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, · o&AF. P Wishes ·lts .'A' PJ?l'1 . : . . . LINCOLN C NEWS· ,. _. o.itt®i · · Nye, , "Do ment bf the curfew lnw and prosecution of parents whose cblldren habitually are found at large nt night would greatly curb tbese hoodlum outbrellks?" Judge Nye answered: "I most ccrttmjly agree. It ls roy con· ... R•bek.ahs Plan March Of Dimes Benefit A March pt Dimes. benefit ls to be given .by tlie Daughters o! Rebekah In Cnrrlzozo on Janu. ary 23 in the I. 0. 0. Ji'. Hall. The benefit starts with a jlt· ney dinner trom 5:30 to 7 o'clock. A jitney dance and parcel post auction follows. Mrs. Dorothy Current is chalr- ID!ill of arrangements w the benetlt. Also on the committee are Mmes. lmzabeth McVeigh and Bessie Hodgins. .ll..sslstance to the National Pollo Foundation lB a statewide project ot the Rebekah Assem· bly. sldered opinion that parents __ _.. ________ _ have responslbllltles ln the ral.etng of children-that they should at all tlmes know where tney are, what tlu!y are doing, and wlfh whom they arc doing lt. Parents who do not dlachlli{!O tbls rcsponsibUlty tnithl\llly ahould be called upon to no:ount for"thtrt -fJ.Itiure." COURT HOUSE NEWS DISTRICT COtJBT1 Convenes January 7, Judge John n. Brand of Hobbs pre· mhng. Convenes Januilry 11. Judge . ,., Scoggin In Monday's seS!llon of jllstrlct Fnlallties on New Mexico's Court. Judge Scoggin heard highways reached a record to· Jones Cajl. ot M=Jero, plead tal of 410 th1s week and a few guilty to the charge of !Jfand dangeroWJ dayn remained untU larceny. Cnjl Wll!l Gentenced to the end of the )'Car. U you drive, not letlll than seven monttw plellSC bo careful and continue nor more than 12 months In the the practlte (111 ot next year. ln New Mexlco Stntc Pcnltent1tlry. and Cnnyon Camp pled guUty to a lkcmtm, ctlnrge or driVtn!! whtte undi!T ·· $3Yiftl: lnflneuor -ut tntoxlrothttr tbr\l· llq!lgr l1.Y u.L rv Scomrln $100 and court cootn. "'No dead or dYlnu accldent THBBE DRAW FI!fES v!ctlmtl to be pded out of crum· plelf automobile Wfeclw- Pete PadUlo, ch.nrged Wlth "No battered pedestrians to be drunlt while drlvlng. hllD been or covered fined ' "':'io 'bad new.' callA Curnlni nc=l. fined $10 nnd crota and Joyful homes Snto &cm\U or ttor· C«llJo Barraz:a., fined $10 lor roW- not having a drlvcr'o Ucenoo. "No OlumbUng a Oat·ol-fltnte Pla._ 1leqninlc1 (lrunltcr, 1'tn sorry,' tdtcr twclng "GWlfully Employed" tbo blooey results at thclr stu· All out-of·atatc motorlctn who miles ncr hour by day; nrc salntully employed or who ..., &do l r hn'f"Q bcQ:nne lega.J re::lc1cntn of -o.J "'T 'lllpt: n = 'New !lro r1:;qulrcd to pur. A mn!otity of lho lncttmbmt Chnoo New Mexico llceru:c tJnroln County omclnt.o wlll ::u.:._eu cillll nndlor how:a SeCk next year. the Nows lcamoo thin \-,'C('lt. Amonu ICE CJlEA.N STOLEH FBOM those dclinltcl,y In tho runnlns t.nfCOLJf GJUU)E SCHOOL IUC James Earl rlarcrow. county The Sheriff!! OU!cc reported dek: Ban Gttlsen. county treu- uuo thot uw Uncoln urer; WUll.am G. Dradley, coun· Grade School wnt1 broken Into Brake, Ught Stickers Chicago Tribune Scribe Required in January Found New Mexico New brake and Uaht. stickers B -t. Y.:. for automobileS WUl be l'I!QUirtld I 1 In .. beginning with the period Jan· (A Nmlttder of the hlatorlc: uary 1st A 30·day extension h'all atom bomb exploalon near Car· been granted, to enable motor· rlzozo ln 1945. ta th!JJ Interest• isls to have their vehicles In· lag of our region. writ· spected during the month o1 ten by a reporter sent from the January. Midwest to "cover" the bl9 atory. Carrizozo's garages and lin. JL Fulmer cUpped 1t from vlct> staUons· are iuue ot Hghttt and brnkes 11tickers. with -tlro exception of the Phll· Ups 66 Station, which did not apply tor a license. The regulations thbi year set up three groups of vehicles and a variance In tlme for renewing the stickers for each, as follows: September l._ UM5): "" GBEEN GLASS COUNTBY SANTA CLAtJS cmcS hll IJOD.I Club helpeu Group I-1951 models and up, Sticker No. 10,- expires on Octo· ber 31. The region of the atomic bomb experiment In New Mex· loo, recently visited by report· ers, has other stories to tell. Let us pause nt the nearest rallroad station, Oscura, to remarlt that thls ls a fitting name lor a ron: dezvous o1 eecret weapon Invent· ors. Any dabbler In S,Panlsh can t.ranalate it llB "darlt. gloomy." Then let us range on the old cay. UBe. 50 m11ea tb1ll way .and that. Good stuff will turn up. act of passing out baiJ• of ChriJJtma.a tteatli young· atera at the Llana Club . party in the Canbozo town palk. Group Il--1946 models to 1950, Sticker No. 8, expires August 31. ngers. Grizdie$ Meet Rivals Next Week The Capitan Tlgers meet the Corona Cardinals in basketball Frlday of next weelt Qn the lat· ter'a court. In a prevlo.w game the Tlgern came out on top 33 lo 29. Alamogordo comes to Capitan tor a game the follow· lng January 9. TM. gam en, $tOnley C. smm Trql"ing FORT BLISS, Texas - Pvt. Stanley C. Hightower, ot Alto, husb11nd ot Mtf. Lorettn. Blgb· tower ot Ruidoso and oon ot George of S1lver Clty, recently began eight weeks of banlc training In the Antlalr · craft ArtUlel)' Replacement Group W-All models of 1945, or prior to that No. 6, expires June 30. AU vehicle&- must -dlsplay ·the proper stickers by January 30. The sticker muat bo placed In the lower ltft·hand corner ot the windahlelc! T\1rn signals are not required on any automobile buUt and ao· Bcmbled prlor to Janunry 1, 1954. However, 1t ta suggmed that In To Uul ml5t ls Rilly lhG country about which books have been written, especially by the late Walter Noble Burns. whoso name ltl mentioned when Chi· ca8o preB!I veterans meet In an· nual conclave. To this day, Sun· d11y edltorn .are fond of !lrtlclcn about the murdoroU!I Kid and 12 llll!l MrurMI !1M 00 to tns .fuM;Qmt .lli1ID.!1. .hill.h. and Ferguaon waxed neffintr '29-110lnts end- latter 19. Morris oank 26 points In three quartcro of play 1n the Magdalena giimo. GRIZZI ms MEET RtJIDOSO The Carrtwz.o Hl!Jh School Crlzzllc:l meet ltuldosn on ffio IQCtll court Frldny, January 8. The follo-.ving night the Grlz· zUc.:J pllly Cloudcroft there. It wUl be the nnrt meeting of these teamo. are <"'"«<":u mlll(U'lz:aUon any motor vehicle when tho dis· cal tlrnt phhc ol tanco from the of thQ lrlllnlng ta clln:.Uuted wlth 11 ono· stccrtng post to the J.ett outside week m11neuvl!l In lho field. llmlt of tho body, cnb or lond U(X)D camplttion of tho [lot llXtteda 24 lnchca ctgttt Wl!ekl;· flvt··tttibt1rnr ....t1tt-Hrrn1drr11tt or when· -tJur ·dl!rtti!C1ttcl· either be 8.Sil.ined tor further from tho center ot the top ot the tral.n1nif at Ft. Jll!:.a ln tho tech· steetlna to the rear llmlt nlqucn of nnt1a1tttalt nrtlllety, or of the body or la&d 14 ho wUI bu tr•nsfcrrod to an· feet." The requirement nppUes other tralnlni tor school· to any .tnalt! vehicle, &llo to a.ny Ina In some othu o.nn,y ekllL comblnaUon ot veb.lcles. see a Mexico which will determine the . poUt! cal color ol the state tor the next decade. Republicans have scrambled up to position where they seem to have a chance to break the 23· hold the ·nemoerata .. lilive in the state, but lf they don't do lt this tlme thlly may be a long time walling tor another The prospect is present be- cause ot Eisenhower in Wash- ington and Republican Ed Me· Santn Fe. 1! rWlS tor t.he .-)()nate and ls badtoo u!} by a 6\rong st.nte ticket the '"grand old P!lrty" wlll have a do-or·dle opportunity to get back in. If they tall with thu.t kind of help ln the state and national capltals lt'o likely to be a long tlme before they got up to .such a challenging again. The Republlcan bld in the tJtate lB based nlmost cntlroly on Mechem running tor the Senate. Whether he beats our Clint or not be wouiil iitlu considenblY" to . ()_! over the statchouac- that not particularly because ot hl.o rec· ord as governor, but becauoo he ill governor llnd hao. ntrlngs on a mJuhty lot of people. The RepubUcano. got half way ln the door wltb Mcchem'o 1950 elcctlon and muUed their 1952 There cccms to be conDldCr· obla more poUtlcal anvvy ln tile prewnt oraanlmtlon which should make the 'M challencc mOf(l mcnaclna. If they abould I O from C · Should ho mDJin at Fcrt BUd ron ,.. ounty b1s scoond C£L.EilRATE Tho gold atrUtc nt Wblte 0!110 m!lke the lt'a rcnwntlble an accidental dluovcry by to antlclpatc that the party John WU!\On, a Cufrltlve trom a would sto.y In Cor aomc yearn Tt!Xtla Jcill wltb a prtce on w. untu lt rots out. M \he buttom; bead. 1tc wtlB hld.lng out with that'o tho pattern eommnnly rtt• pa.l.B. who . wcro lnnooont pcatcd elVer the country. lelng Sktpp.ct ftt Approx.tmnwty a cnrload of 50TH ANNIVERSARY h1sh grade lron arc In belni IJ NllS.. C1liUO RIGVSO!'I Mr. llnd Mra. N. E. l-Jorton eel· abratcd their l'Utlot.h wt'ddlng annlvaaary wtth !ln open house at the homo of thclr dauibter. Mra. Chulrs Ferrts. on Tue&da.y llftC!Tnoon trom :il until C. place mlncrn. lllld whUo cl!mtr TliADlTlO.HALL.T lng a mountain to enJoy tho WITB DZKOCltATB view he drovtl a pick Into n roclc. There la an oftcn-rop{!llt"d Ju.ot tor tun. lie gave tho apccl· myth that New Mmdco hllll o no. mcnn to hl.n rrlencln, oaytng. "I puhllmn bllcltground. ltn JJUlct· have no ucc for gold." He dlB· Jy a myth. In 42 ycoro of otatc· the next da::t. with hood New Mcxloo htw ..clcctcd bc.cnme the State and George ttax> Fuclm. Commiroloner Cor DIWtct No. a. U 1n oleo expect· cd that Cbllr1c::s A. Jor.e:;J, Com· tnl.ESfona !or Dlntrlct 2. wtll ag.ntn tn=:1 his hat lnto tte rlntt. GranvUle Illcllardwn. Cotnrnlll· SloneT for Dlstrlct 1. 1.n no1 ellgi· hW tc: ro-.cla:Ucm, hnvlzl& U!%"1<-cl "twtT 1l!1mll; Ute hot lunch room. A door ping tho lron oft'. Joo II. Jamell wnJ<, )trnmlNI to gnln entrnncc. La manatrhtE! opcrntlona. A Cl't'W of five are employed. KWAJALEIN. MAllSIL\LL IS· l.Al'iD3 I FliTNC).-servtng hero at the U. S. Navru St.nUon. 0m1 ot tho Pnclllc'o many a1r and &rea otop-oU lltnUOllJI, Cbesror D. Dale. QWll'tl:!nnllStD third clus. USN. &On <d Mrs.. tlttsto Dalo. of Cnpltrul. N. M. n_..,_.,,n...,,.. cake deoo:atcd bY Charlie atul Doro· thy Ferrt.s. &flli ln oparoUon. It \lllll pro· duccd well 0\."t'r $3.000,000. AD n terrtwry, Nv-.;1 Gild hove a Ucpubllcon On..-or hO• caucc It WDD managed from f'.C• publlcnn Wllllhlnaton: but llmt hao not been evident In the vot• \ng of · the people. VALU.JtnL& QtJ!I STOLElf AT MIOJITT MD.f.ElrS A robba)' at Shorty Mllli!r's place at 'lbroo mvern on the ntsht of Cbrt.!ltmllll Eve tuUl been lnvemlgDtOO by 01ero County l'ifffN'rlt \'lfOtlm o .32 cped:ll WlnchClrtet, a 30-40 'TwaS thb weclt betaro Chrl!lt· caJlber Wlnchemer, nldtef·plat· mu that Clara b.nll 1 &et out for Nt ond hnnd-stnmped; 12 qunrtn thO hllll Nogal to get our of Uqum, ·rune rollll of nlcJtel.o. troo. On tbc- way owr. 1 play· one roll of dlmcn o.nd S2.00 tn !Ully that n yueca cmall change. ttte that had eooe to pod would m.ake a wandc:tuJ S!lb3!UUte far SELECTIVE 8El!IVICE OFFICE a spruoo ur CC!t!af. l!k& CLO!El> BAI.F DAT Dl!C. 31st tUthft catcll hcld l!lO «tt en ny executive Ol'da of the PrerJ. an<l c:ompletcl em !dent of the United S:to.tas. the dedded to drl'l."c SclOO!vc offlce at the -ilu!dO!IO" -bY .,;ay Courthouse tn Carrizaz:l> wt11 be my Idea. ao l b&d. n!). en& to cto-...ro n half day on DcoomOO:r . blame but myseU wten the ear 31st. Edrul Larnmie onnouncro £tuclc tn fhe- snGW oo a .Uppe:y thlB lnt!line. With the aid of a sllti .. -cl comrn COJOI!SSIOKDS and dirt forward Jtrogress s -"i'iU Ma!t January 7. Sotorran Kihd In Highway 3i0 Accident or WTlll ln · llta.n1l¥ lt1.1lcl ot l.llst week while drlvtng on lllgbwa.y 380. nine mlll'll l'lllrt of San An· tonlo. A p.ru;:;enger. l. D Splken. WIUI pldted up by tourtntB and brought to the hropltnl In Car· rizozo. He rea:-1\.-ed numeroua lnCETatloM and IIUffered from cevl'Tt' aback. The occident W!UI ln'l-"t'iltlgnle11 by Stn.te out of Socorro. M.AIUUAGE LICEJfSESs Ruby Wekb Le-,r;is, 24. Moun- tain Park. N. M.. and Wllilom Prnnklln GIJlllnnd. 47, of Alamo- 2mtlo. Ruth Niccum. 18. of El Pru:o nnd Pntroclnlo Z. AJ. dllz. 19. of Lincoln. nnd Floyd G. Snndova.l, 22, of Capitan. t:etty Ruth Hargus. 19, of El Pn9o and Frank M. G!lSton, 21. of Lewisville. Texn.s. ' Adeline DejllJ'ano, 22. at nns. well n.nd Vnnbony SedUlo, 22. KOTICE Property owners are required to render their PtoiM!rtY before March 1st, 1954. A penalty wW be addoo after that date. ·Tax &ehedules are available lllld wm be maned upon requl!lt. U.OYV VJGII.. Lincoln COUnty Uut--lups\ -&toll tbo Mlllllhall I.Dland.B, Ia lm:atcd eight degJ"C('D or 4Bn mtlt::a rmrth of the equntor. ACP Practices Repom Required at Once A nmrlnder fnmJ the ottloo ut Herman McKibben l!l to the ef. feet tll.at 1!E3 ACP proctlct'lJ m{U;t be compleUd at All reports o! pertonnance. lnvo!CC!.I llnfi bUl9 l'iltrot be on me ln tbc cmmty ctnoo nnt lAter thon Ja.n· uary 15. roM. Prndic:e3 unda tht! 1$3 pro. gro.m. Mr. Mc.Killben flll1d. w111 ba pald 100% on all pzllctlcea tbat quaif.fy far payment. Mr. and Mro.. Norton aro old· Umo rc!l1c1®ta of Clq)Uan. They were the reclpl.cnta of many lovely g-Uta s..nd very bi!St wishes brought by thelr many friends l n Cnp lt IUl o.ntl v1ein1t)', Chnrlea, son of the who l.a nto.Uoncd In Fr-am.'l, wiUJ unable 1n be at the o.n· nlvemnry but he cent a benuWul elock. Alberto GaUcgca. s.on of Mr. Dnd Mrtl. Joe Gallegos. and who hail beim llhsent trom CapitAn Ule sronM WC>Tld Waz, spcn1 a lf!W daya with hlB par· ent» and vf.sltlng trhmds during tbe bo!Jdny &ellBml. Alberto flnlt enllrned 1n the Na'Vl' and after hl9 discharge h011 been In the Merchllllt Marine. Dam Gomez of Unooln and Floyd Snqdoval, who wt!N mar· rfed last !:!aturday, left Tut!Sllay momlng lor Cnllfomla. wbeftl ts &laUoned at ptuent. White Ookn lll tho &eenc of "'lteart'o Drolre."' n novel by Em· onum Hough of ChicAgo. He tww the town ln Cull blast In Ulc lS:SUo lUI ll reporter lor· the ly ll(l'I,Wpo.pa, the Gold(!tl Era. About "50 mUt>o west of the crotilr fu Ole VoTverdQ tJefleld, wh(!T{) Confederate cnv· alry from Tl?ltAJJ fought tho g!l.f- rlwn or Furt Ctatg In 1862. The nklrrnlnh wu a draw. but tho Union troopD wUhd.rew to lhelr tort IUld the lnvadCfll""b-ent on to truce Albuquerque and &tnta Fe. Betty Elaino Wilson Weds Petrou I!etty &lnJnp Wllr.on. dau&hter or Mm. Lucille Wllcon of Abl· lene. TelUUl. and Neo.t Petro.:;!!.. s.on Mr. and t..1ro.. Charley Pet• ros3 of Palla:ldes, '\1,-efC united ln lk>cember 21 .. The Rcpubllc:an'o cllmb bods to a chilllunglnR proiHon rom£.:l afW tho owte wnn on the brl!lll · ·· · tho culld .. .. . -f!}gi}- - nnd 1DSO many lonn-ttmo f'..c. publlennn tllrmv ln the lCI\'tC\ and surrendered to the "oplnh.>n that tho amto would ne>.fl elect anothrr nepubl!con oUlrer. U tho rovlvcil p!llfty fall!l In 1004 It mey ho in to: anoti'J:Z 1ona nm In tho mi.nn:rhy ALWAY! A SCl!OOL MAM Employc-c<J of Tam \VIloj/s SlAW MO the envy uf the crowd. Srllnnlmon WUey tonk n r.chtml for Cluritt· ma.a. t'loslng up shop trom 23 to Jan. 4. 0Lhe:r omtelwut;a got Thu:a.®y and Flrl· day off lm Chrtstmu, ·to: has been a. ftH· wht(!Jer ever since ho tcnk otct. for a lonti tlnlo maintaining enlng am$ dcnlng hours. <Od• trary to the sehcdula of fiCt!S. and. spmctlmts employees leave to go to tol• ltge whlle still on the lrtnto pliY· roll. lie also got dl!>PCU" AUon ftom tha persontlel bo:ll'd: aome of bls -at. ab<lvu t1m 1Chl!ill:lm9 ., · .. atht!t &hltebouiO workers 1ri thtr .P.lne claulflu.tlon. Uf ,_ Chli•fdrot•,. mlrtcte ln tM· "Wd the aettlti• Mar<;,U! tail kJd& ln

, · o&AF. P

·N~s: Wishes ·lts Rea~efs .'A' PJ?l'1 p~rous· . : . . .

LINCOLN C ·tJ~l'Y NEWS· ,. iart'tao~~o _. o.itt®i ~ · ·

Nye, , "Do


ment bf the curfew lnw and prosecution of parents whose cblldren habitually are found at large nt night would greatly curb tbese hoodlum outbrellks?"

Judge Nye answered: "I most ccrttmjly agree. It ls roy con·


R•bek.ahs Plan March Of Dimes Benefit

A March pt Dimes. benefit ls to be given .by tlie Daughters o! Rebekah In Cnrrlzozo on Janu. ary 23 in the I. 0. 0. Ji'. Hall.

The benefit starts with a jlt· ney dinner trom 5:30 to 7 o'clock. A jitney dance and parcel post auction follows.

Mrs. Dorothy Current is chalr­ID!ill of arrangements w the benetlt. Also on the committee are Mmes. lmzabeth McVeigh and Bessie Hodgins.

.ll..sslstance to the National Pollo Foundation lB a statewide project ot the Rebekah Assem· bly.

sldered opinion that parents __ _.. ________ _

have ~ntlnulng responslbllltles ln the ral.etng of children-that they should at all tlmes know where tney are, what tlu!y are doing, and wlfh whom they arc doing lt. Parents who do not dlachlli{!O tbls rcsponsibUlty tnithl\llly ahould be called upon to no:ount for"thtrt -fJ.Itiure."


DISTRICT COtJBT1 Convenes January 7, Judge

John n. Brand of Hobbs pre· mhng.

Convenes Januilry 11. Judge . ,., Scoggin pr~ltiJng. In Monday's seS!llon of jllstrlct

Fnlallties on New Mexico's Court. Judge Scoggin heard highways reached a record to· Jones Cajl. ot M=Jero, plead tal of 410 th1s week and a few guilty to the charge of !Jfand dangeroWJ dayn remained untU larceny. Cnjl Wll!l Gentenced to the end of the )'Car. U you drive, ~rrvl' not letlll than seven monttw plellSC bo careful and continue nor more than 12 months In the the practlte (111 ot next year. ln New Mexlco Stntc Pcnltent1tlry. ~-~~~~~~;~~~~~n-~~-w.

and Cnnyon Camp pled guUty to a lkcmtm, ~--out ctlnrge or driVtn!! whtte undi!T

·· ~ $3Yiftl: '"Fht~ Wba~~l~;...._ lnflneuor -ut tntoxlrothttr

OWuJ!tn~t:10._2:N_ cw~~~. J~ tbr\l· llq!lgr nn~ ~M1\!!cd l1.Y ~Y41l.Q u.L rv ~._.~ Scomrln $100 and court cootn.

"'No dead or dYlnu accldent THBBE DRAW FI!fES v!ctlmtl to be pded out of crum· plelf automobile Wfeclw- Pete PadUlo, ch.nrged Wlth

"No battered pedestrians to be drunlt while drlvlng. hllD been

~£'3t=~Slll.cro or covered fined Sl~~~ ~~ t~u~~: ' "':'io 'bad new.' callA Curnlni nc=l. fined $10 nnd crota and

Joyful homes Snto &cm\U or ttor· C«llJo Barraz:a., fined $10 lor roW- not having a drlvcr'o Ucenoo.

"No anve~ OlumbUng a Oat·ol-fltnte Pla._ 1leqninlc1 (lrunltcr, 1'tn sorry,' tdtcr twclng "GWlfully Employed" tbo blooey results at thclr stu· All out-of·atatc motorlctn who

tu~tty miles ncr hour by day; nrc salntully employed or who ..., &do l r hn'f"Q bcQ:nne lega.J re::lc1cntn of -o.J "'T 'lllpt: n = 'New 'M~. !lro r1:;qulrcd to pur.

A mn!otity of lho lncttmbmt Chnoo New Mexico llceru:c plater~ tJnroln County omclnt.o wlll ::u.:._eu cillll nndlor how:a SeCk ~lceUon next year. the Nows lcamoo thin \-,'C('lt. Amonu ICE CJlEA.N STOLEH FBOM those dclinltcl,y In tho runnlns t.nfCOLJf GJUU)E SCHOOL IUC James Earl rlarcrow. county The Sheriff!! OU!cc reported dek: Ban Gttlsen. county treu- uuo ~-cNt thot uw Uncoln urer; WUll.am G. Dradley, coun· Grade School wnt1 broken Into

Brake, Ught Stickers Chicago Tribune Scribe Required in January Found New Mexico

New brake and Uaht. stickers ~illlte1restina B -t. • Y.:. for automobileS WUl be l'I!QUirtld I

1 Q~ In .. ~ beginning with the period Jan· (A Nmlttder of the hlatorlc: uary 1st A 30·day extension h'all atom bomb exploalon near Car· been granted, to enable motor· rlzozo ln 1945. ta th!JJ Interest• isls to have their vehicles In· lag a~unt of our region. writ· spected during the month o1 ten by a reporter sent from the January. Midwest to "cover" the bl9 atory.

Carrizozo's garages and ser~ lin. JL Fulmer cUpped 1t from vlct> staUons· are ·Heensed-~~ -ts-ftlilo-~lrlec:rgc...--'l'rH:rane, iuue ot

Hghttt and brnkes 11tickers. with -tlro exception of the Phll· Ups 66 Station, which did not apply tor a license.

The regulations thbi year set up three groups of vehicles and a variance In tlme for renewing the stickers for each, as follows:

September l._ UM5): "" GBEEN GLASS COUNTBY

SANTA CLAtJS cmcS hll IJOD.I Club helpeu Group I-1951 models and up,

Sticker No. 10,- expires on Octo· ber 31.

The region of the atomic bomb experiment In New Mex· loo, recently visited by report· ers, has other stories to tell. Let us pause nt the nearest rallroad station, Oscura, to remarlt that thls ls a fitting name lor a ron: dezvous o1 eecret weapon Invent· ors. Any dabbler In S,Panlsh can t.ranalate it llB "darlt. gloomy." Then let us range on the old cay. UBe. 50 m11ea tb1ll way .and that. Good stuff will turn up.

act of passing out baiJ• of ChriJJtma.a tteatli young· atera at the Llana Club . party in the Canbozo town palk. Group Il--1946 models to 1950,

Sticker No. 8, expires August 31.

ngers. Grizdie$ Meet Rivals Next Week

The Capitan Tlgers meet the Corona Cardinals in basketball Frlday of next weelt Qn the lat· ter'a court. In a prevlo.w game the Tlgern came out on top 33 lo 29. Alamogordo comes to Capitan tor a game the follow· lng January 9.

TM. gam en,

$tOnley C. ~tlightower smm IA~ii Trql"ing

FORT BLISS, Texas - Pvt. Stanley C. Hightower, ot Alto, husb11nd ot Mtf. Lorettn. Blgb· tower ot Ruidoso and oon ot George ~htoWer of S1lver Clty, recently began eight weeks of banlc training In the Antlalr · craft ArtUlel)' Replacement

Group W-All models of 1945, or prior to that y~ticker No. 6, expires June 30.

AU vehicle&- must -dlsplay ·the proper stickers by January 30. The sticker muat bo placed In the lower ltft·hand corner ot the windahlelc!

T\1rn signals are not required on any automobile buUt and ao· Bcmbled prlor to Janunry 1, 1954. However, 1t ta suggmed that In

To Uul ml5t ls Rilly lhG Kid'~ country about which books have been written, especially by the late Walter Noble Burns. whoso name ltl mentioned when Chi· ca8o preB!I veterans meet In an· nual conclave. To this day, Sun· d11y edltorn .are fond of !lrtlclcn about the murdoroU!I Kid and

12 llll!l MrurMI !1M 00 to tns .fuM;Qmt .lli1ID.!1. .hill.h. and Ferguaon waxed ho~t.""':~·turi-~lnflllfltr":r1lU.b11:~

neffintr '29-110lnts end­latter 19. Morris oank 26 points In three quartcro of play 1n the Magdalena giimo. GRIZZI ms MEET RtJIDOSO

The Carrtwz.o Hl!Jh School Crlzzllc:l meet ltuldosn on ffio IQCtll court Frldny, January 8. The follo-.ving night the Grlz· zUc.:J pllly Cloudcroft there. It wUl be the nnrt meeting of these teamo.

are <"'"«<":u mlll(U'lz:aUon any motor vehicle when tho dis· cal nub~ tlrnt phhc ol tanco from the u:~nter of thQ lrlllnlng ta clln:.Uuted wlth 11 ono· stccrtng post to the J.ett outside week m11neuvl!l In lho field. llmlt of tho body, cnb or lond

U(X)D camplttion of tho [lot llXtteda 24 lnchca (excludl~ ctgttt Wl!ekl;· flvt··tttibt1rnr ....t1tt-Hrrn1drr11tt or when· -tJur ·dl!rtti!C1ttcl· either be 8.Sil.ined tor further from tho center ot the top ot the tral.n1nif at Ft. Jll!:.a ln tho tech· steetlna ~t to the rear llmlt nlqucn of nnt1a1tttalt nrtlllety, or of the body or la&d oxe«~da 14 ho wUI bu tr•nsfcrrod to an· feet." The requirement nppUes other tralnlni ~ter tor school· to any .tnalt! vehicle, &llo to a.ny Ina In some othu o.nn,y ekllL comblnaUon ot veb.lcles.

see a Mexico which will

determine the . poUt! cal color ol the state tor the next decade. Republicans have scrambled up to a· position where they seem to have a chance to break the 23·

hold the ·nemoerata .. lilive in the state, but lf they

don't do lt this tlme thlly may be a long time walling tor another opport~nlty.

The prospect is present be­cause ot Eisenhower in Wash­ington and Republican Ed Me·

Santn Fe. 1! rWlS tor t.he .-)()nate and ls badtoo u!} by a 6\rong st.nte ticket the '"grand old P!lrty" wlll have a do-or·dle opportunity to get back in.

If they tall with thu.t kind of help ln the state and national capltals lt'o likely to be a long tlme before they got up to .such a challenging ·pos1~on again.

The Republlcan bld in the tJtate lB based nlmost cntlroly on Mechem running tor the Senate. Whether he beats our Clint or not be wouiil iitlu considenblY" to th~ p~rt}' ~~~~s. . ()_! tal~!!t.lL over the statchouac- that not particularly because ot hl.o rec· ord as governor, but becauoo he ill governor llnd hao. ntrlngs on a mJuhty lot of people.

The RepubUcano. got half way ln the door wltb Mcchem'o 1950 elcctlon and muUed their 1952

There cccms to be conDldCr· obla more poUtlcal anvvy ln tile prewnt oraanlmtlon which should make the 'M challencc mOf(l mcnaclna. If they abould

I O from C · Should ho mDJin at Fcrt BUd ron ,.. ounty b1s scoond tba;';ww.,.recbr;..ot.w_vl•lllu~ace\mtNORTONS C£L.EilRATE

Tho gold atrUtc nt Wblte 0!110 m!lke the ~ado lt'a rcnwntlble ~ an accidental dluovcry by to antlclpatc that the party John WU!\On, a Cufrltlve trom a would sto.y In Cor aomc yearn Tt!Xtla Jcill wltb a prtce on w. untu lt rots out. M \he buttom; bead. 1tc wtlB hld.lng out with that'o tho pattern eommnnly rtt• t\~'D pa.l.B. who . wcro lnnooont pcatcd elVer the country.

lelng Sktpp.ct ftt T~tw~~~ Approx.tmnwty a cnrload of 50TH ANNIVERSARY

h1sh grade lron arc In belni IJ NllS.. C1liUO RIGVSO!'I Mr. llnd Mra. N. E. l-Jorton eel·

abratcd their l'Utlot.h wt'ddlng annlvaaary wtth !ln open house at the homo of thclr dauibter. Mra. Chulrs Ferrts. on Tue&da.y llftC!Tnoon trom :il until C.

place mlncrn. lllld whUo cl!mtr 13-&,ft.-a.-~:io TliADlTlO.HALL.T lng a mountain to enJoy tho WITB DZKOCltATB view he drovtl a pick Into n roclc. There la an oftcn-rop{!llt"d Ju.ot tor tun. lie gave tho apccl· myth that New Mmdco hllll o no. mcnn to hl.n rrlencln, oaytng. "I puhllmn bllcltground. ltn JJUlct· have no ucc for gold." He dlB· Jy a myth. In 42 ycoro of otatc·

the next da::t. with hood New Mcxloo htw ..clcctcd

bc.cnme the State rop~ntn.Uve, and George ttax> Fuclm. Commiroloner Cor DIWtct No. a. U 1n oleo expect· cd that Cbllr1c::s A. Jor.e:;J, Com· tnl.ESfona !or Dlntrlct 2. wtll ag.ntn tn=:1 his hat lnto tte rlntt. GranvUle Illcllardwn. Cotnrnlll· SloneT for Dlstrlct 1. 1.n no1 ellgi· hW tc: ro-.cla:Ucm, hnvlzl& U!%"1<-cl

"twtT 1l!1mll;

Ute hot lunch room. A door ping tho lron oft'. Joo II. Jamell

wnJ<, )trnmlNI to gnln entrnncc. La manatrhtE! opcrntlona. A Cl't'W of five are employed.

KWAJALEIN. MAllSIL\LL IS· l.Al'iD3 I FliTNC).-servtng hero at the U. S. Navru St.nUon. 0m1 ot tho Pnclllc'o many a1r and &rea otop-oU lltnUOllJI, ~ Cbesror D. Dale. QWll'tl:!nnllStD third clus. USN. &On <d Mrs.. tlttsto Dalo. of Cnpltrul. N. M.

n_..,_.,,n...,,.. cake

deoo:atcd bY Charlie atul Doro· thy Ferrt.s.

&flli ln oparoUon. It \lllll pro· duccd well 0\."t'r $3.000,000.

AD n terrtwry, Nv-.;1 Gild hove a Ucpubllcon On..-or hO• caucc It WDD managed from f'.C• publlcnn Wllllhlnaton: but llmt hao not been evident In the vot• \ng of · the people.


A robba)' at Shorty Mllli!r's place at 'lbroo mvern on the ntsht of Cbrt.!ltmllll Eve tuUl been lnvemlgDtOO by 01ero County l'ifffN'rlt ~ \'lfOtlm o .32 cped:ll WlnchClrtet, a 30-40

'TwaS thb weclt betaro Chrl!lt· caJlber Wlnchemer, nldtef·plat· mu that Clara b.nll 1 &et out for Nt ond hnnd-stnmped; 12 qunrtn thO hllll ~t! Nogal to get our of Uqum, ·rune rollll of nlcJtel.o. troo. On tbc- way owr. 1 play· one roll of dlmcn o.nd S2.00 tn !Ully su~gcsted that n yueca cmall change. ttte that had eooe to pod would m.ake a wandc:tuJ S!lb3!UUte far SELECTIVE 8El!IVICE OFFICE a spruoo ur CC!t!af. ~ l!k& CLO!El> BAI.F DAT Dl!C. 31st tUthft catcll hcld l!lO «tt en ny executive Ol'da of the PrerJ. an<l c:ompletcl em !dent of the United S:to.tas. the dedded to drl'l."c SclOO!vc ~ offlce at the -ilu!dO!IO" -bY .,;ay Courthouse tn Carrizaz:l> wt11 be my Idea. ao l b&d. n!). en& to cto-...ro n half day on DcoomOO:r

. blame but myseU wten the ear 31st. Edrul Larnmie onnouncro £tuclc tn fhe- snGW oo a .Uppe:y thlB w~ lnt!line. With the aid of a sllti .. -cl comrn COJOI!SSIOKDS and ~ocse dirt forward Jtrogress s

-"i'iU ~t4-..atld ~"O Ma!t January 7.

Sotorran Kihd In Highway 3i0 Accident

D~ Joh~n or ~rro. WTlll ln · llta.n1l¥ lt1.1lcl ~ ot l.llst week while drlvtng on lllgbwa.y 380. nine mlll'll l'lllrt of San An· tonlo. A p.ru;:;enger. l. D Splken. WIUI pldted up by tourtntB and brought to the hropltnl In Car· rizozo. He rea:-1\.-ed numeroua lnCETatloM and IIUffered from cevl'Tt' aback. The occident W!UI ln'l-"t'iltlgnle11 by Stn.te poll~ out of Socorro.

M.AIUUAGE LICEJfSESs Ruby Wekb Le-,r;is, 24. Moun­

tain Park. N. M.. and Wllilom Prnnklln GIJlllnnd. 47, of Alamo-2mtlo.

Chormaln~.> Ruth Niccum. 18. of El Pru:o nnd Pntroclnlo Z. AJ. dllz. 19. of Lincoln.

nnd Floyd G. Snndova.l, 22, of Capitan.

t:etty Ruth Hargus. 19, of El Pn9o and Frank M. G!lSton, 21. of Lewisville. Texn.s. ' Adeline DejllJ'ano, 22. at nns. well n.nd Vnnbony SedUlo, 22.

KOTICE Property owners are required

to render their PtoiM!rtY before March 1st, 1954. A penalty wW be addoo after that date. ·Tax &ehedules are available lllld wm be maned upon requl!lt.

U.OYV VJGII.. Lincoln COUnty ~.

Kw~eln. Uut--lups\ -&toll ~~ tbo Mlllllhall I.Dland.B, Ia lm:atcd eight degJ"C('D or 4Bn mtlt::a rmrth of the equntor.

ACP Practices Repom Required at Once

A nmrlnder fnmJ the ottloo ut Herman McKibben l!l to the ef. feet tll.at 1!E3 ACP proctlct'lJ m{U;t be compleUd at on~. All reports o! pertonnance. lnvo!CC!.I llnfi bUl9 l'iltrot be on me ln tbc cmmty ctnoo nnt lAter thon Ja.n· uary 15. roM.

Prndic:e3 unda tht! 1$3 pro. gro.m. Mr. Mc.Killben flll1d. w111 ba pald 100% on all pzllctlcea tbat quaif.fy far payment.

Mr. and Mro.. Norton aro old· Umo rc!l1c1®ta of Clq)Uan. They were the reclpl.cnta of many lovely g-Uta s..nd very bi!St wishes brought by thelr many friends l n Cnp lt IUl o.ntl v1ein1t)',

Chnrlea, son of the N~ns. who l.a nto.Uoncd In Fr-am.'l, wiUJ unable 1n be pra~!nt at the o.n· nlvemnry ~lebration. but he cent a benuWul elock.

Alberto GaUcgca. s.on of Mr. Dnd Mrtl. Joe Gallegos. and who hail beim llhsent trom CapitAn mn~ Ule sronM WC>Tld Waz, spcn1 a lf!W daya with hlB par· ent» and vf.sltlng trhmds during tbe bo!Jdny &ellBml. Alberto flnlt enllrned 1n the Na'Vl' and after hl9 discharge h011 been In the Merchllllt Marine.

Dam Gomez of Unooln and Floyd Snqdoval, who wt!N mar· rfed last !:!aturday, left Tut!Sllay momlng lor Cnllfomla. wbeftl

ts &laUoned at ptuent.

White Ookn lll tho &eenc of "'lteart'o Drolre."' n novel by Em· onum Hough of ChicAgo. He tww the town ln Cull blast In Ulc lS:SUo lUI ll reporter lor· the w~k· ly ll(l'I,Wpo.pa, the Gold(!tl Era.

About "50 mUt>o west of the crotilr fu Ole VoTverdQ bat~

tJefleld, wh(!T{) Confederate cnv· alry from Tl?ltAJJ fought tho g!l.f­rlwn or Furt Ctatg In 1862. The nklrrnlnh wu a draw. but tho Union troopD wUhd.rew to lhelr tort IUld the lnvadCfll""b-ent on to truce Albuquerque and &tnta Fe.

Betty Elaino Wilson Weds No~1 Petrou

I!etty &lnJnp Wllr.on. dau&hter or Mm. Lucille Wllcon of Abl· lene. TelUUl. and Neo.t Petro.:;!!.. s.on ~1 Mr. and t..1ro.. Charley Pet• ros3 of Palla:ldes, Colo~ '\1,-efC united ln lk>cember 21


The Rcpubllc:an'o cllmb bods to a chilllunglnR proiHon rom£.:l afW tho owte wnn on the brl!lll

· ·· · tho culld ~~~~:d~W~utii.!.'t:d:t~ .. .. . -f!}gi}- -nnd 1DSO many lonn-ttmo f'..c. publlennn tllrmv ln the lCI\'tC\ and surrendered to the "oplnh.>n that tho amto would ne>.fl elect anothrr nepubl!con oUlrer.

U tho rovlvcil p!llfty fall!l In 1004 It mey ho in to: anoti'J:Z 1ona nm In tho mi.nn:rhy o~ ALWAY! A SCl!OOL MAM

Employc-c<J of Tam \VIloj/s SlAW &lu~t:Wn ~pnrtment MO the envy uf the trtntc~ crowd. Srllnnlmon WUey tonk n r.chtml ~ boUda~ for Cluritt· ma.a. t'loslng up shop trom vc~ 23 to Jan. 4. 0Lhe:r omtelwut;a ~.>mkers got Thu:a.®y and Flrl· day off lm Chrtstmu, ·to:

has been a. ftH· wht(!Jer ever since ho tcnk otct. for a lonti tlnlo maintaining ot~• enlng am$ dcnlng hours. <Od• trary to the sehcdula of otiU:!t-ct~ fiCt!S. and. spmctlmts ~anttng employees leave to go to tol• ltge whlle still on the lrtnto pliY· roll. lie also got s~Jal dl!>PCU" AUon ftom tha persontlel bo:ll'd:

aome of bls omployc~ -at. ab<lvu t1m 1Chl!ill:lm9 ~1o~"· ., · ..

atht!t &hltebouiO workers 1ri thtr .P.lne claulflu.tlon. ~·MtQ.CU Uf ~AIM. ,_

Chli•fdrot•,. mlrtcte ln tM· J)W~eJ~· "Wd the aettlti•

Mar<;,U! tail kJd& llat~



--- ··~ ·-

-- ,, :, ' .· "


12 Draw Permits for lligbom·-ShHp Hunt-·-.~-~

aln the · blghQrn sheep hunt on JMJuary 15. clpalng Jan. 19. The hUJJt takca In thousands of acres ot rugged desert moun· tain counfl'Y of the Big flatehet Mountains of Southwestern Naw Mexico. . .

The hunt was authorized by the State Game CommisSion after research biologists tn th;o area tound a I.IUrplus of old rama which could be harve!lted to the benefit ot the herd. Each tw.o hunters will

,.,. ' ' . •· ,,,

. ' ..

CANDY, MAGAZINES, COSMETICS FOUNTAIN SERVICE .•. A completo line of. Drucp, Stationery and many other item~Jor_

every use.



w. c8n·rnryour ToO, iso.-soo or

1,000 gellon tonk


We Give S. & H. Greon Stemps IJIAoe M P. 0. In 81 CcnlaoJo

. . '

' ' -~

• • . ..... _

• .


... \

'•·" (f! • ' ..


. .. ,, ' . ~

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' .

' ' ·, \' . ~ . ,' . ,_ : __ . . r, - " -," ; • f- .'

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• ' ' '. -.. -. . . " ' . . ,, , .. ~'

-~-:.~---~ '- ' ' .

ot .. . seen~· and . lllllJJY coni· • · · · • • ~ · '- nients lJeatd indf~tc.d ... that. tbe '

Tho weddtnc ot Clayton Hust ~ntftQ perfa,Jt:na,.nce was CX¢1JPt• and 1rf~ Lols McDaniel of No· fonatly tine. . · . gal was ~olem.U~d Friday af• Following Ule muslcnl pro· ternoon, December 22. gram, the students anci faculty

remained tor the tri\dlUona.l Wm. W. Gallncher was ln· high tlchool party. Early Jn De·

atalled worshipful · master ot ~ember the entire school drew Carrlzozo Lodge rio. 41, AFkAM. names, und under a \'Cautftully

• decol'llted tree ln. one corner .ot · A. B. Zumwalt anc:l (i(>n Glad; Ute gym were pUed the ~tli

ney spent. the holldAYs with Mr. ~U:·t-t--··

New 1954 Pontiac:s tz·umwalrs non, ·cturon; classes pQ.&Sed nix, Ariz.

.. ' . \ ' ;' :

1' ,.-' ,' ·;;. .. ,·, ', '·,.

" ··~

., . • "' ' ·j. ,• !"

.... day o£·1954 lie

a ll;ippy one.

', ·,.·

- ~ -' .

- ' .~-----~·_...._.....,..·-·~--~---

Now On Display PONTIAC, Mlch., Dec. 27. -

An tlntlrcly new Uno ot cars­l'llggcr, longer and mo1e luxur· louD-plus .nn Improved and newly otylcd line ot Chlettans for 19M arc on 1n deal·

and the pnrty concluded with 1!.-----~~·--...;.-----··----...... :--~~ Mr. and Mm. Oscar Clouse ar· dancing to tnuslo from records. rived from 'l'Ucumcarl were ___ __.. _______ ..._. Chrlstmay Day gueots of Mrs, vllllt with hP.r daughters. Nellle Branum and family. ti.. F. Rocelle, the jeweler, h!ll'l

M J h moved hill store bock to the old Mr. and Mro. P. • o neon d ,. In s t entertained the following eons stan on .,fa tree • -and daughtcl'tJ qnd their tnml·

Mr. and Mrs. .lC!l!.l Weaver· of Corona wcro bualtlec9 vtoltoro In Carrtro:ro,

1\11!3 Silrntl-x;;ilyo bOD DC· ~ptM a pa~tu~ wtth t11o TilD· worth Company Jn Coplflln.

1•!lu EdJth Titlmer dmvn from An1~1jo on hor wo.y

+Gl.ten·~ ~ .. ·

Mrs. J\tmJo r{ Lcsnc::t nrrJ..-ed from P~!.·oll f(l7 CC'iornl dll)'tl'

A Ure out a win,c of the State PcnltcnUaey, rouslng clCtmagc c:JUmatcil at $15.000.

Gone is the Old Year. Let's Greet

the New. , .. * _., . " .. ,_.

• •




- ~ ' __ ) I ,

.. May hoppineS$ be YO\Jt$

all year long •

WEt.cOU. .s •o~• ~ '"'Jf I i:JU*

Our New Year w.ish of'l~ .L~~k'~ ' '· . ~ - .

• • is QS bj~~$ it CQf\ t;.fl .. .


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~. hop• iff! littfi ' .


~ jC)od thq,tor you. •

Co. •• ..

t~J:C .. .,.. In' • <l.cHIVIOJI II



- -- ~;'


• •

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' 4 , . ' ' ' . ) • I

.· -/

,-.- ..

ot St, Loul.f! suq>rlsed par· ents by driving in tor Clll'mtmas.

Mr. · !.llld, ·Mrs. }i)'eddy Vigil spent tlle llolid\l.YS ln. AlbuquCJ'• que.·· • ·

Tile 4~""' ~ .. T,. - ~ ':l.'nieff~· ·i fifoY Fn.::.:.n=rm,.r?ri

· 4 _..;_ ~.....,¥;41ATrlRNf.Thatt....WhaHab,v~tuml,.o·ttt-c(ebatlq.a...MothiiL. I feeJrnbt~r 2<t ·Eateh-child:•w~~~~-wt~ll-t ~ trlu to .. fYf lun~:h, l!ach ball)' bQrn ln. t'blt ~untry New Yaarla Da1 re~~~il~~~r~g~~ santa ~·· • . . •• elfg_Jbll for frill anver glfl from 1147 Roglra ISr:.. On of December 24 ~r' tho ;na- aln~ 1950 when tho . ---}' w de- w,g,98;~d~~~ Mrs. Young Tell$ of


~ W:c~f4lnh~:;,·-;:! Kindergartner.& Party 1 ·

l born Jan~ 1 By MB,S. T. E. YOUNG J 1 name and ad· 1 would lllie to take tills

tb• 1 me!ans to thank Mmes. Deather· ~ . age, ·Adams, Armstrong, Glfison; · ··

I and Smoot for the stocldngs, · ·nma


I ' Also thanks to Mr!1. Fltzpat·

rick for the beautiful treetJ and Mr§. T. E. Kelley tor chnira. and the unknown persons who gave l.'nndy sUcks .nnd money !or toys.


, •

. , •




• 'l'he Agdcultur.nl Experiment Station of New McxJco A&M

Arnld au the ChrlstrnBB nt· mospherc !rom every of

number of parents. Next, ~c received the

!rom the t,tee. We ho.d · ex· cho.nged nnmes beforehand.

'l'hen the ebUdren bed a. -~---,....: .. ~~~!~~t~~~ha~o~~rc~l:c~~nsc~ d the results ... ~ =·-~c: . tome of the !oods which nrc received stocldniji. 1Ulcd

( (Ep1:fcop:ll) common ln the dlcts of Spnnlsh· truJt,. nuts and gum. We bad a





Fort Stn*}ton, N. M. speaking ~opJc of New MexJco. moot wonderful Ume, thanks to The Vtil. Robert Y. Davl!J, M. A. Fncta of the study nro contoJned every one, ,

~}\deacon Jn Agrlculturol Experiment Sta· -----------Strvlcei :tst:, 3rd an() 5th Sundays tJon Dullctln No. 3'79, nvaUnble at 10:30 a.m. All nrc welcome. at tho county extension servJee

~~...., . . ·· · · of!lcen or trorrt the experiment ·~ A;:;\l'llj

IAnrl' UtA ~TilOUC CUUBCB atatlon at State College.

,. Ctltrlzazo, :N. M. Thou!Ib unually silent, a par· 1ltW •.. Georac 1. ~nooJmlgl\auccn, cuplnc cnn grunt. wbJnt>. mmv.

l'~stor. and even ezy Ukc n child. Rev. LW. AntUtz, As:tt POGtor.

• SClJEDULE. OF MASSES ~to-Sunday MaMen nt '1

A. ~~. atld !J A. M. · Wecltda.y !til~ at o.:ro A. M.

nnd 8:00 A. M.

nev. lulu U. :MoUnle. Chnptrun Sttttd.~ )tass,.__ ... 9:00 a.m. W«!ltkd&y Mass - 6:30 a.m.



All C:Ouc11Uotitc!

' . •

·~·c,..ARtttzozo-~- ~


• Jear JOY

. ·~ " .

be l'OVRS in.Pknty • •• l •

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Chrl!.itmP.S . . ,


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·tb 65c ... • • • .. . '

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SPARE RIBS . LEAN & MEATY .............. LB.


. .

RIB- END --~~ .... ~ ........... .-. LB.. -

SLAB BACON Peyton Dfl Hort• ... _ .. ,.... LB.

PORK. SAUSAGE Rath ISiaclC HflWk ............ LB •

------------·--~-------- . •



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46•0L.. ................ _.., ...


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DILLS ---.............. __ , ....... 22 OZ. --'...-- '-'--···· ~ ~. . .. ~~. ~ ~--~·- ..... -~-~-~---·-·

DROMEDARY - 7 OZ. --·- ~

"-4'-' ---- --- -- -" - - - -- ----- -

lbs •

• JARTI.m .-.. .... -. .. ~t ... ., ........ ;·;; .... ..-n,...,... ......... _..... LB.

~{I1ValatnufY) -ci:Lt.O~ti:CI. .;.:;.:_ ..... _2- ..oJ~27¢ -·

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.. ots of happy days.

to you, all vear long.

" ... -- -- . --~--~-- ----.,-

. I . •,

Gladys and I-IGrry Morriss _ cAnmzozo HEW MEXICO

ew .ear

Let all the joy.

• be yours.

SHAfER MOTOR··-co.·· .. CMlal%010


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~-~.;..,-.~.A Bright ana H~pp,-New Ytat

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l~ fs .. J:loya~ Jn 1Wd l!lrg~ . TJU! , tJny anJm!lls nctirrf t.\ bc1u t 1

th~ Wire ~a~e11 aerntlng, tho P)?• -rn.•·•. . · . -Of a 'l!tfan~~r. ;Emma

!')'XP'llna:tan.\11 r~c~e11 lW;o ·f\ c1,1ge l;ln~ Mtl,ve · :t!rml}" . Ml® t\1~

·Of .. QJ lC· ai~SillS n<l:!r •. I

·tl\t:l ae •. ~:,~ Th•tlU~:b he too~' over the tur ~Jpte.tone4 in colot. mat

1nd for mllllb4f'-' rwt~, whJclt 1J . blll 11ltber yeP.rll to the sl;bt lt l$ sl~te bll.le,

en m~ted to ' q Jrom nltle rnll· · alwaYil be«~n -a· . . . tJP of\ cle<!-r .White Ill a eon-non to fltteerr mUUon p(llt• (11.!1' rt\nch ot uastln~ bat, then a ·black. veil.-

. year, nt · · Jng tlp. It bl,ls a bqautltul sll.bn· ln.(:dll.ir Jl.fW't__ . ' · ~ce T f<>r ·Ule lnlUai cost

· on tbe town llQ1/I/, Feed (!Osts amount to ~bout director!l ot th<! C. dpJW:n Chamber · :,:;2.50 an. (lnlnull per year. Hellt· ot Commerce, a M.'A vice• •ing ls onlY. to mo.in· vr~ldeflt, .- ' ·· · · ttli_n a 69 degree

...,. .. --.,. 1 ·came to lisht bulbs -used 1Qr W!1~h l'!c · teacher warmth needed ·tor new litters .

mals. In 1023., nn Amerlc.ln e~·

bits," mlYS Fletch. "-Qc~tLololrtlllly n mather can't reed her ypung nnd we have to do lt with a medlclne dropper, but that lo tun."

Eocb nnlmnl hnn nn car brand and a card pttached to the ca[!rc with all

• ' . . ·. --~ . ~ .. ··- . ... ,. -- .

loiU!, to and fn· mlllnr handlero. Tho)' nro 'ao nmunlnc M 1\Jttcm, eootna, Dplt· Ung ar blt:l!llng no an tndlcaUon or thclr moodo. T1ro tem.'llc In M

,:..,.~-!1-i,#,_,.,~_, ~-~:~-g~,_LC:!ru: :r!!!h'JLn !lrll.ll:'in; l.kil~ t•• "•-!'.Y~.- · •=~~.·~.,..,_-. , lind your star

• • r1smg to • •

new lteigl11s


YEA \, - -

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We lljt a llolidoyllot ..1(). J1w.Jmlnd Nmo "'cnt-•

qnd to uou.


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a.joyous ·New Year

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J. G. MOORE AGENCY c.nemt lt!s~

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'Gator ~owl.

...... New. Year 194.8 against SoutJle~;n CaUL

It was nc>t tmtll the bowl · game's revival in ·1916, after a

· 13·:.vear lapse, that the lde!l took 11rm h1lld .~to An Y!!i>t•\Veat ,myg. ~!e. Attendance gradually rose ..o the present Rose Bowl .capac·

-,-=_.__._,_ "_:.-.~-·-:::·~~:;~··! ~~·~· -,;-----·- --.:...1-IJ;.il::waar-: m!J~~J~~~~~~:

our friends as.« n•w lamp is Ut.


• •

• .-ooc-- -- - ..


level. .And the Tournament of Roses - Southern CaUfomla •s Flower. FesUv.al-caught the eye of clv!c· and sports promoters !rom .coast1 to coast. SOME FLOUBISBEDJ SOME' DIED .

Some bowl games flourished, som~ withered. But In their era ot _greatest _ growth- several YClara ago- their. .names rea.d _ lllte t1 _ _ _gf A~l!rJcan reg. :lonal

- .

and pledge our best service~ •

• •


• • • •

cers .,._ ,___.._,_ --- ·--. ' . •

cwb.tmu.e RICHARDSON S. E. GREISsN . C®JI'tf' ~n~ !f4 .. t . cotm1/t nt~tASttib


~f.WL&S~A:~JONil- ···-··o·~"--~:'·~~-~-VIJtL)Afif&LEN IDDIEY ·-·· · ., cotiJitt' . .. . . . . . ... · · Mo. i ~. etltfii7 O:t I.UfCOt.K COiJ:IItr.

- . - - . .

. .101$1 UOXJ AICHS .. J. G. MOORS . eotJil'l'l #ATE UMA't01t

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• . ' . •

We greet all of our fine

friends in every corner May your road ·

of this conlmunity. be clear of "road blocks" - •• -~~- "'= -«• --" -•- • ~o- "-"~ = '' = Jt (C, c =-• "'~""""- -~ =-' 1><< .<; ::c_-__.--'<'~T=id.c....-- -'<:_-,, Z; =-~= ~-== ~.- • "*f ·-C~- .~r-_-;:"~--"'==-~...,.·-~-~-"'t~happinc'SS';' ~ _y;-- ~"="'7•P ,_,,' "'-"""' -"'"-=ot'><$'*""-=="'-= ~~·":-'--="""" '"' ~ =

Monte Vista Service Sta.~ion ALBtnT arul IUC!t




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Out wish of the • ' . . ' .

.. New Year ifJ for peace··. •


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v ._.vetywhexe. · · •

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.• ·\LANE \.SlSTGRS . CAIJtlz,om • .. . . . ....,._ ,... ... ·. ··. .. .. .. . - .. - .. .. . . . . . -+"~'"''"'' ,.4WWCO.

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· UNIY '* :eN· · PW'· ¥19~ ·for ·g~•JJ". ~~o~ '~ · · .... c:&- -. .. . "'"""' .. . . .... 7""' " ..•.. CO ... ·"G~ T .· ·· :' . · ~· ~~f ln til• ~~Jn qo~Atr ~ • CO.ntrllCf. . on t~ : . .. .J If ~ ··~- , pl'jl<:,e$ .. m"m~M ef: c;:ap£~~ CcUrt;q;g, Cq .I?~ ~· . · CcQ'd, Q' ',l'JlCI~< .$1~ · ·' . . . '· .. ·

1f~4 Wool Supports · .. · n!!ll4 -- .. 1 . I • • · •

Wt>Ql . Jn · .wUl .be · . death Get :l>




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nnnro ot oonservatton prnctl~ for whleh ro:Jts oro oltnred under tltc 1!)5} pro~um. Coot-sbnrlng 1.9 for the lnltlnl et:~tnbll.9hmt>nt of ~mch practices. ·

A«ttrnte Olonnrolo 19 lm· {lortn.nt ln of b<Wlrlc

'~~:gtt tillllwtillen tep!l11 Umt .a=

b~~~e or suUn tn?ntm~:?ntg wbleh cl up bncterlol Infections

aggravate mil!rtltts rases whlcll am c.-mr:al by .:zenst .foml• lltlOn!t

t ----- ~---. - .


Mine - . - .. Notices . . - . . -.-----···- -~ -- .

NOTICE OF .MINE LODE LOCA· ·'fiQN fanns .. A.:ld "!'.roof .of La: bor .on Mlnlpg Claim" forms

tlsblg pqstcards. Must have go?d handwriting. UNDO, Watertown, Mass. 12-18·5tp


L o. O, F.


Paint Woodwork Darker Where It Soils Easily

W.oodwotk knob$. when

.. _; ·' I

I , ••



F<tshi911elte BEAUTY. SHOP


JtHOlt'E 5-(

Call~~ral il•:tdr ..o. boor a 1-. ~ a.v.n• 1telt'IDSJ & Ka•J.f•l DIP.

N .. Way · Mck-Vp G.1ld IWlY•J Z1l ••• ll - C'ea:tltllll


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·1'54 SN<Jebokers At lnrael Motors •



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lewclear-':~:cJMght Jant~ary 1st

MISH: by DICK BILLS and His Orchestra • . G._

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on New Year•s Eve

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s. M. GnU-egos and Otto nmnow· sky.

B'nnt"''l'Ms llom to Mr. and Mrn. llownrd·. llmkey, ot Ancho, n daughter. at 1:22 a.m., ()n DC· eember Z'l, lY~ ·wclghlng o lbs.,

• . . .

• ' . O, V• MPQJ:e, :Mr.

Sherrill and de·

G~S ou. . e Dorn to I.fi'. nnd Mrs. Robert

Gnrvey of Cnpltan, a dnunh..!er• at 12:47 p.m., December 28, 1!153. welghlng 1 lbs.. 2!-2 uz.s. ·


NeWYear Greet:ings! -~

• - -·- .. . "' _. . -·· ---; .. - ·- ··- --


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IOT1UD'IJNOfl A\IT!lOmY Of 1He COcM:bl..\ (~ 11

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MAGNOLIA COCA COL.\ BO'O'LIH(il CoMI"ArlV f!O(.'A COM. BUILI/Itlo-''ANDI'J(, Ut.VD. A7' 111RCIJ-..£ ,A!O

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- ·····by-·· SUM .SKJIUr .AN,D .HIS

PAVOIS--·HATS•NOISI'·· .·· ~ --- ·-- - -- ... --- .-.. .-. '\ - . · .. . -

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