "> LIMB, per bbl. 3 75 MOLASSES, per gallon. 1 25 N UI.S. per keg. » CMIf-p 10 00 OILS, Kerosene per gal. 1 00 PROVISIONS AND FKODUCB. BACON, Hams per lb..*. 20©25 44 Sides 44 .:. 18 Shoulders 14 . 10 BUTTER, Country per III. '.'..> 44 Gosiicn " . ."iOfir ."."> CHICKENS, per dos.. 3 tV) FOWLS, 44 . 4 I HI© 5(t<l EtUJS, 44 . 211 BEESWAX, per lb. 30 LARD, per lb. 20 RICK, pur 111 Carolina. lor-..tu SALT, Liverpool per sack. I! 00(,< o 50 SHINGLES, per M.-..*.. 5 00 SOAP, per lb bar. 1 ">f 20 STARCH, per lb. '20 S1MCBS, per lb, Cassia. 1 50 .4 . 44 Mace. 2 O0 " 44 Cloves. 1 25 44 44 * Popper. fill All Spice. 50 44*' 44 Ginger. 50 SUGAR, pel4 lb Museuvado. l.',(n III 44 A, B, and C. ltl©20 44 Crushed. 22 TEAS, per lb. 1 50© 2 25 TOBACCO, as per ijuidity, per lb. -lOf.i 1 50 V1XEGAR, per gallon. 75 QUOTATIONS FOR ÜXCURKEXT MONEY AND SECURITIES. countX'tru wkkklv uy a I'll a scovu.l. Bank of Chester.,. 0 44 44 Georgetown. Ill 44 Newbcrry. 83 44 44 South Carolina. 7 " 44 Charleston. 15 " 44 Ciiindcn.:. 30 Commercial Bank of Columbia. 5 Bsehange 44 44 44 . 8 Farmers and Exchange Bank.. 1 Merchants Bank t'heraw. '.i Peoples Bank. 35 Planters Bunk Fatrficld.;. 5 Planters & Mechanics Bank..:. 12 Southwestern R. R. Bank. 25 Bank of the State of S. C. old....". f> 4 4 44 44 44 44 new . r, .Bank of Hamburg. PJ Bank of Union. 55 GOLD. S3 SI I.VER...;. 20 NOTICE. Gentlemen in fliflcrniit parts of tho District will please make known to tho undersigned all cases of destitution in their neighborhood, and thereby aid in the effort to supply the destitute with food. I. S. K. Lkoaiib, P. II. W. BltlUaUANN, J. A. Hamilton, a pi 13 It Comiuitlo. WANTED. PC a a'a RUSH RLS ROUGH RICE, r )VM M / "10(1 Bichels Cow Peas. For which the highest market price will bo paid in Cash, or will give in exchange Corn. Flour nnd Bacon, at as low prices iu trade as they can be had for cash. Flour, Bacon, Corn, &c. ,\r BBLS. BALTIMORE BXT It A FLO U It, Some- ihing very choice. 2"> bids. Fine and Super .mir .jtiOO Lbs. Prime Shoulders 2000 do do Sides 1000 Bush. While Corn. For sale by T. A. J RFFOR BS Ä Co, apl 13_-2i Main Strebt. KOU SALE; ^f-i A SMALL IIOFSE AND LOT FRONT- HUlli ing the Smith" end of Market Street. For bSÜILparticulars apply to jTpl »_g_tf J. W. II. DUKES. JllSKKY LAIUM'S FOll SAL13 IN quantities to suit Purchasers. Apply at this Oflicc. 11 iiaVe now in stoke rilEIIt FULL STOCK of and SUMMER GOODS comprising full lines OF TUB LATEST STYLES OF DRESS GOODS, fancy goods, domestics, clothing, boots and shoes, etc., etc., iitch were all s e l e c t e d with the w Greatest Care, Anil nro Guaranteed to bo S O Tu T> For The L 0 W K ST P IM C E S In the State. CALL AND* FX AMINE, feb 2.1 y le ROBINSON & CO., RUSSELL STREET-. ALWAYS II AVK ON HAND A WELL A&pORT- cd stock of choice GKOCEH I BS, IIA Ubw A It B, TIN AND GLASSWAHK, SHOES, I>IlY GOODS, .'<<-.;. AJ.SO A lot OF CHOICE CIO A HS. Agents. For . BAUGH'S SCPEli PllOSPHATK THUMS $!C0 Ca»1i, SOo Credit to 1st November, with City Accept aiicu. We are also Agents for CI.BMBNS, SHOWN & CO*S COTTON GIN, Mr. mi factored in Columbus, Ga. feh 2:1 ¦ . lv PAINTER'S NOTICE. ; npUH UNDEHSH.NED ItKGS I.BAVB Tt) 1N- ]j form the t.'itizeus of Orangehiirg und .sur¬ rounding Districts I!t:tt Ii" is now prepared tu do HOUSE PAINTING, CHAINING, MARBLING, GLAZING AND PAPER HANGING, At.Sll CALCSiNTERING OLD PLASTERED WALLS Making theni look, when iloiie, mach bolter than when first Plastered, All work done at ilic Short¬ est Notice mid warranted for books and Durability. All Orders left at (he Store of Mr. .1. B. Fhelns will bo promptly aitended tc. W. ('. MITCHELL, apl Kl Ihn Selling Off! Selling- OfH! John s. Howe, ct. al. 1 Oraiigcburg vs. I in L. W. Dash, et. al. j Ecpiiiy. BY VIRTUE OF AN OltDKlt OF tub COURT of Kipiitv in this cause, I will sell at the Store of L. W. Dash & Co., in this place, the entire Stock of the Haid Firm, for Cash, al Itoditecd Prices, until Sale Day in .May iiexl upon which day uii'l the days succeeding, 1 wiH sell for Cash, at Publie Auc¬ tion, the residue of mini Slock. Orangehiirg, S. O., 1 D. WILLIAMSON, April 10, 18(57. ) Kcceiver. apl Ml xiiIt Bargains! Bargains!! |/ww\ yds long cloth AT l-Me. RE- I I J\/\ I duced from 20c. ItKlti Yds Extra Fine Long Cloth at 20c. reduced from :i()o. Ü00O Yds Super Fine Cainhrio at 'Jöo. reduced from .17c. 600 Yds Calicoes at 10c reduced .r>(H) Yils Super Mourning 20c. reduced from 25c. ftfiOO Yds Super Fine Colored Prints 20c. worth 'Jöc. 2000 Yds Heavy Brown Shirting 20c. GOO Ytls Sheeting, yard and half wide. :! yds for £l 200 Prs Ladies Pine Sliocs §2.n0 worth S;t 200 Bunches Yarn. Cheap 10 Pdds Fl.»nr. Cheap. M. McMASTBB, . npl i:i.It Agent. Administrator's Notice. 4 LL I'EBSONS HAVING DEMANDS AGAINST J\_ the Estate of Wiidd II. Gaskin, will present Die same properly attested, and those indebted will make payment t-> cither of the undersigned Admin¬ istrators by the first 'day of May next, as we want to settle the Estate on that day. * A. .1. GASKIN, St. Matthews. E. .1. W. MYERS, Braiichvillo, s. c. apl 1.1 Ht Agents Wanted In BVEBY COUNTY OF NORTH AND SOUTH Carolina, to Canvas* and Soil Lloyd's New Doidde Map of Noiih America on the face, and a County Map of the United States on the back uovcring 21 square feel of Muslin, with Hollers, .\c. Oilier Agencies can l.e given if desired. Agents make from S'» t.> $20 per day. W A Hit BN It. MA HSU ALL, General Agent Lloyd's Map. apl f».tf Columbia, s. c. rniiB ii ion est cash market phicb given 1 for all kind of COUNT It Y I'HODUCB, Dees wax. Tallow, Hides, Furs, etc.. etc.. by BZEKIEL & KoilN. feh 28 y I r. rniiB CHEAPEST steel AND' IRON llol'.s OF 1. direct Importation from the English Manufac¬ tory, are to he found at BZBK1EL .y- KoHN S. feb IT, y lu I7IOH the LAUGEST and FINEST SELECTION } of Papier Mache, ami Silver Ware ever offered in this market, suitable for PRESENTS for all occa¬ sions, call at ly.EKli.L & KOILN s. feb 23 y l o Now Opening At & SCOVILL'S, G It E A T Inducements to Purchasers, TREMENDOUS Decline in Prices!! rpHKY II AVK JUST RECEIVED Their JL Largo {Stock of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, Selected with great Care, and bought for Net Cash Prices. THEIR . Dry Goods Department Roth in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, Embraces all the New and Late Styles of the Season. ALSO A LARGE STOCK READY MADE CLOTHING, HOOTS AND SHOES, 11 ATS AND CATS, NAILS. HARDWARE. SADDLERY HAR¬ NESS, Sec, WOOD, WILLOW AND TIN WARE. Together with a Complete Assortment of G H o I C K FAMILY G: <-^\}\\ TRICKS ARE Jlt'CH RELOW \ } the Last Season, and in many Cases 2") to 50 per cent-. Then* is no ii u m n it a In the matter.an Examination is only neces¬ sary to KSTARLISH THE FACT. To all cur Friends and Customers the Invita¬ tion is Extended. BULL k SCOVILL. feb 23 y AGENTS, Tjj/iEE!» CONSTANTLY ON HAND A WKLL SE- IV^ U>et«.d Stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, 1j\ AND Every Description OP >f RING GO! WHICH TJIKV WILL SELL AT CHEAP CASH PRICES. CACb AM) SEK FOIJ YOURSELVES. 5 D. LOUIS, 1 . J. I\H AKLEY. }AS,,n,s- feb 23 Commissioner's Sales. OKAXOEllUKG DISTRICT.IN EQUITV. Watson O'Cain. Adm'r, \ \s. V Under a Decree in Equity. Mary Hair et. al. j I'ursuant to an Order made in the above stated case, will lie sohl before the Court House in Oraugeburg on the first Monday in May, A Trnet of Land situated iu the F».rk of the Bdi¬ stos, containing three hundred and ninety-three Acres, more or less, lying ou Duck Hranrh, and (.ranted to Ithoda Hcthcritigteu on September .Ith, )8<>r>. TKllMS. So much cash its w ill defray the costs of these proceedings; and the balance on a credit of six months, the purchaser giving Loud hearing interest from the day of sale, with good sureties and a mort¬ gage of the promises to secure the payment of the purchase money, and to pay for papers and Revenue Stamps. V. D. V. JAMISON, O.'r. u}d 1.1 X td Sheriff's Sales. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. (Irangeburg l*i>triet. I'.y virtue of sundry writs of ti. fa., to me directed. 1 will sell t<. the highest bidder, at Oraugeburg Court House on the first Monday in May next the following property, viz: One Tract of Laud containing .l8o acres, more or less, lying on the West side of Demi Swamp, hound¬ ed by lands of Hi II. Salley and estate of F. 11. Panning, levied nit as the property of Uriah S. Cor- Itit, at the suit of Jacob !!. Corley. Conditions eash, and purchaser to pay for papers id I»«** eiitie Sttiinps. j ) qiiiJ Itevenue iSttini] SherilFs oflice, \ Orangeburg C. II. J- April <'., 1807. a pi i:< J. W. H. DUKES. S. O. D, V ALSO Ids Uuder Decretal Orders from the Ordinary of Orauge¬ burg Difilriol, I will .-.ell at die Court House on the fu st Monday in May next bei ween the usual hours of sale, for partition among the ptirties in interest the following tract of hind, vi/: One Tract of Land situated in IJdislo Fori;, and bounded by lauds of Elizabeth Livingston, estate of II 1\ Don and others, containing fttUI Acres, being the estate lands of W. (). W. Don, deceased, on a credit of 1 ._' monl Iis. I'lirohascrs to give hontli with good security and mortgage of premises, ami paji cash sutlicient to any ce is. Itevenue stamps and papers extra. OrnngeburgC.il., i J. W. H. DUKES, April I I. IS07. i *s- O. I». a pi 1 ! w idj LisT ©f 'totters R EMAIN1NG IN THE POST OJTICE UNCALL- cd for.April 1, 1807. n. Brown, Sylvester. Baker, John. E. Erdnahuw, T. B. F. Fehler, Carson, a. Griffith, Thos. P. II, Hollman, J. A. R. Hair, Moses (colored). J. Jones, O. E. Johnson, Uaidy. K. Kluttic, U. L. Lesser, L. B. Lanergan, Win. M. McMillan, Carey. McKay, B. .1. Millhousc, J. B. MeNeul, Peter (colored). N. Nelson, Miss Mary. P. j Wolfe, Wiley. Peel, Thos. | Wade, W. E. Drop Letters must be prepaid.one cent, papers 2 ceutB. T. C. irÜBBELL, P. M. ~ Q. Qtdnn, D. C. R. Rutland, CiUvin. (2) Bow, E. Boe, Jim. Rcuibcrfc, John. Hücker, Mary. Hiser, Martha. Hickeabackcr, Mies L. S. Smnkc, II. E. SoHcy, Chaw. Sybrath, Miss Rachel. Sharp Paul, (care of W. KnottH.) Singleton, Emma. Strock, Salley. Stroman, Paul 8. Slromun, Nicholas. Seigling, Jane. Sanders, S. T. Terrell, P. W. Trcadwcll, Jock. W. J Winningiinm, Ada. Classical and Primary School, ' REV. A. F. DICKSON. - rrUIE EXERCISES OF THIS SCHOOL WILL BE J_ RcKiimcdon Tuesday, April lOOa, in tho Base- uicnt of tho Presbyterian Church. Au acquaintance with the cluss of Scholars who inny he expected to attend the .School has led to a slight change in the Price of Tuition, as follows: Infant Scholars $7.00 per term of 10 weeks. Primary Advanced $8.00 per term of 10 weeks. Cluss. and Math, beginners $10.00 perform of 10 weeks. Classical advanced $12.00 per term of 10 weeks. Miss K. D. WOODHULL will assist as before. A. F. DICKSON. apl . JR Dissolution of Copartnership. The Firm of G. I). KE1TT & CO., is this day dis¬ solved by the withdrawal of George S. Shircr, Esq. G. D. KE1TT," J. W. KE1TT, GEO. S. SIIIRER. pratigcburg, So. Co., April 4th, 1SG7. ryXllK UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED A CO- X partnership, and will carrv on thoir business uuuvr 'he tinu name of KElT'r BROTHERS. G. D. KB ITT. J. W. KEITT. Orangchurg, S. C. April 4th, 18Q7. uplti tf NOTICE. OFFICE ASST ASS'R INTERNAL REVENUE, Ou.*..m:i:uuiui C. II., S. C, March 15, 18Ü7. In accordance w ith t!ic recent Changes made in the Internal Revenue Law, all Special Tuxes, (previous¬ ly called Licenses,) as ulso Incomes for lHUti, Car¬ riages. Billiard Tables, Plate, of either Gold or Sil¬ ver and Watches, are to be returned Immediately. Unless Returned within time specified by law a pen¬ alty of ten per centum, will bo added. Persons neglecting to make returns for any business or oc¬ cupation for which a Speoiul Tax (or License) imposed, are liable to a fine of $500. I will he at my office at Orangchurg C. II.. on Tuesday and Saturday of every week, and will givj all dunirod information. Other days I will visit tho different Precincts or Polls, of which due notice shall he given. fJEO. W. STURGEON, mar Hi.2m Assistant Assessor. N. B.My Office is at the Store of C. S. Bull & Co. AI I O LÜK^DOrci^ Respectfully announces the arrival of a Fine Se- lection of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, suit¬ able to the Season, and of the most Fashionable Styles. Among Straw Goods, she would mention "Al mas," ..SontagH," tho very latest; also "Gladiators," Bonnets of every description, and ..Sundowns," and '.Seasides" in great variety. Also. Fiowers and Fancy Goods generally. ft'-.V'" She solicits a call from her Friends, at the Store of Messrs Charles S. Bull & Co., on Maiii Street. apl tl.tf BULL & SCOVILL ARE AGENTS FOR THE riide.rwriters Fire Insurance Company OF NEW YORK, ASSETTS OVER $3,000,000. FOR THE Security Fire Insurance Company OF NEW YORK ASSETTS OVER $1,000.000. These stand in the fust ranks of nil good Insurance Companies. feli y lo Administrator's Notice. 4 I.L PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE ESTATE j\ of J- U. Wolfe, deceased, are requested to come forward and settle the same; also,-all persons having demands are requested to render them in properly attested. J. II. INAB1NET, Administrator. mar .10 * 1m For Sale Cheap. McRIOHT GRIST MILL IN PERFECT RUN- nilig order ami suitable for Horse Power. \pply io THOS. HAY. mar .10 1m A f)A/'W"\ HUSH ELS ROUGH RICE WANTED Z\ M t\ I in exchange for Corn und Flour at T. A JEFFORDS & CtVS, mar Id.1m Main-st. Orangchurg, S. C FO.K S^V.X/E ()N K 11A Y >I A RE; Oood Size. Throe Years Old. mar lü.tf CORNEI.SON, KRAMftR & CO. FOR SALE (.HEAP. r BROSENE OIL STOVES. WITH COMPLETE UTENSILS, Cost $15, for $10. mar 10.tf CORNKLSON, KRAMER .\ CO. K W HITE CORN. $1.75. FOR CASH. Apply at CORNEI.SON, KRAMER & CO S. mar Hi.tf JOSEPH SfceNAiyLllA, ANNOUNCES TO HIS . T7R1ENDS AND THE PUBLtC* GENERALLY JP that ho bus just returned from the North with oFino Stock, of NEW SPRING G00D& CALICOS AS LOYV AS 12J CENTS., READY MADE CLOTHING, "* SHOES, HATS, tie., 4c, AS TJBTT.AJL. He ho* on Hand a Complete Supply of FRESH AND CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Embracing Every Articlo Desirable to Hoato- kcepera in thra. Line. Pay a visit to McNAM.AUAS. r feb 23 . ly. y- Of the !&®fflW Igtest Sljlo* J u ST RECEIVE I>. A LMAS, SONTAG8, SUNDOWNS. GLADIA- J\ TORS, CENTRAL PARKS, Fashionable BONNETS, Old Ladies BONNETS trimmed, and Untrimmed, which arc offered at the most roisynnUe rutcs. AkSft, HATS Remodlod, Cleaned, Dyed, Frcsscd *ml Trimmed, at short notice, at . Opposito I. P. THOMPSON- Russell-stMct, OxangcbMTg, So. V-V mar 23 tf Wanted. OAAA AAA TW0 MILLION FEET OF GOOD 6\j\j\J.\J\J\I MILL TIMBER, for which the highest prices will be paid. also, FLOORING BOARDS AND SKlKttLffS, At their Mills, Foot of BoaiifaiiirStreet, CHARLESTON, S. Cr HUDGINS, OWEN & CO.. nprilü Ira WILLIAM WILLCOCK WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE. TÄ> all his friends and customers that he has <>u hand a large and well selected stock of TIN WAEK, Manufactured by himself, which he will sell at Tenp low-HATES.-. also * AN ASSORTMENT OF STOVES AND H0USB FURNISHING GOODS, WHICH ARE SOLD AT CHARLESTON PRICES. REPAIRING and other Work done to order at the Shortest Notice. Call aad tee. for Yourth-v*. At WILLCOCIV «v VfS * fcb23 3m Medical Notice1. | Dr. ARTEMAS J. WOLFE ofTers his Professional" Services to tho Citizens of OraUgchurg DIet*i6t'. Office near the Railroad, on Russell street, where he \ can be found at all hours. - < All calls upon him will be met with prompt at¬ tention. mar 30 Ira THE SOUTHERN DUTJG STORE! For the liberal patronngo Which I have thus fixr received from tho citizens of Orrfbgibiirg District and the confidence shewn in me by Very nu morons friends. I take the opportunity of expressing mj sincere gratitudo in this;' the first issue wf ihm "On a so kb uro Nkws." Tho encouragement" of put patronago and kindness induces a streng faith Ut future success, and, wuilo thanking iry friends fe» past furors, I cah assuro them that aelkitg will %ft left undone to deserve their continuing patroaoge. My Storo will be essentially a DRUG STORE; U It. will be kept such Drugs and Mcdicinus alone, as 1 will warrant Genuine and Pure. I have arrangod ta supply my customers with Medicines of the Tory best quality atTordod in the market. 1 avoid all cheap uscIcsb articles, and yet my prices shall b* as reasonable for VALUABLE, GOOD, FRESH MEDI¬ CINES as any body's. I invite the PHYSICIANS of the Diaries to «OK and exainitio for themselves. They are judged1 to whose opinions I submit. Send your Orders aa4 they will be filled to your satisfaction. To the Citi¬ zens of my native. District who have tr:»d me, I say don't give mc up, try me a little longer, and you'll not regret it.you'll find I'll stand a long race, a* well as a short ono and your faith in me «hall no* be misplaced. To thoso who have not yet tried raev now is your time to begin. As before, if you want' good, pure, family MEDICINES, such as Laudanum, Paregoric, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, E»-' som Salts, Glauber Salts, Cream Tartar.Carb. Soriav ke., kc., or Dye Stuffs and P;»» its. und nrushea.. Concentrated Lye, ke., or eYon, Patent Medicine** of nil kinds. Now, just call at that Little Store <M» Main-Street, ami you will he sure to get what jttk want. This Drug Store looks small, but your surprise .Till ho great when you enter to find how appear¬ ances dceeivo, and what a quantity of good things nro within this samo Little Store R. M. SHU LEU, Druggiht. feb y la Office to Rent, THE BUILDING FORMERLY USED RV jiii the Subscriber ns a Law Office, situated «t» iLLlLMain-street. For particulars, apply next door, to Mr.-D. Louis, or to SAMUEL DIBBLE, at Izlar k Dibble'*, mar 9 tf
Page 1: Now At SCOVILL'S,€¦ · weekas convenient; andifpossible, lei us hare themby Thursdayevening. Jiy this means, ice. trill beable to issue atanearlier hour on tSlatur-däy, andwill


'»V.. i^;v:;'-AT":->.i* Orangeburg,. S. C.>il'T<?iils^'lfä QQ per Ännurft, in Advance:During the »Spring and Fall Seasons, Extra Copied

of the OuAMaEuvna News will he circulated for thebenefit of our AoysirxislNa PATnoxs. .

B$t?~ Contract Advertisements inserted on. thea»ont Liberal Terms.


* Editor "Orangeburg New«,'*Orangeburg, S. U.

CSV" We respectfully request our friends totend in their Advertisements as early in theweek as convenient; and if possible, lei us harethem by Thursday evening. Jiy this means, ice.trill be able to issue at an earlier hour on tSlatur-däy, and will be enabled to give more of thelatest newt, uji to tlie titne of oür going to j>rcss.

Public Meeting.On Monday last, tho 8th instant, iu pursu¬

ance of a notice announced last sälo day, a

number of the citizens of tho District met at<ho Court House for the purpose of taking iuto(consideration the peculiar condition of tho peo¬ple, and of adopting some measure by which to

prevent tho carrying on of civil suits, at the en¬

suing Session of the Court of Common Pleas.Tho meeting having been organized by the

appointment of Dr.J. II. O'Cainas Chairman,and E. Ezekicl, Esq., as Secretary. A personpresent movod that a petition be drawn up to

be forwarded to General Sickles, praying himto interpose his military power and put a stopto all civil causes. Pcndiug its consideration,Col. Oliver moved ns a substitute that a com¬

mittee be appointed to confer with the Bur ofthe District, and request them to continue theCivil Docket; this was adopted, and Col. Oli¬ver, Col. Ruuiph', and Adam Smoke, ?Esq..were appointed. These, in a short time, re¬

ported that the Bar would hohl a meeting atonce and reply in a short time.While nwaitiug their reply, Rev. I. S. K.

Lcgare, after commenting on the extreme des¬

titution in some portions of the District, movedthat a committee be appointed to solicit contri¬butions in aid of tho indigent, who should re¬

port'their success through the District papers.This was carried, and Rev. I, S. K. Legare.and Mossrs. Briggmnu and Hamilton were

naumd as the committee.'The Committee of Conference Iben reported

the following ns the'reply of the Bar:In reply to the application of a portion of

the -citizens that the Bar shall consent to con¬

tinue the civil dockets at this term, we begleave, to assure them that the-Bar is quitewilling to assent. But as some of the Barthink that they have no such authority withoutthe ' consent of their clients, and unanimity insuch'a case is essential, we regret that we mud

leave the question to them. If the clientswill agree we will cheerfully comply with the

" request of the meeting,II.utsons & Lkuark,Ellis & Bhkwstku,Izi.au & DiituLk.SlMONToN & CLOVKII,W. J. DkThkvillk. .

. The resolution to appeal to Gen. Sickles was

then, with somo unimportant amendments,

adopted, and the meeting adjourned.Comment wc will not make, except to re¬

mark that au appeal to a military commander

unconstitutionally appointed, is indicative of a

sad departure from the first principles of theGovernment.

New Advertisements.

JKSTCommissioner's Sale.

JWJ-Shcriff'a Sales.

j*^*We invite attention to the advertise¬ment of Ready-Made Clothing, for sale byMessrs. D. Louis & Co., Agents.

-«ggrM. McMastru, Agent, offers for Side a

large assortment of Dry Goods at reducedrates.

Administrator's Notice.(Messrs. 0as-kin & My>.R8 Administrators Estate wadk11, Gaskin, doeeaso.)t£ärW. C. Mitoiiki.l, Painter, announces

his readiness to serve any needing the servicespf an experienced and practical Workman.

fiöyB. Williamson, Receiver, by virtue ofn decree of tho Court of Equity, advertises tosoil.tho entire Stock L. W. Dash & Co.. for(.'ash at reduced rates,

JSväyMcssrs. Ekektel & Koiin have on

hand a full stock of Spring and Summer floodsselected with great care, which they offer atvery low rates. Read their advertisement.

SSSfMcssrs. BULL & ScoVILL announce thearrival of a .fine stock of Spring Goods, se¬

lected for this market by one of the Firm.H is they are grepnrod to dispose of prices tosuit the hard times-

JSßy-Messrs. Roi.tnson k Co., advertises a

largo supply of Groceries; Dry Hoods, Hard¬ware, &c. These gentlemen are Agents forBaugh'h Super Phosphate, also for Clemens,Brotfri & Co.'in Cotton Gins.

fitafirMcssi-s. Jrimmns & Co., advertises for5000 bushels RoUgli Rico and 1000 bushelsCow Peas, for which they will give the cash or

exchange Bacon, Corn untj I'Jour at the mostreasonable rates.

JSfly- Wo have on baud n number 01 JUunkFl. Fa*8., printed in tho most improved style,which wc will dispose of tit Charleston l'riccs.Apply tit this Office. , '; [ . jjConsignees per South tarojiua .Knih'Oiid

From tith-tv Wmunctusiv&lJ. Eastorlin, E. lt., T. B. Itickcnbacker, J. II.

Chappoll,* J. D. Sntoiik, Snider &. Wells, J. Kniglil,Jus Jones,.AVF. Diokson,. J, K. Quattlcbuum, J. M.Urserg, D.- Livingston, J. M.. Shirer, Il.Ti-J. eben¬er, J. \i. llüst,1 J. a Miunuin, IK&T., Mv A., I). F.,B. It. Walter, M. Brandenburg, D. P. llaot, .1. II. P.

Wl j I 7yi e n1$ a x,Maiuuku.In New York, April 4, 18G7, by the

Rev. Dr. J. B. l'feigl, THEODORE KOIIN ib ROSA,youngest daughter of Ilcrutan Wahl, Bsq., of Zco-hen, Hungary.

COMMERCIAL.OrricK ur TJiR OaAxoEMiino Nkwh,

April V2, 18(57.COTTON..As predicted in our first issue Cotton

has steadily declined in Liverpool, with large "stockon hand. "We trust that planters havo put in theground "sufficient for all their wants in tho provis¬ion line. We quote:

Ordinary. 10Middling. 20Strict Middling. '21


RAGGING peryard.$ROtTi. 32HALB HOCK perlb. 20©25BRICKS per M. 8 50OANDLBS per lb sperm. 350» 40

"Adamantine. 30(« 35Tallow. 25

COFFEE per lb Rio. 30 («,3314 Laguayra. * 4044 Java. 'GO

CORDAG E per lh Manilla. 30<5.:15FISH Cod perlb.'...12

" Herring per box. 1 0044 Mackerel per kit. 8 00© 4 00

FLOUR per bbl Fine. 1:! 00© 14 00"Super. 14 00© 15 00"Extra. 10 (KW.Vir 09Family. 17 00© 18 00

GRAIN, Oats.. 1 5044 Corn. 1 75

Peas. 1 50HIDES, per lb dry. 0 (</. 10INDIGO, per lb Carolina. 1 00© 1 'J ">LIMB, per bbl. 3 75MOLASSES, per gallon. 1 25N UI.S. perkeg. » CMIf-p 10 00OILS, Kerosene per gal. 1 00PROVISIONS AND FKODUCB.BACON, Hams per lb..*. 20©25

44 Sides 44 .:.18Shoulders 14

. 10BUTTER, Country per III. '.'..>

44 Gosiicn ". ."iOfir .".">

CHICKENS, per dos.. 3 tV)FOWLS, 44

. 4 IHI© 5(t<lEtUJS, 44

. 211BEESWAX, per lb. 30LARD, per lb. 20RICK, pur 111 Carolina. lor-..tuSALT, Liverpool per sack. I! 00(,< o 50SHINGLES, per M.-..*.. 5 00SOAP, per lb bar. 1 ">f 20STARCH, per lb. '20S1MCBS, per lb, Cassia. 1 50


44 Mace. 2 O0" 44 Cloves. 1 2544 44 * Popper. fill

All Spice. 5044*' 44 Ginger. 50SUGAR, pel4 lb Museuvado. l.',(n III

44 A, B, andC. ltl©2044 Crushed. 22

TEAS, perlb. 1 50© 2 25TOBACCO, as per ijuidity, per lb. -lOf.i 1 50V1XEGAR, per gallon. 75QUOTATIONS FOR ÜXCURKEXT MONEY AND

SECURITIES.countX'tru wkkklv uy aI'll a scovu.l.

Bank of Chester.,.044 4 4 Georgetown. Ill

44 Newbcrry. 8344 44 South Carolina. 7" 44 Charleston. 15" 44 Ciiindcn.:. 30

Commercial Bank of Columbia. 5Bsehange 44 44 44

. 8Farmers and Exchange Bank.. 1Merchants Bank t'heraw. '.iPeoples Bank. 35Planters Bunk Fatrficld.;. 5Planters & Mechanics Bank..:. 12Southwestern R. R. Bank. 25Bank of the State of S. C. old....". f>

.« 4 4 44 44 4 4 4 4 new. r,.Bank of Hamburg. PJBank of Union. 55

GOLD. S3SI I.VER...;. 20

NOTICE.Gentlemen in fliflcrniit parts of tho District will

please make known to tho undersigned all cases ofdestitution in their neighborhood, and thereby aidin the effort to supply the destitute with food.

I. S. K. Lkoaiib,P. II. W. BltlUaUANN,J. A. Hamilton,

a pi 13 It


WANTED.PCaa'a RUSH RLS ROUGH RICE,r)VM M / "10(1 Bichels Cow Peas.For which the highest market price will bo paid

in Cash, or will give in exchange Corn. Flour nndBacon, at as low prices iu trade as they can be hadfor cash.

Flour, Bacon, Corn, &c.,\r BBLS. BALTIMORE BXT ItA FLOU It, Some-

ihing very choice.2"> bids. Fine and Super .mir

.jtiOO Lbs. Prime Shoulders2000 do do Sides1000 Bush. While Corn.

For sale by T. A. J RFFOR BS Ä Co,apl 13_-2i Main Strebt.

KOU SALE;^f-i A SMALL IIOFSE AND LOT FRONT-HUlli ing the Smith" end of Market Street. ForbSÜILparticulars apply tojTpl »_g_tf J. W. II. DUKES.

JllSKKY LAIUM'S FOll SAL13 INquantities to suit Purchasers. Apply

at this Oflicc.

11 iiaVe now in stoke



SUMMER GOODScomprising full lines



DRESS GOODS,fancy goods, domestics,

clothing, boots and

shoes, etc., etc.,iitch were all s e l e c t e d

with thewGreatest Care,

Anil nro Guaranteed to bo

S O Tu T>For The

L 0 W K ST P IM C E SIn the State.

CALL AND* FX AMINE,feb 2.1 yle


ALWAYS II AVK ON HAND A WELL A&pORT-cd stock of choice


SHOES, I>IlY GOODS, .'<<-.;.AJ.SO A lot OF



THUMS$!C0 Ca»1i, SOo Credit to 1st November, with City

Accept aiicu.

We are also Agents for

CI.BMBNS, SHOWN & CO*S COTTON GIN,Mr.mifactored in Columbus, Ga.

feh 2:1 ¦.lv

PAINTER'S NOTICE. ;npUH UNDEHSH.NED ItKGS I.BAVB Tt) 1N-]j form the t.'itizeus of Orangehiirg und .sur¬rounding Districts I!t:tt Ii" is now prepared tu doHOUSE PAINTING, CHAINING, MARBLING,



Making theni look, when iloiie, mach bolter thanwhen first Plastered, All work done at ilic Short¬est Notice mid warranted for books and Durability.All Orders left at (he Store of Mr. .1. B. Fhelns willbo promptly aitended tc. W. ('. MITCHELL,

apl Kl Ihn

Selling Off! Selling- OfH!John s. Howe, ct. al. 1 Oraiigcburg

vs. I inL. W. Dash, et. al. j Ecpiiiy.

BY VIRTUE OF AN OltDKlt OF tub COURTof Kipiitv in this cause, I will sell at the Store

of L. W. Dash & Co., in this place, the entire Stockof the Haid Firm, for Cash, al Itoditecd Prices, untilSale Day in .May iiexl upon which day uii'l thedays succeeding, 1 wiH sell for Cash, at Publie Auc¬tion, the residue of mini Slock.Orangehiirg, S. O., 1 D. WILLIAMSON,

April 10, 18(57. ) Kcceiver.apl Ml xiiIt

Bargains! Bargains!!|/ww\ yds long cloth AT l-Me. RE-I I J\/\ I duced from 20c.ItKlti Yds Extra Fine Long Cloth at 20c. reduced

from :i()o.Ü00O Yds Super Fine Cainhrio at 'Jöo. reduced from

.17c.600 Yds Calicoes at 10c reduced.r>(H) Yils Super Mourning 20c. reduced from 25c.

ftfiOO Yds Super Fine Colored Prints 20c. worth 'Jöc.2000 Yds Heavy Brown Shirting 20c.GOO Ytls Sheeting, yard and half wide. :! yds for £l200 Prs Ladies Pine Sliocs §2.n0 worth S;t200 Bunches Yarn. Cheap10 Pdds Fl.»nr. Cheap. M. McMASTBB,

. npl i:i.It Agent.

Administrator's Notice.4 LL I'EBSONS HAVING DEMANDS AGAINSTJ\_ the Estate of Wiidd II. Gaskin, will presentDie same properly attested, and those indebted will

make payment t-> cither of the undersigned Admin¬istrators by the first 'day of May next, as we wantto settle the Estate on that day.


A. .1. GASKIN, St. Matthews.E. .1. W. MYERS, Braiichvillo, s. c.

apl 1.1 Ht


Carolina, to Canvas* and Soil Lloyd's NewDoidde Map of Noiih America on the face, and aCounty Map of the United States on the backuovcring 21 square feel of Muslin, with Hollers, .\c.Oilier Agencies can l.e given if desired. Agentsmake from S'» t.> $20 per day.

WA Hit BN It. MA HSU ALL,General Agent Lloyd's Map.aplf».tf Columbia, s. c.

rniiB ii ion est cash market phicb given1 for all kind of COUNT It Y I'HODUCB, Deeswax. Tallow, Hides, Furs, etc.. etc.. by

BZEKIEL & KoilN.feh28 yIr.

rniiB CHEAPEST steel AND' IRON llol'.s OF1. direct Importation from the English Manufac¬tory, are to he found at

BZBK1EL .y- KoHN S.feb IT, ylu

I7IOH the LAUGEST and FINEST SELECTION} of Papier Mache, ami Silver Ware ever offered

in this market, suitable for PRESENTS for all occa¬sions, call at

ly.EKli.L & KOILN s.feb 23 ylo

Now Opening At& SCOVILL'S,G It E A T

Inducements to Purchasers,TREMENDOUS

Decline in Prices!!rpHKY IIAVK JUST RECEIVED TheirJL Largo {Stock of

SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS,Selected with great Care, and bought for

Net Cash Prices.THEIR .

Dry Goods DepartmentRoth in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC,

Embraces all the New and Late Styles of theSeason.





WILLOW ANDTIN WARE.Together with a Complete Assortment of

G H o I C K

FAMILY G:<-^\}\\ TRICKS ARE Jlt'CH RELOW\ } the Last Season, and in many Cases 2")to 50 per cent-. Then* is no

ii u m n it aIn the matter.an Examination is only neces¬

sary to

KSTARLISH THE FACT.To all cur Friends and Customers the Invita¬

tion is Extended.BULL k SCOVILL.

feb 23 y1«





Every DescriptionOP




D. LOUIS, 1 .

J. I\H AKLEY. }AS,,n,s-feb 23


Watson O'Cain. Adm'r, \\s. V Under a Decree in Equity.Mary Hair et. al. j

I'ursuant to an Order made in the above stated case,will lie sohl before the Court House in Oraugeburgon the first Monday in May,A Trnet of Land situated iu the F».rk of the Bdi¬

stos, containing three hundred and ninety-threeAcres, more or less, lying ou Duck Hranrh, and(.ranted to Ithoda Hcthcritigteu on September .Ith,)8<>r>.

TKllMS.So much cash its w ill defray the costs of these

proceedings; and the balance on a credit of sixmonths, the purchaser giving Loud hearing interestfrom the day of sale, with good sureties and a mort¬gage of the promises to secure the payment of thepurchase money, and to pay for papers and RevenueStamps.

V. D. V. JAMISON, O.'r.u}d 1.1 Xtd


(Irangeburg l*i>triet.I'.y virtue of sundry writs of ti. fa., to me directed.

1 will sell t<. the highest bidder, at OraugeburgCourt House on the first Monday in May nextthe following property, viz:One Tract of Laud containing .l8o acres, more or

less, lying on the West side of Demi Swamp, hound¬ed by lands of Hi II. Salley and estate of F. 11.Panning, levied nit as the property of Uriah S. Cor-Itit, at the suit of Jacob !!. Corley.Conditions eash, and purchaser to pay for papersid I»«** eiitie Sttiinps.

j)qiiiJ Itevenue iSttini]

SherilFs oflice, \Orangeburg C. II. J-April <'., 1807.a pi i:<

J. W. H. DUKES.S. O. D,



Uuder Decretal Orders from the Ordinary of Orauge¬burg Difilriol, I will .-.ell at die Court House on thefu st Monday in May next bei ween the usualhours of sale, for partition among the ptirties ininterest the following tract of hind, vi/:One Tract of Land situated in IJdislo Fori;, and

bounded by lauds of Elizabeth Livingston, estate ofII 1\ Don and others, containing fttUI Acres, beingthe estate lands of W. (). W. Don, deceased, on acredit of 1 ._' monl Iis.

I'lirohascrs to give hontli with good security andmortgage of premises, ami paji cash sutlicient toany ce is. Itevenue stamps and papers extra.

OrnngeburgC.il., i J. W. H. DUKES,April I I. IS07. i *s- O. I».a pi 1 ! widj


cd for.April 1, 1807.

n.Brown, Sylvester.Baker, John.

E.Erdnahuw, T. B.

F.Fehler, Carson,

a.Griffith, Thos. P.

II,Hollman, J. A. R.Hair, Moses (colored).

J.Jones, O. E.Johnson, Uaidy.

K.Kluttic, U.

L.Lesser, L. B.Lanergan, Win.

M.McMillan, Carey.McKay, B. .1.Millhousc, J. B.MeNeul, Peter (colored).

N.Nelson, Miss Mary.

P. j Wolfe, Wiley.Peel, Thos. | Wade, W. E.Drop Letters must be prepaid.one cent, papers2 ceutB. T. C. irÜBBELL, P. M. ~

Q.Qtdnn, D. C.

R.Rutland, CiUvin. (2)Bow, E.Boe, Jim.Rcuibcrfc, John.Hücker, Mary.Hiser, Martha.Hickeabackcr, Mies L.

S.Smnkc, II. E.SoHcy, Chaw.Sybrath, Miss Rachel.Sharp Paul, (care of W.

KnottH.)Singleton, Emma.Strock, Salley.Stroman, Paul 8.Slromun, Nicholas.Seigling, Jane.Sanders, S.

T.Terrell, P. W.Trcadwcll, Jock.

W.J Winningiinm, Ada.

Classical and Primary School,'


rrUIE EXERCISES OF THIS SCHOOL WILL BEJ_ RcKiimcdon Tuesday, April lOOa, in tho Base-uicnt of tho Presbyterian Church.Au acquaintance with the cluss of Scholars who

inny he expected to attend the .School has led to aslight change in the Price of Tuition, as follows:

Infant Scholars $7.00 per term of 10 weeks.Primary Advanced $8.00 per term of 10 weeks.Cluss. and Math, beginners $10.00 perform of 10

weeks.Classical advanced $12.00 per term of 10 weeks.Miss K. D. WOODHULL will assist as before.

A. F. DICKSON.apl . JR

Dissolution of Copartnership.The Firm of G. I). KE1TT & CO., is this day dis¬

solved by the withdrawal of George S. Shircr, Esq.G. D. KE1TT,"J. W. KE1TT,GEO. S. SIIIRER.

pratigcburg, So. Co., April 4th, 1SG7.

ryXllK UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED A CO-X partnership, and will carrv on thoir businessuuuvr 'he tinu name of KElT'r BROTHERS.


Orangchurg, S. C. April 4th, 18Q7.uplti tf


Ou.*..m:i:uuiui C. II., S. C, March 15, 18Ü7.In accordance w ith t!ic recent Changes made in the

Internal Revenue Law, all Special Tuxes, (previous¬ly called Licenses,) as ulso Incomes for lHUti, Car¬riages. Billiard Tables, Plate, of either Gold or Sil¬ver and Watches, are to be returned Immediately.Unless Returned within time specified by law a pen¬alty of ten per centum, will bo added. Personsneglecting to make returns for any business or oc¬

cupation for which a Speoiul Tax (or License)imposed, are liable to a fine of $500.

I will he at my office at Orangchurg C. II.. on

Tuesday and Saturday of every week, and will givjall dunirod information. Other days I will visit thodifferent Precincts or Polls, of which due noticeshall he given.

fJEO. W. STURGEON,marHi.2m Assistant Assessor.N. B.My Office is at the Store of C. S. Bull &


AI I OLÜK^DOrci^Respectfully announces the arrival of a Fine Se-

lection of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, suit¬able to the Season, and of the most FashionableStyles.Among Straw Goods, she would mention "Al

mas," ..SontagH," tho very latest; also "Gladiators,"Bonnets of every description, and ..Sundowns," and'.Seasides" in great variety.

Also. Fiowers and Fancy Goods generally.ft'-.V'" She solicits a call from her Friends, at the

Store of Messrs Charles S. Bull & Co., on MaiiiStreet. apl tl.tf


riide.rwriters Fire Insurance CompanyOF NEW YORK,


Security Fire Insurance CompanyOF NEW YORK

ASSETTS OVER $1,000.000.These stand in the fust ranks of nil good Insurance

Companies.feli 2« ylo

Administrator's Notice.4 I.L PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE ESTATEj\ of J- U. Wolfe, deceased, are requested to

come forward and settle the same; also,-all personshaving demands are requested to render them inproperly attested. J. II. INAB1NET,

Administrator.mar .10 *1m

For Sale Cheap.McRIOHT GRIST MILL IN PERFECT RUN-nilig order ami suitable for Horse Power.

\pplyio THOS. HAY.mar .10 1m

Af)A/'W"\ HUSH ELS ROUGH RICE WANTEDZ\ M t\ I in exchange for Corn und Flour at

T. A JEFFORDS & CtVS,mar Id.1m Main-st. Orangchurg, S. C

FO.K S^V.X/E()N K 11AY >I A RE; Oood Size.

Throe Years Old.

mar lü.tf CORNEI.SON, KRAMftR & CO.


UTENSILS, Cost $15, for $10.mar 10.tf CORNKLSON, KRAMER .\ CO.KW HITE CORN. $1.75. FOR CASH. Apply at




T7R1ENDS AND THE PUBLtC* GENERALLYJP that ho bus just returned from the North withoFino Stock, of




He ho* on Hand a Complete Supply ofFRESH AND

CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES,Embracing Every Articlo Desirable to Hoato-

kcepera in thra. Line.Pay a visit to

McNAM.AUAS. rfeb 23 . ly. y-

Of the !&®fflW Igtest Sljlo*

J u ST RECEIVE I>.A LMAS, SONTAG8, SUNDOWNS. GLADIA-J\ TORS, CENTRAL PARKS, FashionableBONNETS, Old Ladies BONNETS trimmed, andUntrimmed, which arc offered at the most roisynnUerutcs.

AkSft,HATS Remodlod, Cleaned, Dyed, Frcsscd *ml

Trimmed, at short notice, at

. Opposito I. P. THOMPSON-Russell-stMct, OxangcbMTg, So. V-V

mar 23 tf

Wanted.OAAA AAA TW0 MILLION FEET OF GOOD6\j\j\J.\J\J\I MILL TIMBER, for which thehighest prices will be paid.


At their Mills, Foot of BoaiifaiiirStreet,CHARLESTON, S. Cr

HUDGINS, OWEN & CO..nprilü Ira


all his friends and customers that he has <>uhand a large and well selected stock of

TIN WAEK,Manufactured by himself, which he will sell at Tenplow-HATES.-.

also *



CHARLESTON PRICES.REPAIRING and other Work done to order at the

Shortest Notice.Call aad tee. for Yourth-v*.

At WILLCOCIV «v VfS* fcb23 3m

Medical Notice1. |Dr. ARTEMAS J. WOLFE ofTers his Professional"

Services to tho Citizens of OraUgchurg DIet*i6t'.Office near the Railroad, on Russell street, where he \can be found at all hours. - <

All calls upon him will be met with prompt at¬tention.mar 30 Ira


DUTJG STORE!For the liberal patronngo Which I have thus fixr

received from tho citizens of Orrfbgibiirg Districtand the confidence shewn in me by Very numoronsfriends. I take the opportunity of expressing mjsincere gratitudo in this;' the first issue wf ihm"On a so kburo Nkws." Tho encouragement" ofputpatronago and kindness induces a streng faith Utfuture success, and, wuilo thanking iry friends fe»past furors, I cah assuro them that aelkitg will %ftleft undone to deserve their continuing patroaoge.My Storo will be essentially a DRUG STORE; U It.will be kept such Drugs and Mcdicinus alone, as 1will warrant Genuine and Pure. I have arrangod ta

supply my customers with Medicines of the Torybest quality atTordod in the market. 1 avoid allcheap uscIcsb articles, and yet my prices shall b* as

reasonable for VALUABLE, GOOD, FRESH MEDI¬CINES as any body's.

I invite the PHYSICIANS of the Diaries to «OKand exainitio for themselves. They are judged1 towhose opinions I submit. Send your Orders aa4they will be filled to your satisfaction. To the Citi¬zens of my native. District who have tr:»d me, I saydon't give mc up, try me a little longer, and you'llnot regret it.you'll find I'll stand a long race, a*well as a short ono and your faith in me «hall no*be misplaced. To thoso who have not yet tried raevnow is your time to begin. As before, if you want'good, pure, family MEDICINES, such as

Laudanum, Paregoric, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, E»-'som Salts, Glauber Salts, Cream Tartar.Carb. Soriavke., kc., or Dye Stuffs and P;»» its. und nrushea..Concentrated Lye, ke., or eYon, Patent Medicine**of nil kinds. Now, just call at that Little Store <M»

Main-Street, ami you will he sure to get what jttkwant.This Drug Store looks small, but your surprise

.Till ho great when you enter to find how appear¬ances dceeivo, and what a quantity of good thingsnro within this samo Little Store

R. M. SHULEU,Druggiht.

feb y la


jiii the Subscriber ns a Law Office, situated «t»iLLlLMain-street. For particulars, apply nextdoor, to Mr.-D. Louis, or to

SAMUEL DIBBLE,at Izlar k Dibble'*,

mar 9 tf
