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NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

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NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper, and John Shadid Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM Trilinos Workshop Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Solvers March 30 th , 2004. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper, and John Shadid Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM Trilinos Workshop Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Solvers March 30 th , 2004
Page 1: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company,for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration

under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package

Roger Pawlowski, Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper, and John Shadid

Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM

Trilinos WorkshopCopper Mountain Conference on Iterative Solvers

March 30th, 2004

Page 2: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,


• NOX is the nonlinear solver package in the Trilinos Framework.

• NOX is being developed to: – Enable robust and efficient solutions to systems of nonlinear

equations.– Provide a broad array of nonlinear algorithms through a single

interface.– Allow for rapid deployment of new solver technology into ASCI codes.– Eliminate redundancies in ASCI code development.

• Written in C++: object-oriented design.• Online documentation: http://software.sandia.gov/nox

Page 3: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

MB f xc Bcd+=Broyden’s Method

Newton’s MethodMN f xc Jcd+=

Tensor Method MT f xc Jcd

12---Tcdd+ +=

Nonlinear Solution Algorithms

Iterative Linear Solvers, Adaptive Forcing Terms

Line SearchInterval Halving



HomotopyArtificial Parameter ContinuationNatural Parameter Continuation

Trust RegionDogleg

Inexact Dogleg


Page 4: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

Stopping Criteria(Status Test)

Example: Newton’s Method for F (x) = 0

• Choose an initial guess x0

• For k = 0,1,2,...– Compute Fk = F (xk)– Compute Jk where

(Jk )ij = F i(xk)/x j

– Let dk = -Jk-1 Fk

– (Optional) Let k be a calculated step length

– Set xk+1 = xk + kdk

– Test for Convergence or Failure

Calculatingthe Direction

Damping orLine Search

Iterate Control(Solver)

Building Blocks of NOX

Page 5: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

NOX Solvers(Iterate Control)

1. LineSearchBased • Compute Direction• Compute Step Length• Scale direction by step length• Update solution• Check Convergence

2. TrustRegionBased (dogleg)• Computes Newton Direction• Computes Cauchy Direction• Adjust trust region radius• Update solution• Check Convergence

3. InexactTrustRegionBased (Prerelease)

4. TensorBased (Prerelease)5. UserDefined

Solver is determined by passing a parameter list to a handle for the class:

NOX::Solver::Manager solver(group, StatusTests, ParameterList);int status = solver.solve();

Derived from NOX::Solver::Genericbool  reset(NOX::Abstract::Group& grp, NOX::StatusTest::Generic& tests, NOX::Parameter::List& params) bool  reset(NOX::Abstract::Group& grp, NOX::StatusTest::Generic& tests) NOX::StatusTest::StatusType getStatus() NOX::StatusTest::StatusType iterate() NOX::StatusTest::StatusType solve() const NOX::Abstract::Group& getSolutionGroup() const const NOX::Abstract::Group& getPreviousSolutionGroup() const int getNumIterations() const const NOX::Parameter::List& getParameterList() const

Page 6: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

NOX Directions• Steepest Descent

• Newton• Requires a linear solve• Adaptive forcing terms

• Broyden• Modified Newton with

rank-1 updates to the most recently computed Jacobian

• Nonlinear-CG (Prerelease)

• Tensor (Prerelease)

User Defined DirectionsDerived from NOX::Direction::GenericPassed into the solver via parameter list using a direction template ctor.

User Defined Merit FunctionDerived from NOX::Parameter::MeritFunctionPassed into the solver via parameter list using the NOX::Parameter::Arbitrary entry

Direction is determined and constructed in a handle called a “Manager”:

NOX::Direction::Manager dir(PrintParams, DirectionParams);

Page 7: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

NOX Line Searches

• Full Step• Constant step size.• Defaults to 1.0.

• Backtrack• interval halving

• Polynomial Interpolation• Quadratic and Cubic interpolation• Requires a “Sufficient Decrease”


• More’-Thuente• Polynomial Interpolation• Sufficient Decrease and Curvature


• Nonlinear-CG – (Prerelease) • Curvilinear (Prerelease)

User Defined Line SearchesDerived from NOX::LineSearch::GenericPassed into the solver via parameter list using a template constructor.

User Defined Merit FunctionDerived from NOX::Parameter::MeritFunctionPassed into the solver via parameter list using the NOX::Parameter::Arbitrary entry

User Defined NormsDerived from NOX::Parameter::UserNormPassed into the solver via parameter list using the NOX::Parameter::Arbitrary entry

Line Searches are determined and constructed in a handle called a “Manager”:

NOX::LineSearch::Manager ls(PrintParams, LineSearchParams);

Page 8: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

Mix-n-Match Solver Algorithms

• Solver– Line Search Based– Trust Region Based– Tensor Based

• Direction– Newton– Broyden– Steepest Descent– Tensor– User-Defined

• Line Search / Damping– Full Step– Backtrack– Polynomial/Quadratic– More’-Thuente– Curvilinear– User-Defined


Trust-Region Method

Tensor Method

Newly-DeployedBroyden Method

Quadratic Line SearchQuadratic Line Search

Example Parameter List

“Nonlinear Solver” = “Line Search Based”

“Direction” sublist“Method” = “Newton”“Newton” sublist

“Linear Solver” sublist“Tolerance” = 1.0e-10

“Line Search” sublist“Method” = “Polynomial”“Polynomial” sublist

“Minimum Step” = 1.0e-10“Max Iters” = 10“Interpolation” = “Quadratic”

NOX Documentation: Related Pages

Page 9: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

Stopping Criteria (StatusTests)

Highly Flexible Design: Users build a convergence test hierarchy and Highly Flexible Design: Users build a convergence test hierarchy and registers it with the solver (via solver constructor or reset method).registers it with the solver (via solver constructor or reset method).

– Norm F: {Inf, One, Two} {absolute, relative}– Norm Update X: {Inf, One, Two}– Norm Weighted Root Mean Square (WRMS):

– Max Iterations: Failure test if solver reaches max # iters– FiniteValue: Failure test that checks for NaN and Inf on – Stagnation: Failure test that triggers if the convergence rate

fails a tolerance check for n consecutive iterations.

– Combination: {AND, OR}– Users Designed: Derive from NOX::StatusTest::Generic

Page 10: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

Building a Status Test

• Fail if value of becomes Nan or Inf

NOX::StatusTest::FiniteValue finiteValueTest;

FiniteValue: finiteValueTest

• Fail if we reach maximum iterations

• Converge if both:

MaxIters: maxItersTest

NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters maxItersTest(200);


NOX::StatusTest::NormF normFTest();normWRMSTest

NOX::StatusTest::NormWRMS normWRMSTest();

Combo(AND): convergedTest

NOX::StatusTest::Combo convergedTest(NOX::StatusTest::Combo::AND);


NOX::StatusTest::Combo allTests(NOX::StatusTest::Combo::OR);allTests.addStatusTest(finiteValueTest);allTests.addStatusTest(maxItersTest);allTests.addStatusTest(convergedTest);


Page 11: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

Status Tests Continued

User Defined are Derived from NOX::StatusTest::GenericNOX::StatusTest::StatusType checkStatus(const NOX::Solver::Generic &problem) NOX::StatusTest::StatusType checkStatusEfficiently(const NOX::Solver::Generic &problem, NOX::StatusTest::CheckType checkType) NOX::StatusTest::StatusType getStatus() const ostream& print(ostream &stream, int indent=0) const

-- Status Test Results --**...........OR Combination -> **...........AND Combination -> **...........F-Norm = 5.907e-01 < 1.000e-08 (Length-Scaled Two-Norm, Absolute Tolerance) **...........WRMS-Norm = 4.794e+01 < 1 (Min Step Size: 1.000e+00 >= 1) (Max Lin Solv Tol: 1.314e-15 < 0.5) **...........Finite Number Check (Two-Norm F) = Finite **...........Number of Iterations = 2 < 200

-- Final Status Test Results --Converged....OR Combination -> Converged....AND Combination -> Converged....F-Norm = 3.567e-13 < 1.000e-08 (Length-Scaled Two-Norm, Absolute Tolerance) Converged....WRMS-Norm = 1.724e-03 < 1 (Min Step Size: 1.000e+00 >= 1) (Max Lin Solv Tol: 4.951e-14 < 0.5) ??...........Finite Number Check (Two-Norm F) = Unknown ??...........Number of Iterations = -1 < 200

Page 12: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

NOX Interface


Abstract Vector & Abstract Group


Solvers- Line Search

- Trust Region

Directions- e.g., Newton

Line Searches- e.g., Polynomial

Status Tests- e.g., Norm F

• Don’t need to directly access the vector or matrix entries, only manipulate the objects.

• NOX uses an abstract interface to manipulate linear algebra objects.• Isolate the Solver layer from the linear algebra implementations used by

the application.• This approach means that NOX does NOT rely on any specific linear

algebra format.• Allows the apps to tailor the linear algebra to their own needs!

– Serial or Parallel– Any Storage format: User Defined, LAPACK, PETSc, Epetra

Page 13: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

NOX::Abstract::Vector• Initialization

– x = y – x = |y|– xi = 1/yi for i = 1 to n– xi = for i = 1 to n

• Length of Vector

• Scaling– x = x– xi = xiyi for i = 1 to n

• Update– x = a + x, – x = a + b + x

• Norm– k x k1, k x k2 , k x k1– k x kw (weighted norm)

• Dot– x ¢ y

• Clone (create a copy)– y = x

The solver is not allowed nor does it need explicit

access to the vector – just the ability to manipulate


Page 14: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,


• x = Iterate – Initialize– Update– Access

• F = F (x)– Compute– Access

• J = Jacobian of F at x– Compute– Apply / Apply Transpose– Apply Inverse– Apply Preconditioning

• n = Newton Vector – Compute n = -J-1F to specified

tolerance– Access

• g = Gradient of kF (xk)k2

– g = JTF– Access

• Clone

The linear solver and application interface are combined into

the Group. Vectors x, F, n, g are accessed

as NOX::Abstract::Vecto

r’s. Matrix J is never

directly accessed!

Page 15: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

Code Demonstration

Example Implementation

Page 16: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

NOX Framework


Abstract Vector & Abstract Group


Linear AlgebraInterface

Implementations- EPetra- PETSc- LAPACK- USER DEFINED

EPetra Dependent Features- Matrix-Free Newton-Krylov- Preconditioning- Graph Coloring / Finite Diff.

Solvers- Line Search

- Trust Region

Directions- e.g., Newton

Line Searches- e.g., Polynomial

Status Tests- e.g., Norm F



User Interface- Compute F- Compute Jacobian- Compute Preconditioner

Page 17: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

NOX Specific Configure Options• Compiling NOX library in Trilinos:


• Compiling prerelease code: --enable-prerelease

• Using nox built-in linear algebra support:LAPACK: --enable-nox-lapack

--enable-nox-lapack-examplesEpetra: --enable-nox-epetra

--enable-nox-epetra-examplesPETSc: --enable-nox-petsc


• Compiling the test suite:--enable-tests--enable-nox-tests

• Compiling LOCA library in Trilinos/NOX: --enable-loca

• Specifying an install directory:--prefix=/usr/local

> configure --enable-nox –enable-nox-epetra –prefix=/usr/local> make> make install> make dox

Page 18: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

Sandia Applications

Code Application NOX Contact Application ContactXyce Electrical Circuit Simulation Kolda & Pawlowski Scott HutchinsonMPSalsa Chemically Reacting Flows Pawlowski Roger PawlowskiFEAP Solid Mechanics Hooper Mark AdamsCharon General PDE Solver Pawlowski Gary HennigPremo Compressible Flows Hooper & Pawlowski Tom SmithSIERRA Framework Hooper Alan Williams

Code Application NOX Contact Application ContactSalinas Solid Mechanics Hooper Kendall PiersonAdagio Solid Mechanics Hooper John MitchellALEGRA Radiation Transport Pawlowski Tom BrunnerGOMA Incompressible Flows Pawlowski Sam SubiaNEVADA Framework Pawlowski Tom Brunner

Fully Interfaced

Prototype Interface

Primary NOX Team: Tammy Kolda, Roger Pawlowski, Russ Hooper

Page 19: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

Summary• Key Features

– Object-oriented C++ library– Large number of cutting-edge algorithms– Can use any linear algebra implementation– Easy interface – User Flexibility: Add solvers, directions, line searches,

convergence tests

• NOX Support libraries– Fast integration – reduced interface– parallel iterative solvers (AztecOO, PETSc)– preconditioners (Ifpack, ML, Aztec, PETSc)– Matrix-Free Newton-Krylov– Matrix Estimation: Finite Difference/Coloring

Page 20: NOX: An Object-Oriented Nonlinear Solver Package Roger Pawlowski , Tamara Kolda, Russell Hooper,

NOX Contributors (Ideas, Code, and Testing)

Sandia– Tammy Kolda *– Roger Pawlowski *– Russ Hooper *– Brett Bader*– John Shadid– Todd Coffey *– Andy Salinger (LOCA) *– Eric Phipps (LOCA) *– Bill Spotz * (PyNOX)– Mike Heroux (Trilinos) – Scott Hutchinson (Xyce)– Rob Hoekstra (Xyce)– Eric Keiter (Xyce)– Alan Williams (SIERRA)– Tom Smith (Premo)– Alfred Lorber (Premo)– Tom Brunner (Alegra)

Academics– Homer Walker, WPI– Joseph Simonis, WPI– Tim Kelley, NCSU– Matthew Lasater, NCSU– Bobby Schnabel, UCB– Richard Byrd, UCB– Ryan McKenzie, Kentucky– Craig Douglas, Kentucky

* NOX Developer

NOX InformationTammy Kolda: [email protected]

Roger Pawlowski: [email protected]: http://software.sandia.gov/noxTrilinos: http://software.sandia.gov/trilinos
